Albert Uderzo,Rene Goscinny | 48 pages | 17 Apr 2003 | Hachette Children's Group | 9780752847788 | English | London, United Kingdom Asterix and Obelix All at Sea: Album 30 PDF Book

Caesar , were major box office successes in France. Julius Caesar has conquered nearly all of Gaul for the Roman Empire. On their way back, the Gauls are intercepted by another Roman galley and Asterix is knocked unconscious by a catapult stone. He met Rene Goscinny in and on 29 October their most famous creation, Asterix, made his first appearance on page 20 of Pilote. On their way back, the Gauls are intercepted by another Roman galley and Asterix is knocked unconscious by a catapult stone. BBC News Online. CBR format. Archived PDF from the original on 14 July There is nothing that comes close to Asterix - I have the whole series, both on e-books and hard-copy and they are some of most treasured possessions. He tries potions and things that stimulate his emotion wild boar and a kiss from Panacea , and finally Obelix recovers from his stone state - but as a child! Ultimately Obelix returns to life, but as a child and deprived of his usual strength. Sign In Don't have an account? More Details It was released in , and was the 23rd volume to be published, but it has been rarely reprinted and is not considered to be canonical to the series. The volume was translated into nine languages. Why not a third? Or are those pegasus children? Colin Taylor 27 Oct Reply. Retrieved It feels like another example where Uderzo is still living in the past. I haven't read this but my 7 yo is reading the series and I've read parts of many of them. Cleopatra makes an appearance in this album alongside Julius Caesar. In search of a cure and freedom, Asterix and friends travel to Atlantis Obelix has suffered diree effects from drinking the druid's magic potions on the sly. Archived from the original on 19 July His name is usually left unchanged in translations, aside from accents and the use of local alphabets. Text extracted from Wikipedia Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. In the Netherlands, several volumes were translated into West Frisian , a Germanic language spoken in the province of Friesland ; into Limburgish , a regional language spoken not only in Dutch Limburg but also in Belgian Limburg and North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany ; and into Tweants , a dialect in the region of Twente in the eastern province of Overijssel. Archived from the original on 11 May Hodder Children's Books. Uderzo insists on sticking her into every book. Asterix and Obelix All at Sea: Album 30 Writer

Asterix: Where's Dogmatix? Asterix and the Banquet. Seeing his friend about to be thrown to the sharks, Obelix recovers his strength and size, and rescues him. Obelix then propels the galley into the Roman camp of Aquarium, before returning to the village for a feast. No trivia or quizzes yet. It is one of the most visited sites in France, with around 1. At first, this seemed random and dumb. The Romans land their ship and recruit a local encampment, Aquarium, to help them get the ship back from those slaves. None at all. Sadly this is the worst book yet. Comic creator. Can his friends get him cured by Absolutlifabulos, high priest of Atlantis? Obelix is usually accompanied by Dogmatix , his little dog. Gaul is entirely occupied by the Romans. Asterix and the Great Divide. He is kidnapped by Roman soldiers while trying to run away to the forest. Uderzo insists on sticking her into every book. The first 33 Asterix albums were translated into English by Anthea Bell and Derek Hockridge , who were widely praised for maintaining the spirit and humour of the original French versions. He expels the pirates and plans on using his new strength to usurp Caesar; however, he makes the same mistake as Obelix and becomes a statue. Cacofonix's tuneless singing always makes it rain - which is just what they want in It was released in , and was the 23rd volume to be published, but it has been rarely reprinted and is not considered to be canonical to the series. The plot takes place on sea and is all over the place. As for Crustacius, the story ends like this: When swapping Caesar's galley with the pirates for another ship, Asterix and Getafix had accidentally left the magic potion they had taken along for the trip aboard. Asterix and Obelix All at Sea: Album 30 Reviews

Archived from the original on 27 September As of [update] , 38 volumes have been released, with the most recent released in October Romans and Gauls race to track it down, and Asterix Complete Guide First ed. This is a simple comedy. Categories :. In fact, Uderzo dedicates the book to Douglas. Want to Read saving…. The four outlying Roman camps rehearse a parade to welcome Crustacius, who is pursuing the slaves. The Romans land their ship and recruit a local encampment, Aquarium, to help them get the ship back from those slaves. For the character, see Asterix character. It was released in , and was the 23rd volume to be published, but it has been rarely reprinted and is not considered to be canonical to the series. Some translations have actually added local humour: In the Italian translation, the Roman legionaries are made to speak in 20th-century Roman dialect, and Obelix's famous Ils sont fous ces romains "These Romans are crazy" is translated properly as Sono pazzi questi romani , humorously alluding to the Roman abbreviation SPQR. Maybe that little village we have heard tell of Why not a third? One is self-immolating, while the other is rammed at speed into a Roman camp. Obelix is usually accompanied by Dogmatix , his little dog. Retrieved 11 March The year is 50 BC. Retrieved 11 May The statue of Crustacius is installed in the Circus Maximus , while Nautilus and his crew are reduced to sweeping the arena. His chief is Vitalstatistix. A total joy to read. Retrieved 9 July The statue of Crustacius is installed in the Circus Maximus, while Nautilus and his crew are reduced to sweeping the arena. In particular, many video games were released by various computer game publishers. The young Obelix is shown as without his usual great strength. Most volumes have been translated into Latin and Ancient Greek , with accompanying teachers' guides, as a way of teaching these ancient languages. But the fun elements don't make up for Uderzo's less-than-stellar storytelling. The problem is, not all of that is earned. The Jewish Museum London. I see nothing waiting in moderation. When the story was written he was already dead, wasn't he? Want to Read Currently Reading Read. More capers with Asterix and Obelix and the citizens of Gaul. Nov 05, Karhum Ghassan rated it it was amazing. He expels the pirates and plans on using his new strength to usurp Caesar; however, he makes the same mistake as Obelix and becomes a statue. A substantial whack of the humour relies on pretty offensive stereotypes - sub-Saharan Africans depicted as leopard-skin wearing savages. It was really good and mysterious But it was a little confusing. Retrieved 3 January was born in in a small village in Marne, France. Series of French comic books. But Goscinny had a different picture in his mind, visualizing Asterix as a shrewd, compact warrior who would possess intelligence and wit more than raw strength.

Asterix and Obelix All at Sea: Album 30 Read Online

At the same time, the slave crew of Ceasar's galley have mutinied and are heading for the village of indomitable gauls. Archived from the original on 8 September Ultimately Obelix returns to life, but as a child and deprived of his usual strength. Meanwhile, Obelix sneaks some magic potion with interesting effect: he is turned to stone. This is a simple comedy. See 1 question about Asterix and Obelix All at Sea…. Caesar's galley has been stolen by some slaves who now need to seek refuge, but where to go, when so much of the world is rules by the Romans? Mar 22, Jerome rated it liked it. Believing the Romans are about to attack, the Gauls prepare for battle. Asterix and the Laurel Wreath. Archived PDF from the original on 14 July He tries potions and things that stimulate his emotion wild boar and a kiss from Panacea , and finally Obelix recovers from his stone state - but as a child! As the Gauls return victorious, they find Obelix has turned to stone after drinking a remaining cauldron of magic potion. Obelix then propels the galley into the Roman camp of Aquarium, before returning to the village for a feast. The little Armorican village, however, has held out because the villagers can gain temporary superhuman strength by drinking a magic potion brewed by the local village druid, Getafix. They also visit Atlantis along the way, which looks like a scene straight out of Fantasia. Sort order. Asterix: Asterix and the Magic Carpet: Album Along with the familiar Asterix motifs, we are presented with a whimsical Atlantis and see Obelix revert to childhood. Use the black guy for his natural rhythm! If Uderzo had drawn him in as this character in a book during its original hey day of the late s, it might have felt more timely and right. Obelix is usually accompanied by Dogmatix , his little dog. It's about super-heroes from the time of Julius Caesar. There are 14 films, 15 board games, 40 video games, and 1 theme park. A collaborator in ancient Gaul? The protagonists, the title character Asterix and his friend Obelix , have various adventures. Uderzo insists on sticking her into every book. The former galley slaves are granted refuge, while Getafix tries to revive Obelix. Of course! Gaul is entirely occupied by the Romans. Archived from the original on 27 August Asterix and the Great Divide. The series has been adapted into various media. Start a Wiki. After some arguing about a safe place to disembark, the slaves set sail for the only place safe from the Romans: the village of indomitable Gauls. Close Menu. In this story, you have Obelix trying one too many times This book, set well into the series [in fact, after the passing of one of the creators] is bizarre humor at its best. The ninth Asterix volume, when first released in , sold 1. Most volumes have been translated into Latin and Ancient Greek , with accompanying teachers' guides, as a way of teaching these ancient languages. Uderzo then took over the writing until , when he sold the rights to publishing company Hachette ; he died in Yes, he looks just like Kirk Douglas from the movie 30 or 40 years before this book was drawn. The Atlantides have no means to help, so the Gauls head back to the village, while the freed slaves decide to live at Atlantis as children forever, finally being free from Rome. There are villainous saboteurs to be outwitted, Julius Caesar turns to psychological warfare Series of French comic books. Were they always going to be traditional songs? Asterix and the Magic Carpet. A total joy to read. Most of these jokes, and hence the names of the characters, are specific to the translation; for example, the druid named Getafix in English translation - "get a fix", referring to the character's role in dispensing the magic potion - is Panoramix in the original French and Miraculix in German. Left loading