riBMISGSBUnG MBOCBiT, ■ladMI VUk idmlibtrdt rrac-ttBcn trwT TnrM»*t ■» O. SX. A.S'HTOIO', * rnM^OT aad l4evri*ter. Flil].MI.\(iSlUnUJ DEMOCRAT. -Ic.; 'Trfbiit.^w Bao^ Be.. Win to >>IT|MII XU. Ui'AKBLirrraJliwTtaAbvmnaui rgnd un nnu fur CKb ■■W- ■H«.l t liUrtM la adHorlal ysA is I.IT»ERTY-CONROr.ir)ATI<>ISris DKiSPOXtSM. >o7)M. aU prr jlf... . ri’r*n*ln.«>tnaaleiUlao< aorbperlir* PCS' iXKVn lA ADVANCE . Uarrlk«n auB Uaa4W'f»hil.k«l gtaU* •9Tba«ic:rTi>i Ib r««rT lu*uae«i WILL u K THURSDAY MORNIN(i, JANUARYC5, 1872. TOL. 5, NO. 2fl. «rr.i.-Tt7 APi;i.uiir.k •V^lfflrr in C \'t UullJliie^nnrrdFIootJA -i------I wull i-nmcd poputnlinn in vlauk.-s, i.nd [ Frof fsirioN/il f'nrHu. Baics »r idmiiUbg. __ t>oii:try I ttuiiK-^bj- (lie . i\u4.4i'»i sod.diyi'uU liuiA ufa rt cleotioti. -:*oiilygavo llioir advni-sirioo an l).ii{iDu^.^ivl.ly (iiajii^oHiy'«; oTlbiMWoT IbaMW darrrtij;dorrmi; Mjeot •>ror His Mibiiion. lotsile oVolMtiom. Tliiatrassliuwii Ilia catooaive afqualntanLf. broiiKl-i| 'iimwj’.frJMas,'’”"'”' THU CUOBIIIO TSA9. go!(M.I ♦m'oni (If 11.0 Sfiifo: Tbow iwo ^ Moaotimc, ihs oppoallion, or aiitiMYur- ‘ fi-ry Jny wboi) 'iovernor WanoolU Ilia luny pqpila. who allarwarJ W TATXiOR & GHX. (fcrti*«'#cre*a.%loup.'fhrliAi'Pcre t« a small bodyj moll, ji.irty, cmUnicioa iHc jpcal ms jn-soritU |u liU slirowd inanouTw vt md wlio ‘ kltoi'acra & CannactUM at i;««r BV UHtBOK I>. PtrXTIC*. 'l J-, . tuiawl aslrong affeetiua fto the cb -T .Ml .J,i i 5iilflli« mlJnlelilT b»i) boor, tod •ikoca onit Aj(ja4vcnHuT.'i:».iw«il.li»<»*'reai muss of lo oivoKtronRor L'uar»iilc«»Bd plcdfrcs, Logitlaldre. wl.icU was oUcmlod by a bead and good beart ol tbe llead Has- j VyU.L FU-VCriCH l.\ UAifOM AHR I lr.Mttlon 1M *l.tft flAO *4.06 *«.M $10 [ofil.cir.|it.wr;v,-iniapporlofinwrivy in iopporl of rofurmrofurin [q,nt.rum.qnorum. TboTbu aUroniaKOadranlMC piinod by ter who badhad brought Ibumll.cm tbroogb tbutbo \ , sdlrm'i'R »'i.(itif uri.r m Wc t.mri ol ■tiiMjib. MBsewI altsatiuii Mui ui c-ilIsC' S . „ 1.M !.» S.M ABO »M intncscics of Oreek and Laiia lest. • .. .. :.l>0 B.OO 4.60 SOO'ln.IrO ,-isi.^o .of wid opgoaud ^ both ore ^ nod ilio rbpoal o> aUnosioBs Uliis manoorcr of ilia Wur .i-ju ,.f fiaimv .. l.if. ttuiMonlli « » .1.6« AM t.iW l;.O0 'nobr!^-Vlll ‘'liirrcidcnloriu Uonlh>4.v« O M O.M to.lw Ik.ml ling/.Ulbnl A £■ Coix ' Bn^rn41A^«l»gAlk. wbo own moat 'fcssliHiAAl {AafooM&tho sreslt-todyloptiriftnilifopfiriAuli l« ll.eIbe Biate~ booso with tinct parts to auecur iiim iu bis buur T).n-HoTlu6.ua SM IIAU. 16.00 2AOU^4u .Ofthr drrsMrdjssr, Hit A4ui>4iu you IJ.W16#0 ir, ^oliba property and pay Iboiaxw. Tliis of DeioocraM In il.c Irfa'uIoioM ‘‘"‘or- sirui.« fi.roo of military and polio*, |•■rll«*d. , .At.t y ^gosJi.tt,lkiel£.mat:.k.4m ib«ft- mads Bp of edrmpt ind’Ui* a&omkrtl Of UTC drf^ HiTrs, whtcfi nltliud (raiialblTuiVabl T.^crclTlls, Xuuo- H0I..O. P»»W}B Uilciiiwa giien.-.o cllsc- t'leit...... Sfcs4...... Tlui b»UUUU joul«ul _p^ly_ibr^|Ji.pktidly^ibt^Ji W4*ro«fU«lA»tdbi **!»»AUldaiOvit- [n bra sir-tttfto o *pniw- M«»b: floms Bird 'llvlabc* iu wbosejund delivered i poopio I llie I HiG |:uipular denuuciiitinn ami diEjo-st Jaatin litr bu al library, it i» Dp. L. BETTS, ■ - Ttoplril ,.flb«*iM-oi«*rrni tn «Und, ^ uUurly Bi.ki._own. baa I defcnsuluss vii-i la of tbo nmoat rapoul. I lur tills cablliilion, in tbo very ceulep nut too niueb to say that f\E>m8T: OFFre <»!« water .y-iui Urijht;«aaf.v,;i«n.o»o>lp'>"P'o,‘>'=r purbaps tbo siugkj excepliuii of Muuru, L/»ifwi.uU»o Ihcpist.i^j^ _ o^v;i -1 rupluy'ud IimTi in Ilia •naolmonloftlie 'out p iof oar imaccful city, of tbo Hall of Hup. USB so odequauly rendered Lucretiui .Slid nTu|.'r.t.)lbbI.BStoh>«HHr?M h dud «ppr« j Buell ware tb* laoto and eos.ld-sro ’ rCTeiHai=v«s» and our Sluts Copiiol cn 7 ■■ ■DrfLrMoWWElX;- III iiktinifut cBiIiiicrs Ibsl couir aLn.iid ji«Bl«V«.l>«rdvtiiini H« puopls wKhftlona wMi-b indttc«d ihfl KHibiuatnin viniiuil by liiu-s of armed bimlina- nto Jiuglish.., Ilis .IraiisIsUpii ui pLRMIN(fSIU?llU. OFFHir.AN» l.ikr t!i«Ur aind-UrsV wdi tnocbln; wW «riuvuUBuiu4.pIu..d«rioilUtminiliu tbaUoBudilarll imoicdiatoly , on ll.e .mb bri.lli.ig bayoimla. QuiiiviiHlaii too is ia main excellent r KsBldiuii,.. t.D tVsp;r Mh4.>"U4 Ii-jm fcfciB.-Ji- .*euji!iid Lj Sb.,1 D...;- - , tn A nulBMh..lly(nrteV«U«%Bd>aBA Md’oonern-lmocUugoltpo li«Bislninr« wmfrontad Guilin RMfli pnsled lo sweep tbo slreeli, ftinidcs these hr is the na .hor.Bt. many m.v-aliriTrhrP'aBd-aRn.-rjrtUf.dt'^ ’^-jiS,,. liiw* rrvw Ibs.aanl) tMBvr. id mililiiry in liii-c:iWning array. original works fir above lacdiocrilyJ <»s»'b i' • ■ _ f-*v- ____ umilT nrt HO onwl»i7. Uirtil«tiBlb*liovrsiiar,aa |he tbiufof D'faf^ibb tbo Ciorer .••4Uiii;s^'-'^ Ibe pacty, iiuolp/powi-is Bk .wurp licvur nof. , Tb^oyll^iQl■.MJf.di»#^hf.‘'l; birt* wi in.'lSdO bo |vuVi>Lnd ibe.-iArs.ui. TiRcriftorRT. Per and fries". WUhlmbeAani, 6eors;oT,.fX, ” 5n'J3Cl.^.“;LVuof lUchd Til!. j?^,’T.::W;ffL, buforewufernjgonnnjM'flviilin Ibis, SptohsrCBrter, tbo IMtr of the < mnniidalo and exclude from tfa (iilll chaiiitore el «ie toaft. a tyxler dim, oorfmry; It Is unrinudiinbably iroo ' anti Warmoth parly, wm tawfolly >m »t«fili9ip!tbs)(irij^V;Ff»^ Repre arid IkiMLn • one or.tliegreal Engiisb IPhysician r Btrciiglb, Wi.i^V.q) ninl ibeUtullful tliV *i* wt]Miii^^lp’W. ‘boM Rupresenlntivo*. lU bid been oluctu.l tbrjHil'liu.Baui>; Ofi.-s, |r..,.i tiwi.: f! ______Wnmct-ntrl infamies. , jlfptakcf ^ ilm IrejiabUirs ot wl.ich cnnotability, and deserrea ino scvci I'll cnuo.’’ He' lipa 4so wiiuon UUuqnullycloirtbatlbsDcmoenito|lbUwailbe rewnd session. Coined- oeirtBikra of all ' frecmm, 'flijs. wa '■Liteo^Biatidp WacLurtui •’■■aioryii to iV^^4 ^ihs ing^’owri'i II.* w«, II. Aw»r. ^ Cuui.ji and ttic-UousjrTntiTe i-ilUens were in-jirg ibst h* was rcaavoble by avow of erimo against liberty, SVilFiam Wnl^," -Rei^so inguut rdi «long ^ Hio iloBse, all bw, precodo..t snd oaagu and oiviliutioa. Tber olbing (n AuiioaU,'' Widct.^riugii Atk« M.'Trx.**, Cowilr .linl la-bdiug i.i.rpfully aUll't tin pels, rt-olu could bo 4.1 by tbe Jb-pnb- Idsmuod ibat Uoiboold be romovoil np* tojuslily ar'pufliiitoit.. Tbe otberer lac- tigiiaIlls bfPoi>ebrFojw'f’f ■•Iliai’’ -<)dyss.y-.' Mtrji au , l-> the ISirmirc-N m.4 ^ the iIi-mbI apJsmall' a'nnouicA'edtii jf Sul- niiicviiigllio4n»dl''0S»u*l |00 absrgesHr by a.«leelarulion ol lion, bowevor, ought nerer to Usireyiiild' in, offi'isbMMlastari<»t‘ls abv dtl- 4V V«%U>i»blto toUdifBam. .'bsbpAsl.--ml Tfao'aa.||rsaVi>p^rs;1oM------i..i— Lr^-a.ilofobnadi------’noo.pssmd by s rvgub Budied to tucb ijinpj.LO, Tlio nicmbcra init's-Cuiii;' ’ and •fereacoi lli^bigefii^ IH'wiiro -a. <|uini'.iua of a ^lawful uujoriiy ol llic Uuuso. tbo Koiue sbootd have proesoded i Tioiuuuh tiierar) m,o. sitri if Th-je»r y^^bor,- 4410441-^r tbe Mvsrs .ii*. ,|did not dumanl a roiiiblnition ou tbo ' rwolalior bocaTno dual by the usual. lint pr™.-cvilcd to ui.oibcr pbuc, wber.-! Ungman. a coroj^. 5l.'i(orM.J«linUol-)ta'IJ W. It SWlT^l»* i/V»4rtfcrbs.uilf.il; IpjrtoribeCoflssrvBUTeeiilsins with ' pBrlin.tiKPtn»-i’oT ““‘‘'‘8 ® \buy hold a ,g to U tbo j J’apacy ready for pablieilieatiuu. F. W'VIIX flUCTUUilS THECIR. fV cull Caaru of IVmlBB. RkthoGl Hull, H*.cutr .» H-ifob, Ji.M.^co>l*r ill.' Bill till- Osibui; rts U dim. I wberclti ibc people who demund reform | Hon, woiomplaiing contrary action »-the itt»us.ddfcMmr-aisukl«f s4fflc'cnl'ban st:ba..Ijiof Lnodoa. a diligent stu- - ’ iknmgrd > a {wU-iit voice. Tlii* wat | Hat wliiuli bad becnJiad, could not b* Calpn opuraai. Set-idembbH useful welter.^.-As.irvanl who wx. s. tSm. ------21.::^.,, (he lived lohg with lii'm bad ob»ervoJiiulb- '. ri.hitidiM.. r.«fi« bsM »I. tb» l.l »nd .>l or-uAWi-B .*«• 1. lirjrJ,«bcts'.r»i Ih II wbicbaJJrowBd ilsulf to lonteruined imm^:ai*ly afterward. Attoixtoy A CoBBMUer at Law, hv. ill il,r.U. June. b-pu-iW Jl ^ ratiomem'iem oflbo Legista- j buusc, I ing strange ip Lis ways nor unhappy tdodj}* of tbs n*miDg Cottstyus)y Court.) triK; itoWfcy. 'iBi. lV,-i..r.rlsr l-UiM. ,N. F.Hsr.t^uUyTUi-bi.dr »lsw. tu^ and tbo gros. massofourcllixeai.' TIicnpXlday.fiio^d.lbeWn'rinbUiitcBlnnd the prac\feal>5iRy of a meeting at' In his nisprldii lifo. One morning be Miariv poll.lllu-vl winsidiruiious- - «er*!bcing re eitlurci-J. and h8viiig.#ecurcd that pises had got been t4»tetl. With ! das found In his I«h| suCfcrii.g fro rpENDHlSUIS PnOF/J«slOSAl.8>;B. light uf add-day; Bud .llie ...... ■’ these gntvo defitcls, wo enn not jnsill)-'aver-dose urpnisalc a1-id wbieb be bad -I 4 Ire, la ihr 1*01)1* pr.FVmioa Covulr. yi.|.tlb Tamds} Hbr .*, Joss. ■pe>niltf«l to iiiflarnes tbo dclermmn-1 in a mnonor poeuliar to ll.U I.sg.Bla; Wil)|.r,*t.sab.ito FiswiiOg.to'toit Court a'ld'luhoiV, Biid liU wife, by bia owniUrec- MUlkcsintor. ■[ ■liooortbi.quv.tion. T:iowbolaoli^l|uiro.4to3'l-t-**"y rddj»b_ P|*i'n this the attempt of ilii> body ..finoulry wni to ‘.11+11/0 wiff/Wfiieh of ! State, till; nttOBsiuh of several membors capiure murabera win) recognised the'tiuii,tbe'tiuii, iniiitbo tbe adjoining ruciin witbwith herh. body of .G.p bi^ati»ula.aioiwc.[Hcad bpalcn id, brutally murdered. Er®tMS!E; pf.lbe opiKmltioo.,, moved qgti*. to r*-, OABBIAOE A WAO^JT ^1,1, questtua uf uusegtik^ tbo Likoadl duabtfulfauto ior power, it lo-'ile v<>i)fLtw.;J iTio tnurder and snrren cst pb'dgen ulid giiaruulee. uf :pp. t- *- ibc Irug.etil ioeiJuht of Toes '.dorvd biinutf toj.uijrv, wbleli hi AIAiK^CrrACTOW.Tr. v 7u MsI'MBXtiX-s'K^vfut^o'^-^ Yci cm(4 U..W iu li. vlvwl". . beg Dommcnreii Ikr rl'.lenco, paces* which gasM so great an aJvahiago'proupunceil■ " * ...him j,upiv_ “„|’,„upJurin tbe W'u hDTC on hsiMtpt . j-nw J'IkOIw.. C uit I* foT^rtwW 41U lV..*rc«l») B"^ |i UtUIhI'm* uiillkoi'* U'lHiir b. niid wMhg-dpliig on'WAi Bides leir advoranrii^a. 'Rueh is lbs iiii-1 dr>t du.'roo and'toi^i-.odi^i.iod liliafbdic. M,*. l!uckn*B.v<. IlBruoib*., Rucrisi »ad !:.3ma;-s.sx 8|.rlug w.-nns. Alt kind, ot d.-ns I exact narpcHvaollbonvcnii.' ' TI.ero'w-i-. isi* somuLbingi.!n»bi.iueipri-ssiblyPHid-Mil.le .m.lsad iThs'flrst uf these is chargcnhla to tbu )i:irliuTi IVumpll^ bikI 8BU»fB-|.oy^ 17* Warrsn cu» IV; \V. 91-s k-liie pLfrUlHilu'; ■ns Instsom-...... Warniolb party. This ws. ibp attempt of ll.U coiitusi troiu tbu beginingto lb 111 Ilis ftW. doubtless^ dourved. A i-'ui'S.idr. r„...i.fcci.»s.r.ii4« viiV.“4.«ttt *■ I>. I,TOt»iS. In U.rrl<.Jei...i4.-i-l"Bb>r.ailt>"-v<»ts' oftto gW smiveytto! Wtot olergy mati.aii omitieutlenebcr ol youth wiifc believed by iiy citixuDS ol Carr, .a member uf ll.e llou.v. present.hour. tbat Gevernor Warinulb nnd bih party yjeol Carter by a violent, rovolutiom.nury Our Rsrrativs w-intd not be 4ml a tobulur nf no urdinnry illBiinvtion SOUTSESKSf •a * i;‘iQ, la W4 .iis^-cX^'wmku fuuiUbt;. C.KiH. h.l-1 41li K.-l-Uj Slid lilf Itfalo^tR- Hun totorillto/Tur OiWnecum- by a wicbi.al It rcfcivncu TO Ibo lu M.rrWT-Juiic,. rt-iu^oW su4 u I'v"1 1|,1.JU"ii-t#-:I wa.*ti “4*v, .ai, aU l4^wr. ‘ Ttis'ysiMl-Urd. meiilnr tbeso ubjoets. lie had n-solutiun nabmltu-d liy tbo Uiiituti Eialus milUary U|.T, Fns J U Jt.SUilc" »"il J- P- TUco.nJuref lUr / n.’m iicalvd lirmni-ss uii-f |UTtiiiaeiiy in Booroflba Uouso, prooeunsoU to lie flicl. Tbsxf uan bu 4K»'(u«ts;shs ®Sk iiiii wptti iShnybnd defuaqB} Aimto ol curried by tbo mover; nnd an n.lvanec of the action of iho Alnst'lur c p,mr. rfrail - '4-uurt.'toUII'toui to batutOj* Sf.4 to T ,c, ot |)luiidcr w.iiet bad bpen of lii'i|.plf ^i)ll fuilc.wera toward Uio ibaidlw bf Mils arm. / liuiitai.liy ! 'Let him who Uiii.k.tl»l>cbii.k.tl Vhkinii.y Mrp.vriy ill tbe •’E.qtfbiaturv!, lB^«akqr>.;t+rry;a.e rv*pl0tk»i into JflI.eaUiliiao nssiimoJby him blisjstriiildotli lake bed lest be full. k OnLiLtal aad Anas t ?C0.004 ■.It',—L Tt.iAlin.liAM aeliiuiucuaiiuluated rUrity ruid Ithielii" AGOOUTH, AOENT. Hio prolc.3iu.is and pieJg4-a on ibi. W.m 4ho yirifirtva! ^urii ' Tbe KeataekyLtCtolAian. nORTH-BABT KfilfTWCffT. - |»4Ttirmi.vttr -jrswtr. SCON weru loud. smpUatiu aud com- by an oxbIblUuadf mi atlcquate runist- tiflbdWarinbibrtul.,an UAlAni.I.K. KY, Wtirc miido tbsi ho shouid leian'is. inswpsai iS iifi pwiillons b.r ct«nixo U.o exisiiug. govuniioeot —to xniiUji of Ihf (’pimosieeitllhi^Ktofuciy l,r«irtl..bt."l'iK.I.UJ . .: . .^1...... -^tdiiy. dutend it lioia laitund ov'erthruw.'Tiini lor tbo parik^of priiviiiiii^ " DGDI _eotse; r 0. t>. V-—TlK* iDde- free and p.-|.ubtican govornme.it iu igly, on Tbnrsdny.l Tills doty lias bout) failbfully performed "rilc'anB to. kaFpi/kaFpi+ ’•^c’I'hc existing ae6eitTidebt ______uaVww.Mir.Asrybi" be shrewdly sought to ni'Hl- bora DftUo1.egi»lalurc, on proceeding by olBovn who bad littlo aympalby ihqTnaWlj o/ilib State. It almll' and pendfDt Onler orOdd-Fel- i|>ringilaSf>'ef^>e>hS"^And bo haali ^ to UicSinW Houe, found It garrisoned j n iili the tauiy orlliu piiriy wUiub iboy' inaj- hit liwlbl fJrtllu Oovo'roor iq bor- AVril'Alhl'lBTl.} lows, FuAilMf Lobojt No. ijlL meeU iraU lilt ulaiiiis on that scya by ibi Tbtr.ub»e■n-um'itto tbai ua'kavs uar- - Uirgo force of arnicd Melroi«jli tavud from populur wrath. At tbe; row, (of Itiid'oti bfchidfoftlis Common- Tw lu-avtll ;u,Trr»^ ‘1’“ ho coiiWf^se tbu~ ftudirv lleoM. iu to), iiUun. and powers for tliu ilufenae ol His cpnserra toua. who bad barrictidad lbs doors of ! same lime tb«'c6iumaui1uroribo Uultdd'wcMlti', rroid any twiik, nr Mnkii/g bb- ju.*»|IuSiillLi Bill' nr* reSttingino reru/alib- . .tl'i* •;...... In* it Bnew.. Iheu.Wi vmheM,iiph*il ' .!!• saelaiiin, eorporaiion, Tb-lr ull Iwto. laths pl.ln; suJ empiisi :1». lito cilimin* n^iiisl tiis coltiFsd voton ibs Speaker oecmpbtl iha lob- 1 Suito fuross baa roJuaod. to gJvu lu.lj. saciuliin, eorpm-Bliori,'tr ‘priVali/ ' the tuUtu-uiBrkiti4aiinli,i'i|$ ihwlisrIbwhSTSlth enrai I of ‘ oioeuto any political or «i‘"il .lecfso, ' ccc.lii.g’In the nggregnli$5S0.IKll»dol eisnbas Ibs iisIImi; 4sJ lbs very sun, Bsis£rvte;s4.JbJluuJ. t. L liiU-fM rsfCUBsiit aid ntciaiiii rantli hucarod tbe spprovaf; of a citadel in Umo of war, Hic Uov- lor.’order ur purpose of lbs Stale onvisls.'lun., ivbieh fiflltll be aj.propriatrd to the ALE.V ISE. Wifbl Biul glivtew blsxuory vf Uud, O.TiClMtLE. UbtU-r.-hit" ill ivir rternd d.pilo, aioMirs^iti ’a dtiaens. wlio iligugbi ilmt biscflvs bulow, having lull com ind ^ He baa aloud uloot from all dibur issues; ohjeel almvu montioned, and 'no oUi.T, AtsMlkb the CHhto* UsHM*f Stoir ttoin, bs woidd fce iito moM eticiwbagent of tl.is'armed furvo. BU. b mi 'bat ibosu which inrulved tbe pablici K'^ 3. That ibo loan autl.onted by '^^T'To 'ston Ar ,U„iu. ipbens asd |>»M scuunipbiib rofurffl, and inelinod n large were Justly regurdmlM diainesriw’»w. »asteb .-i>uval aJporU\u.le^.tl^a| 'Xyyor.Nu.U4«.t.--vk, P,KU.umUl. .V.f> and highly reBpocUble cisaa of our cil- tempt to overa.vu nm itimi.tu l1.e| or iW4a,B^oru^u le^i|l,|f.^urnni0it|B itbaii ffve^carf. nor lea* than one yoar, Ted.irkls Ib lb* imcklcst oid, vet Tioifc ixuiiS to giro biiB liisir supjiurl. reprcsvuuUvcs of tbs peo)>le. Tbe'f lu uDocraBi. ‘.n.'ive'mxy bo consoled. ' the Stale reserving. ‘"ff to itaolf ihs rignl. Tia".lbiil«iub-UiiM«r,bAdtbbBcrcT csrs tlihSdUlti *l>'HuJlit, Ihu call of d ^prujivr, tfignifiod aud manly cloursslilmcitiwns who bstoorikbsveo nkc dUinn>i of At Tti n|it1nn. at 'dny time afthr one year Ihirk, Bt. iiU'fir 'lliv dfftcofaaid loin, to redeem vjNnTTTSftEtstc.veu tivkhh pr.tAS- m-glny wm-kt Ihii ilr*w hi* pilBr .,iM'lat semioa of tba tianutc. and tbs would thou bavo been fur tbo T,«gisla-j qu [H fkrtlans enfSageit In iti1a strudu. Tho1H.nlIi-wtrreinifaybo WSoed IHW Td «i B«ia,u«,-I1»» «*«f euBqiwtnt aluaUun of Pmchback, ibroag# ihs i tnri ln domand the immwliaio routovai miiy be i-dh»«ibd. by iboknowlo-Uo »*« •nd tb* t>ublic nnrnillv IbaiUwto? oMneBd B ho h.th wnnisbt- flOetieo ol Wiiru.bih. w'tbe vauaftcy ol tills roepacing force, and to refiiso ioiu,oM cxelling st.cl ri..( ' Jbr at par value, th«al>)vehMFl ibS l»i r*> cni!( reflusd sad (ai«ltMdtbr>aa« sad Uaew prapandtuBM ic. I. ilil—Fv Baisrillc Md riKlltili ____ . 'I’“ pft)cwrip lb«irUBliwlB»l,4d‘resonco!i, ace aroused a spirit, of vigilujice, of' J 3. The Oovomor, for tbo mpiiey LomazAiTA Bsvidi.u led ull Uiom hupua, Slid duatroyed ull ol sneh reproBoniuiivus of brute aud »nd energyrgy amanjtamong tbofwbiub bejuayiMrraw UBdor ths’ pra- ■ • Vh# H»-t b“« •t*™' ' uto.iwBl s'ba psUMiiSe tb, koau. -u-amj-tesmt lAHFS . _ I fiipa i. cuuSducu ill ttio Hinuoriiy of Gorurnor military power. lnili»d ol doing tins.: «->l|’nt( iWfcfVul>«idu vi.iotis of this not. ihalMasuo nnd dw Wurwolb a plcdgra lor relorot. Tbo ibe grayo _ -Wnqdsr. . w.BBeemiiiii-:f|^7niuF'^tal«'isr^ni^ Tro^ livw-to tbe UridAr tbo.bood oil bond*- PruiTlrtof. ,,APr. BOCniNFR, 0, P. BHA# prctoiifbribB elsMTonjof Hnrfrbai* tud ofiavulclng lue imwuroUb'sFodorMl ■ lie barplca who noiv diflle and ilis ofthoStatc. pay'ubfs to him or bearer; 'M'S&limSiSS-.i ’sXJX.r rovetosi It iWivo qt^rli lueoasiaici Government, under that vague sud- >4mw -ii^ and Ahei Vpva^nmv A be ro- ^nttg inlsrcst at n rate not' oxceudi Th* ContoBding FBcUpwi Aw»rd obnoxious law, known as the Foreo OiUhliahrd, on urineipica of ioniid, ihg ^hl per cent, per annum, payabh eMsfr'Ka'S.-jx £.7, •d Xtelx Propw of R*> Bill, or Ku*Klus Lnw. and causing the' mnrnirir.bf tl.ipubliusninu, trae rcLrm. >mi -annaally. mi'Hio first Mondsya ir thnciBi.sii^fery^H^nJ»y, Wtouwmi HILL HOUSE, , ypOM|lbmtF..„-.,v urrAlol ijia"'Governor, the Chief of, aad rBSBOf)Vfurlbe «itl si i|)B rirt^ous. January »d Jely, at the Sank ..f A- offensive to Wpdbple and the Legiala- Puligt, tbu Lioutooaut Oavsrnor aAd' ■ slli^ni; and hdnest of our peg- s, in lbo city of Kew Ybrlr, ot MAYSriLLE. AT,, plnce; as the Qotornor ma/ eon- •iliat poopio nbpoad aurt thus* of oar tore, that the Manger of bia uooiMaiou otUn otteisis and‘members of the * rejjr/ co.igf u» H.ot;iiiet' Exoeaiiv# of the Sulu Inigulslurs. who were charged will, P’O-. tract. For tbe witni annual inurost. PEUUM, BAItROS 4 jllixEK, own State ard vity may bare n uleai TV8tbekw«n MiuAes. PfwpiictAre, ■\I70ri,D nuiwrtfklljr son'iraee to th* would pyovuat u(iy aiumpl to Impsaub the tnlrodaciion uf lbs pulicu into the proper eonpona shall be attached to ibc • 1^ IswK of nrmlnpberf (iid vtrtn.iy 1 Have l,s>ad Ihb H.-Kl from C. B. BUI. *h* t* Slid Buapeud tbe GuTcrour. Siato buuie. We have said this wsi e rsBriMj-anoi.t ! bonds w isaued, signed by the Sucrtfiii- sa tnaifcr ooaaacted la sav war with the ta.7££Sj5Ai™";S;*.ta: uimSulby Watson,; ry of Slalo; and the principal and iu- qpbro’i' Frofb tHo'datoorthis aefi 'and blnniiar. which was amply demonsim- doclaraUon ol Ibis motive for it. tpdhj tbs wull.. 'Ihosfl siToalari offl- before the Itorrey aasiies, (hr the miir > icretl ol said bonds ihalt ben cliargs nawav sav-ca. c. w. u mvax w.r.aacca. H-o.S, 8eoouJ.su nuBftr .,|.pi»llo tIsMilUoS riidi'wftiieiqulekljlfifcaabd Ipreua- dor of bis wife, early in October. 1871, npon thu Sinking Fond of the Stale, we propoto to give bora an impartial eonAilunno in Governor WurmnUiV proniiad* to tbe coniervallres coated. tody, and ralaroed, armed with now hto just been conduded, and'reanllod Merohauts Hotel, Tliso, wo, dhl It appear to tbe fnoi.jU gruiiads of op}>o*Ui«n, to the scene of itfBTcrdjriofgaiiUy, noenmpanied by /Tfl’.i atrrrl. .Vrir M-u». JOHN WHEELER, s.-ssi'ri.'-K.-.. «!OI*Deo(ordcBtb. The previoas high- if ibis act, lliadsie oflhu^ CZHGlHirATL O. ofrofbr.0. more oUrly. than bcJorc, ouofliet, and nwamed Uioir aggroaive loan, t lu.euftl.u lonJor, and tbe measures. They bad been arroalod at prisoner,■ .er, hibia etni Hoary Eraco ft Co., Propx iBCessary. ihaiGovsrnos Warmoib ’s position — aino.inlloaneil by him, together with AKCF iioi •^jMoandxMiilar wrcBaiMauea'^liicIi Ularslilp and blametoes life, mailu the dale, Tininbei) and amount of otch frakc t. Huim.) ______^ be re the necemiiy of bis own dsfvoao an Bddltb.|.<' dUtPhrisg »trial one of *bo m“t micpaaiing Tbrlar-r ssd .W*Bi -nr—snpnlled addi indioated s purpdas to ^*sot Hheir ' I la |M> Houw, it»oi-bhit, Rf- old and teailog new nnm'ban, and do -AN'Il-r- holding one er two purochiat chargee, e>y, and witbOBt writun ;toslgnBff( vut pstrunage, bis command of tbo lag other ibiogs toseeDrsihsIr aecond- the Btaw Socials and all Uis onormous was appointed Hoad Haaiorol the Pro­ ST-A-TIONERY; whole miriiary power and of the Pre- eoey. llf^isartahaH tokeiSVot from lltTtllS 4'PimTMDICISB powey^wnis^by oortsin aoU Of the prietory School at Stoekv^oil, .one of ror Awl* 41 uriaa band koowa as ibo MeUopuliUD ThU pr,.ce*dlBj wa* revolnUoparj and afUr its p*aaai;a. pajogd-jraea, 8:^ oaya, 4. Pu(Ufty> Eruf Store. , >1 Tl.r()tU*i.XA»t./ pg|icooflhiamijr,woaidboW rejitobo^U^ aad like all BQ«b the n WW ^ ^pd9n. Ui« Oadlsy ’s Dnix tore, )tU WbiU. The other part^ bu bto» ' ■ -t:> — I III r~i III THE DEMOCRAT. XftBtaekr SwMsis. Bow-«a • * JneMj I To tlinl elBM of j-e«plo wbo ertimatc h lit Ciljb. FREE TO BOOK AGESfT' c mill Msd ■ hamlMim* r>a.pa>Cut •( wr Iba value ^a ncva|a|u;r wtiuUj' upon DryGoods TURNPIKE wllWratrd r>IBilT BiUr. r.»UI,l,C>. ,UeOrerfT luthe matlcr wlik-U it DIVinEND. r »e lee'Sk-riplnre lJliMnilii>ai u >ay |ur>ixytfrromlbr.(UiorilBrvk,18;3^^,„j^ ^ oommend the tbIluniDg Mk Aanli, tnm of ck.ias Bui lino. JIu. THU«.HDAV. J\SI AUY...25. ltj-2. i.1 thiblhliinc Co, ThiU., ?« »T'HE: J lF..r».rljuf Fl«i.iapri«rr.Kj- ) mJ the eU|f««l huaqaet Kiiw V bJ» ___rr»m«_ Mrr-irg, ‘-U , _M lini;line' Tunipik.’ C-.. 0<- m. Uoin.s-. - Tka ir*fr6 TMtiaesjBUL I iLe CapilaUlnlelOB’ninre-lu}-even-; an ra>y luJt fnr a tiwlhy iwv i (III- ol ihe Scnatc-lM weik In CKIC'AUOand ito WEST b; ■*.. B. J. 1,1. |J_. i„„. „.k,„ *.o»- ll. U «tCbimaii. Only rneiplae Our Scnuter Uuiw Tkou. K. Uur);iit U>Tln|:3a.trerelvrd mf 1 t . 1 ShreU‘«.i Hialor*ofKenl*K»J . iraaliy. everiaikltn;; tkuuh »u<^his oo«B j Jhnu«r>.iMh lii.l..r%. imie.i.. p»e~; >« msr.Ue*. T".»i>e h4.I. Prirr »r.4l>. i™«> ■ r'etlX Sftoolt In M ilniu. Tndi. cW- -n<». .*#ta:MIKNTIh CROCERiES, WAK’faSi II S ail h| dijco, a;a xwb iul!uw«J li}- oUter Men«l< *. saa.«iins u,.. »' I. Nee T.ira c«a. A Tbtu ««9 n'Utlxxi • BRICOS^ & BROTHER'S iMi ,n-l U.C WVi^ooJ il'» i-J ,3Lr.:!ljTBiTantsi Statite fiiiiTjiert I t'XT.VUWfKir aafTo^le eiwro u» rrprrMnUKou araiUni: lamofedillin'a L'ap®» “l kit KoJ P™«t ;UOB«ltl«IBnVL rote irt -*0 yiw»i to 13 naj^ ■« roUi)*«r SilkB^ , the l'tilled Suiea tfci *V! CA.UI*1SLK. KY., rzrOwS.A 8 vanraBBS Tboae who v..u-d in ilie _^ajSrmaiivc ; y Ii«c lCOy«r. huv, Wii AIM by only : ^ omplovcd in wU-iting. is I J. W. 8. X.BS. ProprletM. FaBliBDIRG DreodMsGa ^ VtUkt.kKE.'). i SImiarr >7wr. ri«y ReflU. r>r WrC MERCHAIIT. WUtoeoodVe i X"« r.*lv. CoDd.iikt im mgn. .-n n»gS»fJ Jo'"* Jol*"""- WiIJiaii,; Onlyl»o hare nerve.! four tl-wn-l n^^anyUuot: elti-i and that i „i„ i/,„i S.iurd.v iaccl. Jiii I r.M-iUud >hk ufctd. Bf aae Jubnauii. rottv, Prieliord. HUudclord, ; „«cMed term»—Uenry Clay (IT y*«r»; w« all knon: i» hull ilic t>»tllWarA-r( Sl„ Unen Goods, ‘ mu nnr. *a.| nu tUMibbl r..lur«d PUt..r ■Webb. an.MVhiUkor-29. I in alh.aud due. J.CHllonden i 20 yen*. , . I.ave Mid.aw edili.r outtlit to he iC-*wa.a Wawimt d«.l)CU in euliv. Th* rirW- ^ sourxcis. •V.fi'WWB.JJB. JCV: lei Cs >h«ur '••-r l'»>'l< <"'1 tS mils TIimg who void.ill iho Jn ail lininVcJ and hie Ubin uiiiU-riVooA------abl ------rj^.s L.ttlilN HIS K \U.* WINTER EnteoR^eries: ' W a ropy. mU Mwtoir lb. v*Ui> »f Ike ad. ! T.o other, hov. nerv.. two dl.e„n apprcchitoil by the gvnerJ touJutt ul • A U PEH.-to^S ENfiWXISft TWIJt., HI Si^k .,rt;|t«>«-EMtiaM-u(lhwed . Darby, I , ' . .- ., .- A -.Ur.ih4.bld 1.. Ih-tir... ..f Srpl...... in ll.c Olx .4 fclu—o..' [d ^IT'w lh«»H. tW • Haydon ;■ urm.- dd .______wfmJn>wukiwrk«lv. w/hea«ly codorwi Ihe nctiun of o«r Gloves. pilmanJ |.n-cniu»B i.Cm-L a«k>r a in ihe* .u OFFERS FOR SMF alv«»u««.rf.H w pufi-bm mJ.of a., toe ■hnluriul reprcoMlalire in upoatoC'third lo thU bet. Toprt»emiUoW no U.oy auutiJ be Sk.^ 'NAT B. .UTKIN **• • fcflW • V» WftM prea6rvod-iecno«i;h toeeeupy lallylbc 200 tct300Ba«a CoSb«. MootoA. bilk bowing u «r« do I Unly fonr^ave eenre.) o»ore than one m m m mxisniGoai^ . »w«iJk«»-i.iEv»4in.4 m ver calto that K in a >)u»iioa that ahiiald be fall , time and atteMtOM uf any 20 to 50 Htad* DoaL Sugar, l.•8ln■ W.|..rr ..nWrlec ADESIRALE ■ KBknrafnwimnt'hmaw. W me ma •oUled bv the judiciary and oulnide yearn. IT9'2-IM& ibclinrd 3i. John , l iiii» he aitded the general Shawls, ISiH-ntn- » fc.er.pawT BuUewr flknU, the Lepjatire halhi. We hope it may non, lOymm, IHIIU29; npary Clay. II‘ufa newepaper FARM FOR SALE. ..r...... UUi..., Ac..liua*kra W A bsmiSn.l be dafdtiea in^iloaac Bibbooiw StoKswi rtwrfcl Crwioa, tativen, thoughUicItwpocl in lair Uiat ahoaldfUont hie pwaoal term) ISyeata, | wonder in Imw they can find *•**.' i-*tod UU^ «a*iay. A .aprrb p*rl « tbet«tt«wmgbRi4i^aB ="• Oyan. »«dii>e. t-eut* . atoi fn-r, ..a ..uiJltbuw.prcISwl i«ewS- Democrau in that branch oflho Ug-j y„|j. oine oUiemhava aerred. eon I- •.aikrpr.-mi.r*, itr um r» lud 100 Box t Soapw. CasdlM 8 Stacch ab.^ue A4dr»*« Uatnreto pnl U ibrongh. We have ' ^4^,-ofnixyearn- ! A>«r ,tttrert»&nmnua •Riaas S-BROTHtB, .pmh of oar Beaaw «Mohi .Bdadine the one roconllr commenroj : I u» a., v.*., wo*. .. .4 I.M.L ... M> iUal Duelhns «.•».« .»! ill. BroOSU. 8c , moticeto the public BngUBUOnipM, ■BLOOMINGTON NUHSERT _ ' ~ ■- i Pope. lWT-13; J-din Itowan. ISliJI;! UB.au.4J(US. M. sEyJtiHK, IBU rbuk* *ad erll' W.“ Flour, SaU^.XaiU, Bto«4,lX»^Tiasaar. ^ ^.1 ______.1 full U-srine ■n-U iri... Th- Uii <« Ike Elu>.sUea I p;wf lUus I.i.- YankeeHoaona, , ILLINOIS. ■ > fc pMt va Ik in nay lo 'ill ab.-U-.!. d..«lm. OalMU Suad-iv morning la lAini»- Morehead. lfitI-47: .limcph It Coder.; ry ATE l^tK'ATKD IX JIATSTILLK, .Ur.willr a Lri^aiel** ^AUfO;— An.la snn| Bs-tnaMi ol rUirn.h ami !>»■ viUeKy..«iy..diep.ioh to.ha Cin- woo-l. IflT.M; M.r, K Jlio«.pi.on. crli-nl IwhrhbnH.n^. ehRiai.du.a.e. II r.th. C.ll .ia ...... ••••., .t.«l einoali A'njtorer: “At baJf.pasl ico 1S5S.S9: Lfla«nu W. Pnwell. 65; [^itot ^«f ota.r pbrxriaa. u itoy aive ■ r p.yn.aiu. fcnr fcwUi mh >1.1 I Wholesale ft Retail .,4 wr will mrkr ll tu i.mr r4vBBl.E.i- In wl. ' mto-naaitdkHnh. Ur. l>r. Hryio.iur im rrni»lali.» U lUr>. levmiwU \jt Ax. tasUr ! ilock TBoodo»aTliuiue,ayonng Pro*- ‘John W. Stevennon, I871-T7. .ml rifklmi nreih. irtOt. TV- Cinu 1* .n [ In " friMilr Oi-r*-.. witb amn.ia i J>. .V t.l.'fJE, ' fian, aged twenty lour while iaboring dition to Ibeee.: John J. Crillmden W«uhlh«n.r,t ■inu-iall;...... fc-.knbii. tonirva. U' PROFITABLE BtlSlMESS m fell term,. S":: 'ni v.’nr. r*!n PURE BOURBON .TfaestriffT, Km. lae a p*irvh«,r ni thejkiuhen oftbe booM where be lived Fifteen Senators.one.halforthe whole tthKA! ib^TtoaT^rrabu" In.^sm |l«>e'4 ...... - rwherc-hia aietor. Mra.^reea; and- twwji nmber.-hwre tarred fra« than nia yea nc WHIKY.- ; ,r.f. Willi tou liule bue.-fc*.*.* nilk each. Of Tieac, two served four yearn ; ;* -..npaew*. tA-Ul.a UWC.tffiimifcU AlU daiigbt«rB,Mi«aW. aged twelve and RLWAHJIWvU.t! fiiiHInBTT 'iiri.tLH .JawAw.eH.ad uBi*er*et su. IT IBawbuIr liuir. devoted a Uta h l.r(*f .Ulw Loraaa. aged taw, ««, and, without a each Minrl hill 1 ir^edfaHy iur.>na tho pc apis of llti-kncrThmalon, inns !». F.oracrrcd ; *n4''ibe:<:il> «a4 :Jit X3-ZX. , t.i.v be fallA.-.!. Cintilar. f.-ee. ei«ia« . word of warniag. nhot Mre. Croon la tosdvrrtinr.' _V, _ ! Fleming nh.l of N..flhorn Kri.(niky ipU-i. UuUu.d.r -d*rto-]to . tha Uiigb and abdomoo. ICiaa'ie in lha Ihmevenracaeh: John E-lwards, KIL* ^ .b>W xtdr^iaemtnta. ' ' that 1 have rvirnlJy bea» lo ike Sun TK nHlKAt-U.l.A.Aew.X.4. 9$; . lfiS2-U; Jame. \i w abdomen, and Lorona ia the bi^ Ue ■ I Boanl whvrv CoBcva aod Shkwc * are «Mw*"!"; '..K SXi. then plaead the pmtoi at hie own head fluthric, 18«5 (W. Thoa. C. and flrad. but Ibe hall gUaeod laflict- 18Tdi.Tl. TwOM-rved only piin-hiuicd my Kail and Win FALL& WINTER ~ ing a gbpoly bat not but waand 8r. each: JrmetBIrdtoc. 1813 16; SUK-k of Heavy Groevrir,, wilh a Thaudora firaan. tho Ihu Ud J aod fk'h- T, lUny, JftU Ifi. Seven vit-w lo raiabll.liitig if ilrup Aami - mur rearovleiBi: JohnAdair, 18»6 fi;lioorgo JlUVllLE i LEX1.1CT01TRAWTS, W of Ike woman and aifilibva, who wan Rm^iiJLROmtD. irt, 1 hope I may dvservo a larg. CLOTHING, dowe ataire. camo up. nnd Thome tried Valloir, IBU 16; Ma^ D. Tlnrlin, ------lluaf: aharr ofyour ru»(mn. JUSTliEi-Eirn. AT to abaci tdm. bat Jaile.1. Tbo pl.t-d 181C-17; William !.oir»i®l!*.2l);Tlinco IFi/Uy Qmowiootof (ikOi'.KHCrES. Mottlitll f lkf»A.dfoorn Co. A'y., •■■) Waalako«fcomTbomc.wbc4fia«*alk nsllclmtfe. ISlS-4!*; iSvid Merriwelh- dunlvr.. er.lg62 6S;JuboC.itreedinridge. IdGl. 1 Janvakt lllb, IB7S. ad ta a pbyaiaiao ’e o«oa to bar a bl. aSDKEW T.t'OX weaad diamid, aad was teat to tbc ' Twohnve been Yieo Pra-iileni of the} Dcmam 9i^r. go. IT narltct nm««. Jiiisiimiii’s City Doopilal. W S.at«; %h.nJ M. AA’flTiI.LE. BT- 1837.41, and John C. l)mvklnridg», X.vrwk*f 5. 1*TI-ir MERCHANT TAILORING Hn. ‘iiroa aod Miaaic are alill alive Botamm. prii 1 HAVE A FABJI FOR SAL^ bat their woande am thought to bo 1867-61. do gi.rxnl , EKTARU^IIJir.XI. iu aoA aiQuiumg lAo tiiwnrirTiUnn. he Pif have been Governor of Ken , &ia), TUomu. three months agn. tried n rz.ZMX«irosaTTXi.O. rcmt | Finning iiMnly. furwrHy okimk) l-y

InrVyr , 1H20.2I; Thom«.|W WELLS’ I'ASEouc TAiLETs, | Fres/i Jlrrlvah! to kdt hi* motbor, but failed. H r Ur. AUtmebM efiato by- Jaa-T iW- bv«nderanged fur tnme lima, and Mcjiifr. 18Sri 33; Jam« T. Momhead.Mnrehcad.; j » g"g*", F«*A dnlmh! Gremt SedoetiaB b iMfE enotuiiiiiig f \ aginoe that every body i« trying (BiTinl'l 1834 3C; Jdin J^,,W'l«iid<-n,' - - 2«:' llUfi SO; I.pMrosW. Powell, 1832 36;_ ).a Uuvm ...... 0.- lOi jSSaii ,,st,uk ctck -k .>r iCiirhty Oner poiaoaIMieonkini. him. ikecoily bo waa suppos .e-.. READY-MADE CLOTHING, •dtobeg^Ungwell.and bad »tv«* John W. Sicvenwin. ISh.-.l.------Rioi-^arilona 11 Qg|gg|.s=Wooox,.: It ie unc »1 the aoat hmitilar ^ Three have boon • «airh ...... 54 tMiliwm in thm euuiity. Yury weU ai bb aUler-a houae for ibroo .v.cvk* Coni alwavH on linn-', llanlliif i aoTiu, c.issu[tES4 piarinoa to the trairedy. After lUe .TKISWIVriv.lT unpreml, with plenty cf fVnit ■ • • • T. Ovp.i -...... ocfi-r»FCBxisiin«» «ood «. ahnoting he told Mr. Green Ibut he had Ac.. Mty MO viekii^ mkA n brnn bald DiMO, 18M 48. orders. Terms Cfcih. ' ...... ------ANDREWS i BROTHERS' iatendod to kill the wkple- iauily, and A(iK>T.WAXT.n. CARPKT HAOB, wU! plesse rail an w eiMreaa the t»- had token up kia midonco witk then 5ix have been mumbers of ihcCnbf-! A. R. MARS1IAL.I.. ■■IrrniKtPNl Nt Puplat riMiie, WfMWg fiM'tkat porpo«. The acene_ot the not; John Breckinridge. Attorney- Jan-l.'sh tsiMf. tDIflGO Yf? BFATSlimi.l'''^"' TUUNK’S*&Cs cMwlr, Ky. ■■ tragedy is 5b; 8b Ciay “alreet, near CeiiiuiftrJ.TSW FHoiiry ClajrVSevrcUry Hi. Si.vk ron.bea.* I ' tiifoDork ILYUT.V FORTY-FItTH YEAR. Fnnklin. ofStale.Stale. 1835 «h Wm. T. Berry, Poet- F!KKC.l«fH»F.RKl»nTS\ . 1 ! Pnp««* Phtimt, on. I'i-lf._____ ^ General. ntSJiij Georg# M. n» OafMt of HubUL Bibb, Svcrelao- o.' tbe. Trcaaory, 18«. mmm riRHis's .aa.i\AC ... FI.S'R CLOTH SClTft. 45; JoinJ.Criitcnduo, Attorney-Gen- U.iwila 1l.*e» —el l.n»» to- 1-n.ai. TUEfcD k JANWr-S^TTR. Blue dIraM Seed. PM It* «>. Uai. ■isutoma.l For i 87-2. I.R,. I'oua l■uWUaw•-s>|u*).l'fcne•■ ■'-•U'tto The defeat of Jainea Barfah In Ike oral, (iwlccj 1841. and 1849.30, Jamca ,\nd ewrythioc olio after Ihe alcel Gnthrie. SocrcUry of Ibu Treasar}-, ThbsUBdard |>qUksIi..ii fur I OISHRS-SIRDKESlSILiOa Btylt-e. Mis aaeurtiaeat Iowa Senatonal conieet U a subject lor rear uaks* lu apprarancP, fully .lulalalng 1853 67. coagralulalUiB am-ng bonoat men of Iks «p||.sarBMl n-pulatluB lor uklrli it h.,a Caimed Fi uits. Pioklaa fcc. SHIRTS. DBAWERa [KXDCtCKdlfcAriALL. both partin tbruagbuut the eounlry. Two have been Forcingn Minislera: alisattWB swl*.i; Priiil-l on easoUml a fctp> a>u’rtnu-M of papsf, in c lear iiin -. aixl .a nUiii’BU • wide U .HUT A rilYHlf-ll i. SOT what is PLAIN t FASeV CANDIIiS UarUn h»ilong been known as one of , Minister Extiaordinary «Bnt fiHiad else- S0(!KS, COLLARS^ f*"Si lUrlv caltoU IliTTER.'* nur >■ it iai.-iui- rorvirn and tomcaliv rniit-, sols Ac. the moat oWrupnIoBa and able ring Plonipoi^ntiar}-. to nfake tbe treaty wh,Vili-*niito|«iisBbicnsasjljtocT«f>; ..uili, ITISA84iL.ti*Brn R«ilrn Iheprstsal ontury, E™ • • • , Kaiii.irirnvat «r IK*lnie. appanlas. ’ Aatlerfrytling ia the way af t TatI lbKrevtMa,*!eaif>a.*liwbleill|aaj tbeblgbaati—r- greas. A iladiral of the intonmwlkort. aad puMl.be) For aaU hy .lu.inal Oripoa l’..vertv <.r a Wau Parlor ft Cooking Stoves, GFNTLBMEX'8 J. M. KUGSE5L lor. BMieiwIIy. «resB ks ksd by rriiiUtiaii aaa means ibr accomplishing private oldeal C'C) when lie left U-dyii.g while Iii(< rii.ictr»l or Itr.uiiunlfrv F|puine>liirs. OrL laik, IS'.t. kbU U> lbs publUben. WOOD&WUlOW WIRB, Senator. Juba J. CrilU-ndi-n, the JoiiM r. Ui’BTnS A Co. F*tiniia»l*ln8r 0-ood«. and aelfiab oods. and hae probably donu Shiaenb Gil Tol»«v*-ct Ac Ciffibrea Mt youngest ^01) when his Aral term Tiiiimt., la meet eeaaplete ia rvery penimlar, and at much more than any oae eUu to de All of Ibr very 1<.tViaUir. atoWsmme. SAM. H. MCDONALD began, aad iIns next oldest (75) when j ^ J.iinhicoScrofutiL IK- wifi le attM at the amalli-al rrsawbli-prnlite. baneb tbo momU nod degmdo the 1*^*. .Auiir, Jct'errr hi* last luriu expirud. JohnBrown eras fair^)>ortiun »ftbe pub.if |«tn.it*j;4 anil. n.e.leleonl*r willfin-l • Ar.TiRIWKACA, ebaraeter of Uie nalioBal Lcgiulntare. I>i«olntlou IVotloe. 36 when he eiittred the SennU; Uarliu llw best wotkoHm, aad the Hohaabrooghlovoiy poiwWo influoneo DlfElii’STKUTiifJl'Bl'BEIl Term* Caah I Re«o< aHrrln af Foralgn ft DryOood*, D. Hardin, 30; Humphrey Marshall rpHKLAW FIRM OF ANMtBIISOX ANDIIKW.S k BEOTUEB. to bear lo tecure a I. ofcruatothc public* >• a graal Intlsonilnr SUke, Dram Goode, Shnwla, - wo imagina, bad veiy UlUo idea of be­ •boat 86; Jem Blsdesand JuUa Pop®. andmnniy-nirBR tinmtritini oftb* Meed.er mEi6s *\8 DMisne cots , FASCT k FTBS18UJXO UOODS 37. Bii-hanl M. Johnson and George M. .L, for .wei’n. HOUSES FOE KENT! ing beaten, bat, aa the runnli shows, was K.w iIm f.*«-Ki.ii.j ewiii-laint- (Fiencb. Eagli-h ao>l Aate^ikwa.) too fclrong a done' even for tho loagb Bibb, 39; John Breckinridge and John T. u mvt.x. JUJRUBISBA* • IIAV g PliR R EXT FOUR I>W EU.IM; PISTE OJ6.0E5ZE.CBnSS ■ AWalntg C. Ikerkinridge, 40; Isham Talbot. 42. j I butiuu aiiilabk-...... R.r ent.11.11 famlfamllir*. Al*r stomatfbs Iowa Radical*, and aoeoe- 1ST, *, 1«Ml______.# C«il i> BofMIcdt • dingly left oat in tbe cold.' Whatever Wm. bogun, 43; Wm. T. Bsrry and l* cnnfidcfllly rscocnisrB'Icl t" every bmi /a* 8ltir* lioUM si BBA-VEIIH, fLpttvu a. a bouwbnM r*me.l.t. and •hooU U fiv< Jamea T. Morehead, 44; John Adair, 47, nplar Plain., SepG Ull Allbon. tbe suwesitni candidate, may PUBLIC SALE takaa In all demnaeioeof. of tbe •vetrin SILK k LINEN VESTINGS, be.be can hardly CU to bo ArcbJlald Uixoti, 60; Tl.o*. C. Mv- rivinabiwUb, viB’ie and umo ■» all Ilia vi force*. aiKl animittiw and foftllw all weak VALUABLE PROPERTY proresent upon Harlan, and h'is ir'u Creory, 51:Job. R. rndorwood, 65; John ToMWlfrom. CeH at omu ami leav W. Sleveoirtp, 69; Garret Davia. 60; year order. For Hale! umpb ia thciofbro a bliaming to tbe “*»»U>rlrKDl^“«T»»V‘V»l8t»w^ Xew VICK’S Bocknor Thmslon nnd Thomas Met­ AI.SO A l.AmR 8TOCK OF 'TKT. nWEI.l,1XO IX Wlllrn I AW T WlLMirPEIt TO THE HIGHEST BID- ■ fW* Ar-M ftw f V rniud fkale, FLOEAL GUIDE calfe, (». and Jamta Onlbrie 73. The X d.r, if ncK Mtld britov. ric* One Dollar |wr Ibaite. Sand Coe Cm >. i nt’> llt iii:. .Itit.ird .u. Waur Mr*n. va age at which 6 enierwl «ehave not os- For 1872...... wlUUi «■Tharsday, FeFy Ihe I9lfa 1872. tInrtCM StNSC IffStadf-TrSmA'a rnaa-tnaUe larw.. Tb* (aoprrty tala (m•irfTwtt IIvimawsTiinr tnmakehathalrwMvmltonee. Furrertlwr ll la clttoanlly IVenruisL’Uieo.Oi. lOran ml, weacknowl- Tberclaii laiassSSs^ matiun apply tew aUdrea* edge Oseu toti> bo our kin^. oianabrp; oratory, cultnre nnd influonoe 118:w ACRES, T*i> Csioait. b.as.tf mo CUJTAJt. 3’5rrxTR .*4 inmlraletl wilh nvyr »>e EaigTaelnp, «f XU Ihu office bold ’ woraiiip theo- it is imponsiblo to L-slimutu with even fernurly ownril by 0. I. Yuuia, doc'iL, Ftuwvr.and V*«lfcblea, and TIE AMERl[^R6L’SeWIFB. Vbo atneker cwrlast an approach to accurucy. ll is ufo to i. Mluilrd ab’iii 4| fmui Plw.sn^G ly, Tiv-r:' TWO coLoaeo plates . Jk. Oood Htook Totbeesll }>o*t.mii*itra cry alood, on ib*lunn ’tl«1<»di*«[ toUi. Gilsnd. Tbu • It,, .U* aawe nS **•_•* a-ain.*. .1.1 ssylhatintba brai Uvall w*urv4, ll*. ulour « r n i>i»*e*. >. t. Tb* imwl Iwtoitiiul *>d IMrurth* CeUk«u* 1 ItAlklj lipifEe hr tk« rtBUy. tho Rings and all the managers therein. and Fieval Uukla in Ihe wat M-MI pa>•^ S’*- To tbeo Kn-ltliix and CorpMbaggera from KenUioWy there Uavo been giante. i(t ACHES OF TIMBER, IBK ilu-rimah dirucli.m. for lb* aiHiie* nf TOBACCOS 4 CIGARS I coiitihually doery. le all of tho above <|ualilirs botcul ’Pisneid orebard. s good bouM and all fBOflTlBLE BpiJliM, Kb-tai.T. nrtJ Ve«iUbl«*,o*aiiw*atUg rrouad, Kso. K. ac. a. aooDwxw. Heaven and eanb an fell of iboeeies tHury onl-lniildiast, aud in .rerv way nuking walka, Ar., ALWAYS OX BAItfCt lure. Uunfy Clay wae nndoobtedly the 1 in.k* ■ dwlrablct hosie. fls nnd f”r R,'jS^MiJI^!nd£'rii:'l-KrL"*|'5<7V*7in?K wra. bet •fthyporsuonted Booth Carolini ai • litoral i>Urr «r■*> I'^ia ■*■» A Ilene a*4 A Cbriedaw pr*.«>t Aw mtj vu*m -AT— roremoet. has boei y«,rwlrisaBdbe*.tl.<«d. fl*l* f»I I u ,ta*au. I .ll rinkukmfartibSad na forwardsd to any ■ h.. apply by maal, f«* T*a Ar UaJfcOS**. h teoUlaadiiwetluBi aad jURKvelieoa la* every «l*iHinin«Dt ul boBde- tima. birib place or borne of two United premii^atln’eluek. I'.U. Ahest AddrM W. A. lIKVIitUMW * l«*-. Ctn.ta, only *ne- tjuartar tbe ewt. Dudley^s Drag Stored Thogloripos eorapaoy of reronoe na- l>nu and plar« 1 will -ff-T Ad4r«e>. JAMESVlt'K. 2acbary Taylor and rawf Lmkotot llw (kmlly. *tK>i.r HalmrrMnMroole smaore praise ihue. AXOTEER TRACT Jaa 4->w JUtobaatev, X. T. lilaratur*. bhrta on dme niaking and Cinr) The goodly lellowship of whisky- Abraham LiiKoln, and of the Conlsds- kn«n a. tho Ljr ***• Mayillck road .. lalki itonl fB.lrieB, •ll^atKI^ and Ta- rtxjf/.TGffAt ’jro. rr. goagvra praise tbec. Statee PrvaitKriK. JeObreoo Daviiy : aFVi^jrs&ie Xhc kiyat ux. ’^h*uws ihnngkniii and of uo»Tloe Pneldeat^ iohnioit "*ISD a 'c HIW tbs U(i1ied-StBtaidoneki«nr»edftethee; WINTER CLOTHma and Breckinrtdga, and one acting Vioe «.»wMalsd. auBctenttant tltiibar. coed buIM- rpBE norSE ASD LOT OX WATER the taker «i an infinito onniber of prea- ijtCa.aXo. I. Uirtoidana wUI maltt a(ond 1 ntnwl n«mln«.tairB.Er. f****»Hy . GO 30 Prasident, Dnvid B. Atobbon. Joher koma Ibr any on* and h tu ma-b of a Uaiitsd rito/Wi..«At«vtA*W*adCA* SOadm «il mpiad by Cbri.tin* Jluftiw. now **«mi rwwivf 4*< atl«otlen. Tbioe eittJloal Juid boUlomamd wUule 88 yenrs in the Beanie, ebe baa apitet- Abo For panwaUrs apply to ^ ^ TIAOAIL TEEMS—On* «opy o»**t*».H:T«n*wpiw •7AKE8 UOrAOSASV 23 ACRES ...... '•otiHioo ma; bod aoler men (probably cxeeptiug. be­ sih, isii. renentkPotii. tho Usher, adiolnin;; thh iraet, sbiuh will bs wild with AjrO E.TAIOXMMM side* Webalcr and Calhoun, acme balf iL.iraeparalsoiinaetallkl* luauil parehsarrt. .rMSrSSi--: aent^rwlpt•IcwmHlptnrvUn irl ihWiCing of fjnaftyiwo. Tboa art ift^King dnsen others) and more ol them than 1 will taka plassum in >kpwiM tkaso films. Port CUtr Timeqmr.—i. B. Dudley OOrsat. stem bos a pars article of elder ■OSWOTH, OHA^^EEHI^L^ul Uie cmiy^ tiepUmr of your any other Stale. Her record ibore is a AStofr, of C-.r. fauidw.dsBil. NEW STOCK. stK-ifc . _ pwv* aac- ri*nili>5tbiifc, Jaa-y. 1 'th-td. V ABodyuBMlaADiMaa*, THE OLD EBTABUHHED THE DEMOCRAT. , paragraphs fror tiltox . BOW TO OO WBST." utuid town. tlial (lamuel Stoefcwell. Siq. bat beea And waa boried! 'ftiia waa the Ia*l Purh is «/tpefMia. T»>s n #7*tu"to Br«T Tne««*4T Uotmo. lying d. BY A mKHOOKSa F.wty yoare ago, llUnoU was at for item to bo addi-d I* the long liat of a hraln are Ion.iniiiw ia 1/ allUd fir the mis 1 DRUG STORE! 8T a H. ABBTOH, in Ihie p , Weet at aaoet people wielted to go, and good, bravo lifo'a deodat This waa the •uffar wi-Aout ih* ulbvr,M> that 'ebra«. U it otratige that olrugfler* up the WrilEHKMAY ATALLTIMEB BB weroeoandlngjoyfa.ly in the atreeis— heavy drauglil, yet there w little com- If fwiM.'K«,dMulUMat.g ha. Katuiaa. California aad alrvp hvigbu uf bunor and rviiowu thin uf lli»liairr'i DlllrnU imol yovurTaily no tailed. Wpcnn't a-e whore (he • jny plaint uTniud. Aa the iri»hmanaaid dcTulApnJla emo >d UtdisaMkin. Tbe flnt the Tcrrilurit-a, And the traveler rraclir* ihuuld pauBC. Bbd lUinkingnf it all, lul" utDeala ubU'M it U—in our Iraliy foiatiiiBRiflc, “Ii'a nuthipg wlion oiw athwloflbh BsrviathlrtuaiH* cnabutlng aail almoei anr piniit tliurein by a aplvudid give oar boarlfvit aigii to lia memory? PIW OltfiS, WUICHES, FUSTS, boot. galala naeJ wU." But U la tuo bod for the LiaeofRiiilmad. ■alae. A mlU ah'* pi-'vidrt tbe «ya. ' Steal i)ialttrs. ]i it nut simply aJuM deed to lay trie, tb«chmuinuniwtiaeo In Iba rrji'ria r.fj- /.VcV^ Wu'will take lodlea to have too|4odd thronKli the mud Tliir Line uf Ifoilrond is the Barliog- , •Us.DrMOih.FutyirtlelM, III Imiuunellu ujKia bia grave? Waa li teairaed, tad tha nrmow Wit- and water ap inrtbclraakloatl whoa they email amuaal ol Oailroad Tax Ue- be not an cuiaenl alataaiuaa? Waa Ihr dhoarv w. •• » « y XT IA a » TT , X' Tkt follnwUc >iit(l>»r(ar4tn ripU la esuhange for anpacrlption at a C« calling, aliopplflg. nr toebunh. and iUover .be ImJiaoapulie. Bfonralngion Waa 'HMiilii am imarleat, ha But a dl ran ^iHi Pfudfoi far •■1M 6>r liw t)iCHW«bort lAoc. end Iroru he not a gee B of Cauiai a Uoud, h h aet tocernM bylhatmarn ufllie old rm'itr.aml h> n-nH|4 far wWriiMlM,A«. •rm|4wa. wUb lupamddoil fo/ra. ai 1a ildaliiiy liiinorable aiaiiona in PATErdT JNEOICINE8. . Cntnlif Citrt.—(iuilo a ljrj(e crowd tha cam wbra uanndl aboeld take lire matter in band, and ; iVaraew Ifoiiroad.aod rooningthmuirli tbepnbUoaervirvioel And dooa not that b>MK V. M-aMatC. ailendotl (nmuiy ovarl loal Monday. -Et^fur Iba oniapbilDI Xsvh d.-e „,iiiiTi‘i BCK)K*l Ah'D STA'nQXBQT muTgiiMirimi.T.Tiii-^. aoMe ValfcaboaiabebuiU Ihu whijc lUausOTo* ri'ochw .Oiualii,, l.i.iiuoiiln, public iiiiiucd owe to him Ibv rewreuce Imparl a parmanont are«iuh>ii.efhselikful in ! fstur. Cep and KiUr Papen. Superior ink. HotwilUatandiug the csirenta tvIdufM ieagth of Main aireeL All nArtrfitnitntUi >a*at/n{ in thin oTtbe weather. S-i for a» we eonlcl wu> oi no ill memoriam? RuKUriaa^nil!. ThespsrieBi ^ r*v, IwH's. Miu,:<- uni Mu.fosl la* f4ifHrn«irtfueU srithin p-uT*t . hjr Druggists, Iki. plaor. The diaeaM) auppoaoil In ; from ll.oac illlea. to bis country, a quarter of a eoutury ei.-eraeil t«attract sore nUtniion than liodu, sod |l IbsMUry orxsn I. Inest sad Ur jTbe sieve UtirUs fasts Ucu Uwfhl fow U* To DEUSQOCCTft.—All lho«e iit al.,i_dar.a.fUU..a«rhii,-ii,L. H'v clothing of j p«^fo *.,i„ ,o lowB. Xchraaka. ago, and bis rvwrd aiirvivit the dual ptaMlsMc4aadrsrl1s(sd. Vlis e«trfapsa |Cstb. sekeQg MOT Itis gnstast .sfs,hi>3 «B ' * delitbd to this oflBce are n^cwstod to ut (imo and •orgoifnli.cas, an ihedlwhsrBincntpm.l. wjusHroiluUrj.stod jlr wsfrsBisd st repmusuA, sod lold sS t h ~ oooie ibnnii}! nna settle w we need iS.-r-n.1: ■ r'''"'": beacon aiar to Hhj loyal and_____ dnessr.rf.-un.llr,ll.«lh,mlh«rtir^sVtJ'.«-''dn essrt uf.-mi.llr.ll.Mi th^,pilh«r1.k_s«,_____ lwiTJu«*iI*auKFiw ■ ..vbst wo hsxe esrood Mul nuut hnto eate by gomg war ot B imong inea. lot thaui^^ frum what }ii.( u«.-lB..lto produoe ibs'd-tifod m«ih. , it to meet oar orgeat tleroaods. for tbe ralea uf ibat Lino are alwaya aa Suta or at*timi they may —SufUi, gradusllr ssd wl(h.«» ps«i. Th.' WMms eh | rta, IO...H «». Lu.„, u On,ir. low aa nny uiher, and It ia Uiu beat South. East, ur Weal! And ibcrefore, One a^Jvantaga1 knowing that it waa email. XltWiitl."Ollier niillun repairing Bonle'ia thu Weat.' Ihercfore yoo are l>a it known. I oume nut to du huimr Iu «tna wIh-b .o*l.-n .pintof m*. uspWssnS oor pBrtk-ular aUeBliuii h»« prsrenU I ...... it* ,„|,i,.„ ure aura ol ynui a«/r/y and tmftrt. yiMIlTOlICBU &to.^ waa UiBt be advcrliaod bM berineSB and ' iba s*Hea ot (b-ad ■UwMf to doj —but •otlisr »rs spl U rberk Ibr usUirsI p«plm- tu front rarsUbiox (tor re«iJ*n oar I>)r4he worat, and vaccinalfoa U I The Burlington ilouto baa admiml the o.bon do ntt. justice! WHOLESALE PMALER «>aaal ■■oBPtorrJitnrial mtttsr. Oar order of ibe day. '-Doo't bnn my a niiawcred the ^nmlion -How (o go During a former term of tbo lAigiola- IX ALL lUXJiS 08 - - ah.sfse inCorcetiog el»«e» Fint Horm Sold —We hive karaed Wvaif ’ by tbepu^^catioD afanexoi. a fttnd was voted bj^ fho-Staie to ■; snd tlifal tl s'cior and Will be «*d »Kh iDtmrt. HmTUr. R P. Daaring of thia county A living rurinaity lina recently mydi- lent Pamphlot, ewetaininga large, trulb* be appisipriatud li I rwinterincnl ol YrgraWe Rt>iorsiiTi- (Ilia placa. and follow Liq^ORS, WINES, TV Smn/I -Tlir •mall poi i •oUbiaBne MamLHno Sutlion Itahl i ita rulmapnfUia Crsgt Wwt. nnd raavti Keniiieky*ly'adoevaacd Govoniors jn lha Far »ata’, -i tr^----- ^------on lha im-re«Mnt Cyatblana. Chief to Mewara Neal and Anderaon of oncxbibiUoa . the auhio of J. C lutcrualiag and y4aablo\ iiilormatlnn molcry of the capital. Rowing Machine, in rMnfnr BRa^jrniESt Mayavillc. Thia Uorao ia one ul ih- prerfoy. Tbie winder la nothing loaa which can be obtainrd, /Ar of diar^f With but few exccpIiQua thishaebecn ardrr. tflU Ie h>4 fke«p. l All •! Att/o.-iia cMirtur ofttio Uvciubor Aiicat avrr in the county; he ha« a volt than a eall wilhoat a ranifol appendage by addreoning Generwbl'oea^gBr Agent dana, and ihaaa wara tefl by request ot »ii acre. lUo holding of n In! Na'aro Vaa denied it ihnl defenairn 7,;:Old Bourbon* Eye three year old that trolled on the UDili B. A M. R. R. Barlkigton. town. ihesnrrh-ing nlgtirra. whu found Xewa Dkinit .—tfr. to deUnaiae what la ‘hs pololbse sllLfodsof aisEssiUM hauMtc ficica hnbf. •ocioa in r the ioahion noeadnys to ooiivey iiilor- • iored and luBt.” }fcB>|Uiprr> Ac. • blwid'lbiraly Bice. It »tpiiantiily WHISKIES. Clmili tWrt —Tl.« nnxt term of Ihc -:i«| Ifoeorid heat S;141. winning boihl mation, and moral initlis and Miiil This exemption, however, ia out good hcollli, anil adialiv unvnnacioaa of r AVby douT .vna oso .Natare'*: CarBfT S'd A- Sutton Shrett, Fkning tln-ull Cnart will rtinrrtu heala, and trotting tbo l-At ooc ball ol menu. In Ibo forirl pfSiorics. that evrr noted in tUaoBso.of-Oovemur Adair, ite deformity: nal ahnuld it live till Ay flair Brsinnitlvv? It U prrfectly fror MAVSVII.Lli!, Kr.. thearcoael Monday in Febronry. l'«r- aecuod mile in 1;1!>. dUlancing Iho Home popular leclSrera Imvo ndnpled for liiaealalc has passed from cho aefon# from jmison* and wilKroatoro gmy or tira tatorvolrd wilt mnhr a note ofthla livid. Thia colt U owned by Ur. Dick timr; anlion the owner can in eomo way this stylo ofaddreiA. ^Iiu maasi.rjimi. orhitbonifo into the guardianal(ip of tadud hair to ita original aolnf. j.j.WuuB. r. w«.', Wrat near Ooorgmowa. The T«t/ aiipply the deBcfoncr. ft win certainly alrangsra. And yot Urn old boroaloojis J^irW.—Wc onr ft- pla, esprctally llio ysoog. ilemaud FTefdd- ^nmrvporU thia oolt I:...... be made_ laity...... aware .ol Iho foot that -JJtaiscfW-.liiufr.^H. M. Tuasar. Eaq. DRUG EMPBRiUlS. ehjiugM tasUittlahil^sriW*- Afce Btorlntnwnii s 'd(.grvc, iim TiBpcfo gmliaturbcd in kta-namnr iiuma, -while ■lid not Ir'iro the price at which BaliL-Holhm- 'tmilied very impof K-n f.w fsls s rslusUc faiiue lod U >ilua. rwry. Knne eameto ihUuaM. Wbai'n fillrd with sensational novels and ex ­ 4 in Ffomlns.In.rj. Ifot ■J.arthtu.snl Cbeif waa ad i bat praaame ho brought '""i •»«" »» •«» cna-trortlon. citing, trashy stuff, have a aridu einula bim. and Ooil keeps bia nicbe in beav. >aiu-r Krarl.Jrr? A mad dog recently viiiled tliu farai riNwbrrr. ______. large ooo. tiun. To furmtaU Ihie taste, and sup­ Why ia thfo? Why him John of Ed. Pnaree. uear Plemingabnrg. ah ply aniuetiy belter to Ike massua, the Adair bocn Ivll lo alecji the sleep of tho taweral BennwtMMkr OImbHI, bit a dng bofonging to Martin Bmii Publisliendf Hearth and -Uuiue, Srhou marble Pewreo AC*„ *r nttyavllle, M;„ who rwidae on the farm, and atao aiolio aad ebioing alialta lifo ihemwlvca caw aell L>aibf>r,atalnsle*.D*ora, oddiliuu to I >c asual variety ui that tasb, Bllwda, Eloorlng Ac, Cbeaw- iiowOriean. 77«r, .ad prsaapu the r* ataer belonging to aomeunc etae. Fmm above tho nameleos and anknowo'. ' pared to do all tiiida ol job ^iaimg in paper, have ngaged a corps of flni, llMW caw keliBd at any other «in Ita true light. Us. Biain'a tha ing came to Ira Me lha vor}- bi-al atyla Wa invite pereuna elass wriurs. amuiig whom are Joan Why is he not also convvyud to ilml pointaawih *1 Plllobarg.. Caan'a, near iliia plane, and waa llicru Oaf Aftit.—Wn Botfon that anete w anting printing dnaa to eall and cs Ingclow, Edward Egglualon, Mary E. "eternal camping groaad," wbora i 1st. They keep a I.:ii-grr Stork than killed. Tliedog waa known tumi Uallww Thompaoo .mr ra.eileul aa. aioineonraprcimcne and prieoa. Wo| Xfodge, Loiuia M. Alcult, Bdwar.1 lent tenu aru spread— liere, and may liava done mach -mia. “.tii.l gfory xusrdi with .elsoin muBi fHeanria oat again taking the US ‘••ta I „ ^l,eap as any eaiabllahmanl Evtindt Hale, Eiixabetli Klaarl Phelps, 3mid. Their It. CO on Iho Al- chief brliira imming to Iho nriglibor- Ths Utsuse utihedsadr f.w WTS. Waieb nal for him and bare ! - ' Harriot I'roacoit .SpnlTurU. Roue Terry, Ifghanoy enabloa them to Bay their ca where elra lai#. bood. Mad duga It fo tree that hfo has been1 a qaiet joar Seta made not Maria U. Oakey, Lucia U. Ruuklc. and Stork c*#.»pr». not atimihrd.^e have aplpndid j"l* j ,„„«oa for atfoiy hqman Ilf. .nd deep, and old Morecr 1a proudd tto bold many olhen^ who fomish to this Joar- 3rd, They hare tlio Tory brat •ma­ Aerderor fo auawWa wired oar piwwaandan abundance iif ly|>e- - »■> 'iproperty, and«.,i bo.dooe-..u. dm in her heart, but Kontucki ns> (bo Aral Original Al'jr>ca,.sf (ho per- chinery and' over)- ^iivcnfonco tor Sbarbarwe itame !«• Iota for ta.1 weeka orw.,k fh.« I,I, T|,|, ,».id u „ fornld roinambor to o- &wirfkfer fu diC^fiyua know ot an lucky 'for ase In tliu rummuo iwln»U John Adnir, for, in tho Inoguago oi' the for Children and Youth; tho news uf RET> COT17S, Tided the ptt.pvriy, terms Ae, aaii by aciiveboyorgirltowhomJO ocols or of Oft Statm. tn bo paid for ooloflhe day; flnancia! and markfl reports, n I ■Un'thocnrththero brralhod pet a Spplyiug at Ihie ■■•rs. • IMormoreawnk, foi halfa day ’s | pgblicsehool fond. Jt isestiinaled llial Juri BLUI. HECHIftGeft i work snch week, will prove a benuBt Ul will require about ihrity thousand n more worthy ofa wvman'* love — I . >ruofaK>Al.V t Rst.MI. Ptrt iumrium IVkii-if—Ur. ileary 000 a year, arv of a high nnirr otjnorlt fare them send a ihreemeot stamp tojdollan lo porehase tho work. 01 thia arnddirraicuat —a suitjecl'a reveronec ; cLOTiTn:rje. Lander has for aala a lot orpara boar d by any illuslmtco paper in All (tuisfo maiiiifocturK) I y iIi.tioi'Itm.) Oliecr Crook * Co.. Itayton. Ohis for|Bmoanl Ploining County is maUa to —eking'* eauwm—thu whole world's Iwa whisky aad some extra three year lha world. Altogether. -Hearih and MERCHAMT TAILORS, •amples aud eirealar o/an easy oeeU' ’ contribute about I o'o hun IruHand foriy udiniralton !’’ oldboarbua. "Parliiw wisl.ing to par. m aouh a joaraal aa may bo anre- {Kiiion which will welt rcpay.lhem. li doilara for which jthe Is tu rveeive sixty ■•.SurbUtWy hs forjat 'chaso good wkmky .will d > well ta tall -ty and vary prudiabta taken 'fnta any While Fbw'u hrr ruror.1'kin-p«.~ ' GEirs1uftilTsHIN6 ’'G(MiDt w^H also bo a benelti tu any boslncss eupiisofihc ii!>l»ry. But whu pays «B oraUdnmsIii.ai at this place. tf. family. It la sopplfod at taw ralo of Or Uun.ir paint. tb» bslluw'd -put Trmnka, rmbrclla Ac^Ac,. man, briagiag many caslomers to bia for the book? More lhao oiicdiitir of «a i yoan lour tmpiea for 0U; and Where Vstor pmodly sleeps" Sop. s'd maysville N^;^ OfdAi^J—Old newspapers will atoiwsrory weak...... llio two hundred sod forty doilara lsrU.6»esrh; Orange Jilta* Q~«rtaras..Thfo Is Ibi iimm sp- tdrorsaleallbUoaceborosticrai TO comes diruelly oaboi tlie taaehera' pock­ urnm, Xtllrr fo Owarw 'V'/fer^s ««d (Mare.— J add A Co. Psbikbeca, 2ii Broadway. ptlMbyHI>8tarkar*i,thc Hwof Vraire. ceota per. I«0. LewsiiusuiillesUias ift? ets, and much Oflhe moainder, in* rsiber lh.» held h vr,r un . ... ^ not fail to Bsu F'.uti'a Cvlcbrulnt Now York Ciiy. lo Ibr foir UiliM uf (uly. It wst tlis fovsly s« uffi-rinx ruR C.ttlll lb' (rr.|»( isduM- St 1 oestcaeh. directly. Each scluwt diatrk-l is to re ,w<>ksrw»snlv>s- IFIII. by for ibsB SS} i-lk.-r bbm in h'vrtfa- horse A Caltla Powdew now, lor. by IIIAEBLE WORKS! nr rJi^u^krniii^lUtt.-^Tlii' cuive UBC copy uf the work, to pay fur OBHBBAL ffOBB ADAIS- bU bmrt; smi leMb ora Kvsliirl.r J their nae ibo blood and sralem of yuur ily Start it Full AndfComjJrte shove is the aonio of a new paper jaai which the aumorruurdullarsisd^uc>sil .0 ofiibi-rriiaMat > aolmata wHl bo so parifyod il.at th.f KmbrscFiuc (far r.ill Qnittnd Ostlillr. insdr Started at Vaucaiburg. in l.ewistwuiily. from the pro raU of school fund due .It fbfo. tffae s Mvret voices -SiB excellrnl will etnpe lha variuaa diBtasee su cum- Siac iB wnnsn." Kuw tah-.s,4**rif wtifob .« Shiifu.-pii • crfobrtnl prioc ' sl-s, itfoeditad b>- Ttioa. I*. Forlcv, It is the district, aiid as n majority ol the Ibii iturosii HadiUBrsliJsllUui>ari.ui*d}fo. snbe sryufo^ ^re h S beallbful sod 17U. on th* B*M>att*aa bo Bo- XFSsnly luwt. NiaJv of lbs Assf lasfrr.si sad real ill ita tyjKigraphieal ap)Hianincv Mowe Qf Qoooral nd..r'rsMii. I.iilut srilclr, kiuiani everywhefa iy tr/arttmetd morimaR. snd ia Uepsbiieaa in politics tt’e Adair- M Uegsn'. aisKiudta Usins which lilrmlly 03£J'X" UI*C3I-.XTBSI Ihlak the Jtadicais ovar iu Uia Kuic uf ireB.Ijiir.* a c1o(^y or lallvw >a|n. tufferiBa IdCWfo ought to SUpJKWl s±s;=.-JS.vt:i*=55=SiS^ J.ilinAdair was bomlnChrincrcnon- iho dlwuluml faw'-. iMvk. sfoie sad foouio P«rsM.« fruui s (liatsnrs esii rlub ti^rlhrr m with s wdl, iwsrly tiBBa.sndlo.psrilns to ll.o H. oaKosk. bat the foaetlwM fo-will ibsy? aal Tirtaa and i .rativa powsdr ly, li C., ia the year' 1738. Uir oliilu- ...... i»l 15 p-r Oltcosti BTRKKT, IIETWBTB eurffaeo ssaiootboss. ssd. Blue. Mbs U«i« ot ivnt the Maysvill. ^mmin.':tly^na^^^^^ bood bad it* tall qnoto ot amilea and ‘ Marks! sod UiasAuai. UnforrfoMtks Awfaf.—Tho sditiw uf U p..)i.bod msrlila I'li.irsd uf rleek-tcX ll> th wThVXi*'i "x^'^adp'^ ;U*d. PanMW dsiiriiij «*ck. b; iiat kie has no [ preparaiioa on the American Conti- - a> ihimmiroait^. puts-, Illc* ths sikky insntol., ur cuairoi'tlng -l.fow." •but 'fwl. -lir COilK .V.'Tu dhK FOtt VOLItSKI,VK.S ufalmoet avny teacher. Any body of ...... , ...... aa-aa doce Ibo H.ild them, Slid ihu* oUtrurlins prr>pirslwii, like froa pass on-r tk« M. A L I: II and For sale by J.B. Dedlev that-woeld knowiagly rob the' hood of Dearly ail whu livu, lot their' tbessplnjraic.-moil«. k riosn* tbs »kiu HIDES WANTED. cnnneqatatly h«will take no ridn this Buffea s~i/cs(Afy AfJyeaiae /or JW- poor, tHenditos M-liuolaa.iar of mie days bu pussud otidcr llio Spildeii roolW .11 iBipurlll.-* ...d woitderfonr In.proT,, h. 1 mill uL. ill FV'h.r.:s r.w.ll kind, year. Woharo noverliad a |nww nr an .rk in uiy line Slsus^lilrrul llh|»imit AGENTS WANTED reera—About (he m-ateal preseuta, dime, wuald elual the tobaet-n out of ot kihg*' imlacotor with tho lent uf thu Invitation to ride an tlio above marl ShFM. b-lu. i wiil •!-> psV .hf CARR fur Eitrjffktre, fatlirron make (o wife, danghtcr or Ihoir gmndmolhev's pipw, or tho *pec- vagiant gypsy almvo tiicra. (Mid Iwvr bidu. sbvl. I.-I BSlllsd. bat wedo aal t^impfoin, aud why? Bj- coarMOMSslut nnisbAssi whloli ouuntry or a mulbor lo luir buaband aad tadn off lliair nnwa. And his manhoo-l bad Its MLAk \T. KANK. T* lelt Iht asMf pepefer trer* »c*r isVe «muMMIU Weedou will earty a* lo sirhspt u.sns.i.dcr.sr. speliilUy la.aev«l Flrntlagsbarx, Sjr.. (Ivl. imh. ls;i. “ eliiMrre. Is a year's aubscription to that Tilton, Jan. S3 I8T3. . and ifa failoru*, it* diaappoictmenli inlrodurfd fewAe AmaHfan fuUlt, Ma/arilfo and back for tlOO aad In from Ihnit fsres, bsoifo sod snuk hy lUi de- isaiui|H>pular magaaine, Bst.ui's aai;tS!t«a.u do Aht liviai oi ali mirooarlifo. An.| wby_ri^ ourpreeiuus UoaTHi-v. It ie ewly, •U« perymir, A Xfoarnf 0^^.—Wo will fUnish B bo. live In Iho world and uf it foform a BLACKSMITHIIfG TBEfilE.\T COXrUCIOT. life OB a railroad. U,uJp.w, .l.iplhst Wrribfo M and couialna more of real interest Ui Godey's Lady'e Book and the Demo­ part. But that the iriumjilis wero more -UV- tbas S' CHIOA.GO. AVr ■ AVAsfWfof*.-Wr ”thank oar genural reader than any other maga- crat for one yenr tO^no aildreee f«r the failuiva. and ilia . (luldea MHfost tfoeavs'v. JOHNMcOBATH, i»r. I Its FAfv, raesKxr aip rcyrM. frioqda for a lihoral InercaMofour aub- *!n# in lUs ctiunlry. It fo original, $4,23 oaah in hand. Tliusobecription lliaa tha 4i* Forea- II Ifanwt. brunofafot and laSg Om M./j« -Crau Si., near Ihc Dridgi. price (d tUs ckodlout Udy'a il^ ia THE OUiCI.V. rR0URE. lAhera Inicrcaird In all poJiliooB, military »rcivil, hr GRATIO.N. variolutd oat on three mile. Juel beyond inumraf-—SiWM t't* ' hot of tbe eontciiU for tbe Febraary will make thfo enquiry as they l.mk discharged hi* datio* ikitlirully and tnik J inhlc scuses, ineidsnts, aad dsisifo Tilton. Thfo fo the Brat amajl pox re. dnetionolAim.-s ’ Liniiuvul many of n*|isiring sad Iloaw Sfowinj doaeia thu kert nambor. and the public caojudgeof wall. Burn amid the thr'iniiig Inui uftfo Ma Ky. OOOD.!i' Ifownptinn uf ihBSuBrrssr.Myiss sad build- copy of bia aanaal report. Al ike lalv Janeiro;" ‘-KaUrotorTorradcl Fusg-;" IhadiacueaiuB.aa to whaihor a eWp rial* for deefot^action, lie wa* in the iae mslrnsls. Ths rttrsurdinarr msrrsl and all simitar Sold lir Lhs> lUrsr niaafox up timrs.sirBXB. ThsT Buntar hoar we roeeived the doeameol wo arc • The Ogtlvio Pride;" “My C-inatant and incorapoluiil leaebiT shall bo hired, vangaarJ, whether it waa to do battle unable lo make any axiraetaor i^rqggist* *vcO'*lii For sa'o JTnsi IXcceivod -stlMi and auMl* ul i.|wrstiiix FriMd;" -The R.iad to Forlane;' ’ whether good wftged shall be paid witb InmcUeroua Iiidiaos, or route the rvuiurr. Ubiarr sail ds-cripi moBis bat will give ear renders soma Dr.'ll. P. Lindsay* Drug Store. -.Kukteek Vsris. Tka '■ -•Peyuho'a Itaqocai;" "Ooe Time;' and a eonpuionl |ionoi> accured. ■aairlet voaU ” ot the Briliahera ander -AT— Tuloablf iBfbrmallM fi to oor Baa«t«fl!l tsdforthfoj FrrtfV, ■to tha fro* khnt flomlag samnty tva. AMma,J.a.Uatmt^mtaak ple'a Story-Tellur —"Gueao; or the Soi second Cuogreaa, and last and bighuav siring to angagein the botal burinoas THE PICTORIAL A fowk «r '‘rU psxss. iilukrusd kv ths kart aoM aaii aa iiltto that they are aahame-J ^uAfoher,7ail«71t CxoalBut Btroet, artisu sod vill k> waMhj of «k* eeaSdaoM ofa Poll iefon;" “The Cl.ie.ney Kivee;' of all, iltai bo or deairw pf^rty that wit) pay a big family register to palibUth them. We charge nulhlngrur 8t. Loam. . “Cariuns tf attons' "Tbo llooaaltocpor; Kantoeky ta 1620. And yet, after tha iaieroit on their invoauaent will do Wni H-II st tixht,Jn alaral rurry fanily fo ertr. (Ttatk ssd Blfo tl.M. Will paWfaliahlnf talot of atock made by ••Facta aad Fancies" -Winisr Pioiort* Uamlsnr- an rfiiirely Mw and rlseunl Fsmi- hr sMit kr ruall. ua rrcBlpt bT prfoa. Bba'f Bsfer.-Yoar hair to fall off na^sltipa and triafo; after the glory llj- Pbiet«r»phAlbom, with s r.iispfol> Fsm- Tki.Bhrk«son1r ks obUlaad Ifo* Ike aad we think U m lUtle at -(Hamoroat lUaslralions )’* Pub- tbey aiwld 4«to band aa la tfarir Ifoia Ifobad by Tlioma. A Tallmt, C3 Con when a boillo dr two of Kaftn't, Bdlr aad grandcar, tbe pomp ao4 the. alr- Bataratiet wUI chock >1- Splendidly cuiBsianco. the ctMiagul t^ record ;"S 1 "---t —H tbvr eovrda irff afrytltiog-. Mere gram Btreet, Boston. hshsrnUrfoUr d-ertl-ailwttlfaud m ssSB sdrm...sdrmin'mrm. $M>d , <|aa, sod «a aiS fa* ohtsin.d '-rir -ry '..^k- reads paibeUualiy enough. Uediedat To Tk« Unica —Wa are new ptw- pRer we intend to have a oourt day re pertbraed >nd u cloar a* orystol. All ToTkg l^a'a.--aaU J. Etffodlcy* Harrodaburg, tfy., on Uie ISlh of May. pond W prim Viriiinj osrds ta iba Wjbesi wide awake draggieta tell R. Be* *d- a.rti,Oh*». sr*.« ma*»,,$»toge puter l» *»tob'tkeae h)m nnd npoit drug *M*e qtd hap a hemta rf Ftum Heir nnd wu Biried tlirve mile* «au lyU-v-r Ike art. Qiiveir • |ris!< ^muaa. BeiMWfoe. DbihabesttatlwinvH- Tortltonent. ly ^ •f"^~ Cca^U«etexiil iu O.A>JlcCi»T.l»i. r... —M. il'CAtTlirt- ...... B.JLBElirS ^Veic Drug Slitre BAUWAS'S .UiillC UELIEB VbabMt. eheapMt,lbdmect ne- rUMtaKBCRG, .KT., . IVm »k- »ot4 i>»i« illcCariliBTiBa CHINA PALACE, HaiiBesloraliTfr ta ficpm 0|Pk ^1 Twaaty Miaotm 1 >;..l use Uua»«-t«rrtocllc>n.!(»»»('.»rriwu.iit 3ff C*tST MSCOJW «7. Br HENRY F. LINDSAY, H ii»T w.« »uflVt -Ith I»>n. n..Hr»r* J>t.U.KR > IcJS'- arLEXi.uiu; iu .(.«tiu ^||^ imu tl« I nui-Af fc lUu Wirfj b»i.y fi>:.ri -r ] QueCTlB'QueenBware, StoocTruo, Ae-. M A Y S y IL L E V K Y. ■ Jjj^gg ^ A rt.U.aniniTlr »1op.»h*.mnnp».n»?t.lln,Jaja H- »U.>. »iri cart. niUrntfrlk yPMa . .' •■iy irJ>(»'l'ft*f»'r "I*" ! .r». :Ji', ...... tul-K*. tlatr.'U, uf K’j. ixliu»« U(k wol-uVBl-fl’« luJvVutl uiiie li.obc.il- .4;./C .Is Other (jan.it M» ors«ti», tiynncii|., liral' rsgiS; - -iineri i'mUs >»> •^•rr. IPIBSE «TlSU|PaMs,OilsyjBWS; matl.-r b.iaM ihoil arortitfHilin ■ ' ■ • ^ SoOi tW' VV \S*^.'f!?d'"*r'arfliln- <>v Ju., illHEEJtA-SMf.lW-crtOw.. fhaVm.Wf^ ‘i RrspKirrp: u.v tsFoRiniiR 4. Swt«»N NMWaklB, or praUtU-d wA > caiftiiina- Eierliflwer&Itttfl, 1 iaM<« <4 l^n>>iir-i«n;.’I’ol "T B'l< ( r^Ktr.iKtrxsn ’.tnr; tbati iHOi-Jua Nrr>>i<> „ l Madmiralteadrllfner . ' 'IM. iD 'Ua HKlu’'cr> : -LOOK,o»»kwo wo «I.OLASSriW;a; n&g?A; Fr«ahStock iVcBtiias BB LAC BDLFEZB-Ho 8V- trtU. AVn rtf» INYTANT USB. Siart»»4rK*-.:-u..-K «T«Hr. L'HAXI»UKM». .oith. KU.r.h ltid>mm»lioN CABBlitE lUmCTOBtr CH.i U G..MI. ia U>* -l-or Hn^ uot «4Si>tpon«». aA£ 0? L&AD-Ke LIXSASfiS- .ufUM BbJ4.r,lit(Hmn.«tl.i ..f th«tlotrrl., - ecvW, or Ihro-. :. Jjn for *. l.ANli i-BAS-; oii.ox.mri..« iw wj M-*. i.ama *Sv ~T» l.i rail •ml n.j- .ImE Ut'rt! l«ic- Sa BSSiAni or SILVXS. laf u Voh*.Voii(c>ii»n«fli>a LuriB.., • IHiriniU SILVKILYKRa...! ,iae «• mr iirirc- tu» nnd in» hrrail.lns.hrra.l.ins, B*»lpitJith.o of tin. IlrtH, r, ---- a^cW^. Ajtn pfj. fn»A t »malM, k.*p ■ aatMy &«e tbt FsinBeat asA I. y.,„,h. In*,Il«j, n.ATF.l) WATJE. l^t.. .0,S-,, Dl|Dlpthrrta. CUBSCRXPTI0m-.^«7a. U U t T A K 1 A , •pIciiJ'Kl itvrkc.r BaUlnAatrejrtac Snr ^ .<4., TivihMhn . ilpVk lUl,«nit!l*tu. Xaraui! \ f/W. /’-mfi', tVUUAiills Agiu n.llli, Tim (ppli«pplwarh«or r.ll7ru‘^‘‘.''-AWX> FAIVCr^ OOODa, , . p.Tl .'f parl. oi trar. t«M Tlie coal or AriiiifoV Ilua klub ir » ; i,ii.».uri'in 'Uu'» u-nl.ii------,------y.V) *. Vuf'>‘< Mnli'lur*, rfr.. Trw»porat an* aha* m wtMai; IhcKcsuT l;«u«» t..Uir r-rl ..f p.rlr.oBatr ...... -'• vnrrE, «iir.Ti:DEC OR.VTKU IW pain or dlBoshtIt «iLirr/rrt). i>AFt:. Oool Oil Ac I^uhm S cou.lort. IBWA »^REB- MO TE4-8ETP, nr.n-kiniMSriuaio* rHiiTf'a* (molilrr'oT k 'i . . j ! Of . I'r »or. a!Ks^4ffs«^.rs raroCraa^KL !•,• TI.«.ps«»'T-'^ ’ - inemol «aNP^ »' pi««- "'.H | ____i.nin,*_ -It.*] fE>iiforth • THnilcimi Bl.i' LAStI i^ru, :iok S,..,.!, v’'>3 nio ol-ie'«t ...... _ ...... •UTrin.-.iinaH liiU eIi..l.-ialB *-t .a-..•! WIikU [«« U«rualriiaiy,f«^_ ..B mtam. ari>t..Mli Aiha ha- •rA.mtV ' ...... ■'■’ ...... |-4^U.tlu hMd, iihruBi i«* lUi' fram hlUac' OiTBiiJov All a.B'^^0A^NK are, Gdis . •tr. wti»rtt.-iMnifrertlMNntrtr«owet« gb... A. j.mr Drujoi^**Hr. r-* Yatxre'i or FIndr aud ‘Wia^hl^.^fnr pnT^i^WN -IftON' ANB n X iLS; 1^ Ur i.-g r, utul.ttk>> tkia and Ocnuthiii ('-oob ■ an~^:i-'J l>kxiuBat)UM«d to slk . ni- waiair ra«..»» rw... aMewu-.n.. 'T>3It>A!B CA.Sli'r aataaniUW^rtWK-'. U. lo»c.l C Dr. Radway^ SAny.iV^Vail.LA ItBSOLVRTT ^■iri'ai.T.r:i.!::_ ...... “-.*arr rat JE. WfcHUiZT- ti*tLWflkr£3Si •- ic j'iclniWc u FiretlflBseasoi .ju..iiakr a.4 kW’.’. Ifiwi. .■tSSSalB*" “GEORGE COXA SON. flWlDER Kr^^D'S mi /arr<»-e m flra* ead N b. SUG^K! ll'..$lf >t?e .>a,Di21«W- mid ^taplo —A^s^D— THF.cREAT BttNTnrrnmrR. kki; k ui t* - ■■■-^ * 'V" I .•? iini'S, HHl.S A UR. i|URr(. ,*l dry goods . WATOH-MAKER. 1 Craub-ri A KrNMnlnK'ASMnM jL^^n*B.UiA BL#* YfiT “' 'Carpefings, Oa Cbtha. Kaittiaei. l..1r •• * • .atu.--n.l. Ko. dfi East Second ij^eet, fV. O. •Hoia*9C9* ]4*»wn9 kni.l t-c,> »~in g.HtingjJr; M«.y»vUlo. Ky. C oSm; Choice 4 Tobaoc« Caodlea; 6SNE7A & AMMCA9 VATm, IStgg^hSSlS' . TUM k)yj> tk;k«. la c:.l,’. .,o4 I'r.-tli O.-uio ra.M. AjU ..cr.lbn.g In l.lc BT *••-? Un-. SUSaCBUdlOirS—1672. 4ilDI^( (o »0ll4l liold and riaied Jrirrlry, aUSWARE^ l&ON&STOrCS, fannjMi Peaohsa d Tomatoes, JUilickill JOHN HSISER. JET L.-n F-KilN. II A AMbllK'A •ktr, Uerdi CI^OOICH, Ouliai, Aco., •Woed and Willow War®, .j. gtart. jpy. ; .01^’' oi<«. JO^mtttomrr, hnn-ma. -■ ^Usffr4SaverJlUtedWart, CurittT Muiti drui n'lirrr .Via.. kieU \ n\c m mh), r 0«K*T Y-VBlETlt.:. A »crj l.t|t '.lork ntvrtugMhtirtr, tig. >: Olna. WtoeaoaA'B ionaioo of ffl’KT.U LK.< ■a•.ta■■-■ rtli-l r-inr— al tl-r "M ■nd. Ih riatnlr.g Vtrg. Ky. I h.TT on laml TLnSV24La CLA.SXC. RHrS UV .k.N P CLA r> J.*B < «MpA t XTSl ii l>. ;X.UT:IS, ■ 'W. J. lMao*c«. ki;.b u tun rr tm’l' CUT. UnA-i dt .ini »ut. IS. IUm rrUr. $10,0001 aiV.WA* DOMESTIC C1G.4US XABDWABE, 8T0VBB, IKON, ilAVSVlLLB, - . . K AND prAuai IN itVSSITK. oc«n»i*’uwr trr . , Fianoal Pianaal PianoslI KTnils.'rofils.^c^ U* i-lM - .*l.eUst..4 •¥.• a....k. ■ wi. (jjj-wing. and SimdtiBg Taiaoco, •J «l-« ..al 1 ... I- \wil wvrTNbteS ]irn’ii-r?.rt t . a',ffm »1»M : ..-sy«F.'« AK» Pn-Eu, IV. jacitoeaal:. Uenlwre ia*»U.4.umiit. -Tly .wUI 1» FRESH AUUITAL DB. KADWAY*8 PREMIUMS, Baburw.^ iro./ ek:-^ .TTrvyaH/e, Kg. . i.uuUee« t PinirECT PlttplTDE PIUS* ~ All naUji.lL aW'likiialiUitu. UAYSViLLi;, KV. Fhn"‘nfl'i'-'''> -"ker. at f-t-o. »»J»- AB-^eteaalai Ur Omh-tb. biUf Rriti. ------THrM.VS IrlCK^ ••IfcrWniiSfeV!^ 15S’r^i'-k If »AK;r Si’-:'?!'" ■a in exchang^*. ' rTelilngxt.nrg Fv, t* ’>‘^*ll4fe»Wiabslftcd anlicWdt^. \ ill« Bffl STOCK ffEEKLI ENOniSEB. OK ...... -..... Ow.w t-rLwalba tss of Ann), UU. nuf> in lalnl' ai-il II,* HENTDOKY — Kult lUK.- l.,.al i.I.it- uf 111 Is TI:X tatiUb.VSlr , -eotrsMS' ••d.«sd-T»p‘®r‘f^ | i i ■•CHAMPION"/ ]H>I I.,lll.'‘. ThUlB- ■ DOl . ipul• ^5|^.o,aoj^iirotas Wkb niMNB 4 Pi-MRINC JULI-, I Hmd «■•» napralwen rop» of Wo »opW be w^Sliag ItFTnnkc U Samk Flatifnif JIlUt CtlUWimBTftlDC TlHnnliiiU W«ke twlrer. •f wa knew'b-rw. ' , . | ■ » OES mi lOOR, !USR-* MD i tVilh nur r.Mlata.tIfruLra and D .Sash&Blind Faetory. WK HAND THE "Er»mnti jiiioaibj* tiub, ami lUcit FUTSailUM iRAilPtsEX- BIPLCr. OHIO. W Wl ».sotu,M;nl of Ojiii.tufa efer gil* dreuk, «o (^flbiok «gi001l!ti, '' •-nasrtrthAtfrtrtitRfl OP UupealU BiuglatMA Urcry SuU*. X fim.rarttl. i. ■«• n/ tbr on-l u.rlul amk tiit*rarrr ptiMUtaed F-s-ry BOOK AGENCYI rnsna Blm*, Smh.Atmiet.. AHiCina<..r lo-rne^y*d.«>nr?»J>»ds»lro)cd a> i. lM.M4t.llf priMwl "• *"• l=-r«. .rta.*«lsi^itEul-..Tilill.'U and » eiiU b« glaJ . j44ipslTkiaaio»4e«iH.Aii»tta«n«iu.etdari far any bwSt ca L«*a >t.B nay H«*rtiMPib«PS. Hr. etas, feaee Fori*. PeMuse, Monk LIVE^^LE! '3Ar„ys;s^s;:S“,ti.?'- arprnwMaca latry. Hpulosrepbrt ArrOI* 1. : Bfcry raca ’rwer upplikalikao^^wDlng 'ia|i.il,ti»livr« nriua. lauarnriwaat dtage, tato, Phio end Popltr L»m- IvctMrc.As* fieary aiLa Khicb o -.gacd dog -rhed td bring U»c UTOtrTZ’S ber, Pleaed end Roogh. „.or£7;..S*i,?.^RSsrr, ^isterf. Cjftioperm nJ Bw t'wTUT S.-rOHd amil T^ipiar Sfrettt. Pinun. Imbut. iMcelan. EiiliKn, lOsries oo-'oisd orkitur BUowed BDESE ABD CM FOTDSEar Ikcauh, aauAKUna. lU b>pk tl ' ' fraturry of f^rmAstorg. (X/lh irunr, ) ^ B» lioagar Uc^Tof. K vj arid tbal l.e I.*..* ITci-arud li. furni III rralruikU «r Irida W U ilnd IM maysville.kv.. iUfi«rk of FwDutt'nffg, Uorrrn, Uaelc*, wTiLoaK^BrjMBl' fc E. SClESriFlC AMBUICAS Bt UortiBT UrCoT. ncB w4 A urcairiso pwinet-x. led too ettileinl tia.bBtftia. bntf lew W UH OFSHOffnnit«lKM«TBIBI SNdMe B« drink rook beer. .And al) BaWu' work, pnblwbrd. BTerwOa.st«. n» ^neh-UKTdKnrwtor^hnnaitiStirV '' ^"ai kCfcO ' lu praeilaal lakgi WMn. will •are hundretU • Wtrwwild riuher middnslarto lOEke fi amJlIM. U»4» abovtiparnd U hoard bun* ,f .lulUrainm-ry UiraafMiLH.«h.bnp. ami store! .'■u'lnrx laUia land, hmidn >E,.rdinB a (W llaual Otniraf*** VwUiahk ln.traeB..p. TTD*. • at,4r*batne«*« BarwoMR Writ***, and harmg IT/ -. • ta«;w/Sitox. . 4. !►«; ______.ek»dia<:Sabi^ta* wi>4 Me- 'til bo kentwl Ull,.tlje truth wtl nwia mm l-Uaa — Sight tctui Ui lir BiUt; E. 0. SuUioau's ehinl.ul JiMir.,*!. l.e MwaUAc Aouciraa an LIST OF PRICES ■h") alth th* rhiUer.t lafornn - Atooiprrate lliii''Ik iW rorj » .•L'STirsE.'c.'ss:" . —A’Ofl— A» 4*ppieiAiTi,nrp vreM tbrpv- n»odo« s ll« Bit llir.'UKuClUarit... (teMUUMirtdH' 'HPwHI-ttwHtrewblr TbepubncketvedvM toeastniae BeoUiloe Bat & Cap Mnnufaotni-itier- ■SongtMt/f Komilf BiUrf «#ntf itB*c. oor bi lav* eetd -konitituiloiL .eud %St -WeUler* lH04ml«JVuaVridged Wei-n- IDETE^OI*. “Oro TlinM.«w» Kstw. witiiv.h til in rt*a «i» vu lit.* up U'i’.'fu- .; Tb« targeelaaJ bt-al diclumary in ibe ;~SSS=mS Knur TiwuMuil Ordma-y Look ISigwi. ' .Waiited, -;to btufio Wweee »ilh), SPECfMES COP1SB8EST FREE “IT.'S.f.TJue..*'fflaak.rti nirall ,?l!i'7n'd*tk..h.l ™ ■ half dr-am gued Ut^rind fcMowi. wikb fh.7»r ill glsanm a rail fi.r 1 ulll driir. ^•tfOww at-pack wCaagka.namn I KKKP COiSTASTLT OX BASP A TEtMii-BiMi.-M»Ie4r, tUOUalfTnir; (um braiua, vbu kuTe bin lod M be- tkam I" fnnat')'« imbWhnr prlrra ttUhin ______.S£‘«i ’*m«kwhirifca»i»JtonM . «.w •rw. raa> u ia« bwui »i riMsortnfoflM f*r tMtesr. Omt. INauawa f.of . . u.u«4chieu.t0, -* • lM\-e tlrei tbero bint «<» phnn^luUifci '’’jrv.'‘!^Tox. ctsaiuara-g-; Full Slock of Goods , n«aibs.h«i^f,Jky. - -• one Sartnrt. * lb »'•" Withb a BylradaiBvlradal 1i'roatlitu’roa.ium la Ui» fimom who ' world only io a Riti eoektnll. <11 whhrk 1 Iwaft* furm.i.lheCluh,ihe r- • eunai-utw I'f a cui>V aflho __K««».*Hk______: sw~*is::rjr:t:,»~As: ‘ So phnol* n-rr bf^la v-l-nitrul. ■yt raifbrutadinitsd Slovi-Fkile EogniiDCs "Ska vt WhL 8.JOKBS'4saa. feusias The Attention of Bnyen. s£i^vrAs&LW,u4w ■Motuy.a.iwi.y do «bH»»Ih ' :«V- LiiWJH,L'noryf. «ot. tI Ih 30. BAVtPE. rOUTL noptsftTrf,■tSftTITATBT F.UB DFALISfl a Bapf. W-n-ty, Fleftilng»1.ur|t. Kt,,. Spec*nl I^Totioes !iS7»irS5x;.“:SE*=:s Si£'.5h'iL^?r8-w.,:s;: For_W72. Wb.tlhattnw. WAnted, Agents. r EUJUl A Op t» ilbreiSoiv.. Haw k<;rk, lo order. Ih' OenU /ine BoJiTTf «»*ry UcafrlplifUi •M*r linn's. and KaniiingKaniimg liiiplemenlinplemenu mad. loorter. Ih; ' Tor ooT ’Kew-work. Itciriag of erdrv dtecrijlion pmupOy atle.nl. IJMEI. LIMED LIME! MADB TO OaDBR i^W Ftpy>o 4t*:riyfluny Iba.UffMM-S ). bulutax , mtrON— sa m, • WMIU; AiRESESlI]>PLY. lb Eng- |llwB]a,ptiur(.Ky, 'Ito DikOita II.J«a|.ri*Va. lwj*-h TWO COLORED PLATES. lith aud (irrtntn. rrir*»:u(l,UO, yhltThb l.rtre J17ST BURjnen, pur. l*mk 1. lha grrat .urrer. ..^ike year. -nW fh- -rr* ------~ * >"^ra*«ia. Onakfew iltpiliMliltUI It Mlliiig Bttha rain of th.iiiianJ.t^'piWf" and Flaral iloide in ih. w.wlJ-11J gar**. <-»- J^OTICIF.is' I!E*>.I1Y oiyssj^ all ■ haee m haaS an< ftar eaie 'own**. • Attong Ulf wDonwafatW ia- tr* ... kag tk..rowghdircr<>..at Or tbr rahuro ao«0 «r Sooe banbrtti of Hmc. .Inyi, W» in d..- week, 37 in no* '■"““ISsSSSS ha.a^mj'ii ’.riTisl'with tbal’^rl Ju«lgo'’iitlin ne Nory ,b«Mai ilcle tte< at CHOICEST LWU0B3! tbrf* week*. 4c. Mnnv *gr"l» • the ktl latfsaim.iiiht. lhaltbuy moMi ferwatdpodarulaatoDna* lb* Uwdir “a &wm : . kdjltH.h oe., , :I.VAUEe.raM4w«.' " ■.n lufUeibaao, ."'.TSS.™ I®'n'iS*“ ■"'Tg^-.^edT’aru**™ jfpMkltov.SevTork. lAAIAU PE.VT. pr.FitLXG^rEO, ST., • n: Wrrt roarUi St, <5a'U, O. W.H. ABSrr, CsuBlyJadga. 8«pl-U
