protrusion of a tissue, structure, or part through the muscular tissue or the membrane IS a Fibrous BAND external abdominal oblique aponeurosis formed by by which it is normally contained pubic tubercle will develop an abdominal wall hernia 5% of the population running from to the A.S iliac spine one of the most frequently performed surgical operations. their repair Acquired Herniaforms the base of the continuous with the fascia lata Esp. Males Common in adult tone in the abdominal musculature referred to as Poupart's ligament predisposes abdominal organs to with aging there iscontain loss of soft tissues as they push directly anterior course anteriorly from the trunk to serves to same in men and womenthe lower extremity. Occupation Playsfemoral a role triangle superior border of the Direct increases intra-abdominal pressure related to strenuous activity that usually a bulge it ismedial to the inferior epigastric vessels is a passage the transversalis fascia protrudes through a weakened area in in men conveys spermatic cord Hesselbach's triangle within an anatomic region known as in women round ligament Inguinal Triangle it is larger and more prominent in men And Enter scrotum Can exit S.I ring Inguinal canal Length Approximately 4cm inferior epigastric vessels leave the medial to the testes Descend from near Called Congenital Hernia of the Kidney Due to Wider Canal Much more Common in males 25X Gonads Developments Through it to the Scrotum most common cause of groin hernia testicular tumour follow the same route as the descending testes lymphatic spread of is to the para-aortic nodes 1st results from the failure of embryonic closure: not the inguinal nodes of the internal inguinal ring Indirect Inguinal Region hydrocele Confused with in infants change in size of Hernia is Characteristic young men and child Common in In the aponeurosis of the external oblique triangular opening inferior epigastric vessels leave lateral to the immediately above the crest of the pubis Peritoneal part Protrude through deep canal Called subcutaneous inguinal ring too Superficial inguinal ring Reaching the scrotum formed by separation of the fibers of the aponeurosis incarceration situated 1 centimeter above and lateral to the pubic tubercle. infarction indicated to prevent Surgical repair forms the exit of the inguinal canal necrosis of the herniated tissue loop of small intestine Herniated Tissue usually

S.I ring Dilation "sports hernia", "Gilmore's groin" chronic groin pain most common cause of In Athletes Esp. Soccer and Ice Hockey Not Inguinal hernia is the entrance to the inguinal canal particularly hip extension pain during sports movements midpoint of the inguinal ligament Loacation Athletic pubalgia and twisting and turning the transversalis fascia it is at the layer of adductor muscle region pain usually radiates to It is of an oval form And the testicles varies in size in different subjects Deep Inguinal Ring increases intra-abdominal pressure can cause pain larger in the male than in the female problem usually gets progressively worse above and laterally Allot of differential Diagnosis lower margin of the transversalis fascia gentle stretching bounded medially therapies short period of rest inferior epigastric vessels surgical repair