' 0# triton ti Vo'ume 12, Hum"" 6 University 01 (a'ilornia, San Diego FriJay, January 22, ''''

Regent's Meeting UCNewspaper Guidelines Approved With Provisions

Carl Neiburger UCSD Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs City Editor George Murphy agreed with Haskins in an The Regents' Committee on Educational interview with the TRITO TIMES . He said Policy approved guidelines for student that before the amendement it was presumed newspapers yesterday. The approval, however, that " the papers would be consistent with the included the understanding that a guidelines" which, he observed, they had helped representative delegated by the chancellor to write. He said that " the reversal (of this review each issue within 24 hours after publication for rule violations. The proposal will come before the full board today for final On Page 3 Interview with approval. WILSON RILES, Supt. of Public Regent John Canaday, who first brought the matter of student papers before the board , Instruction and New UC Regent. introduced the 24 hour provision as one of four provisions he desired to be amended to the guidelines submitted to the Regents. The other presumption ) is what I think is not really three provisions stated that " responsibility for necessary." However, he foresaw no change in the conduct of student publications is vested in administrative policy at UCSD, other than that UCSD Scientists mesmerize media representatives at conference on Tuesday. (story on page 2) the chancellor, that apparent violations of the someone will be required to read the TRfTON by-laws should be referred immediately to the TIMES every day. proper body," (the Communications Board ), Los Angeles Chancellor Charles Young and that the chancellor may overrule the addressed the board , saying, "I don't think they Committee Established to Evaluate Communications Board or act if the board does (the provisions ) establish any new policy, what not do so within three weeks of the date that any they do is describe the way in which the process Teachers and to Improve Methods complaint is received, works." Papers Placed "In Opposition" Reworkings Draw Compliment Robert Miller healthful way that would departments or the indiVIdual DAILY BRUIN editor Ann Haskins, however, Regent Canaday, who had previously been Staff Writer provide that man with solid profes ors use their own told the Regents that the provisions "place the highly critical of a number of campus A committee dealing with information, " said Stewart. me!hods, if so desired, to get papers in direct opposition to the chancellor. " publications, complimented the administrators teacher evaluation and But when a valid survey can some feedback on their She explained that While the provisions merely and students on their work on developing the improvement is presently in an be developed and implemented execution. express what has been implicit policy, they do and reworking the guidelines. He explained that embryoni c stage of will depend on solving The merits and problems of so in such a way that presumes that the the guidelines "serve a very useful purpose" as development, according to dilemmas concerning how the uch a program were discussed newspapers will violate rules. She compared the a tool for each chancellor to meet problems that Muir Provost John Stewart, program is to be carried out. at last week 's meeting of the 24 hour rule to administrative inspection of the may occur on his individual campus. chairman of that committee. committee. From the Designed to enhance the Hitch Request Plan standpoint of the student, a Associated Students or the Academic Senate on Canaday emphasized that "I do not now and a 24 hour basis. relationship between faculty This move towards program of teacher evaluation have not ever had in mind any intention to pre­ and students, the Committee on would ten'! to increase the censor newspapers." He said that he was aware instituting such a committee Teacher Evaluation and was stimulated by the request quality of the undergraduate that pre-censorship is prohibited by law-"and in Improvement hopes to my mind rightfully so," he added . of UC President Charles Hitch experience in the clas room by establish a process that will raising the effectivenes 01 the Regent DeWitt A. Higgs, who comes from San as part of the direction the lead to better communication University is currently teachers, according to AS Diego , complimented the TRITON TIMES, between the professors and saying " If it is an example of campus papers, I following in placing more President Mike Palcic, who is their students. According to on the committee. thoroughly approve of it. " He indicated that he Stewart, this will facilitate the emphasis on undergraduate had seen the last several issues of the TRITON education. "Thi would provide the process of improving teaching system of continuous feedback TIMES and was having it sent to him regularly. methods and course selection, " I am asking each " It is a very professional-like newspaper at this Chancellor to develop a plan of that would enhance tbe and it will provide both the undergraduate 's ability to get a time," he said. professors and the students action appropriate to his Canaday had earlier complained of a campus for strengthening or better education. As a re ult, with an added dimension for the professor knows the student photograph depicting four nudes posing on a their understanding each other. re-affirming the commitment water bed in the Dec. 1 issue of the TRITO to under graduate reaction and this will improve "Suth evaluations would the over-all ability of the TIMES. In a letter to Chancellor Herbert York, generate meaningful and useful education,including the steps to he sta.1ed that he had received a copy of the be taken to carry out the plan. University to relate to the information that an individual tudent . What we do with a issue with a petition complaining about it signed could use to restructure his Each campus mu t act to by a mother of a student and 17 of her friends. ensure that undergraduate teacher evaluation program is course. It would be a form of of maximum benefit to the constructive criticism in a tudents receive educa tion of (continued on page 2) the highe t po sible level. The tudent which will in turn lead undergraduate program must to th betterment of the Student Activists significantly involve faculty of profe sors." said Palcic. all ranks at all levels, including Provide "Sy tematic the lower division." said Hitch Feedback" in a published talemenl. Dr . Mort haevi tz , a 3 On Trial; 11 Get Continuances The first meeting of the committee member and the Committee on Teacher head of Coun elling and P ychological ervice on Frank Phillips the objections of the prosecution, asked questions of Evaluation and Improvement, Staff Writer perspective jurors relating to their altitudes toward labor wa held la t week to campu , felt the program "will unions and the war in Viet Nam . Several time. Judge Snell d termin the nature and the be a useful thing for the faculty On Tuesday morning nine present and former UCSD students admonished the defendants to relate their question more to the future of uch a program. and the tuilents, not a a charged with trespassing during last Spring 's campus charges before the Court. In attendance were cudgel , but a something that disturbances were given a 30 - day delay before the beginning Hirst is charged with battery on campus police officer r pre entative of the th y can re pond to and get of their trials in an Diego County Municipal Court. Two other Conrad Grayson, obstructing public officer in th admini tration. th facult and involved in which would tudents charged with related but more serious offenses were performance of their dutie , and di turbing the peace b u ing the student . produce ystematic feedback .. also given continuances. On Wednesday morning, however , vulgar and ob cene language in a loud and boisterous manner n th other hand , Dr Percy three students charged with crimes relating to the sit-ins in Pilot Program Hoped for Ru 11 , a committ memb r in the presence of women and children. Th women and pring Urey Hall and Building 2A-prime did go on trial. children in this case were apparently U D tud nt . and a member of the Med The joint trial of Jim Hirst, a City College student, and Co-defendant Coston i charged with batt ry on R veil chool facult , aId the Coston has provided ·the most interest in two days of legal College Dean Tom Hull , ob tructing public officer in th publicatIOn of the re ult would ma neuvering involving the 14 person charged with various p rformance ()f their dutie and unlawfully wearing a ma k for be a "a litt! har h and hard. cri me re ulting from the prote ts of Defen e Department th purpose of evading id ntification in the commi IOn of a peCially on n w p opl .. H funding for campu research. At the outset of their trial the crim . All of the charge again t 0 ton and Hir t re ult d went on to y that p rhap It two defendants fired th ir attorney and requested a from their parti ipation in the April 30 it-in at Building 2 - would better If th r ult conti nuance 0 that th y could obtain new coun el. prim on th Muir ampu and the May 11 it-in at rey Hall hould b given to th Lawyer Not Qualified on th R veil ampu '. Individual pr f Hirst told the court that he had poken with a Long Beach On harge Dropped R ill lii .. l law er named John Atla and that Alia had agreed to tak While jury. lection continued in th lIir t and 0 ton tn I Prof th ir ca . Aft r som difficulty Judg harle n 11 contacted Thl led Alia and found that he wa not licen d to practic In D tud nt J rry Hall wa bing tned d wn th hall for alifornia . Judge nell then gave th d f ndants th choic of Int rf rring with a p ac offic r during th Ma y 11 it-tn . con Ider til r rnaining with th ir court - appoint d attorney or def ndin E rlier in th day a char e of mali iou ml chi t wa dropped Implementln th m Ives. That charge r ult d from a d r handl in br k n In a r ult into Hir tand ostoncho to defend th m Ives Hir'llat rtold truggl with ampu poli e program for th pr f . or th Triton Time that hand 0 ton int nd d to condu t a Hall' tnal wa exp ct d to be ov r by today but the trial of t wart rou ht out th grea t political defen . The.ir aim becarn apparent durtng jur JIm Hir t and Bruce 0 ton may last unltllate n t w ek Th probl m In takln apr lection on Wednesday and Thursday. Th d fendant , ov r trial have been att nd d by 20 to 25 0 tud nt (continued OD page 3) R gents ... New Regent Wilson Riles Teacher Evaluation .... (continued from page 1) (conliDued from page 1) Rocks appointments and promotions) survey results, to help the Owen Joyner certainty column yet. 14 teacher and making him a good in terms of the teacher's minority students who are not By·la". Not Violated Associate City Editor might. one. " It is destructive cruelly ability? prepared to compete with other York ~el~gated the matter to UCSD's Right now, composition Seeks to Strengthen UC to frighten and embarrass a - How are the survey results students, and to enable them to CommunicatIOns Board for investigation. After "At 70, you can't convince studies suggest tha t the moon professor when no offer of made known to the faculty and function better in the a two hour meeting with TRITON TIMES staff people you're going to be has always been a body Robert Miller campus that nourishes amicable relationShips resources to remedy the the students? classroom situa tion ." members at which the article with the around much longer ," says ~parated from earth, although Staff Writer cond~cive to expression with dignity and truth , situation are offered ," he said. Residual Benefits Expected Remarked Dr. Shaevitz, photograph and several other TRITON TIMES Harold C. Urey . But if the It may have been formed right not VIOlence. Plans for an agency on Dr. Stewart hopes that such " This issue cuts across the press conference he and (our articles were discussed, the Communications next door and a t the exact "I am dedicated to strengthening the A breakdown in communications, states campus to deal with teacher ' an evaluation and whole function of the other UCSD moon -rock B.oard agreed that the TRITO TIMES had not same time. Other studies University of California. I see no reason why it Riles, is a major contributor to the crisis in the improvement once the improvement program would University - the matter of the scienti~ts held this week is any VIolated any of its by-laws but had acted indicate an age of 4.6 billion can not be the best in the world with the talent University. He noted that "if we can open up evaluations can be diagnosed is have several residual benefits. excellence of teaching ." responsibly. Vice Chancellor Murphy told the mdlcatlOn, questions about the years, and give a most· recent . systematic discussion and debate together, then also a future plan of this He expressed hope that means moon will be around for a long and the resources we have in California." So TRIT.ON TIMES that a response to Canaday, remelting figure that ranges said Dr. Wilson Riles , the new California we can come to grips with the best possible committee. for evaluating and aiding relaymg the Comm Board's £indings, is now long time . ' f~om 4.0 to 3.0 billion years in direction to follow. " Don Helinski. Revelle Teaching Assistants ' being drafted. What's more , if every superintendant of public instruction and ex­ Biology Professor and a dIfferent places. Studies of officio member of the UC Regents in a ActioDs , Not Tbougbts performance and for helping to Earl.ier at th~ CEP meeting , the Regents' scientist in the world were to committee member, feel s that cosmics ray effects indicate telephone interview with the Triton Times. On campus politics, and in particular on cases train prospective professors commIttee receIved progress reports on the agree that the moon was that some rocks have been like those of Angela Da vis and Herbert Marcuse UCSD is in a good position to Riles, who will attend his first Regent's take some steps to improve would be established. He also Equal Opportunity Program and the Project actually green cheese, that the exposed on the surface for as which involve UC professors with a radical said that a possible result would cheese was left behind when meeting today, views the present relationship teacher performances. "We _Clea~ AIr Program. While Vice President for long as 500 million years, and political stance, Riles feels that their position be more sophisticated teaching RelatIOns WIth Schools Frank Kidner reported the cow jumped over it and between the students, and the administration are still sma II enough to others for only 30 million. must be viewed in terms of their actions not techniques. that EO~ has been generally a success, Project tha~ the jump took place in the and Regents as being a vicious circle. achieve proper student-faculty Seismometers left on the "There have been problems that the students their thoughts . ' Help for Minority Students ~Iean Dlrec~or Ernest Starkman indicated that spnng of 1612, the information surface indicate a high Riles said he is not concerned with radical relations which would enable media would still hav e are unhappy about. Apparently they were not us to work up to a beneficial Dr. Russell. who is in charge smce the AIr Re~urces Board has not given incidence of low·force quakes. faculty members as long as the political view of the minority admissions approval to spendmg funds for his project , " we questions. Like , "Dr. (Gustaf) heard and their views did not fall on very association. We must put some Urey and Prof. Kurt Marti receptive ears when they did get through," said does not interfere with the individual'S job. committee at the Med School , have not been able to do any research Arrh~nius , could you briefly "The criteria to be used to judge the professor teeth into procedures or explain to our viewing audience have developed a suggested Riles. programs that would make the said ,. I am primarily wha tsoever." history of the moon, based is not his or her political views , but whether what 'cheese' is ?" Or, "Dr. RecreatloD Creates " MerrY'gG-Round " guy do the job in the interested in teacher largely on the Apollo findings. they use their position to propound their own (A lber~ E.) Engel , being a He feels the public reaction against student classroom," he said . evaluation so far as minority geologIst, could you take a wild They say the moon formed at a activities created an atmosphere that enabled political philosophy or if they try to disrupt the students' special problems are University to promote their own views rather Other areas discussed at the ~nd excitingly speculative slab fairly low temperature and the Governor 's office and the California concerned. We should devote a than promoting free and honorable meeting, besides the search for In the dark as to what color this t~en ":Ielted enough to legislature to bring in their policies. This, what constitutes an accurate large segment of our training, dIfferentiate into layers. Re· scholarship," said Riles. cow might have been? " according to Riles, has created a merry-gG­ evaluation were : which will come from the Reall y, though , KOGO and cooling, the surface became He said admission to the University of TOKYO round syndrome with little rational assessment -How is accurate TV 8 shot film, period , and the £irm enough to retain craters of the situation by both sides. minority groups should be evaluated in terms of If TAIPEI objectivity and fairness. Riles stated that if the information provided to a UNION and TRIBUNE from the collisions of meteors "What I'd like to do is to get at the root causes student who has an option in you ar. inter,steel in matlf (ytles HONG KONG combined for exactly zero bu t some collisions produced and at whatever else is possible to get people present means of selecting incoming minority w. ",,4 • (ampus: r.p. ROUND TRIP ~obel Prize winner Dr. Harold Urey expatlatlDg OD a critical selecting his courses? probing questions. The man - flows from the interior involved in strengthening the University rathel' students is unfair and arbitrary because they ",.n

THE GO LD EN 0 LD IE Your world of sound is just as beautiful as your world of sight - when you have the right machine to capture it. And Sony's Te- I FILMp?'Q~IETY . PER N.GHT 40 Action-corder is the sound mach ine! It's th e world 's finest miniature cassette re­ corder. With its sensitive bu ilt-in condenser mike you can pick up anyth ing your ears ON THE WATERFRONT can hear - at any distance. And like a cam­ era, the Model 40 Action-corder will pre­ ~ A arlon Rrnndo JAN'.23 serve all your memorable moments - as reward ing and enjoyable as your collection Rod Steiger Come with me and see. of photographs. So don't allow life's memor· lee J. Cobb Sumner Auditorium 6:50 able moments to slip by. Capture them Carl Malden Must be neat appearing, forever with the Action-corderl It's only $99.95! ">I~ Tickets available at Urey Hall Box and have own transportation. Donald Sutherland THE CAINE MUTINY Office $1 .00 for series Part-time nowr full time this summer. Humphrey Bogart Individual tickets at the door 75' per night. Call 583-0630 between 10 A.M. & ALEX IN ...... --....---~------5 P.M. Mon. - Fri. to arrange - MIDSUMMER 'S NIGHT DREAM TOMORROW NITE ONLY - 3 SHOWINGS WONDERLAND WITH SPECIAL MIDNITE SHOW a personal interview. la iolla music JAN. Royal Shakespeare Company with Dianna Rigg 1128 wall la iolla 00 ~MOREAUOlliii THE ANATOMY OF A MURDER PLACE: USB 2722 TICKETS AVAILABLE SHOW TIME, 459·3375 30 with James Stewart, Ben Gazzara, lee Remick UREY HAll BOX OFFICE $1.00 7:30 - 10:00 - 12 :15 EL CAJON BLVD. AT 63RD ST. e 286·1455 JANUARY 22,1971 TRITON TIMES PAGE 3 PAGE 2 TRITON TIMES JANUARY 22, 1971 MD lap: tiIlles Vitamin CFor Colds? University of California, San Diego rt 1.1 .101", Californil 92037 v. I ••• All•• , M.D. (7141 453-2000, ext. 1016, Advertising ext. 1017 Dear Doctor Allen : volunteers were told before their colds were finished whether or not they had been getting Haywood Gammon, Editor-in-Chief Jeff Fried, Business Manager Can you address yourself to the growing belief the real Vitamin C, the duration of colds in the that Vitamin C is effective in preventing colds, ones who knew they were getting the real thing The editoriall expressed below are :fproved by the TRITON TIMES Editor~1 Board. ~U other opinions and also valuable in curing colds? became shorter than in the control subjects who expressed on this page are those the author. whoM namel appear In the bylines, and do not Terry discovered they weren't. necessorily reflect the views of the TRITON TIMES. Anyone desiring to lubmit material to be published in In another experiment with two groups in thisseetion should ,.nd it to the Editorial Director, TRITON TIMES, 117 Blake Hall, UCSO. I,AI)IES! KING SNEDLEY Dear Terry : which the subjects weren't told who was really getting the vitamin, the colds lasted the same People believe what they want to believe, as length of time in both groups. is their right. I wouldn't attempt to interfere To see if ascorbic acid could .prevent colds, unless their belief constitutes a clear danger to another group of volunteers received 3,000 mg Third College GadJlies their well-being. Fortunately, Vitamin C, or lIAS WENT, DID IT! of Vitamin C daily for three days prior to ascorbic acid , does not appear to be a very toxic inoculation with cold virus and for six days substance, so it doesn' t hurt

Turmoi l Since the Anomaly Factory department. ) department takes, but I am of about 80. Of the 80, I had its university recognition Stewart's decision to move going to establish a group to do Jensen estimate that few~r than 10 Provost Ste ~' a t seems to be withdrawn last year (credit the drama department toward what is already being done by were students at UCSD who stabbi ng two ~ roups of stud ents and money l. the grou p has technological theater says two students"-and this means that were not affiliated otherwise in the a. the same time. come into student control. things to me (i n addition to hi s there will no longer b a need with the Salk Institute. KING SNEDLEY'S BEER Editor: His decision tJ turn the drama Students tructure the goals of removal of the opportunity to for th Anomaly Factory. llis 2. The story states that A story in the January' 12 department toward multi­ the Factory and determine the become involved with subtle attack on the Anomal y " While Kildow was prepared to LOOK FOR THE ROYAL FAMILY ON THE CAN! media theater. as the TT ha direction that the group is traditional theater> : I) now Factory will suck up one of the issue of TRITON TIMES use security personnel at the UOZ. 16 oz. been dedicated in point.'1g out. gOing. both within an y that students ha ve fough t to last opportunities for students entitled .. Protesters Halt Friday lecture, the need did not kill the opportunity for particular production and also keep experimental theater to affect and orient something, Jensen peech" contained two arise." In fact, becau we did students to have tra"itional in develol)ing the "multi ­ alive on campu and hav e to be involved . for people to statements which were not anticipate a need for theater. media " environment. (The overcome administration touch and say things to ea h attributed to me that are in security guards, we did not He also is more subtl y Factory also ha a small pressure, the administration other. error. . have any on hand . a Hack I ng the A noma ly budget from registration fees. has reconsidered and will bring But then, the university must I. In tead of Ie luring to a Factory. the experimental which go to student it back under it wing ; and 2) keep rolling on ... group 01 " 10 or Ie s" on Friday, Alfred G, Kildow theater group already on organiza tions. Ci opposed being .. ot on ly am I goi ng to as the story states, Professor Director of CommuDlcalioDI campus. included in the drama determine the pa th the drama Cecelia McPherson Jensen addressed an audience TIle Salk IDltlt.1e PAGE 4 TRITON TIMES JANUARY 22, 1971 San Diego Drama The Pussycat, '-'The New Crook," and George Szanto Tritons Host All Col Tourney Mike Roth sa w last yea r's game wi th Ri verside can attest (remember the Sports Writer Jay Gillette appliances and the electric organ. Heat was deemed the most cute white ca ps?) . Coach Fredd ie Goss will be se~ k i ng revenge Arts Writer expendable commodity. The shivering actors and dancers are a ~ ln ce the Highland ers lost the first game of last year's tourney broad mixture of San Diegans interested in what the New The UCSD basketball fan s (all twenty-five of them ) will have In the last few seconds a t the hands of the Tritons. "The Black Crook" by George SUltO. Heritage founders are trying to build. None of them are paid ; the chance to see a lot of games this weekend as the Tritons The second game will hopefully begin at 8:30 p.m., in which OpeDS Tuesday It Southwestern College, all volunteer the six nights a week they spend in rehearsal. ~ill host the ~ll Cal Ba sketball Tourney Friday and Saturday the Tritons, 8 wins - 4 losses, take on UC Davis, carrying 3 Tickets on sale at Urey Hall Box Office, $1.50, mghts, featuring UC San Diego, UC Irvine, UC Riverside, and wi ns - 9 losses into the match. Although their record isn't too Three of them are Uc'SD students: Robin Hunt, Cathy Dean, last year's winner, UC Davis. and Ted Stauch. Tritons Beat Biola, impressive, Davis has met some tough competition on the Downtown San Diego around Fourth and F Streets is ' a In the first game Friday night, starting at 6: 30 p.m., the road. The boys from Cowtown are led by their 6'1" center Mark The rest include people with various theater backgrounds- a Irvine Anteaters put their 8 and 5 record on the line aga inst the precinct of peep-shows, topless bars, pornographic bookshop~ , dog groomer who once ran an Escondi~o theate~ ; a high school Underwood , 14 poi nts per game. and guard Steve Fletcher with woebegone hotels, and girlie theaters. The brightly-lit RiverSide HIghlanders. coached by ex-UCLA Bruin Freddie teacher who has directed plays both In the Umted States and On Route to All Cal a 13 poi nt game average. Pussycat The&ter is here, between F Street and . The Bu~y Goss. The Ante al~r s are led by 6'5" forward Phil Rhyne, who is Australia ; the Globe's Best Actress award winner of 1970; a Mike Roth currently averaging 19.4 points a game , and 6'6" forward Bill The hos ting Triton are riding on the best record of any of the POSSIBILITIES Beaver Book Store. Directly across the street IS a plam member of an electrical firm 's management staff; a young tea ms, with 8 wi ns and 4 losses. They have played only one of building, an ex-fire extinguisher company, a weak. light shining Writer Sporls Moore, who close ly follows Rhyne with a 17.2 point average . lieutenant who recently won the All-Navy Talent Award ; and a Although the Highlanders placed high in CAA college ranks the other teams this year, UC Irvine, lOSing by a close margin. through i:.s badly whitewashed windows. There IS a sheet of ObOt protrailure, is never a librarian at the San Diego Union. The dancers range in age The Tritons defeated a highly-rated Biola team last Monday last.year ,. thus far ~ hi s season they ha ve just managed a record However, the Tritons will be playing without the services of H d E h consideration in the works ea s on x I I paper on the door that reads " ew Heritage Theater." A . pl~y from 14 to 55 years, and include several of Sea World 's with a score. of ~ to 74. This was a warm-up for the All Cal of fiv e .WInS and SIX losses. !'art of the- reason for this losing freshman: Steve. Hoch, who was injured during the Biola game. included in the show. Subjects written by UCSD literature professor George Szanto IS m "aquamaidens." Despite the cold , despite the long drive; Tou rney, whIch IS to take place this weekend. The game held record IS the loss of MIke Reid , a former JC All American who HIgh scoring Brian Todd will enter the tourney with the highest " Heads," approximately 40 are as remote from humanity rehearsal here. Together with director Welton Jones, an despite the lack of monetary compensation, these actor.s and in the smog up ~ t Biola, was ~he last?f a two game road trip. transferred to Riversid e from Compton, due to injury. UCR is scoring average, 23 points per game, and he'll be assisted by • paintings from a recent series as names are from models. entertainment editor of the San Diego Union, Szanto is San DIego displayed an ImpressIve offense, hitting shots led by returning ta rters, Mike Washington, a guard averaging floor captain Jon LeLevier, who is averaging 12 3 per game. by San Diego artist, Richard Only formal aspects are a producing an entirely original drama called "The New Black dancers are spending almost every mght for weeks working to perfect "The New Black Crook." . .... from all parts of the court for 49 per cent from the floor . The almost 20 points per game, and 6'6" forward Howard Lee. The Saturday night's first game will be the losers bowl at 6:30 Allen Morris, will be on view at concern of the artist who Crook ." Tritons were especially hot from the free throw line, making 28 strongest part of Riversid e's game, however, will come from the Fine Arts Gallery of San creates his own problems and Szanto: "The first thing we wanted to do," be explains'."was Szanto: "Everyone enrolled in thiS production IS dOing It p.m., followed by the championship game to be held at 8:30 totally because he wants to do it. Nobody is paid . People are of 34 attemptsfor 82 per cent. This trend started a few games their fan s. These hot dogs provide quite a show, as anyone who p.m. between the winners from Friday night's games. Diego , Park, now sets about to resolve them in a to create theater ' that is, we thought there was a place In San before, and since t~en the team has consistently shot above 80 through February 14 . personal manner. He employs Diego for serious'theater. We'd seen sever~l kinds of theater in doing it because a ) they would like to see and set up a .new theater in San Diego ; bl 1 think for many, they've never per c~ nt. At one pomt, between the Southern California College Tennis Team Grapplers Win, 59-58 Profiles , seemingly flat surface colors and two San Diego, first Theater 5 (an esoterICally experu~ental and BIOla games, the Tritons made 23 free throws in a row. derivitive of cartoon dimensional shapes always group ) and then the other extreme - the Globe, MISSIon worked in a play that's grown as they help evolve it. Th~t . is . they're not writing it, in the sense that Theater 5 was writing Ag.ain ~rian Todd led all scores with a total of 29 points, characters and "dra": me " adhering to the limitations of Playhouse, and places like that. . They do reaso~ably good makmg nme of ten free throws. Jon Lelevier made 18 points advertisements , . are the two dimensional surface of Shakespeare in the summer, but prlmanly do estabhshed plays its own play, but what they are doing is seeing it change and was 12 for 14 from the line. The Biola Eagles were led by Builds on transformed through artistic his canvas. Expression and that are either part of culture with a great big C, or are. recent according to the necessity of the play - we 're still changing it. their center, Buddy Gregg, who connected for 22 , and Ron license into undulating lines resolvement is sought through ew York big hits or sometimes even less than big hits. We Also, they enjoy acting, and they enjoy being with other people Carol Chilling ton one of his matches Saturday was ended by hiS Johnson, selected as L.A. college player of the week , who Sports Write r and shapes reminiscent of a process of simplification and thought what we could do in San Diego was create a theater who enjoy acting." • scored 20. Youth. pin after only 26 seconds. Correa also had the un e xpl ored land scap e. di stortion of imagery and a Judging from the efforts of the dedicated people in that cold which could provide good entertainment and yet serve a . The Trito~s were down by one at half time, but pulled away Youth dominates the UCS D If they'd come on horseback , they could have superlative honor of being named most valuable Identifi cation, so important in neutralizing of color. downtown building. "The New Black Crook " is tremendously wrestler of the tournament. serious social function ; a serious theater that was at the same In the clOSing minutes without too much trouble. Coach tennis team in 1971. Of the 24 been ca lled the Four Horsemen (Plus One ) of time entertaining and pedagogic." . . good , tremendously talented, "entertaining and pedagogic" Cunningham adjusted his defense to a zone for the second time men on the practice only four the Apocablitz. Instead they settled on showing Bob Wilson at 134 more tha n honored his Surrealism Lives-In La Jolla Downtown the rehearsal hall is unheated, and inSide dramatic work . It is both a serious social comment and an this yea.r to stop Johnson. The victory proved costly however, are upper-classmen. FOl,lr of up in wrestling tights and head gear, but the association with the Horsemen as he rode his extremely funny.play , and promises that theater in San Diego Carrie Rickey everyone is bundled up against the cold. The old buildin.g's as startmg .f~rward S.teve Hoch sustained a chipped bone in his the first five positions on the disguise didn 't make any difference to the other opponents to death with a devastating leg lock. Arts Writer fu ses cannot entirely support lights, tape recorders, heatmg has taken a new and refreshing turn for the better. foot, - an Injury serIOus enough to keep him out of the All Cal ladder are held by- freshmen eleven teams at the Cal-Tech Invitational He added another 10 points to the team Tourney. and sophomores. Wrestling Tournament la st Saturday: the five­ endeavor by taking a seven-point second and In your dreams have you ever visualized floa ting off .into the Coach Tad Yamaguchi feels wi nni ng three matches. azure with Dylan in a balloon? Ope ned a Wind ow to find that Time Ticks Away at Playhouse The Triton JV's upped their record to six wins and three horsepower UCSD Blitzmobile wreak ed as the window is sky and the sky is glass? Imagined yourself as a losses by defeating the Biola Frosh in their first close game of his young team shows a lot of much disaster as if it had been the original If anyone on the team approximates the pre- packaged person jumping free out of a pa rcel-post package Larry Johnson - Arts Writer the season, UCSD 52, Biola 49. Although the Tritons led at promise, not only for this year, horsemen. Horseman of War, it's Mike Ditomaso, a 142- like a C.O.D. jack-in-the-box ? Youth is the most wonderfu l and valuable thing in the world , isn't it? Youth is halfllme by three, the lead changed hands several times in the but also for 1972 and 1973. The Up until the final tea m score tallies were pou nd package of pure fight. He snarled and Dreams are a rather personal. near-sacred thing. However, life and all that life ha s to offer. We of the younger generation know that very closing minutes. In the final minute the Eagles led by one until Triton's first match will be the made and UCSD wa s awarded the firs t place pou nced his way to the championship title in a a genre of art has been devoted to exploring the dream, well . Bu t the clock keeps ti cking. ." . Dan Molden scored to put San Diego ahead. The Eagles then All -Cal Tournament at trophy, it didn 't look as though the Tritons had a tense fi nal round duel with Pasadena. He too portraying and interpreting the work ings of the . mind as The Mi ssion Playhouse got its new yea r of( to a g

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