Inverness Burgh Directory 1941-1942
INVERNESS BURGH DIRECTORY 1941-1942 Containing Street and Alphabetical Directory : also Official Information Price - - 5/- ROBT. CARRUTHERS & SONS INVERNESS THE PREMIER INVERNESS LAUNDRY CO., LTD: MONTAGUE ROW :: INVERNESS HIGH-GLASS! WQRK MODERATE CHARGES REGULAR SERVICE Our " AS-AT-'OME " SERVICE is a distinct economy 'Phone 26. 'Phone 26. JOHN FO THE HOUSE FOR WOOLLENS THE ARCADE High Street AND Inglis Street, INVERNESS. Telephone 288. reiegraphic Address—•• Woollens, Inverness." : : WAR-TIME VALUES If your insurances (of all kinds) are based on pre-war or pre- Purchase Tax Values, they may now be inadequate. In your own interests, carefully examine your insurances to-day. If you need further protection, ask the " Royal " to help. Royal Insurance^ % Company, Inverness Office : Queensgate Local Manager — W. D. Glass Elgin Wick 2 Culbard Street 16 Back Bridge Street ADVERTISEMENTS. FURNITURE We are Manufacturers of High-Grade Furniture, and hold large stocks suitable for Dining-Rooms, Lounge, Bedrooms, &c, which we can offer at Keenest Prices. CARPETS and LINOLEUMS. We invite inspection of our large range of Seamless Ax- minster and Wilton Squares, and Oriental Carpets, &c, which is the largest in the North of Scotland. Inlaid and Printed Linoleums at best Prices REMOVAL CONTRACTORS & AUCTIONEERS. Inventories and Valuations carefully made up. MACIVER & CO., 68 Church St. and 45-49 Academy St., INVERNESS. Telegrams—"Macivers, Upholsterers, Inverness." Telephone—Inverness 46. Night 854. 'Phone 568 For DYEING and DRY CLEANING The Fairfield Dyeworks TOMNAHURICH STREET INVERNESS T. HOPE, Proprietor 'Phone 722 ALEX. McLEOD WHOLESALE GROCER, EGG AND PROVISION, MERCHANT Post Office Avenue, Queensgate, Inverness HAMS, BACON and COOKED HAMS always in Stock gAJUNlfctf P5 W55 ADVERTISEMENTS.
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