Südasien-Chronik - South Asia Chronicle 9/2019, S. 83-119 © Südasien-Seminar der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ISBN: 978-3-86004-343-1 Syncretism of Religious Beliefs in Western Himalayas’s Lahoul LAURA YEREKESHEVA
[email protected] KEYWORDS: FUNCTIONS OF RELIGION, LAHOUL, RELIGIOUS SYNCRETISM, CULTS OF MOUNTAINS, STONES, BUDDHISM, HINDUISM 83 The goal of the article is to trace the intermingle and interinfluence between various religious traditions among the tribes of Western Himalayas, particularly, of those living in modern Himachal Pradesh state of India (district Lahoul and Spiti, L&S). The areas in northern India, seemingly marked by either Hinduism, as in southern Himachal Pradesh, or Buddhism, as in northern part of the state (culturally more influenced by Western Tibet and Ladakh), represent the interesting case testifying about the amalgamation and syncretism of these religions with the local, so-called "primordial" beliefs, related to animism, fetishism, shamanism; and between them- selves. The existence and preservation of the syncretic beliefs could help to explain the nature of culture-religion interplay and mechanism of developing by them the respective functions, such as functions of adaptation and pattern maintenance. The author would like to acknowledge help and assistance of so many people met in Shimla and across Himachal Pradesh during the ICCR visiting fellowship at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study in Shimla (India). All of them in various ways contributed towards my discovering the region. The discussions held and travels made enriched FOCUS my knowledge and understanding of Lahoul, its generous people and beautiful traditions. Historiography The Western Himalaya’s region, particularly, the areas comprising modern Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir states of India, have always attracted scholars, pilgrims, travellers, administrators, missionaries.