Alfonso Mendoza Department of Economics Tel: +44 1 904 433791 The University of York E-mail:
[email protected] Heslington, York, UK Web Page: YO10 5DD Education - PhD, Economics, The University of York, United Kingdom, Oct. 1999 to Sep. 2003. Thesis: Monetary Policy Analysis and Conditional Volatility Models in Emerging Markets. - MSc., Project Analysis & Investments, The University of York, United Kingdom, Sep. 1998–Sep 1999. Dissertation: Market Efficiency in the Mexican Foreign Exchange Market. - MSc., Finance, Mexico Autonomous Institute of Technology (ITAM), Jan. 1995- Dec. 1996. Dissertation: Asset Management and Hedging with Swaps: the case of Bank One Co. - Diploma, Short Course in Social Projects Appraisal, CEPEP-BANOBRAS, Mexico, 1998 - Diploma, Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), Jun. 1993-Jun. 1994. - B.S., Economics, State of Mexico Autonomous University, Sep. 1988-Jun. 1993. Thesis: International Capital Mobility and Economic Policy Efficiency in Mexico, an application of the Mundell-Fleming model. Publications ____and Fountas and S. Karanasos, M. "Output Variability and Economic Growth: the Japanese Case", Bulletin of Economic Research, July 2004. ____and Domac, I. "On the Effectiveness of Foreign Exchange Interventions, Evidence from Mexico and Turkey in the Post Float Periods", Policy Research Working Paper, No. 3288, The World Bank, April 2004. ____"The Inflation-output Volatility Tradeoff and exchange rate shocks in Mexico and Turkey", Central Bank Review, Vol 3, No. 1, January 2003. Work in Progress - "Modeling Long Memory and Default Risk Contagion in Latin American Sovereign Bond Markets", presented at the Annual Meeting of the Monetary, Macro and Finance Research Group Conference, University of Cambridge, September 2003.