
Volume 74, Number 3 Rice'sWRESHE Best-Oriented Newspaper ^ LIBRARY -AugusAugusRtt 22, 1986 Rupp calls on freshmen to look beyond courses

President George Rupp delivered you choose to concentrate. That also a tremendously enjoyable the matriculation address to the solid grounding in your major or event that embodies a great many class of 1990 on August 19 in the majors is certainly a central aim of strengths of this university. There Grand Hall of the Rice Memorial your time here. So it is entirely are also innumerable other festive Center. Excerpted here are his appropriate that as you become occasions ranging from formal remarks. clear over time about how and dances to elaborate theme parties where you want to focus your (Wiess' Night of. Decadence, I am delighted to have this early learning, you invest heavily in that Lovett's Casino party, the opportunity to add my word of area. Elizabethan revelry surrounding greeting to all of you in the Class of But resist the temptation to Baker's Shakespeare production) '90. We are pleased that you have think only in terms of your major to less spectacular college joined us, and we look forward to cookouts or T.G.'s or informal stimulating and satisfying years field or discipline or professional goal. Here at Rice you have the parties and social gatherings. As with you. So, on behalf of all of us you participate in such parties arid who have been here for varying opportunity to attain an informed acquaintance with other areas as celebrations in the coming weeks periods of time — faculty, staff, and months, you will experience well. Our distribution require- returning students — 1 welcome all how play here is as vigorous as ments are one expression of our of you to what I am sure will be a work. challenging and rewarding time conviction that education is more together. than specialized learning in a 1 am not under the illusion that 1 major. During this year, we will be need to urge you to work and play Among the challenges and exploring ways to improve our hard. Most — virtually all - of rewards awaiting you are two that Professors gather prior to Matriculation ceremonies curriculum so that this learning see Community, page 7 -H. Turner characterize most Rice students as outside the major is even more individuals and also the university ethos as a whole. You, no doubt, effective. You need not worry that Coherent minor panel selected are already well aware of them new requirements will be imposed retroactively on you: the through your evaluation of Rice in by Shao-Lee Lin the Schools of Music and advisor, and Patricia Martin (then requirements that you have to deciding to come here and perhaps Students and faculty were Architecture, one alumnus, and head of Student Advising) for meet are the ones you already also through your time here the selected over the summer to serve two undergraduates. names of students who had done know about from the current last few days. In any case, in my on the committee to develop President George Rupp selected consistently well in their major catalogue. But, you can help all of relatively brief acquaintance with possible coherent minors to two student members, Dave area and were also well-rounded." us as we think through Rice, I have been struck with how present to the Faculty Council. Chustz and Jill Foote, both Will The four names Perrault improvements in our overall deeply pervasive is the pattern of a Faculty members voted at the Rice seniors, from a list of four selected to give Rupp included two curriculum — even if those kind of rhythm between two qlose of last year to create a students suggested by SA science and two liberal arts majors, improvements become new opposed yet finally comple- committee "consisting of President Tom Perrault. two male and two female. requirements only for subsequent mentary forms of intensity: Rice representatives from the various Said Perrault, "When 1 met with Chustz Ls an economics major, people work very hard and also classes. university constituencies, to design the faculty committee this and Foote, formerly a biology play ferociously. Both the work Your hard work in your studies and present to the faculty a more summer. Dr. Rupp suggested that major and a pre-med, is now in and the play will shape your will' have as its counterpoint fully developed coherent minor to students "be recommended by the managerial studies. Said Perrault, experience here decisively. equally vigorous play. You are no be considered for adoption at a SA as soon as possible. I consulted "Both expressed an interest in doubt already experiencing that Your work will, for the most meeting of the faculty next spring." with numerous faculty members, joining committees in the spring this week, and you will continue to part, be in the form of your studies. Since the May 1 faculty meeting, the pre-med advisor, the pre-law see WRC. page 7 experience it in the years ahead. I hope that you will take your the actual composition of that You have by now heard a lot about studies seriously; but I don't have committee has been set. Chaired that fabled Rice invention, the to urge you to do that because I'm fry Provost Neal Lane, it consists Entering class diverse Beer-Bike race. Having now confident that virtually all of you of two faculty members from each watched it — and participated by David Ottenhouse applicant pool is the ability to will. You will have the opportunity of the four academic schools: peripherally in it — once, I can A record number of applicants maintain a desirable academic to prepare youself thoroughly in science, engineering, humanities, assure it is a very impressive and for the class of 1990 allowed for profile while diversifying even the discipline or subject in which and social sciences, one each from greater diversity and a more the personal profiles of the "multiplicity of interests" among students in the entering class." the incoming freshmen, according The class has an average to Director of Admissions Ron Scholastic Aptitude Test score of Festival torch run Moss. 1321, slightly lower but not "It's a class about which we're significantly different from last very excited because it represents a year's average of 1326. Consistent growth in the applicant pool and with the preceding two years, more diversity in the applicant approximately 62 percent of the pool," Moss said. "These factors freshmen rank in the top 5 percent allow for more flexibility in the of their high school class, while way we extend our offers of only about 5 percent rank below admission." the upper quartile. The 551 freshmen in this year's The percentage of students who class were chosen from an finished either first or second in applicant pool of 3835, the largest their high school graduation number in Rice's history, which is classes stands at 26 percent for slightly greater than last year's 1986, compared to 37 percent in 3768. 1985, and 33 percent in 1983. The continued trend toward a Moss said the last two years larger applicant pool has caused have shown an increase in the the admissions process to become number of applicants to the increasingly competitive. Only see Fewer, page 7 about 14 percent of the applicants for the class of 1990 have INSIDE: matriculated at Rice this fall. By contrast, 21 percent of all • Welcome freshlings and applicants to the class of 1987 transfer students. mat riculated. • All about Houston, pp. 8-9. "In terms of academic profile, • New, improved ID cards, the class of 1990 is very pp. 2, 6. comparable to the last two • Upperclassmen arrive in the entering classes," Moss said. "But colleges tomorrow. Runners carry the torch of the U.S. Olympic Festival —H. Turner what you have with a larger • Activities Fair 1-5 pm today SUKrrstusrcPUPNOv. BuricANPortr UNDER My twoum' rnm-msfwmu COME MAKE EVER/THING AUMfiHT.? Card-access may be too secure for Rice We had to know it was coming, but we don't have to like it. I he doors to five academic buildings which students use at night will soon be controlled by a computerized security system; the powers-that-be will tell the campos who may enter at night, and S&OSfr these privileged persons will use their slick new magnetic-strip ID's to "gain access". All sounds very twentieth-century, doesn't it? To be sure, the system has its advantages. Night Owls will have less to fear at Mudd and other buildings, and the risk of theft should be lessened with tighter controls at these all-night buildings. Future use of the magnetic ID's for food service and library accounts also seems promising; we may even see the end of the need for a half-dozen tries to get through the lunch line. But there are problems to be pointed out. The system will cost $57,000, according to the campos, and this in a period which President Rupp described as financially "grim" for the COMMUNITY SERVICE/by James Mustacchia university. The time and money involved in maintaining the system will undoubtedly overshadow installation costs within a matter of years. Card-access will raise the cost to students of Choose your service project. replacement ID's by 400 percent, to $25. If this represents the Albert Einstein wrote that "A ideals and values are constantly establish himself, finds a foothold cost to the university of preparing the ID's, then some $75,000 successful man is he who receives a challenged, we can nevertheless for others and who, desiring remain confident that actively has to be added to the price of the system for preparation of the great deal more from his fellow attainment for himself, helps man, usually incomparably more reaching out to try to understand others to attain." Indeed, it would first 3000 cards; if not, then it is unreasonable for the than corresponds to his service to and address the legitimate needs of be great if everyone at Rice who is administration to be turning the ID press into a profit center. them." I work with an others is a worthwhile endeavor. striving to achieve, both in work While the campos say they've chosen the system that will be organization that takes exception Now is the time to proceed and play, would find ways to "least restrictive to users," card-access will unavoidably be to that idea. The Rice Student constructively, cooperatively, and include and benefit others in the restrictive and inconvenient for Rice people. For the system to Volunteer Program, RSVP, creatively. I am convinced that.the process. * work efficiently, computerized lists of legal entrants will have to initiated last school year by Scott best place to'begin working for a What I think about the value of be kept more current and more accurate than is possible in the Biddy, recognizes that students better world is in education; and community service — even what real world. Every time a person is denied building access because have a desire to help their fellow where better to look for leadership Einstein and Confucius think — is and participation than a of a "computer error"—which is eventually always traced back man, that public service is a very not very important. What is university? My hope is that RSVP important is what you think for to a human error—time and patience will be spent. In the end, important part of complete and successful education, but that it is and I, as the new Assistant yourself. Please take, (or rather, I though, the system probably won't change who gets into the not easy for students to get Director of Student Activities and should say, make) the time to buildings; as at the locked colleges, people without the magic key involved. With a realistic eye Advising, will be able to encourage consider the possibilities for your will only have to wait for someone drunk or trusting to let them toward inherent time constraints and support Rice students, faculty, getting involved in community in. and the wide array of individual and staff take a step in this service for fellow Rice students, Finally, Rice people have to ask themselves whether they interests at Rice, numerous direction. the people of Houston, other really want to be this secure. One of the heralded features of the opportunities for community Confucius said that "A man of world communities, and also for computerized system is that the campos will have a log of which service have been created. Existing humanity is one who, in seeking to yourself. ID's entered which buildings when. This idea may be good for opportunities include tutoring our personal security, but seems plusungood for our personal students from Jackson , Middle RSVP BACCHUS. Boost Alcohol School, weekly counseling of Officers: Consciousness Concerning the privacy. Equally ungood is the ever-widening gap between inside delinquents who are going through Carole Baraldi — Brown Health of University Students is a and beyond the hedges. President Rupp keeps admonishing the Harris County juvenile justice College national collegiate program of students not to lose sight of the city and the world surrounding alcohol abuse prevention. Looking system, working with handicapped Linda Haugen — Brown them, but increasing the physical barriers between Rice people for students interested in bringing and retarded individuals, working College and Houston can only increase the psychological barriers as a chapter to Rice campus. with a local food bank to provide Tri Dinh — Sid Richardson well. Someday, not so many years from now, when the only food for Houston's hungry, College Anyone interested in one of access to campus between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. is through the refurbishing houses for the poor, Jackie Smith — Brown College these or other programs, please retina-scanner in Entrance 1, Rice University's sixth president the elderly, etc. Only our contact an RSVP officer of Jim will wonder aloud why students here take no interest in the imagination and perhaps our Community Service Opportunities Mustacchia (Office in the RMC surrounding community. budget limit the number of Juvenile Court Volunteers. cloisters; N527-4970). opportunities which may yet be Volunteers befriend and counsel Also: —Spencer Greene created. offenders who, for the most part, Would the students, faculty, and With funding being cut from are confronting the Texas legal staff who are presently involved in many local and world social system for the first time. any community outreach Apologies to some; service organizations, there is an Home Refurbishing. Help organization please contact Jim overwhelming need for volunteers refurbish the homes of the elderly, Mustacchia by memo to the office The Thresher owes an apology to President Kupp ior tne to take up the slack. Regardless of the handicapped, and the poor. of Student Advising and Activities contents of a July 23 editorial in this space. That editorial political persuasion, religious Looking for a team of twenty or by phone at 527-4970. We are suggested that someone in the President's Office had released to affiliation, and the inevetable volunteers for Saturday, October eager to learn who is involved and the Houston Post the text of his undelivered commencement introspective uncertainties that 4th. in what programs. address, which was not available to the Thresher. Actually it arise in a university settin where seems that Dr. Rupp was as surprised to find that address in his morning Post as we were: a miscommunication in the publicity THRESHING IT OUT branch of the administration resulted in the leak. We were quick to draw a false conclusion, and we regret the error. I pretty much fit the mold this form of self-expression would Graduate Wilkerson described by Dr. Huston, in that I be looked down upon as terribly was interested in my subjects only unconstructive and possibly even favors Rice attitude to the point required to "get by", self-destructive (the event was Thank-yous to others . and I was very interested in finding usually accompanied by too much Special personal thanks go to all the advisOrs and other people To the editor: ways to unleash the anxiety I was drinking), but at the time it was a With regard to a letter published who were not supposed to be working on this issue but who creating for myself by working blast and I certainly don't think I'd in the summer issue of the myself to death to get good grades. feel any better about myself if I'd stopped by the office and ended up helping out. Without you there Thresher 1 would like to defend the My favorite form of relaxation was spent the time studying some would be no Thresher this week. I hope Lisa is lucky enough to poor attitude supposed to be slam-dancing when I was a arcane subject which I wouldn't have as eager and expert a staff as you during the regular season. inherent in the Rice mind. As an sophomore ana a junior, finally have understood very well anyway. —Spencer Greene undergraduate at Rice, I would say settling down as a senior. I'm sure see Threshing it out page 4 The Rice Thresher, August 22 1986, page 2 BEYOND THE HEDGES/by Micheie Wucker similar laws exist in most large said that students receiving Anderson Hospital adopted a Harvard to celebrate states. "The student has the right to academic scholarships are policy that will ban all smoking on State schools expect hear the teaching of the class in monitored by their grades, and the its premises by 1991. "I think a 350 years next month clear English," he said. According athletic program operates on the health center should set an staffing difficulties to a Wall Street Journal report, same principle. "One of the example," said Dr. David Carr. a The celebration of Harvard's American institutions are reasons an athlete gets a professor of medicine in thoracic Texas colleges and universities 350th anniversary in early becoming dependent on foreign scholarship is because of physical oncology there. Employees hired are feeling the pinch of the budget September will include a party on instructors because most well-being." after September 1 will not be deficit that State Comptroller Bob the Charles River featuring American students enter the work permitted to smoke at work. Bullock predicted could reach $5 fireworks, a 600-foot inflatable force rather than teaching. Cocaine popular on Employees will be provided billion by January. Because of the rainbow sculpture, and "aqua campuses, it seems assistance in quitting their habit. statewide hiring freeze resulting mirage" laser projections, Duke borrows drug The UT Health Science Center from the deficit, state school according to the Chronicle of According to a University of in Houston has a policy which officials expect to be short-staffed Higher Education. Speakers will policy from athletes Michigan study, about one of seeks a "smoke-free environment" during fall registration. include the Prince of Wales, Duke University administrators every three American college and a reduction in both the In addition, the House Secretary of State George P. are considering including the students has tried cocaine. By the number of smokers and the Appropriations Committee voted Shultz, and Harvard's president, entire student body in a unique time students reach age 27, the quantity they smoke. in mid-August to cut $1.1 billion Derek Bok. The celebration will drug abuse policy that had been percentage rises to 40 percent. The from education funds and transfer end with an outdoor extravaganza designed for the athletic university's Institute for Social the money to other state programs. created by Tommy Walker, who department. That policy allows Research released the study amid a Summer still hot time The money would come from the helped David Wolper produce the students with drug problems to national revival of concern over Permanent School Fund and opening and closing ceremonies receive free professional treatment the cocaine-related deaths of for student tourism Permanent University Fund, for the 1984 Olympics and Liberty if they voluntarily contact the University of Maryland basketball which can be reinvested but not Weekend. The four-day gala is athletic tutoring coordinator. player Len Bias and Cleveland Despite predictions that fear of spent. The $1.1 billion represents expected to cost over a million Students suspected of using drugs Browns football player^ Don terrorism would reduce travel profits from the funds'securities dollars. will be tested if they do not Rogers. abroad this summer, travel agents transactions in the last five years. voluntarily seek help, and A recently released report by the say that student traffic to Europe The plan was proposed by House State may offer ESL eliminated from the program if the National Collegiate Athletic seems to have reached about the Speaker Gib Lewis to eliminate the results are positive. Elimination Association indicates that same levels as last summer, need for a tax increase. Now about to foreign professors entails permanent loss of approximately 17 percent of according to the College Press $2.4 billion, the Permanent scholarship and exclusion from all American college athletes have Service. "We were flooded with University fund is divided among A Texas Select Committee on future participation in Duke used cocaine during the last year. massive cancellations after the the University of Texas and Texas Higher Education recommended athletics. The self-reporting The report also found that use of bombing of Libya April 15," said A&M systems. The Permanent that all state colleges and program has been used by most other kinds of illicit drugs is Tim Blasche, marketing manager School Fund, now more that $5 universities establish a program students, athletic director Tom declining. for Student Travel International. billion, is divided among all local for teaching personnel whose Butters told the Duke Chronicle, However, he also reported that his school districts. The House primary language is not English. and people have been tested under company's June bookings Appropriations Committee later The recommendation would suspicion. According to Butters, UT hospitals curbing exceeded June 1985 bookings. delayed action on the plan, require that programs be approved the Duke athletic department's Although groups that cancelled opposed by Governor Mark White or established by the 1988-89 drug policy is one of the firmest in smoking in buildings had problems reviving their plans and education officials."Taking school year, or the school would the country. Suzanne Wasiolek, Two University of Texas health after their fears subsided, many monies from the permanent trust lose 5 percent of its allocated dean for student life, did not think centers have adopted stricter students originally on group tours funds set aside for our children and funds. According to Bill Parsley, a the drug policy would be expanded smoking standards, the Daily apparently bought tickets on their their education would set a terrible Lubbock member of the task force, to include the whole campus. She Texan reported. The M.D. own. precedent." White said. Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU


1 PONT CAFE IF YOU MUC CITY OF SANTA PAR- py MAKING IT'S NOT ILLEGAL TO SEEEP PER AND THEY David Schnur News Editor ARE A REPORTER, I'M SLEEP- BARA ORDINANCE • /j \ueeAL SE. IAIE JUST KJANT THOSE WITH HUH? SAY M 2 Ian Neath Fine Arts Editor GONNA HAVE TV CITE ,NQ 2 WE'RE TRYING TO 777 SLEEP NO PLACE TO SLEEP TO NOT HAVE A BABBLE' Carlos Soltero Advertising Manager YOU FOR PUBLIC SLEEP- / CURB HOMELESS - , ' PLACE TO SLEEP SOME PLACE OTHER Harold Turner Photo Editor NESS. \ THAN HERE Steve Nations Sports Editor Jim Humes Sports Editor Mark Matteson Senior Sports Editor Rich Frueh Head Typesetter Scott Snyder Senior Editor Paul Havlak Senior Editor James Mustacchia Contributing Editor

Assistant Editors Karen Nickel (Entertainment). Shao-Lee Lin (News) Proofreader L. Gene Spears News Staff Rita Cortes, David Ottenhouse Electra Westerlage Pine Arts Staff Eric Salituro, Trevor Schelbourg, L. Gene Spears. Steven Spears Sports Staff Anthony Wills Photography Staff Mike 'Dingbat' Gladu 'MORNING, CAMPERS!YOU CM OKAY, TED, HERE IN SANTA BAR- ALSO, TWO HOMELESS BEATS ME. Production Staff Rita Cortes, Chip Doros?, BARA, THERE ARE ONLY 100 BEDS MEN WERE MURDERED opnny U/HY THE Rusty Fisher, Anna Little, Tom Verghese, K/E'RE LIVE FROM FIGCALL ME I'VE JUST607 Micheie Wucker TREE PARK, SANTA1BV OR YOU FOR 2,000 HOMELESS. ITS ILLEGAL HERE WITHIN NINE aR0 ' HELL ARE THIS NUTTY ^ Circulation Paul Havlak. Eric Salituro I BARBARA, T0PAY, CAN CALL TO SLEEP OUTDOORS AFTER PARK.MONTHS. REAPYFOR . YOU STILL COMMUNITY ^ 1 CHATTING MH... MEED. JUST PUBUC PRINKING IS BANNED. LOCALTHE BIG QUESTION, HERB? UNPER MY GROCERS POUR BLEACH ON PIS - / PUPE ? ' The Rice Thresher, the official student newspaper at Ricc University PONTCALL \ SKIN since 1916. is published each Fridayduring the school year, except during ME NEE?' ^ ^CARDED FOOD. SY examination periods and holidays, hy the students of Rice University. Editorial and business offices are located on the second floor of the Ley Student Center, P.O. Box 1892, Houston. Texas 77251. Telephone (713)527-4801 or 527-4802. Advertising informalion available upon request Mail subscription rate per semester. SI5.00 domestic, $3000 international, (via first class mail). The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of anyone except the writer Obviously.

>1986, The Rice Thresher. All rights reserved. URBAN HOME URBANHOME COMPANION^ COMPANI COMPAN

8-20 The Rice Thresher, August 22, 1986, page 1 Wilson tells freshmen to take 'Chance of a Lifetime' mean someone you've known for a long possible, you're sure to find people who have one — they will — and accept the The faculty address to freshman this year time...There, as I figured, we're a room of outlooks you can learn from, and interests responsibility that comes with this chance of was delivered by William Wilson of the strangers here today. And this is the first you can share. a lifetime. Department of Electrical Engineering. His thing I want to point out to you as being a One of the things that is probably just now A second feature of the next four years address, printed in part here, was entitled"A Chance of a Lifetime. The chance I'm beginning to dawn on a lot of you is that you will be the enormous opportunity you will Chance of a Lifetime. " talking about is that of starting with a are truly away from home! I don't mean for a have to experience and do things which First of all, let me join the others who have completely clean slate. By and large, each week or a summer, but for good. This is a you've never done before (and may never done so, and welcome you to Rice and every one of you is an unknown here. No whole room full of individuals who have just have the chance to do again). ... Never again University. If 1 had the time, I would find out one knows who you are, what kind of broken out of the bonds of childhood and in your life will you have the time or .the from each of you your home-town, your "reputation" you have, or in fact, has any are heading out alone into the world. opportunity to try, learn, or experience so intended major, and your SAT scores, but preconceived notions about who you are or What I am trying to say here is that along many different things. perhaps we can do that later. how you are likely to act. with the freedom of finally being away from From an academic point of view, the When Vice-President Stebbings asked Right now is an excellent time to make your folks, comes the responsibility of choice and variety of courses which you can me, on behalf of the freshmen orientation some changes. Take stock, think about those taking charge of your own life. No one will take outside your major area of study are co-ordinators, if 1 would be interested in things which you could improve on, and intrude on you and tell you how to do things, fantastic. ... Take advantage of these giving this talk, I was a little taken aback. begin right now implementing them. Over and there will be no one but yourself to courses, and choose widely and broadly. ... After all, I'm an Electrical Engineer, and just the next few months you will be blame when things don't work out as a result The opportunities to study and learn new everyone knows that engineers are dull establishing the patterns of how people here of your actions. Starting this week, you are things here are ones youH never have again, people who never have anything of interest at Rice are going to react and interact with embarking on an exciting transition into full so take advantage of them. to say. What could I convey to you that you you. Try and get off on the right foot, and at adulthood. Expect people to treat you like see Wilson, page 7 would find both interesting and useful? the same time, try to make yourself to be After thinking about it, however, I realized more like the kind of person you want to be, 1HRESHING IT OUT that my years of living on campus at Wiess not the kind of person people have always continued Jrom page 2 certain things as I do, but let me still defend I've seen quite a few freshman classes come expected you to be. This is a chance of a This brings me to the present. After these people. When I came to school, I was (and go) and that, in fact, I did have some lifetime, make good use of it. leaving Rice, I changed my style of living a nineteen years old, really naive, and not observations and thoughts that I would like One of the advantages of being here at bit, and I now have been known to devote really capable of handling the pressure that to try to pass on to you, the incoming class of Rice is that you will find people are very hours a day reading and researching some was imposed by my professors, my family, 1990. So, if you will, let's step back from the open minded and tolerant of a variety of subject of interest to me, simply because I and myself. I think this is a fairly universal hustle and bustle of orientation week outlooks and lifestyles.... Rice will not try to want to figure it out. I have found that my situation among college students, activities for a few minutes and try to look at force you into a certain "mold" which Rice education prepared me to learn this particularly at a school with the reputation this thing called "the college experience" defines the perfect Rice student. In fact, if way by giving me a breadth of knowledge, of Rice. I think I did a reasonably good job with a broad view. I want to try to explain to anything, the goal of being as particularly in my own area of civil of keeping myself mentally and emotionally you why I feel that this adventure you are unconventional as possible seems to apply. engineering. However, I don't feel that any stable, and without a lot of "screwing just embarking upon truly is, ...A Chance of What this means to you right now is that you such attempts would have been as fruitful around" I would have found myself in a very a Lifetime. can let yourself go a bit, and try during the years I was in school, because I serious state. Whether this sounds absurd or Let's take a little survey. 1 want anyone experimenting at being the "real you" and lacked the maturity, and therefore the not, as if to suggest that a person can't who really knows either of the two persons not the person that other people expect you discipline, and also the knowledge handle a little pressure, I still maintain that it he or she is sitting next to to raise his hand. to be. Be true to your own feelings and necessary. was a wise way to behave. This doesn't mean someone you've really interests. See how other people react. Make It is possible that a good deal of Rice Finally, let me say that I think learning is a gotten to know over the past few days, I as many new friends and acquaintences as graduates will not be interested in pursuing great thing and that the excitement that frequently accompanies it is, in some ways, Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU unmatched. For this reason, I wish to commend those people who do behave the way that Dr. Huston's letter leads me to EMPEROR LEOPOLD, AS Fj[/F T IT'S CRAZY. THE CITY HAS SPENT THE HOMELESS NEED HELP. THEY I MYSELF ONE OF SANTA BARBA - Z *250,000ARRESTING AND PRO - NEED FOOL? SHELTER, JOB TRAIN- THERE YOU WOULDN'T SAY believe he would have us all behaving. 1 PA '5 MORE COLORFUL SEOJTING THE HOMELESS FOR PUB-ING, A CHANCE TO REGAIN THEIR HAVE IT, NOTOASPOT don't write them off as geeks or whatever s CITIZENS, HOW MANY LIC SLEEPING, BUT ONLY*100,000 DIGNITY. MOST WOULD RE-ENTER DEAR LIS- OF PSYCH/ATRJC you want to call them, but I certainly don't NI7Y ' TIMES HAVE YOU BEEN V FOR SERVICES THAT HELP THEM I SOCIETY IF GIVEN A HAND! TENERS.: CARE. \ think that this sort of pursuit of knowledge is I ARRE5IEP FOR SLEEP- WW] \ /NG? a good thing for everybody, particularly - yri v r between the ages of eighteen and twenty- IK one. Steven Wilkerson BSCE 1984 MCE 1987 Thresher scolded for AN HOME July impoliteness COMPANION To the editor: Three points in your editorial in the July EXCUSE ME, BROTHER, COULD AN ALL-TOO COMMON REACTION AGAIN, THAT 23 issue of the Thresher disturbed me. The YOU TELL MY LISTENERS WHAT HERE IN FIG TREE PARK! SIR, IS OH... YOU MEAN, SAME SAP -r ti ir~r first was your manner of referring to YOU THINK OF SANTA BARBARASTHERE ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO RIGHT NOW. R3FRAIN... 1 J US? I President Rupp. His proper title always is ! ANTI-SLEEPING ORDINANCE 2 SAY TO THIS CITY ABOUT THEIR VERY GOOD. IJU ANTI-HOMELESS LAWS' WIWA d£ YOUMUSTA "President Rupp" or "Dr. Rupp"; referring % 60 NE TO to or addressing him as"Rupp"shows a lack S WANNABE I JUST LEFT Am/ COLLEGE. of both accuracy and respect. The New York LEFT ALONE. WANNABE \ Times is exemplary in this respect: LEFT ALONE1. v regardless of the writer's opinion, President Reagan is referred to as "President Reagan" or "the President" or "Mr. Reagan," never as "Reagan." The second point was your criticism of President Rupp's office for withholding information from the Thresher. What seemed to be an especially sore point was the withholding of information about two new buildings; if all he did was to "hint," why SO YOU SEE, MR. WE'VE WORKED HARD WE'RE PUTTING press it further? When he is fully ready to SLACKMEYER, WE ON THE ^ FOR WHAT WE HAVE HERE. WELL, AT THE % TOGETHER ATOUR. commit to a major project or policy, Dr. CITY COUNCIL AREN'T MON- THAT'S WHY ME FEEL SO UH... MOMENT, WE'RE LONG WETHINKONCF Rupp will make it known; at present DEEPLY THAT THE HOME- LIKE VERY HIGH ON RFACHZ THE HOMELESS SEE STERS. WE'RE SIMPLY TRYING withholding information is prudent; it may, TO PRESERVE A CHERISHED LESS ARB SOMEBODY ELSE'S WHOSE? LONG BEACH. / THE AREA, THEY'LL indeed, be necessary. WAY OF LIFE. PROBLEM. \ \ I BE SOLD. Finally, an editor as well as a reporter must write in a professional manner. Threatening to publish information known to be incomplete or inaccurate is unprofessional and, from a journalist's point of view, unconscionable. A threat, even hinting at one, lowers the credibility and quality of the Thresher to below that even of BAN HOME N HOME RBAN HOME RBAN HOME the Houston Post or Chronicle. MPANION 'COMPANION SDMRANION PANION Daniel Sullivan Wiess *7

The Rice Thresher, August 22, 1986, page 4 Willy's Pub gets new policy for checking identification by David Schnur responsibility if that person had "Students have to understand that business, beer prices at Willy's will Pub may close at midnight on A new policy for checking presented a false ID. "The the Texas Alcoholic Beverage be raised from last year's 90 cents Fridays and Saturdays. identification, significantly higher alcoholic beverage code says if (the Commission is coming down strict for most varieties, to prices Pub officials plan to keep a close prices, and a wider variety of foods Pub) uses the Texas Driver's on everyone," said Hinton. comparable with those at off- eye on the bottom line this will greet patrons at Willy's Pub License as identification and it is Once students make it past the campus bars. Keg prices will not semester. "We were $2,000 in the this year. false, we are not at fault." ID check, they will find much increase drastically, since they black last year," Hinton said. "This Pub manager Harold Hinton Because many Rice students are higher prices. According to were already competitive with year we have a projected deficit of said he expects to reopen Willy's from outside Texas and do not Hinton, the September 1 drinking prices at liquor stores. $30,000. Anything we can do to tomorrow in its regular location in have state identification, the age increase will hurt the Pub. "We minimize the deficit will help." the basement of the Rice Memorial university will accept out-of-state need people to understand that Hinton is also hoping to save Since most Rice students will be Center. driver's licenses until November 1. because the drinking age is going money at the Pub by closing the unable to drink at Willy's after Merely presenting a Rice After that date only Texas Driver's to 21, well be losing lots of doors earlier on weekends, September 1, the Pub will try to identification card will no longer License or the Texas state ID will money," he said. typically the worst nights. Instead offer more foods and non- be sufficient to be allowed to drink be permissible. To compensate for the lost of staying open until 2 a.m., the alcoholic beverages. at Willy's. According to Proctor Driver's licenses and official BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed Edward Holt only driver's licenses identification cards are available at will be accepted as proof of age this any office of the state Department LOLA, IHM LOIA, I PONT RUM THEREFORE, I MUST OPUS. YOU'RE SO CUTE SOMMTNG TO SAV TRS FAIR TO ME, YOUR INSIST THAT YOU REFRAIN WHEN YOU'RE NEANPERTHAL. year. of Public Safety. None are located MP I BENE* JUST JWEET PATOOTTE , FROM EVER TALKING TU "The problem is where does the inside the loop, but there is one at 5AY IT BEFORE1 WHEN YOU ANOTHER MAN AS LONG AS M ALIVE. PON'T TRY 11790 Bellaire. PECIPE HOT TO CONTINUE TO university stand if somehow SftYrr... ASSOCIATE TO BITTER. someone who is underage gets into Bartenders at the Pub will be WITH FORMER ME UP. an accident after we served him even more careful to make sure FLAMES... alcohol," Holt explained. that people who have not been The new policy will limit Rice's properly proofed cannot drink. Barefield trial to begin by Rita Cortes murder wherein a second specific RS-*FP K crime has been committed. A Jury selection will begin Mon- NO WE SHALL NOT BE TELLING day in the trial of John Kennedy murder committed in connection AH HOW MY HEART WITH PALACES THE ROYAL NAVY TO 'TAKE BACK" Barefield, one of two brothers with a robbery, sexual assault, POTH ACHE FOR FARAWAY ANP CARRIAGES ANP KINGS -TO BE MASSACHUSETTS prison escape or kidnapping falls KINGPOMS IN FARAWAY AMP ERNE KINGS ANP SONS OF 70PAY. SON charged in the murder of Rice LANPS... ANP FAIR QUEENS... KINGS-TO BE . into this category. In addition, MUM S RIGHT student Cindy Rounsaville. C? <2 C? serial murders and the murder of a C> YER SUCH A Barefield, 22, was arrested May BLOOPY A 8 and charged with capital murder. police officer are considered WIMP PAP According to Harris County capital murder. District Attorney Jim Peacock, Although a third, and possibly selection of jurors will take two to fourth, defendant had been three weeks and testimony is suspected, no other charges have R\ expected to be heard near the been filed. Said Houston Police middle of September. Considered Department spokesman A1 Baker, to be "the actual shooter," John "There have not been many new Barefield is being held without developments, and we don't TIME TOGO so HOPE WE GET TO SEE FETCH YOUR FATHER. bond. anticipate any more arrests or WE'RE OFF UNCLE ANPR£W ' KATIPY ANPY / FOR A ROYAL I LIKE UNCLE KANPYANPY / His brother. Perry Joshua charges being filed." / FAMILY OUT/NO. , ANPREW'6 STYLE... RANCY ANPY Barefield, is also charged with Police believe that Rounsaville. en, MUM r RANPY ANPY ' JYARLY capital murder and is being held a fifth-year architecture student CHARLIE FT without bond. He was arrested in from Will Rice College, was connection with the murder on abducted April 21 in the parking May 15 when he turned himself in lot of her off-campus apartment to police. He has not yet been and murdered that evening. Her indicted and there is no date set for body was found the next day in a the trial, according to Harris field in the 6600 block of Loma County District Attorney Chuck Vista. She had received two Noll. Noll said that Perry Barefield gunshot wounds to the head. Her would "probably be indicted in the car had been found burning a few AH WIILIAM.. HOW BOUT SOME I SAY SON... T WAS next week and a half." miles away the previous night. A LONELY PAY FOR A PO{/) •? PO YOU YOU'VE BOPPEP AIMING ROYAL FAMILY PICNIC... ATVw.' HOW TO PLAY THE QUEEN MUM FOR AUNT Capital murder is defined as a WHAT SHALL WE POLO ON THE NOOPLE. FERGIE'S PO FIRST T HIPS. CANT SEE HOW T BLOODY WELL Rice to host concerts MISSEP M by David Schnur proposed contract guarantees that Rice football fans may have an Rice cannot lose money on the added reason to watch their team shows. this year. Athletic department The proposed contract would officials are negotiating to hold give the Athletic Department 100 concerts at Rice Stadium after percent of revenues up to a certain WW home games. fpoint, May said. The promoter would get all of the revenues from NO, A KING HAS MORE Assistant Athletic Director WILLIAM...YOU'LL BE KINO that point to a higher level, and the OF ENGLANP ONE PAY- comz PLEASANT RESPONSIBI- CUTOFF Steven Moniachi said the PO YOU KNOW WHAT A NO NO. LITIES THESE PAYS.., NO NO,.. Athletic Department and Projects ? ANP FFUABE department hopes to have concerts KING OF ENGLANP POES NOT WHY, PO YOU KNOW WHAT 75 m's OPEN West would split income above WEAK .. ANYMORE. A KING HAS TO PO SHOPPING after one or two games this season. that level. Thus the school will not \ OCCASIONALLY ? CENTERS. "The idea has been kicked around lose money no matter what size the V for years," he explained, "but the crowd. coumiftH. administration here a few years / Moniaci said his department has ago was not in the mind to have told Projects West the dates on concerts." which bands are wanted. The purpose of the concerts is to Currently, the department is increase attendance at football considering having shows after the games and to make additional Texas Tech game, October 18, and money for the Athletic after the Air Force game, THE SOVIET UNION UH ,0U... HAS ANNOUNCE? THAT ISN'T THIS THE Department. The game and the November 22. The promoter will BILL THE CAT THEY'VE FORCIBLY VIRTHPAY OF BRITAIN'S concert afterward will be included then provide a list of groups IS IN THE NEWS PEPORTEP BILL TO UTILE PRINCE AGAIN... A WESTERN OH NO... WILLIAM " THE * oh the same ticket. Ticket prices available to play on those dates. \ COUNTRY.. TERRIBLE THROTTTF will not increase, and will continue The Athletic Department is THROTTLE to be free for students. looking for acts that will appeal to THROTTIE Currently, the department is a variety of people. Among the negotiating with Projects West, a groups considered appropriate are Los Angeles-based promoter who the Beach Boys and the Monkees. will bring in the groups. According Said Moniaci, "They pretty much to John May, associate director of understand that we're not going to Ki'SS LA the Athletic Department, the put Molly Hatchet in the stadium." !222. The Rice Thresher, August 22, 1986, page 5 Computerized locks to require new student ID cards by David Schnur connected, and requires no The magnetic strips will have issued to a student, but that go down or lose its connection to a A new computerized lock and changes in an ID card to add or potential beyond merely opening replacements will cost $25. Before card reader, the readers are alarm system will soon protect delete a student from any buildings door locks. Central Kitchen plans changing to the magnetized card sophisticated enough to identify several buildings on campus. Most access list. to begin using the strips for food system, the fee was $5. and accept only Rice cards, students will have to get new This flexibility could allow the service lines this spring, and resulting in only a small decrease in The new system will provide the identification cards with magnetic Chemistry Lab to be open only to Voswinkel suggested that the security. campus police with information strips on the back to enter those graduate students and upper-level library could consider using the valuable in maintaining the There are a few limitations to the buildings at night. undergraduates in chemistry, strips for their circulation physical security of buildings. If a new locking system. The alarm, for According to Campus Police while granting access to the computer. card reader loses electric power instance, only records if a door has Chief Mary Voswinkel, electronic computers in Mudd to everyone Voswinkel said that students (leaving the door unlocked), or a been opened improperly. Said door locks controlled by magnetic with magnetic Rice identification. need not all rush at once to get the door stays open longer than Binford, "The first person who strips are being installed on Mudd According to Neill Binford, new ID cards. The magnetic strips necessary for one person to enter, puts a brick through the door l ab. Chemistry Lab, and Herman assistant to the Vice President for will not be used until October, and an alarm will sound at the police defeats the system." Brown, Anderson, and Herring Administration, other depart- even once the locking system is in office. Furthermore, each use of a However, other security, Halls. The system will cost the ments have shown interest in use, only people who want to get card to enter a building will be environmental, and fire detectors university $57,000. getting the new locks, as have some into the affected buildings will recorded, so that the police will may be connected with the same After hours, the locks on those college masters. A college could need the new cards. have a rough idea of who is in a computer to provide an integrated buildings will be activated, and to use the system to lock the entrance Campus police clerk Raymond building at any time. alarm monitoring system, giving open a door from the outside a to its commons, or to the entire Swift said that they will charge no more protections to those student or faculty member will building. fee for the first magnetic card If the central computer should locations that need it. have to insert his ID card into a Because no one has done an reader on the wall. People inside analysis of who uses each building will be able to exit freely, as and who needs access, installation Cash machine for store not likely required by fire regulations. and expansion of the system will Academic departments in the proceed slowly. Any defects in teh by Lisa Gray that Rice not get an automatic Such credit cards, he said, would affected buildings will give the system will need to be repaired. Campus Police lists of people Proposals to install an teller machine on campus. As an have a low store overhead, a re used Said Binford, "We want to make automatic teller machine at the alternative, Rawlings proposed nationwide, and would simplify authorized to be in each building darn sure it works well before we after hours, and only those campus store or to have the store that the Campus Store accept mail-order sales, which Rawlings start blanketing the campus with accept credit cards face an national credit cards. says should begin soon. persons' ID cards will open the it." locks. uncertain fate. Texas Commerce Bancshares A straw poll of Campus Store The campus police plan to begin In a letter written Wednesday to offered to sell a PULSE machine customers in October and The five buildings selected all using the locks in mid-October, Vice-President for Administration to the Store for $16,000; operation November showed that 96 percent remain open through the night, but the date may be pushed back if Ronald Stebbings, Store Manager expenses such as charges for the of the 1400 respondents favored and occupants were concerned new ID cards are not issued Robert Rawlings recommended phone line used, a modem, courier the Store's accepting credit cards, over the dangers posed by- quickly enough. service, and cash handling would according to Rawlings. He states unlocked doors, Voswinkel said. Binford said it will cost the total an additional $1611 per that these results are especially Herman Brown, for instance, is university roughly $3.00 for each month. impressive because the Store was used by several academic new blank identification card, not MoneyMokef then temporarily located on the departments, and houses the Navy Rawlings calculates that for the including cost for labor, printing first floor of the Space Science ROTC program as well as practice automatic teller machine to pay for personal information, and building, where there "was not a rooms for the Shepherd School of itself through user fees, it would photographic film. Installing whole lot of traffic." Music. have to conduct 2800 transactions computerized locks on each per month. "Right now I don't feel The Board of Directors has not "About a year-and-a-half ago, additional building beyond the like there would be that many been receptive to Rawlings some residents of Herman Brown current five will cost another people using it," he said. suggestion, however. Stebbings suggested that' perhaps the $2500. "There are machines at the said the board decided in January university should look into the Each building, therefore, will University of Houston where they that the store should not accept idea of controlled access," only have one door with a card have an area of high traffic and credit cards. Voswinkel said. reader. Voswinkel said this will they don't do very well," Rawlings According to Stebbings, A system manufactured by the typically be located closest to'the said, pointing out that since the Rawlings' recommendations at Diebold company was selected parking lots. The other doors will machine would accept PULSE that time said only that the cards after a study to find what access be locked, and if the system is network cards, students with most would be used to facilitate mail- system would be "most effective successful, the cores for the other out-of-state banks would be ordering. The letter did not say the but least restrictive to users," said locks will be changed to reduce the unable to make withdrawals. store would accept cards from Voswinkel. It permits different number of people with keyed Another drawback is that the students and did not mention the access policies for each building access. Teller machine -H. Turner Texas Commerce contract states survey, Stebbings said. that the bank can withdraw its The board felt that the store services should the machine not be could purchase an automatic teller Former department chairman dies profitable. "So if we were to fail machine thai would give cash from miserably then we're stuck with the credit cards, making it unnecessary sabbaticals he worked at London's Funeral services were held machine," Rawlings said. for the store itself to accept the Imperial College of Sciences and August 2 at the First Congrega- Rawlings instead would like the cards. Technology, the Universite Libre tional Church. Pallbearers were Campus Store to accept credit Rawlings plans to send another de Bruxelles, and the Technical Chemical Engineering professors cards such as Visa and letter to Stebbings asking for University of Berlin. Germany's Larry Mclntire, Joe Hightower, MasterCard. "That's my personal permission to accept credit cards at Alexander von Humboldt Constantine Armenieades, goal," he said. "Every time I get the the store. Said Rawlings, "I believe Foundation awarded him its 1979 Clarence Miller, Derek Dyson, chance I ask (the Rice Board of it would be an advantage to the Senior U.S. Scientist Award for and Kai-yiu San; the remaining Trustees) to consider it." store and to the students." his research at the Technical members of the department were U niversity of Berlin. designated as honorary pall- He was a consultant to the bearers. Leland's family requested National Gas Processors that donations be made to Rice or JUDGE US BY Association and the U.S. Bureau M.D. Anderson Hospital in lieu of of Standards in Boulder, flowers. THE COMPANY Colorado. Leland is survived by his wife Leland graduated from Texas Frances, his son Frank, his WE KEEP! Thomas Leland A&M in 1947, received his M.S.E. daughter Margaret, his mother, his from the University of Michigan in by Lisa Gray sister, two grandchildren, and 1949 and his Ph.D. from the Professor Thomas W. Leland, a several nieces and nephews. 1200TEXANS member of the Rice faculty since University of Texas in 1953. 1954, died of cancer Thursday, CAN'T BE WRONG. July 31. He was 62 years old. < OC. The Campanile Orchestra of Rice University will be Leland, the A.J. Hartsook •— conducting auditions starting August 25 for openings it Professor of Chemical Engi- era® t/> presently has for its 1986-1987 season; oboe, clarinet, neering, had received international U1 bassoon, horn, solo trumpet, , section violin, section recognition for his work in the viola, section contrabass. The 1986-1987 season includes : thermodynamic properties of fluid 2 5 Si Respighi - Pines of Rome, Haydn - Symphony No. 102, mixtures important to processing s Mahler - Songs of the Wayfarer, Brahms - Symphony No. 1, natural gas and refining INQUIRE ABOUT I Franck - Symphony In D Minor, and Berlioz - Excerpts from 981-4700 OUR FINANCIAL petroleum. Q- "La Damnation de Faust". For information on scheduling an 7011 S.W. Freeway St. 100 AID PROGRAM SEPT 27 EXAM A Jones faculty associate, he

continued from page 1 No doubt the activities in this agencies and hospitals and other I certainly have not mentioned education here. And it will also you will do that. All of the area that attract the most service organizations. Last year all of the activities under way here. enrich all of us as you work with pressures of the Rice culture push participation are sports — students voted to increase their But I hope I have given some sense others to stimulate talk and action in those two directions: to work intercollegiate athletics, blanket tax by $2.00 to provide of the range of opportunities on questions and concerns that we and to play, to study seriously and intramurals, and club sports. funding for this program, and Jim available. I urge you, along with all share. to celebrate, to enjoy, to party with Other activities in this third area Mustacchia, who graduated last your studying and partying, to Again, on behalf of all of us who abandon. 1 note this pattern and between studying and partying are year, will provide overall participate actively in this area — have been here, I welcome all of applaud it — insofar as both the the various media: KTRU, our all- coordination for this effort. in athletics, in our various Rice you to this university. 1 am work and the play remain volunteer radio station; our Another project is OUT-Reach media, in the arts, and in religious, delighted that you have come. I respectful of others who are here yearbook, the Campanile, which (Organization of Undergraduate ethnic, political, and service look forward to getting to know all and contribute to the vitality of last year won a publishing prize Tutors) which was also founded groups. This participation will add of you, and I thank you for your this community as a whole. for general excellence; the last year. It arranges to bring a crucial third dimension to your attention. But 1 also want to call attention University Blue, our budding students from Houston public to a third area into which the literary journal; and, of course, the schools to campus for one-on-one strongest pressures of the Rice Thresher, our campus newspaper, tutoring. Here are some other ethos do not as readily push us. which provides a central medium projects that are under way: the This third area is critically for communication on campus. All Chinquapin Project, a big-sister important for our life together in of these efforts need our support. program for high school girls; a this community. It is the entire This past year we had a striking refurbishing project in which Rice range of our experiences here that increase in the involvement of Rice students work with other lies between studying and people in various service programs volunteers on intensive Saturdays partying. Because I am convinced in our surrounding communities. of renovation the homes of elderly that the activities in this third area R.S.V.P. — the Rice Student and disabled in less affluent are crucial for all of us at Rice, I Volunteer Program — was neighborhoods; collections (by want to invite all of you to organized. It is devoted to Baker College) for an area food participate vigorously in them. arranging placements of Rice bank; a tutorial program at Here are some examples. student volunteers in social Covenant House. Wilson speaks to new students continued from page 4 get into something that really will knows you — you've fallen down A final point which I would like interest you, you want to gain on the job over the last four years, to discuss — and this is one of the insight and experience in what not the University. We are putting truly unique qualities of Rice — is something will be like.... Really the opportunity in front of you that over the next four years you getting to know a faculty member with our easy access and interest, have a wonderful opportunity to who does something you think you but we're not going to force get to know personally some of the might find interesting later on is a ourselves on you — it's still up to Faculty here. One of the main tremendous way of gauging your you to make the effort to get to reasons that a number of us work own interest in that field. Lots of know us. President Rupp makes a point to the freshmen -H.Turner here at Rice, and not somewhere colleges and universities have else, is that we like under- famous names associated with graduates, and want to get to know them, at Rice you actually have the WRC seniors named to panel them. Rice, with its "small school" opportunity to meet and get to in this direction have already been which has not been solved, but one atmosphere, and excellent know some of those people. continued from page I proposed. Rather than the we continue to work on. All is very student/faculty ratio, makes this and they've always been real When you see a faculty member traditional, more technical, science tentative at this stage." possible, where, at a number of active. I think they'll be good for come over to the College for lunch, the committee." mainstream, courses will be At present, the coherent minor other places, it just wouldn't work. don't head for the table in the designed to focus on the social proposal calls for "a five-course First of all, let's talk about why Three subcommittees were furthest corner from him or her, applications and personal impact sequence beginning with a two- bother doing this? What formed at the summer committee but go sit down with them, of a particular scientific field. semester, interdisciplinary advantages will you get from meeting: one each for science and introduce yourself, and find out foundation course, followed by a knowing some faculty? I think engineering, one for liberal arts, Sass offers as an example, what that person does.... It's not set of three related courscs probably the most important thing and one to take care of the "nitty- "Rather than biology as it is too hard to think up some proposed by the faculty or by — besides just the chance to make gritty" aspects involved with the offered now, we could study questions that can keep a students." some friendships that you might minor proposal, such as grading reproduction and how it affects conversation going for awhile. Though the proposal is still very keep for quite some time — is the and handling of transfer students. individuals and society. This could And for heaven's sake, if they ask much in its developmental stages, professional insight and Four faculty members from the lead into discussion of genetic you some questions, don't answer concern has already been voiced by perspective which you can gain. sciences — Franz Brotzen of defects, and following along this with "yep" and "nope"and then sit members of the faculty and student Having the chance to get to know Materials Science, Ronald Sass of line, into an introduction of there continuing to stuff a body over its viability. Many feel people now, who are already Biology, Edward Lewis of genetics." hamburger in your mouth. The that the plan removes freedom acknowledged leaders in their Chemistry, and Stephen Baker of Faculty in the humanities and faculty associate comes over to the from students, and that additional particular area of endeavor, can Physics — recently attended a two- social sciences are responding college because he or she is faculty will be necessary to handle have a significant and lasting week long liberal education similarly. Said Professor of interested in you and what you do. exclusively the new courses impact on your career, and, in fact, workshop. English Dennis Huston, "We're proposed. on what you choose as a career. But, as I said at the outset — it is u Said Sass, We were sent to rub working on a course to introduce Huston said the problems could For most people, deciding what up to you to make the effort and shoulders with the liberal arts the humanities and social sciences. be resolved. "Eventually, we hope they are going to do with their lives get to know people. If you find people to get a feel for how we It will be a very basic course, to have open forums with faculty is a difficult and on-going process. somewhere in the fall of your could better offer courses in the devoting one semester to ea^'h of and students to present to their ... IH let you in on a secret, most senior year, and you are looking at sciences to the humanities and the two areas." ideas as we work through t^ie people never really know what the forms the placement office social sciences people. And it Said Huston, "It is very difficult coherent minor to see how they are going to do with their gives you where it asks for the worked." to define 'coherence,' especially for everybody in the Rice community lives. They try something that names of faculty references and According to Sass, new courses the humanities. It's a problem feels about them." ' interests them... Well, in order to you can't think of anyone who

Fewer Texans at Rice HELP WANTED continued from page I response from a larger number of ? Make a sound investment in your education or Humanities and Social Sciences. diverse ethnic backgrounds this your job. I have four brand new (unopened) Thirty-seven percent of entering year, also," Moss said. He added Imagewriter Printers and a new Macintosh 512K freshmen applied to the School of that the incoming class is 42 Student or students Engineering, 29- percent fo the Microcomputer (with keyboard and mouse) for percent female, a slight increase wanted to establish New schools of Humanities and Social sale. over past figures. York Times ca iri'p us Sciences, 24 percent to the School Twelve foreign countries are program for fall term. Job Compare the prices in this Ad with commercial of Science, 5 percent to represented in the class of 1990. duties include set-up, prices and realize the savings. The printers cost Architecture, and 5 percent to Among these are Belgium, selling, early delivery of the $300.00 each and the 512K costs $975.00. Music. Portugal, Trinidad, and New York Times. Previous Aditionally, there is a 90 day warranty on the The geographic ^distribution of Yugoslavia. newspaper experience printers and computer. this year's class shows greater "The bottom line about all of preferred, vehicle reco- diversity as well. Only 44 percent this," said Moss, "is that we can mmended. For full details You must be Rice faculty, staffer a full-time of the incoming students are from continue to, move toward even please call the New York student. For information call Mr. Brannon at 527- Texas, whereas in 1983, 60 percent greater diversification of talents Times at 1-800-631-2500. 8101 x2537/2888 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 of the entire student body came and interests and greater potential p.m., Monday through Friday. from in-state. contributions of the students to "It appears we've had a greater Rice." The Rice Thresher, August 22, 1986, page 7 Houston, Texas

Yes, you're back — or you're here in oil industry to keep its profitable Houston for the first time. Whether you presence present, the city council kept need orientation or reorientation during taxes (and thus bus service, road this freshman week, we at the Thresher construction and repair, etc.) to a feel that now that everyone is back minimum, and never enacted zoning between the hedges, we should take a (giving us the Village Theater's X-rated quick look outside while we have time offerings beside World Toy & Gift, and before classes start. Many of you might the separate skylines of downtown, the have wondered what it's really like Galleria, the Medical Center, and immediately outside the hedges, so if Greenway Plaza). you're a freshman facing Houston But booms end in busts, and with the traffic with trepidation, or if you're a oil industry's decline in the past few grad student or prof who got lost and years (expecially spectacular since never discovered the world outside the May), Houston's population is falling hedges, we give you this quick even faster than it once rose. kaleidoscopic look at what's outside in According to a University of Houston honor of Houston's 150th birthday next survey, nearly 25 percent of the city's Wednesday, the last birthday party residents were seriously considering Houston will have before the drinking leaving a few months ago, and that age goes up. Welcome to the Space number may be even higher now. One City. hears of petroleum engineers working How did it get here anyway? as waiters, one sees at least one house Houston owes its name to Sam for sale on most blocks, and one Houston, a 19th-century Congress- doesn't smell the sulfuric compounds man and Governor of Tennessee. drifting in from Texas City oil works Instead of heading for a retirement anymore. ranch in the Texas wilderness, Some remind us that Houston will Houston ended up leading troops to a rise again as soon as the Saudis raise decisive victory in a crucial battle with the price of their oil enough to make Mexican General Santa Anna in the refining ours profitable. Others hold Battle of San Jacinto in 1836. that four million people do not just I That victory marked the beginning of disappear from a place they have lived, Texas' march towards statehood and and point out some Houston allowed traders to start the tiny outpost businesses never depended on the oil named in honor of Houston several industry or the people it brought here: miles upriver from the bustling seaport they most often cite Texas Medical of Galveston. Center, NASA (though it has troubles of Since that inconspicuous beginning, its own), and a few companies like the town has grown to a metropolis of Compaq, the Fortune 500 producer of over 3 million people, and most of them IBM-PC clones. Either way, even if are just the right age to insure that the Houston never regains its former oil-fat population keeps growing. Houston is glory, chances are slim it will become the youngest city of over 1.5 million just the college town surrounding Rice. people, with a median age of 28.8 Government years. The Houston City Council is one of Climate the best shows around. Last fall's Summer, as you've probably already mayoral race between incumbent noticed, is Houston's most unseasonable season. In fact, the British used to pay bonuses to soldiers who were willing to hazard duty in this sub-tropical climate. Summer temperatures average around 90° F; humidity around 90 percent. Your air conditioner will cause condensation on your windows; potato chips left overnight in an unsealed bag will be soggy enough to bend; and your envelopes are best kept in a refrigerator, lest they seal themselves. But yes, winters here are mild — you can (and probably will) wear shorts until November, and coats are really useful only in January and February, Spectators of Rice football are more likely to bring tanning lotion to games than blankets and thermoses of coffee, and some Yankees who come down here for school start tanning in February in orderto show off when they go home to a winter wasteland for spring break. Economy Houston boomed in the latter half of the '70s while oil prices were high. Its population exploded as out-of-work Northerners came seeking the big bucks to be made by panning for black gold; an old-timer in Houston was said to be someone who knew a native. City services floundered: to encourage the Things you won't find here Bedrock. You probably learned in Sunday school that wise men build their houses on a rock and fools build theirs on sand. That makes all of Houston's builders fools, since the city sits atop the nation's third-largest aquifer (a water-bearing layer of permeable rock, sand, or gravel). As artesian wells remove the aquifer's water, Houston sinks: the ground around the San Jacinto monument dropped six feet between 1900 and 1964. Such sinking is called subsidence, and although artesian wells have been augmented by Lake Livingston and Lake Houston, it continues to cause problems for homeowners (doors that stop fitting their frames, cracking floors, etc.) and groundskeepers. Rice Director of Physical Facilities Ed Samfield calls the ground here "gumbo"; this summer his staff has repaired subsidence damage including cracks in the Campanile bell tower, the wall at the university's main entrance, and (most expensively) damage to the Rice stadium caused by plays everything from Flatt & Scruggs an exploding water pipe. Samfield bluegrass to jah-love reggae. The estimates the cost'of fixing a six-inch station's office near the intersection of vertical gap between seats in the Montrose and Westheimer was stadium's west end to be about bombed twice in the 60's, presumably $40,000 — probably a bargain, since by people afraid of the liberal views repairs were done by the Miner- (like freedom of speech) that it Dederick corporation partly owned by expressed. member of the board of governors and KUHF (88.1 FM), "a service of the former Rice football player George University of Houston," plays classical Miner. music by day, jazz at night, National Cowboys. John Travolta doesn't Public Radio news programs in count and neither do the kind of between, and "Prairie Home Cowboys who regularly come down Companion" Saturday evenings. NPR here to thrash the Oilers; we're looking is NPR is NPR. for real cowboys, and they may be Professional Sports extinct. These days there's barely an Oilers. Once upon a time when Earl ounce of real cowboy under most ten- Campbell was still playing football, the gallon hats, except in the spring when Oilers had an excellent team, but lately the rodeo comes to town. They use real Kathy Whitmire and former mayor disappointing, especially if you expect the Oilers have consistently competed broncos instead of the mechanical Louie Welch is a case in point: to get what you pay for. The Public with Rice for the title of worst Houston kind, and use a recognizably distinct electioneering for the contest began News is your best bet for listings of football team above the high school sort of cologne. But the Houston after a referendum in which the city's avant garde events. Written by those level. Oh, @#$%! Livestock show and Rodeo is still voters rejected a statute promising who believe anything other people do Rockets. The only thing that's really livestock first, rodeo second; for real non-discrimination against homo- is passd, PN consists mostly of pieces gone right for Houston since the excitement, the Huntsville Prison sexuals. Whitmire had openly on Houston's cool people and reviews economy hit the skids. In fact, Rocket Rodeo (weekends in October) is the supported non-discrimination but tried of records that cool people might buy success may be inversely proportional place to go. to play the issue down in her campaign, and cool plays and movies that they to the price of oil. Behind the "Twin Truly roach-free apartments. The instead relying on her record in office. might see. PN's closest competition, Towers," Akeem Olajuwon and Ralph exterminating business is big here in But that issue took center stage when InnerView, is much the same. Sampson, Houston beat the former Houston, but that's because the Welch joked on a local news show that The Montrose Voice carries news of world champion Lakers and roaches are proportionately large. his solution to the AIDS epidemic special interest to residents of the skyrocketed to its best season ever Don't worry though, most Houston would be to "shoot the queers"; Montrose area, home, among other before losing in the finals to the Celtics. roaches are very friendly; they'll crawl apparently, he hadn't known the things, of a large part of Houston's The second-best team in the world is up into bed and curl up right next to microphone was on. Whitmire won, homosexual population. They also run very young and should have plenty of you, or make themselves at home in an and with her won other candidates not The Far Side. Next time you're at the new tricks to show us for quite a while. endorsed by the Straight Slate, a highly empty shoe during the night. But watch House of Pies, pick one up. Another Astros. Three months ago they were publicized anti-gay group. out for the expecially vicious breed of freebie, the Greensheet, is nothing talking about sending the Astros wild roach, the kind that starts to fly at The Local Media more than classified ads specific to the packing to another city because of you from the wall right when you're Magazines. Since the demise of the part of the city in which it's distributed poor attendance, but now that the ready to strike. Houstonian this June, the only general- (in Rice's case, the Med Center/West 'Stros are winners, nobody minds Last but not least interest city magazine in Houston is the U/Montrose area). Use it to find having them around. Each day brings In many ways, Houston is the Texas aptly named Houston City Magazine. garage sales and used furniture. Houston fans closer to the opportunity stereotype — personified and Houston City suffers by comparison to Radio. A place isn't home until you to cheer their own in a major sports multiplied into a gigantic mirror of all the Dallas magazine D and looks even know where your favorite stations are. championship event. However, before Texans. It's big and bold and booming worse beside Texas Monthly, but, at Of course you can find rock (97, they can go to the World Series — if and reckless, but when the' bust least for now, it's all we've got. they can win their own division — the 101FM), pop (93, 104.5FM), and comes, it'll hold together and hang on. Astros will have to deal with the hottest Newspapers. With both the Post and country (96, 100FM), but you can making the best of whatever it can team in baseball, the Mets. We might Chronicle, Houston is one of a handful please yourself even if your tastes are hang on to. The sense of frontier is still let the Astros stick around here in of American cities left which supports not those of the masses. Rice's own there, and it is subtly pervasive. So Houston, after all. more than one major newspaper. Both KTRU (91.7FM) plays classical and don't be surprised if, when you go are okay, but neither is the New York jazz on Sundays, "chicken skin music" The difference between outside of Houston and Texas, you Times. The Chronicle's classified ads (foik / bl uegrass / spi rit ua I) on Houston and Dallas start talking like you own a piece of this are better than the Post's, and its Wednesday nights, hardcore was probably stated best by Texas city Happy birthday. Houston. headlines are less sensational, but the weirdness on Friday nights, and fills the Monthly staffer Alison Cook in a 1984 Post has Doonesbury and claims to rest of its 24-hour days with music on Vanity Fair survey of local opinion. Said have more cents-off coupons each the cutting edge of change — or Cook, "Dallas has no funk, no soul. In by Lisa Gray week. something. Houston, when I drive around, nobody Houston's free-for-the-picking-up Equally as quirky, non-commercial, looks like me. In Dallas, everybody and Scott Snyder newspapers are much less and volunteer-staffed, KPFT (90.1 FM) looks like me, onlv better." WRESHER Fine Arts New River Oaks Theatre combines new art and old rep films

and cappuccino, and bagel dogs. Admission is $4 for repertory The cafe has several tables where films, $5 for midnight and you can go to eat before, during or premieres. A discount card is in between the films. available for $18 which allows six The River Oaks will continue to admissions for any show Monday show the same sort of repertory through Thursday. You can use films as in the past but will add the card the same day you buy it first-run art films and two people can use the same The calender, on the front and card. The card is valid for six back, depicts the repertory film months. c: i listings, as always, with the time, Coming up during the next date, and brief plot synopsis. In couple of weeks are: Out of Africa, addition, reviews and information various Rocky and Bullwinkle about some of the films are cartoons, A Streetcar Named 1 MESWRT hearts reprinted inside. Desire, and The Hollywood Erotic The center page has a feature Film Festival. Additionally, 2 MURDER SHE SAID called "Coming to a River Oaks Desert Hearts and Room with a Screen" which gives information View, both first-run films, will ROOMWITH IA VI E and reviews of the first-run films continue for at least two weeks. which will come to the cinema Both are highly recommended during the time covered by that viewing. particular calender. These films I view the change as positive. are booked in an open-end format The River Oaks will be able to and will run as long as demand is bring the repertory films, not high. A daily ad in both of shown elsewhere, to Houston and Houston's newspapers tells what is in addition, will provide wider fare playing when and for how much. than available at Greenway. The An information line, 524-2175, new sound equipment and gives the same information. projectors bring the theater up to River Oaks Theatre, 2009 West Gray (just off Shepherd), now shows three films nightly -I. Neath Midnight movies, on Fridays par with other area cinemas and River Oaks Theatre underwent renovations which has having another Alabama Theater. and Saturdays, have also become a the concession stands offer 2009 West Gray left regular patrons divided into The move is a compromise, regular feature. Currently, Brazil refreshments other than just two camps: those who have seen keeping as much of the old and Stop Making Sense are popcorn and hot-dogs. For the uninitiated, the River the new Oaks and think the architecture and design as possible playing. —Ian Neath Oaks Theatre is the only repertory changes are positive, and those while allowing the theatre to cinema which shows the best (and who haven't seen the changes and generate enough money to remain sometimes the worst) classic and decry the renovations as wholly economically viable. art films made anywhere. It was negative. The major change is the addition equally famed for its classic If anyone in the latter camp of two new auditoriums. Located architecture and unique visits the new Oaks, they inevitably upstairs where the balcony used to decorations and atmosphere. have to conclude that the idea is be, each auditorium can seat 125 Recently, the River Oaks positive and much better than people. Both boast extensive sound proofing and modern stereo sound systems. The main auditorium is physically unchanged except for the conversion of the balcony and the addition of sound proofing. The screen is brand new, as are the projectors, which use xenon lamps to provide a more constant image on the screen. In addition, this mps — auditorium is equipped with Dolby stereo. Facilities have been added to aid the disabled, including an elevator for easy access to the upstairs auditoriums, special restrooms, and special viewing areas. Another major change upstairs is the addition of a cafe and concession bar. Differing from the downstairs stand, the upstairs one features fresh pastries from a local bakery, Haagen-Dazs, espresso The caf^ where patrons sip espresso and nibble fresh pastries Neath Guys and their wimmin soar in Gun

Top Gun brash young pilot (those words all dollar, laser-guided. Sidewinder The conventional downstairs concession stand Neath go together, mind you) as is his armed, twin Pratt and Whitney This flick is about guys and hot partner and buddy, Goose. engined, two man, fire and forget, planes and their wimmin. I've Together they croon their way swing-wing multi-role combat never seen so much male bonding into your heart, make trouble for airplane, and blows up the since the Super-Glue party in those nasty Russians, and fight Russians real good (they shot first, Montrose. This movie is, of controllers and accidently destroy of course). course, the biggest thing for Navy a multi-million dollar aircraft The aerial sequences are recruiting since An Officer andyi during competitive flight training. stunning, though I could do Gentleman. Goose is cooked in this accident without the bad film processing of Top Gun is the code name for and after an interminably long the sky. (I come from L.A., where the Navy's hot shot fighter school tear-jerking, Maverick pouts a bit, the sky is orange all the time). The at M iramor Naval Air Station near refuses to fly properly, and quits Call Cays Evenings & Weekends men in this movie are cut-ups with San Diego. This is where good Top Gun. each other, and are incapable of Classes to begin pilots go to become great pilots He goes up by Viper's house for showing any real emotion to 9/26 Tues. 6 p.m. capable of downing seven Mig-25's a fatherly pat on the back and the women save a stunning ability in in a single blink. typical "get up on your horsie, son" the sack. (All that is required for 988-4700 Educational Center 7011 S W Freeway. #100 Tom Cruise plays Lt. Pete lecture. Of course, when the nasty the female teenagers in the Houston. TX 77074 _ Mitchell (Maverick), a teen heart- Russians in their American F-5's audience, probably) So, while TEST PREPARATION throb whose cheek muscles*quiver (the real planes are classified, but this is a typical 1980's military flick SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 like any good Navy man's should. I've heard F-5's are close enough) juiced up with high-tech For Information About Other Centers In More Than 85 Major US Cities & Abroad His love interest is an instructor at shoot up Maverick's rival, played weaponry, it does prove to be Outside NY State CALL TOLL FilE: tOO-223-1712 Top Gun played by Kelly McGillis by Val Kilmer of Real Genius, reasonably entertaining. L J of Witness fame. Maverick is a well, he just gets up on that million — Eric Salituro The Rice Thresher, August 22, 1986, page 10 THRESHER Fine Arts Hines and Crystal make Running Scared truly funny, original

Running Scared out seem to be flowing naturally Billy Crystal, famous for his Directed by Peter Hyams and spontaneously, a true feeling various characters and imitations, of improvisation. introduces a new character named Ray Hughes (Gregory Hines) Running Scared is not primarily Pinky. Ray's girlfriend lives with and Danny Costanzo (Billy a comedy, yet there is a great deal her old boyfriend and in order to Crystal) enjoy their job. They love of humor in the acting, dialogue, see her, Ray has to either arrest her chasing bad guys, dodging bullets, and plot. For example, when or get her boyfriend arrested. intimidating suspects, and bending coming out of a sleazy apartment Pinky calls up the cops who will the rules as far as possible. They building they find their unmarked replace Ray and Danny and tips are the best cops on the Chicago police car spray painted them off to a so-called lieutenant police force. And they screw up. "unmarked police car." Most of of Julio's, namely the girlfriend's As penance, they are forced to the humor is more subtle, however. boyfriend. Pinky, a devoted go on vacation, and choose Key Jeopardy fan, keeps interspersing West. At first they don't fit in. But When chasing the evil Julio his tip-off with sarcastic soon, they begin to enjoy Gonzales, they interrupt him in comments about the intellectual themselves. The weather is better, media res and he runs off minus his level of the Jeopardy players. the girls wear fewer clothes, and trousers. Half-way down the There are other aspects of this nobody shoots at them. apartment building stairs, Julio film which warrant mentioning. They decide to retire from the grabs a hostage. He threatens to The car chase, along the rail lines police department, buy a bar, and kill her unless Ray and Danny of the Chicago Transit Authority, settle in Key West while they are throw him their pants. is both original and entertaining. still young enough and alive Gregory Hines is the most The soundtrack, though not enough to enjoy it. outstanding actor in the film. anything to write home about, is There is just one problem: they Although he plays a black cop, the appropriate and keeps the pace have to stay alive for 30 more days cop could be white or hispanic or going, as does the directing. until their resignation becomes Chinese. Whatever the race, the Running Scared is an effective. character has depth, emotions, and entertaining movie, a must-see The most exceptional aspect in undergoes development. Hines when it comes on cable, and worth Running Scared is the rapport plays the role as a person who the admission price at a cinema. between Hines and Crystal. The seems real, with whom the viewer It's a good way to spend an lines and jokes which they spew can identify. Gregory Hines and Billy Crystal after paying off the ransom in Running Scared otherwise dull afternoon. — Trevor Schelbourg George Lucas lays a big one with foul, dull Howard the Duck

Howard the Duck Possibility No. 1: Howard the fooled — the mere notion of an nothing witty about Howard. Bad assistance of a press release to Directed by George Lucas Duck is a disgustingly lovable extraterrestrial duck whizzing puns are funny; non-puns, such as which I do not have access. This entity in the tradition of E.T. millions of miles accross the galaxy Howard's Quack-fu expertise, are woman deserves our respect, Howard the Duck is, to be Wrong! Howard is, to to come to the aid of the distressed not. Howard the Duck elicits not possibly our sympathy, for an perfectly blunt, the worst movie paraphrase his more noteworthy populace of Cleveland was enough chuckles, but yawns. almost-three-dimensional per- ever made that has neither an X- avian cousin, "utterly desth- to pique my curiosity. The film, surprisingly enough, formance opposite a three foot six rating nor a budget under $50,000. picable." Imagine a three foot six But oh how wrong I was! does have what could almost be inch plastic duck. This incredible We might have predicted such a inch plastic talking duck raised in Howard is by no means a parody considered redeeming features. acting feat merely butresses the catastrophe from the pretentious one of the Big Apple's worse of sophomoric superhero shlock; it The Dark Overlord of the wonder and amazement with Eewok-infested Return of the Jedi, neighborhoods by a family of is sophomoric superhero shlock. Universe, the reptilian/anthropoid which I view humanity's many and and indeed, Lucas' star-studded convicted felons —this is Howard. If Lucas had intended to parody arch-fiend from whom Howard varied accomplishments. career has (hopefully) attained its While E.T. inspired love and anything with Howard, then he seeks to save Cleveland, equals or Mere superlatives are woefully nadir with this cinematic fiasco. sympathy in all but the most made the fatal mistake of betters the best entries in Lucas' inadequate in describingthe putrid But oh what a nadir it is! cynical people, Howard inspires, approaching his subject too Star Wars menagerie. It is depths which Lucas has dredged in at best, a muted loathing. One seriously, and any man who takes a unfortunate that the Dark order to produce this monstrosity; This planet's greatest would prefer to see Howard end three foot six inch plastic duck Overlord does not appear until the but alas, that is all that is available. philosopher, mathematician, and the film as the main course at a seriously is, in my opinion, in film's final ten minutes. Perhaps The best that can be said about psychologist would be hard- Chinese restaurant. desperate need of a frontal the film would have been improved Howard the Duck is that it is a pressed to determine what Lucas lobotomy. had this creature, rather than the waste of time. hoped to accomplish with Possibility No. 2: Jioward the Possibility No. 3: Howard the duck, been the hero. Indeed, you are probably Howard; however, it is probably Duck is a brilliant parody of Duck is an off-beat comedy in the The only other redeeming wasting your time reading this worthwhile to briefly consider superhero schlock such as the later tradition of the Airplane films. feature was the female lead, whose review of the film. several possibilities. Supermen. This is what had me Strike three! There is absolutely name I cannot recall without the —Gene Spears Bad Movie of the Week candidate Ruthless People hysterical Ruthless People Then there is the matter that he Perhaps it was pushing towards But something was able to hold all plot is the greatest and most is playing beside sumeone who the touching drama category, of this together. entangled that 1 have seen since If you are looking for a classic makes the audience think, "How Well, that's possible but not at all Was it the plot? Well, that's the Superman turned puffta in movie to see to kick of your 86-87 on earth did that Beverly Hills Cop feasible given the acting problems, only answer that I can find. This see Great, page 12 academic year, then Ruthless become a kidnapper?" People is definitely not it. In addition, Bette Midlers Lunch Noon Its one-dimensional acting and was not at all Mondays clumsy Screenplay put it spectacular as DeVito's wife. I lanszcn IccCrcam I'arty B (v l' Boom dangerously close to the "Bad Although she does not at all Thursday, h/jh Movie of the Week" category. It remind anyone of The Rose, she •!> p.m does, however, have one also does not remind anyone of Baker (.ommons redeeming feature. It is absolutely anything in particular. The best SRAEL hilarious. This fact alone makes it that I can say is that she is a movie that you should see if you supposed to be a madwoman. have not already done so. So the acting was terrible, right? UNCHES In this movie, Danny DeVito Well no, not exactly. There was plays the exact same character that some mysterious quality which actually held it all together. he did in Taxi, Romancing the BAr B quc Stone, and Jewel of the Nile. This Something somewhere somehow Shahhal & Bash time he has been put in nice suits, turned this package of adversities I ligh I loli< las s Sunday h/;i i has been given a beautiful car and a into a very funny movie. home with some really nasty artsy Was it the screenplay? Sorry, no NERGY furnishings, and has been made a help there. The screenplay itself tor tunhrr information contact DEBBIE SHEl.TON. KICE world famous clothing designer had problems. 1 known as the Spandex King. Was the movie a comedy? Of A LIGHTER RABBI SA1.1.Y EINESTONI-. This is a pretty tough role for course it was, but the movie really 749 2271 someone to carry, especially when did not have a bunch of gags and nee the audience expects him to punch lines in it. In fact, it often ride off on a camel or start floundered around doing not dispatching cabs at any minute. much of anything.

The Rice Thresher, August 22, 1986, page 11 THRESHER Fine Arts New Zealand and Murphy score with great sci-fi Quiet Earth of a Catholic environmentalist's he decides to look toward the The Quiet Earth cautionary tale. Zack, our future. Directed by Geoffrey Murphy Dantean protagonist, was aware of Zack's private purgatory the dangers of experimenting becomes very less private with the Zack Hobson wakes up alone at without protection and, none too coming of a young woman named 6:12 a.m. This in and of itself does surprisingly, his punishment is a Joanna. They proceed amid the not sound unusual except for the purgatory of having the whole tall, erect skyscrapers of fact that he is truly alone. On the world to himself. This is not too downtown Aukland searching for first day of the test of a new energy shabby as long as the power stays answers: Joanna searching for grid for fuelless airlines, every m up, but, after a touch of survivors, and Zack going to the living, breathing, sweating, I transvestite megalomania (witness university to gather equipment for glistening animal on the planet the thinly-veiled political bent of studying the grid's "effect"on their suddenly disappeared. All of them, the director juxtaposing a world. that is, except for Zack Hobson. cardboard Nixon with Hitler), he Zack sees Joanna as his Poor Zack Hobson was one of succumbs to the emptiness and salvation from eternal loneliness the scientists responsible for the proceeds to off it at the wrong end and his fondness quickly grows throbbing energy grid, and at 6:12 wrong in The Quiet Earth, an picture made in New Zealand. of a shotgun. However, the sight of into a frustrated lust. Joanna's a.m. something went terribly engaging and penetrating motion The Quiet /uirth takes the form a baby carriage heartens him and interplay of nubile innocence and fecund sexuality perplexes him as much as the key to the effect does. Later, they are "captured" by the masculine, swarthy Polynesian, Abi. His animosity is quickly spent, and a manly, but tender and caring tug-of-war develops between him and Zack for Joanna's love. Joanna becomes REQUIRED attracted to Abi; she represents a vision of womankind and humankind drawn to Abi's mystical Earth. Her rhythmic vacillation between rustic Abi and the technologically-inclined Zack reflects the shuddering fluctu- ations of a pulsing sun bound to COURSE the grid effect. Almost simultaneously as Joanna's desire for Abi is consummated, Zack makes a suicide thrust to penetrate his lab complex and destroy the New Zealand grid link. He is redeemed by this sacrifice and he finds himself on a strange new world as the credits roll up his astonished face. —Harold Bunniemeister This is my writing assignment for the Billy-Boh Robertson Super-Duper Creative Writing Speed Course.. This week's

C 'JOT m assignment was How To Use A Metaphor. I hope that I was able to show you how good this movie was for me. You can catch it at the River Oaks on Friday and Saturday, the 12th and 13th of September.

Domino's Pizza Delivers® the tastiest, most nutritious 'course' on your busy schedule. We Great plot make great custom-made pizza and deliver - steamy hot - in saves film less than 30 minutes! So take a continued from page 11 Student break from studying and have a Deathtrap. It starts simply. A man Special! tasty treat. One call does it all! wants to kill his rich wife and get all of her money. This all qpmes out in the first three minutes. Then Order any small Our drivers carry less than somebody kidnaps his wife and 12" 2-item pizza $20.00. demands a bunch of money in return for her life. and 216oz. bottles ] Limited delivery area. of Coke for only Sounds complicated, right? Well that's not even half of it. Mixed in $6.97. Tax not I are the problems of a jealous included. One I starving clothing designer, a coupon per pizza. I second lover who is only after his I money, the second lover's second I lover who earns the title of The Fast, Free Delivery I Dumbest Human on Earth, and a 5733 Kirby Dr. I video tape of the chief of police... Phone: 523-7770 I um... er... enjoying himself I explicitly... with a strumpet with I some very large... um.... er... well... I attachments. I Confused? Well you should be. • I How can I explain in one I paragraph what takes all of one 5 I and a half hours to develop? Trust me, the plot is great and makes this movie one of the best of the i. 1985 Dorn.no s Piim Inc summer. —Steven Spears

The Rice Thresher, August 22, 1986, page 12 THIS WEEK/bv Karen Nickel SOMECOURSES Theatre when More Jay Ward will be screened. The classic A IMPROVE SCORES - Streetcar Named Desire runs for August 26 and 27. Continuing at Stages Repertory Theatre until And, of course,Stop Making Sense continues to be WE IMPROVE September 21 is Peter Nichols dramatic work,./of the Midnight Show on Friday and Saturday nights. Egg. It tells the story of a married couple's parenting You can find the River Oaks Theatre on 2009 West STUDENTS, TOO! tactics for coping with their 10-year old paraplegic Gray Street and by phone at 524-2175,the number daughter,Joe,and ultimately their attempt to to call for showtimes or more information on the maintain normality and sustain their own River Oaks discount card. relationship. Carol Houston Boone directs this darkly comic piece. Performances are Thursdays BUILD YOUR SKILLS through Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. and Sundays at 5:00 Also at the River Oaks on Screen 1 is the first run p.m. at the Stages theatre on 3201 Allen Parkway at feature Desert Hearts,a film based on the lesbian TO BOOST YOUR SCORE! love novel of Jane Rule. The film tells the story of an Rosine. Tickets can be obtained through Showtix PREPARE FOR: or by calling the Stages box office at 52-STAGE. English professor who comes to Nevada for a * * * quickie divorce, meets a younger woman and falls in love. Showtimes are at 5:30,7:35 and 9:40 p.m. A light,dark comedy is the offering at The GMAT Ensemble in their presentation of Nuba-Harold Stuart's Hunter. The play is about what happens LIVE CLASSES when a man looking for a simple love affair ends up with more than for what he bargains. Showtimes are • TEST-N-TAPE® LIBRARY on Thursdays at 8:00 p.m..Friday and Saturday at • REINFORCEMENT TEST 8:30 p.m. and Sunday at the matinee time of 5:00 p.m.;shows are at The Ensemble's theatre on 3535 • HOMESTUDY PACKET Main. The number to call for reservations is 520- Classes to begin Aug. rr 0055. Wednesday 6:00 pm Student rush tickets will again be offered by the OCT 18 EXAM Alley Theatre during this, its fortieth anniversary season. These tickets will be available 15 minutes prior to the beginning of any Large or Arena Stage [J Call Days, Evenings & Weekends performance carrying a price tag of $5 for Sunday 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. performances and $6 for the J, 988-4700 Friday 8:00 p.m. performance and the 4:00and 9:00 P| 7011 S.W. Freeway Suite 100 p.m. performances on Saturdays. The first EDUCATIONAL Houston. TX 77074 performance at which to take advantage of the CENTER Alley's offer is Lillian Hellman's Another Part of the TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 Fores/,which opens on October 9. For more information on the logistics of this deal and future Vivjan (Helen Shaver) in Desert Hearts atthe River Oaks box office offerings, call the Alley at 228-8421. Music Comedy The Faculty Artist Series of the Shepherd School of Appearing at the Comedy Workshop from August Music presents a woodwind serenade concert 27-31 is Marsha Warfield, a young comedienne performed by members of the Shepherd School Signed, Sealed 8 among the most gifted in the nation, whose comedy faculty,the Houston Metropolitan Symphony is not for the squeamish or the Disney-type. She's Orchestra and the Houston Symphony been on many and various sitcoms (about 25),and Orchestra,under the direction of Richard W. will become a regular on "Night Court" in the Fall. Pickar. Among the evening's offerings,which Cottatn time each evening is 8:30,with additional include works by Strauss and Mozart, is Dvorak's 11:00 p.m. performances Friday and Saturday, at Serenade in d minor. Op. 44. For more information Pizza Inn now delivers your favorite which time tickets cost $9;otherwise the entrance on the free concert which begins at 8:00 p.m. on pizza right to your door! price is $7. Saturday,August 30,call the Shepherd School at 2314 W. Hoicombe 527-4933. Film * * * 660-9557 Tonight at the River Oaks is the so very steamy 9'/i If you're into psychedelic music, then go to Weeks, which stars Kim Basinger and Mickey Rockefeller's tomorrow night for the performance Rou^ke,and runs Saturday night as well. This year's of Camper ,van Beethoven. In their concert, the rather off-beat group will perform the acid-revival Four sod drinks in reusable plastic tumblers with the most popular movie, Out of Africa, plays on the purchase ol a large pizza or three soft drinks in works of their two . For more information, reusable plastic tumblers with the purchase of a following two evenings,August 24 and 25. A medium pizza. Offer valid with delivery only Not valid call Rockefellers at 861-9365. with any other offer. Please mention coupon when similarly cerebral film is the feature on August 26, ordering. Expiration: Art Expires 8/30/86 Rice's Sewall Gallery announces the opening of an exhibition of photographs by Geoff Winningham,to be displayed from September 5 L-tfipizza until October 8. The exhibition preview hnd ItMITED D£tlVE«¥ AR€A " : booksigning for A Place of Dreams.Houston.An American City will take place on Thursday, September 4,from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in Sewall Gallery,at 6100 Main Street, Entrance 2. Gallery hours last from 12:00 until 5:00 p.m.,Monday through Saturday.

* * * Two centuries of French fashion constitute the current feature at the Museum of Fine Arts beginning September 10 and continuing through mid-vJanuary. Entitled Illusion and Reality.Fashions in France 1700-1900, the extravagant display of clothes of the beautiful people is the first project of the recently organised Costume Institute which,just as its parent institute,is located at 1001 Bissonnet. More information can be obtained by calling the M useum of Fine Arts at 526-1361.

Dance At the Miller Outdoor Theatre this Friday and Saturday beginning at 8:30 p.m. will be Jumpstart Your Heart, the FarreH Dyde Dance Theatre's attempt to break the modern dance barrier in Houston. The theme of the w(ork is the passage from the idealism of the late 1960s to the techno/media dominated 1980s. Admission is,as always,free,res- erved tickets can, however,be secured by calling 520- David Byrne of Talking Heads in Stop Making Sense 3290.

The Rice Thresher, August 22. 1986, page 13 WRESHER SPORTS New coach Jerry Berndt pleased with intensity of fall practices by Steve Nations punting duties, ranking third in the The 1986 edition of Rice Owls nation last year, and first among football, featuring first-year head those punters playing at sea level. coach Jerry Berndt, is steaming Another bright spot thus far has along in anticipation of improving been the play of junior Jim on last year's 3-8 record. Simpson. The new staff didn't get a Practices began on August 14 look at him during spring drills with three days of conditioning because of shoulder surgery. "We drills, and the pads came out are pretty thin in the line," said Monday as the real work began. In Berndt, so the play of Simpson has that first full-pad practice Monday been a nice sign. morning, Berndt started things off in the truest, most basic spirit of With a new coach and the largest football. "We ran them through group of returning seniors in years, what we call the 'Owl Challenge'," the time is ripe for the Owls to Berndt said. "They just lined up make us forget some of the and smashed one another. They unpleasant events of the past. Last got after it and seemed pretty- year's squad was eighth in the enthused." What a great sport Southwest Conference in total football is! defense, seventh in total offense and eighth in scoring offense. Rice Through the first week of was, however, first in goalposts practice coach Berndt has been torn down, including one rugby impressed by the play of senior upright. And where else but Rice tight end Kenny Major. "He's just do students rush down to the having a great preseason," Berndt stadium to cause havoc after said. Also attracting the coach's watching an away game on eye were linebackers Joe television? Heikkinen and Danny Burgess and rover Steve Kidd, all fifth-year That's Rice Owls football, Win seniors. Kidd also handles the or lose, you gotta love 'em.

Danny Burgess has only one speed according to Berndt: all out. Tall and healthy netters looking good by Steve Nations conference in assist average at national Junior Olympics and the The 1986 Rice Owls volleyball 8.31. AAU Junior Nationals in the team would be happy to see one Anna Epperson, Lara's sister, summer. Rice's other top incoming very important member of last will be another big threat for Rice recruit is Diane Kuhlman, a 5-10 year's team sitting on the bench this year. Last year she was All-America attacker whose this year: the trainer. Last year the credited with 112 kills in SWC Chicago Power club placed third Lady Owls limped to a 6-25 overall play, which is the fourth best mark at the national Junior Olympics mark as five key players were ever in league competition. Blaney and the AAU Junior Nationals. sidelined with injuries at the same was also near the top of the league Because of this newfound time. This year, coach Debbie charts in block average (0.74) and height, coach Sokol is looking for Sokol is hoping to keep her players dig average (2.28) last season. vast improvements in the net play out of the training room. Although there is only one of her team. "Traditionally, We Last year's walking wounded senior on this year's squad the have been beaten to death on the include returning netter Jeanne team should have more net,but I'm hoping our fans will see Steve Kidd: the number one punter at sea level. Blaney and star setters Lara experience, depth and size than in a big difference in our defensive net Epperson and Gwen Johnson. the pasl. Seven returning play this season," she said. "If we Although chosen as captain last lettermen, one redshirt and seven start being more effective year, Johnson missed the entire newcomers will make this Rice's defensively on the net, well be able season with a brokfen hand. She deepest volleyball team ever. And to keep the ball in play more and Lara Epperson should battle the much needed height of the often." this year for the starting setter job. newcomers should help alleviate If we can keep the players in play As a freshman last year Epperson the Lady Owls' size problems. this year, and out of the training' established herself as one of the Newcomer Tricia Bowen, 6-4, room, then this could be a year to best setters in the Southwest was named the Metroplex MVP remember for Rice Owls Conference, placing third in the during the spring and played in the volleyball.


Mark Comalander hopes to bounce back from shoulder surgery. The Lady Owls are hoping to improve their net play this year. H. Turner The Rice Thresher, August 22, 1986, page 14 OWLOOK/by Jim Humes Skink, skank, skunk: a novice's primer for our numberone sport

Back by popular demand is a remember that you've already either. And when you were something far greater. The formal as her protruding buck teeth come short piece I wrote last year about asked her twice that morning. You walking on your hands you wallet definition of the verb to skank is into view. You can't believe you one of the various sporting think she's beautiful; your new fell out of your pocket, a "to actively hunt down as member weren't cut. You bury your head in activities to be found at Rice. A roommates have given you their prophylactic dislodging itself on of the opposite sex for recreational your notebook, but it's too late, comprehensive knowledge of this thumbs up of approval. What impact to come to rest by her feet. purposes. But let's not get silly and she's seen you. After mumbling a can only come with time, so call next? Getting ripped at the party You need help. You need to skank. think that skankers are well- greeting, you hurry to class, this a matriculation if you will into your advisors threw, drooling on Bob Marley once sang "...skank armed, naked pygmies running planning the most painless suicide. the world of skanking. yourself while telling her about it easy, skank it slow..." The after long-legged Skandinavians - But apart from your knowledge, Her name is H... She's in your you success on AP tests didn't educated Rastafarian knows that' skanking is an art. To be able to you taciturn manner insulted her. freshman group. As you start to seem to work. She wasn't skanking means dancing, but the creatively and concisely control She walks on, planning your impressed with your SAT scores yourself and the object of your murder, or even worse, telling her skank for the sole purpose of three gorgeous roommates what a Crisco tainted pleasure requires a real jerk you are while pointing to Runners need to fill some big shoes technique which must be your picture in the meet sheet. developed and refined. This is a lesser plight though, by Anthony Wills placed third, the Aggie feel he has a lot more potential In his book, "A Skanker's Guide compared to the plight of the Although All-America Gawain Invitational, second, and the than what he's shown in junior to Gratification,"reknowned skanker who who falls into the Guy is lost to graduation, the Texas Invitational, fifth. college.He was very widely skanker at large Dr. Buzzcock deepest pit of all. The casual skank men's cross country team figures to Senior John Warren also had recruited by several Southwest Harper writes: "Contrary to has turned into a nightly affair, be very competitive for the 1986 fine performances last year in the Conference schools, including popular belief, women are not dancing with her at parties and outdoor season. The team will be Aggie Invitational, fourth, and the Texas," Straub added. necessary for a good time. I can go spraying words of emotion into the comprised of nine runners. Texas A&M Invitational, placing out and get ignorant with the boys air. Your roommates hesitate Head coach Steve Straub feels fifth. According to Straub, 'Straub feels that these three and have as good a time as I could you walk into the room, trying to that the harriers will have three "Warren has all the potential to be runners provide a good nucleus for with any well-bathed panty remember your name. You don't runners who will be perform one of the greatest distance the team and it will be interesting hanger. At least that's what you stay out late with the boys; you exceptionally on a consistent basis. runners Rice has ever had. Hejust to see who emerges as the number want them to think. Skanking is take up jogging; you attend church Junior Tony Martinez is coming needs to stay healthy." one runner from week to week. like holding on to a slick vine over (with her of course). Finally, you off a redshirt year and should be Newcomer Alfredo Gomez, a Questions still need to be a pit of love-starved AIDS victims give up drinking. You are over the hungry for competitive races. junior college transfer from Blinn answered about the remaining four - if your hands sweat, you'll fall." edge. Straub said, "I'm expecting big will also place high for the Owls. runners. The harriers will need Skankers beware - a portable things in terms of leadership and An Indoor All-America in track, strong performances from But let not the innocent reader hunk of bed-warming soft pleasure athletic performance from Tony." "Gomez has great range and everyone in order to perform well imagine himself a potential has the ability to ruin lives. Martinez had outstanding versatility," according tc Straub. as a team (five runners can score). skanker without fully realizing the Skanking is a mobile sport, a performances last year in the "He's capable of running anything As Straub said, "You're only as dangers involved. The first and scavenger hunt for experience. The Texas A&M Invitational where he from 800 meters to 10,000 meters. I good as your weakest link." most overt is the wrath of a female dangers are prevalent, but the on the receiving end of a novice rewards can make you grin so wide skank. For example, the party last that your head falls off. When the night was a real success. You left hormones speak, the path is plain. with the object of your efforts and But the one who attaches himself enjoyed an experience better than is, although happy, no longer a aerobicise. But walking to class participant in the universal sport you see her in broad daylight, the of skanking. Henceforth and faux pas becoming more obvious forthwith, let the skanking begin. an o uou 1 r\ can refuse.


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John Warren in hot pursuit of a horned frog. —M. Gladu .V.V.%VAW.VVW.VA%WX".%V.WA".VV.WJ,MV.V.V.WAVW.W.V.W.\\V.V.V.%W.\ 1986 Rice Owls Football Schedule Sept. 6 LAMAR Sept. 13 SOUTHERN METHODIST Sept. 27 SOUTHWEST TEXAS Oct. 4 TEXAS Oct. 11 at Texas Christian

Open House i Oct. 18 TEXAS TECH Today, 8/22 9:00 c n o o Oct. 25 n, * at Texas A&M Nov. 1 at Arkansas Free Dinner Sunday, 6/24 Nov. 15 BAYLOR 6:00 pm Nov. 22 AIR FORCE Nov. 29 at Houston First Rehearsal Tuesday, 8/26 4:30 pm Home games in CAPITALS VI'IVAWIVAVIVmmmmwmmmaamaa\IVIVW»%VIVIVI'I •••••••••••••••••• • •

The Rice Thresher. August 22, 1986, page IS MISCLASSMISCLASSMISCLASSMISCLASS FRIDAY AUGUST 22 Back by popular demand: Overheard by a lightbulber: "It's Believe it or not, all fresh- • River Oaks: P'/2 Weeks at 5:20, 7:40, 10pm through Q: Why do you wrap a hamster in hard to keep it up. . .without tomorrow. females do not sleep with every electrical tape? flipping it back this way." •Activities Fair in the RMC courtyard, 1-5 pm. Go upperclass male that offers the A: So it won't explode when you *#* join something. "opportunity," although we do fuck it. There was a young virgin at Rice realize we are turning down Gods. • MOB and Band open house, 9am-5pm in the Band *** Who finally lost it at Wiess. Hall. Of course, we should feel She's so frigid, when she spreads It would have been Baker, •Casino Party in the RMC Grand Hall from 9pm. extremely relieved that, provided her legs a little light comes on. But no one would take her, Worth going to even with the deemphasis of alcohol. we conform closely to your moral So now she's infested with lice. • Miller Outdoor Theatre presents Jumps tart Your standards, we can "with work" God is dead. *** Heart, a dance revue, at 8:30 pm, tonight and gain your boundless insight and —Nietzsche tomorrow. It is fruitless to become lachry- "understanding." Thank you so mose over precipitously departed • Museum of Fine Arts presents James Dean: The much for your moral guidance and If you love something, set it lacteal fluid. Television Work at 7:30 and 9:30, free. may we expect a similar guide for free. If it comes back, kill it. If Rice males in the future, but then it doesn't, hunt it down. of course we are the weaker sex If you love something, tie it up *** and the male-female ratio is 3-2. SATURDAY AUGUST 23 and show it how much. Use A plethora of individuals with *** •Upperclassmen invade colleges, 1pm. Off-campus expertise in culinary techniques electrical tape if you have to. freshmen should be out of said colleges. *** Missiles of ligneous or petrous vitiates the potable concoction • Pub opens this evening. CocksuckmotherfuckEatabagofs- consistency may have the poten- produced by steeping comes- • MFA: The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, Brown hitCunthairdouchebagSuckyour- tial of fracturing my osseous tibles. structure, but nouns and verbs Auditorium. 8pm. Thru tomorrow. *** mother'stitWearethebestcollegeal- ltheotherssuckEdgarOdellLovett- will forever be benign. Electrical tape is ok, but I prefer *** Rahrahfuck SUNDAY AUGUST 24 masking tape. It's easier to You mean you don't have that • River Oaks: Out of Africa 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:25. digest. little tiling that sucks anymore? All school pool party, free beer, Nietzsche is dead. Saturday morning, 3 a.m., no -God MONDAY AUGUST 25 clothing required, Chez Rupp. Don't wimp out. Spencer. •Classes begin. Sam. Beer traditionally available at Willy's Statue all morning (but don't say you saw it NOTESANDNOTICES here). •Taipei Municipal Chinese Classical Orchestra The Rice Canterbury Asso- National Hispanic Scholar- Free Computer Searches for performs in Hamman Hall, 7:30 pm, free. ciation (Episcopalian students ship Fund scholarships are Graduate Students and Faculty. • River Oaks: Out of Africa 6:30, 9:25. and friends) welcomes you! All available to undergraduate and 100's of databases are available Rice people are invited to our graduate students of Hispanic from BRS. Search Chemical annual picnic and parachute American background. Contact Abstracts, Medline, Psycho- TUESDAY AUGUST 26 raising this Sunday (AugiM the Financial Aid office for logical Abstracts, Public Affairs oRiver Oaks: More Jay Ward (animation) at 5:15, 24th). Hot dogs, hamburgers, details. Information Service, Religion 7:40, 10pm. homemade ice cream and other Index, Dissertation Abstracts, edibles; volleyball and croquet, The Placement Office is now Management Contents, and many etc. From 4:00 pm at Autry located on the second floor of the more in almost all disciplines. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 27 House (across Main Street from old wing in the RMC. Free Searches offered Wed. & Lovett College). *** • River Oaks: A Streetcar Named Desire at 5:15, 7:40, Thurs., Aug. 27-28. Sign up at 10:05 through tomorrow. During the school year The athletic department is the Reference Desk, FONDREN •Comedy Workshop presents Marsha Warfield at Canterbury meets for Eucharist on giving away Astroturf to anyone LIBRARY, or call x2577. 8:30 pm through Sunday. Sundays at 10:00 am, and Sunday who goes to gate 4 of the stadium *** evenings for Evensong and and picks it up himself. Repeat: Free Lost in the Library? Enroll THURSDAY AUGUST 28 supper (beginning at 5:00 pm). used Astroturf at the stadium. in Library Research Techniques We also have discussion/ *** (Jones 206), a one-semester-hour • First and last Thursday Night At The Pub before the fellowship/study groups, video The Spanish Department is course taught by Reference drinking age goes up to 21. Get it while it's cold. nights, lunches on campus, offering Portuguese 201 in the Librarians at Fondren Library. programs, service projects, etc. Fall Semester. The course is open Emphasis is on the practical at various times during the year. to those students who have taken applications of library skills to The student lounge at Autry 101 and 102 or who have a your other course work. Class PAID ADSPAIDADSPAIDADSPAID ADS House is open most days (and background in the language. The time to be announced. For more evenings) for study or relaxation. course is primarily conver- info call the Library Reference 1 *>75 VW Rabbit for sale. 4 Apartment to Rent. 5 minute Call 524-3168 for details, rides, sational using magazines, news- Desk at x2577 or x2279. door — good condition. $600 — drive to Rice. 2-br, 1-1/2 bath program information, or to get papers, and short stories. If *** Call Harvey 680-3265. studio apt. Carpet, drapes, central on the mailing list. interested contact Dr. Leal at Always •> wanted to learn *** air/heat, covered reserved par- *## x4863; or come by the Spanish square dancing in a few easy 1 bedroom apartments, 1 king, private patio, cable availa- Faculty and Staff Season Department office, Rayzor Hall steps? Join "the "Rainbow Roc- mile from Rice. Pool, covered ble. No pets; $360 + electric. No Football Tickets may be picked 103. parking, laundry facilities. Next deposit. 664-7941 Ed or Pat. kers" of Rice. Our "fun night" is up at the Autry Court Ticket *** on Sept. 7th, Sunday, 7:00 p.m., to Rice Village. Newly refur- Rice Hillel wants you to eat Part-time Employment. Need VVindow beginning August 18. in the Brown Commons bished. $299/month. 2415 lunch with us. Kosher lunches are *** students *, to work mornings or Ticket window hours are from Tangley. 526-358**.9* held every Monday at noon in th<5' afternoons at wholesale Beauty 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday Lovett College and Richardson through Friday. Hanszen College B&P room, under House to share. Very Supply in Village area doing College will be hosting a Freshman *** the 40's stairwell. Also come to our spacious, elegant, 3 minutes from deliveries, stock work and some Week Casino Party Friday Night, Activities Fair Friday afternoon ice cream party at 9:00 pm Thursday phone and paper work. Earn 9pm in the RMC Grand Hall. Rice. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, you in the RMC Courtyard. All in the Baker Commons. $4.50 per hour. Call Annette at *** have your own study/office, large activities will be represented. kitchen, living room, hardwood 667-3783. floors, fireplace, etc. Female 30's *** MOREPAIDADS prefer same. $350. 521-1196. Couriers needed, $6.00/hr. NOT NOTESW *** Hours flexible (usually 3-7pm); experience. Must have neat Classified advertisements are at House to Share. 1955 some weekends (l-3pm, flexible). Oak Forest Area/Room/Rent/ appearance, professional attitude, the Thresher office on Monday of Portsmouth. $200 a month + 1/3 Need valid drivers license and Access/Pool/Back of Wooded be willing to learn quickly, work the week in which the utilities. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath- current liability insurance. Use Residence/Private Entrance/$250 hard. Great pay, flexible hours! advertisement will appear and cost rooms, nice kitchen. Very close your own car and gas. Call Fran Bills Paid/Appointment Only/ Send recent photo and 2- $8 for 35 words or less. to Rice in a nice neighborhood. at Microbiology Specialists Inc, 623-453 l(w)/680-0282(h) paragraph letter introducing *** Space for display advertise- Prefer older Grad. Student. 529- 522-1762. yourself. Steve Miklos, PO Box ments must be reserved at least one 2332. *** Secretary /Receptionist for law 13260, Houston, TX, 77219. week preceding the date of *** Roommate wanted. Luxury office. Part-time only. $5.50/hour. *** publication and copy for display Apartments for rent. Star- for $300/month BILLS PAID. Minimum 40 w.p.m. Call 850- Earn money - work for advertisements should be delivered ting $325 bills paid. 12 minutes $330 w/br furn. Condo 3 miles 0066. Thresher as a reporter, *** to the Thresher offices on the from campus. Near Gallcria enter- from Rice. Bedroom w/ private typesetter, production person, Monday preceding the date of tainment. Furnished available, bathroom. Garage, washer, dryer, Duplex Apt., quiet neighborhood, photographer, editor. Set your publication. The rate for display cable TV * available. Covered microwave, dishwasher, alarm, S.W. area — all bills paid. Call ads is $4.25 per column-inch. parking, security patrol, 7-day security guards, ceiling fans, after 7 p.m. 723-4417 or 729-6299 own hours - work/study not maintenance and more, (pall Dick pools, cable. Must be neat non- preferred - no experience The Thresher prints nQtes and for details, 629-7120. smoker. John 748-5551. Top-notch catering firm looking necessary - all positions are notices free as a public service to #** on-campus student organizations for young people with or without paid! Contact us at 527-4801. or University-affiliated events. The Rice Thresher, August 22, 1986, page 16