FIRE AUTOMOBILE ft Se rvice fla g for /Ifcanasquan Jersey Coast We want the name of every boy from Manasquan who is engaged in the service? Real Estate of Uncle Sam. Arrangements are being made to procure a Service Flag to be flown in the Public Square and we are anxious to have your boy’s name at once so that his star may appear in the Flag. Send names as soon as possible to The Coast Star H0MES-PL0TS-FARMS COMMISSIONER DEEDS, WILLS. OP DEEDS MORTGAGES «uj office. Insurance Agenoy LEGAL PAPERS WITH SEAL WRITTEN ------INORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE------AND HARTFORD INSURANCE COMPANIES SEA GIRT LOOKING REV. HILLMAN 810,000,000 WAR AHEAD TO SUMMER ENDS FIRST YEAR PLANT STARTED IN John D. M« ner ^ £ £ T AT M, E. CHURCH SOUTH JERSEY Local Office Spring Lake, N. J. T elephone National Army Men From New York Office------165 Broadway. PLATE GLASS INSURANCE Camp Dix May Practice on Hoprocenting (!>u Under His Leadership Nineteen Hammonton Streets Filled Rifle Range. State Mili­ Best ot Insurance Companies. New Members Have Been With Army Trucks Carry­ tia Also Booked. Added and the Church ing Supplies to Con- Farms and Cottages For Sale or Rent Sea Girt is preparing for a big sea- The United States son. While there is no certainty as to Has Had an Excel­ tractors. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE what activities will mark the life about lent Year Finan­ The streets of Hammonton were filled the State Encampment reservation, with motor trucks marked U. S. Ord­ Government Cooperates business interests are proceeding on the cially. nance Department, evidently from Camp strength of their belief that there will Dix, each with a man in khaki, all be no end of military life, as well as Last Sunday Rev. George T. Hillman bound tor the big tract a few miles be­ the 7.HOO member banks in maintaining the Federal Reserve Banking important political and social activities completen his first year as pastor of low there, where a small army of work­ y8lem tor ,||e Pr,,tection of the business interests of the country. Through the that will center about the little White the First Methodist Episcopal Church men started work Tuesday to put 8,300 Federal Reserve Board at Washington it supbrvises House, where Governor Edge will again of this place and splendid congregations acres of woodland in shape for a big j tlie twelve Federal reserve banks: it appoints one- spend the summer. were in attendance at bqth services. shell loading plant. * third of their directors; it deposits its funds largely It is generally believed that the State At the morning service the treasurer of About two-score army trucks, loaded with them; it guarantees the currency they issue, Do Not Waste rifle ranges there are to be utilized by the Official Board gave his annual re­ with supplies, arrived at Hammonton This cooperation greatly increases the value of the system to us and our the War Department for the training port which showed that the Church has and at Elmwood. The plant will cover community of expert riflemen, and it is entirely had an excellent year financially. Are you linked up Mith this new national system as one of our depositorsT Y our Time 8,300 acres of land, the ground purchased II not, vou should delay no longer. , possible that large contingents will The minister reported briefly the being known as the Frazier tract, which Talar.? out a lamp to march from Camp Dix to the reserva­ work of the conference year. Nineteen tor many yours formed a portion of the cu uch your electric iron. tion for such work also. Such hikes now members have been added to the big Wharton estate. would serve a double purpose in that fchurch, $4\9U>1 has been spent foj im­ The site chosen is situated on the Other — a'.v ::y r e a d y — provements on the Church property. flfcanasquan UTational Bank out!;^; r: iv. mi shed by the men would get good practice marches county boulevard, about five miles be­ in addition to the rifle work. This plan Five members have died during'tne low ilaiunumton and extends in the di­ simply Stiir.g into a ny of was taken up by the War Department year. The pastor ’s report to the an­ rection of Pleasant Mills for a distance your present sockets the last summer at the State was preparing nual Conference will show that the of about five miles. It is a portion of to give all possible aid toward the train Church has raised $571 for benevolent the great deer hunting ground of that ing of the American forces. At that purposes, including missions, etc. section. About two hundred men are time it was suggested that the ranges Pastor Hillman ha%been unanimously at work clearing the land. It is claim­ invited to return to the Manasquan vJIZ x js , be used during the winter, but this ap­ ed that'the plant, with site, will repre­ i jr s parently was not found to be practicable, charge for another year. sent an investment of $10,000,000. and there has been no military activity At the monthly Official Board meet­ Then again, you ■yvill need those at the reservation since early winter, ing held on Monday night the following resolution was adopted: extra outlets to attach your toas­ when the last of the State officers and troops completed their work. Inasmuch as our pastor, Rev. George SEA BRIGHT AFTER ter, fan, washing machine, and The New Jersey State Militia, organ T. Hillman, is now finishing his first other electrical devices. ized last summer to take the place of year at the Methodist Episcopal Church Federalized National Guard, for mili­ of Manasquan, and in view of the fact APPROPRIATION FOR RALPH W. HERBERT, JR. tary duty within the State of New Jer­ that the year for this Church had been 114 M ain Sti r it sey, will doubtlessly go there in bat­ a successfnl one, due to his untiring ERECTION OF JETTIES and faithful efforts in behalf of th Man&squan, N. J. talion organizations for their encamp­ With two of the five appropriations ments, each battalion remaining in Church and the interest of the Kingdom of God, cinched, and two others asgoodaswon camp a week. the active business men and cottagers Brigadier General Bird W. Spencer, Therefore be it Resolved:—That the Official Board assembled in regular of 'Sea Bright now lo6k to the federal the inspector general of rifle practice Government for the fifth $15,000 to in for New Jersey, is preparing for an un­ monthly meeting"' this fourth day of March, Nineteen hundred and eighteen; Bure the erection of hook jetties that usually large contingent of civilian will withstand the stillest northeaster, rifllemen this seasop. The entry of that it express the hearty appreciation of the Congregation lor the splendid save the peninsula from repetition of the United States into the world war the winters of 1913 14 and incidentally has stimulated interest in rifle shooting, service of Rev. Hillman during the past year and the confident expectation and keep Fort Hancock, Sandy Hook, intact. he believes, and the Federal provisions Mayor Packer said this week that he for the promotion of civilian rifle prac­ hope that the New Jersey Conference about to convene at Atlantic City will would have a borough ordinance passed tice are likely to attract larger numbers requiring the abutting property owners than ever. be guided to return Brother Hillman to us for another year of teervicc in our and the Now Jersey Central Railroad CALL 241. AND TALKTO There is some talk, too, that the Gov to appropriate together $15,000 toward ernment may utilize the enormousdrill midst for the Kingdom of God Be it further Resolved—That the the cost of building two or three rocn field there as an aeronautical station. stone hook jetties runnning from the E. B. GREEN Fliers who made the reservation the President and Secretary of the Official Board be instructed to sign three copies beach seaward 1,000 feet with ar hook terminus for numerous flights last sea­ running south 100 feet, forming a pocket Comforting Warmth at the - 7- ■ r r .il son declared that the field there was of this resolution, one to become apart of the minutes of this meeting, the to catch the sand and build up the without an equal so far as their know­ beach. Turn of a Switch ledge extended. The probable im­ second and third to be sent respectively to Presiding Bishop Berry ana to Dis­ minence of an aerial patrol of the coast trict Superintendent Marshall at the At­ adds interest to the possibility that a With a W estinghousc Keif-Regulating Electric lantic City session of the New Jersey big district depot may be located there. BROILERS NOT INCLUDED Warming Pad you can hare heat whenever you ::i r Conference. During the pastor’s absence next The food administration announced want it and as long as you need it—just a Sunday there will be no preaching ser this week that the prohibition against gentle, steady heat tliaf rases pain and induces War-Times Have Taught vices in the church. The regular Sun­ the sale of live or freshly killed poultry - I - day school session will be held at 9.45 restful slumber. 4) A /eater to In’ heated. No , V. T F does not apply to broilers weighing two that it is more economical to shop a. m. The congregation will worship pounds or under each. The water to get cold. No /rater to leak, A uto- outside of New York than in New York. with the other churches of the town. - W i t against the sale of this stock was de­ matic control of the current keeps the pad from Here you will find metropolitan assort­ signed to increase the potential egg ments, minus high big,city prices. production of the country and it will becoming too hot or too cold, and makes it n n ml Steinbach Company, Asbury Park —adv Subscribe for tnis paper. remain effective until April 30. absolutely safe. Light, pliable and with a softness grateful to the most sens Hire spot. WHEN YOU WISH Til HUY (IS SELL REAL ESTATE Office in Bank Building. Manaseuan. N. J. O P T H A T ] . AT YOUR SERVICE Lakew ood & Coast Electric Co. Fop LVL^VONF l-KOnl’T SLU\ ICt: 636 Arnold Avenue Plione 45 Point Pleasant, N J l « s U 3 « - » u’U jus I reauneiil MUST DO HIS M l H L r J F 'B DUTY! GEORGE LAMB

Eastern Unlen TSItphone I0S B t l B H Practical a n d Sanitary Say ar Night Office HSBHHI plomber I S eries {Building Branch:—Soutli Street, Manasqiten . k -> ) J V 4, S. I, % Wide City Expc.ience. Jobbing and Overhauling a Specialty ! Firit Class Work Guaranteed. American* Never Halt in Acceptln^Elther Otter. rlrmw* wbtfribed (tea«rautiy tteapitd The C iast Star tfc* fcui that they have had a great thany pioblema to aolve in connection SEVERAL WAYS TO SAVE SUGAR-WHICH IS rormerlvThc Coa^t ?»tur. Democrat with their service to the country In war time along n great variety of Published Weekly at Manasquan N. J j lines. "Formers have been called upon to TRACY M. HOSKINS produce food; they have been called This Seal Is the Fisherman’s Altered at the Muti;is(|ijftn Host Office I upon to increase their acreage; they as Second-cIh** Matter ^1^4^.1909; have been mei with severe problems Guide To Comfort, Long Wear i of rising costs. At -the same time, In [ the words of one farmer, ‘this Is and Economy J agricultural country. The farmers have alwatr done their part and will always continue to. Now that farmers In Rubber Boots who understand tarra problems have oeen given a voice In the councils of Look for the “U. S. Seal” on every the treasury department committees In pair. It is our promise and your as­ this district lhe-e will be no further need for ar.y one In the cities »o com­ surance of rubber footwear that will plain that the farmers have not done their full share.’ " keep your feet warm, dry and com­ fortable in about the boats and fhe Issue In Seven Words. President Wilson has condensed the wharves, when gales lash the waves to Issue Into seven words. "Will you c» • A SERVICE FLAG FOR < operate or will you obstruct?” be asked fury and fling high the numbing, icy the striking shipyard workers. On this spray. ' MANASQUAN Issue rests the fate of civilization. Not only warmth and comfort, but Nearly one hundred boys from Mana- With uioerty bonds the nation Is squan are now serving their Country. bound together solidly In the fight for longer wear which means money saved, A Wise Fish. 4AT.F11D H. WAINRIOHT, , world liberation. •*1 wonder why this goldfish never Some are in France, other j are in can­ make U. S. Rubber Footwear ideal for grows any." COUNSELLOR AT LAW tonments preparing for active service. the fisherman, and for all who must "The Intelligent little ereittn* We ow« a great deal to these boys who LINCOLN SAW LIBERTY knowB there would be no u p to t And Special M»'ter and Lxamlnar in have been called from their homes to ward off wet and chill and conquer him In that small globe." Chancery rough going in the day’s work. There’s fight for the cause 0 1 r/ght and crush IN WAR LOANS Had a Good Stare. Office In the Bank BuUdlnd out Pruasianism. We owe them more a pair designed for your special needs. Maude—Let’s start a l that we can pay and in honor of these Lincoln had the idea of Liberty Alice—All right; I heard a lot of For sale everywhere. Your dealer has secrets at the bridge club this after­ •}.»{• 4.4' 4>++-f 4- -♦ -♦ 4*J* boys who have been summoned to take bonds long before the United Stales noon!—The Lamb. up arms, Manasquan is going to fiy a Government Issued any. In Lincoln’s just what you want, or can get it for you. * SOUTH STREET J speeches and writings there are not Service Flag which will bear a star for 4- many references to the war loans of United States Rubber Company 4* every boy from this place who is now the Union for the simple reason ihnt Feeling Dad Tonight ? 4* engaged in the se vice and as fast as the great President was burdened New Y o r k fMeat------Market,h - others go a star will be added to the with so many problems that could not Feel Good Tomorrow! be delegated to others, as could the * * Flag. V RUDOLPH VOOBL, Prop V task of raising money to save the# ♦ The Coast Star wishes everyone Union. But ln’hls annual message to If you foci ' upset," morbid, blue—If + •*=£* + Congress on December 6, 1804, Lincoln you are m-rvouj and restless—-if you who has a boy in the service to send have /s'.rk headache—if your stomach { frl-e 4* expressed the underlying philosophy 3 s .sour and you arc bilious, take a Foley cltlven* of Menuquen cso •• ij* their boy’s name to this office. it is of the war loans of a republic It# these Cathartic Tablet before retiring. ^ cure choice Fresh tad Salt Meata desired that everyone of them be re­ words, relating to the public debt: Your bowels w!ll move In the morn- 1 •‘Held ns It is, for the most part, by ing without griping or nausea. If your ' •{+ til kind* at this Market at "1 ^ presented in the flag and it is hoped condiJoa .'a the rruult of clogged intes- ! our own people, It has become w sub­ tines i>( ;«on!: r your system, you will that when the flag is unfurled that not stantial branch of national though pri­ | feel 1< t';\ fa. c'-.ure of your dis­ + REASONABLE PRICES 4* one of the boys will be missea. vate property." tress w ’i i»o removed. 4. + "For obvious reasons, the more F oley »'* if 1 i :rf ‘c Tablets clear the A subscription list will be started on stem:.; h n..d bov/tla, enliven the liver, + Horn -made Bologna and J nearly this property can be distributed fitimi.luto iho «.cr< a Ly F^ley & 60., Chicago, akw.v o. ht ih'drated Foley’s Honey ward the flag may do so. Their sub­ "Men readily perceive that they can­ id* T a r •------l, for cougho and J ' RUDOLPH VOQ1L. 4* . + scriptions will be gladly received at not be much oppressed by a debt which they owe to themselves." J MANASQUAN, N. . * The Coast Star office. Let Manasquan That’s the whole thing in a nutshell. For Sale Everywhere. get on the job and take her place in flo- If we had to borrow abroad to win 4- f v + 4*++*'*+4 ,l"4"4*4«4' *** ing honor to those of our boys vvi.o this war we might have cause to worry; but when we borrow of our­ have gone and to those who are yet to selves we are our own creditors. Bel­ E go, s> that when they receive letters ter than that, we are becoming, HOMAS HARDY across the sea that that letter can let through the Liberty Loans, creditors on a large scale of other staunch and them know that we of their home town dependable nations. How Lincoln are anxious about them and that in the would have rejoiced to see a united center of their town there floats a ser­ country—his country—financing Lself and financing other countries in a vice flag which bears a star for them. world fight for human freedom! TAKE NO HUE WOMEN PLAN TO PUT Headquarters of Manasquan Branch FARMERS WILL Surgical Dressing Committee will be at Mrs. Osborn’s building on broad street Dear Customer EVERY PERSON TO TEST Donations of money, old linen, cotton DO FULL SHARE sheets, pillow cases, blankets, towels, The "Follow Up Committee" will be table cloths, napkins and flannels to one of the important features of tin- make into Surgical Dressings lor the Don’t think because WE DELIVER THE GOODS flovernor Strong of Federal Re­ work of the Woman’s Liberty Loan wounded are earnestly reqeated. Can Committee In Niagara Falls during the be left at headquarters on Tuesdays and that we charge more for them. We hear that some Grocers serve Bank Predicts Heavy coming campaign, according to n state­ Thursdays from 2 to 5 or at Mrs. R. M. ment by Mrs. I. R. Edmunds, chair­ Marks’, just opposite, at any time. are telling you and others that we have to, in order to , Subscription to Third man of the Niagara Falls Woman’s Liberty Loan. Committee, who was In New York re­ ! make a paying profit. 1 hat might be true in their eases cently to confer with Mrs. John T. DIRECTOR m EfllilflER Pratt, chairman of the Second Federal where they have a small stock, but, in our case We Know Reserve District. During the last loan INTENSIVE DRIVE PLANNED. her committee raised two-thirds of the Better. individual subscriptions in that city, Lewis M. Welt M ain S t r e e t . Mniuisqiiiin. Farmers to Keep Own Record of Bond but Mrs. Edmunds feels they could have done far better If there hud been You can come here anytime when we are going out < oj fin * ami 11 rial Cnnlcvln of livery Approved Stree Investments to Be In a Position to some way of checking up the people on our routes and you will find our delivery loaded to the Unviny had ninny reai. exper inner in thf. vicinity romiirtent t.. Refute Erroneous Statements. who avoided buy’ng bonds by saying SRt*s

Peopk from all parts of Monmouth and Ocean County are constant shoppers at Steiahach’s. We want them to feel at home, to see familiar faces. For this reason as well as for our desire to become a practical training school for the people of our own section do we offer them

first choice of all positions at Steinbach’s

We have many vacancies v» oar year round force-selling and executiue positions. Experienced salespeople, men and women, will find no difficulty in obtaining satisfactory employment with plenty of chance for promotion. We also require from time to time additional bookyeeprrs, stenographers, floor walkers, shipping clerks, etc; a number of learn­ ers will be taken, t

We invite your inquiry with full information about yourself, previous employment, etc. Call if you can, if not address Superintendent.

M)n Mae Brennan. 98 Baltic etreet, Brooklyn; Miss Anna Carberry. 61 Third place, Brooklyn; Mies M. Ecke, 6 Gouverneur place, Bronx; Miss M. Hnverty, 253 Tenth street, Hoboken; Miss Mahoney, office of the division ' superintendent of traffic, 15 Dey street; Miss Elsie Sheridan, 222 West One Hundred and Forty-first; street, New York city; Miss Stevenson, 63 Van Cortlandt Park avenue, Yonkers, N, Y, The #feeon»l Battalion of the. Signal Miss Brennan said: me great pleasure, hut I want to aa- Reserve dorps, composed of men from “Wo have come to you, Mr. Schultz, aure you that no task that I have ever tbe New York Telephone Company, In hi half of t)ii> operating forces to. been asked to perform affords me now in France, will fight the Kaiser's enlist your good offices in presenting more pleasure than to accept this re­ Invaders under colors provided by (he then/- Hags to our men now in oar sponsibility and to forward these beau­ young women of the truffle depart­ (ouutry’s service, and to ask you Jo tiful flags and guidons and yout* ex­ ^tfinbadi (Com pany ment of the company, says The Tele­ (ran. nil our message to them. pression of kind thought# and noble phone Review. N. Y. The operators of “From our girls to our hoys-in ap­ sentiments from our girls over here to the four down-state divisions combined preciation of the groat sarrillve they our hoys over there. In purchasing t Uese flags, and I be cere­ are making In iiphoidtng and protect­ “Speaking on behalf of fhe boys, mony of presentation took place In (he ing all that these emblems represent, knowing them ns we all do. who have offices of Vice President F. II. Bel hell, ull that civili’/.ution holds-most dear. proved themselves good, loyal em­ at 15 Dey street. Although the battal­ “We want to tell you that your glori­ ployees of this company, we can feel ion officers could not be there to re­ ous service flag, with Its thousands of quite sure that the same loyalty and ceive the flags for their men, the pro­ stars, is ever waving before us, tilling fidelity will prevail in this great world gram was In other respects complete, our hearts with affection and pride conflict tlmt they are now engaged In. and letters describing It were for­ and Inspiring us to do our hit with I can safely sny that they will uphold •rwslmvij park. 3\rftti Jleranj warded to them In France so that all greater earnestness and loyalty. the honor, both of the flag, our own the boys might know what took place. “We, Car from the ‘firing line.’ are Stars and StrlpeB, and of these beau­ There were representatives of truffle ever thinking of you and praying that tiful guidons which you are sending to districts from Nyack to Asbury Park God in His Inllnlfe goodness will lead them.” and from New Rochelle to Jamaica, as you to success and bring you home The Colors. well as from the metropolitan dis­ safely, making if possible that at the The colors presented included three tricts, and to know each other face to home roll call each name called will flags and four guidons. Each of the £ke«, as well as over the wines, was r. meet with the response, ‘Here.’” two company guidons of silk for pa­ Mr. Schultz,«accepting the banners privilege which the usual tenar of op­ rade purposes was repeated in bunting erating life does not afford. on belmlf of the absent oilieers nud saving re^ rot* boiaier®. Miss Brennan, senior operator. Jer­ men, responded In these words: for service, and there were also both In England tea has advanced In ■^••F-F-F -F-F*!-F-F-F-Fv-F-F-F -i*-F —I -F-F-!*-: -F-Fv-Ff f -v *F Proi. JOHN WAGWEISTER a silk and a bunting American flag. + + sey toll, holding the beautiful orange “Miss I’rennnii and ladies represent­ price to such an extent and It Is at the + silk battalion Hag, embroidered by tin; ing traffic department employees of The battalion flag was elaborately em­ same time so necessary an accessory + teacher of th e v io u n and piano * + band which fashions and decorates the this company: broidered by hand, Insignia and letter­ of diet in the army that It is^consid­ + banners of the President of the United “During my many years of experi­ ing being of solid embroidery, and the ered an act of patrlotkr'ecohomy to •F Music Furnished (or Entertainments of States, made the presentation on be­ ence f have been directed ami roquent- stars of the silk American flag were drink cafe au lait^fdr breakfast In­ f Kuropeun Firm WILLIS A. MOUNT Prop, * half of the operators. | ed to perform many acts that afforded also hand embroidered. stead of the usual cup of tea, notes a T ar v kind Dron a oostal London correspondent. Of course, any who hud rccon im! his distressing janasquan. n . j . problems of I In* ». . .er, embracing lack coffee that Is ’ diluted'with milk la % of fuel. Inability to get feed for Ids Sheep-Killing Parrots at Large. cafe au loit, but the term is usually GRANGE SURPLUS slock, n«w< >-ii.v r." reeding wheat be­ Not long ago no little consternation applied to the beverage as the French take It for breakfast. That is a mix­ T l i cause tin- i ,b r of com was prohibitive, was created by the escape at San Fran­ *F e Osborn House | closed Ids talk with (he remark; “Yes, cisco of two kens, or sheep-killing par­ ture of clear coffee Infusion to which is added a liberal amount of hot milk. + HELPS WIN WAG 1 bought Liberty l.oiuls of the first rots, which wero being shipped from •F UNDER NEW MANABEMENT BertSutterley Issue, ami I invested in the second Australia to the Smithsonian institu­ *F hian. umJ I'm going o lake some of the tion, at Washington, says Popular Me­ *F Ohio Patrons of Husbandry En­ tldriFtonn ui.r” chanics Magazine. The birds liberated The big audience of practical farm­ themselves |»y splintering the slata of + SOUTH AM) MAIN MPl US. oil h n , > S t m t Hea AUCTIONEER dorse Liberty Bonds as Best ers responded with hearty laughter their wooden crates with their power­ VANASOUAN. M 1. Pham 48 L “ * Investment on Earth. and loud applause, 'i ..*-y were quick ful ‘ beaks. The federal authorities to give unanimous approval to his offered n reward of $100 for each bird J.W.Curamin Terms Reasonable patriotic sen!iiiumtH. taken (lend or alive. 'Phis species of J “The state organization 1ms Invested The troubles and problems of the parrot has made Itself an enemy of Box 151 Manasquan every penny of Its surplus in Liberty farmer loom large, to be sure or tlu’ man in both Australia and New Zea­ (CCOKODATION 1 OK HTOMOBIUi PABTiE J bonds,” was the proud announcement individual mu .1 solve tl ! <*n his own land by slaying sheep for the sake of Railroad Avenue of Louis J. Taber, master of the Ohio acres. Yet. ; -me all. im; farmer re- eating parts of the flesh, of which It * State Grange, lust week. “Sub-granges ulizes that hi> ditiieultles must lie stib- is very fond, and there bounties are •ft should follow Us example,” he added. (militated u u n ibe nation needs his paid for killing the birds. a 4 .* ** 4 fV . ♦ -• ♦ -J- aj. unswerving support in winning tlu Manasquan, N. J. p r . Peter A. Davison, "The next Liberty loan campaign," war. said Mr. Taber, “will afford the grunge Sarcastic Surprise. That the fnrmtn-s of New York will “T wonder why It is considered an General Repair Work on an exceptional opportunity to serve stand solidly heldi fid the United Sin ten patriotically not only our order, but Insult‘ to call Some men insects?” Veterinary Suiyeon In making tin- rhlrd Liberty loan a sue “Why is it J* HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE agriculture, the country' and eivfllza- oyss is unquest ionod. They arc si tlon at large. The motto of our State “Because Insects never miss a (ready enlisting ifor active . service in chance to work for a living.” Right Prices. Grange is, 'A bond In every farm borne tlu* campaign In co-operation with tbe fELEIHONF 1S9 F tl" in Ohio.’ SHIER’S Slab* FedoratJon of Farm 1’.means. In “Nor should we stop there. Every Cynical. Work Promptly Done. ng drive they intend to Bachelor Maid—Did you know Mr. patron and every farm er. should be a pace that promises to reached, for there is not a farmer in Stevens is writing a hook on the his­ Ice Skates Sharpened Shark Riv/er scl lip a a,II i'aI record. The farmers' tory of happiness. Ohio but can afford to buy at least one line of deli­ e will show no gap. Liberty bond on the very easy terms Second B. M.—Impossible; he Is a While You Wait married man. offered. Every one should hold at , ■ ...... Liquor Store least one bond. The farmer was not a heavy purchaser Id either of the PRESIDENT WILSON’S DCCLA rSPil earlier drives. There were reasons RATION OF FAITH. MSM Justifying this condition then, but Main Street — Manasquan : 'le'tvhocp 'cndusardtof.'croup * * “The toil, tbs there Is no adequate excuse for his ian!* v: Lfsi J | mk'iv intelligence. ! ] failure to purchase now. I tun confi­ Adj. Hotel Squan FOLEY'S dent the farmers will maintain the tb e energy, ■ the foresight, j WILLIS THOMPSON traditions of their patriotic fore­ p§g:,. 'W and TAR fathers by coming nobly to tbe finan­ .W*yv th< self sneri- j A full line of Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors, Beers, cial rescue of their country. There Is jfo ' • * ficc ind do- j no better or safer investment on earth f t * V votion of tii..- | Ales and Waters I 1,? Vs?*. farmers c. i than a Liberty bond.” America will. M k m aim eh 1 believe. FARMERS STAND SOLIDLY bring to n t r Deliveries Made in the Borough. Phone 208 It Ustee good and soothes !: ,. ' ’ umphnnt cf ” FOR DEFENSE OF NATION v, >7M&W’fx jj In All I ts Branches the raw, inflamed surfaces) Stops the rasping, strangling An incident of the farmers’ forum, great v,'ar tor —t feeling in the throat cf mcn.”-rFrom the first to be held during a “Farmers’ the cmnncip.itio- ' <>! 1 mt: n Sjifi ialtv Whjr experiment with Week” ut the New York State College the pro: irf-.-t'E Li. ' r to the Farm- IQbstlta*— »—i.- aj------> or. Confer . *c r.t Urban a. HI. of Agriculture at Ithaca, proved con­ w .ai Bitot. vincingly that the fanners of the Em­ Subscribe for THE STAR contains no opiates or othi SHOP ON MAIN ST.. pire Stute Intend to invest in the third Chlmran Cr. Sold Ever) Liberty loan to tlie limit of their re­ sources. FOR FLETCHER S One of the speakers from the floor. M AJST A S G U A N .00 A Year. C A S T O R I A For Salt Everywhere