Doing buses differently Have your say on the impact of Covid-19 on our proposals for the future of your buses Consultation Document Consultation runs from Wednesday 2 December 2020 to Friday 29 January 2021 ENGLISH GUJARATI Find Ifout you more need at respond in a different way, or require the consultation જો તમે કોઈ અલગ રીતે પ્ર鋍યતુ ર Responsesmaterials will in be a accepteddifferent format,through please the following આપવા channels: મા廒ગતા હોય, અથવા ચચાા- contact Complete and submit a questionnaire at
[email protected] or call પરામ싍ાની માહહતી તમને બી犾 싂પમા廒 0161Email 244 1100 a completed to discuss questionnaire your or your comments to
[email protected]. જોઈતી હોય તો, કૃપા કરીને Post a completed questionnaire or
[email protected] comments to: પર Freepost GM BUS CONSULTATION 0161 244 1100 (You do not need a stamp and can writeઇમેઇલ this ,address અથવા on any envelope) . Via telephone on 0161 244 1100 (You willન 廒બર be પરforwarded ટેલલફોન through કરો to independent research organisation Ipsos MORI to record your response) Paper copies of the questionnaire are available in Travelshops across Greater Manchester. Locations of Travelshops can be found at Support for non-English speakers is 狇 લોકો ᚂગ્રે狀 નથી બોલતા, તેઓ alsotransport/travelshops available on 0161 244 and1100. in Appendix 2 of this document If you need to respond in a different way, or requireમદદ theમેળવવા consultation 0161 244 materials 1100 inન a 廒બર different format, please contact
[email protected] or call 0161 244 1100 પર ફોન કરી 싍કે છે.