Ithaca Directory 1932 Call Number: LH-REF 974.7 Ithaca 1932 Publisher: Bellows Falls, Vt

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Ithaca Directory 1932 Call Number: LH-REF 974.7 Ithaca 1932 Publisher: Bellows Falls, Vt "fI~... ~, TmWKI:--::SCOCNTY ~j ;\'.il'J(;.iTIXG .-1 .\1:.i OF RE.\()L'RCE,'" 8/~ PlTBLIC ~~LIBRARY Title: Ithaca Directory 1932 Call number: LH-REF 974.7 Ithaca 1932 Publisher: Bellows Falls, Vt. : H.A. Manning Co. Owner: Ithaca - Tompkins County Public Library Assigned Branch: Ithaca Tompkins County Public Library (TCPL) Collection: Local History (LH) Format: Serial Number of pages: 640 Permission to digitize the Ithaca City Directories published by H. A. Manning Co. from 1923 to 1986 granted by Jeffrey C. Manning, August 2010. =-1 -0 LHREF 974.7 Ithaca 1932 ~ Ithaca directory. ! > ~ 2 Manning, US West Marketing 1=-'=(1) .c-("') W 0 D=:=C U1-Z --I ~--< ru=-C ru_c J. U. l,iQII5 LII ~ []::I=nru CORNELL I U1_r- Y _::JJ ITHACA, NE, ==65!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:t> -::JJ ITHACA'S OLDEST, --< ~ AU1 .L \-1.. q 1Lj·1 I 193~ ReF Ithaca directory. Cadillac LaSalle PI For Reference Not to be taken from this room EVERY TYPE OF AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS FARM IMPLEMENTS I. H. c. Line LARGEST DEALERS IN TOMPKINS COUNTY 117-133 E. Green St. Dial 2771 ·FINANCIAL-BANKS -- ID;j2-ITHAcA DIRECTORy-1D;3~ 3 ESTABLISHED 1863 The First National Bank OF ITHACA, NEW YORK TIOGA STREET AT SENECA AFTER MAY 1st, 1932 E. STATE cor. N. TIOGA ST. OFFERS EVERY BANKING FACILITY, INCLUDING TRUST DEPARTMENT and SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Capital and Surplus, $600,000.00 OFFICERS ROGER B. WILLIAMS President GEORGE LIVERMORE Vice-President WILLIAM A. BOYD Vice-President and Trust Officer LA VERE ROBINSON Cashier and Asst. Trust Officer RALPH W. MUNGLE, Assistant Cashier SEVILLE S. REULEIN, Assistant Cashier BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILLIAM A. BOYD LaVERE ROBINSON Vice President and Trust Officer Cashier and Assistant Trust Officer HOWARD COBB RODNEY G. ROBINSON Attorney President, Robinson and Carpenter GEORGE LIVERMORE President Ithaca Gun Co. LAWRENCE C. RUMSEY FRANK L. MORSE C. J. Rumsey & Co. President, Morse Chain Co. EBENT. TURNER JARED T. NEWMAN MRS. GEORGE R. WILLIAMS Attorney JAMES R. ROBINSON ROGERB. WILLIAMS Attorney President FINANCIAL-BANKS 4 1932-ITHAcA DIRECTORy-1932 ITHACA SAVINGS BANK INCORPORATED 1868 TIOGA STREET-CORNER OF SENECA ITHACA, N. Y. Banking Hours Week Days Except Saturdays and Legal Holidays 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Saturdays 9 A. M. to 12 M. FINANCIAL-BANKS I932-ITHACA DIRECTORy-I():]:.? 5 I~rHACA SAVINGS BANK Assets, $9,526,795.96 OFFICERS ROGER B. WILLIAMS . .. President ROBERT H. TREMAN . Vice-President FRANKLIN C. CORNELL.. Vice-President G. LOUIS COOK....... .... .Secretary and Treasurer MYNDERSE VAN CLEEF . Attorney ALLAN H. TREMAN...... .. .. Asst. Attorney CHARLES H. BLOOD, Chainnan CHARLES D. BOSTWICK 1 PAUL S. LIVERMORE FINANCE ROGER B. WILLIAMS, Ex-Officio COMMITTEE ROBERT H. TREMAN, Ex-Officio ) FRANKLIN C. CORNELL, Chairman G. LOUIS COOK BUILDING CHARLES D. BOSTWICK } COMMITTEE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 6 1932-lTHAcA DIRECTORy-1932 Ithaca Chamber of Commerce AN ORGANIZATION PROMOTING THE INTERESTS OF ALL CITIZENS ITHACA, N. Y. SAVINGS BANK BUILDING A Metropolitan Service The Publishers of this Directory, H. A. MANNING COMPANY have placed their Free DIRECTORY Library At the ITHACA Chamber of Commerce Rooms Savings Bank Building These are official City Directories and are ob­ tained by H. A. Manning Co. through their mem­ bership in the Association of North American Directory Publishers. Consultation Free at Chamber of Commerce Rooms during office hours, 9 to 5 P. M. daily. Saturdays, 9 to 12 A. M. H. A. MANNING CO., Publishers JOSEPH F. HICKEY Secretary of Chamber of Commerce DEPARTMENT STORES 1932-ITHAcA DIRECTORy-1932 7 Bush & Dean, Inc. Gold Stripe Silk Hosiery Kayser Silk Hosiery Centem.eri Kid Gloves Kayser Fabric Gloves Northrup Cape Gloves 1<..-- Skinner's Silk Crepes and Satins Kayser Silk Underwear Merode Knit Underwear DUOFOLD UNDERWEAR Beautiful Kenwood Blankets 100% PURE WOOL FAST COLORS PRE-SHRUNK The Newest Models in Silk Dresses and Wool Dresses DEPARTMENT STORES 8 1932-ITHAcA DIRECTORy-1932 Quality Has been Queen Jor 50 years v) .at Rothschild's Low Prices Are the Hand Maids that Help her better Serve the People In and about Ithaca and Tompkins County Rothschild's State and Tioga Streets Finance - BUdget BUild.ings - Grounds l."1 t' ..... q Evening School Census - Attendance (0 Ci-:l () t-:l I ~ H ~ o ;.. !2: (") ;.. tj t :;;; t7J § (") >-l ~ o () (J) () 1..... ~ (0 Ci-:l o t-:l o t-t (J) (0 CONTRACTORS 10 1932--ITHAcA DIRECTORy--1932 EXPERIENCE EQUIPMENT WARD CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS 415 East State Street Tel. 8616 Ithaca, N. Y. ORGANIZATION SERVICE LUMBER-BUILDERS' SUPPLIES-COAL 1932-lTHAcA DIRECTORy-1932 11 Robinson and Carp,enter, Inc. BUILDING MATERIALS MILL WORK DOORS· SASH· WINDOWS ANDERSON FRAMES MEDICINE and TELEPHONE CABINETS BUILDERS' HARDWARE NORWALK LOCKS GARAGE FIXTURES ROOFING MATERIALS ASPHALT SHINGLES - ROLL ROOFING ROOF COATINGS AND CEMENTS RED CEDAR SHINGLES GATEWAY STAINED SHINGLES BREINIG BROS. PAINTS, VARNISHES STAINS-METAL LATH-SIDEWALK MESH - BEAVER BOARD - NATIONAL WALL BOARD-PLASTER BOARD- INSULITE WALL BOARD OAK FLOORING . FIR FLOORING COAL - WOOD • COKE Robinson and Carpenter, Inc. Taughannock Blvd. Dial 2129 MUSICAL MERCHANDISE 12 1932--ITHACA DIRECTORy--1932 • 116 NORTH AURORA STREET LENT BUILDING PIANOS R. C. A., Victor and Atwater Kent Phonographs and Radio-Phonograph Combinations. R. C. A., Victor, Atwater Kent and Columbia Radios Victor, Brunswick-Colum­ bia and Oken Records Sheet Music Small Instruments Expert Tuning and Repair RENTAL DEPT: Pianos, 'Phonographs, Power Am­ plifiers for Dances. ~(Everything Musical" Tel. 5522 MANNING'S ITHACA (NEW YORK) DIRECTORY FOR YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY, 1932 CONTAINING General Directories ofCitizens, Classified Business Directory, Street and House Directory, Record of the City Government, Societies, Churches, Etc. County, State, and U. S. Governments, Courts, Etc. Price COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY H. A. MANNING COMPANY 514 WEDGEWAY BUILDING, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. COPYRIGHT 1932 BY THE H. A. MANNING CO. INDEX TO CONTENTS Abbreviations...... .......... 93 Labor Organizations. ......... 36 Advertisers. ................. 15 Libraries. ................... 31 Alphabetical Directories...... 93 Location. ................... 17 Altitude of City. ............. 17 Masonic..................... 33 American Legion. ............ 35 Mercantile Statistics. ......... 18 American Red Cross. .. ....... 31 Military Organizations. ....... 34 Area of City. ................ 17 Miscellaneous Directory.. ..... 21 Benevolent Protective Order Miscellaneous Statistics. ...... 20 Elks......... 32 New York State Government. 78 Blocks, Buildings, Halls, Etc .. , 598 Numerical Street Directories... 499 Cemeteries.. .. .. ........... 31 Parks, Playgrounds and Points Churches. ................... 29 of Interest. .............. .. 587 City Government. ............ 21 Police Departments. .......... 22 Classified Business Directories.. 589 Population Statistics. ......... 18 Clubs.... ................... 31 Post Offices. ................. 28 Courts....... 77 Religious Institutions. ........ 29 Educational... ............... 19 Schools...................... 26 FinanciaL . 19 Societies, Clubs, Associations, see Miscellaneous dir . Fire Department . 22 Statistics . 20 Historical.. 18 Topography . 17 Hospitals . 31 Transportation . 20 Incorporated Companies, see alphabetical s~ctio~.; . ~ ~ ..: .':' ": -q-nit~d S~at~ .~~~erhd(,'nY,:, .. 7S • ·lndepe>l:deTh't.~J')r~er Ol'l.d'Paltows'" '.~:" :V..alu~tiprt QeT::l:'~ble Prop~rty' 19 ",. ~ ... ~ .. .. .. .. ",. , ..... • • I~ch~·tiiuJ St~tisti~s ...' .. :. ~ .... "]8 Vet~ra.n.Mil~tary Organizations 35 Knights of Columb~/ . ~;' ~ . '/'o.~~~ :..~~;',,;r~r ?o;n~aries . ., ~ .. RECAPITULATION New Names Added in Preparing Directory . 4,433 Old Names Taken Out . ~,8~1 Changes of Address, etc . 6,.HS Total Number of Changes . 13,70~ TREMAN KING & CO. Roo~p~r:aces ~ heet Metal Work-Phone 2333 Get Our Estimate, It Costs Nothing 1932--ITHACA DIRECTORy--1932 15 Advertisers Adams Arthur G 82 Dean of Ithaca Inc center lines 'Aetna Life Ins Co 95 Donohue-Halverson Inc 64 AlIens Music Store 89 Driscoll Bros & Co 62 Arctic Ice Cream & Milk Co Inc Dryden Marble & Granite Works 84 center lines Eddy Street Pharmacy 87 Asiatic Garden 72 Egan William M center lines Atkinson Press The 102 English Myron T bottom margins Automobile Agencies Page 41 Fahey Employment Agency 73 Baker Bert T 81 Fahey Realty & Homefinder 73 Baldwin Harry C 80 First Baptist Church 55 Baldwin & Davis 69 First Methodist Episcopal Church 51 Bangs Fran;k A top margins First National Bank of Banks S Edwin 82 Ithaca front cover and 3 Barns Amos A top margins First Presbyterian Church 50 Bennett HR 44 Fletcher WF Co front cover Bishop Clarence E 63 Flower Nook The bottom margins Bool Floral Co The center lines Flower Shop The 70 Boyers Taxi bottom margins Forest City Plumbing Co 64 Bradley William B 63 Frear Tire Sales Co 43 Bradley & Holmes front cover Freeman CW front cover Brewster Eugene R front edge Gallagher Lyman H 80 Brockway Hermon L 73 Garrett JR Co Inc top margins Brooks AB & Son 87 Gibb Arthur N 64 Brooks Pharmacy 87 Gilbert Fred D 69 Burns Bakeries 67 Gillette Cafeterias center lines Burns Realty Co 74 Godfrey JE 89 Bush & Dean Inc 7 Goodenough Hosea B Dr 88 Buttrick & Frawley 58 HCT Motor & Equipment Co Carey HA Co center lines top margins Carl's Garage 46 Hamilton Tailoring Co 59 Carpenter Jay 66 Hanna JN Institute 88 Caster Charles E 64 Head DF bottom margins Cayuga Heights Sand Bank Heggie RA & Bro Co 75 top margins Hickey's Lyceum Music Store 252 Cayuga Press The
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