FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Will Ritter May 12, 2010 (617) 283-1555


Today, Mitt Romney’s Free and Strong America PAC announced a slew of endorsements of state and federal candidates running in Georgia and contributed a total of $38,000 to their individual campaign committees.

Among the endorsed candidates are:

Senator : Senator Johnny Isakson represents the people of Georgia in the U.S. Senate and is running for reelection. For more information about him and his campaign, visit

Congressman : Congressman Phil Gingrey currently represents the 11th Congressional District of Georgia and is running for reelection. For more information about him and his campaign, visit

Congressman : Congressman Jack Kingston currently represents the 1st Congressional District of Georgia and is running for reelection. For more information about him and his campaign, visit

Congressman Tom Price: Congressman Tom Price currently represents the 6th Congressional District of Georgia and is running for reelection. For more information about him and his campaign, please visit

Congressman : Congressman Lynn Westmoreland currently represents the 3rd Congressional District of Georgia and is running for reelection. For more information about him and his campaign, please visit

Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle: Casey Cagle currently serves as the Lieutenant Governor of Georgia and is running for reelection. For more information about him and his campaign, please visit

Sam Olens: Sam Olens is a longtime public servant who is now running to become the next Georgia Attorney General. For more information about him and his campaign, visit

The PAC is sending Senator Isakson a maximum $5,000 primary election contribution, and is sending Congressmen Gingrey, Kingston, Price, and Westmoreland each a $2,500 primary election contribution. In addition, it is contributing $1,000 to Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle’s campaign, and $2,500 to Sam Olens’ campaign to become Georgia’s next Attorney General.

The PAC also announced the following endorsements of and contributions to the following Georgia legislators and legislative candidates:

Candidate Name Office Sought Contribution Amount Senate President Pro Tempore Tommie Williams State Senate $1,000 Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers State Senate $1,000 Sen. Bill Hamrick State Senate $500 Sen. Jack Murphy State Senate $500 Sen. David Shafer State Senate $500 Sen. Cecil Staton State Senate $500 Rep. Fran Millar State Senate $500 Speaker of the House State House $1,000 Speaker Pro Tempore Jan Jones State House $1,000 House Majority Whip Ed Lindsey State House $1,000 Rep. Tim Bearden State House $500 Rep. Jon Burns State House $500 Rep. David Casas State House $500 Rep. Mickey Channell State House $500 Rep. State House $500 Rep. Steve Davis State House $500 Rep. State House $500 Rep. Mark Hamilton State House $500 Rep. Bill Hembree State House $500 Rep. Calvin Hill State House $500 Rep. Doug Holt State House $500 Rep. Billy Horne State House $500 Rep. Chuck Martin State House $500 Rep. John Meadows State House $500 Rep. State House $500 Rep. State House $500 Rep. State House $500 Rep. Tom Rice State House $500 Rep. Carl Rogers State House $500 Rep. State House $500 Rep. Richard Smith State House $500 Rep. Willie Talton State House $500 Rep. State House $500 Rep. Roger Williams State House $500

“The people of Georgia are fortunate to have so many good Republican candidates running for all levels of office. They are committed to getting our economy back on track, keeping taxes low and holding in check the size and scope of government. By electing candidates who will pursue pro-growth policies that foster job creation, we can finally get our economy back on track,” said Romney.

These Georgia endorsements are another in a series of state rollouts of the PAC’s 2010 endorsements, which are aimed at electing conservative candidates who will work to lower taxes and spending, restore commonsense principles to healthcare and get our economy moving again. As part of this program, Romney’s PAC also has announced endorsements in Ohio, Missouri, California, Pennsylvania, Hawaii, Nevada, and Illinois.

Free and Strong America PAC:

Mitt Romney’s Free and Strong America PAC ( supports officeholders and candidates who are dedicated to advancing social, fiscal and foreign policies that will strengthen America at this critical time in the nation’s history. The guiding focus is on the core principles that have built and nurtured America since its founding – uncompromised military strength, a belief in the power of free markets and that a competitive America is one where taxes are low and government is small, an emphasis on strong families and a federalist approach to government that leaves decision-making as close to the people as possible.
