ALPINE (Marmota marmota, L.)

Mann C. S.*, Macchi E.**, Janeau G.* *I.R.G.M. - Faune Sauvage, I.N.R.A. - BP 27, 31326 Castanet-Tolosan Cedex (France) **Dipartimento di Produzioni Animali, Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria, Via Nizza 52, 10126 Torino (Italy)

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1 Systematic Status

Class: Sub-family: Sciurinae Order: : Marmota Family: Sciuridae Species: marmota

French: Marmotte; German: Murmeltier (n); Italian: Marmotta; Spanish: Marmota.

Species belonging to the genus Marmota (according to Nowak & Paradiso, 1983: 11 species):

M. monax, M. flaviventris, M. caligata: North-América M. olympus*, M. vancouverensis*, M. broweri*: North-América (* Species belonging to the “caligata group” in Ellerman 1940, M. broweri as M. caligata broweri) M. caudata, M. menzbieri: Asia M. camtschatica: Asia (belonging to the “caligata group” in Ellerman, 1940); M. bobak: Europe + Asia M. marmota: Europe

2. Origins and distribution but also in America and Europe (migration 2.1 Origins: Asia → America → Europe) all of which com- The first rodents - During the Paleocene municated quite freely in that period (Russell, (some 60 million years ago), in Asia, a group of 1968). mammals appeared with a novel masticatory The first American and European rodents apparatus that enabled them to gnaw (with belonged to the family Paramyidae (Wood, strong incisors) and chew (with cheek teeth), 1962): Paramys atavus appeared in North gnaw and chew... in quick succession. From American forests in the late Paleocene/early this fossil group of mammals known as the Eocene (Chaline & Mein, 1979; Vianey-Liaud, mixodonts (Mixodentia = Anagalida) and to 1985) and Paramys sp. in Europe as early as the which for instance the chinese Heomys orienta- Lower Eocene (Hartenberger, 1989). They lis belonged, two “sibling orders” both deserve special mention here as the pre- (Hartenberger, 1977) branched out: the sent dental pattern of Marmota is exactly the rodents and the lagomorphs. same as that of these very ancient rodents! According to current knowledge, rodents first (Hartenberger, 1992 pers. comm.) appeared in China during the Paleocene, some At the beginning of the Lower Eocene, Europe 56 million years ago (see fig.1) (Li Chuan and North America were finally completely Kuei, 1977; Mein, 1992). They radiated separated by the Atlantic. The land-area of outwards extremely fast since true rodents Europe was at that time an island separated already exis-ted at the start of the Lower from Asia by a shallow sea and for 15 million Eocene (-55 M Y) not only in Asia (Cocomys) years original fauna developed there. However,

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events were to change drastically. probably the birthplace of the Marmotini The T.E.E. and the “Grande Coupure” - The which date back to the lower Miocene with end of the Eocene, about 35 million years ago Miospermophilus (Black, 1963; Mein, op. cit.) (recent datings give 34 MYA), was marked by and subsequently radiated both in America and worldwide climatic changes (the Terminal in Eurasia (Chaline & Mein, op. cit.). Eocene Event) and deep tectonic movements The genus Marmota also appeared in America, which led to the disappearance of the sea in during the Pliocene (Black, op. cit.), and then Eastern Europe. The combination of these cli- migrated along with the horse across the frozen matic and tectonic events in Europe led to Bering Straits to Eurasia at the end of the what palaeontologists call the “Grande Tertiary/beginning of the Quaternary (Mein, Coupure”, i.e. a tremendous modification of op. cit.). the fauna in the early Oligocene. Broadly, cli- reached Europe around 250,000 years matic changes caused most species of that ago, before or during the Riss *** glaciation. period to die out* (Hartenberger, 1983), inclu- During the Würm period (a series of successive ding rodents**, and the end of Europe’s isola- glacial phases interrupted by warmer episodes) tion meant that external species (mostly from marmots in Europe lived in the lowlands Asia) were free to occupy the newly abando- during the colder phases and sought refuge in ned ecological niches (ibid.). the mountains during the warmer ones. The This was a major step in the history of rodents split between Marmota bobak and Marmota as almost all of the old European Eocene bran- marmota started at that time by an alternation ches disappeared and the first members of the of contact (in the lowlands during the glacial modern families, especially the Sciuridae, took phases) and isolation (in the mountains during over from them. the interglacials) of populations (Chaline, 1972). The split became final after the ultima- Appearance and development of the te retreat of the Pleistocene ice about 10,000 Sciuridae... - They appeared as early as the years ago when Marmota marmota sought per- Lower Oligocene both in North America manent refuge in the mountains. (Protosciurus) and in Europe (Palaeosciurus, Vianey-Liaud, op. cit.) and have evolved consi- derably since (flying, arboreal and terrestrial * even complete groups were wiped out, such as the European primates (Mein op cit.). forms), especially as regards the American ** except for the Gliridae (Hartenberger pers. comm. 1992) ground (Mein, op. cit.). *** fossils of Marmota from the Riss period in Europe ...up to the marmots - North America is (Chaline, 1972; Mein, op cit.)

Fig. 1 - Major steps during the Tertiary and the Quaternary in the evolution leading to Marmota marmota

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2.2 Distribution - Marmota marmota was wide- there in Europe (e.g. Roumania, Ramousse, op. spread after the Würm period: from Central cit.). Europe (Carpathians) to the Pyrenees, inclu- ding the Apennines and the Dinar in the 3. Tracks south. But its distribution then considerably The presence of marmots is best recognised by receded during the Quaternary under the pres- their call: alarm call upon the approach of a sure of climate and other events. walker, repeated calls at dawn or towards the At the present time, marmots are found (Fig. end of the day. are more easily spotted 2) in the Carpathians, Tatras mountains inclu- by the debris in front of them than by the ope-

Fig. 2 - Distribution of Marmota marmota ded (Huber, 1978), in the Pyrenees, in the nings themselves: this debris is conspicuous Alps, in part of the Apennines and in some from a great distance as it remains bare and is other locations (see below). only colonised by vegetation if the hole is sel- In many of these areas however, the species dom or never used. In the summer, these two was (re)introduced both to establish new clues (call and debris) give a reliable indication nuclei or for restocking already existing popula- of the presence of marmots from a distance, tions. and with a little patience will help in spotting Such operations have been carried out: in the the themselves. Pyrenees since 1948 both on the French and The latrines (a shallow hole in the ground, Spanish sides (Couturier, 1964; Herrero, 1978; often beneath a block) can be found if you Nebel, 1992), in the French Alps, Jura, have a good sense of smell or after careful and Massif Central (e.g. Magnani, 1992; exploration and it is then possible to tell Ramousse, 1992), in the Swiss Jura (Neet, whether the faeces are recent. 1992), in the Tosco-Emiliano Appennines and From July to early August paths such as those Italian Alps (Ferri et al., 1988; Chiesura that run from to burrow are quite con- Corona, 1992; Panseri, 1992) and here and spicuous and show up the routes most com-

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monly taken by the animals. - The retina is totally devoid of rods and the- When the winter turns into spring (end of refore unsuitable for night vision. It is also April to May) and if the snow cover is even devoid of a fovea, giving the a visual and deep enough the often dirt-stained burrow acuity “certainly better than that of other openings are visible from quite a distance. rodents, whilst not as good as that of humans” Footprints can also be found in the snow but (Rochon-Duvigneaud, 1955). The field of are quickly spoilt by the repeated passages of vision is very wide both sideways and upwards, the animals and even more by the sun. because of the location of the eyes mainly. 4. Physical Features Size, weight and gait - The marmot is a stubby 5. Ecology and Ethology animal with short ears, a stout body and hardly 5.1 Preferred habitat - The marmot is rare in any neck, a morphology adapted to the life of a the mountain belt and in the forested subalpi- burrower. An adult (head + body) measures ne belt, it is mainly an inhabitant of the subal- roughly 50-60 cm in length, and its tail is rou- pine and alpine meadows. The highest local ghly 15 cm long. Body weight varies tremen- densities are found in scree with large to dously with the season because of medium sized blocks long since stabilized and (see § 7). As a rough guide, the weight of an totally or partially overgrown with vegetation. average adult is around 5 kg (or more) in The most populated parts of the grassland are September and drops to 2.5 kg (or less) in those where blocks are present both on the sur- April just after hibernation. face and underground. The marmot also lives Its walking gait is slightly rolling and its run by the edge of the forest but is not a true forest has been well described by Hainard (1988): dweller. “like the shaking of a mat” and Huber, (1978): 5.2 Burrows - Although the marmot can be “gives the impression that the marmot is craw- observed for long stretches during the daytime ling hurriedly”... outside its burrow, it actually spends most of its time within it: over 6 months during the win- Pelt - The thick pelt is shed once a year ter, and night-time as well as a good deal of the between June and August. Its colour varies daytime (see Sala, 1992) during the rest of the quite a lot and is a mixture of various shades of year. However, we still know very little about brown, beige, fawn, and dark grey (snout) in this habitat. proportions that vary from one individual to The openings are the most conspicuous part. another. Cases of yellow colouring, dark colou- The internal architecture of the tunnels and ring and weak albinism occur occasionally widenings or “chambers” is not as readily obser- (Couturier, 1964). True albinism, although vable. Finally, we know next to nothing about very rare (only one case known to Couturier, the activity of the animals within except that 1964), can be perennial as in two family groups they hibernate there. in Aosta Valley where such individuals have Marmots dig three kinds of holes (Bopp, 1956; been regularly observed since 1950-1955 Pigozzi, 1983) as well as the ones they start to (Vevey et al., 1992). dig here and there and then abandon. These are: (i) true exits (main and auxiliary), (ii) Sexual discrimination - No morphological cri- “escape holes”, (iii) latrines (see § 3). There is teria can be used to discriminate between the no well defined relationship between the num- sexes from afar. However, on close inspection ber of holes and the number of animals that the distance between the anus and the urethral live in a specific area. orifice can be used to identify the sex of an ani- In most cases studied, the exits face south or mal (Couturier, 1964; Zelenka, 1965). south-east, probably for thermal reasons. Other orientations can be observed, depending on the Miscellaneous - The dental formula is typical local situation. of that of rodents (No canines, full set of pre- Superficially, “escape holes” look like auxiliary molars etc.): exits but they are actually short excavations 10 23 (50 cm to 3-4 m) leading to a dead end and are not linked to the underground network of tun- 10 13 nels. They are considered to play an important - The forelegs have 4 digits and the hind legs 5. part in the marmot’s anti- strategy, All digits have strong nails. which relies on the early detection of intruders

20 IBEX J.M.E. 1:1993 Monograph Mann C. S., Macchi E. & G. Janeau followed by immediate sheltering. In wood- In summary, the size and complexity of burrows lands, the large number of holes, both “true” are extremely variable. Couturier (1964) ack- and “false”, is related to the marmot’s poor visi- nowledged this by distinguishing between “sim- bility under such conditions (Macchi et al., ple burrow” and “labyrinthine den” and so did 1992). Bibikov (1968) who indicates that they “... Numerical data dealing with the tunnel vary tremendously, both between and within network are scarce in literature. Huber (1978) species [of marmots] ...”. mentions networks reaching a total length of These variations in size, depth and complexity 40 m, Bopp (1956) gives a map of holes and are most certainly due to differences in the their connecting paths above ground on an type of ground, age of the settlement and num- area over 25 m x 50 m and for the Asiatic spe- ber of individuals. It is likely that in the sort of cies, Marmota camtschatica, Zimina & environment they live in, marmots exploit Gerasimov (1973), according to Kapitonov natural fractures and voids between rocky ele- (1960), refer to tunnel lengths of up to 113 m. ments (Huber, 1978) and improve difficult pas- Usually, however, lower values are reported (3 sages by digging. It is reasonable to assume, as to 10 m) mainly in reviews (e.g. fauna, popula- Naef-Danzer (1983) does, that “large burrows rization) on Marmota marmota. with many openings are the work of several The observation of tagged individuals yielded generations of marmots”. the following results in some areas: (a) animals can emerge from a hole shortly after (2-5 * Under such circumstances, the existence of underground minutes) having entered another hole over 100 connections linking the family groups cannot be discarded, neither can the possibility of social exchanges, even if they m away, (b) many holes that seemed more sel- are only structural. dom used than the main openings are in fact interconnected. This evidence suggests that complex and extensive underground networks ** A similar observation was reported by Barash (1974) in exist under certain conditions at least: long a colony of the American marmot Marmota caligata. established colonies, scree with medium to large blocks, high local population “density” of 5.3 Diet and foraging behaviour - The mar- marmots*. mot is primarily a herbivore that consumes a Finally, the organization, number of chambers wide diversity of plants (aerial parts but also and utilization of the burrow are all still a mat- bulbs and roots). It forages selectively (inflore- ter of seemingly contradictory opinions. scence, leaves, stalks, seeds) and wastes little. According to recent work (Durio et al., 1987), Its diet, which varies throughout the feeding the hibernation chamber is very often located season, also includes an ill-defined amount of beneath a large block which provides it with small animals e. g. and worms. thermal protection and which keeps it dry. From late April to early May, alpine grasslands But is the hibernation burrow seperate from offer little in terms of plant variety or quantity. the summer burrow, or is it part of it? Crocuses and bulbs, etc. are available between Observations and opinions diverge (Zelenka, snow patches which show large fluctuations 1960, Huber, 1978, Durio et al., 1987, etc.), from one year to another. Furthermore a mar- probably because the facts themselves are hete- mot awakening from hibernation must face two rogeneous. contradictory constraints: (1) after a long The literature occasionally mentions estivation period of fasting, feeding must resume very pro- burrows. These burrows are more specific than gressively for physiological reasons and (2) its their name implies as they are involved in full- body reserves are seriously depleted or exhau- scale summer migrations across several hundred sted when requirements return to those of a metres with a return to the point of departu- normal active animal. re**. This phenomenon is currently believed However, we have observed that some indivi- to be quite rare (as already presumed in duals hardly ever approach the vegetation pat- Couturier, 1964) and limited to a few particu- ches during the first 2-3 weeks after they emer- lar sites where it occurs year after year. It pro- ge. Do they feed underground (on roots, small bably takes place under special as yet unidenti- animals etc.)? fied conditions relating to the vegetation, Foraging time then increases and is estimated ground, social structure and so on. It could also at 40% of the time spent above ground during be linked to the complex [post-]juvenile disper- the summer (for example Barash, 1976; Naef- sal (see 5-4). Danzer, 1983).

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5.4 Social structure and territorial behaviour op. cit.) are remarkable, but what causes this It is currently agreed that the basic social constancy is not well understood. The fol- entity is the family group. This group is usually lowing questions arise amongst others. At what composed of one reproductive female, one age do the offspring leave the family group? reproductive male, a variable number of off- Where do they go? What becomes of them? spring of different age classes: young less than Post-juvenile dispersal is currently one of the one year old, immature individuals and even main topics in marmot research. Only long- occasional adults that theoretically do not lasting individual tagging will yield reliable reproduce. A family group can thus include results, but this technique has not been satis- over 10 individuals. factorily mastered yet. A family group sometimes lives slightly apart from its nearest neighbours (“isolated family * In the asiatic species M. camtschatica, Jarov (1972) also group”, Mann & Janeau, 1988) in which case observed an overlap of the home range accounting for its home range is completely separate. about 20% of the total area. However, family groups often come together in ** This scent marking is not necessarilly territorial. “colonies” with a slight overlap of their home According to Armitage (1976) in the American M. flavi- ranges (Zelenka, 1965, Mann & Janeau, op. ventris, olfactive marking would be related to social func- cit.)*. tions (hierarchy). Does territoriality occur? If so, in which part of the home range, and when? 6. Life History Traits (Reproduction and Does agonistic behaviour occur? population dynamics) Which individuals are involved and when? Reproduction - Fertilization takes place Answers to such questions in the literature between the second half of April and early tend to be heterogeneous. Territorial beha- May. In the wild, gestation lasts from 33 to 34 viour varies from pronounced (Naef-Danzer, days (Psenner, 1957) and 2 to 4 young are 1983, 1985; Arnold, 1986) to discreet or even usually born although litters of up to 7 young almost absent (Müller-Using, 1956; Barash, can occur (Naef-Danzer, 1985). A newborn 1976) and the frequency of agonistic behaviour pup weighs some 30-40 grammes (Couturier, ranges from high to minimal (Müller-Using, 1964). The age at which it is reported to first 1956; Naef-Danzer, 1983) via variations accor- emerge from the burrow varies from one author ding to the time of year (Couturier, 1964; to another: between 2 and 3 weeks (Couturier, Zelenka, 1965). 1964), 5 weeks (Zelenka, 1965). The sex ratio The following statements can be made: seems balanced both at (Couturier, 1964) - Each family group has its own home range. and in adults (Zelenka, 1965). - Scent markings, especially cheek rubbing, It has been estimated that most females reach mark the home range**. sexual maturity in their 3rd year but values for - During the mating period, a relatively agonis- males are not as reliable. The periodicity of tic phase occurs and is sometimes associated reproduction in adult females is also quite diffi- with territorial intolerance. These kinds of cult to assess precisely: the value 0.5, which behaviour are generally conducted by repro- indicates that a female reproduces every other ductive males against other males, both mature year, is sometimes given but this figure is only and immature. an average taken over all females. Among the - Outside this period, the home range is main- factors which make this sort of assessment diffi- tained by “peaceful” means and each group cult is the fact that in the wild, animals do not respects the neighbouring home ranges necessarily exhibit reproductive activities as whether they overlap or not. This is certainly soon as they have reached puberty, nor every partly done by using avoidance tactics, and year thereafter for that matter. It is currently also, in our opinion, recognition-tolerance tac- admitted that the reproduction ability depends tics the details of which remain obscure. on a complex set of ecological, physiological - Agonistic behaviour (fighting, chasing) very and ethological factors: build-up of reserves seldom occurs outside the mating period and is before hibernation (which is more difficult for directed against individuals from outside areas females that have littered and suckled their (and hence from other groups). young around June), physiological state at the The long-term persistence of groups (Naef- end of hibernation, social structure of the Danzer, 1985) and stability of the extent and groups (status of the individuals, possible outline of the home range (Mann & Janeau, dispersal) etc.

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Lifespan - Potential longevity has been estima- exogenous factors (“seasonal endocrine cycle”, ted at 15-20 years by several authors, but actual “endocrine syndrome ... essential for hiberna- longevity in the wild remains unknown for tion ... not sufficient on its own”, Kayser, lack of tagging and sufficiently long-term sur- 1975). veys. We shall not delve into the details of this con- trol, which has already been described and Death causes - The main causes of death in discussed in the specialised literature. Let us marmots are: simply state that most endocrine glands, inclu- - Failure to withstand the winter in animals ding the pituitary and adrenal glands, undergo that had not accumulated enough body reser- considerable modification throughout the ves () or consumed them too quickly. This cycle. The most important exogenous factors kind of mortality mainly affects small animals, for entering hibernation are probably: i.e. the young (see § 7). - the decrease in the number of daylight hours - Predation, especially among the young, by during the summer, which facilitates or enables stray dogs, foxes, birds of prey and occasionnal- the endocrine modifications required for hiber- ly man (see § 9 and 10). nation; It is likely that pathological conditions have - the decrease in temperature and available relatively little effect (see § 8). They can, food resources in the autumn, which to a varia- however, act as weakening factors and hence ble extent depending on the species, are requi- enhance the above causes. red to trigger the lethargy. Numbers - Considering the kinds of environ- Hibernation in Marmota marmota - After a ment marmots live in and their colonization period of intense summer feeding during which pattern, whether a particular valley, slope, or the reserves that will be needed are gradually other area is populated or not (with an estima- accumulated as body , the animal starts to te of the number of animals if feasible) is more fast as soon as food resources begin to dwindle. relevant to the distribution of the species than It then enters its burrow around late September density. or early October and plugs up a few sections of Density is only of interest for comparisons at variable length (1 to 3 sections, 60cm to 8m the group level. It acts as an index of both the long, Couturier, 1964) of the access tunnel to quality of the environment and of the social the chamber where it will spend the winter structure, the relative importance of each of with the other members of its group. It then which is hard to determine. becomes less active and falls into ever longer and ever deeper phases of lethargy. 7. Hibernation In midwinter and if thermal conditions are The strategy the Alpine marmot uses to face appropriate (ambient temperature around 4°C) the winter has developed into storing energy the animal will be in deep lethargy most of the reserves as body fats and reducing its expendi- time except for a few short albeit regular ture by entering a lethargy which lasts over 6 periods when it is awake, occurring roughly months. The broad lines of the yearly cycle are every 20-25 days (Couturier, 1963, 1964; typical of those for a hibernator (Morrison & Malan, 1992). Galster, 1975): a homeothermal period (acti- In the spring, the animal will gradually become ve) and a heterothermal period (hibernation). more active, and the phases of lethargy lighter - The homeothermal period is divided into 4 and shorter (a reversal of what happens when phases: (i) reproduction, (ii) recuperation and it enters hibernation) until it finally fully growth, (iii) maintenance, (iiii) preparation for awakes and emerges from its burrow. hibernation. - The heterothermal period is divided into 3 Metabolism and body weight - Deep lethargy phases: (i) onset of hibernation, (ii) deep is characterised by a very low body temperature hibernation, (iii) waking up. Each of these (in the marmot: rectal temperature 4.5 to 6°C, phases is characterised by a succession of for an ambient temperature of 3 to 6°C, periods of slumber and wakefullness (i.e. hete- Couturier, 1963, 1964) and a tremendous rothermy and homeothermy) of unequal slowing down of all metabolic functions. The length. heart rhythm of marmots for instance can drop This sequence is controlled in all hibernators to 2 or 1 beat per minute (Couturier, ibid) or by a complex combination of endogenous and even less (Castellano et al., 1993).

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This reduction in metabolism saves a tremen- temperature is maintained by sheer bulk effect. dous amount of energy. The expenditure of an hibernator during the phases of deepest More questions... - Among the many ques- lethargy can be as low as 1/30 to 1/50 of what it tions relative to hibernation in marmots, some is in the summer, or 1/100 of what it would be can be answered readily but others remain if the animal had “elected” to remain unsolved. homeothermic during the cold season. This - How can Asiatic marmots that hibernate in drop in energy expenditure is the keystone to the permafrost cope with very low temperatu- the animal’s ability to survive for 6 months res? The burrow temperature can reach -14 to - solely on its body reserves without any food 17°C whereas it has often been written that intake. Marmota marmota wakes up if the ambient As an indication of the loss of body weight*, a temperature drops to 0°C. There is no major young animal that weighs 1 to 2 kg when ente- contradiction here. If an animal is well insula- ring hibernation will weigh only 0.6 to 1 kg in ted from cold surfaces with litter etc. and if its the spring, whilst a 2-3 kg yearling will emerge burrow is properly plugged (no air circulation at 1-2 kg and a 5 (± 2) kg adult will weigh only to increase heat loss)*, then it will expend sli- 2.5 (± 0.5) kg. This holds of course for the ani- ghtly more energy to keep its temperature mals that survive the winter. above 0°C but lethargy will on the whole be playable. * When considering a large enough group of animals, - Why does a hibernating animal wake up at whether young, yearlings or adults, it is always possible to find values ranging from 1 to 2 for the weight at the onset regular intervals, on average every 3 weeks in of hibernation, weight at the outcome of hibernation or the marmot and every week in the hedgehog? the weight loss. It was believed that this is necessary in order to get rid of toxic metabolic end products such as Favourable and unfavourable factors - urea, but experiments have led to the rejection Unfavourable factors for a hibernator are all of this hypothesis (Malan, 1992) and the ques- those that somehow or other, by means of acci- tion remains. dent or under more “normal” circumstances, - What causes marmots to awake in the spring lead to a premature exhaustion of the animal’s at a relatively constant date for each location? body reserves and hence to its death. Two Exhaustion of reserves and hormonal modifica- main classes of factors can be distinguished: (i) tions (endogenous factors) play, as it is known, those that cause insufficient reserves to be an essential part. But other exogenous (e.g. accumulated such as littering in females, slow thermal modifications) and endogenous factors growth and fattening in some young and (ii) must also contribute. those that cause an early exhaustion of reserves * However this is not the case in respiratory chambers used by an excessive consumption i.e. those that to study the mechanisms of hibernation: the animal gene- reduce the length and depth of lethargy. In the rally has no litter and a continuous air flow is required for marmot for instance, poor plugging of the bur- the measurement of respiratory exchanges (Malan pers. row will result in the circulation of cold air comm.). increasing heat loss from the animals which in turn obliges them to increase their metabolism 8. Pathology raising their energy consumption. To make Studying the pathology of a species means matters worse, the lower temperatures cause taking into account for each disease (i) the the animal to wake up more often. effective contamination of the species (fre- Favourable factors are on the whole the opposi- quency and extent of the infection of indivi- te of the ones just described. Arnold (1985, duals, effects on their physical state), (ii) 1990) observed that in Marmota marmota the potential sensitivity (when effective contami- greater the number (and size) of hibernating nation has not been demonstrated) and (iii) animals, the greater the winter survival rate relationship to other species susceptible to con- especially among young of less than one year. tamination. For each individual, surfaces in contact with its Our knowledge of the alpine marmot’s patho- congeners lose less heat than those in contact logy is still rather scanty, especially where bac- with the surrounding air. And considering that terial and viral diseases are concerned. the heat loss from lethargic animals is minimal, What we do know, however, enables us to the presence of a larger number of individuals claim that on the whole Marmota marmota is in together could mean that a more “favourable” pretty good health. Whereas the marmot does

24 IBEX J.M.E. 1:1993 Monograph Mann C. S., Macchi E. & G. Janeau get contaminated by ruminants on the alpine monax. grassland and especially by sheep (see further - The Plague (a viral disease of man and ani- on under Helminths), the opposite does not mals caused by Yersinia pestis and transmitted hold. Marmots therefore can hardly be a risk by fleas) has been absent from Europe since the for ruminants. 19th century but species of the genus Marmota (especially Marmota bobak sibirica) are, in Asia, 8.1 Infectious diseases (bacterial and viral) - currently reservoirs of the virus and thus of By compiling the work of several authors infection. The 1915 epidemic in Manchuria (Zabolotny, 1915; Bibikov, 1968 & 1992; which killed 40,000 people could have been Summers et al., 1978; Popper et al., 1981; Tyler due to marmots. The virus has also been isola- et al., 1981; Roth et al., 1982; Derrel & Olfert, ted from Marmota flaviventris in the U.S.A. 1986; Louzis & Mollaret, 1987; Bassano et al., and in Canada (in Bibikov, 1992). 1989 & 1992, Formozov, et al. 1991), a survey of the bacterial and viral infectious diseases * According to Fischbein et al., 1986, 64% of the 104 regi- stered cases of rabies in rodents in the U.S.A. between that can affect rodents in general, the genus 1971 and 1984 (1980-1984 essentially) concerned Marmota and Marmota marmota in particular, Marmota monax. And most of these were related to rabies yields the following results: in the racoon. - Tularaemia (a bacterial zoonosis caused by Pasteurella (Francisella) tularensis), which is 8.2 Diseases caused by endoparasites - The quite widespread among European wild rodents following facts relating to endoparasites in the and Listeriosis (a bacterial disease that occurs marmot have mostly been drawn from Sabatier in man and animals and is caused by Listeria (1989). These are mainly gastro-intestinal sp., including L. monocytogenes) have never parasites. (Parasites infesting other organs: been observed in the alpine marmot. However, Protozoa Sarcocystis sp. and Toxoplasma, see both diseases have been found in Asia in Table 1, as well as the cestode Taenia crassisseps Marmota bobak. in larval cestodiasis of the cysticercosis type, - Leptospirosis (a bacterial zoonosis caused by see Table 2). Leptospira sp.) does affect Marmota monax, but Protozoa (see Table 1) - Coccidia from the this infection has no fixed symptoms and does genus Eimeria are the main protozoan parasites not lead to death. of marmots (see Table 1). In coccidial infec- - Salmonellosis from Streptococcus enteritidis tions involving Eimeria, an equilibrium is (human and animal bacterial disease with a usually reached between the infection and the risk of intoxication/infection in man after partial immunity of the host. As a result, no infected animals) and Pasteurellosis: the disease breaks out in marmot species under exact species of Marmota and the place of such circumstances, except for the odd case occurence were not indicated. and probably in young individuals that are - Rickettsia (bacteria close to viruses) causing repeatedly infected before they have acquired exanthematic Thyphus have been found in the corresponding immunity. In Marmota mar- Marmota flaviventris (USA) and Marmota bobak mota however, no mention of any disease cau- (Kazakhstan). sed by an Eimeria coccidiosis, whether fatal or - Rabies (a viral zoonosis caused by Lyssavirus not, appears in the literature. As for toxopla- sp.): though the genus Marmota is susceptible smosis, the infection is not generally accompa- to rabies*, rodents do not seem to play any part nied by any precise symptoms and is usually in the transmission of the disease. not deadly. - Forms of viral hepatitis serologically related to human hepatitis B can afflict Marmota Helminths (see Table 2) - It has been sugge- Table I - Protozoa (Coccidia) detected in Marmotasted marmota that Marmota(Sabatier, marmota 1989): might act as a - Single host cycle, parasites of the digestive tract: Eimeria arctomysi: rather frequent Eimeria marmotae: rather frequent Eimeria monacis: 1 case Eimeria perforoides: 1 case - Two-host cycle: Sarcocystis sp.: 2 cases, muscle tissues (including heart) Toxoplasma gondii: 2 cases, various organs including CNS NB: Bibikov (1968) reported also Eimeria os and E. menzbieri in genus Marmota.

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reservoir for the small fluke (Trematode) such as the Strongyloidea Ostertagia circumcinc- Dicrocoelium lanceolatum from which ruminants ta and Ostertagia trifurcata or Trichuris sp. The such as sheep could be infected. As a matter of presence of Strongyloidea and Capillaria hepati- fact, because this parasite shows such a marked ca might be due to contamination by small “preference” when it infects its host, it is highly domestic or occasionally wild ruminants on the unlikely that the contamination of ruminants alpine grassland. by Marmota marmota is any more than inciden- tal. On the other hand, ruminants are probalby 8.3 Other diseases the main if not the only source of contamina- - Ectoparasites mentioned by Sabatier (op. cit.) tion for Marmota marmota. include: The only frequent cestode among those in • 2 mites: Hirstionyssus blanchardi, frequent, table 2 is Ctenotaenia marmotae, which is not and Laelaps agilis, one single case; usually very harmful. • 2 insects: Gyropus ovalis, a biting louse, Nematodes are quite common parasites among Oestromyia sp., a member of the Diptera and wild rodents. They sometimes cause very severe the agent of a cutaneous myiasis. pathologies, but apparently this is not the case in Marmota marmota. Some are fundamentally - The marmot can act as a vector of the not very pathogenic, such as the Oxyuridae keratinophilic fungi Microsporum gypseum, Citellina alpina and Oxyuris marmotae or Ascaris Microsporum canis, Microsporum cookei, laevis. Although the latter is very common in Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton Marmota marmota, it does not reach levels that sp. (Gallo et al., 1992). These fungi can cause could cause serious disorders in the young. ringworm and present three main characteri- Other parasitic nematodes only infest Marmota stics: i. They seem to infect only previously marmota as an occasional or even rare host, weakened animals; ii. Their spores are very resistant (Microsporum canis: 3 years); iii. Some

Table II - Helminths detected in Marmota marmota (Sabatier, 1989 essentially): Trematodes (Tapeworms): - Dicrocoelium lanceolatum (“Small Fluke”) - Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Bassano et al., 1992)

Cestodes: - Infestation with adults: Ctenotaenia marmotae (***) (predominant in males) Paranoplocephala transversaria (extremely seldom in Europe, mainly found in Asia) - Infestation with larvae: Cysticercus longicaulis (Taenia crassiceps): 4 cases + cyst in the armpit Tetrathiridium sp. (Mesocestoides sp.): 1 case (probably very rare)

Nematodes: - Oxyuridae: Citellina alpina (**) Oxyuris marmotae (probably occasional) - Ascaridae: Ascaris laevis (*) (self-elimination in September) - Strongyloidea: Ostertagia (Teladorsagia) circumcincta Ostertagia (Teladorsagia) trifurcata (M. marmota probably an incidental host) Nematodirus spathiger (Bassano et al., 1992) - Trichocephaloidea: Trichuris sp. (rare and in small numbers) Capillaria hepatica (probably occasional) Capillaria caundiflata (Bassano et al., 1992) - Spiruridae: Eggs: 2 references / Adults: other species of the genus Marmota

(*) (**) (***) The most frequent and most numerous parasites; mean number of parasites per animal: (*) = 3 to (***) > 200

NB: Bibikov (1968) reported: - Cestodes: Ctenotaenia reggiae and Paranoplocephala ryjikovi; - Nematodes: Citellina marmotae, C. triradiata (Oxyuridae) and Ascaris tarbagan + Dictyocaulus filaria (pulmonary strongyloid) in M. bobak centralis; + M. moniliformis in Marmota menzbieri.

26 IBEX J.M.E. 1:1993 Monograph Mann C. S., Macchi E. & G. Janeau of them can lead a saprophytic life in the soil. 10.1 Hunting - The marmot is classified as - Marmota is also affected by cardiovascular game in some countries (France, Switzerland, diseases and laboratories specialised in this Austria). No reliable quantitative data are field use it as an experimental animal. available regarding current marmot kills but this form of hunting is less and less practised and apparently only by a few enthusiasts. Although poaching with traps still occurs, in Appendix Results of the anatomo-pathological examination of a sample of 11 marmots from Aosta Valley (Bassano et al., 1989). Pathologies (Location): Pericarditis, Myocarditis (Heart): 1 Bronchopneumonia (Lung): 1 Haemorrhagic enterocolitis (Intestine): 1 Haemorrhagic gastritis (Stomach): 2 Cystircercosis due to C. longicaulis (muscle and hypoderm): 9

9. Interaction with other species no way does it cause as much damage, either Feeding competition immediately or in the long term (burrow When marmots live on the alpine grassland, destruction), as drawing used to when it was domestic ungulates (sheep and cattle) can widely practised in many areas. compete with them for food, but in more rug- ged terrain such as scree only wild ungulates 10.2 Tourism - Studies on the interaction can occasionally do so. Let us also mention, between marmots and mountain leisure voles and Orthoptera during their pullulation (Neuhaus et al., 1992) tend to confirm that the phases. animals are fairly tolerant, except when dogs are present (even if kept on the leash). Prey-predator interactions - Predation by foxes (Vulpes vulpes) is quite frequent but in 10.3 Releases - Marmot resettlements have many areas it is negligible when compared to been performed in the past and still are for predation by sheepdogs and stray dogs. The various reasons: entertainment, hunting and as eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is probably the mar- a link in the food chain of predators. mot’s main winged predator although the Unfortunately, the releases are often carried goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) does attack young out under sub-optimal conditions and losses are marmots successfully around the tree line considerable both during and even more so (Perrone et al., 1992). after the transfer both on the original and on the release locations. No progress can be Other interactions - Trampling (domestic expected until some effective thinking has ungulates) certainly prevents marmots from taken place and serious methodological studies settling in some parts of the grassland (herding carried out. The release site, the capture site areas, catching pens, salt-lick locations). and the category of animals to be transferred - Pathogenic organisms can be exchanged must all be selected with care to avoid among the different hosts of the biotope, destroying existing colonies for the sake of a whether these are temporary (domestic ungula- hazardous resettlement. tes) or permanent (marmots, voles, wild ungu- Basic considerations: lates, predators) (see § 8, introduction). Recognition of the family group as a funda- mental structure and some basic knowledge 10. Interactions with man regarding survival during hibernation (number Beyond the indirect interactions in which dogs of animals hibernating together etc., see § 7) and domestic ungulates are involved (see § 9), imply that appropriate precautions should be various forms of direct interaction take place, taken. the extent and impact of which vary a great Capturing is easier early in the season. deal. Transplanted animals must be given the oppor-

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tunity to shelter adequately upon arrival. They Studies and research - The behaviour of will then have to dig and fit out suitable shel- American marmots has been extensively stu- ters while accumulating body reserves for the died over the last twenty years, probably becau- coming winter. se the coexistence of several species with all Females about to litter should never be captu- their ecological and social differences enables red and transplanted because of the stress interesting comparisons to be made. involved. Capture of females that have just lit- In Europe, the marmot’s physiology has aroused tered should also be avoided because the young much interest because of hibernation. which are still tied to the nest and could not be However, except for the independent work of captured would then be sacrificed. research or wildlife management institutes and Suggestions: of isolated individuals working alone, nothing Capture else has been initiated by the establishment. - Trapping should occur towards the end of Only recently has a trend towards more con- June. This is neither too early, so that the ani- crete, better structured and longer term pro- mals can recuperate from the previous winter’s grammes taken shape in several countries. The tiredness and so that some time has elapsed international symposium on the marmot which since the females littered, nor too late, so that took place in Aosta Valley (First International the mammary glands of the suckling females Symposium on Alpine marmot and genus are still visible and so that the transplanted Marmota, St Vincent - 28-30/10/91) and which animals have enough time to settle down and gathered over 250 participants stands as a testi- fatten before the wintertime. mony to this trend. - Only females that did not give birth (mam- mary gland inspection) should be kept i.e. Acknowledgements: We thank M. Cuisin, J. adult females that did not reproduce during the Ducos de Lahitte, J. - M. Gourreau, J. - L. current year (see § 6) or sub-mature females Hartenberger, G. Jolivet and A. Malan who (which have wintered once or twice). were helpful in answering some technical ques- Sorting out the females is probably the trickiest tions or otherwise, “INRA Traduction” (Ph. part. The principles are simple enough, putting Butler) for translation. them into practice is not. REFERENCES - The sex ratio should be around 1. ARMITAGE K. B. (1976) - Scent marking by yellow-bel- - The capturing here and there of only isolated lied marmot. J. ., 57 (3): 583-584. animals that do not know each other should be ARNOLD W. (1985) - Socioecology of Alpine marmots. avoided. Capturing large numbers from 19th Intern. Ethol. Conf., Univ. P. Sabatier, medium-sized groups should also be avoided as Toulouse (France), 24-28 Août 1985, vol. 1: 261. this puts the group in jeopardy. ARNOLD W. (after) (1986) - Die Murmeltier Capturing a whole family group (without new- Gesellschaft. Mitteil. aus der Wildforsch., 67: 1-4 born) from within a large colony or capturing part ARNOLD W. (1990) - The evolution of marmot socia- lity - II Costs and benefits of joint hibernation. of a 12-15 strong family group seems theoretically Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 27: 239-246. acceptable. BARASH D.P. (1974) - The social behavior of the hoary Release marmot (Marmota caligata). Anim. Behav., 22: - The animals should be released in scree areas 256-261 where large blocks abound, or better yet where BARASH D.P. (1976) - Social behavior and individual cliffs are present, as natural clefts provide the differences among free-living alpine marmots newcomers with both an immediately available (Marmota marmota L.). Animal Behav., 24: 27-35. BASSANO B., GRIMOD I. & W. TARELLO (1989) - shelter and, in the medium term, the prospect Indagine sullo stato sanitario della Marmotta of riding out the coming winter in acceptable (Marmota marmota) in Valle d’Aosta. Rev. conditions. Valdotaine Hist. Nat., 43: 17-47. - Animals captured together should be released BASSANO B., SABATIER B., ROSSI L. & E. MACCHI together and no less than 6 to 8 animals should (1992) - Parasitic fauna of the digestive tract of ever be released in any one location. Marmota marmota in the western Alps. Proceedings of 1st Int. Symp. on Alpine Marmot and gen. N.B. Observations from successful releases Marmota (Torino): 13-24. often coincide with regard to an odd and BIBIKOV D. I. (1968) - Murmeltiere. Neue Brehm important fact: the animals are barely visible Bücherei, 168 pp. during the first 1-2 years after the operation BIBIKOV D. I. (1992) - Marmots are zoonosis provoking and reappear later on. carriers. Proceedings of 1st Int. Symp. on Alpine marmot and gen. Marmota (Torino): 25-29.

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