Edition 2 – 2019 to cover May, June and July 2019

From Wincham Parish Council Delivered free to every home & business in Wincham News and information about our village and close neighbours

Stunning blossom all around Wincham – lovely time of year. Contents Page Description 3 & 4 Ongoing issues and updates 5 CRTA – Rural Touring Arts 6 & 7 Frank Smith 8 Wincham, Pickmere & District Astronomy Group 9 Orpheus – CRTA Wincham 10 & 11 Public Rights of Way in Wincham 12 Wincham Author Helen Morgan 13 St John’s Church 14 & 15 Wincham War Memorial 16, 17 & 18 FoAM 19 Wincham Community Centre update 20, 21 & 22 Wincham History continues by Janet Boyd 23 Daffodils and Badgers 24 Vehicle Idling Law 25, 26, 27, Up and Coming Events 28, 29 & 30 31 & 32 Activities in the Community Centre 33 PCSO Diana Wiggins 20322 34 Wincham Parish Council Meetings 35 Pickmere and Wincham Methodist Church 36 General Information and Advertising 37, 38 & 39 Useful Information and Contacts 40 Wincham Parish Councillors and Parish Clerk Information

Page 2 Ongoing issues and updates PURDAH This edition of the Wincham Word has to be a bit different from usual. At the moment we are in Purdah – the pre-election period. Specifically the time between the announcement of an election and the final election results which affects civil servants (but not candidates). The time period prevents central and local government from making announcements about any new or controversial government initiatives (such as modernisation initiatives or administrative and legislative changes) which could be seen to be advantageous to any candidates or parties in the forthcoming election. Where a court determines that actual advantage has been given to a candidate, this may amount to a breach of Section 2 of the Local Government Act 1986.

GENERAL ADVERTISING IN THE VILLAGE If you wish to put up A-Frames or banners around the village please contact Naomi, our Parish Clerk, first.

Please do not attach general event posters to the railings.

Please use the Public Noticeboard at Rayners Corner for these (using the magnets provided – not sticky tape or glue as it damages the surface of the notice board). Please don’t remove the magnets either, please leave them for other people to use.

WINCHAM AND THE JET ENGINE – YOUR HELP PLEASE. We know that between 1940-1949, there was testing and making of Jet Engines in Wincham. At the time, this was very secretive but we are now wanting to honour Wincham’s amazing involvement in Aviation History. Did you work there, did any of your family members work there, have you any photos of the site or have you some interesting anecdotes to share?

Please do get in touch with us [email protected]. We would love to hear from you.

Page 3 Ongoing issues and updates

LINNARDS LANE AND CHAPEL STREET PLAYING FIELDS Every month, the Parish Councillors take it in turn to inspect the playing fields and complete a RoSPA form.

If however you see something in the Playing Fields that you feel needs urgent attention, please contact our Parish Clerk, Naomi Morris, as soon as possible (0161 926 8645 - [email protected]).

Our new picnic benches, seats and games table have arrived, just in time for the Easter Holidays. The new roundabout is on order (to replace the current sand-pit).

We hope to have it in situ in readiness for the summer.

Page 4


CRTA - What's that?

You may have seen banners around the village advertising CRTA events, and many of you will have attended them. But just what does CRTA mean?

CRTA is one of thirty-three Rural Touring Schemes across the UK. The project delivers high quality professional theatre, dance, music and children's shows over two seasons each year to Cheshire's rural communities. The events are made possible by volunteers in those communities, who promote and organise them. The project is supported with government investment by Arts Council , with additional financial support from Cheshire West and East Councils.

In short, here in Wincham, we get the chance to see quality, professional productions at reasonable prices - no need to travel to the big city, and a chance to enjoy a night out with friends and family or rub shoulders with other local people. Seating is often arranged around tables - if you would like to book a table or would like to team up with others and make new friends, just let the organiser know when you book.

Page 5 Frank Smith

Wincham Parish Council mourns the loss of our former colleague and friend, Frank Smith, a long serving and dedicated Parish Councillor, with the interests of the village close to his heart.

He will be missed by current and former Parish Councillors, and also by other societies with whom he was involved, including the Rotary Club for over 40 years. He was recognised as a Paul Harris Fellow by the Rotary Club – a great honour. He had a keen interest in environmental issues and an extensive knowledge of flora and fauna. Any problems or Issues affecting the lake at Pickmere, or the flashes and he would be the first to offer advice and strong opinions to protect the environment.

He was involved in judging gardening competitions and Many other activities for the good of the village and the Cllr Smith received the Rotary Northwich area. Club’s Paul Harris Fellowship for the fourth time (2015) in the form of a Double Sapphire Fellowship.

Page 6 Frank Smith

Frank was granted the Freedom of the Village of Wincham in November 2016

When I joined the Parish Council 10 years ago, he was very welcoming and helped me settle in quickly to the customs and rules of Parish Council business.

Frank has been missed in the last couple of years being absent with his failing health, and we will miss him in the future.

Kenton Barker Vice Chairman – Wincham Parish Council

Frank receives his award , ‘The Freedom of Wincham’ from Parish Council Chairman Ian Parr - 2016

Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Public Rights of Way in Wincham

Pickmere boardwalk The Pickmere Lake boardwalk, which lies within the parish of Wincham, has been repaired.

Barbed wire Please take care on the permissive footpath on the opposite side of the lake, as there is barbed wire from an old fence concealed in the undergrowth at the side of the path. We suggest you keep to the path, keep dogs on a lead and supervise children when using this path.

New access to We are delighted to note that there is now a gate and stepped access from the canal bridge on Wincham Lane to the Trent and Mersey Canal towpath. It had not been possible to access the canal safely at this point for a number of years since the demolition of the derelict Wincham Inn on the other side of the road.

Page 10 Public Rights of Way in Wincham

David Hewitt from Thor tells us that the company decided to install the steps whilst working on land adjacent to the canal, having noticed that people were finding their way down a steep and muddy slope to reach the canal bank.

The steps are a great asset to Wincham's network of Public Rights of Way and towpaths. Thor has also cleared a section of Public Right of Way by the footbridge over the canal and laid chippings to improve the surface. Many thanks to Thor for these improvements.

Fancy a tidy-up? Some of our Public Rights of Way, in particular the footpath from Wincham Lane to the back of Thor's site, are in need of a litter-pick. This particular route should be looking good at this time of year, as it is planted with apple trees and shrubs, but it's not at its best! If you would like to help to clean up here or elsewhere in the village, please contact Sue on 01565 734366 to equip yourself for the task.

Footpath highlights Our rural footpaths change with the seasons. Whilst hundreds of snowdrops graced the footpath from Earles Lane to the top of the lake earlier this year, a current highlight is the marsh marigolds by the Pickmere Lake boardwalk.

Page 11 Wincham Resident Helen Morgan celebrates book launch

Wincham resident Helen Morgan is celebrating the launch of the first of her series of books written for children – and parents! Whilst the inspiration for Helen's stories came from her own son and daughter, she wanted to focus on situations which parents could relate to – including the familiar trials and tribulations of getting ready for school in the morning. 'Mum, I Can't Find My Toothbrush!' - the title of Helen's first publication – will be a familiar cry in many homes. Helen grew up in Wincham and moved back here with her young family, as she wanted them to grow up in the environment she had enjoyed as a child and to attend the village school. Helen says 'I've always felt I had a book in me. About three years ago, I decided that if I didn't do it, I would always regret it.’

But Helen told no-one of her mission, not even her family, snatching half an hour here or there to write and only revealing her secret when her books had been accepted by Pegasus Publishers. 'I wanted to show my children what you can do when you work hard and believe in something' says Helen.

The book is beautifully illustrated by family friend Shelley Roe from . Helen is looking forward to talking to pupils at Wincham Community Primary School and reading her story to them.

If you would like to follow Helen on social media and watch the daily life of an author, her Instagram account is #hlmorganauthor.

Page 12 Page 13 Wincham War Memorial by Michael Watts

In December 2018, following the unveiling of the War Memorial, the Friends of Linnards Lane Memorial Group were told of another ‘War Hero’ who is currently not on the Memorial. Isaac Buckley spent at least ten years of his life in Wincham before the family moved to Lostock and later to . Buckley is a rather common name in the area and there are no clear links to James Buckley or Thomas Buckley.

The Friends have recommended to the Parish Council that his name be added to the central list of soldiers of the Cheshire Regiment recorded on the Wincham War Memorial. He is not commemorated on any other such memorial in Cheshire.

Isaac Buckley was born May 1891 in Wincham and baptised 15 November 1891 at , son of Isaac Buckley, labourer at a salt works, and Margaret Elizabeth Buckley, formerly Riley, who married at St Paul’s, Tabley in June 1874. Ten children of the family were baptised either at Great Budworth or Tabley. The family lived on Wincham Lane in 1891 and on Earles Lane in 1901, moving to Woodside, by 1911.

In March 1916, when Isaac Buckley enlisted in the 14th Battalion of the Cheshire Regiment, aged 24 years and 11 months, the family were living at 21 Stanley Road in Knutsford. His service papers record that his occupation was labourer, his height was 6 feet 0 ¼ inches, weight 153 lbs and that he was unmarried.

Names and addresses of eight siblings are given in Isaac’s Service Records. His next of kin was Isaac Buckley of 21 Stanley Road, Knutsford. He was sent to join the British Expeditionary Force in France on 16th July 1916 and was killed in action with the 10th Battalion of the Cheshire Regiment on 10th October 1916. His effects were sent to his mother, Mrs Margaret Buckley, in Knutsford, later including the British War Medal and Victory Medal.

Page 14 Wincham War Memorial

Isaac’s younger brother, Charles William Buckley, was listed as a tailor (aged 15, probably an apprentice) in 1911. By 1939, aged about 44, he was recorded as a master tailor at Sandileigh Avenue in Knutsford, with wife Elizabeth.

We now believe there are other family members who lived in Knutsford, Hale and Castle Northwich in 1919.

If anyone has any information on Isaac Buckley, please can they email Michael – [email protected]

Page 15 The Friends of Anderton and Marbury – FoAM

The Friends of Anderton and Marbury is a group of local residents who have come together to support, influence and play an active role in the future of Northwich Woodlands. The group was founded in 1999 and has since grown to a membership of over 220.

The responsibility for day to day management of the Woodlands and for maintaining its infrastructure lies with Cheshire West and Council. FoAM operates as an independent group in partnership with the Council and is a registered charity. FoAM is set up to achieve ‘the preservation, protection and improvement of Northwich Woodlands for the public benefit as a recreational amenity for exercise and recreation, and to educate the public regarding the natural, historical and cultural value of the area’.

FoAM achieves this by organising walks, talks and events throughout the year, and by developing projects for conservation, improving bio-diversity and improving amenities in the Woodlands.

To support its activities and projects, the group raises funds through membership subscriptions, by direct action and by applying for external funding. To download an application form which contains details of current membership rates and how to apply – go to the website [email protected] or phone 01606 77741.

Page 16 Saturday 11th May Dawn Chorus Walk, Marbury Country Park FoAM’s birding experts will again lead this popular event for everyone interested in birds. Meet: 5.00 am at the Rangers’ Cabin/Marbury Lodge For information contact: David Bullock 01606 781981

Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th May Bring and Buy Plant Sale, Marbury Country Park Come and find something for house or garden at FoAM’s amazing plant sale. All surplus plants will be welcome. From: 10.00 am – 4.00 pm at the Rangers’ Cabin/Marbury Lodge For information contact: Jim Jeeves 01606 77688

Saturday 15th June Breakfast with Moths, Marbury Country Park Join FoAM’s regular moth trappers to see the range of beautiful moths attracted to the traps on the previous night. Croissants and orange juice available for breakfast. Donations welcome. This event will take place whatever the weather! Meet: 9.30 am at the Rangers’ Cabin/Marbury Lodge For information contact: Brenda Yates 01565 733197

Wednesday 19th June Art in the Park - An evening of sketching outdoors with local artist and tutor Rebecca Yoxall, using pencil and watercolour and Marbury charcoal. You will need to bring something to sit on! Booking essential. There will be a charge of £10 for this three hour session. 6.00 pm – 9pm. Meet at the Rangers’ Cabin/Marbury Lodge. For information/booking: Brenda Yates 01565 733197

Page 17 Saturday 22nd June Pond Dipping for ‘Grown-Ups’ A chance for Grown-Ups to dip in a net and spend an hour or two experiencing the wonders of pond life. Great fun and a chance to escape the bustle of daily life! Booking essential. Meet: Marbury Lodge at 10.00am. For information contact: Jim Jeeves 01606 77688

Photographic Workshops (June and July) Two workshops, content and dates to be confirmed, led by Simon Davies in Marbury Country Park. There will be a charge of £10.00 for each workshop. Booking essential. Meet: at 6.00 pm at the Rangers’ Cabin/Marbury Lodge. To find out more and to book a place contact: Graham Walker 07973 114010

Saturday 29th June Wildflower Walk in Anderton Nature Park A guided walk to view the many summer wildflowers. Meet: 10.00 am Anderton Nature Park car park For information contact: Mary Jeeves 01606 77688

Saturday 6th July FoAM Picnic in the Park FoAM’s celebration of Summer in the Park. Bring your own picnic or food to barbecue. From: 5.00 pm Marbury Country Park For information contact: Sandra Head 01606 212264 or Joanne Redley 01707 44728

Page 18 Page 19 Wincham’s History continued By Janet Boyd Lee Porcher Townshend

Lee Porcher Townshend, the eldest son of Edward Venables Townshend, became the next person to have the manor of Wincham passed down. He was born on 13th March 1804 and was educated at Rugby School and Sandhurst Military College.

He married Emma Johanna Glegg, eldest daughter of General Glegg of Hall. They had three sons and five daughters. Edward, Lee, Charles, Mary Charlotte, Fanny Emma, Cornelia Jane, Emily Eliza and Harriet Maria. All the children were baptised at Great Budworth church. The girls, it seems, liked to help out with the reading and choir practice at Lostock school.

In 1822 Lee Porter Townshend became an ensign in the Cheshire Yeomanry Cavalry. He became a Captain in 1836, and in 1851 he went from Captain to Major. He resigned from his commission in 1863. This was recorded as :- “His majesty has been graciously pleased to accept the resignation of the Commission held by Major L.P. Townshend with each of Cheshire’s Cavalry, May 15th 1863”. It is recorded that when he returned triumphantly from the Crimean war there was a village procession to greet him.

Before Lee’s time at Wincham Hall, it had been a handsome Elizabethan structure but had fallen into disrepair. He. had the hall restored and built into a handsome brick building with stone dressings from .

Lee Porcher Townshend was well known throughout the County of Cheshire, representing the ancient family of Venables of Antrobus and Wincham. He was a J.P. and Chairman of Knutsford Quarter Sessions for the County of Cheshire, an office he occupied for many years.

Page 20 Wincham’s History continued By Janet Boyd When Lee Porcher retired as Chairman of Knutsford Quarter Sessions, he was presented with a magnificent pair of silver baskets, made by Paul de Lamerie. The base was engraved in 1871 and says:- “Presented to Lee Porcher Townshend Esq. in the thirteenth year of his Chairmanship of the Quarter Sessions by the Magistrates and Inhabitants of the County of Chester, as acknowledgement of their great esteem and deep gratitude, for faithful and invaluable service rendered by him for many years.”

Lee Porcher Townshend inherited papers relating to which consisted of “Some Account of General Venables of Antrobus and Wincham, Cheshire” along with the autobiographical memoirs/ diary of his widow Elizabeth Venables and an engraving from his portrait at Wincham Hall. Lee Porcher passed these papers to the Rev. Henry Green of Knutsford who had them published in 1872 by the Cheltenham Society.

In the introduction to these papers it states that :- “This volume of misalliances was obtained by the kind intervention of the Rev. Henry Green of Knutsford by the late Lee P. Townshend esq. by whose permission also the engraving from the portrait of the General at Wincham was made to accompany it. Since these papers were in type, the much regretted death of the gentleman in the 67th year of his age has taken place. It accused on the 16th May 1871 and on the 20th following his remains were interred in the family vault at Great Budworth. He has, amongst other important situations, for this twelve . years previous filled the onerous office of Chairman of the Quarter Session of Cheshire to the satisfaction of everyone, and for his public meant not less than for his private excellence of character was universally respected and esteemed.”

These two articles suggest that Lee Porcher was well thought of and respected. It was also said that he was energetic, accomplished and a popular man.

Page 21 Wincham’s History continued By Janet Boyd There is however an article in “Lostock Gralam, a history of church and village” which if true, suggests that this was not always the case.

Mr Brookes, who worked one time at Wincham Hall, claims that he was informed that Lee Townshend was disliked by his neighbours and was cantankerous.

He says, “He was a queer chap who quarrelled with the gentry round about. He was well known for the fact he kept bears for baiting”. He goes on to tell the story that he was told whilst at Wincham Hall. “ One Christmas night he invited his neighbours to dinner but when they arrived there was nothing ready for them. They were shown into the dining room and two bears came in. Naturally there was a terrible scene. The windows were left open. The noble guests were able to make a hasty exit that way”.

He ends by saying that it was because of escapades like this that Lee Townshend became known as “Mad Lee Townshend”. I have been unable to authenticate this story although a couple of books about Northwich mention this.

Emma Johanna Townshend died on the 27th May 1880. Lee Porcher Townshend died on the 16th May 1871 aged 67. His remains were interred in the family vault at Great Budworth church along with his two youngest sons.

The. stained glass east window in the church was donated by the Townshend family in 1884 as a memorial to Lee Porcher. Charles Eamer Kempe, who designed the window, was a famous Victorian stained glass designer.

Also a school for infants was built in 1871 in memory of Lee Porcher Townshend Esq.

Page 22 Our Daffodils

We were pleased to see more daffodils in flower this year on the verge by the school, in Church Street and on Linnards Lane. This is probably the result of them being left to grow on for six weeks or more after flowering in 2018.

This also allows the leaves to die back into the bulbs naturally so that they can fatten up again and produce the beginnings of new flower buds, ready for the following spring.

Putting up with the leaves as they die back is the price we pay for flowers next spring! They will be tidied up in due course at the beginning of June.

Badgers - RSPCA Sadly we see many badgers admitted to our wildlife centres with injuries due to traffic collisions, especially in early Spring.

Make sure you take extra care of badgers on the road, particularly at night. Keep you high beams on, your speed low and be aware that another badger may be following one that has already crossed.

If you see an injured badger please call us on 0300 1234 999. This is important as the badger may have young cubs nearby. To report a dead animal please contact

Page 23 Vehicle Idling law (CWaC)

Be a breath of fresh air. Turning off your engine off when waiting can help improve air quality and your heath

Vehicle emissions are the most significant source of air pollution in the borough and something we can all help to reduce. Air pollution is associated with a number of adverse health impacts. It is recognised as a contributing factor in the onset of heart disease and cancer.

Additionally air pollution particularly affects the most vulnerable in society, including children and older people and those with heart and lung conditions.

Cheshire West and Chester Council has recently adopted the power to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to drivers who do not switch off their idling engine when asked to do so by an authorised officer. This applies primarily to vehicles that are stationary on the roadside, or at bus stops, and doesn’t apply to vehicles waiting at traffic lights, road junctions or zebra crossings.

In Council car parks, it is already a contravention of the Traffic Regulation Order to allow a vehicle to idle unnecessarily, and a Penalty Charge Notice can be issued to the driver.

The Council is about to launch an Air Aware campaign, focusing on the effects that idling engines have on our environment and health – and we (CWaC) will be asking all drivers to switch off their engine if their vehicle is stationary to avoid contributing to unnecessary emissions.

The simple advice is: If you’re parked, please switch off your engine.

Page 24 Up and Coming Events WINCHAM, PICKMERE AND DISTRICT ASTRONOMY GROUP THE NEXT MEETING Thursday 2nd May Geoff Mackintosh Wincham Astronomy member Subject:- how use image stacking software

THE JUNE MEETING Thursday, 6th June Speaker and details to be confirmed

Thursday, 4th July Gerard Gilligan Chairman – SHA Subject:- William Lassell 1799 - 1880, Telescopes, Planets and Drinking Beer

There will be a fee of £3 at all meetings Refreshments available Any queries please contact Ged at [email protected]

We meet the first Thursday of every month in Wincham Community Centre, Church St Wincham, CW9 6EP 7pm to 9pm

Page 25 Up and Coming Events

Come and join us for fun and laughter on Linnards Lane Playing Fields. Bring your own picnic. Bring some games. Enjoy some ice-cream and a lovely chilled out afternoon. More details to follow – check the notice boards and the Wincham Post Facebook page.

FoAM 20th Anniversary AGM, Quiz and Supper Memorial Hall - Monday 20th May 2019 7.45pm to 9.30pm – Booking Essential

FoAM’s 20th Anniversary AGM will be followed by the very popular Quiz and two-course supper, to which members and non-members are most welcome. Come as a team or join forces with new friends on the night. To book or for more info, contact Joanne Redley 01606 44728 or email [email protected]

Page 26 Up and Coming Events

Page 27 Up and Coming Events

Northwich Folk Club This club has been meeting (almost) every Friday since March 1977. They usually meet at the Harlequin Theatre in Queen Street, Northwich, where they mix guest nights and singers' nights in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Events usually start at 8.30pm. For more info – there is a facebook page or

Pickmere Press - Party by the Lake Saturday, 22nd June – 7pm to 11pm Disco and live music band 'Superfreak'. Bring your own picnic and seats. This year we do hope to have an option to purchase food and drinks, but this will be confirmed later on. Keep an eye on Pickmere Press and Facebook for more details.

Page 28 Up and Coming Events

Page 29 Up and Coming Events Northwich LitFest 2019 Monday, 3rd June to Saturday, 29th June 2019 Northwich Artisan For more information, a Market programme of events, list of all Saturday, 11th May the venues and how to enter Saturday, 8th June the Short Story Competition - Saturday, 13th July

Northwich Festival of Arts 2019 Monday, 1st July to Wednesday, 31st July 2019 This event aims to showcase the cultural and artistic talent that exists in the town and surrounding areas and will build upon the success of 2018’s festival. Northwich Business Improvement District (BID) Manager says ‘We hope to welcome performances from a range of disciplines including theatre, music, dance, film, digital arts, visual arts, pavement art, graffiti art, cartoonists and tattoo art among many others.’

Northwich River Festival Saturday, 13th July to Sunday, 14th July 2019 The Northwich Rotary Club, with the support of the Navigation Society, is staging the second Northwich River Festival. Building on the success of last year’s event, Northwich River Festival 2019 promises to be bigger and better. To learn more about this exciting event, enter a Dragon Boat race team or book a stall, please visit

Page 30 .

Page 31 Page 32

A few words from your PCSO Diana Wiggins 20322 [email protected] Or please ring 101 in an non-emergency and 999 for all emergencies.

With the lighter nights upon us please make sure that you lock all front doors when in your property, especially if you are in the rear of the property.

I have received reports of parents walking past vehicles reversing in the school car park, please be vigilant and take extra care.

Regular Police surgeries are held at the community centre. Saturday, 4 May 12:30-13:30 Friday, 10 May 17 – 17:00 -18:00 Wednesday, 15 May – 10:00 – 11:00 Wednesday, 22 May – 19:00 – 20:00 Saturday, 25 May – 12:30 – 13:30 All dates are held on the Cheshire Police website.

If you have any issues or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible when on duty, or feel free to pop into the Police surgeries for a chat.

Regards Diana

Street Trees for Wincham? The Parish Council is looking into the possibility of planting some ornamental trees in the village. If you have a suggestion for a suitable location, please get in touch with Naomi, our Parish Clerk - contact details at the back of the newsletter.

Flowering Cherry, Prunus 'Shirotae', Linnards Lane Playing Field, planted March 2015




Wednesday, 15th May Wednesday, 19th June Wednesday, 17th July Wednesday, 18th September Wednesday, 16th October Wednesday, 20th November

The meetings always start at 7.30pm Members of the public and press are most welcome.

The Parish Council Meeting full agenda will be available in advance of the meeting at

Fifteen minutes before the meeting (i.e. 7.15pm), there will be a Public Forum. All residents who wish to voice their concerns about any issue or who want to discuss issues with a councillor or councillors are encouraged to do so at the Public Forum.

Do you care about your local community?

Would you be interested in becoming a Parish Councillor?

For more information about what is involved - time commitments etc - please contact Naomi Morris, Parish Clerk, 0161 926 8645 or [email protected]

Page 34 Page 35 General Information

Advertising in this section of Wincham Word is £20 per edition per business card size advert. Or £40 per edition for a quarter page advert . All adverts must be paid for in advance.

If you would like to advertise with us, please contact our Parish Clerk Naomi Morris, details on back page

Mobile Library Service The mobile library service makes regular visits to villages throughout West Cheshire. The service operates on a three week cycle.

The service is in Wincham on a Tuesday – Week 2 in the cycle - from 2pm to 2.45pm at Green Lane and from 2.55pm to 3.10pm at Ashwood Park.

Please note corrected dates of the service in our area: 21 May 3 September 11 June 24 September 2 July 15 October 23 July 5 November 13 August 26 November 17 December

Page 36 Useful Information and Contacts MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Past minutes of Parish Council meetings, past copies of the Wincham Word and lots more information relating to Wincham can be found at

Cheshire West & Chester Council Mon-Fri 8am-7pm Sat 9am-12.30pm Online at General Enquiries 0300 123 8 123 You can report Highways and StreetCare issues online

YOUR LOCAL POLICING TEAM FOR MARBURY Sgt Kevin Davies 2821 PC Terry Boyle 4555 PCSO Diana Wiggins 20322 [email protected]

Please ring 101 in an non-emergency and 999 for all emergencies.

Northwich Recycling Centre Summer opening hours April to September Monday and Tuesday - 8am - 4pm Wednesday and Thursday - closed Friday - 10am - 6pm Saturday and Sunday - 9am - 5pm

Page 37 Useful Information and Contacts Keep Up To Date in Wincham

 Parish Post - news for Wincham  CP School—school news  Wincham—Road Safety and Cleanliness  Community Centre

Wincham Village Website:

We have four notice boards – Wincham School Gates, Linnards Lane and Chapel Street Playing Fields and Rayners Corner Linnards Lane and Rayners Corner are Public Noticeboards too – please only use magnets on these boards.

Also Wincham Word, Parish Council Meetings or call our Parish Clerk.

To contact the Editorial Team for Wincham Word: e-mail: [email protected] Telephone or written contact via the Parish Clerk.

Deadline for submissions for the next editions of Wincham Word Thursday, 4th July 2019 – covering Aug, Sept and Oct 2019 Thursday, 3rd October 2019 – covering Nov, Dec 2019 & Jan 2020 Thursday, 2nd January 2020 – covering Feb, March and April 2020 Thursday, 2nd April 2020 – covering May, June and July 2019

Wincham Parish Council cannot be held responsible for any errors, misprints or opinions stated in this publication. The views expressed by the contributors are their own and not necessarily the views of the editor. We thank everyone for their contributions, we do appreciate them and apologise if an item does not go into the next edition—we are limited by space.

Page 38 Useful Information and Contacts

Abbeycroft Vets, Northwich 01606 40332 Buses: Northwich – Cat 9 01925 634296 Buses: Northwich – Knutsford No.89 01270 252970 Community Centre Bookings 07547 539310 CWAC General Enquiries 0300 123 8123 Eastfield Pharmacy, Lostock 01606 45485 Highways 0300 123 7036 Northwich Vets, Lostock 01606 359789 Pickmere & Wincham Methodist Church 01565 733543 Pickmere & Wincham Playgroup 07921 075139 Pickmere Parent & Toddler Group 07970 318837 Pickmere WI 01565 734025 Red Lion, Pickmere 01565 733247 St John's Church, Lostock 01606 43477 Salt Barge, Marston 01606 43064 Street Scene 0300 123 7026 Wincham Community Primary School 01606 288060 Wincham Over 60s Club 01606 44185

These numbers are provided in good faith. Please advise us of any changes.

There are also many more useful numbers for national associations etc in the front pages of the BT telephone directory.

Page 39 Your Wincham Parish Councillors

Chairman Ian Parr Vice Chairman 01565 734226 Kenton Barker ianparr.wincham 07734 359806 Kentonjbarker

Ros Casson Annie Makepeace c/o 0161 926 8645 01565 734226 Winchampc [email protected]

Debs May Ged Birbeck 07847 187983 07884 382830 Debs.may [email protected]

Caroline Powell Nathian Morgan 01565 734792 Caroline.powell nathian.morgan

Councillor Councillor Vacancy Vacancy

Councillor Vacancy

Parish Clerk—Naomi Morris 0161 926 8645 [email protected] 22, Churchfields. Bowdon. Cheshire. WA14 3PJ.