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i . Ie t,I I I s I , 1· ', . .51 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1973 <, I- I'VE CENTS ~escerp pesen fed ,a rdt, orCwork.$W".7n food .1mdust p :x? ,,ok sed A isd as v3;z By Barb Moore research and industry. He cited Mr. Walter A. Mercer was "contributions to the field of presented the Underwood- food science" by Mercer, whose Prescott Memorial Award at a primary work has been in the luncheon at the MIT faculty area of canning and the utiliza- club last Tuesday. tion of water supplies for maxi- Mercer, the vice president of mum efficiency and while con- the National Canners Associ- sidering conservation. I ation, was chosen to receive this In his remarks at the sym- posium, Mercer called for a fed- ? award for his work in food production and abundance. eral land use program it order to I preserve the acreage of prime After the luncheon, a sym- farn land needed to support the posium was held in Kresge Audi- country's food supply. fie sug- i- Prof. Adler Prof. DresselhaLus Prof. Fano Photos by Tom YVidic torium to discuss "Ecology, the gested "long-term 11~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~~and Sheldcon Louawental land use" to -W -1. -- II Environment and the Food In- t" cm use the land best suited for T'I17 T dustry New Horizons and Haz- . 11, farming for that purpose, rather NN,, --, to -I ards in Resource Management." than "airports, highways, shop- - qa b(sam El co"r, Other members of the panel ping centers and service facili- were Mr. Evan Binkerd, vice ties" that follout the advance- 'L', ]a "F L h,, a sacts 0 president of Armour Food Com- By Mike MclNamee contacted byThze Tech, discoun- then I'm the last one to know ment of urbanization.
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