The Boraginaceae of Utah Larry C

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The Boraginaceae of Utah Larry C Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series Volume 16 | Number 3 Article 1 7-1972 The Boraginaceae of Utah Larry C. Higgins Department of Biology, West Texas State University, Canyon, Texas Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Anatomy Commons, Botany Commons, Physiology Commons, and the Zoology Commons Recommended Citation Higgins, Larry C. (1972) "The Boraginaceae of Utah," Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series: Vol. 16 : No. 3 , Article 1. Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Western North American Naturalist Publications at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. S-ajA- ^<^^o^^) Brigham Young University ^'e/^/\o^°^c Science Bulletin FSB p ;q~ THE BORAGINACEAE OF UTAH by Larry C. Higgins BIOLOGICAL SERIES — VOLUME XVI, NUMBER 3 JULY 1972 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN BIOLOGICAL SERIES Editor: Stanley L. Welsh, Department of Botany, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Members of the Editorial Board: Vernon J. Tipton, Zoology Ferron L. Anderson, Zoology Joseph R. Murdock, Botany Wilmer W. Tanner, Zoology Ex officio Members: A. Lester Allen, Dean. College of Biological and Agricultural Sciences Ernest L. Olson, Chairman, University Publications The Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series, publishes acceptable papers, particularly large manuscripts, on all phases of biology. Separate numbers and back volumes can be purchased from Publication Sales. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. All remittances should be made payable to Brigham Young University. Orders and materials for library exchange should be directed to the Division of Gifts and Exchange, Brigham Young University Library, Provo, Utah 84601. Brigham Young University Science Bulletin THE BORAGINACEAE OF UTAH by Larry C. Higgins BIOLOGICAL SERIES — VOLUME XVI, NUMBER 3 JULY 1972 I'Vontispiccc. Erilrwhitun niiiuim ( \'ill. ) Sclirad \i\r. floni^iiturn (lUdh. ) (:roni|. ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTHODUCTIOX 1 TAXONOMY 1 Boraginaccae - 1 Antsimkia '-' Ancliusii 4 Aspcrtigo •^ Borcigo ^ Coldenia ^ 6 Crijplinillui 8 Echiuin 54 Erilrichitini 54 Hucki'liu 55 Heliotropium 58 Ltipindii "O Lithiisjicrrnxirn "2 Mt'rtetma 66 Miio.mti.i '5 Pcct(icurt/u '3 Plagiohothrys - ' ack\o\\t.eix;me\ts 8i LITERATURE CITED 81 THE BORAGINACEAE OF UTAH by Larry C. Higgins* ABSTRACT This paper presents a revision of the family in the various herbaria in the state of Utah. The Boraginaceae for the state of Utah. Ninety-three new combination Lappula occidentalis (Wats.) species in seventeen genera are recognized. The Greene var. ciipulata (Gray) Higgins is pre- treatment includes keys, synonymy, descriptions, sented. and citations of representative specimens found INTRODUCTION For the last six years I have been engaged in inadequate or nonexistent. Investigators have research leading to a revision of the Utah Bo- had to resort to many different publications to raginaceae. This family of flowering plants has possibly identify the plants at hand. At any rate, long been a stumbling block for beginning stu- no single work has been available which could dents in plant taxonomy and anyone interested be used to identify the native borages of Utah. in plant identification. For many years the liter- This work is an attempt to provide keys and de- ature encompassing the Utah borages has been scriptions for all the Boraginaceae found in Utah. TAXONOMY Boraginaceae Lindl. prolongation thereof (gynobase); endosperm absent or scarce; embryo straight or curved. Boraginaceae Lindl., Nat. Syst., ed. 2:274. 1836. The classification of this family is based pri- Plants herbaceous, shrubby or sometimes marily upon the structure of the fruit. In many tropical trees, usually bristly; leaves simple, al- cases it is difficult to recognize the genus and al- ternate, or sometimes opposite or whorled, entire most impossible to obtain a precise identification and pubescent, hispid or setose; flowers perfect, of the species if the specimens lack mature regular, solitary or cymose; cymes glomerate- fruiting stnictures. racemose or spicate, fretjuently unilateral and The Boraginaceae are of little or no economic coiled (scorpioid), usually with bracts between, value, but the family has numerous species that to one side of, or opposite the flowers; calyx usu- are cultivated as ornamentals, principally in the allv 5-lobed or 5-parted, usually persis- genera Heliotropiiim (heliotrope), Aiichusa, tent, the lobes valvate; corolla 5-lobed, Echium, and Myosotis (forget me not). sometimes crested or appendaged in the tliroat; stamens 5, bonie on the corolla-tube alternate Style 2-cleft; stigmas 2, distinct; flowers .solitary or with the lobes; ovary superior, bicarpellate, usu- clustered in the stem forks 5. Coldenia aliv 4-ovulate, entire or lobed, becoming tough Stvlf simple; stigmas united (2). or bony at maturity; fruit commonlv breaking up .Stvle arising from the pericarp at the apex of the into 4 single-seeded lobes (nutlets); style sim- fruit, falling away with the nutlets; stigma annular- ple 2-cleft, or seated in the pericarp at the apex peltate, surmounted by a conical or cylindrical, sim- of the fruit or borne between the fruit-lobes ple or lobed appendage 11. Ilcliotropium ( nutlets ) on the receptacle, or on an upward Style borne between tlie lobes of the fruit (nutlets). ^Department of Biology, West Texas State University. (Canyon. Texas. Bbigham Young University Science Bulletin and attached to the receptacle or gynobase; stigma 13. Corolla lobes imbricate in the bud; nutlets obhquely capitate, unappendaged (3). attached to a convex gynobase; corolla with a tube and usually a campanulate throat, not salverform 3. Nutlets with uncinate, glochidiate or barbed prickles 14. Mertetisia on the back, margins or the apex (4). 3. Nutlets without hooked or barbed prickles (7). 14. Nutlets attached above the base along a usually open and generally basallv forked ventral groove or 4. Nutlets subglobose, with dorsal surface rather uni- slit, or by a triangular opening in the pericarp formly covered with barbed prickles, no definite 6. Cryptantha margins present 7. Cytioglossum 14. Nutlets lacking a distinct ventral groove or open- 4. Nutlets with a definite margin, the prickles con- ing in the pericarp, this usually replaced by an fined to this (back may be muricate or tubercu- elevated ventral keel (15), late) (5). 15. Plants perennial; nutlets attached by a broad, 5. Nutlets stellately spreading, attached at the apical rounded, ((uite basal noncaruncular ;ittachment, (radicle) end, armed with hooked appendages. nutlets ovoid, smooth and shiny; corolla usually Small slender annuals 16. Pectocanju yellow or orange 13. Lithospermum 5. Nutlets erect, incurved or weakly divergent, at- 15. Plants annual; nutlets attached by a caruncular tached at or below the middle, i.e., toward the scar Ixjme upon or at the basal end of the ventral cotyledon end (6). keel, the attachment usuallv lateral or suprabasal; nutlets usually rough ( 16 ) 6. Plants annual; pedicels erect or nearly so; styles surpassing the nutlets; subulate gynobase about as 16. Corolla white; cotvledons entire .. 17. Plagiohothrys long as the nutlets 12. Lappulti 16. Corolla orange or yellow, the tube definitely longer 6. Plants perennial or biennial; pedicels reflexed in than the calyx; cotyledons 2-lobed .... 1. AmsincKia fruit; styles usually shorter than the nutlets; pyra- midal gynobase about half as long a.s the nut- 10. Hackelia lets 1. Amsinckia Lehm. 7. Corolla irregular, the upper lobes usually longer Anisinckia Lehm., Delect. Sem. Hort. Hamburg than the lower ones; stamens not all equal in 7. 1831; Contr. Herb. 70:44. length 8. Ecliium Johnston, Gray 1924. 7. Corolla regular or nearly so (8). Annual, pungent-bristly, herbaceous plants; 8. Calyx in fniit much enlarged, becoming conspicu- ously veiny, folded and flattened; stems procum- stems erect or with spreading branches, leafy; bent, angled, with stiff retrorse bristles on the leaves alternate, linear to ovate, usually vein- angles 3. Aspenigo less; racemes usually bractless; calyx cut to base 8. Calvx in fruit little if any enlarged, not becoming into erect lanceolate or oblong lobes; corolla veiny, folded and flattened; stems various but not tubular or salverform, heterostyled, yellow or as above (9). orange, tube cvlindrical, glabrous, unappend- 9. Nutlet attachment surrounded by a swollen ring, aged; lobes spreading, rounded, imbricate; sta- leaving a distinct pit on the gynobase; plants of mens included, affixed in the tube, filaments fields and waste places (10). very short, anthers oblong; obtuse style filiform, 9. Nutlet attachment not surrounded by a rim nor included; emarginate; leaving a pit ( 11 ). stigma capitate, ovules 4; cotyledons 2-parted; nutlets 4, erect, angulate- 10. Stamens appendaged dorsally, closely crowded ovoid, smooth or rough, unmargined, strongly around the style; corolla rotate 4. Borago keeled ventrally; gynobase pyramidal, frustrate, 10. Stamens unappendaged, included within the tubu- about half the height of the nutlet. lar corolla 2. Anchusa A genus of considerable difficulty which is 11. Corolla normally blue (aberrant white-flowered found mainly
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