Now We'll All Hum Vene 3 THE WEATHER TODAY

D~ lbe hummi~ of a Christmas carol Thunda)' nl&bt low clouds and fog this morning, warmer in ~r Old Capitol, Prof. Harold S. WlUlams of the ecODOmies the afternoon. Tomorrow increasing cloudiness ttpartment a.ked his son John, ar e 6, why he wun'l. hummlnc and warmer. High today 40 to 45. low tonight •• 25 to 28. Yesterday's high 33, low 21. At 11 :30 John rf'plled. "I don't know what verse they're on." owal1 p. m. the temperature was 24. Eatabliabed 1868-Vol. 80. No. 7b-AP New. and Wirephoto -_.... Iowa City. Iowa . Saturday. December 20. 1947-five Cents e USS as In eace: ars a Asserts SeHlement Also Awails Trumon Asks 17 Billion Aid for 4 Years~~~~:!~~:~:~e Europe's Recovery With Aid Warns Against· •De Gasperi Gains World in Action- Next Thanksgiving \VA h"lNCTON I 5 retaryof tate Mar hall said la t nl'ht that Univ rsily students will c I - b aw:e of So ... iet "Cru tration" policl ,:J lastinl European peace set , II m nt i yel distant. 'Sabotage' Vol! of ConHdenca A d ~~~teva~h~~~ ~:~~gy w~~\~ f~~~ It probably will have to awoit the outcom or w tern Europe's fe- raun "I' fort with Am . ricon i tanc to tore a he IIh)' society," he 'an Assemb'ly Tn GI b I"ollnby 0 (Inmenl R. A\liU. Ku/1\ v d'r, yet"halrmon rday PI' d cted. In Iiall Of, lh unl\' ill' call'ndar com- In II radio tlilk. Marshall Tfported on the break-up or th BII Four eO e forel n ministers conCerenc at London. He IlIld lhot until th strullie By ( ommunists gO~~~' n\JP),;i'n 'l~\ a ~~OS:;I ., T.. A OCIATaO ra. I ml':'i~:'v lllion h .. , bl:en Included betw en Ru la and the w tern of confidence last n~t and then THE UN ECUIlITY council In th c I nd r on n xperim IIt- powers I. decldec1 ev n a "paper WASHINGTON, (JPJ-President w~m ah d with efforts to h lid 01 !Jasts for on year only, Ku v r Blue To Gel Report oft a nlltion-wlde strllce of lOme ye t~rday decided to dl cuss the dded. a&reement" would be dlrricult. Truman asked a divided congress "The SovIet Union has recoanlz­ I 300,000 feod handlers call d [or controversial veto I ue ag In Cl will lJe cll~lIIi. e I lit l'd th Iituatlon In lis frank de­ yesterday to vote $17 billion in I today. de pile Ru .Ian objections that all 12 :20 p. m. Wedn sUuy, No v. 24, On Invesligation the next rour and a quarter years claration of ho' III.)' and opposi­ Amlntor Fantani, lobor mini - such talk "constltut Il wa te of and will Oll\"n aL 12 0 P .111. tion to th Europ an recovery tor the bu.i1ding of a Europe strong ffl Monday, No .... 29, Ku ver SIIld. t er, an d 0 th l' governm n t 0 - time." By 9 to 2 vote the council Of Conservation ,Unit program," Maflhall continued. enough to resist "tolnlitorian ag­ clais stiU were m tin, wIth Consideration wos liven th workers and ownel'l In rood In- approved II work sheet call1ni for lon, r Thanksaivln, vucation as Placinll the blame ror failure to gression" and preserve "the civili­ DE MOINES, ( - A port on reaeh aareement on Russlon For ­ du trlea betw en whom contr cl debate on th question. No date a result oC ctlon tak n by th zation in which the American way o( th low con rva- elan Mlni,ter Molotov, Marshall neloUatlons had broken down. was set, however, Stud nt council Nov. 4 wh n a of life is rooted." ticn commi Ion will be hied to- said the Sovl t spokesman display­ This is the greatest relief and The strike would artect food * * * commlU . was appointed Lo at- ed "no apparent will to reach a fehabllitation project in world factories, stores and shops. Baker- THE ANTI- OMMUNl T mi_1 1 nd m tlll& .. of lh univ I' 'I Iy day with Governor Robert D. Dlue and th comm ion. setllement.." history, colling for ,the largest les, milk dl-tributo• and II.' nor I'.y yelt er d ay s"",,,,,,e.A.'" d ! rom th calendara solution. commltt and work out peacetime expenditure ever ask­ 01'. Ira N. CllbriellOn of Wa~h. Dcspit the outcom , which he plants would not be hit. Communist - dominated Ceneral M b t rmed dlsappolntlnll, Marshanu- ed of congress. It was detailed by Inlton, D. C., pr ,ident ot the De ' Casperi, hard pressed by Confederalion of Labor In Parll m r 1't d that no l' I ,round wa, lost Mr. Truman six months after Sec­ Wild Life Mona ement inalitme, leftist crltlcl m and demorulro- 0 a re ult of the I' ceni wave commit! w T K Ith ~1cNu .. 1 !l, or ,ained, except to make clearer retary of State Marshall first pro­ LOOKING AT A COpy or Pre Ident Truman'. mesaaae on lbe Mar ­ e D2, P rr}, th Irman; M Ivm and n Inv Ii, tin, commlU Uons, won th vote or contld nee of natlon-w,ide .trik . The lac- II 'kt A4 Grundy Cenler' IIIralYl appoint d by the ,ovcrnur dr w th outlln of probl ms and ob- posed i land th ree mon ths a eter shall plan at the Capitol Ill'e from left: enator Ilatch (D-NMI: Ed wlll'd in the constituent embly. tlcn Is IImuted to have one " , up th r porI. stal'l to a 1. Un. peace. 16 EU1'Op~an countries pledged E. Mansur J r., chief I ~ rk of the senate, and enator Ferru on (R­ The assembly approved an 01'- ' lIi f th f d ti' Ix IHoughton, LI, Red Ouk, lind JaMt m~ on 0 e e rn on I' Culz, A4, Hampton. Blue announc d it would be "W cannol look forward to a .their combined efforts to make it ~ll c h l. ( AP WIREPIIOTO) , del' oC th doy soy Ina it had heard rn'Jllion m m brs, but. about a "The Student ''(luncil Is arate- work. made public immediat ly. unlfled G rmany at this time," he Bnd approved iovernment declara- Quarter of the CGT memb 1'5 ar luI to Deon Kuever lind the cal­ About two months alo th com­ advised. "We must do the best we Senalor Talt (R.-Ohio), chair­ tlons of policy. The roll eall of estlmat d 10 have refused to PIlY endor committe for the time mill Ion hired Dr. Gabrl lion \0 can In the are where our Influ­ man of the senate Republlcon ~35 deputies showed 303 for the their dues. spent un this proj ct," McNurl n policy committee, said assistance make a lurvey of its functions ence can b fel t." House P~sses GOP Price Plan; order and 118 Communl5t. and * * * said. and the lawl under which it oper­ Hla ret renee presumably was to shou ld be authorized only on a pro-Communist SOcialists opposed. ENATOIl KNOWLAND (R.- The new schedule will Itill me t at s- the 16 naUona of western Europe, year-to-year basis. Fourteen did not vote. Calif.) y terday demanded a the minimum reqUirements of the Includln, the AmerIcan-British 'Belore the vole, '\he Commun- conlreulonal InvestlcaUon 0 f North C nlral association al to Blue, who had charaed that fric­ occupation In Cermany. Ists and their Socialist aUles crltl- America's occupation polley in the number or weeks ot att I1\J­ tion and inter-departmental poli­ zon Truman May Sign It Reluctantly The secretary met head-on Rus­ ciled the ,overnment at lenath, Jap.n. He said a "confidential" one in aC'h 5 l1Iester, Kuever tics existed withIn th commis­ WASHINCTON (IP)-The Republican plan tor voluntary action to and De Gasperl lave on hour-long document dl do es that the pollc)' stated. sion staff, nam d a committee sian charle. that the western pow­ The Plan ers went to the conference without bring down the high cost of living was passed by the house, 281 to 73. reply, Is "contrary to American stan- "We still operotin, on the haded by Don Kern, M rshall­ arc a sincere purpose of ruchin, PURPOSE: To help 16 west­ ond sent to President Truman yesterday. The Interior ministry, report In( dards or decency and lair play." basis of a i1-w ek semester," he town, to make a Itudy. i , ern European countries help Officials close to the White House predicted the PI' Ident would sign Soon after the ,overnor's com­ aareem nl. The truth he said, the trouble In Caltanl etta, said * * * said. "The lime lost will be mod that "we went with a stron, deter­ themselves back to peace ond the bill, but at the same time would issue a statement critlcJlinl U. He atrlkefl blockaded the city hall FEARING a jail term which she up by startlna cJOSl e 2... days mittee was cre led the conserva­ minaUon to brlnl to an end the di­ prosperity by June 30, 1952. already has taken the position that It is inadequate and amounts to and resoried to a:unflre and are- caU "worse than death," PatriciO arlter In th foll." tion commission announced the vision 01 Cermony." ESTIMATED C O S T: Be· passing the inflation buck to him. nades when police charled them. (SaHra) Schmidt went cryln, The freshman and t nsler or- diiml a1 of William E. , Albert, t wee n $15,100,000,000 and It provides for self-disclpllnary. ------A leneral ~trlke conllnued ,at back to prl on In Havana yeater- lerttatlon program for next year ehiet ot the !Ish and pme divi­ DetaLllni ilia deadlock over sion; W. W. Ait.k n,luperlntendent Russia', claim 101' $10 bll1lon re­ $17,800,000,000, depending on agreements In industry, business ropean cQuntries, both to be vol­ Callenl lletta, .1l0lMr OM w day to await th vel'd.lct in her will b open Thursday, Sept. 16, or the bioloay Uon, and M. D. paraUons from Cermany, Ma.rshall whu1 hap~n~ lo pl'ices in lh untary. called at Messina. Others were trial for the killin, of John Les- according to th 1947-48 unlv r­ and agrlcultur with 0 view {o Lewis, up rlnt ndent of the descrlb d It al key Issue. He ac­ U.S. 2. Request, but not direct, the thr atened at Agrl,ento and ter Mee. The trial, which be,an slty colendar. comboting inflation. If the Presi- cused the Soviet. of havin, taken WHO WOULD RUN IT: A President to submit to conlress a Trampani, 011 In Sicl1y. Sept. 17, ended yesterday morn- Realstratlon will beein at 8 a. m. game division. $20,000 a year economic coOP­ doent approved the agreements, detailed program to parcel out The workers were protestlnl Ing with Miss Schmidt stonding Monday, S pt. 20, nnd closses will Dr. Gabriel on and K m sold a "monopoU.tic stranale hold" eration administrator, a $17,- those entering them would be pro­ cost-or-living ilems when they lhat promJosed pay bonuses had before the three-judge court and conven at 7:30 a. m. Thursday, yesterday that an aere m nt on over eastern Cermany makln, Ihat 500 deputy and a $25,000 rov­ tected from anti-trust action. reach the "critical shortage" not been received. pleadln, for mercy. Sept. 23. the findln" had b en reached and relion "lItUe more than a depend­ ing ambassador. On the final house vote, 178 Re­ staae. The university calendar Is made It had been decided to make a ent provlnc of the Soviet Union." CONGESS I S ASKED: To publicans were joined by 102 up annually by the calendar com­ jolnt report. Neither would dis­ authorize total spendinl of $17 Democrats and one American­ mittee. OCflciol dotes from Jun close what th report would con­ billion and provide $6,800,000,- Laborite in support of the Repub­ ICongress Adopts $540 Million 8, 1948, to Sept. 22, 1949, 01" in­ tain. 000 in octual money for the lican bill. Opposing were 44 Dem­ Meyers and Lamarre cluded on the new calendar. The De Moines Belisler laid Iowa Assembly Ends first 15 months. ocrats and 29 Republicans. the report I.s understood to oul1lne a pro,ram (or con rvation at­ OUTLOOK: Long hearings Previously the house rejected, Special Tax Session . and hot debate over both the 156 to 73, a Democratic effort to Indicted for Perjury Emergency Aid to 4 Nations Governor To Marry lairs and to state what the quaU­ amount of money and plans for give the President compulsory fications of commlislon otncers WASHINGTON (A»-Maj. Gen. COLUMBUS, OHIO, (JP)-A ro­ running program. powers over the allocation oI WASHINGTON (lPJ-Con, ress swiftly adopted a $540 mllIJon pro­ and employees should be, but to By Passing 3Bills Benne It E. Meyers and a former gram of emerlency aid to France, Italy, Austria and China last night mance that budd d in a doctor', "teer clear ot stron, and djre ~ t scarce commodllies. associate who turned on hi m were The senate possed the measure after nearly fIve weeks ot threshinl out the details. office blossomed yesterday into crillclsm ot commission a!falrs. DES MOINES (~- The special Indicted yesterday on charges 01 Senator Barkley (D.-Ky. ), mi­ Thursday 77 to 10. Republicans Approval of a compromise measure by both houses, sendina 11 to the enlagement of OhIo's hand­ He is reported to bave said that session of the Iowa legislature giving faked testimony at a recent nority leader, described Mr. Tru­ in both bodies argued that their President Truman for siCnature. come just before adjournment of a some governor, Thomas J. Herb­ the salaries paid to Iowa commIs­ completed Its task of state Income senale probe 01 Meyers' wartim e man's figure as "conservative." bill was a good start in the onti­ special session called by the President primarily to enact the stoP,ap ert, to the doctor's secretary. sion workers are too low to at­ tax revision yesterday aCternoon activities as an air force purchas­ He srud he hoped that "after giv­ inf.lation battle ond said the whole assistance proaram. Herbert, a Widower, will be mar­ tract hiah caliber men, but thot and went home with the know­ I ing it serious consideration con­ subject will be reviewed when ng officer. The bill provides $522 miJJlon or France, Italy and Austria and $18 ried Jan 3 In Indianapolis to JUi the state Is getting un usually ledge that Gov. Robert D. Blue Iless will adopt the pIon without congress returns In J anuary. A federal grand jury indicted million for China. Mr. Truman bad _------­ Mildred Helen Ste ... e on. He is competent men lor the salaries bad signed its bill. undue delay without material The measure prohibits any price the 52-year old Meyers on six sep­ asked $597 million for the three prolram rolling, but additional 53; she is 40. that are paid. The fo ur-day session enacted a. change." fixing under the system of volu n­ arate counts-three of perjury European countries alone. lunda had to be voted separately • measure providing that income tax In a 9,000-word mes,age r ead tary agreements it encourages. In and three of indueinl Blerlot H. In addition, the bill give. the by conaress. (An "authorIzati on" payments made in 1948, 194G mall separately to each house, Mr. Tru­ addition to authority the agree­ Lamarre, 35, to commit perjury. army $340 million in occupation bill carrie, no actual funds. It Is be at a 75 pe rcent colJecti'on rate man warned that "lhe Commun­ ment the bill would: In addition, the jury Indicted La­ funds for Germany, Japan and a leaislatlve preliminary to an ap­ Daily Iowan Story Brings Xmas Gifts and at a 50 percent increase in ists" will try to sobotage the re­ 1. Set up a food conservation marre on three perjury oounts, Korea in place of the $230 million propriations bill). deductions. !(O very of the 16 countries, ruong program in this country and 0 pro­ Since the maximum penalty for approved earlier by the senate. The lore ian aid and occupation The spec ial session also palled with western Germany, for which grom to promo te food and li ve­ eoch count is 10 yeors In prison, The army had asked $4110 mlllion. funda came under an omnibus ap­ two other measures, and those al­ he asked a id . stock feed production in non-Eu- the balding, retired Me,yers could The house passed the bill by a propriaUons measure which also SO have been aigned by the ,over­ be sentenced to serve as much as standin( vote, 233 to 2 and the provided money for reclamation nor. 60 years if convicted on all count". senate followed suit immediately projects, travelling expenses ot One appropriates $1,000,000 to by voice vote, members ot conaress ond several the leglslalive Interim committee T,!ars of Happiness Canada Raises Wages Both houses previoua1y passed other purposes. to use In meetinl any emer,encies OTT AW A (IP) - Canada yester- and Mr. Truman signed a bill Enactment or the forei," aid in slate departments durinl the day increased the pay of its armed which authorizes the .pendin, of pro,ram, to help France, Italy and curent biennium, endlnl June SO, forces by about 10 percent. Many j up to $5G7 mUlion in Itop,ap re­ Austria until the four-year Eu­ 1949. government civil servants also lot lief for France, Italy, Austria and ropean recovery pro,ram outlined The other authorizes appoint­ a similar increase. The raises were ' Chino. by the President in his message ment. oI a 12-member committee to retroactlv~ to Oct. 1. Privates un- This permitted the reconstruc­ to conlress yesterday could go into study flood control Pfoblema and del' the old system got $50 monthly tlon finance corporation to ad­ errect, wa Mr. Truman's principal recommend a program to the 194' base pay. vance $1S0 mlUion to start the request to the special session . lelisIa ture. All three acts become eUective upon their publication in two newspapers.

ToTelevise Mass born of complaints that lOme b" PHILADELPHIA (A"}-A com­ speculators were biddlni up the plete solemn high masa wUl be cost of llving, and ltatemenu Amnesty Given Dog televised from the cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul here Sunday. It from some Republican quarters A GIFT for every child on Christmas Da, wu the fOfee wbleb moved that "government inliders" were Serving Ute Term will matk the flJ'Bt time In history Iowa City bllliJl_men io , ..ntaDe01l8!:r e1ve over $%" t. the Chrlsl­ that the entire ceremony of the WASHINGTON, (A»-The house using advance, official informa- __ fand at. Chlldren's h'oIlIiial. Vem NaU, re.. _u.. .veral bUA­ (JP') - holy sacrifice of the mass will be voted authority yesterday to Sec­ tion to speculate for profit. ATLANTA, Blackie, the nessm~n, present.a Superintendent Gerbanl IIariaIaD wltll the dona­ Anderson maintained to the rnonarel do, that got a life tel'm seen and heard on the air. retary of Agriculture Anderson to tlOD. make public the names of big time senate appropriationl committee in the CUIlrd house at Fort Mc­ commodity speculators and Presi­ Thursday that, without a directive Pherson 11 years ago for klllina a * dent Truman promptly sl,ned the resolution from congresa, it would cat, was granted amnesty yester­ Moved by *an article* that appeared in Thursday's* Daily* * Iowan, Iowa legislation. be improper for him to release II day by the arace of Santa Cla~ City businessmen have contributed more than $200 to buy ,UlI for There was no White House cere­ secret list of bi, traders in com- 'and a chanae In colonels. patients in Children's hospital, according to University hospitals' mony about th\ sianin" which modilies. 'Back in 1936, Blackie chewed up Superintendent Gerhard Hartman. climaxed two busy days of Demo­ Mr. Truman backed Anderson, a cat beloll&inl to Col. WaJter The article stated there were not enough Christmas presents to cratic-Republican arlUment. sartng at the same time that sucn Moorman, a reaimental command­ go around for the chJldren at the hospital. Anderson, attend In, the closing a list should be made public. ~. The do. was a mascot of mlli- Thursday afternoon Hartman attended a service club meeting of house session as a vlaltor, told It will include the parnes of 10- ~ police and the MP's knew Iowa City businCS!men. Alter the meeting Hartman said he was newsmen the list of speculators called "lar,e traden"-that il, they had to do IOmethini. A court­ approached by one of the businessmen who had read the article. probably will be made pubUc lbose who are required to rwpon martial resulted in the We term. Hartman said the businessman offered to help with a $20 donation within the next week. He intimat­ their

TUE DAlLY IOWAN, SATURDAY, DEC. 20, 19!17-PAGE FOllR "fJtJe Dady lowOl1 aTABLISm:D 110 By Carl Berrer with the knowledge that his in­ United States, Sweden, Autlrii vention had been warped and PubUtblId dall;l" ..~ Monday b7 UD4BER OF 'I'RI: ASS()(;IATIID PImA A hall century ago a dying and Switzerland have produced '*udal rubIlC!ll~o"" lnc. Entered .. The Associated Preaa Ia enUlied ex· Swedish munitions maker wrote turned to military destruction. BuL chemistry winners. All the natiolll .....n" d ... Ill'lil matter at tbe po.toWee cluslvely to Ibe Ule for republlc.llon 01 ., I...... City. I...,., under Ibe act 01 all Ibe local neW. printed In tbIa D ..... his last will with his eyes fixed even in death he sought lo steer except Norway. India, Poland and of U.~.:h a. 18'18. paper. .. weD .. all AP _ 4la­ on tbat ever dimming lamp of men up the patch 01 peace. Argentina bave had winners In patdMa. peace. Out of that testament, and In his wilt written a year beCore medicine and physiology. 9f thost rrlSD M. PO_ALL, P".. bU",*, the paradox of a munitions maker his death, the Swedish munitions who have won tbe peace prize, "'ALLY 8TRmClllAM. B.wn_ "Board of Trune.. x.ealle O. UoeJJ ... ManRler who desired peace, came the most maker left provisions establishing the U. S. has produced tbe grea\. R. BRUCE HUGHES. I;cU_ Kirk H. Porier, A. Cral, Baird, P.ul R, Ol.on, Doro'thea Davldlon, Jack O'Brien. coveted international prize in the the. Nobel prizes. He set aside est number. 5~. !If b-..rlptlon ntd·-B)' carrier lD 10'" Lester Brooks, Steve Dinnin,. world. $9,OOO,00G 'for this purpose, the The peace prize, most coveted ~_1q .., cent.. wee.kl)' or S7 per year ~ ... v.nce: ob: montb. 13.86: thr.... months Last week six top world scient­ 'interest of which was to go to pay award of ali, has been liven to 'IT.Lm'BOMa ~.JO. 87 ....U In ~W. ft.5? re. )'ear: ists and writers joined the exclu­ the annual awards. i n ~ ern alional organizations It .. _~"" t3.IO: .nrH mon",," $2. All Bualne. Ott"'" ...... 6111 eq,.r m~h oubarrip~on. t8 per )'ear: ob: JIcIJtori.l Office ...... nil sive group of men and women who His will stipulated that the some years rather than to 5~ _tba $4.lII; three montbo $1.25. 8ocJet,y OUlc:...... 6111 have won the awards - the Nobel award be given to the person who candidates, and in other yea., H ------~~~------SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1947------prizes - the 46th such annual had made the most Important has been wiLhheld for lack of IDJ awards made by the Swedish discovery or invention in physics, c81ldidate. This year the PtaCt Royal Academy of Science on be­ chemistry, physiology or mediCine, prize of $39,000 was split amoDl half of the Nobel foundation. The literatut'e. and "to him who has two Quaker organizations. Who Is Loyal to Americal 1947 awards totalled over $200,- striven most or best for ' the fra­ Otber 1947 winners included 000. ternization of the peoples and for Dr. Carl F. Cori and his wif~ (p'ilth in a Ne1'ie -) In previous years the world's the abolition 'or dimunition of Dr. Gerty Cori, St. Louis,IMo .• 1t top talent, Einstein, Curie, Shaw, standing armies, as also for the recognition of their discovery Of 'I'his scries on tli~ important implications of til ~overnlllent 's Bequerel, Kipling. Wilson. Planck, inception and promotion of peace a chemical compound in human loyalty investigation has attempted so fat' to provide backgl.'ound Bohr, Mann. Fermi. Briand Ta­ congresses." bodIes which manufactures blool information on the subje·t. gore, Galsworthy, Rontgen, Urey, 'I'he first award was made in sugar; Andre Gide. the noled We have considel'ed the President's ordel" beginniug' the investi. Marconi and others have received 1901 to a German physiCist. Wil­ French author who embraced ~ation, the tate department's secUI'jty rules, the case account of the awards, These are men and helm K. Rontgen, a name well communism and later wrote of one fired state department employe as revealed by the ew York women who ha~e contributed tQ known throughout the' scientific his disillusionment at Lhe wa, il Herald Tdb1lne and charges that the tactics employed approxi. the increased knowledge and bet­ world-the man who discovered was practiced in Russia; Sir Rob­ mate thos of the police state . ter understanding of the world. X-ray. Since that time well over ert Robinson, England, who WII It is worth nol ing that following hi. ca. e report in the Herald But where did this high bonor 200 awards have been made on awarded the chemistry prizt; Triblme, which stal'ted thc (~hain of developlnents, Bert Andrews have its origin? the basis of Nobel's will, that "in Bernando A. Houssay, BuenO! 'ent II ld of qne tions cone ruing FBI procednres io J. Edgar The answer lies in dynamite distribution of the prizes no regard Aires, who received the seeond Hoover. and in the departed brain of shall be had for nationality." half of the medicine and physiol. lloover denied the chnr~cR of witch·hunts. III' asscrtcd that in Alfred Nobel, a munitions maker, The nations that have produced ogy prize, and Sir E. V. Appleto~ the M e of "the seven," definite evidence existeI; Denmark, 7 \!.; R. Minot. blood studies. Questioned about the famuus "witch-hunt" undm' tile late At· oil wells. Dr. William P. Murphy, diabel!J; tomey Clen ral A. Mitchel Palmer, and his connection with it, But it was Alfred who began Switzerland, 7; Austria, 5Y..; Bel­ gium, 5\!.; Holland, 5; Italy, 4'h; Sinclair Lewis, novelis~; Ellien! HoovcI' aid: experimenting in 1862 with then O'Neill, playwright; T h eodor! new nitro-glycerine. By 18118 he Norway, 4'h; India, Spain, Poland "I depored the mamler in which lhe raids werc execuLed then, and Russia, 2; Canda, Argentina, Roosevelt, peace prize in 19fJe (or ~'-'---~ - had created the mixture of gun- and my position has rcmained unchanged. Hungary and Finland. 1. arbitration in Russ-Jap ptlC! 'I'he senatr judiciary rommitter madc a thorough and seal'ching powder and nitro-glycerine which talks; Elihu Root, secretary of war later led to his discovery of the The literature prize has been inve tigation of the raids. In none of these report. was there any I'D RATHER BE RIGHT won by all the above nations ex­ under McKinley; Woodrow "d· accllsation against mc as a member of the department of justice. stable high explosive which he son, League of Nations; Charles called "dynamite." cept Austria, Holland, Canada, "The late chief justice of the United States, IIarlan l<'iske Argentina and Hungary. The phy­ Dawes, the "Dawes Plan" lor Gtr· Atone, rai 'ed his voice in vig-orous protest of the manner in which Nobel. the liberal in thoughts man repa aUoll payments all8 and deeds, wanted his discovery sics prize has been won by all thc l'aids were cal'l'ied out long prior to his appointment as at· except Belgium, NOl'way, Spain, World War I; Frank 13. Kelloa. Today's Lost Generation used for peaceful purposes-for German reparation debt; JIIII torney .general in 1924 to reorganize the department of justice. mining. railroad and road con- Poland, Russia, Canada. Argen­ Addams, founder of Hull hoiJsI, "I am sure he would nrvel' have appointed me dil'ector of the struction and other similar pro­ tina, Hungary, Switzerland and bUI'eau in l\'fay of 1924 had L bcen responsible for the manner in By SAMUEL GRAFI'ON (New York Post Syndicate) jects. The factories which he Finland. and Nicholas Murray Butler, edu· which the l'aic18 we1'O 'carried out." erected to produce his "dynamite" Only .Germany, Britain, France, cational leader. However, the activities of IIoove)"s FBI men who investigated aimed toward those civilian pur­ all loyalty and seclJ['ity caso 118s come Unclel" heavy public criti.­ I wonder where the expatriates tists. In this atomic age. you ken shoel, and has no money for poses. ci m. will go this time. With hopes for might very well discover a group uranium? He can knock the neu- But it wasn't long before mili­ Clifford J. Dun, member of the fedel'a! communcations com­ an enduring peace broken as badly of bohemian sciehtists, who pre­ trans out of a dish of crepes suz- tarlsts throughout the world saw as in 1920, there will almost cer­ ferred a cold tesl-tube in , garret ·OFFICIAL DAll' BULLETIN mission charged in a recent Chicago speech that the PBT is pass· eUes, and be quite as happy. the terrible possibilities in the tainly be another lost generation. to being part of offiCial, co-ordi­ ing around to fedel'a! ag nei "information that they (have) not Of course one wonders whether powerful explosive. Italy took the s The question is: where will it car­ nated scientific investigation. .;,"'~1'fg;l. It.... III lh CNIVERSITY CALENDAR .r••• W ...... ilia ' askrd ('01' which (is) largely baselc s go sip. /I they will have their five unspoiled I!ead by erecting its own factory "', ".t'. 0111.... Old C.qUol. 110..,. Jar tb. OENnAL .... 1 ry its suitcases, and its disillusion? After all, it isn't so many cen­ " . Il .bnld be dep ••llod ... Ith tb. olt, odllor 01 Tb. DMIy _ ,II'll IIo said this was coming' 1.0 thc FCC and thnt apparently years this time. Things move fas- ~n 1889. Soon all the nervous n~­ '(' ~ • D.... In E ..t H.n •• G!:N£RAL NOTIClES 1M .t no .. gos~ip Tbe lost generation always tra­ turies since we had an official and Hoover expected the commission to mak its decision in light of it. tel' now; a Life photographer will Ions o~ Europe were eng~ged 111 I~ ' ....n b,. 2 p.m. the cia, proooedllll (11'1t lJubU ..II .. , ...... vels. Its leading members are an unofficial science. and your probably be there within six feverish race. e,xpe:lmentmg and ~ NOT be ._pt •• 1>7 teloph.DO. and ..uot be TYPID .. IItaI Du)']' l'cminfled his FC ' colleagues and that the eommi sion ~ WRITTEN ..d ~lQNID ., • r ••p ....lbl. po ..... rarely content to remain comfort­ advance-guard scientist was then months and the college boys hal! Imp~oving Nobel 5 dlscove~y. "may not dony n broadcast license 10 anyone except aftcr a pub­ ably lost at home; they like to go quite as raffish a character as a year iater. Wlst~ully, Nohel wrote m 1890: VOL. XXIV. No. 75 Saturday, D~mber U, Jtl7 lic heal'ing and upon the basis of thc record made in such a heal" somewhere to be lost. They your advance-guard writer is to­ "I WIsh I could produce a sub------.------ing. " gathered in Paris from the ends of day. Then, too, we are not as amused stance or a machine of such fright- He pointed out thaL IToovel"S "evidence" could not be used as the earth in the Twenties. and In the at,omic age, with science by noncomforrru t~ as we used to ful efficacy or wholesale devasta- U N I V E R SIT Y CAL END A R the ba is for a public hearing. ITe sugge ted that the IrEI go there Stein arranged her words in once more a prime concern of the be; one w.onders If, ~rom. now on, tion that wars should thereby be- Saturday, Dec. %0 versity vs. Iowa, fieldhOUJe back to catching crooks, as it is suppo ed to do. circles, and Hemingway wrote his state, unorthodox physicists might we are gOll1g to conSIder IDteUect-/ come altogether impOSSible." 12:00 p.m. Beginning of Holiday Salurday, Jan, S ual rebelion to be quite as charm- And he predicted that a day 8 p.m. Basketball: Princtlll "In times of Ilei~htened social and political tensions, I believe stories about how it was. Where flock to the little square in Copen­ recess thel'c i. a particularly .grave obligation on tho e in po ition to pass this time? hagen from many countries. One ing as once we thought it. might come when "two army corps University VB. Iowa, fieldhOUlt One ends with a vision of free- may mutually annihillate each Wednesday. Dec. 31 Monday, Jill. 5 judgment to be doubly sure of the basis upon which their judg· I don~t know whether it will be can see them in their cafes, under ments rest. " Paris again. for it is hard to repeat. the ·walls daubed with differential dam being chased frem alley to al- oth~r in ~ ~~ond " ~hen h~ belie,:- B p.m: Basketball: Harvard uni- 7:30 a.m. Classes resumed Jan Hasbrouck commcnted in II l' ccnt issue of the New Rcpllb­ As a matter of fact, a lost genera­ equations. singing their gay sonl(s ley, like a floating crap game, and ed al~ CIvilized ~ahons W:~I reCOIl (For 1III0000000tion rel'lU'dinc dates beJond &hlI 1ICIl...... ,lie that during the war the FBI built up a "collection of a vast tion is only good for about five in the company Of the little blonde with the thought that the tragedy and dIsband their troops. . dl'ed lenatloD in Ule oftlee of iIle PresldeDt, Old CapitoL) laboratory technicians of the quar­ of the next lost generation is tbat On Dec. 10, 1896, Nobel amount of go sip, baekbiting, knifc.throwing, grudge.paying, years. Then it is discovered by ter. What if yon red-headed it will be against the law to be hrarsay and trivia. the tourists, who come 10 watch it being lost. character in the corner _wears bro- lost. GENERAL NOTICES "The "re PO]) iblc' (i. c., well-to·do, conservative) ciiizens LIBRARY HOURS Prof. Wendell Johnson willlfilll The restaurants it founded are 'U. iN. Will Dec.ide whom the ·men consulted planted on them a lot of anti.labor, Schedule of univel'sity library on "Semantic ApprollCib ~ a ·taken over by traveling college anti-I~008evclt, anti-Russi81l pap carcfully catalogued as 'evi­ hours during holiday r~cess Speech." students, the arL it pioneered is ta­ AS PEGLER SEES IT-- (Dec. 20-Jan. 3). dence. ' ken over by the advertising agen­ Political Fate ot "All of this miglil (bt') ludicrolls if congress lind the admin. Reading rooms, Macbride hall WOMEN'S GIll cies. and it has to get lost all over The pool In the women'• .,.. i~tratjon had not provided IIoovel' Witll an outlet for his material. and library annex: again. It is hard, in a bustling ~ext Dec. 2O-Closing hour 12 noon. nasium will be open to aIlWIIJII 'l'hc admini. tration, with it~ loyalty program, gave it additional GOo~ Korea Month society like ours. to stay lost; you Picture, But Bad Actors Dec. 22 to 23-9 a. m. to 12 noon, students for recreat.ional ... standing by makjng it decisive in the life of every federal em­ have to work at it. By LARRY HAUCK 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. ming, Monday. ThursdV IIJ4Jr1.1 ploye." It could be Mexico City this By WESTBItOOK PEGLER (Klnr Features Syndlca&e) LAKE SUCCESS, (,lP)-The po- day afternoons, 4:15 tO 5:31 Dec. 24-9 a. m. to 1'2 noon. J ad time, or one of the Scandinavian litical fate of Korea may be de- Dec. 25-Libraries closed. Saturdays, 10:30 to 1l:3u a.a capitals. Copenhagen., ma.y,be, The motl'on pl'cture I'ndustry cided next month after a United Dec, 26-1 p. m. to 4 p. m. Democracy in ·Action at SUI U. S. A. {or years and yeal·s. Nations commission in Seoul asks A r~ally .u?~and-comJng nalional tells us that ten persons have beeh Good old Harry Al Raschid who the Russians to help carry out a Dec. 27-9 a. m to 12 noon. UNDERGRADlJATIS Undergraduates in tbe tdilll' t?Ul'lst minIstry would set out de" discharged or otherwise eliminated used to keep a town-tent in New U. N. decision calling for country­ Dec. 29 to 30-9 a. m. to 12 noon. of liberal arts. pharmacy,..,1:­ Delln E. '1'. 1'l.'tcrsOll, ex 'cn· 'l'his looks to us like a good hb~rately to capture the lost gene- because they refused to swear to a York J10r nights whell he missed wide elections leading to establish­ 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. live dean or the division of 1'e· ('xamplc of democracy in ac­ ration. trade. It adds cultural comml'ttee of congress that they th 0 1 t Lo lId h D Dec. 31-9 a. m. to 12 noon. cering and comme'rce are remIJido e wong s an were a- mcnt of an indeplmdent KOl'ean cd by the office of "the I'!gI!InI search and teaching, announc- tion-ina much Ii -Aydelotte's preslige La a counLry to have th6 were not Communists. ve~'s mother Jived, and finally got government. Jan. I-Libraries closed. of the university's regulation thai cd Thursday thc appointment ' . . 1 lost generation settle down in it, The names are Maltz Trumbo waived out of that indignant If the Russian answer is un­ Jan. 2-9 a. m. to 12 noon. 1 'lli 0 A d I tt appomtment was unammous y one semester hours work will b! of W1 am . v e 0 c as . and, as I say, it brings the college Ornitz, Lawson, Lardn~r, Biber~ lady's life in a gamey little divorce favorable, the alternative con­ p. m. to 4 p. m. I added to graduation requJnmlllb interim chairman of tile hi. recommended by the history boys. man, Scott, dole, Bessie and Dmy- case t~at someb.ow got forgotten . .1 ceivably could be a course lead- Jan. 3-9 a. m. to 12 noon. No Sunday opening during 'the for each class missed durilll!hl tory department. department faculty. All you have to do is dust off a tryk. Some of them are assurmed DaVId Hopkms was bound ro 1 ing to partition of Korea. holiday recess. 24 hours preceding and fquaww coupe of quaint squares, float the names. succeed.. The Russians, firmly entrenched a university holiday. ~ Chrlsl'l appropriate word-at-mouth, and Enterprise studios of Hollywood Back III those dear old New Deal as occupying power in the north- Special haul'S for department li­ braries will be posted on the doors mas holiday be~lns 12:!O p.m. INTERPRETING THE NEWS- lower Lhe I(!xchange rate. This recently released a film on an old days before the war, when Jimmy ern half of Korea. are expected Satul'day, Sept: 20, and ()alii last is important; the lost genera- theme, the dry-sp~ of the vat- Imd Elliott and Eleanor and to reject all overtures for their of each Iitirary. Reserve books may be with­ wlll be resumed 7:30 a.m., )I(JII' tion is firm abou~ getting quite a man. In pugilism. A champion ac- Grandlnaw aM Uncle Forbes Mor- sanction of an election or permis­ day, Jan. 5, 1948. lot of native currency fOr its dol- cepts'the gamblers' bribe to take a gan were raking in money on thell' sion for U. N, observers to cross drawn for the holiday vacation be­ U. S. Can't Afford To Pass Up ~RP ginning 1 p. m., Friday, Dec, 19, lars. dive. A vat-mall" is known also many ingenious litlle pitches, Ele- into- Soviet-held territory. Such- SCHOLAISHlP8 and shoul~ be returned by 12 noon By J . .M. ROBERTS. JR. munists would deci-de to substitute We come now to the question of as a tanker, a high-board man, or anor got a season of broadcasts at moves were forecast he~ .Iast Applications for the La V~ Jan. 6, 1948. . • AP Forel,n Affairs Analyst direct action for economic and what Lhe next lost generation wi1l splash-man, and the fuzzy camem- $1,000 a week for a South Ameri- month when Deputy Foreign min­ Noyes, Carr and Stu4ent A'j President Truman's message to political pressure, the Un i ted concern itsel1 about. It can't do bert taste of these beloved old can coffee cartel. istcr Andrei Y. Vishlnsky de­ scholarships are now availlble lJ congress asking 17 billion dollars States would be force to adopt the the one about sex all over again. terms certifies that the thing call- The South American countries scribed 'the assembly's aeclsion as 8OCIW'Y ' FOR GENERAL th,e 011ice of student atfab'J. Ap­ for implementation of the Mar­ ancient European practice of vast The business of telescoping words ed "one of those ·things" Is an an- put up the money and the ad ver- "illegal" and said his country SEMANTICS plications must be returned III tblt J shall plan is a clear statement 01 and continuous outlays for mili­ together is probably washed up, ~ient itlstitlltldl'l. j {ising account was taken away would not cooperate. The Iowa chapter of the Society office by 5 p.m. Tuesd~./In. L jts economIc necessity, but more tary purposes, turning our national too. It might turn out that the So the idea is not original. frcitn Arthur Kudner of New York The Soviet boycott took tang i- for General SemanLlcs will not in order to be considered tor tiJI important is the care with which energies into non-productive and next lost generation won't even The name of this picLure is and given to the Buchanan agency. ble form when the Soviet Uk- meet until Monday, Jan. 12, 1948. second semester. he completed the perspective from wasteful fields. What happened consisL primarily of writers. "Body and Soul". The star Is That was the prime condition. raine, one of the nine nations ------,------~----~~ which thefprogram must be view­ to 70 years of such a It could, for example, be scien- known as John Garfield. The 'Buchanan outfit had to elected to the commission'. refused ed. situation vis-a-vis Germany is an Canada Lee is his opponent in handle tbe account, wbich pays to serve. The body thus will lunc­ "Our deepest concern with Eu­ outstanding example of what that done better to consider the Rus­ the fight. He is a Negro actor the usual 15 percent commission. tion with delegates from eight na­ WSUI fROGRAM CALENDiR ropean recovery. however, is that can do to a country. who used to [igll't in the ring in order La get Eleanor for the tions: Aust(alia, Canada, . China, . sian sphere as a total loss insofar 8,00 a.m. Mornln~ Cbapel 2:00 p.m. Johnson County H...... JIlo- it is essentiai to the maintenance The President points out that as the program is concerned. around New York. Not bad. trained seal of the act, because El Salvador, Franco, India, Syria 8:l~ a.m. News, McBurney shall • 8:30 •. m. Melocllc Moment, 2:15 p.m.Satety Speak. of the civilization In which the the proposed 17 billion appropria­ Then any help which may be Since he took to speaking recita- little Davey had a job with Bucha- and the l'hilippines. 9;00 a.m. Muslc.1 .Inlerl\llle 2:30 p.m. Gilbert and PII1. 9:02 a.m. Organizations American way of life is rooted." tion to keep Russia from taklng obtained from that source could tions with expression and gestuTes nan. The United States, which ac­ hQuM: And "if Europe fails to recover, over all Europe is onJy a small have been applied as a welcome he has developed something called So now he is with Enterprise cupies the southern half of Korea, 9::.0 a.m. The Book~hell 4:30 p.m. Tea Time Melodl.' 9:45 a.m .• After . 8re~kla .t Cof/ce 5:00 p.m. The Children', Hour the peoples of these countries percentage of what we spent to but not essential profit. social consciousness, a common studios, Hollywood, which produC- sponsored the assembly step and 10:1~ p.m. Tbll Weele In the Magazines 10:30 a.m. Pian\) Ml!IOdles 5:30 p.m. News might be driven to the philosophy prevent Germiny from doing the As Europe's industry begins to malady of actors these days. HIs ed "Body ami Soul" starring John naturally is ready to cooperate. IO:4~ •.m. FasblOn r.atur•• 5:.~ p.m. Sporls Tlme-BraGU of despair-the philosophy which same thing., The strong implication do its job there will be increasing name bobs up again and again in Gal'field, as he calls himself, and The commission's secretariat o( ll:oo a.m. ~eporte~·. 'Scrapbook B:(I(J p.m. The Dinner Hour_~ I 11 120 '.m, Johnlon County New •. Schrs- 7:00 p.m. Nil ... ahd nnll . ~ contends that their basic wants is that failure to kJck in with such pressure upon the Russian satel­ -the company of other names often Canada Lee, acclatmed by The about 25" headed by Assistarlt illir C..... :r apd I4ward. can be met only by the surrender a relatively small sum now would lites to resume their tradiJ;lonal cited by the committee on un- Daily Worker of New York not SeC\'e~ar~-General Vlctol' Hood of 11 :30 a.m. Latin AmerIcan Rhythm ? ,15 p.m. Ml18lca! MOO!i' "_,_ 11 ,45 a.m. -Adventures In Researcb 7:30 p.m. SaturdaY 5w'''' -, of their basic rights to totalitarian be to run the risk of losing the en­ economic ties with the west. There American activities. . once but twice, China, will leave New York Jan. 12:00 noon Rhythm R.mbles 8,00 p.m. Recorded Interlude control." And by that he means tire previous investment. is already more than a trickle, "Canada Lee's superb portrayal Knowledge is my weakness. I 2 by chartered plane. Stops wnt be 12:30 p.m. New •• O 8;10 p.m. B.skltbaU Qa~ 12:45 p.m. Oue.1 Star 0:45 p.m. New., BrookS communism. Second in importance only to herevevr Russian demands on is one of the best thin~ about En- sop it up, The committee on un- made in San Francisco, Honolulu, 1:00 p.m. Mu.lcal Ch.ta 10:00 p.m. 810N On' · The inference. of course, is that the economic and security angles their production can be evaded. terprise studios' 'Body and Soul,'" American activitles says Garfield and Tokyo. The first commilliion J! communism advances to the At­ of the President's message is his But the Soviet is hardening its The Daily Worker'S review says. used to be Jacob Garfinkle, also meeting is scheduled for Seoul, In' lantic, the United States will be recognition that, unless properly currency, may throw its gold Enterprise studi{)s! Jules. Parents born in Ruslia. the U. S . .s~t?r, on. ~an. 8, .WHO C.lelidar WMJCaliadir Isolated in a hostile world. Not administered, the program can hoard into the fight, and ...intends Just "EnterprWle studios" , and Made speech at Los Angeles mllll­ CNIC Oudee, ' (01 Qa1IIf) only would world trade be dis­ fail. ' . to put up a last ditch battle that's all?' Oh, n'o. They were La meeting after Hiller double-eros$­ speech went on. "The story of ':00 •. m. W.lber 7:43 a.m. B_trlas! Club ':30 a.m. Adventure ot Archie Andrews rupted, costing us the prollts To my . mind, the ~reat wea~ against anythinl which" tends to be Bell! to David Hopkins, care En- ed Pal Joey saying that "Since ignorance has been Uquldattld and 0:30 • .m. amllln' II:d MeCollneU g,l& a.m. Mu.lo InapthDil which we are accustomed to take point ln the program as a whole tie Europe to {he' UnlteCi States. 'terprise studlo·s. Why? Russia has been invaded, we have the hOlTor of poverty I:.' a,m. 'ympbony of the Alr-Toscan. II :00 a.m. ThNlre -01 Todl)' Inl oondUclo ICt8 111 an IV 01 11 :00 •. m. 8tan Over JID1I1'iG'I'I from It. That is a strlctly busi­ Is lts reliance for a part of its Aside from that, the recovery Why? Well, because that would had a chance to get some fSet!;; Our job Is not OVer when HIUerili Verdi', "otello" neaa al1ile. success on an expected revival of program stands on its own feet a8 be our own little Davey, the son of 200 mlllion people In 25 years have 4:45 p.m. KIn, Colli Trio 1:30 p.m. Gr.nd Cenl~ 111Il0l eliminated, The Am.erlcan people 111& p.m. Mullc.1 ,. Me~orl •• • :30 p ...,. CamPIlI PI.... , But also our living standard trade between ens tern and western something which, even If it should the late Harry I,tasputin Hopkins. merged themselves into a bulwaJik mUit continue their. relation with ':4& If.m. US.S. N.VY ~nd 5:00 p.m. DIIC JJkeJ would be furthel' reduced by the FoUl·ope. cost more in the long I'un than ex­ ·tbe man who came to dinnel' at against Fascism." 'ltle-Ru!!l!IRh JICOPJe." 7130 lI.m. Trllih ot Cbn!II>Qumlr~a 7:00 11.m. ",. ~ ortftd ' ;00 p.m. "YoUI' 1111 Parade 8,00 P.'l'. JOM DaYIl urgent necessity of self-c1eren e, Thas i a plOllS obJclive toward pected, we cunnot nlfOl'd not Lo the White House and remained us All those stories 01 the Russian Neat trlck, through It\'l. !I'on CUI'-, 11:45 p.m. Barn Oanee Jubilee 8:30 p.m. V.ullhll Mon...... ' HkIIO' •.m. K.y K),ler', Colle8e Never knowil1& when the Com- which to work, but we might have try. the iuesb of the people of the terror ~oil down to this," tht lain. ,,46 P.m . .Chailie ~;; • , - , 12:00 Mdinilbt Rbytbm P.rade .. 11;41 jI",,~O" ~ __" Till: DAlLlr lOW !I, 1... '- P G YlV&

dA.> ., 131 105'30 .nd' 0 • •• pm. HIub duri... I .... ,.tlI LJII. ud ~1Inc of \be d\urth IlIId t~. SUlI-1 French carot. and an Irish carol I_ lbe No' .... IIH'Y_ m . ': a.m. SUnday whaol. 18:50 a.m. montInc wonhlp ~ . b), th The primary and beginners de- puIoOr. 1 ~ _ annual Christmas pro- • anm by the uDda)' t. W 1', P rtment. w1l1 sing arid the Junior 10 a.m . cottac p~...-u.. will> . Use Iowan· Want ·Ads to Buy, Sell or Trade! MrL llamuti Ilarl...... d n.are IS-word avenee ~ .... A. O. KELLEY In Greece and the Greeks prefer children and the lervant has pun­ IU.U .. Lal..... C~lrdo I. Aaulo) clocir",. Uftaftd ,~nt it a.",- 10:45 with chlldr n an young The hambu r i first recorded HlDImDlD Ad-I u.. 20 3~ E. Wa hJ~D 8L DIII •• u a ••••r .... 1 Ir.. Ci1l7 001 . IO •.s COIlAI.V1LLE em e B l e B ng. cians pre ribed chopped beef a.m. momln, worsh P.'t: " Chrirl· C ...I'III • The Geneva choir compo of CLASSIFI&D DISPLAY Athens. '"U's really a big joke," Miss 1.'" fried with omons as a cure for I:vuy dn.. school itudents will sine old coLds .50 per CelWl1D lDeIt "I'm enjoying very much the Radovich said. The monk takes ~ ~:y · ~.:e~-~·C=Ie~·~ ...r.= ~ ~e~uti.:n~=~·a., hlch and COU3hS. M .... ke at lhe Or 51 for a MOIIUI excitement and anticipation that this opportunity to poke fun 8 cbu...... I _. ------FU T PaE JlYTE",AN C IlUIlCD I tk___ ~ ___ ""'- CaMeOattOll DeadUae I .... USED CAR VAlUES goes With your Americnn Christ- membel'S or the family fol' their mas," he said. "It matches the "bad" deed. He chastises them P. Il.• ..-......,,....' .~. ~ - . &.po_ble tor One 1DeeI...... 1939 Nash 4-door edan unela),. I' Lm. h~h I. 1':4) general American plrii-bui it is mildly with a tick he carries. a .m, I. Ily Chmtm. ~it-e, 5:3t p .... I latuCIon On., RI ..dub CbrlalmAa port) al Ihe church. Ada .. 1-.. 1941 Nash 2-door edan very diClerent from the Greek After the saini distrlbut his ... DaI., R a u 0 Hal T holiday obsen'an e." gifts, the family gathers lor a BubI_ Office, hat Ball, Or 1947 Chevrolet Town edan . U ...... In,,' Rescrving 0 c. 25 strIctly for feast. • unday. IU •.•" . Blb,* 00). Subjm: DIAL 4191 1934 Oldsmobile edan I ''Tlle 11 .... 1... 01 Church lIe_rabJp.,­ I religious observance, the Greeks The teatur of the leut an ·I~. II a.m. Communion We

Here Is an excellen' oppor­ Let Us tunUy 101' younr sales minded men to earn while they travel Keep Your Clothes and learn, seiling a well known Looking Like New staple food product. If YOU ~re Interested In a sales, sales pro .. motion or adveri1slnr fu'ure Ca Oa Da Cleaners and the opporwnlty lor wide no PlCIUP AND DEUVDY BDVlCII lravel, here'. tbe job Utd will DIAL CUll" B. CAPITOL U BOua. BEaVlCB ROGERS RITEWAY rive you invaluable train1nr Trr Our AlIenUoDI aDd Ilepaln Dell&. A... wro. 8trut n... and experience. Youn .. slll,le men with two ;------~~ or more Years of eollere eduea­ ROOM-AND BOARr. tlon, or tbe equlvalen' prefer­ If red, We provide cars. salar7 C'MON, JUDGE "'POlI­ and travella, expenses. our Of IT ... '\'OUR. SHOT ... AN' I'vE LEFT you Apply by mall or in penon &0 'EM SET uP FOR. "IOU Sales Dept., National Oats, 1515 AS EASY AS DROPPING H. Ave., N. E., Cedar Rapl"" GRAVYON~~ Don't VEST" " HEY..~ Iowa. YAH~ " ME? IHO Need It PAt1L- ROIINSOR A WANT AD ItIADD WHODOlBIf DOB8

TYPEWRITERS ' ralet ReDtait and J upplles epaln • Late model Rental Type­ will. writers • Factory-TralDed Mechanlca Pay You • AaihorUM 1t0YAL T,pe­ writer Dealer Cash for It WIKEL TYPEWBITER l1HEuUDGE EXCHANGE HAS LOST 1%0 E. Collere Dial 1-105"1 7GAMES-- Dial 4191 "Over PeDDY'," It·t. THE DAILY IOWAN, SATURDAY, DEC. 20. 194'1-PAGE SIX Students ·Begin Mass Exodu 5 Cars, Trains ~,.,--~ ----~---- Mad Scramble, But Many on Way Home easons BY JOSMITH Clear Campus It was a mad scramble, but sev­ eral hundred SUI students were on their way home for Christmas yes­ terday afternoon. F'or Vacation . One glance at the railway plat­ By KATHERINE MONAMARA• form would convince an observer 13 To AHend that students were taking all their Xmas Equation and ERWIN GILMORE possessions with them-luggage, The annual flow of stUdents bulging boxes, babies, violin cases, Profs Find New Way leaving for Christmas holidays be­ even a galvanized gasoline can. To Wish Merry Xmas Law Meeting In fact, the only thing that didn't I gan yesterday with crowds board­ get to make that trip home for You probably heard the joke ing special truini buses, autos , Christmas was the goldfish. They about t·he proud mother who asked ~ . and planes. were deposited on a table in Cur­ I \ In Chicago Packed into cars, on speCial rier lobby to be cared for during her mathematics major son to say trains, or traveling by "thumb," vacation. something in algebra. IJ Dean Mason Ladd and 12 tatul· thousands of students Jeft yester­ One student's wife almost Just to prove that the proud ty members from the colle" of day and many more will leave managed to leave without him. parent wasn't asking the impos­ law will attend the annual meet­ today. DashlnK up to the ticket window Over 600 students boarded the a few minutes before the train's sible, William C. Guenther, grad­ ing of the American Association or trains yesterday and another 600 departure, he thrust an en velope uate assistant in mathematics, used Law schools in Chicago Dec. 21- the sign language of calculus fo are expected today at the Rock before the arent and said, "Look extend Christmas greetings to his 30. Island stalion, Frank Meecham, at these tickets. My wile bouKht class yesterday. SUI will be represented at !be ticket agent, reported. Students these. Are there two round-trip meeting by Ladd, Percy Bordwell, were still calling for reservations tickets to Ft. Dodl'e?" Guenther wrote :l mathematical yesterday. Space is available on A qutck check proved that his equation on the board in his class Clarence M. Updegraff, Eu,ene A. the eastbound 8 a. m. and the wife had purchased a ticket for room. Ou t of the tangled mass of Gilmore, Philip Mecl\em, Paul herself-but none for him. As letters and numbers thal composed o westbound 4:30 p. m. train. Sayre, Lenan Kent Tunics, Nank the equation came the solution, The Crandic lines doubled he produced the necessary mo­ R. Kennedy, Samuel M. Fahr, Ro­ schedules to handle the crowds. Tley lor the additional ticket, he MERRY XMAS. was heard to mutter, "Never Meanwhile, over in the chemis­ bert Hunt, A. Leo Levin, David E. All interurban trains will also Watts, and Arthur O. Letf. have special sections added today, ·trust a woman to buy anytblnl'." try department, Professor Stanely officials said. 'And then he was off to spend Wawzonek used a similar method Updegraff will address the pub­ Thirteen students, most of them MOB SCENES such as this were famJllar sights yesterday afternoon at the Rock Island railway depot as Christmas with his wife. to convey greetings lo his class. lic utilities section of the conler. from the New England states, took students departed, bag and baggage, for the two week Christmas vacatJon. One transportation ollicial was Prof. Wawzonek offered a bonus ence. He will explain labor law the eastbound United Lines (Dally Iowan Photo by Pete Dickinson) J optimistic about the whole thing. of five points to anyo~e who solv- problems as reflected on ind\IItIiaJ plane yesterday. Three persons - It could have been worse. for the ed the last equation of his hour price \evels. examination. With a liberal in­ left on the westbound plane. An students were leaving on two suc­ Ladd will head the commtitee on , terpretation of chemical symbols equal number are expected to Some Students Go, cessi ve days. cooperation with the American Workin' on the Railroad-Model the solution turned out to spell ~ leave by air today. LoW ceilings "It isn't really bad unless they Law institute and will be a memo -· r - MERRY XMAS TO YOU. grounded at least one private But Some Will Stay all leave at once," he said. ber of the special committee lor plane. The conductor on the eastbound selection of articles on the law 01 Rocket had his own opinion on the evidence. Students leaving by auto have So you're gOing home for the subject. Glancing up at the faces More than 600 persolls from 90 the advantage of safe highways holidays! peering through the steamed win­ Award Fisher Top law schools are expected to atteod and good weather. Snow is not You are lucky! dows of the loaded train, he shrug­ the conference which will be hdd expected until Monday or Tues- At noon today, many of the ged his shoulders and said, "These Honors in Junior at the Edgewater Beach hotel." / duy, according 10 the weather universi ty'l ten thousand students Iowa City people are the worst Special consideration, Ladd said, bureau's five-day forecast. . will stream from Io wa City to all passengers on the run. They take will be given to new arUc1es 01 as· Suitcases will bulge (they al- points of the United States. 'But advantage of everything. If you Law Class Trials sociation for the organiZation, ways do) and extra coats and the many will be unable to go because don't want them to turn their Programs for law schools 1ft usual array of' almost ~forgotten their home is in a distant part of seats, they will do it every time. Judge W. H. Antes of Iowa's developed through the law associ· articles will be carried under the the country or in a foreign land. It's a wonder they don't burn them 13th judicial district awarded ation. It is one of the most Import. students' arms. Some of these students will up." Bryce M. Fisher, Cedar Rapids, ant instrumental bodies in ~. Among their belongings many visit friends who live near Iowa Inside the students went through first place in the college of law's taining standards of legal educa· students will include text books City, some will or emain here to the old routine of stuffing coats on junior class mock trial held Thurs­ tion, Ladd said. The association or reference books (they are so work, and others, especially for­ luggage racks; adjusting the seats day evening in the senate cham­ also works in the field 01 lepl far behind in their classes they eign students, will sight-see some and trying to make titemselves ber of Old Capitol. • writing. cannot follow the "please leave of the United States. comfortable. The mad rush was Harold ,A. Houske, 438 River­ out the books" suggestion made "I will spend the holidays work­ over. University of Iowa? Never dale, received second place. The by President Virgil M. Hancher ing in University hospital," re­ heard of it. winners represented a fictitiouS 'fhursday evenipg). lated Betty Fern Yee Shan, N3, Arnold Bock in the trial and com­ Jayc,ee-Sponsored Vacation will be just Lhe time Ancan, Canal Zone. peted against E. O. Garrett, Cedar to catch up with class reading, Making a long trip to the east Sixty-five Elected Falls:and J. M. Moody, Ames. In learn a little Gennan vocabulary, coast is Terry C. Adams, E2, who the mock trial Garrett and Moody Movie for Children or write that term paper due at will spend Christmas in St. RAILROADER BILL McDAVID primps a mountain on a miniature served for Fritz Cummins who the semester's end. And then Charles, Virginia. To the north, landscape while a miniature Baltimore and Ohio fl"elght train runs To Historical Group appealed a lower court's dismis~ there are alwllYs final exams to about the furthest one can go around the track. McDavid built everything from the engine and cars Novelists Sinclatn Lewis and sal of his surt against Bock to .. To Help the Need, study for-who was it that said from Iowa City and still be in the to the shrubbery along the 30 feet of winding rails. An ardent railroad MacKinla~ ~a1l!or were el~ct~ to compel 'transfer of corporation One tin can 01 food will adIn\t "hope springs eternal in the hu- United States, will journey Sharon fan, McDavid spent almost 500 hours building the model. I me~bershlP ID the State HistOrical stock. I Iowa City youngsters to "!he man heart?" L. Judy, A2, to her home in In- Society of Iowa at a recent meet- After purchasing a redemption Prince and the Pauper," a mo~ie A few students unable to reach I ternational Falls, Minn. ill N d d ing of the curators. contract on the stock in a guar­ at the Capitol theater at'10 o'oIoek their homes will spend the vaca- But the Texan situation is dif­ Many SkI S ee e Loses, Then Wins Former Senator Guy M. Gillette dianship sale, Cummins offered this morning. . tion period in Iowa City. The ferent. Horsby Mims, A3, Fort • was also included among the 65 to redeem the stock, but Bock re­ The program, Includln, ",. Quadrangle office reported about Worth, said he was "rarin' to go." fused to sell. Bock maintained toons, is sponsored br the Jqnlor 60 men will stay there, and Hill- "It is impossible for me to go For Railroad Hobby Freedom in Court pe~:;:a e~~~dp~;so~e ~~~~:~ant~ that he obtained sole right of re­ Chamber of Commerce \hroIIa\ crest and Currier also will remain home," Aburto Hernandez, G, By BILL MCBRIDE membership were R. J. Collins, demption on the stock when he the contribution of Ernie Pa~ open during the 16-day vacation. Managua, Nicaragua, declared, 1304 Kirkwood avenue; Howard originally bought the holdings There's something about model Richard K. Ratchford yesterday theater operator, accordlll, to But Jan. 5 wiJ] find the majority "but I have been invited to spend Crew, 121 Fairchild; Lynn De Reu, from his bro.her. Christmas chairman Ralph MIller railroading that fascinates young­ lost-and then won-hi~ freedom I of students returning to the class- the vacation in New York City." after a day in the Johnson county 525 Oakland; Richard T. Fedder­ In making the awards, Judge and D. C. Williamson. sen, 706 E. College; Eldon Fry, room routine. For this pleasant Alva A. Evans, E2, Long Beach , sters and adults alike. court. Antes said he had not seen many Food collected at the show wID prospect a special train will leave Calif., said he would visit friends Just about anytime during the 506 Brookland Park drive; Mrs. briefs, in actual practice, which help fill Christmas baskets the In the morning he pleaded Ray H. Gile, 507 Iowa avenue; Chicago at 2:30 p. m. Jan. 4, ar- in Cedar Rapids. But Marie Kier­ day a crowd can be seen at the were as well handled. JayCees wlll distribute to needy guilty to a charge of assault and" M. B. Guthrie, 1527 Muscatine; • lJ'ivi ng in Iowa City at 8 p. m. nan, A3, New York City, de- The mock trial Thursday was Christmas display window of battery and in the afternoon his families before the hollday. Back 10 Iowa City will come clared she will stay in Iowa City. Mary M. McGuire, 128 Clapp; the second of a series by the law The Junior Chamber will wife received a divorce. pur· the packed cars, the special trains, "I wouldn't miss going home for Hobby Harbor, Iowa City model Leroy S. Mercer, 709 S. Summit, school. Winners of each trial will chase poultry to include in 11M Earlier this year his wife, Hen­ and the thumb travelers. Suitcases anything," exclaimed P h Y lli s and hobby shop. and W. F. Schmidt. 6 Woolf ave­ be attorneys in trials on supreme baskets along with toys and games riette, swore out a complaint to bulging with Christmas presents, White, A3, Forest Hills, N. Y. nue court. court day, April 8. colJected at the last JayCee n'Ieel. Kids of all ages, including those Attorney Jack C. Whlte charging students carrying their extra Kitty Kleiner, student from whq shave twice a day and worry Attorney Arthur O. Lelf is di­ , ing. Any surplus of food will CO coats, the usual array of almost- Praha, Ozechoslavakia, said she that Ratchford "did on or about recting the stUdents in the com­ about income tax reports, can't August 26, 1947, assault (her) with James E. Cook Reports to the Johnson county wel1~iII· forgotten articles-and their ice will spend the vacation sight-see­ petition. fice for delivery to other the intent to inflict great bOdily $70 Damage in Accident , II. skates! Who says school is aU'ing in the American metropolis get by the window without paus­ , families. I injury." She filed suit for divorce. James E. Cook, D4, Williams- work? (New York). ing to watch the scale model Although a single can is Yesterday Judge Harold D. te Two other students, one from burg, reported to police yesterday price of admission, MUler pd Baltimore and Ohio switch engine Evans sentenced Ratchford to pay an accident that occurred at 11 N 6F SUI the e~ coast, one from the west, ame rom Williamson urged the childrellio operate. a $100 fine or serve 30 days in p. m. Thursday involving his asserted they were going to remain bring as many as possible. The tiny engine and the train the coun ty jail. Evans also granted Rev. H. Kuhlmann, in Iowa City. Patricia Swanson, ~~~~~~bi~:~ an an unidentified I A2, who lives in Santa Monica, of seven cars it pulls over 30-feet Mrs. Ratchford permission to re­ To CR Radio Staff Calif., decried the great distance of winding track were bullt by sume her former name, Henriette Cook reported his car was Retired Ministerr to her home, as did Iva Reed, na­ Jack McDavid, ardent railroad fan, Par-rott. parked in front of his home at 716 Six University of Iowa gradu­ Guil~ tive of Lisbon, N. H. who is employed at the "Harbor." Ratchford is being held at the N. Dubuque street when the other ates and students have been nam­ Four Plead Explaining that the midget loco­ jail pending his decision on the car side-swiped it, causing $70 ed to the staff of radio station Dies at Home Here motive and even the landscaping sentence. damage to his automobile. KCRG in Cedar Rapids which will To Drunken . was built to the scale of about start AM broadcasting operations The Rev. Herman H. Kuhlmann, one-eighth of an Inch to the foot, at noon today. Riding a motor scooter ~ retired Lutheran minister, died at SUI·May Buy • ~David said he spent almost 500 They are Edna A. Herbst, pro­ in toxica ted cost Clifford W. DI.~ 4:30 yesterday ' morning at his Saleswomen Comment-- hours building the layou t. f motion, publici:ty director; Wally $150 and courts costs at the Job' home after a short illness. Model railroading Is definitely Pearson, chief announcer; Mrs. son county courthouse yesterdl1 The Rev. Mr. Kuhlman had liv­ More Land out of the toy class. It takes a Marni Mellen (the former Marnl when he pleaded guilty La ;' ed in Iowa City since February, .. combination artist, electrician, On Christmas Crowds Clayton), news staff; Dave Mar­ drunken driving charle. ] 943. He would have observed .The State Umverslty' of Iowa carpenter and psychologist to tin, announcet; John EUiott, an­ Three other men also pi~ his 84th birthday today. Will purchase an addlhon~l 10:5 I really do justice to the hobby. -Some Call Them Fun nouncer; and Don Maloney, news guilty to charges ot operatiJII .· He was born in Germany Dec. acres of land wes.t of the r~ver If I First of all, infinite patience and staff. motor vehicle while intoxicallt 20, 1863, the son of Johann and ~he state ex~utJve ~ouncil. ap: love of detail is a prerequisite. Miss Herbst was chairman of ' They were Ray Furman, J"'f Marie Wehrmann Kuhlman. In proves the actJon, PreSident VII'gll David spent hours working on * * *By JERRY JONES * * * Information First whUe attending Newton Snider, 322 Second lye­ 1883 he came to the United States M. Hancher announced y es terd~y . objects so small a magnifying glass "The Christmas season doesn't just wondering if they could at- the university, and Mrs. Mellen nue, and Walter Kaderl, 32\i~' and was married in 1891 to EIiza~ rrhe State Board of Educallon was sometimes needed to assure mean much to me any more," ford a Christmas dinner." was on the staff of The DailY LUCQS street. ~. . bet h Staehling in Waverly. has approved the purchase and accuracy. sighed the department store clerk, What annoys a clerk most when Iowan. Judge Harold D. Evans sen The Rev. Mr. Kuhlmann was at Irving Brant, owner of ' the Meticulous care was taken to shifting from one tired foot to the the store is crowded and she must Martin is a sophomore In the ed Furman and Kadera to pa1. one time professor of Latin at property, has agreed to the sale. see that landscaping and track other. wait on many customers at once? college of liberal arts and staff fine of $150 and costa of the ~ Wartburg college, Clinton. He Brant now lives in Kissimmee, layout were realistic. Much of the I "By the lime Christmas Eve One saleswoman said sl1e is most announcer at WSUI. He will work actlon and evoked their drlttr served pastora tes at Elvira, Iowa, Fla. . landscaping was done with plaster rolls around, I'm ready to cele- ~nnoyed by tl108e who tap coins part time at KCRG. licenses for 60 days. Sea~ 1# Peoria, Ill., and Summer, Iowa, Hancher said the land probably or paris, canvas and sponges. The brate by staying in bed Christmas Lmpatlently on the counter to at­ Maloney will also work part Snider, who Will charlie