Diver Rescue - Someconsiderations and Uncertainties
CI{APTERTEN Diver Rescue - someconsiderations and uncertainties JohnLippmann Aboutthe Author JohnLippmann has beendiving for more than 20 yearsand has held scubainstructor clualifications rvithseveral agencies. He has specialisedin teachingdiver rescue,cleep diving and orygcrtadminjs- tlationcourses. He has been an instructor and examincr in oxygen resuscitation with the Royal Life- SavingSocieiy of Australia (RLSSA)for the past 10 years,and is the ImmediatePast Chairman of the QxygenResuscitation Panel of the Victorian Branch of thc Society..Tohn currentl.y rept'esents RLSS (Vic)on the Australian ResuscitationCouncil. He is also cerlihed to-teachoxvgen first aid courses untlerthe sanction of the Divers Alert Network, and is a cert.ifiedfirst aid instluctor". Johnis 1hema-ior author of Thc DESIDAN Em.ergenclHond,booh. and is the aulhor of DeeiterInto Diuing,Tlrc Essent.ia/sof Deepe,rSport Diuirtg and Or;gen Fi.rst Aid t'r;rDir:ers. all of wh ich havc gained 1'or.ldrvideacclaim. ,Iohn's numerous articies on diving safetvate publishedthroughoul, the rvorld. At some tjme, a ciiver rnay find himself jn a support or refirte the r"ationales behind certain sihration where it is necessary to tescue an suggested techniques. ln addition. diver rescue unconsciousdiver, either submerged or on the i-snot a black and whil,e situation q'hcrr: one set surface.Fortunately, such situations are rat'e.' of specific actions trnivcrsallv applies. I)ivers shoulcl be madc ar,vareof gerrei'alpt'ini:ipals of Sometlaining :rgenciesinclude a protocol for the rescue,so t,heyare bettcr equipped t,oadapt to a les(rueo{'an unconscious diver during their basic palticular situation, should it arise.
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