February 9, 1967 HON. RICHARD D. Mccarthy
February 9, 1967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 3281 CONFIRMATIONS FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION APPALACHIAN REGIONAL COMMISSION Executive nominations confirmed by Lowell K. Bridwell, of Ohio, to be Adminis Joe W. Fleming II, of Arkansas, to be Fed the Senate February 9 (legislative day of trator of the Federal Highway Administra eral cochairman of the Appalachian Regional February 8), 1967: tion. Commission. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Rail Rapid Transit emphatic yes! The poor and indigent must tegrate pieces. The wide right-of-way is in have ready and economical access to the out appropriate in cities. It wreaks havoc with er communities. This is where many of the existing structures; takes too much off the EXTENSION OF REMARKS employment opportunities these people seek tax rolls, and cuts great swaths through the OF are located. neighborhoods." (Patrick Healy, executive The model city sessions were devoted pri director, National League of Cities.) HON. RICHARD D. McCARTHY marily to the conditions within our core Again, there was the W1lliamsburg Confer OF NEW YORK areas. Through a common effort, many of ence, where Detroit's Mayor Cavanaugh, the problems faced by the forgotten, un President of the National League of Cities, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES skilled and deprived groups, could be solved. said: "We must keep in mind the necessity Thursday, February 9, 1967 In addition, certain areas outside of our of including a strong component of rapid present city limits are also plagued by pov transit if we are to end up with a balanced Mr. McCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, the erty. These neighboring residents could be transportation system in the comprehensive necessity of rail rapid transit to match helped by the opening of job opportunities plan because huge sums for urban highways America's future transportation needs which were previously limited because of the will never by themselves solve urban trans and requirements was emphasized to me lack of good public transportation.
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