CONTACT HUMAN BRIDGE 802477-8238 Addres: Bergmossevägen 8, 574 5 3 H o l s by b r u n n , S we d e n Tel: +46 383-46 74 70 Email:
[email protected] Swish: 123 900 41 85 Pg: 90 04 18-5, Bg: 900-4185 2018ANNUAL REPORT HUMAN BRIDGE COLLABORATION FOR CONTENT PEOPLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT Human Bridge 24 Social activities Collaboration with companies, municipalities, county MUNICIPALITIES, WASTE AND HOUSING councils and organisations is a prerequisite for the 3 Our activities make a dierence in an 24 There is always room here COMPANIES activities of Human Bridge. Collaboration may take Human Bridge’s textile collection (collection of unjust world 25 Textiles in good hands many dierent forms and may involve aid in the form clothing, footwear and accessories) takes place 4 This is Human Bridge 26 Recycling with finesse of either financial or material donations. Or both. mainly through more than 2,400 collection containers 6 211 shipments to 18 countries 27 A springboard back to working life (boxes and containers) in Sweden in collaboration 9 In larger facilities with better conditions SJUKHUS OCH LANDSTINGHOSPITALS with municipal waste companies and private housing AND COUNTY COUNCILS companies. There are also collaborations with munici- To the depot for a second chance 10 28 Collaboration Human Bridge has agreements with several hospi- palities on the sorting of textiles. 28 The hospital in Kristianstad makes an important tals and county councils in Sweden, requiring all 11 Aid contribution to good aid phased-out equipment to go to our activities.