Lokiasa Terriblestrangeranda Sacredvisitor
69 Loki Loki as a Terrible Stranger and a Sacred Visitor Tomoaki MIZUNO 1. 1. The Methodology to Disclose the Enigmatic Figures of Loki Loki still remains one of the enigmatic figures in the NNorse orse pantheon ,, although many scholars scholars have endeavoured to explain Loki's complicated character from various points of of view. 1I believe that that the total figure of Loki could be gradually disclosed ,, when we would direct our notice to a certain specific action pattern of Loki . That is to saysay,, Loki comes ,, by nature ,, from the other world or ‘'their' their' world and intrudes into the divine worldworld,, or or into ‘'our' worldwor ld in a semeiological semeiological sense. In other words ,, Loki can be defined as a traveling traveling deity ,, who is invested with preeminent divine powerspowers, , especially when making a completion of a difficult journey ,, and Loki thus appears to be a sacred visitor visitor,, some-some times times,, or to be a terrible stranger stranger,, at other times. It It can be readily acknowledged that Loki (or Lodurr) L60urr),, when regarded as a traveling deity deity,, forms a triad together with Othin and HaniH~nir. r. ln In some mythological accounts accounts,, on the the other hand ,, Loki shows the close close relationship with Thor ,, accompanying him on a journey journey or enticing him into giants' land. land. ThusThus,, as Axel Olrik has pointed out ,, Loki myths can be largely into classified into two di different任erent types ,, Othin-Loki and Thor-Loki stories. Olrik has has supposed ,, through a folkloric approachapproach,, that these two types mainly result from the regional regional di difference:任erence: Othin-Loki type belongs to a western group ,, presumably connected with with the Faroe Islands Islands,, while Thor-Loki type does to a more eastern groupgroup,, in some relation relation with the Esthonian folkloric folkloric conception of the thundergod's servant (de Vries 1933 1933 : 142 -43).
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