Established 1914

Volume XIII, Number 148 9th Waxing of Tawthalin 1367 ME Sunday, 11 September, 2005

Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives * Stability of the State, community peace * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round * Uplift of the morale and morality of and tranquillity, prevalence of law and development of other sectors of the economy as well the entire nation order * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic * Uplift of national prestige and integ- * National reconsolidation system rity and preservation and safeguard- * Emergence of a new enduring State * Development of the economy inviting participation in ing of cultural heritage and national Constitution terms of technical know-how and investments from character * Building of a new modern developed sources inside the country and abroad * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit nation in accord with the new State * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept * Uplift of health, fitness and education Constitution in the hands of the State and the national peoples standards of the entire nation Thanks to concerted efforts of national race leaders and local people, sector-wise development is seen in states and divisions Lt-Gen Kyaw Win meets departmental personnel, locals in Langkho

Lt-Gen Kyaw Win meeting with officers and other ranks and their family members of Langkho Station. — MNA

YANGON, 10 Sept Langkho Stations, met tasks, joining hands with mentation of develop- tary reports on education, ment, the people and the — Member of the State with Tatmadawmen and the local national races. ment projects of rural ar- health and information combine their Peace and Development family members of He cordially greeted the eas in the district in 2005- matters. strength harmoniously in Council Lt-Gen Kyaw Langkho Station at the Tatmadawmen and fam- 06 financial year, land After hearing the building a modern, devel- Win of the Ministry of hall in Langkho on 8 ily members. utilization, local food suf- reports on education, oped and discipline-flour- Defence, together with September morning. At the town hall in ficiency, education and health, information and ishing democratic nation. Chairman of Shan State Lt-Gen Kyaw Win Langkho, Lt-Gen Kyaw health matters. agricultural matters of the Due to the concerted ef- Peace and Development explained progress of the Win met with departmen- District and town- district and township, Lt- forts of service personnel Council Commander of nation and gave instruc- tal personnel of Langkho ship level departmental Gen Kyaw Win said that discharging the duties in Eastern Command Maj- tions to them on harmo- District and Township, officials gave supplemen- nowadays, the Govern- (See page 8) Gen Ye Myint and offic- nious participation in re- members of social or- ers of Mongpan and gional development ganizations and local Due to the concerted efforts of service personnel dis- charging the duties in the respective regions and local people in carrying out development tasks of the country, more and more progress has been made in economic, so- cial, education and health sectors with restoring peace and stability in the Union.

people. INSIDE Chairman of Langkho District Peace This year’s motto is — First Aid with Vul- and Development Coun- nerable (Marginalized) People. is hold- cil Lt-Col Aung Maung ing First Aid skill competitions, demonstrations, reported on the situation of the district and its lo- essay and poem competitions and talks. Lt-Gen Kyaw Win cordially greets members of local national race group (9) PAGE 7 TEKKATHO ZAW HTOO OO cation and area, imple- in Shan State (South) at the Eastern Command in Taunggyi. — MNA Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views Sunday, 11 September, 2005 * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State Bring glory to the State * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy through sports In an effort to build a peaceful modern Commander, Mayor inspect beautifying and developed nation, the State Peace and Development Council is placing emphasis on improvement of national capabilities such as tasks of Yangon City educational, intellectual and social perform- ances. As the sports is included in the social sector of the national strength, relentless ef- forts are being made for Myanmar sports to keep abreast of the world. Now is the time when systematic steps are being taken for improvement of the sports standard in accord with one of the four social objectives, which calls for uplift of health, fit- ness and education standards of the entire nation. And it is also the time when the entire national people are supporting Myanmar sports for further achievements. A ceremony to open the 21st Defence Services Commander-in-Chief’s Cup Under-21 Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Mayor Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin inspect repaving Insein Road Tatmadaw (Army, and Air) Football in Insein Township.—˚MNA Tournament was held at Youth Training YANGON, 10 Sept — Chairman of Yangon The commander and the mayor also inspected Centre (Thuwunna) in Yangon on 8 Division Peace and Development Council Com- paving of the roads with asphalt and dredging of the September with an address by Chairman of Defence Services Sports and Physical mander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe drains in Kyimyindine, Hline and Insein Townships. Education Administrative Board Secretary-1 and Chairman of Yangon City Development Com- Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe gave necessary of the State Peace and Development Council mittee Mayor Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin inspected instructions to the officials. Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein, on be- tasks of beautifying Yangon City this morning. Similar tasks were carried out by half of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Mayor Tatmadawmen at No 2 Military Hospital (500-bed) Services. Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin oversaw paving of West and Nawarat and Myawady housing estates of the In his address, the Secretary-1 stressed Shwegondaing Road with asphalt in Bahan Town- Mininstry of Defence. the need for the athletes to uphold the concept ship. MNA that improvement of the sports standard is a national duty as the success of the sports can uplift the prestige and integrity of Upgrading course for schools and offices opened the State. Success of sports reflects the development YANGON, 10 Sept — The upgrading course guests. of the State. Therefore, the government is fa- 1/2005 for basic education and offices was opened First, the deputy minister made a speech on cilitating sports research works, providing at No 2 BEHS in Sangyoung Township this morning the purpose of opening the course and gave instruc- modern sports techniques and sports gear, and with an address by Deputy Minister for Education tions. constructing the stadiums and gymnasiums. Brig-Gen Aung Myo Min. Altogether 231 trainees from state/division edu- Meanwhile, Sports and Physical Educa- Also present on the occasion were directors- cation offices, basic education departments, educa- tion Institute has been conferring diploma cer- general of the departments under the Ministry tion colleges and BEHSs are attending the course tificates on the trainees. of education, Chairman of Myanmar Board of and it will last up to 15 September. Athletes were allowed to take part in in- Examinations, course instructors, trainees and MNA ternational sports events, and invitational matches were held for athletes to gain experi- AGM of MCF, MCSA, MCIA, MCEA held ences in sports. Hence, selected Myanmar youth teams YANGON, 10 Sept — The Annual General Meet- First, U Aung Myint addressed the meeting. emerged champions in the AFF U-17 Youth ing of Myanmar Computer Federation, Myanmar Com- The MCF President explained functions of the fed- Championship 2005 and the AFF U-20 Youth puter Scientists Association, Myanmar Computer In- eration and the meeting went to recess. When the Championship 2005. dustrialists Association and Myanmar Computer En- meeting resumed, the report of executives, financial Morality and good discipline are impera- thusiasts Association took place at the MICT building statements and auditing report were read out and tive for nurturing the outstanding athletes, who on Hline Universities’ Campus this morning. new executives were elected. must be endowed with endurance and indi- It was attended by Vice-Chairman of e-Na- Then, the reports and statements of MCIA and vidual qualities. Hence, athletes are always to tional Task Force member of Civil Service Selection MCEA were read. Later, completion certificates and strive for enhancement of their efficiency with and Training Board U Aung Myint and members gifts were presented to prize winning trainees and

diligence. and guests. instructors. — MNA

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+ E-National Task Force Vice-Chairman CSSTB member U Aung Myint speaking at Annual General 1 Meeting of MCF, MCPA, MCIA and MCEA. — MNA

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005 3

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¡ ¢¡ ¥§ ¨¢¡   Thai annual military appointment announced , 9 Sept — The Thai Government on Thursday announced the new appointment of top-brass military officers of the , according to the state-run Thai News Agency. The newly appointed Boonyaratkalin and new Silpipat. military leaders include Permanent Secretary for The new Com- new Supreme Com- Defence General Sirichai mander-in-Chief of the mander of the Royal Thai Tanyasiri, who was the is Armed Forces General former director of the ACM. Chalit Pukbhasuk, Ruengroj Mahasaranond, Southern Border Prov- while the new Com- A boat is seen in the drive-through lane at a restaurant in Bay Saint Louis, new Commander-in- inces Peace-building mander-in-Chief of the Mississippi on 7 September, 2005. The boat came to rest in the drive-through Chief of the Royal Thai Command (SBPPC). is ACM lane after Hurricane Katrina hit the Mississippi Gulf Coast.—INTERNET Army, General Sonthi The new Chief of Satirapun Keyanon. The Joint Staff is General- new appointment will be Lertrat Ratanavanich and effective from 1 October, ’s development significant to the newly appointed 2005, the beginning of Chief of Staff of the the government's 2006 global economic growth is . Lieutenat-General Sopon MNA/Xinhua XIAMAN (Fujian), 9 Sept — China’s extraordinary economic development during the past few years has contributed a lot to the world’s economic growth, said Hon Claudio Seajola, Minister of to import Productive Activities of . He made the remarks In 2004, China’s gross but that China also pro- the logistics infrastructure more Sugar at the International In- domestic product (GDP)) vides good opportunities at its major ports and the vestment Forum of the reached 13.65 trillion for Italy to strengthen its official said this is also a HANOI, 9 Sept — Vietnam may have to import North China International Yuan (about 1.68 trillion investment in this orien- good news for many Chi- more raw sugar this month to ease the shortage Fair for Investment and US dollars) and this is a tal country so as to seize nese investors. of refined sugar for foodstuff production, accord- Trade, which opened on positive sign in the glo- a bigger market share. Italy is planning to set ing to the Trade Ministry on Thursday. Thursday at Xiaman, a bal economy, he said. The Italian official 2006, as “China-Italy The ministry has just mated at 190,000 tons in scenic city in east Chi- A recent report by the said China’s growth will Year”. In this way, Chi- proposed the government the next two months na’s Fujian Province. Bank of Asia shows Chi- mean more chances for nese people and espe- allow local enterprises to while domestic sources na’s economic growth the globalization of the cially those in its eco- import additional 40,000 can supply some 150,000 China to helped improve the qual- Italian companies, espe- nomic circle will be able tons of raw sugar or tons. strengthen ity of life in the Asian cially the small- and to have a brand-new and 30,000 tons of the refined Vietnam’s sugar output continent. medium-sized ones. more complete and view product in September, in the 2004-2005 season food safety for Seajola said Italy feels The Italian Govern- of Italy, the official said. explaining that local de- dropped by 10.7 per cent kids the influence of China, ment is now improving MNA/Xinhua mand for sugar is esti- to more than 1 million tons due to prolonged BEIJING, 9 Sept— Public health, quality Jakarta meeting on safety of Malacca, Straits ends drought. The country al- lowed its foodstuff pro- control and other depart- JAKARTA, 9 Sept— The Jakarta meeting on the Straits of Malacca and Singapore ended here ducers to import 30,000 ments of the Chinese Thursday, calling for cooperation by agreement among user and littoral states on matters relating to tons of sugar in July. Government said they navigational and safety aids and the prevention, reduction and control of pollution from ships. Recently, the Vietnam will take more concrete The two-day meeting, with International Mari- including the ASEAN knowledges the potential Sugarcane Association measures to supervise which was participated time Organization to regional Forum State- of the Marine Electronic proposed the Ministry of food safety for kids. by delegations from 34 combat and armed ment on Cooperation Highway concept, which Agriculture and Rural Since last year, a countries, two observers robbery at sea. Against Piracy and other will be set up by littoral batch of famous interna- from inter-governmental The meeting recalls Threats to Maritime Se- states and the Interna- Development maintain tional and Chinese food organizations and seven the ASEAN declaration curity and on Strength- tional Maritime Organi- the country’s sugarcane- brands have gotten in from non-governmental statement, joint commu- ening Transport Security zation (IMO), in a bid to growing area at 300,000 trouble. organizations, urged all niques and action plans Against International ter- enhance navigational hectares, and close sugar MNA/Xinhua states, in cooperation on combating terrorism, rorism. safety and environmen- plants with daily capac- The Jakarta Statement tal protection in the ity below 3,000 tons in Security company closes issued at the closing ses- straits. the coming years. MNA/Xinhua Baghdad Airport over pay sion of the meeting ac- MNA/Xinhua BAGHDAD, 10 Sept — The private se- and security contractors to enter and leave curity company that guards Baghdad In- Iraq. Early in the occupation, Westerners ternational Airport shut down the air- could travel by road west to Jordan, north port on Friday, saying it had not been to Turkey and south to Kuwait. But for paid for the past six months. But the more than a year those roads have been company, Global Strategies Group, an- too dangerous, with guerillas in restive nounced early Saturday that it had Sunni Arab towns like Mahmudiya, agreed to reopen the airport on Satur- Mosul and Ramadi a deadly threat. day morning after a promise by the Iraqi After Global Strategies closed the air- government to pay half the amount port at dawn on Friday, infuriated Iraqi owed. The shutdown on Friday nearly ministry officials dispatched their own led to a standoff between American mili- troops to secure the airport. But the Iraqis tary forces and Iraqi soldiers when turned back to avoid a confrontation with forces rushed to the air- American soldiers who had already hur- port to prevent Iraqi troops from taking ried to the airport from their nearby base, it over, according to Iraqi officials and according to Iraqi officials and Global the security company. Strategies. Global Strategies has offices in The Baghdad airport is the one de- London; Dubai, in the United Arab Emir- A man walks through rubble after a building was destroyed by an explosion pendable way for many reconstruction ates; and Washington.—Internet in Baghdad on 9 September, 2005. —INTERNET

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005

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Putin, Schroeder give blessing ¡

 ¥ ¤ to gas pipeline deal BERLIN, 9 Sept— The leaders of Russia and gave their blessing on Thursday to a gas pipeline deal that cements Berlin's energy ties to Moscow but which Poland and others fear leaves them vulnerable to the whims of the Kremlin. The deal on the pipeline, which will April when Putin visited Schroeder in ship Siberian gas from Russia to Ger- his hometown of Hanover. It was final- many, bypassing Poland and the Baltic ized by the two leaders on Thursday. states, was signed by Russian state gas Gazprom will take a 51-per-cent stake monopoly Gazprom, German utility E in the partnership, with the German com- ON and Wintershall, a unit of German panies each taking 24.5 per cent. chemical maker BASF. Putin's visit comes 10 days before a Russian President Putin and German German election, which Schroeder is Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder stressed expected to lose to conservative candi- the strategic importance of the project date Angela Merkel. for the further development of German- Merkel, who grew up in the former Russian relations in the energy sector, Communist East, has criticized Schroeder the three companies said in a joint state- for sacrificing ties with eastern neigh- ment. bours by getting close to Moscow. She The deal worth over four billion euros has promised a more even-handed A Chinese man rides a bicycle past a poster at the Central Business District in (5.0 billion US dollars) was sealed in approach.—MNA/Reuters Beijing on 8 September, 2005. — INTERNET

Gunmen kill China hopes UNCTAD contribute 63 nations to sign new policeman in UN nuclear terrorism western more to achieve development Baghdad BEIJING, 9 Sept — China hopes the United Nations Conference on Trade and treaty Development (UNCTAD) would make greater contribution to the world NITED ATIONS BAGHDAD, 10 Sept — U N , 9 Sept— Sixty-three nations Gunmen attacked a police economy especially the development of the developing countries, Chinese have agreed to sign a new treaty against nuclear patrol in western Bagh- Premier Wen Jiabao said here on Wednesday. terrorism next week during a world summit in New dad on Friday, killing a The Premier made the remarks in a striving to safeguard the interests of the York, UN Legal Counsel Nicolas Michel said on policeman and wounding meeting with UNCTAD Secretary-Gen- developing countries since it was estab- Thursday. three others, the police eral Supachai Panitchpakdi. lished, and it has won the trust and sup- The treaty, which signature, it must then be said. Wen said development is the funda- port of developing countries. would oblige govern- ratified by at least 22 na- “Unknown armed mental way for the human race to eradi- The Premier also briefed Supachai on ments to punish those who tions before it can become men in two cars opened cate poverty and achieve prosperity and China's economic situation and ex- illegally possess atomic international law. fire at 11:30 am (0730 stability, and trade is an important means changed views with him on the Doha devices or radioactive Russia called for such GMT) at a two-vehicle to achieve development. Round negotiations of the World Trade materials, was approved a treaty in 1998 to keep police patrol in al-Rabie He noted that UNCTAD has been Organization. — MNA/Xinhua by the 191-nation UN nuclear weapons from Street. One police vehicle General Assembly on 13 falling into the hands of was burned and the other “Associated Press” says cameraman April, after seven years of terrorist groups. At the overturned,” police officer drafting. time, Alexander Lebed, Captain Ahmed Abdullah injured in Iraq The accord is first then the Russian national told Xinhua. global anti-terrorism security chief, said Mos- One policeman was NEW YORK, 9 Sept— An Associated Press cameraman was injured in the convention since the 11 cow could not account for killed and three others Iraqi city of Samarra, the news agency said on Thursday, the latest in growing September, 2001, attacks about 100 suitcase-sized wounded in the overturned list of casualties among journalists in the war-torn country. on the United States. nuclear arms. The agency said it is trying to estab- Late last month, US soldiers shot dead vehicle, Abdullah said, Called the "Interna- It obligates govern- lish the full facts of the incident that Reuters Television soundman Waleed adding that the casualties tional Convention on the ments to prosecute or ex- occurred on Wednesday, but understands Khaled while a Reuters cameraman trav- in the burned vehicle were Suppression of Acts of tradite individuals who that Iraqi forces were in the area investi- elling with him was wounded and then not known. Nuclear Terrorism", it possess radioactive mate- gating an improvised explosive device. detained by US troops for three days. MNA/Xinhua is meant to stop cland- rials or nuclear devices or The cameraman, who was not iden- In April, an AP Television News cam- estine networks from those who threaten others Saudi Arabia tified in the statement by the agency, eraman died in Mosul after being shot using or possessing while possessing such seizes smuggled was injured in the arm and stomach but three times in the chest when gunfire nuclear weapons. materials. his injuries were not immediately life broke out while he reported on an explo- Once it is opened for MNA/Reuters hunting threatening. sion.—MNA/Reuters ammunition Two Miami soldiers RIYADH, 10 Sept — Saudi Arabia has seized ammunition for hunting killed in Iraq guns smuggled from neighbouring Kuwait, the explosion Interior Ministry said on MIAMI, 9 Sept — Two South Florida soldiers Friday. died in Iraq when an improvised explosive device “It’s criminal smug- detonated near their Humvee, causing it to roll gling, and not related to over, the Department of Defence has announced. terrorism,” a ministry Staff Sgt Jude R Jonaus, 27, and Sgt Franklin R spokesman said. Vilorio, 26, both of Miami, died on Tuesday in Bagh- Al-Jazira newspaper re- dad. Both were assigned to the Brigade Troops Bat- ported that police inter- talion, Division Support Brigade, 3rd Infantry Divi- cepted the consignment of sion, Fort Stewart, Ga. 190,000 rounds of ammu- J Jonaus was deployed to Baghdad seven months nition in the northern Hafr ago as a pharmacy technician, his younger brother al-Batin Province after a Ricky said. tip-off from a Saudi Military officials said that Vilorio listed Miami as woman. A US soldier secures on the roof of a building in town of Tal Afar, west of his hometown but had no known relatives in the MNA/Reuters the northern city of Mosul on 8 September, 2005. — INTERNET city. —Internet THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005 5 APEC FMs’ meeting discusses issues of India approves capital movement, aging ecos multi-billion-dollar JEJU ISLAND (), 9 Sept— The 12th APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Finance Ministers' Meeting (FMM) on Thursday deeply discussed various issues ranging from how to secure a free French sub deal and stable capital movement and how to deal with aging economies at Jeju Island, South Korea. NEW DELHI, 9 Sept — The Indian Government Finance ministers or senior finance officials from mies should improve the remittance service, said the has approved a long-pending multi-billion-dollar the APEC 21 member economies on Thursday attended release. arms deal to buy submarines from France, a de- sessions of the 2005 APEC FMM at Shilla Hotel in On the issue of aging society and economies, the fence official said on Thursday, days before Prime southern Jeju Island. The meeting started Thursday meeting urged concerning economies to enforce finance Minister Manmohan Singh visits Paris. morning. reform, and enhance international cooperation on ex- The deal, initially estimated to be worth about 1.8 Finance ministers and senior finance officials fully changing experiences over how to deal with the issue of billion US dollars, involves the manufacture of six exchanged their views over this year's APEC FMM's aging economies. Scorpene SSK-class submarines at a naval dockyard in two main themes of "Free and Stable Movement of Finance ministers and senior finance officials also Mumbai. Capital" and "Meet the Challenges of Aging Econo- discussed some factors that affected the APEC region's A delay by New Delhi in closing the deal is mies", said a news release of the Chinese delegation to and global economy, such as imbalance economic de- expected to have pushed the price up, said the official, the meeting. Chinese Finance Minister Jin Renqing led velopment, continuing roaring oil price, rising interests who spoke on condition of anonymity. "The PM is the Chinese delegation to the two-day meeting. rate in the world, being formed bubble in the real estate expected to announce it in Paris next week," he said. On the issue of free movement of capital among the sector and increased trade conflicts. The project is expected to be handled by the APEC economies, finance ministers and senior finance "Finance ministers and senior finance officials called marketing arm of state owned DCN International, the officials pointed out that since remittance made by on international communities to take joint measures, to main naval contractor for France, and Thales SA, one foreign labours became a more and more important part reinforce dialogues and cooperation to cope with these of the world's largest defence electronics firms. of the movement of international capital, APEC econo- above challenges," the release said.— MNA/Xinhua MNA/Reuters Typhoon “Talim” kills 76 in Anhui Province HEFEI, 9 Sept — The death toll inflicted by typhoon Talim rose to 76 in east China's Anhui Province and relief supplies and fund totalling 110 million yuan (13.5 million US dollars) have been sent to the disaster-stricken region, said governor of the province Wang Jinshan on Thursday. Anhui was hit by ex- ceeding 100 millimetres work and large groups of tremely heavy rainstorms and some reservoir ar- relief supplies including rarely seen in its history eas had rainfall of over tents, food, cotton quilts from 1 to 3 September, 600 millimetres. and medicines have been the governor said at the The heavy rain- rushed to the disaster-hit province’s flood control storms inflicted by the regions. and relief televised typhoon caused mud- In addition, more conference on Thursday rock flows and landslides than 150 medical teams afternoon. on 3,000 sites in the prov- have been sent to the dis- Statistics showed ince. And 61 reservoirs aster-stricken areas. that areas totalling have reached alarming The province is try- 270,000 square kilome- water level. ing every means to help Women and children wait for transportation in Kabul on 9 September 2005. tres in the province ex- The province is or- and resettle the victims. INTERNET perienced rainfall ex- ganizing all-out rescue MNA/Xinhua Joint air patrol on Malacca Indonesia plans new air safety checks JAKARTA, 9 Sept— The Indonesian Government plans to introduce new inspections for aircraft in the Strait to begin on 13 Sept country to ensure passenger safety and help prevent future plane crashes, Minister of Transportation JAKARTA, 9 Sept— Four countries will launch a Hatta Radjasa has said. joint patrol on Malacca Strait in Kuala Lumpur, "The plans would in- toring any cuts in mainte- carriers. til late in the year. Malaysia, on 13 September, in an effort to secure clude fuel checks outside nance costs," he said. Observers fear the In June, the ministry the busiest sea lane of the world, regular engine examina- The crash on Monday battle for lower fares has issued Regulation No 35/ said here on Thursday. tions," Hatta was quoted of a PT Mandala Airline forced companies to com- 2005 that capped the maxi- The so-called "Eye-in-Sky" air patrol would be Thursday by The Jakarta Indonesia Boeing-737 in promise on safety by cut- mum flights for purchases participated by Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Post newspaper as saying. Medan, North Sumatra, ting back on costs. of new aircraft to less than , said Colonel Surya Wiranto, operation as- "We want to be very has renewed concerns Hatta said several 50,000 total flight cycles, sistant of Western Fleet Commander of the Indonesian sure that there is no fuel about flight safety after new safety regulations meaning airlines could not Navy, on the side line of a two-day meeting devoted to contamination. We have years of cutthroat compe- had been created earlier buy planes roughly more discussing the safety, security and environmental pro- invited the Indonesian Na- tition among domestic air- this year but were not ex- than 30 years old on aver- tection of the Strait. tional Air Carriers Asso- liners, especially budget pected to become law un- age. — MNA/Xinhua Each country would send at least one of their ciation to help us work out aircraft loaded with representatives to attend the pa- a plan," he said. trol, he said. Hatta said Indonesia's "13 September is the launching (day) of the Eye- checks and balances al- in-Sky air patrol by the Defence Ministers of four ready met international- countries. We really need the eyes of those in the air standard regulations for to get information of those on the waters," he said. aircraft, including the civil The air surveillance would be conducted continu- aviation safety standard. ously and jointly by the four countries, he said. The extra checks "There is no day without the patrol," he added. would mean the govern- The patrol was initiated by Malaysia during the ment's supervision of the meeting of the military commanders of the four sector was even tighter, he countries in early August in Kuala Lumpur. said. Three littoral countries, Indonesia, Malaysia and "We are very strict Singapore, have launched a coordinated patrol on now, we even do double Malacca Strait since last year, but piracy and robbery brake checks, and we have is still rampant. ordered a full audit of air- Over 60,000 ships annually pass the Strait which line companies and air- connects the Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula. It ports. We also have a pref- serves as an economic link between the erential tariff (we impose) US Army troops patrol with Bradley Fighting Vehicle in Tal Afar, Iraq, 93 and the South China Sea. — MNA/Xinhua that is effective in moni- miles east of the Syrian border on 9 September,2005. — INTERNET 6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005 China, Argentina cooperate in Cambodia astronomical research celebrates BEIJING, 10 Sept— China will send a precision astronomical instrument to Argentina, and astrono- Int’l Literacy mers of the two countries will conduct cooperation Day in astronomical research. A third-generation satellite laser ranging (SLR) PHNOM PENH, 9 Sept instrument, with a 60-cm-calibre telescope and weigh- — Cambodian Prime Min- ing about six tons, will be transported to the San Juan ister Hun Sen on Thursday University of Argentina in mid-September, according urged the whole country to to the National Observatory of the Chinese Academy pay a special attention on of Sciences. This will be China's first medium-sized those over age and drop- astronomical instrument installed overseas. out children to prevent The primary function of the SLR is the measurement newly illiterates. of precise distances between laser telescopes and reflec- 8 September is the In- tors on passing satellites. Built in China, testing of the ternational Literacy Day instrument showed that its accuracy is up to the interna- A Pakistani woman looks out of a decorated taxi bus in Rawalpindi's Saddar and also Cambodia's Lit- tional laser ranging standard. Bazaar, east of the capital Islamabad, on 9 September, 2005.—INTERNET SLR is the most important geodetic instrument for eracy Day. More than the establishment of an accurate global geodetic infra- Malaysian Govt to enhance 3,000 people gathered at structure and earth monitoring science, said experts. the beautiful Hun Sen SLR is mainly used in monitoring earth rotation and competitiveness of MSC Parks in the capital to cel- polar motion, modelLing the temporal and spatial ebrate the event Prime KUALA LUMPUR, 10 Sept— The Malaysian Government will embark on variation of the earth's gravity field, and the determina- Minister Hun Sen deliv- several initiatives to build the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) into a more tion of ocean and earth tides, experts explained. ered an important speech attractive and competitive investment destination, Prime Minister Abdullah However, most SLR instruments are located in the at the gathering. Ahmad Badawi said on Thursday. northern hemisphere. The observatory of San Juan Citing there are three The MSC Bill of Guarantees will tions Technology (ICT), the Malaysian University is an excellent place for SLR, for the clear main challenges in the in- and dry air there, said experts. — MNA/Xinhua soon be updated and the government Government will continue to develop will re-examine the package of incen- key ICT growth areas, Badawi said. formal education system, World’s largest watch, clock tives to create a better investor-friendly Meanwhile, the Prime Minister en- the Premier called on pro- environment, Badawi was quoted as couraged those business leaders and viding opportunity and fair stages in Hong Kong saying by local media. ICT talents attending the meeting to tap chance to over age and the HONG KONG, 9 Sept— The 24th Hong Kong "Furthermore, we are strengthen- the potential in biotechnology-related drop-out children to be re- Watch and Clock Fair unveiled here Wednesday, ing the funding landscape by ensuring fields, noting that the combination of integrated into formal edu- bringing 807 exhibitors from 17 countries or re- adequate and affordable funding at all ICT and biotechnology can help create a cation system to prevent gions to the biggest fair of its kind in the world. levels and for all types of firms, al- competitive biotechnology industry. newly illiterates. Organized by Hong Hong Kong is able to stay though particular emphasis will be The sales of MSC companies ex- Hun Sen also urged to Kong Trade Development ahead of the competition given to pre-seed funding and small ceeded 1.6 billion US dollars in the year provide knowledge which Council (TDC), this year's because its companies and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) 2004, underlining the rapid growth of is tied closely with the de- participants at the five-day never stop upgrading the respectively," Badawi said at the open- the ICT industry in Malaysia, Badawi velopment of life-support- show include newcomers quality, design and out- ing ceremony of the MSC International said. Malaysia's ICT sector grew by 8.3 ing skills for those matured from Jordan and Russia. put of their products. Advisory Panel Meeting in the State of per cent last year, higher than the coun- These companies are literate, by focusing espe- The TDC also made ar- Penang. In line with the efforts to try's gross domestic product (GDP) rangements for 45 buying also exceptionally fast in cially on women, vulner- strengthen MSC's position as the cen- growth of 7.1 per cent in 2004, Badawi missions, comprising responding to customers' able families, youths and tre for Information and Communica- added. — MNA/Xinhua more than 1,600 buyers needs, he added. remote communities. from 32 major markets, to He acknowledged that "I would like to stress visit this year's fair. Hong Kong manufactur- UN raises alarm on death squads that this activity is an im- According to David ers were broadening their portant factor in prevent- Turnbull, TDC council range of products. Many and torture in Iraq ing youths from falling into member, watch and clock have also developed their BAGHDAD, 9 Sept— The United Nations raised the alarm on Thursday drugs experimentation, dealers everywhere regard own brands to raise their about mounting violence in Iraq blamed on pro-government militias and urged sex-trafficking robbery and competitiveness in the Hong Kong as one of the the authorities to look into reports of systematic torture in police stations. violence," the Premier said. best sourcing centres for world's market. Over 80 In a bi-monthly hu- UN Assistance Mission tarian death squads Education Minister timepieces. Last year, the Hong Kong brand names man rights report, re- for Iraq also said "mass among police forces. It Kol Pheng said that Cam- export value of watch and are displayed on the fair, leased on a day when 14 arrests" by US and Iraqi has admitted that abuses bodia's illiterates in 2003 clock totalled six billion 34 per cent up over the more victims of "extra- forces, and long deten- do occur but has vowed reached to 32 per cent of US dollars in Hong Kong. figure of last year. judicial executions" were tions without charge, to crack down. Sunni Turnbull noted that MNA/Xinhua found near Baghdad, the could damage support for guerillas are also accused the population of 12 the new political system. of mass killings of civil- million."With the efforts "Corpses appear ians and security person- made by the government regularly in and around nel. more than 5,200 literacy Baghdad and other areas. Sunni leaders were classes were set up for more Most bear signs of tor- angered when 36 bound than 105,000 people in ture and appear to be vic- and blindfold men were 2004, helping 76,000 peo- tims of extrajudicial ex- found tortured and shot ple eliminate illiteracy, ecutions," it said, noting near the Iranian border among them 53,000 were incidents reported after two weeks ago. On women or girls," he said. arrests by "forces linked Thursday, police said "Though Cambodia to the Ministry of Inte- they found 14 bodies, has achieved remarkable rior". "Serious allegations similarly tied, some of success in eliminating il- of extra-judicial execu- them policemen, in a literacy, it still has a long tions ... underline a dete- farm stream south of rioration in the situation Baghdad. Doctors in way to go," Kol Pheng of law and order." nearby Mahmudiya, stressed, adding that "the The Shi'ite-led gov- where the bodies were major challenge is to in- ernment has denied accu- taken, said the deaths ap- crease the school A mounted policeman watches over a line of several thousand people in the hot sations from the once peared to have taken enrollment of female child sun waiting to get disaster relief funds from the American Red Cross at the dominant Sunni Arab mi- place two days earlier. and the children in poverty Astrodome complex in New Orleans on 8 September, 2005. —INTERNET nority that it tolerates sec- MNA/Reuters areas".— MNA/Xinhua THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005 7 First Aid with Vulnerable (Marginalized) People Tekkatho Zaw Htoo Oo

First aid is the basic medical treatment battle fields, is now a life-saving method in all In the years 2003 and 2004, the First Aid which is given to a person as soon as possible emergency cases also in the civilian society, and Day was observed with the motto — First Aid: after he has been hurt in an accident or suddenly also standing as the symbol of the International a gesture of humanity which makes the differ- fallen ill before being sent to a hospital or a Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Soci- ence. Myanmar observed the Day in all states clinic or given proper treatment. eties movement. and divisions. A method accepted by the entire medical In all seriousness, the International Federa- This year’s motto is — First Aid with Vul- profession, first aid was introduced with the aims tion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, with nerable (Marginalized) People. Myanmar is hold- — to save lives, to prevent illness or wounds 181 member nations, designated the First Aid Day ing First Aid skill competitions, demonstrations, from getting worse, and to recover soonest. to honour its method of saving lives. essay and poem competitions and talks. Brought in by a German medical officer, In the year 2000, Red Cross societies of 16 In this age, the Red Cross activities cover first aid is an essential life-saving method, ben- not only the victims to disasters, but also the eficial to individuals and families, communities, The 12th International Federa- vulnerable. The Red Cross at present is conduct- workers in any occupations, and people in situ- tion of Red Cross and Red Crescent ing community-based social health tasks in ad- ations likely to face hazards. Societies Conference held in Geneva dition to its ordinary functions of helping and Dr Esmarch was the chief medical officer in October 1999, laid down the First caring the victims. of the German army in service during the Franco- Aid Policy. Based on the policy, the The 12th International Federation of Red Prussian war. Based on his experiences and the Cross and national Red Crescent Societies Con- national Red Cross societies of mem- facts he found during the war, he compiled books ference held in Geneva in October 1999, laid on first aid for the wounded and battlefield first ber nations drafted their own work down the First Aid Policy. Based on the policy, aid. First, it came as a method, giving primary programmes or policies. The the Red Cross societies of member nations treatment to the wounded soldiers to prevent their Myanmar Red Cross Society laid drafted their own work programmes or policies. condition from getting worse before arriving at down its policy in 2003. The Myanmar Red Cross Society laid down its the base military hospitals. But now, first aid policy in 2003. has been in wider use in the civilian life. European countries held the First Aid Day. The The MRCS is implementing its three tasks After witnessing the horrors of the battle following year saw the participation of Red Cross — to enhance health care, to prevent diseases, of Sofareno, Henry Dunant suggested to send an societies of Central American nations. And in 2003, and to help the victims— according to the ob- adequate number of medical crops to the battle the First Aid Day was observed with the sponsor- jective “Poverty alleviation”. People can be ben- fronts, and to train in advance volunteers to help ship of the International Federation of Red Cross eficial to their own families and the society medical corps in the event of a war. As his sug- and Red Crescent Societies. All the global Red through dissemination of the First Aid and pub- gestions led to the emergence of voluntary Red Cross societies have agreed to hold the First Aid lic participation. And with this article, I honour Cross brigades, he was called the father of Red Day simultaneously at 11 am local time the World First Aid Day. Cross movement. on Saturday the second week of September every (Translation: TMT) First aid, the idea that was born in the year. Kyemon:10-9-2005 Two killed in military plane Tropical storm “Ophelia” crash in Cyprus weakens off Florida MIAMI, 10 Sept— Hurricane Ophelia weakened into a tropical storm NICOSIA, 10 Sept— At least two plane circle over the village twice people were killed in an army aircraft before crashing into a building site, and began to creep away from Florida’s Atlantic Coast on Friday but crash in a village west of the Cyprus adding that at least one newly-built forecasters said it could return to the US coast as a stronger hurricane next southern coastal town Limassol on house was ablaze and the plane first week. Saturday. touched the roof of a nearby church. Ophelia had top winds of 65 mph With the US Gulf Coast still in Marios Karoyan, director of the Defence Minister Kyriakos (104), down from 75 mph (120 kph) the early stages of recovering from the presidential press officer, told Mavroniolas and National Guard a day earlier, but was expected to 29 August Hurricane Katrina, there was reporters that the two dead are be- Commander Lieutenant-General strengthen and cross the 74-mph (118- some concern as Ophelia formed that lieved to be the pilots of two PC-9 Alhanasios Nikolodemos have rushed kph) threshold to regain hurricane sta- it could pose a threat to that region. training aircraft of the National Guard. to the area. tus, the National Hurricane Centre said. But Hurricane Centre meteorolo- Witnesses said they saw a small MNA/Xinhua At 8 am (1200 GMT), Ophelia’s gist Eric Blake said, “Right now we centre was about 115 miles (184 kilo- don’t have anything that takes it into metres) east of Daytona Beach, Florida. the Gulf.” At least 13 killed in plane It had been parked in the same Tropical storm warnings, alerting spot for three days and began drifting residents that the outer edges of the crash in Republic of Congo northeast on Friday, inching away from storm could hit them within 24 hours, KINSHASA, 10 Sept— A total of 13 passangers and crew have been killed the US coast. But Ophelia was expected were posted for a 120-mile (190 kilo- after an Ukrainian-built plane crashed north of the Republic of Congo, sources to loop back toward the United States metres) stretch of Florida’s Atlantic from Brazzaville said on Saturday. next week. Forecasting models disa- coast from Sebastian Inlet to Flagler The Antonov 26, registered in neighbouring the Democratic Repblic of the greed on its path and potential inten- Beach. Congo (DRC), went down 50 km north of Brazzaville, capital of the Republic sity but one had Ophelia strengthening Forecasters said Ophelia could of Congo, on Friday afternoon, the sources who asked to be anonymous said. into a major hurricane with winds of at trigger dangerous rip tides all along the So far 13 dead bodies have been found by rescue workers, he said including least 111 mph (178 kph) on Sunday. southeastern coast of the United States. the four-person Ukrainian crew. The cause of the crash was not immediately “It is too early to be specific about Some of Ophelia’s outer squalls clear. On Monday, a Russian-made Antonov 26 plane crashed in northeastern which areas might ultimately be af- lashed northeast Florida on Thursday. DRC, killing all 11 people on board, according to the country’ civil aviation fected by Ophelia, but ... interests from The storm churned up pounding waves authority. Florida through the Carolinas will need that worsened erosion on beaches al- The aircraft crashed near the town of Isiro, some 300 km northeast to monitor Ophelia for the next several ready hit by some of the six hurricanes of the provincial capital of Kisangani shortly before landing early on days,” the National Hurricane Centre that have crisscrossed Florida in the Monday.—MNA/Xinhua said in its advisory. last 13 months.—MNA/Reuters 8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005 from now on concerted Thanks to concerted efforts are to be made harmoniously for achiev- efforts of national race… ing success through co- (from page 1) nious cooperation be- ordinated works. the respective regions and tween departmental per- Afterwards, Lt- local people in carrying sonnel and local farmers. Gen Kyaw Win cordially out development tasks of Hence, all are to main- conversed with depart- the country, more and tain the momentum of mental personnel, mem- more progress has been their progress. bers of social organiza- made in economic, so- He continued to tions and local people. cial, education and health say that departments con- Lt-Gen Kyaw Win sectors with peace and cerned and local people and party oversaw thriv- stability prevailing in the are to manage their af- ing monsoon paddy, Union. fairs on self-reliant basis maize, green gram, Local people by practising the disci- groundnut and seasonal should take pride in their plined democratic system crops along Mongnai- region because local food to contribute towards Namsang Road. Lt-Gen Kyaw Win presents gifts to delegates of national race group-9 in sufficiency was 139.10 peace and stability and Next, they arrived Shan State (South). — MNA per cent in Langkho Dis- development of the na- at the work site for con- trict and local edibles oil tion. Therefore, mass struction of extension of tasks with the use of striving for uplift of quirements of education sufficiency 189.82 per meeting is to be held Namsang-Loilem section heavy machinery. He in- living standard of the en- and social matters to the cent in 2004-05 fiscal monthly to present de- on Meiktila-Taunggyi- spected Namsang-Loilem- tire national people and local people. year. It can be said that sires of departmental per- Loilem-Namsang- Hopong-Taunggyi Road development of the region He urged them to good sufficient results sonnel and local people Kengtung-Tachilek Road. by car. including Shan State strive with Union Spirit could be made in the re- to serve interests of the Shan State Superintending In the evening, Lt- (South). Thanks to the and nationalism for per- gion because of harmo- region and the nation, and Engineer U Kyaw Htay Gen Kyaw Win met with concerted efforts of na- forming tasks of the Na- reported on maintenance representatives of nine tional race leaders and tional Convention, which Departments concerned and of the road, road exten- local national race groups local people, sector-wise will be reconvened soon, local people are to solve their affairs sion tasks and dredging of in Shan State (South) at development is seen in for serving the interests on self-reliant basis by practising the drains along the road sec- Panglong Yeiktha of states and divisions. of the State. tion. Commander Maj- Eastern Command Head- Emphasis is being Next, he presented discipline-flourishing democratic Gen Ye Myint gave a sup- quarters in Taunggyi. placed on regional devel- souvenirs to the repre- system to contribute towards peace plementary report. Speaking on the opment tasks such as sentatives of the national and stability and development of the Lt-Gen Kyaw Win occasion, Lt-Gen Kyaw construction of roads and race groups, and had din- nation. attended to their needs Win said that the bridges, providing health ner together with the rep- and inspected construction Tatmadaw Government is care and fulfilling re- resentatives. — MNA Upgrading cinemas of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise coordinated

YANGON, 10 Sept — A coordination meet- ing on upgrading cin- emas of Myanma Mo- tion Picture Enterprise was held at the Minis- try of Information yes- terday. Present were Minis- ter for Information Brig- Gen Kyaw Hsan, Deputy Minister Brig- Gen Aung Thein, direc- tors-general and manag- ing directors of depart- ments and enterprises, Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan addresses the meeting to coordinate modernization of cinema halls of MMPE. — MNA officials of MMPE, chairman of Myanma and members, film pro- guests. Information Brig-Gen screened in foreign coun- etors of the cinemas are Motion Picture Asiayon ducers, mediamen and First, Minister for Kyaw Hsan delivered tries. With the harmoni- to undertake them in co- an address. He ex- ous development of pro- operation with MMPE plained the objectives duction and screening, the and MMP Asiayon. The of the meeting. He said producers and those in the ministry would provide cinemas in the country film world will gain necessary assistance, he are to be upgraded. benefits. added. Some countries pro- The minister spoke Next, the minister duced films not only at length on five objec- greeted owners of the for public entertain- tives to be imple- cinemas and those who ment but for export. mented by MMPA for lease the cinemas. Man- Therefore film produc- development of the aging Director of MMPE tion has become an film world, twelve ba- U Bo Kyi reported on industry that earns sic principles to be requirements for upgrad- foreign exchange most. undertaken by MMPA ing the cinemas. He said in the country for realization of the Those present re- film industry has not de- above-mentioned ob- ported on difficulties en- veloped enough. He spoke jectives, five points to countered and gave sug- of the need for producers be followed by film gestions. Managing Di- to make films of high producers and pro- rector of MMPE U Bo standard and for proprie- prietors and eight Kyi and officials of tors to upgrade their cin- points to upgrade the MMPA took part in the Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan has a cordial conversation with emas. Now some cinemas. discussions. entrepreneurs who hire government-owned movie theatres. — MNA Myanmar films are being He said the propri- MNA THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005 9 Efforts are to be made… Road and inspected the construction tasks. (from page 16) to be extended on 5,000 Kyauktan Bridge is carried out for meeting acres each yearly. 452 feet and 5 inches long the target this season. The With regard to the and 30 feet wide. It will plan for next year is to livestock breeding tasks, have 24 feet wide motor be drawn to grow 1.2 Rakhine State has road and three feet pedes- million acres by adding 150,000 acres of prawn trian way on either side. 100,000 acres, and prepa- breeding ponds. In breed- The bridge is of rein- rations are to be made for ing sea prawn, production forced concrete and it can next year’s cultivation must be increased with- withstand 60-ton loads. tasks. out damaging farmlands. Bridge Construction In addition to three In conclusion, he urged Project Special Group-10 species of pea and three departmental personnel is building the bridge species of edible oil joining hands with local meeting the set standard. crops, tasks are to be people to perform devel- In Ponnagyun, undertaken for extension opment of the state in they met with departmen- of seasonal crops and addition to the depart- tal personnel, social or- boosting of production. mental duties. ganizations, local people Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than inspects the cultivation of pepper of Myanma Efforts are to be made for After the meeting, and officials of the town- Agriculture Service in Ponnagyun.—MNA planting 30,000 acres of Lt-Gen Khin Maung ship rice dealers associa- rubber within three years Than and party pro- tion at the hall of Town- reports matters related to to meet the target of ceeded to the site of con- ship Peace and Develop- the township, Lt-Gen With regard to the livestock breed- 100,000 acres of rubber. struction for Kyauktan ment Council. Khin Maung Than gave ing tasks, Rakhine State has 150,000 acres Cultivation of pepper are Bridge on An-Sittway After hearing the necessary instructions. of prawn breeding ponds. In breeding sea Ponnagyun Town- prawn, production must be increased ship has put 63,154 acres without damaging farmlands. Departmen- of land under monsoon tal personnel were urged to join hands paddy, 527 acres under with local people to perform development rubber, 495 under of the state in addition to the departmen- Thitseint (Belleric myrobalan), and 1,575 tal duties. acres under pepper. They arrived 250,000 pepper saplings At Pepper Cultiva- Kyauktaw in the evening, have been distributed to tion Farm of Myanma and met with departmen- village-tracts and depart- Agriculture Service, they tal officials, local people ments concerned for viewed round nurturing and social organizations growing them on 300 of pepper and rubber sap- at Kyauktaw Township acres of land. In addition, lings. At the worksite of PDC Office. Officials 35,000 pepper saplings Yangon-Sittway section- briefed him on matters are being nurtured. The 3 (Myaungbwe-Sittway), related to the township. township planted 91 Senior Engineer U Soe After attending to their acres of rubber and the Tin reported on mainte- needs, Lt-Gen Khin plan is under way to ex- Maung Than gave neces- Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe accepts the trophy that won in inter-state/ nance of the roads in tend 480 acres of rubber. sary instructions. division World First Aid Day (2005) commemorative nursing skills, parade MraukU, Kyauktaw, Furthermore, the town- Ponnagyun and Sittway Kyauktaw Town- ship put 530 acres of land and first aid competitions. — MNA townships and the plan to ship has cultivated 91,996 under sugarcane for be implemented in open acres of monsoon paddy 2005-06, and arrange- Yangon Division commemorates… won prizes in inter-state/ season. Superintending by exceeding the target ments have been made (from page 16) division World First Aid (2005) commemorative Engineer U Khin Maung on 28 August. The town- for growing 1,500 acres Officer (Grade II) U Day (2005) commemo- celebration to Thakayta gave a supplementary re- ship grew 968 acres of of sugarcane. Kyaw Myint and an offi- rative nursing skills, pa- Township, the second port. pepper in 2004. This year, MNA cial, the championship prize, to Dagon Myothit rade and first aid compe- trophy won in the parade (East) Township, and the titions Yangon Division competition, to the Com- third prize, to Botahtaung Maternal and Child Wel- Industry-1 Minister inspects Pakokku mander Maj-Gen Myint Township. fare Association Member Swe. MRCS President Dr Daw Khin Myint Wai pre- textile and garment factory Next, the commander Hla Myint, Division RC sented K 100,000 donated YANGON, 10 Sept — Minister minister gave necessary instructions. presented the first prize Supervisory Committee by the association to the for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung arrived At the briefing hall, the minister for the best performance Chairman Dr Hla Myint, Division RC Supervisory at Pakokku textile and garment fac- heard reports on progress of the project in organizing largest per- Dr Daw Khin Hsan Nwe, Committee through Sec- tory of Myanmar Textile Industries and presented the basket of fruits to manent membership to wife of the Yangon retary of the Supervisory in Magway Division yesterday morn- Chinese technicians. On arrival at mark Yangon Division mayor, and officials pre- Committee Dr Than Win. ing and inspected the installation of Pakokku dyeing and printing factory, the World First Aid Day sented gifts to those who MNA machines, test running and collecting minister inspected garment products of Deputy Minister meets staff of Immigration of raw materials. After inspection, the the factory. — MNA and Population Department

YANGON, 10 Sept—Deputy met staff of Natmauk Township IPD and Minister for Immigration and Popula- Yenangyaung Township IPD and looked tion U Maung Aung met with staff of into functions of those departments. At the Immigration and Population De- the office of Magway Division IPD, he partment at the offices of Thayawady met with staff of division, district and District IPD in Thayawady and Bago township IPDs and gave necessary in- (East) IPD in Pyay on 4 September structions. and staff of Chauk Township IPD, The deputy minister and party on Pakokku Township IPD and Seikphyu 8 September met with the Magway Di- Township IPD at the respective IPD vision In-charge of WFP that is cooper- offices on 5 September and gave in- ating with the ministry and briefed him structions. The deputy minister and on the work policy. party on 6 September met with staff On his way back to Yangon, the of Yesagyo Township IPD and gave deputy minister inspected offices of the necessary instructions to officials. departments under the ministry and ar- Minister U Aung Thaung inspects the worksite of Pakokku textile and gar- On 7 September, the minister rived back here in the evening.—MNA ment factory of Myanma Textile Enterprise. — MNA 10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005 Cash donated for construction of Theindawgyi building of Aung San Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Shwepyitha township

YANGON, 10 Sept — The first cash donation ceremony for construction of the three-storey Gantha Vacaka Theindawgyi building of Aung San Tawra Pariyatti Sarthitaik in Shwepyitha township, Yangon North District took place at the Sarthintaik this morning. Yangon Division Peace and Development Coun- cil Chairman Yangon Command Commander Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and congregation share merits gained for cash donations to build Ganthavacaka three-storey Maj-Gen Myint Swe at- ordination hall.—MNA tended the ceremony and accepted the donations. ister for Religious Affairs Sayadw of Aung San Sayadaws and members 20,721,000. The com- Theindawgyi reported on Present on the oc- Thura Aung Ko, YCDC Tawra Pariyatti Sarthin- of the Sangha. mander, the deputy min- arrangements being made casion were Shwepyitha Vice-Chairman Vice taik Agga Maha Gantha For construction of ister, the vice-mayor and for construction of the township Sangha Nayaka Mayor Col Maung Pa, Vacaka Pandita the three-storey officials accepted the do- building. Then the cer- Committee Chairman senior military officers of Bhaddanta Sujata in- Theindawgyi building of nations and presented cer- emony came to a close Shwemyowin Zeegon the Ministry of Defence, vested the congregation Aung San Tawra Pariyatti tificates of honour to the after the Zeegon Sayadaw Sayadaw Bhaddanta local authorities and pub- with the Eight Precepts. Sarthitaik, Yangon Divi- donors. The chairman of had delivered a sermon to Kusala and members of lic wellwishers. The commander and party sion PDC and public the committee for con- the congregation. the Sangha, Deputy Min- On the occasion, offered alms to the wellwishers donated K struction of the MNA Foreign Minister leaves for New York Culture Minister receives Korean Ambassador YANGON, 10 Sept — Minister for Foreign Af- fairs U Nyan Win left here by air for New York this evening to attend High- Level Plenary Meeting and General Debate of the Six- tieth Session of the United Nations General Assem- bly to be held at the United Nations in New York. The minister was seen off at Yangon Inter- national Airport by Min- ister for Home Affairs Maj-Gen Maung Oo, Min- ister for Religious Affairs Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung meets with Korean Ambassador Mr Lee Ju-heum. Brig-Gen Thura Myint Minister U Nyan Win seen off at the airport. — MNA MNA Maung, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Informal Meeting of the Movement Heads of Del- YANGON,10 Sept — Also present at the the Fine Arts Depart- Maung Myint, Resident ASEAN Ministers, the egation, the Group of 77 Minister for Culture Maj- call were Deputy Minis- ment, Rector of Univer- Representative Mr Tang Second ASEAN-UN Annual Meeting of the Gen Kyi Aung received ter Brig-Gen Soe Win sity of Culture (Yangon) Zhengping of FAO and Summit, High-Level Ple- Foreign Ministers, and the Ambassador of the Repub- Maung, Director-Gen- U Tin Soe, Deputy Di- officials of the Ministry nary and Round Table Meeting of the Interna- lic of Korea Mr Lee Ju- eral U Myint Thein Swe rector-General U Tun of Foreign Affairs. Discussions, the Asia Co- tional Committee for the heum at the Ministry on of the Department of Cul- Zaw and departmental Minister U Nyan operation Dialogue Development of Kaba Aye Pogoda Road, tural Institute, Director- officals. Win will also attend the (ACD), the Non-Align Lumbini.—MNA here, this morning. General U Ngwe Tun of MNA China’s lunar probe programme facing 3 major difficulties

BEIJING, 10 Sept— China is expected to launch its first ever lunar probe satellite in 2007, but the programme is still experiencing three major difficulties, said Luan Enjie, chief commander of the lunar satellite project here on Wednesday. At the opening ceremony of the postgraduate He encouraged post-graduate students in China’s research institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, top research organ to study hard to contribute their part Luan said the three technological difficulties involve to the lunar probe project and other scientific re- orbiting, observation and control of the satellite, and searches. The State Council, China’s central govern- its capacity to endure the lunar environment. ment, approved the country’s first lunar probe pro- “The moon is 380,000 kilometres away from the gramme in 2004. A lunar probe engineering centre was earth. Sending the satellite there is a test of China’s set up in Beijing in August this year by the Commis- deep space exploration capability,” said Luan. sion of Science, Technology and Industry for National The lunar environment is quite different from Defence.The satellite programme, which has a budget earth’s. The difference in temperature on the moon is of 1.4 billion yuan (about 170 million US dollars), is 300 Celsius degrees. The satellite will orbit the moon part of the country’s three-stage lunar project. at a speed of 120 minutes per cycle. The components China’s first lunar satellite was designed to obtain Certificates awarding ceremony for completion of of the satellite will be severely tested, said Luan. three-dimensional images of the lunar surface, analyze Special Nurse Aid Training Course (17th Batch) “Although China has achieved great progress in the content of useful elements and materials, and probe conducted by Maha Mya Kyun Tha Academic aerospace development, more hard work is needed to the depth of the lunar soil and the space environment Centre in progress at the MICT Park on 8-9-2005. H accomplish the lunar probe programme,” said Luan. between the earth and the moon. — MNA/Xinhua THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005 11 Bankers say world economies Typhoon “Khanun” expected to hit Fujian Province FUZHOU, 10 Sept — Typhoon Khanun, the No 15 strong tropical storm of weathering soaring oil this year, is expected to hit the central-northern parts of Fujian Province on Sunday afternoon, according to weather forecasts. CALGARY (Alberta), 10 Sept — Oil prices that surged past 70 US dollars a barrel in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina will create some pressure on Typhoon Khanun is along heavy precipitation the ships and vessels op- world economies, but not to a devastating degree, the central bankers of approaching the province to the province, said the erating on the sea nearby China, and France said on Friday. at a speed of 15 kilome- provincial weather station. to return or take shelters tres per hour from the east- Liang Qiping, deputy in ports before 18:00 Sat- China’s booming de- Zhou said. “I don’t think US crude cleared 70 ern sea region off Taiwan, governor of the province, urday and all the person- mand for crude, driven by the high energy prices will US dollars after Hurricane and the provincial flood urged officials in the prov- nel working at the offshore its brisk economic growth, have a substantial impact Katrina damaged produc- control and drought relief ince to work hard to mobi- breading fields to get on- was a key factor in the to the economic growth tion and refining facilities headquarters has urged all- lize the local people in shore. The headquarters run-up in crude prices be- rate,” he told reporters. in the US Gulf of Mexico. out efforts to make prepa- making preparations to also urged the people in fore the hurricane hobbled However, energy Crude closed down 41 rations. fight the upcoming ty- mountainous areas to pre- US oil output in the Gulf prices at today’s levels cents at 64.08 US dollars Typhoon Khanun has phoon. pare against possible of Mexico, and that thirst stand to create some infla- on Friday. so far reached force 12 The provincial flood mountain torrents, mud- is expected keep growing. tionary pressure as China Zhou, Bank of which is likely to further control and drought relief rock flows and geological But sky-high prices proceeds with the liberali- Canada Governor David strengthen and will bring headquarters has asked all disasters. — MNA/Xinhua will likely not cut into zation of its currency, a Dodge and Bank of France growth that is now ex- process it began this year. Governor Christian Noyer pected to surpass the Chi- Inflation in China has spoke at an annual event nese central bank’s and been in the 2-per-cent to at the lush Spruce Mead- government’s target of 8 2.5-per-cent range, which ows show jumping park, per cent, Zhou Xiaochuan, is in line with major econo- nestled in the foothills of governor of the People’s mies around the world, the Canadian Rockies. Bank of China, told re- Zhou said. Oil prices have Dodge, whose own porters after speaking to a climbed 50 per cent this central bank raised inter- round-table forum of busi- year due to a combination est rates this week by a ness and government lead- of demand, driven by eco- quarter of a percentage ers. China has large coal nomic growth and tight point to 2.75 per cent, said reserves, which can offset production capacity in it is not so much the size of shortages in crude oil, OPEC and non-OPEC increases in oil prices that much of which it imports, countries. will hit economies, but the pace of the hikes. Taiwan issues sea alert as Even with this year’s jump, the rise has been typhoon approaches gradual enough that TAIBEI, 10 Sept — Taiwan issued a shipping economies have adjusted Members of the “Halau Hula Olana” perform during the opening ceremony of warning on Friday as a typhoon churned towards the without major disruptions the Aloha Festival at the Iolani Palace in Honolulu on 8 September, 2005. The island, with a near direct hit expected over the week- or runaway inflation. Aloha Festival, Hawaii’s largest festival, showcases Hawaii’s music, end. As of 0900 GMT, the centre of the storm was 830 MNA/Reuters dance and history. — INTERNET kilometres (516 miles) east of Taiwan and travelling northwest at 22 kilos per hour, with sustained winds of Cyprus criticizes Britain Vietnam to make garment up to 144 kph and maximum gusts of 180 kph, the Central Weather Bureau said. for being partial to Turkey changes next year “There will be showers tomorrow in the north and NICOSIA, 10 Sept— Cyprus criticized current HANOI, 10 Sept — Vietnam’s garment and textile east due to the typhoon. The wind and rain will gradu- EU President Britain on Thursday for its handling industry will shift production to rural areas and to high- ally grow stronger tomorrow night,” the bureau said in of Turkey’s refusal to recognize the Republic of value product lines and seek more direct sales next a statement. Cyprus. year instead of heavily relying on outsourcing orders. Tropical Storm Risk storm tracker predicted the “The presidency based on. Cyprus is also “If Vietnam simply turns out low-cost garments eye of the storm would sweep past the north of the needs to show impartial- threatening to block Tur- for foreign partners, its products cannot compete with island late on Saturday, with the capital Taibei taking ity and bear in mind the key’s EU entry talks slated Chinese ones,” an official of the Vietnam Textile and a heavy swipe. collective interests of the for 3 October, for the start Apparel Association (Vitas) told Xinhua on Thursday, Typhoons frequently hit Taiwan, Japan, the Phil- EU and not the interests it of accession talks need all adding that the country will, from 2006, produce more ippines, Hong Kong and southern China during a has by securing the open- members states to agree value-added items. typhoon season that lasts from early summer to late ing of accession talks be- on a negotiating mandate. Local garment and textile producers will also autumn. Financial markets, government offices, tween Turkey and the “It (Britain) forgets make more products by themselves, instead of relying schools and businesses have had to shut three times EU,” Cypriot Government that unanimity is required too much on outsourcing contracts of foreign compa- this year due to typhoons. — MNA/Reuters spokesman Kypros to adopt the statement and nies, the official said, noting that, by doing that, they Chrysostomides told re- subsequently unanimity will earn greater export revenues. Greece says vocational training porters. Cyprus is press- for Turkey’s negotiating In 2006, a number of garment factories will be key to social development ing the EU to make a sat- framework,” Chryso- located in rural areas, the official said, explaining that isfactory counter-declara- stomides said. ATHENS, 10 Sept — The Greek Government said many existing facilities in urban areas have recently tion to Turkey’s July dec- Turkey has signed a on Thursday that vocational training is the key that faced severe labour shortage. laration that it does not key protocol extending its would open the way to social and economic develop- Recently, the Vitas said if Vietnam is quick at recognize the southern customs union with the EU expanding export markets, boosting local production ment in Europe, Athens news agency reported. to the ten new EU mem- Greek Cypriot Govern- and increasing the proportion of processed and locally- During a seminar at the European Centre for the ment, which entered the bers, including the Repub- made components in export items, it can reap garment Development of Vocational Training held on Thurs- EU representing the lic of Cyprus. and textile export turnovers of eight-10 billion US day in Thessaloniki, Greek Employment Minister Panos whole island on 1 May, However, Ankara dollars in 2010. Panagiotopoulos said that investing in human resources 2004. claims its signature of the was the greatest challenge facing Greece and the other However, the EU protocol does not mean Garment and textile producers in Vietnam, which member states of the European Union. members have so far failed recognizing the Cypriot recorded local sales of 1.1 billion US dollars and This would result in societies with more employ- to reach an agreement on Government. export turnovers of nearly 4.4 billion US dollars last ment, minimal joblessness and very great social cohe- the wording of the coun- Cyprus has been di- year, earned over three billion US dollars from export- sion, he added. ter-statement. The spokes- vided into the south Greek ing their products to over 100 countries and regions in This view was also echoed by European Commis- man said the Cypriot Gov- Cyprus and north Turkish the first eight months of this year, a year-on-year rise sioner for Education, Training, Culture and ernment will continue ef- Cyprus since 1974, when of 7 per cent, the Vitas said. Multilingualism Jin Figel. forts for a clear and un- Turkey sent troops to take By late 2003, Vietnam had 1,050 garment and He told the audience via teleconferencing that the conditional counter-state- control of one third of the textile enterprises with a total workforce of more than foundation stone of the new European structure and a ment, noting that it is EU’s island following a failed two million. By that time, the country’s garment and more competitive European economy was life-long collective responsibility to Greek Cypriot coup seek- textile industry had attracted nearly 400 foreign-in- learning, vocational education and training. defend the principles and ing union with Greece. vested projects with a total registered capital of roughly MNA/Xinhua foundations on which it is MNA/Xinhua one billion dollars. — MNA/Xinhua 12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005 Vietnam to A D V E R T I S E M E N T 9th China Int’l Fair for rescue local Investment, Trade opens in Xiamen CLAIMS DAY NOTICE sailors hijacked MV BOUGAIN VILLA VOY NO (090) XIAMEN (Fujian), 9 Sept— Chinese Vice-Premier Zeng Peiyan rotated the Consignees of cargo carried on MV BOUGAIN in Somali launching golden key on Thursday morning at the Xiamen International Exhibition Centre, officially declaring the curtain-up of the ninth China VILLA VOY NO (090) are here by notified that the HANOI, 9 Sept — The International Fair for Investment and Trade. vessel will be arriving on 12-9-2005 and cargo will be Vietnamese Government discharged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lie will take all necessary The fair is sponsored national standardized ex- encouraging scientific and at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the measures to rescue four by the Chinese Ministry hibition booths, which are technological innovation byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. local sailors who have just of Commerce and gains divided into five sections and promoting mutual Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am been kidnapped in Somali, supports from five noted for different fields of in- progress. to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day now said a spokesman on international economic or- vestment. About 60 other sym- declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo Wednesday. ganizations including the Delegations from posiums and forums con- from the vessel. “The government is United Nations Confer- more than 60 countries and cerning the hot issues in investment will be held No claims against this vessel will be admitted after deeply concerned about ence on Trade and Devel- regions are attending the during this four-day fair. the Claims Day. the kidnapped sailors’ opment (UDCTAD), fair, an increase of nearly United Nations Industrial 40 per cent as against the In the meantime, the SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT situation. We will cooper- Development Organiza- eighth fair. Asia-Europe Meeting MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY ate with Taiwan and rel- tion (UNIDO), Organiza- Starting from this (ASEM) Trade and Invest- AGENT FOR: M/S PREMIER SPECTRUM evant sides to quickly res- tion for Economic Coop- year, the word “interna- ment Exposition, which is Phone No: 256908/378316/376797 cue and ensure safety for eration and Development tional” is added to the proposed by Chinese Pre- Crouching tiger, their life and property,” (OECD), International Fi- name of this annual fair to mier Wen Jiabao, is also to the spokesman of the Vi- nance Corporation (IFC) show its growing interna- kick off during the fair, etnamese Foreign Minis- and World Association of tional influence, the or- with the aim to improve hidden donkey try, Le Dung, said when Investment Promotion ganizing committee said. the understanding between BEIJING, 9 Sept— The cat is out of the bag at a answering questions on Agencies (WAIPA). An International In- countries from the two con- restaurant in northeast China that had been ser- Vietnam’s reaction to the According to the or- vestment Forum is held tinents and expand the ving donkey meat spiked with tiger urine in pricey issue. ganizing committee, the after the opening cer- trade and investment co- dishes advertised as endangered Siberian tigers. The ministry has di- fair provides 1,500 inter- emony, with the theme of operation. —MNA/Xinhua Local media in properties. rected local diplomatic Heilongjiang Province got The restaurant was shut agencies in Africa, espe- Greece announces plans wind that the restaurant was down and fined and the di- cially in Tanzania, the offering stir-fried dishes and rector of the nearby nearest country to Somali, medicinal liquor made from Hengdaohezi Siberian Ti- to get to know the situa- to promote use of natural gas tiger meat and bones, spark- ger Park, China’s largest tion of the sailors, he said, ATHENS, 10 Sept — The Greek Government vowed on Thursday to expand ing local police and health centre for breeding the noting that according to the use of natural gas and to reduce the country’s dependence on oil given the inspectors to pounce, the highly endangered animals, the latest information, all rocketing oil prices. China Daily said on Thurs- reassured the public there of them are still safe. A joint ministerial de- three ministers also an- The oil prices on the glo- day. “After inspection, the was no way meat from its Three Taiwanese cision signed by Devel- nounced a plan to expand bal market had soared to a owner confessed that the big cats had made its way to fishing boats, whose crew opment Minister Dimitris a programme of installing record high of 70 US dol- so-called tiger meat was the dinner table, the news- include 47 people from Sioufas, Interior Minister condensers throughout the lars a barrel after Hurri- donkey meat that had been paper said. Only a few hun- Taiwan, Mainland, Indo- Prokopis Pavlopoulos and country to all public sec- cane Katrina hit the Mexi- dressed with tiger urine to dred Siberian tigers are be- nesia, the Philippines and Economy and Finance tor buildings by 30 April, can Gulf and the southern give the dish a ‘special’ fla- lieved to be alive in the wild Vietnam, were hijacked by vour,” the newspaper said. in their native habitats of Minister George 2006 with an aim to fur- United States late last Somali pirates on Mon- The restaurant had been northern China, southern Alogoskoufis called for ther strengthen the nation- month. day. charging as much as 800 Russia and parts of North connection, by 30 April, wide electricity system. Development Ministry yuan (100 US dollars) a Korea. The report did not The pirates asked 2006, of all public sector Sioufas told reporters secretary-general Nikos dish for the illegal, “rare” explain where the tiger urine the ransom of 500,000 US buildings with a natural that the moves were two Stephanou will be the fare, tapping into traditional had come from or how it dollars for each boat to gas network to replace the significant initiatives in main coordinator of the Chinese belief that tiger was collected. release the hostages. use of heating oil. the framework of a new project. meat has aphrodisiacal MNA/Reuters MNA/Xinhua Under the decision, the energy policy in Greece. MNA/Xinhua Malaysia Airlines unveils UN says lower fertility rates medical travel package help to fight poverty KUALA LUMPUR, 9 Sept— Malaysia Airlines (MAS) on Thursday joined UNITED NATIONS, 9 Sept—The world’s poorest countries would help raise their hands with a local medical centre and launched a medical travel package in standard of living and give a boost to global efforts to fight poverty by reducing a bid to attract patients overseas. their fertility rates, UN demographers reported on Thursday. The Malaysia’s na- less for overseas custom- lars) to 3,000 ringgit While fertility has gen- year, it said. grammes that affect fertility tional carrier signed a ers, she added. (789.5 US dollars), but erally plummeting in devel- The 50 least developed has increased steadily dur- memorandum of under- Under the memo, five those going for heart treat- oped nations, most poor countries as a group also ac- ing the last quarter-century”. standing with the Heart, diagnostic packages are ment varied from 20,000 countries are characterized count for an out-sized 20 per Slowing population Stroke and Cancer (HSC) offered with each includ- ringgit (5,260 US dollars) by high fertility rates, accord- cent of the world’s people growth by bringing down Medical Centre for that ing a medical check-up to 40,000 ringgit (910,526 ing to a new report by the UN living in extreme poverty — fertility rates “would improve purpose at its headquar- accommodation with US dollars). Population Division. described as surviving on less the ability of those (least de- ters here. daily breakfast return The pricing is com- Because of the diver- than a dollar a day, accord- veloped) countries to adjust The package is highly airfare and airport trans- petitive, 50 per cent lower gence, the 50 least devel- ing to the report. to future population in- attractive to people in Vi- fers. than in Singapore, 40 per oped countries — most of Yet in these countries creases, to combat poverty, etnam, Indonesia and HSC executive direc- cent lower than in Thai- which are in sub-Saharan there is strong support for to protect and repair the envi- some 1,000 patients are tor Yin Chow Lim said land, he said, noting the Africa — today account for government programmes ronment, and to set the con- expected to arrive in Ma- that since its founding services, facilities and 12 per cent of the world popu- such as birth control that can ditions for sustainable devel- laysia with the package about two and a half years equipment involved in the lation but are expected to help families plan and con- opment”, the report con- during the first year, MAS ago, HSC has received package are also impor- account for a quarter of the trol how many children they cluded. assistant general manager more than 12,000 patients tant. world’s population growth want. “Even the difference of of marketing support Raja and about 60 per cent of He stressed that his between 2005 and 2015, the “In the group of 50 least a single decade in the transi- Nordiana Zainal Shah them were foreigners. centre is the first fully report said. developed countries, close to tion to stabilization levels of told a Press conference Lim said the average computerized one-stop By contrast, the total 80 per cent report fertility as fertility can have a consider- after the signing of the spending per patient for medical, heart and diag- world population of about too high,” it said. Through- able positive impact on qual- memo. medical check-up was nostic centre in the re- 6.5 billion people, is grow- out the world, “government ity of life.” The package will cost 2,000 ringgit (526 US dol- gion. —MNA/Xinhua ing by about 1.2 per cent a support for policies and pro- MNA/Reuters

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005 13



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Scientists find link between Drug protects kidneys of people prion protein size, infectivity with diabetes LOS ANGELES, 9 Sept— Small particles of prion protein are much more NEW YORK, 9 Sept— Kidney damage is a constant danger for people with efficiently infectious than large ones, yet there is also a lower size limit below diabetes, especially when their blood pressure is high. Now European re- which infectivity is lost, scientists reported on Wednesday. searchers report that the addition of a drug, spironolactone, to standard blood Prions are apparently malformed pro- ters of protein molecules that can grab pressure-lowering therapy for such patients helps reduce both blood pressure teins blamed for deadly brain diseases, normal, dissolved protein molecules and and the amount of albumin protein in urine, a measure of kidney impairment. such as the mad cow disease in cattle and convert them to a solid, crystal-like Dr Kaspar Rossing of Steno Diabetes While the participants continued on Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. state, said Byron Caughey, senior re- Centre in Gentofte, Denmark, and col- their recommended antihypertensive Prion diseases are also known as trans- searcher at NIAID's Rocky Mountain leagues note in the medical journal Dia- treatments (which included diuretics, missible spongiform encephalopathies Laboratory. betes Care that two types of antihyper- ACE inhibitors and ARBs), they were (TSEs) because the prions create holes "Although large prion particles can tensive drugs —ACE inhibitors and an- randomly assigned to take in addition in the brain, giving it a sponge-like ap- do this, and are infectious, you can infect giotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) — either an inactive placebo or spironolac- pearance. many more individuals, or cause much have protective effects on the kidneys in tone for eight weeks. They then switched In a latest study, researchers from more rapid disease in a single individual, diabetics who already have kidney dam- to the other pill for another 8 weeks. US National Institute of Allergy and with an equivalent weight of small prion age. During spironolactone treatment, uri- Infectious Diseases (NIAID) found the particles," said Caughey. These drugs work by controlling the nary albumin levels fell by 33 per cent, link between the proteins' size and their "But our findings also suggest that if release of a hormone called aldosterone. and their upper and lower blood pressure infectivity. Their findings appear in the the protein cluster is smaller than a cer- While they're effective initially, aldos- readings fell by six and four points. 8 September issue of the journal Nature. tain minimum size, it becomes unstable terone levels may subsequently rise once One patient developed dangerously The most infectious prions are sig- and loses its infectious properties." more in almost 40 per cent of patients, lower potassium levels and had to be nificantly smaller than the large thread- Normal protein molecules found in resulting in greater urinary protein lev- withdrawn from the study, but recovered like deposits of protein molecules read- many animals do not cause harm, but els and a faster decline in kidney func- rapidly. Otherwise, the treatment was ily seen in the diseased brains of in- they can become lethal and destroy the tion. To see whether supplementary treat- well tolerated. fected individuals. brain when they refold and gather into ment with spironolactone, which is an The researchers call for further stud- Scientists have known that infec- precisely ordered clusters. aldosterone inhibitor, might be helpful ies, but conclude that in the short term, tious prions range widely in size, but "As you increase particle size stead- in these circumstances, the researchers spironolactone may offer beneficial re- now for the first time the researchers ily from single molecules to particles conducted a study with 21 patients with nal and cardiovascular protection. ranked them according to their infective containing thousands of molecules, type 2 diabetes. MNA/Reuters efficiency, and their findings have placed there's a sudden jump in infectivity once new limits on the size of the smallest you get to the minimum infectious parti- prion. cle size (at least six molecules per parti- Annan calls for cooperation Prions appear to be crystal-like clus- cle)," he explained.—MNA/Xinhua between UN, Parliaments “I believe equally “The World Summit Russian cargo spaceship lifts off UNITED NATIONS,10 firmly that we have it in is an opportunity to put Sept — UN Secretary- our power to change that vision to work, with for Space Station General Kofi Annan that.” significant advances in MOSCOW, 9 Sept— A Russian cargo spaceship blasted off Thursday with called on speakers of He pointed out that development, security, supplies for the International Space Station (ISS), the Mission Control said. Parliament all over the economic growth and human rights, and insti- The Progress M-24 ship, carrying 2.5 operations on the space station, including world on Thursday to technological advance tutional reform,” Annan tons of food, water, fuel, equipment and the docking with the ISS of the first Euro- support the UN reform have given people the re- said. oxygen tanks, lifted off from the pean spaceship, ATV, which is set to be agenda, and to cooperate sources to tackle the “Whatever is achi- Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan launched next year. A day earlier, the with the United Nations problems, and advances eved at the Summit, let at 17:07 Moscow Time (1307 GMT), space station jettisoned a cargo ship car- to make the world freer, in knowledge and under- us not imagine that these the ITAR-TASS news agency reported rying space trash to free a docking port for fairer and safer. standing, combined with next few days represent citing the Mission Control. the arrival of the Progress M-54, which Annan made the re- intensive exchange of the end of the process,” The cargo ship brings to the ISS a new is due to dock with the ISS at 18:50 marks in the address to ideas among govern- he stressed. “Rather, this unit of the Electron oxygen regenera- Moscow Time (1450 GMT) Saturday. the Second World Con- ments, academic experts is only a beginning. We tion system, gear for a spacesuit-turned- Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev ference of Speakers of and civil society, have will need to turn imme- satellite, which will be launched by as- and US astronaut John Phillips have been Parliaments which is be- brought people a shared diately to the task of im- tronauts during a spacewalk, and a mod- working on the station since mid-April ing held at the UN Head- vision of many of the plementing what is de- ernized liquid-crystal screen. and are due to be replaced by a new crew quarters in New York. strategies and priorities cided.” The liquid-crystal screen is to replace in October after a six-month mission. The United Nations required. MNA/Xinhua an old one and will be used to monitor MNA/Xinhua has contributed a lot to the peace, development and humanitarianism of Chirac leaves hospital the world, the Secretary- PARIS, 10 Sept— French President Jacques Chirac General said. left hospital on Friday, saying he was well, but “But these impor- doctors have advised him not to travel by air for the tant contributions must next six weeks after treatment for a blood vessel not blind us to the full problem that affected his vision. extent of the challenges Looking well, Chirac, perate to leave," Chirac facing the international 72, spoke clearly but said. "Time was starting community,” he noted, moved slowly as he to drag, especially at lunch specifically referring to walked unaided out of the time. I am very happy now the challenges of poverty, Val de Grace Military to go and eat." terrorism, human rights, Hospital in Paris with his His doctors, however, and proliferation of wife Bernadette beside have advised him not weapons of mass destruc- him shortly after noon. travel by air for the next tion. After thanking his doc- six weeks, the Defence “Whatever progress tors and nurses, he told Ministry said in a state- we have made, I believe waiting reporters the first ment. That would mean Romanians go on a ride in a merry-go-round at the annual autumn fair in our collective responses thing he wanted to do was he cannot fly to New York Calarasi, about 120 km (74.6 miles) south-east of Bucharest, on 7 September, to many of these chal- to have lunch. for the UN General As- 2005. Romanians celebrate the completion of a successful harvest on September lenges are inadequate,” "I feel very well, and I sembly starting next week. every year, by holding the autumn fair.—INTERNET Annan said. was starting to feel des- MNA/Reuters 14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005 Arsenal’s Henry, Ljungberg S P O R T S to miss Boro match LONDON COLNEY (England), 10 Sept— Arsenal forwards Thierry Henry and Freddie Ljungberg will miss the Premier League fixture against Middles- brough on Saturday after taking part in last week's World Cup qualifiers. "Thierry is out because he got a kick France their victory in Dublin, while on his calf playing for France against Ljungberg played for 90 minutes in both Ireland on Wednesday, while Freddie of Sweden's victories over Bulgaria and is rested since he had two tough Hungary. games for Sweden last week," "I wanted to give Alexander Hleb a manager Arsene Wenger told rest as well, but I don't know if I can with reporters on Friday. those two out," Wenger added. Henry scored a brilliant goal to give MNA/Reuters Boa Morte extends Fulham contract LONDON, 10 Sept— Fulham captain Luis Boa Morte has extended his contract with the Premier League side by another five years, keeping him at the London club until June 2010. The 28-year-old Portugal forward joined Fulham five years ago after spells at Arsenal, where he helped win the Sir Alex Ferguson of Manchester United talks to his players during a first team double of league and FA Cup in 1998, training session at Carrington Training Ground on 9 September ,2005, and Southampton. in Manchester, England. —INTERNET "We're not in the habit of selling our best players, we also want to plan for the United hoping to boost future and he's a big part of that," man- ager Chris Coleman told the Fulham Asian market with new deal website on Friday. "He likes it here, he likes the feel of Boa Morte MANCHESTER, 10 Sept— Manchester United hope to build on their immense the club and he knows that the fans popularity in the Far East and open up lucrative markets in the region after absolutely idolize him...He's like a king Fulham are 14th in the 20-team Pre- securing a sponsorship deal with Air Asia. here and rightly so — he's put the miles mier League after one win in their first The Premier League key region. "We are probably the in over the last five years," said four games. They are away to Newcastle club, who were taken over "It's the first time we most supported club in Coleman. United on Saturday.—MNA/Reuters at the end of last season by have done a deal with a Malaysia. Our supporters US sports tycoon Malcolm company based in Asia there are as fanatical as Glazer, have agreed a one- which is a huge step for- they are in Salford and Get the calculators out, it’s World Cup time year partnership with the ward as we have such a we are keen to build on MARRAKECH (Morocco), 10 Sept— If the World Cup finals are half as Malaysian low-cost air- big fanbase there," com- that." intriguing as the qualifying campaign is turning out to be, fans will have to line, with the option of a mercial director Andy He added: "With the think about packing a calculator when they head for Germany next year. further 12 months. Anson told a news confer- exposure of the Premier With nearly 800 of al- fenders with "twisted games takes place. United signed the deal ence on Friday. League and Manchester most 900 qualifiers already blood" weaving his magic Most of the rest will do during a pre-season tour "We have more than 40 United in Asia, it makes completed, only eight on the wing for Brazil in so on October 12 as the of Asia and are hoping to million supporters across sense to talk to other Asian teams have definitely the fifties and sixties. tension reaches fever pitch reach further agreements Asia and this deal enables countries. We are looking booked their places along- This week more than 70 before it goes off the scale with other partners in the us to get closer to them. at all major markets in side the hosts in the finals, qualifiers were played completely during the No- Asia." with just one European around the world and just vember play-offs. CROSSWORD PUZZLE United's popularity in qualifier known for cer- three countries — Ukraine, Stare at some group ta- the region soared during tain and none from Africa. Mexico and the United bles long enough, such as the 1990s with the exploi- This qualifying cam- States — secured their European Group Four, and tation of the club's global paign has been the most places in the finals. there is a danger of twist- brand, enhanced at that thrilling and closest ever Others are just a point ing your own blood trying time by players such as with more bamboozling away and will almost cer- to work out who from Swit- David Beckham in the twists and turns than even tainly accomplish their am- zerland, France, Ireland squad. Garrincha could conjure up bitions on October 8 when and Israel will get through. MNA/Reuters when he was leaving de- the next global round of With head to head records counting ahead of Terry returns to Chelsea in time goal difference, those standings have to be read for Champions League with a proviso. COBHAM (England), 10 Sept— England centre back John Terry has made Attempting to work out a quick recovery from a knee injury and will return to action with Chelsea which two teams are likely in time for their opening Champions League game against Anderlecht next to qualify directly as the Tuesday. two best European runners- Terry missed England's last two up has left even those in- World Cup qualifiers, a scraped 1-0 volved perplexed amid a ACROSS DOWN win over Wales and a shock 1-0 defeat welter of "ifs and maybes". 1 Private 1 Mischievous trick by Northern Ireland, with a knee in- What it all means is that 7 Small medicine bottle 2 Remembers jury picked up against Tottenham most confederations have 8 Mooring 3 Wood-wind instrument Hotspur two weeks ago. seen their qualifying com- 9 Indicate assent 4 Counting-frame England's medical staff, who petitions evolve into 10 Oven 5 Devil checked him before sending him back fiercely contested, appro- 11 Rough 6 Cheer to Chelsea for treatment, said he might priately well-balanced 13 Consternation 7 Antarctic bird be out for a month, which would have campaigns for their par- 14 Apple 12 Fortified wall meant missing two Champions ticular regions. 17 Lithe 13 Fate League games for his club and possi- It also proves that the 18 Gloomy 15 Fortune-teller bly England's last two qualifiers in John Terry gap between the best 20 Dram 16 Brainy October. and the worst teams is con- 22 Rotating 17 Raised platform But Chelsea coach Jose Mourinho The English champions are at home to tinuing to narrow around 23 Darkness 19 Sorcery said after training on Friday: "Either bottom club Sunderland in the Premier the world. 24 Frenzied 21 Highland valley tomorrow or Tuesday he will be back." League on Saturday. —MNA/Reuters MNA/Reuters THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 11 September, 2005 15 Five illegal migrants At least 25 Indian soldiers die in northern Greek drown in bridge fall NEW DELHI, 10 Sept— At least 25 Indian sol- car crash diers drowned in the fast-moving Sutlej River in ATHENS, 10 Sept — illegally into European the northern Himachal Pradesh State on Thurs- Five illegal immigrants Union member Greece day after falling from a temporary bridge, an died and 20 were injured every year either through Army spokesman said. when a truck taking them the Greek-Turkish land The accident took repair bridges damaged to the northern Greek city border that stretches place in a remote and by flash floods in June. of Thessaloniki sped out along the Evros River or mountainous area in the Four soldiers sur- of control and overturned by boarding a boat along state’s Kinnaur District vived after falling into the on Friday, police said. the western Turkish near India’s border with river. The driver, who fled coast. Tibet where dozens of “As per initial re- after the crash, had MNA/Reuters soldiers were assigned to ports, about 25-30 sol- picked up about 30 mi- diers, including some of- grants, mostly Iraqis, ficers, have drowned in from the Greek-Turkish the river,” Indian Army border. spokesman Colonel When he tried to Sudhir Kumar Sakhuja overtake four cars some said. 25 miles east of “Army divers and Thessaloniki, he lost con- military are trol, crashed into one of scouring downstream ar- the cars and then over- eas to look for survivors,” turned, police said. he said, adding that Army Two of the injured authorities were yet to WEATHER are in critical condition in find out what caused the hospital. troops to fall from the Saturday, 10˚September, 2005 “Some of the people bailey bridge into the tur- Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 on the truck managed to U Win Naing-Daw Hla Hla Aye and family of 361, bulent river. hours MST: During the past 24 hours, weather has escape after the crash,” a Concrete Slab Factory Street, Thamaing Ward 2, Thousands of Indian been partly cloudy in Kachin State, rain or thunder- police official said. “We soldiers are deployed in Mayangon Township, recently donated K 100,000 to showers have been isolated in Shan State, scattered in are now looking for Himachal Pradesh to pro- upper Sagaing, Mandalay, and Taninthayi Divisions and them.” U Maung Maung Gyi, Joint-Treasurer of Adminis- tect India’s border with widespread in the remaining areas with locally heavyfall Tens of thousands of Tibetan region. trative Board of Hninzigon Home for the Aged. —˚H migrants attempt to cross MNA/Reuters in Mon State and isolated heavyfall in Chin and Rakhine

States and Yangon Division. The noteworthy amounts





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5. 5 Gwa (4.29) inches, Thaton (3.98) inches, Co co Island








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©Sunday, 11˚September Minimum temperature on 10-9-2005 was 69°F. Rela-

Sunday, 11˚September 

 6. Myanmar Video Tune in today: tive humidity at 9:30 hrs MST on 10-9-2005 was 96%. View on today: 5:35 pm

Feature: 8.30 am Brief news Total sunshine hours on 9-9-2005 was 2.7 hrs approx.






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7:00 am

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 8.35 am Music: Rainfalls on 10-9-2005 were (0.51) inch at


1. Recitation of Parittas by ¢ ¢7¨¢¢:¢



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8 8

Missionary Sayadaw U 85:45 pm Mingaladon, (0.70) inch at Kaba-Aye and (1.85) inches




* 8.40 am Perspectives


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""" Ottamathara " 9. Musical programme 8.45 am Music: at the central Yangon. Total rainfalls since 1-1-2005 2:15 pm 7:25 am 5:55 pm -Simple thing were 76.10 inches at Mingaladon, 79.37 inches at 2. To be healthy exercises 7. Musical programme 8.50 am National news/ Kaba-Aye and 84.45 inches at central Yangon. Maxi- 10. Sing and Enjoy Slogan

7:30 am 2:30 pm mum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (6) mph







6:30 pm 9:00 am Music:

  3. Morning news 8.  -Absolutely from South at (15:45) hours MST on 9-9-2005. 11. Evening news 7:40 am 2:45 pm 9:05 am International Bay inference: According to the observations at 4. Nice and sweet song 9. International news 7:00 pm news (06:30) hrs MST today, yesterday’s low pressure areas

7:55 am 4:00 pm 9:10 am Cultural Images




 12. Weather report persist over West Central Bay. Weather is partly cloudy


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5. 1. Martial song of Myanmar 7:05 pm -Hsoon bowl & to cloudy in the North Bay and monsoon is weak to

8:10 am 4:15 pm

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 Myanmar resin moderate elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal.

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  6.  13.

2. Songs to uphold 9:20 am When you’re

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 Forecast valid until evening of 11-9-2005: Rain

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 or thundershowers will be isolated in Kachin and Shan









7. , ,


" " 4:30 pm "1.30 pm News/Slogan 8:30 am 1.40 pm Children’s States, scattered in Chin and Kayah States, Sagaing, 3. English for Everyday 7:35 pm 8. International news Delight Mandalay and Magway Divisions and widespread in Use 8:45 am 14. Musical programme -Story for remaining areas with likelihood of isolated heavyfall in 4:45 pm

9. Say it in English 7:45 pm children ¨ 



 Rakhine, Mon and Kayin States and Yangon Division.

9 ¥=£¦  ©§

9 ¥=£¦  ©§

9 ¥=£¦  ©§

 4. “The story of Ka-

11:00 pm 15. Agricultural Source Degree of certainty is 80%.

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£ ¦ £ La-Yak-Hki-Ni” 1. Martial song Country’s Development -Songs for State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmar 5:00 pm

11:10 pm children

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2. Musical programme 5. > 9.00 pm Weekly news




Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood of


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<16. News


" "

11:25 pm " review




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; decrease of rain in Northern Myanmar areas.

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, 9.10 pm Article !

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3. Round up of the "17. International news


9 9.20 pm Music Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for 9¥ week’s International 918. Weather report

-Forever &

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news 11-9-2005: One or two rain or thundershowers. Degree

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 " "  5:15 pm 19. 

11:40 pm Foralways

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6. Dance of national races 




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4.  Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area





$5:25 pm 9.45 pm News/Slogan

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 20. The next day’s !









¢ 10.00 pm Potfolio for easy for 11-9-2005: One or two rain or thundershowers.


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" " " programme listening Degree of certainty is 80%.

R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press, No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 296864, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 296843, Accounts 296545, Administration 296161, Production 297032 (Office) /297028 (Press). 9th Waxing of Tawthalin 1367 ME Sunday, 11 September, 2005 Efforts to be made for planting 30,000 acres of rubber within three years to meet 100,000-acre target Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than on inspection tour of Sittway, Ponnagyun, Kyauktaw

Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than oversees progress in construction of Kyauktan Bridge on An-Sittway Road.— MNA

YANGON, 10 Sept — Member of the State Peace Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions and good conditions to achieve success. Hence, and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than on breeding tasks to be extended and inspected the Rakhine State is to utilize good conditions so as to of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chair- farm. contribute towards the State economy. Efforts should man of Rakhine State Peace and Development Coun- At the nursery of Sittway Station, Brig-Gen be made for boosting the meat production, gross do- cil Commander of Western Command Maj-Gen Khin Than Tun Aung explained nurturing of rubber and mestic product and per capita income. Thus, data Maung Myint and officials, arrived at the Agricul- pepper saplings. Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected and accounts of production and services are to be ture and Livestock Breeding Farm in Sittway Sta- the rubber and pepper nursery. collected accurately. Furthermore, it is necessary to tion, on 7 September morning. At the meeting hall of Sittway Station, Lt-Gen boost the production sector. As the target was set to Brig-Gen Than Tun Aung of Sittway Station Khin Maung Than met with departmental officials cultivate 1.1 million acres of monsoon paddy in reported on growing of 24 species of tree, breeding of and heard their reports. After fulfilling the require- Rakhine State, 1.09 million acres of land have so far domestic and pedigree pigs and poultry, sales of pigs ments, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than said that Rakhine been put under monsoon paddy and tasks are to be and poultry to Tatmadaw families and local people. State is blessed with water and land resources (See page 9) Yangon Division commemorates World First Aid Day (2005)

YANGON, 10 Sept— President of the Myanmar Society is an organiza- the first aid. make efforts with might members to accelerate The Supervision Com- Red Cross Society Dr Hla tion formed based on hu- The commander and main to serve the in- implementation of hu- mittee of Yangon Divi- Myint and executives, manity. So, it has been urged members of Red terests of the nation and manitarian movements in sion Red Cross Society Head of Division Health implementing its three Cross Societies and Red the people through the arts the interests of the moth- organized the World Department Dr Hla work programmes — to Cross brigades who are of first aid in accord with erland and people in line First Aid Day (2005) Myint, members of Red raise the health care, to taking an active role in the latest developments with the World First Aid commemorative cer- Cross Society, prize win- protect the people against the humanitarian services of Red Cross principles. Day motto “First Aid with emony at the Institute of ners and guests. epidemics, and to pro- to abide by the seven Red In conclusion, the com- vulnerable (margi- Nursing (Yangon) this The commander in vide relief aids for vic- Cross principles so as to mander also called on the nalized) people”. morning. his speech said that the tims — so as to achieve It was attended by 13th September has been the target “To alleviate Chairman of Yangon Di- designated as the World poverty”. In the past, the First Aid means to save lives, to prevent vision Peace and Devel- First Aid Day since 2003 purpose of first aid was opment Council Com- and it has been celebrated to care for those who illness or wounds from getting worse, and to mander of Yangon Com- annually since then. First were injured inciden- mand Maj-Gen Myint Aid means to save lives, tally. But, now it has also recover soonest The Red Cross Society is an Swe, Col Hla Aye, Com- to prevent illness or covered campaigns for mander of No 4 Military wounds from getting boosting social and organization formed based on humanity. Region, local authorities, worse, and to recover health standards, thus departmental officials, soonest. The Red Cross widening the horizon of Division Red Cross Supervisory Committee Chairman Dr Hla Myint presented the champion- ship flag won in the World Red Cross Day (2005) commemorative inter-state/division nurs- ing skill, parade and first aid competition; Secre- tary Dr Than Tin, the championship trophy won in the nursing skill competition; and Staff Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe delivers an address at World First Aid Day (2005) commemorative ceremony.— MNA (See page 9)