ERENCE My Searcn Ror Joo Wright
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~,CGe Rf:~ERENCE ONLY My Searcn rorJo o Wright Submitted by Heather Wright Robbins [email protected] 704-471-9197 It all started with Job for me. I started attending the BRGS meetings five years ago. Before I knew it I was volunteering with the Cleveland County Heritage Book Vol. II , then secretary. I have engrossed myself in this passion to find Job. I must thank all the Broad River Friends that have helped me get involved and I am so thankful for the wonderful Society that Virginia DePriest started so long ago. Last year I visited Southampton County Courthouse in Virginia in search of my Job. These are some Deeds I copied. The story goes Job Wright was born 1757 in Southampton Co.Va. From these documents and others I hope to find out where to go next in search of Job's father, who I also believe to be Job. Ha! Here is part Job's timeline. Southampton Co. Va. Deed Book 6 part 1 page 264-267 31Jari1784 David WRIGHT & Sarah wife Nottoway Parish James WRIGHT Whereas Job WRlGHT late of county deceased was in his lifetime and at the time of his death seized and possessed of and with a certain plantation tract 187 acres Nottoway comprising the whole 170 acres granted to John RA(O)SBERRY by letters patent date 13 Nov. 1713 , 17 acres patent 14 Feb. 1761 to Job WRIGHT and also being the same where on the said James WRIGHT now lives ... did devise by will to his youngest son the aforesaid James WRIGHT BUT HAVING A LITTLE BEFORE HIS DEATH EXPRESSED AND EARNEST DESIRE THAT HIS WILL SHOULD NOT BE PROVED BUT THAT HIS CHILDREN SHOULD NEVER THE LESS FAITHFULLY comply with and full fill the contents David & Sarah wife consideration of request of our father Job WRIGHT 5 shillings by James WRIGHT Witness David WRIGHT Wm Williams Sarah X WRIGHT Barnaby DRAKE JR. Farden X JOHNSON Southan1pton Co. Va. Deed 7 part 2 page 459-460 9Sept1790 James WRIGHT of Nottoway Parish Miriam SCOTT 34 pounds 3 shillings 2 pence plantation formerl y owned by Job WRIGHT 80 acres also two horse and all my plantation implements of every kind EX-SHERIFF M. N. HAMRICK IS DEAD f.'ROM INE..'llJT OFFICIAL OF COUNTY PASSES ''\..\•a.o.; 77 Years Old·- Served as Sheriff. on School and Road Uoards - Was Deacon 25 Yc..1rs l::x-Shcriff W . Newton H a nvick, o ne :· the foremost characters in t he up •·-:.ildini:- c,f Shelby nod Cl.cvell,md - ,1ont)', passed quiet ly to r est Friday · ·:"ninir al thr close of d11y, foll ow •$/: an illness of four year from hearl . : . ~ •·uble which was followed a w eek .. i:o by paralrsi~ of the throat. Sher- I ~ H:unrick wRs prominent in church, E x-Sh <-riff M. N. HAMRI C !~ who ;..! it1cal a nd bu~in 1• ss_ cirdc!i, and h ~!! 1 •!ie<i at age 77 yCJirH. I •. ~ }-.._-;,rs were unselfish, sympathetic .. : .ci helpful. He wa ~ . hel<l in _such 1 • :i:rh <•stc<•m by the c1t1z<!ns of C1c\'t•-1 This is the first death m n fllmily I norc gathered for - •::n<l that he was calh:d from h!:. farm : i six sooR of whom Ex-Sheriff Ham fr. Hamrick one , /l/i-rf~, •:. the Bea,·er Dam S<.-<: t ion und elcctA...J i rick was the oldest . He is survived by 111asons in the county from t . '1~. :/;1/:/:. ,: Srreriif, which office he !illcd with · 'hvc- brothers, S id"cy, Leander , J oh n '. 1oi nt of membership. H e JOmed n~(I . c ;1t•nor for ten yea rs. Fo1· a number of iJ . a:"ld A lonzo Hamrick of Clcvclnnd :37 years ago a nd was us dutiful as ho~ srrved o n the school board county anrl Dr. Wiley Hamrick of ' in his other positions of trust and .• nd h e::·c bi.<; sC' rvices again reflected Gaffney, S. C., also by h is wife nnd h onor. The following Masons scrvC'd '.is un~<'!ii~h devotion to right and ; t he following children: Mrs. W. H. ns pa llwbcarers: W. K . Dor sey, .J. 1.. '"'~t icl' :irul hi~ friendship for educa- .lcnrungs, Mrs. W. H . Blanton, Mrs. Grice , Rochel Hendrick, J. L. S mith, : ... n . \n o th<~r rC' COl:'nit io n of h is busi- 1 S. 0. Andrews , Mrs. Beuna Bostic, Hugh Logan a.nd Jim Hes ter. " •·SO' :.C.i lity :mcl public devotion came Ydi ss Ollie Hamrick, Chief of Police Deacons of the Baptist church to- :. pon h:~ r!..,ction on the board oi I R. 0. Hamrick and Grover C. Ham- gethcr with Judgee E . Y. and J L. 11;~h"'-:• r c:ornmis:<ion of No. ti town· dck. Web b, C. C. Bl.ant-On, J, C. Smith, H. 1 -·.;. ip ""!\k:·. oflk" hi! filled for s<•veral The funeral was conduct<.'<! from j I D. Wilson, J. J. Lattimore, R. T. Le 1 ; .::1r.;. 'li1c F'irst Baptist church Sunday af Grand, C. R. Hoey, D. Aug. Beam, A. Ex-She1·!ff llann-icl< wa s vie~ pres-1 ternoon at 2 :30 o'clock by t he p as to· i H. Webb, R. L. Ryburn, A. C. Miller ol cll~ ,,: Lh•· Shelby Cott.on Mills for Rev. Dr. J . M. K ester a s~iste<l b· ; , Rnd J . FTulk WlUl:ams bononry l:!!l y twl!nl)' ycai·s, ha.,,;ni; been one of I fkvs. G. P. Hamrick a nd W. A . Mui : h<' t• riiri1!nl stockholders and super --;,y amid a crowd o! sorrowin g frientl r~ :· ~ n~ ndc nd e<! :c, l'r('(·tion. Not only was '<•1d relatives t hat filled t he larg · .r p 1 ~ min1 : n~ and diligent in publi c-· : nUl·ch an<l Sunday ~choo l auditorium. I ·1 f!"a;1«, l;ut ht· was a consecrated Not ofLCn d oes a crowd a :s !urge n;; 1 ' 'ht-ist i:m who sen·ed for a qoarter of I.his attend :i. fllncral in Cleveland .. c ;;nrury on the Board of Dea.cons 11 ut ExShe1·itf Hamrick w'as held 1r . ~ tht· First Raptist chu1:ch_:..._bcing· j ~uch high esteem throug hout Clev land that his maoy friends wished !:<. · r. ~.irma:: of t hC' board for a number pay a las t t r ibute of respeet to hi,; : ye;.~ . H i;i Chr istian life was ac memory. The bcautif nl floral ofJ'erin1- : r_.,. !or he was always a regular was another t estim ony of the bigu rsurd1 attendant,, kind ~gard which he was held for .. nd l;.;lpful to thooe in need. in 'WJ'eath upoo WTeatb bore evideac.e to Mr. Hamrick was born in the bi~ worth a.nd go<><hteee.. ~\'('!' Dam community of Cleveland :·ounty, June '.!O, 1844 and went with ll aaomt tit' tb4t- ~ o:f' tet' O;F I J:r ·:. , tht: 17 yl•.nr o ld boys to war whore l1is scn ·iccs were all that could b<; de- • 1r,'<l from a loynl, patriotic Southern •nan. A it-er the war he w as married ~ ·, :\l iss Adelnide H olland, dnughwr ··! C.1pt. Gold Griffin Holland, a de •a·nclunt of Ca pt. James Holland of r. Mountain battle fame. Capt. ·:vld G riffin w11 s elected t-0 the lcgis .:.tare aft..• r the Civ il War :rnd Capt. I i:1:r1o:s wus a mcml>er of Congress. ,' -i 1• w1fe was a du tiful mother and de .- c,H-,.1 cvmpanic•n who walked wilh · · ir.1 :1 n11 rn arm through a hu lf cen- 1 ury ;:.; b ppin..:ss :md content ment. 93 Witness James WRIGHT Shadrack BEALE Henry JONES Peggy JONES Southampton Co. Va. Deed Book 7 part 2 page 455-457 11 Jan. 1791 · James WRIGHT and wife Mary Albridgton JONES 93 pounds 10 shillings 2 tracts 170 acres N. side of branch comer belonging to orphans of David WRIGHT dec'd Line of tree Jesse JOYNER land William WILLIAMS land Comer Wm JONES 17 ACRES Jesse JOYNER'S line by the side of Anthony branch Albridgton Jones line Conveyed to James by David son and heir at law of Job Wright by dee' d expressed recorded in the county court of Southampton Witness James X WRIGHT Jo. SCOTT Jr. Mary X WRIGHT Sam CALVERT Henry BRIGGS John SCOTT Southampton Co. Va. Deed Book 7 part 2 page 465 James WRIGHT Under my care a Negro man Zack aged about 25 whom I have hereto held as a slave but being fully persuaded that freedom is the natural right of all mankind and that it is my duty to do unto others as I would desire to be done by do therefore hereby emancipate and set the said Zack free and I do for myself my heirs executors and administrators hereby relinquish all my right title interest claim or pretention of claim whatsoever to his person or to any estate he may here after acquire The above named Zack to enjoy his full freedom without any interruption from me or any person claiming for by or under me in witness whereo~ I have hereto set my hand and seal this 1oth Feb 1791 Sealed Delivered In presence of James X WRIGHT seal William FOWLER Asa BEAL Court Southampton co.VA.