Izaak Walton House, Clayton
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IZAAK WALTON HOUSE, CLAYTON. N. Y. THOUSAND ISLANDS RIVER aT. LAWRENOE. One of the best and most popular houses in Clayton or on the River. Complete in all appointments. Commodious, well fur. nished rooms. Cuisine a standard of excellence. 250 FEET OF PIAZZA FRONTING THE RI WALTON Housa ANNEX contains several comfortable PaaaD,. Apartments, affording all the advantages of a S1UIUIleI' a.eaort, wit1a quiet surroundings. Reasonable Rates. AddnIs T. M. ESSELSTYN. Manager. ~\. A .. ,·10 o T R 1 ~~, o ------., , ...., ~ "au • - Or... ........., ~ tOoa. .... ......, ......... { ", ---------___ MltlrOt(T. 1..... -."--....' -----_... ... .---------- ............ ,......... -------- ~--~--.. - " ....... THE ONLY ALL-RAIL ROUTE TO THE THOUSAND ISLANDS. ,, ~------------- -.... '!5 ~~PEC'[ACI!Ee ...... THE GREA.T IDGUWAY AND FAVORITE ROUTE FOR F.!SmONA.BLE PLE URE TRA. VEL • I 140 MIiSS , Brown Point LLI ...... ....... Solid Train. with Elegant Sleeping CArs leave Niagara F&!ls daily 8.10 p. m. tor Thon.and rslands. m&kl.ng immediate connections at Clayton without transter, t I!Iontrea t. ·~I ... - .... ..... AWi'>'"ndr.r" 0 :;;;,.;..- • t;: ..... ...... 6 GANANOQUE with powerful s team~rs of Richelieu & Ont&rio Na.vigation Co. for Alexandria Bay, Montreal, Quebec and the River 8aguenay. passing • .11 the Thousand Islands B"~ ..... and running all the Rapids of the River St. Lawrence by daylight, the most attractive trip in the world. '. 0 BROPHY'S pom~..... ... White Mountains Ilnd Portland Expresaleaves Niaga.ra Falls daily except Sa.turday at 8.10 p. m. with through Sleeping cars Niagara Falls to Portland, making , .. .. connections at Norwood for Massena Springs; at Moira for Pau18mith's and Adirondack resorn. and r unning through the beart of the Mountains via. Fabyan'8 .... o ..... - <I} ~ lsi.. ,...." and fa.mous Crawford Notch to Portland. with immediats connections for Bar Ha.rbor, Old Orchard, Kennebunkport and all Sea Coast resorts of Maine. This ..... .. ... S,",oa\ -- .. ",' , a 1<CUU'8 ~ train stops at all principal resorts in tbe White Mountains . .. ~1,\"~\~I.'~' - <-' . ....... '-- 8- Sleeping Cars on Night Trains and Drawing-Room Cars on Day Train. from Niagara FaJl., Roche.ter, flyracUB .and Utica to Clayton (Thousandlelandsl. where CHIMNEY J. o:,q Pl • ~~ ...: .• ( ,;t+/ J"': connection is m ade by all tra.in.s with lJalaoe Steamer fISt;. Lawrence" for all Thousand Island Resorts. I D· eUCdr.., ~ " ·~ "·"~/l. "rIDD81. ~~ewl. J.( • ,-""."....... " SCALE OF Mfl. ES -, ,,... __-, ......... _ ..._ :.. ~.. : ........... ... p .. ; ". , ,,,;-1 \. ~"''' '.. " '...... ' " o· 2 3 4 6 ._. , ~-' ......,_ __..... -;; MARVIN I.' JI .... rJ,.c'i- ~... , '"' ................, ,.... Cit. CORa t... 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' , WATCH I. - ~'!'O"'''' OAlt ....<I 32 MilO. .1 rr -' ""......... ~ ...... ~ y WESTMINST ~. / Iv'LTO "''' .... --:..... - -- -:. -_ ..., O~den.b"r~ ~,,' 0"" -~, . ;·'ii,.OUSAND IS NO PARK .l''j:] ~'>; DEERI. _ -=:t. ..· -:,:.......... _ .: ~- _.of ~Q.'IW g ..,.. .. N D O"H~. j# ~ 0$" ~(\Q. ~" ) J , . ARK '" ~ 19 -'" • .;.~". ••,,~"' *'~ .. ;oo.. ; <Q.1I' ... " . ~ .' ~ ..... .tt .,' ii: ..LJ. •• ~~,.'~t- ...... -:_ _ ,-- ~ -- '! ,,: .,\er • "",)l.E'i.·'r." r;tUBI. aT • .. 1 P.ULLM, • •• -u•;;, 18 0-,21'" .......". ____ .... • .' , j ~ .. <!:. ,' BLOF'r ii'" ,. ,-"'U,..... 8 9 "'io-~' II 14 'J__ .. =.,/ 2, 23 ]3'::/ . d' ; )'.• ",.,.E. • ,'---... ,7 . ..... ~ "2'i' .. - • Names of POInts indicate by Figures in Red. OOs ....~ ...GcE"'~· W.dl]l:t~ , • _. : ::-..... cl'.rSl~ndL' Ii:, ..... ~7 "' :' AL.EXANCRJA eAY G 10. r.landRoyal ................ Roy.lE.De.ne,New York. ".- " " , / ~ ,':.. GRouP 7 ···. • • ~~7" ~ ... 13 " 11. Seven Isles ........ Bradley WinSIOWkWatertown, N. Y.. ---- * ...... - ~ . J,. l.fERI(Je-- ~ (JIIANNJiJL 4£ •• -.;-- ~ 11. Point Vivian; Rezot Tozer, J.J. inney, Dr. Jon.. , R ~..._... _~-~U""."&&-."--=~-----.-'" __ .. ------......:: ... _""YER.O___ ,." . 2 3 I I d"OND ISLAND J.• ~. C ENTRAL PAR ~"\>- ~~ Names 0 f Poln , t s In. d'lea t ed by Figu res In. R e.d NewGeo. Jonee,York. Willi.m Cooper ••nd others, Stone Mills, --'NT ----------..-- PROSPECT P AR K --, I u ~~~~ ~ARK C ....~~ .,,0' 1. Carlton Island 13. Bella Vi.ta Lodge ... __ .. F. J. Bo.worth, Newport, R. r. .. .. -- "'i'~ C~ #~;:"t7., ~'j: ~ ' FISHERS ,. 2. Governor·.Island......... Ex·Lient.-G<>v .T. G.Alvord. 14. ComfortIsl.nd ................... A.E.Clark, Chica~_ S~Ej;j:~'~~~ - 't'o ..e2\."JO:..... ~._ ...~- ..... ,. , AN "IN" 8. C.lumet Isl.nd .... .. __ Mr. Chao. a. Emery, New York. 15. Warner leland ... ..... R. R. Warner",Roche8ter, N. Y. - . 0,. ~ .... .. .. 4. Rock leland Llght-HotL8e, head 01 American Channel. 16 Che y leI d {A .B. rullman, Chicago. "0 5 JOccident.ndOrient ... .. E.R. W hbu rn, New York. IT an ... _-- ..... __ ... G. B. Marsll. .. ·lts: • 118le of Pin.. ....... Mr •. E. N. ROb1U80n, New York. 17. Wan Winet ............... _......... C. E. Hill, Chicago • .- . (\ L 0 CAL 0 1STAN C E S. e. Frederick leland .. _... C. L. Fredell ' , C.rthage, N.Y. 18. Nobby IBI.nd .................. H. R. n ... th, New York. ~ < 000" 7. Wellsle,)' House. 19. Welcome lel.nd .. __ ._ ......... S. G. Pope, Ogden.burg. c<!'" ~ L. '" lllLES lOul. ~ Rev. Goodrich, Wargeville. N. Y. 20. Linlithgow I.l.nd ..... .... R. A. Living.ton, Rew York. Ji'Y'~1Io . r)o, CAp. Vincent to Carlton r,land .. ... 2 Cap. Vincent te Alexandria Bay ... 26 8 W B h Arthur H'l!jhes. >tone Mills N Y. 21. Ronnie Castle ..... ...................... Holland Estate. ,.. y 0.... K . .. .. Prospect Park .... 13 • "" Klngeton ......... 10 . BVlDg ranc ee Frederick IUltll, Watertown', N: Y. 22. Isle Imp:rial. ....... Mr •. H. G. Le Conte. Philade~hia. E w O ·r U "" Clayton . ... ....•. 14 " "" Gananoqne ....... lei L S. Ainsworth, '~ate rtow-y' N. Y. 23. Point ~ arg'!J.eritc .••••••.... .•. ,E.. Anthony, New ork. Til>he.~s PO int-i Nattcmo:r BO"U'ndarvlitne.. -._-..--.. -.-". .. RoundI.land ..... 16 Alexandria Bay to Westminster >PrOf. A B .Brown, .\ age,N. 24. Sportlel.nd ........ _.................... PackerEstate• .. Th d Island Park 1 N D. Ferguson, U 25 } Q l.H. Z'h.rouglt and LQcdl Steomerll, aotted reU ~ ousan .. • . ... ... ..•• ... ~. Jolly Oaks. John No-"'n I, ,, 26'. Summerland Group. P.rk ........... 18 .. .. Rockport....... S J ' ~ .... 14 Ra.tlroacill, 80lid red line .. Fi. her'. L.nding. 20 .. Centra! Park •.. £ t Hon_ W. W. l>utterfie • Redwood, N. Y. 27. Manhattan Group. THE ROUTES PURSUED BY THE EXCURSION STEAMERS UPO~ THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER FROM CLA YTON AND GANAKOQCE TO WESTJIJXSTER PARK AND ALEX".JNDRJ..-l BA V PUBLISHED BY JNO. A. HADDOCK AND J. H. DURHAM CLAYTON AND ALEXANDRIA BAY, N. Y. PRINTED AND BOUND BY WE EO-PARSONS PRINTING COMPANY ALBANY, N. Y. CoPYRlGBTE1), 18'),. All rignw; reserved. HIS little book is not written with the idea T that it will take the place of more pretentious guide books, nor as a history of The Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence River; nor yet is it written especially in the interest of any steamboat company, nor of any particular route; but solely to point out to the visitor such places of interest among the islands as are most worthy of attention, and the means by which they may be reached. In addition, what may be termed side routes or excursions haye been pointed out, which if taken will add largely to the interest of a summer tour in and around the St. Lawrence River region. Believing, also, that incidents which have occurred so long ago among and in the vicinity of the Thousand Islands as to have be come history, will add much to its interest, a brief sketch of each is reproduced, and the locality in which it took place pointed out. The writer claims