Doc: LWfG Recap 2.5 Doc: AEWA/MOP 4.11 AGREEMENT ON THE CONSERVATION OF Agenda item: 11.d. AFRICAN-EURASIAN MIGRATORY WATERBIRDS Original: English Date: 15 August 2008 4th SESSION OF THE MEETING OF THE PARTIES 15 – 19 September 2008, Antananarivo, Madagascar “Flyway Conservation at Work – Review of the Past, Vision for the Future" REVIEW OF WATERBIRD RE-ESTABLISHMENT IN THE AEWA AREA Introduction According to Paragraph 7.4 of the AEWA Action Plan the Agreement Secretariat, in coordination with the Technical Committee and the Parties, shall prepare a series of international reviews necessary for the implementation of the Action Plan, including, inter alia, a Review of waterbird re-establishment in the Agreement area. After a call for tenders the compilation of this review was commissioned to the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust. Information from Range States on the implementation of re-establishments was collected through questionnaires. This review was approved by the Technical Committee at its 8th meeting in March 2008 and endorsed by the Standing Committee at its 5th meeting June 2008 for submission to MOP4. Conclusions and recommendation from the review served as a basis for draft Resolution 4.4. Action requested from the Meeting of the Parties The Meeting of the Parties is invited to note the Review of waterbird re-establishments in the AEWA area and take its conclusions and recommendations into account in the decision making process. Doc: LWfG Recap 2.5 AEWA Re-establishment Review Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust Review of Waterbird Re-establishment in the AEWA Region Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust Slimbridge Gloucestershire, UK GL2 7BT Final draft – April 2008 Doc: LWfG Recap 2.5 Authors: Rebecca Lee & Baz Hughes Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire, GL2 7BT United Kingdom Email:
[email protected] or
[email protected] Acknowledgements The production of this review would not have been possible without the contributions of a number of ornithological experts and representatives from national governmental agencies.