POW WOW the Full Spectrum of Pow-Wow Singing

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POW WOW the Full Spectrum of Pow-Wow Singing :HOFRPHWRRXU0XVLF&DWDORJ7RJHWVWDUWHGFOLFNRQWKH%RRNPDUN7DE LQWKHXSSHU OHIWFRUQHURIWKLVGRFXPHQW,I\RXGRQ¶WVHHWKLVRSWLRQJRWR9LHZ!1DYLJDWLRQ 7DEV!%RRNPDUNVRQ\RXU3&RU:LQGRZV !%RRNPDUNVRQD0$&2QFH\RXUERRNPDUNWDE LV IXQFWLRQLQJ \RX ZLOO VHH WKH KHDGLQJV RI WKH FDWDORJ$ SOXV VLJQ PHDQV WKHUH DUH WLWOHV QHVWHGLQWKDWIROGHU&OLFNRQDQ\ZRUGWRJHWWRWKDWORFDWLRQLQWKHFDWDORJDVVKRZQLQWKH H[DPSOHEHORZ3OHDVHIDPLOLDUL]H\RXUVHOIZLWK$GREH5HDGHU¶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ox406 +RZWR2UGHU $Q\RUGHUSODFHGEHIRUHSP367ZLOOJRRXWWKHVDPHGD\:HDOZD\V DHxter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ear Creek: Kaagige (Forever) CR6407 9.10 With a bond as strong as the sound of their drum, Bear Creek digs deep and presents POW WOW the full spectrum of pow-wow singing. Up- holding their Ojibwe traditions and their rep- utation as a championship drum group, Grammy®-nominated Bear Creek sing for their ancestors, the people of the present Glen Ahhaitty: No More Lies and the future generations. CR6463 9.10 Bear Creel: XI (includes DVD) Glen Ahhaitty comes from the Kiowa, Co- CR6474 9.10 manche and Cherokee peoples. He was a member of the well respected drums Rose Having dedicated themselves to the way of Hill and Bad Medicine. He is currently the the drum for over a decade, Bear Creek con- lead singer for his own group, the Oklahoma tinues to sing from the heart with power, Outlaws. He was invited to perform with Ste- conviction and feeling. Combining intricate vie Wonder and his "Drums of Unity" at the melodies with crisp singing, this Ojibwe Democratic National Convention honoring President Barack Obama. Enjoy drum group delivers another soon-to-be- these Oklahoma Round Dance Songs from this NAMMY nominated talented classic recording. DVD is 14 minutes and in- artist. cludes an interview. Glen Ahhaitty: Lies from the Road Bear Creek 9.10 and 9.50 CR6410 9.10 Right Now CR6489 Through Thick and Thin CR6448 From the Kiowa, Comanche and Cherokee The Way of Our Drum DP1100 tribes of Oklahoma, Glen Ahhaitty's songs spin tales inspired by life on the pow wow highway. He has traveled for decades with Bearhead Sisters: A Woman’s Journey the most renowned Southern Plains style DNA111 9.75 drum groups. His songs tell of his people, ex- The Bearhead Sisters, Trina, Carly and periences and feelings that inhabit the life of Allie,present 14 songs in their sophomore re- a pow wow singer always on the move. With shades of country blues and lease. Songs include So Beautiful to Me, accompanied only by a hand drum, Ahhaitty shares the often lonesome ups Stand By Me, Pretty Girl Take My Hand, Look and downs of life on the open road in today's Native America. at the Stars and Moon, Thunder Song, To the Walter Ahhaitty and Friends: River I Pray, Honor Song, Women’s Journey Oklahoma Style and Late at Night. 229 10.80 Bearhead Sisters: Our Angels Gourd Dancing is performed by some South- DNA103 9.75 ern tribes (Kiowa, Comanche) and occurs be- The Bearhead Sisters are Trina, Carly and fore the Grand Entry, when the drum sings Allie. Raised in a traditional family of song- Gourd Songs for the dancers. Only Gourd writers and singers, they follow in the foot- Dancers may dance a Gourd Dance, with re- steps of their ancestors. These songs are galia consisting of a long sleeve shirt and meant to unite us as one through their har- pants, a gourd sash or vest, and a rattle. Dancers stand around the outside monizing. 15 round dance songs including of the arena and shake their rattles and lift their heels with the beat of the Baby Boy, Sad and Lonely, Window Rock (Rik- drum. When the song reaches a specific point, the dancers slowly dance away from their spot. Gourd Dances are usually held in sets, with about ishi and Crain) and T-Harmony (Blackstone). three or four songs a set, after which people will take a small break. The Gourd Rattle used in pow wows is not a gourd but a tin or silver cylinder Big Bear: Honoring Past and Present filled with beads on a beaded handle. There are many fine rattles that are Songmakers peyote beaded around the handle with white horse hair tufts on top of the DNA92 9.75 rattle. Featuring Little Comanche Ponies. The singers of Big Bear reflect on their influ- Battle River: Hard Times ences from the great singers and songmak- DP1000 9.50 ers of the past. Their inspirations include: such greats as Billy Baker, Charlie Gopher, One of the most well known original style Jim Blackdog, Pat Kennedy and Alex singing groups on the pow wow trail, Battle Scalplock. Recorded live at The FNUC Annual River shows why they have been in the win- Pow Wow in Regina, Saskatchewan. ners line-up at some of the largest pow wows across the United States and Canada. Call in or email your orders: This is a compilation of their previous work. From Drumhop Productions. 1-800-688-0187 [email protected] Zango Music Tribal Fires CD Catalog 2015 Page 2 Big River Cree: In Harmony Again Black Lodge Singers: More Kid’s Pow 30154 10.40 Wow Songs CR6387 9.10 Big River Cree is from the Big River Nation in northern Saskatchewan. They are comprised Black Lodge is one of North America's lead- of family members and friends in the commu- ing pow wow drums. This recording is a fol- nity. They travel all summer and perform at low-up to Black Lodge's earlier hit, Kid's various pow wows and round dance all winter. Pow-Wow Songs and includes pow wow songs for today's kids of all ages. Songs in- clude “Sponge Bob Square Pants,” “Scooby Big River Cree: 10.40 Doo,” “Old McDonald,” and a “Kid’s Pow Wow Song Medley.” The Old Way 30148 Stand By Me 30145 Black Lodge Singers: Spo’ Mo’ Kin Nan Songs from the Healing Lodge 30132 CR6435 9.10 Going Home 30117 Continuing a singing legacy spanning gener- Greatest Hits 30112 ations, six-time Grammy® nominee Black You Make Me Proud 30097 Lodge is a living legend on the pow wow Doin’ What We Love 30088 highway. Founded by Kenny Scabby Robe of Pow Wow Trail 30083 the Blackfeet Nation, the Black Lodge Singers Together Again 30081 are largely comprised of members of this Just for U 30071 family. They have traveled and performed in Europe and Africa. Several members of the group are prolific songwriters It’s Been Awhile 30060 creating new pow wow songs each year. Black Lodge’s precision drumming The Beginning 9.75 DNA29 and brilliant singing are always in demand at pow wow circles across North America. Black Eagle: Flying Free 213 10.80 Black Lodge Singers: 9.10 (from latest to oldest release date) From Jemez, N.M. this group originated in Spo’ Mo’ Kin’ Nan CR6435 1989 and are descendants of the once pow- Watch This Dancer CR6429 erful Pecos Pueblo People. They are brothers More Kid’s Pow Wow CR6387 and cousins who live a traditional lifestyle. Family Traditions 10.60 218 They are a positive influence on all Pueblo Brotherhood 10.60 215 tribes and have been awarded the 2004 Long Time Comin’ CR6338 Grammy Award for best Native American Weasel Tail’s Dream CR6337 album. Their powerful vocals will inspire anyone who listens. Listen for Le Tribute to the Elders CR6318 Andra Peters (Diné) who adds her voice to the group on several tracks. The People Dance CR6293 Black Eagle: Voice of the Drum Round Dance Tonight CR6278 228 10.80 Enter the Circle CR6276 Kid’s Pow Wow Songs CR6274 Black Eagle started learning songs at a young Inter-Tribal Pow wow Songs Vol. 12 16272 age. They have evolved into a group of young Veteran’s Honor Songs CR6214 men and women who continue to live a tra- Live at Fort Duchesne CR6209 ditional lifestyle that dictates everything Pow Wow People 10.60 150 they do including composing their songs in the ancient Towa language of their ances- Pow Wow Highway Songs 10.60 125 tors. Thye have become a positive force in their own community as well as others they visit while on the pow wow Blackfoot Confederacy 9.10 (except where noted) trail. This collection of Round Dance and Hand Drum songs won them a 2006 NAMMY and garnered a GRAMMY nomination as well. Hail to the Chiefs 9.50 DP3400 Hear the Beat CR6426 Black Lodge Singers: Kid’s Pow Wow Confederacy Style CR6405 Songs Setting the Record Straight CR6382 CR6274 9.10 Black Lodge of White Swan, Washington are Blackfoot Confederacy: Elder’s Vision one of the leading pow-wow drums in North CR6505 9.10 America.
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