Thunderstorm floods roads; Min 20º schools, flights suspended Max 38º High Tide 00:05 & 13:27 Authorities on full alert • Volunteers rush to help Low Tide 07:07 & 19:16 40 PAGES NO: 16681 150 FILS Kuwait delays By Meshaal Al-Enezi and Agencies KUWAIT: A thunderstorm hit the country early yester- day, leading to the suspension of schools and universi- Iraq reparations ties and flooding in some areas and roads. The Interior Ministry cautioned motorists from the possible continu- payment to 2017 ation of the thunderstorm, calling on people in Kuwait KUWAIT: Kuwait has agreed to let Iraq postpone a to contact the police and fire directorate’s emergency final batch of Saddam Hussain-era war reparations teams in case of emergencies. Officials from Kuwait it is owed until early 2017. The official Kuwait News University and the Ministry of Education released state- Agency reported yesterday that the state agreed to ments regarding the suspension of studies at schools give Iraq until Jan 2017 to pay the $4.6 billion repa- and universities due to the bad weather conditions. The rations package following a request from Baghdad. measure also took into consideration the safety of stu- The chairman of a Kuwait body charged with deal- dents and teaching staff at educational facilities. ing with claims stemming from Iraq’s 1990 invasion The Kuwait Meteorological Center warned that the and occupation of Kuwait, Khaled Al-Mudhaf, told weather would remain unstable and cloudy, with mod- the United Nations Compensation Commission in erate to strong southeasterly wind with speeds of 25-50 Geneva that Kuwait’s decision is based on its sym- km/h, causing rising dust and low visibility of less than pathy for Iraq and its understanding of the condi- 1,500 m in some areas and a chance of rain that might tions in the country. The final payment date was be thundery at times. already delayed once to 2016. Meanwhile, volunteers from the Kuwait Red Crescent Kuwait’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Society offered help to people affected by the stormy Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al- weather in Jahra, the society’s chairman Dr Hilal Al- Sabah received a message in July from his Iraqi Sayer announced. counterpart Ibrahim Al-Jaafari requesting delay of Continued on Page 13 the last tranche of reparations for an additional year, added Mudhaf, the Chairman of the Public Schools off today Authority for Assessment of Compensation (PAAC). The request was supported by Kuwait’s govern- KUWAIT: Education Minister Dr Badr Al-Essa ment in solidarity with Iraq and the Iraqi people, announced late yesterday that all public and private with no effect whatsoever on the UNSC resolutions, KUWAIT: Cars navigate through flooded streets during a thunderstorm that hit Kuwait early yester- schools will be closed today due to the possibility of he said. Mudhaf stressed Kuwait’s readiness to offer day. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat (More pics on Page 2) thunderstorms. — KUNA aid to Iraq through the UNCC regarding claims sub- mitted to the Iraqi judiciary. PAAC told the UNCC that the Kuwaiti government paid $520,248,230 in June, the total extra payment comprised in the UNCC resolutions, he said. — Agencies

French embassy in US terminates Kuwaiti intern

NEW YORK: A Kuwaiti intern at the French embassy in the United States was dismissed Tuesday after she was accused of publishing an anti-Semitic rant on Facebook. She was also suspended by Sciences Po university in Paris, where she was a student, pending further investi- gation, a faculty spokesman told AFP. The alleged com- ments were published Friday on the website of a group called “The Inglourious Basterds”, which says it aims to expose anti-Semitic postings. The student’s Facebook and Twitter pages were no longer available, and the date the alleged remarks were posted was unknown. “Yes you Jews deserve to learn these lessons,” the student said in a Facebook exchange, according to the Inglourious Basterds site - which bor- rows its name from a Quentin Tarantino movie about a band of Nazi-hunting Jewish soldiers. “You don’t belong anywhere in this world - that’s why you guys are scums and rats and discriminated against wherever you are. Continued on Page 13 MPs to debate sports situation By B Izzak

KUWAIT: The National Assembly is expected to hold a special debate on the sports situation in the country after the International Olympic Committee slapped a total suspension on Kuwaiti sports for allegedly vio- lating the law. MP Abdullah Maayouf said that he and MP Abdullah Al-Turaiji will brief the Assembly on the meetings between IOC and Kuwait Olympic Committee and sports authorities about two weeks ago. The lawmaker said MPs will debate who is responsible for the suspension and what measures should the government take regarding the issue. Continued on Page 13 LOCAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 Violent thunderstorm, flood hit Kuwait

KUWAIT: A violent thunderstorm ravaged the country early yesterday morning, leading to the suspension of schools and universities and flooding in some areas and roads. Unstable weather and rains continued throughout the day. The Interior Ministry cautioned road users from the possible continuation of the thunderstorm till the evening. — Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat Kuwaitis top GCC realty entrepreneurs in Saudi

RIYADH: Kuwaiti realty entrepreneurs this sector in Riyadh are very much as judged from the current and fore- constitute majority of GCC investors in limited, he said noting that the invest- cast supply-except for the offices.” He the real-estate sector in Saudi Arabia, ing companies consider the city as a forecast launch of larger projects on said a local property expert. Although secondary market, with establishment huge spaces “exceeding the needs” this proportion is the highest at the of long-term funds, covering housing particularly in the hotels’ sector, future Gulf level “it remains limited and not and commercial investments. GCC citi- projects which have grown, thus lead- as robust as the Kuwaiti realty invest- zens’ investments in the realty sector ing to forecast robust competition in ment sector,” said Dr Hamad Al- in the Kingdom rose 20 percent in most of the Kingdom’s regions and Shwaier, head of the real-estate com- 2014, compared to 2013, with invest- main cities. He alluded stagnation in mittee at the Chamber of Commerce ment volume amounting to nearly 15 residential units’ sales to the mort- in Riyadh, in an interview with Kuwait billion Saudi riyal. gage law which compels the investor News Agency (KUNA) Most of the capitals that enter the to pay 30 percent in advance of the Most of the Kuwaiti real-estate Kingdom belong to major companies, unit cost. Volume of the demand set- investments are in Al-Sharqiah region, with significant operations in the Gulf tled at 200,000 units in end of 2014. Riyadh city and Aseer, and the Kuwaiti market, thus reflecting confidence in Turning to remedies, he mentioned companies are “eyed as the most the Saudi market, he said, adding that need for experienced companies, in important clients by the Saudi there are promising enterprises name- light of recent state resolutions allow- Chamber of Commerce at the Gulf ly construction of labor towns. Riyadh ing foreign investment in the direct investment level.” Kuwaiti entrepre- itself will witness construction of five retail sector. neurs are particularly lured to the new towns for the workers and engi- The recent resolutions allow the hotels’ sector, including the five-star neers-mostly to be built southwest of foreigners to acquire 100 percent of hotels and furnished ones, in addition the city, near industrial zones. Retail the traded assets, he said, however he to the commercial sector, namely sector “is the most prominent in terms called for regulations to stem the administrative offices and retails. of supply and demand .. and is also prices’ bullish trend to help the largest Dr Al-Shuwaier said a large seg- the most expanding one due to number of citizens possible to acquire ment of the Kuwaiti investors, includ- expansion of residential districts in plots. Meanwhile, the Kuwaiti busi- ing individuals and companies, are northern and eastern Riyadh,” said Dr nessman, Rakan Abdullah Al-Mekrad attracted to acquisition of residential Al-Shuwaier. said that most of the Kuwaiti invest- units either for investment or residen- As to his assessment of the sector’s ments are in residential units, namely cy, in all regions namely Riyadh, domestic growth, he said most of the flat apartments and villas. He indicat- Medina, Makkah and Al-Sharqiah. sectors in the field, namely housing, ed that a small number of Kuwaitis However, the Kuwaiti investments in hotels and retails are “rapidly growing invest in mega projects. — KUNA Issuing bonds key to tackle public budget deficit: Profs KUWAIT: Issuing bonds will be the most suitable step establishment of a truly open market, said the academ- to face the financial deficit in Kuwait’s public budget, ic. Fellow KU colleague and supervisor of the universi- said academics yesterday. Speaking in separate inter- ty’s World Trade Organization’s (WTO) studies depart- views, the academics said that issuing bonds will ment Dr Ahmad Al-Najjar said that the government’s increase income and productivity in the loans’ market decision to issue bonds will result in safe income in Kuwait. with far lesser risks. Instead of acquiring finances from the reserve fund for future generations, bond A bond market in Kuwait? issuing will far reach into the pockets of private enti- Professor of economics at Kuwait University (KU) Dr ties to lessen the load on the government, said Dr Al- Mohammad Al-Saqa said the government’s decision to Najjar, adding that banking and financing institu- issue bonds will be the possible cornerstone for estab- tions will “come running” to acquire bonds due to lishing a bonds market in the country. Creating a mar- prospected high proceeds. ket, which will allow bond owners to engage in free However, Dr Al-Najjar differed from his colleague Al- trade, leads to liquidity and allows entities such as the Saqa on the issue of an open market for bonds, noting Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) to have more freedom in that the safest measure would be allowing bonds to addressing monetary issues, said the academic. circulate for production purposes amongst the govern- He added that the free trade of bonds in an open ment, banks, and individuals to prevent speculation. market will allow control of monetary assets in addi- On September 30th, Deputy Prime Minister and tion to providing an additional source for income in Minister of Finance Anas Al-Saleh predicted that finan- Kuwait. The current issue was not to find means to cial bonds in the Kuwaiti dinar will be issued to cover finance the budget deficit, said Al-Saqa, noting that the state’s public budget before the end of this year or the situation required a probe into the causes of the at the beginning of the new year. dilemma and solving it with the best policies. Kuwait’s fiscal budget for 2014-15 recorded a deficit Decreasing the dependency on government sup- of KD 2.7 billion ($9 billion) for the first time in 16 years. port and allowing the private sector to get more The main cause for this deficit was due to the decrease involved in the economic situation will result in the in oil revenues by 23 percent. — KUNA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 LOCAL Terror attack ‘united’ Kuwaitis: John Kerry

WASHINGTON: The purpose of last a decade, the tragic situation for dous. John is known to go anywhere, June’s terrorist attack in Kuwait was to refugees in the Middle East has not got- anytime in pursuit of a diplomatic solu- divide, but His Highness the Amir stood ten any better. In fact, it is worsening by tion for hard-to-solve crises. “His dedica- up and said “we will not be divided - but the day. As you know, the situation in tion was perhaps best shown when after united,” said US Secretary of State John Syria continues to deteriorate, and he fractured his leg while biking in Kerry. His remarks came in a keynote neighboring countries, particularly Switzerland, he turned his hospital room during a reception held at Kuwait Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey, are strug- into a working headquarters, from Embassy in Washington, marking the gling to host over four million refugees. where he continued leading the negoti- 11th annual Kuwait-America Foundation Also, several European countries have ations that secured the nuclear deal. gala. The event was hosted by now become a destination for hundreds “In addition, John continues to advise Ambassador to US Sheikh Salem of thousands of refugees seeking refuge the President on a number of pressing Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and his and shelter from their war-torn coun- international issues, including helping to spouse Sheikha Rima Al-Sabah. tries,” he said. navigate Middle East conflicts in search There were over 35,000 people at the of peace, working to find answers to cli- terror victims’ funeral which is “an incred- Tragedies at sea mate change, leading the fight against ible display of unity and resistance to the “The graphic images we all saw terrorism and last but not least, provid- evil that wants to divide and spread the recently of the tragedies unfolding at ing much-needed humanitarian aid all KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah receives First Deputy Prime Minister philosophy of hate,” said Kerry in refer- sea and on beaches, on roads and on over the world.” and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and new Kuwaiti diplomats. — KUNA ence to the terrorist attack that targeted railroad tracks, touched our very human- On his part, UN Deputy Secretary Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque on June 26 this ity, and this is why we are here tonight. General Ian Eliasson, said that Kuwait has year and resulted in martyrdom of 26 We are here to try and make a difference been the “humanitarian champion” and Amir receives new and injuring 227 people. in our very small way. It is truly a blessing His Highness the Amir is the driving force to be able to bring this community behind it. “The UN only received 40 per- Bad choices together for a cause that matters,” cent of funding that it needs to keep the Kuwaiti diplomats On support of Syrian refugees, Kerry Sheikh Salem added. Syrian people living in suitable conditions. commended Kuwait’s hosting of three At a country level, Sheikh Salem Responsibility that needs to be stepped pledging conferences, and pledging 1.3 pointed out that “Kuwait is committed to up. We have to end this war this year, KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber regional and international scenes in line with Kuwait’s policies billion. On the situation in the war-strick- humanitarian causes. We have given 1.3 another winter is unbearable for them Al-Sabah yesterday received First Deputy Prime Minister and that promote understanding, cooperation and dialogue as well as Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, and reinforce concepts of the world’s peace and security. First Deputy and for us to think of,” he concluded. a host of diplomats at Bayan Palace. Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled intro- Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al- duced to His Highness the Amir Malek Hussein Al-Wazzan, newly- Hamad Al-Sabah expressed gratitude for His Highness the Amir’s Goodwill Ambassador appointed Consul General in China’s Quanzhou City; Mohammad directives which will function as a guide for them to serve their On her part, Sheikha Rima said Mufleh Al-Judai, new ambassador to Chile; Mohammad Fahd Al- country and maintain national interests. “Tonight we honor the United Nations, Mohammad, new Consul General in Turkey’s city of Istanbul and The swearing-in was attended by Deputy Minister of Amiri and particularly the life-saving work the Ahmad Abdulrahman Al-Bakr, newly-appointed Kuwaiti Diwan Affairs Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah, Director of His Highness UN Refugee Agency is doing for Syrian Permanent Delegate to the Arab League. the Amir’s Office Ahmad Fahad Al-Fahad, Director of Amiri refugees. I could not imagine anyone The diplomats were sworn in by His Highness the Amir. The Protocol Sheikh Khaled Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah Al-Naser Al-Sabah better placed to receive the award, not Amir urged them to serve the dear nation’s higher interests, work and Assistant Foreign Minister for Protocol Affairs Ambassador only on behalf of UNHCR, but in the hard to enhance bilateral ties, represent their country the best on Dhari Ajran Al-Ajran. — KUNA name of the entire United Nations. “It has truly been a privilege for me to be appointed Goodwill Ambassador by the Saudi pundits, media High Commissioner; a role I am honored to fulfill. By last count, 42, 500 people praise Amir’s speech were forced to flee their homes every day because of war, violence, and perse- RIYADH: A number of Saudi political and media pundits cution. Over the past five years alone, 15 yesterday weighed in on the speech delivered by His conflicts have flared up. Old conflicts Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- remain unresolved. The biggest of the Sabah in the opening of the parliament in Kuwait. His new emergencies - the Syria-Iraq mega- Highness the Amir was unequivocal in his speech - high- RIYADH: US Secretary of State John Kerry speaks to the media aboard his crisis - has grown and grown over the lighting Kuwait’s support of the efforts of the Arab coali- plane before heading back to the United States, following his visit in last five years,” she stressed. tion led by Saudi Arabia in Yemen, said Abdulrahman Ba- Saudi’s capital Riyadh, on October 25, 2015. — AFP “UNHCR staff, 88 percent of whom Ashin, head of a strategic studies center in Saudi Arabia, in en Arab country, he said “We are living in billion in humanitarian aid since the start serve in the field, work around the clock remarks to KUNA. a storm ... conflux of events that repre- of the Syrian conflict, over $340 million to meet basic needs of refugees, always The Amir also underscored the firm underpinnings of the sents clashes, with a new definition of of which have gone to support UNHCR’s mindful of the specific needs of women GCC while stressing for further continuation of cooperation evil, Daesh. Bashar Assad made a bad set work assisting Syrian refugees through- and children. “UNHCR and its sister among its members, said former Saudi Shura council mem- of choices. It could have been different, out the region. Kuwait has also hosted humanitarian agencies, all part of the ber Mohammad Al Zulfa, in similar remarks. The speech but he made the wrong choice when the three international donor conferences UN family that Jan Eliasson oversees, are reflected not only issues of concern to Kuwait but also to the young demanded participation and which have grossed $7.7 billion to aid making a real, tangible impact on the Gulf region as a whole, recognizing the momentous events were met by thugs, and their parents Syrian refugees.” In recognition of lives of refugees and other displaced the region was undergoing, said Fehaim Al-Hamed, political were faced with bullets - and here we Kuwait’s role, His Highness the Amir people by providing shelter, safety, editor for the Saudi newspaper Al-Okath. He said Kuwait has are today with the barrel bombs and Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- nutrition, education, health and legal shown in numerous instances its pivotal importance to the 10,000 tortured to death with photo- Sabah was formally recognized by the protection - and, wherever possible, security and stability of the Gulf region. —KUNA graphic evidence.” United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki- opportunities for livelihood and a solu- Kerry expressed hope that “for now - moon on the September 9, 2014 as a tion to their refugee plight.” Obama has embraced a strategy that in world humanitarian leader, in recogni- Sheikha Rima then awarded Deputy the coming days might get us some- tion of His Highness’s compassionate Secretary General Eliasson to receive, on where ... into a political transition we all work towards alleviating global humani- behalf of UNHCR, the 2015 Kuwait- seek. “Even though we didn’t agree on tarian plight, he said. America Foundation Humanitarian the fate of Assad in Syria but I believe Award, as well as a USD-one-million the political process went correctly, Hard-to-solve crises check from tonight’s donations. especially with indicators we received “And tonight, we again bring our Dignitaries who attended the gala also from Russia,” he noted. friends together to support the United included Queen Noor of Jordan, IMF On his part, Ambassador Sheikh Nations and UNHCR for the work they do President Christine Lagarde, DHS Salem said “eleven years ago, our first on behalf of refugees in general and Secretary Jeh Johnson, Chief of Staff at gala dinner benefitted Iraqi women and Syrian refugees in particular.” On the White House Denis McDonough, children refugees through USA for Secretary Kerry, he said “John is a most Undersecretary of State Anthony Blinken UNHCR. Tonight, we come full circle, and extraordinary leader and his achieve- and Kuwaiti Businessman Qutaiba Al- it is hard to believe that after more than ments as Secretary of State are tremen- Ghanim. — KUNA

US diplomat lauds Kuwait support of IAEA programs

KUWAIT: Charge d’Affaires of the US Mission to International Organizations in Vienna Ambassador Henry S Ensher lauded Kuwait’s support towards programs by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a statement said yesterday. A statement issued by Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) said that the US diplomat’s praise came during his meeting with Director General of the institute Dr Naji Mohammad Al-Mutairi. The US diplomat commend- ed Kuwait on its support to the peaceful use of nuclear energy, noting that the Gulf nations had generously donated three mil- lion dollars to renovate IAEA’s labs in Seibersdorf, Austria. Dr Al-Mutairi said that KISR will continue to work with the IAEA to encourage the usage of peaceful nuclear energy worldwide. According to the US mis- sion’s website, Ensher was on a regional tour which includ- ed Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar from October 25-27 to rally support for the IAEA Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI) and an important laboratory renovation project. Initially launched in 2010, the PUI is an initiative aimed at raising extra-budgetary contri- butions in support of IAEA activities that use nuclear tech- nology to treat cancer, improve agricultural production, help communities cope with the effects of climate change, and eradicate deadly pests. Nineteen countries and the European Commission have contributed to this initiative and more than 150 IAEA mem- ber states have benefitted from its programs. — KUNA LOCAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 News In brief

Kuwait’s law officials visit judicial bodies in Holland BRUSSELS: Kuwait’s Public Prosecutor Dherar Al-Asousi, along with a delegation accompanying him on a current mission in Holland, visited a number of law and judicial bodies in the Hague, including the International Criminal Court (ICC), the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the Ministry of Security and Justice. In a statement to KUNA on Wednesday, Al-Asousi said he met with ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, who presented the work regime of the ICC to the Kuwaiti delegation, including cases of genocide and war crimes the court looks into, and its role in tracking criminals on an international level. The delegation also attended a session on the Congo issue at the ICC to closely monitor the working environment and steps taken to deal with such cases at the court, he added. Meanwhile, the official said he has also met with secretary general of ICJ, where they discussed joint cooperation and Kuwait’s eagerness to choose Kuwaiti candidate Advisor Abdulhadi KUWAIT: Embassy of Canada Counselor (Commercial) Tammy Ames cuts the ribbon Representatives from 12 leading Canadian universities. Al-Attar to be appointed as a judge in ICJ. during the opening ceremony. Canada Embassy organizes Edu-Canada tour

By Nawara Fattahova Canada fair held on Tuesday at the Canadian education system to prospective Kuwaiti students in Canada Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa. students,” said Canadian Ambassador to Currently, 260 Kuwaiti students are KUWAIT: For the tenth year, the Embassy of “Education is a priority for both Canada Kuwait Martin Moreau. studying in Canada in different universities Canada in Kuwait held the annual Edu- and Kuwait. I am pleased to see the and colleges in all levels. “Out of this num- Canada Middle East and North Africa increase in not only Kuwaiti students travel- Publicly funded, top quality ber, 60 students are new and just joined (MENA) tour in Kuwait, which concluded ing to Canada to study, but in the growing Canadian universities are publicly fund- this year. We hope to have 100 new stu- yesterday. Representatives from 12 leading interest in bringing Canadian curriculums ed and as such are held to the highest gov- dents next year. Studying in Canada is Canadian universities, language institutes to Kuwait. The number of Kuwaiti students ernmental standards of education. “This, affordable and is considered about 25 per- and colleges were in Kuwait from Oct 26 to studying in Canada continues to grow and combined with multicultural open campus- cent cheaper comparing to Kuwait. 28, 2015 to meet students, parents and barely a week goes by when I don’t meet a es in a safe environment, means that Studying abroad is beneficial for students other members of the education communi- Kuwaiti medical professional or engineer Kuwaiti students come home with a over- as they bring the experience they gained ty and provide information about study who has studied in Canada. These gradu- whelmingly positive view of Canada. The there with them back home,” she added. opportunities in Canada. The tour included ates are some of our biggest supporters Ministry of Higher Education has been very “The enthusiasm shown by international visits to eight high schools and the Study in and are able to give a local view of the happy with the students who have gradu- students for post-secondary studies in ated from Canadian colleges and universi- Canada is testimony to the superior quality ties and we both look forward to seeing an Kuwait General Consul in Milan Abdulnasser of our education system. Students recog- even greater number of students traveling Bukhadhour honors the delegation of Kuwait nize that Canada offers them the opportu- to Canada to study in 2016,” added Moreau. Journalists Association at Kuwait’s pavilion in Expo nity to earn academic qualifications that Quality education is available through- Milano 2015. —KUNA are recognized and respected around the out Canada, and each of the 10 provinces world, while being part of a tolerant and Kuwait Journalists Association and three territories has something exciting honored at Expo Milano 2015 to offer. “Canadian higher education offers vibrant multicultural community,” stressed Ames. MILAN: Kuwait General Consul in Milan Abdulnasser superior academic curricula, cutting-edge Bukhadhour honored the delegation of Kuwait research, state-of-the-art campuses and The schools participating in the tour included Carleton University, Columbia Journalists Association at Kuwait’s pavilion in Expo professional and personal experiences to Milano 2015 yesterday. The honoring was in apprecia- last a lifetime. Canada is home to a safe, College, Concordia University, Dalhousie University, Fraser International College at tion for the association’s efforts at the Kuwaiti pavilion, multicultural, vibrant society and a dynamic which attracted over 1.5 million visitors at the expo, Simon Fraser University, ILSC Education 21st century economy. With almost all of Bukhadhour said. The Consul noted the pavilion’s Group, inlingua Vancouver, Ryerson the world’s ethnic groups represented in prominent activities in the event, showcasing Kuwait’s University, Seneca College of Applied Arts Canada, students interact with many differ- history and culture, including the country’s humanitar- ent cultures; this broader, more internation- and Technology, Sheridan College, ian role around the world. al perspective is also a valuable attribute University of Alberta, University of Calgary, that is attractive to employers worldwide,” University of New Brunswick, University of said Tammy Ames, Counselor (Commercial) Ottawa, University of Waterloo, Vancouver at the Embassy of Canada in Kuwait. Island University (VIU) and York University. Improvement in ‘Doing Business’ in Kuwait: WB

KUWAIT: Kuwait Direct Investment 148 among a list including 189 countries tered 17.5, it said. In enforcing contacts, Promotion Authority (KDIPA) said yester- in the report, as the indicator approach- an indicator quality of judicial measure- day that the World Bank Group report on ing best performance of establishing ments was listed in a scale from 0 to 18, Doing Business for 2016 showed a rela- companies increased from 71.28 percent and Kuwait ranked the 8th, it said. tive improvement in the status of Kuwait, to 75.37 percent, it mentioned. Despite Environment Public Authority Director General Sheikh especially in the indicator of ease of prac- the relative enhancement in these indica- Reforms and improvements Abdullah Ahmad Al-Humoud Al-Sabah. ticing business activities. Kuwait regis- tors, the World Bank Group registers Among the improvements in Kuwait’s tered a relative increase in proximity of slight decrease in Kuwait’s ranking from business environment, we find a number GCC coordination ‘vital’ to best performance scale according to 100 in 2015, to 101 in 2016 report, it of reforms in the process of offering serv- face environmental issues 2015 report, from 59.77 percent to 60.17 added. Regarding the detailed data men- ices in a number of ministries and gov- DOHA: Environment Public Authority (EPA) Director percent in 2016, KDIPA added in a state- tioned by the World Bank Group in its ernmental bodies, it mentioned. In the General Sheikh Abdullah Ahmad Al-Humoud Al-Sabah yes- ment to the press. report according to its specialties, a num- field of gaining insurance, indicator of terday stressed the importance of environmental coordi- The World Bank Group report ber of improvements were monitored in covering the insurance office increased nation between the GCC states to achieve development. In explained that the improvement in the business environment in Kuwait, it from 32 percent in 2015 to 34.2 percent a speech at the 19th meeting of the GCC environment Kuwait’s status is due to a number of rea- said. in 2016 report, out of the total adult ministers held in Doha, Sheikh Abdullah said that the sons, including the Minister of Commerce Among World Bank Group report on population. Meanwhile, regarding the meeting’s agenda includes the project of the GCC environ- Fire in paint store and Industry’s decision number business activities for 2016 those coverage of credit indicator, Kuwait mental monitoring center and the green initiative of the 239/2015, in favor of decreasing the capi- improvements, we find a list of new indi- reached 15.3 in 2016, after only 10.8 per- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which By Hanan Al-Saadoun tal of companies, it said. This positive cators, quality of building in issuance of cent in 2015 out of the total adult popu- would provide means to tackle climate change. decision affected the cost of minimum construction licenses, as Kuwait reached lation. This approach towards a better Meanwhile, Qatari Minister of Environment Ahmad bin KUWAIT: Fire broke out in a paint store in Fahaheel, companies’ capital, especially those of 11, in a scale from 0 to 15 indicator, it performance in the field of business Amer Al-Hamidi in his opening speech, noted that the prompting Fahaheel and Mangaf fire centers to respond. limited liability, as the cost dropped from added. Another indicator is the continu- enforces KDIPA towards exerting further international community must cooperate in facing the The fire was on the ground floor spread over 350 sq m. The 74 percent in 2015 report, to 8.2 percent ously of electricity flow in a scale from 0 efforts to achieve more improvements, environmental challenges. He added that the GCC states fire also spread to a flat, but was put out without injuries in 2016 report, KDIPA added. to 8, as Kuwait reached the third rank. In in cooperation and coordinated with are facing several issues including the lack of water reported. properties registration, an indicator on related bodies according to the new resources, marine environment pollution and soil degrada- Kuwait moves up 2 spots lands management quality was newly strategy followed by the World Bank tion among other problems. Kuwait’s ranking improves from 150 to listed in a scale 0 to 35, as Kuwait regis- Group. — KUNA

Manpower Authority keen on removing obstacles for youth KUWAIT: The Manpower and Government Restructuring Program (MGRP) and the State’s Executive Apparatus yesterday asserted keenness to remove obstacles and ease restrictions for all Kuwaiti youth, encourage small projects and support national workforce in general. The MGRP is keen on providing all of its capabilities for the youth to boost national workforce and guide them for working in the non-gov- ernment sector, MGRP’s Small projects Supervisor for Supporting Initiators, Najah Abdullah said. Abdullah added the MGRP will kick off a festival, dubbed “Kuwaiti Bazar Marketing” today in Souq Sharq, which will last for three days, with the aim of helping youth and small projects’ owners promote their products. With this activity, they will be given the chance to con- tribute to national work and improve social and eco- nomic development. The official noted that the festi- val’s activities will not only occur in the upcoming three days, but will be held in three periods in the next three months.

Crew rescued E-government committee A call was received about water leaking into a wooden meeting kicks off in Doha boat near Ouhah Island. Salmiya sea rescue personnel DOHA: The 16th meeting of the GCC e-Government found the boat engines were submerged in water, causing Executive Committee kicked off yesterday - aiming at clos- their breakdown. A coastguard patrol provided a water er cooperation and coordination in e-Government policies. pump to get the water out, then the boat was tugged. The At an opening speech at the meeting, Assistant boat had seven crew and more than 300 sheep. No injuries Undersecretary for IT at the Ministry of Communication in were reported. Qatar Hassan Al-Sayyed said it was incumbent on GCC states to keep up with the fast-paced leaps the world was Promotion course taking in the field of e-Government. He urged for boosting for policewomen the capabilities of GCC cadres that deal with e- A promotion course for policewomen from first class Government as GCC countries were increasingly becoming private to corporal in which eight policewomen participat- reliant on advanced technologies to implement their ed concluded yesterday. The course was held under the national development plans. The meeting will discuss a patronage of Interior Ministry Assistant Undersecretary for number of topics related to the progress made at the level Education and Training Affairs Sheikh Faisal Nawaf Al- KUWAIT: The Ambassador of Austria Ulrich Frank hosted a reception on the occasion of Austrian National Day at of e-Government initiatives in the GCC States, including Ahmad Al-Sabah and in the presence of Director General of his residence. Top government officials, diplomats and members of the media attended the event. the joint initiatives in light of the pilot strategy of the GCC the Training Department Maj Gen Anwar A Al-Barjas. —Photos by Joseph Shagra states in this area. LOCAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015

Ooredoo launches its ‘Walk the Talk’

KUWAIT: Ooredoo Kuwait, a member of the international Ooredoo Group, has launched its all new employee centric project ‘Walk the Talk’ which is led by the Customer Experience department and in-line with the company’s promise in delivering the best customer Experience to customers. As part of this project, Ooredoo key leaders will be visiting dif- ferent touch points each quarter e.g. Customer Care division, Ooredoo branches, dealers and distributers to live the experience of front liners’ day-to-day operations, listen to customers, under- stand their challenges, and provide needed support demonstrating Ooredoo’s core values caring, connect- ing and challenging. Commenting on this, Ooredoo operations and challenges as we firmly department’s ongoing efforts to ensure Kuwait’s CEO and General Manager believe that happy employees lead to that our customers are receiving the best Mohammed bin Abdulla Al Thani said: happy customers. experience at all touch points , in addition “This project is an essential pillar of At Ooredoo we give huge importance to this initiative; the department has Ooredoo’s Cultural transformation to internal communications as well as worked with key business sectors to sup- Program which aims at delivering external and design programs that will port their objectives through various ini- focused leadership by living and under- reflect positively on Ooredoo culture” This tiatives such as business performance standing our front liners day to day project is part of Customer Experience reviews and voice of customers. Kuwait, Mexico discuss bilateral ties KUWAIT: Kuwaiti Ambassador to He praised the fruitful results of a countries’ commodities and available Mexico Samih Jawhar Hayat has dis- recent visit to Kuwait by a high-level investment opportunities. cussed with the Chairman of the Mexican delegation as well as the good Peralta praised His Highness the Kuwaiti-Mexican Friendship preparation for the upcoming visit by Amir’s good-will efforts at the foreign, Committee Carlos Peralta means of the Mexican president to the country, humanitarian, political and economic boosting bilateral relations between to be the first of its kind since 1975. The levels. The policies adopted by the the two countries in various domains. planned president’s mission in Kuwait State of Kuwait, as the “Humanitarian Ambassador Hayat, said following will center on discussing development Center,” has enabled it to occupy an the meeting, held in the Mexican schemes and commercial exchanges. eminent status at the international nation, re-affirmed the two countries’ The ambassador said that his talks with level and has earned it respect of the desire to enhance the ties at the eco- the committee chairman focused on world’s leaders and governments. nomic, trade and investment levels as prospects of enhancing the mutual Moreover, Kuwait has been designat- well as bolstering the economic economic and trade cooperation, ed as a fair mediator at times of crises. bonds involving the public and pri- stressing on need to encourage hold- The Mexican president is due in vate sectors. ing exhibitions to promote the two Kuwait on January 19-20. —KUNA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 From the Arabic press Photo of the day

KUWAIT: Young Kuwaitis prepare the oysters along the shore. Shucking oysters to dig out pearls is part of Kuwait heritage, kept from generation to generation. — KUNA

Al-Jarida Al-Jarida Three anti-expat They’ll cooperate this time.... Two remarks about NA will inquire, Govt will respond ! news stories ‘blackmail’ grilling

By Ali Mahmoud Khajah By Hassan Al-Essa

study to allocate Jaber Hospital fo r e cannot take most of the grilling Ku waitis only’, ‘Deporting 23 expats for a motions filed by this parliament serious- ‘A quarrel and publishing their photos’ and Wly because it is considered the govern- ‘Restricting camping for Kuwaitis only’ are three ment’s legitimate son, after all. We can generally news stories that emerged in less than 10 days. The describe them as grilling motions filed by the first one talks about excluding 75 perce nt of gove rnment against itself (as stated by a fo rmer Ku wait’s population - expats - from using the lawmaker), just the way inte rpellations we re largest hospital in the Middle East to avoid crowds made in previous parliaments for the sake of and long queues while Ku waitis re ceive medical NA in session blackmail. care. I am not referring here to the grilling motion Well, I am not going to talk about a hospital that Grilling motions..! filed by MP Mohammad Tana against MSAL will not be open before a year from now, because on the one hand, even if the building itself is com- Minister Hind Al-Subaih in particular, but thereis pletely constructed by then, it will not be an easy no harm in considering it another one of those task to equip and man such a gigantic project, and ‘government to government’ ones. I have read on the other hand, we lack good planning skills. I Tana’s statements to the press and I am not sure will rather focus on how idiotic it is to allocate a that the points included in that motion are seri- hospital for a specific nationality, because instead ous enough. Howe ve r, I might be wrong. Ye t, the of solving the original problem of having over 76 corruption and manipulation detected in the perce nt of Ku wait’s population of expats simply public authority for the disabled affairs and the because Kuwaitis do not like working and prefer fact that some citizens are still re ceiving disability having expats do their work, the government allowances although the disabled family mem- came up with the worst solution to rid citizens of bers have been dead for a long time or did not crowds, a solution that violates the simplest actually deserve these allowances (which was human rights because a patient ought to re ceive exposed by the minister herself), call for wonder- medical services in any health facility regardless of ing whether the matter was ever referred to pub- nationality and identity. lic prosecution and whether those forgers have Howe ve r, if there is actually a need to allocate been legally held accountable. the hospital for some categories, which I am I am ve ry sure that administrative and political absolutely against, this hospital ought to be allo- disability is behind many crises at various state cated to those who wo rk harder in Ku wait, that is, bodies and not only in the disabled authority. of course, expats who clean roads, construct build- Howe ve r, we need to highlight and explain two ings, pave streets, lay pipes, drive trucks and work points in relation to such blackmailing grilling in various restaurants and stores that provide everything we need because we would not have motions. The first thing is that many of these managed to do anything if it were not for them, grilling motions are, as we said, government to and them alone. government ones, which have been historically Speaking about deporting 23 expats on the used to impose the will of a certain cabinet or very same day they had a quarrel is another non-cabinet member sheikh against that of calamity, because, represented by the inte rior min- another, who is most often the PM, merely for the istry, the government discarded any motives for sake of settling old scores and achieving some the fight. No investigation was done to determine power gains. This way, many proxy wars are who was the culprit and who was defending him- launched within the parliament to reflect conflicts self. None of them we re prosecuted and the depor- within palaces, which is one form of corruption, tation decision was made as soon as the quarre l abuse of powers and lack of the rule of law. video appeared on social media networks. On top The second remark is that these blackmailing of that, MoI also published photos of the 19 fight- grilling motions are meant to practice the legisla- ing expats, while those of citizens arrested with 19 tive’s monitoring powers. They are only meant to tons of weapons are so far withheld from the pub- punish a minister whenever one does not comply lic, which means that MoI was not annoyed by the with this or that lawmaker’s agenda or rejects any quarrel itself, and that it has double standards in of the demands made, such as appointing a law- dealing with various problems and incidents. maker’s relatives in leading positions or rejecting The third news story comes to kill all possible illegal transactions filed by any of those MPs. It is fo rms of humanity in the ‘Humanity Ce nter’ by only then that ministers are threatened to be restricting camping, enjoying Kuwait deserts and grilled in parliament, if any of the deluxe ministers recreation to one quarter of Ku wait’s population - Ku waitis. You are not allowed to have fun in Ku wait (sheikhs) does not solve the lawmaker’s problem unless you hold Ku waiti citizenship. and signs his approval on the transaction despite In short, expats in Ku wait only have to wo rk, the refusal of the minister who is actually threat- work and work only with having any access to ened to be grilled. In this regard, one has to take recreation in Ku wait. They will not have access to into full consideration that ministers of the same medical treatment along with Ku waitis if they ever caliber of Humoud Zaid Al-Khalid, Abdul Aziz Al- dare to get sick. They will also be deported if they Sager or their co ntemporaries who have been ever express any dissatisfaction with such restric- kn own for fierce confrontations and political defi- tions. ance have become extinct and none now exists. Oh, how I hope that all expats would leave so Finally, one has to admit that blackmailing that we realize that we will not manage to live grilling motions are a form of abuse of powers. without them, even in doing the simplest errands. They are a clear manifestation of the ‘cancerous’ We will manage to do nothing without them, and favoritism through using powers to achieve gains yet we deprive them the right to live like us on this for relatives or friends, which can be easily detect- land. Finally, I would like to point out that if the ed in those grilling motions. Just close your eyes same was applied to Ku waitis abroad, none of and reach out to touch any state establishment them, even if they were travelling for tourism, from within. Your hands will be badly burnt unless would stay out of Ku wait for a single day. you are used to the amount of corruption and Nevertheless, we are asking non-Kuwaitis living favo ritism prevailing in Ku wait and are actually here to accept and adapt to such weird patterns of KUWAIT: The American Business Council Kuwait celebrated its 30th Anniversary Gala dinner at the Radisson Blu in part of it. — Translated by Ku wait Times life! —Translated by Ku wait Times the Abdulhussein Marafie ballroom yesterday. US Ambassador to Kuwait Douglas A Silliman and his wife Catherine attended the event.— Photos by Yasser Al Zayyat THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015

Indonesians battle Police storm TV stations linked to Erdogan rival against haze with their own hands Page 8 Page 12

COLUMBIA: This three image combo made from video taken by a Spring Valley High School student on Monday, Oct, 26, 2015, shows Senior Deputy Ben Fields trying to forcibly remove a student from her chair after she refused to leave her high school math class. — AP Texting teen prompts civil rights case Tossed across classroom for not surrendering phone

COLUMBIA: A girl who refused to surrender classroom and handcuffs her. Niya Kenny said an administrator told her to summon police to discipline students, federal jury sided with Fields after a black her phone after texting in math class was sit down, be quiet and to put her cellphone experts say. couple accused him of excessive force and flipped backward and tossed across the ‘Uncomfortable positions’ away. She refused. “‘This is not right. This is battery during a noise complaint arrest in classroom floor by a sheriff’s deputy, Lott pointed out at a news conference not right,’” Kenny recalled saying in the ‘This is not a race issue’ 2005. A third lawsuit, dismissed in 2009, prompting a federal civil rights probe on that the girl can also be seen trying to strike classroom. “‘I can’t believe y’all are doing At a school board meeting Tuesday night, involved a woman who accused him of bat- Tuesday. the officer as she was being taken down, this to her.’” Kenny said Fields arrested her parents spoke out about the arrest. “This is tery and violating her rights during a 2006 The sheriff said the girl “may have had a but said he’s focused on the deputy’s and handcuffed her inside the classroom. Lt not a race issue,” said Rebekah Woodford, a arrest. rug burn” but was not injured, and said the actions as he decides within 24 hours Curtis Wilson told The Associated Press in an white mother of two Spring Valley gradu- Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott said teacher and vice-principal felt the officer whether Fields should remain on the force. email to “keep in mind this is not a race ates and one current student. “This is, I want once his agency’s internal investigation is acted appropriately. Still, videos of the con- “I think sometimes our officers are put in issue.” to be defiant and not do what I’m told. ... completed, he will make a decision about frontation between a white officer and black uncomfortable positions when a teacher “Race is indeed a factor,” countered South The child is the one who can choose what to whether to keep Senior Deputy Ben Fields teenager stirred such outrage that he called can’t control a student,” the sheriff said, Carolina’s NAACP president, Lonnie do.” on the force. “We’re going to handle it the FBI and Justice Department for help. promising to be fair. Randolph Jr, who praised the Justice School Superintendent Debbie Hamm appropriately and we’re going to handle it Sheriff Leon Lott suspended Senior Deputy The deputy also arrested a second Department for agreeing to investigate said “the district will not tolerate any actions very quickly. This is not something that Ben Fields without pay, and said what he teenager who verbally objected to his whether the girls’ civil rights were violated. that jeopardize the safety of our students.” should drag out,” Lott told reporters at a did at Spring Valley High School in actions. Both girls were charged with dis- “To be thrown out of her seat as she was School Board Chairman Jim Manning called news conference Tuesday. “I think the public Columbia, South Carolina “made him want turbing schools and released to their par- thrown, and dumped on the floor ... I don’t the deputy’s actions “shamefully shocking.” demands and expects and should get a very to throw up.” ents. Their names were not officially ever recall a female student who is not of Fields, who also coaches football at the high quick answer on this, and that’s what we’re Videos taken by students and posted released. The second student, Niya Kenny, color (being treated this way). It doesn’t school, has prevailed against accusations of going to do.” The videos of the confronta- online show Fields warning the girl to leave told WLTX-TV that she felt she had to say affect white students,” Randolph said. excessive force and racial bias before. tion between a white officer and black girl her seat or be forcibly removed on Monday. something. Doris Kenny said she’s proud her Districts across the country put officers in Trial is set for January in the case of an stirred such outrage that Lott called the FBI The officer then wraps a forearm around her daughter was “brave enough to speak out schools after teenagers massacred fellow expelled student who claims Fields targeted and Justice Department for help. A criminal neck, flips her and the desk backward onto against what was going on.” students at Columbine High School in blacks and falsely accused him of being a investigation was underway, but the probe the floor, tosses her toward the front of the Appearing on MSNBC Tuesday night, Colorado in 1999. Schools now routinely gang member in 2013. In another case, a generally takes more time. — AP Watchdogs decry media killings in jihadist hub

BAGHDAD: The Islamic State group has abducted 48 media workers in its Iraqi stronghold of Mosul since June 2014 and executed at least 13 of them, watchdogs said. Since the jihadists took over Iraq’s second city in June 2014, at least 60 journalists, citizen journalists and media workers have fled, according to a report published late Tuesday by Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The study, which described Mosul as a “death trap for journalists”, was researched by RSF’s partner organi- zation in Iraq, the Journalistic Freedoms Observatory. RSF said the IS group, for which Mosul is the largest hub, has not only hunted journalists down but also taken over the city’s existing media infrastructure. RSF’s Middle East and Maghreb chief Alexandra El Khazen said IS in 2014 treated the “studios and equip- ment of local media outlets as the spoils of war, taking them over in order to pursue its information offensive.” The report said it was thanks to the technology seized from local TV studios that IS was able to shoot and broadcast the first, and to this date last, public appearance of its self-proclaimed “caliph” Abu Bakr Al- Baghdadi in June last year. It said it used the cameras of Sama Mosul TV, which was owned by former Nineveh governor Atheel Al-Nujaifi, to shoot the ser- mon. The group also used existing media infrastruc- ture to expand its powerful media machine by creat- ing new channels such as Al-Bayan Radio and Dabiq TV. Very little information has come out of Mosul other than the group’s own propaganda. Some of the 13 executed journalists’ bodies were handed over to the families but in some other cases it took weeks or months to confirm the death. Anyone with friends or relatives still in Mosul is afraid to talk, turning Mosul into what the report called an “informa- tion black hole”. The report included short biographies of the 13 executed journalists and said the fate of at least 10 journalists who are thought to still be held by IS remained unclear. RSF urged Iraq, neighboring countries and major Western powers to grant better protection, work permits or asylum to journalists who have had to flee. — AFP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 INTERNATIONAL Nigerian troops rescue 338 people held by Boko Haram

LAGOS: Nigerian troops have freed 338 jihadists and seized a cache of arms and International anger The air force said in a statement on bus stations in recent months. people, almost all of them women and ammunition in the area. Boko Haram is believed to be holding Tuesday it had launched strikes on the Nearly 170 people have been killed children, held by Boko Haram Islamists Pictures released by the army follow- the abducted Chibok girls in its Sambisa group’s vehicle and fuel depots “in a this month and more than 1,420 since near the group’s Sambisa forest strong- ing the operation showed mostly forest stronghold. Their audacious kid- renewed drive to further degrade” its Buhari came to power, according to an hold in the volatile northeast, the army women with some of them carrying napping on April 14 2014 sparked inter- assets. Air force chief Sadique Abubakar AFP tally. Boko Haram has also carried out said yesterday. “The (army) unit ... res- babies. The freed hostages have been national anger, with strong condemna- was quoted as saying the strikes were deadly cross-border attacks in neighbour- cued 338 persons that were held captive moved to a camp for displaced persons tion of then president Goodluck Jonathan helping “pave the way for the final ing Cameroon, Chad and Niger. A multi- by the terrorists,” the army said of the in Mubi in nearby Adamawa state, the for his slow response to the girls’ plight. onslaught” by ground forces. national regional force from Nigeria, Tuesday operation, adding that 192 of army said. Army claims successes against Islamists. President Muhammadu Buhari, who Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Benin is try- the survivors were children and 138 The army also said four Boko Haram The Nigerian military has in recent came to power in May on a pledge to ing to deploy to fight the insurgents. women. suspects on a suicide bombing mission months claimed a string of successes crush Boko Haram, has given his military Boko Haram, which wants to carve out It was not clear if any of the around to Gubula town in Adamawa state were against Boko Haram in its quest to end commanders until the end of December a hardline Islamic state in Nigeria’s north- 200 schoolgirls seized last year in north- ambushed and killed by government the hardline Islamist group’s six-year to defeat the rebels. Boko Haram violence east, has threatened to move south to eastern Chibok were among those res- troops. insurgency. has killed at least 17,000 people and spread its six-year-old insurgency in the cued. The raid targeted “suspected Boko Some weapons, unexploded ord- In early August, the army said it had forced more than 2.5 million to flee their country. Nigeria’s secret police said at the Haram terrorist camps at Bulajilin and nances, mortar bombs and some cash freed 178 people, including more than homes since 2009. But the hardline sect weekend they had arrested and charged Manawashe villages” on the edge of the were recovered from the suspects, it 100 children, following an operation near has stepped up its bomb and suicide 45 suspects over an alleged Boko Haram Sambisa forest, the army said. said. There was no independent confir- Aulari town, about 70 kilometers south of attacks on so-called “soft” civilian targets plot to attack the country’s financial hub, It said troops also killed 30 suspected mation of the army claims. Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State. such as markets, mosques, churches and Lagos. —AFP Police storm TV stations linked to Erdogan rival ‘A dark day for Turkish democracy and freedom’

ISTANBUL: Riot police firing tear Officers smashed through the ing no dissent since becoming ing its 23 companies as part of a gas and water cannon stormed gates of the media compound president in August 2014 after crackdown on Gulen’s followers. two opposition-linked Turkish tele- with chainsaws, according to more than a decade as prime min- The Ankara chief prosecutor’s vision stations and forced them off images broadcast live on the ister. Sunday’s election is crucial office said the seizure was linked air yesterday, stoking deep con- group’s television stations, Bugun for the AKP, which lost its majority to an investigation into the con- cerns about media freedom just and Kanalturk. in a June vote thanks to a strong glomerate on suspicion of “terror four days before a pivotal election. Brawls erupted outside the performance by a pro-Kurdish par- financing”, “terror propaganda” “A dark day for Turkish democracy offices, prompting police to use ty, scuppering Erdogan’s hopes of and other offences related to and freedom,” declared the banner tear gas and batons against changing the constitution to Koza-Ipek’s support for Gulen’s headline on the websites of the demonstrators, including lawmak- expand his presidential powers. Hizmet (Service) movement. Koza- : In this Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015 file photo, Iranian Foreign Minister media companies targeted in the ers from the main opposition “Today is a shameful day... Ipek CEO Akin Ipek denounced it listens to a question during a press conference with early morning raids in Istanbul. Republican People’s Party (CHP). Everyone who made this decision as “politically motivated”, saying his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier. —AP Critics accuse the government Several arrests were made, and an and those who implemented it will the government had failed to find of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan AFP photographer was punched have to answer for their crimes,” any illegal activity during inspec- of trying to silence opponents by a plain-clothes police officer as said CHP lawmaker Baris Yarkadas. tions of the company, whose busi- Iran to attend int’l talks on Syria nesses range from media to min- ing, insurance to healthcare and TEHRAN: Iran said yesterday it will attend the realities in Syria,” Abdollahian told state tourism to food. the international talks on Syria’s future later TV yesterday. “Assad ... has the necessary this week in Vienna, following an invitation readiness for talks with insurgents who are Shares tumble from the Russian envoy that would mark committed to a political path.” Iran’s semi- Shares in its listed companies, Tehran’s first appearance at such a gather- official ISNA news agency also quoted the which include Turkey’s biggest ing. The invitation to the talks came after the foreign ministry spokeswoman as saying the gold miner, sank on the Istanbul United States declared itself ready to Islamic Republic would attend. Earlier in the bourse yesterday, wiping several engage long-time foe Iran if it might help day, she said Tehran was considering hundred million dollars off their halt Syria’s four-year civil war. whether to join the gathering in Vienna. market value. Rights groups have Iran is a key ally of Syrian President One round of talks have already been expressed growing alarm about Bashar Assad and has provided his govern- held in Vienna between Russia and the the state of press freedom under ment with military and political backing for United States, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, all Erdogan, with about 20 journalists years. Tehran admits that its Revolutionary backers of Syria’s opposition. In addition to detained on a variety of charges. Guard officers are on the ground in Syria in pro-Assad Iran, pro-rebel Arab states have Ahead of the election, the gov- an advisory role, but denies the presence of been invited to the new round, including ernment is taking “exceptional any combat troops in the country. Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, as well measures to silence critical media Iranian state TV quoted Foreign Ministry as diplomats from Britain, France and and crack down on perceived spokeswoman, Marzieh Afkham, as saying Germany. The foreign minister of Egypt - opponents,” said Emma Sinclair- yesterday that Foreign Minister Mohammad which has taken an anti-terrorism stance Webb of Human Rights Watch in Javad Zarif will attend the talks. It didn’t pro- that has made it less critical of Assad - also Turkey. “Not since the days of the vide details but said Zarif discussed the said he would attend. 1980 military coup have there Syrian crisis with his Russian counterpart, Syrian opposition activists said inviting been such dramatic moves to Sergey Lavrov, on Tuesday night and yester- Iran will only prolong the conflict because close down and prevent scrutiny day morning. The TV also said Deputy Tehran would reflect the Syrian govern- of power,” she said in a statement. Foreign Ministers Hossein Amir Abdollahian, ment’s position. “The international commu- There have also been a string of and Majid Takht-e-Ravanchi nity should not accept that the problem be ISTANBUL: Turkish police (left) clash with supporters and employees of Bugun newspaper and prosecutions against journalists, would accompany Zarif on the trip. the solution,” said Bebars al-Talawy, a Homs- Kanalturk television station holding up umbrellas during a protest yesterday against the artists and even schoolboys based activist who reports on the fighting in Turkish government’s crackdown on media outlets. —AFP accused of “insulting” the head of ‘Political solution’ his hometown in central Syria. He said Iran state. “We believe the solution for Syria is a was the source of the “knot” in the Middle before Sunday’s vote, in which his scuffles continued throughout The European Union described the Erdogan accuses Gulen of oper- political solution. Americans and foreign East and “will only complicate the situation Justice and Development Party the day. developments as “worrying”. “We ating a “state within a state” in players in Syria have no choice but to accept and increase the bloodshed.” —AP (AKP) is widely expected to fail to “We will not be silenced,” want to reiterate the importance Turkey and trying to topple him by regain the parliamentary majority chanted demonstrators. CHP law- of respect of the rule of law and persuading allies in the police and it lost in June. Police in riot hel- makers and Bugun TV editor-in- media freedom,” said Catherine judiciary to launch a vast probe mets were acting on a controver- chief Tarik Toros were seen negoti- Ray, spokeswoman for EU foreign into government corruption in Israel arrests Islamic cleric sial court ruling ordering the ating with police in the TV control affairs head Federica Mogherini. December 2013. Turkey’s authori- seizure of companies belonging to rooms before the plug was later “We expect this election to be ties responded by purging both for inciting Aqsa violence the Kozi-Ipek conglomerate linked pulled on both stations.”This is an in line with international and dem- the police force and judiciary of to US-exiled preacher Fethullah operation to silence all dissident ocratic standards.”The US State pro-Gulen elements and arresting JERUSALEM: An Israeli court on Tuesday Earlier at the Etzion junction just north Gulen. voices that the ruling party does Department voiced a similar senti- editors and businessmen. The cler- ordered the jailing of a firebrand Islamist of Hebron, two Palestinians attacked a sol- not like, including media outlets, ment, saying: “We continue to urge ic, who left for the United States in cleric whose group has been accused of dier, one of them stabbing him in the face ‘We will not be silenced’ opposition parties and business- Turkish authorities to ensure their 1999 to escape charges of anti- inciting a wave of violence over Jerusalem’s and moderately wounding him before Turkish authorities have men,” Toros said. actions uphold universal demo- secular activities by the govern- Al-Aqsa mosque compound. forces shot the pair dead. Palestinian secu- launched a “terrorism” probe into cratic values.” ment of the day, denies the allega- Fresh violence erupted in the evening, rity officials named the two men as the 74-year-old cleric, a one-time ‘A shameful day’ An Ankara court on Monday tions. with three Palestinians attacking Israeli sol- Ezzedine Abu Shahdam, 17, and Shadi Erdogan ally now regarded as his Critics say Erdogan has become appointed a board of trustees to He is set to be tried in absentia diers before being shot dead in two sepa- Dweik, 22, both from Hebron. arch-nemesis, and his followers. increasingly authoritarian, brook- manage the Koza-Ipek group, seiz- on January 6. —AFP rate incidents in the southern West Bank. Amnesty International accused Israel of Raed Salah, the head of the radical a series of “unlawful killings of Palestinians northern wing of the Islamic Movement in using intentional lethal force without justi- Israel, was found guilty on appeal of incit- fication” in east Jerusalem and the West Prosthetic eye maker brings ing violence at the holy site in a 2007 Bank. The rights group said that, in at least speech. He has also been on the govern- four cases, “Palestinians were deliberately ment’s radar for stoking current tensions shot dead... when they posed no imminent over the compound that have led to a threat to life, in what appear to have been respite to wounded Gazans wave of anti-Israeli knifings, shootings and extrajudicial executions.” violent protests. Israeli Prime Minister Israel’s legal system had already been Benjamin Netanyahu promised last week dealing with claims of excessive use of GAZA CITY: Imad Abu Wadi barely slept girls,” said Hussein, who was an Europe, cover the costs for those Abu Wadi visited the clinic on a to ban the Islamic Movement for “wild force. Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein after losing his right eye during the optometrist before completing a 10- unable to pay. recent afternoon for a regular checkup. incitement” of the current attacks. stressed Monday that “using firearms... is summer 2014 war between Israel and month course in prosthetics in Jordan. Since 2013, Hussein said he has fitted The ocularist, took out the new eye and In 2007, Salah urged “all Muslims and permissible only when there is a real threat Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The 26-year- eyes for about 150 Palestinians, 45 per- examined it, holding it carefully Arabs (to) start an intifada (uprising) to sup- to the lives or security of police or others, old, then engaged, was waiting eagerly Islamic charities cent of whom were injured by Israeli fire. between his thumb and index finger as port holy Jerusalem and the blessed Al- and there is no other way to prevent that for his wedding. But with a red, hollow Designing and installing a pros- Most of the rest were covered by donors the newlywed lay on the bed in the Aqsa mosque.” His prison term is to begin damage.” Writing in response to claims eyeless socket, he imprisoned himself at thetic eye costs between $1,000 and and a few paid out of their own pockets. small room. Abu Wadi then stood to November 15. The mosque compound is in raised by Adalah, an NGO defending the home. “I was really suffering. I didn’t go $1,500. In Gaza’s poor economy, these Majed Abu Ramadan, president of the pose in front of one of the many before- a mostly Palestinian area that was captured rights of Israeli Arabs and Palestinians, out to avoid running into someone who sums are not within everyone’s reach. Palestinian Ophthalmological Society, and-after photos that hang on the wall. by Israel from Jordan in the 1967 Six Day Weinstein said he ordered an examination might say something to me,” Abu Wadi When he took off his sunglasses, the War, and is a powder-keg for tensions in of a number of instances the group men- said. artificial eye glittered slightly. the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict. tioned. A year after the injury caused by an “I now look good,” he beamed. Clashes erupted there in September as an Meanwhile on Tuesday, 76-year-old airstrike near his home, Abu Wadi is now Hussein said they create the artificial increase in Jewish visitors to the site American Israeli Richard Lakin succumbed married and feeling confident, thanks to eyes from acrylic plastic, which gives a alarmed Palestinians, who fear Israel is to his wounds two weeks after he was shot an artificial eye he received two weeks normal look to the eye and decreases seeking to change rules that forbid Jews in the head and stabbed in the chest on a before the wedding. The ocular prosthe- discharges. Most of the materials are from praying there. Netanyahu has repeat- Jerusalem bus. His son Micah Avni Lakin sis was designed and made by Al- available in Gaza, but he said the central edly denied such claims. said he had been a big fan of social media, Radwan medical center, which is run by circle that makes the artificial iris is where young Palestinians have incited the Gaza-based charity Merciful Hands. sometimes delayed as it is imported ‘Three Palestinians killed’ attacks, uploading videos and sharing the The group, which is not connected to a through Israel. Clashes there spiraled into a wave of stab- hashtag #Jerusalemintifada. British charity with the same name, Several patients sat in the waiting bings and shootings that have killed nine “To be able to put on Facebook or receives funding from Muslim countries room. Among them was 17-year-old Israelis since October 1. Fifty-nine Palestinians- Twitter specific instructions on how to slice that include Turkey, Jordan, Indonesia, Yara Fatayer, accompanied by her moth- around half of them attackers-and one Israeli somebody’s chest straight open and cut Malaysia and the Gulf Arab states. er. A rock thrown by a boy hit her when Arab have also been killed. And an Israeli Jew their intestines, just like was done to my Established in 2013, the center she was 2 years old, costing her left eye. and an Eritrean have also been killed after father... is just completely and utterly unac- assists those who lost an eye to illness, Her family took her to hospitals in being mistaken for attackers. ceptable,” said Lakin. Before he died Lakin’s congenital defects or injury, including in GAZA CITY: In this Tuesday, Oct 6, 2015 photo, Louai Abu Jerusalem and Egypt for an artificial eye, In the latest incident, the army said a family put his name on a petition of 20,000 conflicts. Yousef Hussein, an ocularist at but gave up after realizing they needed Moussa, 19, who lost his left eye when he was child, waits as an Palestinian in the southern West Bank city Israelis backing a lawsuit an Israeli NGO Al-Radwan, says the center is the first in to replace it often because she was of Hebron “approached a crossing and as filed against Facebook for failing to remove Gaza to design and fit artificial eyes. oculist fits him with an artificial eye at Al-Radwan Clinic. —AP growing so quickly at that age. The high soldiers checked his ID he drew a knife, pages that encourage the killing of Jews. Prosthetic eyes used to be imported school student normally wears sunglass- attempting to stab an IDF soldier,” with The company said the suit was “without ready-made, which in many cases But help is often available. As a war says thousands of Gazans need pros- es to hide her injury. When her prosthet- forces shooting him dead before he merit” and urged people to “use our report- caused unwanted excretions in the eye casualty, Abu Wadi got the costs cov- thetic eyes. He said it is especially impor- ic eye is ready and fitted, “the first thing I wounded any troops. Palestinian sources ing tools if they find content that they socket. “I felt people are very interested ered by the Health Ministry. Various tant to have the service available locally will do is to remove the glasses, go out identified him as Homan Isid, 22, from believe violates our standards so we can in this issue, including old people, and local and foreign donors, including because the prosthesis often needs to like any girl and do everything I could Hebron. investigate and take swift action.” —AFP even more among married women or Islamic charities from Gulf states and be changed as the body grows. not do,” she said. —AP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 INTERNATIONAL Trump struggles to grasp his falling poll numbers Campaign centerpiece losing credentials

WASHINGTON: What’s a Donald Trump cam- referred to reporters as scum and liars who were joined the audience so he could speak directly paign for president look like if he’s no longer the out to get his campaign. And he’s moved on to a wounded veteran in a wheelchair. The next only front-runner for the Republican nomina- from repeatedly needling former Florida Gov. test for Trump comes at the third GOP debate of tion? We’re about to find out, just as soon as he Jeb Bush to poking at Carson. Appearing baffled the 2016 primaries. decides. “Well, I don’t get it,” a confounded Trump by Carson’s rise, he’s told audiences that he just After that, he plans more of his signature ral- said this week when asked to explain why the doesn’t understand the soft-spoken conserva- lies, including a weekend stop aboard a retired preference polls he touts every time he’s cam- tive’s appeal. battleship in Virginia. Trump has long said that paigning no longer show him as the unques- He also raised questions about Carson’s reli- he will spend whatever it takes to win the nomi- tioned leader of the GOP’s 2016 presidential field. gious faith and has started to highlight what he nation, telling a crowd in Jacksonville recently Preference polls are a far-from-perfect way to says are contradictions in his record and policy that he’ll “be putting up a lot of money.” But the predict election outcomes, especially with voters still three months away from casting ballots in the first-to-vote Iowa caucuses. But with Trump, they are the centerpiece of his campaign. So far, WASHINGTON: US Rep Paul Ryan (R-WI) leaves a House closed door confer- the real estate mogul and reality TV star has for- ence at the US Capitol. —AFP gone paid advertising and traditional small-scale campaign events, where candidates interact with voters in the early voting states, for massive ral- Paul Ryan: On the road lies in arenas and auditoriums. At nearly every one, Trump begins his speech by recounting his place in the latest polls, reciting one number to job he never wanted after the next with the help of hand-written notes. WASHINGTON: Rep Paul Ryan has spent GOP chaos Until recently, Trump held a lead nationally his entire life preparing for a job he says After weeks of GOP chaos following and in the early primary states in preference he never wanted. Ryan worked as a con- Boehner’s late September announcement polls. But recent surveys have shown retired neu- gressional intern in college, returning lat- that he would step down, Ryan was seen rosurgeon Ben Carson nabbing an advantage er to work as a paid staffer on Capitol Hill. by many as the only viable replacement. over Trump in Iowa. A poll released this week by By 28, he was a member of the House. By The 45-year-old lawmaker demurred, CBS News and The New York Times also showed his early 40s, he was the chairman of the repeatedly saying he didn’t want the job Carson catching up to Trump nationally, too. House Budget Committee and then the and was concerned about the impact on “This process is extremely fluid right now,” said powerful tax-writing Ways and Means his family. But he eventually gave in, and is Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth Committee. In 2012, he was a vice presi- poised to be tapped as the GOP nominee University Polling Institute, which conducted one dential candidate and a talked-about yesterday and elected Speaker today. Not of the Iowa polls. “Those outsider voters are now future presidential contender. everyone praises Ryan. flipping back and forth.” This week, Ryan is set to become Some members of the conservative Speaker of the House, second in line to Freedom Caucus, the group largely respon- Hard-to-swallow For Trump, the development appears to be a the presidency. He’s popular among his sible for Boehner’s decision to step down, SIOUX: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump takes a picture with sup- colleagues, known for his intense work- have expressed concerns that Ryan, whom hard-to-swallow reversal - one that some sup- outs in the House gym and his disci- Boehner pushed to run, will be more of the porters hope will force the billionaire business- porters following a rally at West High School. —AP plined, wonky enthusiasm for fiscal poli- same. The group has criticized Boehner for man to compete harder for the Republican nom- cy. He’s also seen by some as a bridge working with Democrats and negotiating ination than he has since the summer launch of positions. But a new Trump emerged Tuesday billionaire has yet to deliver, largely relying on between the embattled GOP establish- legislation behind the scenes, without his campaign. Initially, however, Trump’s night, at a rally in Sioux City, Iowa, that marked donors to fund his early state-focused cam- ment and hardline conservatives who input from all sides of the caucus. response was to lash out at pollsters, as well as his first return to the state since his poll numbers paign. successfully pushed out current House Ryan secured the support of the group - the media outlets that sponsor the polls and dipped. Lamenting how much he hated being in Roger Stone, a former adviser who has known Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. one of his conditions for running - by pledg- report their results. second place, Trump practically begged voters the candidate for decades, blamed Carson’s soar- Bringing his caucus together won’t ing to open up the legislative process. In referring to a poll taken in Iowa, Trump to back him. ing numbers on aggressive early-state advertis- be easy. The hardliners support him, Entering Congress in 1998, he had similar called The Des Moines Register a third-rate “Iowa, will you get your numbers up, please?” ing, and said they show it’s time for Trump to but are watching closely to see if he complaints about the way Congress worked newspaper and described Bloomberg News as a he urged the crowd. “I promise you, I will do such finally open his wallet and get on the air. can really change the way things are and idealistic views about limiting govern- company against him because its founder and a good job.” Expressing dismay at his apparent “The campaign has entered a new phase and done. “He is a great team builder, con- ment. “One of the first lessons I learned was, namesake, Michael Bloomberg, has indicated a drop in support among evangelical Christians, I think that Donald needs to be up on television sensus builder even though he has even if you come to Congress believing in desire to run for president in the past. “Right Trump repeatedly touted his faith, telling evan- with a positive message outlining the very very clear ideas of his own,” says Kansas limited government and fiscal prudence, now it’s not very scientific,” he said Tuesday of gelicals in the audience: “I am the real deal.” themes that drove him to number one in the Gov. Sam Brownback, who was Ryan’s once you get here you are bombarded with the polls. Hours later, he took to Twitter to tout polls,” said Stone, who said that Trump should be boss when Brownback was in Congress. pressure to violate your conscience and your other surveys that still show him in the lead. Further tests flooding the airwaves in Iowa, New Hampshire “He works very well with others and I commitment to help secure the people’s Trump has also become increasingly nega- Trump also shook up his usual rally format, and South Carolina. Trump seemed to suggest think that is going to serve him very natural right to equal opportunity,” Ryan tive. During rallies in Florida over the weekend taking questions from those in the crowd. At one on Tuesday that he might agree, saying: “I’m get- well in a tough job.” wrote in a 2010 book. —AP and in New Hampshire on Monday, Trump point, he descended from his podium and ting ready to put up millions. Millions.” —AP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 INTERNATIONAL

AU report cites mass graves, cannibalism in South Sudan

JUBA: African Union investigators dis- broke out, Machar, a Nuer, became a Shadowy group security forces. During this operation later participated in the killings, the covered mass graves in South Sudan rebel leader. He and Kiir, an ethnic Hundreds of Nuer men were rounded male Nuers were targeted, identified, report said, citing interviews with and found evidence of horrific crimes, Dinka, recently signed a peace agree- up and shot, and mass graves were dis- killed on the spot or gathered in one informants. including forcing civilians to eat human ment. covered. Perpetrators - described as place and killed.” Amid the Juba killings, Machar fled flesh, according to a report released late The African Union investigators, led government forces or their allies - The report said Minister of Defense the capital and mobilized an insurgency Tuesday. President Salva Kiir’s faction in by former Nigerian President Olusegun allegedly tortured their victims, includ- Kuol Manyang Juuk described a shad- which committed revenge attacks the conflict is also accused of recruiting Obasanjo, found that the conflict began ing by forcing them to jump in fires or owy “group (that had) organized itself against the Dinka, sparking a cycle of an irregular tribal force before the out- on Dec 15, 2013, as a skirmish broke out eat human flesh, according to the report. as Rescue the President. It killed most violence in Bor, Malakal, and Bentiu break of war in December 2013. between Dinka and Nuer soldiers of the The killings were “an organized mili- people here (in Juba) - from 15th to towns which also included rape and The report released late Tuesday also presidential guard following political tary operation that could not have been 18th. It was even more powerful than murder of people in churches and hos- disputes that there was a coup attempt tension between Kiir and Machar, who successful without concerted efforts organized forces.” The group comprised pitals, according to the report. Those in December 2013 by former Vice had been fired as Kiir’s deputy the previ- from various actors in the military and some Dinka soldiers who had been revenge attacks occurred so quickly President Riek Machar. Government ous July. The report was scheduled for government circles,” the report said. mobilized following a 2012 border crisis they were also likely coordinated, it troops carried out organized killings of release months ago but its release was “Roadblocks or checkpoints were estab- with northern neighbor Sudan. Some of added. Kiir and Machar signed a peace members of the ethnic Nuer in Juba, the delayed by the African Union’s Peace lished all around Juba and house to these soldiers were moved south to agreement in August but fighting con- capital, the report said. When violence and Security Council. house searches were undertaken by Kiir’s private farm near Juba in 2013 and tinues. —AP Family buries Russian soldier dead in Syria Relatives dispute suicide claims

GRECHANAYA BALKA: The first ground with a three-shot gun salute said they did not believe this version earlier in the day but could not lead a Russian serviceman confirmed at a local cemetery after being car- of events. service as per Orthodox tradition dead in Syria was laid to rest yester- ried slowly through the village by The soldier’s mother was too dis- because the death was being treated day as his family and friends disput- four servicemen as part of the funer- traught to comment so it fell upon as a suicide. ed the official explanation that his al procession. Afterwards locals laid his 14-year-old sister to brief the Two people, including a person death was caused by suicide. wreaths and flowers at the grave as media. “His body arrived last night. close to Kostenko’s family, had earlier Authorities said 19-year-old soldier Kostenko’s distraught mother We saw his nose and jaw were bro- told AFP the soldier had died from Vadim Kostenko hanged himself at clutched a framed picture of her ken, he had marks on his neck,” unknown causes. Some experts say Russia’s airbase in the Syrian son. Yekaterina Kostenko told AFP inside the defense ministry in Moscow province of Latakia due to relation- the family home, a brick house at often cite a suicide to conceal the ship trouble but his loved ones said ‘Not a suicide’ 102 Soviet Street, before the funeral. true reason of a soldier’s death. they would never believe he had The defense ministry announced “This was not a suicide,” said Genuine suicides are rare; with GEVEGELIJA: Migrants and asylum seekers prepare to board a train heading servicemen instead coming under to Serbia after crossing the Greek-Macedonian border near Gevgelija. —AFP “physical and psychological pres- sure” in most of the cases, Anna Migrant crisis threatens Schengen, Kashirtseva, spokeswoman for the Mother’s Right group, told AFP. Austria announces border fence Defence ministry spokesman Igor VIENNA: Austria said yesterday it would majority escaping violence in Syria, Iraq and Konashenkov told reporters that any build a fence along its border with fellow EU Afghanistan. suggestions pointing to possible state Slovenia to “control” the migrant influx, Big rifts have opened up between EU foul play were “insinuations.” in what would be the first barrier between member states over how to handle Europe’s two members of the passport-free Schengen worst migration crisis since World War II. The ‘In his blood’ zone. situation had the potential to create “tectonic One person close to Kostenko’s Both countries have become key transit changes” in Europe’s political landscape, EU family said that some people had points for tens of thousands of refugees and President Donald Tusk warned Tuesday. encouraged the young man not to migrants seeking to reach northern Europe, as go to Syria. “But he said he couldn’t they try desperately to outrun winter and get ‘Fortress Europe’ not go,” said Nadezhda, who did not ahead of more potential EU border closures. Few details have been released so far give her last name. “He had it in his The endless procession has overwhelmed about Austria’s planned fence, which is set to blood.” On September 30, Russia nations along the migrant trail through the run several kilometers either side of the launched its bombing campaign in Balkans, already prompting Hungary-also an Spielfeld border crossing, where thousands of Syria, with President Vladimir Putin EU and Schengen member-to seal its south- migrants have arrived in recent weeks. Mikl- saying Moscow needed to target ern borders with razor-wire fence. Leitner-who last week said it was time to Islamic State militants before they Austria’s announcement is bound to inten- build “fortress Europe” stressed yesterday the crossed into Russia. sify concerns about the EU’s cherished situation risked escalating as people were After the intervention-Moscow’s Schengen system, a crucial part of European forced to wait in cold weather for hours first military foray outside the Soviet integration efforts designed to encourage the before being allowed to cross from one Union since the ill-fated Afghanistan free movement of people and goods. But nation into another. Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner insisted “We know that individual groups of KRASNODAR: Russian soldiers carry the coffin of serviceman Vadim Kostenko, 19, who died occupation in 1979 — Putin saw his while serving in Syria, ahead of his funeral in the village of Grechanaya Balka. —AFP the planned barrier was “not about shutting migrants have become more impatient, approval rating climb to 89.9 per- down the border”. “This is about ensuring an aggressive and emotional. If groups push cent, an all-time high, according to a orderly, controlled entry into our country. from behind, with children and women stuck taken his own life. on Tuesday that a Russian service- Kostenko, a blue-eyed girl with state pollster. Russian warplanes Also, a fence has a door,” she told Austrian in between, you need stable, massive precau- Several hundred people attend- man serving as a technical specialist freckles and a long brown braid. have carried out sorties from the media yesterday. The move comes just days tions,” said the conservative minister whose ed the funeral ceremony at the at the Hmeimim airbase in Latakia Svetlana Shpag, 42, a former col- Hmeimim airbase and Russian ser- after EU leaders at an emergency Balkans OeVP party is in a ruling national coalition small village of Grechanaya Balka in had committed suicide due to prob- league of Kostenko’s mother, said: vicemen are based there to help summit warned that “unilateral actions could with the Social Democrats. southern Russia, including soldiers lems with his girlfriend. Yesterday, “No one believes the suicide story. service the aircraft, among other trigger a chain reaction”. Most migrants land first in Greece but, and several journalists as interna- the main military prosecutor’s office He couldn’t have killed himself for a tasks. Russia says its ground troops Refuting claims that Austria risked creat- desperate to get to Germany and wealthier tional attention has focused on said the first autopsy results showed girl. He wasn’t one of those suicidal are not taking part in combat opera- ing human bottlenecks, Mikl-Leitner point- northern European countries, thousands Moscow’s bombing campaign in the cause of death as “suicide by kids.” “The only reason he could have tions in Syria and there have been ed the finger at Germany, saying border have pushed on rather than staying there to Syria. hanging while off duty due to prob- killed himself is if someone was no official reports of any servicemen police there processed “too few migrants”. have their asylum applications processed as Friends and family wept as a lematic personal circumstances out- about to take his life.” A defense min- dying in fighting in the war-torn She also implicitly criticized Chancellor is required under EU rules. Hotspots like wooden coffin was lowered into the side the base.” But family and friends istry source said a priest had come country. —AFP Angela Merkel’s open-door policy. “The fact Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania warned last is that the majority want to go to Germany, week they could follow Hungary’s example to because they feel they have been invited,” avoid becoming “buffer zones”. Mikl-Leitner said. Ouattara re-elected as Ivory Coast president Germany, the EU’s economic powerhouse, Slow to react is expecting up to one million asylum-seekers Slovenia has also threatened to erect a this year. Its interior minister, Thomas de barrier at its Croatian frontier if an EU action ABIDJAN: Alassane Ouattara has won a land- The streets of the economic capital were qui- crucial to help Ivory Coast recover its former sta- Maiziere, said yesterday the rising number of plan announced at Sunday’s Balkans summit slide victory in Ivory Coast’s presidential election, et early yesterday after news of the results, in tus as a beacon of progress and prosperity in the Afghan asylum seekers was “unacceptable”, failed to produce quick results in tackling the results showed yesterday, in a vote seen as key to stark contrast to the violence that plagued region. With growth at around nine percent, urging young Afghans to stay at home and crisis. The tiny nation of two million has seen cementing the west African country’s bid to Abidjan after the last vote, when 34,000 troops Ouattara-a prominent economist and former rebuild their homeland. More than 700,000 nearly 90,000 people pass through since mid- overcome a history of electoral violence. including 6,000 UN peacekeepers were deployed deputy head of the International Monetary migrants and refugees have already landed October when Budapest sealed its frontier The 73-year-old won a second five-year term to secure the streets. Fund-had staked his campaign on his economic on Mediterranean shores so far this year, the with Croatia. —AFP outright by garnering almost 84 percent of bal- Ouattara too has come under criticism over his track record. lots in the first round of polls Sunday, when more alleged role in the post-2010 electoral violence He has also promised to reform the constitu- than half of voters turned out despite calls for a and in the lead-up to the latest vote. Amnesty tion and submit the changes to a public referen- Vatican Church marks historic boycott by opposition candidates. International has slammed the detention of dum. A parliamentary election is due within two Ouattara, who had been widely tipped to win, opponents ahead of the latest poll while rights months. Known as “Ado” after his initials, the crackdown on religious hate has been credited with reviving the economy of the war-scarred country, the world’s leading VATICAN CITY: It was credited with revolu- out to Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims, under- cocoa producer, but also accused of creeping tionizing Catholic relations with Judaism: yes- lining common points between the faiths and authoritarianism. His main challenger was ex- terday marks the 50th anniversary of the urging mutual understanding and respect. prime minister Pascal Affi N’Guessan, who won Church’s “Nostra Aetate” declaration which challenged religious prejudices and urged Church teaching ‘can change’ just 9.3 percent of ballots and ran on behalf of bridge building with other faiths. Interfaith expert Maureen Fiedler, writing the Ivorian Popular Front-the party of former A special papal audience for interfaith rela- for the National Catholic Reporter, said that the leader Laurent Gbagbo. Ouattara unseated tions will be celebrated in Saint Peter’s Square wider significance of “Nostra Aetate” was that it Gbagbo in 2010 but the then president refused to remember the moment on October 28, shows “common church teaching CAN be to concede defeat, sparking a wave of violence 1965, when Paul VI adopted what was a changed”. She said it would raise the question which left around 3,000 people dead. ground-breaking declaration lambasting anti- within the Church of “why not (change) other Gbagbo was eventually defeated by pro- Semitism in particular. The “Nostra Aetate”- teachings that are harmful to groups of peo- Ouattara forces, backed by the UN and France, Latin for “In Our Time”-was drawn up at the ple”, just days after the closure of a council who dragged him from a bunker under the pres- end of the Second Vatican Council and repudi- which stumbled over issues such as divorced idential residence where he had hidden for days. ates the centuries-old charge that all Jews people and homosexuals. He is now awaiting trial before the International should be held responsible for the death of Pope Francis moved quickly after his elec- Criminal Court in the Hague for crimes against Jesus. tion in 2013 to make overtures to Jews and humanity over atrocities committed in the five- “The Jews should not be presented as Muslims, inviting two old friends from Buenos month conflict. rejected or accursed by God,” the document Aires-a rabbi and Muslim professor-on a trip to Commentators had questioned whether peo- said, insisting that Christians should decry the Middle East where he condemned reli- ple would head to the polls after the violence, “hatred, persecutions, displays of anti- gious hate. but Ivory Coast’s electoral commission said 54.6 Semitism directed against Jews at any time And he was not the first pontiff to do so: percent of those eligible had voted. The process and by anyone”. Critics said the document did John Paul II set up a series of interreligious won praise from observers as being fair and not go far enough to apologize for Christian meetings in Assisi in central Italy from 1986, which were taken up by his successor Benedict peaceful and the president of the national elec- persecution of Jews as so-called “Christ slay- ers”-a label that had fuelled anti-Semitism in XVI, and saw atheists join the roundtable too. toral commission, the CEI, said that after the vote ABIDJAN: Women react as they gather at a local market area to celebrate the victory Europe. But experts say it did a great deal to John Paul II also became the first pope in the “the crisis of 2010 is behind us”. of Ivory Coast’s President Alassane Ouattara after elections. —AP expunge the “blood curse”, so-called because history of the Church to make an official visit to of a passage in the bible in which Jews are por- a synagogue. Parody votes campaigners have said little justice has been met- president was barred from running in the 2000 trayed despairing that Jesus’s “blood is on us All three-John Paul II, Benedict and Francis- Before the official results were announced, ed out to members of his own camp since the race over questions of his national identity, leav- and on our children”. have prayed with imams in mosques, the the National Coalition for Change (CNC), which 2010-2011 crisis that brought him to office. ing Gbagbo to take power. While he was born in Marking the anniversary, the Anti- Argentine visiting Istanbul’s Blue Mosque last represents two presidential candidates, had put In third place in Sunday’s vote was Kouadio central Ivory Coast, Ouattara did most of his Defamation League, which fights anti- year and planning a stop at the Koudoukou the turnout figure at 20 percent, calling the vote Konan Bertin with 3.9 percent. One of the princi- schooling in Burkina Faso and later worked Semitism, called it “arguably the most impor- mosque in the Central African Republic (CAR) a “parody”. Ouattara had said a high turnout pal opposition candidates, he had already con- there, prompting accusations he was not suffi- tant moment in modern Jewish-Christian rela- next month. But the Catholic Church has would be key to cementing his mandate for ceded defeat on Monday and congratulated ciently Ivorian to lead the country. He is known tions”. The document, adopted by cardinals found it harder to bridge differences with another five-year term from the 23 million peo- Ouattara, who should be sworn in next month. as a tireless worker needing little sleep who is and bishops around the world, also reaches Islam than with Judaism. —AFP ple registered to vote across the country. A peaceful and credible election was seen as said to “wear out his staff”. —AFP INTERNATIONAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 Rescuers struggle to reach Afghan-Pakistan survivors Desperate victims appeal for amenities

SHANGLA: Rescuers raced against time yes- terday to reach cold and hungry survivors of an earthquake that left entire communities in Afghanistan and Pakistan marooned in remote mountainous regions, as the death toll climbed to 370. Rugged terrain, severed communication lines and an unstable security situation have impeded relief efforts since Monday’s 7.5 magnitude quake ripped through the region, triggering landslides and flattening buildings. Desperate victims appealed for blankets, warm clothes and food after the quake levelled thousands of homes, forcing many to camp out in the open in freezing weather. “No one came to help us. We are sitting in open area. There was rain yesterday and no one came to help us,” said Jamil Khan, a 24-year-old quake victim in Shangla, one of the worst-hit districts of Pakistan’s northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

KATHMANDU: Nepalese newly elected president Bidhya Bhandari (center) leaves Isolated regions parliament after her election win was announced. — AFP Pakistan’s confirmed death toll stood at 255 with nearly 1,700 people injured, and authorities warn that the number could spike with many Nepal’s elects nation’s isolated regions still cut off. People were report- ed to be running out of food in many remote first female president areas, with children and the elderly helping to dig through piles of rubble for survivors as they PESHAWAR: A Pakistani boy holds a photograph of his grandfather killed from an earthquake. — AP waited for aid to arrive. KATHMANDU: A Communist leader in homes or on farms, but the country “We lost everything. We could not save any- The insurgents on Tuesday urged aid organi- further deadly threats as extreme conditions and who has long campaigned for women’s has been trying to grant more rights for thing,” said another Shangla resident, 60-year- zations not to delay in delivering relief, and insecurity cut off communities from aid,” said the rights was elected yesterday as Nepal’s women. Just last week, Onsari Gharti was old Hakim Khan, adding that the only thing they vowed their fighters would provide “complete UN children’s agency UNICEF. The World Health first female president. Bidhya Devi elected the first female Parliament speak- had been able to retrieve from the rubble was help” in affected areas. But there was no let-up in Organization said it has distributed medical sup- Bhandari of the Communist Party of er. The new constitution adopted last the body of a boy. Speaking during a trip to fighting despite those assurances. The militants plies to help thousands of victims and more Nepal Unified Marxist-Leninist received month also says women need to be Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which has seen the bulk yesterday claimed to have overrun the remote trauma kits for 1,200 patients would be sent in 327 votes against her opponent’s 214 in included in all government committees of the casualties so far, Prime Minister Nawaz district of Darqad in the quake-hit northern the coming days. The quake was centered near parliament yesterday, Parliament and assemblies including parliament and Sharif on Tuesday pledged compensation for province of Takhar, underscoring the fragile Jurm in northeast Afghanistan, 250 kilometers Speaker Onsari Gharti announced. state assemblies. those whose homes have been destroyed. security situation facing relief workers. (160 miles) from the capital Kabul and at a depth The president is the ceremonial head Bhandari has been a leading political The military has been leading Pakistan’s res- “What is most needed at this stage is medical of 213.5 kilometers, the US Geological Survey in Nepal while the prime minister is the figure since her husband Madan cue efforts, sending in medical teams, tents and assistance to the injured, medical equipment said. The devastation comes six months after a nation’s leader. Bhandari, 54, is the Bhandari, who was then leader of the rations and evacuating some people by helicop- and shelter for the affected populations,” said huge earthquake in Nepal and an aftershock deputy leader of the party led by Prime party, was killed in a still unsolved car ter. “Shelter and hygiene will be most likely the Kjersti Haraldseide, acting country director for killed almost 9,000 people. Minister Khadga Prasad Oli, who was accident in 1993. main needs, as it is already snowing in some of Afghanistan for the Norwegian Refugee Council Aid agencies have stressed the need for elected earlier this month and leads a She also led many demonstrations the more mountainous areas,” said Shelagh agency. Antoine Sagot-Priez, country head of greater disaster preparedness in war-torn French aid agency Premiere Urgence Afghanistan, which remains extremely suscepti- coalition government. The new constitu- against then-King Gyanendra in 2006 Woods, country representative for medical chari- ty MSF in Pakistan. Internationale, said they had already seen a ble to recurring natural disasters such as floods, tion adopted last month required Nepal that finally ended his authoritarian rule “large influx of casualties” at one of their hospi- earthquakes and landslides. But disaster plan- to name a new president. and restored democracy. ‘Deadly threats’ tals in the badly hit Afghan province of Kunar. ning has been a low priority for the nation strug- Bhandari is an active campaigner for Bhandari is Nepal’s second president Afghan officials said 115 people were con- Mass burials were being conducted across gling to end a 14-year war against the Taleban women’s rights in Nepal and was among since the Himalayan nation was turned firmed dead and hundreds more injured, with the country, including those of 12 Afghan insurgents. the politicians who campaigned for into a republic after abolishing the cen- casualties reported from around half a dozen of schoolgirls who were trampled to death as they Critics in Pakistan said authorities have still ensuring women’s rights in the new con- turies-old monarchy. the country’s 34 provinces, and more than 7,600 rushed to escape their classrooms in Takhar not learnt from the catastrophic quake of stitution. The document says one-third of The first president, Ram Baran Yadav, homes reported damaged. Desperate survivors province when the quake struck. Flag-draped October 2005, which killed more than 75,000 the members in parliament have to be was elected in 2008 and was supposed were left marooned on mountaintops in coffins arrived at a local cemetery on Tuesday as people and displacing some 3.5 million. “We women and either the president or vice to be in office for two years. But prepar- Badakhshan, the remote province where the epi- tearful relatives of the girls gathered for mass know we are in an earthquake-prone zone,” said president must be a woman. ing and adopting the constitution took center was located, but Western charities said burials. Some of the survivors were flown by mil- an editorial in The News daily, stressing the need Nepal is traditionally a male-dominat- seven years because of differences the Taleban presence there and in other quake- itary helicopter to Kabul for treatment. for greater preparedness. “A failure to act now ed society with women limited to work between political parties. — AP stricken areas was hindering relief efforts. “Children in earthquake-hit areas... are facing will be deadly in the future.” — AFP India to ban surrogacy service to foreigners

NEW DELHI: India’s government said the industry, adding that surrogacy will send some couples onto the black yesterday it would ban foreigners would be available “only for Indian market and deprive other couples of from using surrogate mothers in the couples”. Thousands of infertile cou- the chance of children,” Ranjana country, a move likely to hit the ples, many from overseas, hire the Kumari, director of the Centre for Social booming commercial surrogacy wombs of Indian women to carry their Research, told AFP. “Our research industry. Ranks of childless foreign embryos through to birth. shows many surrogates do not have couples have flocked to the country in India, with cheap technology, health insurance and are paid poorly, recent years looking for a cheap, legal skilled doctors and a steady supply of among other issues,” she said, adding and simple route to parenthood. local surrogates, is one of relatively that stronger regulation rather than an Health industry estimates put the few countries where women can be outright ban was needed. size of India’s surrogacy business at paid to carry another’s child. The private petition to the top nine billion rupees ($138 million) and Surrogacy for profit is illegal in many court seeks a halt to the importation growing at 20 percent a year. But crit- other countries. The process usually of human embryos for commercial ics have said a lack of legislation involves in-vitro fertilization and purposes. Earlier this month the court encourages “rent-a-womb” exploita- embryo transfer, leading to a rise in in Delhi expressed its concern and tion of young, poor Indian women. In fertility centers offering such services. ordered the government to spell out an affidavit to the Supreme Court yes- A top fertility expert branded the measures for regulating the industry. terday the government said it “does government’s move discriminatory, The government’s affidavit, presented not support commercial surrogacy”. while a leading women’s activist to the court by Solicitor General Ranjit “No foreigners can avail surrogacy warned it could push the industry Kumar, said it would “require some services in India,” it told the court, underground and out of reach of regu- time to bring the law in place”. “The which is hearing a petition regarding lators. “Banning commercial surrogacy government will prohibit and penalize commercial surrogacy services,” it said. The government has been consulting Bangladesh accuses oppn women’s groups and the health indus- try on a draft bill, the Assisted official of Italian’s murder Reproductive Technology, that seeks to regulate the industry. DHAKA: A senior Bangladeshi min- heightened the fears of minorities ister accused a main opposition par- living in the mainly Muslim but offi- ‘No exploitation’ ty official yesterday of ordering an cially secular nation. Clinic owners denied ill-treatment Italian aid worker’s murder as part of surrogate mothers, saying it is in of a plot to destabilize the govern- Denying claims their interests to treat the women well ment. Police are hunting for Although that attack was also so they produce healthy babies. Dr Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) claimed by IS, the government Nayana Patel, one of India’s leading official MA Quayum for allegedly responded by denying that the fertility specialists, said the move dis- orchestrating the deadly shooting extremist group was active in criminated against foreigners who of Cesare Tavella in the capital late Bangladesh. And instead it rounded were also desperate to have children. last month. Four people have been up dozens of Prime Minister Sheikh “Yes, there need to be strict checks arrested over the attack, with police Hasina’s opponents. BNP secretary and counter checks but banning for- on Monday saying three of them general Fakhrul Islam Alamgir eigners is not the answer. It’s inhu- admitted carrying out the rejected the home minister’s accu- man,” Patel told AFP. “There is no September 28 killing on the orders sation, saying that it was “unaccept- exploitation, it’s a voluntary contract of a so-called “big brother”. able and not believable”. between human beings involving an “Quayum is the big brother,” “We’ve said clearly that the gov- exchange of money. What’s wrong Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan ernment should conduct proper with that?” “It’s a dignified earning. Kamal told reporters yesterday. investigations into these murders. Instead of women working as maids, Quayum, who is believed to have Instead, they are using these to sup- they can be surrogates,” said Patel, fled the country, is a mid-ranking press a democratic opposition,” he who runs the Akanksha fertility clinic BNP official and a former Dhaka told AFP. The government has consis- in the western state of Gujarat. councilor. Kamal said police have tently blamed the BNP and its main The latest move comes after India “conclusive evidence” Quayum Islamist ally Jamaat-e-Islami for unrest issued new rules in 2012 barring for- ordered the killing as part of a “con- which has plagued Bangladesh since eign gay couples and single people spiracy” to trigger anarchy and pile their refusal to take part in a January from using surrogate mothers to pressure on the government, 2014 general election. become parents, drawing sharp criti- although he did not elaborate. After the attack on the Shiite cism from gay rights advocates and The killing near Dhaka’s diplo- shrine, a former BNP lawmaker and fertility clinics. The existing rules say matic zone was the first of a series several senior BNP and Jamaat offi- foreign couples seeking to enter into a of attacks to be claimed by Islamic cials were detained. Police said the surrogacy arrangement in India must State (IS), and was followed days lat- arrests were related to previous be a “man and woman (who) are duly er by the gunning down of a unrest and not linked to Saturday’s married and the marriage should be Japanese farmer in northern blast. One of the four arrested over sustained at least two years”. The cost Bangladesh. A weekend bombing the aid worker’s killing, Tamjid of surrogacy in India generally ranges of the capital’s main Shiite shrine, Ahmed Rubel, has told his family from about $18,000 to $30,000, of which killed one person and that he was forced into making a which around $8,000 goes to the sur- wounded dozens more, has further confession. —AFP rogate mother. The figure is roughly a third of the US price. — AFP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 INTERNATIONAL

Thai police expecting more arrests over ties to palace

BANGKOK: Police in Thailand announced nent fortune-teller and his assistant were and guns. The seized items and other evi- found to be unusually wealthy. Pongpat majeste, which is punishable by three to yesterday they are looking for more sus- arrested earlier this month and charged dence suggested that the case goes and others were relatives of Princess 15 years in prison. The military regime pects in a case involving people who with lese majeste - insulting the monar- beyond the allegations of corruption Srirasmi - the then-consort of Crown that ousted an elected civilian govern- allegedly claimed connections to the chy - for allegedly seeking kickbacks and involving the “Bike for Mom” and “Bike for Prince Vajiralongkorn - who shortly after- ment last year has declared that defense country’s royal palace in order to enrich other benefits in connection to the Dad” events, named for the country’s ward lost her royal title and separated of the monarchy is its priority, and it has themselves. events. The police officer, MajPrakrom queen and king. from him. vigorously pursued prosecutions under National Police Chief Chakthip Warunprapa, allegedly hanged himself Police suggested yesterday that there the law, trying such cases in military Chaijinda said more people than the last week while in military custody. Royal title was a link between the two cases, saying courts. Thai politics for the past decade three already detained are expected to Details of many of the charges had The case is similar to one late last year that some of the property found in has been overshadowed by concerns be arrested in the case, which focuses on leaked to the media over the past week. in which a high-ranking police officer, for- Prakrom’s possession had belonged to about the eventual succession to King sponsorship of mass biking events At a news conference, police displayed mer Central Investigation Bureau chief Pongpat. Police corruption is a long- Bhumibol Adulyadej, the world’s longest- arranged to honor the country’s king and property seized from Prakrom, including Pongpat Chayaphan, and his accomplices standing problem in Thailand, but it reigning monarch, who is 87 years old queen. A senior police officer, a promi- luxury watches, custom-made guitars were charged with lese majeste and rarely has involved charges of lese and ailing. —AP Indonesians battle against haze with their own hands Using meager resources to confront the fires

PALANGKARAYA: Desperate civil- but has failed so far to bring thou- everybody’s fight.” Another team in low, there are calls for those ians at the epicenter of Indonesia’s sands of fires under control. the area responded to reports of responsible for this environmental haze crisis are taking the fight into It has also sent warships to new fires and set off in pickup catastrophe to be punished, but their own hands, using whatever Kalimantan-Indonesia’s half of trucks, passing through a ruined, local authorities are reluctant to meager resources they have to Borneo island-in case large-scale smoking landscape of charred point fingers. confront the fires ravaging their evacuations are needed, but many earth and smoldering tree stumps. Fires are deliberately lit every communities as they tire of wait- on the ground are choosing to The team scrambled to find year by farmers seeking to quickly ing for the government to take fight not flee, using wooden sticks, water, a scarce resource on these and cheaply clear their land to action. pails of water and anything else on tinder-dry peatlands, until a well plant crops, particularly palm oil Wearing an oversized T-shirt hand to douse the flames. was found at a nearby construction and pulp and paper plantations, and ill-fitting rubber boots, 13- site. As the team assembled the but this year’s blazes are on track to year-old Yosua Oktavianus assisted ‘Fed up of waiting’ water pump, Sayban, who was become the worst on record. his father douse a fire burning out- After watching children and the wearing neither a firesuit or proper A prolonged dry season has side their hometown in Borneo as elderly in his hometown fall sick mask, stomped the smoking seen widespread fires sweep acrid smoke belched from the under the pall of haze-just some of ground. “At least my boots are heat Kalimantan and Sumatra, destroy- ing 1.7 million hectares and killing 19 people so far, some of whom died while fighting the blazes and YOKOSUKA: In this May 27, 2014 file photo, the USS Lassen is anchored. —AP others from the pollution. China warns US Navy after Who is to blame? Indonesia last month revoked the licence of a timber supplier and ship sails by Chinese island suspended the operations of three palm oil plantation operators over BEIJING: A US Navy warship sailed past one also has rich fishing grounds and a potential the fires, which have sent haze as of China’s artificial islands in the South China wealth of undersea mineral deposits. China far as Thailand and the Philippines, Sea on Tuesday, in a challenge to Chinese says it respects the right of navigation but but catching people on the ground sovereignty claims that drew an angry has never specified the exact legal status of has proved far more difficult. protest from Beijing, which said the move its maritime claims. China says virtually all of Angry residents in the heart of damaged US-China relations and regional the South China Sea belongs to it, while the haze crisis have blamed both peace. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and major corporations and local farm- China’s Foreign Ministry said authorities Vietnam claim either parts or all of it. ers for the disaster, and want justice monitored and warned the USS Lassen as it State Department spokesman John Kirby served. “If you want to stop this dis- entered what China claims as a 12-mile terri- said Tuesday the US has a right to freedom aster from happening again, you torial limit around Subi Reef in the Spratly of navigation in international waters, and need to put the culprits in jail for a Islands archipelago, a group of reefs, islets, such maneuvers “should not be construed long time, revoke their license and and atolls where the Philippines has com- as a threat by anybody.” He said the US confiscate their lands,” local resi- peting claims. wants relations with China to continue to dent Andi told AFP. “The actions of the US warship have deepen. The local government conserva- threatened China’s sovereignty and security “The US-China relationship is vitally tion agency in Palangkaraya interests, jeopardized the safety of person- important and one that we want to see con- declined to answer when asked by nel and facilities on the reefs, and damaged tinue to improve and to grow for the benefit AFP who was behind the massive regional peace and stability,” the ministry of both our countries, not to mention the blazes, and why more perpetrators said on its website. “The Chinese side region,” Kirby told reporters in Washington. PALANGKARAYA: Photo shows volunteers extinguishing a peatland fire in the outskirts of weren’t being caught. “It’s not the expresses its strong dissatisfaction and res- Beijing’s response closely mirrored its Palangkaraya, a city of 240,000 in Indonesia’s central Kalimantan where respiratory illnesses time to point fingers, it’s the time to olute opposition,” the statement said. actions in May when a navy dispatcher have soared as the smog has worsened in recent weeks. —AFP act,” agency head Nandang Prihadi The sail-past fits a US policy of pushing warned off a US Navy P8-A Poseidon surveil- said. But conservation group back against China’s growing assertiveness lance aircraft as it flew over Fiery Cross Reef, scorched earth. “I just want to help the estimated half a million people resistant,” the firefighter, who like Borneo Futures said it was unlikely in the South China Sea. US ally the where China has conducted extensive recla- my dad,” he told AFP near who have suffered respiratory ill- many Indonesians goes by one internationally-listed companies Philippines welcomed the move as a way of mation work. Palangkaraya, a city of 240,000 nesses since the fires started in July name, told AFP. were responsible for the fires. helping maintain “a balance of power.” Since where respiratory illnesses have — 20-year-old Fery Auyadi decided Just as the ten-strong team Scientist Erik Meijaard said medi- 2013, China has accelerated the creation of Balance of power soared as the smog has worsened enough was enough. Banding arrived, reports of another blaze um-scale plantation owners trying new outposts by piling sand atop reefs and A Defense Department official, who in recent weeks. together with his friends, the col- breaking out nearby came in. to expand their land may have atolls then adding buildings, ports and spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss Communities worst exposed to lege students pooled their Working around the clock on a asked farmers to burn the land on airstrips big enough to handle bombers and the Lassen’s movements, said the patrol was the toxic smog are becoming resources and collected donations tight budget, and with limited their behalf. “So who is to blame? fighter jets - activities seen as an attempt to completed without incident. A Pentagon increasingly frustrated at authori- for supplies before heading to the equipment at hand, they know if The guy who brings the jerrycan change the territorial status quo by chang- spokesman, Navy Cmdr. Bill Urban, declined ties in Jakarta, insisting not fire front. the fires become too big they can with fuel and a box of matches, the ing the geography. to comment. Speaking to foreign correspon- enough is being done to aid their “My friends and I were fed up of do nothing but stand by and watch guy paying him to do that, or the dents in Manila, Philippine President plight. The government has waiting for the government to act,” it burn. company or politicians behind the Sovereign territory Benigno Aquino III said he supported the US launched water-bombing raids he told AFP, dripping in sweat and In Palangkaraya, where many people who pay?” he told AFP. Navy officials had said the sail-past was naval maneuvers as an assertion of freedom dumping water over blazes on mud as he battled a blaze outside have fled since the smoke blanket- “Difficult to see and probably very necessary to assert the US position that of navigation and as a means to balance Borneo and neighboring Sumatra Palangkaraya, adding: “It is now ing their town turned an eerie yel- context dependent.” —AFP China’s manmade islands cannot be consid- power in the region. ered sovereign territory with the right to sur- “I think expressing support for estab- rounding territorial waters. International law lished norms of international behavior permits military vessels the right of “inno- should not be a negative for a country,” he Myanmar’s army-backed party cent passage” in transiting other country’s said. “I think everybody would welcome a seas without notification. China’s Foreign balance of power anywhere in the world.” Ministry, though, labeled the ship’s actions Without identifying China by name, he said as illegal. “one regional power” has been making “con- bullish despite Kyi challenge The US says it doesn’t take a position on troversial pronouncements” that must not sovereignty over the South China Sea but be left unchallenged. The Obama adminis- NAYPYIDAW: With no little swagger, Myanmar’s army- Facebook page proclaimed “more than 75 percent in groups. For Than Naing those factors are enough for him insists on freedom of navigation and over- tration has long said it will exercise a right to backed ruling party has hit the campaign trail predicting it Myanmar is going to vote for the USDP”, a claim that to renew his loyalty at the ballot box. flight. About 30 percent of global trade freedom of navigation in any international will win 75 percent of votes in next month’s election drew derision from social media users on the other side “If the USDP wins, all of us farmers will share peace passes through the South China Sea, which waters. —AP despite a formidable opponent in Aung San Suu Kyi and of the political spectrum. and a better economy, everything will be perfect,” he told her wildly popular opposition party. The November 8 elec- In Naypyidaw, home to the sprawling parliament led AFP. Nearby, a retired soldier hailed the continuity the tions will be the first nationwide polls in a quarter of a cen- by President Thein Sein, supporters turned out party offers in a nation that experienced almost a half- tury to be contested by Suu Kyi’s pro-democracy party. Wednesday decked in the USDP’s emerald-green T-shirts century of military rule. “I was a soldier before... I believe Seoul, Tokyo bickering days Boisterous rallies of thousands of people have greet- and caps, waving party flags and dancing to pop music. in USDP completely,” said Kyaw Myint Oo, hinting at the ed her convoy as it criss-crosses the country. Supporters They applauded a ruling party that has overseen four automatic loyalty the party expects from many in the before summit with China hope that presages a decisive victory for her National years of sweeping reforms, earning the once-pariah armed forces. League for Democracy-if the vote is free and fair. But her nation the embrace of the international community and With its campaign for “change” the NLD has tried SEOUL: Leave it to perpetually squab- allies and Washington’s military and diplo- main rival, the ruling Union Solidarity and Development a flood of foreign investment. to harness the deep public resentment among civil- bling Northeast Asia to spice up that most matic bulwark in an unsteady region. All Party (USDP), is also brimming with confidence. ians against the former military rulers, who enriched vanilla of diplomatic activities: The meet- three have a keen interest in containing It is the former junta’s political heir and many mem- ‘Win and everything is perfect’ themselves while driving the country into poverty and-greet, photo-op-ridden international North Korea’s nuclear bomb ambitions. bers swapped army uniforms for parliamentary seats Jobs have come along with the money, many political and isolation. summit. The problem this week, as is often the after a flawed 2010 election. For all the enthusiasm over and social freedoms have been restored and a limited The USDP has responded with the slogan “We have South Korea and Japan finally case in Northeast Asia, appears to be his- Suu Kyi, the party is in bullish mood. This week its official peace deal has been reached with some warring ethnic been changing”, playing up its role at the head of a quasi- announced yesterday what has long tory, and specifically the inability of Seoul civilian government that has shepherded reforms. USDP been rumored - a three-way leaders’ and Tokyo to settle disputes stemming campaign trucks are bedecked with pictures of President meeting with China this weekend in from Japan’s brutal colonial rule of Korea Thein Sein, a former junta general who has led the gov- Seoul - but details are still scarce with in the early 20th century. ernment since 2011 and has not ruled out another tilt at just days to go. And the Seoul-Tokyo Newspapers in Japan reported that the the top job. But the USDP, which was accused of rampant bilateral meeting, their first formal talks spat centered on Tokyo balking at Seoul’s cheating in the 2010 polls, has faced claims that it is also at this level in 3-1/2 years? A brief pressure for Japan to make some sort of using religion in its bid to woo voters, stirring anti-Muslim Monday morning talk, breaking before concession on the issue of Korean women feeling in the Buddhist-majority nation. lunch. It wasn’t even on the initial sched- forced into sex slavery by Japan’s military Allegations of other dirty tricks and vote-buying are ule released by Tokyo, though a leading up to and during World War II. also doing the rounds as the campaign enters the home spokesman later confirmed the meeting. Many in South Korea feel that past stretch. Observers say no party-let alone the USDP-is The lead-up to the summit has seen Japanese apologies and attempts at rec- likely to win 75 percent of the contested seats. But the South Korean and Japanese foreign ompense have fallen well short. This feel- under a controversial constitutional provision one quar- ministries publicly dodging questions ing has been compounded by a wide- ter of seats in the lower and upper chambers are even as diplomats leaked barbed tidbits spread view that conservative Japanese reserved for the army. to reporters behind the scenes. The bick- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is whitewash- That favors the USDP, which only needs to clinch over ering confounds some observers because ing Japan’s wartime atrocities. 160 seats in the combined parliament-or 33 percent of even though these summits are often South Korea announced that President the elected element of the legislature — because it can devoid of substance, there is high symbol- Park Geun-hye and Abe will meet link up with the appointed military MPs to govern. The ic importance in leaders from these pow- Monday, a day after they both meet with NLD however needs around 67 percent of the elected erful neighbors setting aside their many Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. Seoul has portion to secure a majority. differences and putting on a good show. provided few other details but empha- But with no forecasts on how the numbers will sized that the sex slave issue would be on NAYPYIDAW: A supporter of the army-backed ruling Union Solidarity and emerge, USDP members say there is everything to play Diplomatic bulwark the agenda. Japanese media have report- for. Asked if the party really believes it can win 75 percent Development Party (USDP) holds posters bearing the portrait of Myanmar President China and Japan have the world’s No 2 ed that Seoul suggested a meeting of just of the votes, Tin Maung Win, the party’s candidate for and 3 biggest economies, respectively. 30 minutes because Tokyo wouldn’t cave Thein Sein during a campaign rally in the town of Tat Kone on the outskirts of Mingaladon in Yangon, was unequivocal. “Yes, it’s true... South Korea and Japan are strong US on the sex slave issue. —AP Myanmar’s capital city. —AFP we’ll win pretty well,” he said. —AFP NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015

Kashmiri men sell their produce at the floating vegetable market on Dal Lake surrounded by dense fog on a cold morning in Srinagar yesterday. Vegetables traded in the floating market are sup- plied to Srinagar and many towns across the Kashmir valley. It’s one of the major sources of income for the lake dwellers who spend years carefully nurturing their floating gardens from the weeds and rich soil extracted from the lake bed. — AP MPs to debate sports situation Activists slam ‘sham’ Continued from Page 1 In the meantime, defense lawyers for around 70 opposi- tion activists on trial for storming the National Assembly The suspension of Kuwaiti sports came under the pre- building in 2011 yesterday walked out of the hearing in Qatar labor reforms text that the government interferes in the sports federa- protest against forcing jailed opposition leader Musallam tions and clubs, which had already sent a letter to IOC Al-Barrak to attend the hearing. The lawyers also called for denying any interference. Several MPs have directly changing the judge presiding over the case in the appeals DOHA: Rights groups yesterday dismissed as a “sham” long- The new rules require foreign workers wishing to leave accused head of the Kuwait Football Association Sheikh court, while Barrak, a former MP, said he was forced to awaited reforms of Qatar’s much-criticized “kafala” labor sys- Qatar to apply for permission from the interior ministry at least Talal Al-Fahd of causing the suspension. Minister of come to the courtroom without even knowing the date of tem for foreign workers, which critics have likened to modern- 72 hours beforehand. Officials will then check with employers Information and Sports and Youth Sheikh Salman Al- the trial. day slavery. Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani and if permission is denied, workers can complain to a griev- Humoud Al-Sabah had stressed that the government will Barrak is serving a two-year jail sentence for insulting approved Tuesday a new law overseeing the sponsorship sys- ance committee that will be established under the new law. not bow to pressure and will insist on applying Kuwaiti HH the Amir during a public rally. The appeals court then tem - which currently only allows workers to leave the country Notably, Qatar has removed the word “sponsor” from the pro- laws. Maayouf said the Assembly will issue a number of adjourned the hearing until Nov 25 to give time to the with the approval of their employer -as well as rules that allow posed changes. recommendations to the government regarding the issue. defendants to appoint new lawyers. The criminal court had workers to switch jobs. The changes also allow foreign workers to switch jobs at In another development, MP Adel Al-Khorafi expected acquitted all the defendants who include 11 former law- But activists said the changes were unlikely to make any the end of a fixed-term contract, usually five years. Under the yesterday that three to four grillings will be filed by MPs makers. In another case, Barrak was fined KD 100 yesterday real difference for the thousands of foreign workers in the gas- current system, workers who leave a job at the end of a con- against ministers. He provided no details after a grilling for taking part in an illegal gathering, while opposition rich Gulf state, many of whom are preparing facilities for tract have to wait two years to return to Qatar to take up a new against the minister of social affairs and labor was debated activist Abdullah Al-Rassam was handed a suspended one- Qatar’s hosting of football’s 2022 World Cup. Sharan Burrow, position, if the employer objects to the new job. Some busi- on the opening day of the Assembly’s new term. It ended month term for insulting former prime minister Sheikh general secretary of the International Trade Union nesses have lobbied for retention of the restrictions as they without filing a no-confidence motion. Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. Confederation, one of Qatar’s fiercest critics, said the latest feared loosening of the sponsorship system would lead to changes were little more than “sham reforms”. “The new labor them losing key staff during the duration of major infrastruc- law does not abolish the notorious exit permits, and workers ture projects. Members of a Qatar business chamber argued still have to get their employers’ permission to leave the coun- earlier this year for fixed contracts to be extended to 10 years Thunderstorm floods roads; schools... try,” she said. so that staff would not leave, according to local media. — AFP Continued from Page 1 International Airport after two flights were diverted to Dammam International Airport as the thunderstorm was rag- He told KUNA a group of volunteers rushed to Jahra and ing. The weather forecast in Kuwait indicated the possibility of French embassy in US terminates Kuwaiti... Taima to provide help, noting that these two areas were the more thunderous weather and heavy rain in the evening with Continued from Page 1 embassy. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International most affected by the torrential rain and roaring gales. These wind speed reaching 50 km per hour, and sea waves possibly Development has learned with dismay of anti-Semitic teams will remain there to cope with any emergency, he reaching three to six meters. The Ministry of Electricity and Do not blame it on the poor Palestinians,” continued the remarks, on her personal Facebook page, by a student added. Security sources said that a house in Taima collapsed, Water announced yesterday that the power-water network exchange. After being accused of racism, she responds, doing an internship in Cultural Services of the French but no casualties were reported. Jahra Hospital’s corridors were was functioning as usual and the technical teams are on full “First of all you dispersed rat, i am not an immigrant from Embassy of the United States. She was immediately termi- flooded with water, and nursing staff had to participate in alert round the clock. France. I am from Kuwait so my country can buy you and nated from her internship,” the cultural department posted clearing it. The Ministry of Public Works announced yesterday that your parents and put you in ovens.” The embassy told AFP on its Facebook page Friday. The Jahra industrial area intersection with the Sixth Ring emergency teams have been deployed in the country’s gover- that the intern, working in the Cultural Services division in “This intern of Kuwaiti origin, sent by Sciences Po, was Road (a recently-launched project) was flooded with water norates to deal with any accident resulting from the stormy New York, confirmed to her manager, after learning of the immediately sent back,” French Ambassador to the US because rain drainage sewers had not been cleaned before the weather. Abdulmohsen Al-Enezi, the assistant undersecretary, allegations, that she wrote some of the exchange, but Gerard Araud said Tuesday on Twitter. “Given the gravity of rainy season. Also in Jahra and some northern areas, yester- said the ministry, dealt with 100 complaints since early hours claimed the “ovens” comment and others were not by her. the charges against (the woman), the director of Sciences day’s heavy rain caused a blackout in several places including of yesterday. Trees fell and the sewage system suffered dam- She also told her manager she apologized to the user Po has decided to suspend her studies as a precautionary Kabd police station, some polyclinics and traffic lights. age due to the rainwaters, but emergency teams dealt with the with whom she had exchanged the comments before measure, pending a disciplinary ruling,” a Sciences Po Meanwhile, air traffic went back to normal at Kuwait situation. Inglourious Basterds’ post went up, according to the spokesman said. —AFP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 ANALYSIS


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Focus Europe wakes up to challenges posed by Islamophobia

By Nawab Khan

he European Commission, the EU’s executive body, organ- ized earlier this month its first annual Colloquium on TFundamental Rights and devoted it to the issue of the unprecedented wave of anti-Muslim and anti-Semitism hatred in Europe. The holding of the two-day conference is seen as an acknowledgment by Europe about the growing hostility faced by Muslims and to discuss solutions to stop the spread of this dangerous phenomenon. Islamophobia is taken from the Greek word phovos (fear) and means fear of Islam and hostility against Muslims. Analysts are warning that as hundreds of thousands of refugees mainly Muslims from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan arrive on the shores and cities of Europe, Islamophobia and Muslim-hatred are bound to rise and spread. The current Germany agonizes over ‘Mein Kampf’ refugee crisis is seeing a great deal of negative language and hate speech resurfacing about Muslims. The German Ministry of Interior recorded as many as 202 attacks on housing for asy- lum-seekers in the first half of 2015 alone. The European By Pauline Houede at: “How were his theses conceived? What objectives did he 2012 to the IFZ’s plan, Bavaria withdrew its official support Commission’s First Vice-President Frans Timmermans in his have? And most important: which counterarguments do in late 2013 for fear that it could hurt victims of the Nazis. address to the conference alerted to this hazard . ith only two months to go before the copyright of we have given our knowledge today of the countless “I cannot seek a ban on the NPD (a far-right party) while at “Europe is going through a period of crisis and turmoil, Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” expires, debate is raging claims, lies and assertions of Hitler?” the same time have our state’s emblem used in the publi- which is challenging the very values on which it was built. It is Wover whether the anti-Semitic manifesto should cation of ‘Mein Kampf’,” said Bavarian state premier Horst challenging the very fabric of European society and therefore again be published in Germany, where all reprints have ‘Dangerous’ Seehofer. the very fabric of European cooperation. The rise of anti- been halted since the defeat of the Nazis. Authorities in Charlotte Knobloch, who is president of the Jewish Semitism, the rise of Islamophobia, each in their own way are the southern Bavaria region were handed the copyright community in Munich and Upper Bavaria, told AFP how- ‘Critical Version Necessary’ symptoms,” he explained. “We have seen the homes of asylum by Allied forces after World War II. For seven decades, they ever that even the annotated version carried certain risks However, journalist Sven Felix Kellerhoff, who wrote a seekers set on fire. And we have heard political leaders declare that their countries would not accept refugees if they were have refused to allow it to be republished out of respect as it “contains the original text” which “should itself not be book retracing the history of “Mein Kampf”, believes that Muslim. Anti-Muslim incidents are multiplying across Europe. for victims of the Nazis and to prevent incitement of printed”. Hitler’s “book is dangerous. It is a Pandora’s box. the blanket refusal to take a public and critical look at the We’re seeing a huge spike of attacks. Verbal insinuations, hatred. One does not know what’s going on within the reader’s document has had the unwanted side effect of ennobling closed-mindedness, prejudice, discrimination. The rise of But as “Mein Kampf” - whose title means “My mind,” she warned. “It is the ideological basis of the mass, the tract. “It is absolutely necessary for a serious critical Islamophobia is the one of the biggest challenges in Europe,” Struggle” - falls into the public domain on Jan 1, differ- industrial extermination of the Jewish people. “It paved version of ‘Mein Kampf’ to be made available to the pub- underlined Timmermans, a former Dutch foreign minister. ences have emerged over how it should be treated in the way for the Holocaust. Of course it is in the interest of lic” for educational purposes, he said. future. Some scholars want reprints of the original text to right wing militants and Islamists to spread these ideas,” Barbara Zehnpfennig, a specialist on totalitarianism at Discrimination be allowed, saying they would serve to demystify the said Knobloch. Passau University, went further, saying that reprints of A public opinion survey published in October by the notorious 800-page document. Others including Jewish Partly autobiographical, “Mein Kampf” outlines Adolf the book in its original version should also be allowed. “It European Commission showed that both ethnic and religious discrimination in Europe are perceived to be very widespread. groups want to maintain the ban, likening reprints to Hitler’s ideology that formed the basis for Nazism. He is very important for us to take an in-depth look at Hitler Muslims and Roma are the two groups subjected to most prej- opening Pandora’s box. wrote it in 1924 while he was imprisoned in Bavaria after a and his concept of the world,” she said. “We are all adults udice, it noted. Up to 64 percent of Europeans believe that dis- Historians at the Institute of Contemporary History of failed coup. Some 12.4 million copies were published in and we have had a practising democracy for 70 years. I crimination based on ethnic origin is widespread and 50 per- Munich (IFZ), meanwhile, have gone for the middle-ground Germany until 1945, and the sale, purchase and posses- think that we are capable of reading such a book” with- cent of Europeans believe that discrimination based on religion - producing an annotated version of the two-volume tome sion of the book is today not banned in Germany. Copies out being contaminated with racist ideology, she said. or beliefs is widespread. to be made available in bookstores in January. This IFZ ver- can also be found in academic libraries. However, its “There is a German peculiarity of worrying about what The rise of Islamophobia is manifested in the proliferation of sion - which has been in the works since 2009 and runs to reprinting has been restricted by Bavarian authorities, others might say. I think we can show more self-confi- anti-Islam street movements such as the English Defence 2,000 pages with the added commentary - would be the who were charged with administering the copyright and dence. “This is part of our history, and we have been very League in the UK, PEGIDA in Germany , and its offshoots in first print version of the original text here since 1945. But it preventing the dissemination of Nazi ideology. Even thorough with how we have come to terms with it. We Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, and elsewhere. While will also “deconstruct and put into context Hitler’s writing”, today, the region takes a conservative view on the issue. have more than regretted what has happened in many of the Islamophobic and Muslim-hatred tendencies and acts are attributed to far-right and anti-immigrant groups and the institute wrote. The book, to retail at Ä59 ($65), will look Although it provided financial backing of euro 500,000 in Germany,” she said. — AFP organisations, Muslim communities are equally concerned and worried about highly controversial government policy deci- sions in several Europeans countries aimed at curbing their reli- France sidelined with tough Syria stance gious freedom. Observers point to the ban on construction of minarets in mosques in Switzerland, the ban on headscarves in schools and By Eric Randolph and Valerie Leroux Secretary of State John Kerry and his said Bauchard. would say that France is one of their major the public ban of the full face veil in France and Belgium. British counterpart Philip Hammond - both There is also a feeling that France’s allies,” said Menon. “But there’s still a limit Because of the ban on ritual slaughter during the Eid al Adha rance, which has taken a tough line represented by underlings. hardline stance may be the wrong tactic at to what a medium-sized power can do in (feast of sacrifice) this year by regional governments in Flanders on Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, Russia, which has been carrying out air this delicate diplomatic moment. “We terms of resources.” and Wallonina in Belgium many Muslims in this country boy- Fis struggling to make itself heard as strikes in support of the Assad regime must try to do some judo with Russia Analysts have derided France’s small cotted the ritual slaughter in protest. Observers ask what steps the diplomatic ground shifts towards a since last month, was not invited. “There rather than attacking them head-on,” said contribution to coalition air strikes against will come next to curb the religious freedom of Muslims many compromise with the regime. Trying to are other meetings where we will work former foreign minister Hubert Vedrine on the Islamic State group, which Paris claims of whom are born and brought up in Europe and hold keep France at the heart of negotiations with the Russians,” said Fabius. France Europe 1 radio. Like many analysts, he are disrupting terrorist plots. “To say that European citizenships. on Syria, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius called the meeting after being excluded believes Russia would gladly abandon we will prevent terrorist attacks in France Contradiction scrambled to gather key powers in Paris on from top-level talks last week between the Assad so long as its influence in Syria is thanks to air strikes in Syria is, and I am The debate over the integration of Muslims is another seri- Tuesday. But the guest list was not final- United States, Russia, Saudi Arabia and assured, but that will take careful weighing my words, absolute bulls**t,” Eric ous contentious issue which is seen by some analysts as an ized until the last minute and a few of the Turkey. “Clearly, the train has left without cajoling. “The more the West Denece, director of French attempt to force Muslims to accept some western values which bigger names were us and we’re trying to catch up with it,” says ‘Assad must leave think-tank CF2R, told are in stark contradiction to Islamic ethical and moral values. absent, includ- said Denis Bauchard, a former diplomat tomorrow’, the more AFP recently. Muslim observers point out that some “western values” are ing US and Middle East specialist at the Russia just says ‘no’,” “When the causing havoc on European societies themselves leading to French Institute of International said Vedrine. Americans carry out breakdown of family and social ties, alarming rise in domestic Relations in Paris. thousands of strikes violence, drug addiction, alcoholism and suicide rates and ‘A Major Ally’ ... it can have a limit- hence they question the wisdom of adopting them. They opine that Islam as a way of life has its own ethical and Judo with Russia France, the for- ed impact. But for moral values, dietary laws and dress code but it does not Russia’s escalation in recent mer colonial power France in Syria, it will impose them on others. Analysts also blame the narrow focus weeks - aimed at propping up in Syria, retains close only be a few sym- of the western media that have played a hand in shaping West’s Assad by targeting a range of ties to the country bolic negative views of the Muslims, resulting in increasing anti- insurgent groups in Syria - has and has been a strikes. It Muslim bias. The media portrays Islam as a backward, foreign changed the calculus for all key broker in is gestic- and violent religion that oppresses women and denies them involved. Not wanting to negotiations on ulation, the rights of education and work. Respect of human rights, trigger a wider war with its future. Some smoke freedom, dignity, tolerance and social justice are also core Russia, and desperate observers also see it and mirrors Islamic values, but the western media ignores this. for any kind of solution still playing an out- to deceive Meanwhile, the Colloquium in Brussels in its recommenda- tions to deal with Islamophobia rightly underlined the crucial that can end the four- sized role in interna- the public.” role of education in preventing discrimination and hatred. It year bloodbath and the tional affairs com- Aware of highlighted that schools offer a unique opportunity to transmit seemingly endless flow of pared to other their limited the values of tolerance and respect, since they reach out to all refugees, the US and its European powers such power, pressure is children from an early age. —KUNA allies have lately muted as Britain. “The French mounting within their demands for Assad are more plugged in France to soften the to depart immediately. geopolitically than position on Assad and Even Saudi Arabia, Britain,” said Anand seek a compromise. “The All articles appearing on these bogged down in a trou- Menon, a foreign affairs settlement of the Syrian pages are the personal opinion of bled intervention in professor at King’s political situation necessarily Yemen, has softened its College London. France requires a dialogue with the the writers. Kuwait Times takes no antipathy towards the has maintained its defence Syrian president,” said Jean- responsibility for views expressed Syrian strongman. France spending at a Frederic Poisson, an opposition therein. Kuwait Times invites is the exception. “Nothing time when lawmaker who visited Damascus must be done to bolster Britain is dramat- on Tuesday, reflecting a readers to voice their opinions. Bashar Al-Assad, who is the prob- ically cutting view that has Please send submissions via email lem, and cannot therefore be the back its army and growing solution,” President Francois Hollande foreign affairs currency to: [email protected] or reiterated last week. budget, and taken among via snail mail to PO Box 1301 That has made France an awkward par- the lead against French MPs. Safat, Kuwait. The editor reserves ty to the latest rounds of talks. “Kerry several African “It is not for knows well that France’s position is much jihadist groups. foreign countries to the right to edit any submission tougher, and no doubt wanted to avoid “Talk to people in decide who must as necessary. that getting in the way of talks with Washington, and lead Syria.” (Russian Foreign Minister Sergei) Lavrov,” more and more — AFP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 S P O R T S

Barcelona’s Mascherano Bid to change kick-off time Federer claims easy win LONDON: Australian rugby fans have launched a tongue-in-cheek peti- BASEL: Roger Federer bounced back to form with a quick-fire win over handed two-match ban tion asking for a change to the kick off time of Saturday’s World Cup Mikhail Kukushkin of Kazakhstan on Tuesday as he began his bid for a sev- final so that they and their New Zealand counterparts can stay in bed a SPAIN: Barcelona’s Javier Mascherano has received a two-match suspension fol- enth title at his hometown tournament in Basel. bit longer. Saturday’s Twickenham final kicks off at 1600 GMT, which lowing his red card in Sunday’s La Liga clash with Eibar for verbally abusing a The Swiss maestro had been dumped out by Spain’s unheralded Albert ranges between 0200 and 0500 in New Zealand and Australia. The peti- linesman, the Spanish soccer federation (RFEF) said yesterday. Ramos-Vinolas in his opening match at the Shanghai Masters last time out tion on, entitled “Change the kick-off time of the Rugby The Catalan side were worried the Argentine would miss El Clasico against Real but recovered his poise back in Europe to power past Kukushkin Madrid on Nov. 21 if he had been hit with a four-match ban since Barca’s squad is World Cup final” and seemingly initiated by the “Green and Gold Rugby” 6-1 6-2 in 55 minutes. already stretched. Referee Carlos Del Cerro Grande said Mascherano was dis- website, had 450 signatures yesterday. “After weeks of little sleep with The world number three wowed his devoted local fans by missed for directing an insult, common in Argentina, towards the games in the middle of the night, it’s only fair the governing body listen storming into a 5-0 lead and barely looked back. “Losing today linesman but Barca appealed saying it was said in passing. to the rugby global powerhouse of the southern hemisphere and push wouldn’t have been great for my confidence. I feel no effects The suspension means the defender will miss Barcelona’s it back to a more suitable viewing time for fans of the competing teams,” from losing in Shanghai. I hope this match is a stepping stone to league matches against Getafe and Villarreal. Barca have suf- the petition said. greater things this week. I’ve played so well over the years fered a series of injuries to key players including Lionel Messi, “The southern hemisphere teams have given English audiences the here in Basel,” top seed Federer said. Andres Iniesta and Rafinha. The squad has also been ham- greatest gift of all-the gift of dominant running rugby and rolling mauls. The record 17-times grand slam champion, who is pered because the club have not been allowed to bring in All we ask in return is a small change of schedule. By playing the game a gearing up for the World Tour Finals in London next players over the last two transfer windows due to a FIFA ban mere seven hours earlier you will be making us, your rugby superiors, month, will next face Philipp Kohlschreiber after over the illegal signing of minors. very very happy. “It’s not as if UK fans are that interested in the final the German overcame 11 aces from Poland’s Jerzy However, last season’s treble winners are joint leaders of La since their teams are out, so get on board this worthy cause.” Many of Janowicz in a 6-4 3-6 6-3 win. Bulgarian Grigor Liga with Real Madrid on 21 points from nine games following the tournament’s most high-profile matches have kicked off at 8pm Dimitrov set up a second round match against their 3-1 win over Eibar and top their Champions local time but organisers said the final kick off time was decided two third seed Rafael Nadal after beating Ukraine’s League group.—Reuters years ago after a widespread consultation exercise.—Reuters Sergiy Stakhovsky 6-3 6-4.—Reuters Canucks thrash Canadiens, Stars shine

VANCOUVER: Jared McCann scored twice and had 17 saves to help the Stars improve to 7-2. KINGS 4, JETS 1 assist for Florida, and Roberto Luongo passed Ryan Miller made 25 saves as the Vancouver Anaheim, which has lost eight of its first nine Milan Lucic snapped a tie with his second Grant Fuhr for sole possession of ninth on the Canucks beat Montreal 5-1 on Tuesday night to games (1-6-2), entered with just six goals this goal of the season at 15:19 of the third, and the wins list with No. 404 for his career. hand the Canadiens their first loss of the season. season. Mike Santorelli, Shawn Horcoff and Carl Kings earned their sixth straight victory. Brian Campbell added a goal and two assists Montreal (9-1-0) had set an NHL record with Hagelin scored for the Ducks in the final 5:16 of Tyler Toffoli looked as if he was going to and Reilly Smith also had a goal and an assist. nine straight regulation wins to start the year, the first period. Frederick Andersen finished shoot before sending the puck across the front Luongo made 31 saves in the Panthers’ second and was one victory from tying the best start in with 30 saves, including 15 in the third period. of the net and Lucic was credited with redirect- straight victory. Colorado has dropped four in a league history set by the 1993-94 Toronto ing it past Ondrej Pavelec. Toffoli added an row. Gabriel Landeskog scored, and Reto Berra Maple Leafs and the 2006-07 Buffalo Sabres. BLUES 2, LIGHTNING 0 empty-net goal at 19:06, and Trevor Lewis stopped 24 shots. Trocheck’s second power-play Luca Sbisa, Radim Vrbata and Derek Dorsett had Jake Allen stopped 26 shots for his sixth scored with 27 seconds left. Jonathan Quick, goal at 2:56 of the third extended the Panthers’ the other goals for the Canucks (4-2-3), while career shutout, leading St. Louis to the win. who has won his last five games, made 24 saves lead to 2-0. Brandon Prust added two assists as Vancouver Scott Gomez and Troy Brouwer scored as the for the Kings. Pavelec stopped shots. Winnipeg forward Nikolaj Ehlers and Los Angeles defense- snapped a four-game losing streak and won for Blues beat the Lightning for the fourth straight SABRES 4, FLYERS 3 man Jake Muzzin scored in the second. the first time on home ice in six tries this season. time, and sixth in the last seven meetings. Ben Zemgus Girgensons scored on a breakaway Torrey Mitchell replied for the Canadiens, while Bishop, who was teammates with Allen on with 2:31 left in overtime, lifting the Sabres to Carey Price stopped 23 shots. BLUE JACKETS 3, DEVILS 1 the victory. Jake McCabe, Tyler Ennis and Jamie Peoria of the AHL for two seasons, had 22 saves Boone Jenner and Cam Atkinson scored 35 McGinn scored for Buffalo, which snapped a for the Lightning. Gomez gave the Blues the STARS 4, DUCKS 3 seconds apart in the third period, and two-game skid while winning for the first time Antoine Roussel scored with 1:28 to play, lead when he tipped in a long shot by rookie Columbus stopped New Jersey’s four-game win on the road in its third try. Brayden Schenn had completing Dallas’ comeback from a three-goal defenseman Colton Parayko at 15:59 of the first. streak. Scott Hartnell added an unassisted goal two goals and Chris VandeVelde also scored for deficit. Patrick Sharp, Cody Eakin and John It was Gomez’s first goal with the Blues and No. later in the period as the Blue Jackets won their Philadelphia. After the Flyers turned it over in Klingberg scored in the second period for 181 for his career. Brouwer added an empty-net second straight game under new coach John their end, Carlo Colaiacovo sent a long pass to a Dallas, which trailed 3-0 after one. Antti Niemi goal with 41 seconds remaining. Tortorella despite having only 14 shots. Sergei wide-open Girgensons, who beat Steve Mason. Bobrovsky made 23 saves. Bobrovsky lost his bid for a shutout with 2:28 to play when Kyle HURRICANES 3, RED WINGS 1 NHL Results/Standings Palmieri scored on a power-play rebound. The Victor Rask and Ron Hainsey scored to lead four-game winning streak matched the Devils’ Carolina to the victory. Eric Staal added an emp- longest of last season. Boston 6, Arizona 0; Columbus 3, New Jersey 1; Buffalo 4, Philadelphia 3 (OT); Carolina 3, Detroit 1; ty-net goal with 30 seconds left, and Cam Ward Florida 4, Colorado 1; St. Louis 2, Tampa Bay 0; Minnesota 4, Edmonton 3; Los Angeles 4, Winnipeg 1; stopped 24 shots for the Hurricanes. Carolina is WILD 4, OILERS 3 Dallas 4, Anaheim 3; Vancouver 5, Montreal 1. 2-1 against Detroit this season, with both wins Western Conference Florida 53 1 30 18 11 Charlie Coyle scored for Minnesota midway through the third period, 43 seconds after Ryan coming on the road, but just 1-5 against the rest Central Division Boston 43 1 33 29 9 of the league. Jakub Kindl scored for Detroit, WLOTL GF GA PTS Suter’s second goal of the game thwarted Detroit 44 1 22 24 9 and Petr Mrazek stopped 18 shots. Hainsey’s Dallas 72 0 31 24 14 Edmonton’s rally. Darnell Nurse scored his first Nashville 61 1 25 16 13 Ottawa 33 2 24 26 8 NHL goal soon after the second intermission, slap shot beating a screened Mrazek for the St. Louis 62 1 25 20 13 Buffalo 36 0 20 29 6 giving the Oilers the lead following a 2-0 deficit tiebreaking score at 4:36 of the third. Minnesota 62 1 28 25 13 Toronto 15 2 19 28 4 in the first period, but the Wild roared back Chicago 63 0 19 16 12 Metropolitan Division against goalie Cam Talbot. Suter knocked in a BRUINS 6, COYOTES 0 Winnipeg 53 1 29 25 11 Tuukka Rask made 24 saves for his 27th Colorado 25 1 20 25 5 NY Rangers 62 2 28 20 14 loose puck from the crease. Then Coyle crashed Pacific Division NY Islanders 62 1 31 22 13 the net and tapped in the setup from Thomas career shutout, David Krejci scored two goals Los Angeles 63 0 20 18 12 Washington 61 0 29 18 12 Vanek, who had two assists and as at least one and Boston got its first home win of the season. Vancouver 42 3 25 18 11 Philadelphia 42 2 19 22 10 point in four straight games. Taylor Hall had a Jimmy Hayes, Joe Morrow, Brett Connolly and Arizona 54 1 27 28 11 New Jersey 44 1 21 26 9 goal and an assist for the Oilers, who fell to 3-7 Brad Marchand also scored for the Bruins, who San Jose 53 0 23 18 10 had lost their first four homes games (0-3-1). Pittsburgh 44 0 13 16 8 under new coach Todd McLellan with 18-year- Edmonton 37 0 24 31 6 Hayes, Loui Eriksson and Matt Beleskey each Calgary 27 0 16 35 4 Carolina 36 0 17 26 6 old Connor McDavid now headlining a lineup had two assists. Mike Smith stopped 21 shots Anaheim 16 2 925 4 Columbus 28 0 22 41 4 with four of the last six players taken with the Eastern Conference first overall pick in the draft. for the Coyotes, who played their fifth road Note: Overtime losses (OTL) are worth one point Atlantic Division game in eight days, finishing their trip at 2-2-1. MONTREAL: Goaltender Carey Price No. 31 of the Montreal 91 0 36 17 18 in the standings and are not included in the loss The Bruins also beat the Coyotes 5-3 in Arizona PANTHERS 4, AVALANCHE 1 Montreal Canadiens come face to face with the puck Tampa Bay 53 2 27 26 12 column (L) on Oct. 17.—AP Vincent Trocheck had two goals and an during the NHL game. —AFP

Zain honors National Jet Ski team champions

KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecom- champions for their national ticipated in the welcoming ceremo- munications company in Kuwait, achievement as well as for their ny held in Kuwait Airport’s Honoring honored Kuwait’s National Jet Ski optimum performance during their Hall where many of the team’s spon- team champions, during a special international participations. The sors and supporting organizations honoring ceremony held in its main team also presented the CEO with attended. The company expressed headquarters at Shuwaikh. The an honoring trophy for the compa- its keenness on encouraging event came after the team achieved ny’s support during the past years. Kuwaiti athletes to represent Kuwait a number of titles during their par- The company stressed that shed- in the various internationally ticipation in the recently concluded ding light on the achievements of renowned championships. World Jet Ski Championship held in local talents is a top priority, and its As a leading telecommunications Arizona, United States, as the com- main sponsorship of the team for company in Kuwait, Zain is con- pany is the main sponsor of the the fifth consecutive year is in line stantly looking to identify and sup- team for the fifth consecutive year. with Zain’s commitment towards port excellence across the sports Zain’s honoring ceremony wit- Kuwaiti athletes, which resembles sector. The company will continue nessed the attendance of the com- the company’s endless confidence to put Kuwaiti National teams and pany’s Chief Executive Officer Omar of the competencies of these young individual athletes at the forefront Saud Al Omar and Zain Kuwait’s champions and their capabilities in of its priorities and pledges to con- Sales Director Ahmad Al Kandari, excelling in different fields. tinue motivating them to achieve all who personally honored the team It is worth noting that Zain par- the recognition they deserve. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 SPORTS USA Boxing drafts in Irish coach amid controversy

DUBLIN: The United States named two Olympic Games. Ireland’s Billy Walsh as their women’s He quit as head of Irish boxing’s high boxing coach yesterday, a week after his performance unit last week, a decision resignation in Ireland ahead of next the decorated coach cried over after year’s Rio Olympics caused a political months of contract negotiations, blam- storm and front-page headlines. ing Irish boxing’s governing body for not Rejected by the Olympic movement making it possible to continue in the for years because of a perceived lack of role. global interest, women’s boxing was a In what is by far Ireland’s most suc- stunning success in its debut at the 2012 cessful Olympic sport, with Olympic London Games, with Ireland and the US champion Katie Taylor and world cham- winning two of the three gold medals up pion Michael Conlan going for gold in for grabs. Rio, his decision led television news bul- The United States, a once great ama- letins and has been front and back page teur boxing nation whose men failed to news for over a week. win an Olympic medal for the first time After Ireland’s sports minister called in London, took home two in the three on the Irish Amateur Boxing Association women’s weight categories, led by (IABA) to explain the “disastrous situa- teenage middleweight champion tion”, the IABA said it wanted Walsh to Claressa Shields. stay but told a parliamentary hearing “Coach Walsh brings extensive experi- convened to discuss the matter yester- ence and knowledge with a proven day that it had concerns over the costs record of success on the international of retaining his services. However Sport boxing stage, evident in the impact he’s Ireland, the country’s statutory sports had on the Irish boxing program,” USA body, has said the IABA’s funding could Boxing executive director Mike Martino come under review as a result, describ- said in a statement. ing the terms attached to Walsh’s con- Walsh, who boxed in the 1988 tract, such as requiring written board Olympics, was the architect of the most permission to speak to the media, as successful era in Irish boxing, leading “unconscionable” and accusing it of “pet- Irish fighters to more than 50 medals in ty bureaucratic interference” in the run- the European and world championships ning of the high performance unit.— CHICAGO: Bulls guard Jimmy Butler hangs on the rim after a dunk during the second half of an NBA basketball game against the Cleveland in addition to seven medals in the last Reuters Cavaliers. The Bulls won the game 97-95. —AP McIlroy looks to end Bulls hold on to beat season on a high

BELEK: Rory McIlroy is hoping to turn with how I was playing up until that Cavaliers in opener around his frustrating season, by win- point, it would be very disappointing. ning at least one event in the three he is “So, I’ve got three opportunities com- playing during the Final Series of the ing up to try and get a win or two on the LOS ANGELES: The Chicago Bulls upstaged struggled with his conditioning during the first won in six games. Former league MVP Rose wore European Tour, as well as claiming a board and end this year on a positive. At LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers, and and third quarters. He sat out for most of the a protective mask after missing most of the pre- third Race to Dubai title. The 26-year-old least that would help me go into next league MVP Stephen Curry got his new cam- past two weeks of preseason after receiving an season because of a broken left orbital bone. It is Northern Irishman returns to the year with a bit of momentum. paign off to an emphatic start as the 2015-16 anti-inflammatory injection for his back. It was just the latest in a long list of injuries Rose has European Tour this week at the Turkish “And yeah, it would mean an awful lot NBA season got under way. With President his second shot in the past 10 months. battled in recent years. It was an evening of cele- Airlines Open, and will play the WGC- to me to win the Race to Dubai for the Barack Obama among a delighted Chicago He credited Gasol for getting the better of bration for Golden State. The players received HSBC Champions in Shanghai and the third time. It would be a great achieve- crowd, the Bulls toppled the Cavaliers 97-95 on him on the clutch block. “I made myself very their 2014-15 championship rings in a pregame Tuesday in a thrilling opening night duel. small in my finish,” said James. “Pau was having a ceremony. DP World Tour Championship in Dubai ment and that’s obviously what I’m try- Derrick Rose finished with 18 points and five great game, and he made a great play.” The Warriors, a 67-game winner in the regular after this. ing to do the next few weeks.” assists, as four of the Bulls’ five starters finished Meanwhile, Bulls’ fan Obama said that he was season a year ago, won without coach Steve McIlroy is currently leading the Race This is the first time McIlroy is taking in double figures. “I love our effort tonight. Who optimistic about their chances this year. “If you Kerr, who attended the ring ceremony but then to Dubai with earnings of 3,011,999 part in the Turkish Airlines Open, which knows how good this team can be?” said Bulls got Butler and Rose you have to make sure you headed to the Warriors locker room, where he euros, but is yet to win a tournament also announced an extension of three guard Rose. “My teammates allowed me to play get the ball into the paint so they can do what rested an ailing back. Assistant Luke Walton since making his comeback from the years with the European Tour and will through my mistakes.” they do creatively,” he told a TNT television inter- coached the game. Curry finished with 40 ankle injury that kept him out of the remain a part of the lucrative Final Series Curry became the first reigning MVP in histo- viewer. Obama also said he is pleased Chicago is points, seven assists and six rebounds. He nailed Open Championship and WGC- events. Brooks Koepka was the champi- ry to score 40 or more points on opening night in the Eastern Conference because the West is four three-pointers during a 24-point, first-quar- Bridgestone Invitational, both tourna- on last year, but the American has decid- as the Golden State Warriors began their title “stacked.” ter explosion, as the Warriors thrilled a crowd ments where he was the defending ed not to defend his title after giving up defense by thumping the New Orleans Pelicans Tuesday’s contest was a rematch of last year’s that had just taken its seats following the raising champion, as well as the Scottish Open on his European Tour membership to 111-95. In the other contest, the Detroit Pistons NBA quarter-final playoff series, which Cleveland of the franchise’s championship banner.—AFP before that. concentrate on the PGA Tour. dumped the Atlanta Hawks 106-94. And McIlroy, who had won the WGC- The field of 78 players also includes There was a moment of silence before the NBA Results/Standings Cadillac Match Play and Well Fargo England’s Danny Willett, who is second games in honor of Flip Saunders. The Minnesota Championship in May, said in a press in the Race to Dubai behind McIlroy. A Timberwolves coach and team president passed Detroit 106, Atlanta 94; Chicago 97, Cleveland 95; Golden State 111, New Orleans 95. conference yesterday: “Obviously, I’d like winner twice this season, Willett, who away on Sunday after battling cancer. to win the Race to Dubai. I’d like to win is 271,214 euros behind McIlroy, said: The only Chicago starter that didn’t shoot in Eastern Conference Western Conference at least one of these last three events “I’m coming into the final four events double figures was Pau Gasol, but the Spaniard Atlantic Division Northwest Division W L PCT GB that I’m playing. That would make me with a chance to do something not made his presence known with six blocks includ- Utah 0 0 0 - Boston 0 0 0 - Portland 0 0 0 - feel better about the end of the year. many guys get to do. There’s only one ing a key denial of Cavaliers talisman James with three seconds left that helped secure the victory. Philadelphia 0 0 0 - Denver 0 0 0 - “From when I injured my ankle, if I Order of Merit winner each year. To Brooklyn 0 0 0 - Cleveland had another chance to tie the Minnesota 0 0 0 - was to go from then to the end of the have a chance is great.”—AFP NY Knicks 0 0 0 - Oklahoma City 0 0 0 - score as time expired but guard Jimmy Butler Toronto 0 0 0 - season without another win, especially Pacific Division broke up a Cavs inbound pass to James, ending Central Division Golden State 1 0 1.000 - the game between the two top clubs in the Detroit 1 0 1.000 - NBA’s Eastern Conference. Chicago 1 0 1.000 - LA Lakers 0 0 0 0.5 Nikola Mirotic had 19 points, Butler delivered Milwaukee 0 0 0 0.5 LA Clippers 0 0 0 0.5 17 points while Tony Snell and E’Twaun Moore Indiana 0 0 0 0.5 Phoenix 0 0 0 0.5 each scored 11 for the Bulls, who gave their new Cleveland 0 1 0 1 Sacramento 0 0 0 0.5 head coach Fred Hoiberg his first NBA win. Southeast Division Southwest Division Houston 0 0 0 - James tallied a game-high 25 points and 10 Charlotte 0 0 0 - Orlando 0 0 0 - Dallas 0 0 0 - rebounds, Mo Williams finished with 19 points Miami 0 0 0 - Memphis 0 0 0 - and Kevin Love scored 18 for the Cavaliers, who Washington 0 0 0 - San Antonio 0 0 0 - lost in the NBA Finals in six games last season to Atlanta 0 1 0 0.5 New Orleans 0 1 0 0.5 the Warriors. James said after the game that he Royals edge Mets in marathon opener

KANSAS CITY: The Kansas City Royals rallied to starting pitcher Edinson Volquez had died back Harvey had retired 11 Royals in a row heading beat the New York Mets 5-4 in 14 innings and draw home in the Dominican Republic. to the bottom of the sixth but that streak ended first blood in the marathon opener of the best-of- Then the Mets were jolted by the first pitch when the Royals rallied with two runs to tie it. seven World Series on Tuesday. thrown by their Game One starter Matt Harvey. As the game wore on, the managers turned to With the bases loaded and nobody out, Eric Escobar drove a fly deep to left-center which veterans Colon and Young, 36. They matched zeros Hosmer hit a sacrifice fly to right off 42-year-old glanced off centerfielder Yoenis Cespedes’ glove for two innings before the climactic 14th. “Two reliever Bartolo Colon to score Alcides Escobar and after some miscommunication with leftfielder things you don’t want in Game One of the World end an enthralling start to the Major League Michael Conforto, and was kicked away as Escobar Series: One is to go 14 innings and the other is to Baseball championship. dashed around the bases for an inside-the-park lose,” said Royals manager Ned Yost. “To find a way Escobar reached first on an error by third base- home run. to grind that way out against a great team ... and to man David Wright and advanced to third on a sin- New York tied the game with a run in the fourth, win it in the 14th inning was big.” Game Two of the gle to right by Ben Zobrist. After an intentional took the lead on a Curtis Granderson solo home Fall Classic will be played on Wednesday at Kansas walk to Lorenzo Cain, Hosmer hit the long fly to run in the fifth and made it 3-1 in the sixth. City’s Kauffman Stadium.—Reuters right that set off a celebration on the diamond. “I wanted to redeem myself from earlier,” said Hosmer, whose eighth-inning error allowed the Mets to take a 4-3 lead and made him the potential goat of the game. “That’s the beauty of this game. You always have a chance to redeem yourself.” The five-hour, nine-minute battle, the longest ever World Series Game One, was won by sched- uled Game Four starter Chris Young, who threw three hitless innings with four strikeouts. The Royals sent the game to extra innings in dramatic fashion when, trailing 4-3 with one out in the bottom of the ninth, Alex Gordon clouted a long home run off Mets closer Jeurys Familia to tie it 4-4. It was Familia’s first blown save since July and Gordon’s blast stunned the Mets. “He doesn’t give up home runs,” said Mets manager Terry Collins. “So we were all shocked by it.” Gordon said Familia tried to quick-pitch him, but that he was ready for it after seeing him try to slip a delivery past team mate Salvador Perez. “I wanted to make sure when I got on the box I was ready to hit,” Gordon said. “And he tried to quick pitch me and left the ball right there to hit, and with a guy like that you can’t miss pitches that he gives you to hit.”

TUMULTUOUS CONTEST The long, tense struggle tested the resourceful- ness of both managers as 36 players were used, including 13 pitchers. It was a tumultuous contest filled with twists and turns. KANSAS CITY: New York Mets’ Wilmer Flores is tagged out by Kansas City Royals first baseman Before the first pitch, there was a note of sad- Eric Hosmer on a bunt attempt during the 11th inning of Game 1 of the Major League Baseball Rory McIlroy in action in this file photo ness as word spread that the father of Kansas City’s World Series. —AP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 SPORTS What lies ahead for Korea’s forgotten athletes?

SEOUL: Weightlifting champion Kim recognised the need to provide better sup- Association of National Team Members, Kim the weightlifter was one of those down two years ago while training, told Byeong-chan died alone, paralysed and port for athletes and introduced a bill that which aims to protect the rights of the athletes who poured his heart and soul Reuters it was impossible to combine ath- penniless after a motorcycle accident cut would provide pensions to national team local sports community, said very few ath- into sport. He won a gold medal at the letics at the highest level with traditional short his career, and for some former ath- members who sustain serious injuries, des- letes reach the pinnacle of their sport and 1990 Asian Games, as well as silver and schooling. letes his demise is a consequence of South ignating them ‘people of national merit’. most are unprepared for what comes next. bronze medals at the World “It’s a common saying (in South Korea) Korea’s ruthless pursuit of sporting excel- The proposal was passed into law in “Ninety-nine percent of athletes disap- Championships a year later, and was that ‘athletes are dumb.’ This is wrong,” said lence. January 2014 but has taken almost two pear before they bloom,” Chang told viewed as a potential Olympian until a the athlete, who declined to provide his The limited social safety net for athletes years to finalise guidelines and standards. Reuters. “Only one Kim Yu-na comes out of motorcycle accident in 1996 left him paral- name due to an ongoing lawsuit. who get seriously injured, or who fail to The Sports Ministry only began accept- 1,000 figure skaters. Same with soccer, one ysed from the waist down. “Athletes are very clever but in a way make the grade, is a concern for many ing applications on Oct. 1. A ministry offi- Park Ji-sung out of thousands of soccer Unable to find a job and struggling to we are ignorant because we don’t learn sportsmen and women in South Korea, a cial said it expected four applications this players. “It takes a tremendous amount of survive on a pension of some $500 a the knowledge taught at school.” Almost country which arrived on the global stage month. hard work to win a medal, but the govern- month awarded to medallists from inter- every waking minute was dedicated to with the hosting of the 1988 Seoul “This law is symbolic in that it shows ment has a tendency to look down on national competitions, Kim’s body was dis- sport at school, he said, with training start- Olympics. Park Chung-hee’s regime of the the country is protecting its national team these elite sports people. The treatment covered in his flat by a neighbour in June. ing at six in the morning and continuing 1960s saw sport as an avenue to raise athletes,” Lee told Reuters. “But if the coun- athletes receive after their retirement is The cause of death was not disclosed but after school until 10 p.m. Korea’s global profile and gain legitimacy try really wants to help its sports people, it unbelievably bad.” media reports said he had suffered various “If I went to school, it was really hard to at home, and poured huge amounts of needs to reform the sports welfare system, Kim Yang-rea, who led research into the illnesses. stay awake. I didn’t really participate in money into creating an elite athlete pro- this is the bottom line.” Lee, a former table status of 3,000 retired athletes for the Kim’s death shook the sports communi- class, even in the really basic ones,” he gramme as well as bidding to host interna- tennis world champion, said it was unlikely Korea Institute of Sport Science, said close ty to its core in South Korea, where leading added. “You can ask all the athletes out tional competitions. the law would be extended to include to a third end up unemployed. sports figures earn huge endorsement there, and I guarantee they all sleep in While the programme boosted Korea as non-national team members. The sports industry is too small to deals and Olympic champions receive class. Teachers used to say that even if we a sporting power and produced world- “I wish the country would come up employ all of Korea’s former athletes, Kim lucrative bonuses and lifetime pensions. sleep throughout the entire class, if we class athletes, it also has a darker side. with ways to help sports people when they said, and they often struggle to adapt to Kim So-young, a former gymnast who attend we’re doing a good job.” Athletes at schools and universities rarely retire as well as athletes who have lost normal life not governed by training and was paralysed from the neck down after an Former gymnast Kim knew the late excel academically and are encouraged to their way in life,” she said. “It’s not a great competition. Serious injuries further limit accident on the asymmetric bars, said the weightlifter when he was competing and focus all their efforts on joining the sport- amount of money we’re asking for.” their opportunities. “There needs to be a weightlifter’s death should be a wake-up remembers him as outgoing and magnani- ing elite. Former national volleyball player system that can support athletes by man- call. “It could’ve been any athlete’s story, mous, always surrounded with lots of Those who fail to win international Chang Yoon-chang said athletes have a aging their careers and improving their including mine,” said Kim, who now works friends. Cho Hong-joong, one of the chief titles or make national teams have little to hard time getting jobs and adjusting to general job skills,” Kim said. “Since they are for the Korea Spinal Cord Injury inspectors who recovered the body, said fall back on when their sporting careers society when their careers end because not capable of working right after retire- Association. Kim had no family when he died. His funer- end, and they can expect little help from they are “made into machines” through ment, (the government) should give them “There is nothing a disabled athlete can al was organised by a local sports commit- the government, according to support years of training and competition. money or at least help them attain the do. For us, sport was everything.” One for- tee and held at Kangwon National groups. South Korean lawmaker Elisa Lee Chang, president of the Korean skills needed for other careers.” mer athlete, paralysed from the waist University Hospital. He was 46. —Reuters

Owens emerges from ‘dark place’ into the final limelight

LONDON: In most sports it is considered the with many observers saying that his ability to sign of a good referee if he is not noticed but keep the game moving played a large role in when charismatic Welshman Nigel Owens has it being labelled “Match of the Century.” “I’m the whistle on the rugby pitch, players and not like some refs who could quote you the fans are usually more than happy to allow number of the law, with or without the brack- him his own cameo. Owens will take charge ets,” Owens said in a recent interview. of Saturday’s World Cup final and it is an “Of course I know them. But knowing the appointment that is richly deserved and has laws too well and technically applying those been almost universally welcomed. laws, well, you’ll never have a game of rugby. “He has been the outstanding official in You’ve got to have a bit of empathy as well.” the game for years,” Ian McGeechan wrote in Excellent refereeing is only one half of the his Daily Telegraph column yesterday. “His Nigel Owens story, however, as his position as game management is exceptional, especially one of the few high-profile gay men in inter- his rapport with the players. He is strict with national sport has brought him another kind them but always keeps a clear channel of of fame. communication.” Fans have become used to Owens came out publicly as gay eight Sergio Perez of Mexico in action in this file photo. hearing the officials via “ref-link” devices at years ago and has since told of his dark days major matches and Owens has developed before that, even coming close to suicide something of a cult following. when he took an overdose and passed out on When intervening in a spat between a Welsh mountainside with a shotgun by his Welsh brothers Scott and Craig Quinnell in a side, only to be rescued by a police helicopter. Perez ready for career Welsh club match, a young Owens admon- “I was going downhill very fast, to a very ished them by saying: “What would your dark place where there was no way out for mother think?” During a World Cup match at me,” Owens told the BBC in an interview soccer club Newcastle United’s St James’ Park broadcast this week. highlight in Mexico a few weeks ago, Owens told Scotland’s “I left a note for my mum and dad and said Stuart Hogg: “Dive like that again and come I can’t carry on any more with my life. I didn’t MEXICO CITY: Some Formula One drivers never among the liveliest of the year and Perez has favourite for what would be his 11th win of the back here to play in two weeks” while he tell them why. “I left the house that night with experience the pride and passion of racing in a been doing his bit to crank up the excitement season but team mate Nico Rosberg will be no often intervenes in pushing incidents by a shotgun loaded and with boxes of paraceta- home grand prix, their countries unlikely ever to further. less determined after a late mistake cost him telling the players they are being “immature”. mol and a bottle of whisky. If I hadn’t have appear on the calendar, but Mexican Sergio Third place in Russia was his Force India the victory in Austin. Owens’s refrain of “this is not football” to play- gone into a coma I have no doubts whatsoev- Perez will not be one of them after this week- team’s best result of the season and he followed “Whatever happens in the past doesn’t ers appealing or complaining has become er I would have pulled that trigger.” Having end. His country is making its return after a 23- that up with fifth in Austin. He has now finished change me going forward. It’s always full attack, something of a catch phrase and has even emerged from that period, Owens now finds year absence and Perez, the only Mexican on in the points in five of the last six races and has big push, that’s the way I am,” said the German, spawned a calendar with him on the cover. himself something of a torchbearer for the the current starting grid, cannot wait to tap into every chance of becoming the first Mexican to whose main aim now is to at least overhaul The jokes and chastisements are accepted fight against homophobia in sport. the energy of an expected 100,000-strong score in his home race since the late Pedro Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel and finish second in because he is held in high regard by the play- “We are extremely proud of Nigel Owens capacity crowd. Rodriguez was sixth in 1970. Another podium at the standings. ers for his understanding of the game. for being selected as the referee for the final,” The excitement may not be in the same the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez would Hamilton, however, has far less pressure. He was in charge in Johannesburg in 2013 Jeff Wilson, chairman of International Gay league as Lewis Hamilton’s elation at winning send the fans into a frenzy and Perez was not Mercedes have won both titles for the second when New Zealand beat South Africa 38-27, Rugby, told Reuters.—Reuters his third world championship in Texas last ruling it out, even if he recognised it would take year running and as he said on Sunday night Sunday but it will still be a momentous occasion a big slice of luck. before heading for the team party: “now I can for the Mexican. “In normal conditions we are the fourth or go and win for fun.” There would be a symmetry Cash-strapped Australia “Having the opportunity of driving in my fifth fastest team depending on the race week- in that, too, if he did. The last winner in Mexico home grand prix is something I never thought end,” he told Reuters in Austin. “So in a normal was fellow-English champion Nigel Mansell in look for World Cup boost would happen,” says the 25-year-old, who has race, there’s no chance. 1992, who now has the revamped last corner only ever raced go-karts in Mexico. “Russia was a one-off. Probably in my whole named after him. It was there, in 1990 on the SYDNEY: Cash-strapped Australian rugby is enjoying watching us play, that’s really impor- “It will be one of the highlights of my career career in Formula One I never had two safety old banked and bumpy Peraltada corner that banking on the Wallabies defying the odds tant to us. We want them to live it with us,” and I have no doubt that this race will become a cars before lap 30 or so. So in normal conditions has now been modified for a safety reasons, and toppling the mighty All Blacks in Cheika said this week. modern classic of Formula One.” it’s going to be difficult but we aim to do the that Mansell pulled off a breathtakingly brave Saturday’s World Cup final to help boost its Australian rugby and the Wallabies can While the race comes on the ‘Day of the best we can for all the Mexican fans.” move in passing Austrian Gerhard Berger popularity and profile in a crowded sports claw back some popularity by winning the Dead’ national holiday, the fans should be Hamilton, inevitably, will again be the around the outside for second place.—Reuters market. The Australian Rugby Union, which Webb Ellis Trophy at Twickenham against an reported a Aus$6.3 million (US$4.5 million) All Black side that enjoys feverish support at deficit last year, badly needs the globe’s sec- home, where rugby union is the dominant Wild bunch Wallabies become band of brothers ond-ranked team to be crowned world cham- sport. There are plenty of people willing on pions as it battles bigger and better- the Wallabies, with the #showyourgold hash- resourced football codes across the country. tag aimed at drumming up support on TEDDINGTON: The Australia team to take part in from different experiences and backgrounds which speaks out for gay rights and says he will only mar- Australia is often described as one of the Twitter. “Wallaby fans. Time to #showyour- the World Cup final on Saturday has been trans- has formed a strong backbone to the team. ry his girlfriend once gay marriage is passed into most competitive sports markets in the gold. Hang your Wallaby flags, scarves, what- formed from a wild bunch into a chorus of angels This helped in their narrow scrapes: in their final law in Australia. He was arrested last November at a world, entertaining four well-supported foot- ever outside,” Green and Gold Rugby tweeted. with bruised faces. Coach Michael Cheika took con- Pool A game against Wales they won 15-6 even climate change protest when he attached himself ball codes, all jostling for media and fan sup- The Wallabies official Twitter feed was also trol one year ago of a squad whose off-pitch repu- though they were down to 13 men at one point. to a digger. port. Rugby union ranks fourth and last doing its bit, saying yesterday: “It’s time for tation had hit rock bottom and seen embattled They beat Scotland 35-34 in the quarter-finals with “I’ve got to know him (Pocock) a bit better now behind Australian Rules, rugby league and young and old to get behind #Wallabies”. It coach Ewen McKenzie hand in his ‘sheriff’s’ badge. a last minute penalty by Foley. Argentina were and he is a really interesting character away from soccer in crowd numbers, participation and urged the public to retweet #StrongerasOne McKenzie’s reign was badly damaged by a spat beaten 29-15 in the semi-final, but the result was in the game,” said Cheika. media coverage, illustrating the hurdles it and let them know which venues and bars over a lewd text messages sent by Kurtley Beale to the balance until late on. Three of the Dublin ‘11’ For Wallaby skipper Stephen Moore the wild fel- faces. This is despite considerable success on will be showing the final live. But only a hand- team business manager Di Patston. reflect this changed culture and now make head- lows have become angels because Cheika has the field, with the Wallabies winning two ful of people had responded. In November 2013 he had publicly punished 11 lines for the right reasons. moulded them into one firm unit. “I think the World Cups and reaching the final on home The Wallabies’ World Cup success has tak- of the squad-including present members Bernard Fardy, who Cheika remarked has had to grow a biggest difference since he arrived is probably get- soil in 2003. Researcher Gary Morgan said en many people by surprise and is largely Foley, Adam Ashley-Cooper, Nick Phipps and Scott beard to get noticed against fellow backrowers ting everybody on the same page and getting Australians clearly prefer to watch Aussie thanks to the hard-love coaching of Michael Fardy for consuming “inappropriate levels of alco- David Pocock and Michael Hooper, gets asked everyone aligned in the same way with regards to Rules, which snares about 41 percent of the Cheika, who took charge a year ago. hol” on a night out in Dublin. about how he refused an offer to leave Japan after what we stand for, who we are playing for and who market, than the other codes. “The Australian The turnaround follows a disastrous 2011 Since Cheika strode into the Wild West that was the tsunami disaster of 2011. Ashley-Cooper we are representing,” Moore told AFP. Football League has a clear lead over all the World Cup campaign and an embarrassing the Wallaby camp, there has not been a peep of helped a dying friend’s wish come true by getting “He has succeeded in bringing players closer other football codes in Australia,” he noted. 41-16 defeat to surrender the 2013 British trouble. A repentant Beale has been restored to the to see Australia beat Wales and Phipps has studied together from different teams across Australia and “The National Rugby League is the closest and Irish Lions series, both under New squad. The bruises present after they beat for a business degree for up to hours a day at the creating special bonds. “We have become a very challenger with 6.73 million viewers (35.3 per- Zealand’s Robbie Deans. But after 10 winless Argentina on Sunday were all acquired on the tournament. Zimbabwe-born No 8 David Pocock tight knit group.”—AFP cent), well ahead of soccer — 4.01 million (21 internationals against the All Blacks, they beat pitch. Wallaby veteran scrum-half Will Genia agreed percent) — and rugby union — 3.53 million them 27-19 in Sydney in August on the way that Cheika had calmed down the wild bunch. “I (18.5 percent).” to clinching the southern hemisphere’s guess so as there haven’t been any issues,” said the Below the Wallabies sit five Super Rugby Rugby Championship.—AFP 27-year-old, who says he is treating the World Cup franchises which all struggle financially, given final as his last Test as he joins French champions the expense of constant travel to South Africa Stade Francais after. “He (Cheika) is a genuine and and New Zealand for the southern hemi- honest guy and tells it how it is and what he sphere provincial competition. In a sign of the expects of you as individuals and as Wallabies. tough times, the ARU last year controversially “Those things (the excesses) obviously aren’t levied Aus$200 from every junior and senior acceptable and it is amazing the bind that his atti- club in the country to be used towards help- tude has had on this team.” Genia, who has formed ing the sport prosper. Although only a small a formidable partnership with fly-half Foley, says it outlay, the move caused rancour among the is easy to fall into line with Cheika because of the rugby fraternity. example he sets. And while other countries, like Japan, “He’s a guy that if he wants the team to do boast record television audiences for the something he does it himself,” said Genia. “He’s the World Cup, the Wallabies matches have not sort of person who will be straight with you if generated the same interest. you’re doing the thing right and if you’re not doing Coupled with early morning kick-offs-the that thing right he will also be straight with you.” final starts at 5:00 am on Sunday, Sydney Cheika takes great pleasure out of the disparate time-it has contributed to muted support for elements within his 31 man squad. “We’ve got a CARDIFF: This is a Friday Nov. 3, 2006 team of people who have come from different ori- Australia at the World Cup, despite coach file photo of Australia’s Stephen Michael Cheika’s rallying calls for the country gins as well as different characters. We have jokers, Larkham as he takes part in a captain’s the lovers, the fighters,” said Cheika without sin- TWICKENHAM: Rugby shirts and other items of merchandise are displayed in an official store to get behind the team. run training session at the Millennium ahead of the RugbyWorld Cup final match in London. The tournament final on Saturday will be “We’re really happy that our fans are gling out any individual. Stadium. —AP Several have considerable character honed contested between Australia and New Zealand. —AP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 SPORTS KSSC will not march under Olympic flag

By Abdellatif Sharaa Eng. Al-Otaibi found it strange for the IOC to suspend Kuwait Sport activity KUWAIT: President of the Arab and claiming government interference in Kuwait Shooting Federations, Chairman sports. He said “our laws agree with the of Kuwait Shooting Sport Club reiterated international ones and the Olympic that the KSSC will not participate in Rio charter, and our wise government does de Janeiro, 2016 Olympics under the not interfere in sports affairs. Our gov- Olympic flag. ernment gave us lots of moral support, Engineer Duaij Khalaf Al-Otaibi and the achievements of Kuwait shoot- chaired the extraordinary meeting of the ing in various championships would not general assembly Tuesday evening at have been achieved without the major Sabah Al-Ahmad Olympic Shooting support of our government and political Complex, to discuss amendments on its leadership that pays great attention to statutes. Shooters Khalid Al-Mudhaf and sports”. Al-Otaibi said that the govern- Ahmad Al-Fasi qualified for the Brazil ment built the largest shooting complex 2016 Olympics. He said “we are unaware in the world as a gift to our athletes, of the decision to suspend activities, but which is Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad I once again confirm that KSSC will not Olympic Shooting Complex. participate under the Olympic flag. He He said there are many countries in said what took place in Guangzhou in the region where their clubs do not have 2010 will not be repeated in Rio. democratic elections, and despite that When asked about the Asian we did not hear that IOC has done any- Championship to be held in a few days, thing about them, but our problem here Al-Otaibi said if the IOC applies its deci- in Kuwait is “from us”, as there are those sion and prevents us from hosting the who are conspiring against the sports of championship “then we will take the IOC their country and relay everything to to court, preparations have been going IOC. on for a long time and cost us large Engineer Duaij Al-Otaibi opened the amount of money, while representatives extraordinary general assembly by wel- of 40 countries are already in Kuwait, so coming general assembly members then they will be responsible for any damage discussed the amendments on the that may affect us, and we will not let statutes which were approved unani- them hurt the reputation of Kuwait. mously. Big sister helps Downie turn despair into triumph

GLASGOW: It took just two hours for 16-year- “Being the elder sister, you do feel it as I knew before starting her run then launched herself old Ellie Downie to come of age on Tuesday as she would be disappointed,” said Becky, the 23- high into a soaring vault. When she landed both she turned utter despair into joyous celebrations year-old stalwart of the British team. feet together with a thud, the hollering crowd by giving Britain their first ever team medal at “No one wants that to happen because you jumped up knowing they had witnessed British the gymnastics world championships. put in so much work into it. It’s not like you fall history. Watched by a boisterous partisan crowd in on purpose. So we just had to pull her together. I A score of 15.133 confirmed Britain had the 8,000-seater Hydro Arena, Downie’s world told her she could go to the beam and either leapfrogged Russia and Japan into the bronze appeared to come crashing down when she fell throw it away or she can smash it and bring it medal position with a combined total of on her hands and knees after losing her grip on back.” 172.380. the asymmetric bars during her opening per- With her sister’s words ringing in her ears, Barely a couple of hours after registering the formance of the evening. Ellie put in solid performances on the balance host nation’s lowest score of the evening, Ellie With every score counting in the team final, beam and floor exercise but Britain still trailed in was mobbed by her team mates after she the anguished look on her face told its own story fifth place behind the United States, China, earned them their highest mark of the final. long before the giant screen flashed up the Russia and Japan with one rotation to go. “She showed what a fighter she is and she SINGAPORE: Garbine Muguruza of Spain makes a forehand return against Angelique judges’ verdict of her performance. Team mates Claudia Fragapane and Amy should be really, really proud,” said Becky, who Kerber of Germany during their singles match at the WTA tennis finals. —AP A score of 13.033 did little to ease her pain Tinkler revived hopes of a medal by nailing their joined her team mates in taking a lap of hon- but that is when big sister and team mate Becky vaults in the final rotation but Ellie knew she too our with giant Union Jack flags flapping in Downie stepped in to whisper some words of would need an impressive leap if those dreams their wake. “It’s a massive, massive achieve- Muguruza muscles way comfort in her ear. were to be realised. She stared down the runway ment.” —Reuters to verge of WTA semis SINGAPORE: Spanish sensation Garbine in the doubles, tops White Group but she is Muguruza dominated Angelique Kerber 6- not into the semis yet and still needs to 4, 6-4 yesterday to put one foot in the WTA play Petra Kvitova of the Czech Republic on Finals last four on her debut in the season- Friday. ending tournament. The top two in each round-robin group The 22-year-old, who rose to world will reach the semi-finals. The event fea- number three on Monday, aggressively tures the top eight women’s players apart attacked from the net and dictated play for from world number one Williams, who opt- most of the match against her more experi- ed to rest. enced opponent. Earlier two-time Wimbledon champion Super-confident Muguruza, with just Kvitova kept her hopes alive and pushed two titles to her name, said she was already Safarova to the verge of elimination with a eyeing a spot in the Singapore final after 7-5, 7-5 win over her fellow Czech left-han- beating Lucie Safarova and now Germany’s der. Kerber to stand on the brink of the semis. The world number five and 2011 cham- “Every time I step on the court against pion has never lost to Safarova, her close Angelique I know it’s going to be a very friend and Fed Cup partner, holding a 8-0 tough match-we played an unbelievable record across all surfaces. match today,” Muguruza said. “I’m really glad that I was able to play “I’m really motivated to be here. It’s my and win the kind of match after my loss in first time in Singapore singles so I really the first match here,” said Kvitova, who lost want to come here and win all the matches to Kerber in her opening match. I can and hopefully be in the final,” she The two Czechs said they are also look- added. ing forward to playing together when they Left-handed Kerber, 27, was broken four face Russia in the Fed Cup final in Prague times by the tall but quick Spaniard, who from November 14-15. won in Beijing this month and was runner- Kvitova and Safarova have led the Czech up to Serena Williams at Wimbledon in July. Republic to three trophies from the last “I think right now she had a lot of confi- four editions of the Fed Cup. “We actually dence from the last few weeks, and I think are good friends from the Fed Cup, so I’m that helps her like to be very confident in really glad the Fed Cup is coming soon and the important moment and just go for it,” we going to be colleagues and not oppo- Kerber said. nents,” Kvitova said. Maria Sharapova, who “I think that’s why she is so dangerous now leads the Red Group in Singapore, will right now.” Muguruza, who is also playing anchor the Russian Fed Cup line-up. —AFP GLASGOW: Simone Biles of the US performs on the balance beam during the women’s team final competition at the World Artistic Gymnastics championships at the SSE Hydro Arena. —AP Czech mates ready for Fed Cup final US blow away rivals

SINGAPORE: After suffering her eighth Double Wimbledon champion Kvitova consecutive loss to Petra Kvitova, Czech said Wednesday’s victory, like so many of for third team gold compatriot Lucie Safarova was understand- their previous matches both in tourna- ably relieved to know she would be lining ments and practice over the last decade, up alongside rather than opposite her simply came down to a couple of key GLASGOW: Simone Biles and Gabby Douglas American to compete on all four apparatus, and Madison Kocian proving to be a dazzling friend at the Fed Cup final next month. points. “Actually these kind of scores we showed that the United States will be the team told reporters. support act to Biles’s jaw-dropping skills, the The two are key to the country’s hopes have in the practices as well, so it’s kind of to beat at next year’s Rio Olympics after they So majestic was their performance, they led Americans had no problem in living up to their of retaining the team title when they host very similar,” the 25-year-old said. blew away the opposition to land a third by 0.899 of a point at the end of the first rota- billing as favourites. Russia at a sold out 02 Arena in Prague “It’s difficult to say (what the difference straight team title at the world championships tion, 2.458 points after the second and by the Russia’s hopes of challenging the front-run- from Nov. 14-15. was). I think in the last game she missed on Tuesday. time they compiled a total of 135.530 points in ners ended when they flopped spectacularly on Kvitova showed French Open finalist two forehands down the line. I think that’s While the Americans exchanged high fives the third, their lead was 4.599 points. the balance beam-with all three gymnasts suf- Safarova she was in good nick for the team her best shot.” after triumphing by a commanding margin of Only the most unexpected of meltdowns on fering crash landings either during or after their event by beating her 7-5 7-5 at the WTA Despite never losing to Safarova in eight 5.174 points, the Hydro Arena exploded into the floor exercise would have denied them routines. Finals in Singapore on Wednesday, to get matches, Kvitova said she never looked for- celebration as a spectacular final vault by Ellie gold but with twice world all-around champion Russia’s misfortune allowed China to snatch her campaign back on track after an open- ward to playing the reigning French and Downie ended Britain’s century-long search for Biles leading the way with her sassy moves and silver with a total of 176.164. Britain looked to ing loss at the elite eight-woman event. Australian Open doubles champion. a world team medal. electrifying tumbles, that was a remote possi- be out of the running when they trailed in fifth “Well, I prefer playing with Petra,” the 28- “Before the match we have the same It was a bronze behind China but for Britain’s bility. place with just one rotation remaining. year-old Safarova joked after seeing her locker room and we were just chatting nor- famous six of Ruby Harrold, sisters Ellie and The final rotation turned into a lap of honor It was left to Ellie Downie, who appeared to semi-final hopes in Singapore fade. “We mally, not like we go to play each other Becky Downie, Amy Tinkler, Kelly Simm, and for the Americans as they completed their vic- have ruined the host nation’s chances of a always had a lot of fun through Fed Cup soon,” the world number five said. “She’s Claudia Fragapane their medals could not have tory charge with a total of 181.338. medal when she fell off the asymmetric bars in weeks. We are a great team, which we show good person and it’s just, you know, kind of glistened brighter. China snatched silver after Biles, who on Thursday will be aiming to the first rotation, to take a leap of faith with the with our results in last few years. sad that we have to play each other in the Russia, who had occupied second position at become the first woman to win three succes- final vault of the day. When she nailed the land- “I’m excited about that. It will be nice to group already. the halfway point, slipped up over and over sive world all-around titles, did not put a toe ing, her team mates started jumping around play in Prague, at home, in front of our “We actually are good friends from the again on the balance beam to fall out of con- wrong during the competition. hoping the judges would reward her resilience crowd. We have sold out the arena already, Fed Cup, so I’m really glad the Fed Cup is tention. She earned 15.966 for her daring Amanar and a score of 15.133 confirmed that the host so I’m sure it will be amazing.” coming soon and we going to be col- The Americans let the host nation lap up the vault, 15.200 on the beam-a routine that nation had leapfrogged Russia and Japan in the Safarova’s appearance in the elite end- leagues and not opponents. “It’s tough to of-season tournament was her first and play her for sure, not because she’s only accolades as they knew that, as far as they were included her spinning around 900 degrees on standings. although she lost on Wednesday and also like very good player right now, she’s in concerned, it was mission accomplished in the four-inch block of wood as she balanced “I came off and I was so emotional as it was her opener against Spain’s Garbine good form, but also playing friend it’s a Glasgow. her entire body weight on her right toes-and all going so crazy. I don’t think anyone expect- Muguruza on Monday she has shown little bit tougher with emotion and every- “I saw the scoreboard at the end and I got 15.733 on the floor. ed us to get a medal,” said the younger of the strong form after recent illness. thing.”—Reuters the shivers,” Margaret Nichols, the only With Douglas, Nichols, Alexandra Raisman Downie siblings.—Reuters THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 SPORTS Chelsea sack reports leave Mourinho exposed

LONDON: Embattled Chelsea manager the broadsheet newspapers were more had broken down and although he was Mourinho wore a more relaxed we don’t want to give up,” striker Loic Jose Mourinho faces the greatest crisis of circumspect, the tone was similar. The recently given a public vote of confi- demeanour than of late at the Britannia Remy told the London Evening Standard his stellar career, with British media Daily Telegraph said he was “fighting for dence, there are suggestions that his Stadium, waving to supporters, smiling newspaper. reports claiming that he could be days his future”, The Guardian that his future abrasive antics may have upset the club through his press conference and reserv- “We were champions together only away from losing his job. was “up in the air”. Once again, Mourinho hierarchy. However, a lack of available ing his ire for the media’s “stupid” criti- last season and he is a really great man- With the defending champions 15th seems to be succumbing to the curse of alternatives could buy him precious time. cism of his team. He claimed that ager. Of course I don’t want him to leave. and floundering in the Premier League, ‘third season syndrome’, which has Abramovich seems no closer to his Chelsea’s display proved his players were I think all the players don’t want that.” fresh misery arrived on Tuesday when dogged him throughout his career. dream of luring Bayern Munich coach still behind him and while they have won Chelsea great Frank Lampard has also they had their League Cup crown prised Though unparallelled in his ability to Pep Guardiola to west London, while only one of their last seven games, the offered support, saying: “With Jose from their fingers in a penalty shootout quickly forge winning teams, Mourinho Carlo Ancelotti is said to be reluctant intensity in their play has returned. Mourinho in charge, the squad they’ve defeat at Stoke City. It prompted the lat- has never worked at a club for four full about returning following his abrupt They created a glut of chances against got, the talent they’ve got on the pitch est in a flood of damning headlines, with seasons, as results invariably slope off sacking by the Russian in 2011. Stoke and largely dominated last week’s and the club that Chelsea is now, I don’t yesterday’s edition of The Sun splashing after his second campaign. He angrily Guus Hiddink performed a successful 0-0 draw at Dynamo Kiev in the see anyway that they won’t turn it that Mourinho was “clinging to his job by dismissed the theory when it was put to rescue mission at Chelsea in 2009, but his Champions League, twice hitting the around.” Jurgen Klopp visits the Bridge a thread”, his two-year tenure “all but him recently-”click Google instead of ask- stock has fallen after his recent travails woodwork and having a strong penalty on Saturday, his appointment as over”. The Daily Mirror, meanwhile, ing stupid questions”-but Chelsea’s cur- with the Netherlands. appeal rejected. And while Saturday’s 2-1 Liverpool manager having recalled the reported that some senior players rent woes are bearing it out more starkly In the meantime, Mourinho continues defeat at West Ham United was their fifth love-in that greeted Mourinho’s arrival in believe it is “only a matter of time before than any of his previous experiences. to enjoy the public support of both of the league campaign, Slaven Bilic’s England in 2004. Eleven years on, the Mourinho departs”, echoing recent When Mourinho last left Chelsea, in Chelsea’s players and their fans, who side have also accounted for Arsenal, Portuguese remains the biggest story in claims that his combative methods have September 2007, it was because his rela- pointedly chanted his name throughout Liverpool and Manchester City this sea- town, only now it is for all the wrong rea- alienated members of his squad. While tionship with owner Roman Abramovich Tuesday’s match at Stoke. son. “It’s important for him to stay and sons.—AFP Seven ready to run for FIFA presidency ZURICH: Seven candidates are now lined giving interviews and laying out his up to take over at FIFA from Sepp Blatter, plans. whose 18 years as president are ending But FIFA’s electoral rules state that with world soccer’s governing body candidates must present letters of sup- entangled in a scandal over pervasive port from five football associations, and corruption. FIFA confirmed seven candi- that each cannot back more than one dates had registered by Monday’s dead- candidate. One association had signed line, with candidates from Europe, the letters of support for both Nakhid and a Middle East and Africa. rival candidate. One potential candidate, David “One of the five declarations of sup- Nakhid, was forced out on Wednesday port for Mr Nakhid was declared invalid when his registration was ruled invalid. as the same member association had Another, South Korean Chung Mong- issued a declaration of support for Joon, pulled out on Monday because he another candidate,” FIFA said on had been banned from soccer for six Wednesday. years. “The electoral committee decided not Among the seven registered candi- to consider Mr Nakhid’s application as it dates, Michel Platini’s is in doubt. The did not fulfill the required five declara- head of European soccer’s governing tions of support.” body, UEFA, he is also currently suspend- Nakhid’s spokesperson told Reuters ed for 90 days, along with Blatter. they were “shocked” and would appeal. Those remaining are: Prince Ali Bin Al He plans to issue a formal statement lat- Hussein of Jordan and Sheikh Salman bin er. Ebrahim Al Khalifa of Bahrein; The seven other candidates must now Frenchmen Platini and Jerome face integrity checks under FIFA’s code of Champagne; and the Swiss Gianni ethics. FIFA said that Platini’s bid would Infantino, Liberian Musa Bility and South not be processed while he is banned, but Africa’s Tokyo Sexwale. he could still stand if he wins an appeal. One of them will become the head of “Should such a ban be lifted or expire an organisation facing its worst scandal before the FIFA presidential election, the ITALY: Inter players celebrate victory at the end a Serie A soccer match between Bologna and Inter, at the Bologna Dall’Ara stadium. —AP ever. The U.S. Department of Justice has Ad-hoc Electoral Committee would indicted 14 soccer officials and sports decide, depending on the respective marketing executives on a series of cor- exact point in time, on how to proceed ruption charges, and Swiss authorities with the candidature concerned,” FIFA Inter edge Bologna are investigating the decision to award said in a statement. the 2018 and 2022 World Cup tourna- As an alternative European candidate, ments to Russia and Qatar respectively. UEFA’s general secretary Infantino ROME: Ten-man Inter Milan replaced AS Roma didn’t create any spaces.” looked threatening and a superb through ball Since 2010, FIFA’s own Ethics announced he would stand on Monday. atop Serie A, at least for 24 hours, after beating They travelled to Bologna on the back of a from Jonathan Biabiany was not dealt with by Committee has banned more than a Champagne is a former French diplomat Bologna 1-0 away on Tuesday to end a run of disappointing draw against Palermo on Alex Ferrari and Adem Ljajic squared for Icardi dozen current and former members of who held various posts at FIFA between four games without a win but coach Roberto Saturday and Mancini made six changes. who finished from close range. the executive committee, either while in 1999 and 2010 but is a critic of UEFA. Mancini, who was sent off at the end, wants They lacked cohesion during the opening Bologna failed to trouble the visitors and office or after they had left. Sexwale is a South African business- more from his side. stages and Bologna could have taken the lead Inter, who have the best defensive record in the The exclusion of Nakhid was a sur- man and former apartheid-era political Mauro Icardi’s 67th-minute strike secured after four minutes but Anthony Mounier failed division, held on to record their sixth clean prise, though. A former Trinidad and prisoner and Bility is head of the Liberian victory against third-bottom Bologna which to make sufficient contact. sheet and fifth 1-0 win of the Serie A campaign. Tobago international player, he took part Football Association. Prince Ali is a for- meant Inter leapfrogged AS Roma, Napoli and Felipe Melo’s sending off was Inter’s third of Mancini was dismissed for dissent in the last on Monday in a sports conference in mer FIFA executive committee member Fiorentina into first place after 10 matches, hav- the season and their second in two matches minute as he continued protesting about Denmark, along with Champagne, as a and Sheikh Salman is head of the Asian ing played one game more. Inter’s Felipe Melo following the dismissal of Jeison Murillo against Melo’s sending off. “I don’t think even he (the candidate. He spent Tuesday afternoon Football Confederation.—Reuters was shown his second yellow card on the hour, Palermo. referee) knows why he sent me off. Nothing seven minutes after receiving his first caution, “Maybe we play better with 10 men,” happened,” Mancini said. “Football is football. but the visitors if anything went from strength Mancini added. “The first half we were far too You can’t end every game with 10 men.” to strength not that Mancini was totally happy slow and Bologna sat behind the ball, so there Eight matches are scheduled for Wlate yes- with their performance. was no space down the flanks and the strikers terday, with Roma welcoming Udinese, Fiore FA to probe Blatter’s “I want much more, especially in the first were too far away. The second half was much travelling to Verona, Napoli hosting Palermo half,” he told Sky Sport Italia. “The second peri- better.” and 12th-placed champions Juventus visiting 2018 World Cup claims od was totally different. We were too slow and Despite the man disadvantage, Inter still Sassuolo.—Reuters

LONDON: Football Association chairman The FA spent around £21 million Greg Dyke said yesterday his organisa- ($32.2 million, 29.1 million euros) on Bayern ease past tion would investigate suspended FIFA England’s failed 2018 bid, including £2.5 president Sepp Blatter’s claim a deal was million of public money, and Dyke said it agreed to award the 2018 World Cup to would be “very nice” to get the money Wolfsburg Russia. Blatter told Russian news agency back. “We will obviously go back and TASS there was an agreement to award look at it,” he said. BERLIN: Unstoppable Bayern Munich scored three goals in the the 2018 World Cup to Russia and the “I think it would be a good idea. But opening 34 minutes with Thomas Mueller grabbing two as they 2022 tournament to the United States, get the bid costs back from whom? From eased past holders VfL Wolfsburg 3-1 away on Tuesday and reached only for UEFA president Michel Platini to FIFA? I agree it would be very nice to get the German Cup third round. Having demolished Wolfsburg 5-1 in the league with all five back Qatar’s successful 2022 bid. taxpayers’ money back.” Dyke also said goals from Robert Lewandowski coming in nine minutes back in England submitted a bid for the 2018 that there were no plans in place for September, they dismantled their opponents once more in a daz- tournament, but was eliminated in the England to step in and host the World zling first half where they outsprinted, outsmarted and outpowered first round of voting after receiving only Cup in either 2018 or 2022 should the the Wolves. two votes from FIFA’s executive commit- tournaments be stripped from Russia or Mueller scored twice after Brazilian Douglas Costa, who ter- tee. Qatar for any reason. Blatter and Platini rorised the Wolfsburg defence throughout, put them ahead with a “We will look into detail at what Mr are serving bans from all football-related thundering 25-metre shot in the 15th minute. Blatter says,” Dyke told the British parlia- activity over a $2 million payment the Despite leaving winger Arjen Robben on the bench at the start, ment’s culture, media and sport commit- Frenchman received from Blatter on Bayern were their usual dominant selves, confirming their fine form tee in London. behalf of FIFA in 2011, purportedly for that has seen them win 10 out of 10 matches in the Bundesliga for “I suspect the response (from Blatter) consultancy work carried out years earli- the best ever start. will be, ‘I was misquoted.’ If he says that er. Wolfsburg had beaten Bayern on penalties to clinch the season- then I think there is something to investi- But Platini remains a candidate to suc- opening German Super Cup but had no chance against them this gate. ceed Blatter in February’s presidential time, with wingers Costa and Kingsley Coman slicing open the “There’s nothing Mr Blatter says that election, along with Prince Ali Bin Al defence at will and Mueller executing with precision from inside the surprises me much. If he is saying, ‘We Hussein, Musa Bility, Jerome box. With a frenzied first half passing game that left Wolfsburg wanted Russia’ and it looks like he want- Champagne, Gianni Infantino, Sheikh defenders constantly a step behind, the Bavarians quickly estab- ed that fixed before the vote, it’s suggest- Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa and Tokyo lished control and Costa’s goal came after several good scoring ing that it was all fixed anyway.” Sexwale.—AFP chances. Mueller then doubled their lead in the 20th before volleying in a pin-point Coman cross in the 34th to quickly extinguish any hopes of a Wolfsburg comeback. Substitute Andre Schuerrle managed an 89th minute goal for the hosts. Third-tier club Erzgebirge Aue staged the biggest upset of the second round, stunning Bundesliga club Eintracht Frankfurt 1-0 at home with a goal late in the second half. Max Wegner snatched a 74th minute winner for the east German team, who lie in ninth place in the third division, with Eintracht hav- ing also been eliminated by Aue three years ago in the same com- petition. Second division 1860 Munich also beat a Bundesliga club, edging past 10-man Mainz 05 2-1 away courtesy of substitute Rubin Okotie’s 77th minute goal. Austrian Okotie, who had come on seven minutes earlier, struck with a close-range header to secure a third round spot for the low- er-ranked visitors, who had a bad start with Christopher Schindler’s own goal in the sixth minute. Mainz were left with 10 men when Pierre Bengtsson was given a straight red card on the stroke of halftime for a foul as the last man with 1860 on the break. Salomon Kalou scored twice, including a penalty in the first half of extra time, to help Hertha Berlin beat second division FSV GERMANY: Wolfsburg’s Bas Dost (left) and Bayern’s Javi Martinez (right) chal- Sepp Blatter Frankfurt 2-1. —Reuters lenge for the ball during the German soccer cup second round match. —AP US blow away rivals Inter edge for third team gold Bologna

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 201518 19

Chelsea sack reports leave Mourinho exposed Page 19 Chelsea crash out with Arsenal in League Cup

LONDON: Chelsea’s woes continued Cup in his 19 years at the club and looked when the holders were dumped out of forlorn on the bench as Ross Wallace and the Capital One (League) Cup fourth Lucas Joao put the hosts two goals up round following a shootout defeat by before halftime. When Sam Hutchinson Stoke City on Tuesday, while Arsenal suf- netted just after the restart, there was no fered a humiliating 3-0 defeat at second way back for the visitors, who failed to tier Sheffield yesterday. create a meaningful chance all game. Boss Jose Mourinho will be under A miserable occasion for a strong-look- mounting pressure after Eden Hazard ing Arsenal, who have begun their failed to convert the crucial penalty fol- Premier League campaign with such lowing another testing encounter for promise, was compounded by first-half Chelsea, who only forced extra time injuries to Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, who thanks to a last-minute leveller from Loic went off after five minutes, and his Remy. replacement Theo Walcott, who exited 13 Penalties were also needed in the oth- minutes later. er two ties as second tier Hull City ousted Wednesday, who beat Newcastle Premier League Leicester City and Everton United in the previous round, took the squeezed through against Norwich City. lead with a goal of genuine quality after There was to be no solace for a reason- 27 minutes as a rapid passing move freed ably strong Chelsea side, whose miserable Daniel Pudil down the left and his cross season dragged on as they could not find was met by Wallace to curl beautifully into a winner against Stoke despite playing the bottom corner. against 10 men for all of extra time. They doubled their advantage when It looked like it was going to be their Wallace turned provider, curling the ball night when Remy cancelled out Jon into the area for Joao to head home after Walters’s stunning strike from early in the 40 minutes and six minutes after the second half and Stoke’s Phil Bardsley was break Hutchinson converted from close sent off for a second booking at the close range as Arsenal went to sleep from a set of normal time. Yet their killer instinct piece. from last term deserted the Premier “Congratulations to them, they were League champions again and after some faster, sharper and more decisive than us,” superb penalties, Stoke goalkeeper Jack Wenger told Sky Sports. “We could not Butland pulled off a stunning save to create anything. We were very naive when palm away Hazard’s effort for a 5-4 defending.” shootout win. Hull, relegated from the Premier “Losing 1-0 feeling the situation League last season, relived the high life by against an experienced opponent... the beating Leicester on penalties. The match team did everything. I tried to help too,” had finished 0-0, but Riyad Mahrez put Mourinho told reporters after suffering his Leicester ahead in extra time, only for eighth defeat in 16 games this season. Hull’s Abel Hernandez to level and force “We try, we try, we try. When we scored penalties, which Hull won 5-4. the goal it was no more than we Everton drew 1-1 with Norwich before deserved.” The shock of the night came at sneaking through 4-3 in the shootout. Hillsborough, a ground where Arsene Sebastian Bassong had put Norwich Wenger has never tasted victory, as ahead at Goodison Park early in the sec- Arsenal lost to lower-league opposition ond half, before Leon Osman levelled. by a three-goal margin for the first time After nobody found a winner in extra STOKE ON TRENT: Chelsea’s French defender Kurt Zouma (left) vies against Stoke City’s English-born Irish striker Jonathan Walters dur- since February 1959. time, Norwich’s Wes Hoolahan and The Arsenal manager has also never Nathan Redmond missed in the shootout. ing the English League Cup fourth round football match at the Britannia Stadium. — AFP won the sometimes maligned League — Reuters VW posts first quarterly loss in at least 15 years Page 22

Nepal inks fuel agreement with China to ease crisis Business Page 23 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015

TAITRA leads Taiwan trade Asia traders run for safety as US data fuels worries mission to Qatar, Kuwait, Iran Page 25 Page 26

NEW DELHI: South African President Jacob Zuma, second right, is received by India’s junior minister for external affairs V. K. inghS as he arrives for the India Africa Forum Summit, at the Indira Gandhi International airport in New Delhi, India, yesterday. — AP India woos Africa with aid, technology Summit begins today with 54 African nations

NEW DELHI: In Mozambique, India is building states to boost its profile as a global power. It Trade doubles peacekeepers. We were there with the major try scale up its use of environmentally friendly a solar panel plant that will help the southern also wants to ensure it is not completely over- Indian officials say trade has grown 20 struggles that Africa had against colonialism solar energy, but is expected to lead to exports African country harness renewable energy. shadowed on the continent by its neighbor times since 2000, and doubled in the last five and discrimination and apartheid.” of solar panels to neighboring countries. Cameroon, in Central Africa, has sought India’s and rival, China. years to reach nearly $72 billion in 2014. Publicly, India insists its engagement with Africa help in fighting the Islamic extremist group Over the past decade, China has plowed India and many African countries “are the Defence sector has nothing to do with China. But New Delhi is Boko Haram. In Ethiopia, Indian technical and billions of dollars into Africa, building roads, most rapidly growing developing economies The long-standing ties were reflected in clearly concerned about Beijing’s increasing financial aid has helped transform the country bridges and power installations in return for in the world,” said External Affairs Minister bilateral meetings with Swaraj on Tuesday and clout in the continent. Indian concern about into a major sugar producer, creating tens of access to markets and resources. Sushma Swaraj. India’s relations with Africa are Wednesday when African leaders presented China’s growing maritime footprint in the Indian thousands of jobs. “The Chinese presence in Africa is increas- not just centered on business, officials empha- their wish-lists. Several, including Cameroon, Ocean - a key waterway for access to energy sup- More than 40 African leaders are in New ing day by day, and I don’t think we can com- size. New Delhi has also provided millions of Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Benin, sought Indian plies from the Gulf and Africa - has increased Delhi for a summit to explore how Indian pare India’s involvement in Africa with that of dollars in educational and humanitarian aid. assistance in dealing with Islamic extremism. with recent reports that Beijing is planning to set investment and technology can help a resur- China,” Beri said. In the last five years, 25,000 African stu- “They wanted India to help them in capacity up its first overseas military base on the tiny gent Africa face its development challenges. “It’s not just China. Others are there as well dents have received scholarships to study in building in the defense sector so that the com- African nation of Djibouti, strategically located at The summit, which starts today, was preceded in the scramble for resources. Japan, the India. A major chunk of India’s development bined forces that are right now combating Boko the mouth of the Gulf of Aden. by meetings of trade and foreign ministers United States, and several emerging markets, aid has been spent on setting up technical Haram can be strengthened,” said Sanjiv Kohli, Indian experts also are quick to say that all is from nearly all 54 African nations. such as Malaysia, Brazil, Turkey, are all looking institutes, educational facilities, hospitals and another official who attended many of the meet- not well with China’s Africa strategy. They say “It gives you an idea of the significance at Africa in their quest for resources,” she said. training programs across Africa. ings. India has promised to help train soldiers in the use of Chinese labor in infrastructure proj- India has attached to its engagement with India’s major imports from Africa are Indian credit has topped $7.4 billion and counterterrorism and counterinsurgency tactics, ects in Africa has not been well received by Africa,” said Ruchita Beri, an Africa specialist at resources and minerals, including crude oil, has led to the creation of about 137 projects in Kohli said. South Sudan wanted Indian help in many host countries, which desperately want New Delhi’s Institute for Defense Studies and coal, gemstones and gold. African countries 41 countries, ministry official Navtej Sarna cattle farming and livestock management. India, jobs for their own people. Also, Chinese workers’ Analyses. In exchange, India hopes for a share are a big market for Indian-made pharmaceu- said. “Don’t forget, we have been partners with the world’s largest milk producer, said it would wages are often paid directly into bank of Africa’s vast natural resources to power its ticals, motor vehicles and processed petrole- Africa in capacity building since early days,” send dairy experts. In Mozambique, the Indian- accounts back home, so local banks earn noth- own growth, as well as the support of African um products, with trade growing at a fast clip. Sarna said. “We were there as the earliest built solar panel plant will not just help the coun- ing from transactions. — AP Fed seen holding rates steady as investor skepticism swirls

WASHINGTON: The Federal Reserve is expect- The Fed could lay some of the tightening Compounding the situation, central banks central bank less than two years ago, raises the offer a better idea as to whether a hike will ed to keep interest rates unchanged yesterday groundwork by using its policy statement to from the euro zone to China are easing policy, risk investors will be overly surprised by policy come at the Dec. 15-16 policy meeting, the last and may struggle to convince skeptical signal it has fewer concerns about global keeping upward pressure on the dollar. A changes, leading to financial market volatility of the year. investors it can tighten monetary policy before growth. Recent US economic reports, however, stronger dollar hurts American exporters and and further straining the global economy. It “We look for very minimal changes in the the end of the year in the face of US and global have raised doubts about the strength of the acts as a brake on inflation. also raises the risk of greater splits and miscom- statement and ... for verbal communications economic headwinds. world’s largest economy, and it could be weeks That, in turn, is complicating Yellen’s job to munication that could derail the rates liftoff. after the meeting, in speeches and inter- The world’s most powerful central bank has- before central bankers have enough new data guide the Fed and seek consensus within the Economists expect Yellen’s scheduled public views, to say, ‘Yes, December remains a possi- n’t hiked rates in about a decade and markets to feel comfortable lifting rates. That means the FOMC. The Fed’s struggle to communicate appearances in December, which will come bility,’” said Michael Gapen, Barclays’ chief US see virtually no chance it will do so at the end statement on Wednesday could resemble the clearly under Yellen, who took the reins of the after hiring data for October is released, could economist. — Reuters of this week’s two-day policy meeting. Fed offi- one from last month’s policy meeting. But cials resumed their deliberations Wednesday September’s disappointing employment report morning as scheduled, a Fed spokeswoman - non-farm payrolls grew by only 142,000 - has said. cast doubt on the sustainability of the jobs The rate decision will be announced at 2 recovery and undercut the argument for hiking p.m. ET (1800 GMT). A spate of dismal data on rates. “It pays for them to take the low-risk path the US and global economies has fueled a pub- of least resistance and not really change things lic row between Fed Chair Janet Yellen and fel- in a big way, and then see how the data is,” said low policymakers, igniting speculation the cen- Michael Feroli, an economist at JPMorgan. tral bank will wait until 2016 to begin its “liftoff” from near-zero rates. Forty-six economists ‘NOT-THIS-YEAR CAMP’ polled by Reuters unanimously expect the Fed US stocks opened higher on Wednesday, on Wednesday to keep its target rate for while the prices of US Treasuries fell. The US dol- overnight lending between banks steady at 0 lar was slightly weaker against a basket of cur- percent to 0.25 percent, as it has since 2008 rencies. Most Fed policymakers have said they when it embarked on an effort to nurse the expect to raise rates in 2015, but two broke economy back from a severe recession. A nar- ranks with Yellen this month, questioning her row majority of the economists expect a rate view that labor market tightness will fuel infla- increase in December. Financial markets assign tion and overheat the economy. Fed Governors only a 34 percent chance for a December hike Lael Brainard and Daniel Tarullo urged caution, and a 59 percent chance for such a move in arguing slower growth abroad could sap US March. Signaling that a rate hike is coming will economic strength and keep inflation too low. be difficult in part because Yellen, who has said With Chicago Fed President Charles Evans, that higher rates will be “appropriate” this year, is not puts three members of the rate-setting Federal scheduled to hold a news conference after the Open Market Committee in the “not-this-year LONDON: Steelworkers hold a banner as they protest outside the Houses of Parliament in London yesterday. Steelworkers protested yes- end of the policy meeting. camp”. terday following the announcement in recent weeks of thousands of job cuts in the United Kingdom steel industry. — AFP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 BUSINESS UAE bank NBAD says government deposits drop by $13 billion

ABU DHABI: National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD), year, down from 4.6 per cent last year and that the gin pressures and liquidity issues as the UAE and oth- average net profit of 1.45 billion dirhams NBAD’s the United Arab Emirates’ largest bank by assets, said country is set to post its first fiscal deficit since 2009 er Gulf oil producing states face a squeeze on budg- deposits shrank to 235 billion dirhams in the first government deposits dropped by 48 billion dirhams because of lower oil revenues. ets from lower oil prices. nine months this year from 265 billion dirhams in the ($13 billion) in past 12 months after it reported a 3 “We do think tightening liquidity will eventually NBAD, seeking to diversify outside its home mar- corresponding period of 2014 due to an outflow of percent fall in third-quarter profit. force banks to raise interest rates and will push NBAD ket, bought Royal Bank of Scotland’s offshore loan government deposits. The bank’s chief executive Alex Thursby said yes- to raise rates,” Thursby said on a conference call with book in India this month for 3 billion dirhams, Despite higher interest income and lower impair- terday that the UAE banking system as a whole lost analysts. “We will always trade off return for safety in Thursby said. NBAD plans to start operations in India ments in third quarter, NBAD’s profit fell due to lower 56 billion dirhams in government deposits from the current uncertain outlook, even if it slows our next week. non-interest income which fell to 763 million dirhams September 2014 to September 2015. growth profile,” Thursby told reporters. NBAD made a net profit of 1.33 billion dirhams from 774 million dirhams in the prior-year period. The outflow highlights the impact of current low In July, NBAD had said it did not expect further ($362 million) in the third quarter ended Sept.30, Loans grew 7 percent in the first nine months of this oil prices on the UAE’s government finances. The big outflows of government deposits after these fell down from 1.37 billion dirhams in the same period year over the same period last year, but Thursby said International Monetary Fund in June forecast the by 37 billion dirhams during the first half of 2015. last year, missing analysts forecasts. he expected loan growth to slow down across all sec- UAE’s economic growth would slow to 3 per cent this Most banks in the region are grappling with mar- Four analysts polled by Reuters had forecast an tors in the UAE going forward. — Reuters Saudi stabilises but VW posts first quarterly Gulf mostly weak loss in at least 15 years DUBAI: Gulf stock markets mostly fell lysts’ forecasts with a 44 percent yesterday amid concern over weak oil increase in third-quarter net profit. BERLIN: Volkswagen posted its first quarterly loss prices, but Saudi Arabia regained some Dubai Financial Market, which in at least 15 years yesterday, hit by a 6.7 billion stability after a plunge on the previous reported weak third-quarter earnings euros ($7.4 billion) charge to cover the cost of rig- day caused by fears that the govern- on Monday, tumbled 3.3 percent; the ging diesel emissions tests, and said the final bill ment would tighten fiscal policy con- stock, often seen as a bellwether for was likely to be higher. siderably. the health of the overall market As a result, the German carmaker said it expect- The Saudi index had sunk 3.0 per- because its earnings depend on the ed its 2015 operating profit would drop “significant- cent on Tuesday after the oil minister level of trading commissions, has ly below” last year’s record 12.7 billion euros, even confirmed the government was con- dropped 18 percent in the past seven though its auto sales are seen matching last year’s sidering whether to raise domestic trading days. record 10.14 million deliveries. The news came as energy prices - one of several steps Dubai-based courier Aramex lost 4.4 the company’s new CEO was about to fly to China that it may take next year to reduce a percent after reporting a 7 percent rise with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other business leaders to promote trade in a major export huge budget deficit caused by low oil in third-quarter net profit to 74.6 mil- market and try to limit the damage of a scandal that prices. lion dirhams ($20.3 million); analysts has rocked the auto industry. Yesterday, the index slipped as low had forecast 79.7 million to 88.5 million Almost six weeks after it admitted using illegal as 6,991 points during the day but dirhams. software to falsify US diesel emissions tests, closed up 0.3 percent at 7,118 points. It Abu Dhabi’s index slid 1.6 percent as Europe’s biggest carmaker is under pressure to has technical support at its August low First Gulf Bank sank 3.9 percent. It post- identify those responsible, fix up to 11 million of 6,921 points. ed a 0.4 percent drop in third-quarter affected vehicles and convince regulators, investors Petrochemicals stayed soft, with net profit to 1.42 billion dirhams ($387 and customers it can be trusted again. that index dropping 0.2 percent; one million), missing analysts’ average fore- The biggest business crisis in its 78-year history possible fiscal reform is raising gas cast of 1.51 billion dirhams. has wiped more than a quarter off VW’s stock mar- WOLFSBURG: Matthias Mueller, CEO of German car maker Volkswagen, poses before address- feedstock prices for the industry. Qatar fell 0.6 percent as Mesaieed ket value, forced out its long-time chief executive ing journalists at an assembly line of the VW plant in Wolfsburg, central Germany, on October But most other stocks rose, with Petrochemical slipped 1.2 percent. It and tarnished a business held up for generations as 21, 2015. German auto giant Volkswagen said yesterday that the global pollution-cheating Alinma Bank climbing 2.0 percent and reported that net profit for the first a model of German engineering prowess. New VW scam it is currently embroiled in pushed it deeply into the red in the third quarter and would Emaar Economic City, developer of a nine months of 2015 fell 43 percent finance chief Frank Witter said yesterday the cost of hurt earnings for the whole of 2015. — AFP big industrial zone, adding 3.7 percent. from a year earlier, although it also said the scandal would be “enormous, but manageable” Industry sources told Reuters that third-quarter earnings rose from the and the firm intended to get taxpayers help for the stage of the comprehensive and exhaustive investi- should reassure both equity and fixed income gations,” VW said in its quarterly report. “As a conse- investors.” VW shares were up 3.8 percent at 109.15 any hike in energy prices would be second quarter because of higher sell- 6.7-billion-euro provision to cover initial costs, such quence, corresponding provisions have not been euros at 1500 GMT. Witter said the company had no gradual and cautious. So analysts do ing prices, improved sales volumes and as for vehicle refits. “When it comes to fines and penalties the situa- recognised in the interim financial statements.” plans at the moment to cut its dividend. not expect a recession. “Despite recent a tax refund. But some analysts took comfort in VW’s robust statements from the finance minister Egypt slipped 0.7 percent in line, tion is probably very different,” Witter told a confer- ence call. “But for those items we provisioned for balance sheet. Its net cash and liquid assets jumped FUTURE OF DIESEL about a moderation of government but GB Auto surged 6.0 percent. It had today it is very legitimate and right to have them 29 percent in the quarter to 27.8 billion euros after VW has said it will speed up development of expenditures in 2016, we expect that gained 2.1 percent on Tuesday after tax-deductible.” VW also said it had hired consult- it sold a 19.9 percent stake in Suzuki Motor Corp. electric and hybrid vehicles in the wake of the crisis, government expenses will continue to reports it had signed an agreement ants Deloitte to support an investigation into the Reserves may keep growing in the fourth quarter and the head of its namesake brand told reporters support domestic economic activity in with China’s Chery International to dis- scandal by US law firm Jones Day, with new CEO when proceeds from a transaction involving VW’s at the Tokyo motor show the company’s next flag- the next 18 months,” Moody’s Investors tribute Chery cars in Egypt. Matthias Mueller saying those responsible would holding in financing company LeasePlan, valued at ship model would be an all-electric vehicle. Service said. face tough consequences. Mueller added VW would 3.7 billion euros, are expected to be booked, ana- However, Herbert Diess added the carmaker It predicted government spending WEDNESDAY’S HIGHLIGHTS focus more on profitability than sales volumes in lysts said. remained committed to diesel engines, amid warn- would grow 2 percent in 2016 and 4 SAUDI ARABIA future. His predecessor, Martin Winterkorn, set VW “We see it as a positive signal that VW has pretty ings from some analysts that the technology - percent in subsequent years, down The index edged up 0.3 percent to the goal of becoming the world’s biggest carmaker much kept the provision (of 6.7 billion euros) for the which tends to produce less carbon dioxide than from a compound annual growth rate 7,118 points. by sales volumes, and critics have said this may scandal unchanged,” London-based analyst Arndt gasoline engines and accounts for about half of of 14 percent from 2010 to 2014. As a have inadvertently led to the use of software that Ellinghorst at Evercore ISI said. vehicle sales in Europe - could be irreparably dam- result, non-oil gross domestic product DUBAI disguised the level of real toxic emissions in VW’s “Together with the very strong net liquidity, this aged by the VW scandal. —Reuters will still expand 3.3 percent next year, it The index fell 0.9 percent to 3,487 diesel engines. said. points. Though Mueller has promised far reaching But even a slowdown in the growth change, some analysts and investors have ques- of state spending, combined with ABU DHABI tioned whether the company veteran is the right tighter banking system liquidity as the The index sank 1.6 percent to 4,322 man to lead the overhaul, which they say needs government sells bonds to banks to points. greater openness from the family, local government finance its deficit, could be hard for the and trade union interests that control the carmaker. market to digest. QATAR “That Volkswagen now finds itself in this current situation is something that some might say is not so “We are now becoming more con- The index fell 0.6 percent to 11,644 surprising,” said Yngve Slyngstad, the CEO of cerned about a very significant slow- points. Norway’s wealth fund which owns a stake in VW down in Saudi Arabia given a capex and has been a critic of its corporate governance. squeeze and the potential increase in EGYPT He added it was too early to say whether the fuel and energy prices, especially when The index slipped 0.7 percent to 7,480 steps taken by VW’s new leadership were enough, coupled with a potential tightening of points. as his fund posted a quarterly loss on its invest- monetary policy as SAIBOR-LIBOR ments in part due to the plunge in VW shares. spreads widen,” Arqaam Capital said in KUWAIT a note. The index dropped 0.4 percent to SOME COMFORT “We continue to be underweight on 5,770 points. VW reported an operating loss of 3.48 billion cement, building materials, industrials euros for July-September, its fiscal third-quarter, in and petrochemicals, but play banks on OMAN line with analysts’ expectations. The 6.7 billion euro higher net interest margins.” The index edged down 0.1 percent to provision was up from the 6.5 billion announced a 5,933 points. week after the cheating became public on Sept. 18. GULF-EGYPT The company said it did not know what the ulti- Dubai’s stock index fell 0.9 percent BAHRAIN mate cost of the scandal would be. Some analysts as Dubai Islamic Bank slipped 1.1 per- The index edged up 0.02 percent to have said it could reach 35 billion euros in regulato- HONG KONG: This picture taken on October 22, 2015 shows high-rise buildings in Hong Kong. Buoyed by record-low borrowing costs, a Hong Kong housing boom has seen prices more than cent, even though the bank beat ana- 1,250 points. — Reuters ry fines, lawsuits and vehicle refits. “It is currently impossible to assess the legal risks double in six years, making it one of the world’s most expensive property markets, but experts connected with the diesel issue due to the early warn a US interest rate hike could send valuations plunging. — AFP EXCHANGE RATES

Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. GOLD Jordanian Dinar 428.155 US Dollars Mint 0.299900 0.303900 20 gram 237.55 Egyptian Pound 37.730 10 gram 121.47 Asia ASIAN COUNTRIES Sri Lankan Rupees 2.164 5 gram 61.42 Bangladesh Taka 0.003498 0.004098 Japanese Yen 2.517 Indian Rupees 4.665 Chinese Yuan 0.046503 0.050003 Indian Rupees 4.672 Pakistani Rupees 2.889 Bangladesh Taka 3.896 Hong Kong Dollar 0.037071 0.039821 Pakistani Rupees 2.905 UAE Exchange Centre WLL Philippines Pesso 6.487 Indian upee 0.004395 0.004785 Srilankan Rupees 2.163 Cyprus pound 578.740 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000018 0.000024 Nepali Rupees 2.927 Japanese Yen 3.515 Japanese Yen 0.002439 0.002619 Singapore Dollar 218.420 CURRENCIES TELEX TRANSFER PER 1000 Syrian Pound 2.605 Kenyan Shilling 0.003155 0.003155 Hongkong Dollar 39.174 Australian Dollar 208.59 Canadian Dollar 232.31 Nepalese Rupees 3.910 Korean Won 0.000258 0.000273 Bangladesh Taka 3.902 Swiss Franc 311.95 Malaysian Ringgit 71.760 Malaysian Ringgit 0.067777 0.073777 Philippine Peso 6.494 Euro 338.05 Chinese Yuan Renminbi 48.120 Nepalese Rupee 0.002908 0.003078 Thai Baht 8.570 US Dollar 303.80 Thai Bhat 9.535 Pakistan Rupee 0.002799 0.003079 Sterling Pound 467.36 Turkish Lira 104.575 Philippine Peso 0.006426 0.006706 GCC COUNTRIES Japanese Yen 2.56 Sierra Leone 0.000067 0.000073 Saudi Riyal 81.003 Bangladesh Taka 3.900 Singapore Dollar 0.214133 0.220133 Qatari Riyal 83.441 Indian Rupee 4.676 South African Rand 0.016177 0.024677 Omani Riyal 788.980 Bahrain Exchange Company Sri Lankan Rupee 2.162 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001866 0.002446 Bahraini Dinar 806.700 Nepali Rupee 2.918 Taiwan 0.009243 0.009423 UAE Dirham 82.702 Pakistani Rupee 2.882 Thai Baht 0.008225 0.008775 UAE Dirhams 0.08267 COUNTRY SELL CASH SELLDRAFT ARAB COUNTRIES Bahraini Dinar 0.8074 Europe Arab Egyptian Pound - Cash 39.800 Egyptian Pound 0.03786 British Pound 0.457710 0.466710 Bahraini Dinar 0.797884 0.805884 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 37.855 Jordanian Dinar 0.4321 Czech Korune 0.004370 0.016370 Egyptian Pound 0.037936 0.040766 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.417 Omani Riyal 0.7889 Danish Krone 0.040873 0.045873 Tunisian Dinar 153.720 Qatari Riyal 0.08376 Euro 0.329250 0.337250 Iranian Riyal 0.000084 0.000085 Jordanian Dinar 427.850 Saudi Riyal 0.08098 Norwegian Krone 0.032290 0.037097 Iraqi Dinar 0.000200 0.000260 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 2.024 Romanian Leu 0.087090 0.087090 Jordanian Dinar 0.424209 0.431709 Syrian Lira 2.165 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Slovakia 0.009062 0.019062 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.000000 1.000000 Morocco Dirham 31.396 Swedish Krona 0.031643 0.036643 Lebanese Pound 0.000152 0.000252 Swiss Franc 0.300983 0.311187 Moroccan Dirhams 0.020570 0.044570 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Rate for Transfer Selling Rate Turkish Lira 0.099740 0.110040 Nigerian Naira 0.001254 0.001889 US Dollar Transfer 303.600 US Dollar 303.850 Omani Riyal 0.782151 0.787831 Euro 336.690 Canadian Dollar 230.875 Australasia Qatar Riyal 0.082680 0.083893 Sterling Pound 466.330 Sterling Pound 466.120 Australian Dollar 0.207725 0.219225 Saudi Riyal 0.080323 0.081023 Euro 336.500 Canadian dollar 230.000 New Zealand Dollar 0.197852 0.207352 Syrian Pound 0.001287 0.001507 Swiss Frank 300.915 Turkish lira 104.510 Tunisian Dinar 0.149541 0.157541 Bahrain Dinar 806.455 America Turkish Lira 0.099740 0.110040 Swiss Franc 309.800 UAE Dirhams 83.020 Australian dollar 218.590 Canadian Dollar 0.224969 0.233469 UAE Dirhams 0.081678 0.082827 Qatari Riyals 91.030 Yemeni Riyal 0.001372 0.001452 US Dollar Buying 302.400 Saudi Riyals 81.750 US Dollars 0.299400 0.303900 BUSINESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 Oil prices edge up but no end to glut in sight

LONDON: Oil prices rose yesterday a day after a lowest since mid-September on Tuesday and month, indicating continued high output from the crudes in Europe are going through a rough patch report showed inventories fell at the Cushing, unwinding a rally that took the price to a peak of larger members of the Organization of the at the moment, as evidenced by the number of Oklahoma, delivery hub but gains were capped as $54 this month. Petroleum Exporting Countries. regional and (West African) sweet crude differen- investors awaited official US inventory data. US crude for December delivery rose 45 cents to The premium for crude for delivery in 12 months’ tials slipping into negative territory against Dated Crude oil and oil product data due at 1430 GMT $43.65 a barrel, up from Tuesday’s nine-week low of time over that for December delivery, or contango, Brent,” energy consultants JBC Energy said in a from the Department of Energy’s Energy $42.58. “I’m bearish going into Q1 ... and what was rose to its highest in six weeks, often a sign that report. BP on Tuesday announced further spending Information Administration (EIA) is expected to quite telling is the last rally did not go further than investors expect supply to be far more plentiful in cuts and more asset sales over the coming years to show further stockpiling at a time when the world’s $54 and it was just sold down,” SEB analyst Bjarne the near term. On the physical market, the contan- tackle an extended period of low oil prices and to largest oil exporters are pumping at record rates to Schieldrop said. “The whole signal that OPEC mem- go in the North Sea derivatives market, which help pay for its $54 billion US oil spill settlement. retain market share. bers are undercutting each other is not sending a underpins Brent futures, rose to its highest since Crude stocks at the Cushing delivery hub fell by Brent December crude futures were up 49 cents great signal to the market.” Iraq’s southern oil early September this week, reflecting how excess 748,000 barrels, data from the American Petroleum at $47.30 a barrel at 1118 GMT, having fallen to their exports have reached 3.10 million barrels so far this barrels are weighing on near-term prices. “Sweet Institute showed late on Tuesday. — Rreuters Nepal inks fuel agreement with China to ease crisis

KATHMANDU: Nepal signed its first ever fuel portation of the fuel,” Baral told AFP. Nepalese government to accuse New Delhi of agreement with China yesterday for Beijing to Beijing has already agreed to donate 1.3 mil- backing the protesters and imposing an “unoffi- supply petroleum to ease a crippling shortage lion litres of petrol to Nepal but the two coun- cial blockade” to register its dissatisfaction with after protests blocked imports from sole suppli- tries have never commercially traded oil or gas. the new constitution. er India, an official said. Kathmandu is exploring the possibility of trans- New Delhi has denied the claims and has Scores of trucks have been stranded at a key porting fuel via its northern land crossings with urged dialogue with protesters, who belong to India-Nepal border checkpoint for more than a China, one of which reopened this month after the Madhesi ethnic minority and have close cul- month, cutting off vital supplies and forcing fuel suffering damage in the earthquake that caused tural, linguistic and family ties to Indians living rationing across the landlocked Himalayan widespread devastation in the impoverished across the border. nation. The shortages have led to overnight country in April. The constitution, the first drawn up by elect- queues at gas stations in the Nepalese capital Nepal has traditionally relied on its border ed representatives, was meant to cement peace and prompted the government to turn to its crossings with India for trade, with the flat and bolster Nepal’s transformation to a demo- northern neighbour for help, ending a decades- plains easing the transport of imports and cratic republic after decades of political instabil- long monopoly by India as tensions deepen exports, while avoiding the mountainous terrain ity and a 10-year Maoist insurgency. But it has between New Delhi and Kathmandu. of the northern routes. instead sparked deadly violence. “We have signed a MOU (memorandum of More than 40 people have been killed in understanding) with China National United Oil Frontier blockade clashes between police and ethnic minority pro- Corporation to supply the petroleum products But the movement of cargo has slowed to a testers, who say a new federal structure laid out NEW YORK: In this September 17, 2008 file photo, media gather outside the offices that Nepal needs,” said Deepak Baral, crawl in recent weeks, with hundreds of protest- in the charter adopted last month will leave of troubled insurer American International Group (AIG)Inc. in the lower Manhattan spokesman at the state-run Nepal Oil ers blocking a bridge crossing in the town of them under-represented in parliament. Work area of New York. Wall Street’s senior activist/raider Carl Icahn called yesterday for a Corporation. Birgunj, around 90 kilometres (55 miles) south on the constitution began in 2008 after the breakup of American International Group after taking what he called a “large stake” “This is the first time that China is commer- of Kathmandu since September 24. Transport of Maoist rebels laid down their arms and entered in the insurance giant. — AFP cially supplying petroleum to Nepal, so we need goods via other checkpoints along the Indian politics, winning parliamentary elections and to study various aspects like price and trans- border has also suffered, provoking the abolishing a 240-year-old monarchy. — AFP Singapore still tops for doing business: WB AUB net profit surges

WASHINGTON: Singapore remains the poor and cumbersome regulation,” said easiest place to do business, while devel- Kaushik Basu, World Bank chief economist. by 11.4% to $419.2m oping countries stepped up their pace of “The challenge of development is to business-friendly reforms in the past year, tread this narrow path by identifying regu- according to a World Bank report pub- lations that are good and necessary, and KUWAIT: Ahli United Bank B.S.C. (AUB) reported a Robust performance lished Tuesday. Singapore, the dynamic shunning ones that thwart creativity and net profit attributable to its equity shareholders of The Group’s Return on Average Equity (ROAE) Asian city state, held onto its business- hamper the functioning of small and medi- $419.2 million for the nine months ended 30 for YTD Q3/2015 increased to 16.7%, based on friendly top ranking from last year in the um enterprises.” September 2015, an increase of 11.4% as com- improved operating results as compared to 15.9% “Doing Business 2016”: Measuring By surveying and ranking economies, pared to $376.3 million achieved in YTD Q3/2014. achieved in the prior period. Return on Average Regulatory Quality and Efficiency” report, the 188-nation development lender hopes Adjusted for net exceptional gain of $24.2 million Assets was higher at 1.8% for YTD Q3/2015(YTD which covers 189 economies. that its “report card” will encourage regula- on sale of investments, YTD Q3/2015 net profit is $ Q3/2014: 1.6%). There were barely any changes in the tion that contributes to economic growth 395.0 million, a 5.0% increase over the same period Hamad Al-Humaidhi, AUB Chairman, comment- report’s top 10, according to adjusted data and prosperity for people. reported profit in 2014. The net profit achieved for ed: “AUB continued its robust performance in the using this year’s criteria for both the 2015 Progress was tilted to the downside the third quarter of 2015 was US$ 140.9 million, a first nine months of 2015 even as regional econom- and 2016 rankings. New Zealand remained among the five emerging-market powers 23.8% increase over the 2014 third quarter report- ic activity moderates and international markets in the number-two position, followed by known as the BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, ed profit of $ 113.8 million. The Basic Earnings per continue to be uncertain and volatile. AUB’s sus- Denmark (3), South Korea (4), Hong Kong China and South Africa. Share in YTD Q3/2015 increased to US 6.5 cents, tained growth reflected in the YTD Q3/2015 result (5), Britain (6) and the United States (7). China, the world’s second-largest econ- from US 6.0 cents in YTD Q3/2014. is a testament to AUB’s well-managed business Sweden moved up a notch to number omy, slipped one notch to 84th place. The growth in the operating results of AUB was model based on diversification and cross border eight, switching places with Norway. Brazil fell to 116th from 111th and South underpinned by the growth in its core banking flows and of the success of its selective growth ini- Finland kept its 10th place. Africa dropped four notches to 73rd. But income lines. Net interest income grew by 4.5% tiatives to increase operating income and mitigate The World Bank’s annual “Doing Russia, struggling with an economy hit by from $578.7 million to $604.8 million, while fee risk challenges in its target markets.” Business” report, now in its 13th year, looks the plunge in oil prices and Western sanc- at the regulatory environment for small tions over the Ukraine conflict, moved up income grew by 6.0% from US $ 111.5 million to “Despite expected upcoming challenges from $118.2 million. The bank’s focus on adopting a judi- an unstable global economy and its effect on AUB’s and medium-sized companies to see how in the ranks, to 51st place from 54. Hamad Al-Humaidhi, AUB Chairman it hampers or helps them conduct busi- And India advanced to 130th place cious “intelligent spend” approach, improved the target markets, AUB continues to remain confident ness, from starting up and paying taxes to from 134 last year. The International cost income ratio to 27.5% (YTD Q3 / 2014: 28.9%). loans ratio standing at 2.1% (31 December 2014: of its resilience and ability to maintain its perform- registering property and trading across Monetary Fund said in a report early in This surge in operating profit was achieved despite 2.0%) while the specific provision coverage ratio ance given its strong fundamentals and prudent, borders. October that India was poised for the the continued challenging economic regional and improved to 84.2% (31 December 2014: 83.8%). proactive management of risks and costs. It will “A modern economy cannot function fastest growth of any other emerging-mar- international environment. Total provision coverage ratio, inclusive of collec- continue to seek, identify and tap organic as well as without regulation and, at the same time, ket economy this year, at 7.3 percent, Prudent risk management and monitoring sus- tive impairment provisions, rose to 166.1% as at inorganic growth opportunities within an accept- it can be brought to a standstill through thanks in part to policy reforms. —AFP tained its asset quality with the non-performing 30September 2015 (31 December 2014: 159.4%). able risk? return framework,” added Al-Humaidhi. UPS tops 3Q profit forecasts despite dip in revenue

DALLAS: UPS predicts that holiday-season United Parcel Service Inc. gave its holiday took away revenue from fuel surcharges paid by deliveries will rise at least 10 percent from a year forecast as it reported a slightly higher profit of customers, contributing to a 1.6 percent drop in ago, to more than 630 million packages $1.26 billion but a surprising drop in revenue operating profit in its US business. International between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve. during the third quarter. profit rose 10 percent. The company expects its busiest day to be The company’s stock fell almost 3 percent. Profit rose 3.5 percent, and UPS earned $1.39 Dec. 22, the Tuesday before Christmas Day, when CEO David Abney said the company has seen per share, topping expectations. Analysts sur- it expects to deliver more than 36 million pack- “some softness” in the US economy, especially in veyed by FactSet and Zacks Investment Research ages - double the normal day’s load. manufacturing. Deliveries to consumers grew had forecast $1.37 per share. Revenue, however, On Monday, rival FedEx Corp. predicted that but shipments from one business to another dipped 0.4 percent to $14.24 billion, and missed shipments will rise 12.4 percent between faded in the third quarter, he said. analysts’ targets. Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. Both compa- Falling fuel prices were a double-edged Analysts surveyed by FactSet expected nies are being helped by the continuing growth sword for the Atlanta-based package-delivery $14.41 billion, while the Zacks survey forecast in online shopping. giant. Cheaper fuel reduced expenses but also $14.35 billion. Executives said they expect full- year earnings to be at the higher end of its fore- cast of $5.05 to $5.30 per share, which would indicate an increase of between 6 percent and 12 percent over 2014. The company is preparing for the peak holi- day season, and expects to hire up to 95,000 temporary workers to help handle the load, although they will start a little later when they are really needed, Chief Financial Officer Richard Peretz said in an interview. Planning for the holiday rush can be difficult for the delivery companies. UPS expects that res- idential deliveries, which are more costly, will be a higher percentage of its business than during the rest of the year. Earlier this month, UPS announced a series of price increases that will take effect during the rest of the year, including higher surcharges for heavy or oversized packages. Last year, heavy spending during the season led to a drop in UPS’ quarterly profit. To avoid a repeat, UPS, like FedEx, has talked extensively with big retailers to understand their shipping plans. Both delivery companies are prepared to cap shipments and refuse requests that they fear would overwhelm their systems. On the last few days before Christmas, “if we have customers that greatly exceed the amount of volume that they have committed to us, then we certainly would be willing to enforce caps, but that’s not our intention,” Abney told analyst on a conference call. UPS shares fell $3.08, or 2.9 percent, to close at $103.10. They have lost 7 DIVONNE-LES BAINS: Herve Falciani, the former HSBC employee who leaked documents alleg- percent since the beginning of the year, while ing the bank helped clients evade millions of dollars in taxes, gestures as he gives a press con- the Standard & Poor’s 500 index has gained less ference in Divonne-les Bains yesterday. — AFP than 1 percent. — AP BUSINESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 Australia’s NAB reveals UK exit plans as profit misses expectations

SYDNEY: National Australia Bank yesterday ing competition. “This company has been so shares in CYBG, the holding company for NAB shares underperformed the sale of 80 percent of its insurance unit to said it plans to sell its British operations by distracted for so long. We can now see almost Britain’s Clydesdale Bank Plc, would be offered broader market on Wednesday, falling Japan’s Nippon Life Insurance Co for $1.7 early 2016, two months later than expected, an end to that,” Thorburn told reporters, refer- to NAB shareholders, while 25 percent would 2.07 percent after the weaker-than- billion, helping it improve returns in its revealing for the first time how it intends to ring to the British exit. be sold in an IPO. expected earnings announcement. wealth business. exit a business that has frustrated sharehold- “That is going to be so uplifting and enable Analysts said some shareholders had The sales of low-returning businesses ers for years. consistent ongoing focus on our Australian MISCONDUCT CHARGES hoped for a speedier resolution to the would help NAB boost FY15 return on CEO Andrew Thorburn, who made the exit New Zealand franchise.” NAB posted cash profit for the year to Sept. British problem. equity by 200 basis points to 14.6 per- a priority when he took office last August, said The British business, which NAB bought in 30 of A$5.8 billion ($4.13 billion), missing con- Yesterday, NAB also confirmed the cent, the bank said. — Reuters some of the under-performing operations the late 1980s, has been plagued by bad sensus forecasts of A$6.3 billion mainly due to would be spun off and others sold through an debts and misconduct charges. provisions it had to make against possible initial public offering, in what he called a An exit would help NAB focus on its core fines in Britain. “complex transaction”. Australian and New Zealand franchise, where British regulators asked the bank to pro- The announcement came as Australia’s returns are stronger and safer. At about 12 vide 1.7 billion pounds ($2.6 billion) of capital No.1 lender by assets missed market expecta- percent, NAB has the weakest returns on equi- to cover possible charges relating to the mis- tions with a 15.5 percent rise in annual profit, ty of Australia’s “Big Four” banks. Under an selling of loan insurance and hedging prod- with net interest margins slipping to a record plan which will be put to shareholders for ucts. Of that, it provided 465 million pounds low of 1.87 percent due to stiff business lend- approval in late January, about 75 percent of in the six months to September.

SYDNEY: Customers use National Australia Bank ATM machines in Sydney yesterday. National Australia Bank announced the sale of an 80 percent stake in its insurance busi- ness to Japan’s Nippon Life for 1.7 billion USD and outlined plans to divest troubled British asset Clydesdale Bank. — AFP BUSINESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015

Two days remaining to enter Gulf Bank’s annual Al Danah Millionaire draw

KUWAIT: There are only 2 days remaining for cus- minimum balance, allowing them to automatically Al Danah’s draws. Live big, with Al Danah 2015. Gulf Bank would tomers to open an Al Danah account or increase their enter the Al Danah Draws. The Al Danah account Five reasons why the Al Danah account is the like to remind its customers that opening an Al deposits by 31 October, to enhance their chances of offers the Daily Draw, 3 Quarterly draws as well as an Best: Danah Account is quick and simple through its 58 winning, and be eligible for Al Danah’s biggest draw. annual draw. The daily draw has two winners drawn 1. Kuwait’s single biggest yearly cash prize of KD 1 branches strategically located throughout The annual draw will be held on 7, January, 2016 in for every working day and accordingly up to 10 win- Million Kuwait. Customers are encouraged to go to their which the winners of, KD 50,000, KD 250,000 and 1 ners announced the following week with each 2. Kuwait’s biggest quarterly cash prizes, up to KD nearest Gulf Bank branch or call the Customer million Kuwaiti Dinars will be announced. receiving KD 1000. The 3 Quarterly draws take place 500,000 Contact Center on 1805 805 and the Customer Opening an Al Danah account merely requires a every 3 months; their cash prizes range from KD 3. Two winners of KD 1,000 every working day Care Center representatives will be delighted to minimum balance of KD 200 to be deposited as to 25,000 - KD 500,000. Finally, the annual draw, offers 4. The most opportunities to win (64 draws a year, assist with any further information or questions allow active participation in the Al Danah draws. the biggest single prize in the Middle East, that being and up to 532 winners) on Al Danah or on any of the Bank’s products and Minors wishing to open an account require their par- the 1 Million Kuwaiti Dinars cash prize. The more cus- 5. Only Bank that transfers your chances to win services. Customers can also log on to Gulf Bank’s ents or their legal guardian to open the account on tomers save, and the longer the duration, the more from year to year bilingual website their behalf. Customers are advised to maintain the chances they have to be one of the lucky winners of Open an account and Deposit now to Win Big, for further information. Lower airfare? Great for consumers, but investors worried

DALLAS: Airlines stocks fell after Spirit and stand who our customer is and what the JetBlue fanned investor fears about lower price point of that customer base is.” fares. Spirit said revenue from the average Shares of Spirit Airlines Inc. fell $3.21, or ticket tumbled by one-fifth in the third quar- 8.5 percent, to close at $34.66 after dropping ter compared with a year ago and pricing to $33.80 during the day, their lowest price in was “volatile.” JetBlue said its passenger-car- more than two years. JetBlue Airways Corp. rying capacity would grow slightly faster lost 85 cents, or 3.2 percent, to $25.36. Shares than previously expected for 2015. of bigger airlines American, Delta, United Spirit is tiny compared to the giants, but it and Southwest dipped, but by less than 1 has gained their attention by growing rapidly percent. Spirit reported third-quarter earn- at major hub airports such as Dallas, Atlanta ings of $97.1 million, or $1.35 per share, top- and Chicago. Last week, American Airlines ping Wall Street forecasts. Analysts surveyed executives said they will soon introduce a by FactSet predicted $1.32. The Miramar, cheaper, no-frills type of ticket to compete Florida-based airline said revenue rose 10.6 with Spirit and another low-cost carrier, percent to $574.8 million, also beating ana- Frontier. lysts’ forecasts. American executives said they need to Spirit makes much of its revenue from fight for customers who just want a cheap fees that often cover things other airlines fare and don’t care about earning miles, get- provide in the ticket price, such as carry-on ting upgrades or having a seat that will lie bags and nonalcoholic beverages. Spirit pas- HUAIBEI: In this Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015 photo, a bank clerk counts Chinese currency notes at a bank outlet in Huaibei in central China’s Anhui province. flat. The comments could portend more fare sengers paid an average $66.96 per one-way China’s unexpected devaluation of its currency in August raised fears that the world’s second-largest economy was slowing more than anyone had wars, and they briefly spooked American’s trip for their tickets, a 21 percent decline, and thought. — AP investors. The damage has been greater to $53.39 for fees, a drop of 1 percent. Spirit, however - its shares have plunged At JetBlue, cheaper fuel helped the airline nearly 20 percent since Thursday. more than double its third-quarter profit to On Tuesday, CEO Ben Baldanza said Spirit $198 million, or 58 cents per share, a penny Asia traders run for safety can hold on to its bargain-hunting passen- better than the forecast of analysts surveyed gers because his airline has lower costs than by FactSet. Revenue rose 10 percent. American or Delta Air Lines, which already JetBlue said 2015 capacity would rise offers a no-frills fare option. He said Spirit as much as 9.5 percent over 2014, a half- as US data fuels worries attracts price-conscious customers who point higher than it had been saying. The often won’t fly on more expensive airlines. airline said the increase was due to addi- “We have built a business for sort of the tional offerings of Mint, its premium serv- Equities and currency markets suffer worst quarter lowest 20 percent of the ticket prices in the ice on flights between New York and US,” Baldanza said in an interview. “We under- California. — AP HONG KONG: Weak US economic data dented will keep rates on hold until the new year. $1.1041 and 133.02 yen in US trade. That is well confidence on Asian trading floors yesterday, Wednesday sees its second-last policy meeting off the $1.1070 and 133.46 yen in Tokyo sending investors running for safe investments before the end of 2015. “I don’t think the Fed is Tuesday. The strengthening of the yen-sen as a ahead of policy announcements by the Federal going to risk tightening policy this year,” Nader safe-haven currency-comes before the Bank of Reserve and Japan’s central bank. Naeimi, the Sydney-based head of dynamic Japan’s policy gathering that ends Friday, with Dealers are nervous heading into the corpo- asset allocation at AMP Capital Investors Ltd, pressure on board members to increase stimu- rate earnings season, with equities and curren- told Bloomberg News. lus to kickstart the sluggish economy. Asian cy markets having suffered their worst quarter Tuesday’s data also led to losses on Wall equities were also mostly lower, with Hong for four years during July-September. Analysts Street. The Dow shed 0.24 percent, the S&P 500 Kong ending down 0.80 percent. Shanghai sank warned against reading too much into better dipped 0.26 percent and the Nasdaq eased 0.09 1.72 percent on worries about the effect of than expected sales in China for online giant percent. China’s faltering economy on corporate profits. Alibaba, which came in the face of a growth Sydney ended down 0.21 percent, while slowdown in the world’s number two economy. Risky currencies fall Seoul shed 0.10 percent. But Tokyo gained 0.67 While global markets have enjoyed a broadly In Asia yesterday high-yielding but riskier percent following a sell-off on Tuesday. In healthy run in October on expectations the Fed assets were hit. The dollar climbed against China Alibaba on Tuesday said online sales will delay raising interest rates until next year, emerging-market units. The Malaysian ringgit surged 28 percent in the three months ended another batch of figures indicating a stuttering fell 0.44 percent and the South Korean won lost September, while net profit including invest- US economic recovery dampened sentiment. 0.05 percent, while New Zealand’s dollar was off ment gains rose 36 percent. On Tuesday the US Conference Board said an 0.51 percent Australia’s dollar lost one percent However, while the result beat expectations index of consumer confidence fell in September against the greenback after inflation in the owing to China’s ongoing malaise, Gil Luria, owing to a gloomier outlook for the economy, country remained weak and came in below analyst at Wedbush Securities in Los Angeles, while the Commerce Department said durable forecasts, fanning speculation the central bank said it mostly resulted from the firm’s sales strat- goods orders dipped for a second straight will cut borrowing costs next week. But the US egy. LONDON: In a file picture taken on October 22, 2015 a logo of the British Lloyds bank is month. The figures come after a Labor unit eased to 120.40 yen, from 120.48 yen in “This has little to do with the Chinese con- seen on a sign outside a branch of the bank in London. Britain’s state-rescued Lloyds Department report at the start of the month New York and well off the 120.71 yen earlier sumer but rather Alibaba improving its ability to Banking Group posted mixed earnings yesterday as the lender set aside more cash to showed jobs growth was weaker than expected Tuesday in Asia. allow sellers to advertise on mobile screens,” compensate customers who were mis-sold insurance. — AFP in September, increasing the chances the Fed The euro was at $1.1040 and 132.98 yen from Luria said. — AFP Gold rises ahead of Fed policy statement

LONDON: Gold rose back above $1,170 an ounce yesterday on helped push gold to 5-1/2 year lows in July. The metal has since caution ahead of the Federal Reserve’s latest policy statement, rebounded after a string of disappointing U.S. data and as con- though gains were capped by uncertainty over the timing of an cerns grew over growth elsewhere in the world, particularly expected U.S. interest rate rise. The metal edged back above its China. The Fed held off raising rates last month, citing global 200-day moving average at $1,172 an ounce, a key chart level concerns. Fed Chair Janet Yellen has since said the bank would that it breached earlier this month for the first time since May. still increase rates this year, though some other policymakers Spot gold was up 0.6 percent at $1,173.31 an ounce at 1223 have said otherwise. GMT, while U.S. gold futures for December delivery were up Gold took support on Tuesday from data showing a second $7.90 an ounce at $1,173.70. The Fed is expected to keep inter- straight drop in a gauge of U.S. business investment in est rates on hold when its two-day policy meeting concludes at September and a decline in consumer confidence this month. 1800 GMT, and may struggle to convince investors it can tight- “Weak U.S. economic data lent weight to the notion the Fed en monetary policy before the end of the year in the face of U.S. would refrain from raising rates any time soon, which in turn and global economic headwinds. supported bullion,” HSBC said in a note. From a technical per- “If (the Fed) rules out a December hike, then it could give spective, Commerzbank said in a weekly report that gold is some short-term support to prices,” Societe Generale analyst consolidating after reaching the 50 percent retracement of Robin Bhar said. “If it’s delayed through to March, then I would the drop from its January highs to its July low. Dips lower are expect a bit of buying to come through. “But the market realis- expected to hold at around $1,150-$1,135 for another leg KABUL: An Afghan shopkeeper waits for customers at a market in Kabul yesterday. — AFP es there is still a chance for rates to go up,” he added. higher to then take hold, it said. Silver was up 1.3 percent at Expectations that the Fed was on track to raise interest rates $16.02 an ounce, while platinum was up 1.3 percent at for the first time in nearly a decade, lifting the opportunity cost $995.75 an ounce and palladium was up 0.5 percent at of holding non-yielding bullion while boosting the dollar, $678.15 an ounce. — Reuters Soft Australian inflation boosts rate cut hope Fiat Chrysler falls to SYDNEY: Australian inflation came in at a lower-than-expect- in May and is seen as comfortable with the fall in the Australian ed 0.5 percent in the September quarter, official figures dollar as it adjusts to significant declines in key commodity loss amid cost of recalls showed yesterday, boosting hopes that the central bank will prices with a decade-long mining boom unwinding. cut interest rates next week. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) Expectations had been for a CPI rise of 0.7 percent for the MILAN: Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV said yesterday it announced the retirement of its safety chief. Fiat Chrysler reading follows a 0.7 percent increase in the three months to quarter and 1.7 percent year-on-year, and Capital Economics swung to a net loss of 306 million euros ($339 million) in the said its adjusted earnings before interest and taxes were up June and brings the rise through the year to 1.5 percent, the chief Australia and New Zealand economist Paul Dales agreed third quarter as it recalculated the cost of a huge recall cam- 35 percent to 1.3 billion euros in the quarter, a figure that Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) said. that the surprisingly weak data boosted the rate cut argu- paign in North America. excluded the costs of the future recall campaign. Shane Oliver, chief economist at AMP Capital, said underly- ment. Fiat Chrysler increased by 761 million euros the estimat- Worldwide shipments were flat at 1.1 million units, ing inflation was 2.15 percent year-on-year, putting it at the “Looking ahead, we suspect that the effects of the weaker ed cost of future recalls in the United States and Canada despite a 27 percent increase in Jeep volumes. Net revenues lower of end the Reserve Bank of Australia’s target range of economic climate will limit the boost to inflation from the after revising its actuarial method. The mass-market car- rose 17 percent to 27.5 billion euros on strong results in 2.0-3.0 percent and therefore increasing the chance of a rate lower dollar and will start to weigh on domestically generated maker, which is spinning off its sports car unit Ferrari, said North America and continued recovery in Europe. cut. inflation too,” he said. the quarterly loss compared with a net profit of 174 million Ferrari revenues rose 9 percent to 723 million euros on “The fact that inflation is lower than expected and below “If we are right in expecting underlying inflation to fall euros for the same period last year. sales of the new 488 GTB and 458 Speciale A, which target despite a 20 percent plus fall in the value of the below the 2.0-3.0 percent target range, then the RBA will have Fiat Chrysler has faced a tumultuous year of conflict with increased volumes. Fiat Chrysler just completed a successful Australian dollar over the last year adds to the case for the little choice but to take interest rates down to 1.5 percent.” US government regulators. The National Highway Traffic Wall Street listing of the northern Italy-based maker of luxu- RBA to cut the cash rate again,” he said in a note. The ABS said the biggest rises over the quarter were in the Safety Administration in July hit Chrysler with a record $105 ry street cars and powerful Formula One racing machines, “I continue to expect the RBA to cut the cash rate by 0.25 cost of overseas holidays (up 4.6 percent), fruit (8.2 percent) million penalty for violating laws in 23 recalls involving 11 raising $982.4 million to help fund plans to ramp up pro- percent when it meets next week or if not then, then some- and property (4.6 percent). These were partially offset by falls million vehicles. The company admitted it had failed to fully duction of higher margin Alfa Romeos for export from Italy time in the next few months.” in vegetables (down 5.9 percent) and smaller drops in the comply with recall rules. On Tuesday, Fiat Chrysler along with Maseratis.—AP The RBA last lowered rates to the historic low of 2.0 percent price of telecom services and petrol. — AFP BUSINESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 Joyalukkas opens 12 new showrooms across GCC & India

KUWAIT: The world’s favourite jeweller has Joyalukkas Chairman and MD, Joy Alukkas’ that our goals to expand rapidly across GCC showcasing the jewellery collections’ world- the Viruthachalam showroom on 31st major plans for expanding across the world objective to make the brand more accessible and India are coming to fruition according to class craftsmanship, as well as the high quali- October in India. Avenues Mall, Oman, for the next two years. to all jewellery lovers. The opening of the schedule proving that there is quite a ty of service Joyalukkas is known for in all its Boushar showroom today. Safari Mall, Abu Joyalukkas, the world’s favourite jeweller, new showrooms, just before the historically demand for the unique Joyalukkas experi- locations. Hamour, Doha, Al Watan Centre, Airport continues its massive expansion drive with frenzied gold and jewellery buying months ence. I personally thank each and every cus- The showrooms inauguration started Road, Doha & Barwa Village, Al Wakrah on the opening of thirteen brand new show- of November and December, is a move that tomer for the support and encouragement with Udupi showroom opened on 23rd 30th October, followed by the Lulu rooms in choice locations across GCC and was welcomed by loyal customers. Mr. John offered to us in the last 28 years.” October. The Tirunelveli and Nagercoil show- Hypermarket, Al Batha, KSA store on 5th India in the last week of October. The back- Paul Joy Alukkas, Executive Director, The New showrooms feature the brand’s rooms opened on 26th October, followed by November and opening soon in Shabiya, to-back inaugurations were in keeping with Joyalukkas Group says, “We are very pleased signature bright and spacious interiors, the Malleswaram store on 29th October and Mussafah. Ooredoo Group picks up an impressive 29 ‘Stevies’ ‘Most Innovative Company of the Year’ - MEA region

DOHA: Ooredoo has been awarded an impres- sive 29 awards at the 2015 International Business Awards (IBAs), also known as “the Stevies”, as the company continues to seamlessly integrate business innovation and the develop- ment of market-leading product offerings with a strong community-focused approach. The Group received 3 Gold Stevie Awards including ‘Most Innovative Company of the Year (Middle East and Africa)’ recognising Ooredoo’s progressive and visionary leadership in commu- nications and digital services in emerging mar- kets with more than 114 million customers Burgan Bank announces the worldwide. The company’s innovations include the latest network developments and newest applications and services that are transforming Value account draw winner people’s lives across the Middle East, North KUWAIT: Burgan Bank yesterday 4,000 on a quarterly basis. All expatriates Africa and Southeast Asia. announced Subair Thekke Kupparayil as with salaries of KD 150 and above are eligi- the winner of its Value Account draw. The ble to be a Value account holder. lucky winner took home a cash prize of KD Burgan Bank’s Value account presents a 4000. range of merchant discounts to the clients. The Value Account has been re- Opening a Value account is simple, cus- Ooredoo Algeria & Ooredoo Group collect Stevie International Business Awards in Toronto. launched with more added value features tomers are required to visit their nearest that have been designed for expatriates liv- Burgan Bank branch, or simply call the which highlights matters that are important to Campaign, ‘Best New Product of Service of the ing in Kuwait. Account holders can now bank’s Call Center 1804080 for more details. us. The Stevie award wins demonstrate the suc- Year’ for IdeaBox, ‘Best Interface Design obtain a free credit card for one year, apply For further information visit cess and impact of Ooredoo’s wide-ranging ini- (Website)’ for Ooredoo Fans Do Wonders for, and for a loan, and receive a chance to win KD tiatives, developed and sustained throughout ‘Motivational Video’ for both the Paris Saint- the year.” Germain Academy and the Simply Do Wonders - Ranked number one, Ooredoo also received The Winners Meet Messi videos. Etihad Airways introduces pay@home the Grand Stevie Award which is determined by Ooredoo also received 17 Bronze Stevie a points system based on the total number of Awards including ‘Executive of the Year’ going to online payment option in UAE awards won. It is the second year in a row that Dr Nasser Marafih, Group CEO, and ‘Chairman of Ooredoo is included in the Top Ten amongst all the Year’ recognising the work of his Excellency ABU DHABI: Guests now have access to ity when it comes to paying for the tickets other organisations honoured in the 2015 IBAs. Sheikh Abdulla Bin Mohammed Bin Saud Al more choices when making bookings on they have booked online. This is part of our Based on the strong belief that mobile tech- Thani. Etihad Airways’ website following the commitment to our guests to improve our nology is an important enabler to bring about Other Bronze Stevies include: ‘Corporate recent introduction of new online pay- service offering continuously.” social and economic progress, Ooredoo contin- Social Responsibility Program of the Year’ for the ment services. Booking online can be done at www.eti- ues to support several projects aimed at stimu- Ooredoo Cancer Centre in Doha, ‘Best Non- The airline’s guests in the UAE can now When filling in the payment lating human growth and contributing to the Profit/Charity Fund Raising Event’ for the Mobile book flights or ancillary services convenient- details, guests can choose “Home Cash ly using Pay@home’s online payment option Collection” as the payment method. Once sustainable development of the communities it Health Clinics Launch in Jogya, ‘Communications and have the cash collected from their nom- they complete booking, guests will be con- operates in. This year has seen a number of ini- or PR Campaign of the Year - Media Relations’ for inated location within 24 hours. tacted to confirm the address they have tiatives aimed at providing basic care and educa- the Ooredoo Algeria’s Media Star Contest, Etihad Airways is the first airline in the specified and a suitable time for the collec- tion opportunities for refugees and displaced ‘Communications or PR Campaign of the Year - Middle East to offer Pay@home, in coopera- tion of payment. Courier teams will collect Two additional Gold awards gave recognition people, and boosting entrepreneurial ambitions Social Media Focused’ for the Messi Social Media tion with its payment partner, Payfort, which the payments and provide a receipt upon to the great success of Ooredoo’s Mozaic Go app, for women in the work place. Global Campaign, ‘Brand Experience of the Year - manages cash collection on behalf of the payment. a cutting-edge entertainment app that provides An additional 8 Silver Stevie Awards and 17 Consumer’ for Oman Rebranding, ‘Best New airline. Pay@home is an easy, safe and stress- Pay@home purchases are available only a whole world of entertainment on the go, live Bronze Stevie Awards further recognised Product or Service of the Year - Consumer free cash payment method enabling collec- if the reservation is made at least 48hours TV and Videos on demand for customers in Ooredoo’s outreach work and the successful Services’ for Indosat Carrier Billing for the Google tion from homes - still a preferred payment before the flight’s departure and the pay- Qatar, as well as the revamp of Indosat’s website, impact of many of these initiatives, including Play Store, ‘Best New Product or Service of the option for many customers in the region. ment is made within 24 hours at the loca- Ooredoo’s company in Indonesia. two Silver Stevies for CSR Programme of the Year Year - Telecoms Service’ for the Ooredoo Algeria’s Justin Warby, Etihad Airways’ Vice tion and time agreed for the collection. Fare in two regions, namely the ‘Asiacell Programme Oobarmijoo, ‘Best Marketing or Sales Brochure President Direct Sales, said: “In selecting price and availability may change or guests Innovation in mobile technology for Refugees and Displaced People’ (Middle East online and electronic’ for Ooredoo’s Digital additional payment methods for our guests, can request for the reservation to be can- Dr Nasser Marafih, Group CEO, Ooredoo, said: & Africa) and ‘Myanmar Connect Women’ (Asia, Rebrand, ‘Best Overall Web Design’ for Simply Do we took a very local approach. We wanted to celled. The new payment options are only “We are absolutely delighted about this year’s Australia and New Zealand). Wonders, ‘Game App’ for JagoCatur, ‘Integrated give options which catered for the needs of available for UAE Dirham (AED) transactions results. Leveraging the potential of innovation in Mobile Experience App’ for iCity, ‘Best Service our guests. The addition of Pay@home will and for flights departing from Abu Dhabi. mobile technology to empower and enrich lives Executive of the Year Sales video’ for Indosat Carrier Billing for the make a significant difference to online book- Future plans include expanding the is at the forefront of Ooredoo’s strategy. We are Other Silver Stevies include: ‘Company of the Google Play Store, ‘Best Telecoms Website’ for ings. “With Pay@home, we now offer our Pay@home offering to other strategic mar- proud to have been nominated for and gone on Year - Telecoms’, ‘Brand Experience of Year - Ooredoo Community, and ‘Best new Product or guests in the UAE greater choice and flexibil- kets of Etihad Airways. to win so many awards in a global competition Marketing Campaign, Consumer’ for the Messi Service of the Year’ for MayMay. TAITRA lead Taiwan trade mission to Qatar, Kuwait, Iran

Timothy Hsiang - Taipei Commercial Representative office in the State of Kuwait during the opening of the full day trade meeting. Taiwanese company explaining its products.

KUWAIT: Commissioned by the Ministry of oping. Taiwanese suppliers will bring the latest TAITRA by its permanent office in Kuwait follows: IT, Electronic and Communication: Rubber Conveyor Belt, Rubber sheet, Economic Affairs, the Taiwan External Trade products’ information as well as the most (Taiwan Trade Center, Kuwait) which located in Communication Encryption, Data Encryption, Centralized Lubrication Systems with Development council (TAITRA) is leading a trade innovative samples with them, including a the second tower of Mazaya in sharq, ninth Digital signage players, Digital signage servers, Peripherals and Accessories, Industrial AC/DC delegation of 26 well-established Taiwanese variety of baby related products, hardware floor, it arranged full day trade meeting yester- managing software, barcode scanner. fan, Axial/ Centrifugal Fan, 3D Printing suppliers representing various industries who and building materials, machinery, steel and day at Sheraton Hotel, Al-Dana Ballroom. Automotive Accessories, Industrial prod- Machine. are in Kuwait until November 2, 2015. The pur- tinplate, swage pumps, seafood, Information ucts, Machinery and Equipment: Safety Belt Health Care and Medical Products: Skin pose of this visit is to facilitate business coopera- service, etc. The range of products to be presented is as Tonsure, Washer, Cable Assy, Stamping part, care, body care hair care, sunscreen, spa, tion between the 26 Taiwanese delegates and makeup, dental floss pick, interdental brush, their counterparts in Kuwait. bottle cleaning brush, wet wipes, cotton buds, This upcoming trip also aims at furthering fitness equipment, measuring tools. trade relations between Taiwan and Kuwait. Building materials and products, Display, Reaching the trade exchange between the Fastener, Industrial and petro chemical hard- two countries to 8.6 billion US dollars, and ware: Safety Valve, Pressure Reducing Valve, import Kuwait from Taiwan arrived in the first Control Valve, Solenoid Valve, Electric/ quarter of last year’s to $230 million, while Pneumatic/ Hydraulic Actuator, Electric/ increased in the first quarter of this year by Pneumatic Actuator. 32%. Having made great strides in strengthen- Sliding door parts, Folding door parts, shop ing its major industries, Taiwan is now consid- fittings, commercial display products, support ered a technologically advanced manufactur- hardware, hinge, handle and rail, plastic shelv- ing powerhouse. ing, drawer cart, KD bin, toilet brush, caster, (T The nation is home to key manufacturers grids ceiling system)(building and suppliers of various products, including IT materials)(Chemical glue), Fastener, screw, nut, components, industrial machinery, steel prod- pin, rivet, stud. ucts, medical devices, healthcare products, Electrical and power: LED light, industrial auto parts and equipment and house wares. fan, spot cooler, uninterruptible power supply, PV inverter, solar charge controller, AVR, UPS, Latest products Solar inverter, transformer. For this event, TAITRA has arranged a series Auto parts, Motorcycle, Bicycles and Motor of trade meetings in Kuwait to give the local Tricycle: Sport Motorcycle, off road motorcy- buyers and small medium enterprises valuable cle, scooter, engine, bicycles, bicycle parts, platform to discuss business with the partici- bicycle accessories, engine parts, brake pad, pating Taiwanese companies and corporate brake rotor, brake caliper, and multi -purpose with them to exchange experience to devel- Group picture of the Taiwanese companies participating in the Trade Mission. — Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat motor tricycle. technology THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 Japan’s hydrogen car vs China’s battery drive

TOKYO/DETROIT: Asia’s two autos pow- a crossroads,” says James Chao, Shanghai- pushed for the EV to become a mass-mar- where the zero-emission fuel would pow- carrying out their own research and devel- erhouses, Japan and China, are jostling for based Asia-Pacific managing director for ket car, hoping a low entry barrier will er homes and vehicles. Toyota Motor opment on a hydrogen car. supremacy in how future electric cars industry consultant IHS Automotive. “It’s allow its relative latecomers to close a especially is keen to maintain the alterna- should generate their power - from bat- difficult to exaggerate the significance of competitive gap with global rivals who tive propulsion lead it established a More Affordable teries or hydrogen-powered fuel-cells. In the choice between batteries and hydro- have a century’s head-start in traditional decade and a half ago with the full hybrid Honda Motor unveiled a ‘mass market’ a potentially high-stakes clash reminis- gen. “Billions of dollars will be invested in combustion engines. electric Prius. hydrogen fuel-cell car at the Tokyo Motor cent of Sony versus Panasonic in the Beta- one or the other and may determine “(China President) Xi Jinping explained “It’s not that we’re not doing anything Show on Wednesday that will go on sale VHS video war in the 1980s, the winner which companies will lead the industry it very well, saying that developing new about the EV. Technically speaking, EV is a in Japan in March, to be followed by could enjoy years of domination if their through the end of this century.” energy vehicles is the Chinese auto indus- relatively easier technology,” said Koei launches in the United States and technology is adopted as a global stan- try’s only road to grow from being big to Saga, Toyota’s senior managing officer in Europe, key potential markets for the dard by other manufacturers. Rival Visions being strong,” Xu Heyi, chairman of charge of vehicle powertrain technology. technology. Honda believes the car, This time, though, there should be a China, a major oil importer and blight- Beijing Automotive Group and a high- “But it needs to evolve. If you’re looking for dubbed the Clarity Fuel Cell, has reached place in the autos market for both electric ed by air pollution, is pushing for all-elec- ranking Communist Party official, told the ultimate solution, the EV probably isn’t the affordability range where a “fairly typ- battery and hydrogen fuel-cell cars. The tric (EV) cars, offering incentives to buy- reporters recently. Japan, though, sees it.” To be sure, China and Japan are not ical mainstream consumer could stretch key question is which will power more ers, forcing global automakers to share the future differently and is investing alone. GM has joint research with Honda to buy one,” Toshihiro Mibe, a Honda mainstream cars - the market dominated their technology, and opening its market heavily in fuel-cell technology and infra- on hydrogen cars, while BMW is Toyota’s operating officer, told Reuters. “We want today by the likes of Toyota, General to tech firms and others to produce elec- structure as part of a national policy to fuel-cell partner. Daimler in Europe and this car to be the trigger for the ‘hydro- Motors and Volkswagen. “We’re reaching tric vehicles. For a decade, Beijing has foster what it calls a ‘hydrogen society’, Hyundai Motor in South Korea are also gen society’.”—Reuters Self-driving cars in focus at Tokyo Motor Show

TOKYO: The Tokyo Motor Show kicked off yesterday with a focus on cars that drive themselves, eco-friendly technologies, and a concept vehicle with tablet-style touch screens aimed at a digital genera- tion. Nissan unveiled an autonomous elec- tric vehicle, which it said would “revolu- tionise the relationship between car and driver, and future mobility.” The motor show’s 44th edition, which runs until November 8, features 160 exhibitors including global auto giants and parts NEW DELHI: Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg interacts with technology stu- suppliers from a dozen countries. It starts a dents in a town hall-style meeting yesterday. —AP week after Honda said it would put a com- mercialised self-driving car on the road by 2020, as automakers bet on vehicles that Zuckerberg in India to can drive and, in some case, park them- selves. get ‘next billion online’ Its bigger rival Toyota has plans to roll out an autonomous car by 2020, when NEW DELHI: Facebook chief executive and But he also vigorously defended Tokyo hosts the Olympics. Nissan chief founder Mark Zuckerberg said yesterday he Facebook’s controversial proj- executive Carlos Ghosn said Nissan was on believes India will be crucial to getting “the ect, which provides free access to the track to put the self-driving technology in next billion online” and helping to alleviate Internet, mainly in poor rural communities, multiple vehicles by 2020, and the compa- poverty. Speaking to about 900 students at in 24 countries including India. Critics of ny is aiming to put an experimental auto- New Delhi’s Indian Institute of Technology, say it violates net neutrality - mated car on Japan’s highways as soon as Zuckerberg said broadening Internet access the principle that companies providing next year. “It compensates for human was vital to economic development in a Internet access should not favour some sites error, which causes more than 90 percent TOKYO: Carlos Ghosn, President and CEO of Nissan Motor Co, unveils the Nissan IDS Concept country where a billion people are still not or restrict access to others. “We have a moral of all car accidents,” Ghosn said of the vehicle, which features self-driving and zero emission, in the media preview for the Tokyo Motor online. “If you really have a mission of con- responsibility to look out for people who do emerging technology. “As a result, time Show yesterday. —AP spent behind wheel is safer, cleaner, more necting every person in the world you can’t not have the Internet... and make sure the as it looks to stop producing fossil-fuel as a power source for homes and commu- launch in 1997. But a limited driving range efficient and more fun,” he said in a brief- do that without connecting people in India,” rules don’t get twisted to hurt people who based cars altogether by 2050. Honda’s nities as the auto giant aims to turn fuel and lack of refuelling stations have ham- ing booth packed with reporters. Zuckerberg, dressed in a grey T-shirt and don’t have a voice,” Zuckerberg said, adding rival fuel-cell features a cruising range of cell vehicles from “eco-cars into energy- pered development of fuel-cell and all- Google has been testing self-driving dark jeans, told the audience. “We have the that the programme had brought a million more than 700 km, and generates electric- cars”, it said. electric cars, which environmentalists say cars in Silicon Valley, as have US-based second biggest community in India and we Indians online. ity that could help supply power to a local The firm’s hybrid gasoline-electric could play a vital role in cutting green- Tesla and General Motors. But the technol- want the next billion to come online,” he Facebook is also exploring new ways to community in an emergency situation, it offerings, including the Prius, have sold house gas emissions and slowing global ogy is far from perfect and is widely seen said, adding that Internet access helps cre- increase access in hard-to-reach areas, he said. Toyota’s FCV Plus similarly functions more than eight million units since their warming. —AFP ate jobs and lift people out of poverty. said, such as solar-powered planes to “beam as being limited in the short term to high- India is Facebook’s second biggest mar- down connectivity” and data-light apps that way driving rather than urban traffic jams. ket after the United States, with about 130 work on slow 2G networks. Zuckerberg’s trip Japan’s auto giants will also be showing off Internet freedom falls for fifth year million of its 1.5 billion worldwide users, came after a weekend visit to Tsinghua uni- their latest concept cars including Toyota’s making it critically important for the site versity in Beijing where he delivered a 20- Kikai. The eye-popping vehicle conjures WASHINGTON: Global online freedom declined for a fifth blocks.” Freedom House said governments in 14 of the 65 which is banned in China. The 31-year-old minute speech in Mandarin, a language he images of the Terminator films with some consecutive year as more governments stepped up elec- countries passed laws over the past year to step up elec- billionaire gave lighthearted answers to has been studying since 2010. He met India’s of a usually hidden underbelly - including tronic surveillance and clamped down on dissidents using tronic surveillance. questions including “Why do I get so many tech-savvy Prime Minister Narendra Modi last fuel tank and hoses - exposed, giving an blogs or social media, a survey showed yesterday. The requests for (online game) Candy Crush?” month when the premier toured Facebook inside look at the car’s machinery. annual report by non-government watchdog Freedom Criticizing France and “If you could have a supernatural power on a visit to Silicon Valley, advocating the House said the setbacks were especially noticeable in the The report said online freedom took a hit in France from what would you wish for?” political power of social media. —AFP ‘Digital Space’ Middle East, reversing gains seen in the Arab Spring. new restrictions on online content that could be seen as an Nissan, a leader in electric vehicles, is Freedom House found declines in online freedom of “apology for terrorism” and from a new surveillance law. It showing a concept car with knobs and expression in 32 of the 65 countries assessed since June also noted France’s “sweeping legislation requiring telecom- buttons replaced by tablet-style touch 2014, with “notable declines” in Libya, France and Ukraine. munications carriers and providers to, among other things, screens featuring controls and maps on a The researchers found 61 percent of the world’s popu- install ‘black boxes’ that enable the government to collect white instrument panel. Music, lation lives in countries where criticism of the government, and analyze metadata on their networks.” In Libya, Freedom videogames and movies can also be military or ruling family has been subject to censorship. House cited “a troubling increase in violence against blog- played on the screens, in a nod to the And 58 percent live in countries where bloggers or others gers, new cases of political censorship, and rising prices for smartphone generation. “The car were jailed for sharing content online on political, social Internet and mobile phone services.” becomes a digital space when it’s parked,” and religious issues, according to the “Freedom on the Net In Ukraine, the report highlighted “more prosecutions for said Nissan’s product planning general 2015” report. In a new trend, many governments seeking content that was critical of the government’s policies, as well manager Hidemi Sasaki. Toyota and to censor content from opponents have shifted their as increased violence from pro-Russian paramilitary groups Honda are also exhibiting their latest fuel- efforts to targeting online platforms, pressuring services against users who posted pro-Ukraine content in the eastern cell offerings, seen as the holy grail of like Google, Facebook and Twitter to remove content, the regions.” The report said most countries in the Middle East green cars because they emit nothing but report said. and North Africa, where the emergence of the “Arab Spring” water vapour from the tailpipe and can “Governments are increasingly pressuring individuals in 2010 and 2011 was aided in part by activists’ use of online operate on renewable hydrogen gas. and the private sector to take down or delete offending social media, were cracking down on government critics. Toyota last year started selling the content, as opposed to relying on blocking and filtering,” It cited a case in Morocco where police detained 17-year world’s first mass market fuel-cell car in said Sanja Kelly, Freedom House’s project director. “They old rapper Othman Atiq for three months after he criticized Japan, the four-door Mirai. The auto giant know that average users have become more technologi- authorities in online videos and said other regimes in the is hoping to sell tens of thousands of the cally savvy and are often able to circumvent state-imposed region resorted to “public flogging” of bloggers. —AFP eco-friendly vehicle over the next decade, WASHINGTON: US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James, and Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen Mark A Welsh III announce the long range strike bomber contract award Can IT survive the cloud? on Tuesday at the Pentagon. —AFP By Jyoti Lalchandani of yet another aaS - this time management as a service. ly as the relevant answers will be spread out over many Northrop Grumman wins IDC research in recent years has underscored the accelerat- relationships and interfaces with other service providers. t seems that these days almost anything and everything ing migration of the IT department from being a manager contract to build bomber is available as a service. Software as a service (SaaS) and of technology to a provider of hybrid business-IT services. Security Iinfrastructure as a service (IaaS) lead the way, but you’re And one of the underlying drivers of this change has been Another obvious responsibility for IT departments of the probably also now familiar with platform as a service (PaaS) the emergence of credible cloud-based alternatives to future will be the provision of security and risk oversight in WASHINGTON: Northrop Grumman beat out mid-2020s. That means the Pentagon doesn’t and the all-encompassing internal IT services. relation to the use and misuse of enterprise information. Boeing and Lockheed Martin on Tuesday to have any immediate plans to mothball its concept of IT as a service Senior IT executives typically dedicate themselves to This will involve cost analysis, vendor evaluations, the rank- win a multibillion-dollar contract to build hulking B-52 bombers that were first devel- (ITaaS). And as sure as night serving business interests and promoting IT initiatives that ing and prioritizing of IT projects, and the assessment of America’s next generation of long-distance oped in the 1950s. follows day, other subsects of enhance business value. And that certainly isn’t going to best practices. As these tasks are clearly aligned with busi- bombers. The award, valued at more than $55 the IT sphere will receive the change. But with enterprises having variable, interchange- ness goals, the IT organization must be viewed as a partner, billion, will see the creation of up to 100 strate- Flying-Wing Design? aaS treatment over the com- able, and transitory requirements for IT as the business playing a primary role in evaluating the capabilities of tech- gic bombers to replace America’s aging fleet of Northrop Grumman has vital bomber- ing years as line-of-business adapts to external changes in its ecosystem, CIOs must nology to support business initiatives and optimize value B-52 and B-1 planes. “We believe that our deci- building experience. It is the company behind increasingly bypass IT depart- become equally agile, adaptable, and able to reinvent IT and profitability. The IT department’s role in sourcing and sion represents the best value for our nation,” America’s fleet of B-2 Stealth Bombers, which mental budgets and controls. services on the fly. Indeed, these can be viewed as the new service delivery will also be critical. The development of new Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James told a are virtually invisible to radar and have a dis- It’s little wonder, then, that IT prerequisites for anyone aspiring to be an effective business systems will increasingly be a function of synthe- Pentagon news conference. Each plane is esti- tinctive, flying-wing design that makes them executives the world over are provider of business services to enterprises that are contin- sizing the roles of many services providers, and the IT mated to cost $564 million, coming in signifi- look a bit like a sci-fi boomerang. “As the com- nervously looking over their uously reinventing themselves in terms of their provision department can serve as the translator of business vision cantly under a cap of $606 million. pany that developed and delivered the B-2 shoulders as they ponder which will be the next of their tra- or use of cloud-delivered products and services. into technology action and as the advisor to senior business The program remains almost entirely classi- Spirit Stealth Bomber, we look forward to pro- ditional responsibilities to be stripped away from them and The key here is for CIOs to concentrate on a few key management on the viability of new technology products fied, so it is unclear what the new plane will viding the Air Force with a highly capable and hurled up into the clouds. Research suggests that more and competencies and IT disciplines that are business focused. to support business value. In such a scenario, the CIO will actually look like. Defense Secretary Ashton affordable next-generation Long-Range Strike more businesses will avail themselves of an ever-increasing Traditional IT build-and-maintain functions will become play a critical role in linking business and technology plan- Carter said the project includes big invest- Bomber,” Northrop Grumman CEO Wes Bush portfolio of cloud-based services that can replace the IT func- non-core roles as they will all soon be available at compa- ning, ensuring the long-term relevance of the IT depart- ments in surveillance technologies, electronic said in a statement. tionalities traditionally managed in-house. So what next for rable quality via the cloud, if they are not already. So what’s ment to the organization’s future success. warfare capabilities and advanced weapons The firm’s track record has led some the humble IT department? Well, first of all, senior managers left for the IT department to do? Well, quite a lot as it turns Ultimately, it is impossible to discern a final set of core systems. The award “represents the type of observers to speculate the new bomber will must look beyond the need to structure and control these out, and most of the retained roles are more valuable to IT competencies that will survive the next 5 to 10 years, technological leap that we must continue to also have a low profile and possibly the flying- external relationships and think ahead about the enduring the viability and sustainability of the enterprise than the and the above suggestions represent just the tip of a pursue in order to retain our edge,” he said. wing design. The Pentagon wants the new roles that will continue to define the business and the IT traditional functions they will replace. steadily melting iceberg. Almost everything can or will Carter added that the new bomber, dubbed planes to eventually be capable of being flown department itself. Simply put, the CIO must determine Chief among these roles will be the need to provide soon be sourceable in the global IT services marketplace, the Long-Range Strike Bomber (LRSB) or the B- without a crew and to be refuelable while air- which core IT functions are likely to be necessary in order information management. This will become particularly and it is fantasy to think that businesses will automatically 3, will ensure America continues to “retain the borne. “The LRSB will allow the Air Force to for the IT organization to remain relevant to the enterprise. pertinent as the demand grows for an enterprise view of turn to their own internal IT departments when speed, ability to project power throughout the globe operate in tomorrow’s high-end threat envi- And this needs to be done as a matter of urgency. the critical applications, data, and technology architecture agility, adaptability, and continuous change are the new long into the future.” ronment,” the Air Force’s James said. “It will also dispersed across the organization. In a virtual world, enter- badges of business success. Experts say the new bomber is probably give us the flexibility and the capability to Management prises will be identified less by their capital value and more NOTE: The columnist is group vice president and already well advanced in its development, launch from the continental United States air The irony of the situation is that in an era when nearly by the value of the information that they author and con- regional managing director for the Middle East, Africa and but it will take years before it is deployed, strikes that would be able to strike any location everything can be thought of as a service, the future role trol. The IT department, as an internal monitor, will be the Turkey at global ICT market intelligence and advisory firm with the first flight tests unlikely before the in the world.” —AFP of the IT department will most likely center on the delivery logical repository for information management, particular- International Data Corporation (IDC). THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE Nigerian ‘local gin’ makers strong despite health ban

LAGOS: In many parts of southern Nigeria, “Ogogoro” or locally made gin was ing, we sell it in its raw form to companies 30 minutes to fill a drum of 200 liters,” said ganda of those who trade in foreign-made no traditional ceremony or ritual is complete banned during British colonial times but that repackage and sell them to the public.” John. “Thereafter the ‘ogogoro’ is ready for drinks and who try to blackmail, run down without a tot or two of locally brewed alco- legalized after independence in 1960. Since John abandoned schooling in the sale to companies, not individual buyers.” and undervalue locally-made ones,” he said. hol or “ogogoro”. “It’s the drink of the elders,” then, there have been several unsuccessful Ikorodu area of Lagos and took up a new Several multinational drinks majors- said Godwin Masi, a 72-year-old bricklayer in attempts to outlaw the drink. The latest career by joining a team distilling the drink, ‘Propaganda and blackmail’ SABMiller, Guinness and Heineken to name a the southern state of Rivers. “The gods also comes after 23 people died in April from which typically has more than 20 percent According to the World Health few-have set up shop in Nigeria and pursue accept it for libation in cultural ceremonies.” “ogogoro” believed to have been laced with alcohol by volume. Police often turn a blind Organization, about a quarter of worldwide aggressive marketing. Where once liquor Nigerian states have been trying to crack methanol in Ode-Irele town in southwestern eye. “Policemen come here to collect drinks. consumption of alcohol in 2010 was from was only taken during ceremonial occasions, down on the production and consumption Ondo state. We give them to drink. They drink then go illegally produced alcohol or alcohol sold there’s been a push for more regular con- of “ogogoro” for months, after dozens of peo- About 40 others then died in June in back,” he added. outside normal government controls. Deaths sumption through sponsorship and promo- ple died earlier this year. Some states Rivers state. “Many of them (the victims) Despite this tacit backing-and protection- caused by contaminated booze are frequent: tions. imposed a ban on the liquor but enforce- became blind after consuming the highly by law enforcement, distillers are still guard- 100 people were killed by so-called country Spirits exporters have also seen a big ment is problematic. Mechanic Wasiu concentrated liquor,” the Ondo state health ed about their operations. In Ikorodu the dis- liquor laced with methanol in the Indian city African boom and analysts frequently cite Adegbite believes any attempt to outlaw the commissioner Dayo Adeyanju told AFP. tillery, ripe with an overpowering, sweet of Mumbai earlier this year. populous Nigeria-where just over half the drink is doomed to failure. “Other effects of the liquor consumption are smell of fermentation is strewn with dozens Similar cases have been reported in people are Muslim-as one of the markets damage to the liver, brain, nervous system of plastic drums, a generator, pumping Kenya while in the past, consumers have with the highest potential for growth. Data at Health effects and heart. It causes dementia, hypertension machine and hoses criss-crossing the land died in Cuba, Libya, Ecuador and Pakistan. Vinexpo, the world’s largest wine and spirts “It’s the drink for the poor. With just 20 and cardio-vascular disease.” But outside. Benson Esiekpe said molasses- Poverty and lack of regulation have been fair in Bordeaux, France, in June said naira (less than 1 US cent, euro cent), you get Independence John, sweating profusely refined sugar cane-is the main ingredient blamed. For the boss of John and Esiekpe’s Nigerians spent $700 million (621 million the feel you can never get from other drinks,” from the scorching heat of a wood fire cook- and is chosen because of its easy availability. distillery, who asked not to be identified, lack euros) on spirits in 2012 and are expected to the 32-year-old told AFP. “It energizes us and ing the liquid in a big iron container, isn’t More sugar is then added and the mix- of oversight is not the cause. He blamed double that by 2017. improves our productivity at work and concerned. ture is left to ferment for at least a week. Then unfair competition from major drinks compa- “Government is encouraging locally- enhances our libido. It (a ban) is a sheer it is poured into a large iron container that nies whose inroads into the Nigerian market made products but discourages the produc- waste of time. Let the government focus on Molasses and sugar can hold up to 8,000 liters. Logs of firewood have changed Nigerians’ relationship with tion of ‘ogogoro’. This is pure contradiction,” other serious national issues. “Fighting to “It is safe to drink,” said the 22-year-old, are burnt to heat up the liquid. “We allow the liquor and made it a multi-billion dollar said the distillery boss. “The ‘ogogoro’ that eliminate ‘ogogoro’ is the least of its prob- taking a sip from a 200-litre (quart) drum of vapor to cool through a cooling process. The industry. kills is the one adulterated or laced with lems.” “ogogoro”. “It is not dangerous. After distill- vapor comes out in trickles and it takes about “I think what is at play here is the propa- ethanol.” —AFP US braces for Syrian refugees but mental health services lag PTSD a common problem, left untreated

WASHINGTON: More than 20 years years’ worth of repair that should Victims of Torture, one of the Money tight after Saddam Hussein’s soldiers in have been done” earlier, Ayesh said largest treatment centers of its kind A lack of funding is part of the Iraq killed his brother in front of recently. President Barack Obama in the United States. But refugees problem. WHO estimated that for him, Ali Alghazally still suffers from has pledged to take in thousands with PTSD or depression often can- every $1,000 spent globally on night terrors he blames on post- more refugees from Syria’s civil war. not resume those aspects of their humanitarian aid, only $1 goes traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a Many of those fleeing the violence - lives because their symptoms are toward mental health care, accord- common problem among refugees which has included barrel bombs, so severe, she said. ing to a 2011 study, the most recent often left untreated. As the United chemical weapons, gunfire and Fear, uncertainty and trauma year for which numbers were avail- States prepares to take in 10,000 or summary executions - will need can combine in PTSD - an illness able. “That is way too little,” van more Syrian refugees in the coming mental health counseling. But if his- that can affect veterans and other Ommeren said. He said care is year, social service groups are urg- tory is any guide, few will get it. survivors of wars or other major essential so that refugees can per- ing more funding for mental health Because it competes with basic traumas - to cause violent flash- form day-to-day activities, engage counseling for cases like needs such as housing, schooling backs, an inability to trust others with their communities and hold Alghazally’s, saying it makes reset- and job placement, counseling for and other symptoms. Between 15 down a job. OHIO: Larry Gara speaks to a reporter during an interview at his home. —AP The US Office of Refugee Resettlement added four more funded programs to its Survivors of 53 years after being fired, Torture initiative this fiscal year, bringing the total nationwide to 34, college prof gets apology spokesman Kenneth Wolfe said. But, despite calls from physicians WILMINGTON: In the thick of the Cold Taaffe, a history professor at Stephen F. and lawmakers to increase the War, the small Pennsylvania college where Austin University in Texas who decided to agency’s $11 million annual budg- Larry Gara was an outspoken history pro- delve into Gara’s firing with hope of turn- et, it remains the same. fessor called him a bad teacher, labeled ing it into a publishable research project. To treat traumatized refugees, him a Communist and unceremoniously Taaffe got access to the papers of J. programs typically offer talk thera- showed him the door. Now, 53 years later, Howard Pew, the Sun Oil Co. president py, group counseling and physical the school says it’s sorry. who was the major benefactor and chair- rehabilitation. Another key aspect Gara’s firing from Grove City College in man of the Grove City College board when is psycho-education - teaching 1962 briefly stirred up a national debate Gara came aboard in 1957. Pew thought refugees about mental health - to over institutional autonomy vs. academic Gara’s liberal anti-war political views were help combat cultural stigmas that freedom. He moved on with his life, even- disruptive and that he was sympathetic to often prevent them from asking for tually settling into a teaching job at the hated Soviet Union. Pew wanted him help. Wilmington College in Ohio. He figured the gone and made it happen. Officials said many Syrians are Grove City chapter was behind him for expected to resettle in areas where good. So no one was more surprised than ‘I laid it all out’ their community is already being the now 93-year-old Gara when someone After finishing the research a few years established: largely in Michigan, showed up at his front door recently to ago, Taaffe took it to Jewell, who was pres- Texas and California, according to apologize. ident of the college at the time. “I laid it all US State Department data map- No one directly involved with his firing out, and I said here’s the evidence I have, ping the distribution of Syrian is alive today, but the August visit from and I think that Larry Gara was railroaded refugees so far this year. Richard Jewell, a former president of the and that the college ought to do some- The Detroit area, a common des- Presbyterian college, was a curious and thing about it,” Taaffe says. MAFRAQ: Syrian refugee Fatima Jassim, 40, plays with her 7-month-old daughter Marwa while tination for the past 15 years for satisfying development for Gara, who had After the article was published in a sitting on a pile of wood to be used for cooking, outside their tent at an informal tented settle- Iraqi refugees, is ready for a Syrian successfully meshed his social-justice book a few months ago, Jewell got in ment near the Syrian border. —AP influx, said Hassan Jaber, executive activism with a long, distinguished teach- touch with Gara and dropped in on him director of the Arab Community ing career at Wilmington in southwestern and his 89-year-old wife, Lenna Mae. “Out tlement easier. refugees often is neglected. percent and 20 percent of all Center for Economic and Social Ohio. of the blue, I got a call from him and he The 48-year-old finally began refugees globally have mental Services in Dearborn. At resettle- said he wanted to talk to me,” Gara says. undergoing psychotherapy last Back to normal health problems, but fewer than 1 ment agencies, officials rush to Scheme of things “He came out to the house and was a year in Dearborn, a southeastern This is the case even though percent of the total will get care for meet basic needs while urging “I never thought they would come friendly guy. He said, ‘I want to express my Michigan city that is home to many refugees who learn to cope early them, Mark van Ommeren, a public refugees to become self-sufficient around,” says Gara, whose memory of the regret and the regret of the college about Arab-Americans - but not before on with PTSD tend to settle more mental health adviser for WHO, said as soon as possible, before govern- events of 1962 - and many of the other how they treated you.’” becoming addicted to anti-anxiety easily into the United States and in an email. In general, mental ment aid runs out. “The clock starts highs and lows in his life - remains remark- Jewell, who had retired as president pills and leaving his job as a limou- benefit more from other services, health care in the United States has ticking really right when they ably in focus. In the scheme of things, actu- last year, followed up with a letter not- sine driver. “The best time to get said officials from groups that will long been criticized as inadequate. arrive,” said Aaron Rippenkroeger, ally, Gara losing his job at the 1,500-stu- ing that the college’s actions against treatment is once it’s fresh and it’s soon be assisting Syrian new More than 43 million American chief executive of Refugee Services dent western Pennsylvania college should Gara in 1962 were “inappropriate and new,” said Sharehan Ayesh, arrivals. adults experience mental illness of Texas, which has centers in five barely register a blip in a life filled with unfair.” Jewell declined to comment fur- Alghazally’s counselor at the Arab “Folks really need to be able to annually, but nearly 60 percent of major cities in the state. He called seismic events. The Texas native decided to ther for this article. In a statement, Community Center for Economic get back to their lives: school, work, them did not receive care for it in the time pressures a shortfall of the become a Quaker at age 18, and then Grove City College’s current administra- and Social Services in Dearborn, things that they were doing in their the past year, according to the US resettlement model. “There’s not spent three years in federal prison for tion said: “It is clear that professor Gara’s which calls itself the nation’s largest own countries,” said Alison National Alliance on Mental Illness, a lot of time for them to engage refusing to register for the draft during circumstances would have been handled social service agency for Arab- Beckman, clinical supervisor at the an advocacy group based in with the facts of what they’ve been World War II. Once behind bars, he protest- quite differently by Grove City College’s Americans. “We’re having to do 20 St Paul, Minnesota-based Center for Arlington, Virginia. through,” he said. — Reuters ed because the white and black inmates due process measures today than by weren’t allowed to eat together. processes that were in place some 50 Later, after earning a master’s degree years ago. Acknowledging this, the col- Ocean surf could flood California and getting a yearlong teaching job at lege has addressed this matter with him Bluffton College in Ohio for 1948-49, he personally.” was convicted of counseling a student not Although retired since the early 1990s, LOS ANGELES: Surfers and lifeguards were watching out for areas along Pacific Coast going up several weeks early because of the to register for the draft, which he still Gara - rail thin, with a head of wild white keeping their eyes on the sea as forecasters Highway that typically flood during very high potential for El Nino-spawned storms, not this claims he didn’t do. He was sent back to hair and a walrus mustache - still speaks to warned of 7- to 13-foot waves and gale-force tides. week’s event, said Joe Bailey, the city’s marine prison for another seven months, which students at Wilmington from time to time. winds that could cause minor flooding along Seal Beach, which is prone to shoreline safety chief. “We’re building it earlier, we’re got national attention because it led to a The man once known on campus as the the Central and Southern California coast. flooding, coincidentally started early on creat- building it wider, we’re building it longer, and US Supreme Court decision against him in “90-pound anarchist” says he’s less high- The National Weather Service issued a ing giant sand berms that protect beachfront maybe a just a touch taller” than previous years, a First Amendment case. strung these days and better able to have coastal flood advisory from Santa Barbara coun- property from winter storms. The berms were he said. —AP The mea culpa from Gara’s old employ- conversations with people who don’t ty beaches south through San Diego County. er recently was a direct result of the work share his views. I’m more mellow,” he says. of Grove City College alumnus Steven “History does that.” —AP Forecasters said high tides combined with an arriving swell from a Pacific storm could pro- duce big surf through Thursday and even into Friday night in some places. Pacific’s Palau creates A gale watch was in effect through Thursday night off the Channel Islands northwest of Los huge ocean sanctuary Angeles, with high wind gusts and 10- to 13- foot seas at times. Low-lying coastal areas could KOROR: The tiny Pacific island nation of impact on the ocean,” he said ahead of a find themselves with minor flooding, especially Palau created a vast marine sanctuary ceremony yesterday to officially sign off during morning high tides, the weather service the size of Spain yesterday, banning on the reserve. “Island communities warned. fishing across the bulk of its waters to have been among the hardest hit by the On Tuesday, however, the waves were no preserve the ocean for future genera- threats facing the ocean. Creating this problem. The midmorning high tide of 6.8 feet tions. At 500,000 square kilometers, the sanctuary is a bold move that the peo- passed uneventfully at Avalon on Santa Catalina new sanctuary is one of the largest in ple of Palau recognize as essential to our Island south of Los Angeles. “Pretty boring so the world and covers an underwater survival.” far,” said JJ Poindexter, the assistant harbor mas- wonderland containing 1,300 species of The archipelago, part of the larger fish and 700 types of coral. Palau island group of Micronesia in the west ter. “We had to raise a couple ramps, but that’s President Tommy Remengesau said the Pacific, has a population of just 18,000. it. Just precautionary measures, in case any sanctuary, comprising 80 percent of the The sanctuary will be phased in over five swells come through. But we’re not expecting nation’s maritime territory, would allow years, eventually leaving only a relative- any major problems.” the ocean to heal after decades of ly small area of Palau’s waters open to Lessons continued as usual for Banzai Surf industrialized fishing which has driven fishing by locals but not the foreign School at Huntington Beach. “The waves are a some species to the brink of extinction. trawlers which dominate the Pacific little bit out of the ordinary, but nothing too “A small island nation can have a big industry. —AFP big,” said owner Jaz Kaner, who noted he’ll be SAN FRANCISCO: A surfer rides a wave at Ocean Beach. — AP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE Drug prices top American’s list of healthcare concerns

WASHINGTON: Americans from Congress and federal prosecutors are across the political spectrum are wor- investigating Valeant ried about the cost of prescription Pharmaceuticals, another company drugs for serious diseases, following known for acquiring older drugs and weeks of news coverage about com- jacking up their prices. Even a majori- panies hiking prices for critical medi- ty of Republicans, 56 percent, say gov- cines. ernment action to rein-in drug prices Keeping drugs for cancer, hepatitis, should be a priority. HIV and other conditions affordable is Concerns about drug prices the top health priority for Democrats, eclipsed issues surrounding President Republicans and independents, accord- Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, ing to a poll released yesterday by the including repealing the so-called nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation. “Cadillac tax” on generous employer- Overall, 77 percent of those sur- sponsored health plans. Only 30 per- veyed said the issue was their No. 1 cent of people picked eliminating the health concern, reflecting recent out- tax as a priority. rage over drug pricing that has spilled Between 2008 through 2014, aver- over into the presidential campaign. age prices for the most widely used Condemnation by patients, doctors brand-name drugs jumped 128 per- BERLIN: German environment minister Barbara Hendricks speaks on the phone while looking out at the Berlin skyline prior to and insurers has been mounting for cent, according to prescription benefit the weekly cabinet meeting at the Chancellery. —AFP several years, then escalated last manager Express Scripts Holding Co. month over news that Turing In 2014, the company estimated that Pharmaceuticals and a handful of oth- total US prescription drug spending American businesses come er drugmakers have been hiking increased 13 percent. Reasons include prices of old drugs many times over increasing research costs, insufficient their prior cost. competition and drug shortages. Turing increased the price of Pharmaceutical and biotech indus- round, slowly, on climate Daraprim, the only approved treat- try groups say prescription medicines ment for a life-threatening parasitic save money by preventing costly infection, more than 5,000 percent. complications and hospitalizations Corporate world begins to face the challenge After a public outcry, letters from gov- and have long accounted for just 10 ernment investigators and condem- percent of annual US health spending. WASHINGTON: American business attitudes to there are good business reasons for such moves. More to lose nation by politicians, Turing’s CEO That could change, because many climate change were long a mix of resistance and “We believe and we continue to prove that there Big oil firms remained conspicuously absent Martin Shkreli said he would lower new drugs for cancer, hepatitis C and denial, but the US corporate world is beginning is economic opportunity in sustainability actions from the White House gathering. They have the price. But the former hedge fund rare disorders carry list prices of to face up to the challenge. In a sign of the new such as energy improvements that lower our car- more to lose from international climate initia- manager has not yet followed $100,000 or more for a year or course awakening, last week chief executives of top bon emissions of our operations and investments tives like attempts to place a cost, such as a tax, through on that pledge. of treatment. companies joined President Barack Obama at the in renewable energy,” she said. on carbon emissions. “Market-driven, private- Despite public support for govern- White House to launch the “American Business sector leadership can achieve public policy Government intervention ment intervention, most experts don’t Act on Climate Pledge.” Change of tone goals more quickly and more efficiently than A majority of Americans support expect significant changes anytime Some 80 firms pledged an “ongoing commit- The change of tone is undoubtedly partly government programs and mandates,” argued government action to lower prescrip- soon. Unlike many other countries, ment to climate action” and support for a “strong” driven by public relations. But it marks a break Eric Wohlschlegel of the industry lobby, the tion drug costs, with 63 percent say- the US has never set prices on pre- outcome at the global summit on climate with the time when the United States, the world’s American Petroleum Institute, criticizing the ing it would be among their top prior- scription medicines. And efforts to change in Paris in December. Signatories include second polluter after China, was accused of drag- “overheated rhetoric of anti-fossil fuel groups.” ities. Those results are consistent with give government plans like Medicare giants like Bank of America, Berkshire Hathaway, ging its feet in world climate negotiations under Chevron said it shares the concerns of the previous polling by Kaiser released in and Medicaid more power to negoti- Intel, McDonald’s, Unilever, Coca-Cola, and Walt the pressure of big business. “The private sector international community on climate-but August, but reflect steady support for ate with drugmakers have never suc- Disney Corp. The pictures of Obama and top has often been seen as a stumbling block to an warned against putting the brakes on growth. government intervention. ceeded. executives discussing the need to fight global international agreement in the past, particularly “We must create practical, cost-effective solu- Picking up on that sentiment, Analysts for Jefferies recently warming were mostly symbolic. But it illustrated US companies,” said Kevin Moss of the World tions that achieve environmental objectives Democratic presidential campaign pointed out that any change in feder- the slow conversion of US businesses to a cause Resources Institute. without undermining the growth of the glob- candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie al policy would have to get through they have long ignored-if not actively combated. Resistance from large companies forced the al economy,” said spokesman Kurt Glaubitz. “Things have dramatically changed over the Obama administration in 2010 to abandon its Chevron’s rival ExxonMobil argues for an Sanders have made unaffordable the Republican-controlled Congress last 5-10 years,” said Anne Kelly of the environ- plan for a carbon emissions cap-and-trade plan approach “that ensures a uniform and pre- drugs a campaign issue and outlined “making major changes unlikely, mental group Ceres. “Increasingly companies are like Europe’s. Since then, though, investors have dictable cost of carbon, allows market prices reforms designed to keep drugmakers despite the drug pricing rhetoric from understanding the economic impact of climate turned away from fossil fuels and businesses to drive solutions, maximizes transparency to in check. Meanwhile, members of the campaign trail.” —AP change on their businesses.” The pledges includ- everywhere are under pressure to adapt their stakeholders, reduces administrative com- ed commitments by each company to cut their growth models to a world of lower carbon emis- plexity.” contributions to carbon emissions. Coca-Cola sions. The oil companies can afford to hold back, and General Electric have agreed to reduce their The conversion is not complete. The United as they still enjoy strong political support from carbon footprints by 25 percent and 20 percent, States remains the only industrialized country Republican politicians in Congress, many of respectively, between now at 2020. IPhone mak- not to have ratified the Kyoto Protocol on the whom deny the reality of manmade global er Apple is aiming to use 100-percent renewable reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Obama warming. But Big Oil’s support for the Paris energy to power its US activities. acknowledged the work still ahead as he hosted talks is essential, notably for attaining the Biotechnology giant Monsanto said it was business chiefs last week. “The perception is that objective of $100 billion a year to be put necessary to adapt to climate change, which a this is an environmental issue, it’s for treehug- toward fixing the climate. “We need all players, spokesman called “one of the most daunting gers, and hardheaded business people either including those with serious interests at stake, problems facing our society today.” General don’t care about it, or see it as a conflict with to come to the table to work toward solutions,” Motors spokeswoman Sharon Basel told AFP their bottom lines,” he said. said Moss. — AFP NASA astronauts kick off spacewalk at ISS

MIAMI: Two NASA astronauts NASA television. monitoring the cooling system on 2011. They also plan to “apply stepped out on a spacewalk yester- His colleague, flight engineer his spacesuit “just to be sure,” a NASA grease to components on the space day for upgrades and maintenance Kjell Lindgren, is also embarking on commentator said. station’s robotic Canadarm2, and at the orbiting International Space his first spacewalk, the US space Their tasks during the six and a route cables to prepare for new Station, the US space agency said. agency said. Lindgren accidentally half hour spacewalk include docking ports for US commercial Spaceflight veteran Scott Kelly, who turned on his spacesuit’s water installing a thermal cover on a state- crew spacecraft,” NASA said. While it is in the midst of a year-long stint at switch too early in the process of of-the-art particle physics detector, is a pioneering spacewalk for both the ISS, began the first spacewalk of preparing to float outside the air- known as the Alpha Magnetic Kelly and Lindgren, it is the 189th in NASA TV image shows NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren at the start of today’s his career at 8:03 am (1203 GMT), lock, and NASA experts at mission Spectrometer, which has been support of space station assembly planned 6-hour, 30-minute spacewalk. according to a live broadcast on control in Houston were closely attached to the space station since and maintenance. —AFP WHAT’S ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 Back to School with Little Plato Magazine ABK to be Gold Sponsor hildren are back to school, and ongoing program Let’s Get Healthy of NUKS US Conference Little Plato Magazine (LPM) is too! Today, Kuwait! For the past three years The magazine, a project spon- Little Plato Magazine has been distrib- l Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) yes- the Bank in 2009 which encourages C terday announced it is to be the young graduates to consider the bank- sored and guided by the Dasman uted free of charge to schools across Diabetes Institute (DDI) which was Kuwait. The project has met with an Agold sponsor of the National ing sector as a career and allows ABK founded by Kuwait Foundation for the enthusiastic reception. Children write: Union for Kuwaiti Students (NUKS)-USA to develop existing skills and talent. Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), has “It’s so awesome and it’s so helpful for Annual Conference. The conference, ABK will continue to support just published its 30th issue. Little Plato Science.”... “I liked it because it tells us which is one of the largest Kuwaiti national talent and the Kuwaitization Magazine aims to inspire children to how to make things.”...”I like the quizzes gatherings inside and outside Kuwait, labor law through a broad range of adopt healthy lifestyles. To accomplish because it makes you think hard - it’s will take place in San Diego from 25 to sponsorships and collaborative activi- this, the magazine addresses children challenging!” Teachers have been equal- 29 December, 2015. ABK has supported ties that focus on youth and education directly, stressing that healthy habits, ly positive: “I like how colorful and NUKS - USA since 2008 as part of its and the development and employ- from nutrition to activity, can be fun. engaging the [magazine] is but most of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ment of Kuwaiti nationals. For more Non-communicable diseases such as all I like how educational it is. Students strategy, which focuses greatly on information about Al Ahli Bank of diabetes are epidemic in the region, learn best when they are interested and youth and education. Kuwait please visit, with Type 2 Diabetes found in children this [magazine] most certainly interests In line with this focus, the Bank has contact an ABK representative via ‘Ahli as young as 12 years old. For DDI’s the class!”...”The students are always also been playing an active role in pro- Chat’ or a customer service agent via Director-General, Dr Kazem Behbehani excited about receiving the Little Plato viding career and training opportuni- ‘Ahlan Ahli’ at 1899899. (OBE), “Little Plato Magazine is a valu- [Magazine] and because there are a ties to young graduates. This is done able part of our efforts to improve variety of activities it is very interesting.” mainly through the ‘ABK Academy’, an Kuwaiti children’s health and prevent Under the sponsorship of DDI, the Little educational platform established by obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.” Dr Azza Plato Magazine project has developed a Shalhout, DDI’s pediatric consultant, variety of other educational resources explains: “LPM has a major role in dia- for use in schools and homes. These betes education and awareness about include electronic games and applica- diabetes and its management. It also tions, a yearly diary, coloring books, has a major role reinforcing children’s recipe books, and more. The updated good behavior as regards food habits, website,, features practicing good self-management, and electronic magazine issues, videos, edu- encouraging physical activity and high- cational games, a health forum with lighting its importance.” breaking health news, and a teacher’s Other DDI prevention efforts include guide. the Dasmanite summer camp and the

Exciting exhibition at IES

ndian Educational School (Bharatitya Vidya captured the hearts of the onlookers. Jerome K Jerome and Stanley Houghton Bhavan Kuwait) hosted a breathtaking The English Department stole the show received relentless applause. The Puppet ISchool Exhibition on Thursday, October 22, with character portrayal, tableaus, English Show staged by the primary wing amazed 2015. The exhibition was a joint venture of the ballroom dance, choral recitations, creative everyone present in the English stalls set up departments of English, French, Hindi, anskrit corner, language games, and so on. Popular by the little kids of the primary wing. The pup- and Social Studies of the primary, the middle characters from the English classics set the pets spoke, danced and interacted with the and the senior and the CBSEI wings of stage on fire. Hundreds of Bristol boards and visitors. Another eye candy was the choral Bhavans. The exhibition was formally inaugu- models showcasing the importance of the recitation by the little ones. A trendsetter per- rated conjointly by the principal, T remkumar, global language, an insight into the lives and formance by the little kids - ‘An autobiography vice principals, Anita Sadananda, Lalitha works of great authors, and the elements of of a Tree’ filled the onlookers’ hearts with Premkumar and Suresh V Balakrishnan amid drama, verse and prose were highly appreciat- understanding and compassion for the nearly thunderous applause. ed. The tableau - the stills from the epic classi- extinct tree species of the world. The school exhibitions are usually confined cal works delighted the audience. to the traditional boundaries of scientific tem- The stills from the great works of Victor per and often, the display of working models Hugo, Thomas Campbell, Shakespeare, based on the principles of physical sciences. Bhavanites wanted to break the mold and they did without compromising on academics to set up an exhibition of that scale. The par- ents, the teachers and the students thronged the exhibition stalls embellished with novelty and uniqueness. Spectators flocked to the French exhibition stalls to relish the French cuisine. Delicious French croissants, meringues, truffles, patties, rissoles, and mousses, proudly proclaiming the great French Le petit deje˚ner tradition were indeed a gourmet’s delight. A pan- tomime auditorium, mime on the French rev- olution were other highlights, the joie de vivre of the French culture through various exhibits, sand statuettes, models of Eiffel Tower, the models reflecting the rich French aesthetics and the superior cultural heritage of France

LAIF holds ‘Divine Invitation’

The Life Abundant Church International Fountain (LAIF) Church will be holding a breakthrough seminar ‘Divine Invitation’ on the 30th of October 2015. The Guest Speaker will be Pastor Farinu (RCCG Victory Chapel British Colombia Canada, LAIF also hosted its Shiloh program on Friday. It attracted lots of Christians from different denominations. W H AT ’ S O N THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015

Durrat Khalid Food Co sponsors ‘Fight like a girl’ for breast cancer awareness

tienne Clement, Country Manager of cooperation with the American Ladies Queen” Restaurants group has 6700 branch- Restaurants, Clement said that consumers They contacted Sherb Noble, a close friend, Durrat Khalid Food Co, (the exclusive Society in Kuwait at the Regency Hotel. He es around the world, and was established 75 prefer the restaurant products. Its ice cream who agreed to manage sales of the product Eagent of Dairy Queen Brand in Kuwait, added: “Our sponsorship of this event is of years ago, with the parent company located contains less than 5% of fatty substances. with the logo: “All You Can Eat” on his own offering fast food and ice cream, said: The Co great importance to us within our social in the United States. It has several branches “The performance of Dairy Queen mobile Ice cream cart. Within two hours, they is aiming at reaching branches for Dairy responsibility to raise awareness about in the Middle East, including 40 branches in Restaurants is fine amid such fierce competi- distributed more than 1,600 meals of the Queen brand in Kuwait over the next four breast cancer, and we support this initiative Saudi Arabia, and 11 branches in the tion in the Kuwaiti market, especially that we new candy. At that time, the concept of fran- years, noting that the company has existing to supply access to treatment, and to fight Kingdom of Bahrain, and 6 branches in are newcomers to the market.” He said. chise business in foods and products was branches, especially after the launch of the against such disease and support women Egypt, and a branch in the Sultanate of The legendary story of “Dairy Queen” unknown, but with the potential of the new brand in Kuwait two months ago. challenged by it.” He continued “We usually Oman, and two branches each in Qatar and Restaurants began 75-years ago, with the 10- product for success, the idea of a franchise Clement said during ‘Fight like a girl’ fes- use white color to make ice cream, but today Dubai. Dairy Queen is re-opening again in cent sale of the then unnamed product on business became natural for this group. tive event, that the company is raising specifically we made ice cream in pink in sol- Kuwait after it had branches in Kuwait a August 4th,, 1938, in Green River, Kentucky, awareness about breast cancer, under the idarity and support of this important event.” decade ago. Illinois. A father and his son started to exper- auspices of the US Embassy in Kuwait, in It is worth mentioning that the “Dairy As for the performance of Dairy Queen iment with a frozen food product for a while.

As the Cancer Awareness campaign continues to spread knowledge about the importance of people early checking to ensure complete recovery from the disease, Sebamed and Al-Sanabel Al-Thahabiya continue their support of such important campaign in various areas and venues around the state of Kuwait. KAMCO invites writer, breast cancer survivor to talk about experience

AMCO Investment Company, a leading invest- ment company with one of the largest AUMs in Kthe region, and a winner of the prestigious Kuwait Asset Manager of the Year Award 2015, invited writer and breast cancer survivor Dalaa Al Moufti to talk about her experience in support of breast cancer aware- ness during the month of October. KAMCO employees welcomed Al Moufti, who shared her courageous and unfortunate battle with breast can- cer. She delivered a passionate and moving speech, touching the hearts of attending employees. The key to Al Moufti’s successful battle against breast cancer was detecting the cancer in its early stages, the will to live, and the support of family and friends. After her inspir- ing speech, shegave clarifications on any questions or comments from the attendees. Danah F Al Jasem, Vice President of the Marketing social responsibility program focusing on health, educa- The third training course for dia- Department at KAMCO said, “We would like to express tion and the environment in order to positively impact betes was held yesterday at Bayan our gratitude to Al Moufti for accepting our invitation to our society. We look forward to more informative and Health Center with more than 30 talk about her successful physical and psychological interactive events that are highly beneficial to our doctors in attendance. The lecture battle against breast cancer. We admire her bravery and employees and society.” Al Moufti is a writer and a liter- titled ‘New classes of Medications in ary who graduated from Florida State University with a Type 2’ was delivered by Dr Amenah strong will, and wish her the best of health. We were pleased with the high attendance at the event as our degree in Interior Design. She currently writes for Al Shaghouli from Dasman Diabetes Qabas newspaper and is a passionate advocate of multi- center. aim is to reach out to women and raise awareness about the importance of early cancer detection and the ple human causes including but not exclusive of necessary precautions to take.” women rights, social inequality, racism and other every- Al Jasem added, “Breast cancer awareness and other day concerns of the Arab citizens. health related events fall in line with KAMCO’s corporate p32_Layout 1 10/28/15 8:17 PM Page 1


18:20 Clarence 18:31 Clarence 18:40 The Amazing World Of Gumball 19:30 Adventure Time 19:40 Adventure Time 00:15 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 00:10 The Chase: Celebrity 00:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 19:50 Adventure Time 01:00 Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen Specials 01:00 Good Morning America 20:15 New Uncle Grandpa Notebook: Cosmo Cook 01:05 May The Best House Win 05:00 Good Morning America 20:27 Uncle Grandpa 01:25 Masterchef: The 02:00 Emmerdale 07:00 Emmerdale 20:40 Steven Universe Professionals 02:25 Eggheads 07:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Regular Show 02:15 A Taste Of Greenland 02:55 Coronation Street 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 21:50 Ben 10: Omniverse 03:10 Antiques Roadshow 03:25 The Jonathan Ross Show 09:00 C.S.I. 22:15 Ben 10: Omniverse 04:00 Come Dine With Me 04:20 Lewis 10:00 Emmerdale 04:25 Hairy Dieters 22:40 Adventure Time 05:15 Take On The Twisters 10:30 Coronation Street 05:15 Masterchef: The 23:25 Johnny Test 06:10 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 11:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show Professionals 00:10 Regular Show 07:05 Coronation Street 12:00 Switched At Birth 06:10 Antiques Roadshow 00:55 Total Drama World Tour 07:30 The Jonathan Ross Show 13:00 Franklin & Bash 07:05 Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation 01:20 Total Drama World Tour 08:25 Lewis 14:00 Live Good Morning America 08:00 Masterchef: The 01:40 Grojband 09:20 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 16:00 C.S.I. Professionals 02:05 Grojband 10:15 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out 17:00 Switched At Birth 08:25 Come Dine With Me 02:25 Transformers: Robots In 08:50 Fantasy Homes By The Sea Of Here 18:00 Franklin & Bash Disguise 09:35 Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen 11:10 Paul O’Grady: For The Love 19:00 C.S.I. 02:50 Regular Show Notebook: Cosmo Cook Of Dogs 20:00 Switched At Birth 10:00 A Taste Of Greenland 11:35 May The Best House Win 21:00 Franklin & Bash 10:50 Antiques Roadshow 12:30 Take On The Twisters 11:45 Hairy Dieters 13:25 Emmerdale 12:35 Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation 13:50 Eggheads 13:25 Masterchef: The 14:20 Coronation Street Professionals 00:00 Superfast 13:50 Come Dine With Me 14:45 The Chase: Celebrity 03:10 Scorned: Crimes Of Passion Specials 02:00 Get Lucky 04:00 Blood Relatives 14:15 Antiques Roadshow 04:00 Double Take 15:05 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 15:35 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 04:45 Who On Earth Did I Marry? 16:30 Lewis 05:45 The Perfect Storm 05:10 Who On Earth Did I Marry? 15:50 Masterchef: The 08:00 Aeon Flux Professionals 17:25 Agatha Christie’s Partners In 05:30 The Haunted 16:15 Antiques Roadshow Crime 10:00 Days Of Thunder 06:20 Forensic Detectives 17:10 Hairy Dieters 18:20 Take On The Twisters 12:00 Double Take 07:10 True Crime With Aphrodite 18:00 Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation 19:10 Coronation Street 14:00 Superfast Jones 18:50 Building Dream Homes 19:35 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 16:00 Aeon Flux 08:00 Nightmare Next Door 19:20 Building Dream Homes 20:30 Lewis 18:00 Jaws: The Revenge 08:50 On The Case With Paula Zahn 19:50 Michela’s Classic Italian 21:25 Agatha Christie’s Partners In 20:00 I, Frankenstein 09:40 Fatal Encounters 20:15 Vacation Vacation Vacation Crime 21:45 Gone In Sixty Seconds 10:30 Murder Shift 20:35 Vacation Vacation Vacation 22:20 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out 11:20 Forensic Detectives 21:00 Masterchef: The 12:10 True Crime With Aphrodite Professionals Jones 21:25 The Roux Legacy 21:55 Come Dine With Me 13:00 The Will 22:20 Homes Under The Hammer 13:50 I Almost Got Away With It 23:15 Building Dream Homes 00:00 Get Lucky-PG15 14:40 California Investigator 00:10 China From Above 02:00 Double Take-PG15 15:05 Nightmare Next Door 01:00 Science Of Stupid 03:45 The Perfect Storm-PG15 15:55 Fatal Encounters 01:30 Science Of Stupid 06:00 Aeon Flux-PG15 16:45 On The Case With Paula Zahn 02:00 The Border 08:00 Days Of Thunder-PG15 17:35 Murder Shift 02:55 Airport Security: Colombia 10:00 Double Take-PG15 18:25 I Almost Got Away With It 03:50 China From Above 12:00 Superfast-PG15 19:15 Forensic Detectives 00:20 Fast N’ Loud 14:00 Aeon Flux-PG15 20:05 True Crime With Aphrodite 01:10 Dynamo: Magician 04:45 24 Hours In A&E 05:40 Mega Factories 16:00 Jaws: The Revenge-PG15 Jones Impossible 18:00 I, Frankenstein-PG15 20:55 California Investigator 02:00 Superhuman Science 06:35 China’s Ghost Army 07:30 80s Greatest 19:45 Gone In Sixty Seconds- 21:20 The Will 02:25 Superhuman Science PG15 22:10 Who On Earth Did I Marry? 02:50 The Pop Illusionist 08:25 To Catch A Smuggler 09:20 24 Hours In A&E 22:00 The Assault-PG15 22:35 Who On Earth Did I Marry? 03:40 Container Wars 23:00 Deadly Sins 04:05 Garage Gold 10:15 The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All 23:50 The Injustice Files: Hood Of 04:30 Baggage Battles Suspicion 05:00 How It’s Made: Dream Cars 12:05 China From Above 05:30 How Do They Do It? 13:00 To Catch A Smuggler 06:00 Yukon Men 14:00 80s Greatest 06:50 Junkyard Empire 15:00 The 2000s: The Decade We 07:40 Fast N’ Loud Saw It All 00:00 The Inbetweeners Movie 2 08:30 Container Wars 17:00 China To The World 02:00 Shanghai Calling 08:55 Garage Gold 18:00 Trekking The Great Wall 04:00 Problem Child 2 03:10 Food Factory 09:20 Baggage Battles 19:00 The 2000s: The Decade We 06:00 Cuban Fury 04:00 How It’s Made 09:45 How It’s Made: Dream Cars Saw It All 08:00 Struck By Lightning 04:48 Moon Machines 10:10 How Do They Do It? 20:50 China To The World 10:00 Problem Child 2 05:36 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 10:35 Dynamo: Magician 21:40 Trekking The Great Wall 12:00 Shanghai Calling 06:24 Through The Wormhole With Impossible 22:30 Mega Factories 14:00 Admission Morgan Freeman 11:25 What Happened Next? 16:00 Struck By Lightning 07:12 How Do They Do It? 11:50 Superhuman Science 23:20 The 2000s: The Decade We 18:00 Foodfight! 07:37 How It’s Made 12:15 The Pop Illusionist Saw It All 20:00 I Give It A Year 08:00 Mythbusters 13:05 Container Wars 22:00 Pretty Woman 13:30 Garage Gold 08:50 Bang Goes The Theory 13:55 Baggage Battles 09:40 Building The Biggest 14:20 Yukon Men 10:30 Food Factory 15:10 Junkyard Empire 11:20 The Big Brain Theory 16:00 Fast N’ Loud 12:10 Through The Wormhole With 16:50 How It’s Made: Dream Cars 00:30 Last Man Standing Morgan Freeman 17:15 How Do They Do It? 01:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 01:00 Peace, Love & 13:00 Moon Machines 17:40 Treasure Quest: Snake Wilmore Misunderstanding-PG15 13:50 Bang Goes The Theory Island 03:30 The Goldbergs 03:00 Every Day-PG15 THE ASSAULT ON OSN MOVIES HD ACTION 14:40 Building The Biggest 18:30 Dual Survival 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 05:00 See Girl Run-PG15 15:30 How It’s Made 19:20 Dual Survival Jimmy Fallon 07:00 Step Up Revolution-PG15 16:20 The Big Brain Theory 20:10 Highway To Sell 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 09:00 Knockout-PG15 10:15 My Daughter Must Live 22:30 The Simpsons 21:10 Tanked 17:10 Through The Wormhole With 21:00 Treasure Quest: Snake 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 11:00 See Girl Run-PG15 11:45 Nixon 23:00 Lost 22:05 Leopard Fight Club Morgan Freeman Island Jimmy Fallon 13:00 My Last Day Without You- 15:00 The Proposal 23:00 Deadly After Dark: Polar Bear 18:00 Bang Goes The Theory PG15 01:15 Moomins And The Comet 16:45 Shanghai Invasion 14:00 The Goldbergs Chase 18:50 Mythbusters 15:30 Last Man Standing 15:00 At Middleton-PG15 18:30 Death At A Funeral 23:55 Gator Boys 19:40 Race To Escape 17:00 Knockout-PG15 02:45 Hiroku: Defenders Of Gaia 20:00 From Paris With Love 00:50 Zoltan The Wolfman 16:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 04:30 Worms 20:30 Food Factory Wilmore 19:00 Ask Me Anything-PG15 21:30 Love Happens 01:45 Call Of The Wildman 21:20 How It’s Made 21:00 The Signal-PG15 06:00 Zarafa 23:30 Henry’s Crime 02:10 Call Of The Wildman 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 08:00 True Story Of Puss’n Boots 00:00 Mountain Men 22:10 How Do They Do It? 18:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 23:00 Killer Joe-18 02:40 Deadly After Dark: Polar Bear 23:00 Race To Escape 00:00 Keeping Up With The 10:00 The Heart Of The Oak 01:00 Tbc Invasion Kardashians 18:30 Cristela 11:30 Marco Macaco 02:00 Swamp People 23:50 Through The Wormhole With 00:55 The Grace Helbig Show 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 13:00 Hiroku: Defenders Of Gaia 03:00 Mountain Men Morgan Freeman 01:25 Keeping Up With The Jimmy Fallon 14:30 Daddy I’m A Zombie 04:00 Tbc 00:40 NASA’s Greatest Missions Kardashians 21:00 Last Man Standing 16:00 The Elf Who Stole Christmas 05:00 Ax Men 01:30 Mythbusters 02:20 E! News 21:30 The Nightly Show With Larry 00:30 Serial (Bad) Weddings 18:00 The Heart Of The Oak 06:00 American Pickers 02:20 Race To Escape 00:00 Desperate Housewives 03:15 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills Wilmore 02:30 Men Of Honor 20:00 Blue Elephant 2 07:00 Ax Men 01:00 MasterChef Australia 04:10 E!ES 22:00 Married 04:45 The Butler 22:00 Daddy I’m A Zombie 08:00 Swamp People 03:25 New Tricks 02:00 Switched At Birth 05:05 E!ES 22:30 Married 07:00 Se Puder... Dirija! 23:30 The Elf Who Stole Christmas 09:00 Mountain Men 04:15 The Weakest Link 06:00 Kourtney & Kim Take New 23:00 Curb Your Enthusiasm 09:00 Mr. Pip 03:00 The Secret Life Of The 10:00 Shipping Wars 05:00 The Green Balloon Club York 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 11:00 Serial (Bad) Weddings American Teenager 10:30 Shipping Wars 05:25 Nuzzle & Scratch: Frock n Roll 06:55 Kourtney & Kim Take New 13:00 Rushmore 04:00 The Secret Life Of The 11:00 Ice Road Truckers 05:45 Nuzzle & Scratch: Frock n Roll 03:05 Calimero York 15:00 Grand Piano American Teenager 12:00 Big Rig Bounty Hunters 06:05 Jollywobbles 03:20 Zou 07:50 Style Star 17:00 Mr. Pip 05:00 Melissa & Joey 12:30 Big Rig Bounty Hunters 06:15 The Green Balloon Club 03:30 Loopdidoo 08:20 E! News 19:00 At Any Price 00:00 The November Man-18 05:30 Melissa & Joey 13:00 American Pickers 06:35 Nuzzle & Scratch: Frock n Roll 03:45 Art Attack 09:15 Giuliana & Bill 00:00 The Americans 21:00 A Mighty Heart 02:00 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit- 06:00 The Simpsons 14:00 Storage Wars 06:55 The Weakest Link 04:10 Henry Hugglemonster 10:15 Giuliana & Bill 01:00 Marvel’s Agents Of 23:00 The People vs Larry Flynt PG15 06:30 The Simpsons 14:30 Storage Wars 07:40 Rev. 04:20 Calimero 11:10 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills S.H.I.E.L.D. 04:00 10 Years-PG15 07:00 Lost 15:00 Pawn Stars 08:10 Doctors 04:35 Zou 11:35 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 02:00 The Flash 06:00 Maleficent-PG 08:00 Desperate Housewives 15:30 Pawn Stars 08:40 Eastenders 04:45 Loopdidoo 12:05 E! News 03:00 Tyrant 08:00 Saving Mr. Banks-PG15 09:00 MasterChef Australia 16:00 Shipping Wars 09:10 Call The Midwife 05:00 Art Attack 13:05 WAGs 04:00 The Voice 10:30 The Bag Man-PG15 10:00 Switched At Birth 16:30 Shipping Wars 10:05 Pride And Prejudice 05:25 Henry Hugglemonster 14:05 New Money 06:00 The Astronaut Wives Club 01:30 The Calling-PG15 12:30 Billy Elliot The Musical-PG15 11:00 The Secret Life Of The 17:00 Swamp People 10:55 The Weakest Link 05:35 Calimero 14:30 New Money 08:00 Sleepy Hollow 03:15 Rio 2-FAM 15:30 Searching For Sugar Man- American Teenager 18:00 Mountain Men 11:40 The Office 05:50 Zou 15:00 Keeping Up With The 09:00 The Voice 05:00 Million Dollar Arm-PG15 PG15 12:00 The Secret Life Of The 19:00 American Pickers 12:10 Rev. 06:00 Loopdidoo Kardashians 10:00 The Astronaut Wives Club 07:00 Grudge Match-PG15 17:30 Captain America: The Winter American Teenager 20:00 Storage Wars 12:40 Call The Midwife 06:15 Art Attack 16:00 Keeping Up With The 11:00 Royal Pains 09:00 The Boxtrolls-PG Soldier-PG15 13:00 Melissa & Joey 20:30 Storage Wars 13:35 Pride And Prejudice 06:35 Henry Hugglemonster Kardashians 12:00 Emmerdale 10:45 Grace Of Monaco-PG15 20:00 Deadfall-PG15 13:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 Lost In Transmission 14:25 The Cafe 06:50 Calimero 17:00 Fashion Bloggers 12:30 Coronation Street 12:30 The Hunger Games: 22:00 The Conjuring-18 14:00 The Simpsons 22:00 Pawn Stars 14:50 The Office 07:00 Zou 17:30 Fashion Bloggers 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show Catching Fire-PG15 14:30 The Simpsons 22:30 Pawn Stars 15:20 Rev. 07:20 Loopdidoo 18:00 E! News 14:00 Sleepy Hollow 15:00 JLA Adventures: Trapped In 15:00 Lost 23:00 Ice Road Truckers 15:50 Doctors 07:35 Art Attack 19:00 House Of DVF 16:00 Emmerdale Time-PG 16:00 Desperate Housewives 16:20 Eastenders 08:00 Calimero 20:00 Keeping Up With The 16:30 Coronation Street 16:30 The Boxtrolls-PG 17:00 MasterChef Australia 16:50 The Weakest Link 08:10 Zou Kardashians 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 18:30 The Hobbit: The Battle Of 18:00 The Listener 17:35 Rev. 08:25 Limon And Oli 21:00 Stewarts And Hamiltons 18:00 Sleepy Hollow The Five Armies-PG 01:00 The Raven 19:00 The Listener 18:05 Lark Rise To Candleford 08:35 Jake And The Never Land 22:00 E! News 19:00 Marvel’s Agents Of 21:00 The Hunger Games: 03:00 My Daughter Must Live 20:00 Castle 19:00 Doctors Pirates 23:00 The Soup S.H.I.E.L.D. Mockingjay Part I-PG15 04:30 Hurricane Season 21:00 Happy Endings 04:00 White Sands 19:30 Eastenders 08:50 Sofia The First 23:30 Sex With Brody 20:00 Covert Affairs 23:15 Rush-18 06:15 Signs 21:30 Happy Endings 05:40 Robinson Crusoe 20:00 Last Tango In Halifax 09:20 Doc McStuffins 08:00 Iron Man 3 22:00 The Simpsons 07:10 Alexander The Great 20:50 Last Tango In Halifax 09:45 Loopdidoo 09:25 The Crocodile Hunter: Collision 21:45 Watson & Oliver 10:00 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West Course 22:15 Silent Witness 10:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 10:55 George Washington 23:55 Ideal 11:00 Sofia The First 12:25 Music Of The Heart 00:25 Eastenders 11:30 Doc McStuffins 14:30 Innocent 00:55 Watson & Oliver 11:55 Miles From Tomorrow 16:00 One More Kiss 01:25 Lark Rise To Candleford 12:25 Jake And The Never Land 17:40 Still Life: A Three Pines Mystery 02:15 Last Tango In Halifax Pirates 19:10 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels 12:55 Loopdidoo 21:00 The Divide 13:10 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 22:00 Fear The Walking Dead 13:35 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 23:00 Cabin Fever 14:00 Sofia The First 00:35 Fear The Walking Dead 14:30 Henry Hugglemonster 01:35 Rosebud 03:35 Johnny Test 15:00 Doc McStuffins 04:20 Grojband 15:30 Zou 04:42 Grojband 15:45 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 05:05 Total Drama World Tour 16:15 Sofia The First 05:27 Total Drama World Tour 16:45 Doc McStuffins 05:50 Teen Titans Go! 17:10 Aladdin 03:35 Tanked 06:00 The Amazing World Of Gumball 17:40 Adventures Of The Gummi 04:25 Gator Boys 07:00 Uncle Grandpa Bears 05:15 Zoltan The Wolfman 07:25 Adventure Time 18:10 Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 06:02 Treehouse Masters: Boxtrolls 07:50 Teen Titans Go! 18:40 Jake And The Never Land Special 08:35 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu Pirates 06:49 Echo And The Elephants Of 09:00 Ben 10: Omniverse 18:55 Cars Toons Amboseli 09:20 Ben 10: Omniverse 19:00 Miles From Tomorrow 07:12 Echo And The Elephants Of 09:45 Regular Show 19:30 Sofia The First Amboseli 10:30 Clarence 19:55 Doc McStuffins 07:36 Call Of The Wildman 10:55 Dreamworks Dragons: Riders Of 20:15 Jake And The Never Land 08:00 Call Of The Wildman Berk Pirates 08:25 Dogs 101 11:20 Total Drama: Revenge Of The 20:45 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 09:15 Zoltan The Wolfman Island 21:05 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 10:10 Treehouse Masters: Boxtrolls 11:40 Total Drama World Tour 21:35 Sofia The First Special 12:05 Johnny Test 22:00 Aladdin 11:05 Tanked 12:50 Steven Universe 22:30 Adventures Of The Gummi 12:00 Dogs 101 13:02 Steven Universe Bears 12:55 Bondi Vet 13:15 Uncle Grandpa 23:00 Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 13:50 Mermaids: The New Evidence 13:40 Regular Show 23:30 Lilo & Stitch 14:45 Zoltan The Wolfman 13:51 Regular Show 00:00 Nina Needs To Go 15:40 Treehouse Masters: Boxtrolls 14:02 Regular Show 00:05 Henry Hugglemonster Special 14:13 Regular Show 00:20 Calimero 16:35 Tanked 14:25 Adventure Time 00:35 Zou 17:30 Echo And The Elephants Of 14:35 Adventure Time 00:50 Loopdidoo Amboseli 14:50 Adventure Time 01:05 Art Attack 17:55 Echo And The Elephants Of 15:10 The Amazing World Of Gumball 01:30 Henry Hugglemonster Amboseli 16:00 Ben 10: Omniverse 01:45 Calimero 18:25 Hunt For The Tasmanian Tiger 16:20 Ben 10: Omniverse 02:00 Zou 19:20 Zoltan The Wolfman 16:45 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu 02:15 Loopdidoo 20:15 Treehouse Masters: View From 17:10 Matt Hatter Chronicles 02:30 Art Attack SUPERFAST ON OSN MOVIES ACTION Above 17:30 Teen Titans Go! 02:55 Henry Hugglemonster Classifieds



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Arrival Flights on Thursday 29/10/2015 JZR 241 Amman 12:50 PIA 205 Lahore 23:40 UAE 874 Dubai 12:30 Airlines Flt Route Time MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 FDB 071 Dubai 23:45 AGY 683 Alexandria 12:40 MSC 405 Sohag 00:05 THY 766 Istanbul 13:45 MSC 403 Asyut 23:55 NIA 152 Cairo 12:55 KLM 411 Amsterdam/Dammam 00:20 KNE 460 Riyadh 13:50 JAI 574 Mumbai 23:55 MEA 405 Beirut 12:55 JZR 267 Beirut 00:30 FDB 057 Dubai 14:10 Departure Flights on Thursday 29/10/2015 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 JZR 539 Cairo 00:40 QTR 1078 Doha 14:10 Airlines Flt Route Time FDB 076 Dubai 13:10 FDB 069 Dubai 00:55 AXB 393 Kozhikode 14:20 RJA 319 Amman 00:00 MSC 402 Alexandria 13:30 THY 772 Istanbul 01:05 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 JZR 528 Asyut 00:05 JZR 176 Dubai 13:45 SAI 441 Lahore 01:30 KAC 672 Dubai 14:45 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:10 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 DLH 635 Doha 01:35 KAC 788 Jeddah 14:50 PIA 216 KHI 00:40 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 KAC 538 Sohag 14:50 FDB 072 Dubai 00:40 THY 767 Istanbul 14:45 PGT 858 Istanbul 02:00 GFA 221 Bahrain 15:00 MSC 404 Asyut 00:55 KNE 481 Taif 14:50 JZR 555 Alexandria 02:25 OMA 645 Muscat 15:30 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:55 JZR 124 Bahrain 15:00 UAE 853 Dubai 02:30 KAC 562 Amman 15:40 MSC 406 Sohag 01:00 KAC 673 Dubai 15:00 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:30 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:45 KLM 411 Amsterdam 01:35 QTR 1079 Doha 15:10 KKK 6507 Istanbul 02:50 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 THY 773 Istanbul 02:30 FDB 058 Dubai 15:10 OMA 643 Muscat 02:55 QTR 1072 Doha 16:10 SAI 442 Lahore 02:30 AXB 394 Kozhikode 15:20 FDB 067 Dubai 03:05 JZR 535 Cairo 16:10 DLH 635 Frankfurt 02:35 JZR 188 Dubai 15:40 MSR 612 Cairo 03:10 JZR 779 Jeddah 16:10 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:45 QTR 1076 Doha 03:15 FDB 051 Dubai 16:30 KKK 6508 Istanbul 03:50 KAC 617 Doha 15:45 KKK 6507 Istanbul 03:20 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:40 PGT 859 Istanbul 03:55 KAC 613 Bahrain 15:50 THY 1464 Istanbul 03:25 KNE 476 Jeddah 16:40 OMA 644 Muscat 03:55 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:50 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:25 KAC 542 Cairo 16:55 FDB 068 Dubai 04:00 KAC 741 Dammam 15:50 LMU 510 Cairo 04:05 RJA 640 Amman 16:55 MSR 613 Cairo 04:10 SVA 505 Jeddah 16:00 JZR 503 Luxor 04:25 UAL 982 IAD 17:15 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:15 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:25 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 04:45 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 KKK 6508 Istanbul 04:20 OMA 646 Muscat 16:30 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:40 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 QTR 1077 Doha 05:00 KAC 563 Amman 16:45 THY 770 Istanbul 05:55 KAC 502 Beirut 17:30 LMU 511 Cairo 05:05 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 THY 764 Istanbul 05:55 MSR 614 Cairo 17:35 HY 765 Istanbul 05:15 KNE 477 Jeddah 17:30 QTR 8511 Doha 06:10 KAC 678 Muscat/Abu Dhabi 17:50 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 05:45 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 17:30 FDB 5061 Dubai 06:30 JZR 125 Bahrain 17:50 JZR 560 Sohag 06:10 FDB 052 Dubai 17:35 BAW 157 London 06:40 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:55 FDB 070 Dubai 06:30 QTR 1073 Doha 17:40 JZR 529 Asyut 06:50 KAC 118 New York 17:55 DHX 173 Bahrain 06:40 UAE 858 Dubai 17:45 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 07:20 UAE 75 Dubai 18:00 THY 1465 Istanbul 06:55 JZR 538 Cairo 17:45 KAC 204 Lahore 07:40 FDB 63 Dubai 18:05 JZR 164 Dubai 06:55 RJA 641 Amman 17:55 QTR 1086 Doha 07:40 JZR 177 Dubai 18:20 THY 771 Istanbul 07:05 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 FDB 053 Dubai 07:45 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:30 FDB 5062 Dubai 07:10 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:50 ABY 123 Sharjah 18:45 GFA 212 Bahrain 07:15 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:30 SVA 512 Riyadh 07:50 KAC 742 Dammam 18:55 JZR 240 Amman 07:15 MSR 615 Cairo 18:35 KAC 382 Delhi 08:00 QTR 1080 Doha 18:55 QTR 8512 Doha 07:40 JZR 184 Dubai 18:40 KAC 352 Kochi 08:20 KAC 614 Bahrain 19:10 KAC 537 Sohag 08:20 JZR 238 Amman 18:50 KAC 206 Islamabad 08:25 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:25 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 JZR 554 Alexandria 19:10 KAC 346 Ahmedabad 08:30 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:30 QTR 1087 Doha 08:40 FDB 064 Dubai 19:20 KAC 344 Chennai 08:30 KAC 618 Doha 19:35 BAW 156 London 08:45 ABY 124 Sharjah 19:25 UAE 855 Dubai 08:40 KAC 104 London 19:40 SVA 513 Riyadh 08:50 UAE 876 Dubai 19:30 KAC 332 Trivandrum 08:50 KAC 674 Dubai 19:45 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 GFA 218 Bahrain 20:15 KAC 362 Colombo 09:00 KAC 176 Geneva/Frankfurt 19:55 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:25 KAC 283 Dhaka 20:35 IRA 667 Esfahan 09:00 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:05 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:40 KAC 353 BLR 20:40 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:00 KNE 480 Taif 20:10 UAE 856 Dubai 09:55 KAC 361 Colombo 20:45 KAC 284 Dhaka 09:10 JZR 189 Dubai 20:15 KAC 541 Cairo 09:55 QTR 1081 Doha 20:50 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:20 FDB 061 Dubai 20:20 KAC 101 London/New York 09:55 KAC 543 Cairo 20:55 QTR 1070 Doha 09:25 ABY 121 Sharjah 20:35 IRA 668 Mashhad 10:00 KAC 351 Kochi 20:55 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 DHX 172 Bahrain 20:50 KAC 561 Amman 10:00 KAC 343 Chennai 21:00 OMA 641 Muscat 10:05 FDB 5053 Dubai 20:50 KAC 501 Beirut 10:00 MSR 619 Alexandria 21:05 IRM 1180 Mashhad 10:10 JAI 572 Mumbai 20:55 KAC 671 Dubai 10:05 KNE 461 Riyadh 21:10 IRA 673 Ahwaz 10:10 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:55 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:25 ABY 122 Sharjah 21:15 KNE 470 Jeddah 10:30 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:20 JZR 778 Jeddah 10:30 FDB 062 Dubai 21:20 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 MEA 402 Beirut 21:20 FDB 056 Dubai 10:35 DLH 634 Doha 21:45 RJD 135 Abu Dhabi 10:50 ALK 229 Colombo 21:25 KAC 677 Abu Dhabi/Muscat 10:50 FDB 5054 Dubai 21:50 SYR 341 Damascus 10:55 UAE 859 Dubai 21:40 QTR 1071 Doha 11:00 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 UAE 873 Dubai 11:05 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:00 JAI 571 Mumbai 21:55 RBG 553 Alexandria 11:15 QTR 1082 Doha 22:00 OMA 642 Muscat 11:05 KAC 381 Delhi 22:00 JZR 165 Dubai 11:30 KLM 417 Amsterdam 22:05 IRA 672 Ahwaz 11:10 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:10 AGY 682 Asyut 11:40 UAL 981 Bahrain 22:25 KNE 471 Jeddah 11:20 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:10 MEA 404 Beirut 11:55 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:25 IRM 1181 Mashhad 11:25 MEA 403 Beirut 22:20 NIA 151 Cairo 11:55 KAC 564 Amman 22:25 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:25 ALK 230 Colombo 22:25 FDB 075 Dubai 12:25 FDB 059 Dubai 22:30 SYR 342 Damascus 11:55 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:30 MSC 401 Alexandria 12:30 OMA 647 Muscat 23:00 RBG 554 Alexandria 12:00 UAE 860 Dubai 22:55 JZR 561 Sohag 12:45 JZR 185 Dubai 23:15 RJD 136 Abu Dhabi 12:05 QTR 1083 Doha 23:05 UAE 871 Dubai 12:50 JAD 301 Amman 23:30 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:20 KLM 417 Dammam/Amsterdam 23:05 DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION p34_p34 stars 10/28/15 8:15 PM Page 1

stars34 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

Although you might think you fixed a problem at work, your confidence doesn’t Your first conclusion won’t likely be your final solution to a lingering problem on mean you actually found resolution in the real world. You may incorrectly the job. Your coworkers may be waiting for you to weigh in with your answer assume that changing your attitude is enough to alleviate the current stress, but today, but you’re not pleased with any of the available options. Although you there are still many more improvements to make now. However, you won’t be would prefer to add a few extra alternatives to the mix, more possibilities will able to move forward until you admit that there is an important lesson to learn. only complicate matters now. Even if you think there is a better plan, no one will Once you acknowledge you don’t have all the answers, opportunities will start fault you for going along with the consensus of the group. Sometimes acquiesc- to materialize everywhere you look. Humility is your friend. ing for the sake of harmony is more important than being right.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Completing tasks that produce immediate consequences minimizes the pres- You may be obsessing about issues of integrity today, yet the current circum- sure of the larger issues you are wrestling with now. Unfortunately, diverting stances are even more complex than they seem. Someone might ask you to your attention is only a temporary solution. Nevertheless, you can accomplish a intervene in a way that could reflect negatively on your reputation. Instead lot today by narrowing your focus. After you cross off some of the chores on your of amplifying a minor concern into a major drama, simply state your feelings to-do list, it’s wise to reassess your long-term goals, even if you don’t reach any and then hold your ground. It’s imperative that others know exactly where lasting conclusions. Keep your eyes and ears open; clues and signs will pop up in you stand now. Speak up for your beliefs to gain the respect you deserve. the unlikeliest of places.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

An unresolved family matter requires plenty of your emotional You could take a circuitous detour today just to put your intentions bandwidth today, but smoothing over the rough spots at home needs to be out on the table. Although you are extremely serious about your feelings now, ACROSS DOWN your top priority. At first, you may believe that avoiding your domestic concerns others might find your words evasive and your declarations of affection insin- 1. An intricate network suggesting something 1. United States writer (born in 1915). is enough to make them go away. But playing this kind of evasive mind game cere. In fact, you may behave more defensively than you realize. New options that was formed by weaving or inter- 2. Other than what is under consideration or isn’t helpful; be proactive and discuss the delicate issues with those who are appear when you begin to discern the differences between the actual conversa- weaving. implied. directly involved in the drama. Even if nothing is fixed immediately, initiating an tion you’re engaged in with another person and the one you’re having with 4. Having escaped, especially from confine- 3. An imaginary elephant that appears in a honest dialogue gets the ball rolling toward a positive resolution. yourself. Communication is a two-way street. ment. series of French books for children. 11. Any cone-shaped artifact. 4. Animal reproductive body consisting of an 15. Leaf or strip from a leaf of the talipot palm ovum or embryo together with nutritive used in India for writing paper. and protective envelopes. Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 16. English writer (born in Scotland) of chil- 5. A soft silver-white or yellowish metallic ele- dren's stories (1859-1932). ment of the alkali metal group. Your true friends will stand by you no matter what, and even rush to your rescue if you need it. Thankfully, you’re not looking for anyone to bail you 17. A body of poetry that conveys the tradi- 6. West Indian tree having racemes of fragrant Your karma might be somewhat muddled now as your thoughts keep bumping out of a crisis now; it’s just that you feel emotionally secure when you know that tions of a society by treating some epic white flowers and yielding a durable tim- into reality. Even if you can’t see the direct correlation between cause and effect you can depend on others. But there doesn’t have to be a problem for you to call theme. ber and resinous juice. today, don’t let your lack of clarity prevent you from making the right choice. All on your friends today. Simply going out to lunch with a couple of casual 7. According to the Old Testament he was a you need to do is to act with intention. Stay on course without letting doubt or 18. A member of a Turkic people of acquaintances or having a few of your buddies over for dinner could be just the pagan king of Israel and husband of fear deter your progress; happily, you will be closer to your destination when the Uzbekistan and neighboring areas. right thing to set your world right. 19. The fur of a rabbit. Jezebel (9th century BC). mist begins to clear. Trust your moral compass to steer you in the right direction. 20. A less than average tide occurring at the 8. Proceeding from or ordered by or subject to first and third quarters of the moon. a pope or the papacy regarded as the suc- 21. Large brownish-green New Zealand par- cessor of the Apostles. 9. The boy whose upbringing was described rot. Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) 24. The seventh month of the Moslem calen- by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. 10. The habitation of wild animals. dar. Telling the difference between your idealistic hopes and viable 11. (classical mythology) A mythical being that The fervor of emotional intensity is challenging to manage today, but you’re ready 27. Minute aquatic herbs floating on or below solutions is trickier than it sounds. You can create the most positive impact by is half man and half horse. to swing into action to reestablish stability in your environment. Developing a plan the water surface of still water consisting simply co ncentrating on the fact s and putting away your dayd re ams fo r another 12. An organization of countries formed in to reduce your anxiety is one thing, while actually putting your ideas into motion is of a leaflike frond or plant body and single time. Avoid the temptation to drift off into imaginary worlds today. The re al 1961 to agree on a common policy for the entirely something else. The complexity of the situation might make you want to root. magic comes from taking the blinders off now and seeing life exactly as it is. sale of petroleum. throw in the towel. But don’t hang your head in discouragement; you can turn the 29. A soft white precious univalent metallic Working in the thre e-dimensional plane produces the most extraord inary 13. The Hebrew patriarch who saved himself tide in your favor now, even if everything takes more time than you wish. Take sev- element having the highest electrical and results. and his family and the animals by build- eral deep breaths and then let peace begin with you. thermal conductivity of any metal. ing an ark in which they survived 40 days 31. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a and 40 nights of rain. skewer usually with vegetables. 14. Catch sight of. 32. The organ of sight (`peeper' is an informal 22. A compartment in front of a motor vehicle Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) term for `eye'). where driver sits. 36. An outstanding example of its kind. 23. A substance that produces a fragrant odor 40. Term of address for a man. when burned. You’re willing to try every trick in the book to eliminate the current stress in an Relationship dynamics grow even more complicated when you can’t discern 41. Any of two families of large herbivorous 25. A Kwa language spoken by the Yoruba important relationship. Unfortunately, the harder you attempt to make someone reality from your dreams. However, most of your current problems stem from aquatic mammals with paddle-shaped people in southwestern Nigeria. else happy now, the more awkward the dynamics become. Ironically, your most your overactive imagination. Although your mind may be chock full of wonder- tails and flipper-like forelimbs and no hind 26. The part of a ship's equipment or cargo effective strategy might be to simply observe the situation without doing any- ful ideas and amazing possibilities, it’s confusing if they seem so real when limbs. that is thrown overboard to lighten the thing about it. Let the tension settle on its own. It may take a few days for things they’re not. Instead of rushing ahead today, write your thoughts down to recon- 44. Electronic equipment that provides visual load in a storm. to play out, but you can expect calmer times ahead if you don’t lose your cool sider later; you can choose which ones to develop further when you are thinking images of varying electrical quantities. 28. Fabric made with yarn made from the silky today. more rationally. Sometimes there’s no explaining the vagaries of the heart. 45. The cardinal number that is the sum of hair of the Angora goat. seven and one. 30. German physicist who developed the 47. An unintentional but embarrassing blun- Geiger counter (1882-1945). Word Search der. 33. A public lecturer at certain universities. Yesterday Solution 49. Tall marsh plant with cylindrical seed 34. A state of agitation or turbulent change or heads that explode when mature shed- development. ding large quantities of down. 35. Birth-control campaigner who in 1921 51. Freedom from activity (work or strain or opened the first birth control clinic in responsibility). London (1880-1958). 52. A small nail. 37. Type genus of the Ardeidae. 53. In a murderous frenzy as if possessed by a 38. An associate degree in nursing. demon. 39. Lacking in light. 55. Studies intended to provide general 42. An agency of the United Nations affiliated knowledge and intellectual skills (rather with the World Bank. than occupational or professional skills). 43. Swelling from excessive accumulation of 56. (folklore) A corpse that rises at night to serous fluid in tissue. drink the blood of the living. 46. In a manner differing from the usual or 59. South American armadillo with three expected. bands of bony plates. 48. Thin and fit. 62. (architecture) Lacking columns or pillars. 50. A genus of Anatidae. 65. One who attacks the reputation of another 54. A high-crowned black cap (usually made by slander or libel. of felt or sheepskin) worn by men in 69. A long thin fluffy scarf of feathers or fur. Turkey and Iran and the Caucasus. 70. Octavian and Mark Antony defeated 57. First in order of importance. Brutus and Cassius in 42 BC. 58. United States naval officer and historian 73. A loose sleeveless outer garment made (1840-1914). from aba cloth. 60. Small songbirds resembling larks. 74. Noisy talk. 61. A promontory in northern Morocco oppo- site the Rock of Gibraltar. 75. A railing at the side of a staircase or bal- 63. A cleansing agent made from the salts of cony to prevent people from falling. vegetable or animal fats. 76. Informal terms for a mother. 64. The basic unit of money in Bangladesh. 77. A federal agency established to coordinate 66. A Tibetan or Mongolian priest of Lamaism. programs aimed at reducing pollution 67. Very dark black. and protecting the environment. 68. Avatar of Vishnu. 78. A collection of excerpts from a literary 71. A lipoprotein that transports cholesterol in work. the blood. 79. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods. 72. A strong emotion. Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution lifestyle THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015

Music & Movies Stewart opening animal sanctuary in New Jersey he former host of “The Daily Show” combat factory farming and encourage and his wife are transforming their awareness about farm animals. Jon Stewart TNew Jersey farm into a sanctuary for ended a 16-year run on Comedy Central’s neglected animals. Jon and Tracey Stewart “The Daily Show” in August. Tracey Stewart announced their plan Saturday while being is the author of the book “Do Unto honored by the animal advocacy group Animals.” — AP Farm Sanctuary. The property in Middletown, New Jersey, will be the fourth sanctuary affiliated with Farm Sanctuary. The organization’s other outposts are in Los File photo shows Jon Stewart appears Angeles; Orland, California; and Watkins onstage at Comedy Central’s ‘Night of Glen, New York. Too Many Stars: America Comes Farm Sanctuary was founded in 1986 to Together for Autism Programs’ at the Beacon Theatre in New York.—AP

Ricky Gervais to return as Golden Globes host

File photo shows Leah Remini arrives at the 2014 UNICEF icky Gervais will return to host the Golden over,” he said holding his trademark pint of beer. “You Ball in Beverly Hills, Calif. — AP photos Globes for the fourth time in six years. The HFPA could be a little Asian child with no possessions and Rmade the announcement on Twitter. Gervais’ no money. But you could see a picture of Angelina return comes less than a week after the Academy Jolie and you’d think, ‘Mummy!’” Remini talks to revealed that Chris Rock, another edgy comedian, Gervais later responded to the backlash by saying, would host the Oscars in February. “We’re excited to “I’ve told my agent to never let me be persuaded to do have Ricky Gervais back to host the most enjoyable it again though. It’s like a parachute jump.” Still, his last ‘20/20’ about awards show of the season in his own inimitable way,” hosting stint drew nearly 17 million viewers, which said NBC Entertainment Chairman Robert Greenblatt NBC noted in its press release. “What will he say? What in a statement. “Disarming and surprising, Ricky is will he do? We can’t wait to find out, and we are so Cruise, Scientology ready to honor-and send up-the best work of the year happy that he’s back!,” said Barry Adelman, EVP, ctress Leah Remini is talking about Scientology and in film and television. Fasten your seats belts.” Television for dick clark productions and executive Tom Cruise in a new interview with ABC’s “20/20.” She Gervais, who hosted the Globes for three consecu- producer of the 73rd Golden Globes, which will be Asays in a clip released Monday that “being critical of tive years from 2010-2012, will take over for co-hosts held Jan 10. Nominations for the 2016 Globes will be Tom Cruise is being critical of Scientology itself.” Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, who also saw a three-year announced Thursday, Dec 10. Winners in 25 categories The interview is scheduled to air Friday at 10 pm EDT. stint. Gervais had previously sworn off hosting the — 14 in film and 11 in TV-are voted on by the Remini was raised as a Scientologist but left the church two Globes again after his controversial jokes, which Hollywood Foreign Press Association. — Reuters years ago. Her memoir, “Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood File photo shows actor Ricky Gervais poses for photog- included a dig at Jodie Foster’s sexuality, raised a few and Scientology,” is set for release next month. raphers upon arrival for the premiere of the film ‘Night eye brows at the Beverly Hilton. “Actors aren’t just Representatives for Cruise and the Church of Scientology did at the Museum, Secret of the Tomb’ in London. — AP loved here in Hollywood, they are loved the world not immediately respond to requests for comment.—AP Singer Lizz Wright makes a fresh start with her new CD five-year recording hiatus didn’t stop Lizz Wright tory that she hadn’t explored - a more energetic and young bell-wood tree stopped her from plunging down a from reclaiming a spot at the top of the Billboard aggressive side that is still organic to who she is.” That fresh ravine. “When my feet got on the ice again, I was very Ajazz charts with her new release, “Freedom & territory emerges on the new album in new tunes such as determined to make this record,” she said. “Since then I Surrender.” It’s a fresh start for the 35-year-old singer-song- the soulful, funk-driven “Freedom,” written by longtime col- have really been enjoying little things and I’ve been living writer - with a new label and producer - but the CD finds laborator Toshi Reagon, and the country blues “The New for little wonders that are common, but still amazing.” Wright returning to her roots as a preacher’s daughter from Game,” co-written with Klein and David Batteau. the rural South. Wright says she had to summon the “war- Just before Thanksgiving, Wright was cast adrift after Human experience rior person in her soul” to overcome doubts about her releasing four albums on Verve, starting with her critically Wright says her challenge as a songwriter is to strike a In this Sept 30, 2015 photo provided by Enrique Iglesias, musical career and obstacles to making the record. acclaimed 2003 debut, “Salt.” Wright kept working with balance between being autobiographical and expressing Iglesias wears his new ‘heart’ T-shirt in Miami. — AP “There’s a lot of fight in the mind and the soul to surface Klein during trips to Los Angeles. Soon after, the independ- universal feelings that resonate with her audience. “I think again and try to figure out why you want to keep working ent Concord label agreed to release the album. Then last as singers and performers we are ambassadors of the and why you want to keep doing your art,” Wright said in a February, just before she was to go into the studio, Wright’s human experience,” she said. “I don’t want to get bored just After hand surgery, recent interview. “I just felt a part of me that was fighting car slid across an icy mountain curve near her home. A talking about myself.” Wright says the opening track, for light and fighting to surface again and I gave voice to it.” “Freedom,” is about independence, individuality and find- Since her last recording, the 2010 gospel-themed ing one’s path, while the closing track, “Surrender,” co-writ- Enrique Iglesias “Fellowship” with mostly covers, Wright had gone through ten with Reagon, is about acceptance, reality and aligning a divorce. She moved from New York and eventually settled yourself with whatever is real for you. The folk-based in a mountainside community outside Asheville, North “Somewhere Down the Mystic” offers “impressions of my helping kids in crises Carolina, within a few hours’ drive of her hometown of Appalachian life,” she says, conjuring the mystical feeling nrique Iglesias is giving a helping hand to children deal- Hahira, Georgia. that she gets walking a mountain trail near her home. ing with emergencies after an accident with a drone led Wright balked at the suggestion of her then-record She traveled to Nashville, Tennessee, to work with coun- Eto him having reconstructive hand surgery. label, Verve, that she do another album of covers. “If I try rock songwriter J.D. Souther (The Eagles) on the tender Save the Children said Monday that Iglesias is working looked at my relationship with the music and with the peo- waltzlike ballad “Right Where You Are,” which she performs with the organization to sell white T-shirts with a red heart at ple - neither called for me to be exploring anyone else’s as a duet with Grammy-winning jazz singer Gregory Porter. its center - mirroring how Iglesias’ shirt looked after he cut his statement,” Wright said. “I had experienced enough to The album has two covers. Her darkly brooding version of fingers at a concert and wiped the blood on his shirt. Iglesias, where I wanted people to know and at least feel some- Nick Drake’s “River Man” draws on her impressionistic jazz 40, sliced his fingers in May when grabbing a drone at a show thing about where I had been.” Wright found a supportive side, while she turns the Bee Gees’ “To Love Somebody” in Tijuana, Mexico, and video and photos posted online high- partner in Grammy-winning producer Larry Klein, known into a slow ballad, inspired by the gospel music of her lighted his bandaged hand and blooded T-shirt. He under- for working with strong-willed female singer-songwriters youth. Wright says she conceived the album as a “wide can- went reconstructive hand surgery because he suffered a frac- including Tracy Chapman, Madeleine Peyroux and ex-wife vas” - on which she uses different musical styles as colors to ture that needed to be corrected. “I’m extremely excited to Joni Mitchell. create a cohesive multilayered work of art. “I call myself a partner with Save the Children to help kids who need it the singer-songwriter influenced by the gospel and jazz tradi- most. My heart goes out to the kids around the world who Natural talent tion,” Wright said. “Naturally because of my lifestyle and have lived through a humanitarian crisis and have to rebuild Klein had been thinking about doing a record with love for nature there’s a lot of folk and Americana there their lives from scratch,” Iglesias said in a statement. The T- Wright since he first heard her rich alto voice, drawn by the because that’s just my life.” — AP shirts, which go on sale Tuesday on the singer’s website, cost combination of her delicate jazz sensibility and her raw $27.50. At least $12 from each sale will benefit Save the natural talent reflecting her roots in the church music she Lizz Wright poses for a Children’s emergency fund, which focuses on responding grew up with as the daughter of a Pentecostal minister. “I portrait in promotion of quickly to crises such as floods and disease outbreaks as well found that her previous records had beautiful subtleties her new album ‘Freedom as providing supplies before an emergency hits. “We have to and were very kind of smoky and muted sounding, which I & Surrender’ in New take care of those who need us most - children, especially loved,” said Klein. “But I thought there was some other terri- York. — AP those facing crises around the world,” Iglesias said. — AP

Bollywood’s Chopra hopes Surprised by award, Woo says US TV triumph will set precedent ollywood star Priyanka Chopra Bollywood actors Anil Kapoor (“24”), hopes her leading role in hit United Rahul Khanna (“The Americans”) and he’s just hard-working director BStates television show “Quantico” Nimrat Kaur (“Homeland”) have all fea- will help pave the way for other Indian tured in American shows, Chopra is the ohn Woo was surprised to receive an award honoring in his memory that pays tribute to him. I also wanted to find actors to make it big in America. The for- first actor from India to headline an origi- trailblazers who have made outstanding contributions an actor that has his aura and has a similar performing style. mer Miss World is blazing a trail as the first nal series. Her face is plastered across bill- Jto the art of filmmaking. “I have made a lot of films, but It is very hard to find someone like this.” — AP Indian lead in a US TV series, playing FBI boards in major US cities and Chopra, it hardly qualifies as making a special contribution. I’m just agent turned suspected terrorist Alex who was crowned Miss World in 2000, a hard-working filmmaker,” the Hong Kong director said in Parrish in the ABC thriller. “I can only said she felt the pressure. “I was nerv- Tokyo before the award presentation. “I’m very thankful to hope that it opens the right doors,” the 33- ous... period! Firstly I am trying something receive this award and also very surprised.” Past recipients year-old told AFP in an email interview new, I was attempting it in a whole new of the Tokyo International Film Festival’s Samurai Award between filming in India for her geography, I was doing it in a different include fellow directors Takashi Kitano and Tim Burton. Bollywood movies and in Canada for language from what the audience is used Woo said when he began his career in the 1960s, he “Quantico”. to for my on-screen persona,” she watched films from other countries, especially Japan, and is “I truly believe that we have a huge explained. still inspired today by Japanese cinema. “Japan has had so pool of talent in India, which spans actors, The star of Bollywood hits such as “Dil many great filmmakers, actors and writers,” he said at directors, technicians and the like, and Dhadakne Do” (Let The Heart Beat) and Monday’s ceremony. The 1986 action drama “A Better there is a huge window of opportunity for biopic Mary Kom added that she felt it Tomorrow” cemented Woo’s place in Hong Kong cinema, them to explore outside India,” she added. was important that her Indian-American breaking box-office records at the time. “The Killers” and Chopra has received glowing reviews for character was ethnically ambiguous. “Hard Boiled” followed. The director’s signature style of bul- her turn as Parrish, who is accused in the “There is a lot of diversity in the characters let-flying action scenes or slow-motion gunfight sequences drama of masterminding the biggest ter- on Quantico but it’s not a cliched repre- defined Hong Kong cinema in the ‘90s and led to ror attack on American soil since sentation,” she said. “It is, however, more a Hollywood projects like “Face/Off” and “Mission: Impossible September 11, 2001. The series jumps mirror to society in the USA-a multi-cul- II.” between present day, when she is on the tural mix of people from all over the The box office results of his first love story, last year’s run from the law and trying to prove her world, connected to their ethnicity in “The Crossing,” were disappointing, but Woo was unde- Indian Bollywood actress Priyanka innocence, and her time as a trainee some way but who primarily consider terred. “Life has its ups and downs. If the people who col- Hong Kong director John Woo, right, and Japanese Chopra poses as she arrives to attend agent at the FBI’s academy at Quantico in themselves citizens of the United States laborated with me are defeated, then I feel bad, and a bit director Yoji Yamada pose for photographers during the a special brunch and promotion for Virginia. of America.” — AFP sad.” His next film, a remake of the Japanese action classic awarding ceremony of Samurai Award at the 28th Tokyo the forthcoming Hindi film ‘Dil The plot leaves viewers trying to guess “Manhunt,” is in pre-production with the cast still to be set. International Film Festival in Tokyo Monday. — AP Dhadakne Do’ directed by Zoya who plotted the attack-Parrish or one of “I idolize Ken Takakura very much. I wanted to make a film Akhtar in Mumbai. — AFP her former colleagues at Quantico. While lifestyle THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015

Features The secrets of healthy hair

t’s no secret that I love voluminous and styled hair! I 1. Eat a balanced diet of fatty acids and silica: what products or treatments you’re using. Another thing feel like it’s a part of my personality, and each woman Fatty acids increase the production of natural oils in your women need to understand that it’s a three-steps process; I has something she feels most confident about and body, which causes your hair and scalp to become more hydrat- shampoo, conditioner and oil replacement. Always add oil to just flaunts it. With all the styling and hair coloring, we ed and moisturized. Fatty acids are found in foods such as avo- your conditioner or a hair mask after you rinse your shampoo tend to forget to take care of our hair. During the year, cado, olives and fish. and conditioner because it locks in that extra moisture. out hair dries out according to seasons, as well as trav- Silica strengthens your hair as well as keeps it elastic. Foods elling. The water we tend to shower with also such as asparagus, potatoes and cucumber contain higher silica. 5. Avoid chemical treatments: changes in terms of the percentage of copper it Chemical treatments can cause serious damage to your hair contains. We notice that if we’re out of town that 2. Drink more water: because you’re basically forcing your hair type to change. These our hair doesn’t feel or look how it usually does. Higher consumption of water results in an increase of cell treatments are always temporary, but after that period of time Usually, we try our best to keep up with the lat- turnover. It’s not only good for your hair, but also for your skin your hair will look worse than what you first started with. est beauty trends and fashion, not realizing that and gives you a more youthful and fresh glow to your skin. It’s extremely important to educate ourselves on what prod- the more we get done to our hair the more we are ucts we use and what treatments are good for our hair. We also damaging it. We forget that in order to keep up 3. Avoid daily shampooing: need to understand our hair type what that certain type needs with all these trends we have to stay healthy, if it Washing your hair shouldn’t be done daily, you’ll end up to be healthy. Our goal should always be to become healthy, was fashion, you will have to be on a healthy diet damaging your hair instead of actually cleaning it, you can whether it was hair, nails, skin, physique and so on. Once you and work out, if it was nail care you will need to shampoo your hair every other day or two days if you had dry have healthy hair, we will be more capable to play around with moisturize and not overdo your bails and cuti- hair. Also avoid dry shampoo, only because it’s a quick fix that it and style and color it. If you don’t care of your hair you’ll end cles, however, if it was your hair, the most girls seem to enjoy but abuse as well. Not properly cleaning or up with high breakage and dry hair that wont bear all the important thing is to keep it hydrated and washing out your hair will also cause dryness due to the residue styling and products you use. Always try heat protectant prod- moisturized. left in your hair. ucts before blow-drying and styling your hair, to at least mini- In order to do that, here are a few things you mize the damage you’re causing to your hair. should change in your daily routine or simply 4. Use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners: try out: Moisturizing your hair should always be your aim, regardless Enjoy!

Nepalese wood-carver Hari Bahadur Shilpakar works in a workshop in Nepalese wood-carver Indra Kaji Shilpakar (right) looks at images of carvings Indra Kaji Shilpakar draws a design in his workshop. Bhaktapur on the outskirts of Kathmandu. — AFP photos at his workshop. Post-quake Nepal struggles to preserve vanishing skills n a dusty studio, Indra Kaji Shilpakar painstakingly carves Many of the palaces and temples they created date back to the some kind of system,” he said. “We need to find the master away from their family traditions. While the monarchs who fund- intricate patterns into a wooden panel, one of a small group period between the 12th and 18th centuries when the Valley-a craftspersons and get them to train new artisans.” ed this flourishing of art and architecture are celebrated with Iof highly-skilled craftsmen Nepal is relying on to rebuild its World Heritage site-was divided into the three kingdoms of statues, the artists themselves have received little recognition in cultural heritage after April’s major earthquake. But Shilpakar, a Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur. Eager to lure back tourists, Hereditary system ‘not practical’ Nepal, whose last king left the throne in 2008. Nonetheless Indra master craftsman who learned at the hands of his father and the government reopened the former Durbar (Royal) Squares of The Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust, a charity set up in Kaji Shilpakar is determined to do all he can to help the country uncle as a young boy, is one of a dying breed. The wood-carvers, all three cities in June, despite warnings from UNESCO that this 1991, also wants Nepal to set up a formal training system to pre- rebuild its architectural treasures. stone-sculptors and metal-workers who created the spectacular could cause further damage to the monuments. They are home serve its unique skills. “Generation to generation is not practical,” “You feel pride when you look at a temple you have worked temples and palaces of the Kathmandu Valley were once feted to some of the thousands of monuments damaged in the 7.8- Nepal country director Rohit Ranjitkar told AFP. “If someone is on. There’s a satisfaction in doing something for your country,” as far away as China, and paid handsomely from the royal purse. magnitude quake, which killed nearly 9,000 people and interested in learning, they should be given the opportunity. he said. But he admits he can earn more than twice as much But over the decades their social status has fallen along with the money they are able to earn from their craft, and many young Nepalis are now rejecting the family trade to seek better paid work. That has left the country short of skills crucial for rebuilding the centuries-old monuments of the Kathmandu Valley lost in the April 25 quake. It is a problem made worse by the fact that these crafts have historically been the exclusive and jealously guarded preserve of a few families belonging to the Newar eth- nic group indigenous to the Valley. Shilpakar, a slight, softly-spo- ken man of 52, says all his male relatives as far back as anyone can remember have worked with wood, producing the intricate- ly carved panels that grace Nepal’s temples and traditional homes. “But many in the new generation want different jobs, office jobs,” he told AFP in his studio in the historic city of Bhaktapur, where he is working on the restoration of a classic three-tiered wooden pagoda temple from the 17th century. “Even in my own family, there are people who have not continued with the work Nepalese wood-carver Indra Kaji Shilpakar teaches his son Indra Prasad Shilpakar at his Nepalese wood-carver Indra Kaji Shilpakar (right) gestures in his workshop. that requires a high level of skill, because it doesn’t pay,” said workshop in Bhaktapur on the outskirts of Kathmandu. Shilpakar, whose uncle’s family has moved to the more lucrative furniture business. “There isn’t much respect in Nepal-we are destroyed around half a million homes. There should be a professional school for this kind of work.” carving crude wooden Buddha heads for shops to sell to considered as workers, not artists.” The mammoth task of rebuilding has been delayed by the Conservationists are optimistic that at least some of the monu- tourists, and wants his sons to choose a different life. UNESCO’s monsoon rains and by a political crisis that has held up a $4.1 bil- ments can be restored, as happened after the last major quake Weise believes this lack of recognition must be addressed if Ancient kingdoms lion reconstruction fund. When it does rebuild, UNESCO heritage that hit the Valley in 1934. They are not just tourist attractions- Nepal is to rebuild. “We are talking about millions of dollars, but That is not the view of the UN cultural agency UNESCO, expert Kai Weise believes a shortage of skilled craftsmen will be despite the rapid urbanization of Kathmandu, the three Durbar without artisans we can’t rebuild anything,” he said. — AFP which describes the stone, timber and bronze craftsmanship of one of the key impediments. “We are trying to get the govern- Squares remain at the heart of local cultural and spiritual life. the Newars as among the most highly-developed in the world. ment to acknowledge the importance of artisans and set up But it is not difficult to see why young Nepalis are turning Family rift clouds death of top South Korean artist he mysterious death of one of South Korea’s most renowned artists has laid bare a family Tfeud that left two of her children unaware she had even passed away until months after the event. The rift has also opened a debate about how best to belatedly mark the death and legacy of a seminal painter on the national contemporary art scene-a discussion complicated by uncertainty about the location of her remains. Born in 1924 in a small town in the southern part of the Korean peninsula, Chun Kyung-Ja was best known for her paintings of female figures and flowers using vivid primary colors that broke with traditional South Korean styles. From the late 1970s onwards, she focused on foreign landscapes and portraits of people she encountered on her travels to the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, Europe, the Americas and Africa. Her works have recently sold at auction for between $700,000 and one million dollars. Chun retired from painting in 1991, when one of her there were various rumors over the years about her The South Korean media first reported her death works on display at the National Museum of deteriorating health. Chun died on August 6, but it on October 23. Kim claimed their sister had kept Modern and Contemporary Art became embroiled seems Lee kept the fact secret from everyone their mother away from the rest of the family, but in a forgery row. including her family. offered no specific reason as to why. Kim and her In an unusual turn of events, it was Chun who “I learned on October 19 about my mother’s brother denied speculation that there was any con- insisted the painting was a fake, while the museum passing from a staff member of a Korean bank, who flict over ownership of Chun’s valuable works, say- and other experts assessed it to be genuine. called to ask for the approval required to close my ing their only concern was that her death be “Parents can recognize their children. That is not mother’s bank account,” the third of Chun’s four accorded all due respect. “What breaks our heart my painting,” she said at the time. Relations with children, Sumita Kim, told a press conference in most is that nobody-the people that loved my her actual children lie at the heart of the mystery Seoul on Tuesday “My sister didn’t notify us about mother and the Korean society that loved her-is giv- surrounding her death. After retirement, Chun mother’s death, nor tell us where her remains are,” en a chance to mourn her death,” Kim said. — AFP went to live with her eldest daughter Lee Hye-Sun This undated picture released by Yonhap in Seoul on October 22, 2015, shows the said Kim, who was joined at the press briefing by in New York. She reportedly suffered a cerebral Chun’s only surviving son, Lee Nam-Hun. late South Korean artist Chun Kyung-Ja posing. hemorrhage in 2003 that left her bed-ridden, and lifestyle THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015


An indigenous woman from Russia takes part in a indige- An indigenous woman from Mexico takes part in the A Brazilian woman from the Karaja ethnic group takes part in the parade of indigenous beauty. nous beauty parade during the World Indigenous Games, parade of indigenous beauty at the World Indigenous in Palmas, Brazil. — AP photos Games. Brazil ‘beauty parade’ celebrates indigenous women

delma Simoes Madeira adjusted her feath- ered headdress and took a deep breath Abefore stepping out onto the red carpet. After all, this foray into the spotlight wasn’t just about her. Madeira was representing her people. A 16-year-old from the Terena people of central Brazil, with wide-set eyes and an even wider smile, Madeira was one of more than 60 women and girls taking part in the “parade of indigenous beauty” at the World Indigenous Games in Brazil. Rail-thin or heavy, swathed in scarfs and ankle-length skirts or wearing only a thong bikini bottom and body paint, they incarnated the canons of beauty of first peoples from across Brazil and as far afield as Panama and French Guiana. Some had serious swagger in their step, cocking their hips at the end of the catwalk and shooting a come-hither stare that would have made Gisele Bundchen proud. Others looked completely chagrined, almost flinching as the cameras flashed and iPhones snapped around them. The Indigenous Games’ organizers stressed it Adelma Simoes Madeira, 16, a Brazilian Terena, smiles during parade of indige- wasn’t a beauty contest - no queen was crowned, nous beauty. no runners-up selected. It was rather a celebra- An indigenous woman from Panama takes An indigenous Russian woman plays a tra- tion of facial features, body types and adorn- part in a parade of indigenous beauty. ditional instrument. ments not often given their due, they said. The fact that the event took place at all marked some- nous characters are still nearly non-existent. The realizing how many indigenous groups there are,” thing of a watershed, said organizer Tainara da same holds for major ad campaigns: not an Silva said. “I want to show the richness of our Silva, also of the Terena people from Brazil’s Mato indigenous person in sight. This indigenous invis- people, how each of us is different and special.” Grosso do Sul state. A few years ago, such an ibility was what pushed Silva to champion the The participants, too, seem to regard walking the event would have been unthinkable, she said. beauty exhibitions. “Modeling agencies are total- catwalk as an almost messianic mission. ly uninterested in hiring an indigenous woman, “I felt very proud, my parents felt very proud Culture and traditions but they have no problem in getting a white girl and my whole community felt very proud,” said “Before, the elders didn’t want to show their and dressing her up in traditional indigenous Madeira, the raven-haired beauty representing womenfolk in public,” said Silva, an agronomist clothes,” Silva said. “That really bugged me, and I the Terena at the weekend parade. None of the who started organizing beauty contests on her thought, ‘We need to show them that we are participants in the events Silva has organized has home reservation a few years ago. “But that’s beautiful, too.’” gone on to score a modeling contract. But she changing. They now see that this is a way of val- Silva also sees the events as an opportunity to hopes it’s just a matter of time. “When I was a orizing our culture and traditions.” Although educate the Brazilian public about the diversity child, my dream was to become a model,” she many Brazilians see theirs as a multicultural of the country’s more than 300 indigenous said. “Since I wasn’t able to make that dream real- nation par excellence, the fruit of the mixing of groups, which are scattered across the width and ity, I would love to see it happen for one of them.” blacks, whites and natives, indigenous people are breadth of this continent-sized nation - although The World Indigenous Games run through largely absent from the country’s popular culture. their numbers have dwindled since pre- Sunday.—AP Blacks have made gains in recent years and Columbian times and they now make up less now hold starring roles in the once white-domi- than 0.5 percent of the population. “Most times, nated “telenovelas,” the prime-time soap operas people say, ‘Look, there’s an Indian,’ without even that command the ratings in Brazil, but indige- Maori from New Zealand take part in the parade of indigenous beauty. Jakarta Fashion Week 2016

Models display creations by Obin during Jakarta Fashion Week 2016 in Jakarta, Indonesia. — AP/AFP photos lifestyle THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015


Models display creations by Bramanta Wijaya. A model displays a creation by Danny Satriadi. Fashion Week China

Models parade creations of ILOVECHOC Wei Chao Collection designed by Wei Chao during the China Fashion Week in Beijing yesterday. China Fashion Week runs from October 25 to November 2. — AFP photos Post-quake Nepal struggles to preserve vanishing skills


Fog hangs over trees in autumnal colors and the so-called Rakotzbruecke bridge of the Rhododendronpark Kromlau landscaped park in Kromlau, eastern Germany. The park was created in the middle of the 19th century. — AFP Terror attacks and Airbnb chip away at Paris ‘palace’ hotels uxury hotels In Paris have taken a beating this year, with the Charlie Hebdo attacks scaring off visitors and web- Lsites like Airbnb stealing away clients, but analysts say the lure of the “palaces” has not yet faded. “The shock of Charlie (attacks) affected us enormously in the first quarter, our occupancy rate was easily down by 20 percent and it took us time to get back up to speed,” says Michel Jauslin, director of the Park Hyatt Paris Vendome. Islamist gunmen carried out a string of attacks in Paris in January that left 17 dead, including much of the editorial team of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. “It’s been a drea- ry year, we’re going to finish with a 65 percent occupation rate,” Didier Le Calvez, chief executive at the Bristol, and head of the luxury branch of the Umih French hotel association, told AFP. Created in 2010, the “palace” label is awarded only to exceptional five-star hotels, and Paris has eight of the 16 pres- tigious establishments. In addition to the Bristol and Park Hyatt Paris Vendome, the Paris palaces are Le Meurice, Royal Monceau, George V, Plaza Athenee, Shangri-La and Mandarin Oriental.

Airbnb effect While the summer smiled palace hotels in the French capi- tal, it wasn’t enough to save the year. “We are still being affect- ed by the arrival of new networks for renting among individu- als, such as the Collectionist or Airbnb,” noted Francois Photo shows a corridor at the ‘The Peninsula Paris’ hotel. Photo shows Alain Ducasse’s restaurant at the Plaza Athenee hotel. Delahaye, managing director of the Plaza Athenee, which re- opened a year ago after 11 months of renovations. He said they had noticed clients “who reserved an apartment on percent growth in the number of rooms between 2007 and hotel at Place de la Madeleine by 2018. “There aren’t enough investors aren’t turned off. “Many luxury chains are seeking to Airbnb and then came to dine at the Plaza”. Delahaye estimat- 2017 causing a 10 percent drop in occupancy rate for the seg- of these boutique hotels yet to cause a disruption,” noted the develop in Paris, even if their establishments won’t necessarily ed that such competition had eaten away 10 to 15 percent of ment,” said Donet. The reopening of the Peninsula in July Park Hyatt Paris-Vendome’s Jauslin, but the palaces were be palaces,” said Stephane Botz, who heads up the tourism business. 2014, another historic Paris hotel that has not achieved palace watching the trend closely as more of them were expected to and hotel advisory business at the French office of KPMG con- It is a trend that market experts readily acknowledge, even status, followed by the renovated Plaza Athenee two months open. sultancy. In the long term, the new actors may contribute to if they dispute the scale. “I don’t see how such actors could later, increased the number of luxury rooms available in Paris. making Paris a reference in the luxury hotel business. substantially rival the palaces which have swimming pools, Next year the reopening of the Ritz in March and the Crillon in Paris, the luxury reference “There are a dozen properties which generate an average one or more fine restaurants, 24-hour concierge service, and December, then the Lutetia in 2017 and the launch of the new But there is an enduring demand for luxury hotels in the price of 1,000 euros per room, something which does not exist ensure the security of their guests...” said Gwenola Donet, who Cheval Blanc in the old Samartaine department store building world capital of fashion and style, analysts said. “We can’t anywhere else in the world,” said Donet. “For me, no other heads up French operations at JLL Hotels & Hospitality real on the banks of the Seine, will further increase the luxury speak yet of saturation,” said Vanguelis Panayotis, develop- European city boasts a luxury hotel offer as extraordinary as estate investment advisor. She sees the main problem for the rooms on offer. ment director at the MKG Group, a consultancy focused on Paris,” said Nicolas Beliard, the director of the Peninsula. — AFP sector being too much of a good thing as investors piled into The growing number of luxury boutique hotels could also the hospitality sector. He said the sector was in the phase of luxury hotel projects. add to the problems. French luxury food store and caterer absorbing the new offer, which could lead to the average “The offer expanded much faster than the offer, with 60 Fauchon announced in September it plans to open a 50-room price per night falling below 1,000 euros ($1,100). And

Photo shows a corridor at the ‘The Peninsula Paris’ hotel. The entrance of the luxury hotel Park Hyatt Paris- Photo shows the entrance of the “The Peninsula Paris” Photo shows the facade of the luxury hotel Le Plaza Vendome. — AFP photos hotel. Athenee.