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The BG News August 4, 1993

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4 Wednesday, August ,1993 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 75, Issue 140

Founders Takin' A Little Dip renovations ready for fall by Ginger Phillips staff writer windows unlike in Offenhauer," Webb said. "In Founders you can control After more than a year of ex- the air conditioning and heat at tensive renovation totaling $15.4 suite level," Strom said, explain- million. Founders will finally be ing that unlike in other residence ready for students to move in for halls, a room doesn't have to be at the fall semester. the same temperature as the rest According to Erik Strom, resi- of the rooms in the building. dential services complex coor- Not only will Founders have a dinator, there were a few reasons computer lab, but also a building for the remodeling. He said one wide network, Strom said. A stu- reason was the building had been dent will be able to print some- in need of infrastructure repairs thing out from his or her own such as a new fire alarm system, room to the computer lab, and plumbing replacement and pos- will also be able to use a comput- sibly the electrical system, all of er catalog to search for periodi- which would total well over $4 cals from the library. million and could possibly reach Strom said a weight room, $7 million and would not even in- which is not quite finished, will clude the costs of new carpet or also be located in Founders. paint. Safety is another feature of the building that has been greatly An electronic door improved. Webb said an electronic door access system will allow access system will allow only only students with an students with an electronic key- reader to open certain doors of electronic key-reader to the building that will be locked 24 open certain doors of hours a day. However, non- the building that will be residents will have access to the public areas of the building, such locked 24 hours a day. as the main entrances and the dining area. "The front and the back door of Founders will be open during the Strom said because the Uni- day, in the evening they'll be versity had to spend the money locked," Strom said. "In order to on fixing the building they would get into the student area, [guests] also renovate it to meet the needs would have to be escorted by a of students. resident.' "[Founders] was not very pop- Strom said escorting guests ular," Jodi Webb, interim assis- has always been a campus policy tant director of housing, said. "A but this new system will ensure it lot of students didn't like living is in effect. He said phones will there." be available in the main entrance Both Webb and Strom said stu- so that guests can phone resi- dents did not like the 5-person dents if they want to be escorted rooms and wanted to get away into the student living area. from the group bathrooms into Outside of the building, Strom more private, apartment-like said extensive landscaping is be- housing. ing done, and in the back there According to Webb, the reno- will be a sand volleyball court for vated Founders will provide 672 student use. In the front of the people with this type of housing. building on East Wooster Street, She said there are about 234 two- a turn-around driveway will be a 1 hi' BC Newi/TIm Norman person suites and about 70 six- convenience. person suites. The two-person "It will be easier for delivery After being dunked in the City Park swimming pool Sunday after- nephew, Aaron Creps of Rudolph. Cartledge said the pool li the suites will provide each resident of packages, pizza," Strom said, noon, Debbie Cartledge of Portage is pulled up for air by ber closest place for Creps and her to go swimming. with their own room with a bath- adding that the University shut- room to share, while residents of tle service will pull up to the the six-person suite will have driveway so students can wait in three rooms, a bathroom and a the building, away from the ele- common living area to share. ments. Strom said the single rooms Faculty irate at workload increase are 8 feet 7 inches by 10 feet 7 in- Webb said students who are ches and the double rooms are 11 staying in Founders this fall by Robin Coe staff writer The law states that the Ohio lor Elaine Hairston, the purpose the quantity of work put into ed- feet 7 inches by 14 feet 10 inches. signed up on a first-come, first- Board of Regents must work with of the law is to recover a 10 per- ucation, but as a result may de- Besides the improved living serve basis. state universities to ensure a cent decrease in workload lost in crease the quality of the work. area, there are many other fea- Faculty members are unhappy minimum of a 10 percent in- previous years. According to Harold Lunde, tures students will enjoy. "That was really for the first with an Ohio law that will in- crease in statewide undergradu- Members of the BGSU Faculty professor of management and year. I think in the future, sign crease their workload 10 percent ate teaching activity be acheived Association argued last week treasurer for BGSU-FA, legisla- "The building is all air condi- up for Founders will be handled by next fall, claiming the law is by fall 1994. According to How- that legislature does not know tion did not take in account the tioned. The windows are all oper- the same way as our other halls," unfair and based on incorrect ard Gaudthier, executive associ- what it means to increase faculty number of hours a professor able so they can open the she said. data. ate to Board of Regents Chancel- productivity and it was "bad law' spends in the classroom, the that leaves the Board of Trustees number of students in each class and Board of Regents to decide which effects amount of time what parts of the faculty's work- spent on grading tests, home- load needs increasing. work and term papers, time Briefly Jerone Stephens, professor of spent on research, helping stu- political science, said the faculty dents out of the classroom and could not be sure exactly how the lecture presentations. The University alumnus will address the throw out the first pitch. new law would be translated. He He also said some departments Inside the News graduates during the 9:30 a.m. ceremony Tickets are $5 for box seats and $4 for said the college of arts and sci- require lab hours which have to on the lawn west of University Hall. reserved seats and can be purchased at the ences has already increased fac- be set up. Fair game: Walton has been editor of The Blade Mileti Alumni Center or the Bowling Green ulty workload in the last couple "The teaching load Is so com- The Wood County Fair kick* off since 1988. In 1991, the University's De- Chamber of Commerce. years. plicated," Lunde said. tomorrow, offering activities for everyone partment of Journalism presented him Roadside divinity: "That's almost double what we He said there is a list of about to enjoy. with the Journalism Hall of Fame Kappa did five years ago," Stephens 28 different variables that effect Q See page three. Tau Alpha Award, the highest award given HURRICANE, W.Va. -- A preacher offers the workload of a professor. help to truck drivers through services at a said. Reaping the benefits of a college educa- to an alumnus by that department. BGSU-FA president Ron According to Gaudthier, there tion: He is also the former president of the roadside stop in Putnam County. Stoner said he believes the Board are many misconceptions about Admissions counselor and former mi- Bowling Green Alumni Association's board "We felt it was our obligation to bring the of Trustees is the wrong group to what a 10 percent increase In grant worker Dave Garcia works to help of trustees and is still active in alumni ac- church to them since they can't go to the decide what increases need to be workload means. migrants find a future they may not have tivities. church," said the Rev. Paul DeBord, pastor made. "We aren't talking about a 10 at Charleston's Cathedral of Prayer Baptist considered possible. According to Stoner, Voino- percent Increase In the class- a See page three. BGSU night with the Mud Hens next Church. vlch's organized task force which room," he said. week: "If it wasn't for the truck stop ministries. created the law for better educa- Gaudthier said the 10 percent The Toledo Mud Hens baseball club has I don't think I'd ever get to church," said tion does not know enough about increase comes In the number of OutsWe campus designated Monday, Aug. 9, as Bowling Walter Eberly, of Columbus, Ohio. the University to create a law in- credit hours taught. He said the Green State University Night. Students, The Truckers' Christian Chapel Min- creasing workloads and is based increase depends on the mission Editor of The Blade to speak at com- faculty, staff, families, alumni and friends istries of-Dayton, Ohio, said there are more on incorrect Information. of the department and the in- mencement: are invited to attend. than 12S chapels in the country. "I dont think they'll be making crease will focus on that mission. Thomas Walton, editor of The Blade, will The Mud Hens will take on Norfolk In a wise decisions in this area," Some departments may need an speak at summer commencement Satur- doubleheader beginning at 6 pm. Someone Stoner said. increase in time spent with stu- day. from the BGSU group will be selected to Compiled from staff and wire reports. Members of the BGSU-FA be- lieve the new law will increase See Faculty, page four. Opinion page two The BG News Wednesday, August 4,1993 The BG News -An Independent Student Voice-

Editorial Board Eileen McNamara editor-in-chief

Kimberly Larson Connell Barrett managing editor associate editor Short attention span editorials

As the summer session ends, we at The News have opinions on a myriad of topics -- some of national importance, most of no particular interest except that they bother us (and, in turn, probably bother you).

*** Neither of the families in the confounding, unfor- tunate Kimberly Mays case seems to be at fault. But everyone seems to be suffering. Switched at birth, Kimberly seeks a divorce from Civil rights not a reality in the U.S. her biological parents, wanting nothing to do with them - not even regular visitation. Ernest and If you were to interview a a prominent black leader - the Regina Twigg agreed in 1989 to Kimberly's staying number of people concerning same kinds of questions that with Bob Mays, who Regina considers her father and their thoughts on the civil rights were raised five years earlier who raised her sinced she was an infant (Bob Mays' movement of the 1960s, you'd when John Kennedy was myster- wife died when Kimberly was three). The Mays' bio- undoubtedly get a variety of re- iously murdered in Dallas. logical daughter, raised by the Twiggs, died in 1988. sponses. Nor do the history textbooks For instance, some would say JOHN recount how army Special Forces In the trial to determine the Twiggs* role in Kim- the movement was fairly suc- gave the Klu Klux Klan paramili- berly's life, the Twiggs' lawyer began power- cessful at achieving equality be- tary training in exchange for in- fully. "Kimberly Mays died five years ago," John tween blacks and whites. To sup- BERNARD formation on leaders of the civil Blakely said. "This ... is Arlene Twigg ... her legal port this claim, they might point rights movement like H. Rap parents are Ernest and Regina Twigg." to the existence of a black middle Brown, Stokely Carmichael and Sympathy for the Twiggs is certainly in order. class and the growing number of Martin Luther King (Commerical Their daughter was sent home with the wrong fami- black professionals in law, med- gled in the early 1960s against a CIA is forbidden to spy on U.S. Appeal, Memphis, March 21, ly, receiving a sickly baby girl who eventually died. icine, finance and business. deeply entrenched ethic of ra- citizens. 1993). And when they tried to reestablish ties with their bio- However, other respondents to cism in order to gain the right to Even the U.S. Army got in on The textbooks are also no- logical daughter, they're told she wants nothing to do the Interview might contend the vote. Though many Americans the act. ticeably silent on the matter of with them - that she hates Regina Twigg. quest for racial equality failed would like to believe the FBI ac- For example, most everyone how the military employed so- Bob Mays has rightfully held custody of Kimberly. miserably. They too, would have ted morally in the struggle for knows that the Army used Spe- phisticated U-2 reconnaissance facts to back up their view. The civil rights, nothing could be fur- cial Forces, or highly trained as- planes to spy on civil rights mar- Though not a blood relation, he has been Kimberly's continued existence of segre- ther from the truth. sassins, to fight in Vietnam. A chers and demonstrators father for 14 years. But the least Kimberly can do ~ gated schools and neighbor- (Commercial Appeal March 21 and the least Judge Stephen Dakan can decree - is hoods, for example. Or the fact 1993). too allow the Twiggs regular visitation with their bio- that law enforcement officials Internal documents retrieved from the FBI under Why has the official, or logical daughter, even if she wants nothing to do with treat blacks differently than the Freedom of Information Act (though still government, version of the histo- them. It's the closest thing to fairness for two fami- whites. ry of the civil rights movement lies that have suffered so much already. Which view is accurate? They heavily censored) detail how the FBI, under the excluded these curious facts? both are. dictatorial rule of J. Edgar Hoover, used Because our political leaders No one can deny the black must appear at all costs to be *•* middle class is larger now than at questionable tactics to disrupt the civil rights sympathetic to protests for civil As happens every August, the campus has turned any time in American history or movement. rights. After all, our own Declar- into a sprinkler minefield, with spastic devices that blacks have made substan- ation of Independence states tial inroads into the professions. pretty clearly that all men are spouting water everywhere and taking innocent bys- Similarly, it is also undeniable tanders by surprise. Internal documents retrieved few of these notorious groups created equal. that school segregation is still a from the FBI under the Freedom were the Special Operations The sad reality, however, is Nothing is more delightful to a student already problem or that black criminals of Information Act (though still Group, the Green Beret and the that while our leaders paid lip preoccupied with finals than the threat of being are more likely than white crimi- heavily censored) detail how the Navy Seals. But how many Amer- service to racial equality, they blasted with a strong jet of water (Bowling Green nals to receive the death penalty FBI, under the dictatorial rule of icans know the Army transferred operated behind the scenes to water!) when trying to get from point A to point B. for the same crimes. J. Edgar Hoover, used question- Green Beret troops from the kill- destroy efforts by black leaders Although a lush, green landscape is very appealing Even though academics and able tactics to disrupt the civil ing fields of Vietnam to the to work peacefully and construc- to students, employees and visitors, so is a dry side- politicians will continue to de- rights movement. streets of Memphis, Tenn. to spy tively for equal treatment under walk. bate whether the civil rights Hoover ordered his agents to on Martin Luther King Jr.? the law, a basic guarantee of the movement achieved its goals, keep Martin Luther King Jr. How many Americans know U.S. constitution - for whites there is one issue which is in- under constant surveillance and the Green Beret, who worked anyway. *** disputable: the true history of the even bugged his living quarters with the CIA to assassinate tens Perhaps the answer to the It's good to see that Founders will finally bring the civil rights movement has yet to and telephones hoping to black- of thousands of Vietnamese, question of whether the civil University into the 1980s. be explained to the public. mail the civil rights leader into were in Memphis the very day rights movement was successful The idea of an electronic door access system for For example, take the film silence about racial injustice and Dr. King was assassinated? must wait until the true history residents was very much needed for campus resi- Mississippi Burning, which made America's immoral role in Viet- Not many I'll bet, because that of the movement is written and dence halls. Other universities, such as Ohio State, its debut several years ago. The nam. information might raise embar- included in school textbooks. have given residents keys to exterior doors, trusting director of this film portrayed It is also now known that the rassing questions about our that they can handle more than one door key. That the FBI as staunch defenders of CIA had files on civil rights government's possible In- John Bernard is a columnist elminates the annoying practice of night guards poor southern blacks who strug- leaders even though by law the volvement in a plot to assassinate for The News. monitoring a student's coming and going in his or her S^BAfcvy...WHOV»U. T»* And now residents will be able to access the Foun- 01 SU^ CMtO\X?frlteto&> IMTWeSteo, m TteWTeuy Ttte«w^ce AMO lOtiUAAm Of we* wrw ctWMy t«w«t£e ders computer lab and also search for periodicals I^OT wrreifcsTBD. lexs WM TwrcA\te» through the library's computer system, without leav- l/AVe rr-rWH- ulAV. kM u>»lfri»u> HWMCT:..] 5T3W „ ing their rooms. 'wn»e&. mer This residence hall could actually make living on campus as convenient as the brochures say it is. Amazing.

The BG News staff

Tim Norman photo editor

Pravin Rodrigues/Eric Schmenk ARan IOU M*M jriNkOwuu, HOWS WHKTXPo production -rue fMVBMNBt *WZ ftjswess* IS NOT fOSVC* c MCTONCt? 9) AHPrW ART 0 is AT me The BG News, founded in 1920, is published daily during H16HEST FOPH the academic year and Wednesdays during the summer irtlVWKM! session. \ 214 West Hall Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0726 Copyright 1993, The BG News ffbcrxMCL-1 Local

Wednesday, August 4,1993 The BC News page three Wood County Fair offers fun for everyone by Ginger Phillips staff writer niques, furniture restoration and will include a horse pull, an anti- ref inlnshing and gourd carving. que tractor parade and pull and a On Thursday the fair will begin llama show. Horse shows, music, the circus at noon and highlights of the day "Sunday is really a busy day," - fairs have something for will Include an opening cere- Ruehl said. mony at 6:45 p.m., the Wood everybody. Starting tommorrow. The day will include several County Youth Parade at 7:30 p.m. Wood County residents can join animal shows, dulcimer music, in the fun of a week filled with and a Youth Dance at 9 p.m. the 4-H awards ceremony and at hundreds of attractions. Jayne Roth, a 4-H agent help- 8 p.m. stock car football. The 120th Wood County Fair ing to to coordinate the Junior will begin Thursday and end fair activities, said the children According to Ruehl, harness Wednesday, Aug. 11 at the fair- participants really enjoy them- racing will be the crowd pleaser grounds in Bowling Green at selves at the fair. on Monday and Tuesday. Mon- State Route 64 and West Poe "That's part of their highlight day, designated as Quilt Day, will Road. of the summer," she said. also have quilt displays and a According to Jim Ruehl, fair Friday will begin the Jr. 4-H quilt auction at 5:30 p.m. Tues- manager, the event has been or- shows, and also inlude a tractor day, Senior Citizens Day, will al- ganized by the citizens of Wood pull, a train display and a craft low people ages 60 and over free County as a chance for the people show and sale. Friday will also admission to the fair. of the county to come together include two showings of the Cir- Wednesday will wrap up the not only for enjoyment but for an cus Continental at 6 p.m. and 8 fair with mud volleyball, a hog educational experience. p.m., an event which Ruehl said calling and catch-a-pig contest "That's what It's all about," he both children and parents always and at 7:30 p.m., the World's said. "It's just an educational enjoy. largest Demolition Derby. process." "The main event Saturday is Some of the educational dis- the Survivor concert," Ruehl Admission to the fair is $3.50 plays which will be shown said. per day for ages 10 and over and Stock car football will be Just one of the attractions at the Wood County Fair. The fair begins at the several times throughout the The Survivor concert, featur- free for children 9 and under. An week will include demon- ing Jimi Jamison, will be at 8 Wood County Fairgrounds in Bowling Green tomorrow and continues through Aug. 11. Admission Is all-week pass is $12.00 and park- $3.50 per day and free for children 9 and under. strations on wallpapering tech- p.m. Other events on Saturday ing Is free. College accessible to migrant workers Local businesses by Jennifer Willis staff writer ing for Whirlpool for a year, he period of time," Garcia said. "U- Student Support Services." was faced with a big decision. sually people stereotype mi- Vega, the education coor- "I was making money, so I had grants to be Hispanic or Mexi- dinator for the Latino Student hiring now for fall Dora Vega is a typical sopho- to decide," he said. "Was I going can, but in reality, all races are Union, is also involved in the Co- more - undecided about her to get a big Corvette or go to col- represented." alition for Transcultural En- major, but enjoying college life. lege?" Vega came from San Benito, hancement. She has given sem- by Robin Coe However, in contrast to most of Garcia chose college and went Texas. Her family was very wary inars at Marion Correction Insti- staff writer her peers, she worked in the to the University of Findlay in about her going to college and tute and Bowling Green High fields as a migrant worker less August of 1986. He majored in she said being away from them School. Her goal is to make oth- Students who come up early before the fall semester to look than two years ago. Spanish business education and has been one of the hardest parts ers aware of ethnicity. for a job have a great chance at landing the type of job they are "When I first came here, I said, went on to teach Spanish for two of her decision to go to Universi- Garcia's goal is to make mi- looking for. Businesses are eager to train new employees in 'OK, I dont see anyone else of years at Roger High School in ty. grant families aware of the op- preparation for the fluctuation of customers expected once color, where are they?'," Vega Toledo. "The last time I saw them was portunities they have. Although school is back in session, and most replace employees lost from said. "Then people took me to the most migrant families view In August of 1992, he came to Christmas," she said. "They the spring and summer. places where people of color the University as an admissions didn't come up to work here this money as a major barrier be- were. We need to keep people counselor - a big step from work- year, so I won't see them again tween them and college, Garcia Meredith Myles, owner of Myles Pizza Pub and Sub Shop, 516 aware that migrant workers exist ing in the fields with his rela- until next Christmas." said many migrants can obtain E. Wooster St.; Myles' Pizza & Pasta, 300 E. Wooster St., and and we struggle to get an educa- tives. Vega started at the University the college education that seems Dairy Queen, 434 E. Wooster St., said he hires at his businesses tion." "My relatives came up from in the spring of 1992. She wasn't out of their reach. frequently throughout the year and will be hiring for fall semes- Dave Garcia, a University ad- the south every year," Garcia able to start In the fall because "It's a fallacy that they are see- ter. missions counselor, tries to make said. "My sister and I helped she had to fill out paperwork and ing when they think there's not the struggle a little less difficult them in the fields for five years, take her SAT exams. enough money to go to school," He said that those interested in applying for a job with his for people like Vega. He under- from when I was 10. I attended "Plus my parents wouldn't let Garcia said. "The parents don't businesses would benefit by applying as early as possible. stands the struggle - he, too, was migrant school for four summers go," she said. "Parents don't want realize there is money for them "We hope to have our schedule done by the beginning of the once a migrant worker. in Has kins." to let go of the girls. They want to go to school. At least three semester. Those that come up early get the Job," Myles said. Garcia recruited Vega from This is the time of year when you to stay home until you're 25 [migrant workers] that I know of the fields and is working to re- many migrant workers come up and you get married." will be attending school here in Pisanello's Pizza, 203 N. Main St., is also hiring. Owner Jerry cruit other migrant workers. He from Texas or Florida and work Despite the changes she had the fall. " Liss said prompt applications get the upper hand in landing a said recruiting migrant worker in the fields in the area. Garcia coming to school, Vega really en- Garcia said the migrant job. He said that he is also interested in people with restaraunt students can be difficult because said many times migrant joys being here. She is the first workers' perceptions about send- experience especially when hired close to the semester because the parents do not always realize workers are in people's peri- person in her family to attend ing their children to college less time is needed in training. the opportunites available to help pheral vision, but they don't real- college In the . seems to be changing for the bet- "We start hiring and training people the beginning of August," their children go to college. ly think about what a migrant "The change from high school ter. Liss said. "The sooner someone applies, the better." "It's rare for students from worker does. to college was difficult," Vega "Going out and seeing what's migrant families to go to col- "A migrant worker is a person said. "I think it's because of the out there, I get the feeling that Pagliai's Pizza, 945 S. Main St., and Campus Pollyeyes, 440 E. lege," Garcia said. "Hispanic or persons who travel seasonally English language barrier prob- [the attitude] is going towards Court St., are both currently taking applications. Pagliai's hires families are very close, especial- from one place, usually the lem that I have. The best thing is higher education," he said. "I get a lot of people around this time and re-hires those coming back ly female members ~ they don't southern part of the United I have met a lot of faculty and more phone calls and letters now. from last spring. Also, Easy Street Cafe, 104 S. Main St., is pre- want to let them go." States, to another place, usually staff that have helped- Also the It's on the uprise, but it's still far sently hiring and expects to be filled up within two weeks. Garcia graduated from Otsego the northen part of the United encouragement I have received behind compared to where it High School in 1985. After work- States, to do farm labor for a from Multicultural Affairs and should be." Signs of Summer Fun ^•/A-fc- Free treats every Wednesday EASYSTREET behind the SNACK Off-Campus Student Center. ATTACK Noon until gone Today is the last day! Graduation Buffet GET WHAT YOU WANT August 7,1993 Cedeiir P»AaS UAO Ridgeline Outing Center R.E. MANAGEMENT Upstairs Only! Discount Tickets We rent tents, backpacks, sleeping "Quality Off-Campus Housing" Reservations Required are available in bags and other camping equipment the UAO Office. at affordable week or weekend ratesl • 640 Eighth St. Only $19.50 Call 372-2343 •841 Eighth St. •313 N. Main St. TOSSED SALAD • OVEN BAKED CHICKEN •733Manville • 317 N.Main St. •615 Second St. • 755 Manville • Campus Manor • Rockledge Manor • BBQ SPARE RIBS • DEEP FRIED SHRIMP • 777Manville (505 Clough) (840 & 850 Sixth St.) • AUGRATIN POTATOES • CALIFORNIA MIXED VEGETABLES 1 honks tor o great summer I • ROLL & BUTTER • DESSERT Aultioultural Activitieses andoni 1P rograms $100 OFF ONLY $10.95 Per Person Residential Oervl ees First and Lasts month rent on the 9 and 12 month leases. University Activities Organiiation Good only on new leases. Mention at time of signing. Offer Call for Reservations 10am to 4pm Mon. - Fri. expires Aug. 21,1993 V/orlJ Student Association mm~ AAAM Regular Menu Downstairs ,_, _ «»„j„ c* 353-0988 Reservations Accepted *<>4 S. Main St. CALL US TODAY OR STOP IN FOR BROCHURE For more info call 372-2343 or stop by 330 Union M-F 8 to 5 SAT 10 to 2

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Drinking and riding can lead to a loss of license, a conviction, or even worse. That's if you're lucky. The fact is, 50% of motorcycle fatalities involve i riders who have been drinking. So if you have been drinking, get a ride' with a friend. It's the best call you can make. Mmmu %mn FNMIM'w

• Elsewhere page four The BG News Wednesday, August 4,1993 Demjanjuk's return pending Secret by John Nolan The Associated Press Keith and Pierce Lively. bound by Wiseman's recom- Demjanjuk's lawyers on Mon- Last year, they began in- mendations, will hear arguments day asked the Cincinnati court to shipments to vestigating whether the Justice on the extradition Sept. 3. set terms for Demjanjuk, 73, to CINCINNATI - A federal Department withheld informa- Demjanjuk is stateless. He re- return to his family in Ohio. They court must decide whether it can tion that could have helped Dem- mained in Israel after the court said his life was in danger in Is- order John Demjanjuk returned last week overturned his convic- Liberia stopped janjuk fight his 1986 extradition rael and that under international to the United States now that an to face charges he was a Nazi tion as the guard who killed Jews law, Israel could prosecute Dem- Israeli court has overturned his guard known as "Ivan the Terri- at the Treblinka death camp in janjuk only on the Ivan charges. by Mark Fritz conviction on charges he was a ble." Poland in World War II. Some But the Justice Department The Associated Press sadistic Nazi concentration camp A court-appointed investigator, 850,000 Jews were executed at said Demjanjuk has no right to guard. federal Judge Thomas Wiseman Treblinka. return to the United States and Three 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Jr., concluded in June that the Demjanjuk said he was a vic- questioned whether the appeals MONROVIA Liberia - The U.N. special envoy to Liberia has Appeals judges planned to hear Justice Department unintention- tim of mistaken identity. court has jurisdiction to order halted secret shipments of food to tens of thousands of starving arguments Tuesday from Dem- ally withheld evidence but said The retired suburban Cleve- Attorney General Janet Reno to people in rebel-held territory, a move relief groups say could janjuk's lawyers, who want him there was reason to believe Dem- land autoworker was preparing permit Demjanjuk's return. cost thousands of lives. returned, and the Justice De- janjuk may have been a guard at to leave Sunday for , In Israel Tuesday, the Supreme The U.N. envoy, Trevor Gordon-Somers, asked the govern- partment, which says he has no another death camp. where he was born, when Israeli Court turned down a request by ment of Ivory Coast on Monday to stop private relief agencies right to return. Wiseman recommended the officials delayed his deportation Demjanjuk's lawyers to move up from traveling from that country into Llberian territory con- It is not the first time Demjan- court take no action against the for 10 days while they decide the date of a hearing on possible trolled by rebel leader Charles Taylor. juk's case has come before Justice Department prosecutors. whether to pursue other war new charges. The hearing is A copy of the letter obtained by The Associated Press said the Judges Gilbert Merritt, Damon The appeals court, which is not crimes charges. scheduled for Aug. 11. aid shipments would endanger the precarious peace agreement signed a week ago by the warring factions in Liberia's civil war. Gordon-Somers' New York office said he was on vacation and no one was authorized to speak on his behalf. Relief groups said the move threatens more than 220,000 Cincinnati trying to stop KKK display refugees living in the rain forest between the front lines of Tay- lor's rebels and their enemies: a Nigerian-led West African co- The Associated Press alition army and two other Liberian factions. The committee expected to receive a re- ning around-the-clock displays on Fountain "There are 25,000 children suffering from malnutrition in this port Tuesday from City Solicitor Fay Dupuis Square. The court, ruling in favor of Con- area," said the Rev. Kenneth Vavrina, head of U.S. Catholic Re- CINCINNATI - The city might be able to on options for regulating displays on Foun- gregation Lubavitch, said the ordinance vio- lief Services in Liberia. prevent the Ku Klux Klan from displaying tain Square. Council members have been re- lated the Constitution's guarantee of equal "This is a scandal. We're barely keeping the boat afloat," said another cross downtown by banning tempo- viewing the issue since a Klan group dis- protection under the law. Lucas Van Den Broeck, coordinator for Doctors Without Bor- rary structures that Involve obscenity, de- played a wooden cross on the square in Mayor Dwight Tillery has said he thinks ders. "You are paying for the peace process with thousands of famation or "fighting words," a City Council December. the city should ban all exhibits and displays lives." member said. The Klan obtained a permit for a 10-day on the square. But on Monday he said that Both relief groups are contributing aid to convoys being run display around Christmas. Demonstrators should be a last resort, so the square remains by Doctors Without Borders of Holland. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that repeatedly knocked down or otherwise dam- a public forum. displays in those categories are not protec- Vavrina said one-third of the 25,500 malnourished children aged the cross, forcing police to set up a "We have to do whatever we can to contin- just north of Kakata, which is at the front lines, are so malnouri- ted by the First Amendment right to free 24-hour vigil. ue that practice without creating an envi- speech, said Todd Fortune, a lawyer and shed that they will die within three weeks without help. The Klan obtained its permit after the ronment that would attract hate groups to An estimated 500 children are dying weekly north of Kakata, chairman of the council's Law and Public Jewish group Congregation Lubavitch went Fountain Square," he said. Safety Committee. said Paul Bonard, head of the International Committee of the to federal court to obtain a permit for a Steve Anderson, a Klan sympathizer and Red Cross in Liberia. "The KKK erection of a cross connotes the 10-day display of a menorah on the square. former member who erected and repaired Children are initially the most vulnerable to starvation, but re- message of the KKK, which is one of hate The menorah is a candelabrum used at Han- the Klan cross in December, could not be lief workers said adults also are at risk. People are also dying and prejudice," he said Monday. "That mes- ukkah. reached for comment Tuesday. His tele- from tropical diseases at a greater rate because of their sage is hate speech, which constitutes fight- On July 8, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Ap- phone number in Cleves has been disconnec- weakened condition. ing words." peals threw out Cincinnati's ordinance ban- ted. There are several other pockets of displaced people, many of them residents of Sierra Leone who fled into Liberia when re- bels in Sierra Leone launched a rebellion in concert with Tay- Faculty lor's revolt. Relief to people in Taylor's territory is a volatile political is- cent workload increase while the Lunde said he believes the fac- American Association of Univer- Continued from page one. sue. The West African army has shot at and bombed relief size of faculty continues to de- ulty does not get the support sity Professors [AAUP] at Toledo groups trying to reach Taylor's territory, claiming the convoys dents but Gaudthier said it would cline. He said the number of fac- from the University they should University and other collective were carrying arms. vary from each University de- ulty members at the University be receiving. bargaining committees. In recent weeks, however, the West African army has taken no has decreased since the early "They have not done an ade- Gaudthier said the Board of partment. action to prevent the limited aid shipments sent from the Ivory "Some faculty will be uneffec- 1980s by about eight percent quate job of presenting the facul- Regents will discuss the law with Coast. ted, some will see an increase," while Cincinnati, Kent and other ty ... otherwise we wouldn't have other groups and more details universities have increased the this kind of bad law," he said. about how the law will effect the The West African army, which is allied with the Liberian he said. national army and another anti-Taylor rebel faction, has insisted Lunde said the University's number of faculty members at BGSU-FA believes they will University should be available by about the same rate. gain a lot of support from the December. that relief shipments to rebel territory be banned until U.N. faculty cannot produce a 10 per- monitors are placed along the relief routes. Taylor also has refused to allow relief shipments to enter his ^WWV^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A^^'W'i/VW'VWWV^^A* territory from parts of the country controlled by his enemies. Relief groups said any interruption of the aid shipments will Photographers Needed increase the number of deaths. VILLAGE GREEN APTS. Jean-Bernard Bouvier, medical coordinator for Doctors With- out Borders of Holland, said the limited shipments of high- for Fall 1993 protein corn and soya porridge are barely coping with the prob- We have everything you want! lem. "If no [full-scale] operations start in the next few weeks, 25 POOL/Picnic Areas percent of the children we are dealing with will be dead," he Volleyball Must have general said. knowledge in photography Taylor began the fighting in 1989 to overthrow then-President A/C Samuel Doe, who was killed by another rebel group. The fight- ^ /> and have own equipment. ing disintegrated into faction warfare, leading to the interven- Ind. Controlled Heat Applications may be filled tion of the seven-nation West African force. Spacious Furn./unfurn 2 B.R. Apts. out in 210 West Hall. For more information, contact The BG News CALL MOW! at 372-6966 or 372-2601. HOWARD'S club H 210 N. Main 352-9951 354-3533 presents 480 Lehman Ave. DON'T CflUSC TH€ €ND OF n FRIENDSHIP si/s pggg9gPgg^PPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DON'T DRINK AND DRIV€ Thursday, Friday & Saturday

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JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE liAll\>LVVS RESTAURANT iMmvrowA it<>wixvc; GREEN SUMMER & FALL RENTALS 163 S. MAIN 352-2595 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Try Our Homemade Onion Rings • Chicken Fingers w/tiger sauce • Potato Skins w/cheese & Bacon • Mozarella Sticks • Clam Chowder (New England)Fri. only • Fried Veggies - great!! • 1/2 HOUSES, DUPLEXES, & APARTMENTS bucket or Bucket of peel & eat Shrimp • Frozen Banana, Raspberry, Peach Margaritas, Key lime ice cream pie over 500 units with SUPER locations Many homemade Desserts...Fruit Pies, Peanut Butter, Hot Fudge Pecan Balls, 9 and 12 Month Leases Available Strawberry Shortcake...and morel Present this coupon before Aug. 15th and receive 50c off any item mentioned below! STOP IN TO 319 E. WOOSTER FOR A BROCHURE OF COMPLETE 1 DETAILS AND SPEAK WITH OUR FRIENDLY STAFF. Mon. TlWl. HuL nun's. ErlJLSaL Baby Back Ribs ' Taco Salads I Lamb Chops I Spaghetti w/ * Summer Picnic JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE 319 E. WOOSTER $6.95 | Prime Rib Mexican Nite meatballs $4.95 | Buffet Baked Chicken Mozzarella ■ Prime Rib - Snow 354-2260 Mexican Platters: I AU-U-Can Lunch Specials Eat $5.95 every day Meatball Sand. Crab | pc.s, col, iliw, mished (ACROSS FROM TACO BELL) Enchalada's, $3.95 I Prime Rib-King (Seafood, Chicken, I Prime Rib | Crab Beef) . Combos Taco Salads L -L Mon. thru Thurs., SANDWICHES 1/2 price after 9:00. Fresh Fruit Platters Chicken Wings - Mon. thru Thurs. Seafood Salads III!"1 111 ■• 111111111 .1II after 9:00 10e each w/purchase of beverage everyday!! Diversions Wednesday, August 4,1993 The BG News page five ': Men in Tights': Waste of Time by Connell Barrett Tackling the legend of Robin erally passable, and Brooks' Again, everything's in order - associate editor Hood seems like fertile ground direction is competent. But it's except the jokes. Brooks has al- Brooks on tape for serious spoofage; and with suffering from a painfully short most completely lost his comedic the 1991 Kevin Costner blockbus- supply of funniness, an impor- touch, continuing a slide which After "" and "Robin Hood: Men In Tights." Mel Any film sporting a title fun- ter, "Robin Hood: Prince of tant aspect of comedy. began with the uneven "Space- Brooks' cinematic touch may truly be lost But fear not. Your nier than its content is in big Thieves," this offering is more or In any rapid-fire style comedy, balls" and continued with the local video chain is sure to carry one of these Brookslan classics trouble. less timely enough (unlike "Hot laying the occasional comedic drab, dull "Life Stinks," a wacky - back when * movie meant inspired, chaotic fun. Such is the case with Mel Shots!," the "Top Gun" egg won't sink the whole film as commentary on homelessness. : Earning Brooks an Oscar for the screenplay, Brooks' "Robin Hood: Men in five years after the fact). long as we're treated with Hahaha! "The Producers'* features the brilliant Zero Mostel as Max Bla- Tights," an aggressive, almost "Tights" looks good. It's well enough big yucks to anchor the But "Tights" is full of gags so lystock, who cons Into selling 25,000 percent of the sad misfire. cast. The performances are gen- movie. "Tights" has a few chuck- stale even Twelfth Century peas- play "Springtime for Hitler," planning to skip the country with les (maybe four) but no guffaws. ants wouldn't have laughed. The the excess money. Good stuff. B The story stays close to both puns aren't funny. As soon as Ro- Blazing Saddler Legendary, rude, crude, and hilarious, bean- the Costner film and the 1938 Er- bin meets Ahchoo, we know we'll eating sequence and all. A Western spoof, Cleavon little and rol Flynn classic, "The Adven- witness a bounty of "God bless Gene Wilder confront a dirt-dumb racist town - with Little as tures of Robin Hood." Here, Ro- you"s whenever his name is men- the black sheriff. Tops in the belly-laughs department. Brooks at bin of Loxley (Cary Elwes) re- tioned. his best. A turns from the Crusades to find This mentality continues : Wilder is fantastic as Dr. Frankenstein his castle being repossessed for throughout the film. And Robin, (that's "FRANK-eu-STEEN," not "STINE") in this more subtle, failure to pay taxes - and it's trying to gain his men's attention, artsy yet uproarious spoof of '30s "Frankenstein" pictures. See pulled away on wheels! Nyuk- entreats, "Lend me your ears!" it Just for the "Puttln' on the Rltz" dance number. A- nyuk. And guess what. They all pull off To Be or Not to Be: Brooks and squeeze Anne Bancroft are He, along with his blind friend their prosthetic appendages and running from Nazis in this remake of the 1942 film. Less side-s- Hlinkin (Mark Blankfield), the lend them to their boss. Hahaha plitting and more sentimental but good enough, especially when devoted Ahchoo (David Chapelle) again. Brooks assumes Hitler's Identity. ("Hell myself!") B- and (Eric Allen Bad comedies are particularly Kramer), sets off to overthrow awkward for the movie-going now," let alone anything else. Brooks makes a point of Includ- Prince John (Richard Lewis) and crowd. Dramas are different. But when a comedy falls flat, ing a little music/dancing in all the lecherous Sheriff of Rotti- Audiences respond to "serious" there's something uncomforta- his pictures. But the opening rap ngham (Roger Rees). Prince John films with silence, even if they're ble, something eerie about sitting number is a bore, and Robin's has taken control of England in really bad. And Schwarzeneg- in silence. Sort of like when a singing like VERY King Richard's absence and has geresque action flicks are so car- stand-up comic bombs. It's just as merry men is an okay visual gag wreaked havoc, both overtaxing crash loud you can barely hear painful for the viewer as it is the but lyrically (again) off the and overacting. him say "I going to shoot you, performer. comedic target What's worse with "Tights" is "We're men — we're men in Brooks' pretentious tendency to tights include a three-second pause for We roam around the forest house laughter. And when there looking for fights... is none, the comedy vacuum is all We may look like pansies the more glaring, all the more But don't get us wrong or else embarrassing. we'll put out your lights! Every 20 minutes or so there's We're men (manly men!) - men a good moment. Chappelle's Mal- in tights (TIGHT tights!)" colm X impression is a good At first, I thought that maybe laugh ("We didn't land on Sher- Brooks' humor had simply stayed wood Forest. the same and comedy had passed landed on us.") And Roger Rees - him by - that bodily function and a fine actor, better known as Ro- blind people jokes had simply bin Colcord from "Cheers") - worn out their welcome. But his gives It his all as the Alan old movies - "," Rickman-llke Sheriff of Rottl- Young Frankenstein," "The Pro- ngham. He has the only inspired ducers" - easily stand time's Brooksian moment when he tries test. They're funny today. Just freeing Maid Marion of her Ever- like they were 20 years ago. If Last chastity belt with a vigorous only Mel Brooks could say the jackhammering. same thing. Well cast, too, is Richard Lewis A few legitimately funny as the paranoid, maneuvering scenes and predictable "walk Prince John. But he should have this way" jokes may very well rewritten his part to make it please die-hard Brooks fans. The more like his angst-ridden stand- woman in front of me applauded up. His script just doesn't do the through half the film. job. And his nomadic facial mole But discriminating movie is just 's alternat- goers beware. ing hump from "Young Franken- "Robin Hood: Men in Tights" is stein" all over again. playing at Woodland Mall's The songs are a bust, too. Cinemark Five.

WHEN THINGS WERE ROTTEN: Cary Elwes plays the dashing, de- Tights" has only a few genuine chuckles, begging the question, YOU'VE SEEN THE REST, bonair Robin of Loxley in "Robin Hood: Men in Tights," a film with Has Brooks lost his comedic touch?" NOW CHECK OUT THE BEST. too much buckle, not enough swash. Directed by Mel Brooks (above), WINTHROP TERRACE IVow APARTMENTS Limited number of One & Two Bedroom apartments Leasing at three great locations available with: Open Wed. -thru- Sot. fill Summer Fall - Ceiling Fans - Free Private Campus Shuttle - Two (2) Pools - Furnished or Unfurnished Bock by Popular Demand - Air Conditioning - 24 Hour Maintenance - New Appliances - On Site Laundry Facilities the 443 N. Enterprise - Close to Campus - Gas Heat, Cooking, Water, Sewer, Trash Pickup Numerous One Bedrooms. NEWIPVE Above Downtown Business Rentals Included 228 S. College - Free heat Office Located at: 400 E. Napoleon Rd. 709 Fifth - 2 bdrm , 2 baths. 328 S.Main 801 - 803 5th - 2 bdrm Free Heat 352-9135 712 - 722 4th - 2 bdrm washer/dryer Our Twistdffs hookup 824 6th - 2 bdrm Free heat 843 6th - 2 bdrm 2 baths Onlv Office 808 High Street - 2 bdrm Free heat Friday Night! Call for private showing. 352-5620

And... Model Open HAVEN HOUSE MANOR 1515 EAST WOOSTER Large two bedroom furnished apartments available with: Playing Classic Rock & Roll ■walk in closers -laundry facilities •builr in bookcases locared in rhe building Saturday Night! ■next ro campus -memberships offered *19 and Over All Summer A for rhe healrh spa Efficiencies, one bedroom and 104 S. MAIN 353-0988 other two bedrooms available (office In Cherruwood Heolthspo) Preferred Properties *SHzrz& And voure still smoking? 352-9378 8th and High Sports page six The BG News Wednesday, August 4,1993 Falcon football three-peat doubtful King by Doug Exman contributing writer chosen

The Chicago Bulls were able to do it earlier this summer, the right Pittsburgh Penguins could not. Whether or not the 1993 Falcon football team can three-peat in the Mid-American conference tackle this season remains to be seen, The Associated Press but, unless Michael Jordan (and Palko Henry Jackson Wyse Dudley Frazler Joe Montana for that matter) show up in Falcon country this BE!"A lot of people are concerned his shoulder where fellow soph- Vegas Bowl took care of that. 295). This quintet allowed just 18 fall, chances are the slot with the quarterback situation, sacks all last season leading the omorennr. Dwaylon Alexander has Sophomore Steve Rodriguez will BEREA, Ohio - The machines wont be jingling in Las but, quite frankly I'm not," Falcons to a No. 2 total offensive been pushing for, and will see, be the starter at free safety and Cleveland Browns are Vegas for BG again come bowl Blackney said. ranking. playing time. red-shirt freshman Steve Hart- counting on Ed King to time, at least according to the The loss of all-MAC flanker With Toledo St. Francis prod- With only three starters re- ley is expected to take over for handle the right-tackle Job media that covers the MAC. Mark Szlachcic is undoubtedly uct Jackson returning at tail- turning on the defensive side of Bair at strong safety. this year. Bowling Green was picked to fin- major, but luckily Henry has fa- back, the running game should be the ball, this potentially could be The kicking game will be in The question is whether ish fourth at the recent MAC miliar targets to whom to throw solid. The 5 11, 175-pound Jack- the biggest weakness of the up- good shape again this year as jun- he can make a smooth tran- media day held in Toledo. the ball. Ronnie Redd (32 cat- son will be looking to improve coming season. With the excep- ior Brian Leaver, who connected sition from guard to tackle. "The way I see it now is With the exception of senior upon his 843-yard, six-touchdown tion of linemen Bob Dudley and on 33 of 35 extra point attempts ches, 486 yards) returns at split that it's my job to lose," tailback Zeb Jackson and the en- performance of a year ago. With Clint Frazier and linebacker and eight of nine field goal at- end, the 5-9 junior was second said King, the Browns' No. tire offensive line returning in- Jackson, a lot of teams in the Vince Palko, there is very little tempts last season will be the behind Szlachcic in receptions 2 pick in 1991. "The only tact, the Falcons have holes to MAC believe that BG will try to experience. place kicker. Junior Rob Dona- last year. Senior Brad Long re- way I'm out of there is if I fill, and they are major. Two- change its style of play from the Dudley at tackle and Frazier at turns at tight end, where he hue, and sophomore Andy Tracy just can't cut it." time MAC player of the year air to the ground this year but noseguard should be all- earned all-MAC second-team both saw action punting last year King, 23, has made signif- quarterback Erik White is gone Blackney has not won two conference caliber players this honors a year ago. Junior Rameir and both will battle once again icant progress at the right- and his replacement has yet to be straight MAC championships by season. Junior Curtis Collins will Martin will take over duties at this year for playing time. tackle position since camp determined. Sophomore Ryan start at defensive end. Palko will flanker. running the ball and he does not According to the MAC media, began July 18. Henry will get the first crack, plan on winning the third that anchor the linebacker corps BG is not the favorite to repeat a Henry will also be receiving One of the reasons for his while former Ohio Mr. Football the services of the best offensive way. which includes senior Lee Boyer, third time as conference cham- sophomore Jason Woullard and progress is that he has been Derek Kidwell waits in the line in the conference, anchored "We are not going to change pions. Twenty-seven out of 65 working with left end Rob freshman Doug Landon. wings. by 6-5, 310-pound tackle Joe the way we move the football, we MAC media members believe Burnett. "If the season started have confidence in Ryan Henry. It's no secret the secondary Wyse. The strongest player on that Cental Michigan will be "Rob is having an out- tomorrow, then Ryan Henry We feel that we can throw just as was hit hard by graduation last the team (415 pound bench heading to Las Vegas and the standing camp, and it's would be the quarterback of the press), Wyse has started 25 often with Ryan as we did with year and teams will be looking to second annual Siver Bowl in making Ed better," said team, but [the coaching staff] is straight games. The coaching Erik," Blackney said. take advantage of that. December. Sixteenth-year head George Johnson, who was third coach Bill Belichick. "Ed's very excited about Derek Kid- staff is considering moving Wyse Jackson also said the Falcons coach Herb Deromedi's Chippe- got to be perfect on his sets on the team in rushing last year, well. He has come out of nowhere to guard this season to counter will open it up this year. was return nine offensive and and his reads. It's been a has decided to switch over on de- to clearly establish himself as the the 4-3 defenses that are becom- "Ryan Henry has had a lot of four defensive starters. good matchup out there." fense and will start at one corner. No. 2 quarterback and has put ing more common in the MAC. pressure on him, he has per- Gerry Faust's Akron Zips ball King agreed, saying that Darnell Staten, a senior out of himself in position to possibly be Fall drills will determine if that formed well and has given the club is predicted to finish second the first two weeks of camp Cleveland Heights, gets the nod the starter," head coach Gary move will or will not happen. offense confidence, we'll be able behind Central with 15 total more than prepared him to . Blackney said. Joining Wyse on the line are fel- to stick with the same game we'- at the other corner. Joe Bair, who starters returning from last face Bears end Trace Arm- At only 5-11, Henry could have low senior Matt Foley (6-0, 260), ve always had," he said. led the conference in intercep- year's 7-3-1 squad. Archrival strong in Platteville, Wis., problems seeing over people and sophomore Cal Bowers (6-1,270), Sophomore Darious Card tions last year still had a year of Toledo was picked to finish third on Friday. reading defenses, but this is not a junior Norman Hammond (6-3, opens the season at fullback, but eligibility left, but a career- followed closely by Bowling concern to Blackney. 295) and junior Jason Peters (6-5, will have to keep an eye out over ending injury in last year's Las Green and Miami. Classifieds

BabysitttingonFn and Sat evenings SUBLEASERSNEEDEDIII Persons needed lor cleaning and misc. jobs 78 Chevy Impala, new engine, p.s., p.b., power 228 SOUTH COLLEGE: Close to Campus. 1 Beginning September 2 Bdrm apt. with 1 1/2 baths 3rd floor of quiet SERVICES OFFERED between August 9 and August 20. locks Runs. $400 or best offer. 353-6940. bdrm. unlum A fum apt. Free heat, water A Call 352-3122 or 352-6847 Didg - balcony. Cheap rent' Lots of closets and Call 353-0325. sewer. Call Newlove Rentals 352-5620. cabinets. FURNISHED Please call imme- HUGE MOVING SAL£' Everything must gol Selling a queen fu- ROYAL CLEANING SERVICES tor your home Need ForMto rrove n I g hcjso diately at 353 1008 Ask lot Helen. Pan-time light packaging. Mon.-Fri., noon to 3 bdrm.. 2 bath house with washer/dryer. 734 ton/sofa, bookshelves, tables, chairs, lamps, Thorough, reliable, experienced ft insured. $t 40/mo ♦ Utii. Washer/Dryer 330pm. Apply in person. McCord Products Elm $660 par month. 12 mo. lease starting Call 354-5483 dishes A much more. Perfect tor students Free estimates 353.2008 1135N Mam SI BG ) 8/15793.354-2854 days, 352-2330 evenings ^ I HELP WANTED needing quality items at very reasonable ROOMMATE: male student, non-smoker to prices. All day Sat ft Sun. Aug. 7 ft 8. 241 S. 309 HIGH: 2 bdrm fum. close to campus. WORD PROCESSING - Will type resumes, Evening Office Cleaning. share I BR apt. Summit Terrace Fall sem. Church • nght nest to the pool office. term papers, dissertations on laser primer. 10-12 hours per week. Own trans, required. FREE HEAT, WATER, SEWER. Wa- Must be honest, clean & responsible. sher/dryer in bktg. Call Newlove Rental Reasonable ft dependable. 352-670519-9) Call 352-5822 Leaving BG. selling color TV. almost new. for $200/mo (2161 238 4107 Weekend desk clerk needed. Shirt 4pm-12 al $100; desk, bookshelves, dmnerware, silver- 352-5620. Buckeye Budget Motor Inn. Long term position. Hiring delivery personnel immediately ware, lamps, vacuum cleaner, etc. for under 709 FIFTH: 2 bdrm. unlum 2 baths. Dishwa- Female roommate needed for (all semester to Call 352-1520 or stop out. Musi be neat ft personable. PERSONALS share 2 bdrm. Frazee apt. with 2 girls. Need $20 each. Call 353-0092 sher. AC. Beautiful apis Call Newlove Rental OiBenedettos. 1432E. Wooster 352-5620. A SAP. Call (216) 331 -1350. ask for Jenny or BGSU Food Operations is seeking students to Men's Raleigh 12 spd. Jessica. work in McDonald Dining Center Aug 9-24 to Winter Athletic Supervisor 27-. Black. Mini Condition 801-603 FIFTH 2 bdrm fum A unfurn FREE Summer Tanning Speoall 11 lor $20: month- Housemate wanted Non-smoker assist with early arrival meals Pay rate Bowling Green Parks ft Recreation Depart $150 Call 874 9584 HEAT. WATER. SEWER. Washer/dryer in ly^. 3 month - unlimiled $49.00. Payments $4.35mr. Apply in person to Jamie Leonard mem seeks a mature individual, to supervise bldg Call Newlove Rentall 352-5620 Own room $150 plus utilises Men's size 11 Mondoblade Roller Blades. Ong- available. 352-7889_ Commons Dining Center Mon.-Fri., 2:30-Spm the city's adult ft youth basketball and voley- Lane* 665-3064 inally $110 sell for $50. Call 352 5018 (leave Cart/ Rentals • 352 7365 or call Barb ai 372-7938 tor additional in- ball programs fallAvinter 1993-94 This la a message). Single rooms tor male students Male subleaser Fan semester. Fox Run Apis. formation. Please note: On Campus Housing is seasonal salaried position beginning at $280 Near campus, with cooking privileges. Very nice apt. Rent negotiable Call John not avail, until Aug. 21. Must be a BGSU stu- per week. Period of employment from 9/6/93 Mobile home. 2 bedroom, good condition, good WANTED 2 bdrm. apt. near campus. 874-0886 dent. through 3/13/94 excluding BGSU holiday Di- location, $3,200. Call 354-8134. School year or 12 mo. leases. verse day ft evening, weekday A weekend Office 316 E. Merry (3. or call for appt. hours Demonstrated ability to organize. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITTT schedule and supervise adults is essential FOR RENT Efficiency apartment. 2 blocks from campus. Deadline tor application is 5:00pm, August 13, 1003, interested parties may pick up an appli- $290 a month, plus utilities 352-7092 or cation and complete |Ob description at the City 352-4166. 1 A 2 bdrm furnished aots. Park Office. The City of Bowling Green a an House tor rent. 3 Dorm . washer/dryer, dish- 9 mo. ft 1 yr. leases equal opponuniry employer washer, detached garage, good location 352-7454 $600/mo ft upl Call 669-3564. after 5pm. Workers to install lofts at B.G. Aug. 16-18. Aug. 1 bed. apt. for rent; parking, laundry, storage SUMMER TIME 21-25. Hrs 0-5. $5 per hour. Call Mary avail. $340/mo. A elec . free gas A water 216-650-8653 JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE Grad. student or working mdycoupie. Cal 319 E Wooster Si Vanessa 353-5515 or Blame 352-4463. (across from Taco Bell) FOR SALE 114 SOUTH MAIN: Above downtown busi- The official 1 hour ness. One bdrm. unlum Washer/dryer in bfdg. FALL RENTALS Call Newlove Rental 352-5620. All With Super Locations Call 3542260 photo processor Andes tor sale: 3 single beds, 2 solas. 2 dres- 117 NORTH MAM: Above downtown busi- sers, 1 bookshelf, 4 bedside tables Call ness. One bdrm. unlum. Dishwasher. Wa- 353*209. sher/dryer in bfdg. Call Newlove Rental 352 5620 Room tor rent in rice private home to female summertime '93 Furniture For Sale grad student or mature upper dasswoman Couches, Chain, Tables 2 Bdrm. Apt. for Rent Ubl. paid. Laundry/Kitchen privledges $275 a Please can 352-8788 Half block from campus month, non-smoking, win need car 352 7769 We do 4x6 Big Shot prints Available Now. 352-3224 Instant Replayl Hide-a Bed couch Rooms tor rent in BG home, quiet neighbor- Clean. Good condition. $50.00 2 bdrm. furnished 4 person house within 1 hood. Prefer non-smoking older student. For same day Kara 353-2737. block of campus 1 year lease. (Aug -Aug ) more information call 352-9200 aher S. Call3S2-7454. Upstain ol house tor rent: Aug. '93 May '94. 3 \ i 2 Bedroom furnished apt. bdrms., very dose 10 campusl Very Cool. Call $ FREE FEAT, WATER. SEWER, GAS for details 352-8919. if we're not home, please Double Your Prints For $1.00j *3, *2, 1 Off 352-2863 leeve name ft number. Village Green Apis 2 bdrm. fum. A unlum on Film 217 S. College. 3 bdrm. house, dose to cam- ape), available soon. 9 ft 12 mo. leases. Slop i pus, only $525 00 per month. Available in Au- Developing gust. Can 353-6001 tor info. by the office at 480 Lehman Ave #118, or cal 419-3543533.

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