Vol 118 No 1218 ISSN 1175 8716
THE NEW ZEALAND MEDICAL JOURNAL Vol 118 No 1218 ISSN 1175 8716 CONTENTS This Issue in the Journal A summary of the original articles featured in this issue Editorials Challenging beliefs about the marketing of food Robert Quigley, Carolyn Watts Circumcision: certain controversy over uncertain origins Spencer Beasley Original Articles Advertising and availability of ‘obesogenic’ foods around New Zealand secondary schools: a pilot study Anthony Maher, Nick Wilson, Louise Signal Student access to primary health care and preventive health screening at a school-based health centre in South Auckland, New Zealand Simon Denny, Anita Balhorn, Aniva Lawrence, John Cosgriff Assessing and developing community participation in primary health care in Aotearoa New Zealand: a national study Pat Neuwelt, Peter Crampton, Sue Crengle, Kevin Dew, Anthony Dowell, Robin Kearns, David Thomas Prevalence of Type 1 diabetes in New Zealanders aged 0–24 years Denise Wu , Deborah Kendall , Helen Lunt , Jinny Willis , Brian Darlow , Christopher Frampton Teenage use of GP care for moderate to severe asthma in Auckland, New Zealand Stephen Buetow, Deborah Richards, Ed Mitchell, Barry Gribben, Vivienne Adair, Gregor Coster, Makere Hight Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae at Middlemore Hospital Simon Briggs, James Ussher, Susan Taylor Case Reports Vaginal water-jet injuries in premenarcheal girls Tevita Aho, Vipul Upadhyay Inflammatory breast cancer in a male Michel Choueiri, Zaher Otrock, Ayman Tawil, Ihab El-Hajj, Nagi El Saghir NZMJ 15 July
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