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Ledical Hall EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ISAAU W [ LSON, SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50.—50c. DISCOUNT IF PAID IN X\DVANCE, VOL. xrv- ALEXANDRIA ONTARIO, FBIDAY, MAY 21, I89T. NO: 21 DOMINION EEFOKMATOET. Ontario, he felt that no county was so wet! entitled to it a.s the County of Glengarry. THE MOST HEALTHFUL AND SAFE DEPUTATION TO OTTAWA. Mr. J. R. Bootn, of Ottawa, claimed also AT 5 AND 51 PER CENT. that the eastern district of Ontario was en- Baking Powder A deputation from the County of Glen- titled to recognition by the Government, SFmSG AM SÜMIEB The undersigned has made arrange- garry, comprising the following gentlemen, and the work should be proceeded with. —IS TUB GENUINE— ments with private capitalists to lend waited upon the Hon. Mr. Tarte on Tuesday Dr. McDiarmid pointed out the services at 3.30 p. in., to impress upon him the im- money on improved farms of 60 acres of Glenga.iry’ in the cause of education, and MILLINERY portance of proceeding immediately with the loj'alty shown by her inhabitants in COOK’S FRIEND and upwards in sums not less than |500. the construction of the Dominion Reforma- Interest on sums over $1,200, 5 per cent, 1812, 1837, and 1866, and the high standing Ask Your Storekeeper for TEACHES ARITHMETIC, SPELLING, tory at Alexandria :— -V., taken by her sons in the whole country, and At the LOWEST LIVING PRICES for each year after first year, and for D. A. McArthur, Reeve, Alexandria ; D. first year, payable half yearly, and in BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, claimed that she above all counties in the SHORT-HAND & TYPE-WRITING M. McPherson, M. P. P., Lancaster ; D. C. country, was entitled to some consideration —AT sums under $1,200 at per cent., pay- Campbell, Reeve of Kenyon, Laggan ; D. C. McLam’s Cool’s Frloiil able yearly, for terms of 5 to 10 years. in the very best way. from the Government. Success of pupils prove it. Write McRae, North Lancaster, A. R. McDougall, The Minister of Public Works expressed AND TAKE NO OTHER. Valuations must In all cases be made by for catalogue. Glen Norman, D.A. McDonald, Alexandria, himself as very favorably impressed by the THE MISSES McDONELLS’, either D. A. McArthur, Reeve. Alexandria ; J. B. Snider, Bainsville, D. R. McDonald, Alexander iMcDougall. Reeve No. 1 Lochlel ; C. W. GAY, PEINCIPAL. character of the deputation, and admitted Duncan A. McDonald, Post-master, Alexan- Williamstown, County Councillors ; Rev. OBITUAEY. MAIN STREET, ALEXANDRIA. they had made a very strong case, and dria; William D. McLeod. (Jheese-maker, D. D. McLennan, Apple Hill ; A. D. Mc- stated that as far as he was concerned, lie or John J. McDonell, 9-3 Kenyon, to either of Rae, Maxville ; A. A. Stewart, Dunvegan ; MKS. DOXAI.D BAN MCDONAI.O. whom application can be made direct, or to was quite willing that the work should pro- I^SURAg^CE. W. J. McNaughton, Lancaster; C. J. Mc- ceed, but the reason that the work had not On Sunday evening last, deatli visited the CONROY. V. Ü., ,T. A. MACDONELL, (Greenfield,) Rae, Glen Roy ; D. J. McLeod, Glen Nor- progressed was that the plans accepted by home of Mr. Donald Ban McDonald, 15-3 9-tf. ALEXANDRIA. man ; J. A. McDougall, Lancaster ; Rey. the late Government, would necessitate an Kenyon, and laid his icy hand on the part- ALEXANDRIA. THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INS. CO. E. Poitras, Rev. D. McLaren, J. T. Schell, outlay in round numbers, of one million ner of his joys and sorrows, and wife and Head Ofl3ce, Toronto. J. L. Wilson, A. A. McKinnon, George dollars, and he thought, therefore, that fur- mother lies still in death. Mrs. McDonald Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty Hearnden, Hugh Muiiro, A. L. Smith, J.H. J. F. JUNKIX, GEN. MANAGER. ther consideration was neoessaiy before the was born in the Covnty of Glengarry 77 • Good, Warm, stable attached. 3-6 McPherson, J. R. McDonald, J. A. McDon- work was proceeded with, that he personal- years ago, and her whole life has been spent This Company is now introducing new ald, J. Boyle, P. Trottier, J. A. Cameron, features, such as the Double Maturltv, in- ly, would offer no objection to the work here. She was a fine woman and mucli stalment and Yearly Renewable Term D. D. McPliee, D. Wason, 6. S. AVason, A. being proceeded with, but that it was a respected and loved by all her neighbors JOHN A. CHISHOLM. Plans. Before placing your Insurance it D. Kennedy, J. A. McMillan, D.,J. McDon- matter bej'oiid his personal control, and and acquaintances. She has enjoyed good will be to your advantage to see one of the ald, H. R. McDonald, D. D. McDonald, M. Company’s representatives, who will be glad which would have to be decided by the health during her life, but last fall she com- Bàrrister,;Sol]citorÿ Notary, &c. D., P. A. McDonald, M. D., A. J. McDon- Government, and he recommended tlie de- menced to fail, and has been ailing all to call and explain the advantages of in- ald, P. A. Huot, I. B. Ostrom, Angus Mc- Co£ïi.X»;rail„ Oïs.ta,rio. suring in this progressive company. putation to wait upon some of his col- winter. She leaves to mourn her loss, lier Hall, Take an Accident Policy. Never before Donald, E. A. Hodgson, E. H. Tiffany, P. leagues, as the Government had not yet de- husband, six sons and five daughters. Tiro ledical has accident insurance been offered so cheap Olf^ClÇS L-r-XlODELÜS; BLOCK. Groulx, A. G. F. McDonald, F. McDonald, cided as to their policy in regard to this of her sons, Donald and Daniel, reside in Alexandria; J. J. Cameron, J. D. Cameron, institution. In pursuance of this the depu- California, another son, Dan., in Montana, JOHN D. ROBERTSON, Greenfield; P. D. McDonald, Bridge End ; f*rlyàte Funds to Loan. District Agent for the Manufacturers’ tation later waited upon Sir Oliver Mowat, Ranald, in Western Canada, Angus, in J. W. Morrison, K. Hope, D. McDonald, Minister of Justice, in one of the Senate Minnesota, and another son Angus who SOLID SILVER Life and Manufacturers’Guarantee and Ac- A. Cinq-Mars, Glen Robertson ; T. Fraser, ^ WILLiAWI A. LEGSSO cident Co,, MAX VILLE, OMT. committee rooms. The case v^as presented resides on the old homestead, and John B. Lochiel ; W. D. McPherson, Bainsville ; D. to Sir Oliver Mowat in much the same man- left last week for Colorado. Three of her M.O.S., D.D.S., Tea Spoons, Manicure Sets. Fruit Knives, A. McDonald, H. Corbett, Munro’s Mills; Pen Knives, Button Hooks, Hair ner by the same gentlemen. Particular daughters reside in Kenyon—Mrs. M’illiain Dr. McDiarmid, H. A. McLean, W. Mo- stress being laid upon the support which Tongs, Crochet Hooks, and a lot McDonald, Mrs. Hugh McDonald and Mr.s. laiEisrmsa? SMILUE à BSBERTSOH, Ew'an, Maxville ; H. Bowan.Williamstow'n ; Glengarry and the eastern district of On- Win. Kennedy, and two reside at Mark of other Sterling Silver Novel- EVERY MONTH AT R. McDonald, Greenfield ; J. A. McDonald, tario had given him, whilst Premier of Stay—Mrs. Wm. McDonald and Mrs. Mc- ties, good useful articles. Glen Roy ; Ja.s. McKenzie, Glen Sandfield ; CASSELMAN, 15th and 16th. Ontario. Sir Oliver was very cordial in his Master. The funeral took place on Tuesday •. MOOSE CHEEK, 17th and 18th. J. R. Booth, J. F. McIntyre, Ottawa. reception of the deputation, but stated that morning to St. Finnan’s burying-ground, MAXVILEE, :o: SASH, BOOB AID SIILE 19th,20th and 21st. The deputation was introduced by Col. the Government had not yet decided upon and was largely attended. The Rev. D. R. AVONMORE, 24th and 25th. MANUFACTURERS. R. R. McLennan, M. P. for Glengarry, ac- SOUTH FINCH, 28lh and 27th their policy with regard to the matter. He McDonald officiated at the funeral. The SOUQ OSLO WmHES! companied by Senators McMillan and Ogil- CITY OFFICK-25SPARKS ST. OTTAWA. 24-ly expressed himself as very much pleased pall-bearers were : Jas. Cameron and D. A. vie, and also J. G. Snetsinger, M.P., and with the deputation, and their mode of pre- Cameron, 14 3 Kenyon, John A. McDonald, Heavy Cases, Ladies’ size, Elgin or. A full stock of Lath, Clapboards, Sash, was most representative and influential. Doors, Shingles, and all material required senting the case, and promised that the 16-3 Kenyon, P. McDonald, 13-3 Kenyon, Waltham Movement, $24, The deputation waited upon the Minister DENTISTRY. in finishing off houses, kept constantly matter would receive the earnest considera- Angus A. McDonald, 16-2 Kenyon, and G. Also, a New and Complete line of of Public Works at 3.30 p. in. tion of the Government. J. McDonald, 17-3 Kenyon. on hand, at right prices. Col. McLennan in introducing them, HOWES & FITZPATRICK. ORDERS EXECUTED AT SHORT NOTICE pointed out the importance of the Reforma- MRS. KENNETH MCLEOU. HEAD-OFFICE VANKLEpK HILL. tory to the whole Dominion, and also the No. 1 LATH $1.59. ALEXANDRIA COUNCIL. Mrs. Kenneth McLeod, who died March Df.HowKS wllllje In Alexandria and Max- advantages of the location in Alexandria, Of the very latest odors. Kiln Drying, Planing, and Match- 8th, in Sanilac county, Mich., at the good ^ ville twice each month. ing done, Satisfaction Guaranteed. inasmuch as that place was situated almost The Council met on Saturday evening. 5^' See loca notice for dates. 39 in the centre of population in the Dominion, old age of a hundrecl and three years and Don’t fail to try our own COUGH Present, the Reeve, D.
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