I ""' '\ r- 45AA 797147 (39~I 3f4+-il s~~'rTT1100 ISHA No."....A..lb,l ;;~ ~,~\..q,l)/q Oate...tJ ~y,.. If M Time ,&a..:}!~ I .1 R Form 26 (See rule 4A) ~=:;:-- • BEFORE THE NOTARV PUBLIC, BERHAMPUR, GANJAM ~aT"\R~ FFIDAVITTO BE Fl,'LED BY, THE, CANDIDATE ALQNGWITHNOMINATION */... * PAPER BEFORE THE RETURNING ,OFFICER F'oR ELECTI'oN ~ (\",~:~~HI0Y I ro THE l\_ffiMBER,OFPARLIAMENT (LOK SABRA) , \\?~~J;.t FROM 20-BERBAMPUR"CONSTITUE.NCY ~~ PART A J. " , . 1, SRI CBANI)RA SEKHAR SAHU, son of Late Bipra Charan Sahu, Aged 68 years. resr~nt of Bijipur M~in Road, PO: Berh~mpur- 760003,.PS: Gosamnuagam, DistrIct: ,GanJam, Odisha, candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath aSlnder:- (1) [am a candidate set up by BIJU JANATA DAL (2). My name' is enrolled in AC-133, BERHAMPUR, at Serial No. 1021, in Part No. U6 (EPIC No. KDN2100725). (3), My contact telephone rmmber(s) is 9437072119 and my e-mail id (if any) is sah,
[email protected].~,~ ~ present and my social media accouut(s) (if any) is no I " romlS I'"ar~~, ",:' ...",..... )Os account. CJ ~\j./(~ ~~ q,c> ( e~ # L 4" c ~ J I NOTARY, BRAHMAPUR (I .1 1 rvv---4\D"- ~......__,.... ~v:,_.._. s.L._.~~ ..._...\. ~ ~r)LDTo <:. · ~. 5,~ 'JT.· 1 J ~LQ 201Q I(RUSHNlt~HM~ , .' STMf.P ;. r.:. T r- \. K1SSA fI' ,'- '. -"..-,_- (4) Details of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and status: of filing of Income tax return: [The financial year Total income shown in for which the last Income-tax return (in Rupees) SI.No.