09Awards04Residential.indd 106 8/17/09 3:15:28 PM G:H>9:CI>6A L>CC:G BdjciV^c9lZaa^c\h 9EF;D>7=;D":;DC7HA

Mountain Dwellings is the second of three projects built by Hoepfner and Danish Oil Company and designed by the Group (BIG) alongside the Metro in Oerestad, a new neighborhood planned for 40,000 inhabitants on the south side of and close to . This community serves as a bridge to older housing areas—one from the late 1950s and one from the late 1980s—with the newer developments also incorporating re- tail, office, and entertainment space.


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09Awards04Residential.indd 107 8/17/09 3:15:33 PM The first residential project delivered by the partnership, V-house and M-house, was immensely successful—all 250 units sold out after only three weeks. The original plan for the second project, , was to build two adjoining buildings, one for parking and one with apartments, in virtually the same style as the V- and M-houses. The problem the development team encountered was that this structure would inevitably break the link and the views between the V- and M-houses and the existing community, whereas they wanted a building that would integrate with the surround- ing area. The firm BIG developed a more challenging proposal for Mountain Dwellings as two- thirds parking and one-third living space. The design posited that the parking area could become the foundation of the homes, like a concrete hillside covered by a thin layer of housing, cascading E=DIDC9=:&%,A!&%.A0JAG>@?6CIO:C&%,G! &%-!&%.G0 parking and housing, the two functions were merged into a symbiotic relationship as a building 200

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09Awards04Residential.indd 108 8/17/09 3:15:35 PM meters (656 ft) long and 80 meters (262 ft) wide, constructed as a stair covered with a thin layer of 80 L-shaped apartments, each with sunlight, fresh air, and a view. The parking area was designed to con- nect to the street while all apartments have roof gardens facing the sun, thus the Mountain Dwellings appear as a neighborhood of garden homes flowing down a ten-story building. The 80 apartments oc- cupy just eight traditional suburban plots, achieving suburban living with urban density. Working with the developer, Hoepfner and Danish Oil Company, BIG managed costs of this innova- tive project by developing multiple prefabricated elements for the parking garage as well as for the kitchen, storage, and bathroom units, which were all built off site and virtually lifted into the build- ing. The north-facing back of the building has an aluminum facade that sports a perforated picture of Mount Everest—this black, white, and gray image looks like a mountain from a distance. The project has an intense focus on sustainable development through a low-maintenance wooden facade, optimized solar orientation, natural ventilation and extensive use of daylight. All rainwater is collected on site and used in Mountain Dwellings’ landscaping. Mountain Dwellings has already won a number of awards, including the World Architectural Festival’s 2008 Best Housing Project, where it was commended for presenting “an innovative interplay between two opposing programmes.” The project creates an urban hybrid where people can combine all the splendors of a suburban lifestyle, such as a house with a big garden where children can play, with the metropolitan qualities of a penthouse view and a dense urban location. The project is also a financial success as one of the first housing projects in the entirely new city of Oerestad. As such, Mountain Dwellings is viewed as a successful catalyst for bringing young couples and urban profes- sionals into this new area.


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09Awards04Residential.indd 109 8/17/09 3:15:38 PM