New World Cerambycidae

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New World Cerambycidae Checklist of the Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera) of the Western Hemisphere M. A. Monné & F.T. Hovore - Electronic Version, 2001 Part One: Parandrinae through Lepturinae Tribes follow traditional treatments, but tribal classifications within the family have not been fully evaluated using modern phylogenetic methods, so ordering is to some degree arbitrary. Genera and species are listed alphabetically. Geographical distributions reflect the present knowledge of the authors and previous checklist data, and are subject to expansion as additional data is contributed. Provincial citations are used for some larger countries to more accurately indicate known ranges. Bibliographies for each species are not included, and the authors refer users to Monné, 1993, et seq., Catalogue of the Cerambycidae of the Western Hemisphere (Parts 1 - 22), for complete citations. A bibliographic file is included as Part Three of this electronic version. Some disagreement exists over the status of the disteniid longhorns, which at times have been placed in a separate family, the Disteniidae. The current treatment (Lawrence & Newton, 1995) is as a subfamily, Disteniinae, and they are regarded as such herein. The arrangement of taxa within the list follows conventional checklist ordering: Subfamily Tribe Genus Author, year, page number Generic synonyms species Author, year: page number Distribution specific synonyms subspecies subspecific synonyms Abbreviations used in the list: Argentina BA = Buenos Aires; CA = Catamarca; CD = Córdoba; CH = Chaco; CO = Corrientes; CT = Chubut; ER = Entre Ríos; FO = Formosa; JU = Jujuy; LP = La Pampa; LR = La Rioja; ME = Mendoza; MI = Misiones; NE = Neuquén; RN = Río Negro; SA = Salta; SC = Santa Cruz; SE = Santiago del Estero; SF = Santa Fe; SJ = San Juan; SL = San Luis; TU = Tucumán. Brasil AC = Acre; AL = Alagôas; AM= Amazonas; AP = Amapá; BA = Bahia; CE = Ceará; ES = Espírito Santo; GO = Goiás; MA = Maranhão; MG = Minas Gerais; MS=Mato Grosso do Sul; MT = Mato Grosso; PA = Pará; PB = Paraíba; PE = Pernambuco; PI = Piauí; PR = Paraná; RJ = Rio de Janeiro; RN = Rio Grande do Norte; RO = Rondônia; RS = Rio Grande do Sul; SC = Santa Catarina; SE = Sergipe; SP = São Paulo; TO = Tocantins. Mexico AG = Aguascalientes; CA = Campeche; CHA = Chihuahua; CHS = Chiapas; CM = Colima; CO = Coahuila; DF = Distrito Federal; DU = Durango; GR = Guerrero; GU = Guanajuato; HI = Hidalgo; JA = Jalisco; ME = México; MI = Michoacán; MO = Morelos; NA = Nayarit; NL = Nuevo León; OA = Oaxaca; PU = Puebla; QE = Querétaro; QR = Quintana Roo; SI = Sinaloa; SO = Sonora; SLP = San Luis Potosí; TA = Tamaulipas; TB = Tabasco; TL = Tlaxcala; VC = Vera Cruz; YU = Yucatán; ZA = Zacatecas. United States AL = Alabama; AR = Arkansas; AZ = Arizona; CA = California; CN = Connecticut; CO = Colorado; DE = Delaware; FL = Florida; GA = Georgia; IA = Iowa; ID = Idaho; IL = Illinois; IN = Indiana; KS = Kansas; KY = Kentucky; LA = Louisiana; MA = Massachusetts; MD = Maryland; ME = Maine; MI = Michigan; MN = Minnesota; MO = Missouri; MS = Mississippi; MT = Montana; NB = Nebraska; NC = North Carolina; ND = North Dakota; NH = New Hampshire; NJ = New Jersey; NM = New Mexico; NV = Nevada; NY = New York; OH = Ohio; OK = Oklahoma; OR = Oregon; PA = Pennsylvania; RI = Rhode Island; SC = South Carolina; SD =South Dakota; TN = Tennessee; TX = Texas; UT = Utah; VA = Virginia; VT = Vermont; WA = Washington; WI = Wisconsin; WV = West Virginia; WY = Wyoming. In addition, Hispaniola is used when both Haiti and Republica Dominicana (R Dominicana) are cited. Subfamily Parandrinae Blanchard, 1845:134 Prionides aberrantes Bates, 1869:38 Parandrini Blanchard, 1845:134 Hesperandra Arigony 1977:163 brachyderes (Lameere, 1902:71) w Mexico (MI, CM) brasilica (Zikán, 1948:31) se Brasil (MG -RJ) brevicollis (Lameere, 1902:70) Ecuador colombica (White, 1853:3) Nicaragua- Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador scaritoides Thomson, 1861:82 gyllenhalii Thomson, 1867:110 conspicua (Tippmann, 1960:89) Ecuador, Bolivia cribraria (Zikán, 1948:34) se Brasil (MT-SC) expectata (Lameere, 1902:69) Brasil, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay montana Zikán, 1948:27 galapagoensis (Van Dyke, 1953:127) Galapagos Is glabra (Degeer, 1774:352) Mexico-Argentina, W Indies testaceus Fabricius, 1794:437 ferruginea Sturm, 1826:181 lineola Gory in Guérin-Méneville, 1831: pl. 42, fig.7 mandibularis Perty, 1832:84 maxillosa Laporte, 1840:387 lineolata Gory in Guérin-Méneville, 1844:207 grandis Thomson, 1861:79 columbica Thomson, 1861:80 barbata Thomson, 1861:95 occipitalis Thomson, 1867:108 obsolescens Casey, 1912:217 var. translucida Zikán, 1948:37 glaberrima Zikán, 1948:35 lucida Zikán, 1948:36 guianensis Tavakilian, 2000: 168 French Guiana lalannecassouorum Tavakilian, 2000: 165 French Guiana longicollis (Thomson, 1861:83) USA, Mexico-Argentina gracillima Bates, 1869:38 melzeri (Zikán, 1948:32) s Brasil (BA-SC) miniscula (Zikán, 1948:38) se Brasil (,MG, RJ, SP) costalimai Zikán, 1948:38 itatiayaensis Zikán, 1948:39 monnei Santos-Silva, 2001: 229 s Brasil (SP, RJ, SC) polita (Say, 1835:192) sc USA (LA, TX, VA, CO), Mexico-Bolivia cylindrica Thomson, 1861:82 scrobriculata (Zikán, 1948:28) s Brasil (MG-SC) separanda (Zikán, 1948:33) s Brasil (MG, SP, PA, SC, RG) laevicollis Zikán, 1948:33 zellibori Zikán, 1948:34 tucumana (Zikán, 1948:30) Argentina, Uruguay ubirajarai Santos-Silva, 2001: 216 seBrasil (SP, RJ, MG, SC) villei (Lameere, 1885:3) Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador Parandra (Parandra) Latreille, 1804:262 angulicollis Bates, 1879:2 Mexico-Panama punctata; Bates, 1872:166 (not White, 1853) araucana Bosq, 1951:191 Chile, wc Argentina (NE) cribrata Thomson, 1861:87 Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola cubaecola Chevrolat, 1862:275 Cuba, Puerto Rico degeerii (Thomson, 1867:111) Mexico?, Panama-c SAmer laevis Latreille, 1804:253 Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica lata Bates, 1884:226 e Mexico (VC) lucanoides Thomson 1861:85 Colombia, Venezuela colombica; Vivas Berthier, 1942:37 (not White, 1853) murrayi Lameere, 1912:115 s Brasil (MT, MG-RS) pinchoni Villiers, 1979:182 Martinique, Dominica punctata White, 1853:2 Panama, Ecuador, n SAmer luciana Thomson, 1861:86 fabricii Thomson, 1867:117 punctatissima Thomson, 1861:84 Fr Guiana sylvaini Tavakilian, 2000: 150 Fr. Guiana ubitiara Santos-Silva & Martins, 2000: 167 Colombia Parandra (Neandra) Lameere, 1912:114 brunnea (Fabricius, 1798:49) e, c USA, se Canada purpureus Herbst, 1799:21 sayi Thomson, 1867:114 quadricollis Thomson, 1867:114 conformis Thomson, 1867:115 dentata Thomson, 1867:115 minuta Thomson, 1867:116 ampliceps Casey, 1912:216 gravidula Casey, 1912:216 brunnea coloradensis Linsley, 1957:2 brunnea quebecensis Abdullah, 1968:75 marginicollis Schaeffer, 1929:40 sw USA (CA,AZ) brunnea; Fall, 1901:142 (not Fabricius, 1798) punctillata Schaeffer, 1929:40 Erichsoniini Thomson, 1860:274 Erichsonia Westwood, 1849:210 dentifrons Westwood, 1849:211 Mexico (PU, VC), Guatemala, El Salvador Subfamily Anoplodermatinae Guérin-Méneville, 1840:276 Anoplodermatini Guérin-Méneville, 1840:276 Acanthomigdolus Bruch, 1941:165 quadricollis (Bates, 1875:47) c Argentina (LR, ME, BA) Anoploderma Guérin-Méneville, 1840:276 bicolor Guérin-Méneville, 1840:277 Peru, Bolivia spondylioide Fairmaire, 1893:610 breueri Lameere, 1912:118 sc Brasil (MT), Bolivia, n Argentina (SA, martinezi Prosen, 1960:91 FO, CD,JU,SE) peruvianum Dias, 1986:121 Peru Cherrocrius Berg, 1898:31 bruchi Berg, 1898:32 sc Argentina (RN, NE) Hypocephalus Desmarest, 1832: pl.24 Mesoclastus Gistel, 1837:54 armatus Desmarest, 1832: pl.24 se Brasil (BA, MT) paradoxus Gistel, 1837:54 Migdolus Westwood, 1863:120 Paulistanus Gounelle, 1899:6 brachypterus Lane, 1972:83 s Brasil (PN) clypeatus Dias, 1984:529 sw Brasil (MT) cuyabanus Lane, 1937:195 sw Brasil (MT) exul (Lameere, 1915:285) w Brasil (RO) fryanus Westwood, 1863:120 s Brasil (SP-SC), ne Argentina (MI), bouvieri Gounelle, 1899:6 Paraguay morretesi ; Fonseca, 1958:30 (not Lane, 1937) fonsecai Lane, 1972:81 goyanus Dias, 1984:528 c Brasil (GO) morretesi Lane, 1937:192 s Brasil (SP) punctatus Lane, 1937:189 s Brasil (SP) spitzi Lane, 1937:185 sc Brasil (MS) thulanus (Lameere, 1902:201) c Brasil (GO, MT) Paramigdolus Dias, 1986:117 tetropioides (Fairmaire, 1893:611) n Argentina (LR, CA, SA, SE, CD, MI) var. carbonaria Bruch, 1941:169 Sypilus Guérin-Méneville, 1840:277 boeroi Prosen, 1960:95 wc Argentina (NE) ferrugineus Gounelle, 1913:194 n Argentina (SE, ME, CD, BA) gounellei Lameere, 1915:62 orbignyi Guérin-Méneville, 1840:277 n Argentina (SE-BA) venturae Dohrn, 1882:465 Mysteriini Prosen, 1960:90 Mysteria Thomson, 1860:278 Prionidium Burmeister, 1865:159 cylindripennis Thomson, 1860:279 s Brasil (RS), Argentina, Uruguay molle Burmeister, 1865:160 schroederi Lameere, 1902:211 darwini (Lameere, 1902:210) s Brasil (SC) lacordairei (Lameere, 1902:212) Paraguay, Argentina (ME, SF, ER), Uruguay cylindripennis; Lacordaire, 1876: pl.81, fig.2 (not Thomson, 1860) minuta Dias, 1988:144 Paraguay, ne Argentina (MI) seabrai Dias, 1988:144 n Argentina (JU, SE, CH, SF) Pathocerus Waterhouse, 1901:522 Anoploderma (Eumysteria) Bruch, 1908:199 wagneri Waterhouse, 1901:523 Bolivia, n Argentina (JU-BA) flabellifera Bruch, 1908:199 Pseudopathocerus Dias, 1988:157 humboldti (Lameere, 1912:120) sc Brasil (MS), Paraguay, ne Argentina (MI) Subfamily Prioninae Latreille, 1804:264 Macrotomini Thomson 1860:290 Mallodonitae Thomson, 1860:318 Stenodontines Lameere, 1902:63 Aplagiognathus Thomson, 1860:320 hybostoma Bates, 1879:8 Guatemala spinosus (Newman, 1840:194) Mexico (ME, OA, PU, VC) Archodontes Lameere, 1903:216
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