7.1.2019 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 3/21

Publication of the amended single document following the approval of a minor amendment pursuant to the second subparagraph of Article 53(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 (2019/C 3/10)

The European Commission has approved this minor amendment in accordance with the third subparagraph of Article 6(2) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 664/2014 (1).

The application for approval of this minor amendment can be consulted on the Commission's DOOR database

SINGLE DOCUMENT ‘CULURGIONIS D'OGLIASTRA’ EU No: PGI-IT-01307-AM01 — 10.5.2018 PDO ( ) PGI ( X ) 1. Name(s) ‘Culurgionis d'Ogliastra’

2. Member State or Third Country

3. Description of the agricultural product or foodstuff 3.1. Type of product Class 2.5: Pasta

3.2. Description of the product to which the name in 1 applies Culurgionis d'Ogliastra is a fresh pasta product in the shape of a small bundle that is closed by hand and contains a filling made of a mixture of potatoes (fresh or dehydrated flakes), cheese, vegetable and/or animal fats and flavourings. The way the bundle is closed is reminiscent of a stylised ear of wheat.

When released for consumption, Culurgionis d'Ogliastra have the following physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics:

Physical characteristics: — Shape: the finished product is shaped like a small bundle with a characteristic closure on the convex side reminiscent of an ear of wheat;

— Weight of an individual Culurgioni d'Ogliastra: varies from a minimum of 20 g to a maximum of 33 g;

— Ratio by weight of the pasta to filling: varies from a minimum of 0,5 to a maximum of 2,0;

— Number of pinches closing the pasta over the filling: ≥ 10.

Chemical characteristics: — Total proteins: between 5,0 % and 16,0 %;

— Fats: between 5 % and 15 %;

— Carbohydrates: between 20 % and 40 %.

Organoleptic characteristics: — Consistency: soft, with a homogeneous filling;

— Colour: dough: yellowish white;

— Colour of filling: a m ore pronounced yellow which may have some green streaks due to the presence of mint and/or basil.

(1) OJ L 179, 19.6.2014, p. 17. C 3/22 EN Official Journal of the European Union 7.1.2019

— Taste: acidic and aromatic, of varying intensity on the palate depending on the mix of cheeses, which is slightly offset by the sweetness of the potato; spicy aftertaste.

— Smell: intense due to the semolina and flours and to the presence of herbs or spices (mint, basil, garlic, onion).

3.3. Feed (for products of animal origin only) and raw materials (for processed products only) Culurgionis d'Ogliastra are prepared in two distinct phases: preparation of the pasta and preparation of the filling. The following ingredients are used:

1. Pasta ingredients: — Durum wheat semolina and common wheat flour: in varying ratios of 15 % to 70 % of the total percentage by weight of the pasta. The semolina used must not have a protein content below 11,5 %;

— Lard: from 0,5 % to 6,0 % or, alternatively, butter or extra-virgin olive oil from 3,0 % to 7,0 % of the total percentage by weight of the pasta;

— Salt: quantum satis;

— Water: quantum satis.

2. Ingredients for the filling: — Potatoes: from 60 % to 80 % or, alternatively, from 15 % to 45 % of potato flakes by weight of the filling;

— Mixture of cheeses: casu axedu (synonyms: casu axedu (synonyms: casu agedu, fruhe or viscidu ) and/or, pecorino and/or sheep and goat's milk cheese and/or goat's and/or cow's milk in varying quantities ranging from 10 % to 50 % in the percentage by weight of the total cheese content. The mix of cheeses varies from 10 % to 25 % of the total weight of the filling;

— Animal fats (tallow and/or lard) and/or extra virgin olive oil in varying ratios of 4 % to 10 % of the percentage of total fats by weight;

— Water: quantum satis;

— The following ingredients may be used: mint and/or garlic and/or basil and/or onion.

3.4. Specific steps in production that must take place in the defined geographical area Culurgionis d'Ogliastra are made in various steps: preparing the pasta, preparing the filling and closing the filled pasta with the distinctive ear of wheat pattern. All the steps required to make Culurgionis d'Ogliastra must take place in the geographical production area.

3.5. Specific rules concerning slicing, grating, packaging, etc. of the product to which the registered name refers Culurgionis d'Ogliastra may be released for consumption in packages that comply with the applicable legislation or sold loose.

Culurgionis d'Ogliastra may be packaged fresh or in a modified atmosphere or frozen.

Only fresh Culurgionis d'Ogliastra may be sold loose.

3.6. Specific rules concerning labelling of the product to which the registered name refers The packaging must bear the Culurgionis d'Ogliastra product logo, reproduced below, as a g uarantee of the product's origin and identification. The packaging must bear on the label, in clear and legible print, not only the information required by law but also:

— the name ‘CULURGIONIS D'OGLIASTRA’ , followed by the abbreviation ‘IGP’ (‘PGI’ ] in black and bold script and the European Union logo;

— the manufacturer's name, business name and address. The use of names, company names and private brands is authorised, provided they have no laudatory purport and are not likely to mislead the consumer;

— the wording ‘with potatoes’ or alternatively ‘with potato flakes’ depending on the ingredients used in the filling. 7.1.2019 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 3/23

The protected geographical indication ‘CULURGIONIS D'OGLIASTRA’ must appear on the label in clear, indelible print that is larger than the other text on the label, in a c olour that contrasts sufficiently with the colour of the label and is such as to be able to be clearly distinguished from the remaining wording that may appear in print of half the size of the lettering used for the PGI.

The product may only be released for consumption loose if it is placed in specific containers or recipients bearing a label that is clearly visible containing the same information as the packaging.

The Culurgionis d'Ogliastra product logo is as follows:

4. Concise definition of the geographical area The production area for Culurgionis d'Ogliastra comprises the territory of Ogliastra, which includes the following municipalities: , , , , , Gairo, , , , , , , , , , , , Tortoli', , , , and . Given the established tradition of making Culurgionis d'Ogliastra in municipalities neighbouring the , the production area has also been extended to Esterzili, Sadali and in the province of .

5. Link with the geographical area Culurgionis d'Ogliastra, shaped like filled bundles with their characteristic closure that faithfully depicts an ear of wheat, is among the best known pasta in and their production has a long-standing history.

Culurgionis d'Ogliastra were originally a simple dish of peasants and shepherds; therefore the filling varied depending on the ingredients that were locally available. Potatoes, being easy to grow, were without doubt a food source that was readily available to everyone. A variety of ingredients were added to enrich the taste: salty cheese, animal and/or vegetable fats, and in some cases garlic and/or basil and/or mint and/or onions and various other cheeses including, in the summer months, the cheese casu axedu. The use of a unique mixture of these ingredients as the filling for Culurgionis d'Oligastra is a long-s tanding tradition dating back decades. The aspect that most links the product to the territory is the pinched closure that resembles an ear of wheat. This particular way of closing the pasta originates from this area of Sardinia and has traditionally always and only been done by hand. This particular closing method requires precision and considerable dexterity and skill; the result is reminiscent of a l ine of stitches or embroidery as the pasta, to seal the filling inside the product, is alternatively closed first on the left then on the right traditionally and exclusively by skilled female hands.

There are many rural festivals, fairs and events that take place in the municipalities within the area of production and celebrate this product. Examples include several annual fairs organised during the most busy tourist months, namely the Sagra di Tortolì in July, the Sagra di Barisardo in August, the Sagra di Sadali in June and July and the Sagra di Loceri in September.

There are also numerous references to Culurgionis d'Ogliastra in guides, recipe books and publications that bear witness to the name's reputation and the tradition of producing it in the geographical area. See by way of example:

— ‘Cucine di Sardegna’, [Sardinian Cuisine] Giuseppina Perisi, Muzio editore, 1989;

— ‘La Sardegna dei cibi e dei vini’, [The foods and wines of Sardinia] Riccardo Campanelli, Maggioli editore, 1990;

— ‘Buon appetito in Sardegna’, [The delights of Sardinian cuisine] Loredana Cicu Solinas, EDITAR, 1992; C 3/24 EN Official Journal of the European Union 7.1.2019

— ‘Guida pratica della Sardegna’ , [A Practical Guide to Sardinia] Salvatore Colomo, Editrice Archivio Fotografico Sardo, 1993;

— ‘I sapori della Sardegna – la cucina’, [The tastes of Sardinia — the cuisine] various authors, Zonza Editori, 1999;

— ‘Sa Cuchina Sarda’, [Sardinian Cuisine] Salvatore Colomo and Luciana Pala, Collana Guida della Sardegna, Editrice Archivio Fotografico Sardo, 2001;

— ‘Sa Cuchina Sarda’, [Sardinian Cuisine] Salvatore Colomo and Luciana Pala, Collana Guida della Sardegna, Editrice Archivio Fotografico Sardo, 2003;

— ‘La bella selvaggia’, [Wild beauty] Lello Caravano, Itinerari speciali Bell'Italia, June 2003;

— ‘Sardegna — Le paste della tradizione’, [Sardinia — traditional pasta recipes] Regione Autonoma della Sardegna editore, 2006;

— ‘Pane e c asu — Ricette della tradizione culinaria sarda’, [Bread and cheese — Traditional Sardinian Recipes] Condaghes editore, 2006;

— In Giacomo Mameli's article ‘Tecnologia nei culurgionis per vendere Sardegna a Manhattan’, [Culurgionis: selling Sardinia in Manhattan] published in 2007 by the urban studies centre at the University of Sassari, the designation Culurgionis d'Ogliastra is described as ‘a dish worthy of a Nobel prize in gastronomy’;

— ‘Culurgioni d'Ogliastra: unici nel contenuto e nella forma’, [Culurgioni d'Ogliastra: unique in form and content] M. A. Dessì in the journal ‘Premiata salumeria italiana’ [Award-winning Italian salami] No 4/2009;

— ‘Itinerari del gusto in Sardegna’, [Gastro-travel in Sardinia] Imago multimedia Editore, 2012.

Publication reference of the specification (the second subparagraph of Article 6(1) of this Regulation)

The consolidated text of the product specification can be consulted on the following website: http://www.politicheagricole.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/3335

or alternatively:

by going directly to the home page of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policy (www.politicheagricole.it) and clicking on ‘Qualità’ (at the top right of the screen), then on ‘Prodotti DOP IGP STG’ (on the left-hand side of the screen) and finally on ‘Disciplinari di Produzione all'esame dell'UE’.