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Napoleon Bonaparte SLMS/10

Napoleon Bonaparte SLMS/10

Bonaparte SLMS/10

Early Life & Rise to Power The Coup d’Etat

•Napoleon was born on the island of •Napoleon led successful military campaigns — a French island in the Mediterranean. His and as a result, became very popular and was actually of Italian descent, and politically influential back in . Italian was Napoleon’s first language. Con- •In 1799, he was defeated by the British in sequently, he spoke French with a marked . Napoleon wanted to rule France, so accent, and was often teased as a youth. he hurried back to , and hoped that the •As a teen, Napoleon enrolled in an news of his defeat was not yet known to French military school. He showed little the people of France. promise as a student, but he excelled in •Upon arriving in Paris, Napoleon and two of strategy and tactics. the Directors, plotted and succeeded in •Napoleon first gained the attention of the overthrowing the Directory. This coup French (the Directory) when he d’etat was successful because brutally suppressed a Napoleon had the backing of uprising. He packed buckshot the French . and shrapnel into •It wasn’t long before Napoleon and opened fire on the mob, seized total control of the killing more than a thousand. government and proclaimed •As a reward, Napoleon was himself . made the head of France’s army in . Achievements of Napoleon •As a ruler, Napoleon was quite effective, •Perhaps Napoleon’s most important enacting numerous important reforms. contribution was his set of civil known •Napoleon created a National Bank . This as the Code Civil , or the Code Napoleon. allowed the government greater control of •The Code dealt with of the economy and inflation. persons, property and acquisition •He also established a system of Public of property. This was the first Education . In Napoleon’s Lycées (schools), national set of laws in France. students were admitted based on ability, Until this point, regional feudal not based on wealth or family connections. laws and customs had dominated France. •He also created a Uniform •This code forever swept away privilige and Code , which more fairly title of the wealthy French , and distributed taxation, and legalized . The code did closed tax loop holes. It also not provide people with greater political ensured would end up in the National freedoms, however. treasury, not in the pockets of collectors. •Napoleon’s code had great influence not •Napoleon also implemented a series of only in France, but in other where Public Works , including construction of new he implemented it after he conquered them. roads and a sewer system. Global History Name ______Napoleon Bonaparte 1. What was Napoleon’s background? 9. What was the Code Napoleon? What did it deal with?

2. His schooling? 10. Why was this Code an important step ?

3. How did he gain the attention of the Di- rectory? How was he rewarded?

11. What freedoms did it provide? What free- doms did it not provide?

4. Why did Napoleon gain popularity & influ- ence in France?

12. Why were the Code’s effects far reach- ing? 5. Why did he hurry back to Paris in 1799?

13. Other Achievements of Napoleon…

Reform Explanation 6. Define: coup d'état -- 1.

7. Why was Napoleon’s coup successful? 2.


8. What was Napoleon’s most important con- tribution? 4.

Global History Name ______Napoleon Bonaparte Key 1. What was Napoleon’s background? property. He was born on the island of Corsica, his family was actually of Italian descent, and 10. Why was this Code an important step Italian was Napoleon’s first language. He forward? spoke French with a marked accent, and was This was the first national set of laws in often teased as a youth. France. Until this point, regional feudal laws and customs had dominated France. 2. His schooling? He enrolled in an elite French military school, 11. What freedoms did it provide? What free- and excelled in strategy and battle tactics. doms did it not provide? This code forever swept away privilige and 3. How did he gain the attention of the Di- title of the wealthy , and rectory? How was he rewarded? legalized freedom of religion. The code did He gained their attention when he sup- not provide people with greater political pressed an uprising. He was placed in freedoms, however. of France’s Italian army. 12. Why were the Code’s effects far reach- 4. Why did Napoleon gain popularity & influ- ing? ence in France? Napoleon’s code had great influence not only He led several successful military campaigns. in France, but in other nations where he implemented it after he conquered them. 5. Why did he hurry back to Paris in 1799? He was defeated by the British in Egypt. He 13. Other Achievements of Napoleon… wanted to get back to Paris before this news Reform Explanation hit France. 1. National This allowed the government

Bank greater control of the economy and 6. Define: coup d'état -- an overthrow of the inflation. state (government) 2. Public Edu- Students were admitted based on cation ability, not based on wealth or 7. Why was Napoleon’s coup successful? family connections He had the support of the army. 3. Uniform Tax More fairly distributed taxation, 8. What was Napoleon’s most important con- Code and closed tax loop holes. It also ensured taxes would end up in the tribution? National treasury, not in the His set of civil laws known as the Code Civil , pockets of collectors. or the Code Napoleon. 4. Public Construction of new roads and a Works sewer system. 9. What was the Code Napoleon? What did it deal with? Law Code. The Code dealt with law of persons, property and acquisition of Legal Disclaimers

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