Courageous Kids group helps families cope with illness COMMUNITY LIFE, B5 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 • hometownlife.com Fire chief: B o d y in fata! fire in mobile home was wo m a n By Darrell Clem Meier couldn’t say for cer­ roads. Staff Writer tain if the wo m a n had been Fire investigators learned living in the home. there were no working smoke Canton fire officials con­ “B ut we kn o w that she fre­ detectors in the ho m e - a grim firmed it was a wo m a n who quented the residence,” he said. reminder of the importance of died early Wednesday when Fire investigators haven’t the devices. fire engulfed a residence in the yet determined the cause of the T h e bo d y was burned so

Wagon Wheel mobile home fire, but Mei er said foul play badly that fire officials early on CANTON FIRE DEPARTMENT community, but her relatives isn’t suspected. couldn’t determine it wa s a Fire officials are honoring the family's wishes not to identify the wo m a n have asked that her na m e not " W e do not believe it is sus­ w o m a n , though further in­ w h o died in this mobile h o m e fire. be disclosed. picious,” he said. vestigation revealed it was. “H e r identity is not going to T h e wo m a n wa s alone inside In what proved a risky situa­ be released,” Fire Chief Joshua the ho m e that caught fire about tion for firefighters, they en­ h eavy fire and heat forced the debris to find the body, Meier said. “We ’re going to 4 a.m. We d n e s d a y in the Wa g o n tered the rear door and ma d e it t h e m out. respect the family’s privacy W h e e l neighborhood off Mott, midway through the home T h e y fought the fire from [email protected] a nd wishes at this point.” between Ridge and Denton toward the living ro o m before outside and then sifted through Twitter: ©CantonObserver

Police n a b suspected pizzeria burglar By Darrell Clem Staff Writer

Canton police nabbed a 23-year-old suspect am i d accu­ sations he broke into two piz­ zerias in Canton and Plymouth townships before he was cap­ tured in Canton while allegedly attempting a third burglary. Spencer Jur- cak Hall of Ca n ­ ton wa s arrest­ ed about 4:15 a.m. Monday Hall after police say he tried to flee the scene of an attempted break-in at the Jet’s Pizza near Cherry Hill and Canton Center. His arrest ca m e after police say two other Jet’s Pizza shops already had been broken into after 1 a.m. Monday, one near BRINGING IN THE BARD See BURGLAR, Page A2 Shakespeare Festival makes Canton for Liberty Festival. After meet­ ing with Tobin and other Village Theater Village Theater its second h o m e staffers, MS F folks we r e sold. “A lot of it wa s meeting (Tobin) and By Brad Kadrich the people at the Village Theater,” said Staff Writer Jan Blixt, in her sixth year as M S F ’s Boone and Tooson-Boone artistic director. “It’s about us bringing Jennifer Tobin has been trying for our show to the community of Canton.” years to build a Shakespeare festival at For 21 years, Blixt said, the Michigan the Village Theater at Cherry Hill in o Shakespeare Festival has inspired and Pair avoids jail Canton, with no success. * entertained a diverse audience, further N o w she’s doing the next best thing. developing an appreciation for profes­ Since people wo n ’t co m e to Shakespeare, sional performances of Shakespeare’s for assault she’s bringing Shakespeare to them. w or ks and other classical plays. T h e Michigan Shakespeare Festival, which makes its ho m e at the Ba u g h m a n Best around involving Theatre in Jackson, brings the final S he called M S F the “best theater in three we e k s of its 2015 season to Canton A. •' a " the region and probably in Michigan” gun, chain starting July 29. a nd said no w Canton will benefit from It’s a coup that’s got Tobin crowing. that reputation. By Darrell Clem " Wh at turns me on the most is it ups “Canton is no w hosting the best of the Staff Writer our game," said Tobin, wh o runs the best,” Blixt said. “W e ’re good because Village Theater. “T h e y ’re seasoned ac­ people are enjoying our show. Ou r audi­ A Canton wo m a n has been tors, blended nicely with you ng actors. ences are being ma d e ‘happy’ by our placed on probation for three It’s like the ingredients in a good meal. shows. So m e of the folks, especially years for brandishing a ha n d ­ These are incredible actors, directed MSF s o m e of the men, are being dragged in, gun and threatening another and designed by professionals. It’s excit­ David Blixt played Macbeth during the 2014 but once they see it, they’re the first w o m a n outside the Mc D o n ­ ing to bring half their season to Canton." Michigan Shakespeare Festival, a play directed ones in line for season passes.” ald’s restaurant on Michigan b y his wife Jan. Th e tw o me t doing a It’s not the first time MS F has moved. A v e n u e near Lotz. Sold on Canton production of "Taming of the Shrew." T h e theater tried going off-site back in Antoinette Ho p e Boone, 37, According to Tbbin, the pairing ca m e 2007, Blixt said, but it didn’t wo r k out averted a prison term Tbesday out of conversations between folks affil­ well and theater officials hadn’t consid­ during her sentencing in iated with the Village Theater and so m e O n e thing led to another and officials ering mo v i n g it again. W a y n e County Circuit Court people in the dr a m a pro g r a m at Eastern from the Michigan Shakespeare Festival after she pleaded guilty to Michigan University. were making the trip from Jackson to See THEATER, Page A2 See ASSAULT. Page A2

O b s e r v e r & E c c e n t r i c © The Observer 6 Eccentric INDEX hom.lownllt..con* MEDIA Volume 40 • Number 65 Community Life. ... B5 H o m e s ...... C2 Services... . C2 AOANNUT COMMHY Crossword Puzzle.. ...C3 Jobs...... Cl Sports.... B1 ------— ------—- Education...... A 4 Obituaries... B7 W h e e l s ... C3 PRICE. Si Home Delivery: (S66) 887-2737 | Return Address: 29725 Hudson Dr. Novi Ml 48377 Health...... B8 P A R C efforts to purchase Central site continue By Matt Jachman $4 million. A proposed Plymouth-Plymouth w or ks for all parties ” Staff Writer purchase agreement is Township public taxing on the agenda for the authority that would Behind schedule Despite a delay in Tuesday, Feb. 10, Board raise mo n e y to remodel Soenen said the pro­ their timetable of a year of Education meeting. and rebuild the complex ject’s time line is at least or more, backers of the “W e believe we are and run it as a recreation 12 months behind what proposed Plymouth Arts very close to reaching an and arts center for both w a s originally proposed. and Recreation Complex agreement with the communities. If the purchase of Ce n ­ have high hopes for the school board,” Do n Soe- tral is successful, he project. nen, one of the chief Taxing authority? said, the group would P A R C , envisioned as a P A R C organizers, wrote “This is a once-in-a- seek more community venue for athletics, con­ in an email. “It will be lifetime opportunity to input, develop a business certs, classes and other purchased with private develop this historic site plan and an economic cultural and co m m u n i t y funds and operated in its for the ma x i m u m benefit COURTESY OF D O N SOENEN impact study and mov e events, is planned for a present condition for the of the entire Plymouth A n artist's rendering of the front of wh a t is no w Central to the design phase. Co n ­ refurbished and re-pur- benefit of the Steelers community,” Soenen Middle School, re-purposed as the Plymouth Arts and struction could start in posed Central Middle (youth football), Cruisers said. Recreation Complex, or PARC. 2017, he said, and be School, which is closing (youth swimming), other However, proponents competed in 2018 or 2019. after the current school current user groups and face a roadblock in that Central is the former year. Space at PA R C n e w users and tenants.” the Plymouth Township city ow e s the township site, would approach the Plymouth High School would be used by groups T h e Michigan Phil­ Board of IVustees voted $3.8 million in pension township board again and parts of the building that no w use Central harmonic, of which Soe- in January 2014 to not a nd retiree health care a nd that city and to w n ­ date from the 1920s. A facilities - youth football, nen is a past president form any authority-type costs related to the for­ ship voters should de­ refurbished PA R C would soccer and other sports and board member, agreements with the city mer Plymouth Communi­ cide. Voters would have a include a gymnasium, an programs, Plymouth- would mo v e its offices of Plymouth until Nov. ty Fire Department, say on any tax proposal auditorium, a fitness Canton Community into the building in July, 20, 2016, at the earliest. which served both co m ­ put forth by a joint PA R C center, a sw i m m i n g pool, Schools community edu­ he said. Th e orchestra That’s wh e n a ne w board munities fr o m 1995 authority. meeting rooms, art stu­ cation, the Miracle would rehearse there and would take office after through 2011. Th e issue "The voters deserve to dios and more, plus out­ League of Plymouth - as perform several smaller the 2016 township elec­ has yet to be resolved. be heard on a project of door athletic fields and well as other groups that concerts a year in the tion. “Joint ventures just this magnitude and po­ the Miracle Lea gu e ’s have sh o w n interest, 350-seat auditorium, he Township TVeasurer d on ’t se e m to wo r k out tential impact,” he said. Bilkie Family Field. such as the Michigan said. Ron Edwards, who made with the city and we run Organizers believe a T h e cost of re m o d ­ Philharmonic. In the short term - the motion last January into problems," he said. public taxing authority, eling and updating the Organizers have been two or three years - to bar authority agree­ “The se types of centers similar to the one that building has been esti­ negotiating with the P A R C and its tenants m en ts with the city, is not all around Michigan are runs the Plymouth Dis­ m a t e d at $25 million. Plymouth-Canton Co m ­ would be able to sustain budging, saying the risks failing.” trict Library, would be munity School District the facility, but in the to township taxpayers Soenen, a township the best arrangement, [email protected] for the site, which has long term, organizers are would be too great. resident, said PA R C , if it Soenen said, but are open 734-678-8432 been appraised at about looking toward a joint E d w a r d s has said the successfully buys the to "any arrangement that Twitier: @m a ttja chman

family,” Blixt said. “Peo ­ Boone wielded a chain THEATER ple are realizing it’s a ASSAULT and threatened the viable entertainment Inkster victim. Continued from Page A1 option. Do n ’t wor ry about Continued from Page A1 T h e cousins could what you wear. We ’ll have faced up to four Until now. wear the costumes.” assault with a dangeous years in prison, but But it’s not a traveling M S F actors will stage weapon. their guilty pleas have production, she pointed three plays this season: Authorities agreed allowed them to remain out. M S F will actually Shakespeare’s A Mid­ to dismiss charges of free as long as they close its sh o w in Jackson summer Night's Dream felony firearm and stay out of trouble. after the first two wee ks a nd Henry IV and The carrying a concealed Boone and Tooson- and mo v e to Canton for Rivals, written by Rich­ weapon. Boone were charged the final three weeks. ard Brinsley Sheridan. Boone was charged after police say they Blixt said the plays after police say she trailed the victim in a Dying art? are chosen to try to pro­ threatened a 30-year- car along Michigan S he said a prevailing vide a well-rounded ex­ old Inkster wo m a n A v e n u e and pulled into opinion is that theater is perience to theater-go­ w h e n tempers flared the McDonald’s parking "a dying art,” in part ers. MSF over a ma n Boone and lot. Th e victim told because people hesitate T h e Michigan Shakespeare Festival is bringing its cast of the victim had both authorities the assail­ to go because they don ’t Supportive actors professional actors to the Village Theater at Cherry Hill in dated. ants had swerved into k n o w what to wear and “W e we r e doing Canton. B o o n e ’s cousin, 19- her lane, threw objects people think theater is ‘Shakespeare’s greatest year-old Alyah Chaur- at her car and yelled at something that “is not for hits’ most of the time,” ice Tooson-Boone of her. them.” Blixt said. "N o w we try third play to try to round formance.” Inkster, also has avoid­ T h e victim told po­ “W e ’re trying to ma k e to do one well-known out the season so there’s Tobin said having MS F ed a prison te r m after lice she had begun it as easy as possible for Shakespeare, one Shake­ something for everyone.” at the Village Theater she pleaded guilty to dating a ma n formerly as ma n y people as pos­ speare that mak es people Tobin’s favorite part is will “elevate Canton.” assault with a danger­ involved with Boone. A sible to see what we do say, T didn’t realize that the fact the actors wo r k "It will create a credi­ ous weapon. friend of the victim and be c o m e part of our w a s Shakespeare’ and the in repertory. Actors wh o bility, not only for MSF, However, Assistant also told police she felt are stars in one sh o w but for the Village Th e a ­ Wayne County Prose­ threatened during the m a y be background ac­ ter,” she said. “W e have cutor Maria Miller said incident. tors in another. brilliant local groups, but she couldn’t divulge the T h e victim told po­ M S F General Ma n ­ if you ’re a seasoned thea­ terms of Tooson- lice she got a baseball ager No n a Bennett said ter-goer, you want so m e ­ B o o n e ’s sentencing. bat out of her car in an O B S E l f E R that system works be­ thing mo r e professional.. Because of her age, attempt to defend her­ cause the actors care N o w you don ’t have to go Tooson-Boone qualified self before the dispute Published Su n d a y an d Thursday by Observer & Eccentric Me d ' a about each other. to Detroit or Stratford. It for sentencing under w a s broken up as police “T h e actors are so Community Office: will bring the community the Holmes Youthful arrived. 29725 Hudson Drive • Novi Ml 48377 • 866-887-2737 incredibly supportive of actors in contact with Trainee Act, a mo v e Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each other,” Bennett said. these professionals and it that allows her to keep [email protected] hometownlife.com " T h e y ’re there for each will inspire them.” the incident off her Twitter: @CantonObsen/er other. Th e y ’re listening Editor Brad Kadrich Sports: Tim Smith record. 734-972-0919 734-624-3379 734-469-4128 to each other on stage [email protected] Early on, Canton Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] a nd it sho ws in the per­ Twitter: @bkadrich police had said Tooson-

Subscription Rates: Home Delivery: Newsstand price: SI .00 (Sun. & Thurs.) Customer Service: 866-887-2737 $8.00 EZ pay per month Mon.-Frl 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hall was arraigned by Canton police quickly foot a short distance 549.00 six months After hours, leave voicemail BURGLAR video Tliesday in 35th initiated surveillance from the scene,” TVaylor 598.00 per year Email: [email protected] District Court on two outside local pizzerias said. 5 7 7 . 0 0 six m o n t h s mai l delivery Continued from Page A1 5154.00 per year mail delivery counts of breaking and after an intruder T h e rash of break-ins entering and one count s m a s h e d out glass to get began shortly after 1 Palmer and Haggerty in of attempted breaking inside the first two Jet’s To Advertise: a.m., wh e n a glass win­ Canton and another on a nd entering. H e was Pizza shops, whe re au­ d o w was smashed out at Classified Advertising & Obituaries: 800-579-7355 Legal Notice Advertising: 586-826-7082 A n n Arbor Road in Ply­ jailed on a $50,000 cash thorities say mo n e y was the Jet’s Pizza near Fax: 313-496-4968 Email: [email protected] mouth Township. b o n d as he awaits a court stolen. Palmer and Haggerty. Print an d Digital Advertising: Canton Detective Sgt. hearing to determine if “O u r patrol officers T h e second incident Darnell Alleyne. 517-375-1372 D a n TVaylor credited he should Stand trial in started watching the happened when an in­ Email: [email protected] Hall’s arrest to alert W a y n e County Circuit other Jet’s locations,” truder shattered the Advertising Policy: patrol officers wh o had Court. Traylor said. front door of the Jet’s All advertising published in this ne w s p a p e r is subject to the conditions stated begun staking out area Hall could face penal­ Officers closed in on location in Plymouth in the applicable rate carrd, copies of wh i c h are available fro m the ad ­ pizzerias after the first ties ranging up to 10 the suspect after spot­ Township. vertising de p a r t m e n t W e reserve the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. two incidents occurred. years in prison if he is ting hi m at the pizzeria Our ad-takers hav e no authority to bind this ne w spape r an d only publication "That wa s excellent convicted. A not-guilty near Cherry Hill and dclem @h o me townlife. com of an a d constitutes acceptance of the advertiser’s order. w o r k by the road patrol,” plea has been placed in Canton Center. Twitter: QCantonObserver Traylor said. his court file. “H e wa s caught on 734-972-0919

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* r i Philharmonic Library giving free books to spur reading By Darrell Clem “T h e plan is to distribute tribute th e m by April 30, “I’m always reading a c o n c e r t to Staff Writer the books to reach non-read­ ideally not only to friends, book or listening to an audio ers, especially," said Laurie but also to others. Recipients, book," she said. Forget for a mo m e n t the Golden, the library’s co m m u ­ in turn, ma y keep the book or T h e all-ages Canton Bo o k latest digital devices that nity relations department pass it on. Project project falls under feature allow avid readers to be c o m e head. “W e wa n t to really Beth Shaum, a middle the library’s mission, Co n ­ engrossed in their favorite reach out to people wh o don’t school English teacher and necting Your Community, and e-books. regularly read - or ma y b e Canton resident, said she is is possible because of a local stars Canton Public Library they stopped reading because considering applying to re­ $2,000 grant from the Pitney patrons wh o relish holding a they had kids or got busy at ceive books to encourage her B o w e s Corp. The Michigan Philharmonic book, turning its pages, read­ work.” students to read more. T h e project is modeled presents From Motown to Ma m m a ing every wo r d and then Patrons can go to “I wa s really excited wh e n after an effort, no w defunct Mia: The Sensational '60s & '70s, passing it on to a friend no w www.cantonpl.org and apply I first heard about it,” she in the United States, called Saturday, Feb. 14, at Th e Village have an ally. for the Canton Bo o k Project said. “As a middle school World Bo o k Night. Theater at Cherry T h e library is embarking before Ma r c h 7. Th e library teacher, I kn o w it’s hard “W e hope that people wh o Hill in Canton. on a plan to spend $2,000 to plans to pick the most con­ sometimes to get kids excited are not actively engaged in D u e to high de­ b uy multiple copies of books vincing applicants, buy sev­ about reading. I think this is a reading books will receive mand, Philharmonic a nd give th e m - free of eral copies of their favorite step in the right direction.” the book and enjoy it and that officials said, two charge - to patrons wh o book and hand the m out dur­ Shaum, wh o estimated she it will spark an interest to performances are agree to distribute th e m in ing a distribution night April reads 100 or mo r e books at keep reading,” Golden said, scheduled - a mati­ the Canton community. 16, which coincides with Na ­ year, is am o n g those wh o adding later, “W e ’re very nee at 4 p.m. and an It’s an effort, the Canton tional Library Week. believe the Canton Bo o k excited about it.” evening concert at Calzone B o o k Project, intended to Patrons receiving the Project could inspire others 7:30 p.m., with a encourage reading. books have to agree to dis­ to read. [email protected] special pre- or post­ concert Valentine’s D a y dinner option available at 502 O N CA M P U S Grille, next door to the theater, at 5:30 University of Monica Rose Mackie, Col­ Arts and Sciences; Steven Mercy College p.m. Nebraska-Lincoln lege of Education and Hu ­ Manser, College of Business T h e concert cele­ m a n Sciences, junior, pre- A d m in ; Victoria Massey, Tetyana Landon, a sopho­ brates the “Ag e of Norris T h e University of Ne ­ Spanish education major. Health and H u m a n Services; more nursing student from Aquarius” with m u ­ braska-Lincoln has an­ Brianne Miller, Health and Canton, ma d e the dean’s list sic of the Te m p t a ­ n ounced its dean’s list for Bowling Green H u m a n Services. a nd Rachel Lewkut, a junior tions, the Supremes, the fall semester of the 2014- Bowling Gr e e n State Plymouth students named in nursing pre-licensure Stevie Wonder, the 15 academic year. Those University has announced to the list include Kevin from Canton, ma d e the hon­ Rolling Stones and n a m e d included the follow­ the undergraduate students Delapaz, Education & Hu ­ or’s list wh e n Me r c y (Ohio) m a n y more. ing area students: w h o have been na m e d to the m a n Development; Jake College announced its fall T h e concert will » Canton - James Chris­ fall semester dean’s list for Genrich, College of Business semester honors. also feature the tian Maciag, College of Arts achieving grade-point aver­ A d m in ; Mariah Lax, Health To be na m e d on the dean’s vocal talents of local and Sciences, junior, ma t h e ­ ages of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 a nd H u m a n Services; Cory- list, a student mu s t achieve stars wh o have Walls matics major; and Lindsay scale. don Martin, Col of Tech a grade-point average of 3.3 m a d e it big in the Marie Spaulding, College of Canton students na m e d to Arch & Appl Engr; and Ra­ or higher and be enrolled for musical world: Kathryn Calzone, Arts and Sciences, senior, the list include Lauren chel Winters, College of 12 or mo r e credit hours. Lauren Norris and Taylor Walls. psychology major. Beauregard, College of Arts Business Admin. To be na m e d on the hon­ Calzone and Norris are graduates » Ply mo ut h - Erin Nicole a nd Sciences; Nicole Brax­ » Darrell White II of Ply­ or’s list, a student must of Plymouth-Canton Community Lyddon, College of Educa­ ton, College of Business mouth graduated from achieve a grade-point aver­ Schools. tion and H u m a n Sciences, A d m in ; Michael Flory, Col­ Bowling Green cu m laude age of 3.3 or higher and be Calzone studied voice at the freshman, nutrition and lege of Business Admin; with his bachelor of arts enroUed for 6-11 credit Interlochen Arts Ac a d e m y and health sciences major; and Amanda Glass, College of degree. hours. received her bachelor’s degree in vocal performance at the Ne w England Conservatory of Music in Boston. Norris earned her ma s ­ PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMMUNITY CALENDAR ter’s degree in musical theater performance from the Royal Con­ PARENTING TIPS Contact: To register, go to concerns any residents of his district Locations: Monday, Panera Bread, 41950 Ford Road, Canton; Saturday, servatoire of Scotland. Date/Time: Thursday, Feb. 5, 7-8:30 http^/community education. m a y have. This is an opportunity for Walls is a junior at Ma d o n n a p.m. pccs.k12.mi.us/ local residents to meet with Colbeck Leo's Coney Island, 9624 Belleville to address issues related to state Road, Belleville University majoring in music Location: Tonda Elementary School, COLBECK HOURS government. No appointment is Details: State Rep. Kristy Pagan, 46501 Warren, Canton Dates/Times/Locations: Monday, management and serves as an necessary. D-Canton, announces the schedule intern with the Michigan Phil­ Details: In "Top 10 Essential Par­ Feb. 2, 6-7 p.m., Plymouth District Library. 223. S. Main, Plymouth; Contact: For mo r e information or to for her monthly coffee hours. Pagan harmonic. Walls wa s also a recent enting Strategies for Success," Dr. contact Colbeck, go to www.senator- invites residents to join her to discuss contestant on TV ’s American Idol P a m McCaskill, owner/director of Friday, Feb. 6, 4-5 p.m., Wa y n e Public Library, 3737 S. Wa y n e Road patrickcolbeck.com or call 517-373- their thoughts and ideas about ho w a nd sings locally in her band At h ­ McCaskill Family Services, will pre­ 5713. she can best represent and address sent the "best of the best" parenting Details: State Sen. Patrick Colbeck ens Creek. PAGAN HOURS the needs of her constituents. Pagan F or tickets and information, tips for managing behavior, improv­ and District Manager Penny Crider encourages interested residents to ing self-esteem, and motivation. Free will hold office hours in Plymouth Dates/Times: Fourth Mo n d a y of the sign up for her e-newsletter, which call 734 451-2112 or go to www . m i - child care is available (call 734-416- and Wayne. Colbeck will be available month, 7 p.m.; fourth Saturday of chiganphil.org. 2937). to answer questions and respond to the month, 10 a.m. See CALENDAR, Page A5

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SIX# 25282 Stop in fora FREE O u r store is new. sample pint O u r expertise isn't. GET MORE FOR YOUR TRADE IN! Visit any of our 5 locations. Monday & Thursday 9 a m - 9p m W e d & Fri 9 a m - 6p m , S a t 1 0 a m - 3 p m 9800 ielleville Rd. * Belleville, Ml 48111 Teknicolors Paints 43319 J o y R d Canton, MI 48187 nsoh.ne 734-414-9900 A4 (CP) BRAD KADRICH, EDITOR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY!. 2015 BKADRICHeHOMETOWNLIFE.COM OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC MEDIA 313-222-8899 HOMETOWNLIFE.COM EDUCATION FACEBOOK: HOMETOWNLIFE.COM School district officials put transition plan in motion By Brad Kadrich “successfully and smoothly s m o ot h transition, gather Elementary open houses 3, at Discovery. Staff Writer transition students, families, feedback, advise and co m m u ­ take place 6-7 p.m. Monday. Incoming sixth-graders can staff and materials” as the nicate plans and events,” offi­ Feb. 9, at all elementaries for attend a curriculum night at N o w that Plymouth-Can- district changes boundaries cials said. incoming kindergartners and the middle schools April 30, ton’s boundary' steering co m ­ for the 2015-16 school year. Middle school placement transitioning families. while the curriculum night for mittee has settled on ele me n ­ T h e School TVansition Ad ­ letters we r e scheduled to be Middle school open houses the Plymouth-Canton Ed u c a ­ tary and middle school bound­ visory Committee, ma d e up of sent ho m e Friday and ele­ are scheduled 7-8 p.m. Mo n ­ tional Park is set for 6 p.m. ary issues and the Boa rd of stakeholders fr o m across the m e n t a r y letters are scheduled day, Ma r c h 2, at Discovery, a nd 7 p.m. Feb. 5. Education has approved them, district, including 60 students, to go ho m e Mo n d a y with re­ East, Pioneer and West middle For mo r e information, ask district officials are mo v i n g parents, staff, building ad m i n ­ port cards. schools. An open house for the questions at the "Let’s Talk" into the next phase - transi­ istrators and B O E office staff, Several open houses are new, as-yet-unnamed middle button on the district’s website tion. met Wednesday. also scheduled in an effort to school, being built at Cherry or call 734-416-2755. According to district offi­ T h e ST A C will me e t five w e l c o m e ne w families to their Hill and Canton Center, takes cials, efforts are un d e r w a y to m o r e times “to ensure a buildings. place 7-8 p.m. Tuesday, Ma r c h Annual Farrand Elementary science expo wows audience By Brad Kadrich Staff Writer

T h e projects varied, but the results we r e all the same: A successful annual science expo at Farrand Elementary School. Students putting together projects as wide-ranging as cultivating brine shrimp and extracting D N A ma d e the 2015 expo, held at Farrand last week, a good one. "The projects we r e am b i ­ tious and thought-provoking," event chair Julie Tafelski said. “M a n y co m m e n t e d on the higher-level thinking involved with the projects.” FARRAND ELEMENTARY Staffers fr o m the An n Ar ­ Student Theddie Brooks questions a Wildlife Safari expert on an armadillo. bor Hands-On Museum were there, engaging participants in 10 different hands-on stations. FARRAND M e m b e r s of the Ke y Club ELEMENTARY from the Plymouth-Canton A M Lievense, Educational Park we r e also on m o t h e r of hand as volunteers to assist first-grader with these stations (one of the Benji. gets to favorites, Tafelski said, was enjoy a the Bubble Station). hands-on Wildlife Safari wa s also experience there and shared an hour-long with Wildlife presentation of exotic animals. Safari. “T h e y we r e a hit with the audience as they allow hands on during their presentation,” Tafelski said. “In science, one should never stop questioning a nd that is what we aim to accomplish - active question­ ing and involvement in science on the part of the you ng people in the Farrand community.” FARRAND ELEMENTARY O n e of the Wildlife Safari animals: A hu g e reticulated python.

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Toll Free: 877-677-2020 Accettura & Hurwitz Canton Office: Farmington Hills Office: Royal Oak Office: 44245 Ford Road 34705 W. 12 Mile Road 306 S. Washington Avc. Suite 101 Suite 103 Suite 215 Canton, Ml 43187 Farmington Hills, Ml 43331 Royal Oak. Ml 43067 www.LowVisionofMichigan.com 2 4 8 . 8 4 8 . 9 4 0 9 | www.elderlawmi.com Library bookstore. Visitors can shop during the monthly sale CALENDAR and fill a big with books for just Continued from Page A3 $5 HOSPICE SUPPORT will provide updates of her Dates/Times: First and third work at the Capitol and in the Thursday of each month, 10- community. 11:30 a.m. Contact: To sign up. interested Location: Plymouth Coffee individuals should go to pagan- Bean, 884 Penniman .housedems.com. Residents can Details: Compassionate Coffee also contact Pagan in her Lan­ Club is an open and ongoing sing office at 517-373-2575. grief support group offering DROP-IN KNITTING support and socialization for Dateffime: Third Tuesday of widows and widowers moving each month, 1-2 p.m. beyond the first year of loss. The program is sponsored by Location: Plymouth Township Compassionate Care Hospice Friendship Station. 42375 and is free of charge, although Schoolcraft. Plymouth a drink purchase is required for Details: The Plymouth Co m m u ­ use of the space. nity Council on Aging offers Contact: For more information, drop-in knitting and crocheting contact An n Christensen, Co m ­ classes. If you need help fin­ passionate Care Hospice Be­ ishing a project or starting a reavement coordinator, at n e w project, then this is the 888-983-9050 or email achristen- place to come. Beginners are [email protected]. welcome. Each class has a donation of $2. Instructor is BRAIN NEUROBICS Dori Mefford. Datefllme: Second and third Contact: For more information, Thursday through Ma y 2015,11 call 734-453-1234, ext. 236. a.m. U-M ALUMNI Location: Plymouth Township NETWORKING Hall. 9955 N. Haggerty Date/Time: Wednesday, Feb. 11, Details: Wa y n e State University 6:30-9:30 p.m. Raising awareness Institute of Gerontology de­ signed the 10 free courses. Keep Location: Liberty Street Brew­ National Honor Society students at the Plymouth-Canton Educational Park raised $2,500 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association your brain alert and active with ing Co., 149 W. Liberty, Ply­ in a trivia night fundraiser. Students earned points in several categories. Th e "m o s t spirited" team. Th e Incredibles, wa s ma d e up such topics as Me m o r y Tricks, mouth of (front) Sa m a n t h a Mc G r a t h an d Ho w a r d Zh a n g an d (back, from left) Carson Pakula, Ha n n a h Badger, Nat h a n Ewell, Austin Carr, Food for Thought and Magic of Details: The University Of Michael Adzima and Luis Orozco. Music. Courses taught by Wal- Michigan Alumni Club of Great­ t o n wood Cherry Hill. er Northville hosts a profession­ Contact: To sign up, call the al networking event for sea­ Location: Bilkie Family Field, CLOTHING BANK metropolitan Detroit. Details: The Canton Public Plymouth Community Council soned and ne w professionals. downtown Plymouth Library hosts several Bag Sales on Aging at 734-453-1234. ext. The featured speaker will be Date/Time: Every fourth Sat­ Contact: Volunteers must Details: The Miracle League of urday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. pre-register by Jan. 30 on the to benefit Secondhand Prose, 236. fellow Michigan alumni Sally the Friends of the Canton Public Schmall, owner of the Coaching Plymouth, the league providing Location: Canton Christian FOTR website www.therouge- Academy. She will share simple opportunities for special-needs Fellowship clothing bank, 8775 .org or by calling 313-792-9621. strategies to help your message players to enjoy the ga m e of Ronda Drive, Canton PFLAG MEETING resonate with others, followed baseball, needs volunteer coach­ es for its spring and fall seasons. Details: Canton Christian Date/Time: First Sunday of each by small networking/discussion Fellowship sponsors a clothing month, 3-5 p.m. Survivor of Hu m a n Trafficking groups based on career in­ Contact: Anyone interested in bank every fourth Saturday. No donating their time or wh o has Location: St. John's Episcopal If you don’t think human trafficking happens terests. A light dinner and a documentation is needed. Church, 574 S. Sheldon, Ply­ questions can contact Shari in your zip code, think again. drink will be provided. Cost is Drop-off is available from 10 mouth $10 for members. $20 for non­ Bilkie via email at shari@mir- a.m. to 3 p.m. each Wednesday. Details: Plymouth-Canton members. acleleagueplymouth.org Canton Christian Fellowship is PFLAG meets for discussion, Survivor and author of OLGC GALA located on at Joy Road, west of GRAFTERS WANTED education and sharing. Founded “The Slave Across the DatefTime: Saturday, Oct. 17 Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 7, Haggerty. in 1972 with the simple act of a Location: West Middle School, 6:30 p.m. Contact: For more information, mother publicly supporting her Street”, Theresa Flores 44401 An n Arbor Trail, Plymouth Location: Italian-American Club email [email protected] or call gay son, PFLAG is the nation's 734-404-2480. shares her story of being Details: Delta Kappa Ga m m a , of Livonia. 39200 Five Mile largest family and ally organiza­ an international society of Details: Our Lady of Go o d STONEFLIES SEARCH tion. Ma d e up of families, a sex slave while a typical w o m e n in education, will host Counsel hosts "W o m e n of Our Date/Time: Feb. 14, 9 a.m. friends and straight allies united high school student in an with people wh o are lesbian, its 31st annual craft sh o w to Lady," the church's inaugural Location: U- M Dearborn dinner-dance gala. Couples, gay, bisexual and transgender upper-middle class suburb help provide scholarships for Details: Friends of the Rouge is Plymouth-Canton students. families and singles are wel­ (LGBT), PFLAG is committed to of Detroit. Drugged, raped, c o m e to the family-style dinner, looking for volunteers Saturday, advancing equality and societal There are still openings for Feb. 14, wh o wa n t to help look crafters wh o are interested in which features oven-roasted acceptance of LGBT people a nd tortured at 15, she wa s trafficked for 2 years to for stoneflies in the Rouge River. through its threefold mission of joining the event. Join DK G chicken and potatoes, vegeta­ m e n in their 20 ’s and 30 ’s, all un b e k n o w n s t to her bles and dip, green beans Valentine's Day was chosen this support, education and ad­ along with the AA U W used year as it is falls during the time book sale and reserve a booth. almondine and beverages. Dress vocacy. family. N o w this victims’ advocate is speaking code is after-5 attire; doors organizers say stoneflies hatch Contact: Email lau- Contacts: For more informa­ from the river and go looking out on the reality of hu m a n trafficking in the U.S. tion, contact Debbie Cortellini open at 6:30 p.m., dinner is at 7 [email protected] p.m. for love. Searchers meet at 9 at [email protected] or a.m. at.the University of Michi- LIBRARY BAG SALES Wednesday, Feb. 11th • 7P M call 734-451-1525. Contact: To register or for more gan-Dearborn. No searching is Dates: Feb. 20-23; March 27-30 information, email Marcella done in Dearborn; volunteers St. Michael School Cafeteria COACHES NEEDED Corona at [email protected] Location: Canton Public Li­ Date/Time: Saturdays in spring carpool out in 10-12 teams to brary, 1200 N. Canton Center 'i 11441 Hubbard Rd., South of Plymouth Rd., Livonia or call 248-305-7155. Rouge streams located around and fall Road, Canton o 734-261-1455, ext. 207 • www.livoniastmichael.org

T h e ViCCas, Canton, ‘Jv U



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By Sue Mason grader.” Staff Writer Traveling plaques Erin Bagiey and Con­ H e r victory returns ner Evans both went to the traveling plaque to the 35th annual Earle Stevenson Middle Chorbagian Spellihg Bee School. It had been in the with one thought in possession of Franklin mind: to win. Middle School for two A n d they both did. For years. Conner, a sixth-grader at C on ne r wo n the upper Marshall Upper Ele­ elementary champi­ m entary School, the win onship in the 21st round w as an important step on b y correctly spelling his mission to go to the "skirmish” and a second Scripps National Spelling word, "phonics." H e also S U E M A S O N B e e in Washington, D.C. returned the district Co n n e r Evans sh o w s off the For Erin, it wa s the win plaque to Marshall Up ­ medal his grandfather Steve that she wanted the per Elementary'. Delay wo n in the 1938 most. "I did a lot of studying Detroit Spelling Bee. “I think F m over the the last several days. I m o o n now,” she said studied the hard ones,” after correctly spelling Connor said. " H e ’s so confident, he the wo r d “collards" in While adults admitted just thinks he’s going to the 67th round of the they would have been out win,” she said. "H e middle school spelling of the competition with thinks he can do any­ bee. “I didn't think I’d the word "gambol,” Con­ thing.” S U E M A S O N m a k e it.” ner easily spelled it. It Susan Evans helped Con n e r Evans sh o w s off the spelling be e traveling plaque that is returning to Marshall Up p e r Erin, an eighth-grader w as the wo r d "ritziness” C on ne r study, but ad­ Elementary. Joining hi m are his parents John an d Susan Evans (at left), Earle Chorbagian an d at Stevenson Middle he found the hardest. mitted there were words school board me m b e r s Carol Middel and Th o m a s Buckalew (at right). School, went wo r d for “I kn e w ‘gambol’ be­ she couldn’t pronounce. w o r d against Bassit Fija- cause it wa s in the later H e had to do that. bi, a seventh-grader at words.” he said. "I kn e w " A n d I’m here trying Stevenson, for mo r e than it within the order of the to help him,” she said. 35 rounds, stumbling on w ords I studied. ‘Ritzi­ Erin and Conner now the spelling of “per­ ness’ I’d never heard advance to The Detroit meate.” However, Bassit used in a sentence.” News spelling bee Ma r c h misspelled "sheathing.” C on ne r ca m e to the 13 at the Charles H. Four rounds later, Bassit competition with a good Wright Mu s e u m of Afri­ misspelled "grievance” luck ch a r m in his pocket can American History in to open the door for Erin - the medal his grandfa­ Detroit. Th e winner will to win. ther Steve Dely wo n in advance to the national "I think I can breathe T he Detroit News spell­ spelling bee Ma y 24-29. now,” said her mother ing bee in 1938 wh e n he “Congratulations to all Catherine, wh o helped w a s 13 years old. of the students; you ’re all Erin study for the bee. “I kn e w this would champions,” said Earle " S o m e of the wor ds I had bring me luck," he said. Chorbagian, a former to go to Google Translate " N o w m y goal is to win A d a m s principal wh o so I'd kn o w ho w to pro­ the Detroit spelling bee.” helped start the district nounce it.” spelling bee 35 years For Erin, winning the 'Nervous wreck' ago. “Wh e n you continue spelling bee wa s vindica­ Parents John and to do your best at ho m e tion for placing second Susan Evans were there and at school, you ’ll al­ last year. to watch. John "was a ways be a champion.” "I just wanted to win nervous wreck,” accord­ this bee,” she said. “I ing to Susan, wh o de­ smason @hometownlife. com S U E M A S O N c a m e so close last year. I scribes Con ne r as “a 734-674-2332 Erin Bagiey poses with her parents Dennis and Catherine Bagiey, Earle Chorbagian and school got beat by an eighth- confident kid.” Twitter: @SusanMarieMason board me m b e r s Carol Middel and Thomas Buckalew after winning the middle school bee.

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T h e Northville City Fire Department cele­ brated its 125th anniver­ sary on Jan. ?3 with so m e special guests - the 2015 Detroit Tigers Winter Caravan, including team players, coaches and executives, along with Northville co m m u n i t y mem be rs . A highlight of the event wa s the competi­ tion between players Alex Avila and Joe Na ­ than to see wh o could suit up in firefighter gear the fastest. During a ques- tion-and-answer session, Nathan said he had two d r e a m s as a boy: first to be a baseball player and, if that didn’t wo r k out, then to be a firefighter. “I have the utmost respect for th e m and what they do," Nathan said. T he gear weighs around 70 pounds and all firefighters are expected to put it on in less than a minute, according to N C F D Chief Steve Ott. At 58 seconds, catcher Avila just edged out pitcher JOHN HEIDER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Nathan, wh o also broke Detroit Tigers ma n a g e r Brad Au s m u s shakes hands Jan. 23 with Northville Fire Chief Steve Ott as the Tigers Winter Caravan m a d e a pit stop at the Northville Fire the one-minute mark. Department. " W e ’re glad they could be here to ma r k this anniversary with us. This is a lot of fun,” Ott said while everyone collected inside the fire station in d o w n t o w n Northville. T o w a r d the end of the event, the players gath­ ered inside city council chambers and answered questions from an audi­ ence while gifts were raffled off. Th e consen­ sus am o n g the players w as that, although the division has improved, the Tigers have another talented te a m and they’re looking forward to the JO H N HEIDER | STAFF PHO TOGRA PHER season starting in April. Northville Ma y o r Chris Johnson (right) talks with Detroit Tigers players Wy n t o n Bernard (left) an d Blaine Hardy. Fire department anniversary Established in 1890, the NC F D remains a department wh e r e ser­ vice to co m m u n i t y is the m a i n mission. Th e all­ volunteer department, which gets about 1,600 JOH N HEIDER I STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER calls a year, has gr o w n Northville firefighter Jon Ponte (left) helps get Tigers catcher Alex Avila into his turn-out gear over the years and no w during a Jan. 23 visit to the department's station on We s t Ma i n Street. Th e firefighters didn't includes coverage of the m a k e Avila go on a run with them, but instead put him in a competition with pitcher Joe city of Plymouth. Nat h a n to see wh o could do n the gear quicker. The NC F D provides fire suppression, basic life support EM S , fire prevention and inspec­ tion services and public education for the cities of Northville and Plymouth, operating out of three stations. Th e department is staffed by a full-time chief and 55 part-time and paid on-call fire­ fighters and EM S re­ sponders. Between the two cit­ said the co m m u n i t y is dedication that it’s mo r e ies, the department blessed to have such a than just a job. I’m proud serves an area of 4.5 fire department. of this department." square miles and a resi­ "This fire department dential population of is really special," John­ Ihuhman ©hometownlife.com JOHN HEIDER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER 15,000. son said. "Because it’s 517-294-4215 Detroit Tigers pitcher Justin Verlander laughs as he takes a ph o t o of catcher Alex Avila dressed May or Chris Johnson volunteer, it sho ws a Twitter: ©Ihuhman u p in firefighters gear while being interviewed.

20/50 TOY SALE! CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE 2 0 % OFF To all residents and other interested parties: Agendas and Public Test of the M-100 Optic Scan Voting System Minutes for the Charter Township of Plymouth Board of TOYS $50 & UNDER For the Local Special Election Trustees Meetings are available for review online at www, Tuesday, February 24, 2015 plymouthtwp.org under Agendas/Minutes and in the Clerk’s Au:x 2/7/15 Office at Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N. Haggerty Rd., The Doll Hospital & Toy Soldier Shop A public accuracy test of the M-100 Optic Scan Voting Plymouth, MI. Regular Meeting dates in 2015: February 10, 1(08:30 System will take place at 3:30 p.m. on February 10, 2015, March 3. March 31, April 21, M a y 19 , June 16, July 21, S50 Or Less Storewide!* 3 W 7 W 12 Mile. Berkley 24 8 - S 4 W 1 1 5 Mon-Sal 10-5:30. Th 1.803«»ciricd Limedecifl

Q: Dear Rick: I am Rick death, but also what divorced with two _ Bloom happens if you become children from my pre­ incapacitated.. That is vious marriage. I have M O N E Y w h y a durable po w e r of a significant other and MATTERS attorney and a medical we've been together durable po w e r of at­ for about five years. torney are important. She also has two chil­ greater flexibility on Considering your dren. We have no chil­ what you can do with situation, it ma y be ap­ dren together. We each your money. In addition, propriate to have so m e ­ have wills that ba­ since you would be the one other than your sically leave every­ settler, (the individual significant other be thing to each other w h o establishes the n a m e d in the po w e r of and upon our deaths trust - a person wh o attorney. This could each of our wills say settles property on trust prevent potential family that the money should law for the benefit of issues do w n the road. MAUREEN DONAHUE be divided equally beneficiaries). Yo u are M y advice is that you A d d y Donahue (from left), father Michael Donahue, mother Maureen Donahue and brother among our four chil­ the only one wh o could and your significant Troy Donahue are planning to be at Super Bowl XLIX Sunday night in Phoenix after Ad d y wa s dren. I am about 15 make changes. There­ other sit do w n with an provided the opportunity through the Make-a-Wish Foundation. years older than my fore, upon your death, estate planning attorney. significant other and I the trust would be irrev­ A s k whether the at­ recently had a con­ ocable and your succes­ torney can represent versation with a friend sor trustee would be both of you or if one of who told me that if I b o u n d to follow the y ou should seek a differ­ Wish granted: Local girl died first she could terms of your trust. ent attorney. If there is a eventually decide to Typically, a living conflict of interest, all change her will and cut trust for a husband and good estate planning m y children out. I don't wife na m e s both as co­ attorneys are going to h e a d e d to Super Bowl think she would do trustees. Up o n the death r e c o m m e n d that you this, but her children of either, the other each have your own are somewhat manip­ would be sole trustee. attorney draft your ulative and I am con­ This would ma k e sure estate documents. with Make-A-Wish cerned. Can she that the surviving T h e majority of change her will? What spouse is always in con­ Americans do not live in can I do to protect my trol of their money. Ozzie and Harriett fa m ­ By David Veselenak children? However, in this situ­ ilies. Ou r laws are Staff Writer A: Your friend is ation you can consider geared to those families. correct. Yo u r significant not having your signifi­ For those wh o live in a Livonia resident Ad d y other could change her cant other as a trustee non-traditional house­ Donahue doesn’t kn o w if will and leave every­ or have a co-trustee hold, it is important to the Ne w England Patriots thing to her children. If arrangement. Naming have the right estate deflated the footballs you survive her, you can co-trustees is a good planning documents. before their playoff change your will and cut check and balance. If G o o d luck. g a m e against the Indian­ out her children. you are going to have a apolis Colts two weeks i Yo u can protect your significant other be a Rick Bloom is a fee-only ago. But she’ll have the significant other during successor trustee, it financial adviser. His website is chance to see quarter­ h^r lifetime and assure does ma k e sense to have w w w . bloomasset back To m Brady throw ypurself that whatever at least one other trus­ management.com. If you them in person wh e n they m o n e y is left over would tee. would like him to respond to play in Super Bo w l XLIX. gp to your children with It is important to your questions, please email Donahue, a 16-year-old a living trust. decide ho w your affairs rickQbloomasset junior at Dearborn Di­ ! A living trust offers are handled after your management.com. vine Child Hig h School w h o has bone cancer, is expected to be in atten­ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING dance at football’s big­ CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH gest ga m e this weekend PLANNING COMMISSION in Phoenix between the PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT 010 Patriots and Seattle Sea- hawks along with her PROPOSED ACTION: AMEND THE TEXT OF THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF family as a part of the PLYMOUTH ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 99 BY AMENDING Make-A-Wish Founda­ ARTICLE XXVII, NONCONFORMITIES, AN D ARTICLE XXVIII, SPECIAL PROVISIONS tion. After being diagnosed D A T E OF HE A R I N G : Wednesday, February 18, 2015 in 2013, Do n a h u e wa s TIME OF HEARING: 7:00 p m . approached by the foun­ P L A C E O F HE A R I N G : Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N. Haggerty Road dation, which asked her for ideas of a wish. C o m ­ N O T I C E IS H E A R B Y GI V E N that the Planning Commission of the Charter Township of ing fr o m a sports-loving Plymouth, on its own motion, proposes to amend the text of Zoning Ordinance No. 99 by adding family, her first idea was Section 27.1, Nonconforming Lots or Parcels of Record in the R-l District, to Article XXVII heading to the Super Nonconformities, and amending the language of Sections 28.3.2 and 28.4.3 in Article XXVIII, Special Provisions, as follows: Bowl. After putting in the request last year, she MAUREEN DONAHUE 1. ARTICLE XXVII, NONCONFORMITIES, IS PROPOSED TO BE A MENDED BY found out a few months A d d y Do nahue, 16, of Livonia is he a d e d to the Super Bo w l in ADDING SECTION 27.1 later it had been granted. Arizona after the Make-A-Wish Foundation wa s able to grant SEC 27.1 NONCONFORMING LOTS OR PARCELS OF RECORD IN THE R-l “I wa s just very excit­ her wish. Don a h u e wa s diagnosed with bone cancer in 2013. DISTRICT ed,” she said. It is recognized that within the R-l District, there are recorded lots or parcels of record, Donahue has been which lawfully existed at the time of adoption of this Ordinance, which do not meet the active in sports for ma n y the ga m e doing other they’re doing this for us,” minimum requirements for width or area. The purpose of this Section is to allow such years, playing both soc­ activities, including a M a u r e e n Do n a h u e said. lots or parcels of record to be utilized, as long as reasonable living standards can be cer and basketball. She tour of University of "It’s just one of those provided. played basketball for Phoenix Stadium. Th e y ’ll things that ma k e her feel The following regulations shall apply to nonconforming lots or parcels of record within Divine Child until her stay in Arizona until that people are behind the R-l District: disease resulted in one of early next week. her and supporting her." her legs being amputat­ Donahue’s mother, A d d y Do n a h u e said 1 Development of Nonconforming Lots of Parcels of Record within the R-l Maureen Donahue, said while she wishes it was District ed. Despite the loss, Do n ­ ahue still stays active it’ll be a great experience the Detroit Lions playing A single-family dwelling and customary accessory structures ma y be erected on any with the team as mu c h as for the family that has a this weekend, she’s pull­ single lot or parcel of record in the R-l District that was in existence at the effective she can. love of sports in their ing for the Patriots to win date of adoption or amendment of this Section. This provision shall apply even if veins. the game. But heading the lot or parcel does not meet the minimum area or width requirements of the R-l Several of her class­ District, provided that any principal or accessory structure constructed on the lot or mates have already re­ "Our kids have always out for a long we e k e n d parcel complies with all other yard, floor area, height, and access requirements of the quested stories fr o m the played sports. Ou r son with her family will ma k e R-l District. g a m e wh e n she and her loves football,” she said. the experience of watch­ family get back to Michi­ "That’s wh a t we do on ing the ga m e that mu c h 2. Review and Approval Procedure gan next week. Sundays. Wa t c h football better. An application for the construction of a single-family residence on a nonconforming " T h e y ’re all just excit­ a nd ma k e chili.” “I think it’s going to lot or parcel of record in the R-l District shall be submitted to the Chief Building ed I’m going and to get S he said the wish, m a k e the experience a lot Official for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit. In back and tell th e m ho w it granted to 10 youngsters better being with my reviewing the application, the Chief Building Official shall determine that all across the country by the family,” she said. other requirements not involving area or width have been met. In addition, the was,’’ she said. Chief Building Official shall determine whether any additional information and/or Donahue, along with foundation, will be a nice dveselenak© approvals must be obtained to ensure compliance with this Section, and to preserve her mother, father and reprieve fr o m the the general public health, safety, and welfare. brother, planned on leav­ thoughts of doctors and hometownlife.com ing Thursday and spend treatment for a fe w days. 734-678-6728 3 Variation to Yard Requirements time in Phoenix before " W e feel blessed that Tv/itter: ©DavidVeselenak If the nonconforming lot or parcel in the R-l District requires a variation of the yard requirements in order to erect a structure, then such structure shall be permitted only if a variance is granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals. 2. ARTICLE XXVII, NONCONFORMITIES, IS PROPOSED TO BE AMENDED PUBLIC NOTICE BY REVISING THE NUMBERING OF EXISTING SECTION 27.1 TO 27.2, AND RENUMBERING THE SUBSEQUENT SECTIONS ACCORDINGLY. Pursuant to federal guidelines, the Charter Township of Plymouth decided on 3. AR T I C L E XXVin. SPECIAL PROVISIONS, IS PROPOSED TO BE AM E N D E D BY January 13, 2015 to submit the following projects for funding from the 2015 ADDING THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE TO PARAGRAPH 2 OF SECTION 28.3, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program: RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS, AS SH O W N IN BOLD AND UNDERLINED: LOCATION 2015 PROJECTS ESTIMATED ALLOCATION 2 Dimensional Standards 201 South Main Such dwelling units shall comply with the minimum standards listed in Article 20 3850 2nd, Wayne. MI SENIOR SERVICES $ 7,000 for the zoning district in which it is located, including minimum lot area, minimum 1160 Sheridan T R A N S P O R T A T I O N PR O G R A M $ 7,000 lot width, minimum floor area, required setbacks, and ma x i m u m building height, 46640 Ann Arbor Tr. ADA IMPROVEMENTS AT TOWNSHIP PARK $ 68,252 except as p rovided in Section 27.1 for nonconforming lots or parcel? of 9955 N. Haggerty Rd A D M I N I S T R A T I O N f record in the R-l District. T O T A L $ 91,391 4. ARTICLE XXVIII, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, IS PR O P O S E D TO BE AM E N D E D BY AD D I N G Published: February 1.2015 THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE TO PARAGRAPH 3 OF SECTION 28.4, DWELLING LOCATIONS. AS SH O W N IN BOLD AN D UNDERLINED: 3. Lot Width Plymouth-Canton Community Schools Even- single family dwelling shall be located on a lot, parcel or tract of land having Technology Department a width of not less than sixty <60) feet at the front or rear building line, whichever is 4 5 4 S.. Ha r v e y St. less, except as provided in Section 27.1 for nonconforming lots or parcels of record in the R-l District. Plymouth, M I 48170 734-416-2700 N O T I C E IS F U R T H E R G I V E N that persons interested are requested to be present. Pertinent information relative to the proposed text amendments m a y be examined at the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Plymouth Township Division of Public Services, Community Development Department, during regular business hours from 8.00 AM to 4:30 PM. Written comments will be received prior to R F P - U S F FO R M 470/FY2015-The Board of Education of the Plymouth-Canton Community the meeting and ma y be mailed to 9955 N. Haggerty Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170 or call 734-354- Schools will accept bids for services and equipment for FY2015 of the Universal Services 3270, ext. 5. The meeting will be held in the Meeting Room at Tow-nship Hall which is located Fund (USF) E-rate Program. Specifications are available from the following web site: at 9955 N Haggerty Road, Plymouth Township. MI 48170. At the public hearing, the Planning httoV/triple-r us/erate/RFP-PCCSFYLS.odf. click on US F FY2015 - RFP. You may also obtain Commission ma y recommend approval of the text changes as proposed, or as amended. a copy of the RF P at the E.J. McClendon Center, 454 S. Harvey St., Plymouth, MI 48170 All questions regarding this RF P should be directed to Elson Liu at elson liu@j>cc8kl2.com. RI Ps P L E A S E TA K E NO T E : The Charter Township of Plymouth will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed will be received in the Technology Department until 2 PM on February 11,2015. The Plymouth- materials being considered at all Township meetings to individuals with disabilities at the Canton Community Schools Board of Education reserves the right to reject or decline all bids. meetings hearings upon one week notice to the Charter Township of Plymouth by- writing or Statement of Assurance of Compliance with Federal La w calling the Supervisors Office, 9955 N. Haggerty Road, Plymouth, MI 48170. Phone 734-354- 3201 T D D users: 800-849-3777 'Michigan Relay Service). It is the policy of the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, gender, height, weight, disability, religion or marital status in KENDRA BARBERENA, SECRETARY any of Us programs, activities or employment. PLANNING COMMISSION far /. 20 1 5 February 1,2015 vo'/f/aam* ! poKIifk: - V — -r ' • i ’ 5 ______* r n C o m e d y Night in Garden City benefits Blum’s Landing A northern Michigan H e has shared the Located on Orchard retreat for military per­ stage with the likes of Lake near Rogers City, sonnel will be on the re­ Sinbad, George Wallace B l u m ’s Landing wa s built ceiving end of proceeds and the Isley Brothers. b y former Canton resi­ from a co m e d y night H e has a natural ch a r m dents Terry and Jan planned for Sunday, Feb. on stage and his infec­ B l u m b e r g as a place for 22, in Gar de n City. tious giggle often incites W a r on Terror military T h e Bl u m ’s Landing laughter am o n g the personnel and their fa m ­ C o m e d y Night will be masses. His natural act­ ilies to relax, recoup and held at Albert's on the ing talent sho ws through re-energize from the Alley, 5651 Middlebelt, in his act as he plays his stress of their current north of Ford, Garden funniest character - hi m ­ rehab and duties. City. Th e doors will open self. T h e Blumbergs built at 4 p.m. and the two-hour Tickets are $20 and the bed and breakfast in c o m e d y sh o w will start at can be purchased at the honor of their son TVevor, 5 p.m. Maplewood Community w h o was killed in Iraq in T h e headliner will be Center on Maplewood, 2003. Th e y used the mo n ­ Bryan McCree (www.bry- west of Merriman; Gar­ ey from his death benefit a nm ccree.com). A nation­ den City DD A Office on to purchase 12 acres of ally kn o w n comedian, Ford, east of Middlebelt; land and build the retreat, he’s been seen on Ma d TV, Albert’s on the Alley; and w he re veterans, service C o m e d y Central and most Fleming Financial Ser­ m e m b e r s and their fa m ­ recently Comic's Un­ vices, 29217 Ford Road, ilies can escape, rest and leashed with Byr on Allen. Suite 119, Gar de n City. relax for free. In 2006, Mc C r e e earned For mo r e information, M o r e information honors as a best of NB C ’s contact Fleming at 734- about Bl u m ’s Landing can BLUM'S LANDING Stand UP for Diversity 604-0227 or at john@fle- be found at www.blum- For m e r Can t o n residents Jan an d Terry Bl umberg built Blum's Landing as a retreat for military finals. mingfinancialsvcs.com. slanding.org. personnel an d their families to rest an d relax. Local director, 18, wraps u p wo r k on his fourth feature film

H e ’s just 18, but Luke American Mus eu m in m o r e information on the Jaden has already fin­ Detroit), Not Well (in film, go to ished production on his post-production) and http://Motherand fourth film, titled King Neverlands (in post­ midwife.com or on Face- Ripple. production). book at King Ripple The Produced by TVoika ( Ripple is currently in Movie. Not Well) and Mother and post-production, with Midwife Pictures (P a ­ completion expected by pon), the script is written the middle of 2015. For APNft GHftR b y author Josh Maler- H O M E C A R E -- man, wh o has achieved recent critical acclaim Farmington Apna Ghar - from his latest Harper- Insurance Agency “Our home is your home" Collins published novel Patrick M. Donelly Bird Box. Apna Ghar is the first King Ripple stars and only non-medical Keith Stanfield (Selma, (248) 474-3511 Short Term 12), Torrey "King Ripple" features actors (from left) Torrey Wigfield, Callaghan Belle, Luke Jaden an d Allie agency serving Wigfield (Lost River), DeBerry. the needs of the Allie De B e r r y ( Cawdor), I C O M P L E T E elderly South Asian Jaden and film ne w ­ FUNERAL community. c o m e r Callaghan Belle. to every little detail from Cawdor), both directors his director. "T h e condi­ Services include: T h e story follows four a bird’s eye view. But I of feature films th e m ­ tions of production were teenagers as they travel couldn’t do that on this selves, to help behind the trying already with near • Short & Long Term through a desolate, urban project,” he said. "I had c a m e r a on Ripple. freezing temperatures s3,69500 Facilities wasteland brought forth to get into character, look "I had to trust the DP a nd all location shooting. W e do what most others • In-Home Care b y the very being they at the acting notes and and the producers,” Ja­ Taking on this additional do for about half die price. wish to find: King Ripple rehearse lines. On this den said. "Th ey believed challenge could have • Transportation in me wh e n I wa s behind broken a less driven himself. one, I decided to take a Husband Family • Meal Delivery This is Jaden’s first step back.” the camera, but I had to individual, but Lu k e has time both as a director While acting, Jaden believe in th e m wh e n I never lacked the perse­ Funeral Home Contact Us At a nd actor on one of his depended mu c h on the w a s in front of it.” verance to succeed.” A s k for K i m 248.325.9028 projects. experience of his pro­ "Luke took a risk di­ J aden’s previous films 734-331-3349 WWW. lawbook coin/piiges/Apna • "As a director, you ducers, Novi resident recting a film in which he include Madmen and Call for details | Ghar/1514787278739561 have to be behind the Michael Angelo Zervos ( w a s also expected to Martyrs (which pre­ www.rhusbancl.com I w w w apnagharliomccaro.com camera, paying attention Papou) and Phil Wurtzel ( perform,” Zervos said of miered at the African LO 00007/944/

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GIRLS BASKETBALL KLAA SOUTH WRESTLING QUAD Chiefs grind out victory, 37-33 Canton’s defense helps turn game around

By Tim Smith Staff Writer

For a while Friday, it just didn’t s e e m like Canton’s night. Exhibit A wa s a 6-2 deficit for the host Chiefs against Westland John Glenn after the first quarter of a K L A A South Division varsity girls basketball match-up. Exhibit B, with just over three minutes left in the first half and the Rockets up 8-3, took place wh e n Chiefs senior Alanna Br o w n took the front end of a one-on-one free- throw chance. Th e ball hu n g on the front lip of the rim for a second or t wo before finally dropping through the cylinder. John Glenn maintained a lead until Canton sophomore Brianna Finn drained back-to-back treys —

one from the right wing, the other A N D R E W RUBENSTEIN. M D from the left wing — to put the Plymouth 119-pounder Brandon Harris gets the upper hand on Canton's Ben Sa m o y Wednesday night. Chiefs up 15-13 at halftime. F r o m there, it wa s a back-and- forth, defensive battle in which the Chiefs ultimately prevailed, 37-33. Canton outscored the visitors 16-8 in the fourth, sparked by several im ­ portant steals. “That’s the test of a good team, being in a tough situation in crunch S P L I T D E C I S I O N time and having to ma k e plays,” Canton head coach Kevin Palmer said. "W e ’re a you ng group, we only got the two seniors, so I wa s happy Plymouth grapplers drop tough dual to Franklin, to see that so m e of our younger kids stepped up and kind of ow n e d the but bounce back to post big victory over Canton See CHIEFS, Page B2 By Tim Smith Staff Writer A N D R E W RUBENSTEIN, M D Ply mo ut h ’s varsity boys wrestling Getting ready team couldn’t overtake Livonia Frank­ to start the lin in the opener of We d n e s d a y ’s second period K L A A South quad as the host-W'ildcats of their lost 35-33. heavyweight But that disappointment didn’t b o u t are carry over into Plymouth’s second Plymouth's dual of the night, against ca m p u s rival Michael Jordan Canton. Th e Wildcats took care of and Canton's business against the yo u n g Chiefs, A d a m 52-15 to improve to 17-10 overall and Armesto. 3-2 in the division. “Canton’s te a m ’s struggling this year,” said Plymouth head coach Quinn Guernsey, about whether his team might have been looking past the Patriots in order to concentrate on Canton. "M a y b e so m e w h e r e in the back of their minds. But we kn e w c o m i n g in that as a te a m we needed to matches against Canton, which was K L A A website) also were defeated wrestle well against Franklin and nice and the guys wrestled well in it.” 48-23 by Livonia Churchill in one of Canton would take care of itself. We Canton head coach Cory Mancuso the other duals. J OH N KEMSKI | EXPRESS P H O T O didn’t wrestle well against Franklin. didn’t let his te a m ’s relative inexperi­ “W e didn’t wrestle at our best,” Pulling up to take a ju m p e r over “It wa s nice we didn’t let that (loss) ence excuse ho w his te a m fared. Westland John Glenn defenders is stick with us. W e wo n the winnable T h e Chiefs (1-6,1-4 according to the See WRESTLING, Page B3 Canton's Erin Hult.

PREP BOYS BASKETBALL Salem e d g e s Northville on last-second free throw

By Brad Emons play while scrambling on the Northville junior guard Staff Writer floor for a loose ball to help Justin Zi m b o then drove the preserve a 62-60 K L A A Central lane in the waning seconds, but T h e last player Northville Division victory over the host w a s stuffed by Topolovec, wh o might want to see in the K L A A Mustangs. gained possession and dribbled playoffs or Class A district The win keeps Salem, now into the front court, only to tournament is Ke n n y Tbpolo- 9-3 overall and 5-1 in the divi­ momentarily lose control. vec. sion, one ga m e behind K L A A T h e 6-foot-6 junior from Central leader Novi. Quick thinking Salem beat the Mustangs with Northville (7-5,2-4) certain­ Diving on the floor with the a free throw with only three ly had its chances in the final ball heading out of bounds, seconds left Jan. 9 to give the minute do w n a point, 61-60, but Topolovec ca m e up with the R oc ks a 47-46 win. the Mustangs missed two put- ball and called timeout with 2.1 A n d it wa s Tbpolovec again backs and couldn’t convert the seconds remaining to keep the Friday night as he ca m e up go-ahead shot after David ball in Sal em ’s possession. with a key block in the waning Morrissey ca m e up with a steal "I wa s just trying to take JOH N HEIDER | STAFF PHO TOGRA PHER seconds and alertly called a at mid-court with 30 seconds Northville's Justin Ja m e s splits Salem defenders Ke n n y Topolovec (left) an d timeout with just 2.1 seconds to remaining. See SALEM, Page B3 Jakob Lenders (right) during Friday's K L A A Central Division clash.

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•Subject to cn with automata Federally insu’ continued to gut it out. CHIEFS Strong defense and toughness in the paint Continued from Page B1 helped Canton go on an 8-1 run to take a 34-31 situation." edge with 2:35 left. O n e of those wh o did Another field goal by just that was Finn, wh o D onehue tied the ga m e at tallied 10 points. 30-30 and Hult put the “It took a while for me Chiefs in front to stay to get in the groove,” Finn w h e n she muscled in for said. "But I feel like the an offensive rebound and LfUJ L*bichh w a y my te a m set me up put-back. w a s amazing and hitting After Alexis Gardner’s Last Chance for These those last two threes, I basket ma d e it a 34-33 think the mo m e n t u m Canton lead with 1:40 to changed in our favor. It play, the Chiefs gave the Great Auto Sh o w Deals! w a s a good thing." ball up in the Rockets’ Leading the Chiefs J OH N KEMSKI | EXPRESS P H O T O zone. $ fe at (7-5,5-1) was sophomore Canton's Brianna Finn looks But instead of relin­ Erin Hult with 13 points to pass the ball Friday night quishing the lead, Finn and five rebounds. Ad d ­ while John Glenn's Sierra dove to the floor to win a ing eight points, all in the Mose l e y closes in. 50-50 ball. fourth quarter, wa s junior A layup by Donehue ffl E38flffi r-:: Breanna Donehue. and off-the-mark triple For John Glenn (5-7, key to cut that deficit to a try by the Rockets helped 3-3), Sierra Moseley led deuce before freshman secure the victory for the wa y with 10 points, Sharon Woodard — up Canton, still a ga m e be­ while Nadia Re e d contrib­ from the junior varsity — hind Plymouth in the uted seven. connected on a bank-shot K L A A South. The Rockets bounced trey from well beyond the “W e ’re a defensive back from Finn’s torrid 3-point arc to give John team," Palmer said. "W e 2015 CRUZE LT 2015 SILVERADO 4X4 LT DOUBLE CAB shooting display to actu­ Glenn a 28-23 edge. held them to 33... we try 1.4L Ec oT ec Engine. Key-less Entry, a n d More! Double Cab. 4 31 EcoTecS Engine. All Star Package, ally carry a 25-21 lead into Getting it right back to grind games do w n and L O W MILEAGE LEASE EXAMPLE FOR OUAUFIEO LESSEES Healed Seats, an d More! L O W MILEAGE LEASE EXAMPLE FOR QUALIFIED LESSEES the fourth quarter. with a clutch triple was whittle away." Donehue made a jum­ Canton junior guard Nat­ $1 flQ 38W. per from the top of the alie Winters as the Chiefs [email protected] a PER MONTH 2 2 m s193P E R M O N T H 2 4 MONTHS 51,4 9 9 DOWN 2 4 MONTHS S1,499DOWN MSRP:s20,980 MSRP: s40,885

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*-l I w 1 W WF I T N E S S ORANGETHEORYFITNESS.COM residents only Certain restrictions apply. S e e studio for details ' F i t n e s s Gr o u p . LLC , a n d or its PREP GIRLS BASKETBALL LaVallee’s hot second half lifts Plymouth to victory

over South Ly o n East. North­ By Tim Smith offensively and putting the the halftime break. also pulled do w n 10 rebounds for her first career double­ ville feU to 8-4,3-3. Staff Writer team on her back,” Plymouth Brandon reminded his play­ head coach Nick Brandon said ers at halftime not to get flus­ double. " W e ca m e out hot." Salem W h e n at first the shots don ’t about the senior point guard. tered dealing with the zone. Another big factor in the head coach Lindsay Klemmer fall, keep shooting. “S he gained confidence as the “Churchill is a very good victory, Bra n d o n added, was said. “I’ve been all over th e m For the host Plymouth Wild­ night went on and got really hot defensive te a m and their zone free-throw proficiency (14- about consistency and coming cats — especially senior Court­ in the second half. gave us so m e problems early,” of-17). out better, because we haven’t n ey LaVallee — that wa s the “Court has improved tre­ B randon said. “But I really like “Free throws have been been playing good first key Friday night to a 46-26 mendously and has wor ke d so the wa y we stayed composed something we have really halves.” K L A A South Division varsity hard on her ga m e and it and committed to a half-court struggled with this season," he Salem padded its comfort­ girls basketball victory over s ho we d again tonight.” offense, sharing the ball and said. "But we addressed it this able 14-4 lead after one quarter Livonia Churchill. Did it ever. La Vallee fin­ m o v i n g the ball. w e e k in practice and are obvi­ to 25-13 at halftime, behind Plymouth remained on top ished with a game-high 17 " O u r point guards, especial­ ously getting better there.” strong all-around play by sen­ of the tough K L A A South Divi­ points and connected on a half­ ly (senior) Paige Slominski, did ior forward Shara Lo n g (17 sion with a one-game lead over court shot at the end of the a really nice job staying calm Rocks add to lead points, nine rebounds). Canton, also a winner Friday third quarter to help Plymouth and ma k i n g good decisions.” Friday night at Salem, the “Shara played great,” Kl e m ­ night. open up a co m m a n d i n g 33-18 L a Vallee wa s n ’t the only K L A A Central Division-leading m e r said. “She didn’t rush her T h e Wildcats improved to advantage over the Chargers. Plymouth player to start find­ R oc ks ca m e out of the blocks to shots, she let the ga m e co m e to 10-2 overall and 6-0 in the divi­ Plymouth’s offense cooked ing the ma r k in the second half, the tune of a 10-1 lead and nev­ her.” sion, while Churchill’s ma r k on a low burner in the first half. spearheading a 28-13 scoring er looked back in a 47-33 win Contributing 11 points was dipped to 7-5,3-3. T h e Wildcats were up just edge during that span. over Northville. senior forward Ma r a n d a Ar m ­ "The story of this ga m e was 9-7 after the opening quarter Contributing 13 points was S al em (8-4 overall, 6-0 in the stead, while Hayley Rogers Courtney La Vallee taking over and upped that edge to 18-13 at senior wing Kendall Rose, wh o division) we n t up by two ga m e s scored seven.

PREP WRESTLING good. An d he’s wrestling m u c h smarter, he’s a mu c h WRESTLING more complete heavyweight Continued from Page B1 than he’s been before.” S a l e m ’s

M a n c u s o said. “These guys Double winners (Wildcats) ca m e out and Jordan wa s one of six McCabe, outphysicaled us. We rolled Plymouth wrestlers to go 2-0 over for them. for the day. “W e got to do better, we Those performers in­ Haslitt shine didn’t compete to the best of cluded Brandon Harris (119), our abilities today.” Spencer Schiftar (130), Dylan T h e Sal em varsity wrestling D w y e r (135), Ethan Shulaw t e a m went 1-1 at Northville Tough division (160), Hussein Youssef (189) Wednesday, pushing their record Guernsey pretty mu c h a nd Jordan. As of Jan. 20, to 14-6 and 4-1 in the K L A A South k n e w his team did not have a Harris, Dw y e r and Youssef Division, division. After the Rocks chance to catch division w e r e state-ranked by Michi- beat Northville 50-21, they fell leader Westland John Glenn ganGrappler.com. 50-14 to Brighton at the quad meet. (22-3,4-0 entering We d n e s ­ Canton victories were Caleb McCabe and Bruce Has­ day) no matter ho w it fared secured by state-ranked Ty litt we r e the lone Roc ks to finish against Franklin and Canton. J a s m a n (145), 152-pounder 2-0. " W e ’re going to finish Grant Trotman (both via " W e wrestled better then the third,” Guernsey said. "W e pins) and Nick Durocher, score showed vs Brighton,” Salem have a tough division. Ch u r ­ w h o battled Plymouth’s Jake co-coach Jeremy Henderson said. chill’s a solid team, Franklin’s Noll at 171 and prevailed by a "Brighton is currently the No. obviously very good, John M 3-1 decision. 1-ranked te a m in Division 1. Our Glenn’s good. Ou r division is “Jasman looked good kids went out there and gave it probably one of the deeper (140), did what he wa s sup­ their best and ca m e out with so m e divisions in the KL A A . posed to do,” Ma n c u s o said. hard-fought wins.” “And, we ’ll be fine. Next “W e had a couple other good About McCabe, wh o defeated a week (at the KL A A team wins here, but we got to be top-ranked opponent, "Caleb has championship quads) fin­ better.” been very close to beating several ishing third will be nice for For the Wildcats, Dw y e r ’s top kids in the state this year but us. W e ’ll get mo r e favorable two wins upped the junior’s / has fell barely short in a lot of matchups. We didn’t want to season’s record to 34-0. them. It wa s nice to see hi m finish wrestle Hartland again. We wy. “Dylan’s really good, he’s one finally. Hopefully he con­ already wrestled them established himself as one of tinues as I believe he can compete enough.” the best kids in the state,” with a lot of the top kids in his O n e of the more-intrigu­ 111 H M — Guernsey said. “He ’s going to weight class.” ing matchups in the Ply- A N D R E W RUBENSTEIN, M D be a dark horse to place real­ T h e Rocks, no w second in the mouth-Canton dual was the Staring each other do w n during their 135-pound match-up ly high at the podium. Well, I K L A A Central, will compete in a heavyweight bout between Wednesday are Plymouth's Dylan Dwyer and Canton's Jeremy don’t kn o w if he’s going to be crossover dual Feb. 4 against host the Wildcats’ Michael Jordan VanBerkel. Dwy e r wo n both bouts Wednesday to improve to 34-0 a dark horse, he’s ranked Livonia Franklin. and Canton’s Ad a m Armesto. o n the season. third in the state right now, W I L L I A M S T O N INVITE: Salem only sent seven so he’s probably not going to wrestlers to the historically to u g h WilIiamstwrInvitational Jordan wo n 8-1, but the yet they placed five out of the sev en a n d top): 10th. ou t of m a t c h u p wa s n ’t quite that surprise a lot of people any 28 te a m s said. “T h e y ’ve been wres­ more. Mitchell Gross (215) an d Ro y Foster (189) each placed lopsided. hold, then picking up the third while he a vywei ght Tyler M o o r e finished fifth. E ac h Jordan literally had the Canton senior and slamming tling longer.” "But he just keeps wres­ taking sixths in their respective we i g h t divisions we r e C a m upper hand in the first peri­ h i m down. In the loss to Churchill, tling, and we ’re wrestling Shaughnessy (119) an d Charlie Wo o d y (130). 'Charlie W o o d y wrestled phenomenal on Saturday,' od, taking a 3-1 lead. But in It wa s a classic football­ Armesto was pinned by Ja­ h i m against tough kids. Th e co-coach Jeremy Henderson noted. ’That wa s the best I've the second, Armesto showed like tackle, not surprising cob Mercieca. kid he wrestled tonight from s ee n hi m wrestle in his career. He really sh o w e d wh a t he is Franklin (Nick Robertson) capable of.' his toughness by keeping given both played on their Guernsey said it wa s good 'Williamston is a very tough tournament with top teams Jordan on the ma t for the respective grid teams in the to see Jordan continue the w a s a state qualifier last year all over the stale co m i n g ou t to co m p e t e Wi t h a limited strong, steady wrestling he’s and he pinned him. He beats s q u a d du e to injuries, it wa s really nice to se e the guys first minute or so. fall. c o m e through and place 10th.' However, Jordan dis­ “H e (Armesto) went 0-2, brought to the ma t all season. kids.” played his incredible he went up against two really “I figured that wa s about strength and power by ex­ good heavyweights, just the mat ch I was expecting,” tsmithQhometownlife.com ploding out of Armesto’s better than him,” Ma n c u s o Guernsey noted. "Mi ke ’s Twitter: QTimSmith_Sports PREP GYMNASTICS

w h e n we played them a cou­ SALEM ple of wee ks ago and I Canton keeps thought we did a mu c h better Continued from Page B1 job of that tonight until late in the game. Wh e n they really rolling along the ball up the floor quick, needed a hoop, they found a keep control of it and wait for w a y to the glass and were By Tim Smith able to tip one in.” m y teammates to come up Staff Writer there and help me out,” said Roberts (nine points), Tbpolovec, wh o finished with however, answered with an Injuries and illnesses have not team-high 13 rebounds to go old-fashioned three-point subsided yet for Canton’s girls along with 11 points. “I was play to cut the deficit to 61-60 gymnastics team. just looking to secure the ball with only 2:01 to go. But neither have the victories, and waste so m e time. But those we r e the last as the defending state champion “I tried to get on the floor points Northville would Chiefs Thursday defeated Howell • as quick as I could and call score. and Brighton by close margins to time so they wouldn’t get it. Coming up big improve to 11-0 overall and 9-0 in Hustle is everything. Hustle the KL A A . wins games.” " H e ’s a really good play­ Canton also has reeled off an After a timeout, Salem er,” Sander said of Tbpolovec. incredible 54 consecutive dual­ then inbounded the ball to " H e had a nu m b e r of big m e e t victories. Jon Swift, wh o wa s imm ed i ­ plays tonight, whether it was T h e Chiefs topped the tri-meet ately fouled with 1.5 seconds a put-back or a post-up. field with a score of 143.975 left. Th e senior guard ma d e Brodie noted that the con­ points, followed by Howell (141.4) his first foul shot to give the clusion wa s no surprise. a nd Brighton (141.025). Rocks a 62-60 lead and was “It’s always a battle wh e n " W e we r e a little bit sick and a instructed to miss the second. JOHN HEIDER | STAFF PHO TOGRA PHER w e play Northville,” he said. little bit injured," Canton head Swift missed, but North­ Salem's Calin Crawford (left) an d Jakob Lenders (right) try to stop " Th ey ’re well-coached and coach John Cunningham noted. ville 6-7 senior center Ry a n Northville's David Morrissey. they do a good job on the "But we ca m e through as a team. Roberts grabbed it an im m e ­ floor and our kids just held I wa s surprised and pleased and their composure at the end diately and called a timeout. the girls should be proud." But ironically, no time went inbounding to ma k e it tough but connected on 11 triples. and we ended up coming Leading the wa y wa s Allison off the clock. for hi m to throw around and Morrissey led Northville a w a y with the victory. Kunz, in what Cunningham de­ After the officials hud ­ s a w it happen. He had to get with 13 points, while junior "Real good offensive re­ scribed as a "super performance.” dled, the clock wa s reset to the ball around his hands and forward Justin Gibbons ca m e bounding. Kenny Tbpolovec K u n z wo n three categories, 1.3 seconds. Northville tried threw it out of bounds, so that off the bench to score all 12 w a s instrumental on the glass n a m el y uneven parallel bars (9.6), to throw a long pass fr o m the helped." of his points in the first half for us tonight. He ma d e so m e balance be a m (9.6) and the all- nice blocks and had his hands Salem baseline, but the ball to give the Mustangs a 33-32 around (37.875). sailed out of bounds and the Balanced attack advantage. full with the big guy (Rob­ Cunningham added that team Rocks regained possession Senior forward Jakob T h e biggest lead the Mu s ­ erts) inside. But we also got depth also continued to play a key and ultimately secured the Lenders led Salem’s balanced tangs enjoyed wa s eight, good offensive rebounding role in the te a m ’s ongoing suc­ from our off-players, too. win. scoring attack with 14 points, 44-36, with 3:36 left on a tri­ cess. "That wa s about 5.8 sec­ while Calin Crawford and ple by Zimbo. But Salem Give those guys credit, too. Jana Hildritch tied for second T h e y played hard.” onds it se e m e d like to me," Tbpolovec added 11 each. fought back to go ahead 48-47 on vault with a 9.0, while Stepha­ Salem coach Bo b Brodie said. “It’s an excellent win to after three quarters. JO H N G L E NN 68. C A N T O N 58: TV nie Co x chipped in with a 8.95. "It wa s a long period of time. start the second round." Bro ­ Allante Wheeler ca e m up vailing Chiefs suffered their first loss in the KL A A O n beam. Hailey Hodgson with a big offensive tip and S o u t h Division this se a s o n against the se c o n d W e just decided with that die said. "That’s a quality place Rockets c a m e in third with a 9.3 while amount of time we were team (Northville) out there Tbpolovec added another key C a n t o n dr o p p e d to 10-2 overall an d $-1 in the Rachel Socha scored a 8.7. offensive put-back with 2:13 division, while Westland John Glenn improved to going to try and miss the shot a nd they’re firing the ball 5-7.4-2 Both Hildritch and Katie Dick­ so they wouldn't have a real from the perimeter. I don’t remaining to give Salem a CHURCHILL 47. P L Y M O U T H 40: Fnday son registered scores of 8.95 on good play to run inbounds. k n o w ho w ma n y threes they 61-57 edge. night at Livonia ChurthiR the Wildcats could not get their offense un tracked an d dro pped ths bars while Co x (9.0, fourth) and "The clock didn’t run made, but it wa s tough to "They’re an extremely K L A A So u t h Division contest Dickson (8.875, sixth) each had d o w n as mu c h as we wanted, dodge that wh e n teams are talented offensive rebound­ Randa3 A i r e did hate a go o d scoring night for Pftmouth (8-4. 3-3) with 18 points Brent Da v n strong performances on floor. but it ended up in our favor. hitting like that outside." ing team,” Northville coach a d d e d nin e J o n Ho v e r m a J e so r e d 14 for ChecJkfl ( & A W e put our big kid (Tbpolo- Northville shot 21-of-50 Tbdd Sander said of the tsmithQhometov/nlife. com Rocks. "That wa s really big 4-2) vec) on the ball wh e n he was from the floor (42 percent). Twitter QTimSmith_Sports HOCKEY ROUNDUP Northville icers crush Rocks; Whalers win Mustangs remain in hunt Saturday against South Lyon pair of goals, while Jack Mea- Assists went to Nate West and nent, a league ga m e We d n e s ­ (Unified) - six of our seven c h a m added three assists. Zach Goleniak. day night at your ow n rink, so for Central Division lead goals we r e bodies in front of Brendan Hicks (power " W e had five seniors in the I’m not really sure wh e r e that the net. An d the guys did it play), Alec Morgan, P.J. lineup and they had 14, and it comes from,” Ossenmacher By Brad Emons again today, just crashing the Schnepp and Riley Brass showed,” Ossenmacher said. said. "If we have any mo r e of Staff Writer net. Rather than trying to be chipped in with a goal and " W e ’re an effort level team. We those you ’ll see these types of pretty, we ’re trying to be ugly.” assist each, while Kyle Ab r a ­ have to put forth an effort to scores.” Northville ma d e life miser­ It wa s an ugly first period h a m (short-handed) and Jack be successful. W e ’re not going W H A L E R S 3. BELLEVILLE 0: Alex Nedeljkovic able for Sal em goaltenders stopped 41 shots for his fourth shutout of the season for the lOth-ranked Rocks Sargent also tallied goals. Oth­ out on the ice and out-skill and Ma t h e w Campagna. Sonny Milano and Francesco Dillon Phillips and Nathan (8-6-3,4-3-3), wh o found th e m ­ er assists went to Kyle Dann, people. That’s not our game. So Vilardi scored the goals as the Plymouth Whalers Blank while keeping its KL A A selves do w n 4-0. beat the Belleville Bulls, 3-0. in an Ontario Ho c k e y S a m Bradley and Nick Strom. with our effort level, if we league ga m e played Friday night before 2.663 at Central Division title hopes " W e we r e n ’t ready to play “W h e n you’re moving your d on ’t ma t c h the other, we ’re Compuware Arena alive with a resounding 8-2 win tonight," Salem coach Ry a n feet and going to the net it going to be in trouble. For the T h e ga m e wa s th e first half of a Military Apprecia­ tion we e k e n d dou blehe ader W e d n e s d a y night over the host O s s e n m a c h e r said. "I don ’t promotes mo v in g your feet all most part we ’ve been O.K. We P l y mouth (16-27-21, 3S points) w o n the battle of Rocks at the Plymouth Cultur­ think there wa s a part of our over the ice,” Robert said. k n o w that’s weakness of ours special teams, killing off a five-minute maj or penalty al Center. to Ryan Mo o r e while scoring a shorlhanded goal in g a m e you could consider was "Three of the first four were all year. It just wa s n ’t as bad as the process, later on. the Wha l e r s killed off a State-ranked Northville (No. good tonight, fr o m our end to goals were from crashing the it wa s tonight. I really don’t four-minute double minor to Sea n Callaghan. 7 in Division), chasing Brigh­ their zone. Wh e n you co m e out net. It just promotes hard C a m p a g n a scored the only goal of the first period, k n o w what that’s attributed wiring a shot fr o m the right circle by Belleville ton for the divisional lead, flat... Northville is a very good work. An d they see that the to.” goaltender Charlie Gr a h a m for his 16th of the year at improved to 13-2-2 overall and t e a m and their record is what nice thing about it is that it Northville goaltender 16:39. Mi l a n o ga v e Pl y m o u t h a 2-0 lead, wor k i n g on a two - o n - o n e bre ak wit h Will Bitten an d scoring at 7-2-1 in the Central. it is because they’re a good works. Being cute was n ’t wor k ­ C ha nc e Bouton ma d e a total of 9:18 of the se c o n d period for his 13th of year. Vilardi “W e ’ve been talking all year team. An d wh e n you ’re not ing and no w we ’re putting the 18 saves, while Phillips, the scored a shorthanded goal (his fourth of the season) at 17:14 of the second period about getting bodies to the ready to play this is what can puck in the net.” S al em starter, and Blank, wh o N O V I C C 4, T R E N T O N 3. JoJo Mancinelli's net,” Northville coach Clint happen." Salem, which trailed 6-2 c a m e on in reserve, faced a unassisted goal at 4:41 of overtime gave top-ranked Robert said. "The guys for Alec Melucci led North- N ov i Detroit Catholic Central (12-3-1. 7-1-1 North after two periods, got a pair of total of 34 shots. Division) a Mi c higan Interscholastic Ho c k e y le a g u e whatever reason bought in ville’s offensive attack with a goals from Zach Newsome. "Northville is a big oppo­ crossover win We d n e s d a y over the host Trojans.

FIGURE SKATING COLLEGE BASKETBALL Novi’s Chock teams with Bates for gold medal Schoolcraft competed at the 2014 Skate m e n soaring Area skaters are U.S. America, where they wo n their first Gr a n d Prix title. Senior Dance champs " W e are Ma d d y and Evan,” up the Bates said. “W e ’ve wo n one By Brad Emons national championship and national Staff Writer w e ’re thankful for it and ec­ static about it. That’s no legacy. Those long training days at That’s just one national champi­ rankings the Novi Ice Are na paid off onship. I think it’s a great start. handsomely Saturday for Madi­ W e ’re ecstatic about it. Like I son Chock and Eva n Bates at said, we ’re not thinking about a By Tim Smith the 2015 U.S. Figure Skating big chunk, an era like ice danc­ Staff Writer Championships at the Greens­ ing has been in the past. In ice boro Coliseum Complex. dancing today, it’s whoever Schoolcraft College’s T h e pair, wh o finished eighth skates best that day can win m e n ’s basketball te a m is representing the U.S. at the 2014 based on so ma n y factors, levels firing on all cylinders as Sochi Winter Olympics, earned ... we ’re just happy to have one.” February arrives on the their first Senior Da n c e national Next up on the schedule for Michigan Community title. C h o c k and Bates is the Four College Athletic Associa­ Leading by just 0.11 points Continents Figure Skating tion calendar. heading into the free dance over Championships, Feb. 9-15, in The Ocelots improved the brother-sister te a m of Alex Seoul, Korea, followed by the to No. 6 in the National and Ma i a Shibutani, Cho ck and I S U World Figure Skating Junior College Athletic Bates wooed the Greensboro Championships, Ma r c h 23-29, in Association following crowd skating to Gershwin’s An Shanghai. victories Mo n d a y over American in Paris and scored a " W e ’ve definitely co m e a Delta College (78-75) and personal best 111.11 points to long wa y from wh e n we first W e d n e s d a y over St. Clair finish with 185.06. started skating together,” County Community Col­ T h e Shibutani siblings, wh o C hock said. "That was a tough lege (87-52). train at Canton’s Arctic Edge, year (2011). We just kind of Schoolcraft no w is finished runner-up with 181.31. threw everything together. It 18-3 overall and 7-1 in the A n d to ma k e it an all-Michigan w as such a whirlwind, I don’t M C C A A , entering Sat­ p od iu m finish, Madison Hubbell even remember. But we ’ve urday’s ho m e contest and Zachary Do n o h u e of the definitely learned a lot and against Ma c o m b Co m m u ­ Detroit Skating Club of Bl o o m ­ g r o w n together, which I think is nity College. field Hills finished third. very important. Ev e n though we At Delta, Ja’Christian "Tonight felt so great,” the E V A N PIKE I US A T O D A Y m a y have not had as ma n y Biles scored 28 points 22-year-old Ch o c k said in a Novi's Madison Chock an d partner Evan Bates wo n the Senior Dance title at years together as most teams while Lito Booth and press conference afterward. the 2015 U.S Figure Skating Championships. might, I think we ’ve still kn o w n Javon Thomas chipped in "The crowd was amazing and each other so long and we have with 15 and 11 points, w e could really feel the energy great coaches and we ’re both respectively. Schoolcraft in the rink and I think we used us,” said the 25-year-old Bates, T h e ne w national champions really hard workers and we led 37-33 at halftime and that really well. This wa s one of an An n Arbor native wh o gradu­ first tea me d up in 2011. The m a k e it work. It’s good for us held off Delta’s late our best performances of the ated from the University of 5-foot-2 Chock, wh o wa s bo m in and we ’re happy.” charge. season, I would say. So it’s really Michigan with a degree in or­ R e d o n d o Beach, Calif., skated Igor Shpilband, wh o coaches Biles also wa s strong exciting to have done that at the ganizational studies. "Filling five years with Gr e g Zuerlein, the skaters in Novi, kn e w from on the boards, with 10 U.S. Championships and we ’re those shoes is such a daunting while the 6-2 Bates wa s paired the start they would succeed. rebounds — nine at the just excited to go forward and task that we don ’t put that upon with two different partners, " Th ey both have such drive defensive end. on fr o m here.” ourselves. We sa w Meryl and earning two U.S. silver and one and desire to skate and such Everybody got in on Olympic gold medalists Charlie this week, actually had bronze medal. passion,” he told icenetwork- the fun two nights later, Charlie White and Mer yl Davis, a chance to have dinner with Chock and Bates earned two .com. "Th ey are both fighters. with the ga m e already a the six-time U.S. ch a m p s wh o Charlie and he said right to us, U.S. Championship runner-up T h e y went out and fought and rout at the intermission trained at Arctic Edge, are tak­ ‘You don ’t have to fulfill any ­ finishes in 2013 and 2014. Th e y w o n the national title and it is (43-25). ing the year off fr o m competi­ thing, you don’t have to take also took silver at the 2014 Ne- not easy.” Five Ocelots reached tion. over for us or anything like belhom TVophy, an ISU Chal­ double digits, including "It’s been a great we e k for that.’” lenger Series event, and then [email protected] Canton alum Davon Tay­ lor, wh o tallied 11 points a nd nine rebounds in 19 minutes of play. Taylor COLLEGE BASKETBALL shared team rebounding honors with James BOYS SWIM RESULTS Pruitt, wh o scored 12. Dierker big off ben c h D UA L MEET RESULTS Popyfc (Novi), 51.58; 3. Shi (Novi), 51.85; 4. Urbac- Leading the wa y for NORTHVILLE 133 sewski (Salem). 52.0; 5. M Williams (Novi). 53.59. Schoolcraft was Booth, WALLED LAKE WESTERN SO 5 0 0 fr e e s t y l e : 1. Katulski (Novi), 5:05.89; 2. Jan. 29 at W . L Wes tern Liu (Salem). 5:08.49; 3. Co l lingw ood (Salem), w h o scored 13 points. 2 0 0 - y a r d m e d l e y re l a y : 1. Northville (Arther 5:17.82; 4. G. Williams (Novi), 5:20.49; 5. Justin Lee Adding 12 was Thomas as Madonna men win Greenlee, R o m a n Grossv Ancheng Da, Shane (Novi), 5:24.05. Boran). 1:50.31; Northville (John Moniresso, Nikolai 2 0 0 fre e s t y l e relay: 1. Novi (Kareddy, Billiu, while Biles registered 10. Arton, Ca m e r o n Heaven, Mi k e Scaratino), 1:52.06. H u a n g , Katulski), 1:33.14; 2 Nov i (Ma ehata . Yuan. Schoolcraft out-re­ Chris Dierker ma d e the most shot only 31.4 percent from the 2 0 0 freestyle relay: 1. Taiyo Ichikawa (N), M . Williams, Popyk), 1:34.69; 3. Sa l e m (Fleming. 1:57.56; Jack Bre uch (N), 2:00.19; Nicholas Mouakiel Kuang, Urbacsewskl Colllingwood), 1:34.96 b o u n d e d St. Clair County of his 25 minutes off the bench floor (22-of-70) and 61.1 percent (N), 2:01.81 1 0 0 ba c k s t r o k e : 1. (tie) Berman (Novi) and (9-11, 2-6) by a 52-35 ma r ­ W e d n e s d a y night posting a from the foul line (22-of-36). 2 0 0 in d i v i d u a l m e d l e y : 1 D a (N), 2.14.13; 2 W e l l m a n (Salem), 56 77 each; 3. Patrick Ca s e y gin, and shot the ball at a double-double as Ma d o n n a Grossi (N), 2:14.14; 3. Kikumori (N), 2:17.24 (Salem). 58.05; 4 Kar e d d y (Novi). 59.47; 5 Kotyk T h e Crusaders return to 5 0 fr e e s t y l e : 1 Scaratino (N), 24.66; 2. Bor an (Novi), 1:01.79 47.7-percent clip (31-65). University rallied in the second W H A C action beginning at 3 (N), 24 91; Nikolai An t o n (N), 25 64 1 0 0 br e a s t s t r o k e : 1 Y u a n (Novi), 1:06.44; 2. LADY OCELOTS LOSE half to beat host Marygrove p.m. Saturday at ho m e to face 1 - m e t e r di v i n g : 1 Christain Field (N). 177.50 G Williams (Novi), 1:08.93; 3. Ma x w e l l W e n g points; 3. Ry s (N), 143.50. (Novi). 1:11 88; 4. Albert Ta n (Novi), 1:12.71; 5. 2: Meanwhile, it wa s n ’t College, 82-75, in a Wolverine- W H A C leader Davenport Uni­ 1 0 0 butterfly: 1. Christopher Stefan (WIW). Nicholas La n d o n (Salem), 1:13.59 as positive of a we e k for Hoosier Athletic Conference versity (20-3,14-1), which is 59.08, 3 D a (N), 1:01.48; 4 Haotian Jiang (N), 4 0 0 freestyle relay: 1. Novi (Maehata. Shi 1:03.59; 5. Ca m e r o n He a v e n (N), 1:04.24 Popyk. Katulski), 3:25.13; 2. Sa l e m (Fleming. Schoolcraft’s wo m e n m e n ’s basketball game. ranked No. 5 in the latest NA I A 1 0 0 fr e e s t y l e : 1. Orion Shi (N), 55.14; 2. Bor an Urbacsewskl Collingwood. Uu), 3:31.72; 3. Novi cagers. T he 6-foot-6 red shirt fresh­ Division II poll. (N). 55.86; 4.56.45 (Billiu, Yuan, Kilponen, Berman), 335 .98 T h e La d y Ocelots lost m a n forward from Salem High 5 0 0 freestyle: 1. Mouaikel (N), 5:25.56; 2. D u a l m e e t records: Novi 5-2 overall 11 MADONNA 90, MARY­ C o n n o r lepish (N), 5:27.03; 3. Rya n Smelt (N). K L A A Central Division; Salem. 0-2 K L A A Central 67-66 at Delta on Mo n d a y finished with career-best 20 GROVE 56: All 12 players 534.3. BIRMINGHAM BROTHER RICE 119 and then dropped a 63-57 points and 12 rebounds as the scored and Ma d o n n a University 2 0 0 freestyle: 1. Northville (Grossi Kikumori DETROIT CATHOLIC CENTRAL 64 D a v i d Ha n d y , Ma x w e l l Schulz). 1:42.42 Jan. 2 9 at Livonia Rec. Center decision We d n e s d a y to Crusaders improved to 10-13 (14-7,13-2) shot 53 percent the 1 0 0 ba c k s t r o k e : 1 Greenlee (N), 1:00.57; 3 200-yard m e d l e y relay: 1 Rice (Mark visiting St. Clair County. overall and 6-9 in the WH A C . field en route to an easy W H A C Mon t e r o s s o (N), 1:02.0; 4 M a t t le e (N), 1:04.97 Blinstraub, Dr e w Grady. Bo b b y Powrie, Gus t 1 0 0 br e a s t s t r o k e : 1 Jiang (N), 1:07.11; 2. Kouvaris), 135.6; 2. Catholic Central (Jack Walsh. Schoolcraft’s record Dierker, wh o connected on w o m e n ’s basketball victory Kikumori (N), 1:07.83; 3. Ca m e r o n He a v e n (N), Daniel long, M a n Lon iewsk l Gr a y s o n Arnold). dropped to 13-7 overall 10-of-13 free throws, helped W e d n e s d a y over host Ma r y ­ 1 1 0 3 9 . 1:38.22. a nd 5-3 in the M C C A A M a d o n n a rally from a 44-41 grove (4-19,2-13). 4 0 0 fr e e s t y l e r e l a y : 1. Northville (Breuch, 2 0 0 fr e e s t y l e : 1. Blinstraub (Rice). 1 44.25:3. Ichikawa, Shi Monterosso), 3:44.93; 2. Northville Eth an Bezzina (CC), 1:52.64; 5 T o m m y Wi a d u c k while St. Clair County halftime deficit with 13 second- Junior guard Michele Hayes (Ry an Smelt, lepish, Mouaikel), 3 40 0. ( C O , 1:55.53. improved to 15-4,6-2. half points. paced the Crusaders’ scoring D u a l m e e t re c o r d s : Northville, 7-1 overall; 2 0 0 individual m e d l e y : 1. J Walsh (CQ. Western. 1-4 overall 1.53.07; 5 J o n athan le e (C Q . 2 02 34 T op scorers for Senior guard Shaun Duncan attack with 17 points. Th e Oa k ­ NO V 1 131, S A L E M 55 5 0 fr e e s t y l e : 1 Kouvaris (Rice), 21.54, 3 Schoolcraft on Wednes­ and sophomore point-guard land University transfer from Jan, 29 at Novi Arnold (C Q . 22.22. d ay we r e T’era Nesbitt Khalil Malone added 15 and 12 200 -yard m e d l e y relay: 1. Novi (Gordy 1 - m e t e r diving: 1 Robert Vance (CC), 196.05 Inkster also dished out six as­ Williams. Narayan Manivannan. Arthur Shi points; 2 B r e n d a n Connelly (C O , 171 35; 3. Co n n o r (19 points) and Wa y n e points, respectively, while enior sists. Siddharda Kareddr), 1:45.67; Sa l e m (Patrick Casey. M c C l i m o n t (C O . 12 0 70. Memorial product Ash­ center Donald Ow e n s ca m e off Lindsey He m d e n and Jus­ Charles Liu. Brendan Wellman, Brian Kuang). 1 0 0 butterfly: I Rudy Aqu^if (Rice), 5345; 4 1:45.81, 3. Nov i (Joey Be r m a n . An d r e w Kilponen, Christopher Vela (CO, 58.12,5. An d r e w Connor ley Bland (12 points). the bench to score nine points tice De a n (Garden City) added Maxwell Williams, Bradley Huang), 1 48.29 (CO, 102.17. Grabbing 12 rebounds a nd grab eight rebounds for the 11 and 10 points for the Crusad­ 2 0 0 fr e e s t y l e : 1. Ry a n Katulski (Novi), 1:50 57. 1 0 0 fr e e s t y l e : 1 Blinstraub (Rice). 47.03, 3. 2 Phillip Billiu (Novi), 15 4 29; 3. Collin Urbacsewski Arn old (CC). 49.4; 4 M a n Loniewski (C O , 50 1 3 a n d tallying eight points Crusaders ers, wh o shot 29-of-55 from the (Salem). 1:54.45.4 B e r m a n (Novi), 1:5337; 5. Justm 5 0 0 freestyle: 1 Kouvaris (Rice) 4 50.79; 3. w a s Rikki Sherdt. M U outrebounded Mary­ floor to go along with 26-of-40 L e e (Non). 1:58.92. Bezzina (CO, 5:01 7.4 D a n Vela (CO, 5:07.17 2 0 0 freestyle relay: 1. Rice (Grady, Aguilar. M o n d a y ’s loss wa s a grove, 59^13, and shot 23-of-63 2 0 0 individual me d l e y : 1 Brian Son (Nov. free throws (65 percent). 2:1032; 2. Joel Kotyk (Novi), 2:13.03; 3. Toraki Jack Kennedy, Powrie), 1 2 8 12. 3. Cat hohc Central bitter one, with the win ­ from the field (413 percent). Kacy Robinson also grabbed M a e h a t a (Novi). 2:14.31; 4. Ph.Slip Co l l m g w o o d (C. Vela, M a t t h e w Krakovriak. Wi a duck, Bezzina), ning free throw ma d e T h e Crusaders were 27-of-38 a team-high nine rebounds for (Salem). 2.15 03; 5. Kilponen (Novi/. 2 15 57. 1 3 9 . 5 5 5 0 freestyle: 1 Liu (Salem), 23.77; 2 James 100 badcstroke: J Walsh 'CO, 51 95.5 with 0.6 seconds to play. from the foul line (71.1 percent). M U , which led 47-27 at half­ Pop yk (Novi). 23 73; 3. M. Wi i h a m s (Mori), 23 83. 4 Chris Barron (CO. 56 86 Scoring 16 points each Diaunte Taylor paced the time. Ale xande r Yu a n (Novi), 23.9:5. Shi (Novi). 23.97 1 0 0 br e a s t s t r o k e : 1. Gr a d / 1 00.51; 2 1-meter diving: 1 James Gol (NovT 22800 lon^wski (CO. 101.43, 3. long (CO, 1 0144; 4. Lee for the La d y Ocelots Mustangs (3-20,1-14) with a Kierra Jordan (Westland points, 2. Na t h a n Pellerito (Novi), 21 5 0 5 , 3 . Trey (CO, 102 53 w e r e Elise Tolbert (Bir­ game-high 30 points and added John Glenn) and Raeha Weaver f & d n e n (Novi). 166.60; 4. Br e n d a n S i d (Salem), 4 0 0 fr e e s t y l e re l a y : ' B e e (6 -rstraub. 128.10; S. Joh n Var y (Salem). 12 6 40. Agjlar. Kennedy, Ko u r v a m ) , 3:10.27, 3 Catholic mingham Seaholm), Jes­ 12 rebounds. each scored 12 points for the 1 0 0 bu t t e r f l y : W -

Evan Westphal underwent 3 /2-years of tests and treatments while battling leukemia. Be ­ tween the needle pokes, medi­ cines, ex a m s and procedures, Evan, 11, of Livonia, kept a positive outlook, in part with the help of a nonprofit organi­ zation called Courageous Kids. “W h e n you ’re in treatment, there’s not a whole lot for these kids to look forward to,’’ said Janice Westphal, Ev a n ’s moth­ er. “W h a t Courageous Kids does is plan outings. Th e y m a k e it happen ... movies, a Detroit Tiger ga m e ... and it’s not just the kid wh o ’s in treat­ ment, but the whole family that has something to look forward to. Th e biggest thing is getting to do something normal with a group of people wh o are going “It got us through through similar things you are. “It got us through so m e s o m e tough times, tough times, having something having something to to look forward to other than a medical treatment. It was look forward to other something fun and just to do than a medical something fun, to take your m i n d off ‘cancer cancer can­ treatment. It wa s cer,’ It wa s nice to have an something fun and escape.” Westphal and her family just to do something remain involved in Courageous fun, to take your Kids, even though Ev a n will m a r k his first year free of m i n d off 'cancer chemotherapy and cancer in cancer cancer, ’ It March. Westphal will speak at the organization’s first annual w a s nice to have an Valentine’s Da y dinner dance, e s c a p e ” Feb. 14, at Th e Inn at St. Jo h n ’s, 44045 Five Mile, Plymouth JANICE WESTPHAL Township. Th e event will begin m o m to Evan at 7 p.m. and will include a sit-down dinner, champagne, silent auction, and dancing. 15 mo r e than last year. Ho c k ­ Tickets are $100, available by ing said the organization calling 517-545-7305. serves 435 family members. She relies on hospital pedi­ SUBMITTED PHOTOS Helping kids cope atric medical staff and child A Courageous Kids outing includes a visit to WD I V and a chat with An d r e w Humphrey, meteorologist. Terri Hocking, a former life specialists to decide wh o child life specialist, founded qualifies for Courageous Kids the organization in 2010 after and to refer them. A family thank-you notes from parents working with you ng hospital­ that hasn’t been referred can w h o say it has ma d e a differ­ ized patients. apply through the organiza­ ence. Wh e n we went to the "I had realized while wo r k ­ tion’s website, but mu s t give Pistons, one m o m told m e her ing in the hospital setting, that Courageous Kids permission to little boy had not stopped talk­ w e help th e m cope in the hospi­ contact their doctor. ing about it all day.” tal. On c e they leave, they are Hocking encourages fam­ in the world trying to ma n a g e Family time ilies to remain active in the with their illnesses. I thought it Outings have included Ply­ organization and serve as an would be nice to help the m mouth Whalers hockey games, inspiration to others, even cope outside the hospital,” said Detroit Pistons basketball, after their child is no longer ill. Hocking, wh o is married and Detroit Tigers baseball, the Westphal enjoys “giving back” lives in Hartland, north of Robot Garage in Birmingham, in that way. Brighton. T h e He n r y Ford, a visit to an “I always re m e m b e r this. At T h e group’s mission is to apple orchard, a ride on the our first outing there wa s an­ “inspire hope by helping kids Island Qu e e n at Kensington other little boy wh o had leuke­ cope with cancer and other Metropark, movies and more. mia, too,” Westphal said. “For threatening medical condi­ “It’s a little bit of every­ us to look at that other family tions.” Th e fun events provide thing.” Families co m e fr o m as — they were further along kids and families “positive far aw a y as Toledo, Ohio, and than we we r e — it sho ws a anticipation, distraction, fa m ­ Holland to attend so m e of the little light at the end of the ily bonding and emotional monthly and twice-monthly tunnel.” support.” gatherings, although the focus Visit Courageous Kids’ we b ­ Ninety-five youngsters are is on southeast Michigan. site at courageouskidsmi.org. Three me m b e r s of Courageous Kids are chosen as honorary team captains involved in the group this year, “I’m constantly getting at a Detroit Pistons basketball game. Trinity in the W o o d s concert benefits Neighborhood House By Sharon Dargay Staff Writer

TVinity in the Wo o d s is a small church with a big m u ­ sical mission. “O u r church is a teeny church at the back of the woods. Yo u ’d never kn o w it’s even there," said Rachael Rose, music minister for the Farmington Hills congrega­ tion. "There is a meditation path in spring, su m m e r and fall that is beautiful to walk. It’s a beautiful place of respite. In alignment with our identity, I said, OK , we ’ll have music in the woods. It’s a wa y for us to SUBMITTED PHOTOS engage the community. I think Taylor Mo r r o w an d Luke Rose perform in Wa y n e State University's Mo t o r M o t o r City Cabaret performs a revue celebrating the life of choreographer churches and musicians have City Cabaret. Th e troupe will perform Feb. 8 at Trinity in the Wo o d s , in B o b Fosse. Th e Wa y n e State University troupe will perform at a fundraiser to be creative on ho w we can Farmington Hills. for Farmington-Farmington Hills Ne i g h b o r h o o d Ho u s e at Trinity in the help our communities and W o o d s . engage our communities. I d r e a m big and don ’t tell people nancial aid. It also refers cli­ group — super-talented kids. w e can’t do it. We ’ve done so ents to other social service This year they are doing a Bo b ing the Trinity & Friends Choir. orchestra. Tickets are $10. m u c h and we ’ve got a couple of agencies, counseling programs Fosse revue. It’s really cool. "Anyone is allowed to come. "I look at everything things coming do w n the road." a nd local churches. TVinity in Y o u get to kn o w a lot about Bob M y youngest (singer) last year through the eyes of music,” T he church’s annual fund­ the Wo o d s raised $4,000 for Fosse and what he wa s like as a w a s 3 and m y oldest wa s in the Rose said. "I intend to ask local raiser for Farmington-Far- Neighborhood House through person. W e have a couple of 80s. Last year, our first concert artists in. It will start in April mington Hills Neighborhood its annual concert last year. people singing amazing solos h ad 50 singers and 18 in the a nd m y hope it will continue H o u s e kicks off a ne w year of from shows he choreo­ orchestra. We ca m e together monthly, year-round.” concerts, and switches out jazz Musical theater graphed." a nd have gr o w n from there. T h e First Fridays event will music for a musical revue this "Historically it has been a Rose’s choirs at TVinity in N o w people invite their friends include displays by artists and year. Mo t o r City Cabaret, a jazz concert," said Rose, wh o the Woods, an Episcopal con­ to come.” performances by singers, 10-person musical troupe from also serves as the accompanist gregation, don’t require audi­ TVinity & Friends will team dancers, actors, and poets. W a y n e State University, will for Mo t o r City Cabaret, a year­ tions. He r TVinity Choir sings with the Detroit Actors Th e a ­ Look for the first “Farming- perform at 4:30 p.m. Sunday. long musical theater class that at Sun da y sendees and TVinity tre Co m p a n y (D A T C ) for a ton Follies at TVinity in the Feb. 8, at the church. 26880* includes perfonnances in high & Friends Choir welcomes "Call to Peace” concert, 8 p.m. W o o d s " in June, featuring LaMuera. Farmington Hills. schools, churches and other nonmembers, all ages and M a r c h 19-21, at the church. TVinity & Friends Choir Admission is by free will of­ venues. Wa y n e State Univer­ faiths to sing several concerts Eric Swanson, co-founder of For tickets and information fering. sity students audition for the outside of the worship service D A T C , will guest conduct and about the church, visit trin­ Neighborhood Ho u s e assists class, which is in its second each year. the two performing groups will ity inthewoods.org. residents in need with food, year. "It’s not about church, it’s form a choir of 40-60 singers furnishings, clothing and fi­ "They are a musical revue about unity.” she said, describ­ accompanied by a 20-piece Teach children to be kind, to treat others equally | consider myself lucky. obstacles, wh o help us to other parents and chil­ that I run like Phoebe I Lucky, because I have Sarah Dories davies. Ev e r y dollar learn that we are not all dren in the world wh o are from Friends. If you counts. W e ma y not have h a beautiful, happy the sa m e on the outside, facing trials that are daughter wh o is healthy. THEN THERE haven’t seen the episode all the answers to all of W E R E TW O but that inside we are not difficult. A n d I don ’t believe that that I am referring to, I life’s problems, but we at all different. urge you to look it up on can help to ma k e a differ­ all illnesses, diseases or I wish I could do mo r e Making a difference disorders are purely You'Ribe; it’s absolutely ence. Look for me if to bring peace to the I can do so m e things, worth the laugh. I cer­ you’re downtown on genetic. I think so m e ­ cents that their children parents of children wh o though. I can teach m y times it's just luck of the tainly have not lost all of Valentine’s Day. I’ll be have. But they do not have challenges that they daughter to treat every­ m y "baby weight’’ and draw. complain. They keep the one in m y undies, face every day, different one the same. I can teach m y stretch marks are not with a pink tutu and huge I consider myself smiles on their faces, and from those challenges her to love all people, all the least bit appealing. lucky also to kn o w other stretch ma r k s covering they keep their Facebook that we experience in my races, all differently- But I am going to take m y stomach. I think of children wh o don’t share posts positive and heart­ family. I wish that my abled, all challenged. I m y hilarious, slow-run­ t h e m as m y battle the sa m e healthy traits as warming. They probably prayers would be enough can teach her that we are ning self, stretch mar ks m y little Gracie does. don’t kn o w that I cry wounds. An d we should to heal those wh o are all Go d ’s children, and a nd all, to race in this all play a part in helping These children help me w h e n I read what they hurting, or save those that no matter what cir­ year’s Cupid’s Undie to be c o m e a better mo t h ­ those with a bigger battle post sometimes, and that w h o are left with a strug­ cumstances life brings to Run, in m y underwear, in overcome it. W e can be er. Th e y remind me that I spend moments every gle that I ma y never us, we must be kind to w e cannot judge one d o w n t o w n Detroit. The the change we wish to night teaching m y 3- truly understand. I con­ one another and treat event is held on Valen­ see in the world, one another by the wa y that month-old to pray for stantly wo n d e r what I people the wa y we would w e look, or by the ail­ tine’s Day, and the mo n e y simple race at a time. their children. But these can do to ma k e a differ­ like to be treated. An d I raised will help to find a m en ts that do or do not things are important to ence in the lives of these can donate to organiza­ cure for neurofibromato­ Sarah Davies of Livonia writes present themselves in me, and to my family. It people. But sometimes I tions and attend events. I sis, which is a condition about the ups and downs of our lives. These children is important to be grate­ a m left empty-handed, can send cards, and write that can cause tumors, are the children that I being a ne w mother. Cupid's ful for all the things you without a cure and with­ letters, and be positive. particularly in the brain. hope my daughter grows have, even wh e n they Undie Run. a one-mile fun run. out the po w e r to change A n d I can run. I invite you to partici­ will begin at 2 p.m. Feb. 14. at up to be like; confident, s e e m small and simple. the outcome of ma n y of I a m a very slow run­ pate, too. You can sign up strong, and remarkable. The Fillmore, 2115 Woodward W e are very thankful for these situations. I a m not ner. Before pregnancy, it to run with me, or you Ave., Detroit. Doors open at I have friends wh o go all that we have, and a super hero, and I am took me a very long time can donate to my fund­ noon, followed by an awards through daily struggles even mo r e so for kn o w ­ not a God. I am simply a to run a very short dis­ raising page by visiting dealing with health con- ceremony at 1 p.m. ing others with different mother wh o feels for tance. I have been told mycupids.org/sarah-

Popular Soup Sw a p raises funds for Salvation Army in Plymouth Soup Sw a p is back. h o m e in March. Th e third Plymouth have teamed nary Te a m will ma k e and the Plymouth Salvation large selection of shapes M e m b e r s of the Vil­ annual event will benefit up to offer the popular serve soup for the A r m y Church, 9451S. a nd sizes. Me m b e r s of lage Potters Guild have the Salvation Army. c o m m u n i t y art project. “S w a p ’’ on Ma r c h 7, wh e n Main, in Plymouth. Par­ the guild will glaze and created soup bowls that T h e Rotary Club of T h e Ov e r the Grill Ga n g participants take ho m e ticipants will use colored fire the bowls for the S w a p participants will Plymouth A.M., Belle­ Chefs’ Club along with their bowls. clays to paint their favor­ S o u p Swap. decorate over the next ville Rotary Club and the the Plymouth-Canton T h e art portion of the ite design on a bowl that m o n t h and then will take Kiwanis Club of Colonial Educational Park Culi­ event will begin Feb. 5 at they have chosen from a See SOUP, Page B7 r er. nUNTHTi i« i ii Check out these exciting career opportunities! Guide to For even more opportunities see our Emploument “award winning” classi/ied section! ^ 0 To place your ad here contactcon us at [email protected] or call 1-800-579-7355

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Mus t hav e clean Excellent Salary, Benefits. tions are handled properly. Hourly Wages 877-936-0012 driving record. Will Train. Farmington Hilts area. skills, w/clear driving record, currently has openings for. Michigan's#! Cover Letter, Re s u m e C o m m e n s u r a t e with Exp Benefits Daytime hours. Contact Karen at Must have experience ma k ­ drug test background check. REALTOR 4 References. Email lo ing collection calls, cas h ap ­ Industrial Engineer Call: 586 -843- 2313 248-851-1034 Company-Paid Advanced GAGEMAKER Benefits for the employee. Real Estate One mlallergyGcomcast.net plications, invoicing, re­ Training & Certifications EOE. Email intro letter, Manufacturing Engineer Earn High searching accounts, super­ resume 4 wa g e request: Commission Income PEDIATRIC S o m e certifications are Experienced precision gage Help Wa n ted - vising others, a n d mon th eligible for pa y increases jobope [email protected] Product Dev.Englneer Rapidly Expanding DENTAL ASSISTANT fixture builder. Journeyman Real Estate Market Office Clerical e n d closing Expenence in level position with min i m u m Supplier Quality Engineer Part Time, for busy Excellent Full Benefits Pkg Start Earning MEDICAL the building industry an d fil­ 5 years precision assembly Canton office. Exp needed. ing liens is a plus. with low out-of-pocket costs Production Supervision Commissions Right Away Fax resume: 734-254-0861 RECEPTIONIST experience. Mus t be able to MANUFACTURING • O w n Your Ow n Practice ACCOUTING CLERK Please submit your res ume run a mill an d surface grind For Bingham Farms firm Full-Time fora busy family Aim Nationaloaso is an Contract manufacturer of Qualified applicants •Be Your Ow n Boss with salary requirements to to facilitate build. Must have • W o r k Your Schedule 2 0 hrs/wk. Flexible hrs Help Wanted-Medical medicine office In Uvonla. industry leader in full serv­ pow der and liquid laundry 4 please submit resume to: H u m a n Resources Mgr.,. proficient blue pnnt reading •You Determine Your Income S I 4/111. Wor ks directly with 2 yrs. exp needed Resume: ice bu c k leasing an d mai n­ dish detergent located In Western Wa y n e Physicians 50370 Dennis a tenance In the past 32 skills for assembly and [email protected] •Bonus Programs the Office Manager assisting Wixom. Ml Is seeking an indi­ 3 7 6 5 0 Professional Ctr Dr. component detail build. •Heantutife/Disabllity/ with. Accounts Payable/Rec­ Waom, Ml 48393 years. Ai m Nationaleas© vidual to fill the following Caregiver/Home •1000, Uvonla, Ml 48154 has grown to 350 + employ­ M us t be able to build Full position details & Retirement eivable; Billing; Cash Ma n a g e ­ O r fax to 248 -769- 6095 second shift ope n position: or Fax: 734 -462- 5960 ees servicing 41 unique op ­ •Full Time Support Stall m en t Reporting; R i n g and Health Aides electronic 4 functional gage FORKLIFT OPERATOR/ requirements on erations In 13 states. fixture assemblies. To p rates Career8uilder.com or various other projects. Must Mus t be cartng 4 4 competitive benefits. YARD SWITCHER have intermediate. Microsoft Responsible for:, receiving 4 w w w nca pco.c om/careers dependable Hiring In AUTOBODY Send resume Excel 4 We n d exp. If you are Wayne. Oakland delrvering of r a w materials, EEO a dynamic, energetic Individu­ salesemayagage.com PAT RYAN, REALTOR a n d M a c o m b Counties. OFFICE ASSISTANT AIM components 4 finished prod­ al with accounting exp 4 NationaLease f734) 591-9200 Open Interviews uct. Operate yard truck to P a t R y a n G would like to join our fast With estimating m o v e trailers within the co m ­ RealEstateOne.com paced La w Office Thurs, Jan. 29,2-7pm expenence. text M E C H to pany property 4 tractor/ trail­ Sen d res ume to: 28200 Ochard Lake Full-Time with benefits. 51893 for info er between company 4 out­ rhollandGthavflross.com Suite #111 RNs& CNAs General side warehouse Perform 877-977-4804 F a r m i n g t o n Hills Full & Part Tim o Call, email or stop by: computer Inquiries In order • THAV GROSS wvvw.aimntls.com/04 Start Your Ne w 2 n d & 3rd Shifts Career With Us! to adjust, locale, ship 4 re­ M ralphthaver ceive inventory. Repair or re­ SALES SENIOR W e are looking for youl i AUTOMOTIVE DRIVERS CDL-A D A D CO. Inc., the global place any da m a g e d sacks or iTelpers Caretel Inns of Brighton leader in nitrogen gas cases of finished product ENGINEER BOOKKEEPER 3 4 5 0 1 P l y mouth Rd. Solos. C O & O / O p s. N e w spring technology. Is gr o w ­ N O W HIRING! (248) 865-1000 has immediate opportu­ Verify pallet patterns of all Construction company. Ply­ Livonia: 734 -744- 2187 Openings! Round tnp Dedicat­ ing' W e are looking for de­ Are yo u fun, energetic, or email re s u m e to: nities. Join o u r t e a m at brenda.bachman© finished products 4 case co­ full of personality, Tier-One Automotive Suppli­ mouth. OulckBooks knowl­ ed Lan e from Ypsilant), M l to pendable. bright Individuals hr2601 Gscnlorhelpers.com Caretel Inns and come thayerauto.com des. Mo v e trailers In 4 out of k n o w ho w to draw a crowd er located In the Western edg e a must. Applicants O a y c o m o . M O . H o m o 2 days/ with a strong wo r k ethic to a n d love to ma k e pizza’s? m us t be skilled In Excel and to wo r k in ou r gracious, train for full-time, day-shift, dock doors 4 to 4 from the Suburbs of Dotroll with a wk.1 Great Bon us Programs! yard. M us t be skilled In ma ­ If so, we wa n t youl complete support staff is Word. Responsible for Bank state-of-the-art Skilled positions J o b responsibili­ Rec. preparing financial CLINICAL CASE A U T O PA R T S 855-200-3671 neuvering trailers In tight, seeking a Sales Engineer to Nursing an d Assisted Liv­ ties Include p a n quality in­ statement, profit 4 loss and MANA G E R (RN) SORTING & INSPECT ING spection, su b an d complete limited spaces 4 have a w or k o n n e w opportunities ing environment Our and Increasing our sales qtiy payroll Taxes an d Gener­ Must have unrestricted R N li­ Established Co. in Brighton product assembly build, fi­ min. 3 years Hl-Lo experi­ highly skilled professio­ DRIVERS ence. a Michigan Drivers Li­ with the Automotive Co m p a ­ al Ledger. Resume, cover let­ cense 4 C C M cert or ability to is seeking quick learners. nal product Inspection and ter an d salary requirements: qualify. M i n i m u m 5 yrs dlnlcal nals provide the h u m a n For Non -Emergency Medical order packing Qualified cense 4 a Michigan C o m ­ nies. SlOhr. No exp. needed. JBRAssociatesGaol.com exp. Case Mg m t exp in Disabil­ Transportation. Full & Part Time, candidates will be quick mercial Orrvers License element of care to our Paid tracing provided. W e are currently seeking O u r goal Is to a d d business ity. Medical. W C or Auto. R e ­ 2 5 & up Chauffeurs License learners with a high school (CDLl - Group A g u e s t ’s lives, a n d strive Mus t have ow n vehicle a full time In additional areas not pres­ sponsible for oversight of disa­ required. Clean criminal 4 diploma, technical aptitude, to m a k e a difference for Call Mon-Fri. blwn. 9-3pm. ently covered LEGAL bility claims. Computer literate, driving record. Ra n d o m Drug a n d strong attention to de ­ W e offer a competitive • Pizza Maker 810-229-6053 exc writtervVerbal skills. Novi them each and every Testing Starting pay S8 50/hr. tail. C o m e a n d wor k with w a g e 4 benefit package Please apply in person at SECRETARY W e offer a c o m p e b b v e sal­ G oo d Benefits. No we e kends or day. W e are looking for Email Resume our talented t ea m In our Including, a 40 1 K 4 Tuition 3 3 1 5 2 W. 7 Mile Rd . Livonia Full-Time for Farmington Hills A U T O S A L E S state-of-the-artmanufactur- ary. comprehensive benefit holidays. Email resume: R N ’s and Nurse Assis­ infoGsandliransportation.com Reimbursement program. package, paid holidays and insurance defense litigation N E W CAR & TRUCK SALES ing facility W e will offer humanresource4970yahco com tants that love wh a t they Upscale Westside G M dealer­ or call: 313-897-6200 vacation. tew firm Email res ume 4 y o u training, competitive Please fax re s u m e to: Part-Tlmc/Seasonal Help salary requirements to: do, a n d w h o will not ship. Closed Saturdays Recent ATTON wag es, an d benefits; includ­ H R Dept. 248-624-0506 •LINE COOKS Box 600 6 compromise when It n e w car sales experience is a ing 401(W. EOE. Please email cover letter with or email to: • C A S H I E R S [email protected] CNA’s must. 401k. health a n d dental Email resumes to: salary requirements com e s lo providing the dfannonGkorex-us.com and res ume to. Afternoon 4 Midnight Shifts. insurance, great pay plan Drivers: plymouthjobGyahoo.com • FEMALE JANITORIAL highest quality of care Please apply in person ocresumeGtiomefovsniife am Full 4 Part-Time Available AFTERNOON SHIFT and kindness or email re s u m e to Solo, O/ O P ’s & CO: O i O O C O Reference Box 600 5 LITIGATION SECRETARY G oo d pay 4 benefits Round tnp Dedicated Lanes Exp’d. Knowledge of court Must have certificate. bob@ieannotte com Apply In person: Bob Jeannette -GMC and Get Home Weekly! Top OWCXJUN COU KTX>*» rules, docketing, e-filing 4 Six months lo one-yea; 14949 N Sheldon Rd Dollars. Great Benefils, N e w e r working in a team environment. Apply al experience preferred In Equipment! Plus-Monthly Bo­ GROUP HOME S SHOWPLACE Plymouth, Ml 48 1 7 0 4 6 1 0 0 Grand Rfvor Detail oriented, self-motived long term care nus Program' with exc organization 4 problem MANAGER MANUFACTURING Novi Ml Steel Service RN: Must have valid Ml 1-855-200-3671 solving skills Strong written/ 3310 W. Commerce Road Banking Oignltas, Inc., is a growing Contract manufacturer Or email: R N license c o m p a n y seeking to hire a d t h o m a s ® Center Operations verbal communication Milford, Ml 483 80 TELLER of pow der 4 liquid laundry N u r s e Aide: Mus t be ell Group Home Manager to 4 dish detergent located suburbanshowpiace com skills a mu s L Email resume: Full-Time position. Previous Dnvers Over the last 65 years we HUMANRESOURCEMI® gible for Nu r s e Assistant oversee its licensed adult In Wixom. Ml is seeking cas h handling experience have built a successful co m trottJaw.com CNS Is hiring - group hom e, loealed In individuals to fill the Certification within 4 preferred Competitive Farmington Hills. Excellent pan/ by providing our cus­ following positions; w e are a 50l(c)3. working m o n t h s of hire. salary & full benefits mcl benefits pay to c o m m e n s u ­ tomers the finest service In o n innovative diagnostic and medical, dental, vision, rate with experience; 100% the North American Special­ MEDICAL BILLER treatment modalities and Apply In person at our life insurance an d 401 (k). paid employee health care Line Operator PERSONAL ty Steel Industry are looking for: Please reply with resume plan Fufl Time for 1 si Shift in Pro- Full-Time. Exp’d MJer. facility loc a t e d at TRUCK • College degree is prefer­ duction This position re­ ASSISTANT If you’re looking for a full­ 3-5 yrs. expenence required. Researcher 101 4 E. Grand River Ave DRIVERS-OTR/ red quires 4 * years of experi­ Brighton. Milford, Novi. time job In a friendly flexi A qualified candidate for this with experience writing pu b ­ Brighton Ml Walled Lake. Wixom. Die w or k environment position would have experi­ lished papers In neurologic • Minimum of 2 years of ence 4 a High School Diplo­ O r email res ume to: CLASS A CDL group ho m o management ex­ ma. T h e individual must A n n ArborApsilanti, please consider joining our ence working In a fast-paced imaging P h D candidate re­ M i c h i g a n team. W e are currently look­ hrcaretelbrlghton© Ashley Dstnbulion Services perience have proven experience Northvflle areas. Rewarding medical office environment, quired. Ph D preferred in bto- Educational ing for an energetic an d de the ability to mufti-task and mechanJcal engineering and g m a l l . c o m Credit Union in Romulus. Ml seeks: • Knowledge of traumatic maintaining high speed positions serving persons brain injury is essential with special nee ds in their pendarile s ho p operations b e detail onenied In March neuroscience. 1 9 0 3 Rochester Rd. packaging equipment, in­ person to join our mid-shift • Strong interpersonal and cluding but not limited to car­ hexnes or In group homes. w e will celebrate our 20th an ­ Royal Oak. Ml 48073 •LTLTRUCK communication (oral/wntlen) team. Candidates should Community ton formers, conveyors, M us t be 18. Paid training. niversary. located downtown Attn:Davld Foster skills with organizational have experience working in Royal Oak Relations Director 2 4 8 -399- 7473 or email: DRIVERS case-packers, hot meft glue a production sho p environ Food - Beverage a n d te a mwork abilities Email res ume to: experience with brain disor­ generalGmichedcu.org (Mutpie stop loads systems, fillers, check- • Basic knowledge of Micro­ merit resumeswgmGhotmail com der Is a must - LPM re­ to retail stores!) weigher scales and the abili­ soft Office Suite Fax 248-398-6265 quired, RN preferred. Earning potential avg. • Valid Ml driver's license 4 ty to perform line change- N e w Hudson: T h e ideal candidates will Are you full of energy, have experience operating Attn Freida COMPUTER $81.000 year M l auto insurance w/reliarile o v m The qualified candi­ 248 -437-7535 or email: Fundraiser a good communicator ASSISTED Aridity to Enter Canada transportation date win need to possess a tretawncyGquestserv.org the following overhead with proven track record. proven ability to tram an d di­ South Lyon: 248-573-5023 cranes, industrial fork f H w G A A S work well as a team? TELEPHONE •Home Weekly Send resume to rect other employees assoo- Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor trucks, horizontal band Send resumes to cowens®dignitasinc.com ated with running produc­ 734 -239-9015 or email: saws, vertical milling equip­ P.O. Bo x 3 8 1 1 2 1 JOE’S GOURMET INTERVIEWERS •Paid Vacation men t and experience run­ PART-TIME or wa tax to tion on the Ime. glengarryGquestserv.org Clinton Township Mi 48033 CATERING Is hiring: •Full Benefit Package (248)919-4026 ning a shipping operation SECRETARY, PT R e s u m e s ma y also be with Fe d Ex an d U P S ship­ 34 hrs for outpatient clinic In Li­ Catering Assistant/ 20 - AQhrs/wk Class A CO L 4 at least mailed to Yard Switcher/ ping systems Foflowingan vonia (M. W. R: 2:30-B30p; T: DISABILITY NURSE Offsite Event Supervisor P M & Weekends 1 year current OT R e«p P.0. Bo x 346 0 initial training period your Tractor-Trailer/ 12:00-8 30p; Aft Ffl S a t 8:30- CASE MA N A G E R (RN): $12-$15pwhour Must have Computer & Oea n MVTVPSP Reports Famvngton HiBs. Ml 48333 QUALITY hours would be 4pm to Forklift Operator 2 a m $12.50-14/ hour 5p) Behawcral health or metf- Comprehensive review, crfti- Seasonal/Part rime Can 1-800-837-2241 8A M CONTROL Supervises off site ca l w e d Phone experience. Fid-Time for 2 n d Shift in bas ed on expenence After cai exp desired Strong cu s ­ sigrit. ar d comptetai of Disabil­ to 4P M CS T tor rt o 4 events. Assists catering S 1 0 - S 1 2 per hour the Waretouse This posi­ a n introductory probation­ tomer relations, computer skills ity claims review process Must SCO or email: HOUSEKEEPING & CLERK/ director with afl aspects of R e s u m e s by em a J only: tion requres t year previous ary period w e offer a c o m ­ RES U M E : ,greeO©oicma»i net ha-re unrestricted Mcf v g a n R N snatt UD2012O FACILITATOR or fax to: (7341522-0280 b c e m e Preferred background e-rent including prep, dstnbuticnscrvicttcsm or LAUNDRY HELP Hi L o Experience. Michigan plete benefit package defrreriM. errands etc wayne.edu in Usability Case »Aanagement w n w a s M e y Dnvers License an d a Michi­ W h e n includes health/ Atfe to Ml 5fAD A Lon g term care facility m gan Commercial Dover Li­ To fa immedafe opening dental' vision insurance, or Work C o m p Computer liter­ Email return* to: dtSTtoutonseroces co n Mifcrd is axrentty kicking Must be a seif-sterter. ate. exceaenf wtitterv^erbaf to apery under jets cense (COLHJroup A and Ba­ paid vacations/ roiidays. SECURITY IhrontemaricetGyahoQxgm fer candidates to fill open sic computer s ku a with a o g a iwed. an d wiling 4 0 1 K an d We insurance RECEPTIONIST s M b Mifumyrn 5 yrs clinical Housekeeping/Laundry to learn ojr experience R e s u m e Ur. good attendance record R e ­ W e are currently accepting Cosftcns Q u a M y arto MR P system Please fax. mail or e-mafl humanresource497G s p o n s e * tor (but not fcmited applicators for fu» - Dm e interested candidates email your resume to yahoo.com JJnjvpr^al r e s u m e or contact into to to) the stooge tracking, rt- Griggs Steel Co m p a n y emptoynvent in the Farming- SERVERS cerong. arc dekvemg rf Microsoft W e e Stoss josh.emendcehcsgcorp.com reo^red 1 2 0 0 Souter Drrve ton HiSs area PART-TIME DRIVERS WANTED raw matenaH. components, Troy. Mi 4 2 C 8 3 M D S Nuree FT a n d finished product Oper­ REQUIREMENTS: Local runs - Detroit M I H o m e Healthcare Fax f243j?98-0546 N e w State of M M Rehab D w r g Servcei K l Sc K . r _ L S G-RCz-i' ate yard trick to mo v e traJ- W « aseex r dady • Wtfi Stfioof Diptoma/6£D **gnby and W e eken d s Muto- E-mail Center R N with al least 2 Management Company has e n w f l m the fore* proper­ maintenance of the • Dru g Free >e Stop Ruu-Uve Load ana grggsstee-Ggnggssteelccn yrs of M D S exp that wants mmediato fcr ty ard tractor/trader t»- system as we d as • Ho Cnmlnaf Kstcry I r t M l AJ you need a Cass A to be pari 0 a d/r a m * . cut- Part-rime SCRVTRS HVAC INSTALLERS fxeen forex. Ar r < « srd out- parbocate.n • Computer Profoert. espe­ Dnvers rcerse U Least lyr of al a ftefago/i Ret re* Center *erfa£te E x p T h e past Jfry A GREAT PLACE TO WORK! sde warereuse speaal proytea as needed. mmu cial/ m Excel an d Lrtui cf Port G c k Care a ptoi' the Bc c m h e l d area Or at eas t 2yrs ■ m n D e test 5 . years experience Overtime w © exceaert • Previous Recepflon Experi­ r benefit package cflered. ence Reijjired HR/Payroll Coordinator M t f w n u n 2 years erctrienu I Q No more ra n 2 mov ng W- Please tax resume to: E/p u w g AD P pe/r'-A o s a r s nr » e pas: 3*n. Me»j- 248-335-4555 • S t n n g Customer Service a pfcd V r? be able to ncsk H R Dept 248^24-0506 v*t**e. a degree m cat Derta. P a d ' n o s e r ard sxrea&gC^sreabflgjxm omxtrrv&xr S k i s or email to: ikxnan Rescuces rttfdayx Conceeave Pay 40- r«een7am-3aOpmat TAX PREPARER oriented rv&rttuaft reed dfao o &o G k o rex-asxoni Fanr-ngton K£ s Cesed BEJgffTS: ex related feto preferred ~ vtftoaK*/ Cai Today- 888-703-7564 C A S H IN a c c a n t x q te m seefcrg • Ft m bxMferi Hn B m Acs'/at • Turicr Assistance w i t h exp'd a x preparer fer Medilodge of Novi Pleate tend re t u m e to: seasmai reap Experience • Free Urrtxrra 483COWH MieRd tales® / • R E C Y C L E O & E Media's ^ O & E Media w r r Utra Tax rerpred. N7/1 W 48374 ovatjonsdtfiingterriees.com PVease cal to scterijfe CLASSIFIEDS <63(71 Port St •ray based cn experience. W T H I S K Classifieds an eter/er* at 248-662-2300 J u s3 a quicM call away , PtytnouOi. MI 421 70 E ma ; resume to o r E m a * OVATIONS NEWSPAPER 800-579-SELL 800-579-7355 (248) 553-9900 kjr/rdayGnowwelresacom ENGAGEMENT ANNIVERSARY Morbeck-Persondek CELEBRATING 60 YEARS Alvin Persondek and G u n n a r and Betty (Dipaola) Bjar- Stephanie Morbeck an­ nesen of Livonia ma r k e d their 60th nounce their engage­ ment. w edding anniversary Jan. 22. Th e y married in 1955 at St. Ma t t h e w ’s T h e bride-to-be, Catholic Chu rc h in Detroit. daughter of Jeffrey and T h e couple lives in the house that Judith Morbeck of Ha y ­ G u n n a r ’s father built in 1941. Th e y den Lake, Idaho, is a have two sons and three daughters, 12 graduate of Gonzaga SUBMUTED grandchildren, and 18 great-grand­ G u n n a r an d Betty Bjarnesen of Livonia Preparatory Hi g h School, children. University of Portland, Gunnar, an area resident for 80 and Touro University .. years, wa s emp lo ye d by Me r c y Center liams Realty. She also is a ho m e health Nevada College of Osteo­ in Farmington Hills. He retired 40 pathic Medicine. She’ll ^ care worker and is involved in Good- years ago. Today, he actively trades fellows. graduate in June from stocks, enjoys yard work, and loves her OB / G Y N residency in y'] T h e Bj a m e s e n s are active at St. tutoring his grandchildren wh o attend Aidan Catholic Ch u rc h in Livonia, Chicago, 111. college. H e r fiance, son of w h e r e Betty is a council me m b e r . Betty, an area resident for 60 T h e y celebrated their milestone Timothy and Linda Per­ years, formerly wo r k e d at St. Joseph sondek of Ga r d e n City, is anniversary Saturday, Jan. 31, with M e r c y Hospital in An n Arbor and family and friends at a dinner at St. a Garden City High currently is emp lo ye d by Keller Wil- School graduate and will M a r y ’s Cultural Center in Livonia. graduate in Ma y from Roosevelt University in Chicago, 111. He works as View Online the network adminis­ www.hometownllfe.com trator for Potbelly Sand­ PassagesObituaries, Memories & Rememberances wich Wo r k s at its nation­ al headquarters in Chi­ cago, 111. H o w to reach us: A n August 2015 wed­ 1-800-579-7355 • fax 313-496-4968 • www.mldeathnotlces.com ding is planned. Th e Deadlines: Friday. 4:00 p.m. for Sunday papers Tuesday. 4:00 p.m. for Thursday papers couple will relocate to SUBMITTED Holiday deadlines are subject to change. Yakima, Wash., after the Alvin Persondek an d Stephanie Mo r b e c k wedding. ALLEN, JOHN ARCHER B o m Apr 3, 1948 - Jan. 26, 2015, of cancer. Survived by daughters Helen and Claire. ANNIVERSARY Beloved son of Helen and John. Brother to Michele, Celeste, Louis. Thomas, and Robert. John balanced his work as owner of the construction firm. Monal with his love for languages and PREUSS, ALFRED devotion to family. Age 83. January 26, 2015. jLoving and devoted father of Susan Wendel. Richard (Colleen) Preuss, Kim Preuss and Steve Preuss. Cherished grandfather of Bridgett, Angela. Nicole, Corrin. Eric. Ashley and Erika. Great-grandfather of ten. Celebration of Life Sendee Sat­ PETERS urday, February 7th 4 p.m. at JAMES FRANCIS Thayer-Rock Funeral Home Age 94. B o m November 33603 Grand River Ave. (1 blk. 13, 1920 in Detroit, MI. W. of Farmington Rd.), Down­ BUHL, CATHERINE Passed away naturally town Farmington. Family will M A R G A R E T and peacefully on Janu­ receive friends Saturday, Febru­ ( N E E YO S T ) ary 16, 2015. Loving husband of ary 7th 1-4 p.m. Memorials sug­ Age 95 of Livonia. January 27, Eleanor Peters who predeceased gested to Angela Hospice, 14100 2015. Loving wife of the late Al­ him in August. They were mar­ Newburgh Road, Livonia, MI bert. Dear mother of Joann Buhl, ried for 66 years and lived in 48154. Interment with military Marlene (Gerald) Serwatka and their Beverly Hills home for the honors is scheduled for the Albert (Kimberly) Buhl. Grand­ last 48 years. Father of James F. Spring, at Pinelawn Memorial mother of Mark (Carrie) Peters, Jr. (Judy), Carolyn A. Park Cemetery. 10700 West Serwatka, Michele (Joe) Beahon, Hemphill (Jerry), John M. Peters Capital Dr.. Milwaukee, WI Megan (Dan) Royal and Jessica (Donna) and Lawrence A. Peters 53222. www.thayer-rock.com SUBMITTED PHOTOS and Lauren Buhl. Great grand­ (Nancy); Grandfather of Erika F. Joe an d Pam e l a Ni m m o of Livonia Pamela and Joe Ni m m o on their wedding day mother of Dylan, Jamie. Emily Sheets (Matthew), Carey F. in 1965. and Joey. Sister of Edward Yost Peters. James F. Peters, III, RYAN, KATHRYN and the late Frances Hall. Funer­ Michael P. Peters. Nicole M. " K A T H Y " A. CELEBRATING 50 YEARS al Mass will be held on Monday, Hemphill-Chcrix (Nicholas), Age 63 of Canton passed away February 2, 2015. 10:30 A M Jaclyn S. Hasset (Michael), on January 28, 2015, after a Livonia. with an instate of 10:00 A M at Daniel J. Hemphill, Julie A. courageous battle with Brain Joe M. and Pa m el a K. (Barriuso) T h e y have three children, Da w n St. Edith Catholic Church, 15089 Hemphill, Ellis A. Peters, Owen Cancer. Beloved wife of 28 years N i m m o of Livonia will ma r k their 50th (Dan) Hirsch, Jeff (Dawn) Nim mo , and Newburgh. Livonia. The family J. Peters, John M. Peters, Jr., to Dr. Jim Ryan. Proud mother wedding anniversary Feb. 20. The cou­ Jenny (Matt) Middleton. Their nine will receive friends on Saturday Anthony J. Peters and Matthew of Michael (Irene) and Amy ple married in 1965 at Fundamental from 3:00 to 8:00 P M with a J. Peters, Great Grandfather of (Scott) Hughesdon. Caring grandchildren are Brian Ni m m o , Caleb 7:00 P M Scripture Service and Skylar Sheets, David Sheets, grandmother of Paul, Rachel. Baptist Chu rc h of Detroit. (Naomi) Middleton, Katlyn Nimmo, on Sunday from 1:00 to 6:00 PM Anja Peters and Naia Peters. Liam, Shannon, Nora, Abby, Joe retired fr o m Real Estate On e Josh Middleton, Garrett Ni m mo , Kevin at the Fred Wood Funeral Home, Tenth of twelve children bom to Olivia, Owen. Callum. Brogan, Livonia in 2012. Pam el a retired from Nimmo, Isaac Middleton, Abby Nimmo, 36100 Five Mile, Livonia. Inter­ Anthony & Hannah Peters who Eliza, and Mary. Sister of Dual Te m p Mechanical in 2011. and Carly Nimmo. ment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. immigrated from Serhel, Leba­ Debbie (Tom) Bancroft, Sharon Pamela works three days a we e k in T h e y plan a cruise in Florida and a Arrangements care of the Poterc- non to the Detroit, Michigan in (Dennis) McGuckin, Greg the kitchen at Plymouth Christian Modetz Funeral Home, Roches­ 1906. Jim was the last survivor (Cindy) Eiden, and Paul Eidcn. trip to the Dominican Republic this ter (248) 651-8137. Online of the family. 1st Lieutenant in Daughter of both the late Paul Academy. Joe enjoys playing guitar and year. Th e travel is an anniversary gift guestbook the Army Air Corps standing and Ruby Eiden. Aunt of Ryan, banjo. Both like to walk at the mall and f r o m their children. www.modetzfuncralhomes.com. S’S" tall. Served in the 467th Shanon, Patrick, Sarah, Logan, are active at Bethel Baptist Tem pl e of Bomb Group, 789th Squadron. and Payton. Kathy was a Survived 30 missions as a navi­ graduate of E M U earning a gator of a B-24 bomber over Bachelor and two Master degrees Germany in World War II the in education. Her career spanned last 19 of which as either Squad­ 30 years of teaching special ron or Group Leader. Recipient education in the Taylor. Reed of the Distinguished Flying City, and Mason Public School Cross, Navigator's Air Medal Districts. She enjoyed her with 4 oak leaf clusters, 4 battle students and would do anything stars and the American and Eu­ for them. She loved her Boston ropean Theatre ribbon. Practic­ Terriers, and supported the ing Michigan Certified Public Boston Terrier Rescue. LOOSLE, M AR Y Accountant for 35 years. M e m ­ Memorial gathering Thursday 3- Age 72 of Livonia. Cherished ber of the Michigan Association 8 p.m. at Vcrmculen-Sajewski wife of David. Loving mother of of Certified Public Accountants Funeral Home, 46401 W. Ann Reed (Kcrrie), Kimberly (David) (MACPA) from 1950-2015. Re­ Arbor Rd.. (btwn Sheldon and Boehm, Anne (Brian) Kinross, cipient of the M A C P A Distin­ Beck) Plymouth. The family will Kristen (Darren) Shirley, Ryan guished Service Award in 1987. gather Friday 9:30 a.m. until the (Doreen) and Nathan (Rebecca). President of the Michigan Ac­ 10:30 a.m. Memorial Service at Proud grandma of 25 and great- countancy Foundation from 1980 Grace Canton Church, 46788 grandma of one. Dearest sister of - 2003. Member of the Birming­ Cherry Hill Road, Canton. MI six. Visitation will be held at ham Senior Men's Club for 25 48187. Memorial contributions Fred Wood Funeral Home-Rice years and Birmingham Area Se­ may be made to Angela Hospice Chapel, 36100 Five Mile Rd., niors Coordinating Council or Grace Canton Church. To Livonia (E. of Levan) Monday 3- (BASCC) for 15 years where he share a memory, please visit 9 p.m. Funeral Tuesday at The played bridge and provided free vcrmeulenftineralhomc.com Church of Christ of Latter-Day tax services to those in need. Saints. 31450 Six Mile Rd., Rarely missed Sunday mass and VERMEULEN-SAJEWSKI Livonia. Gathering 10 a.m. with never complained about a meal service at 11 a.m. In lieu of he was served. Avid golfer, ball­ F U N E R A L S CREMATION flowers memorial contributions room dancer, weekly bridge HOMES SERVICES may be made to The Church of player and daily cross word puz­ W- Christ of Latter-Day Saints zler. A great Dad. A great Humanitarian Aid. Please visit Grandpa. Uncle Jim. Our patri­ online guestbook arch. A sterling example of the fredwoodfuncralhome.com maxim God, Family and Coun­ try. Memorial mass Saturday February 21, 2015 at 10:30 am at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church, 32340 Pierce Street, M c B r i d e , e t h e l Beverly Hills. Michigan 48025 Handmade, decorated bowls await pickup at the annual Soup Sw a p in Plymouth last year. The PAMELA "PAM" followed by a luncheon. In lieu art portion of the event begins Feb. 5 an d the Sw a p will be held Ma r c h 7 this year. Age93, passed away January 14. of flowers please contribute to a chanty of your choice in Jim's 2015. She was the most SMYKOWSKI, 'devoted and loving honor. Memories or notes of mother of six. and grand­ condolences may be sent to the ELIZABETH E. than one bowl, at the cost neisen, a me m b e r of the family at Age 91. January 24. 2015. SOUP of $10 per additional mother and great grandmother. Rotary Club of Plymouth She is survived by her daughter’s www.pixleyfuneral.eom Beloved mother of Janet (James) bowl. Th e limit is four A.M., and the Village Janicki and James (Pat) Continued from Page B6 Maureen Dishart. Beth McBride, bowls per person. Potters Guild. “This is Pat Gubacz. and Sue Moore. Smykowski. Dear grandmother T h e Salvation Ar m y wonderful project for the Predeceased by son Thomas. She of Jason J. (Ann) Janicki Art sessions include lived in Port Richey, Flonda but Elizabeth enjoyed dancing and food pantry will benefit community, for the Sal­ playing Pinochle A Memorial 4:30-6 p.m. and 6-7:30 from the Sw a p with all vation Ar m y and for our is now at peace back in Michigan p.m. Feb. 5; 10-11:30 a.m. with her family. Theres will be a Mass will be held. Please share a proceeds going to the local sen de e clubs. We ’re Private family memorial service. memory at www.rggrharris.com and 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. church. In addition to the excited to bring it back Feb. 7; 4:30-6 p.m. and m o n e y raised from the and see this mu c h sup­ 6-7:30 p.m. Feb. 12; 10- sale of soup bowls, par­ port." U M P H R E Y , 11:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. ticipants are asked to ‘M a y t f i e MARY EVELYN Tb register for the A retired Farmington Public to 1 p.m., Feb. 14; and bring a canned food item Soup Swa p Bowl Painting Saturday, Feb. 14,10-11:30 Schools teacher and former to help restock the sessions at the Plymouth of y o u r loved Faraungton Hills resident. Mary a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 1 shelves at the pantry Salvation Ar m y Church Evelyn Umphrey, 96. died pm; and 3:30-5 p.m. and w h e n they co m e to pick or for mo r e information, January 27 in Colorado Springs. 5-6:30 p.m. Feb. 16. up their bowl and dine on call San dy Kollinger at Colorado, after a short illness. Cost is $15 per person, soup. She taught classes to early 734-453-5464. No resen*a- elementary students from 1956 or $15 for the first two “I’ve gotten so ma n y tions are required to m e m b e r s of a family and to 1979, the majority of that time calls from past partici­ attend the Soup Swap, 11 at the old Ten Mile School. $10 for each additional pants asking wh e n the a.m. to 1 p.m. Ma r c h 7. She was preceded in death by her family member. Individ­ Soup Sw a p will be held husband. Earl, and is survived by uals ma y decorate mo r e again," said Leslie Gree- ^ C . . . h i T i h ) y o u p e a c e . her children, both graduates of Farmington High School. Dr. Don Umphrev of Dallas, Texas, and Jan Sutherland Weston of Colorado Sonnes B8 (CP) SHARON DARGAY, EDITOR SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 2015 [email protected] OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC MEDIA 313-222-S833 HOMETOWNLIFE.COM HEALTH FACEBOOK: HOMETOWNLIFE C OM Safety key: Beware the Go Red for W o m e n events raise aw a r e n e s s of heart dangers of drowsy driving disease, good health dequate sleep is essen- tial for your mental S h o w your support for wo m ­ formed wh e n you fuel your # % health. en's heart health by wearing red b o d y with the right ingredi­ Typically, one spends one- on Feb. 6. ents," Ali said. "As a mother, third of one’s life sleeping. It O n National We a r Red Day, wife and athlete. I’ve devoted is very important to be aware the first Friday in February, m y life to connecting individ­ of sleep hygiene and sleep small businesses, national cor­ uals with resources to help disorders due to their con­ porations, ne w s broadcasters, t h e m lead healthier lives. W o m ­ nection with schools, co m ­ en tend to be the nucleus in "drowsy munity organi­ family circles, often ignoring driving.” zations, and their ow n heart health. There are t •am «■* individuals “G o Red For Wo m e n is im­ various unite to raise portant because it encourages forms of awareness of w o m e n to ma k e their health a sleep prob­ heart disease. priority." lems that In addition to In addition to Ali’s presenta­ include in­ Len wearing red, All tion, attendees ma y attend ses­ somnia, sleep McCulloch this year metro sions such as "If Yo u Do n ’t apnea, narco­ Detroit wo m e n H a v e Your Health, Wh a t Go o d lepsy, night can hear Laila Ali, world-class Is Your Wealth,” and “Maintain­ terrors and others. Dr o w s y that people can’t reliably Diagnosing the cause athlete, wellness expert and ing a Better U.” Th e luncheon driving can be caused by any predict wh e n they are going television host, speak at the also will include a silent auc­ of these. Of course, medica­ to fall asleep, and a very For starters, a clinical annual Go Re d luncheon. It will tion. tion effects or side effects, fatigued driver ma y fall assessment by a primary run fr o m 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Feb. Tickets for the luncheon are w o r k shift changes, jet lag, asleep for several seconds care physician can easily be 6 at the Detroit Marriott at the $250 each and VIP Afterglow and the like, also can contrib­ without even realizing it. done to try to determine if in dow n ­ tickets can be purchased at the ute to the problem of hazard­ your dro ws y driving is due to town Detroit, and will feature luncheon. For more informa­ ous driving while drowsy. Quick f ix medication effect, a wo r k educational workshops and a tion, visit www.DetroitGoRed- Recently, information Interestingly, in China routine, changes in wo r k heart-healthy lunch at noon. F o r W o me n. or g or contact A m y from A A A Motor Club of there is a practice along the shifts or characteristics of According to the American Hobley at 248-936-5831 or Michigan referred to its highways at pull-off conve­ one of the several sleep dis­ Heart Association, heart dis­ [email protected]. study of highway safety with nience stores, rest areas, and orders. The se can be diag­ ease is the No. 1 killer of wo m e n A sampling of other Go Red emphasis on asking motorists truck stop diners in which nosed and treated. a nd one in three wo m e n die of events: to "w a k e up.” hot peppers are routinely T h e warning signs of heart disease and stroke. » Feb. 13 Em a g i n e Royal Oa k T h e AA A report told ho w a given out free of charge to d ro ws y driving can include “Y o u don ’t need to have heart will roll out the red carpet for a lot of research reveals an drivers. Hot peppers se e m to y awning repeatedly, feeling disease to support Go Red,” said cocktail reception and pre­ alarming number of snoozy temporarily stimulate focus­ as though your head is heavy, Janice Cos by Bridges, chief screening event of Fifty Shades drivers. For example, it said ing and increase attention. wandering thoughts, inability marketing officer for Asc en ­ of Grey to benefit the American that 28 percent of drivers But, a bigger problem is that to recall the last few minutes sion Health Michigan and co­ Heart Association. This exclu­ reported being so tired that m a n y drivers be c o m e chron­ traveled, and hearing the chair of the Go Re d for Wo m e n sive event will start at 7:15 p.m. they had difficulty keeping ic dro ws y drivers and believe rumble strips wh e n your car campaign in Detroit. “This is a with a reception and Q& A with their eyes opened while driv­ that this is an acceptable has veered off lane and is women-focused initiative whe re health experts. ing in a given 30-day period. state of affairs because they headed for the cement high­ w e support each other of all » Fr o m 6:30-8:30 p.m. Feb. 19, T h e survey reported that have been experiencing it for w a y barrier. I could add that ages and backgrounds for a the Arab Ame ri ca n National one out of three motorists a long time. It’s as if they another big warning sign is c o m m o n cause. I want to see M u s e u m in Dearborn will offer ages 19-24 reported driving believe they are good at driv­ hearing yourself shriek m o r e wo m e n engaged in this a free Go Re d Zu m b a event dangerously dro ws y the pri­ ing drowsy. “wake up” when you reach m o v e m e n t by wa y of health featuring speakers, a heart­ or 30 days. Dr o w s y driving is T h e first line of approach that point just after wakeful­ screenings, regular checkups, pounding workout and give­ dangerous because it slows to most problems is aware­ ness ends and just before eating healthy and exercising.” aways. reaction time, impairs vision, ness. Be aw a r e that drowsy sleep begins. According to the American » A gala for the American a nd causes lapses in judg­ driving is extremely preva­ Heart Association, wo m e n are Heart Association is set for 7 ment. This is similar to driv­ lent, obviously dangerous, Len McCulloch is a Diplomate of m o r e powerful than they think p.m., Feb. 21 at the Su m m i t on ing drunk. Furthermore, and often mistakenly per­ the American Psychotherapy because they have the pow er to the Park, 46000 Sum mi t Park­ m a n y drivers underestimate ceived as just the wa y one Association.. His 200 Our Mental stop the killing disease. As lun­ w a y in Canton. It features co­ the problem of driving while has co m e to experience driv­ Health columns, written over 15 cheon keynote speaker, Ali will median Mark Armstrong. extremely tired and they ing. As awareness of the years, are archived at help em p o w e r attendees to Tickets are $125 and can be overestimate their ability to problem increases, the www.farmlib.org. McCulloch can be discover their inner strength purchased via eventbrite.com. deal with it, according to the chances for intervention reached for consultation at and take charge of their health. O r call 313-701-5634 for mo r e A A A Foundation for TVaffic b e c o m e possible. 248-474-2763, Ext. 22. “After years of training, I’ve details. Safety. It added that we kn o w realized healthy habits are Visit GoRedForWomen.org. DOWNLOAD Our N E W FREE ARP Check us out on the Web every day at hometownlife.com hometownlife.com It's fast a n d easy!

Notice of Public Sale of Liened Property

Notice is hereby given that a closed bid sale will be held on February 19th, 2015, 1:00 PM at 40671 Joy Road Canton, MI. 48187 County of Wayne. AM E R I C A ’S BU D G E T ST O R A G E will sell to satisfy the lien on property stored at 40671 Joy Rd Canton MI 48187. by the following persons. The inventories listed below were notated by the tenants at the time of rental. AM E R I C A ’S BU D G E T ST O R A G E makes no representation or warranty that the units contain said inventories. Unit A01 Cothery, Household Goods: Unit B04 Mathews, Household Goods: Unit B07 Broadnax, Household Goods: Unit B28 Brown, Household Goods: Unit B36 Davis, Household Goods: Unit C110 Hodo, Household Goods: Unit C214 Adamowicz. Household Goods: Unit C217 Rice, Household Goods: Unit C228 Lackey, Household Goods: Unit D14 Mullen, Household Goods: Unit D17 Bentley, Household Goods: Unit E24 Deshields, Household Goods: Unit E27 Niemann, Household Goods: Unit E29 Ray, Household Goods: Unit E30 Williams, Household Goods: Unit E34 Mcquade, Household Goods: Uni^ E44 Edwards, Household Goods: Unit Fll Bentley, Household Goods: Unit F13 Destefanis, Household Goods, Unit F21 Johnson. Household Goods: Unit F28 Smar, Household Goods: Unit G13 Taylor, Household Goods: Unit G20 Broadnax, Household Goods: Unit G28 Smar, Household Goods: Unit G32 Yharbrough, Household Goods: Unit H21 McKnight, Household Goods: Unit H23 Wojciechowski, Household Goods: Unit H27 Small, Household Goods: Unit I 29 Glover, Household Goods: Unit 140 Broadnax. Household Goods: Unit 146 Johnson, Household Goods: Unit J13 Berger, Household Goods: Unit J14 Dingman, Household Goods: Unit J32 Mikitaroff, Household Goods: Unit K03 Hills, Household Goods: Unit K04 Phlippeau, Household Goods: Unit K06 Clark, Household Goods: Unit K41 Mccarty, Household Goods.

Publish: February 1.2015 Publish: February 8, 20 1 6 j

3v-Law Nos. 0164.1: Regular Meetings - Time. Piace^ancL Notification

tegular meetings of the Board of Education of the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools, Vayne and Washtenaw Counties, Michigan, shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays •f each month (except there will be no meeting on the second Tuesday in February, April, July, November and December) at 7:00 p.m. at the following location (except as agreed herein) inless otherwise directed by a majority vote of the members: E. J. McClendon Educational Center 454 South Harvey Street Plymouth, Michigan 48170 Bv-Law No. 0164.2 Special Meetings - Time, Placgt an d NQlLficatjon special meetings of the Board of Education of the Plymouth-Canton Community Schijols, Vayne and Washtenaw Counties, Michigan, may be called by the President of the Board, or m y two members thereof, by serving on the other members a written notice of the day, time, m d place of such special meetings, or by a majority vote of the Board. service of the notice shall be by: l. Delivering the notices to the members personally at least twenty-four (24) hours before such meeting is to take place, or _ ...... >. Leaving the notice at the member’s residence with a person of the household at least twenty-four (24) hours before such meeting is to take place, or Using an iPHONE J. Depositing the notice in a government mail receptacle enclosed in a sealed envelope F r o m your i-Phone search for or click on the Ap p l e A P R Store icon. plainly addressed to such member at his/her last known address at least seventy-two Type the keyword "hometownlrfe* to search for the APP W h e n (72) hours before such meeting is to take place. prompted click install to experience the ne w hometownlrfe.com Services as above described may be made by a member of the Board or any employee of the Board. Using an ANDROID PHONE PUBLIC NO T I C E of each special meeting and of each rescheduled regular pr special meeting F r o m your smart ph o n e search for or click on the Go o g l e Play icon. jhall be given by posting a copy of the NO T I C E on the message board by the front entrance Type the keyword “hometownlrfe" to search for the APP Wh e n the E. J. McClendon Educational Center, 454 South Harvey, Plymouth, Michigan, at least prompted dick install to experience the ne w hometownlife.com eighteen (18) hours prior to the time of the meeting. also inside... buildercon, H o m e s • Wheels • Pets • Services JOBS A GANNETT COMPANY

By Robert Half O n e of the besi wa y s to get a foot in the do o r with a potential employer is to be recommended by someone wh o already works there. Th at m a y be true, but a referral is no guarantee of an interview, let alone a jo b offer. In fact, a poorly handled referral can leave yo u worse off than if you w e r e just another un k n o w n job candidate. He r e ’s ho w to ask for a referral the right way.

Before you ask "It never hurts to ask" is normally a soun d principle for and job seekers, but it do e s n ’t apply to referrals. Requesting a re c o m ­ mendation fr o m the wr o n g person, at the wr o n g time or in the wr o n g w a y can do more harm than good. Since mo st people find it difficult to turn do w n a request for help, it’s yo ur responsibility to m a k e sure that your potential referrer is well- equipped to recommend you and that he is the right person to do so. The most common to ask for a referral problem? Unfamiliarity. "Michelle-er, history for a convincing re c o m ­ a genuine endorsement, he might experience as well as the culture for a referral ca n be on e of yo ur Melissa is a close friend an d mendation. be predisposed against you. An d of the firm and your working smartest career moves. But so me trusted colleague” do e s n ’t exactly K e e p in mi n d that yo u r contact if yo u r referrer is k n o w n for style. Ap p r o a c h it as yo u wo u l d a of the strongest endorsements m a k e for a ringing endorsement. m a y ha v e her ow n reasons for making indiscriminate recom­ casual interview. are the on es yo u do n ’t ask for. Before yo u ask so m e o n e for a agreeing to refer yo u that do n ’t mendations, your resume might S o o n after your meeting, send That doesn’t me a n you Should referral, consider whet her yo u necessarily align with yo u r goals. not ev en get a look. a thank-you note. B y express­ passively wail for on e to co m e k n o w the person well enough and She m a y be taking advantage ing your appreciation before you along. Wh a t it do es m e a n is that vice-versa. After all, the tw o of of a referral bo n u s offered by Your pre-interview k n o w the ou t c o m e of the referral, you should focus on building up y o u arc effectively agreeing to the co m p a n y or ma y just have W h e t h e r yo u r potential referrer y o u demonstrate sincere gratitude professional relationships, not tie yo ur professional reputations trouble saying no. Be sure your is an old friend or a mo r e recent for the pe rs on’s time an d effort just converting th e m into op ­ together. Wh i l e yo u don't need c h o s e n referrer ca n describe with contact, do n ’t take the referral for o n yo ur behalf. M a k e sure she portunities. So get out there and to have worked alongside your confidence yo u r qualifications granted. Fr a m e your request with understands that yo u k n o w the network in person, keep in touch advocate for years, 15 minutes a n d jo b fit. a brief explanation of wh y yo u referral is no guarantee of an of­ with old colleagues, an d let your o f conversation at last night’s If a hiring ma n a g e r senses a think yo u ’d be a go o d fit for the fer, or ev e n an interview. friends kn o w you're interested in M e e t u p isn’t a sufficient personal referral is a shot in the dark, not company, and send along your a n e w position. resume. Once you're in If the person se e m s reluctant to If yo u do get invited for an v o u c h for you, take that as a no. interview, do n ’t as s u m e that yo ur Robert Half International is the A n d ke e p in mi n d that a polite referrer has provided extensive world’s first and largest specialized refusal will be better for your information about you. Instead, staffing firm with a global network career in the long run than an follow the interviewer’s lead. of mo r e than 35 0 offices world­ insincere yes, wh i c h usually leads If she asks about yo u r history wide. For mo r e information about to a half-hearted referral. with the person, be honest. D o n ’t ou r professional services, visit On ce someone has agreed to exaggerate your relationship with wwwjoberthalf.com. For addition­ refer you, it’s yo u r jo b to provide the referrer or lean too hard on it. al career advice, vi ew our career her with a substantial sense of N o w ’s the time to rely on yo ur bloopers video series at ww w . r o b - h o w yo u migh t contribute to the o w n skills an d experience, not crthalf.com/dont-let-this-happen- company. As k to bu y your contact your connections. to-you or follow us on Twitter at lunch to talk about yo u r skills an d A thoughtfully planned request www.twitter.com/robenhalf.

O E 2 4 7 0 3 8 0

Help Wan ted - General Help Wa r ned - General Help Wan ted - General Help Wan ted - Office Clerical

DRIVERS GROUP HOME SALES SECURITY For Non -Emergency Medical MANAGER RECEPTIONIST Transportation. Full & Pa n Time. ENGINEER W e are currently accepting 2 5 & up Chauffeurs License Oignltas, Inc., Is a growing c o m p a n y seeking to hire a applications for full -time required. Clean criminal & Tier-One Automotive Suppli­ emp l o y m e n t |n the Farming- dnving record. Ra n d o m Drug Group Home Manager to oversee its licensed adult er located In the Western ton Hilts area. Testing. Starting pay $8.SOTir. group hom o, located In Suburbs of Detroit, with a Email Resume: Farmington Hills. Excellent complete support staff Is REQUIREMENTS. Into6*anditransportation.com benefits p a y to c o m m e n s u ­ seeking a Sales Engineer lo • High School Oiploma/GED or call: 313-897-6200 rate with experience; 100% w o r k o n n e w opportunities • Dru g Free paid employee health care a n d increasing our sales • Ho Criminal History plan with the Automotive Co m p a ­ • Co m puter Proficient, espe­ • College degree Is prefer­ nies. cially in Excel an d Lotus fi red • Previous Reception Experi­ Drivers • Minimum of 2 years of O u r goal is to a d d business ence Required group home management ex­ in additional areas not pres­ • Strong Customer Sendee perience ently covered Skills caiH builder. • Knowledge of traumatic brain injury is essential W e offer a competitive sal- BENEFITS: • Strong Interpersonal and qry, comprehensive oenefit • Free Individual Health Ins communication (oral/wrltten) package, paid holidays and • Tuition Assistance TRUCK skills with organizational vacation • Free Uniforms a n d te a m w o r k abilities DRIVERS-OTR/ • Basic knowledge of Micro­ Please email cover letter with Please call to schedule CLASS A CDL soft Office Suite salary requirements a n interview at Help Wan ted - General • Valid Ml driver's license 4 and resume to: (248) 553-9900 Ashley Distribution Services oefesumeatofnelowTflile.com in Romulus, Ml seeks: M l auto Insurance w/reliable transportation Relerence Bo x 600 5 A P P L I C A N T S (or Residential Cleaning Co. 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Must have 2 yrs Are you full of energy, ing collection calls, cash ap ­ Class A CO L A at least Help Wanted- mutii-family e*p in HVAC, Office Clerical a good communicator plications. invoicing, re­ 1 year current OT R e*p plumbing, electnca), carpen­ searching accounts, super­ D e a n MV R P S P Reports try. s n o w plow truck dnving & work well as a team? vising others, a n d m o n t h Call 1-800-837-2241 8A M skills, w'dear driving record, BOOKKEEPER end dosing Experience In to 4P M CS T for info & JOE’S GOURMET drug test, background check Construction company, Ply­ the building Industry an d fil­ app or email Benefits for the employee CATERING is hiring: (oteCashley mouth. 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REALTOR cal ex p bss red S r m g cus- \ Classifieds (734)591-9200 tmer r««to-5. axnc*Af« gresscom trvst Just a quick cafl awsy .1 P i t R y a o O R£SAt£. pyKOCopcraAnet O&E Media Classifieds 800-579-7355 ReaJ£stJteOn*.con» 800- 579-7355 1 than rates’ Lexus, Nissan Strategies for Big G a m e Sunday Reveal Their Priorities M a n y auto “W h a t drove us to be in the [Big a "drummer” “plays” plumbing as manufacturers are Ga me ] is a fortunate confluence of instruments staving out of Big timing," Brian Bolain. Lexus corporate Th e new spot for NX doesn't G a m e advertising on marketing manager, told me. “W e ’re exactly follow up on the recent tack by Sunday, but several launching the all-new N X turbo and Lexus toward racier, or at least edgier. are jumping into it hybrid, in a segment we haven't been T V advertisements than the brand had wholeheartedly. Each in before. It’s very important to the P been fielding since its inception. But it’s has a solid rationale. industry and it's the hottest segment in definitely got the same kind of energy. Here we examine two the industry. The timing of the [game] "In years past. Lexus has been a L ^ of them. coincided almost precisely with the rational brand, and typical advertising launch time for the vehicle, so it’s a big By Dale Buss Lexus: The message for Lexus would have been proof of its ad is very straight opportunity to make a statement." of product benefit and quality and and to the point: We should have had a compact Th e statement comes in the form something like that." Bolain agreed. Nissan’s Big Game theme is “fatherhood.” "But it is clear for us to engage the buyer it's ultimately about the build a brand spot that resonated and Diaz explained that the US. sales expenence they get from owning the connected with America, and that was m o m e n t u m generated by Nissan in product. So [in the N X spot] you'll see the direction I gave the marketing team the last couple of years - sales were a a lot about what the product adds to and the agency: find a spot, find a story record of nearly 1.4 million last year, your life, and the emotional pull this — find something that connects us and up more than 11 percent from 2013 — product offers to you." makes us far more relevant with the still left the brand below par in both American public today, that shows we awareness and "relevance" amon g Nissan: On e of the things Fred Diaz truly understand them," Diaz told me. American consumers learned as head of the Ra m brand for Fiat Chrysler was the potential value of Diaz acknowledge that he was "Not that were irrelevant; we’re Big Ga m e advertising. So it’s actually influenced by the great success that clearly a force to be reckoned with," Diaz told me. "But we are ready to take little surprise that, barely a year since Fiat Chrysler has had over the last things to the next level." he became sales chief and C M O for several years with its anthemic, heavily Nissan in the United States, Diaz has brand-oriented TV commercials during Diaz hopes the Big Ga m e ad the Big Game. For Diaz, the most put his ne w employer in a Big Ga m e does that. Th e brand committed to relevant ad by his old employer came commercial for the first time in 18 buying time during this year's Big out two years ago during Big Ga m e G a m e shortly after he came aboard crossover in the market before now. but the one of an ad. “M a k e So m e Noise,” that is years. XLVI1, which he oversaw as head of Nissan a year ago, Diaz said. Soon his we've got, the all-new Lexus NX , is a helluva set to air during the first half. It simply Based in part on his experiences the Ra m brand about a year before marketing team was hashing around vehicle. with Ram, it’s little surprise that Nissan shows the NX being put through its leaving. The commercial for Ram. "concept after concept — and finally will tell what Diaz called "a brand For the -owned luxury brand, this paces in a visually arresting fashion, “Farmer," featured an actual recording ‘yes’" to the fatherhood theme All story" during its Big Ga m e slot rather opportunity is all about showing off its first entry accompanied by “music" that has of broadcasting legend Paul Harvey three finalist concepts, he said, passed than a commercial that focuses on in the hottest segment in the luxury business, one various noises that the car makes delivering a paean to the American one of his biggest litmus tests: "You’ve where some of its competitors still don't have a dog embedded in its beat — sort of like products. farmer, with plenty of shots of farms, got to ma ke people laugh or cry." in the hunt. that Delta faucet commercial where “I wanted to somehow or another ranches, farmers — and Ra m trucks. Advertising Feature

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L h o n i j - H o m e for sale needs Call 248478^722 Personals Observer & Eccentric Media newspapers. repairs N o real estate agents onrrrestcrs U r g e Lo t four Drywall help tave Condos 8 Tovmhouses and nave il rented Ca^734-762-0198 ^ ^ >000 11,9 EitaleiSaln COMPLETE DRYWALL SRV. Iw'* n Art n ee d of an 0. (Od- Plymouth Piaster Repair M jo w wel­ comed' 1x4 ns Free £sl 30 C*l cr 7 3 4 -5 0 2 ' NORTHVIllE - in no time! m r M A y a o w E R c o o p Estate Sale Cemetery Lots yrs eip Mark. 313-363-6733 4513. We ne e d your help! “ 2 bed apt Coop S505 1 9 3 2 8 0 8 Bridge 2 ted apt rents? 10 Sat 2/7 3 S* x 2/3 Cafl 734 -386- 0239 I C A S H IN E C Y C L E lftvn-6am 1 Cemetery lot . Setter E. I with 0& £ Me d * i - Garden of u r m GsCfce i OASSIFSDS T H I S 800 579-7355 r O i t Media uasii'.edv i/errcraf W e s d a r d Si 29 5 o J u t f m gw e * ca* away NEWSPAPER 243-427-9059 R00-579-7355 800-579-SELL BOO-5^9-735? 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W a pow er sunroof $31,995 BOB JEANNOTTE B U I C K , G M C CIS 2009 ACROSS 38 Perched on 734-453-2500 3.61 V6 . A W D Options galore! 39 Sec’y Household Goods $14,995 1 Rabble 40 Trapshooting Answer to Previous Puzzle JEEP UBERTY 2012 BOB JEANNOTTE 4 Employees 42 Cycle starter 4x4. 4WD. 4dr S p U owner. B U I C K , G M C 8 Orbison and 44 66 and 1-80 House of Denmark Collee 40.000 miles $17,000 Table. 50' * 30‘ Teak. Gass 734-453-2500 Rogers 47 — nous Top. Ejcel $ 3 0 0 Moftrrvle/ BOB JEANNOTTE 12 PC B regulator 51 Wave away Allan Terrace. 24 8 -773- 7036 B U I C K , G M C KIARIO 2013 13 — place or 54 Precludes 734-453-2500 4 dr sedan, auto Ex. ABS. mine? (2 wds.) Appliances M P 3 ptyer. lots of extras' 56 Lettuce buy Sports & Imported $12 , 9 9 5 14 Haphazard BOB JEANNOTTE collection 57 Honey wine REFRIGERATORS $l50&up' B U I C K , G M C 15 Hitchcock 58 Snake River Range. wasner/tJfyerSlOO& CHEVY AVALANCHE 2011 734-453-2500 genre loc. up' 90 da y warranty/ddrveryi 4 W D . 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Leather, 49 Rough-hewn ephemera, clothing. Christmas, hea ted seats, po w e r sunrool 50 "L1— , e’est $22 , 9 9 5 more. References. Richard. SIERRA 1500 2011 moi" BSE. M B A (248)795-0362 BOB JEANNOTTE Ext Cab. 4W D , SL richard.preston483Yahoo.com 51 Library caution 58k. I own er S20.995 B U I C K , G M C 52 Laugh syllable BOB JEANNOTTE 734-453-2500 53 Rowboat need B U I C K , G M C REGAL CXL 2011 55 Pool length 734-453-2500 C X L R1 Russeisheim, 48K. 3rd owseat. 1 owner. $13,000 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER 2 0 0 9 - 4w d , 4dr, V6, Ltd BOB JEANNOTTE Hea ted front seats $21 , 0 0 0 B U I C K , G M C BOB JEANNOTTE 734-453-2500 Wan t more puzzles? B U I C K , G M C Check out the "Just Right Crossword Puzzles" books 734-453-2500 Chevrolet at QuillDriverBooks.com Place an ad with Spo rts Utility COBALT 2008 Observer iEccenlrlc Media, 2 dr. Co u p e Sport. 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MEDIA 734-453-2500 price! $19,995 1 boy 7wks, adorable must puzzle will h a v e see, $5 0 0 ea M / F 23 1 - 4 6 8 - BOB JEANNOTTE CON TACT US AT: 1 7 G M C ACADIA 2010 y o u h o o k e d fr o m 2709 or 231-349-0569 B U I C K , G M C 800-579-7355 . F W D SLT1. Lther, B o s e ster­ 734-453-2500 www.hometownlife.com the moment you eo system, loaded! $17,995 ooa ds0homofownlifo.eom 3 5 BOB JEANNOTTE s q u a r e off, s o Tlfal^Houseor Chrysler-Plymouth DEADLINES: Aparlmenl? B U I C K , G M C Fri. at 4 pm for Sunday sharpen your 734-453-2500 lues, at 3 pm for Thursday 9 6 4 7 pencil and put TOW N & COUNTRY 2010 G M C TERRAIN 2010 4 dr w a g o n Touring, 4 wheel NEWSPAPER your sudoku FWO, 4 door. SLE-1, back up ABS. Solar glass. 1 year FREE POLICY 4 9 3 s a v v y to the test! All advertising published Pluca nn ad with camera, privacy glass. maintenance (limited time oi­ Obsarvar & Eccentric Madia, $ 1 1 , 9 9 5 ler) $13,000 in this Ne w s p a p e r is o n d hav e II reined BOB JEANNOTTE BOB JEANNOTTE subject to the conditions 6 7 stated in the applicable in no lime! B U I C K , G M C B U I C K , G M C rate card. (Copies are 800-579-7355 734-453-2500 734-453-2500 available fro m the advertising department: 1 2 Observer & Eccentric I'ifir-;; -W' ... M e d i a Level: Intermediate 6 1 5 W. Lafayette Bfvd., .iTr,--&*• *-*>7— vjrf'. - ' ' Detroit, Ml 48 2 2 6 Here’s Ho w It Works: 866-887-2737. S udoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken d o w n into nine ‘ . . V : E W e reserve the right not to accept an 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each advertiser’s order. row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, O u r sales representatives hav e no authority to bind column and box. 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All classified homotownlifo.com a d s are subject to the op- Z z 9 S V P e 8 6 MEDIA pfccabie rale card, cop ies A GANNETT COMPANY of wh i c h are available from 6 V s e z 8 z l 9 our Artvertismg Dep t A9 ads are subject to approval 3 e 8 l 9 6 Z p Z S before pubkeabon. O b ­ server 4 Eccentric Media 8 z e p 9 s i 6 Z reserves the ngh t to edit, O L In Print & Online refuse, reject classify or "O S l. * z £ 6 8 9 cancel any ad at any une. Errors mu s t be reported in 3 9 6 z L 8 V S £ P the first da y of pubticabon. CO Observer 4 Eccentric Me- P e 8 6 S 9 2 Z L dtt shal not be kabie for www.hometownlife.com a n y loss or ex p e n s e that l 9 Z 8 P Z 6 s £ results fro m an error m or L onasston of an advertise­ z s 6 V e 9 p 8 m e n t N o reh/rds »or earty 800-579-7355 cancelation of order. W o u n d e d Warriors Mustang becomes ‘focal point’ of Bill Brown Ford By Greg Mullin Staff Writer

Adorned with hun­ dreds of signatures of support for military m e m b e r s and their fa m ­ ilies, a 2014 Shelby Mu s ­ tang GT 500 has been the center of attention lately in the sh o w r o o m of Bill B r o w n Ford in Livonia. T he 662-horsepower, 6.2-liter V8 powerhouse recently completed the 2014 Hi g h Five Tour, a 48-state road trip that covered 60 cities and 27,000 miles in an effort to sh o w appreciation for military me m b e r s and raise funds to build ‘‘smart ho m e s ” that ser­ vice wo u n d e d warriors a nd their family m e m ­ Donald Folsom of Livonia, a Marine w h o served in the Pacific bers. from 1943-1946, stands with his salesman, Gilbert Harrison, at Since Jan. 7 the Mu s ­ Bill Br o w n Ford in Livonia on Friday. tang nicknamed "Ruby” has been parked inside Bill Br o w n Ford, 32222 ganization,” Calvaneso donation, big or small.” Plymouth Road; the pit said. “’’Ru b y ” has been Coincidentally, just a stop ca m e about after a the focal point of our f e w minutes after the Bill Br o w n Ford employ­ s h o w r o o m since she vehicle wa s driven into ee viewed the vehicle at arrived. Th e vehicle is the showroom, a Marine Ford Motor Company like a piece of art. veteran stopped by with headquarters in Dear­ "Bill Br o w n Ford is a certificate of apprecia­ born. proud and honored to tion thanking the dealer­ “H e inquired about it, host the Wounded Wa r ­ ship for its generous a nd after finding out that rior Mu s t a n g in our donation of time and even though the 2014 s howroom.” talent at No v e m b e r ’s High Five Tour had end­ Customers have been Downriver Detachment ed, the Wounded Wa r ­ impressed with the car birthday celebration, riors Family Support and eager to donate to which commemorated organization wa s gra­ the cause, Calvaneso 239 years of Marine cious enough to allow us said. Corps history and tradi­ to display the vehicle at " W e have a designated tion. Bill Br o w n Ford until silver pen for customers “T h e timing could not " R u b y ” has to go ho m e to to use in order to sign the have been mo r e perfect,” Nebraska at the end of vehicle, which is a huge Calvaneso said. “It was the month,” Bill Br o w n attraction,” Calvaneso an extraordinary mo ­ Ford Marketing Director said. “By signing the m e n t for the Marine vet Andrea Calvaneso said. vehicle, it’s as if they are a nd Bill Br o w n Ford.” PHOTOS COURTESY OF BILL B R O W N FORD Staff me m b e r s from leaving a sta mp of sup­ The Mustang’s depar­ Visitors ad d e d hundreds of autographs to the Mu s t a n g during its 48-state tour. all over the dealership port to our veterans. It’s ture date has not been soon ca m e into the ne w pretty cool. decided, “but we hope to vehicle sh o w r o o m to see “W e want customers have her through the organizations, military w w w . wounded warriors sales are also available the patriotic display. to feel comfortable co m ­ remainder of January,” bases, and race tracks, familysupport.org. f r o m 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. “It generated quite a ing into the dealership to Calvaneso said. according to the Tour’s Bill Br o w n Ford is Saturday. f ew questions, which is look or even sign the This year, the High website, open for ne w and pre­ For mo r e information, really the goal of the vehicle. No one is re­ Five Tour is again sched­ www.highfivetour.com. o w n e d sales fr o m 9 a.m. call Bill Br o w n Ford at vehicle’s presence; a quired to donate, but we uled to ma k e stops across For more information to 9 p.m. Mo n d a y and 734-421-7000 or visit conversation starter — do hope that wh e n cus­ the nation, including about Wounded Warriors Thursday and 9 a.m. to 6 www.BillBrownFord.com explaining the signatures tomers and visitors co m e Ford dealerships, co m ­ Family Support organiza­ p.m. Tliesday, We d n e s d a y and the focus of the or­ to see “Ruby,” it elicits a munity events, veterans’ tion, visit a nd Friday. Pre-owned

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N E W 2015 Ford Escape SE N E W 2015 Ford Fusion SE Buy For $19,974+ Buy For $17,834+ MSRP $26,445 MSRP $24,835

Featuring: Equipment Featuring: Equipment Pac kage 200A. Front Wheel Pac kage 200A. Front Wheel m Drive, 1.61 Eco Boost ® Drive. 2.5L IV C T 14 Engine. Engine. S Y N C ® with S Y N C ® with MyFord®. Power ]£l MyFord®. Power Windows & W i n d o w s & Locks. Cruise Locks. Cruise Control, Rear Control. Rear View Camera. View Camera. Remote R e m o t e Keyless Entry Keyless Entry

$410 Du e at Signing 24 Month Lease $368 Du e at Signing with $1000 Do w n 24 Month Lease $147 Security deposit wai ved, plus to* on d license, with $1000 D o w n Security deposit waived, plus la* an d license, includes acquisition fee o n d lease renewal $149 includes acquisition fee o n d lease renewal

N E W 2014 Ford Focus SE N E W 2014 Ford Edge SEL Buy For $15,147+ Buy For $26,335+ MSRP $23,540 MSRP $34,890

Featuring: Equipment Featuring: Equipment P a c k a g e 201 A, Package 205A. Leather Appearance Package. Comfort Package. Front S Y N C ® & Sound Package. W h e e l Drive. 3.5L Ti-VCT V 6 2.0L G D I 14 Engine. Leather Engine, S Y N C ® with MyFord Seats, Power Windows & Touch®. Power Windows & Locks, Cruise Control. Locks. Cruise Control. Rear R e m o t e Keytess Entry View Camera. Reverse Sensing Sytem. Remote Keyless Entry

$395 D u e at Signing 24 Month Lease $605 D u e at Signing with $1000 D o w n 24 Month Lease $146 Security deposit waived, plus tax on d license, with $1000 D o w n Security deposit waived, plus to* on d license. includes acquisition fee a n d lease renewal $224 Includes acquisition fee a n d lease renewal

N E W 2015 Ford Explorer XLT N E W 2014 Ford Flex SEL Buy For $30,476+ Buy For $27,455+ MSRP $38,005 MSRP $35,370

Featuring: Equipment Feafuring: Equipment Package 202A. Comfort Package 202A. Front Wheel Pac kage with Leather Drive. 3.5L Ti-VCT V 6 Engine. H e a t e d Seats. Driver Leather Heated Seats. S Y N C ® Connect Package. Front with MyFord Touch®. Power W h e e l Drive. 3.5L Ti-VCT V6 W i n d o w s & Locks, Cruise Engine. S Y N C ® with MyFord Control. Rear View Camera. Touch®. Power Windows & Reverse Sensing System. Locks. Cruise Control. Rear R e m o t e Keyless Entry. View Camera, Reverse Universgl G a r a g e Door Sensing System. Rem ote O p e n e r Keyless Entry

$525 D u e at Signing 24 Month Lease $651 D u e at Signing with $1000 Do w n 24 Month Lease $269 Security deposit wai ved, plus to* an d license. with $1000 D o w n Security deposit waived, plus to* a n d license. Includes acquisition fee an d loose renewal $246 Includes acquisition fee o n d lease renewal

N E W 2014 Ford Transit Connect N E W 2014 Ford F-150 Super Ca b SIX 4x4 Buy For $22,557+ Buy For $27,578+ MSRP $28,485 MSRP $37,675

Featuring: Equipment Featuring: Equipment Package 2I0A. 2.5L D O H C P a c k a g e 201 A. 3.7L FFV V6 14 Engine. Pow er Win dows & Engine. Communication Locks. Cruise Control. Package. STX Decor Privacy Glass, Rear V i e w Package. SYNC®. Power Camera. Remote Keyless W i n d o w s & Locks. Cruise E n t r y Control. R e m o t e Keyless Entry. 18" Aluminum Wheels

$496 D u o at Signing 24 Month Lease with $1000 D o w n s^i8

Showroom Hours

Mon. & Thurs. BI LL B ROWN 9 AM to 9 PM lues.. Wed. & Fri. 9 AM to 6 PM

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• tarty Bird P r o g r a m is ortt 015 through M a r c h 31. 2015. For current Fora Credit R C l / R C O customers. U p to three (3| w a i v e d pay ments w i m o m a x - m u m o* J1 8C0 with a scheduled tease lerrr-rva'on dat e from Ac- ■ I 2015 through June 30. 2015 on warer »*m'a hex Fo c w Fuvon ana Tourui Must tease or exxchase with Fora O k V n o » o t buyers * * quafcS 'c* m e fart* UfS Program Pas' due pcmr^i r.-c^v os ana oe*enea payments beyond the on: re not eUgible Excess we a r / m a e a g e are customer's responsibity. Customers must take n e w retesi de&very from dealer stock b y Ma r c h 31 2015.

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