January/February 2010wVolume 19wNumber 1wIssue 115 SAMPLE You may notice that this issue of Fiero would like to see in the pages of Fiero Focus seems a bit heavier than usual. Focus, or ideas for articles you can sub- Well, starting in 2010, we have decided to mit, please let me know and the Fiero expand Fiero Focus from 16 to 20 pages. Focus Magazine Team will be happy to Doing this will allow us to print more review your ideas. We hope you enjoy pictures, add more regular features, and your newly expanded issues of Fiero provide you with more Fiero related Focus. information than any other publication. Pontiac Tribute Day will be held on Some of the new features you will Tuesday, June 1, 2010. Yes it is January, begin to see include a Fiero parts seg- but we need your help in getting the ment entitled Paul’s Product Review word out far and wide about a day NIFE authored by our Membership Director, and the Midwest Fiero Clubs (MWFC) Northern Illinois Paul Vargyas as well as the addition of have set aside to celebrate the excite- Fiero Enthusiasts, Inc. segments dedicated to Fiero events from ment that GM has provided to us since President: Jim Hallman across the nation. As 50% to 60% of our 1926 when the Pontiac name badge was 630-305-9806,
[email protected] membership base is from outside of the formed. Through forums and websites Club Secretary : Larry Hall Illinois area, we decided to feed the need on the Internet, through magazines 630-231-3214,
[email protected] to provide you with more details about you read and through Pontiacs you see Membership Director: Paul Vargyas Fiero activities taking place outside of around town – we need your help to get 630-983-6434,
[email protected] our club’s immediate area.