Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 68, June 207 1990
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University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 6-27-1990 Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 68, June 207 1990 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 68, June 207 1990" (1990). Central Florida Future. 1001. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1001 I u.o·p UBRARY . ARCHlVES • ~,c.z-..:1 OPINION .................... 4 Ne~ arts compl.ex destroys McDowell, Altman give. COMICS ..................... 5 • tradition of Driggers' Field baseball what it deserves·:... CLASSIFIED ................ 6 Administrators disregard student voice - Opinion NBA players come to Dean~s camp - Sports SPORTS ..................... 8 Thentral Flori Future • Volume 22, Number 68 University of Central Florida/Orlando Wednesday June 27, 1990 Art-complex to be finished August '91 • Groundbreaking ceremony held Tuesday to commence construction by Mary Watkins tended. He said he CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE was embarrassed • when visitors entered UCF President Steven Altman and the old arts gallery. invited guests broke ground Tuesday "Today those em to mark the official beginning of con barrassments were • struction for the new arts complex. finally overcome," Dr. John Bolte, vice president of Rollins said. Administration and Finance and wit Other guests in ness to the groundbreaking, said the c1 ude d Judy A1- arts complex has been a priority for bertson, owner of the several years. Albertson-Peterson • "I'm delighted to finally see it come Art Gallery in Winter to the campus," Bolte said. Park, and Christos Peter Newman of Facilities Plan Miliotes of the Florida ning said the arts complex will occupy Arts Council. Al • about 75,500 square feet and will fea bertson and Miliotes ture an art gallery, a lecture/recital will help select art hall, a computer graphics room and a work to be displayed ._ film/animation room. It will also in- in and around the new elude facilities for ceramjcs, fibers and UCF art ga11ery. fabrics, painting, photography and Albertson i a sculpture. member of UCF Chartes MorrowrCENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE • Newman said the Scandia Con Friends of the Arts. From left to right: Maude S. Wahlman, Art Department Chair; Dr. Trevor Colbourn, UCF President struction Co. has already poured some She said th at organi Emeritus, Dr. Steven Altman, UCF President; Hon. George Stuart, Jr., Florida Senate; and Hon. concrete for the complex. He said the zation has al ways Richard T. Crotty, Florida House of Representatives break ground for the new arts complex. building should be completed by Au wanted to increase • gust 1, 1991. the art collection at UCFbut there was possible. Stuart said the most impor never had a real arts facility. Bolte said the building will cost never anywhere to put additional art tant thing for our future is improve "But now the university is making a almost $7 .5 million.Approximately 80 work. ments on our schools. down payment on its commitment to • guests attended the ceremony to cele George Stuart of the Florida Senate Former UCF president Trevor Col the arts," Colbourn said. brate the accomplishment. said the determination of Maude bourn, whom Altman described as Altman said the arts complex was Dr. Jack Rollins, a professor in the Wahlman, Chairperson of the UCF Art being passionate for the arts, said he only one part of the exciting construc tion going on this year. • College of Arts and Sciences, also at- Department, made the arts complex was disappointed that the university Senate sets qualifications for office holders • by Tom Kopacz The senate originally lege to run for a position in SG. to refer all eligibility questions Bowen, chairman of the Legis STAFF REPORTER passed the bills in the spring However, the next section to Title X, the Installation and lative, Judicial and Rules semester after presidential read, "Candidates must pos Eligibility Requirements. Committee, said. The student senate unani candidate Donald Taylor, who sess a UCF cumulative GPA of The other, passed March 8 Sen. David Mann said mously overrode vetoes of two was in his first term at UCF, no less than 2.0." by a 20-3 vote, amends those Schmidt's reasons for vetoing bills revising qualification charged that two sections of Taylor, who has a bachelor's requirements so that any stu the bill had some merit. requirements for student gov the election statutes con degree from the University of dent in good academic stand Mann said a committee ernment office holders. flicted. West Florida, was barred from ing can run for office. Schmidt formed at that time to Taken together, the two The old statutes said any the presidential race. "We discussed it in commit overhaul the statutes met once bills will allow any student not candidate for senate, includ One bill, which the senate tee and could not find any rea and took no action. on academic probation to hold ing freshmen, must only be en passed unanimously Feb. 15, sons for Fred's veto [of the a position in the SG office. rolled in the appropriate col- changes the election statutes March 8 bill]," Sen. Scott see STATUTES page 3 , SG disputes over division of Student Center revenue by Tom Kopacz Seventy percent of the game room's STAFF REPORTER income will also be placed in the enter prise account. The remaining portion of Student body President Jeff Laing the game room's income will be placed vetoed the 1990-91 budget stipulations in an unbudgeted repair and replace • bill Wednesday. ment account. In a memo explaining the veto to the Laing said Monday he does not agree student senate, Laing said he objects to with student senators who say the new restrictions on the distribution of center is a subsidiary of SG. He called • Student Center revenue. that interpretation absurd. Laing said he ~ants the revenue Laing said SG is one branch of the distributed according to past agree Student Government Association. He ments made between the center and said the other branches are the Stu SG, in which 70 percent of income and dent Center and Recreational Services. Student Center rentals are placed into Sen. Scott Bowen disagreed with SG's income account. Laing's interpretation ·at Sunday's t;harles Morrow/t;l:N I HAL f-LUHIUA f-U I Ulit:: As passed by the senate, the bill calls senate meeting. for all Student Center income gener "If we zero budgeted [the Student BEACH BUMS ated from Activity and Service Fee Center], that would be some sort of UCF students (I to r) Tom Robinson, Linda Cushing and Mike Horner meet friends (A&SF) money to be placed in SG's at New Smyrna Beach for volleyball, but bad weather ruined their plans. enterprise account. see BUDGET VETO page 3 2 The Central Florida Future June 27, 1990 • . • M.tivityandServke ~ • . :.-· • • • . ' ' . • • I f •I • • t f • . The Centr al Florida Future June 27, 1990 3 SARC recycling .for safer environment by Mary Watkins Styrofoam is used. In addition, they man said the staff was pleased when CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE write letters -to the managers of such "Domino's and Taco Bell are Hungry Howie's replied to a letter that restaurants explaining that they ref SARC sent. The restaurant told the An academic specialist of the Stu use to dine there until Styrofoam is just about the only places SARC they would find an environmen dent Academic Resource Center said replaced. In their letters they note they we can eat." tally-safe alternative to Styrofoam. an episode of CBS's Murphy Brown will gladly pay extra for more environ Kathy Mardirosian Mardirosian said staff and students inspired her to recycle paper, glass and mentally-safe packaging. academic specialist, SARC in the SARC remind one another not to aluminum. "If we change our demand then the trash their soda cans or plastic forks. Kathy Mardirosian said she learned suppliers must change," Mardirosian Callarman said they are trying to do from the television show she could said. "We need more awareness at the places to eat that don't use Styrofoam. their part to save the environment. begin recycling in the SARC. university so we can try to make a "Domino's and Taco Bell are just Mardirosian said she wants more Besides the recycling effort, the difference in local businesses.'Mardi about the only places we can eat," she people to be aware of the environment, SARC staff said they refuse to eat rosian laughed and said sometimes said. and said she feels UCF should set an lunch at all local restaurants where they practically starve looking for But SARC Director Dr. Mary Callar- example for the community. STATUTES In other business, the sen FROM PAGE 1 ate: •Unanimously passed a bill "LThe bill] doesn't create giving the Surf elub $750 tp new problems, it fixes lots of cover its registration with the old ones," Sen. Steve Bywater National Scholastic Surfing said. Association. Bywater said the other bill •Unanimously passed a reso had passed unanimously. "I lution deleting seconding from don't see any reason we can't motions. do it again," he said. • Unanimously confirmed The bills must now be Brevard SG coordinator Dave signed by Vice President of Striby and Daytona Beach SG Student Affairs LeVester coordinator Jennifer Peace to .- Tubbs.