Reencetamos neste número a publicação dos sumários das revistes depositadas na Biblioteca da FFCL de Marília, para onde afluem quer por assinatura, quer a titulo de intercâmbio com outras publicações nossas. Este trabalho foi ini­ ciado no número 4 (setembro de 1963) e so­ mente agora é retornado. Transcrevem-se os sumários das revistas especializadas no campo das Letras; em cato di­ verso, anotam-se apenas os trabalhos de inte­ resse para este campo.

O Laboratório Fotográfico desta Faculda­ de fornece pelo preço de custo microfilmes de qualquer estudo aqui referido, bastando dirigir- se ao encarregado daquele setor (Caixa Postal 420 — Marília).

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY. — Baltimore, October 1963. vol. LXXXIV, 4

G.V. Summer — Lex Aelia, Lex Fufia.

James W. Puoltney — Studies in the syntax of Attic Comedy.

John F. Oates — Pindar's Second Pythian Ode.

Edwin S. Ramage — Urbanitas: Cicero and , A Contrast in Attitudes.

Wendell Clausen — Two Conjectures.

A.C. Moornouse — Two Adjectives in Catullus, 7.

Benjamin D. Meritt — Apollo Pythics or Patroios.

Benjamin D. Meritt — Kallistratos of Oe.

IDEM January 1964, vol. LXXXV. 1.

William S. Aderson — Hercules Exclusus: Propertius, IV, 9.

Michael J. O'Brien — Orestes and the Gorgon: Eurípedes' Electra. — 254 —

W. Kendrick Pritchett — Epigraphica Restituta.

Guido Donini — , 1, 49: Horatius in Martiale.

Lionel Casson — Odysseus' Boat (Od., V, 244-257).

C. P. Jones — Aelius Aristides, Eis Romen 43 K.

J.R.C. Martyn — Lucilius 1165-6 (Marx).

IDEM April 1964, vol. LXXXV, 2.

G.H. Gellie —The Second Stasimon of the Oedipus Tyrannus.

K.L. McKay — Animals in War and isoncmia.

J.V. Luce — The Date of the Cratylus.

S. Perlman — Quotations from Poetry in Attic Orators, of the Fourth

Century B.C.

Harry G. Avery — Dramatic Devices in Aeschylus' Persians.

A.J. Marshall — The Structure of Cicero's Edict.

Hubert Martin, Jr. — Plutarch's Themistocles, 2 and Nicias, 2,6.

IDEM July 1964, vol. LXXXV, 3.

P. McGushin — and the Spirit of Endurance.

Paul Plass — Philosophic Anonymity and Irony in the Platonic Dialogues.

N.P. Miller — Dramatic Speech in Tacitus.

John L. Heller — Horace, Epist., 1, 1, 47-64.

Benjamin D. Meritt — A suggested Text for I.G., 11, 420.

IDEM, October 1964, vol. LXXXV, 4.

G.B. Townend — Cluvius Rufus in the "Histories" of Tacitus.

John J. Peradotto — Some Patterns of Nature Imagery in the Oresteia.

Morris Davis — On the Imputed Possibilities of Callipolis and Magnesia.

Benjamin D. Meritt — Notes on Epigrapnica Restituta.

IDEM, January 1965, vol. LXXXVI, 1.

Charles L. Babcock — The Early Career of Fulvia.

Harry Neumann — Diotima's Concept of Love.

Truesdell S. Brown — Herodotus Speculates About Egypt.

Friedrich Solmsen — On Propertius, 1, 7.

George Dolg — Vergil, Georgics, 1, 491-2. — 255 —

AMERICAN LITERATURE. Durham, North Corolina November, 196.

Vol 35, N.o 3

W. R. Irwin: Robert Frost and the Comic Spirit.

William M. Manly: The Importance of Point of View in Brockden Brown's


Martin B. Duberman: Twenty-Seven Poems by James Russell Lowell.

Robert Holland: Dialogue as a Reflexion of Place in The Ponder Heart.

John C. Miller: A Poe Letter Re-Presented.

John Q. Anderson: Lowell's "The Washers of Shroud" and the Celtic Le­

gend of the Washer of the Ford.

IDEM, January 1964. Vol. 35, N.O 4

J. O. Bailey: What Happens in "The Fall of the House of Usher"?

Donald E. Stanford: Edward Taylor's «Spiritual Relation*.

Jonn C. Sherwood: Vere as Collingwood: A Key to Billy Budd.

Stephen Jan Parker: Hemingway's Revival in the Soviet Union.

IDEM, March 1964. Vol. 36. N.o 1

Carol Ohmann: Daisy Millers A Study of Changing Intentions.

Robert C. MClean: The Subjective Adventure of Fleda Vetch.

Allan Bates: The Quintus Curtius Snodgrass Letters: A Clarification of the

Mark Twain Canon.

James B. Stronks. A Realist Experiments with Impressionism: Hamlin Gar­

land's ^Chicago Studies"

Harold M. Hurwitz: Ezra Pound and aRbindranath Tagore.

IDEM, May 1964. Vol. 36, N.o 2

Anna K. Junnke: Religion in Robert Frost's Poetry: The Play for Self-Pos­ session .

Allen Guttmann: Washington Irving and the Conservative Imagination.

Paul Baender: The Date of Mark Twain's "The Lowest Animal".

William R. Brashear: The Wisdom of Silenus in O'Neill's Iceman.

Hugh B. Staples: The Rose in the Sea-Wind: A Reading of Theodore Roeth-

ke's "North American Sequence". IDEM, November 1964. Vol. 36, N.o 3.

Gar;- J. Scrimgeour: The Marble Fauns Hawthorne's Faery Land.

James D. Williams: Revision and Intention in Mark Twain's A Connecticut


H. Edward Richardson: Anderson and Faulkner

Kenneth Eble: The Craft of Revision: The Great Gatsby.

Marjorie Perloff: Irony in Wallace Stevens's The Bock.

IDEM, January 1985. Vol. 36. N.o 4

Jean L. Thomas: Drama and Doctrine in Gods Determinations.

Daniel Fuchs: Ernest Hemingway, Literary Critic.

Eleanor M. Tilton: Holmes and His Critic Motley.

L. Moffitt Cecil: Simms's Porgy as National Hero.

John C. McCloskey: What Maisie Knows: A Study of Childhood and Adolescence.

IDEM, March 1965. Vol. 37, N.o 1

Darvin Klotz: Procrustean Revision in Faulkner's Go Down Moses.

Daniel B. Shea, Jr.: The Art and Instruction of Jonathan Edwards's Personal


Leo B. Levy: Hawthorne, Melville, and the Monitor.

Hubert H. Hoeltje: Hawthorne, Melville, and «Blackness».

AMERICAN QUARTERLY. Philadelphia Pall 1963. Vol. 15, N.o 3

Richard Ruland: The American Plays of Bertolt Brecht.

John Halverson: The Shadow of Moby-Dick.

Charles E. Rosenberg: Martin Arrowsmith: Tne Scientist as Hero.

IDEM, Spring 1964. Vol. 16, N.o 1

Carolyn Wynne: Aspects cf Space: John Marin and William Faulkner. Cushing Strout: A Note on Degler. Riesman and Toequeville K. S. Narayana Rao: Addendum on Eliot and the Bhagavad-Gita

IDEM, Summer 1964. Vol. 16, N.o 2. Part 1

Paul F. Boiler, Jr.: The Advent of Nationalism, 1758-1776

David Fitelson: Stephen Crane's Maggie and Darwinism.

John Clendenning: Piety and Imagery in Edward Taylor's «The Reflexion".

Leo B- Levy: Hawthorme's "The Canal Boat": An Experiment in Landscape, — 257 —

Stephen S. Conroy: Emerson and Phrenology.

George Rogers Taylor: American Studies Documents in Japan.

IDEM, Fall 1964, Vol. 16, N.° 3

David W. Noble: Cooper, Leatherstocking and the Death of the American Adam Fred W. Baldwin: The Invisible Armor. David Bleich: Eros and Bellamy.

H. Alan Wycherley: Mencken and Knopf: The Editor and His Publisher. Melvin Landsberg: John R. Dos Passos: His Influence on the Novelist's Earlj Political Development. A. W. Sadler: The Love Comic and American Popular Culture. Carl Bode: American Council of Learned Societies.

Winter 1964. Vol. 16, N.° 4.

Roger B. Salomon: Realism as Disinheritance: Twain, Howells and James.

Bryant Morey French: Mark Twain, Laura B. Fair and the New York Criminal


S. J. Krause: The Art and Satire of Twain's "Jumping Frog" Story.

Louis J. Budd: Mark Twai on Joseph the Patriarch.

U. Merton Babcock: Mark Twain, Mencken and «The Higher Goofyism».

Leslie V. Chard II: Mark Twain's «Hadleyburg" and Fredonia, New York.

Kegma Soria: Mark Twain and Vedder's Medusa.

Jospeh O. Baylen: Mark Twain, W. T. Snead and «The Tell-Tales Hands*.

Myrtle M. Duffy: Twain in Howells' A Modern Instance.

Hainlin Hill: Barnum, Bridgeport and The Connecticut Yankee.

Arthur M. Kompass: Twain's Use of Music: A Note of Life On the Mississippi.

Hiner: Mark Twain: Ambivalence Not Disjunction.

Paul Baender and Frederick Anderson: Twain in Progress: Two Projects.

SPRING, may 1964, vol. XIV, 1.

Leland D. Peterson: Ezra Pound: The Use and Abuse of History.

Hichard C. Vitzthum: Henry Adms' Paraphrase of Sources in the History oj the

United States.

Ronald Christ: Walt Whitman: Image and Credo.

Clinton Keeler: Narrative Without Accent: Willa Cather and Puvis de Chavannes.

Michael J. Hoffman: Gertrude Stein in the Psychology Laboratory. — 258 —

BOLETIM DE FILOLOGIA, Lisboa, 1961, 19.

(.Atas do IX Congresso Internacional de Linguística Românica,

vol. II).

Section II

7. Origines des langues littéraires romanes

MANUEL CRIADO DE VAL. Sobre les orígenes del iberorromance : Correspon­

da verbal de las jaryas y las Canciones de Amigo (Résumé).

MARIA ALÍETE DAS DORES GALHOZ, Chansons parallélistiques dans la tra­

dition de 1'Algarve: genres, structure, langage.

C. A. ROBSON, Les origines de la langue littéraire en France: rime approxima.

tive et assonance.

AURELIO RONCAGLIA, Le témoignage le plus ancien d'une distinction cons­

ciente entre deux langues romanes.

GIANFRANCO D'ARONCO, Le più antiche attestazioni di língua ladina in Friuli.

8. La langue des textes littéraires

FEDERICO JOSÉ PEIRONE, Un caso di trasumanza del ciclo carolingio: "Gai-

feiros" dall'Iberia al Piemonte.

RAYMOND CANTEL, Les idées linguistiques de Vieira.

H. HOUWENS POST, Une source peu connue des «Lusiades».

ANGELO MONTEVERDI, Bilinguismo letterario.

MARIO MARTINS, S. J., O códice eborense CXXI/2-19 como repositorio da lin.

guagem médica do séc. XV.

FRANCISCO DE B. MOLL, Les sources du "Liber Elegantiarum" de Joan Esteve

CELSO CUNHA, A linguagem poética portuguesa na primeira metade do século XVI: hiato, sinalefa e elisão nas Églogas de Bernardim Ribeiro e no «Cristal».

LUCIANA STEGAGNO PICCHIO, Osservazioni sull'uso di alcuni terminl nell'antico

teatro portoghese.

G. RAYNAUD DE LAGE, Le procédé de la "Correctlo" chez Chrétien de Troyes.

JORGE DE MORAIS BARBOSA, La langue de la "Chronique de Castille" (ms.

8817 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Madrid). — 259 —

9. Stylistique. Ressources expressives des langues romanes.

MARIA ISABEL PAULA SARAIVA, Análise estilística de um sermão do Padre

Antônio Vieira.

HANS FLASCHE, Considerações sobre a estrutura da frase espanhola analisada

na autobiografia de Santa Teresa.

GIUSEPPE CARLO ROSSI, O estilo de Alexandre Herculano nas páginas de «De

Jersey a Granville".

MARIA DA GRAÇA CARPINTEIRO, Aspectos do mais-que-perfeito do indicativo

em português moderno.

MONIQUE PARENT, Le thème de l'Orage dans «Exil» de Saint-Jonn Perse.

STEPHEN ULLMANN, Choix et expressivité.

L. GALDI, Réflexions sur les effets de phonétique expressive dans les langues


Section III

10. Dialectes et parlers.

ARRIGO CASTELLANI, Precisazioni sulla gorgia toscana.

GIANFRANCO CONTINI, Per un'interpretazione delia cosiddetta "gorgia" toscana. GIUSEPPE TAVANI, Di alcune particolarità morfologiche e sintattiche dei giudeo-

portoghese di Livorno.

ROBERT WALLACE THOMPSON, O dialeto português de Hongkong.

GRACIETE NOGUEIRA BATALHA, Coincidências com o dialeto de Macau em

dialetos espanhóis das Ilhas Filipinas.

PAUL RUSSELI-GEBBETT, Catalan oriental y catalan occidental en el nordeste

de la província de Lérida.

DIEGO CATALAN, EL españiol canário. Entre Europa y América.

HANS ERICH KELLER, Essai d'explication historique d'une segmentation

dialectale dans le franco-provençal.

GIUSEPPE FRANCESCATO, Il processo di livellamento linguistico dei dialetti

delia Carnia (Friuli). MARIA HELENA SANTOS SILVA, La conscience de province et la division géo­ graphique officille au Portugal. PALMIRA JAQUETTI, Contribution à la syntaxe de l'aranais.

BOLETIM DE FILOLOGIA. Lisboa, 1962, 20, fase. 1 e 2.

(Atas do IX Congresso Internacional de Lingüística Românica,

vol. III). — 260 —

Section III

10. Dialectes et parlers

JOSÉ G. HERCULANO DE CARVALHO, Le vocalisme atone des parlers créoles

du Cap Vert.

SEBASTIÃO MORAO CORREIA, A atual situação do português no Oriente.

ALVARO GALMÉS DE FUENTES, El arcaísmo fonológico de los dislectos del

Norte portugués y su importancia para la lingüística románica ge­


LUIS F. LINDLEY CINTRA, Une frontière lexicale et phonétique dans le domai­

ne linguistique portugais.

11. Méthodes et techniques

Travaux en cours

A. M. BAD1A-MARGAR1T, "La Voz de la Tierra''. Langues et parlera d Espagne

en disques. Plan et méthodes.

MARIE-LOUISE DUFRENOY, De la prodigalité à la parcimonie.

STANLEY M. SAPON, Contribución metodológica a la encuesta dialectal.

RODICA DOINA POP, Programme et activité du Musée de la Langue xtcumauie

de Cluj.


Dialetos e Falares de Portugal Continental".


LUIS F. LINDLEY CINTRA, El «Atlas Lingüístico de la Penín­

sula Ibérica (ALPI)». Trabajos, problemas y métodos.

A. M. BADÍA-MARGARIT, G. COLÓN, MANUEL COMPANYS, J. VENY CLAR, "Atlas Lingüistic del Comini Cátala". Estado de la trabajos. Aspectos metodológicos. MARIO FIÚZA DA SILVA PINTO, Subsídios para uma nova edição do «Elucida­ rio» de Viterbo. SEVER POP, La première Encyclopédie Linguistique.

12. Toponymie

JOSEPH M. PIEL. Sobre a terminação -endo -indo, -enda na fito-toponimia


MANUEL ALVAR, "Poma" y "mat(t)iana" en la toponimia de la Península Ibé­

rica. — 261 —

Paroles prononcées pendant le déjeuner à la Faculté de Médecine de Coimbre

Allocution du Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rohlfs. Membre du Comité d'Honneur du


Allocution du Prof. Dr. Paiva Boléo, Président du Congrès.

Discours prononcés pendant la séance de clôture du Congrès

Rapport du Secrétaire du Congrès, Dr. Luis F. Lindley Cintra

Discours du Prof. Dr. Angelo Monteverdi, représentant les congressistes étrangers

Discours du Président du Comité d'Organisation, Prof. Dr. Manuel de Paiva Boléo


Comités, Liste des Congressistes. Chronique du Congrès



Registro bibliográfico.


Trabalhos no prelo.

Teses de licenciatura.


Fundo de manuscritos,

índice de revista.


COLLEGE ENGLISH. Champaign, Illinois. Volume 26, January 1965,

Number 4.


Albert H. Marckwardt: Linguistics Issue: An Introduction.

Raven I. McDavid, Jr: American Social Dialects.

Harold B. Allen: From Prairies to Mountains: Linguistics and Composition.

W. Nelson Francis: A Standart Corpus of Edited Present-Day American English.

A. L. Davis: English for Foreingner and Native.

Arthur Norman: This Most Cruel Usage: The Problem of Standards.

Kennetn Pike: Language — Where Science and Poetry Meet.

Thomas Pyles: The Rcle of Historical Linguistics

Archibald A. Hill: The Tainted Ain't Once More — 262 —

COLLEGE ENGLISH. Champaign, Illinois. February 1965, Vol. 26, N.o 5.

Allen Austin: Three-Stranded Allegory of MobyDick

J. J. Boies: Circular Imagery in Thoreau's Week

Egbert S Oliver: The Little Cabin of Uncle Tom

Tom H. Towers: Determinism in Frederic's First Novel.

William Wasserstrom: Howells' Mansion and Thoreau's Cabin.

Quentin G. Kraft: Freedom in James's Fiction.

L. L. Lee: Walter Van Tilburg Clark

COLLEGE ENGLISH. Champaign, Illinois. March 1965, "Vol. 26, N.o 6.

Gerhard Friedrich: The Perspective of Joyce's Dubliners.

Virginia Mosely: Joyce's "The Dead".

Lawrence Poston, III: Tono-Bungay: Wells's Unconstructed Tale.

Eben Bass: The Verbal Failure of Lord Jim.

J.D. O'Hara: Unlearned Lessons in «The Secret Sharer*

Robert H. Adams: Freedom in The Horse's Mouth.

Richard B. Hovey: Préfigurations in The Torrents of Spring.

Ricnard Giannone: Music in The Professor's House.

Ncrris W. Yates: The Doubt and Faith of John Updike.

CLASSICA ET MEDIAEVALIA. Copenhague, 1964, vol. XXIV, 1-2.

Morten Nojgaard — Le Cerf, Le Cheval, et L'Homme. Étude sur la transmission

des fables antiques.

Holger Friis Johansen — A Political Term in Thucydides.

Anton-Hermann Chroust — The First Thirty Years of Modern Aristotelian Scho-

larsnip (1912.1942).

Giuseppe Torrensin — Die Astronomische Digression des Kommentars Galens.

Per Krarup — The Corrector of the Codex of Cicero's De Re Publica an the

Quotations in Nonius.

Holger Friis Johansen — Tre End of Sex. Vistillius (Tac. Ann. VI, 8, 2).

Hermann Walter — C. Julius Solinus und seine Vorlagen.

William G- Sinnigen — Comités Consistoriani in Ostrogothic Italy.

Danuta Turkowska — Sur quelquer tendences des changements sémantiques des

composés dans le latin médiéval.

Hubert Silvestre — Note sur la survie de Macrobe an Moyen-âge.

David J. A. Ross — The History of Macedon in the Histoire ancienne jusqu'à

César. — 263 —

Soren Skovgaard Jensen — On the National Origin of tne Philosopher Boetius de


Niels Haastrup — Zur frühen Pariser Bibel — auf Grund skandinavischer Hands­

chriften .

THE CLASSICAL QUARTERLY. Oxford, november 1963, vol. VIH, 2.

CM. Bowra — Two Lines of Eumelus.

M. L. West — Three Presocratic Cosmologies.

Walter Burkert — A note On Aeschylus, Choephoroi 205ff.

C. Collard — Notes on Euripide's Supplices.

John Ferguson — Sun, Line, and Cave Again.

Trevor J. Saunders — Two Points in Plato's Penal Code.

G. L. Cawkwell — Demosthenes' Policy after tne Peace of Philocrates. 11.

R. S. Bluck — The Interpretation of Aristotle, «De Interpretatione» 12-13.

John M. Rist — Forms of Individuals in Plotinus.

Alan D. E. Cameron — An Alleged Fragment of Eunapius.

T.T.B. Ryder — Athenian Foreign Policy and the Peace-Conference at Sparta

in 371 B. C.

J. P. V. D. Balsdon — The «Commentariolum Petitionis".

J. V. Luce — Cleopatra as 'Fatale Monstrum" (Horace, Carm. 1.37.21).

M. J. MacGann — Vinnius Valens, Son of Vinnius Asina?

R. W. Garson — The Episode in Valerius Flaccus' «».

J. J. Wilkes — Note on the Mutiny of the Pannonian Legions in A.D. 14.

P.R.C. Weaver — The Status Nomenclature of the Imperial Freedmen.

IDEM, may 1964, vol, XIV, 1.

D.C.C. Young — Gentler Medicines in tne «Agamemnon».

E.W. Whittle — Two Notes on Aeschylus, "Supplices".

I.C- Cunningham — Herodas 6 and 7.

Simon Tugwell — The Way of Truth.

J. S. Morrison — Four Fall of the Soul in Plato's "Symposium".

D. D. McGibbon — The Fall of the Outbreak of the Corinthian War.

Averil M- Cameron — Zonaras, Syncellus, and Agathias: a Note.

O. Skutscn — Enniana VI.

David A. West — Two Notes on Lucretius.

D. A. Kidd — Juvenal 1.149 and 10106-7.

R. H. Martin — The Leyden Manuscript of Tacitus. — 264 —

G- W. Bowersock — Augustus on Aegina.

T. P. Wiseman — Some Republican Senators of the Imperial Slaves.

IDEM, november 1964, vol. XIV, 2.

M. M. Willcock — Mythological Paradeigma in the «Iliad».

J. B. Hains Worth — Structure and Content in Epic Formulae: the Question of

the Unique Expression.

M. L. West — The Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts of Hesiod's «Thecgony»

J. H. Quincey — Orestes and the Argive Alliance.

J.A. Haldane — Who is Soteira (Aristophanes, Frogs 379).

J. P. Barron — The Sixth-Century at Samos.

W. E. Thompson — A New Restoration of I. C. i. 297.

B. Shimron — The Spartan Polity after the Defeat of Cleomenes 111.

A. S. Henry — Epigraphica.

W.C. Arnott — Notes on Gavia and Margus in Latin Authors.

J. P. Wild — The Textile Term "Scutulatus".

R. W. Garson — Some Critical Observations on Valerius Flaces" "Argonautica" 1.

H. D. Jocelyn — Ancient Scholarship and Virgil's Use of Republican Latin Poe­

try 1.

A. Hudson-Williams — Notes on Claudius Marius Victor.

P. R. C. Weaver — Cognomina Ingenua: a Note.

Averil and Alan Cameron — Cnristianity and Tradition in the Historiography of

the Late Empire.

THE CLASSICAL REVIEW. Oxford, december 1963, vol. XEtt, 3

C. M. Bowra — The two Palinodes of Stesiohorus.

A. O. Hulton — A peculiar use of eki

G. Giangrande — An emendation in Nonnus.

K. J. Dover — Androtion on ostracism.

L. Casson — Sewn boats.

J. B. Poynton — Notes on Statius, Thebaid.

P. J. Bicknell — Agrippina' villa at Bauli.

R- S. Bluck — Plato, Gorgias 493 e 1-3.

A.D.E. Cameron — Priscus of Parium and John Malalas in «Suidas».

L. A. Mackay — In defence of Ennius.

D.R. Shackleton Bailey — Cicero, Pro Cluentio 73. — 265 —

IDEM, march 1964, vol. XIV, 1.

N. Levitt — Euripides, 1191-4.

R. Meiggs — Anote on the population of Attica.

R. H. Martin — Three notes on Terence's, Andria.

D. A. West — Lucretius ii. 453-5.

W.A. Camps — Propertiana.

D. M. Macdowell — Piso's face.

J. R. Hamilton — Pen or dagger?

K. J. Dover — Aeschylus fr. 248M.

G. W. Bowersock — A correction confirmed in Strabo.

E. J. Kenney — Two footnotes.

M. Winterbottom — Quintilian v. 10-91. J. A. Davison — Bebenaia 1: Experiment at Tubingen.

IDEM, June 1964, vol. XIV, 2.

J. B. Hain»worth — Homeric Haplologies.

H. Lloyd-Jones — Sophocles, Antigone 1096-7 (and Pniloctetes 324).

A. A. Long — Sophocles, Electra 1251.2.

J. A. Davison — Aristote'a Homer: Poetics 1451» 26-27.

D. M. Gaunt — «Siparium» in Quintilian, and the Frontispiece of the Vatican


P. J. Cuff — Tacitus, Annals i. 72.

P. R. C. Weaver — Gaius i84 an the S. ,C. Claudianum.

E. Badian — Kaeso and the Carthaginian.

W.McLeod — Glyphides

M. L. West — The Muses buy a cow.

E. L- Borthwick — A note on Boxing-gloves.

IDEM, december 1964, vol. XIV, 3.

H. H. O. Chalk — Aristophanes, Frogs 589-93.

J. H. Kells — Aristophanes, Frogs 788-92.

K. Wellsley — Facilis descensus Averno.

C. Garton — A republican mime-actress?

G. J. Herington — Some evidence for a late dating of the Vinctus.

J. A. Davidson — Euripides, Medea 1181-4.

H. Box — Aristophanes, Birds 785-96 and Thesm. 640-1. — 266 —

M. L. West — An epic fragment in Servius.

B." Merry — Plato. Gorgias 467 e — 468 a,

M. L. West — Megasthenes on the Astomi.

M. Winterbotton — More about Almeloveen.

IDEM, march 1965, vol. XV, 1.

D. O'Brien — Empédocles fr. 35, 14-15.

M. F. Smith — Textual notes on Sophocles' Antigone.

I. C. Cunningham — Herodas 1. 26ff.

J. H. Quincey — The Nile in flood: Herodotus ii 19.2.

A.D.E. Cameron — Horace, Epistles ii. 2. 87ff.

E. J. Kenney — Grattiana.

D. M. Macdowell — Aristophanes, Peace 16-18.

T. B. L. Webster — Self-apostrophe in Menander.

G. Giangrande — A Nonnian problem.

T. P. Wiseman — (Ti) tisienus Gallus.

A. D. E. Cameron — Two glosses in Aurelius Victor.

GNOMON. Munchen, September, november, dezember 1963. Pebruar, marz,

mai, juni, august, September, november, dezember 1964.

Februar, april 1965.

Tratando-se de revista dedicada exclusivamente à recensão crítica de livros publicados sobre matéria-clássica, deixamos de transcrever o sumário, registrando apenas os números em depósito na Biblioteca desta Faculdade, e ultimamente chegados. Nossa coleção principia em janeiro de 1960.

HUMANITAS. Coimbra, 1963-64, vols. XV e XVI


José Geraldes Freire — Obra Poética de Diogo Mendes de Vasconcellos.

Domingos Maurício Gomes dos Santos — Buchanan e o Ambiente Coimbrão no século XVI.

Américo da Costa Ramalho — Uma Bucólica Grega em Gil Vicente.

Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira — O Mito de Medeia na Poesia Portuguesa.

Américo da Costa Ramalho — Algumas Relações Italianas de Cataldo Áquila Sículo — 267 —

Notícias e Comentários

Recensões e Noticias de livros


January 1964, Vol. 30, N.° 1 (Part 1)


Stanley Newman, Comparison of Zuni and California Penutian

André Malécot, Luisefto, A Structural Analysis III: Texts and Lexicon

M. Dale Kinkade — Phonology and Morphology of Upper Chehalis: III

James Loriot — A Selected Bibliography of Comparative American Indian Lin_


Resumos e Traduções

Kenneth Hill and Jane Hill — From North American Publications William Bright — From Latin American publications Jane O. Bright — From French publications Susan Ervin — From publications on psycholinguistics


Herbert Landar — Seven Navaho Verbs of Eating Rudolph C. Troike — The Caddo Word for "Water"


January 1964, Vol. 30, N.° 1 Part 2)


V.S. Rastorgueva — A Short Sketch of the Grammar of Persian

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OP AMERICAN LINGUISTICS, Baltimore, January 1964, Vol. 30, N.o 1 (Part 3)


Paul Postal — Constituent Structure: A Study of Contemporary Models of Syn­ tactic Description


April 1964, Vol. 30, N.° 2 (Part 1)


Jane O. Bright — The Phonology of Smith River Athapaskan (Tolowa) — 268 —

Victor K. Golla — An Etymological Study of Hupa Noun Sterna

Michael E. Krauss — Proto — Athapaskan-Eyak and the Problem of Na-Dene:

The Phonology

Fang-Kuei Li — A Chipewyan Ethnological Text

Joe E. Pierce & James M. Ryherd — The Status of Athapaskan Reserarch in


Kenneth L. Pike & Alton L. Becker — Progressive Neutralization in Dimensions

of Navaho Stem Matrices

Heinz-Jürgen Pinnow — On the Historical Position of Thingit


General Bibliography (Na-Déné languages)

William Bright — A Bibliography of the Publications of Harry Hoijer Through


Resenhas e Notas

George W. Grace — Publications in Oceanic Linguistics

William Bright — Publications in Athropological Linguistics

Susan Ervin — Publications on Psyoholinguistics

Alan Dundes — A Choctaw Tongue-Twister and Two Examples of Creek Word


Saumjan & Soboleva — The Applicational Generative Model and a Transformatio­

nal Calculus for Russian (Olga Akhmanova)

Panov — On Styles of Pronunciation / in connection with general problems of

stylistics (Olga Akhmanaova)


April 1964, Vol. 30, N.o 2 (Part 2)

Fred W. Householder, Kostas Kazazis, and Andreas Koutsoudas — Reference

Grammar of Literary Dhimotiki

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OP AMERICAN LINGUISTICS, Baltimore, July 1964, Vol. 30, N.o 3 (Part 1)


Kenneth L. Pike & Barbara Erickson — Conflated Field Structures in Potawa- tomi and in Arabic

Dell H. Hymes — Evidence for Penutian in Lexical Sets with Imitial G and S- Andre" Malecot — Lulseno, A Structural Analysis IV: Appendices — 269 —

M. Dale Kinkade — Phonology and Morphology of Upper Chehalis: IV

Muriel Ekdahl & Joseph E. Grimes — Terena Verb Inflection

Paul M. Postal — Boas and the Development cf Phonology: Comments Based on


Resumos e Traduções

Kenneth Hill, Jane Hill and Jeannette Johnson — Publications in English

William Bright — Publications of the Summer Institute of Linguistics

Notas e Resenhas

Eric P. Hamp — 'Chicken' in Ecuadorian Quichua Lawrence B. Kiddle — American Indian Reflexes of Two Spanish Words for Cat Bloomfield & Newmark — A Linguistic Introduction to the History of English (Jacek Fisiak)

Worth, Ed — Kamchal Texts Collected by W. Jochelson (Dorothy Libby)


July 1964, Vol. 30, N.o 3 (Part 2) Norman Balfour Levin — The Assiniboine Language


July 1964, Vol. 30, N.o 3 (Part 3) D.A. Shafeev — A Short Grammatical Outline of Pashto


July 1964, Vol. 30, N.° 3 (Part 3) Ilse Lehiste — Acoustical Characteristics of Selected English Consonants


October 1964, Vol. 30, N.o 4, (Part 1)

Artigos Ronald D. Olson — Mayan Affinities with Chipaya of Bolivia I: Correspondences Karl-Heinz Gursky — The Linguistic Position of the Quinigua Indians William W. Elmendorf — Item and Set Comparison in Yuchi, Siouan, and Yukian John O. Lind — Clause and Sentence Level Syntagmemes in Sierra Popoluca Russel Ultan — Proto-Maidun Phonology Gordon M. Day — A St. Francis Abenaki Vocabulary

Resumos e Traduções Peter T. Furst — Publications in German William Bright — Publications in Latin American languages — 270 —

Notas e Resenhas

Uriel Weinreich — Webster's Third: A Critique of Its Semantics

Michael E. Krauss — Studies in the Athapaskan Languages (Hoijer)

Robert B. Lees — String Analysis of Sentence Structure (Harris)

Susan Ervin — Language in the Crib (Weir)

Peter Ladefoged — Manual of Articulatory Phonetics (Smalley)

Peter Ladefoged — Programmed Learning Problem Set to Teach the Interpreta­

tion of a Class of Speech Spectrograms (Rothenberg)

Jacob J. Samarin — Sranan Syntax (Voorhoeve)

Douglas Rae Taylor — De Saramakaanse Woordenschat (Donicio and Voorhoeve)

Knud Togeby — Idealism in Romance Linguistics (Hall)


October 1964, Vol. 30, N.° 4 (Part 2)

V.l. Abraev — A Grammatical Sketch of Ossetic


Janjuary 1960, Vol. 59, N.° 1

Os títulos com urn (*) indicam que as obras em questão ee encon­

tram na Biblioteca da FFCL Marília.


Prank G. Banta — Tense and Aspect in the Middle High German of Berthold

von Regensburg


April 1960. Vol. 59, N.o 2


Gustav Must — English holy, German heilig


Elias Wessen — Isländsk Grammatic (Kenneth G. Chapman)

Elias Wessen — Svensk Sprakhistoria I & II (Assar Janzén)

Alfred Götze — Tübners Deutsches Wörterbuch* (A.D. Weinberger)

Oskar Rhiner — Wähe, Kuchen, Fladen, Zelten. Die Wortgeographie des

Flachkuchens mit Belag und ihre Volkskundilchen Hintergründe

in der deutschen Schweiz (Alfred Senn) — 271 —


July 1960, Vol 59, N.o 3


Elizabeth M. Liggins — The Clause of "Denied Reason" in Old English. Henry Kratz — The Phonemic Approach to Umlaut in Old High German and Norse Ursula R. Mahlendorf — Os Gést: OHO Geist.


Walter Henzen — Deutsche Wortbildung (Frank G. Banta) Els Oksaar — Semantische Studien in Sinnbereich der Schnelligkeit: Plötzlich. schnell und ihre Synonymik im Deutsch der Gegenwart und des Früh —, Hoch — und Spätmittelalters (A.D. Weinberger)


October 1960, Vol. 59, N.o 4


Ernst A. Ebbinghaus — Gotisch iu


Gösta Franzén — Runö Ortnamn. The Place. Names of Runö (Victor Terras) William Z. Shetter — Introduction to Dutch (Adriaan J. Barncuw)


January 1961, Vol. 60, N.o 1

Artigos Albert L. Lloyd — Vowel Shortening and Stress in the Old High German of Notker Labeo Besenhas Gösta Holm — Syntaxgeografiska Studier over tva Nordiska Verb (Haakon Hamre) Eilert Ekwall — The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names (Basil Cottle)

Broder Carstensen — Studien zur Syntax des Nomens, Pronomens und der Ne­ gation in den Pas ton Letters (Norman E. Eliason)


April 1961, Vol. 60, N.o 2


Thomas Perry Thornton — Love, Uncertainty, and Despair: The Use of swivel by the Minnesänger — 272 —


Reuben A. Brower, Ed. — On Translation (Eric Jacobsen)


July 1961, Vol. 60, N.o 3


Henry and Renée Kahane — Germanic Derivations of Romance Words

Ernst A. Ebbinghaus — Gotisch gb und das Prinzip der gotischen Kentrationen

Richard H. Lawson — The Alternation of First and Second Class Weak Verbs in Otfrid and Tatian


Wolfgang Stammler — Deutsche Philologie im Aufriss (Ernst Alfred Philipson)

Richard von Kienle — Historische Laut — und Formenlehre des Deutschen

(Herbert Penzl)

Dietrich Ruprecht — Tristitia. Wortschatz und Vorstellung in den Althochdeuts­

chen Sprachdenkmälern (Helen Adolf)

Ernest Erhard Müller — Wortgeschichte und Sprachgschichte im Alemannischen

(Frank G. Banta)

Philop Motley Palmer — The Influence of English in the German Vocabulary to

1800: A Supplement (B. J. Koekkoek)

G. Scheurweghs — Present-Day English Syntax (J. N. Hook)


January, 1962, Vol. 61, N.o 1


Oskar F. Jones — Gothic iu and ju in Transcriptions of Foreign Names

Fred Oppermann — The Old Saxon Vowel Phonems under Weak Stress


Meinrad Scheller — Vedisch priyá — und die Wortsippe frei, freien, Freund

(Werner Winter)

Elisabeth Krg-Gasterstädt — Althochdeutsch Thing — Neuhochdeutsch Ding. Die

Geschichte eines Wortes (Gustav Must)

CS. Lewis — Studies in Words (Jackson J. Campbell) — 273 —


April 1962, Vol. 61, N.° 2


Elias Wessen — De Nerdiska Spraken (Kenneth G. Chapman)

Rudolf Grosse — Die obersächsischen Mündarten und die deutsche Schriftsprache

(E. A. Philippson)

Wolfgang Fleischer — Namen und Mundart in Raum von Dresden (E.A. Philip­ pson)

H.F. Eggeling — A Dictionary of Modern Germann Prose Usage (B.J. Koekkoek)

Horst Renicke — Grundlegung der Neuhochdeutschen Grammatik. Zeitlichkeit —

Wort und Satz (Herbert Penzl)


July 1962, Vol. 61, N.o 3


Wilhelm Braune — Gotische Grammatik * (Oskar F. Jones)

Erik Rooth — Zu den Bezeichnungen für 'Eiszappen' in den Germanischen Spra­

chen (B. J. Koekkoek)

Hans Glinz — Die Innere Form des Deutschen: eine neue deutsche Grammatik *

(Herbert Penzl)

R.E. Keller — German Dialects. Phonology and Morphology with Selected Texts

(Carroll E. Reed)


October 1962, Vol. 61, N.o 4


R. I. Page — The Use of Double Runes in Old English Inscriptions


January 1963, Vol. 62, N.o 1


George S. Lane — Bimorie and Trimoric Vowels and Diphthongs: Laws of Ger­

manic Finals Again — 274 —


Hans Kuhn — Verbale l — und r-Bildungen im Schweizdeutschen (Frank G. Banta)

Herbert L. Kufner — Strukturelle Grammatik der Münchner Stadtmundart (B.

J. Koekkoek)


April 1963, Vol. 62, N.o 2

Tauno F. Mustanoja — A Middle English Syntax. Part I: Parts of Speech (Sa­

muel R. Levin)

Heinrich Hempel — Gotisches Elementarbuch (Frank G. Banta)

Karl Kurt Klein & Ludwig Erich Schmidt — Sibenbürgisch-Deutscher Spracha­

tlas. I. Band. Teil I: Laut — und Formenatlas (Carroll E. Reed)


July 1963, Vol. 62, N.o 3


Emmy Sachs — On steinalt, stock-still, and Similar Formations


Edward H. Sehrt — Notker.Glossar. Ein Althochdeutsch-Lateinisch-Neuhochdeut­

sches Wörterbuch zu Notkers des Deutschen Schriften (Ernst A.


Door A. Bosker — Het Gebruik van net Imperfectum en net Perfectum in het

Nederlands, het Duits, het Frans en het Engels (W. Z Shetter) IDEM

October 1963, Vol. 62, N.o 4


Hans Bungert — Zum Einfluss des Englisnchen auf die deutsche Sprache seit dem Ende des zweiten Weltkrieges

Ernst A. Ebbinghaus — Gothic aibr

A.C. Spearing — Verbal Repetition in Piers Plowman B and C Charles Carlton — Word Order of Noun Modifiers in Old English Prose


John R. Clark Hall — A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary (L. A. Muinzer) — 275 —

Rolf Berndt — Einführung in das Studium des Mittelenglischen: Unter Zugrun-

dlegund des Prologs der "Canterbury Tales" (Samuel R. Ledn)

Rudolf Hotzenköcherle — Einführung in den Sprachatlas der deushchen Schweiz.

Einführungsband A: Zur Methodologie der Kleinraumatlanten. Ein­

führungsband B: Fragebuch, Transkriptionsschlüssel, Aufnahme­


Heinrich Baumgartner & Rudolf Hotzenköcherle — Sprachatlas der deutschen

Schweiz (William G. Moulton)

Heinrich Nüsse — Die Sprachtheorie Friedrich Schlegels (Hans Eichner)


January 1964, Vol. 63, N.o 1


Herbert L. Kufner — The Grammatical Structures of English and German

(Frank G. Banta)

R. A. Close — English as a Foreign Language: Grammar and Syntax for Tea­

chers and Advanced Students (Charles W. Kreidler)


April 1964, Vol. 63, N.o 2


Henning Brinkmann — Die Deutsche Sprache: Gestalt und Leistung (Herbert


Thomas Finkenstaedt — You und Thou. Studien zur Anrede im Englishen (mit

einem Exkurs über die Anrede im Deutshen) (Torben Kisbye)


July 1964, Vol 63. N.o 3


Harold Orton & Eugen Dieth — Survey of English Dialects (Basil Cottle)

Yngve Olsson — On the Syntax of the English Verb: with Special Reference to

HAVE A LOOK and Similar Complex Structures (Samuel R. Levin)

Ernst G. Riemschneider — Veränderungen der Deutschen Sprache in der Sowje­

tisch Besetzten Zone Deutschlands seit 1945 (Hans Bungert) — 276 —


October 1964, Vott. 63, N.° 4


V.A. Khomiakov — A Note on the So-Called «Passive Participles with Active Meaning" in Old English.

Albert Ii. Lloyd — Vowel Shortening and Stress in Old High German, II: Otfrid


F. de Tollenaere — Nieuwe Wegen in de Lexicolegie. With a Summary in En­ glish (B. J. Koekkoek)

Paul Zinsli & Oskar Bandle Ed. — Spraohleben der Schweiz: Sprachwissenschaft, Namenforschung, Volkskunde (Hans Kurath)

G.L. Brook — English Dialects (Basil Cottle) Holger Steen Sörensen — The Meaning of Proper Names. With a Definiens For­ mula for Proper Names in Modern English (Ernst Pulgram) E. Bagby At wood — The Regional Vocabulary of Texas (Raven I. McDavid, Jr.)

THE KENYON REVIEW. Mount Vernon, Ohio. Autumn 1963, Vol. 25, N.o 4

Raymond Williams: Tolstoy, Lawrence and Tragedy.

Daniel Curley: Katherine Anne Porter.

Martin Green: Science and Sensibility.


Winter 1965, Vol. 27, N.o 1

Leslie Paul: A Conversation with T. S. Eliot. Gerald Heard: The Poignant Prophet. Paul Valéry: I Sometimes Said to Stephane Mallarme Department KR: Thomas Maclntyre, "This Dying Lark»

Stephen Taylor, The Second New York Film Festival

Edward Dahlberg, Adages


Spring 1965, Vol. 27, N.° 2.

Philip Young: Hawthorne and 100 Years.

Malcolm Cowley: The Sense of Built.

Wallace Hildick: In That Solitary Room.

Department KR: Frank O'Connor, The Scholar

Leslie Paul, The Angry Young Men Revisited. — 277 —

LANGUAGE. Baltimore, April-June 1964, vol. 40, n.° 2


Franklin Edgerton (obituary article by M. B. Emeneau)

Jerrold J. Katz: Mentalism in linguistics.

William J. Wyatt Jr.: Structural linguistic and the laryngeal theory.

Paul W. Brosman Jr.: French lingue.

Samuel R. Levin: A reclassification of the Old English strong verbs.

Allen Walter Read: A type of ostentatious taboo.

James L. Dolby and Howard L. Resnikoff: On the structure of written English words.


Saporta, ed.: Psycholinguistics (Diebold)

Greenberg, ed. : TJniversals in language (Haugen)

Weir: Language in the crib (Leopold)

Koutsoudas: Verb morphology of modern Greek (Swanson)

Ramsden: Weak-pronoun position in the early Romance languages (Montgomery).

Levy: Contributions à la lexicologie française selon d'anciens textes d'origine

juive (Hall and Feldman)

Iordan: Linguistica romanica (Haal)

Sganzini, éd.: Vocabolario dei dialetti délie Svizzera italiana (Hall)

Voorhoeve: Sranan syntax (Hall)

Makaev, éd.: Sravitel'naja grammatika germanskix jazykov II (Kufner)

Atwcod: The regional vocabulary of Texas (Reed)

Haywood and Nahmad: A new Arabic grammar of the written language. (Blanc) Kruger: Chuvash manual (Sjoberg)

Lorimer: Werchikwar English vocabulary (Emeneau)

Studies in linguistic analysis (Langendoen)

LANGUAGE, Baltimore, July-September 1964, vol. 40, n.o 3 (Part 1)


George Melville Boiling (obituary article by Henry M. Hoenigswald)

W. Sidney Allen: Transivity and possession.

Warren Cowgill: The supposed Cypriote optatives duwônoi and dôkoi

Wayne A. O'Neil: Faroese vowel morphophonemics

Rufus S. Hendon: The reconstruction of —ew in Proto-Malaypolynesian — 278 —


Hartmann: Zur Konstitution einer allgemeinen Grammatik (Lehmann) Hiorth: Zur formalen Chamalen Charakterisierurg des Satzes (Teeter) Martinet: Éléments de linguistique générale; a functional view of language (Hoijer)

Saum jan and Soboleva: Applikativnaja porozdajuscaja model' iscislenie transfor-

mancij v russkom jazyke (Hall)

Sorensen: The meaning of proper names (Bloomfiel)

Sommerfeit: Diachronie and synchronic aspects of language (Householder)

Deroy: Initation à l'épighaphie mycénienne (Bennett)

Morpurgo: Mycenaeae graecitatis lexicon (Bennett)

Wagner: Dizionario etimológico sardo 2:10-17, 3:18-21 (Pulgram)

Studia gramática I (Bach)

Salvelt: Studien zum deutschen Futur (Bach)

Saltveit: Studien zum deutschen Futur (Ulvestad)

Zinsli, ed. : Spranchleben der Schweiz (Leopold)

Bloomfield and Newark: A linguistic introduction to the history of English (Sledd)

Strang: Modern English Structure (Stockwell)

Ota: Tense and aspect of present-day American English (Joos)

Ekwall: Selected papers in English (Eliason)

Vogt: Dictionnaire de la langue ouhykh (Allen)

Burrow and Bhattacharya : A comparative vocabulary of the Gondi dialects (Emeneau) Vängler: Zur Tonologie des Hausa (Kraft)

LANGUAGE. Baltimore, July-September 1964, vol. 40, n.o 3 (Part 2)

Supplement Bolletin nº 37

LSA style sheet.

Proceedings of the Seattle meeting 1963.

Proceedings of the Chicago meeting 1963.

'Opportunity and obligation', by A. H. Marckwardt.

List of members 1963.

LANGUAGE. Baltimore, October-December 1964, vol. 40, n.o 4.


David G. Hays: Dependency theory: A formalism and some observations.

Stanley Lieberson: An extension of Greenberg's linguistic diversity measures. — 279 —

Charles E. Bidwell: The Serbo-Croatian verb

Robert A. Hall Jr. : Inital consonants and syntactic doubling in West Romance

Franklin C. Southworth: Family-tree diagrams.


Werner and Kaplan: Symbol formation formation (Fodor)

Ten Brinke: Onafhankelijke enafhankelijke grootheden in het taalgebruik (Shetter)

Georgiev: Les deux langues des inscriptions Cretoises em linéaire A (Bennett)

Kunjunni Raja: Indian theories of meaning (Fowler)

Heilmann and Ghiselli: Grammatica storica della lingua greca (Tovar)

Camproux: Essai de géographie linguistique du Gévaudan (Leonard)

Chapman: Ice landic-Norwegian linguistic relationships (Ulvesta,d)

Bierwisch: Grammatik des deutschen Verbs (Bach)

Die Wissenschaft von deutscher Spache und Dichtung (Penzl)

Scholtz: Taalhistoriese opstelle (Koekkoek)

Sebeok and Ingemann: An Eastern Cheremis manual (Zeps)

Ladefoged: A phonetic study of West African languages (Samarin)

Contreras: Elementos de lingüistica descriptiva (Gomes de Matos).

LATOMUS. Bruxelles, octobre-décembre 1963, Tome XXII, 4.

J. André — Nome de plantes et nome d'animaux en latin.

E. De Saint-Desis — La fantaisie et le coq-à-l'âne dans poétique d'Horace.

A. Cattin — La géographie dans les tragédies de Sénèque.

E. J. Kenney — Juvenal: Satirit or Rhetorician?

C. Nicolet — L'inscription de l'autel de Narbonne et la "Commendatio" des Cne- valiers.

A. Audin — Fouilles montée Saint-Barthélémy à Lyon.

F. Capponi — La "trasenna" délia commedia Plautina.

G. D. B. Jones — Southerm Etruria 50-40 B. C: an Attack on Veii in 41 B.C.

J.C. Mann — City-Names in the Western Empire.

B. Baldwin — Columella's Sources and how he used them.

B. Lifshitz — Inscriptions latines de Césarée (Caesarea Palaestinae).

P. Antin — Rufin et Pelage dans Jérôme, Prologue 1 "In Hierremiam".

J. Doignon — "Nos bons hommes de foi" : Cyprien, Lactance, Victorin. Optai, Hi-

laire (Augustin, "De doctrina Christiana", IV, 40, 61).

W. G. Sinnigen — Barbaricarii, Barbari and the Notitia Dignitatum.

Fr. Vasselle — Caves et "caveaux funéraires" gallo-romains de la région d'Amiens.

G. Cambier — L'oeuvre poétique et oratoire de Latomus. — 280 —

IDEM, Janvier-mare 1964, Tome XXIII, 1.

H. Bardon — L'obstacle: métaphore et comparaison en latin.

L. Alfons! — Parva moralia in Fedro.

P. Veyne — Epigraphica.

R. Turcan — La «fondation» du temple de Vénus et de Rome.

J. Balty — Les premiers portraits de Septime Sévère.

F. Capponi — La "trasenna» nella letteratura latina.

T. E. Kinsey — Lucretius V. 312.

L. Hertmann — «Non in iussa cano". Virgile, Bue, VI, 8.

J. Collin — Saint Irénée était-il évêque de Lyon? R. Desmed — Une traduction latine des fables de La Fontaine.

IDEM, avril-juin 1964. Tome XXIII, 2.

J. Perret — Présent et imparfait dans le subjonctif latin. M. Leglay — Le symbolisme de l'échelle sur les stèles africaines dédiées à Saturne.

L. Foucher — L'art de la mosaïque et les poètes latins.

V. Tudor — Lesconstructions publiques de la Dacie romaine d'après les inscrip. tions.

I. Bergiu et A. Popa — Exceptores consularis in Dacia.

W. H. Stahl — The Systematic Handbook in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages.

L. Herrmann — Un nouveau fragment de Sulpicia?

A. Degrassi — Inscriptiones Iugoslaviae.

K. Majewski — Recherches archéologiques polonaises de Novae (Bulgarie), 1963.

L. Gualdo Rosa — A proposito di una antologia dei poeti latini del Quattrocento.

P. Courcelle — Sonnets de Pétrarque et Confessions augustiniennes.

IDEM, juillet-septembre 1964, Tome XXIII, 3.

A. E. Astin — Leges Aelia et Fufia.

E. De Saint Denis — Le sourire de Virgile.

J. M. Croisille — Le personnage de Clytemnestre dans 1'Agamemnon de Sénèque. I. Bergiu et A. Popa — I.O.M. Dolichenus et Dea Sural Magna Caelestis à Apulum. D. Schaller — Ein strophisches Liebesbrief gedieht in einer Genter Briefsammlung

des 13. Janrhunderts.

J. Loicq — Le témoignage de Varron sur les Ecurria.

T. E. Kinsey — Horace, Odes, 1.5.16. — 281 —

Li. Herrmann — Les deux parties de l'Art poétique d'Horace.

A. Pelletier — Les sénateurs d'Afrique proconsulaires d'Auguste à Gallien.

J. P. Wild — The Caracallus.

R. Andreotti — Recenti contributi alla cronologia costantiniana.

R. Agache —Intérêt des survols hivernaux pour l'étude des vestiges archéologiques

complètement arasés par l'agriculture.

IDEM, octobre-décembre 1964, Tome XXIII, 4.

J. Carcopino — Fuyantes Bucoliques. J. Heilegouarc'h — Les buts de l'oeuvre historique de Velleius Paterculus B. Paratore — L'ûltimo verso dei "choliambi" di Persio.

J. Desanges — Note sur la datation de l'expédition de Julius Maternus au pays d'Agisymba.

L. Herrmann — Le Pseudo-Lygdamus.

R. Syme — Pliny and the Dacian Wars.

I. Cremosnik — Die einheimliche Tracht Noricums, Pannoniens und Illyrycims und ihre Vorbilder.

S. Applebaum — The Late Gallo-Roman Rural Pattern in the Light of the Caro- lingian Cartularies.

E. Polomé — L'anthroponymie vénète. A. Baldi — Elementi di epigrafia Pompeiana.

P. Veyne — La Venus de Trimalcion.

P. Langlois — Notes critiques sur l'Hexameron de Dracontius et sa recension par Eugène de Tolède.

A. Cameron — A New Manuscript of Paulus Diaccnus "Historia Romana".

G. Gambier — Les oeuvres de controverse et de rhétorique de Latomus.

MAIA. Firenze, gennaio-marzo 1964, anno XVI, 1. F. Deila Corte — Cinguettando al mattin dare il buon giorno. D. De Robertis — Il senso delia propria storia ritrovato attraverso i classici nella "Historia calamitatum" di Abelardo.

D. Lanza — L'egkéfalos e la dottrina anassagorea délia conoscenza.

A. Masaracchia — La scena dell' émporos nel Filottéte di Sofocle. G. Pugliese — Appunti per la storia dei culti cirenaici.

A. Traina — Pathos ed Ethos nelle traduzioni tragiche di Ennio.

OCEANIA, Universidade de Sidney, Australia. A localização vem logo após os artigos.

Catherine H. Berndt: Translation Problems in Three New Guinea Highland Languages June 1954, Vol. 24, N.o 4 — 282 —

Ronald M. Berndt & Catherine H. Berndt: Some Recent Articles on Culture Contact — A Review September 1945, Vol. 16, N.o 1

A. Capell: The Structure of the Oceanic Languages June 1933, ol. 3, N.o 4

Tne Structure of Australian Languages September 1937, Vol. 8, N.o 1,

The Languages of the Kimberley Division December 1937, Vol. 8, N.o 2

The Word "Mana": A Linguistic Study September 1938, Vol. 9, N.o l

Mythology in Northern Kimberley, North-West Australia June 1939, Vol. 9, N.o 4

The Classification of Languages in North and North-West Australia March 1940, Vol. 10, N° 3 June 1940, Vol. 10, N.o 4 Languages Study for New Guinea Students September 1940, Vol. 11, N.o 1 Notes on the Wunambal Language March 1941, Vol. 11, N.o 3 Languages of Arnhem Land, North Australia June 1942, Vol. 12, N.o 4 September 1942, Vol. 13, N.o 1

Peoples and Languages of Timor March 1943, Vol. 14, N.o 3 June 1944, ol. 14, N.o 4 September 1944, Vol. 15, N.o 1

Methods and Materials for Recording Australian Languages December 1945, Vol. 16, N.o 2

Distribution of Languages in the Central Highlands, New Guinea December 1948, Vol. 19, N.o 2 March 1949, Vol. 19, N.o 3 June, 1949, Vol. 19, N.o 4

Languages of the Bogia District, New Guinea December 1951, Vol. 22, N.o 2 — 283 —

March 1952, Vol. 22, N.o 3 June 1952, Vol. 22, N.o 4 Notes on the Waramunga Language, Central Australia June 1953, Vol. 23, N.o 4

Forchheimer and the Pronoun June 1955, Vol. 25, N.o 4

Palau Possessives and Problems in Morpheme Identification June 1957, Vol. 27, N.o 4

The Technique of Structure Statistics September 1962, Vol. 33, N.o 1

C. Maxwell Churchward: The History of Rotuna as Reflected in its Language September 1938, Vol. 9, N.o 1

H. K. J. Cowan: Notes en Sentani Grammar March 1951, Vol. 21, N.o 3 June 1951, Vol. 21, N.o 4 September 1951, Vol. 22, N.o l June 1952, Vol. 22, N.o 4

Ethnolinguistics and «Papuan» Etymology September-December 1954, Vol. 25, N.o 1-2

Variability in New Guinea Languages March 1955, Vol. 25, N.o 3

Notes on Windesi Grammar September 1955, Vol. 26, N.o 2 December 1955, Vol. 26, N.o 2

A Large Papuan Language Phylum in West New Guinea December 195T, Vol. 28, N.o 2

Ryan D'Arcy: Names & Naming in Mendi December 1958, Vol. 29, N.o 2

W. H. Douglas: Phonology of the Australian Aboriginal Language Spoken at Ooldea, South Australia March 1955, Vol. 25, N.o 3 — 284 —

A. P. Elkin: The Nature of Australian Languages December 1937, Vol. 8, N.o 2

Man and His Cultural Heritage September 1949. Vol. 20, N.o 1

Aboriginal Languages & Assimilation December 1963. Vol. 34, N.o 2.

G. N. O'Grady: A Secret Language of Western Australia December 1956, Vol. 27, N.o 2

Statistical Investigations into an Australian Language June 1957, Vol. 27, N.o 4

Robert A. Hall Jr.: Innovations in Melanesian Pidgin (Neo-Melanesian) December 1955, Vol. 26, N.o 2

C. W. M. Hart: Personal Names Among the Tiwl October-December 1930, Vol. 1, N.o 2

H. Ian Hogbin: Polynesian Ceremonial Gift Exchanges September 1932, Vol. 3, N.o 1

Bruce A. Hooley: Transformations in Neomelanesian December 1962, Vol. 33, N.o 2

A Brief History of New Guinea Linguistics September 1964, Vol. 35, N.o 1

Pnyllis M. Kaberry: Notes on the Languages of East-Kimberley, North-West Australia September 1937, Vol. 8, N.o 1

J. R. B. Love: The Pronoun in Worora and Pitjantjatjara September 1945, Vol. 16, N.o 1

Mervyn Meggit: Sign Language among the Walbiri of Central Australia September-December 1954, Vol. 25, N.o 1-2 — 285 —

Ursula H. McConnel: Wikmunkan Phonetics June 1945, Vol. 15, N.o 4

C. P. Mountford: Gesture Language of the Ngada Tribe of the Warburton Ranges, Western Australia December 1938, Vol. 9, N.o 2

Graham K. Scott: The Dialects of Fore June 1963, Vol. 33, N.o 4

W. E. Smythe: Elementary Grammar of the Gumbaingar Language (Nortn Coast, New South Wales) December 1948, Vol. 19, N.o 2 March 1949, Vol. 19, N.o 3 September 1949, Vol. 20, N.o 1

Robert R. Solenberger: Recent Changes in Chamorro Direction Terminology December 1953, Vol. 24, N.o 2

W. E. H. Stanner: Aboriginal Modes of Address and Reference in the North. West of the Northern Territory March 1937, Vol. 7, N.o 3

Notes on the Marathiel Language September 1938, Vol. 9, No 1

T. G. H. Strehlow: Aranda Phonetics March 1942, Vol. 12, N.o 3

Aranda Phonetics September 1942, Vol. 13, N.o l December 1942, Vol. 13, N.o 2 June 1943, Vol. 13, N.o 4 September 1943, Vol. 14, N.o 1 March 1944, Vol. 14, N.o 3

A. R. Tippett: An Interesting Aspect of Sound Movement & Decay in the Fijian Language March 1954, Vol. 24, N.o 3 — 286 —

Ronald M. Trudinger: Grammar of the Pitjantjatjara Dialect, Central Australia March 1943, Vol. 13, N.o 3

Ernest Worms: Onomatopoeia in Some Kimberley Tribes of North-West

Australia June 1938, Vol. 8, N.o 4

Foraign Words in Some Kimberley Tribes in North-West Australia June; 1938, Vol. 8, N.o 4

Sense of Smell of the Australian Aborigines — A Psychological & Linguistic Study of the Natives of the Kimberley Division December 1942, Vol. 13, N-o 2 Aboriginal Place-Names in Kimberley, Western Australia June 1944, Vol. 14, N.o 4

P. M. Worsley: Noun-piassification in Australian & Bantu: Formal or Semantic June 1954, Vol. 24, N.o 4,

S.A. Wurm & O.C. Laycock: The Question of Language & Dialect in New Guinea. December 1961, Vol. 32, N.o 2.

SOUTHWESTERN JOURNAL, OP ANTHROPOLOGY. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Spring 1964, Vol 20, n.o 1 Philip E. Leis — I jaw Enculturation: a Reexamination of the Early Learning Hypothesis.


Summer 1964, Vol. 20, N.° 2.

George M. Foster — Speech Forms and Perception of Social Distance in a Spanish-Speaking Mexican Village. Mauricio Swadesh — Interim Notes on Oaxacan Phonology.


Autumn 1964, Vol. 20, N.° 3.

Wallace L. Chafe — Linguistic Evidence for the Relative Age of Iroquois Reli­ gious Practices


Winter 1964, Vol. 20, N.° 4. Philip K. Bock — Social Structure and Language Structure. — 287 —

PHILOLOGICAL QUARTERLY. Iowa, October 1963, vol. XLII, 4. David V. Erdman — The Romantic Movement: A Selective and Critical Biblio­ graphy for the Year 1962. R.S. Sylvester — John Constable's Poems to Thomas More. Celeste Turner Wright — "Lazarus Pyott" and Other Inventions of Anthony Mundy. Brendan O Hehir — Vergil's First Georgic and Denham's Cooper's Hill. S. Bernard Chandler — The Innominato's Perception of Time in "I Promessi Sposi".


January 1964, vol. XLTJI, 1.

Joanne Spencer Kantrowitz — The Anglo-Saxon "Phoenix" and Tradition. Alain Renoir — Nibelungenlied and Waltharii Poesis: A note on Tragic Irony. Yvette Marie Fallandy — A Reexamination of the Role of the Biassed Virgin in the Miracles de Nostre Dame par personnages. J. Burke Severs — Chaucer's Self-Portralt in the Book of the Duchess. John F. Huntley — Prearesis, Synteresis, and the Ethical Orientation of Milton's «Of Educations.. Mother Mary Eleanor, S.H.C.J. — Anne Killigrew and Mac Flecknoe. George MacFadden — Elkanah Settle and the Genesis of Mac Flecknoe. Oliver W. Ferguson — Partridge's Vile Encomium: Fielding and Honest Billy Mills. John Clendenning — Emerson and Bayle. John Gardner — Bartleby: Art and Social Commitment. Norma Binsler — Gerard de Nerval: The Goddess and the Siren. Walter E. Geiger and Paul Smith — The Etymology of Hispanic «Sosegar».


april 1964, vol. XLIII, 2.

R.L. Colie — The Rhetoric of Transcendence. William Leigh Godshalk — Sidney's Revision of the Arcadia, Books 111-V. Jessie Rhodes Chambers — The episode of Annius and Mummius: Duciad IV 347-96. Homer Goldberg — Comic Prose Epic or Comic Romance: The argument cf the Preface to Joseph Andrews. C.B. Suits — Who Wrote "The History of Francis Wills?" Donald D. Eddy — John Hawkesworth: Book Reviewer in the «Gentleman's Magazine". Redding S. Sugg, Jr. — The Mood of Eighteenth-Century English Grammar. Frances Weber — Relativity and the Novel: Perez De Ayala's «Belarmino y Apolonio>. — 288 —


July 1964, vol. XLIII, 3

Earl Miner — Dryden as Prose Controversialist: His Role in «A Defence of the Royal Papers>>.

C.F. Burgess — John Gay to the Countess of Burlington: An Unpublished Letter.

IDEM October 1964, vol. XLIII, 4.

David V. Erdman — The Romantic Movement: A Selective and Critical Biblio­ graphy for the Year 1963. Joseph Westlund — The "Knight's Tale" as an Impetus for Pilgrimage. William Cadbury — Manipulation of Sources and the Meaning of the Manciple's Tale.

John Olin Eidson — Tennyson's «The Foresters" on the American Stage.

IDEM January 1965, vol. XLIV, 1.

Reginald Saner — "Inferno" X: Guido and the "città partita". Ed-ward Vasta — Truth, the Best Treasure, in Piers Plowman. Sacvan Bercovitch — Romance and Anti-Romance in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Jay Arnold Levine — Dryden's Song for St. Cecilia's Day, 1687. George Mayhew — Some Dramatizations of Swift's «Polite Conversation". Robert B. Pierce — Moral Education in the Novel of the 1750's. Norman Sherry — The Pilgrim Ship in «Lord Jim": Conrad's Two Sources. Bernard Benstock — Persian in «Finnegans Wake».

PMLA. Menasha, Wisconsin. September 1963, Vol. 78, N.° 4, Part 1

Lewis E. Nicholson: Oral Techniques in the Composition of Expanded Anglo- Saxon Verses. Robert M. Jordan: The Non-Dramatic Disunity of the Merchant's Tale. R.T. Lenaghan: The Nun's Priest's Fable. Donald L. Guss: Donne's Conceit Petrarchan Wit. A.B. Chambers: Wisdom and Fortitude in Samson Agonistes Paul R. Baumgartner: Jonathan Edwards: The Theory behind his Use of Figu­ rative Language. William Cadbury: Shape and Theme: Determinants of Tropolle's Forms. John W. Morris: Inherent Principles of Order in Richard Feverél. William Axton: Tonal Unity in Dombey and Son. Donald A. Ringe: Chiaroscuro as an Artistic Device in Cooper"a Fiction. — 289 —

Marshall Lindsay: The Versification of Corbiere's Les Amoura Jaunes. George M. Ridenour: Browning's Music Poems: Fancy and Fact. Robert Champigny: Analyse du Pont Mirdbeau. Jean Frantz Blackall: The Sacred Fount as a Comedy of the Limited Observer. Herbert Lederer: Arthur Schnitzler's Typology: An Excursion into Philosophy. Robert L. Chamberlain: Pussum, Minette, and the Africo-Nordic Symbol in Lawrence's Women in Love. Pierre Aubery: Regards sur L'ouvre de Georges Navel. Donald Tritschler: The Metamcrphic Stop of Time in «A Winter's Tale» Charles G. Hoffmann: The Genesis and Development of Joyce Cary's First Trilogy. Frances Wyers Weber: El Acoso Alejo Carpentir's War on Time.

PMLA. Menasha, Wisconsin. September 1963, Vol. 78, N.° 4, Part 2

William M. Gibson and Edwin H. Cady: Editions of American Writers, 1963: A Preliminary Survey. John C. Gerber: The 1962 Summer Institutes of the commission of English: Their Achievement and Promise. John Ashmead: English Literature Overseas: A Report on a British Conference. Ralph C. M. Flynt: The U.S. Office of Education Looks at Project English. J.N. Hook: Project English: The First Year. James R. Squire: College English Departments and Professional Efforts to Itnprove English Teaching.

PMLA. Menasha, Wisconsin. December 1963. Vol. 78, N.° 4

Lillian Herlands Hornstein: King Robert of Sicilya A New Manuscript. Charity Cannon Willard: A Portuguese Translation of Christine de Pisan's Livre des troia vertua. Thomas F. Van Laan: Everymans A Structural Analysis. Maria Soledad Carrasco Urgoiti: Aspectos Folclóricos y literários de la fiesta de moros y cristianos em Espafia. Judah Bierman: Science and Sociology in the New Atlantis and Ather Renais- sence Utopias. John T, Shawcross: One Aspect of Milton's Spelling: Idle Final "E". Mackie L. Jarrell: A New Swift Attribution: The Preface to Sheridan's Sermon on St. Cecilia's Day. Donald M. Lockhart: «The Fourth Son of the Mighty Emperor": The Ethiopian Background of Johnson's Rasaelas. Paul E. Farnell: The Sentimental Mask. Donald H. Reiman: Shelley's «The Triumph of Life»: The Biographical Problem. Sister Jane Marie Luecke, O.S.B.: Villains and Non-Villains in Hawthorne's Fiction. Anne Henry Ehrenpreis: Swinburne's Edition of Popular Ballads. William L. Phillips: The Imagery of Dreiser's Novels. — 290 —

Gloria Glikin: Dorothy M. Richardson: The Personal «Pilgrimage». Leo Gurko: The Lost Girl: D.H. Lawrence as a "Dickens of the Midlands". Ignace Feuerlicht: Camus's L'Etranger Reconsidered.

Madeleine Fields: De la Critique de la raison dialectique aux S6questr€s d'Altona.

PMLA. Menasha, Wisconsin. March 1964, Vol. 79, N.° 1

Marjorie Hope Nicolson: A Generous Education. Lillian Herlands: King Robert of Sicilya Analogues and Origins. Jacques G. Benay: L'Honnete Homme devant la Nature, ou la phllosophie du Chevalier de M6re. Eric Rothstein: Farquhar's Twin-Rivals and the Reform of Comedy. Harold E. Pagliaro: Paradox in the Aphorisms of La Rochefoucauld and 3omo Representative English Followers. Thomas R. Preston: Smollett and the Benevolent Misanthrope Type. Frank G. Ryder: Toward a Revaluation of Goethe's Gdts: Features of Recurrence. Irene H. Chayes: Rhetoric as Drama: An Approach to the Romantic Ode. Paul Hie: Nietzsche in Spain: 1890-1910. Roger C. Norton: The Inception of Hofmannsthal's Der Schwierigen Early Plans and Their Significance. David J. DeLaura: Arnold and Carlyle. N.N.. Feltes: George Eliot and the Unified Sensibility. Elliott B. Gose, Jr.: Pure Exercise of Imagination: Archetypal Symbolism in Lord Jim. Eben Bass: Dramatic Scene and The Awkward Age. Vernon A. Chamberlin: Galdos' Use of Yellow in Character Delineation. Alan Wilde: The Illusion of St. Mawr: Technique and Vision in D.H. Lawren­ ce's Novel. Thomas O. Brandt: Brecht und die Bibel.

PMLA. Menasha, Wisconsin May 1964, Vol. 79, N.° 2

Barnaby C. Keeney: The Arts and Humanities: Their Support and Development. Francis Keppei: Who Is to Speak for English? Northrop Frye: Elementary Teaching and Elemental Scholarship. D. Lee Hamilton: Teacher Training, the Heart of the Matter. Donald D. Walsh: The FL Program in 1963 Archibald T. MacAllister: The Preparation of College Teachers of Modern Fo­ reign Languages. A Conference Report.

PMLA. Menasha, Wisconsin. June 1964. Vol. 79, N.° 3

Anna Granville Hatcher and Mark Musa: Lucifer's Legs. Pierre Lioni Ullman: Stanzas 140-150 of the Libro de buen amor. Sam Meyer: The Figures of Rhetoric in Spenser's Colin Clout. Isidore Silver: Ronsard's Reflections on Cosmogony and Nature. — 291 —

Maurianne S. Adams: "Ocular Proof" in Othello and Its Source. Brendan O Hehir: "Lost", "Authorized", and "Pirated" Editions of John Denham's Coopers Hill Bruce A. Rosenberg: Annus Mirabilis Distilled. M. Ray Adams: Delia Cruscanism in America. David H. Stewart: Anna Kareninas The Dialectic of Prophecy. Muriel West: The Death of Miles in The Turn of the Screw. Erika Metzger-Hirt: Das Klopstockbild Stefan Georges und seines Kreises. Herbert Lehnert: Thomas Mann's Early Interest in Myth and Erwin Rohde's Psyche. Robert E. Lott: Azorén's Experimental Period and Surrealism- William M. Manly: Journey to Ccnsciousness : The Symbolic Pattern of Camus's L'Etranger. Arthur J. Knodel: Towards an Understanding of Anabase. PMLA. Menasha, Wisconsin. September 1964, Vol. 79, N.o 4, Part 1 Stith Thompson: The Challenge of Folklore. James L. Rosier: The Literal-Figurative Identity of The Wanderer. D.A. Ogilvy: Unferth: Foil to Beowulf? René Graziani: Elizabeth at Isis Church. Frank L. Huntley: Macbeth and the Background of Jesuitical Equivocation. Herbert Deinert: Die Entfaltung des Bösen in Böhmes Mysterium Magnum. Quentin M. Hope: Animals in Molière. Jean Gagen: Congreve's Mirabell and the Ideal of Gentleman. Jost Hermand: Schillers Abhandlung «Uber naive sentimentalische Dichtung" im Lichte der deutschen Popularphilosophie des 18. Jahrhunderts. George M. Ridenour: The Mode of Byron's Don Juan. Alex Zwerdling: The Mythographers and the Romantic Revival of Greek Myth. Frederick C. Crews: The Logic pf Compulsion in "Roger Malvin's Burial" Paul O. Williams: The Concept of Onspiration in Thoreau's Poetry. Martin Kanes: Zola, Pelletan, and La Tribune. Robert Scholes: Stephen Dedalus, Poet or Esthete? Alan Holder: T.S. Eliot on Henry James.

Victor H. Strandberg: Theme and Metaphor in Brother to Dragons.

PMLA. Menasha, Wisconsin. September 1964, Vol. 79, N.o 4, Part 2 William Riley Parker: The Case for Latin. Mildred V. Boy er: Languages Institutes and Their Future. Else M. Fleissner, Juan Marichal, Donald Pitkin and Ernest J. Simmons: Four Cultures (German, Hispanic, Italian, and Russian). Erwin R. Steinberg: Research on the Teaching of English under Project English. John Harmon, James Simms, and Hannelore Tierney: Manpower in the Neglicted Languages, Fall 1962 James N. Eshelman: Secondary School Foreign-Language Enrollments and Offe­ rings, 1958-62. — 292 —

PMLA. Menasha, Wisconsin. December, 1964, Volume 79, Number 5

James G. McManaway: Shakespeare in the United States René Girard: Camus's Stranger Retried. Morton Bloomfield: The Form of Deor. Siegfried Wenzel: Chaucer's Troilus of Book IV. Stanley G. Eskin: Mythic Unity in Rabelais. Norman S. Grabo: Edward Taylor's Spiritual Huswifery. Philip Stevick: Fielding and the meaning of History. M.G. Cooke: The Restoration Ethos of Byron's Classical Plays. Thomas Philbrick: Cooper's The Pioneers: Origins and Structure. Francis J. Carmody: Rimbaud and La Tentation de Saint Antoine. Hassan El Nouty: Théâtre et anti-tréâtre au dix-neuvième siècle. Lona Mosk Packer: Maria Francesca to Dante Gabriel Rosaetti: Some Unpublished Letters. Norman Sherry: «Exact Biography» and The Shadow-Line. Porter Williams, Jr. : The Matter of Conscience in Conrad's The Secret Sharer. William T. Moynihan. Dylan Thomas and the «Biblical Rhythm» Alfredo Lozada: Estilo y poesia de Pablo Neruda: Examen de la interpretación de Amado Alonso de Residencia en la tierra.

PMLA. Menasha, Wisconsin. March 1965, Volume 80, Number 1

Morris Bishop: Research and Reward. Ernest M. Wolf: Rilke's «L'Ange du Méridien": A Thematic Analysis. William Whallon: The Idea of God in Beowulf. Edwin H. Zeydel: The Medieval of Germany as German Literature John Reidy: Chaucer's Canon and the Unity of The Canon's Yeoman's Tale. Alex Newell: The Dramatic Context and Meaning of Hamlet's «To be or not to be" Soliloquy. Joel J. Gold: Johnson's Translation of Lobo Alicia Ostriker: Song and Speech in the Metrics of George Herbert. Francis Christensen: Intellectual Love: The Second Theme of The Prelude. Carl F. Hovde: Literary Materials in Thoreau's A Week. B.F. Bart: Flaubert's Concept of the Novel. Donald Smalley: Joseph Arnold and Robert Browning: New Letters (1842-50) and a Verse Epistle. James D. Williams: The Use of History in Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee Walter Langlois: The Debut of André Malraux, Editor (Kra, 1920.22). Emery E. George: Some New Hölderlin Deciphermonts from the «Homburger Folioheít».

REVISTA CAMONIANA. São Paulo, 1964, 1



Antônio Álvaro Dórla Camões visto por Aquilino Ribeiro — 293 —

Brian F. Head Camões and Melville H. Howens Post Camões et 1'épopée hollandaise de J. F. Helmers de 1812. R. M. Walker An interpretation of the role of the supernatural in Os Lusíadas. Luís Piva O Concílio dos Deuses: Vénus e Baco n'Os Lusíadas Madonna Letzring

The influence of Camoens in the English Literature


Alvaro Lins Jornal de Critica, 7.a série Thomas Hart The Lusiads and the Modem reader C. Malcom Batchelor Uma fonte possível d'Os Lusíadas BIBLIOGRAFIA








José Carlos Garbuglio







Alberto Machado da Rosa EÇA, DISCÍPULO DE MACHADO? (por Fernando Mendonça).

João Alves das Neves POETAS E CONTISTAS AFRICANOS DE EXPRESSÃO PORTU­ GUESA (por Fernando Mendonça). Luis de Camões OBRA COMPLETA. Organização, introdução, comentários e no­ tas de Antônio Salgado Júnior (por Fernando Mendonça). A. D. Deyermond THE PETRARCHAN SOURCES OF LA CELESTINA (por Fer­ nando Mendonça). H. Benac GUIDE POUR LA RECHERCHE DES IDÉES DANS LES DIS­ SERTATIONS ET DANS ÉTUDES LITERAIRES (por Vítor Ra­ mos). Jean Rousset ANTHOLOGIE DE LA POESIE BAROQUE FRANÇAISE (por Vítor Ramos). R. L. Wagner e J. Pinchón GRAMMAIRE DU FRANÇAIS CLASSIQUE ET MODERNE (por Vítor Ramos). Lozenzo Mondo CESARE PAVESE (por Antônio Lázaro de Almeida Prado). Ricardo Novas Ruiz LITERATURA Y COMPROMISO (por Antonio Lázaro de Almeida Prado). Ricardo Novas Ruiz SER Y ESTAR. ESTUDIO SOBRE EL SISTEMA ATRIBUTIVO DEL ESPAÑOL (por Manoel Dias Martins). Donald Pizer HAMLIN GARLAND'S EARLY WORK AND CAREER (por Ma­ rio Mascherpe).

Franklin R. Rogers. THE PATTERN FOR MARK TWAIN" S ROUGHING IT (por Mário Mascherpe). — 295 —

Charles H. Nilón FAULKNER AND THE NEGRO (por Mário Mascherpe). NOVELAS INGLESAS. Seleção, prefácio e notas de Jorge de Sena (por Aniceta de Mendonça).

Jorge de Sena A LITERATURA INGLESA (por Aniceta de Mendonça).

H. Montgomery Hyde OSCAR WILDE: THE AFTERMATH (por Aniceta de Medonça)-

L. Liard LÓGICA (por Leónidas Hegenberg).

F. Miró-Puesada LÓGICA (por Leónidas Hegenberg).

P. H. Nidditch THE DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICAL LOGIC; PROPOSI- TIONAL CALCULUS (por Leonidas Hegenberg). I. M. Copi SYMBOLIC LOGIC (por Leonidas Hegenberg). H. B. Curry FOUNDATIONS OF MATHEMATICAL LOGIC (por Leónidas He­ genberg) . Grupo de Estudos do Ensino da Matemática MATEMÁTICA MODERNA PARA O ENSINO SECUNDARIO (por Leonidas Hegenberg). G. T. Kneebone MATHEMATICAL LOGIC AND THE FOUNDATIONS OF MA­ THEMATICS (por Leónidas Hegen berg). Hughes Leblanc STATISTICAL AND INDUCTIVE PR PROBABILITIES (por Leónidas Hegenberg). Frédéric Mauro LE PORTUGAL ET L'ATLANTIQUE AU XVIIe SIE'CLE (por Virgílio Noya Pinto). José Ferreira Carrato AS MINAS GERAIS E OS PRIMORDIOS DO CARAÇA (por Vir­ gílio Noya Pinto). Fidelino de Figueiredo O MÊDO DA HISTORIA (por Carlos de. Assis Pereira). Ledo Ivo O UNIVERSO POÉTICO DE RAUL PÓMPELA (por Tereza Pires Vara). H. Haroldo Anderson e outres CREATIVITY AND ITS CULTIVATION (por Lívia Ferreira).

REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE FILOLOGIA. Coimbra, 1962-1963, 12, 2.

Artigos :

M ARGHERITA MORREALE — Algumas adiciones al "Diccionario crítico" de Corominas sacadas de las antiguas biblias judeoespañolas. — 296 —

MARIA ALVES LIMA — Matosinhos. Contribuição para o estudo da lingua­ gem, etnografia e folclore do conselho.

MARIA JOSÉ DE MOURA SANTOS — Os falares fronteiriços de Trás-os. Montes.


ADRIANO LEITE TEIXEIRA — O francês fundamental. (A propósito de tra­ balhos recentes).

PEDRO CUNHA SERRA — Algumas considerações a respeito de uma nota.

Recensões criticas

Publicações recebidas e Notas bibliográficas

In Memoriam:

HEINZ KRÖLL — Max Leopold Wagner (1880-1962).

Vida do Instituto de Estudos Românicos

M. PAIVA BOLÉO — 1. Exposição de revistas e de teses de licenciatura. 2. Palestras de extensão universitária. 3. Exibição de filmes sobre as técnicas modernas do ensino de línguas vivas. 4. «Revista de His­ tória Literária de Portugal».

REVISTA DE PORTUGAL. Lisboa, dezembro de 1963, 28.


FERNANDO SYLVAN, A Universidade de Brasília e a irradiação da Língua e Cultura Portuguesa. ROGÉRIO JÚDICE LEOTE CAVACO, Novo conceito dos vocábulos Drdgea, Dra- geia, Orajéia e Granjeia.

MARIA ALEXANDRA TAVARES CARBONELL PICO, Anotações ao "Dicionário Etimológico da Língua Portuguesa", de José Pedro Machado. FERNANDO CASTELO-BRANCO, Leite de Vasconcelos apreciado por Oliveira Martins.

J. DIOGO CORREIA, Notas toponímicas — Alares — Argemela — Odrinhas. MARIO GONÇALVES VIANA, A linguagem na imaturidade — 7. Vocabulário. Continuação.

Notas várias — Permuta de Provérbios... — Terminologia de bibliotecários.


Cancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacional (Antigo Colocci-Brancuti) — Leitura, Comen­ tários e Glossário por ELZA PAXECO MACHADO e JOSÉ PEDRO MACHADO — Vol. VIII — Glossário — Continuação. — 297 —

REVUE DES ÉTUDES ANCIENNES. Bordeaux, juillet-décembre 1963. vol. LXV, 3-4 G. Roux — Kypséle. Où avait-on caché le petit Kypsélos? Cl. Mossé — Armée et cité grecque (A propos de Thucydide, VII, 77, 4-5).

L. Robert — Nouvelles inscriptions d'Iasos. J. Perret — Salluste et la prose métrique. Problème de méthode et perspectives historiques.

IDEM, janvier-juin 1964, vol. LXVI, 1-2.

J. Brunei — Dos Anténorides à Cyrène et l'interprétation littérale de Pindare, Pythique V, v.82-88.

Y. Vernière — Le Léthé de Plutarque.

J. Desanges — Les territoires gétules de Juba 11.

P. Veyne — Martial, Virgile et quelques épitaphes.

J. Pépin — Une nouvelle source de saint Augustin: le Zetema de Porphyre sur l'union de l'âme et du corps.

P. Antin — La mort de saint Martin.

IDEM, juillet-décembre 1964, vol. 1XVI, 3-4.

J. Pouilloux — Eschyle, adaptateur d'Archiloque.

E. Mastrokostas — Inscriptions de Locride et de Thessalie.

Éd. Will — Ophellas, Ptolémée, Cassandre et la chronologie.

P. Salama — L'empereur Macrin «Parthicus Maximus".

Antiquités Nationales



Notes et discussions

G. Dumézil — Quaestiunculae indo-italicae, 17.18.

P. Grimai — Lucrèce et son public.

J. P. Bourcher — Le second livre de Properce.

R. Chevalier — L'évolution de la peinture romaine.

Études et Mémoites

R. Bloch — Parenté entre religion de Rome et religion d'Ombrie: thèmes de recherches.

E. Paratore — La structure du Pseudolus.

M. Bollack — La chaîne almantine. R. Dion — Les campagnes de César en l'année 55. P. Boyancé — Cicéron et le Premier Alcibiade. E. DeSaint-Denis — Sur une traduction inédite en alexandrins de la deuxième Églogue virgilienne. M. Ruch — Horace et les fondements de la iunetura dans l'ordre de la création poétique.

G. Ch. Picard — Les Sufètes de Carthage dans Tite-Live et Cornélius Népos. J. P. Chausserie-Laprée — Les structures et les techniques de l'expression nar­ rative chez les historiens latins.

P. Grimai — L'originalité de Sénèque dans la tragédie de Phèdre. A. Michel — La date des Satires: Juvénal, Héliodore et le tribun d'Arménie. E. Turk — Les Saturnales de Macrobe, source de Servius Dar.ielis. Dom P. Antin, Autour du songe de saint Jérôme.

Bultetin archéologique

Bulletin critique: Linguistique et philelogie — Histoire des textes — Histoire littéraire — Éditions de textes. Collections — Editions diverses — Sciences historiques — Histoire des religions — Archéologie — Épi- graphie et numismatique — Droit romain — Latin chrétien et mé­ diéval — Ouvrages scolaires — Mélanges et encyclopédies.

IDEM, 1964 Tome XLII.

Chronique des études latines

J. Marouzeau — Pour prendre congé.

A. Michel — Le quatrième congrès de la Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Études Classiques.

Mlle J. Ernst — La Fédération internationale des Associations d'Études classiques; son origine, ses buts, son activité.

P. RomanelU — L'unité des études classiques.

H. G. Pflaum — Tendances politiques et administratives au 2.o 3iôcle de notre ère

P. Courcelle — Deux grands courants de pens<5e dans la littérature latine tardive; stoicisme et néo-platonisme.

Notes et discussions

R. Chevallier — La céramique grecque décorée et la peinture archaïque et classique

J. Granarolo — Une édition de Catulle.

P. Jal — Le vocabulaire politique de la Rome républicaine.

J. P. Bourcher — Une édition de Properce.

A. Chastagnol — L'évolution de la société, de l'économie et de l'administration sous le Bas-Empire. — 299 —

Mlle M. J. Rondeau — D'une édition des Lettres de saint Jérôme.

H. I. Marron — Un manuscrit orné de saint Augustin.

Dom J. Froger — La critique de texte: une variante de la méthode de Dom Quentin.

H. Spitzmuller — Une nouvuvelle édition des Carmina de Pic de la Mirandole.

Études et Mémoires

A. Haury — Cicéron et l'astronomie.

Cl. Nicolet — Le «De Republica» et la dictature de Scipion.

J. Heurgon — L'épizootie du Norique et l'histoire.

J. Perret — Les compagnes de Didon aux Enfers.

G. Blangez — La composition mésodique et l'ode d'Horace.

J. P. Bourcher — Properce et Callimaque. J. M. Croisilla — Liuex communs, sententiae et intentions philosophiques dans la Phèdre de Sénèque. P. Veyne — Le "je" dans le Satiricon. A. Le Boeuf fie — Quelques erreurs ou difficultés astronomiques chez Celumelle. P. Boyancé — La science d'un quindécemvir au premier siècle après J. C. L. Callebat — L'Archaïsme dans les Métamorphoses d'Apulée. J. M. Courtes — Figures et tropes dans le psautier de Cassiodore. J. P. Morel — Pubes et contio d'après Plaute et Tite-Live. CI. Moussy — Gratus et iucundus. P. Poncelet — Statisme et évolution dans l'histoire du latin écrit. J. Scubiran — Rechesches sur la clausule du sénaire (trimètre) latin: les mots longs finaux.

R. Dion — Rhenus bicornis.

R. Villers — Le droit romain: mythes et asymptotes.



P. AEBISCHER, La diffusion de plebs "paroisse" dans l'espace et dans le temps. R. ARVEILLER, Sur l'origine de quelques mots français. K. BALDINGER, Sémasiologie et onomasiologie. J. BOUTDÎRE, Les 3e personnes du singulier en a des parfaits de Ire conjugaison dans les «biographies» des troubadours.

J. C. BOUVIER, Enquêtes dialectologiques et documents écrits de l'époque mo­ derne dans le Drôme provençale. M. BURGER, La nasalisation spontanée dans les dialectes de la plaine vaudoise et fribourgeoise: conditions et extension du phénomène. C. CAMPROUX, La langue au fil de l'eau. — 300 —

M. COMPANYS, Particularités de la flexion verbale du Donnezan. P. DURDILLY, Nouveaux fragments du livre de comptes d'un marchand lyonnais. S. ESCOFFIER, Glanures lexicologiques dans le nord du domaine occitan. P. GARDETTE, En marge des atlas linguistiques du Lyonnais, du Massif central, du francoprovençal du Centre Les influences des parlera preven- çaux sur les parlers francoprovençaux. J. G. GIGOT, Raison et méthode d'une révision totale du cartulaire roussillonnais sur la base des documents originaux. — Vue d'ensemble sur les plus anciens textes d'archives des Pyrénées-Orienta­ les: textes antérieurs à l'an mille.

H. GLATTLI, De quelques emplois du subjonctif en français moderne.

M. FONON, Glossaire farézien du XVe siècle d'après les testaments.

H. GUITER, Quelques curieuses modifications de désignations toponymiques dans les documents carolingiens des Pyrénées orientales.

H. G. KOLL, Pour une étude des rapports entre langue et pensée dans la poésie des troubadours occitans.

R. LAFONT, Remarques sur l'emploi de c introductif de verbe principal en an­ cien occitan.

A. LANLY, Quelques observations sur le patois du plateau d'TJssel.

— , Contribution de la "linguistique externe" à l'étude de l'ancien français estrumelê (et de trumel/trumeau).

O. NANDRIS, La consonne implosive en ancien provençal.

E. NÈGRE, Traits caractéristiques de l'Albigeois.

J. Orr, Le français vu d'cutre-Manche.

V. RATEL e G. TUAILLON, Deux contes de Maurienne

A- REY, La sarabande. Essai de sémantique historique.

G. ROHLFS, La Langue d'oc, carrefour des langues romanes.

A. ROSETTI, Remarques sur la phonologie historique du roumain. J. SALVAT, Les hésitations linguistiques des écrivains occitans e de la première moite du XIXe. siècle (1800-1850).

J. STEFANINI, Dictionnaires provençaux inédits du XVIIIe. siècle. G. TUAILLON, Limite nort du provençal à l'est du Rhône.

Chronique bibliographique.


ROMANIA. Parie, 1963, 84.

Artigos :

DIEGO CATALAN, El taller historiográfico Alfonsi. Métodos y problemas en el trabajo compilatorio. JOHN L. GRIGSBY, A New Source of the Livre du Chevalier de La Tour Landry. — 301 —


PIERRE LE GENTIL, La strophe zadjalesque, les khardjas et le problème des origines du lyrisme roman.

MAX LIEBERMAN, Auteur de l'iconographie gersonienne.

JEAN MARX, Étude sur les rapports de la 3e continuation du Conte du Oraal de Chrétien de Troyes avec le cycle du Lancelot en prose en général et la Queste del saint Graal en particulier.

ALEXANDRE MICHA, Les manuscrits du Lancelot em prose (deuxième et troi­ sième articles).

STEPHEN G. NICHOLS JR., Style and Structure in Gormont et Isembart. I. S. RÉVAH, La question des substrats et superstrats dans le domaine linguisti que brésilien. GUNNAR TILANDER, De sa femme ne voit mie, construction syntaxique d'origi­ ne cynégétique. R. VIJLBRIEF, Voir PAUL ZUMTHOR.

PAUL ZUMTHOR, E. —G. HESSING et R. VIJLBRIEF, Essai d'analyse des procédés fatraslques.


FANNI BOGDANOW, Un nouveau fragment d'Aymeti de Narbonne. RENÄE L. CURTIS, Les deux versions du Tristan en prose: examen de la théo­ rie de Löseth. MICHEL DUBOIS, De quelques locutions où figure le nom du saule.

JEAN FRAPPIER, Note complémentaire sur l'expression "au chemin fors" dans le Tristan de Béroul (v. 1909). GUSTAF HOLMÉR, Latin médiéval italien tusicius, vieil espagnol tosiza. PIERRE LE GENTIL, Note complémentaire à propos des khardjas. RICHARD O'GORMAN, Un nouveau fragment du Merlin en prose de Robert de


J. C. PATEN, Encore Guillaume de Dole sonz moi, v. 647.

PETER RICHARD, Chascun jour et tous les jours en français médiéval.

GUNNAR TILANDER, Ce n'est pas de merveille.

— , L'évolution du x latin das le péninsule ibérique. JULIAN EUGENE WHITE, La Chanson de Roland. Secular or Religious Inspira­ tion? PAUL ZUMTHOR, Les planctus épiques.

Comptes rendus

E. DROZ et H. LEWICKA, Le recueil Trepperei, t. II, Les Farces (Félix Lecoy). Fin du moy âse et Renaissance, Mélanges de philologie française offerts à Robert Guiette (Félix Lecoy). — 302 —

RAMÓN MENÉNDEZ PIDAL, La Chanson de Roland y el ncotradicionalismo; éd. fr. sous le titre de La Chanson de Roland et la tradition épique des Francs, 2e éd. revue... par l'auteur avec le concours de René Louis, trad. par I. —M. Cluzel (Félix Lecoy).

Le Mystère d'Adam (Ordo representacions Ade), publ. par Paul Aebischer (Félix Lecoy).

W. NOOMEN, Étude sur les formes métriques du «Mystère du vieil Testament» (Robert-Léon Wagner).


Annonces et comptes rendus sommaires


ROMANIA. Paris, 1964, 85.

Artigos :

NORMAND R. CARTIER, Oton de Grandson et sa princesse. MARCEL DANDO, Deux traductions provençales partielles du Libre de Doctrina puéril, de Raymond Lulle, associées à des remaniements de la Somme de Roi.

PIERRE GALLAIS, Formules de conteur et interventions d'auteur dans les ma­ nuscrits de la Continuation-Gauvain.

MAX LIEBERMAN, Autour de l'iconographie gersonienne (Suite). Le tombeau de Philippe le Hardi.

ALEXANDRE MICHA, La tradition manuscrite du Lancelot en prose.

MADELEINE PARDO, Un épisode du Victorial: Biographie et élaboration ro­ manesque .

PETER RICKARD, Toute jour, le jour et toute la journée en français mé­ diéval . HUGH SHIELDS, Philippe de Thaon, auteur du Livre de Sibylle?

GIUSEPPE DI STEFANO, Un sermon français inédit de Jean Courtecuisse Justum adiutorium.


GÉRARD — J. BRAULT, OF adenx, endens, latin ad dentés, in dentés.

PAUL W. BROSMAN JR., East Gothic — W — in Romance

—, Italian schippire.

JACQUES CHAURAND, Étymologie de l'adjectif veule.

MICHEL DUBOIS, Ane. fr. taleboté.

JEAN DUFOURNET, A propos d'un article récent sur Villon et Robert d' Estou- teville. ALBERT HENRY, Ancien français deruire.

— Ancien français racointier (Pour le commentaire au Jeu de saint Nicolas, v. 728). FÉLIX LECOY, Sur un passage délicat du Roman de la Rose (v. 5532 de l'édi. tion Langlois).

— Sur un passage difficile de Rutebeuf (Chanson des Ordres, vv. 49-50).

LYNETTE MUIR, A Reappraisal of the Prose Yvain (National Library of Wales, Ms. 444-D).

MICHAEL MURJANOFF, Note sur deux nouveaux frangments de l'Aliscans.

G. RAYNAUD DE LAGE, Du style de Réroul.

T.B.W. REID, On the Interprétation of Béroul, Tristan 4223-5.

KEITH V. SINCLAIR, Encore t'as.

GUNNAR TILANDER, Le type n'euist pas d'aigue dans Li dialoge Grégoire lo Pape du XIIe siècle.

HENRI YVON, Le passé simple est-il en voie de disparition?

Comptes rendus

RACHEL BROMWICH, Trioedd Ynys Prydein (The Welsh Triads), éd-, trad. et comment. (Jean Marx). JEAN FROISSART, L'espinette amoureuse, éd. par Anthime Fourrier (Félix Lecoy). MACÉ DE LA CHARITE , La Bible, IV, Ruth. Judith, Tobie, Esther, Daniel, Job, vol. publ. par Henry-C-M. Van Der Krabben (F. Lecoy). LEONARDO OLSCHKI, II castello del Re Pescatore e 1 suci misteri nel "conte del Graal" di Chrétien de Troyes (F. Lecoy). VALENTIN PUTANEC, Un sirventes en ancien français sur le concile de Lyon en 1274. (F. Lecoy). JACQUES STIENNON, L'écriture diplomatique dans le diocèse de Liège du Xle au milieu du XHIe siècle. Reflet d'une civilisation (Jacques Mon- frin).


Annonces et comptes rendus sommaires


ROMANI A. Paris, 1965, 86, fasc. 1.


JEAN FRAPPIER, La brisure du couplet dans Ereo et Enid-

K.V. SINCLAIR, Les manuscrits du Psautier de Lambert le Bègue.

J.C. PAYEN, Le Dies irae dans la prédication de la mort et des fins dernières au moyen âge. MAX L. BERKEZ, JR., The Liber sancti Jacobi: The French Adaptation by Pierre de Beauvais. — 304 —


FAITH LYONS, Beauté et lumière dans le Perceval de Chrétien de Treyes. FABIENNE GÉGOU, Adam le Bossu était-il mort en 1288? FÉLIX LE.COY, Meain et forain dans le Roman de Brut. Comptes rendus Périodiques Chronique


Allgemein-romanistischer Teil Chronik Vertretung des romanischen Philologie an deutschen und ausländischen Universitäten: Deutschland » Österreich Italien

Die romanistischen Dissertationen

Im Jahre 1961 angenommene Doktorarbeiten

Im Jahre 1961 in Arbeit befindliche Dissertationen

Aufsätze und Berichte

HANS HELMUT CHRISTMANN, Strukturelle Sprachwissenschaft. II. Teil:

Bericht über neuere Arbeiten. RAYMOND JOLY, Les chansons d'histoire. FRITZ NEUBERT, EinfUrung in die französische und italienische Epistolarliteritur der Renaissance und ihre Probleme.

NICOL C. W. SPENCE, Sidelights on the Cymbalum Mundi. DIETER BEYERLE, Rousseaus zweiter Discours und das Goldene Zeitalter. LILIAN R. FÜRST, Madame Bovary and Effi Briest. EDUARD VON JAN, Das Bild der Jeanne d'Arc in den letzten zehn Jahren. Buchbesprechungen — Buchanzeigen Ibero-romanistischer Teil

Aufsätze und Berichte HELLIMUTH PETRICONI, Roland, Don Quijote und Simson.

ERICH KÖHLER. Ritterliche Welt und villano. Bemerkungen zum Cuento del emperador Carlos Maynes e de la enperatris Seuilla.

JOSÉ MARIA NAVARRO DE ADRIAENSENS, La continuación del Lazarillo de Luna y la aventura del Lago Mummel en el Simplicissimus.

MARGOT KRUSE, Ariost und Cervantes.

ERIKA LORENZ, Calderón und die Astrologie.

HERMANN TIEMANN, Die Bedeutung des "Spanish Plots" für das englische Drama der Frührestauration. — 305 —

WALTER PABST, Góngora als Musterautor in Deutschland. Bericht über Nachdichtungen in drei Jahrhunderten.

BERNHARD KÖNIG, Der irrende Ritter und sein Stallmeister. Zwei Anmerkun­ gen zu Tiecks Übersetzung des Don Quijote.

OLAF DEUTSCHMANN, Abstrakt-koncrete Ausdrucksformen im Spanischen.

HANS SCHNEIDER, Notas sobre el lenguaje popular y caló salvadoreños.

Buchbesprechungen — Buohanzeigen

SICVLORUM GYMNASIVM. Catania, 1964, 17.

Studi e saggi

ROSARIO ANASTASI, Quando fu composto il carme eis ía pythioia thermá. —, Sul «Phllopatris».

CESARE G. CECIONI, Introduzione all'Ekatompathia di Thomas WaUon.

CARLO CORDIfi, "Glan Pietro da Core" e la societä italiana della fin» dell'Otto- cento. CARMELO MUSUMARRA, Pirandello critico.

RUDOLF PFEIFFER, Philologia perennis. Contributi e documenti

GIUSEPPE ANGELO, II teatro greco di Siracusa visto da artisti e viaggiatori straníeri del Settecento.

ROSARIO ANASTASI, Anthologia Palatina IX, 446.

CESARE CECIONI, A proposito della lingüistica strutturale.

GIACOMO MANGANARO, Cittá di Sicilia e santuarii panellenici nel III e II sec. a. C. GULIO NATALI, Ricordo di Giovanni Gentile (con XIX sue lettere inedite).

GIUSEPPE SPADARO. Appunti sulla fortuna del Petrarca In Grecia. Note e discussioni

ROSARIO ANASTASI, N°ta sul "Philopatris". FRANCESCO DELBONO. A proposito di una recente pubblicazione sul Nibelun­ genlied. GIACOMO MANGANARO, Per la identificazione di Troina con Engyon.

LIA SECCI, Da Sofocle a Sartre.


GIUSEPPE SPADARO, Ricordo di Henri Grégoire.

Rassegna di libri di filología classica, a cura di Q. Cataudella.



Aufsätze WALTHER VON WARTBURG, Das burgundische Superstrat im frankoprovenza- lischen Wortschatz. — 306 —

KLAUS HEGER, Kriterien zur Bewertung der lexikalischen Sonderstellung einer Sprachlandschaft.

RICHARD O'GORMAN, The Legend of Joseph of Arimathea and the Old French Epic Huon de Bordeaux.

KURT REICHENVERGER, Die literarischen Epochenstile des 16. Jahrhunderts im Lichte der französischen Druckermanerken.

ALEXANDRE LORIAN, Mongaigne — De l'impératif (étude de style).

LUDWIG SÖLL, Astur. — arag. Busto.

JOHANNES HUBSCHIMD, Aspan., agaliz. busto 'Weideland' und spätlat. bustar 'Ochsenstall'. GERHARD ROHLFS, Zur Etymologie von bizarre. Besprechungen.



MARIO CACCIAGLIA, Appunti sul problema delle fonti del Romanze di «Floire et Blancheflor».

LEO POLLMANN, Joi e Salatz.

GERMAN COLÓN, El griego masaliota y los ornitónimos: acerca del francés compère-loriot y del alemán PiroZ "oropéndola".

PAUL FALK, Encore une fois compère-loriot et allem. Pirol.

GERMAN /COLÓN, Une fois de plus compère-loriot et allem. Pirol.

HANS FLASCHE, Das Wort raison im 16. Jahrhundert: Zur Methodik der mo­ dernen Wortforschung.

HENRI VERNAY, Autour du mot raison ao XVIe siècle.

KLAUS HEGER, Zu den Methoden un Möglichkeiten einer quantitativen Linguistik.

MANFRED HÖFLER, Zur französischen Musikterminolcgie des 17. Jahrhunderts.

JOSÉ L. PENSADO, Ordinales desconocidos del Galaicoportugués.

WILHELM GIESE, Zu span. — Id — ans teile von arab. dad.
