Odonatologica 16(2): 201-207 June I. 1987

Sperm competitionin elegans (Vander Linden)

(Zygoptera: )

P.L. Miller

Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road

Oxford, OX1 3PS, United Kingdom

Received March 19, 1986 / Accepted July 10, 1986

examination times The capture, preservation and subsequent at known during

copulation has shown that most mature females copulate more than once. By marking

copulating pairs it was found that some females accepted second males on the same

day. Copulations ofdecapitatedmales with intact females were relatively short-lasting

as also was the case when both sexes had been decapitated.However, copulations of

of intact males with decapitated females were long-lasting and resembled those

undisturbed pairs. Males therefore apparently control the duration of copulation.

Measurements of volumes in females the that sperm copulating support hypothesis

rivals from from the copulating males remove all the sperm of the bursa, but none

3 spermatheca. Sperm vesicles of males contain a mean of0.011 ± 0.0019 mm ( n=14)

of of females after transfer contain during stage 1 copulation. Spermathecae sperm a

3 mean of 0.0064 ± 0.0023 mm (n=I I), whereas bursae contain a mean of 0.0023 ±

3 0.0009 mm (n=14). During stage II of copulation, males transfer the whole vesicle

about the the contents, which is 5 times volume that can be accommodated in bursa.

This apparent anomaly is discussed.


Ischnura sometimes for than known inother spp. copulate periods longer are

species of (KRIEGER & KR1EGER-LOIBL, 1958; PAULSON &

CANNINGS, 1980; ROBERTSON, 1985). In a population of I. elegans

(Vander L.) examined in southern France, copulation commonly lasted for

of 6-7 h, and I suggested that such long copulations represent a form mate

guarding by the male (MILLER, 1987). This may have benefited males since

for females in females competition the high-density population was strong, and

did not oviposit until late in the day. 1 described a method which allowed

copulation to be observed closely in pairs whose heads had been crushed and 202 P.L. Miller

this movements of the whose abdomens had been dissected. In way the penis

of the female could be watched and within the transparent genital tract filmed, and removal of sperm from the bursa by the penis was witnessed (MILLER,

in 1987). It is important to know more about the extent of sperm competition this species, and to this end copulating pairs were caught and preserved at

from femalesand their volumes recorded times. Sperm masses were dissected out

of WAAGE The were measured following the methods (1979, 1982, 1984). results, presented here, show that females commonly mate more than once, and

removed from the bursa but not from the they suggest that sperm are sperma-

in with what has been found in I. ramburi theca by a copulating male, agreement

(WAAGE, 1986).


abundant and flooded fields close a biological Ischnura elegans was very at some ponds recently to

Tour du Valat in the France 04° research station at La Camargue, southern (43° 30'N, 30'E), during

recorded July and August, 1984 and 1985, Single females and copulatingpairs were caught at times;

in heads were immediatelypreserved 2% formaldehyde their were crushed ("decapitation”) and they

while still in copula. Further copulatingpairs were caught, marked on the wings with a permanent-

-ink writer, and then released.

the total other The terms "sperm volume” and "sperm mass" areused tomean mass of sperm and

seminal which and be the male or the materials (e.g. fluids) accompany sperm may produced by

assessed in In the first (cf. WAAGE, 1979, 1984) female. Sperm volumes were one of two ways.

and offemales and their and sperm masses were dissected out from the bursae spermathecae lengths

breadths measured under with Their estimated were a binocular microscope a graticule. lengthx

breadth then in units which could be used to make mean was calculated to give a figure arbitrary

the volumes measured 3 comparisons between individuals. In the second method, were in mm by

from females from the vesicles of males uniform thickness compressing sperm masses or sperm to a

100 under slide. The area of the mass was then accurately of n m a supported coverslip on a

under microscope and from this the determined by drawing it on squared paper a high-power

the showed reliability for volume was calculated. Repeated measurements on same masses good

but bursae the cylindrical spermathecal masses and for the kite-shaped masses from sperm vesicles,

because of the sometimes less than 100 mu' gave more variable values probably parts mass were


and estimated the Values are expressed in means ± standard deviations significance was using

Mann Whitney U test. The state of maturity ofinsects was estimated from body coloration (PARR

& PALMER, 1971; HAMMOND, 1983).



in tandem between 08.00 Nine pairs of I. elegans were caught pre-copulatory

sunrise at 06.29 h and 08.30 h (a time when many copulations were starting; was

and the of the females wereexamined. Table I shows on 31st July) storage organs

contain in both and all had therefore that all wire foundto sperm storage organs Sperm competition in Ischnura elegans 203

In further 20 females I of copulated on a previous day. a caught during stage well-filled copulation at a time when all the corresponding males had sperm

their and contained vesicles, 19 had abundant sperm in spermathecae, one no

Thus 28 out of29 copulating females examined contained and had sperm. sperm copulated previously. the Forty copulating pairs were then captured between 09:30 and 10:30 h; released still in males and females were both marked on the wings and then

found in with unmarked males later copula. Of these, 2 females were copulation males the on the same day, 2 were found with unmarked on following morning, and one was found in copulation with an unmarked male48 h later. Thus some

males the the after females accepted second on same or subsequent day a mating,

if first male had transferred A further 33 but it was not known the sperm. pairs

09:15 and 10:15 h and the heads of the males were therefore captured between in where were crushed. They were then marked on the wings and released a region

flew off the but they could be observed. In some pairs the female towing male, had after 78 most remained settled. Of 15 pairs which were watched, 5 separated min and the remainderhad doneso after 2 h. After separation, the femaleseither

while males the The perched nearby or flew off the dropped to ground. copula-

like that of in which the heads ofboth had tory performance was pairs partners been crushed (MILLER, 1987). Eighty minafterthefirst pair had been released, a male. the marked female was found in copulation with a new unmarked During

in with unmarked ensuing 4 h, 7 marked females were found copulation males,

and a further 2 were in tandem. The second copulations persisted for at least an

normal. Thus females which had hour and activity appeared to be some copu-

latedwith decapitated males accepted second males within a few hours ofleaving

the first. Sperm transfer by decapitated males was not confirmed, but previous

observations have shown that it does occur when both partners have been

decapitated (MILLER, 1987).

marked the Thirteen pairs, captured between 10:30and 10:50 h, were on wings

and then released after crushing the heads of the females. Of these, 10 were

observed to continue to copulate for at least 150 min, and of these 2 continuedfor

after which females and the males flew off. Thus intact 280 min, the were dropped

males copulated with decapitated females for 2-4.5 h, whereas decapitated males

copulated with intact females for about 1-1.5h, as did pairs in which the heads of

This that males control the both had been crushed (MILLER, 1987). suggests

durationof copulation. In the same population undisturbed pairs were found to

whereas copulate for a mean of 324 ± 90 min (S'.D., n=13) (MILLER, 1987),

has found shorter in less dense in Banham (pers. com.) a mean populations

England. 204 P.L. Miller


Table I shows the volumes of sperm masses dissected from femaleswhich had been caught at the times given. A further 3 solitary females caught between 15:30

10:00 and 10:20 and 17:30 h, and one female caught copulating between h,

of contained no sperm andare not includedin TableI. The volumes sperm masses from the spermathecae of females caught before, during and after copulation do

from the bursae of females not differ significantly. In contrast, sperm masses

smaller < than those caught in stage I of copulation were significantly (P 0.005) from those from females in II. As Table pre- or post-copulatory females, or stage in their 1 shows, 15 out of 20 (75%) of stage-I females had no detectable sperm

well-filled did9 bursae, whereas 8 out of 10 (80%) stage-II females had bursae, as

out of 10 (90%) post-copulatory females.

in the horns of In 12 out of 19 females caught in stage I and preserved copula,

in in the other 7 within the the penis were found the bursa, while cases they lay

within duct. vagina. In none were they found the spermathecal

3 from females’ Table II shows the mean volumes in mm of sperm masses

and from males’ vesicles. The males all and storage organs sperm were caught transferred whereas the preserved in stage I of copulation before they had sperm alone late in the females were either in stage II of copulation or they were caught

for of0.01 3 is day. The Table indicates that the mean figure sperm vesicles mm

Table I

of from and females The volumes sperm masses solitary copulating

Time of Spermathecae Bursae

and (arbitrary units) capture (arbitrary units)

state of female n x s.d. no. empty n x s.d. no. empty

08:00-08:30 h

females in tandem 9 104 34 0 9 49 27 0

10:00-10:20 h

in copulation

0.6 1.3 7 stage I 9 98 15 0 9

11:00-11:40 h

in copulation

19 0 II 6 13 8 stage I II 109

14:00-15:30 h

in copulation

9 112 30 0 10 28 24 2 stage IIB

15:30-17:30 h

13 1 solitary females 10 140 51 0 10 29 Sperm competition in Ischnura elegans 205

Table II

of from males females The volumes sperm masses and

volume 3 Sex and State Storage organ Sperm mass (mm )

n x s.d range

Males caught and Sperm vesicles 14 0.011 0.0019 0.007 -0.015 separated in stage 1

of copulation

Females in stage 11 of Bursae II 0.0023 0.0009 0.0007-0.0039 copulation, or alone

after 15:30 h

ditto Spermathecae 14 0.0064 0.0023 0.0037-0.011

1.27 times greater than the combined means for spermathecae and bursae

(0.0087 mm3 ), the difference being significant (P < 0.05).



female Ischnura verticalis several GRIEVE (1937) showed that are able to lay

offertile of30 after and FINCKE batches eggs over a period days a single mating,

(1987) has evidence that femalesin this species may mate only once. In contrast I.

ramburi females are known to mate several times (ROBERTSON, 1985;

WAAGE, 1986). PARR & PALMER (1971) described mating in I. elegans as a

it if females of this than rare event and is important to know species mate more

once. The results described here show thatalmost all females foundin copula had

and that females mated on a previous occasion, some were prepared to accept two

males on one day.


of to from the In a previous study the penis I. elegans was seen remove sperm bursa during copulation (MILLER, 1987), and here it has been found that75%

in of ofthe stage-I females examinedhad empty bursae. No change the volume the

of the spermathecal mass was detected during copulation and no part penis was

found to enter the spermathecal duct. However, the high variance and small

size have concealed in the volume of sample may slight changes spermathecal

sperm. In /. ramburi, WAAGE (1986) did find a small increase in volume during

copulation and he suggested that the penis horns might drive bursal sperm into

the spermatheca. If a small increase or decrease of spermathecal sperm volume

did occur in I. elegans, it would perhaps depend on the activity ofspermathecal 206 P.L. Miller

and duct musculature, such as was seen during copulation (MILLER, 1987).

Since bursal is male apparently only sperm removed during copulation, a can

replace only about 26% of rivals’sperm within a female. However if females use bursal sperm first, the last male may still be able to fertilisemost ofthe eggs ofthe

next batch. The small proportion ofsperm removed contrasts with whatis known

in some other odonates where most or all the sperm of rivals is removed by

copulating males (WAAGE, 1984; McVEY & SM1TTLE, 1984), but it is similar

of Orthetrum cancellatum in which to the case during short copulations by

territorial males only about 10-20% ofrivals’sperm is removed (S1VA-JOTHY,



The male stores 1.27 times more sperm in the sperm vesicle of the secondary

genitalia than can be stored in the bursa and spermatheca of a female (Tab. II).

Similarly WAAGE (1986) found in I. ramburithat males couldstore more sperm

than females could accommodate. However in both species most copulating

females had previously copulated and the male replaced only the sperm in the

this transfer times bursa. In I. elegans means that a malemay anejaculate nearly 5

in volume than the ofthe bursa. This greater capacity apparent anomaly may be

explained in one of several ways:

(l)The male may not transfer the whole contents of the sperm vesicle. Although

this is for libellulids of true some (MILLER, 1984), 80% male I. elegans

examined in of did stage IIB copulation had empty sperm vesicles, as all

solitary males examined (MILLER, 1987). Males therefore probably do

transfer the whole contents of the vesicle.

(2) The excess ejaculate may remain in the vagina and bepassed out later, perhaps

when oviposition starts. Preserved solitary females were sometimes found to

contain sperm in the vagina, but its origin is unknown: it could have been

deposited by the last male, or it could have been ejected by thefemale perhaps

reduced estimate of during capture or preservation (thereby giving a the

amount stored).

(3) The sperm in the ejaculate could be diluted considerably by seminal fluid not

stored by the female (cf. WAAGE, 1986). The possibility that sperm is more

concentrated in the female than in the male is currently being tested by

measuring sperm densities in sectioned material.

(4) Measurements from the bursae may be underestimates because sperm at the

base of the bursa and in the vicinity of the valve is excluded. However this

could not amount to more than 20% of bursal sperm.

Thus the discrepancy between the volume ofthe male ejaculate transferredand

the capacity of the bursa is not explained at present, but sperm concentration

and/or the ejection of surplus seem the most likely possibilities. Sperm competition in Ischnura elegans 207


I WAAGE for his comments. am very grateful to Dr J.K. most helpful


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