The PDS 110 Observing Campaign -- Photometric And
The PDS 110 observing campaign 1 Downloaded from by St Andrews University Library user on 21 February 2019 The PDS 110 observing campaign { photometric and spectroscopic observations reveal eclipses are aperiodic? H.P. Osborny 1, M. Kenworthy2, J.E. Rodriguez3, E.J.W. de Mooij4, G.M. Kennedy5;6, H. Relles7, E. Gomez,7, M. Hippke8, M. Banfiz, L. Barbieriz, I.S. Becker9, P. Benniz;10, P. Berlind3, A. Bieryla3, G. Bonnoli11, H. Boussierz, S.M. Brincatz, J. Briolz, M.R. Burleigh12, T. Butterley13, M.L. Calkins3, P. Chote5, S. Ciceri14, M. Deldemz, V.S. Dhillon15;16, E. Dosez, F. Duboisz;17, S. Dvorakz, G.A. Esquerdo3, D.F. Evans18, S. Ferratfiatz, S.J. Fossey19;20, M.N. Gunther¨ 21, J. Hallz, F.-J. Hambschz;22, E. Herrero23, K. Hillsz, R. Jamesz, R. Jayawardhana24, S. Kafka25, T.L. Killesteinz;4, C. Kotnikz, D.W. Latham3, D. Lemayz, P. Lewinz, S. Littlefair15, C. Loprestiz, M. Mallonn26, L. Mancini27;28;29, A. Marchiniz;11, J.J. McCormac5;6, G. Murawskiz;30, G. Myersz 25, R. Papiniz, V. Popovz;31, U. Quadriz, S.N. Quinn3, L. Raynard12, L. Rizzutiz, J. Robertson32, F. Salvaggioz, A. Scholz33, R. Sfair9, A. M. S. Smith34, J. Southworth18, T.G. Tanz;35 S. Vanaverbekez;17, E.O. Waagen23, C.A. Watson36, R.G. West5;6, O.C. Winter9, P.J. Wheatley5;6, R.W. Wilson13, G. Zhou3 Affiliations are listed at the end of the paper. Accepted XXX. Received YYY; in original form ZZZ ABSTRACT PDS 110 is a young disk-hosting star in the Orion OB1A association.
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