Day of the Lord

Study Notes ­

What is the Day of the Lord? The Day of the Lord is a phrase used in the to describe how God is at work in history to confront collective human evil, liberate his people from oppression, and assert his rule over all creation.

Learn more and watch our videos at Rebellion from the Garden to Babylon Genesis 3-11 traces the theme of humanity’s spreading rebellion and the violence and disaster that results. Humans first rebel in the garden by redefining good and evil on their own terms. The book of Genesis recounts the consequences in the following chapters. In chapter 3, Adam and Eve distrust each other, and they “hide” from each other and from God. In chapter 4, Cain’s jealousy leads to murder, and his city is characterized by the violent and abusive Lamech. In chapter 6, the “Sons of God” take interest in human women, which leads to more violence. Finally, the tracing of this theme culminates with the rebellion at Babylon, or the Tower of Babel.

• Babel is Babylon. Although ancient Babylon was powerful, it NOTE: was not an empire. Genesis depicts ancient Babylon in terms Babylon has roots of what it will become in world history and in Israel’s story. in mythology Genesis 11 is preparing for Israel’s exile to Babylon in 2 Kings surrounding the 24-25. god, Marduk. He was the patron of • The tower is representative of humanity’s first unified the city of Babylon attempt to assert its divine authority through technology and and the son of the temple building (brick and tar). chief of gods. When • In the Bible, Babylon and its mythology becomes an the Neo-Babylonian archetype of humanity in rebellion against the one true God empire rose as a world and the resulting violence and injustice. empire in the 7th and 6th centuries B.C., What is God going to do? Who’s going to hold Babylon the myth developed accountable? in the Enuma Elish. According to this myth, Marduk defeats the forces of chaos and ascends to the throne of the high god. THE BIBLE PROJECT STUDY NOTES PAGE 2 DAY OF THE LORD 2 1 enslaved peopleisthefirstDay ofthe Lord. The defeatofEgypt/Babylon’s evil andtheliberation ofhis and thedefeatofPharaoh by theSeaofReeds. plagues, culminatinginthedeathoffirstborn God’s justiceisbroughtuponEgyptintheten acknowledge astheonetrueGod. is seenasgood.Thestorydiagnosesthis“evil” asrefusingto good andevil, sothatmurderingchildrenandenslaving immigrants mortar’ arebuiltonthebloodofinnocent.Egypthasredefined At thispoint,EgypthasbecomeBabylon. Theircitiesand‘brick things aregoingwell,butthenExodus happens. But how?ThefamilygrowslargerandendsupinEgypt.Initially particular family. this restore divineblessingtoallnationsthrough of thescatteringBabylon andpromisesto In Genesis11-12,Godcallsonefamilyout Egypt BecomestheNewBabylon This day ismemorializedinthefeastofPassover. and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore. When Israel saw Israel When seashore. the on dead Egyptians the saw Israel and Egyptians, the of hand the from day that Israel saved Lord the Thus imposed onthem. rigorously they which labors their all field, the in labor of kinds all at they madetheirlives bitterwith hardlaborinmortarandbricks and rigorously; labor to Israel of sons the compelled Egyptians The more they spread out, so that they were in dread of the sons of Israel. the and multiplied they more the them, afflicted they more the But labor. And they built for Pharaoh storage cities, Pithom and Raamses. hard with them afflict to them over taskmasters appointed they So the land. themselves to those who hate us and fight against us and depart from them, with wisely or elsethey willmultiply, andintheevent deal ofwar, they willalsojoin us let Come, us. than mightier and merous nu more are Israel of sons the of people the “Behold, people, his to said He Joseph. know not did who overEgypt, arose king new a Now eaten. be shall leavened nothing And place. this the from out you hand brought Lord powerful a by for slavery; of house the from Egypt, from daythis “Remember people, the to said youwhich in out went vant, Moses. people fearedtheLord, andthey believed intheLord andinHisser the Egyptians, the against used had Lord the which power great the - - Pharaoh is says, “Who listen tohisvoice and Yahweh thatIshould know (acknowledge) let Israel go?Idon’t Yahweh, andIwill EXODUS 14:30-31 not letIsrael go.” EXODUS 1:8-14 In Exodus 5:2, EXODUS 13:3 NOTE THE BIBLE PROJECT STUDY NOTES PAGE 3 DAY OF THE LORD Part 1: Part 2: Solomon’s reignisdividedintothreeparts. Solomon in1Kingsiswherethisbecomesapparent. always beforthemandagainsttheirenemies.ThestoryofKing They take theirstatusforgranted andassumethattheirGodwill unjust, andidolatrous. As itgrows,Israel becomes wealthy, apathetic, Israel BecomesBabylon his ownkingdom. orchestrate events tobringaboutitsdownfallandreplaceitwith submit itselftoGod’sruleandliberate theoppressed,Godwill how Godconfrontshumanevil inscripture.Ifanempiredoesn’t The storiesofBabylon andtheExodus becamethearchetypefor king. of theDay oftheLord withGod’sdefeatofevil and hisreignas and theDay oftheLord. Itconcludesby linkingtogethertheideas The firstpraise songintheBiblecelebrates God’svictory over evil The Lord reignsaskingforever andever. the sanctuary, OLord, whichYour handshave established. the place,OLord, whichYou have madeforYour dwelling, and planttheminthemountainofYour inheritance, You willbringthepeopleyou have purchased the Lord isHisname. The Lord isawarrior; my father’sGod,andIwillextol Him. this ismy God,andIwillpraise Him; and Hehasbecomemy salvation; The Lord ismy strengthandsong, the horseanditsriderHehashurledintosea. “I willsingtotheLord, forHeishighlyexalted; Then Moses and the sons of Israel sang this song to the Lord, and said, Promising beginningsandsuccesses Wealth, honor, andbuildingprojects • • • • • • Torah. David chargesSolomontofollowthecommands ofthe had burnedand cleared. dowry: theCanaanitecityof Gezer, whichthepharaoh Solomon marriesPharaoh’s daughter andacceptsher labor andfourteenyears building hisownpalace. He spendsseven years buildingthetemplewith slave Egypt/Babylon. Solomon’s kingdomstartstolookmoreandlike wealth andkavod. God honorshisrequestandrewardsSolomonwith people, todiscernbetweengoodandevil.” Solomon asksGodfor“a heartthatlistens,torule your EXODUS 15:17-18 EXODUS 15:1-3 1 KINGS4-10 1 KINGS1-3 THE BIBLE PROJECT STUDY NOTES PAGE 4 DAY OF THE LORD Part 3: exile. Habakkuktellsofwhothatarmy willbe. great oppressingarmy whowillconquerIsrael andtake theminto poor, idolatry, andneglectofthelaws oftheTorah. Hewarnsofa He goesontoexplain why citingIsrael’s injustice,abuseof the Amos reverses Israel’s expectations abouttheDay oftheLord. become thetargetofDay oftheLord . Once Israel becomeslike Babylon they andEgypt, of Every Babylon The Day oftheLord BringstheDownfall extreme. Habakkuk callsita“day ofdistress.” poetic retellingofEgypt’sdefeat attheRedSea,butit’seven more a day whenGod willconfrontBabylon anddefeatitsevil. It’sa decrees alimittohumanevil. Thefinalpoemin chapter3describes the endofwholecycle in Habakkuk2.Inthischapter, God Habakkuk isconcernedabout this,soGodgives himavisionof and evil oneaftertheotherinasequence ofself-destruction. the Lord isallowingthenationstoriseandfallby theirowngreed Babylon by allowing theactualBabylon todefeatthem.TheDay of God isgoingtobringtheDay oftheLord onIsrael-become- For behold,Iamraising up theChaldeans,* you wouldnotbelieve ifyou weretold. Because Iamdoingsomethinginyour days— Be astonished!Wonder! Look amongthenations!Observe! That day willbedarkness,notlight. Why doyou longfortheDay oftheLord? for theDay oftheLord! Woe toyou wholong to seizedwellingplaceswhicharenottheirs. who marchthroughouttheearth that fierceandimpetuouspeople Idolatry, rebellion,andthefallofthis“Babylon” • • • • two hundredandfifty years. Israelites, whicharethenpicked offslowlyover thenext unified kingdomofDavid issplitintotribalstatesof God allowsIsrael’s enemiestoovertake theirland.The Chemosh, andMolech. He gives allegiancetothegodsAsherah, Milcom, and marriages. hundred concubines,acombinationofpoliticalalliances Solomon accumulatesseven hundredwives andthree fourteen hundredchariotsandhorsesfromEgypt. lions. Heimportsgold,silver, ivory, apes,peacocks,and above ahugethroneofivory surroundedby twelve per year. Five hundredgoldshieldshanginhispalace Solomon importssixhundredsixty-sixtalentsofgold *THE BABYLONIANS This isallcontrary Deuteronomy 17. to thelaws ofthe HABAKKUK 1:5-6 Israelite kingsin HABAKKUK 2-3 1 KINGS11 AMOS 5:18 NOTE THE BIBLE PROJECT STUDY NOTES PAGE 5 DAY OF THE LORD 2 1 But why? WhathasBabylon done? orchestrated thedownfallofBabylon itself. Babylon overreached whenitcametoJerusalem,soGod condition asself-exaltation. diagnosesthetrueproblemofBabylon andthehuman rule. The heartofBabylon isself-exaltation todivine the OldTestament. There aretwotypesofDay oftheLord events in The Day oftheLord inHebrewPoetry • • it willcomelike destructionfromtheAlmighty. Wail, fortheday oftheLord isnear; to destroy thewholecountry. the Lord andtheweapons ofhiswrath— from theendsofheavens— They comefromfaraway lands, when herisestoshake theearth. and thesplendorofhismajesty, from thefearfulpresenceofLord and toholesintheground People willfleetocaves intherocks and theidolswilltotallydisappear. the Lord alonewillbeexalted inthatday, and humanpridehumbled; The arroganceofmanwillbebroughtlow for alltheproudandlofty… The Lord Almightyhasaday instore replace themwithhiskingdom. will eventually orchestrate thedownfallofallBabylons and one “Day oftheLord.” ItistheappointedtimewhenGod Future Instance:Allofthehistoricalinstances pointtothe their owndestruction,providentially orchestrated by God. another thatshowhowhumansocietiessowtheseedsof Historical Instance:Theriseandfallof“Babylons” toone to thedepthsofpit. But you arebroughtdowntotherealmofdead, I willmake myself like the MostHigh.” I willascendabove thetopsofclouds; on theutmostheightsofMountZaphon. I willsitenthronedonthemountofassembly, I willraise my throneabove thestarsofGod; You saidinyour heart,“Iwillascendtotheheavens; you whooncelaidlow thenations! You have beencastdowntotheearth, morning star*, sonofthedawn! How you have fallenfromheaven, Greek: :12;17-19 ISAIAH 14:12-15 Latin: Hebrew: ISAIAH 13:5-6 Morning star: star ofdawn heosphoros luciferus NOTE helel THE BIBLE PROJECT STUDY NOTES PAGE 6 DAY OF THE LORD 3 Zephaniah holdouthopeforIsrael andthenations. those whocryouttohiminhumilityandrepentance.BothJoel But, like theExodus story, theprophetsknowthatGodwilldeliver poetically enhanced. battlefield imagesofsmoke, fire,carnage,andearthquakes thatare All ofthesepoeticdepictionsabouttheDay oftheLord involve The Day oftheLord asaGreatWar nations willbebroughtdown. and theirpowerasdivine.Thesepowersthatanimateempires powers atworkwhennationsexalt themselves, theirinterests, the highgod,sohewasbroughtdown.Isaiahseesdarkspiritual the sonofchiefgod,butheelevated himselftotheplaceof Isaiah draws upontheancientmythology ofMarduk.Mardukwas and againstthecornertowers. against thefortifiedcities a day oftrumpetandbattlecry a day ofcloudsandblackness— a day ofdarknessandgloom, a day oftroubleandruin, a day ofdistressandanguish, That day willbeaday ofwrath— the MightyWarrior shoutshisbattlecry. The cryontheday oftheLord isbitter; near andcomingquickly. The greatday oftheLord isnear— the earthandheavens willtremble. and thunderfromJerusalem; The Lord willroarfromZion and thestarsnolongershine. The sunandmoonwillbedarkened, the wicked fortheirsins. I willpunishtheworldforitsevil, and themoonwillnotgive itslight. The risingsunwillbedarkened will notshowtheirlight. The starsofheaven andtheirconstellations whom theLord calls. even amongthesurvivors as theLord hassaid, there willbedeliverance, for onMountZionandinJerusalem on thenameofLord willbesaved; And everyone whocalls before thecomingofgreatanddreadfulday oftheLord. and themoontoblood The sunwillbeturnedtodarkness ZEPHANIAH 1:14-16 ISAIAH13:10-11 :31-32 JOEL 3:15-16 THE BIBLE PROJECT STUDY NOTES PAGE 7 DAY OF THE LORD 1 enemy. shared Isaiah’s viewthatdark,spiritualpowerswerethereal and human—thatcorruptedpeopleresultedinviolence. there werepowerfulforcesofevil atworkintheworld—spiritual war wasonandthatheakingtheoffensive. Hebelieved of theLord wouldcomeagainanddefeatRome. Jesusbelieved a Roman empirerulingover them,peoplewerehopingthattheDay In Jesus’day, Israel wasoncemoreasubjugatedpeople.Withthe calling. ofhimselfandhis understanding howJesusthought The Day oftheLord themeiscrucialfor Jesus’ War onEvil. The GreatDay oftheLord Beginswith into anewJerusalemandpromisedland. helpless, andtosave apeopleoutofthisevil ageandbringthem evil amongIsrael andthenations,toliberate theoppressedand God isdepictedasawarriorkingwhoonmissiontodefeat will bringmeofferings.” my worshipers,my scatteredpeople, From beyond therivers ofCush and serve himshouldertoshoulder. that allofthemmay callonthenameofLord Then Iwillpurifythelipsofpeoples, by thefireof my jealousanger. The wholeworldwillbeconsumed all my fierceanger. and topouroutmy wrath onthem— to gatherthekingdoms I have decidedtoassemblethenations, “for theday Iwillstanduptotestify. declares theLord, “Therefore waitforme,” version ofExodus 15. ZEPHANIAH 3:9-10 The entirechapter reads like anew NOTE THE BIBLE PROJECT STUDY NOTES PAGE 8 DAY OF THE LORD 2 city asakingandcallsouttheleadersofIsrael and with evil the takingplaceinJerusalem.Heenters The GospelspresentJesus’ultimateconfrontation Resurrection Jesus’ VictoryOver Evil:Deathand How willJesusconquerthisformofevil? people individuallyandcorporately. group; rather it’saspiritualandpersonalrealitythathasco-opted nuanced. Evilisnottobeequatedwithany singlepersonorpeople hold onpeople.ThisshowsusthatJesus’viewofevil ismore claiming herethathiskingdomruleisstrikingattheheartofe name foramilitaryunitoffewthousandsoldiers.Jesusis graveyard inMark5.Thedemon’s nameis“Legion,” theRoman Note Jesus’confrontationwiththedemonizedmanin the parables ofthewarringhouseandstrongman. people ofIsrael. Whenconfrontedabouthisexorcisms, Jesustold battle againstforcesofspiritualevil thatweredestroying the After thisvictoryover evil personally, Jesuslaunchedhiskingdom’s and insteadembrace theway ofindependenceandmilitarypower. tempting himtocompromisehiscallingbethesufferingservant He confrontedaspiritualpowerofevil inthewildernessthatwas community. Jesus battlesspiritualevil personallyandinthe authors seetheforcesofspiritualevil behindthis. Israel’s leadersworkwithRometohave Jesuskilled. TheGospel Rome asfalse. der hishouse.” plun can he Then man? strong the up ties first he unless possessions his off carry and house man’s strong a enter anyone can how again, Or you. upon come has God of kingdom the then demons, out drive I that God* of Spirit the by is it if But judges. your be will they then, So out? them drive people your do whom by Beelzebul, by demons out drive I if And stand? kingdom his can then How himself. against divided is he Satan, out drives Satan If stand. not will itself against divided household or city every and ruined, be will itself against ed divid kingdom “Every them, to said and thoughts their knew Jesus chief priestsandofficershow he mightbetray Himtothem. the with discussed and away went he And twelve. the of number the to belonging Iscariot, called was who Judas into entered Satan And But nowmy kingdomisfromanotherplace. leaders. Jewish the by arrest my prevent to fight would servants my the of king the you “AreJews?”... And him, Jesus said, “My kingdom is not askedfrom this world. If it were, and Jesus summoned Pilate vil’s - - JOHN 18:33,36 LUKE 11:17-22 LUKE 22:3-4 THE BIBLE PROJECT STUDY NOTES PAGE 9 DAY OF THE LORD 1 2 means, butthroughhisloving announcementofthekingdom. These imagesdescribehowhisvictorycamenotthrough military cross. intentionally turnedallofthesesymbolsinsideoutinlightthe involving allnationswithswordsandblood.ButJohnhas The Day oftheLord inRevelation isdescribedasafinalbattle Jesus showsupforthefinalbattle. Solomon’s .Itisslave-trading andidolatrous. It’s depictedasinsanelywealthy whichshouldmake you thinkof Babylon isportrayed asadragon andcalled“Babylon thegreat.” Egypt-Babylon. even theirLord wascrucified.” JerusalemitselfhasbecomeSodom- great city, whichisspirituallycalled‘Sodom’ and‘Egypt’where In Revelation, theunifiedkingdomsofworldarecalled “...the Revelation depictsthedownfallofBabylon. Ultimate Day oftheLord Jesus’ FinalBattleAgainstEvil:The becomes thevictor. by lettingevil conquerhim.Thejudgeisjudged,andthevictim key partofthegreatDay oftheLord. Heconquersevil anddeath of Rome), sothatIsrael wouldn’t have to.Jesus’crucifixionisthe Jesus allowedhimselftoundergotheDay oftheLord (thewrath creation isusheredin. love forthem.Thefinal battleendsasGod’sgloriouslyrenewed Jesus’ judgmentisthepeoples’rejectionofhisself-sacrificial people fromoppression,and asserthisruleover allcreation. at workinhistorytoconfront collective human evil, liberate his Revelation. Itisaphrase usedintheBibletodescribehow Godis The historyofthetermDay oftheLord spansfromGenesisto Conclusion: • • • He comeswithbloodonhisrobe,buttheisown. sword is“inhismouth.” Jesus comesridingonawhitehorsewithsword,butthe Jesus, he’s aslaughteredlamb. Jesus isannouncedasavictoriouslion,butwhenJohnsees hour—when darknessreigns.” the templecourts,andyou didnotlay ahandonme.Butthisisyour in you with was I day Every clubs? and swords with come have you that rebellion, a “Amleading him, I for come had who elders, the and guard, temple the of officers the priests, chief the to said Jesus Then REVELATION 19:11-21 REVELATION 19-20 REVELATION 17-19 REVELATION 19:13 REVELATION 5:5,6 REVELATION 11:8 LUKE 22:52-53

THE BIBLE PROJECT STUDY NOTES PAGE 10 DAY OF THE LORD 5 3 2 4 7 6 1 8 upside-down kingdomandBabylon? Ifso,how? the Lordto makeone force Jesus’ between choices Does readingscriptureaboutthefutureDay of book ofRevelation. victory depictedintheGospelswiththatof Compare andcontrast Jesus’Day oftheLord rescued andliberated there? directed againstIsrael, whatexactly wasbeing When theDay wasannouncedby Amosasbeing allegiance toBabylon starkorsubtle? in ourcontemporary world?Furthermore, isan Where mightyou findthese attributesatwork into an“Israel-become-Babylon?” the key attributesdefiningIsrael’s transformation Focus onSolomon’s are kingdomin1Kings.What Revelation. Whatstrikes you themost? Lord andBabylon asitunfoldsfromGenesisto Discuss therelationshipbetweenDaythe of average personwalkingdownthestreet? What mightthephrase Day oftheLord an meanto Discussion Questions belief aboutthefuture? like intermsofyour present identityandyour creation/new Jerusalem/reigning kingdomlook What doesyour ownparticipationinJesus’new