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Compilation of the Points

Of the Metal




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The results of the Bureau's research are published either in the Bureau's own series of publications or in the journals of professional and scientific societies. The Bureau itself pub- lishes three periodicals available from the Government Printing Office: The Journal of Research, published in four separate sections, presents complete scientific and technical papers; the Tech- nical News Bulletin presents summary and preliminary reports on work in progress ; and CRPL Ionospheric Predictions provides data for determining the best frequencies to use for radio communications throughout the world. There are also five series of nonperiodical publications: Monographs, Applied Mathematics Series, Handbooks, Miscellaneous Publications, and Technical Notes. A complete listing of the Bureau's publications can be found in National Bureau of Stand- ards Circular 460, Publications of the National Bureau of Standards, 1901 to June 1947 ($1.25), and the Supplement to National Bureau of Standards Circular 460, July 1947 to June 1957 ($1.50), and Miscellaneous Publication 240, July 1957 to June 1960 (includes Titles of Papers Published in Outside Journals 1950 to 1959) ($2.25); available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE • Luther H. Hodges, Secretary


Compilation of the Melting Points

of the Metal Oxides

Samuel J. Schneider

National Bureau of Standards Monograph 68

Issued October 10, 1963

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price 25 cents Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 63-60078 ;

Compilation of the Melting Points of the Metal Oxides

Samuel J. Schneider

A compilation has been made of the melting points of 70 metal oxides published prior to January 1963. Both the original and the equivalent value based on the International Practical Scale of 1948 are presented. Included in the survey is information on pertinent experimental details such as the method of temperature meas- urement, purity, furnace type, and environmental conditions.

The melting points of the metal oxides are published data on melting points up to perhaps one of the most studied but least known January 1963 is included in the present work. of the physical properties. Seldom have two The oxides given in table 1 are arranged alpha- investigators completely agreed upon a single betically according to the chemical symbol of the melting point value for a specific oxide. Many metal element. Excluded from consideration are reported values were derived from excellent oxides which are not at room temperature. research and are quite reliable. Others are ob- Only oxides having stoichiometric metal to oxy- viously in gross error. The result of this general gen ratios are fisted. Identifying symbols such disagreement has been that over the years a myriad as mineral names, symmetry, etc., are of melting point values has been perpetuated given only to those oxides which are known to through the literature. To complicate , have polymorphs that melt metastably. In in- necessary conversion from one temperature scale 1 stances where an oxide has more than one reported to another has led to incorrect reporting of original melting point, individual values are given in the data. Furthermore, various compilations of criti- order of increasing magnitude according to the cal data have listed "best values" for the melting value based on the International Practical Tem- points of the metal oxides which often have been perature Scale of 1948 (Text Revision of 1960) misinterpreted as unquestionably accurate and valid. At the present time our knowledge of the Several criteria must be carefully considered in true melting points of the oxides can be regarded obtaining accurate melting point data. These as in no less than a state of utter confusion. factors in a general way are reflected by the The National Bureau of Standards has recently column headings of table 1. Because of the wide initiated a program of reevaluation of the melting divergence of melting point values, it is believed points of the metal oxides. The program tenta- worthwhile, and in order, to discuss briefly each tively includes the acceptance of previously of these criteria more than normally would seem published values after experimental verification warranted in a compilation of data. as well as accurate determinations of ill-defined Purity. The ultimate accuracy with which or completely unknown melting points. The any melting point can be determined is directly ultimate goal of the work is to have national and associated with the purity of the material. It perhaps international recognition of the melting would seem that this fact need not be emphasized points of several specific oxides for use as calibra- however, reports are frequently found in the lit- tion standards. erature in which purity was not considered or even mentioned. Terms such as "chemically The initial effort in this program has been pure," "pure," and "reagent grade" are generally placed in making a comprehensive literature meaningless unless specifically defined. Reason- survey of previously published melting points of able estimates of the percentages and types of the various oxides. The results of this compila- must be known along with their pos- tion of data are presented in table 1. The infor- sible effect upon the melting point. Sufficient mation given in table 1 was taken from the original attention also must be given to the effects of published papers whenever possible. General 2 contamination of the sample by its container surveys [1, 2, 3, 4] are referred to only when the during actual experimentation. original source could not be established. Five Furnace type. For obvious reasons it is partic- primary sources [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] were used initially ularly important in determining melting points to obtain a bibliography of papers dealing with throughout oxide melting point determinations. Reference to insure against thermal gradients the as well as between the sample and to these papers in turn yielded another bibliog- sample adjacent areas where actual temperature measure- raphy of reports which again supplied additional ments are made. Uniformity of temperature can literature sources. The entire process was re- completely assured only by the attainment of peated until no new references were obtained. be blackbody conditions, which, of course, can never Through this cascading method of obtaining be entirely realized in practice. Excellent papers references it is believed that a majority of all by Gouffe [11] and by De Voss [12] give methods for estimating the effective spectral emittance of 1 Temperature scale refers not to the symbols denoting temperature ("K, several types of enclosures and cavities. °C, and °F) but to an actual scale with defining fixed points and formulas for interpolating between such points. Resistance-type furnaces such as the wire- 2 Figures in brackets indicate the literature references at the end of this Monograph. wound quench or tube furnace can be constructed

1 so as to have small gradients between the specimen or other power sources can be very harmful and and thermoelement. However, because of the yet go undetected. close proximity of the specimen and thermoelement The position of windows or enclosures relative the deleterious effect of a gradient is usually to the target area is extremely important in negligible. making brightness temperature measurements Whenever radiation pyrometry is employed for with an optical pyrometer. Gross errors arc temperature measurements, near-blackbody con- produced by the reflection of radiation by the ditions are considered to be a necessity. The windows, enclosures, or associated pieces into the induction furnace is generally one of the most field of view of the pyrometer. Indiscriminate suitable for approximating blackbody conditions. use of published spectral emissivity values to Temperature uniformity, with corresponding high convert brightness to true tempera- emittance, is easily obtained through the use of tures should be avoided. Emissivity refers to a inductively heated crucibles and cylinders. property of an opaque material whose surface Another furnace frequently used for high-tem- has been polished optically flat. Unless the target perature application is the strip furnace. It area of the pyrometer conforms to these conditions, usually consists of a narrow, short strip of refrac- errors will result. The emittance of any enclosure tory metal sometimes necked down at its center supposedly built as a blackbody is extremely to provide a high-resistance area. Power is sup- dependent upon the of internal reflections. plied to the strip through -cooled leads. Even an enclosure in which the geometric design 3 To facilitate temperature measurements, the strip is suitable can have low emittance if the internal is generally made into the shape of a V (or U). reflections are predominantly specular rather Specimens are generally placed at the apex of the than diffuse [12, 13]. V or at the midportion of a flat strip. Tempera- Method. It is not uncommon to observe that ture measurements are made on areas immediately oxides appear to melt over a range of temperatures adjacent to the specimen. with a marked hysteresis between the apparent The strip furnace provides an easy effective melting and points. The magnitude of means of attaining high temperatures; however, the hysteresis may vary from negligible quantities it is not particularly conducive to accurate to many degrees. Whatever the reason for the melting point determinations. Inherent with hysteresis, whether it be partial dissociation, influ- this furnace are the inevitable extreme thermal ence of impurities, or other causes, the melting gradients throughout the specimen and area of point must be defined with respect to experi- measurement. Tungsten strip lamps used for mental conditions. The melting point of an calibration of optical pyrometers, although not oxide can be specified as that temperature at strictly comparable, have thermal gradients along which and are in equilibrium for a the filament which may amount to as much as given confining and for given partial 5 °C per millimeter [13]. Placement of a specimen of environmental gases. on the strip will, in all probability, seriously Obvious difficulties are inherent in establishing alter the thermal gradient of the bare strip. The the melting temperature. Experimentally it can magnitude of this change will vary, depending be taken as the temperature at which the last upon such factors as the location, , thermal solid disappears on heating at a sufficiently slow conductivity, and emissivity of the specimen. rate to insure temperature uniformity. Con- It is a generally false assumption to consider versely, the freezing point is the temperature at that a V-shaped metal strip approximates a black- which first begins. Dynamic body enclosure. As long as there is any deviation methods such as differential thermal analysis and from isothermal conditions about the enclosure, heating or cooling curves have the advantage of blackbody conditions cannot be realized. the utilization of heat effects but the distinct However, brightness temperatures can approach disadvantage of being rate-dependent. Cooling true temperatures if the emittance of the strip curve methods have been successfully applied is near unity. The use of a substance having a in the determination of the freezing points of high natural emittance (i.e., graphite) as strip palladium, platinum, rhodium, and iridium (sec- material is not always feasible. ondary reference points on the International Temperature measurement. The theory, use, Temperature Scale of 1948 [10]). Pronounced and calibration of various temperature-measuring and tendencies of many oxides this devices have been well documented [13, 14, 15, 16]. make method somewhat less applicable, The optical pyrometer or thermocouple is only although it may be the best available. one part of an entire temperature-measuring The method of visual observation of a specimen system. Often, little attention has been given to during heating is generally unacceptable as an the effect of auxiliary equipment or associated accurate means of establishing the melting point. apparatus on temperature measurements. An If the specimen is visible, it is quite probable that inadequate reference junction of a thermocouple thermal gradients are present, thereby preventing circuit can cause errors as serious as those produced by thermal gradients in a furnace. The effect of ' A large ratio of interna] area of cavity to area of opening is required. The ratio is sometimes expressed in terms of depth of cavity and diameter of stray or induced voltage from furnace windings opening.

2 accurate temperature measurements. The attain- Table 2. Some fixed and secondary points of the geophysical and international temperature scales ment of blackbodv conditions renders the visual method ineffectual, inasmuch as the specimen would be indistinguishable from adjacent areas. Prop- Int. Int. Geo- Material erty a 1927 1948 phvsical The static method in which a specimen is heated [19] [10] [17] and cooled prior to examination has proved satisfactory in many instances. Temperature measurement is not as much a problem as with °C °c °C dynamic methods. Auxiliary equipment such as Naphthalene B.P. 217. 96 218. 0 217. 95 Tin M.P. 231. 85 231. 91 231'. 9 diffraction the microscope and X-ray can be Benzophenone B.P. 305. 9 305. 9 305. 9 readily applied to aid in determining the degree Cadmium M.P. 320. 9 321. 03 320. 9 of melting. Lead M.P. 327. 3 327. 3 Calibration points. The determination of a Zinc M.P. 419. 45 419. 505 419. 4 only thought of as being melting point can be Sulfur B.P. 444, 6 444. 6 444 5 5 obtained through the use of an integral system of Antimony M.P. 630. 5 630. 5 630. 0 various types of equipment and procedures. The Silver M.P. 960. 5 960. 8 960. 2 Gold M.P. 1063 1063 1062. 6 mere use of previously calibrated thermocouples and pyrometers does not insure accurate measure- Copper M.P. 1083 1083 1082. 8 ment of temperature. It is highly desirable to Diopside M.P. 1391. 5 calibrate the entire system against the known Nickel M.P. 1453 1452. 4 Pallauium M.P. 1555 1552 1549. 5 of several standards. Insofar as melting points Platinum M.P. 1769 1755 possible, the overall characteristics of the stand- ards should conform to those of the test material. Rhodium M.P. 1960 Because of the present lack of recognized stand- Iridium M.P. 2443 Tungsten. M.P. 3400 3380 ards, calibration materials should generally be limited to those defining the International Practi- » The symbols B.P. and M.P. roughly signify point and melting cal Temperature Scale [10]. It is as undesirable point, respectively. For exact designation of the property under considera- to use substances having ill-defined melting points tion, reference sho"uld be made to the appropriate publication. as it is to use standards which have different characteristics than those of the test material. physical Scale has an upper limit at the melting Environment. The effect of environmental gas point of platinum, defined as 1755 °C. Approxi- as well as the confining pressure on the melting mate differences between the Geophysical and 1948 points of oxides has been generally disregarded scales at various temperatures can be obtained or considered noninfluential. Extensive studies from appropriate plots of the data given in have been made only on those oxides (i.e., iron table 2. The 1927 scale above the gold point 4 and manganese oxides) which are pronouncedly is based on the Wien radiation formula, which is affected. It is conceivable that most oxides are not strictly valid at extremely high temperatures. i distinctly influenced by various gas partial pres- The 1948 scale utilizes the Planck equation for sures more than previously realized and partial temperatures above the gold point. The equation dissociation always occurs to some degree. If is applicable to indefinitely high temperatures. dissociation exists, an oxide can be expected to Conversion from the 1927 scale to the 1948 melt incongruently. scale, above the gold point, can be accomplished through the use of the foUowing equation as Melting point and temperature scale. Sosman s derived by Corruccini [21]. [17], in his paper "Temperature Scales and Silicate Research," has extensively discussed the develop- « (Wien) ment of temperature scales, especially during the 1907 to 1948. In essence, a single scale l0g U) ' JZTT [l336~(S+273)] had not been recognized until about 1910 to 1914, If X«+273) is less than 0.3 cm deg the resulting error is less than 1 °C. when the Geophysical Temperature Scale [18] was established. In 1927, the first internationally (Planck) recognized scale [19] was adopted. A major revi- 1 J, ^[xft^rj- sion of the 1927 scale was made in 1948 [20], with m esp subsequent text revision in 1960 [10]. Some of the [Mifn)]-' principal fixed and secondary reference points of where the three scales are given in table 2. The Geo- physical Scale is, for consistency of data, still being Ja, and Ji=radiant energies per unit wavelength interval emitted per unit used by a few investigators. The 1948 scale has time by unit area of a blackbodv at temperature t and at the gold point tAm. entirely superseded the 1927 scale as being a closer X=wavelength (approximately 0.65X10-* cm for most optical pyrometers) approach to the thermodynamic scale. Numerical C5=second radiation constant= differences between the three scales generally 1.432 cm deg (1927) or 1.438 cm deg (1948) amount to less than one degree at temperatures ro=273.15 deg. below the gold point. At higher temperatures, 5 The equation is derived by equating the right side of eq (1) with the logarithm of the right side of eq (2), expressing in exponential form and sub- the variance becomes much greater. The Geo- stituting appropriate values for To, Ct, and t** (1063 °C).

3 :

|~ 1.438 Many thanks are due to J. L. Waring for the exp |_1336.15X collection of many of the original papers and to Mrs. J. Marcus for her excellent partial transla- 1.438 exp r tions of foreign articles. Without their help, this (T+ 273. 15 X L ) publication would have been impossible.

/_i i_\i References =expP ri^2 X \1336 T'+273/J L [I] K. K. Kelley, U.S. Bur. Mines, Bull. 393, Pt. V, where 1-165 (1936). [2] F. Trombe, Bull. Soc. franc. Ceram. 3, 18-26 (1949). -4 X= wavelength (approximately 0.65 X 10 cm for [3] F. C. Kracek, Geol. Soc. Am. No. 36, Pt. II, 140-174 most optical pyrometers) (1942). [4] Handbook of and , 38th ed., T=a temperature above the gold point, °C (Int. Chemical Rubber Publ. Co., Cleveland, Ohio 1948) (1956-57). T'=a temperature above the gold point, °C (Int. [5] Ceram. Abstr. (Jan. 1955 through Dec. 1962, inclu- sive). 1927). [6] A. Goldsmith, T. E. Waterman, and H. J. Hirsch- horn, Handbook of Thermophysical Properties of Approximate conversion from other tempera- Solid Materials, 3, The MacMillan Co. (New- ture scales in use prior to 1927 can be accomplished York, N.Y., 1961). Bull. Nat. Research Council, No. 118 (1949). in a similar manner. To ease calculations only [7] [8] E. M. Levin, H. F. McMurdie, and F. P. Hall, Wien's relationship is utilized. The resulting Diagrams for Ceramists, Am. Ceram. Soc. equation necessary for the conversion is (1956); also, E. M. Levin and H. F. McMurdie, Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, Pt. II, Am. Ceram. Soc. (1959). 1.438 T 1 [9] F. D. Rossini, D. D. Wagman, W. H. Evans, S. X l_1336" (T+273)] Levine, and I. Jaffe, NBS Circ. 500 (1952). [10] H. F. Stimson, J. Research NBS 65A, 139-145 (1960). A' L(W+273) (T'+273)] [II] A. Gouffe\ Rev. Opt. 24, 1-10 (1945). where [12] J. C. DeVoss, Phvsica 20, 669-689 (1954). [13] H. J. Kostkowski and R. D. Lee, NBS Mono. 41 (1962). originally CV = second radiation constant [14] W. R. Roeser and S. T. Lonberger, NBS Circ. 590 employed (1958). T=a temperature above the gold point, [15] F. R. Caldwell, NBS Mono. 40 (1962). R. L. Weber, Heat and Temperature Measurement, °C (Int. 1948) [16] Prentice-Hall, Inc. (New York, N.Y., 1950). point, T'=& temperature above the gold [17] R. B. Sosman, Am. J. Sci., Bowen Vol., 517-528 °C (original scale) (1952). (a) A. L. Day and R. B. Sosman, Am. J. Sci. 29 t iu '=go\d point originally employed (gen- [18] (4th ser.), 93-161 erally 1063 °C) (1910). (b) R. B. Sosman, Am. J. Sci. 30 (4th ser.), 1-15 X and X'= wavelength (X and X' can be assumed (1910). to be equal). (c) Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 157 (1911). (d) L. H. Adams, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 36, 65-72 (1914). In the present work, all original melting points [19] G. K. Burgess, BS J. Research 1, 635-640 (1928). have been converted, whenever possible, to values [20] H. F. Stimson, J. Research NBS 42, 209-217 (1949). based on the 1948 temperature scale by methods [21] R. J. Corruccini, J. Research NBS 43, 133-136 previously described. Unfortunately, some pub- (1949). [22] Shun-ichiro Iijima, Bull. Inst. Phys. & Chem. lished papers fail to state the temperature scale Research (Tokyo) 17, 40 (1938). utilized. Conversion to the 1948 scale was impos- [23] E. Tiede and E. Birnbrauer, Z. Anorg. Chem. 87, sible in these instances unless the scale could be 129-168 (1914). unambiguously assumed from information such [24] R. F. Geller and P. J. Yavorsky, J. Research NBS 34, 395-401 (1945). as the date of publication or listed calibration [25] O. Ruff and G. Lauschke, Z. Anorg. Chem. 97. temperatures and radiation constant. 73-113 (1916). Comments. Other than for the obvious purpose [26] O. Weigel and F. Kavsser, Neues Jahrb. Mineral of the compilation of critical data, the present Geol. 64, 321-396 (1931). [27] S. D. Mark, Jr., J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 42, 208 (1959). survey has another important function, in that it [28] J. J. Diamond and S. J. Schneider, J. Am. Ceram. vividly illustrates the variance of melting point Soc. 43, 1-3 (1960). values found in the literature. No attempt will [29] R. F. Geller and E. N. Bunting, J. Research NBS be made for the present to select one value over 31, 255-270 (1943). another as being absolutely correct. It is quite [30] W. A. Lambertson and F. H. Gunzel, Jr., A.N.L., difficult to ascertain completely the validity of U.S. AEC Publ. AECD-3465, 1-4 (1952). O. Ruff, Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem. 373-400 published data without additional experimental [31] 82, (1913). [32] E. N. Bunting, J. Research NBS 6, 947-949 (1931). work. However, it is believed appropriate to R. N. McNally, F. I. Peters, and P. H. Ribbe, J. Am. pertinent [33] make comments about the less obvious Ceram. Soc. 44, 491-493 (1961). shortcomings in inherent any published work and [34] O. Ruff and O. Goecke, Z. Angew. Chem. 24, 1459- to designate the preferred values with an asterisk. 1465 (1911).

4 [35] S. M. Lang, F. P. Knudsen. C. L. Filmore, and R. S. [74] P. Clausing, Z. Anorg. AUegem. Chem. 204, 33-39 Roth, XBS Circ. 568, 1-32 (1956). (1932). [36] H. v. Wartenberff, H. Linde, and R. Jung, Z. Anorg. [75] F. Henning, Xaturwissenschaften 13, 661 (1925). Allgem. Chem. 176, 349-362 (1927). [76] C. E. Curtis, L. M. Donev, and J. R. Johnson, J. [37] C. W. Kanolt, BuU. BS 10, 295-313 (1914); also, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 37, 458-465 (1954). Wash. Acad. Sci. 3, 315-318 (1913); also, Z. [77] E. H. P. Cordfunke and G. Mever, Rec. Trav. Chim. Anorg. Chem. 85, 1-19 (1914). 81, 495-504 (1962). [38] A. Smits and E. Beljaars, Proc. Rov. Acad. Amster- [78] J. White, D. D. Howat, and R. Hav, J. Roval Tech. dam 34, 1141-1155 (1931). Coll. (Glasgow) 3, 231-240 (1933). [39] H. V. Welsch and L. H. Duschak, U.S. Bur. Mines [79] H. J. Van Hook and M. L. Keith, Am. Mineralogist Tech. Paper 81, 5-20 (1915). 43, 69-83 (1958). [40] E. R. Rushton and F. Daniels, J. Am. Chem. Soc. [SO] T. Ranganathan, B. E. MaeKean, and A. Muan, J. 48, 384-389 (1926). Am. Ceram. Soc. 45, 279-281 (1962). [41] F. C. Kracek. G. W. Morev, and H. E. Merwin, Am. [81] T. CarneUev, J. Chem. Soc. (London) 33, 273-284 J. Sci. 35, (5th ser.), 143-171 (1938). (1878). [42] L. MeCulloeh, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 59, 2650-2652 [82] E. Groschuff, Z. Anorg. Chem. 58, 113-119 (1908). (1937). [83] F. M. v. Jaeger and H. C. Germs, Z. Anorg. Allgem. [43] E. E. Schumacher, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 48, 396-405 Chem. 190, 145-173 (1921). (1926). [84] F. Hoermann, Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem. 177, 145-186 [44] H. v. Wartenberg, H. J. Reusch, and |E. Saran. Z. (1929). Anorg. Allgem. Chem. 230, 257-276 (1937). [85] G. D. Rieek, Rec. Trav. Chim. 62, 427-430 (1943). [45] H. v. Wartenberg and H. Werth, Z. Anorg. Allgem. [S6] L. A. Cosgrove and P. E. Snvder, J. Am. Chem. Chem. 190, 178-184 (1930). Soc. 75, 1227-1228 (1953). [46] Ya. I. Ol'Shanskil, Reports Acad. Sci. USSR 59, [87] G. Brauer, Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem. 248, 1-31 1105-1107 (1958). (1941). [47] L. BeUaden, Gazz. Chim. Ital. 52, 160-164 (1922). [88] M. W. Shafer and R. Rov, Z. Exist. 110, 241-248 [48] W. Guertler, Z. Anorg. Chem. 37, 222-224 (1903). (1958). [49] E. M. Levin and C. McDaniel, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. [89] M. Ibrahim, X. F. Bright, and J. F. Rowland, J. 45, 355-360 (1962). Am. Ceram. Soc. 45, 329-334 (1962). [50] R. C. Doman, J. B. Barr, X. R. McXallv, and A. M. [90] R. S. Roth and J. L. Waring, J. Research XBS 66A Alper, Bull. Am. Ceram. Soc. 41," 584 (1962) (Phys. & Chem.), 451-463 (1962). [91] A. Reisman and F. Holtzberg, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 77, [51] R. S. Roth, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 44, 49-50 (1961). 2115-2119 (1955). [52] H. v. Wartenberg and W. Gurr, Z. Anorg. Allgem. [92] R. S. Roth and J. L. Waring, J. Research XBS 65A Chem. 196, 374-383 (1931). (Phvs. & Chem.), 337-344 (1961). [53] H. v. Wartenberg and E. Prophet, Z. Anorg. Allgem. [93] F. Holtzberg, A. Reisman, M. Berrv, and M. Berken- Chem. 208, 369-379 (1932); also H. v. Warten- blit, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 79, 2039-2043 (1957). berg and H. J. Reusch, Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem. [94] R. S. Roth and L. W. Coughanour, J. Research 208, 380-381 (1932). XBS 55, 209-213 (1955). [54] W. T. Wilde and W. J. Rees, Trans. Brit. Ceram. [95] R. L. Orr, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 75, 2808-2809 (1953). Soc. 42, 123-155 (1943). [96] P. D. Merica and R. G. Waltenberg, Tech. Pap. BS [55] E. X. Bunting, BS J. Research 5, 325-327 (1930). 19, 155-182 (1925). [56] H. v. Wartenberg and H. J. Reusch, Z. Anorg. [97] H. v. Wartenberg, Ann. Chem. Liebigs 440, 97-110 Allgem. Chem. 207, 1-20 (1932). (1924). [57] H. v. Wartenberg and K. Eckhardt, Z. Anorg. [98] J. M. A. Hoeflake and M. F. C. Scheffer, Rec. Trav. Allgem. Chem 232, 179-187 (1937). Chim., 45, 191-200 (1926). [58] M. E. Rengade, Bull. Soc. Chim. France 5, 994-1003 [99] S. Hilpert and P. Weiller, Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. (1909). 42, 2969-2977 (1909). [59] R. Ruer and M. Xakamoto, Rec. Trav. Chim. 42, [100] R. Schenck and W. Rassbach, Ber. Deut, Chem. 675-682 (1923). Ges. 42, 2917-2925 (1908). [60] H. S. Roberts and F. H. Smvth, J. Am. Chem. Soc. [101] R. F. Geller, A. S. Creamer, and E. X. Bunting, J. 43, 1061-1079 (1921). Research XBS 13, 237-244 (1934). [61] L. G. Wisnyi and S. Pijanowski, Metal. Rept. of [102] K. A. Exakau, Ann. Secteur Anal. Phvsico. Chim., Tech. Dept., Mar., Apr. and Mav, U.S. AEC Inst, Chim. Gen. (USSR) 8, 331-350^(1936). Publ. Kapl-1564 19-20 (1956). [103] V. A. Exoll, Z. Anorg. Chem. 78, 95-133 (1912). [62] S. J. Schneider, J. Research XBS 65A (Phvs. & [104] H. C. Cooper, L. I. Shaw, and X. E. Loomis, Ber. Chem.), 429-434 (1961). Deut, Chem. Ges. 42, 3991-3993 (1909). [63] J. Chipman and S. MarshaU, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 62, [105] W. B. Hincke, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 52, 3869-3877 299-305 (1940). (1930). [64] R. Hay, D. D. Howat, and J. White, J. West Scot. [106] R. Wietzel, Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem. 116, 71-95 Iron


Reference Purity Furnace type Temperature measurement Method

Kracek [3]... Not stated Not stated Not stated. Not stated

Shun-icbiro Iijima [22] Not stated Not stated Not stated. Weight loss measurements.

Tiede and Birnbrauer Not stated Arc Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur-

[23]. specimen. ing heating.

Geller and Yavorsky Three samples: (a) Soda Resistance; ThO*-Ce02 Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of pyramid-

[24]. free, 0.05% carbon; (b) heating elements. specimen. shaped specimen during 0.01% impurities; (c) heating. Rounded corners <0.01% each of seven indicated melting. metals.

Ruff and Lauschke Commercially pure Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur-

[25]. heating element. specimen. ing heating.

Weigel and Kaysser Two samples: (a) Not Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- [26]. stated (b) Alkali free. heating element. specimen. ing heating.

Mark [27]. Not stated. Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- heating element. specimen. ing heating.

Diamond and About 99.9%. Solar. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of bar-shaped Schneider [28]. specimen. specimen during cooling.

Geller and Bunting 99.98?! - Resistance. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen [29]. specimen. during heating.

Lambertson and 99.5%. Resistance; W heating Optical pryometer sighted on Examination of specimen Gunzel [30]. element. specimen. Specimen not after heating. visible.

Ruff [31] Pure. Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- heating element. specimen. ing heating.

r Bunting [32]. W.K [. Induction; Ir alloy suscep- Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of specimen after tor, button-shaped. small cavity in susceptor heating. adjacent to specimen cavity.

McNally, Peters, and Not stated. Induction; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen sus- Ribbe [33]. susceptor. specimen. pended in furnace during heating.

Ruff and Goecke [34].. Not stated. Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of cone-shaped heating element. specimen. specimen during heating. Fusion of cone tip indicated melting.

Lang, Knudsen, Fil- Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of pyramid- more, and Roth [35]. heating element. specimen. shaped specimen during heating. of pyramid tip indicated melt- ing.

v. Wartenberg, Linde, Pure. Flame; oil-. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen sus- and Junq [36]. specimen. pended in furnace during heating. See footnotes at end of table. . . -

[124] V. V. Illarionov, R. P. Ozeron, and E. V. Kil'- [128] E. N. Bunting, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 13, 5-10 (1930). disheva, Zh. Neorgan. Khim. 1, 777-782 (1956). [129] E. Podszus, Z. Angew. Chem. 30, 17-19 (1917). [125] F. Holtzberg, A. Reisman, M. Berry, and M. Ber- [130] S. J. Schneider, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 43, No. 7, 354- kenblit, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 78, 1536-1540 (1956). 355 (1963). [126] C. McDaniel, NBS, personal communication. [131] G. Gattowand H. Schroder, Z. Anorg. AUgem. Chem. [127] A. Burdese, Ann. Chim. (Rome) 47, 785-796 (1957). 318, 176-189 (1962).

Calibration Points Melting Points Environment Original Temp. Comments Scale 3 Materials Temp. Original Int. 1948 <

°C Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. 191 dissociates. Survey; not original data.

Not stated. Not stated. (Int. 1927).. 230 dissociates... 230.

Vacuum Not stated. 1890. 5 partial dissociation probably Not stated. ; occurred.

60PM0Rh..__ 1940- (Air). Int. 1927- 2000 to 2030. 1994 to 2024. (5) 80Pt-20Rh_... 1905 90Pt-10Rh_... 1845 lOOPt — 1773.5

1062.4. (a) Air at 7.5 mm Hg_ C2=1.437 cm (a) 2005.. 2005. s partial dissociation probably Au._. ;

CaF 2 - 1398... (b) Air at 7.7 mm Hg_ deg (b) 2008. 2008 occurred; reaction between specimen and graphite sup- port probable.

5 Ag.. 960.5. (al) C2=1.44 cm deg (al) 2007±4_ 2009±4 ; reaction between specimen Au. 1063 atm (a2) 2010---. 2012 and charcoal support proba- Pd_ 1557- (a2) Air (bl) 2001—- 2003 ble. Pt„ 1770- (bl) Reducing (b2) 2005 to 2007 to 2012 Rh. 1970- (b2) Air 2010 Ir... 2415

5 Not stated. Neutral. (Int. 1948). 2020- 2020. ; reflection errors possible.

None. Air. Int. 1948. 2025. 2025- 6 emissivity stated by authors ; to be about unity.

5 Pt Not stated. Air. Int. 1927. 2035 ±10. 2029 ±10. ; reflection errors possible 90Pt-10Rh- Not stated

Pt. (1769). . (Int. 1948). 2034 ±16. 2034 ±16.

5 and Pt. 1755. Not stated. C2=1.46 cm deg. 2010 ±10. 2035 ±10. ; reaction between specimen graphite support probable.

Not stated. (Air). Int. 1927. 2045 ±25. 2038 ± 25. Temperature uniformity be- tween specimen and target area of pyrometer not verified.

AI2O3- 2044. Air, , nitrogen.. Int. 1948. 2043 ±10. 2043 ±10. (t)-

8 Au. 1071. Nitrogen. (C 2 =1.48cm 2020. 2044. ; reaction between specimen deg). and graphite support probable. Pt. 1757

AI2O3 2035. Argon. Int. 1948. 2049_ 2049. (»)- BeO. 2510

Pt.. Not stated. Air. (Int, 1927). 2055- 2049. («)- Mo. Not stated

G90165—63 2 7 TABLE 11

Reference Purity » Furnace type Temperature measurement Method

Kanolt [37]. Fe—0.001% Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Thermal analysis, heating Cu—none heating element. blackbody cavity immersed curves. Si Ot—0.001% in specimen. Chloride—0.005% Sulfate—0.001%

Smits and Beljaar [38] Not stated. NaN0 3-NaNOa bath. Pt resistance thermometer. Intersection of pressure curve.

Welch and Duschak C. P. grade. Not stated. Copper-constantan thermo- Thermal analysis, heating

[39]. couple. curves; also examination of specimen after heating.

Rushton and Daniels Not stated. Resistance; iron pot heat- Copper-constantan thermo- Intersection of vapor pressure

[40]. ing element. couple. curves.

Kracek, Morey, and 100 ± 0.1%- Resistance; quench type, Thermocouple. Examination with microscope Merwin [41]. wire-wound ceramic of quenched specimen after tube heating element. heating. Last trace of crys- tals indicated melting point.

McCulloch [42]. 99.6%. Not stated. Not stated. Observation of specimen dur- ing heating.

Schumacher [43]. Not stated. Resistance; boat-shaped Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- W strip heating element. W strip adjacent to speci- ing heating. men. Spectral emissivity equals 0.431.

Tiede and Birnbrauer Not stated. Arc. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur-

[23]. specimen. ing heating.

Ruff and Lauschke Pure. Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur-

[25]. heating element. specimen. ing heating.

Lang, Knudsen, Fil- 99.9+%. Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of pyramid more, and Roth heating element. specimen. shaped specimen during

[35]. heating. Deformation of pyramid tip indicated melting.

v. Wartenberg, Commercially pure. Flame; gas-oxygen. Optical pyrometer. Observation of specimen Reusch, and Saran during heating. Rounded

[44]. corners of suspended speci- men indicated melting.

v. Wartenberg and Commercially pure. (Flame); "ZrOjoven'' Optical pyrometer. Not stated.

Werth [45].

Ol'Shanskil [46] Not stated. Resistance; quench type, Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of quenched graphite tube heating hole in side of heating specimen after heating. element. element. Formation of round balls indicated melting.

Ruff [31]. Pure. Resistance; carbon tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- heating element. specimen. ing heating.

Belladen [47]. Not stated. Resistance Pt-PtRh thermocouple im- Thermal analysis, cooling mersed in specimen. curves.

Gattow and Schroder 100±0.1% Not stated. Pt-PtRh thermocouple im- Thermal analysis, cooling [131] mersed in specimen. curves.

See footnotes at end of table. -—Continued

Calibration Points Melting Points Environment Original Temp. Comments Oxide Scale 3 Materials Temp. Original Int. 1948 «

"C Sb. 630- (a) Vacuum at 2 mm 2050. 2072 ' Partial dissociation probably AI2O3— Hg. occurred at reduced pressure. Con. Cu-Ag 779.. (b) — eutectic. Ag 960.5 Cu 1083 Diopside.. 1391 Pt 1755

Not stated. 6.1 mm Hg. (Int. 1927). 312.3 312.3 ' AS2O3 . Mono- clinic type. Water (100 °C) Not stated. Not stated. 313. Pressure at melting not stated; Naphthalene Not stated melting point should be desig- Benzophe- Not stated nated as triple point. none.

Not stated—. Not stated. Not stated. 315. Pressure at melting not stated; melting point should be desig- nated as triple point.

Not stated. (Air). ( Geophysical). . 450±2. 450±2* B2O3

Not stated— Not stated Not stated. Not stated. 460 to 470. Reaction between specimen and SiOa container probable.

stated. at 0.2 1.433 1923. 1918. 6 uniformity BaO Not Hydrogen Ci= cm ; temperature be- . tween specimen and target area of pyrometer not verified; reflection errors probable.

Not stated. Vacuum. Not stated. 2400 ± 100. (»)- BeO

t Au... 1062.4. Air at 15 mm Hg. Cj=1.437 cm 2410. 2410- __- ; reaction between specimen CaFj. 1398 and graphite support probable.

5 AljOs. 2035. Argon. Int. 1948.. 2452. 2452. ( )- BeO_. 2510

Not stated. Oxidizing. (Int. 1927). 2520±30. 2508±30. («)-

Not stated. Oxidizing. (Int. 1927). 2570. 2557.

Not stated. Nitrogen. (Int. 1948). 2570 ±30. 2570±30. Specimen dropped through heat- ed furnace; thermal lag be- tween specimen and measured temperature probable.

Pt. 1755. Nitrogen at 4 to 10 C2=1.46 cm deg. 2525- 2573. Reaction between specimen and mm Hg. graphite support probable.

Not stated. Not stated Not stated. 817. Bi;0 2

Not stated. (Air). (Int. 1948) . 824±2. 824±2.

9 TABLE 1 i

Reference Purity a Furnace type Temperature measurement Method

Guertler [48]. Not stated Not stated. Thermocouple immersed in Thermal analysis, cooling specimen. curves.

Levin and McDaniel Si and Fe<0.01% Resistance; quench type, Pt-90Ptl0Rh thermocouple Examination with microscope

[49]. Al and Pb<0.001% Pt alloy wire-wound adjacent to specimen. of quenched specimen after Ag, Ca, Cr, Mg, and Mn ceramic tube heating heating. <0.0001%. element.

Schumacher [43]. C.P. grade Resistance; boat-shaped Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- W strip heating element. W strip adjacent to speci- ing heating. men; spectral emissivity equals 0.418.

Kanolt [37]. Na and K—nil.. Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Thermal analysis, heating Mg—trace heating element. blackbody cavity immersed curves. H2S metals— nil in specimen. Also, speci- CI—0.004% men acted as blackbody Sulfate—nil enclosure.

Ol'Shanskii [46]. Not stated Resistance; quench type, Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of quenched graphite tube heating hole in side of heating ele- specimen after heating. element. ment. Formation of round balls indicated melting.

Doman, Barr, Mc- Not stated Not stated. Not stated. Not stated Nally, and Alper


Roth [51] Si—0.001 to 0.01% Resistance; quench type, Pt-90Ptl0Rh thermocouple Examination of quenched Al, B, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg Pt alloy wire-wound adjacent to specimen. specimen after heating. and Pb—0.0001 to 0.001% ceramic tube heating Ag— <0.0001% element.

Ruff [31]. Not stated Resistance; carbon tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- heating element. specimen. ing heating.

v. Wartenberg and Not stated Flame; acetylene-Oj Not stated. Observation of specimen dur-

Gurr [52]. ing heating.

Trombe [2] Not stated Not stated. Not stated. Not stated

v. Wartenberg, Ni Free .-. Flame; oil. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen sus- Reusch, and Saran specimen. pended in furnace during

[44]. heat. Rounded corners in- dicated melting.

v. Wartenberg and 99.9%. Flame; oxyhydrogen or Optical pyrometer. Not stated Prophet [53]. gas-air.

v. Wartenberg and Pure Not stated. Optical pyrometer- Not stated- Gurr [52].

Ruff [31]. Not stated.. Resistance; carbon tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- heating element. specimen. ing heating.

Kanolt [37]. Iron—0.01%.. Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Thermal analysis, heating Chroma te—trace heating element. blackbody cavity immersed curves. Sulphate—0.005%. in specimen.

See footnotes at end of table. 10 . . ..


Calibration Points Melting Points Environment Original Temp. Comments Oxide Scale 3 Materials Temp. Original Int. 1948 *

Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. 820±2_. Bi20a— Con.

NaCL 800.4. Air. Int. 1948. 825±3. 825±3* Au... 1063

5 Hydrogen at 0.2 atm.. C 2 =1.433 cm 2576. 2565. be- CaO Not stated. ; temperature uniformity deg. tween specimen and target area of pyrometer not verified; reflection errors probable.

Sb 630. Hydrogen. TO 2572. 2614* Cu-Ag 779 Euteetie. Ag Cu 1083 Diopside.. 1391 Pt 1755

Not stated. Nitrogen. (Int. 1948) 2620. 2620. Specimen dropped through heated furnace; thermal lag between specimen and meas- ured temperature probable.

Not stated. Not stated. (Int. 1948). 2630. 2630. Melting point taken from ab- stract.

Not stated. Not stated. Int. 1948. >1500. >1500. Author noted that CdO sub- CdO limes rapidly.

Pt. 1755. Not stated. Cj=1.46 cm 1950. 1973. Reaction between specimen and CeOj deg. ZrOz support probable.

Not stated. Air. (Int. 1927). >2600. >2600

Not stated. Not stated . Not stated 2800. Survey; not original data.

Not stated. Oxidizing. ant. 1927). 1800±20. 1795±20. (»)- CoO

Not stated. ant. 1927). 1810. 1805. Oxidation state of cobalt not investigated.

Not stated. Air. (Int. 1927). 1935. 1929. Authors stated this melting point to be in error; see pre- ceding reference [53] for cor- rected value.

8 specimen Cr 2 0 3 Pt. 1755- Nitrogen at Cj=1.46 cm deg. (a) 1830 to 2080.. 1849 io 2107. ; reaction between (a) 30 mm Hg (b) 1960 1983 and graphite support proba- (b) 1 . ble. Author concluded re- duction of specimen occurred.

Sb 630... Vacuum (•). 1990. 2011. Oxidation state of chromium Cu-Ag 779 not investigated. Reduction Eutectic. is probable. Ag 960.5 Cu 1083

Diopside - 1391 Pt 1755

11 TABLE 1 i

Reference Purity • Furnace type Temperature measurement Method

Wilde and Rees [54]... Not stated . Resistance; graphite tube Photoelectric pyrometer Thermal analysis, heating heating element. sighted on specimen. curves. Also, observation of specimen during heating.

Bunting [55]- Induction; Ir alloy suscep- Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of specimen after tor, button-shaped. small cavity adjacent to heating. specimen cavity.

Bunting [32]. C. P. grade - Induction; Ir susceptor, Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of specimen after button-shaped. small cavity adjacent to heating. specimen cavity.

v. Wartenberg and Analytical grade. (Flame) ;" Fletscher Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen sus-

Reusch [56]. oven". specimen. pended in furnace during heating.

McNally, Peters, and C03O4, SiOj, and V2O3- Induction; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen sus-

Ribbe [33]. 0.01-0.1% susceptor. specimen. pended in furnace during AhOi, MgO, and FeaOs— heating. 0.005-0.05% NiO—0.001-0.01% MnO and TiOj—1-10 ppm.

v. Wartenberg and Not stated. Flame; acetylene-Oa. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen sus- Eckhardt [57]. specimen. pended in furnace during heating.

Rengade [58]. Purified. Flame-heated Al block Thermocouple. Thermal analysis, cooling curves. Also, observation of specimen during heating.

Ruer and Nakamoto Not stated. Resistance; carbon tube Pt-PtRh thermocouple Im- Examination of specimen after

[59j. heating element. mersed in specimen. heating.

v. Wartenberg, Pure. Flame; gas-oxygen. Optical pyrometer. Observation of specimen sus- Reusch, and Saran pended in furnace during

[44]. heating.

Roberts and Smyth 0.0083% impurities. Not stated. Pt-PtRh thermocouple. Intersection of pressure-tem-

[60]. perature-composition curves.

Wlsnyi and Pijanow- Not stated. Resistance; V-shaped W Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- skl [61]. strip heating element. specimen. ing heating. Apparent dis- appearance of specimen indicated melting.

Wisnyi and Pijan- Not stated. Resistance; V-shaped W Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- owski [61]. strip heating element. specimen. ing heating. Apparent dis- appearance of specimen indicated melting.

Schneider [62]. Ba, Cu, Er, and Si- Induction; crucible-shaped Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of specimen af ' er <0.01%; Ir susceptor. small hole in crucible lid. heating. Flat button indi- Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, and Ni- cated melting. <0.001%.

See footnotes at end of table. .


Calibration Points Melting Points Environment Original Temp. Comments Oxide Scale 3 Materials Temp. Original Int. 1948 *

"C Air.. (Int. 2053 s AI1O3- 2040 1927).— 2060±25. ±25. ; reduction of specimen proba- Cr2 Oa— ble. Con.

AI2O3. 2040. (Air). (Int. 1927). 2140±25_ 2133±25. Temperature uniformity be- tween specimen and target area of pyrometer not verified. Bunting in later publication

[32] stated 2140 °C value is low because of reduction during calcine.

Not stated. (Air). (Int. 1927). 2275=1=25- 2266±25- Temperature uniformity be- tween specimen and target area of pyrometer not verified.

Pt. (1773). Air. (Int. 1927). 2275=1=25- 2266±25. 0-

5 AI2O3- 2044. (a) Nitrogen. Int. 1948. (a) 2315. 2315- ; reduction of specimen is (b) Air (b) 2330. 2330 probable.

5 Not stated. (Int. 1927). 2435=1=10- 2424±10_ ; reduction of specimen is prob- able.

Not stated. Nitrogen. Not stated. 490±10. Cs a O

Cu. 1084_ Nitrogen.. Not stated. 1222. 1222. Cu2 0 Ni_ 1451 Fe- 1528

Not stated- Oxidizing. (Int. 1927). 1230±20. 1229±20. (»).

Quartz trans- Not stated 0.6 mm Hg Pressure Geophysical. 1235. 1236* formation An 1062.6

AI2O3- 2040. Either helium, hydro- Int. 1948. 2340=1=10- 2340±10. » ; author's stated emissivity of Dy20 3 gen, or vacuum. approximately 0.9 to 0.95 is probably overestimated. Re- flection error probable.

No melting point data located Er 2 03 in the literature.

AI2O3- 2040. Either helium, hydro- Int. 1948. 2050±30. 2050±30. 5 ; author's stated emissivity of EU2O3 gen or vacuum. approximately 0.9 to 0.95 is probably over estimated. Reflection errors and reduc- tion in vacuum or hydrogen probable.

Au.. 1063- Air. Int. 1948. 2240±10. 2240±10* Pt... 1769 Rh.. 1960

13 . .


Eeferenco Purity i Furnace type Temperature measurement Method

Chipman and Mar- Fe and C— <0.005%; S Resistance; SiC tube heat- Pt-90PtlORh thermocouple Weight loss data; specimen shall [63]. <0.004%; Si<0.008%; ing element. adjacent to specimen. suspended from balance arm Mn<0.003%; Cu<0.004 Sudden weight loss indicated %; Cu<0.004%; P< melting. 0.002%; Ni<0.031%.

Hay, Howat, and Not stated.. Resistance; Mo wire- Mo- Wthermoeouple adjacent Differential thermal analysis..

White [64]. wound ceramic tube to the specimen. heating element.

Darken and Gurry Fe and C—0. 012%; Resistance; quench type, Pt-PtRh thermocouple; tem- Examination of specimen after

[65]. Mn<0.01%; Pt wire-wound ceramic perature measured before heating. P—0.004%; tube heating element. and after each determina- S—0.003%; tion. Cu—0.045%; Si—0.007%; Ni-O.02%; Pb—0.04%.

Bowen and Schairer Not stated Resistance; quench type, Pt-90PtlORh thermocouple; Examination with microscope

[66] Pt wire-wound ceramic temperature measured be- of quenched specimen after tube heating element. fore and after each determi- heating. nation.

Moruzzi and Shafer High purity Resistance; quench type, Thermocouple adjacent to Observation of rod-shaped

[67] Pt wire-wound ceramic specimen. specimen during heating. tube heating element. Rounded corners indicated melting.

Darken and Gurry Not stated. Resistance; quench type, Pt-PtRh thermocouple; tem- Examination of specimen after [65] Pt wire-wound ceramic perature measured before heating. Formation of tube heating element. and after each determina- droplets indicated melting. tion.

Greig, Posnjak, Mer- FeaOs—99.7%; FeO— Resistance; quench type, Pt-90PtlORh thermocouple Examination with microscope win, and Sosman 0.03%; SiO2-0.01%; Pt wire-wound ceramic adjacent to specimen. of quenched specimen after [68] NaaO-0.04%; TiOi— tube heating element. heating. 0.01%; MnO—0.01%;

P 2 Ot-O.005%

v. Wartenberg and Commercially pure - Flame; acetylene-oxygen Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen sus-

Eckhardt [57] specimen. pended in furnace during heating.

Hill, Roy, and Not stated. Resistance, U-shaped 60 Optical pyrometer. Examination with microscope Osborn [69]. Pt-40Rh strip heating of specimen after heating. element.

v. Wartenberg and Not stated. (Flame) "Fletscher Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen sus- Reusch [56l. Oven". specimen. pended in furnace during heating.

Schneider and 99.9%. (a) Induction; crucible- (a) Optical pyrometer sighted (a) and (b) Examination of Waring [70] shaped Ir susceptor. on small hole in crucible specimen after heating. lid.

(b) Resistance; quench (b) 95Pt5Rh-80Pt20Rh ther- type, Pt alloy wire- mocouple adjacent to wound ceramic tube specimen. heating element.

Wisnyi and Pijanow- Not stated. Resistance; V-shaped W Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- ski [61]. strip heating element. specimen. ing heating. Apparent dis- appearance of specimen in- dicated melting.

See footnotes at end of table.

14 —Continued

Calibration Points Melting Points Environment Original Temp. Comments Oxide Scale 3 Materials Temp. Original Int. 1948 *

Cu. Xot stated Slightly oxidizing. (Int. 1927). 1369. 1368. FeO XL. Xot stated Pd. 1555

Xot stated— Xitrogen at one atm (Int. 1927). 1370. 1368.

Not stated. Xitrogen at one atm... (Int. 1927). 1371±1. 1369±r

LijSiOj-.. 1201.- Xitrogen—slightly Geophysical 1380±5 1382±5. Diopside. 1391.5 oxidizing. Pd 1549.5

Xot stated. Air. (Int. 1948). 1591 1591. Fe30 4

Xot stated- (a) Oxygen at 1 atm.. (Int. 1927). (a) 1583±2. 13S0±2* (b) Air at 1 atm (b) 1594±2 1591±2*

(c) Oxygen at 0.0575.. (c) 1597±2 1594±2* atm.

Aa- 1062.6. Small oxygen pres- Geophysical. 1591±5 1594±o* Diopside. 1391.5 sure Pd 1549.5 Pt 1755

Xot stated. Air. (Int. 1927). 1650 1647.

1710. stated _ 1725±15.... 1725±15. temperature uniformity be- 0 3 15% CaO... Xot Int. 1948. ; Ga2 85% SiOj tween specimen and target area of pyrometer not verified.

Xot stated. ant. 1927). 1740±25.-. 1736=25. («)-

(a) Au 1063.. (a) and (b) Air_ Int. 194«. (a) and (b) 1795±15« Pd 1552 179o±15. Pt 1769 Rh 1960 (b) Au 1063 Pd. 1552 Pt 1769

AlaOs.. 2040. Either helium, hy- Int. 1948. 2330i20. 2330±20. ; authors stated emissivity of Gd2 03 drogen, or vacuum. approximately 0.9 to 0.95 is probably overestimated. Re- flection errors probable.

690165—63 3 15 . .


Reference Parity 2 Furnace type Temperature measurement Method

Curtis and Johnson Y—0.2%; La<0.05%; Ce— Not stated. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of rod shaped [71]. 0.5%; Pr<0.l%; Nd— specimen. specimen during heating. 0.5%; Sm—0.5%; Eu— Definite fluidity of specimen 0.5%; Dy—0.5%; Tb— indicated melting. 2.0%; Ho<0.5%; Er< 0.05%; Yb<0.05%; Lu—

0.05' !

Schwarz, Schenk, Not stated. Resistance; quench type, Thermocouple. Examination with microscope and Oiese [72] Pt wire-wound ceramic of quenched specimen after tube heating element. heating. Disappearance of last crystal indicated melting.

Laubengayer and <0.01% impurities. Resistance; quench type, Pt-PtRh thermocouple adja- Eaxmination with microscope Morton [73]. Pt wire-wound ceramic cent specimen. of quenched specimen after tube heating element. heating. Disappearance of last crystal indicated melt- ing.

Clausing [74] ZrOj

Mark [27]... Fe and Si—0.5-1%; Zr- Resistance; graphite or Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- 5%. metal strip heating ele- specimen. ing heating. ment. Henning [75] "Pure theoretical" Resistance; W tube heat- Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- ting element. specimen. ing heating.

Curtis, Doney, and Zr-2 ppm; Tl-1000 ppm; Flame; oxyacetylene. Optical pyrometer. Not stated. Johnson [76]. Al-600 ppm; Fe-100 ppm; Si—100 ppm.

Schneider [62]. Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, Induction; crucible-shaped Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of specimen after P, and Si, each <0.01%; Ir susceptor. small hole in crucible lid. heating. Flat button indi- Er <0.00l%; cated melting. Ag and Mn <0.00001%

Cordfunke and Not stated. Resistance; "Silibar". Pt-90Ptl0Rh thermocouple . Vapor pressure data-

Meyer [77].

Ruff [31] Contained didymium im- Resistance; carbon tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen purities. heating element. specimen. during heating.

Lambertson and Resistance; W heating Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of specimen after Gunzel [30]. element. specimen. Specimen not heating. visible.

v. Wartenberg and 100%. (Flame) "Fletscheroven" Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen

Reusch [56]. specimen. during heating.

Chemistry and Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. Physics Handbook w.

See footnotes at end of table. . .


Calibration Points Melting Points Environment Original Temp. Comments Oxide Scale 3 Materials Temp. Original Int. 1948 *

! Not stated. (Int. 1948) 2350±50. 23S0±50_ ; authors stated an attempt was Gd 2 Ot- made to correct for nonblack- Con. body conditions.

Na 2 SO<. 884.7.. Air (Geophysical) ... 1115±3. 1115±3* GeOj K2SO4- 1069.1 Quartz

Li 2 Si03. 1201.8 type.

Not stated. (Air). (Int. 1927). 1116±4. 1116±4*

Hydrogen. (Int. 1927). 2774±25. 2758±25. 5 uniformity be- HfOj Not stated. ; temperature tween specimen and target area of pyrometer not verified.

s Not stated. Neutral. (Int. 1948). 2770. 2770. ; reflection errors probable.

Not stated. Nitrogen or hydrogen. Not stated. 2812±25. 5 melting point determind for ;

impure Hf0 2 sample and extrapolated to 100% es

Not stated. Not stated. (Int. 1948). 29U0±2.-.. 2900±25

No melting point data located H01O3 in the literature.

Au. 1063. Air. Int. 1948. 1910±10. 1910±10. I113O3 Pt-. 1769 Rb. 1960

Not stated. Oxygen at 1 atm. Int. 1948. 1100 dissociates. 1100. IrOa

No melting point data located in K 2 Q the literature. Because of the

reactivity of K 2 0, it is un- likely that a melting point can be determined.

s Pt. 1755. Not stated. C 3 =1.46 cm deg 1840- 1859. ; reaction between specimen La 2 Os

and Zr0 2 support probable.

Pt. (1769) Helium. (Int. 1948). 2210±20. 2210±20.

s Pt. (1773). Air. (Int. 1927). 2315. 2307. ( )-

Not stated. Not stated . Not stated. >1700_ Survey, not original data. Be- Li a O

cause of the reactivity of Li 2 0 it is unlikely that a melting point can be determined.

17 -


Oxide Reference Parity 2 Furnace type Temperature measurement Method


Ruff [31]. Contained: H2CO3, H 2 0, Resistance; carbon tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen FeiOj, Si(OH)4 and heating element. specimen. during heating. NaCl.

Kelley [1]. Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. Not stated.

McNally, Peters, and C030 4 and WO3—0.01- Induction; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen

Ribbe [33]. 0.1%; suseeptor. small hollow graphite cyl- during heating.

SiOj and Fe 2 03—0.005- inder adjacent to specimen. 0.05%; AI2O3 and CrjOa—0.001- 0.01%; TiOj, and B a 0 3 , V2O3, CuO—5-50 ppm; MnO and AgjO— 1-10 ppm.

Kanolt [37]. CaO—none Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Thermal analysis; heating AI2O3—0.0002%. heating element. blackbody cavity immersed curves. Fe—0.0005%. in specimen. COj—0.130%. CI—0.275%. SOj—0.001%. HNO3—none.

Tiede and Birnbrauer Not stated. Arc. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen

[23]. specimen. during heating.

White, Howat and Not stated Resistance; Mo wire- Mo-W thermocouple adjacent Differential thermal analysis. Hay [78]. wound ceramic tube to the specimen. heating element.

v. Wartenberg and Not stated Flame; oxyhydrogen or Optical pyrometer . Not stated .

Prophet [53]. gas-air.

Van Hook and Keith Not stated Resistance; quench type, Pt-90PtlORh thermocouple Examination with microscope

[79]. Pt wire-wound ceramic adjacent to specimen. of quenched specimen after tube heating element. heating.

Ranganathan, Mac- Reagent grade Resistance; Mo wire- Pt-90PtlORh thermocouple Examination with X-rays kean and Muan [80]. wound ceramic tube adjacent to specimen. and microscope of quenched heating element. specimen after heating.

v. Wartenberg, Commercially pure Flame; oil-oxygen—. Optical pyrometer Observation of specimen sus- Reusch and Saran pended in furnace during

[44]. heating.

v. Wartenberg and Pure Not stated Optical pyrometer Not stated.

Gurr [52].

Carnelley [81]- Not stated.. Flame; "Bunsen lamp"—. thermometer Not stated.

Groschufl [82]. Not stated.. -. Not stated. Not stated — Thermal analysis; heating and cooling curves.

v. Jaeger and Germs Purified— Resistance; nichromewire Thermocouple immersed in Thermal analysis, heating

[83]. heating element. specimen. curves.

Hoermann [84] Not stated.. Resistance; Pt wire heat- Pt-PtRh thermocouple im- Observation of specimen dur- ing element. mersed in specimen. ing heating. See footnotes at end of ta ble. .


Calibration Points Melting Points Environment Original Temp. Comments Oxide Scales Materials Temp. Original Int. 1948 *

No melting point data located L112O3 in the literature.

10-30 Pt. 1755. (a) Nitrogen at C2=1.46 cm deg. (a) 2120. 2150. • ; various melting points ob- MgO mm Hg. tained using different shaped (b) Nitrogen at 1 atm (b) 2250-2280 2285-2316 specimens and graphite sup- (c) Nitrogen at 10-30 (c) 2450 2494 ports. Reaction with graph- mm Hg. ite and partial reduction of (d) Nitrogen at 1 atm (d) 2500 2546 MgO occurred. (e) Nitrogen at 10-30 (e) 2550 2599 mm Hg.

Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. 2642 Survey; not original data.

AljOs 2044. Nitrogen. Int. 1948... 2825±20. 2825±20. Temperature uniformity be- tween specimen and target area of pyrometer not verified.

9 Sb 630... Carbon monoxide and t )- 2852* Cu-Ag eu- 779 nitrogen at atmos- tectic. pheric pressure. Ag 960.5 Cu 1083 Diopside. 1391 Pt__ 1755

5 Not stated. Vacuum . _ Not stated 1650. ( )- MnO

Fe trans- 1400. Not stated. (Int. 1927) 1785. 1781. formation. Fe 1530

Not stated. Air (Int. 1927) __ 1560 1557 M113O4

CaS10 3 . 1544. Air (Geophysical) ... 1562. 1564*

CaS10 3 1546. Air Int. 1948 1567±5_ 1567±5* 90SlOj:10CaO. 1707 Pt 1769

s Not stated. Air (Int. 1927) 1590±20. 1587±20. ( )-

Not stated. Air (Int. 1927) 1705. 1701.

Not stated. Not stated Not stated 759. M0O3

Not stated. Air Not stated 791.

Not stated . Oxidizing Not stated 795.

Not stated. Not stated (Int. 1927) 795.

19 TABLE 1

Reference Purity > Furnace type Temperature measurement Method

Rieck [85]. Purifled. Flame; gas-air. Pt-PtRh thermocouple Im- (Thermal analysis). mersed in specimen.

Cosgrove and Snyder Trace—heavy and alkali Resistance; nichrome wire- Pt-PtRh thermocouple Thermal analysis, cooling metals. wound ceramic tube curves. heating element.

Brauer [87]. Ti02—0.28%. "Tammann oven". Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- specimen. ing heating. Flowing speci- men indicated melting.

Shafer and Roy [ Ta2 O 6 <0.2%. Resistance; Pt wire-wound Thermocouple. Not stated ceramic tube heating element.

Ibrahim, Bright, and 99+%. Resistance; Pt wire-wound Pt-90PtlORh thermocouple.. Observation of cone shaped

Rowland [89]. tube heating element. specimen during heating. Complete slumping indi- cated melting.

Roth and Waring [90]. Si <0.01%; Resistance; quench type Pt-90Ptl0Rh thermocouple Examination of quenched Ca and Mg <0.001%; Pt alloy wire-wound adjacent to the specimen. specimen after heating. As, Cu, and Ta perhaps ceramic tube heating present. element.

Reisman and Holtz- Ta a O 3 <0.2%. Resistance; Pt wire-wound Pt-90Ptl0Rh thermocouple Differential thermal analysis.

berg [91]. ceramic tube heating immersed in specimen. element.

Roth and Waring [92]. 99.7+%. Resistance; quench type, Pt-90PtlORh thermocouple Examination of quenched Pt alloy wire-wound adjacent to specimen. specimen after heating. ceramic tube heating element.

Holtzberg, Reisman, Ta<0.2%. Resistance; kanthal wire Pt-90Ptl0Rh thermocouple Differential thermal analysis. Berry, and Berken- heating element. immersed in specimen.

blit [93].

Diamond and Schnei- 99.7+%. Solar. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of bar-shaped

der [28]. specimen. specimen during cooling.

Roth and Cougha- 99. 7+%. Resistance; Pt alloy heat- Pt-90PtlORh thermocouple... Examination of pyramid- nour [94]. ing element. shaped specimen after heat- ing.

Orr [95]. Si<0. 03%; Mg<0. 05%; Not stated. Thermocouple.. Not stated. Ti<0. 01%

Ruff [31]. Ta 2 0i-l-2% Resistance; carbon tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- heating element. specimen. ing heating.

Lambertson and Gun- 99%. Resistance; W heating Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of specimen after zel [30]. element. specimen. Specimen not vis- heating. ible.

Merica and Walten- Not stated. Not stated. Optical pyrometer... Not stated.

berg [96],

v. Wartenberg and 99. 9%. Flame; oxyhydrogen or Optical pyrometer.. Not stated.

Prophet [53]. gas-air.

v. Wartenberg and Pure. Not stated Optical pyrometer.. Not stated..

Gurr [52].

See footnotes at end of table. 20 -


Calibration Points Melting Points Environment Original Temp. Comments Oxide Scale a Materials Temp. Original Int. 1948 *

"C °C NaCl. Not stated Air. (Int. 1927). 795±2_ 795±2. M0O3— Con.

Sn, Pb, Al, Not stated. Nitrogen at 1 atmo. Int. 1948. 795.36- 795.36*. Cu, Ag, Si. Not stated .

No melting point data located in Na2 0 the literature. Because of the

reactivity of NaaO, it is un- likely that a melting point can be determined.

Not stated. Oxygen. (Int. 1927). 1460±5. 1458 ±5. 0). Nb 2 0 6

Not Stated . Not Stated. (Int. 1948). 1465±5. 1465±5.

Au Not stated. Air. Int. 1948. 1479. 1479. Authors stated that recorded Pd Not stated temperatures may be as much Pseudowol- Not stated as 20 °C low. lastonite.

Au. 1063. Air. Int. 1948. 1485±5. 1485±5*

±5* Ka C0 3 . Not stated Oxygen plus air. (Int. 1948). 1486±5. 1486 NaCl.. Not stated

Au 1063. Air. Int. 1948. 1487. 1487. Barium disili- 1420 cate.

ENb0 3 215. (Air). (Int. 1948). 1491±2. 1491±2* Transforma- 425 tions.

' None Air. Int. 1948. 1496. 1496. ; emissivity stated by authors to be about unity.

Not stated- Air. Int. 1948. 1500 ± 10. 1500 ± 10.

Au. (1063). Not stated. (Int. 1948) 1512. 1512.

Pt. 1755. Not stated. Cj-1. 46 cm deg. 1520. 1530. » ; reaction between specimen and Mgo support probable.

Pt. (1769). Helium. (Int. 1948). 2272 ± 20. 2272 ± 20. Nd 2 Os

Not stated. (a) Vacuum (b) Air- Not stated. (a) 1552 (b) 1660 NiO

Not stated. Air. (Int. 1927).. 1990. 1984. («)-

s Not stated. Air. (Int. 1927).. 2090. ; authors stated this melting point to be in error. See pre-

ceding reference [53] for cor- rected value.

21 TABLE 1 i

Reference Purity Furnace type Temperature measurement Method

v. Wartenberg [97] Not stated. Resistance. Thermocouple adjacent to Observation of specimen dur specimen. tag heating. Also from in- tersection of vapor pressure curves.

Chemistry and Phys- Not stated. Not stated. Not stated . Not stated.

ics Handbook [4].

Kelley [1]. Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. Not stated.

Hoeflake and Scheffer Purified.. Resistance; "oven". Pt-PtRh thermocouple. Observation of specimen dur- [98]. ing heating. Also from vapor pressure data.

Balladen [47]. Not stated. Resistance. Pt-PtRh thermocouple im- Thermal analysis, cooling mersed in specimen. curves.

Hilpert and Weiller Not stated. Resistance. Pt-PtRh thermocouple im- Thermal analysis.

[99]. mersed in specimen.

v. Jaeger and Oerms (a) 99.2% Resistance; nichrome heat- Thermocouple immersed in Thermal analysis..

[83]. (b) Not stated ing element. specimen. (e) Not stated

Schenck and Rass- Pure Resistance. Pt-PtRh thermocouple. Thermal analysis, cooling

bach [100]. curves.

Geller, Creamer, and 0.02% total impurities. Not stated. Pt-PtRh thermocouple. Differential thermal analysis.

Bunting [101].

Krakau [102]. 0.1-0.27c impurities. Not stated. Pt-PtRh thermocouple. Thermal analysis, cooling curves.

Kroll [103].... Not stated . Resistance; Pt heating Thermocouple immersed in Thermal analysis, cooling element. specimen. curves; also observation of specimen.

Cooper, Shaw, and Pure. Resistance. Pt-PtRh thermocouple. (Thermal analysis.)

Loomis [104].


Chemistry and Phys- Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. Not stated.

ios Handbook [4].

KeUey [1]. Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. Not stated.

See footnotes at end of table.

22 .


Calibration Points Melting Points Environment Original Temp. Comments Oxide Scale 3 Materials Temp. Original Int. 1948 *

Not stated. About 11 mm Hg. Not stated. 40.1 Ciystal form not indicated. The Os0 4 reported melting point is prob- yellow ably determined from mix- type ture of both the white and yel- low types.

Not stated. Not stated _ Not stated. Survey, not original data

Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. Survey, not original data..

Naphthaline 218. 4600 mm Hg. Not stated. 569 569_ P 2 O s . Benzo- 306 Triple point. phenone. Sulphur 444.5 Sb 630

Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. 870. PbO yellow type.

Not stated. Air. Not stated. 870.

Not stated. Oxidizing. Not stated . (a) 877. (b) 879 (c) 879

Not stated. Not stated. 879.

K2SO4 Trans- 583±1... Air. Int. 1927 formation.

KCl ( 770.3

K 2 SO ( 1069.1

Not stated. (Int. 1927). 886.

Not stated.. Air. Not stated.

Not stated- (Air). Not stated.

No melting point data located Pd0 2 in the literature. The oxide probably dissociates to the metal before melting.

No melting point data located PreOi, in the literature.

No t stated. Not stated. Not stated. 450- Survey; not original data. The pto 2 oxide probably dissociates to the metal before melting.

No melting point data located Rb 2 0 in the literature.

Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. 296. Survey, not original data Re 2 07

No melting point data located Rh 2 0 3 in the literature. The oxide probably dissociates to the metal before melting.

23 .


Reference Purity i Furnace type Temperature measurement Method

Hincke [105]. Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. Calculated from vapor pres- sure data.

Schneider and War- 99.9%. Induction; crucible Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of specimen after

ing [70]. shaped Ir suseeptor. small hole in crucible lid. heating.

Chemistry and Phys- Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. Not stated.

ics Handbook [4],

Wietzel [106] Not stated. Resistance; Ir heating ele- Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of specimen after ment. Pt blacked with FeaO. heating. First forma- tion indicated melting.

Endell and Rieke 99.9%. Resistance; Ir heating ele- Ir-IrRh thermocouple adja- Examination of specimen after [107] ment. cent to specimen. heating.

White, Howat, and Not stated Resistance; Mo wire- Mo-W thermocouple. Observation of specimen Hay [78] wound ceramic tube during heating. heating element.

Ferguson and Not stated . Resistance; quench type, Pt-90PtlORh thermocouple. Examination with microscope Merwin [108] Pt alloy wire-wound Temperature measured be- of quenched specimen after ceramic tube heating fore and after each determi- heating. Last trace of crys- element. nation. tals indicated melting.

Greig [109]. Very pure. Resistance; quench type, Pt-90PtlORh thermocouple Examination with microscope Pt alloy wire-wound adjacent to the specimen. of quenched specimen after ceramic tube heating heating. Last trace of crys- element. tals indicated melting.

Zhirnova [110]- Not stated. Flame; acetylene-Oj Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of cone shaped specimen. specimen during heating. Slumping of the cone indi- cated melting.

Ruff and Lauschke Not stated . Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen

[25] heating element. specimen. during heating.

Wisnyi and Not stated. Resistance; V-shaped W Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen Pijanowski [61] strip heating element. specimen. during heating. Apparent disappearance of specimen indicated melting.

Curtis and Johnson Y<0.05%; La<0.05%; Not stated. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of rod shaped [71] Pr<0.2%; Nd<0.05%; specimen. specimen during heating. Ho<0.02%; Er<0.05%; Definite fluidity of speci- Eu-O.4%; Gd—0.03%; men indicated melting. Tb<0.01%; Dy—0.02%; Yb<0.05%.

Ruff [31]. Not stated. Resistance, carbon tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- heating element. specimen. ing heating.

Barczak and Insley Not stated. Not stated . Not stated.. Differentia] thermal analysis. ma. Also examination of speci- men after heating.

See footnotes at end of table.

24 .


Calibration Points Melting Points Environment Original Temp. Comments Oxide Scale 3 Materials Temp. Original Int. 1948 *

No melting point data located RuO< in the literature.

Not stated. 8.5 mm Hg. (Int. 1927). 655_ 655. Sb 2 OS ortho- rhom- bic type

An... 1063. Air. Int. 1948. <2405. <2405. Sc 2 0 3 Pd... 1552 Pt— 1769 Eh... 1960

Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. 240-250- Survey, not original data. The Se0 2 oxide is extremely volatile.

Pd. 1556. Air. (C 2 =1.437 cm 1696±10. 1691±10. SiO s deg). cristo- balite type

An. 1063. Nitrogen. (Geophysical)... 1685. 1692. Pd. 1549 Pt.. 1755

Fe trans- 1400— Not stated. (Int. 1927). 1705. 1701. formation. Fe 1530

Pd. 1549.5. Air. Geophysical. 1710±10_ 1720±10.

Ice. 0... Air. Geophysical. 1713±5. 1723±5« Au. 1062.6 Pd. 1549.5 Pt.. 1755

s Pt-.- 1755. Air. (C 2 =1.457 cm 1715±20. 1728±20. ( ). AbOj. 2050 deg). CaO.. 2570

t; An... 1062.4. 17.0 mm Hg. (C 2 =1.437 cm 1850. 1850. reaction between specimen CaFi. 1398 deg.) and graphite support probable.

AUOj. 2040. Either helium, hydro- Int. 1948. 2300±50. 2300±50. ' ; authors' stated emissivity of SmjOa gen, or vacuum approximately 0.9 to 0.95 is probably overestimated. Re- flection errors probable.

! Not given. Air. (Int. 1948). 2350±50. 2350±50. ; authors' stated an attempt was made to correct for non- blackbody conditions.

5 specimen and SnOj Pt. 1755. Not stated . C 2 =1.46 cm deg. (a) 1385.. 1391. reaction between (b) 1625. 1637 (a) MgO or (b) ZrOj supports probable.

Not stated. Not stated. (Int. 1948). 1630±5. 1630±5. Possible reaction of SnOj with Pt container probable.

25 . .


Reference Purity > Furnace type Temperature measurement Method

Schumacher [43]. C. P. grade. Resistance; boat-shaped Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- W strip heating element W strip adjacent to speci- ing heating. men; spectral emissivity equals 0.431.

Heisman, Holtzberg, TiOj<0.001%- Resistance, U-shaped Rh Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- Berkenblit, and or Pt alloy strip heating specimen. ing heating. Berry [112]. element.

Ruff [31] Nb 2 0 5—7.1%. Resistance; carbon tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- heating element. specimen. ing heating.

Kracek [3]. Not stated. Not stated Not stated Not stated.

Tiede and Birnbrauer Commercially pure- Arc . Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur-

[23]. specimen. ing heating.

Ruff [31] Pure- Resistance; carbon tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- heating element. specimen. ing heatiing.

Trombe [2]. Not stated. Not stated Not stated - Not stated.

Ruff, Ebert, and "Pure" Flame; oxyacetylene. Optical pyrometer. Not stated . Woitinek [113].

Lambertson and 99.7%. Resistance; W heating Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of specimen after Gunzel [30]. element. specimen. Specimen not heating. visible.

Statton [114]. Reagent grade. Resistance; Mo strip heat- Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- ing element. Mo strip adjacent to speci- ing heating. men. Corrected for spectral emissivity of Mo.

v. Wartenberg and Not stated. Flame; oxyhydrogen or Optical pyrometer- Not stated.

Prophet [53]. gas-air.

Sigurdson and Cole Not stated. Resistance; Pt strip heat- Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- [115]. ing element. Pt strip adjacent to speci- ing heating. men. Corrected for spectral emissivity of Pt.

Rase and Roy [116]. Not stated. Resistance; U-shaped Pt Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- alloy heating element. Pt alloy strip. ing heating.

Coughanour and 99.9%. Resistance; ThOa heating Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of pyramid- De Prosse [117]. element. specimen. shaped specimen during heating.

St. Pierre [118]. Si—0.04%; Mg—0.02%; Induction; carbon tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- Ca—0.01%. susceptor. specimen. ing heating.

Diamond and Schnei- About 99.9% Solar. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of bar-shaped der [28]. specimen. specimen during cooling.

See footnotes at end of table.

26 . . . . .


Calibration Points Melting Points Environment Orieinal Temp. Comments Oxide Scale 3 Materials Temp. Original Int. 1948 <

5 Not stated. Hydrogen at 0.2 atm. C 2 =1.433 cm 2430. 2420. temperature uniformity be- SrO ; deg. tween specimen and target area of pyrometer not verified; reflection errors probable.

Diopside 1392. (Air). Int. 1948. 1872±10- 1872±10. 0 Ta 2 0 5 15% CaO: alpha

85% Si0 2 .. 1712 type.

Pt 1755. Nitrogen at reduced C 2 =1.46 cm deg 1875. 1895. 5 ; reaction between specimen and

pressure. Zr0 2 support probable.

No melting point data located Tbi07 in the literature.

Not stated Not stated Not stated. 732. 6. Survey; not original data. This TeQ 2 oxide is very volatile and has a tendency to sublime rather than to melt.

Not stated. Vacuum _ Not stated . 2000. (')- ThOj

Pt. 1755. Nitrogen at reduced C 2 =1.46 cm deg. 2425. 2468. »; reaction between specimen pressure. 2440. 2483 and ceramic supports probable. 2470. 2515

Not stated. Not stated. Not stated . 3000 Survey, not original data-

Not stated. Not stated (Int. 1927).. 3050±50. 3030±50. Melting point extrapolated from liquidus curves of the ZrOr-

Th0 2 system.

Pt. (1769) Helium (Int. 1948) 3220±50. 3220±50*

1555. (Int. 5 be- TiOj Pd. Vacuum 1927). 1720. 1716. ; temperature uniformity Pt.. 1774 tween specimen and target area of pyrometer not verified.

Reduction of Ti0 2 very prob- able.

Not stated. (Int. 1927). 1825. 1820. s partial reduction of Ti0 2 prob- Air. ; ably occurred.

Au 1063... Oxidizing. (Int. 1948). 1825. 1825. W-

Na 2 Ti3 07.-- 1128 BaFj 1280

CaMgSi 2 0«. 1391

MgTi 2 0 3 ... 1660

Diopside 1391.5. (Air). ( Geophysical) ~ 1S30- («)- Pseudo- wollas- tonite. 1.544 15% CaO: 85% SiOj. 1698

Pt 1769. Air. Int. 1948. 1839±10_ 1839±10. 09-

Not stated. Air. (Int. 1948) - 1840±10 1840±10 (5)

stated authors None. Air. Int. 1948. 1840. 1840. 5 ; emissivity by to be about unity.

27 TABLE 1 l

Reference Purity I Furnace type Temperature measurement Method

v. Wartcnbcrg and Not stated. Not stated. Optical pyrometer. Not stated. Gurr [52].

Lang, Fillmore, and '.r.i.'.v Resistance; ThOj heating Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of pyramid- Maxwell [119]. elements. specimen. shaped specimen during heating.

v. Wartenberg and Pure; SiOj free. Flame; acetylene-Oj. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen sus- Eckhardt [57]. specimen. pended in furnace during heating.

Brauer and Littke >99.8%. Solar. Radiation pyrometer sighted Observation of specimen dur- [120]. on specimen. ing heating.

Duncan [121]. Not stated. Not stated. Pt-90PtlORh thermocouple Thermal analysis, cooling immersed in specimen. curves.

Ruff and Goecke [34].. Not stated. Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of cone-shaped heating element. specimen. specimen during heating.

Wisnyi and Pijanow- Not stated. Resistance; V-shaped W Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- ski [61]. strip heating element. specimen. ing heating. Apparent dis appearance of specimen in- dicated melting.

Ehlert and Margrave Not stated- Induction; graphite sus- Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- [122]. ceptor. specimen. Correction made ing heating. for spectral emissivity.

Lambertson and Very pure. Resistance; W heating Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of specimen dur- Gunzel [30]. element. specimen. Specimen not ing heating. visible.

Kracek [3] Not stated. Not stated Not stated Not stated.. _.

Carnelley [81]. Not stated. Flame; "bunsen lamp".... Mercury thermometer- Not stated

Cook [123] Purified Not stated Thermocouple Heat content curves.

Jllarionov, Ozeron, Not stated. Not stated. Pt-PtRh thermocouple. Differential thermal analysis- and Kil'disheva


Holtzberg, Reisman, 99.94%. Not stated. Pt-90PtlORh thermocouple Thermal analysis. Berry, and Berken- immersed in specimen. blit [125].

McDaniel [126] 99.5%. Resistance; Pt alloy wire- Pt-90PtlORh thermocouple Thermal analysis; electrical wound ceramic tube immersed in specimen. conductance versus temper- heating element. ature curves.

Burdese [127]. Not stated- Not stated.. Not stated . Examination with microscope of specimen after heating.

Chemistry and Not stated. Not stated _ Not stated _ Not stated Physics Handbook


v. Jaeger and Germs Fe-0.05%. Resistance; nichrome wire Thermocouple immersed in Thermal analysis, heating [83]. heating element. specimen. curves. See footnotes at end of table, —Continued

Calibration Points Melting Points Environment Original Temp. Comments Oxide Scale 3 Materials Temp. Original Int. 1948 »

°C Not stated. (Int. 1927). 1850. 1845. TiOa— Con.

Not stated. Air. Int. 1948. 1845. 1845. («)-

Not stated. Air. (Int. 1927). 1855. 1850. («)-

CaF 2 .. Not stated. (a) Oxygen at 300 torr. (Int. 1948). (a) 1840±15_ 1840±15. (0- NiO„ Not stated Argon at 460 torr.

Cr 2 0 3 . Not stated (b) Oxygen at 500 torr. (b) 1860±15. 1860=1=15. AI2O3- Not stated Argon at 260 torr.

(c) Oxygen at 600 torr. (c) 1870±15. 1870±15. Argon at 160 torr. (d) Oxygen at 760 torr. (d) 1870±15. 1870±15-

(e) Oxygen at 1140 (e) 1870±15. 1870±15_ torr.

Not stated. Oxygen at 1 atm (Int. 1927). 717±5. 717±5_ TI2O3

No melting point data located Tm 2 0 3 in the literature.

Au. 1071. Nitrogen. (C 2 =1.48cm 2176. 2208. • ; reaction between specimen UO2 Pt.. 1757 deg). and uranium carbide support probable.

5 AljO,. 2040. Either helium, hy- Int. 1948. 2760±30. 2760±30_ ; author's stated emissivity of drogen, or vacuum. 0.9 to 0.95 probably overesti- mated. Reflection errors probable.

Not stated. Vacuum. (int. 1948).. 2860±45. 2860±45_

Pt. (1769). Helium. (Int. 1948).. 2878±22. 2878=1=22*

Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. 656. Survey; not original data. VjOt

Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. 658.

Au... (1063). Not stated. (Int. 1927).. 670- 670- Pd... (1555)

Not stated. Not stated- (Int. 1948). 672_ 672.

NaCL. 800.4. Air + Oxygen. Int. 1948. 674±5. 674±5* K a S0 4 . 1069

NaCl. 800- Air Int. 1948. 675±3. G75±3*

Not stated. . (Int. 1948). 685±5. 685±5.

Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. Survey, not original data.

Not stated. Oxidizing- Not stated- 1473±1- WO3

29 . .


Reference Purity 2 Furnace type Temperature measurement Method

Hoennan [84]. Not stated Resistance; Pt wire heat- Pt-PtRh thermocouple im- Observation of specimen dur- ing element. mersed in specimen. ing heating.

Rull and Lausche [25]. Commercially pure- Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- heating element. specimen. ing heating.

RulT [31] Traces of impurities. Resistance; carbon tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen dur- heating element. specimen. ing heating.

Bunting [128]. >99.9%_ Induction, button-shaped Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of specimen after Ir-Pt susceptor. small cavity adjacent to heating. specimen cavity.

Tiede and Birnbrauer Very pure. Arc. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen

[23]. specimen. during heating.

Ruff and Lauschke SiOr-0.95%-. Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen

[25]. FeaOa—0.27% heating element. specimen. during heating.

Ruff [31] - 93%. Resistance; graphite tube Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen heating element. specimen. during heating.

Clausing [74]. Hf0 2

Podszus [129]. Pure. Arc, carbon electrodes. Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen specimen. during heating.

Henning [75] Pure. Resistance; W tube heat- Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen ing element. specimen. during heating.

Mark [27]. Not stated. Resistance; graphite or Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of specimen metal heating element. specimen. during heating.

Trombe [2]. Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. Not stated

Lambertson and Hf02—2.03%... Resistance, W heating ele- Optical pyrometer sighted on Examination of specimen Gunzel [30]. Others—0.03% ment. specimen. Specimen not after heating. visible.

Zhirnova [110]. Not stated. Flame; acetylenes- Optical pyrometer sighted on Observation of cone shaped specimen. specimen during heating. Slumping of the cone indi- cated melting.

Curtis, Doney, and Hf—80 ppm_. Flame; oxyacetyiene. Optical pyrometer- Not stated.

Johnson [76]. Ti—60 ppm Al—150 ppm Fe—600 ppm Si—200 ppm

1 All phrases, numbers, words, etc., enclosed in parentheses indicate that these items are not directly expressed in the quoted reference. However, based on information contained in the published report, the enclosed items can be reasonably assumed to be valid. 2 Purities are listed as quoted in the reference. No attempt has been made to convert them to a common basis.

3 Int. 1927—The International Temperature Scale (of 1927) [19].

Int. 1948—The International Practical Temperature Scale of 1948 [10].

Geophysical— Geophysical Temperature Scale [18]. C2—second radiation constant. This constant is required in the definition of the temperature scale. See text for more complete description of appro- priate equations.

30 . ..


Calibration Points Melting Points Environment Original Temp. Comments Oxide Scale s Materials Temp. Original Int. 1948 *

°C Not stated _ Not stated _ (Int. 1927) 1473. 1471. WO]- Con.

s 1062.4, at 21.5 Hg =1.437 2410. 2410. ; reaction between An... Air mm C 2 cm specimen Y 2 0 3 .

CaF 2 - 1398 deg. and graphite support prob- able.

5 Pt. 1755. Nitrogen at 15 mm Hg. C 2 =1.46 cm deg. 2415. 2458. ; reaction between specimen and

Zr0 2 support probable.

No melting point data located Yb 2 0 3 in literature.

Not stated. (Int. 1927). 1975±25. 1969±25_ Temperature uniformity be- ZnO tween specimen cavity and target area of pyrometer not verified.

Not stated. Vacuum Not stated. 2430. « Zr0 2

5 Au_- 1062.4. (a) Hydrogen at 760 C 2 = 1.437 cm (a) 2519 2519 ; reaction between specimen CaFj 1398 mm Hg. deg. and graphite support prob- (b) Air at 8.22 mm Hg. (b) 2563±10. 2563±10 able.

Pt. 1755. Nitrogen C 2 =1.46 cm 2585 2636 deg.

Not stated. Hydrogen. (Int. 1927).- 2677±25. 2663±5.

Ft. Not stated Air. Not stated. (a) 2677. (b) 2727

Not stated. Hydrogen and nitro- Not stated. 2687 gen.

Not stated. Neutral (Int. 1948) 2690. 2690-

Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. 2700 Survey; not original data..

Pt (1769). Helium (Int. 1948). 2710±15_ 2710±15.

Pt.— 1755. (C 2 =1.457 cm 2715. 2765.

A1 2 0 3 . 2050 deg.). CaO.. 2570

Not stated. Not stated. (Int. 1948) 2850±25. 2850±25. (»)-

* (A) The melting points marked with an asterisk are considered to be the better values of those listed. The values so designated do not necessarily repre- sent the true melting points, but merely highlight those values believed to be more reliable. (B) See text for method of conversion to values based on International Practical Temperature Scale of 1948. No entry in this column indicates insuffi- cient data in original paper to permit conversion of melting point to 1948 basis. 5 A close enough approach to blackbody conditions to facilitate accurate temperature measurement probably has not been obtained. As a general guide- line, it should be noted that if an object in an enclosure is distinguishable from its surroundings, blackbody conditions probably have not been realized. 6 Kanolt did not specifically employ Wien's equation in the measurement of high temperatures. A complete discussion of the method of conversion to temperatures on the 1948 scale is given elsewhere [130].




The scope of activities of the National Bureau of Standards at its major laboratories in Washington, D.C., and Boulder, Colorado, is suggested in the following listing of the divisions and sections engaged in technical work. In general, each section carries out specialized research, development, and engineering in the field indicated by its title. A brief description of the activities, and of the resultant publications, appears on the inside of the front cover.

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BOULDER, COLO. CRYOGENIC ENGINEERING LABORATORY Cryogenic Processes. Cryogenic Properties of Solids. Cryogenic Technical Services. Properties of Cryogenic . CENTRAL RADIO PROPAGATION LABORATORY Ionosphere Research and Propagation. Low Frequency and Very Low Frequency Research. Ionosphere Re- search. Prediction Services. Sun-Earth Relationships. Field Engineering. Radio Warning Services. Vertical Soundings Research. Troposphere and Space Telecommunications. Data Reduction Instrumentation. Radio Noise. Tropospheric Measurements. Tropospheric Analysis. Spectrum Utilization Research. Radio-. Lower Atmos- phere Physics. Radio Systems. Applied Electromagnetic Theory. High Frequency and Very High Frequency Research. Fre- quency Utilization. Modulation Research. Antenna Research. Radiodetermination. Upper Atmosphere and Space Physics. Upper Atmosphere and Plasma Physics. High Latitude Ionosphere Physics. Ionosphere and Exosphere Scatter. Airglow and Aurora. Ionospheric Radio Astronomy. RADIO STANDARDS LABORATORY Radio Standards Physics. Frequency and Time Disseminations. Radio and Microwave Materials. Atomic Frequency and Time-Interval Standards. Radio Plasma. Microwave Physics. Radio Standards Engineering. High Frequency Electrical Standards. High Frequency Calibration Services. High Frequency Impedance Standards. Microwave Calibration Services. Microwave Circuit Standards. Low Frequency Calibration Services. Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics-NBS Group (Univ. of Colo.).