Arxiv:1504.01453V1 [Astro-Ph.GA] 7 Apr 2015 Ences

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Arxiv:1504.01453V1 [Astro-Ph.GA] 7 Apr 2015 Ences Draft version August 9, 2018 A Preprint typeset using LTEX style emulateapj v. 03/07/07 THE WEAK CARBON MONOXIDE EMISSION IN AN EXTREMELY METAL POOR GALAXY, SEXTANS A ∗ Yong Shi1,2, 3, Junzhi Wang4,5, Zhi-Yu Zhang6, Yu Gao7,5,3, Lee Armus8, George Helou8, Qiusheng Gu1,2, 3, Sabrina Stierwalt9 Draft version August 9, 2018 ABSTRACT Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the primary coolants of gas and an easily accessible tracer of molecular gas in spiral galaxies but it is unclear if CO plays a similar role in metal poor dwarfs. We carried out a deep observation with IRAM 30 m to search for CO emission by targeting the brightest far-IR peak in a nearby extremely metal poor galaxy, Sextans A, with 7% Solar metallicity. A weak CO J=1-0 emission is seen, which is already faint enough to place a strong constraint on the conversion factor (αCO) from the CO luminosity to the molecular gas mass that is derived from the spatially resolved dust mass map. The αCO is at least seven hundred times the Milky Way value. This indicates that CO emission is exceedingly weak in extremely metal poor galaxies, challenging its role as a coolant in these galaxies. Subject headings: galaxies: dwarf – submillimeter: ISM – galaxies: ISM 1. INTRODUCTION 2013) in low metallicity environments. Probing CO emis- Stars form out of molecular clouds (Kennicutt 1998; sion at lower metallicities establishes if CO emission can Gao & Solomon 2004). The efficient cooling of molec- be an efficient gas coolant and effective tracer of molec- ular gas is the prerequisite for gas collapse and star ular gas in metal poor galaxies both locally and in early formation. Among molecular species, carbon monoxide Universe. (CO) plays an important role in cooling molecular gas Sextans A is a dwarf irregular at 1.4 Mpc with in the low temperature and density regime (Goldsmith oxygen abundance of 7% Solar (Pettini & Pagel 2004; 2001). The CO emission is thus related to the funda- Kniazev et al. 2005). Its proximity increases the de- mental question about how stars form out of gas. CO tectability of potential CO emission in the galaxy. It is cools gas by radiation, and its bright emission renders one of a few extremely metal poor galaxies whose molecu- CO the most common tracer of the molecular gas mass lar gas masses have been estimated through the spatially (Young & Scoville 1982), while the two most abundant resolved dust map (Shi et al. 2014), arguably the most accessible way for cold gas mass measurements in metal components, H2 and He, cannot be observed directly in emission at the characteristic temperature of molecular poor galaxies (Bolatto et al. 2013). The data are pre- gas clouds. Over the past decade, the CO emission has sented in § 2. The result and discussion are in § 3 and been detected in galaxies with increasingly lower metal- § 4, respectively. Conclusions are in § 5. licity (Israel 1997; Taylor et al. 1998; Leroy et al. 2007, 2. OBSERVATIONS 2011), down to 15% Solar (Elmegreen et al. 2013). The The CO J=1-0 observations towards the star forma- conversion factor from CO to H2 (referred as αCO) has been constrained by comparing with the molecular gas tion region (RA: 10:11:06.55, DEC: -04:42:04.70, J2000) mass inferred from other methods, showing values 10- in Sextans A were done from Aug. 23th to Aug 25th 100 times larger than the Milky Way value (Bolatto et al. 2014, using the IRAM 30 meter millimeter telescope at Pico Veleta, Spain. The target region, which is 22 arcsec ∗BASED ON OBSERVATIONS CARRIED OUT WITH as the IRAM beam size at this frequency, is the far-IR arXiv:1504.01453v1 [astro-ph.GA] 7 Apr 2015 THE IRAM 30M TELESCOPE. IRAM IS SUPPORTED peak as shown in Fig. 1. The Eight Mixer Receiver BY INSU/CNRS (FRANCE), MPG (GERMANY) AND IGN (EMIR) with dual-polarization and the Fourier Trans- (SPAIN). Electronic address: [email protected] form Spectrometers (FTS) backend were used, which 1 School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, gave the frequency channel spacing of 195 KHz. The Nanjing 210093, China. standard wobbler switching mode with a ±120′′ offset 2 Key Laboratory of Modern Astronomy and Astrophysics (Nan- jing University), Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210093, China. at 0.5 Hz beam throwing was used for the observations. 3 Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Astronomy and Pointing and focusing were checked about every 2 hours Space Exploration, Nanjing 210093, China. with nearby strong millimeter emitting quasi-stellar ob- 4 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sci- jects. We read out the spectra every 2 minutes, while ences, 80 Nandan Road, Shanghai 200030, China. T 5 Key Laboratory for Radio Astronomy, Chinese Academy of Sci- the typical system temperature ( sys) was about 280 K ences. at this band. Data reduction was conducted with the 6 Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Royal Ob- CLASS in GILDAS software package. We checked each servatory, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh EH9 3HJ, UK spectrum and only used the spectra with Tsys less than 7 Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2 West Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, China. 280 K for final discussion. After throwing out about 8 Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, California Institute of 50% spectra, the total on source time was about 5 hours, Technology, 1200 E. California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. which gave the noise level of about 4.1 mK in main beam 9 Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia, P.O. Box temperature after smoothing the frequency resolution to 400325, Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA. 6.2 MHz (∼ 16 km s−1). 2 Shi et al. 10-1 10-2 IRAM density (Jy) flux 10-3 10-4 101 102 wavelength (µm) 30" Fig. 3.— The Infrared SED of Sextans A within the IRAM beam is fitted to derive the dust mass. Red symbols are the Spitzer and Fig. 1.— False-color, multi-wavelength images of Sextans A. Herschel photometric points with 1-σ error bars. The blue solid Red is the sum of Herschel 160 and 250 µm data, green is GALEX line indicates the best-fit by the dust model (Draine & Li 2007). far-UV, and blue is radio 21 cm data showing the HI atomic gas. The IRAM 30 m pointing at CO J=1-0 with the beam size is 104 indicated by the white circle, while the yellow circle indicates the Milky Way Sandstrom+13 star-forming disk defined at a surface brightness of 25.9 ABmag Leroy+11 −2 Israel+97 ] Sextans A arcsec in the GALEX far-UV band. 3 1 10 Israel+97 fitting − ) Glover & Mac Low 2011 1 WLM Narayanan+12 − Wolfire+10 Feldmann+12 102 (Kkms 2 − pc ⊙ 101 [M CO α 100 7.2 7.6 8.0 8.4 8.8 9.2 12+log(O/H) Fig. 2.— The submm spectrum around the CO J=1-0 frequency with source redshift cz=324 km/s. The red Gaussian profile is the Fig. 4.— The conversion factor (αCO) from the CO lumi- fit to the signal at 350 km/s, which gives signal-to-noise ratio of 3.7 nosity to the molecular gas mass for Sextans A is compared to for the integrated flux. The two black dotted lines are the 1-σ noise those at higher metallicities. Symbols are observations in the levels. The blue curve indicates the velocity of the HI emission line literature (Israel 1997; Leroy et al. 2011; Sandstrom et al. 2013; within the IRAM beam as measured from the HI data but with Elmegreen et al. 2013) where molecular gas masses are all based the absolute intensity scaled arbitrary (Ott et al. 2012). on the spatially resolved dust maps except for WLM (see text for The Herschel data at 70, 160, 250 and 350 µm, and the the detail). Lines are models, either empirical (Israel 1997), or theoretical models (Wolfire et al. 2010; Glover & Mac Low 2011; Spitzer data at 3.6, 4.5, 5.6, 8.0 and 24 µm data are from Narayanan et al. 2012; Feldmann et al. 2012). Shi et al. (2014) and Dale et al. (2009), respectively. Be- cause the dust emission within the IRAM beam is par- probability of 0.05% for the signal to be artificial, which tially resolved instead of a simple point spread function, corresponds to a 3.4 σ significance for a Gaussian dis- to measure the photometry within the IRAM beam, we tribution of noises. The feature lies within the veloc- first convolved all images to the 350 µm resolution based ity range of atomic gas as shown in Fig. 2. The off- on the convolution Kernels (Aniano et al. 2011). Aper- set in the velocity between the two lines may be reason- ture photometry at all bands were then measured at this able as the two trace different phases of ISM. As listed spatial resolution. The corresponding aperture correc- in Table 1, the intensity ICO(J=1−0) is 145±39 mK km −1 tion factor is taken as the ratio of the 70 um photometry s in Tmb, corresponding to a point source luminosity at its native resolution to that at the 350 µm resolution (Gao & Solomon 2004) of ∼ (3.7±1.0)×103 K km s−1 by assuming that the 70 µm map at its native resolution pc2 for a beam size of 22 arcsec, much smaller than the can resolve the dust structure. We further included the previous upperlimits (Taylor et al.
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