In 2021, the is celebrating 31 in operation as a powerful probing the of the cosmos from studies to the high- . The high-resolution imaging capability of HST spanning the IR, optical, and UV, coupled with spectroscopic capability will remain invaluable through the middle of the upcoming decade. HST coupled with JWST is poised to enable new innovative and be will be key for multi- investigations. Key Science Threads • Properties of the huge variety of exo-planetary systems: compositions and inventories, compositions and characteristics of their

• Probing the stellar and galactic evolution across the universe: pushing closer to the beginning of formation and preparing for coordinated JWST observations

• Exploring clues as to the of dark energy ACS SBC absolute re-calibration (Cycle 27) reveals 30% greater • Probing the effect of on the evolution sensitivity than previously understood. More information at of • Quantifying the types and astrophysics of black holes october-2019 of over 7 orders of magnitude in size WFC3 offers high resolution imaging in many bands ranging from • Tracing the distribution of chemicals of life in 2000 to 17000 Angstroms, as well as spectroscopic capability in the universe the near and . Many different modes are available for high precision photometry, , spectroscopy, mapping • Investigating phenomena and possible sites for and more. robotic and human exploration within our Solar System COS COS2025 initiative retains full science capability of COS/FUV out to 2025 ( Observing opportunities include coordination with JWST, Lifetime Position 5 will be introduced for Cycle 29. the UV initiative, archive research, and mid-cycle observing proposals. STIS Updates for CALSTIS include geometric distortion, time sensitivity and blaze shift.See stisblazefix, a tool for blaze fixing:

Cover: The giant (NGC 2014) and its smaller blue neighbor (NGC 2020) are part of a vast -forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. T Tauri and brown dwarfs within 8 star-forming regions in the ULLYSES , including time-domain monitoring of 4 prototypical T Tauri CHARTING stars with well-known rotation periods and magnetic configurations. YOUNG STARS’ All targets are being observed with COS and/or STIS medium-resolution modes, as detailed in Table 2. ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT Region Instrumental modes WITH HUBBLE COS/G130M/1096 (brightest O stars) The Hubble Space Telescope’s Ultraviolet Legacy Library of Young LMC and COS/G130M/1291 + COS/G160M/1611 or STIS E140M SMC STIS/E230M/1978 (O9 I – B9 I only) Stars as Essential Standards (ULLYSES) is a Director’s Discretionary STIS/E230M/2707 or COS/G185M/1953 + 1986 (B5-9 I) program of approximately 1,000 that will produce an ultraviolet -A and COS/G140L/800 spectroscopic library of young high- and low- stars in the local NGC 3109 universe. The ULLYSES program will uniformly sample the fundamental Survey T Tauri COS/G130M/1291 + COS/G160M/1611 astrophysical parameter space for each mass regime, including spectral stars STIS/G230L + STIS/G430L + STIS/G750L type, luminosity class, and for massive stars, and the mass, Monitoring T COS/G160M/1611 + COS/G230L/2635 + COS/ Tauri stars G230L/2950 age, and disk accretion rate in low-mass stars. The program is expected to execute over a three- period, from Cycle 27 to Cycle 29. Region # ULLYSES # AR # ULLYSES targets targets orbits PROJECT MILESTONES LMC 98 34 225 February 2020 Target samples released SMC 65 41 220 First data release (LMC and SMC stars) November 2020 Sextans-A 3 6 ~37 NGC 3109 3 0 ~15 Observations of T Tauri stars in Ori and Ori OB1 November-December regions in coordination with TESS and LCOGT Lupus 27 4 142 2020 σ (programs 16113, 4, 5) Cha I 16 3 97 Data release 2 (LMC, SMC massive stars; Spring 2021 Cha 2 1 22 T Tauri stars) ϵ Cha 5 3 20 1 of HST monitoring observations of Spring 2021 TW Hya and RU Lup Orionη OB1 10 0 45 Observing Strategy and Technical Specifications ∑ Ori 3 0 13 The ULLYSES program is divided into two primary observational CrA 2 0 10 campaigns of high- and low-mass stars. The focus on high-mass TW Hydrae 1 0 2 stars includes observations of 65 stars in the SMC, 98 stars in the Monitoring CTTS 4 0 100 LMC, as well as 6 additional stars which are accessible in the even TOTAL 239 92 948 lower metallicity galaxies NGC 3109 and Sextans A. For low-mass stars, observations will focus on about 71 K- and M-type FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT Massive Stars T Tauri Stars The massive star component of ULLYSES leverages on existing The 61 T Tauri stars to be surveyed in 8 Milky Way star-forming regions uniformly sample mass and disk accretion rate. The li- FUSE and HST archival data, to provide full UV coverage at medi- brary of UV-optical-NIR spectra from ULLYSES will enable studies um-resolution for ~240 targets uniformly sampling spectral type of the accretion and resulting UV radiation in those objects, which and luminosity class. affects the evolution of proto-planetary disks and the chemical The ULLYSES dataset for massive stars will enable transformative composition and atmospheric escape of young planets. science in the field of stellar astrophysics, and enable a legacy of studies of the interstellar and circum-galactic media.

3 1e 14 C IV 2 10 10 1

0 1545 1550 1555

10 11 F

1e 15 8 Mg II 6 12 10 4


0 2760 2780 2800 2820 2840 10 13 103 104 Wavelength WIDE FIELD CAMERA 3 (WFC3)

Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) offers high resolution imaging in bands ranging from 2000 to 17000 Angstroms, as well as spectroscopic capability in the near ultraviolet and infrared. A variety of modes are available for high precision photometry, astrometry, spectroscopy, mapping and more: UVIS IR

130'' (1013 pix) 162'' (4096 pix) Wavelength Ranges SPECTROSCOPIC MODES


Select filters shown. UVIS/IR channels feature 62/15 filters, respectively, with varying bandwidths for many spectral features Direct Imaging Grism Spectroscopy High resolution, wide field imaging. Large complement of Using grisms instead of imaging filters allows low resolution filters for various photometric bands/spectral features. spectroscopy, while maintaining high spatial resolution.

Disperse wavelengths

Slew during Add exposure scanning

Scan with grism

Spatial Scanning Grism Scanning Slewing during exposure (spatial scanning) places Combining scanning and grism spectroscopy allows source flux on hundreds of pixels/avoids saturation, for extremely high SNR spectra. Useful for transit achieving extremely high SNR photometry. observations.


FUV MAMA (Multi Anode Microchannel Array) STIS is one of the oldest active instruments on the Hubble Space • 1024 x 1024 CsI detector, TIME-TAG available Telescope (HST). • Imaging: 25’’ x 25’’ FOV, 0.025’’ pixels, 9 filters • large fraction of total HST observing time (10-15% GO • Spectroscopy: 2 first order and 2 echelle gratings observations in recent Cycles) = 1150 – 1740Å, R ~ 1000 - 200,000 − ~30 cen. • incredibly versatile and highly configurable instrument • Numerous filters, gratings, and apertures • wave.λ configurations NUV MAMA • large variety of unique photometric and spectroscopic • 1024 x 1024 CS2Te detector, TIME-TAG available modes • Imaging: 25’’ x 25’’ FOV, 0.025’’ pixels, 12 filters • high spatial resolution in the UV and optical • Spectroscopy: 2 first order and 2 echelle gratings ACCESS TO UV = 1650 – 3100 Å, R ~ 500 - 200,000 • ~55λ cen. wave. Configurations • Prism Spectroscopy: = 1150 - 3620 Å, R ~ 10 – 2500 CCD • λ • 1024 x 1024 SITE CCD detector • Imaging: 52’’ x 52’’ FOV, 0.051’’ pixels, 9 filters • Spectroscopy: 6 first order gratings = 1650 – 11,000 Å, R ~ 500 - 10,000 • ~40 cen. wave. Configurations • λ CORONAGRAPHY • Usable with coronagraphic mask and occulting bars • Broadband imaging (2000 - 10,300 Å ) • Bar-occulted spectroscopy (2000 - 10,300 Å)


Spatial Scanning with the STIS CCD TIME-TAG Mode Spatial scanning is now an available-but-unsupported mode The STIS MAMA allows time-resolved observations through on STIS. TIME-TAG mode. • allows for more photons to be collected before reaching • tracks the collection time of each individual photon event at the CCD full-well saturation. a time resolution of 125 microseconds. • better averaging over variations in the flat field, • can lead to much better IR fringe removal than non-scanned images. • For example, Signal-to-Noise ratios of 600-800 have been achieved in 1D extracted G750M/9336 spectra

For more information about STIS: If you have questions about STIS/HST/STScI: ADVANCED CAMERA FOR SURVEYS (ACS)

Dust Pillars in Gravitational lensing Carina observed with in Abell 370 observed the ACS/WFC. with ACS/WFC. Uses filters F502N Uses filters ([O III], blue) F475W (blue), and F658N F625W (green), and (H + [N II], red). F814W (red ). 𝛼

Wide Field Channel (WFC) Solar Blind Channel (SBC) • FUV imaging and slitless spectroscopy (1,150–1,700 Å) • Optical imaging and slitless spectroscopy • High throughput, best for FUV imaging (3,500–11,000 Å) • 35'' x 31'' field of view • Highest throughput on HST in visible light • 5 longpass filters, 1 Lyman filter • 202'' x 202'' field of view, largest on HST • Two prisms; R ~ 79 and 96 𝛼at 1,500 Å • 13 wide, medium, and narrowband filters • 15 tunable wavelength filters • Grism (5,500–10,500 Å); R ~ 100 at 8,000 Å • Near-UV / visible linear polarization filters

Please see the ACS Instrument Handbook for more de- tailed information on ACS capabilities. Detection limits for WFC and SBC (flat spectrum in frequency)

Camera Filter V-band AB limit Crab nebula polarization (S/N=5 in 1 hour) with the ACS/WFC. Filters: F550M (red ) WFC F606W 28.2 mag and F606W plus a visible linear polarization WFC F814W 27.7 mag filter blue( ).

SBC F125LP 26.0 mag


1. ACS/WFC has the largest field of view and highest throughput in visible light of any HST instrument 2. The ACS/WFC grism provides well-calibrated, wide-field slitless spectroscopy of visible to near-IR light 3. ACS is the only active space-based, high spatial resolution polarimeter, providing synergy with JWST dust studies 4. The ACS/SBC is especially optimized for FUV imaging, but also supports slitless spectroscopy


The flux calibration of the WFC and HRC have been updated based on improved SEDs of HST flux standards. The time-dependent sensitivity losses have also been updated. ACS/WFC CCD spatially-variable saturation flagging is now implemented in CALACS. Slightly elevated read noise in amplifier D of the WFC as of July 2020.

For a complete list of ACS instrument science reports, please visit: COSMIC ORIGINS SPECTROGRAPH (COS) Crab nebula polarization with the ACS/WFC. Filters: F550M (red ) and F606W plus a visible linear polarization filter blue( ).

COS/FUV spectrum of hot star Sk-68 73 in the LMC

COS Overview Far Ultraviolet (FUV) Near Ultraviolet (NUV) • Medium Resolution mode: • Medium Resolution mode: R ≈ 15,000-21,000 R ≈ 15,000-24,000 ≈ 900-1800 Å ≈ 1700-3200Å • Low Resolution 𝛌 mode: • Low𝛌 Resolution mode: R ≈ 1,500-4,000 R ≈ 2,100-2,900 ≈ 800-2050 Å ≈ 1650-3200 Å SEE OUR HANDBOOK AT -2 • Effective 𝛌 area ≈ 1800-3000 cm • Effective𝛌 area ≈ 600-750 cm-2 • Three gratings: • Four gratings: G130M, G160M, G140L G185M, G225M, G230L COS spectra are on the Hubble • Pixel format: 16384 x 1024 G285M (available but unsupported) Spectroscopic Legacy Archive (HSLA): • Pixel format: 1024 x 1024 COS/ FUV OBSERVING MODES WAVELENGTH RANGE TOOL

COS 2025: WHAT’S NEW AND UPCOMING? Strategy to extend the lifetime of COS

COS 2025 places restrictions on G130M cen- LP5 – G130M 1291 and 1300+ cenwaves will move to LP5 at the start of waves allowed at Lifetime Position 4 and 5 to cycle 29. G140L will move back to LP3. reduce gain sag from geocoronal Ly-alpha. Blue modes – The flux and wavelength calibrations of cenwaves 1055 and cos/proposing/cos2025-policies 1096 have been updated to bring their accuracies in line with those of the other G130M cenwaves.

ULLYSES – COS is being used extensively as part of ULLYSES in Cycles 28 through 30 (see information and references in this booklet)

G285M – is now available but unsupported due to declining throughput. Users interested in medium-resolution observations at 2500–3200Å should consider STIS instead. EX PLANETS H2O Discovery, confirmation, cloud structures Powerful winds, 4x Transit, direct imaging, spectroscopy, IR and near IR WFC3, expected detection of water & chemistry, clouds

Very hot Jupiter, 5000 F, tidally Super-Earth locked K2-18b temperate, water K13BC Titanium cools with altitude on K18 is red dwarf with active H2O dayside, High transport TiO atmosphere hostile for life? to cold side, precipitation. Parent star is triple, with third member orange dwarf star K13Ab Kepler-13C TiO

Atmosphere characterization, flows "Heavy metals” = Mg, Fe

escaping hot Jupiter 4,600 F Imaging, spectroscopy, UV, STIS atmosphere Wasp-121b Upper atmosphere heating, tidally foot Mg + Fe ball shaped

Earthshine as a proxy for atmosphere signature

Two warm Neptunes found near “Hot Neptune desert”. Loosing atmospheres, one faster than the other. Ages 2 and 4 Byr. Older GJ3470b atmosphere loss 100x faster than GJ436b 347b Infant Stars In Orion