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Toward a Neoproterozoic composite carbon-isotope record

Galen P. Halverson† Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, 20 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138-2902, USA and Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Building 54-1126, Cam- bridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA Paul F. Hoffman Daniel P. Schrag Adam C. Maloof‡ Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, 20 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138-2902, USA A. Hugh N. Rice Department of Geological Sciences, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

ABSTRACT framework for a new, high-resolution model Various workers have compiled composite carbon-isotope record for the Neoproterozoic δ13C records for the Neoproterozoic (e.g., Hayes Glacial deposits of Sturtian and Marinoan comprising new δ13C (carbonate) data from et al., 1999; Jacobsen and Kaufman, 1999; Wal- age occur in the well-studied Neoproterozoic Svalbard (Akademikerbreen Group) and ter et al., 2000), but like attempts to construct successions of northern Namibia, South Aus- Namibia (Otavi Group) and data in the lit- 87Sr/86Sr records for this time period (Melezhik tralia, and northwestern Canada. In all three erature from Svalbard, Namibia, and Oman. et al., 2001), these compilations have suffered regions, the Marinoan glaciation is presaged A new U-Pb zircon age of 760 ± 1 Ma from from low sample density, limited availability by a large negative δ13C anomaly, and the cap an ash bed in the Ombombo Subgroup in of chronostratigraphically well-constrained carbonates to both glacial units share a suite Namibia provides the oldest direct time-cali- data, and the consequent dependence on many of unique sedimentological, stratigraphic, bration point in the compilation, but the time tenuous correlations. In this paper we present and geochemical features. These global chro- scale of this preliminary δ13C record remains a new, high-resolution δ13C compilation that nostratigraphic markers are the bases of a poorly constrained. spans much of the Neoproterozoic and consists new correlation scheme for the Neoprotero- of both new and previously published data from zoic that corroborates radiometric data that Keywords: Neoproterozoic, chemostratigra- Svalbard, Namibia, and Oman. Like the others, indicate that there were three glacial epochs phy, carbon isotope, glaciation, geochronology. this record is based unavoidably on interpre- between ca. 750 and 580 Ma. Intraregional tive correlations (Knoll and Walter, 1992) and correlation of Neoproterozoic successions INTRODUCTION should be regarded as a preliminary model, but in the present-day North Atlantic region its strength is that it relies on only two linkages: suggests that glacial diamictite pairs in the Over two decades ago Knoll et al. (1986) Svalbard-Namibia and Namibia-Oman. Polarisbreen Group in northeastern Svalbard documented large and reproducible fl uctuations Any chronology for the Neoproterozoic must and the Tillite Group in eastern Greenland in the carbon-isotope composition of the Neo- reconcile the question of the number of glacia- were deposited during the Marinoan glacia- proterozoic oceans. Noting that these fl uctuations tions (e.g., Kennedy et al., 1998) that occurred tion, whereas the younger of a pair of glacials track Neoproterozoic ice ages in much the same during this era. We concur with various authors (Mortensnes Formation) in the Vestertana way that variations in marine δ18O composition who have recently proposed that there were Group of northern Norway was deposited defi ne Quaternary glacial cycles, Knoll and three glacial epochs (Knoll, 2000; Hoffman during the third (Gaskiers) Neoproterozoic Walter (1992) predicted that carbon-isotope and Schrag, 2002; Xiao et al., 2004) and use glaciation. Gaskiers-aged glacial deposits are chemostratigraphy would prove to be a particu- the now conventional names Sturtian and Mari- neither globally distributed nor overlain by a larly useful chronostratigraphic correlation tool noan (Dunn et al., 1971) to refer to the older widespread cap carbonate but are associated for late rocks. The carbon-isotope two glaciations. Recently acquired radiometric with an extremely negative δ13C anomaly. database for the Neoproterozoic has proliferated age constraints (Bowring et al., 2003; Hoffmann The chronology developed here provides the (Shields and Veizer, 2002) over the past decade, et al., 2004) demonstrate unequivocally that the and a greatly improved picture of the relationship Gaskiers glacials in eastern Newfoundland post- 13 †E-mail: Present address: Laboratoire des Mé- between δ C patterns and glaciations is emerg- date the Marinoan glaciation (Knoll et al., 2004) canismes de Transferts en Géologie, Université Paul- ing. Nevertheless, the full potential of the carbon- (Fig. 1). Although glacial deposits of Gaskiers Sabatier, 14 avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, isotope record has not been fully realized, owing age appear to be less widespread geographi- France; e-mail: [email protected]. in large part to scarce radiometric age constraints cally than their predecessors, intraregional ‡Present address: Department of Earth, Atmo- spheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts from key successions, limited biostratigraphic correlations proposed in this study suggest that Institute of Technology, Building 54, Cambridge, resolution, and the uncertainty in the number of the upper of a pair of well-studied glaciogenic Massachusetts 02139, USA. Neoproterozoic glaciations and δ13C anomalies. formations in the Vestertana Group in northern

GSA Bulletin; September/October 2005; v. 117; no. 9/10; p. 000–000; doi: 10.1130/B25630.1; 15 fi gures; Data Repository item 2005xxx.

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Norway is also post-Marinoan in age and likely 1 glacial A 2 3 2 3 sediments equivalent to the Gaskiers glacials (Fig. 1). 65 4 5 unconformity Stratigraphic, paleontological, and carbon- 76 10 isotope data also imply a Gaskiers age for the Hankalchoug diamictite in northwestern China, 8 carbonate-rich where Marinoan-aged and putative Sturtian- 9 aged glacial deposits are also present (Xiao et al., 2004). This paper begins with a review of the Neo- B carbonate-poor proterozoic successions in northern Namibia, northwestern Canada, and South Australia, all of which contain Sturtian- and Marinoan-aged glacial deposits whose correlations are straight- Scotland (4) N Namibia (8) SW USA (7) SW USA Oman (10) Newfoundland (5) forward (Kennedy et al., 1998; Hoffman and EGES (1-2) N Norway (3) NW Canada (6) Australia (9) S Schrag, 2002). Pertinent published stratigraphic, Precambrian isotopic, and radiometric data from Svalbard, the southwestern United States (Death Valley), Scotland, and Oman are reviewed to broaden Gaskiers / Wonoka ? ? the chronology. New carbon-isotope data from Namibia and Svalbard provide detailed pre-Stur- tian and post-Marinoan records, while new data from northern Norway support a Gaskiers age for the Mortensnes glacials. This glacial event Marinoan appears to correspond, at least temporally, to the largest negative δ13C anomaly in the Proterozoic and is the key to linking the Oman record to the composite δ13C curve. New Sr isotope data from Namibia and Svalbard and an U-Pb age on an Sturtian ? ? ? ash bed in the pre-Sturtian Ombombo Subgroup in Namibia reinforce the compilation. Ambigui- ties in the timing and duration of the glaciations and the scarcity of useful radiometric ages preclude a defi nitive time-calibration of the 13C record at this time. Two permissible but δ Figure 1. (A) Present-day locations of the Neoproterozoic successions discussed in this speculative time scales are suggested, but it is paper. (B) Schematic profi les of the successions from (A), showing their stratigraphic range, expected that the composite 13C record will be δ simplifi ed lithologies, distribution of glacial deposits, and occurrence of Ediacaran fossils. amended as new data emerge. See text for references. EGES—East Greenland-East Svalbard platform. ISOTOPIC DATA

Nearly 2000 new carbon-isotope data from standard column chemistry techniques and ana- during recrystallization, dolomitization, and Svalbard, Namibia, and Norway are presented lyzed on a VG Sector 54 (TIMS) instrument with other diagenetic processes. The δ18O and 87Sr/ in this paper. All carbon-isotope data are pre- an average internal precision (2 σ) of 0.000012. 86Sr compositions and trace element concen- sented in per mil (‰) notation using the Vienna See Halverson et al. (2005) for a more detailed trations (e.g., Sr and Mn) of carbonates are Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) standard and, discussion of the analytical methods. especially prone to alteration during meteoric along with simultaneously acquired δ18O data, U-Pb geochronologic data for zircons from diagenesis and dolomitization, and these chemi- are available as supplementary online material an ash bed in Namibia were acquired by isotope cal tracers can be used as one tool to monitor (Tables DR1–DR5).1 Analytical methods are dilution–thermal ionization mass-spectrometry the extent of chemical alteration (Brand and described in detail in Halverson et al. (2004). (ID-TIMS) at the same laboratory as above. Veizer, 1980, 1981; Banner and Hanson, 1990). New 87Sr/86Sr data published here (Table DR- Analytical procedures are described in detail Due to the high concentration of C in carbon- 6; see footnote 1) are mainly from Sr-rich and in Schmitz et al. (2003) and summarized in ate rocks, relative to meteoric fl uids, the δ13C Mn-poor samples from Svalbard and Namibia Table DR-7 (see footnote 1). composition of carbonate rocks is much more and were measured at the MIT Radiogenic Iso- resistant to chemical overprinting than δ18O, for tope Laboratory. Following sample purifi cation Diagenetic Alteration of Isotopic Signals example. Many previous studies have addressed and carbonate dissolution, Sr was isolated via the fi delity of δ13C signatures in Neoproterozoic Diagenetic overprinting of original seawa- carbonates and the typical conclusion is that ter isotopic signatures is always a concern in even clearly diagentically altered and dolomi- 1GSA Data Repository item 2005xxx, iso- topic data, is available on the Web at http:// ancient carbonates, and it is safe to assume tized carbonates appear to preserve their original 13 www.geosociety.org/pubs/ft2005.htm. Requests may every carbonate sample we have analyzed has δ C composition (e.g., Kaufman et al., 1991; also be sent to [email protected]. experienced some degree of chemical alteration Derry et al., 1992; Kaufman and Knoll, 1995;

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Brasier et al., 1996). Our own detailed studies on (Fig. 2) share several key features, including the Ghaub Formation, is stratigraphically con- Namibian and Svalbard carbonates (Halverson distinct Sturtian and Marinoan cap carbonate formable regionally, and was deposited on a et al., 2002, 2004, 2005) have demonstrated that sequences (Hoffman and Schrag, 2002) and thermally subsiding passive margin (Halverson even below major exposure surfaces and in rocks a characteristic sub-Marinoan negative δ13C et al., 2002). Therefore, Ghaub glaciation on the in contact with paleoaquifers, δ13C signatures are anomaly (Trezona anomaly). In each succes- Otavi platform was not associated with rifting, resistant to overprinting and major trends are sion, banded iron formation (BIF) is localized as is often proposed (Eyles, 1993; Young, 1995; reproducible basinwide. within the Sturtian glacials. Collectively, these Eyles and Januszczak, 2004). A Marinoan age The process that can alter carbonate δ13C successions constitute the foundation of the for the Ghaub Formation (Kennedy et al., 1998) compositions most severely is the incorpora- Neoproterozoic correlation scheme. has been confi rmed by a new U-Pb zircon age tion of 13C-depleted carbon from the oxidation Given the contrast in overall lithology of 635.5 ± 1.2 Ma on an intraglacial tuff bed in of organic matter or methane during diagenesis between the three successions—dominantly central Namibia (Hoffmann et al., 2004). The (e.g., Irwin et al., 1977). We have found isolated carbonate in Namibia, dominantly terrigenous postrift thickness of the carbonate platform, evidence for such alteration of carbonates in in Australia, and mixed terrigenous and carbon- mostly comprising the Tsumeb Subgroup, is Svalbard (Halverson, 2003; Halverson et al., ate in Canada—the uniformity of the respective 1.6 km in the west (Fig. 3) and nearly 3.5 km in 2004) and do not include these samples in this cap carbonates and isotope anomalies is striking the east (Fig. 3; King, 1994). contribution. Cases of extreme spatial variability (Kennedy et al., 1998; Hoffman and Schrag, The Chuos Formation (Hoffmann and Prave, in δ13C signatures due to incorporation of meth- 2002). This gives us confi dence that the glacials 1996) is dominated by heterolithic, matrix-rich, ane-derived C have been documented in Neopro- can be correctly identifi ed in regions where only subglacial and proximal rain-out diamictite. The terozoic cap carbonates in southern China (Jiang one is present or where one glacial masquerades diamictite matrix is ferruginous throughout, et al., 2003a; Bao et al., 2004) and are a reminder as two. We fi rst summarize existing knowledge and thin units of iron formation occur here and that this process can drastically affect isotopic of the three founding successions, highlighting there. The bulk thickness of the Chuos glacials signatures locally. Although it is diffi cult to aspects of their stratigraphy, sedimentology, is highly variable —absent on paleotopographic ascertain more subtle effects from incorporation and isotopic chemistry that aid correlation with highs and up to 1000 m thick in corresponding of organic-derived C, we note that most of the other successions. lows (Fig. 3). The basal Chuos deposits bevel samples we have analyzed from Namibia, Sval- the underlying Ombombo Group strata at a bard, and Norway have low organic matter con- Northern Namibia low angle (1.5°), meaning that there is a sub- tents and should therefore be relatively immune stantial and variable hiatus between the top of to this type of isotopic alteration. The Otavi Group (Fig. 3) is exposed in a the Ombombo Subgroup and the basal Chuos Whereas we believe that the δ13C data pre- Pan-African fold belt rimming the southwestern diamictite, which attests to the active exten- sented here broadly record original depositional promontory of the Congo craton in Namibia. It sional regime in which the glaciation occurred. signatures, since we have not subjected each is conformably underlain by fl uviatile clastics of We believe the resulting topography is largely sample to systematic diagenetic screening, nor the Nosib Group and disconformably overlain responsible for the greater overall volume of can we exclude the possibility of minor diage- by marine and fl uviatile clastics of the Mulden Chuos diamictite, compared to the Ghaub, and netic effects, we stress that the data presented Group. The latter are interpreted as foreland for the fact that the Chuos is much richer in in this paper are not considered exact proxies basin deposits associated with collision between extrabasinal debris. for seawater δ13C. We assume a standard error the Congo craton and the frontal magmatic arc The Chuos Formation ends abruptly at a major of ±1‰ on all our carbon-isotope data (Halv- of southeastern coastal Brazil (Stanistreet et al., fl ooding surface overlain by the Rasthof Forma- erson et al., 2002), which is small compared to 1991; Cordani et al., 2003). The best estimate for tion, a quintessential Sturtian cap-carbonate the amplitude of variability of δ13C in marine the age of this collision and for the end of Otavi sequence. On the Otavi platform, it stands out as carbonates and comparable in magnitude to carbonate deposition is ca. 580 Ma, the onset of a single shoaling-upward (highstand) 200–400- intrabasinal variability, as discussed later. widespread contractional deformation on the m-thick depositional sequence, contrasting with distal western margin of the Congo craton in stacks of much thinner parasequences compris- REFERENCE SECTIONS Namibia (Goscombe et al., 2003). During Otavi ing the nonglacial strata above and below. In Group time, the shallow-water Otavi carbonate platformal sections, the basal Rasthof member Over thirty years ago, Dunn et al. (1971) platform in the north was progressively differ- is a dark, fetid, 13C-depleted, limestone rhyth- correlated the Sturtian and Marinoan glacial entiated from the deep-water Outjo basin to the mite with thin dolomitic turbidites (Yoshioka et deposits and their associated cap carbonates south (Fig. 3). The facies transition (Fransfon- al., 2003). The abiotic rhythmites are abruptly across Australia and postulated that they could tein foreslope) between the two is well defi ned. overlain by >100 m of strictly subaqueous, be used as global chronostratigraphic markers. The differentiation was initiated by north-south dolomite microbialaminite. There is a sharp Although correlations have not proven to be crustal stretching, which began in the lower shift to positive δ13C values at the contact but no straightforward everywhere, this hypothesis Otavi Group and is dated by U-Pb ages (Fig. 3) break in sedimentation. The microbialaminite has essentially been borne out (Kennedy et al., on volcanic rocks in the Ombombo Subgroup is wildly contorted and contains characteristic 1998; Walter et al., 2000; Hoffman and Schrag, ranging from 760 ± 1 Ma to 746 ± 2 Ma (Hoff- “roll-up” structures, showing that the microbial- 2002). The Sturtian and Marinoan glacials in man et al., 1996). These ages predate the syn-rift, bound laminae were cohesive but pliable when Australia (Preiss, 2000) correlate unambigu- glaciogenic Chuos Formation, which represents ripped up. The microbialaminite is remarkably ously with glacial pairs in the classic Neopro- the Sturtian glaciation and defi nes the base of the continuous vertically, with no sign of subaerial terozoic successions of northern Namibia Abenab Subgroup (Fig. 3). exposure. It passes imperceptibly near the top (Hoffmann and Prave, 1996) and the northern Crustal stretching continued until middle of the formation into dolomite grainstone that Canadian Cordillera (Aitken, 1991b; Narbonne Abenab time (Halverson et al., 2002), but the coarsens upward to a major subaerial expo- and Aitken, 1995). These three successions younger glacial marine diamictite complex, sure surface. The Rasthof Formation is more

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Figure 2. Composite carbon-isotope profi les and simplifi ed stratigraphic columns spanning the inferred Sturtian and Marinoan glaciations in northern Namibia (δ13C data from Hoffman and Schrag, 2002; Halverson et al., 2002; this paper. 87Sr/86Sr data from Yoshioka et al., 2003; this paper), northwestern Canada (δ13C data from Hoffman and Schrag, 2002; James et al., 2001. 87Sr/86Sr data from Narbonne et al., 1994; Kaufman et al., 1997), and South Australia (δ13C data from Hoffman and Schrag, 2002; McKirdy et al., 2001; Hill and Walter, 2000. 87Sr/86Sr data from McKirdy et al., 2001). Shaded background delineates the pre-Marinoan (Trezona) negative δ13C anomaly, fi rst documented in detail in South Australia by McKirdy et al. (2001). Note the absence of a similar anomaly in the pre-Sturtian record of Namibia and Austra- lia. This fi gure is modifi ed from Halverson et al. (2004) and Hoffman and Schrag (2002). Note variable thickness scales.

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NORTH SOUTH O T A V I P L A T F O R M The 300–400-m-thick Maieberg Formation is the cap carbonate sequence overlying the Ghaub foreslope outer shelf middle shelf inner shelf glacial surface on the Otavi platform (Hoffman .. km 50 100 M u l d e n H u t t e n b e r g and Schrag, 2002). The basal Keilberg Member m (Hoffmann and Prave, 1996) is an ~20-m-thick 500 transgressive cap dolostone, which presents a E l a n d s h o e k characteristic suite of sedimentary structures, 1000 including microbial bioherms with tubular aragonite M a i e b e r g c a p c a r b o n a t e OUTJO fan reefs and sheeted infi llings (Hoffman et al., 2002) BASIN O m b a a t j i e and steep wave-generated megaripples (Allen Karibib G r u i s and Hoffman, 2005). The top of the Keilberg Fm Rasthof cap carbonate M a k a l a n i Member is a major fl ooding surface, overlain by H u a b Chuos r i m Devede marly rhythmites and a thick succession of pink Gruis r i m limestone with gravity fl ow deposits and large- ± 760 1 Ma Nosib scale swaley crossbeds. Locally on the Huab Chuos 756 ± 2 Ma rim and elsewhere on the platform, buildups C O N G O C R A T O N of originally aragonite, sea-fl oor cements occur 746 ± 2 Ma (1.9 Ga) directly above the fl ooding surface (Hoffman Naauwpoort PFH 04 and Schrag, 2002). In many regions (e.g., Aus-

Mulden Group foredeep clastics tralia, Canadian Cordillera, Svalbard, Oman), .. Huttenberg Fm carbonates the aftermath of the Marinoan glaciation is Tsumeb Elandshoek Fm carbonates dominated by terrigenous sediment. In oth- Subgroup Congo Maieberg cap-carbonate sequence craton ers (e.g., western Africa, southern China), the Ghaub glacial diamictites post-Marinoan section is strongly condensed. Therefore, the 1.4–3.2 km of carbonates in Ombaatjie Fm carbonates Otavi Abenab Gruis Fm mixed carbonates and clastics Platform the Tsumeb Subgroup (Fig. 3) provide a rare Subgroup Rasthof cap-carbonate sequence opportunity to track geochemical variations in Chuos glacial diamictites the post-Marinoan ocean. Ugab Subgroup mixed carbonates and clastics Okakuyu Fm \ Naauwpoort mixed clastics and volcanics Northern Canadian Cordillera

OTAVI GROUP OTAVI Ombombo Subgroup Devede Fm mixed carbonates and clastics Beesvlaakte Fm mixed carbonates and clastics The Windermere Supergroup is continuously Nosib Group fluvial clastics exposed for >600 km in the Mackenzie Moun- D A M A R A M E G A S E Q U E N C E S E Q U N C A M E G A R A M A D tains foreland thrust-and-fold belt of the north- Figure 3. Schematic stratigraphic cross section across the Otavi platform and Outjo basin ern Canadian Cordillera (Fig. 1). It comprises on the southern margin of the Congo craton (see inset) in northern Namibia, modifi ed from <10 km of rift and succeeding shelf-slope sedi- Halverson et al. (2002). U-Pb zircon age constraints (white boxes and circles) are from- ments of post–780 Ma, pre–Early Cambrian age Hoffman et al., 1996 (746 ± 2 and 756 ± 2 Ma) and this paper (760 ± 1 Ma). See Hoffmann (Narbonne and Aitken, 1995). To the northeast and Prave (1996) for details of stratigraphic nomenclature, except for formation names in the Windermere Supergroup is cut out between Ombombo Subgroup, which are introduced informally here. the Early Cambrian transgression and underly- ing, pre–780 Ma (Jefferson and Parrish, 1989; Harlan et al., 2003) carbonates of the Little Dal Group (Aitken, 1989). The Windermere Super- spatially variable along the southern margin of decline in δ13C is estimated to have spanned at group was initiated by crustal stretching and the evolving platform (Fig. 3), where the basal least 0.5 × 106 years and to have preceded the sea- deposition of the Coates Lake Group, a mixed 13C-depleted member is commonly missing. level fall presaging the Ghaub glaciation by >1.0 assemblage of clastics, restricted carbonates, On the platform, the Ombaatjie Formation × 106 years (Halverson et al., 2002). and evaporites that unconformably overlies (Fig. 3) comprises an aggradational stack of The Ghaub Formation is composed predomi- the Neoproterozoic Little Dal Group (Aitken, 6–8 transgressive-highstand parasequences, each nantly of matrix-rich, carbonate-clast (dolomite 1982). The succeeding Rapitan Group is a bounded by semicontinuous exposure surfaces. and limestone) diamictite, almost exclusively nonvolcanic, rift-basin assemblage contempo- After reaching a high of >8‰, δ13C values plum- derived from the underlying Abenab Subgroup. raneous with the Sturtian glaciation (Eisbacher, met by >10‰ in an unremarkable 25–45 interval It is patchy and very thin (<3 m) on the Otavi 1978; Yeo, 1981). The Marinoan glaciation in the upper part of the formation (Halverson et platform in most areas, but >1000 m of mixed is represented by carbonate-clast diamictites al., 2002). We refer to this global isotopic event as carbonate-basement clast diamictite locally (Stelfox Member) of the Ice Brook Formation the Trezona anomaly, after the formation in South occurs near the eastern end of the Otavi fold belt (Aitken, 1991a), situated 700–1400 m above the Australia where it was fi rst well documented (Hedberg, 1979). The formation is continuous Rapitan Group in the middle part of the Winder- (McKirdy et al., 2001). In the most complete and 40–80 m thick on the lower Fransfontein mere succession. sections, δ13C values rise noisily to –4‰ to –3‰ foreslope where it is interpreted to record a The Rapitan Group postdates a widespread following the smooth decline (Fig. 2). Using single ice advance-and-retreat cycle (Domack 780 Ma mafi c igneous event in the Cordillera a simple thermal subsidence model, the steep and Hoffman, 2003). (Harlan et al., 2003), and a marginally better

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HALVERSON et al. maximum age constraint is provided by a 755 ± ate platform (Aitken, 1991a). It is overlain by South Australia 18 Ma granite clast in the lower Rapitan Group nonglacial siltstones of the Delthore Member. (Ross and Villeneuve, 1997). Its three forma- Finally, the 0–300-m-thick (typically 30 m; Ait- The Adelaide Succession of South Australia tions lithologically resemble the Marinoan gla- ken, 1991a, 1991b) Stelfox Member is a matrix- was deposited in a rapidly subsiding basin and cial sequence in Svalbard and eastern Greenland rich, carbonate-clast diamictite, with associated preserves a thick and well-studied record (Pre- (Halverson et al., 2004). The basal Mount Berg ice-rafted horizons of glaciomarine origin. iss, 2000 and references therein). The Sturtian Formation (Yeo, 1981) is a locally developed, The transgressive portion of the Marinoan and Marinoan glacial units make up the top and glaciogenic diamictite composed of intrabasinal cap carbonate sequence is exceptionally well bottom of the Umberatana Group. The Sturtian debris. It is overlain by the more extensive preserved in the Mackenzie Mountains (Ait- glacials are constrained to be younger than 777 Sayunei Formation, consisting of <700 m of ken, 1991a; James et al., 2001; Hoffman and ± 7 Ma from a U-Pb age on the Boucaut Volca- maroon siltstone with fi ne-grained ferruginous Schrag, 2002). It consists of two units (James et nics at the base of the underlying Burra Group turbidites, carbonate-clast debris fl ows, and lon- al., 2001): the Ravensthroat Formation, a pale- (Preiss, 2000). A U-Pb age of 657 ± 17 Ma estones (Eisbacher, 1978; Yeo, 1981). Banded colored dolomite that is regionally continuous (Ireland et al., 1998) on detrital zircons in the iron formation, locally bearing large granitoid (3–20 m thick) atop the Stelfox diamictite and Marino Arkose Member in the Enorama Shale lonestones, occurs here and there at the top its equivalent disconformity, and the overly- (Umberatana Group) provides the only pub- of the Sayunei Formation or within the basal ing Hayhook Formation, a dark gray and red lished U-Pb age constraint for the onset of the diamictites of the overlying Shezal Formation limestone characterized by formerly aragonite Trezona anomaly (Fig. 2). No radiometric ages (Yeo, 1981). The Shezal is typically 300–800 m sea-fl oor cements, which is discontinuously are available for the thick stack of clastic sedi- thick and consists of maroon or olive-colored, developed (0–14 m thick) near the shelf ments in the overlying Wilpena Group, which heterolithic diamictite and sandstone. The break in the central and southern Mackenzie includes the Acraman ejecta horizon (Gostin Shezal diamictites truncated the Sayunai For- Mountains. The cap dolostone (Ravensthroat) et al., 1986), the Wonoka paleovalleys (von mation, but a dominantly submarine origin is consists of laminations of reverse-graded, der Borch et al., 1982), and the type locality of inferred from the absence of ice-contact depos- loosely packed macropeloids, thinly draped by Ediacaran fossils (Jenkins et al., 1983). its. Paleomagnetic poles for the Sayunei Forma- micropeloids. Low-angle cross-lamination is The Sturtian glacial deposits (Yudnamutana tion and the broadly contemporaneous (723 Ma) ubiquitous. Locally, meter- to decameter-sized Subgroup; Preiss et al., 1998) overlie a wide- Franklin igneous suite indicate that the Rapitan microbial bioherms developed and contain spread erosional unconformity and range from Group originated very close to the paleo-Equa- vertical sheetlike infi llings of micropeloids. 0 to 6000 m in thickness (Dunn et al., 1971; tor (Park, 1997). Tubelike structures, which are common in the Preiss et al., 1998). Like Namibia and Canada, The Shezal Formation is capped by 0–40 m equivalent bioherms of California (Cloud et the Sturtian glacials are highly heterolithic and of dark, fetid, 13C-depleted, turbiditic limestone al., 1974), Namibia (Hegenberger, 1987), and locally contain abundant iron formation (Preiss, (Narbonne et al., 1994), strongly reminiscent southwestern Brazil (Nogueira et al., 2003), 2000). The iron formation is concentrated near of the basal member of the Sturtian Rasthof are not found in the Mackenzie Mountains. The the transition with the Benda Siltstone (Brae- cap carbonate in Namibia. It forms the base upper half of the cap dolostone is dominated by mar ironstone facies; Lottermoser and Ashley, of the Twitya Formation, a 300–800-m-thick strongly aggradational, wave-generated megar- 2000), which separates the Sturtian diamictites transgressive-highstand sequence composed of ipples (“tepees” of Aitken, 1991a; James et al., from the Tapley Hill cap carbonate sequence. dark gray siltstones and fi ne-grained sandstones 2001) of unusual size and steepness (Hoffman The ~1.5-km-thick Tapley Hill Formation is (Narbonne and Aitken, 1995). The overlying and Schrag, 2002), which are interpreted to stratigraphically similar to both the Rasthof and Keele Formation (200–600 m) is a stack of have formed at depths >200 m during a period Twitya cap carbonates sequences, with a basal shallow-water marine parasequences dominated of intense, sustained winds (Allen and Hoff- maximum fl ooding surface that is overlain by variably by cross-bedded sandstone and dolomi- man, 2005). Similar megaripples occur at the interbedded black shales and isotopically nega- tized grainstone (Day et al., 2004). δ13C hovers same stratigraphic horizon in Namibia (Hoff- tive dolomicrites (Tindelpina Shale) that grade near 8‰ (Narbonne et al., 1994; Hoffman and man et al., 2002), Brazil (Nogueira et al., 2003), upward into coarser-grained sediments (McK- Schrag, 2002) in the middle of the Keele Forma- Svalbard (Halverson et al., 2004), and central irdy et al., 2001). tion (the “Keele Peak” of Kaufman et al., 1997) Australia (Kennedy, 1996). The middle Umberatana Group preserves but is strongly 13C-depleted in intraclastic lime- In the Mackenzie Mountains, the fi nal the highly 13C-enriched carbonates of the Keele stones that comprise the youngest member of 10 cm of cap dolostone contains macroscopic Peak and is typical of other interglacial suc- the formation (Fig. 2). The isotopically negative seafl oor cements composed of primary barite cessions (Fig. 2; McKirdy et al., 2001). The carbonates beneath the Ice Brook Formation (Hoffman and Schrag, 2002). The cement-rich Trezona δ13C anomaly begins in the lower presumably record the tail end of the Trezona layer is regionally extensive, but the barite has Enorama Formation and spans many hundreds anomaly, although underlying clastics mask the been dissolved in most areas leaving behind of meters of section, testament to the rapid sub- decline from strongly enriched isotopic values calcite pseudomorphs or a small-scale breccia sidence of the basin. Similar to the case in Can- (Fig. 2) in the main part of the Keele platform horizon. Barite cements occur at the identical ada, the negative δ13C shift is partly concealed (James et al., 2001). horizon in the Marinoan cap dolostones of cen- by an interval of clastic sediments, but highly The Ice Brook Formation (Aitken, 1991a, tral Australia (Kennedy, 1996). The top of the negative values are recorded in shallow-water 1991b) comprises slope-facies equivalents of barite cement layer marks the end of peloidal carbonates of the Trezona Formation (Fig. 2; the Keele Formation plus the overlying Mari- dolomite production (although some rework- McKirdy et al., 2001). A return to more posi- noan glaciomarine diamictites, which pinch out ing continues) and the onset of lime micrite tive δ13C values beneath the Marinoan glacial landward of the Keele shelf break. The basal sedimentation and sea-fl oor aragonite crystal- deposits (Fig. 2; McKirdy et al., 2001) mirrors Durkan Member is a megabreccia related to fan development, with no signifi cant break in similar trends seen in many other successions, submarine mass failure of the Keele carbon- aggradation. including Namibia (Halverson et al., 2002).

6 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2005 25630 page 7 of 27


Shales and sandstone of the Yaltipena Forma- that this basin sat in the tropics throughout much intrabasinal and exotic clasts, cross-bedded tion separate the Trezona Formation from the of the middle Neoproterozoic. The base of the sandstone, shales, and rare stromatolites, all overlying Marinoan (Elatina Formation) glacial ~4-km-thick Veteranen Group siliciclastics deposited in a continental setting (Hambrey, deposits (Preiss, 2000). The Elatina Formation is constrained to be younger than ca. 940 Ma 1982; Fairchild and Hambrey, 1984; Harland consists mostly of glacial outwash sandstone from U-Pb zircon ages on basement granites et al., 1993). The Dracoisen cap dolostone with lenses of diamictite, and, in deeper water (Gee et al., 1995; Johansson et al., 2000). The sharply overlies the Wilsonbreen Formation settings, dropstone-bearing siltstone (Preiss, minimum age of the Polarisbreen Group is also (Fairchild and Hambrey, 1984; Harland et 2000). The Nuccaleena cap dolostone forms the poorly constrained, and no Ediacaran fossils are al., 1993) and forms the transgressive base of base of the Brachina cap carbonate sequence present beneath the overlying Cambrian Tokam- the Dracoisen cap carbonate sequence. The (Hoffman and Schrag, 2002), and along with mane Formation (Knoll and Swett, 1987). 3–15-m-thick, yellow to buff-weathering cap equivalent cap dolostones in Australia, is The ~1-km-thick mixed clastic–carbon- dolostone contains megaripples and peloids and generally thin (2–10 m), similar isotopically ate Polarisbreen Group contains two distinct has a highly reproducible δ13C composition of (Fig. 2) to the Keilberg and Ravensthroat cap diamictites (Fairchild and Hambrey, 1984, –3‰ to –4‰ (Fig. 5; Halverson et al., 2004). dolostones, and consists of thin-bedded, micro- 1995; Harland et al., 1993): the older Petro- The cap dolostone grades upward into red silt- crystalline dolomite with graded peloid beds vbreen Member (middle Elbobreen Formation) stone, which then passes into green then black and fi brous marine cements (Williams, 1979; and the younger Wilsonbreen Formation. The shales deposited during a depositional highstand Kennedy, 1996). Small barite crystal clusters Russøya Member comprises the sediments (Halverson et al., 2004). With the exception of occur at the top of the cap dolostone in some between the Akademikerbreen and the base seafl oor cements, this cap carbonate sequence sections in the Amadeus and Ngalia basins of the Petrovbreen glacials (Figs. 4 and 5). It is nearly identical to the Ravensthroat-Hay- (Kennedy, 1996) and everywhere the dolostone includes a basal, upward-shoaling sequence hook-Sheepbed cap carbonate sequence in passes upward into purplish siltstones of the (90–160 m) of black shale with fi ne dolomite northwestern Canada (Halverson et al., 2004). Brachina Formation and equivalent units. The intercalations, molar tooth limestone, and Thus, whereas the two Polarisbreen diamictites Brachina siltstones were deposited during the sublittoral microbialites, overlain by a series have been regarded as belonging to two dis- same highstand as the lower Sheepbed Forma- of thinner parasequences (Fairchild and Ham- tinct glacial episodes (e.g., Knoll et al., 1986; tion black shales in Canada and the Maieberg brey, 1984; Halverson et al., 2004). δ13C rises Fairchild and Hambrey, 1995; Kaufman et al., Formation pink limestones in Namibia. through the lower Russøya to a high of 7‰, 1997; Kennedy et al., 1998), new isotopic and A large post-Marinoan negative δ13C anomaly before falling to –5‰ in the upper Russøya stratigraphic evidence (Halverson et al., 2004) occurs in South Australia, well above the Bra- (Halverson et al., 2004) beneath a karstic suggests instead that these diamictites record the china Formation (Fig. 2). The Wonoka anomaly disconformity below the Petrovbreen Member initial and fi nal stages of the global Marinoan spans the Wonoka Formation, which contains a diamictite (Fig. 5). glaciation on the EGES platform (Fig. 5). well-known, kilometer-deep paleovalley (von The thin Petrovbreen Member diamictite Accepting the two Polarisbreen diamictites as der Borch et al., 1982; Christie-Blick et al., consists of debris plucked from the underlying Marinoan, it follows that the Sturtian glaciation 1990). δ13C drops to a low of <–10‰ beneath platform and glacially redeposited in a marine should be represented somewhere in the under- an incision surface in the lower Wonoka Forma- setting (Hambrey, 1983; Fairchild and Hambrey, lying stratigraphy (Knoll, 2000). However, tion, and intermittent carbonates remain highly 1984; Harland et al., 1993). The Petrovbreen no glacial deposits have been identifi ed that 13C-depleted for over 400 m (Fig. 2; Pell et Member diamictite is not succeeded by a cap would positively identify the Sturtian glacia- al., 1993; Calver, 2000). This anomaly is not carbonate sequence, but rather by a thick stack tion, and given the limited area of outcrop and preserved (at least in full) in either northern of rhythmites comprising the overlying Mac- lack of contrasting depositional environments Namibia or northwestern Canada, but, as will Donaldryggen Member (Halverson et al., 2004). (i.e., no foreslope deposits), none are likely to be discussed below, is found in several other These otherwise featureless rhythmites contain be found. Nonetheless, barring depositional sections, suggesting that it records a global per- calcite pseudomorphs interpreted by Halverson hiatus or erosional removal, the Sturtian cap turbation to the carbon cycle. et al. (2004) as glendonites. As glendonites are carbonate should be preserved as a proxy of the paleoindicators of sedimentation in cold waters glaciation (Knoll, 2000). A pronounced interval OTHER SUCCESSIONS (Kemper and Schmitz, 1981; Swainson and of negative δ13C values, bracketed by sequence Hammond, 2001), this interpretation implies boundaries, does occur in the middle Aka- Svalbard that cold conditions persisted long after deposi- demikerbreen Group but for reasons discussed tion of the Petrovbreen diamictite and is consis- below is regarded here as entirely pre-Sturtian. The Neoproterozoic middle–upper Hecla tent with the absence of an abrupt facies change The most likely candidate for a Sturtian cap Hoek Succession comprises the Veteranen, above the Petrovbreen diamictite, as would be carbonate sequence then falls at the base of the Akademikerbreen, and Polarisbreen groups and expected if this contact represented the abrupt Polarisbreen Group, where a prominent rise in outcrops in a north-trending fold-and-thrust belt end of glaciation. δ13C occurs within the lower Russøya Member. in northeastern Svalbard (Fig. 4). Now part of An ~20-m-thick dolomite grainstone (Slan- The abrupt infl ux of siliciclastic sediments and the Barents Shelf, eastern Svalbard is widely gen Member) separates the rhythmites from onset of high-order cyclicity in the uppermost considered once to have been part of Laurentia the glaciogenic Wilsonbreen Formation above, Akademikerbreen Group may be indirect mani- and contiguous with eastern Greenland (Knoll and although brecciated at its top (Fairchild and festations of glaciation. et al., 1986; Fairchild and Hambrey, 1984) as Hambrey, 1984), shows no sign of erosional part of what is hereafter referred to as the EGES truncation (Halverson et al., 2004). The Wil- Death Valley (East Greenland–East Svalbard) platform (Hal- sonbreen Formation is much thicker (~100 m) verson et al., 2004). Paleomagnetic data from and more heterogeneous than the Petrovbreen The Neoproterozoic succession in the Death Laurentia (Park, 1997; Evans, 2000) suggest diamictite, consisting of ice-contact tills with Valley region of the southwestern United States

Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2005 7 25630 page 8 of 27


18º A 12 24 B Nordaustlandet ** 80 80 * 80º Hinlopen Straight* * Vestfonna Ice Dome

78 Spitsbergen 78 *


Svalbard * C Oslobreen Group Dracoisen Fm. Wilsonbreen * Slangen Mb. - Elbo- Macdonaldryggen breen Petrovbreen dolerite Polaris- breen Russøya Mb. * - Kinvikka Mb. 79º Backlundtoppen Granite Draken Fm. Neoproterozoic and lower Paleozoic Svanbergfjellet * sediments Olav V basement Grusdievbreen Land Akademiker- breen Group Neoproterozoic * measured* sections Veteranen Group 0 5 10 18 km

Figure 4. (A) Location map for the Svalbard archipelago on the Barents Shelf. Shaded inset box shows location of the (B) outcrop belt of the Neoproterozoic middle–upper Hecla Hoek Succession (modifi ed from Harland et al., 1992) and locations of stratigraphic sections measured in this study. (C) Stratigraphic nomenclature of the Neoproterozoic succession in northeastern Svalbard. Shaded triangles indicate glacial units.

8 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2005 25630 page 9 of 27

NEOPROTEROZOIC CARBON-ISOTOPE RECORD C data and stratigraphy from Corsetti and from C data and stratigraphy 13 ure 2 for legend. 2 for ure δ cla Hoek Succession in northeastern Svalbard Svalbard cla Hoek Succession in northeastern C data in Table DR-1 (see footnote 1); stratigraphy from from 1); stratigraphy DR-1 (see footnote Table C data in 13 δ Sr data and stratigraphy from Brasier and Shields, 2000. U-Pb zircon age on the Tayval- age on the Brasier and Shields, 2000. U-Pb zircon from Sr data and stratigraphy 86 Sr/ 87 C and 13 δ Sr data from this paper), the Pahrump Group in Death Valley ( Valley in Death Group this paper), the Pahrump Sr data from 86 les spanning the Marinoan and Varanger glaciations and illustrating intraregional correlations of four succes- of four correlations glaciations and illustrating intraregional Varanger les spanning the Marinoan and Sr/ 87 C data and stratigraphy from Halverson et al., 2004. Halverson from C data and stratigraphy 13 δ sions where, based on the correlations in this paper, glacial deposits of Sturtian age are either absent or ambiguous: upper He glacial deposits of Sturtian age are in this paper, based on the correlations sions where, Figure 5. Composite stratigraphic and carbon-isotope profi Figure ( lich volcanics from Dempster et al., 2002), and the Vestertana Group and Grasdal Formation in northern Norway ( in northern and Grasdal Formation Group Vestertana Dempster et al., 2002), and the from lich volcanics this paper and Siedlecka and Siedlecki, 1971; Edwards, 1984; Føyn and Siedlecki, 1980). Note variable thickness scales. See Fig and Siedlecki, 1980). Note variable 1984; Føyn this paper and Siedlecka Siedlecki, 1971; Edwards, Kaufman, 2003; Prave, 1999a), the Dalradian Supergroup in Scotland ( 1999a), the Dalradian Supergroup Kaufman, 2003; Prave,

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HALVERSON et al. has been the focus of several recent papers bear- in some sections (Corsetti and Kaufman, 2003; calated sand and silt (Spencer and Spencer, ing on the number of Neoproterozoic glacia- Prave, 1999a; Fig. 5). 1972; Fairchild, 1980, 1985) that shares lim- tions (e.g., Prave, 1999a; Corsetti and Kaufman, Corsetti and Kaufman (2003) suggest that ited physical resemblance to other presumed 2003). Central to this debate is the stratigraphi- the Rainstorm Member of the Johnnie Forma- Marinoan cap carbonates (Brasier and Shields, cally complex Kingston Peak Formation (Miller, tion, which lies well above the Marinoan-aged 2000), akin to the cap carbonate to the Egan gla- 1985; Prave, 1999a), which contains two distinct Noonday Dolomite, may be a cryptic cap car- cials in Western Australia (Grey and Corkeron, diamictites separated variably by siltstone, bonate whose associated glacial deposits are 1998). The lower Bonahaven Formation does sandstone, conglomerate, and two thin carbon- not preserved. The ~50-m-thick, laterally per- exhibit the typical negative carbon-isotope com- ate units (Fig. 3; Miller, 1985; Prave, 1999a; sistent Rainstorm Member is very isotopically position, but δ13C is much more variable than in Corsetti et al., 2003). The older Surprise diamic- depleted (δ13C <–8‰; Figs. 5 and 6) and con- typical Marinoan cap dolostones (Fig. 5; Brasier tite is highly variable in thickness (<300 m) tains some lithological features typical of cap and Shields, 2000). However, like other cap and contains intrabasinal clasts. Locally, it is carbonates, including oolites, pink limestone, dolostones, it has high Fe and Mn concentra- overlain by the thin, Sourdough Limestone and formerly aragonite crystal fans in an oth- tions (Fairchild, 1980) and shows petrographic Member (Miller, 1985), which is intercalated erwise clastic interval (Corsetti and Kaufman, evidence for penecontemporaneous dolomiti- with the underlying Surprise diamictite and gra- 2003). However, the Rainstorm Member does zation (Spencer and Spencer, 1972; Fairchild, dational into overlying shale of the South Park not rest atop a major sequence boundary (or 1980). Furthermore, as pointed out by Brasier Member (Miller, 1985). The younger Wildrose glacial deposits), as would be expected of a and Shields (2000), the Bonahaven Formation, diamictite disconformably overlies the isotopi- cap carbonate, but rather occurs beneath one like the Dracoisen Formation in Svalbard (Hal- cally positive “Unnamed” Limestone Member (Summa, 1993). Various authors have proposed verson et al., 2004), records a spike to highly and is dominated by basement clasts (Prave, that the Johnnie paleovalley developed during positive δ13C values in isolated carbonates in 1999a). It is capped by the extensive Noonday a glacioeustatic fall in sea level (Christie-Blick the upper part of the formation. Most likely, Dolomite, which is remarkably similar litho- and Levy, 1989; Abolins et al., 1999), which, the uniqueness and thickness of the Bonahaven logically (Cloud et al., 1974) and isotopically based on our correlations, could correspond to cap dolostones, when compared to more typical (Prave, 1999a; Corsetti and Kaufman, 2003) to the Gaskiers glaciation. If correct, it appears Marinoan cap dolostones, is a function of a read- the basal cap dolostone (Keilberg Member) of that this glaciation was preceded by a negative ily available source of clastics in the Dalradian the Maieberg Formation in northern Namibia δ13C anomaly of even greater magnitude than basin, perhaps coupled with a high subsidence (Corsetti and Kaufman 1999). the Trezona anomaly. rate (Prave, 1999b) or localized block rotation. Prave (1999a) regarded the Surprise diamic- The Bonahaven Dolomite is therefore a useful tite as Sturtian in age based on its location below Scotland reminder of the role that a depositional environ- the presumed Marinoan-aged Wildrose and the ment can play in the character of a cap carbonate high organic content and negative δ13C compo- The link between the Scottish Dalradian (Hoffman and Schrag, 2002). sition of the overlying Sourdough Limestone, succession and the EGES platform has been If the Port Askaig Tillite is Marinoan, then the which he argued to be a cap carbonate. However, considered by many authors (e.g., Hambrey, purportedly glaciogenic Loch na Cille Boulder Corsetti and Kaufman (2003) have documented 1983; Nystuen, 1985; Brasier and Shields, Bed (Elles, 1934; Prave, 1999b) and/or equiva- the onset of a negative δ13C anomaly in the 2000), most of whom correlate the Port Askaig lent glaciogenic rocks in Ireland (Condon and upper Beck Spring Formation (Fig. 5), which Tillite with glacial pairs from the North Atlan- Prave, 2000) may represent a post-Marinoan if equivalent to the Trezona anomaly, implies tic region. More recently, several authors have glaciation. The Loch na Cille stratigraphi- that the entire Kingston Peak Formation may be argued that the Port Askaig is Sturtian, based cally overlies the 601 ± 4 Ma (Dempster et Marinoan and homologous to the Polarisbreen in part on the occurrence of a putative glacial al., 2002) Tayvallich Volcanics and is therefore glacials in Svalbard (Fig. 5) and their equiva- unit that occurs stratigraphically above (Fig. 5; constrained to be less than ca. 600 Ma. These lents in eastern Greenland. The negative δ13C Prave, 1999b; Condon and Prave, 2000) and on glacial deposits appear to lack a cap carbonate composition of the Sourdough Formation, if a low 87Sr/86Sr in carbonates (0.7067) within the (Condon and Prave, 2000), clearly distinguish- primary seawater signal, could then be residual Lossit Formation, below the glacial deposits ing them from the Port Askaig and other Mari- from the Trezona anomaly rather than evidence (Brasier and Shields, 2000). New 87Sr/86Sr data noan glacials discussed above. for the end of glaciation. from the Russøya Formation (Fig. 5) in Sval- Neither unequivocal glacial deposits nor If the Kingston Peak Formation is Marinoan, bard show nearly identical values (0.7068) and isotopic evidence for a Sturtian cap carbonate then the lower Beck Spring Formation most strengthen the correlation of the Port Askaig occur beneath the Port Askaig Tillite (see Fig. 1 likely represents the Sturtian cap carbonate, Tillite with the EGES glacials. However, the in Brasier and Shields, 2000), but a possible based on its lithological and stratigraphic simi- upper Lossit Formation also records an 8‰ Sturtian glacial horizon does occur in the lower larity to the Rasthof cap carbonate in Namibia decline in δ13C (Brasier et al., 2000), which Appin Group, well below the Port Askaig Til- (Corsetti and Kaufman, 1999). Notably, the more closely resembles the Trezona anomaly lite. Treagus (1969) interpreted the Kinlochlag- lower Beck Spring Formation contains deep- (Fig. 5) than the pre-Sturtian δ13C record gen Boulder Bed as glaciogenic and placed it water sediments with debris-fl ow breccias, (Fig. 2). Therefore, in the context of our cor- in the upper Lochaber Subgroup (lower Appin organic-rich microbialites, and purported relation scheme, the Port Askaig glacials are Group). However, the stratigraphic position “roll-up” structures in a >100-m-thick upward- interpreted as Marinoan in age. This interpre- of the Kinlochlaggen Boulder Bed within the shoaling parasequence (Corsetti and Kaufman, tation implies that low 87Sr/86Sr values are not Appin Group is a matter of contention (Win- 2003). No glacial deposits occur on the sub- unique to pre-Sturtian carbonates. chester and Glover, 1988; Evans and Tanner, jacent sequence boundary, but negative δ13C The thick (<750 m) Port Askaig Tillite is 1996) and therefore cannot at present be con- values, followed by a rise to +5‰, are preserved overlain by the Bonahaven Formation cap fi dently ascribed to the Sturtian glaciation in in the lower 25 m of the Beck Spring Formation carbonate, a stromatolitic dolostone with inter- eastern Laurentia.

10 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2005 25630 page 11 of 27


Johnnie Fm. Johnnie Kuibis Schwarzrand Rainstorm Mb. Rainstorm 600 200 (m) 1000 1400 150 100 50 Stirling Qtz. Kingston Peak Fm. Kingston Peak Noonday cap sequence Noonday Sr data from Calver, 2000), and Calver, Sr data from 86 le and U-Pb ages from intercalated intercalated le and U-Pb ages from Sr/ 87 ( Sr from Burns et al., 1994; U-Pb ages in Burns Sr from ations from Oman pin the timing of ations from successions. Approximate position of the Approximate successions. 86 gh the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary gh the Precambrian-Cambrian Sr/ 87 -10 -5 0 5 -10 -5 0 5 -10 -5 0 5 Nama Group, S. Namibia (Grotzinger et al., 1995; Saylor 1998) Southwestern U.S.A. (Corsetti and Kaufman, 2003) 548.1 ± 1 545.1 ± 1 543.3 ± 1 (m) 600 200 Marinoan Rawnsley Bonney Ss. Bonney ABC Quartzite glacial unit Wilcolo Formation Bunyeroo Formation Bunyeroo Brachina cap sequence Brachina le is based on Calver (2000). The carbon-isotope profi (2000). le is based on Calver (Calver, 2000) (Calver, C U-Pb age determination (in Ma) 13 Ediacaran fossils Ediacaran small shelly fossils d -10 -5 0 543.3 ± 1 Wonoka Formation, S. Australia Formation, S. Wonoka 0.7087 0.7088 0.7087 Sr les that capture the Wonoka anomaly: the Nafun Group in Oman ( anomaly: the Nafun Group Wonoka the les that capture 86 Sr/ 87 0.7088 0.7085 0.7084 0.7082 0.7080 0.7086 C anomaly 13 d PC-C boundary C excursion to 542 Ma and constrain the duration to <1 m.y. (Amthor et al., 2003). C excursion to 542 Ma and constrain the duration <1 m.y. 13 δ 723 +16/ -10 Cozzi et al., 2004a) Nafun Group, Oman -10 -5 0 5 ( Burns and Matter, 1993; Amthor et al., 2003; 1993; ( Burns and Matter, 542.0 ± 0.6 542.6 ± 0.3


200 600


Ara Khufai Shuram Buah et al., 1995). Recent U-Pb determin (Grotzinger truncation in the former is missing due to erosional C excursion (crosshatched) 13 Fiq glacial glacial Ghubrah Masirah Bay cap sequence Bay Masirah Ara Group from Amthor et al., 2003 and in Ghubrah Formation from Brasier et al., 2000), the Wonoka Formation in South Australia in South Formation Wonoka Brasier et al., 2000), the from Amthor et al., 2003 and in Ghubrah Formation from Ara Group ash beds in the Nama Group (Grotzinger et al., 1995) indicate correlation with upper Nafun and lower Ara groups in Oman, althou Ara groups with upper Nafun and lower et al., 1995) indicate correlation (Grotzinger ash beds in the Nama Group Wonoka paleovalleys (Christie-Blick et al., 1990) relative to the carbon-isotope profi (Christie-Blick et al., 1990) relative paleovalleys Wonoka δ the Johnnie Formation in Death Valley. The stippled pattern shows inferred correlation of the Wonoka anomaly between the three anomaly between the three Wonoka of the correlation inferred shows The stippled pattern Valley. in Death Formation the Johnnie Figure 6. Published late Neoproterozoic carbon-isotope profi 6. Published late Neoproterozoic Figure boundary Precambrian-Cambrian

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Oman al. (2003) have constrained the duration of this upper Krokvatn diamictites) that infi ll a 350-m- large (>10‰) anomaly, which is well known deep paleovalley (Fig. 5; Føyn and Siedlecki, Two apparently distinct Neoproterozoic gla- globally (Magaritz et al., 1991; Knoll et al., 1980). Analogous to the Polarisbreen Group, cial units occur in the Jebel Akhdar region of 1995; Kaufman et al., 1996), to less than 1 m.y. the upper diamictite is the thickest (<100 m) northern Oman (Brasier et al., 2000; Leather et and dated the Precambrian-Cambrian bound- and refl ects multiple glacial advance-and-retreat al., 2002). Brasier et al. (2000) obtained a date ary and the abrupt disappearance of the lightly cycles (Edwards, 1984). The upper and middle of 723 +16/–10 Ma on a tuffaceous greywacke calcifi ed fossils Cloudina and Namacalathus at diamictites are separated by an ~200-m-thick, in the older of the two glacials, the Ghubrah For- 542 Ma. The combination of precise radiomet- monotonous sandstone, notable for the virtual mation, and on the basis of this age interpreted ric ages and detailed carbon-isotope data from absence of sedimentary structures and remi- it to be Sturtian. However, no cap carbonate the Terminal Proterozoic succession of Oman niscent of the MacDonaldryggen Formation in sequence to this glacial has been identifi ed make it a useful component in the Neoprotero- Svalbard. owing to top truncation of the Ghubrah by an zoic composite carbon-isotope record. The Smalfjord Formation is sharply overlain angular unconformity (Brasier et al., 2000). The by the Nyborg cap carbonate sequence, whose thick (up to 1.5 km) glaciogenic Fiq Formation NEW DATA stratigraphic, sedimentological, and isotopic lies directly above the Ghubrah and consists characteristics clearly defi ne it as Marinoan in of a series of turbidite-diamictite cycles with Here we report new carbon-isotope data from age (Edwards, 1984; Rice et al., 2001). δ13C evidence of at least episodically open-water northern Norway, Namibia, and Svalbard that consistently ranges from –2‰ to –4‰ (Fig. 5) conditions (Leather et al., 2002). The Fiq is contribute to the correlations and the composite and barite crystal fans up to 2.5 cm tall occur overlain by the Hadash cap dolostone, which carbon-isotope record. The Norway data sup- in one locality. The Nyborg cap dolostone is forms the transgressive base of the otherwise port radiometric data indicating that there was commonly overlain by an interval of red shales clastic Masirah Bay cap carbonate sequence a third, post-Marinoan (Varanger) glaciation and siltstones with thin dolostone intercalations (Brasier et al., 2000). The <10-m-thick Hadash (Knoll et al., 2004) and strengthen the connec- (Edwards, 1984), which then pass upward into cap dolostone sharply overlies the Fiq glacials tion between this event and the extraordinary 350 m of turbiditic sandstones and shales depos- and consists of fi nely laminated, 13C-depleted negative δ13C anomaly seen in Oman, Death ited during a sea-level highstand (Edwards, dolomite interbedded with silt (Brasier et al., Valley, and South Australia. New carbon- 1984). 2000; Leather et al., 2002). The Hadash lacks isotope data from the Tsumeb Subgroup in The ~260-m-thick Grasdal Formation some of the hallmark sedimentary structures of Namibia fi ll in the record between the Marinoan (Tanafjord Group), which occurs beneath the cap dolostones in other sections (e.g., megar- and Gaskiers glaciations, and a detailed data set Smalfjord Formation in the Trollfjord area, is ipples and peloids), but otherwise the Masirah from the Akademikerbreen Group in Svalbard an isolated carbonate sequence within an oth- Bay cap carbonate sequence closely resembles establishes a long, pre-Sturtian δ13C record. A erwise siliciclastic succession (Siedlecka and other Marinoan cap carbonate sequences. radiometric age from an ash bed in the Ombo- Siedlecki, 1971). It comprises thin dolomites Carbonate deposition resumed at the base mbo Subgroup (pre-Sturtian) presents a new tie and marls at the base, passing up into massive of the Nafun Group, above the Masirah Bay point for the composite record. gray stromatolitic dolomites, then alternating Formation (Fig. 6). The Nafun Group is well dolomites and argillites at the top of the forma- exposed both in the Jebel Akhdar and to the Northern Norway tion. The Grasdal and Smalfjord formations are south along the Huqf axis (Gorin et al., 1982; separated by a 20-m-thick unit of black shale Cozzi et al., 2004a, 2004b) and records the most In northern Norway, two glacial units, the and sandstone (Føyn and Siedlecki, 1980). impressive negative anomaly in the entire Neo- Smalfjord (lower) and Mortensnes (upper) Within the upper Grasdal Formation, δ13C drops proterozoic. δ13C drops to less than –10‰ and formations, with the intervening Nyborg For- from a high of +6‰ down to –2‰ over 120 m highly negative values (<–5‰) persist through mation, form the base of the Vestertana Group of section, before rising again to +3‰ (Fig. 5). several hundred meters of section (Fig. 6; Burns (Fig. 5; Reading and Walker, 1966; Bjørlykke, Considering the negative δ13C anomalies both and Matter, 1993). The anomaly spans the 1967; Edwards 1975, 1984; Føyn and Siedlecki, above and below the Smalfjord Formation and Shuram Formation, which comprises predomi- 1980) and have commonly been correlated with the characteristics of the Nyborg Formation cap nantly red siltstones and cross-bedded lime- the diamictite pairs on the EGES platform and carbonate sequence, it is inescapable to con- stone grainstones (Gorin et al., 1982; Wright elsewhere in the North Atlantic region (e.g., clude that the Smalfjord Formation represents et al., 1990; Cozzi et al., 2004a). No signifi cant Hambrey 1983; Nystuen, 1985; Fairchild and only the Marinoan glaciation and thus correlates sequence boundaries have been reported from Hambrey, 1995). with both Polarisbreen diamictites in Svalbard within Shuram Formation (Wright et al., 1990), In the Varangerfjord area the Smalfjord and not just the older, Petrovbreen diamictite. although the contact between the Shuram For- Formation comprises marine and nonmarine This correlation is supported by the develop- mation and the underlying Khufai Formation sandstone locally interspersed with diamictites ment of a thick, multiple diamictite sequence in (Fig. 6) is interpreted by Gorin et al. (1982) to (Edwards, 1975, 1984; Arnaud and Eyles, the Krokvatn area (Føyn and Siedlecki, 1980), represent a hardground and break in deposition. 2002). In the nearby Tanafjord/Smalfjord area, comparable to the Polarisbreen glacial sequence The contact between the Shuram Formation and it consists of <135 m of a heterogeneous mix- (Halverson et al., 2004). the overlying Buah Formation is unequivocally ture of sandstones, mudstones, conglomerates, The Mortensnes Formation, which locally transitional (Cozzi et al., 2004b). and diamictites, recording up to fi ve glacial cuts down through the ~400-m-thick Nyborg δ13C returns to positive values in the Buah advance-and-retreat cycles (Reading and Formation and into the Smalfjord Formation, Formation (Burns and Matter, 1993; Cozzi et al., Walker, 1966; Edwards, 1984). To the west, is much thinner (<50 m) than the Smalfjord 2004a) and remains >0‰ up to a Precambrian- the Smalfjord Formation reaches its maximum Formation but contains striated clasts and lon- Cambrian boundary anomaly in the lower Ara thickness (~420 m) and comprises three sepa- estones and is generally accepted as glacial in Group (Fig. 6; Amthor et al., 2003). Amthor et rate diamictite intervals (the lower, middle, and origin (Edwards, 1984). Its presence above the

12 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2005 25630 page 13 of 27


Marinoan-aged Smalfjord diamictite is consis- precise age on the same sample. The sample generally highly 13C-enriched carbonates (Keele tent with the occurrence of a third Neoprotero- contains a population of clear, prismatic zircons Peak: δ13C = +5‰ to +9‰), typical of intergla- zoic glaciation. However, unlike the Marinoan that range in size and morphology from slender cial carbonates (Fig. 2; Kaufman et al., 1997). and Sturtian glacial deposits, the Mortensnes 100 × 20 micron grains to more equant 50 × 40 Figure 9 presents new data spanning the Abenab Formation lacks a cap carbonate and is instead micron grains. Eight single zircon grains were Subgroup from three paleogeographic regions overlain by fl uviatile and deltaic sandstones analyzed according to laboratory procedures on the Otavi platform: outer, middle, and inner and shales of the Stappogiedde Formation discussed in Table DR-7 (see footnote 1) and shelf (Fig. 3). These data are not signifi cantly (Edwards, 1984). This is a key distinction since Schmitz et al. (2003). The data defi ne a linear different from previously published data through it presents the possibility that this glaciation was array on a concordia diagram (Fig. 8B), regres- this interval (Hoffman et al., 1998a; Halverson diachronous and not a snowball event. Nonethe- sion of which yields an upper intercept of 759.3 et al., 2002), but plotted together, reveal two less, the Mortensnes Formation is also associ- ± 1.3 Ma (MSWD = 0.37). This date is indistin- important features of the Namibian carbon-iso- ated with a large, albeit sparsely documented, guishable from the weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb tope record. First, the major trends are highly negative δ13C anomaly, with δ13C values as low date (Fig. 8B) of 759.95 ± 0.86 (MSWD = reproducible along a transect of the continental as –8‰ (Fig. 5) preserved in a 2-m-thick dolo- 0.53), which we consider the best estimate for shelf. Second, the δ13C compositions vary along mite bed ~10 m below the Mortensnes Forma- the age of these zircons and, inferentially, the the transect, with inner shelf sections generally tion (Edwards, 1984). Taking into consideration age of the ash bed. enriched by 1‰–2‰ compared to middle and that values this low do not occur in any other This age is signifi cantly older than the 746 ± outer shelf carbonates. We infer that the outer cap carbonate sequence and that the lowest 2 Ma Naauwpoort Volcanics and slightly older shelf carbonates most faithfully record seawater values in the Maieberg Formation (Fig. 2) occur than the 756 ± 2 age on the Ois Syenite (Hoff- δ13C, as presumably they were deposited closer just above the cap dolostone (Hoffman et al., man et al., 1996), which provides a maximum to the open ocean south of the Congo craton 1998a), then it seems that the very low δ13C age on sedimentation on the southern margin of (Halverson et al., 2002). We interpret these values in the upper Nyborg Formation (Fig. 5) the Congo craton. These ages imply that most if paleogeographic isotope gradients as a mani- must represent a portion of a distinct, post-Mari- not all of the Ombombo Subgroup is older than festation of regional hydrological effects (i.e., noan anomaly. the Ugab Subgroup, which underlies the Chuos increased restriction landward) and regard the Age constraints on the Neoproterozoic suc- glacials on the southern margin (Fig. 3). We variation as a measure of the intrinsic isotopic cession in Finnmark are few since no robust tentatively correlate the upper Ombombo Sub- scatter to be expected in Neoproterozoic δ13C isotopic ages have been obtained from the group (Okakuyu Formation), which contains a records derived from platform carbonates. Vestertana and Tanafjord Groups. The oldest basalt-clast conglomerate, with the Naauwpoort Ediacaran fauna in the succession, which con- Volcanics (Figs. 3 and 7) to the south. This cor- Tsumeb Subgroup sist of simple disks interpreted by Gehling et al. relation implies that the more than 700 m of The carbon-isotope profi le of the 300–400- (2000) as synonyms of Aspidella, occur in the mixed carbonates and clastics of the Ugab Sub- m-thick Marinoan-aged Maieberg Formation Innerelv Member of the Stappogiede Forma- group fi ll in a portion of the sedimentary record cap carbonate sequence has been published tion, ~200 m above the Mortensnes Formation missing on the northern platform, thereby pro- previously (Kennedy et al., 1998; Hoffman et (Farmer et al., 1992). The lowermost Ediacaran viding a more complete δ13C record leading into al., 1998a; Hoffman and Schrag, 2002), and fossils in the (Avalon Penin- the Sturtian-aged Chuos glaciation. Kaufman et al. (1991) published a reconnais- sula, Newfoundland) are younger than 575 Ma δ13C through the Ombombo and most of sance record of the entire Tsumeb Subgroup. and, analogous to those in northern Norway, the Ugab is >0‰, but lighter values cluster- This previous work is supplemented here with occur not far above the glacial diamictites of the ing around 0‰ occur in the uppermost Ugab detailed isotopic profi les through >1400 m of Gaskiers Formation (Narbonne and Gehling, (Fig. 7). These data suggest that a trend toward platform carbonates from multiple sections on 2003). If the Mortensnes Formation is equiva- less 13C-enriched carbonates presages the Stur- the Otavi platform and a complementary 450 m lent to the Gaskiers, which is plausible given tian glaciation, but it appears distinct from the profi le through the Karibib Formation, the con- their similar stratigraphic position relative to Trezona anomaly in that it does not defi ne a densed foreslope equivalent (Outjo basin) of the the lowest occurrence of Ediacaran fossils, then smooth and continuous decline to values as low Tsumeb Subgroup (Figs. 3 and 10). Since most it records a short-lived glaciation at 580 Ma as –5‰. Nor have heavily 13C-depleted carbon- post-Marinoan successions are predominantly (Bowring et al., 2003). ates been found immediately beneath Sturtian siliciclastic, the Tsumeb Subgroup is a key ele- glacial deposits in other successions (Fig. 2). ment in the reconstruction of the late Neopro- Northern Namibia Therefore, we tentatively assume that no large, terozoic δ13C record. preglacial negative δ13C anomaly preceded The prominent features in the Tsumeb Ombombo-Ugab Subgroups the Sturtian glaciation, although more work is isotope profi le are (1) the smoothly varying The Ombombo Subgroup comprises mixed clearly needed to elucidate the still poorly docu- and generally low δ13C through the Maieberg shallow marine carbonates and siliciclastics mented δ13C record leading into the Sturtian and Elandshoek formations, (2) a sharp spike (Fig. 7). On the northern platform the Ombo- glaciation. toward very high δ13C at the top of the Eland- mbo exceeds 700 m in thickness, but uplift of shoek Formation, and (3) extreme variability the basement high resulted in progressive south- Abenab Subgroup in δ13C throughout the Hüttenberg Formation. ward beveling beneath the Chuos Formation The Abenab Subgroup features two nega- The erratic δ13C pattern in the upper Tsumeb (Fig. 3). An ~10-cm-thick ash bed in the middle tive δ13C anomalies: one at the base, in the Group, including several samples that are <0‰, Ombombo Subgroup on the northern platform Rasthof cap carbonate, and another in the is a common feature of all Hüttenberg sections, (Figs. 3 and 7) was originally dated by the U-Pb upper Ombaatjie Formation, beneath the Ghaub but is suspicious since it is not reproduced in zircon method at 758 ± 4 Ma and cited in Hoff- diamictite (Fig. 9; Halverson et al., 2002). the foreslope section. Secondary alteration is man et al. (1998b). Here we present a more These anomalies are separated by an interval of the most obvious culprit, but the magnitude of

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Figure 7. Composite strati- graphic section and carbon-iso- tope profi les (Tables DR-1; see footnote 1) of the Ombombo- Ugab Subgroups. The Ombo- mbo Subgroup occurs exclu- sively on the Otavi platform, north of the Makalani rim (Fig. 3). The Ugab Subgroup occurs to the south of the Huab rim (Outjo basin) and based on U-Pb age constraints (Fig. 3) is younger than the Ombombo Subgroup. We correlate a basalt-clast conglomerate in the the upper Ombombo Subgroup (Okakuyu Formation) with the Naauwpoort Formation (which Hoffmann et al., 2004 include in the upper Nosib Group in the Outjo basin), implying that the Ugab Subgroup carbon- isotope profi le fi lls in a record entirely missing on the Otavi platform.

variation seems large when compared to the This hypothesis is consistent with our subsid- The general δ13C pattern through the Tsumeb much narrower range in alteration typical of ence modeling (Halverson et al., 2002), which Subgroup is captured in the equivalent Karibib the Otavi Group (Halverson et al., 2002). If the indicates that the upper Tsumeb Subgroup Formation on the foreslope of the Outjo basin pattern is primary, it could have been amplifi ed was deposited in the waning stage of a passive (Figs. 3 and 10). Peaks in δ13C near the top and by a reservoir effect, in which restriction could margin when production of accommodations bottom of the Elandshoek Formation, as well as be attributed to either Pan African closure of the space would have been slow, but cannot account a nadir in the middle Elandshoek, are reproduced adjacent Damaran and Brazilide seaways (Stan- for the absence of variability in the equivalent in the Karibib Formation, albeit with absolute istreet et al., 1991) or large eustatic drops in sea foreslope strata. A robust interpretation of the values varying by a few per mil (Fig. 10). Data in level. Alternatively, the variability could be a lower Hüttenberg isotope pattern will require the middle part of foreslope record are more scat- primary seawater signal whose apparent irregu- additional, detailed data and comparison with tered than data from the inferred equivalent level larity is enhanced by a low sedimentation rate. synchronous records elsewhere. on the platform (Fig. 10), but this irregularity is

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Ghaub 1997). Since no more than one negative δ13C m -10 -5 0 5 10 anomaly has been documented between the post-Marinoan anomaly and the Precambrian- 500 Cambrian excursion (Fig. 6), the most parsimo- nious inerpretation is that this downturn repre- sents the same anomaly recorded in the Johnnie and upper Nyborg formations and is therefore associated with the Gaskiers glaciation (Fig. 5). 400 Northeastern Svalbard Polarisbreen Group

Ombaatjie Fm. Figure 11 presents a composite stratigraphic and carbon-isotope record through the Polaris- breen Group (modifi ed from Halverson et al., 2004), along with new 87Sr/86Sr data (Table DR- 300 6; see footnote 1) from well-preserved lime- stones in the Russøya Member. The least radiogenic carbonates in the lower Russøya Member have a strontium isotope ratio of

Gruis Fm. 0.7068, supporting correlation of this sequence with Sturtian cap carbonates (Halverson et al., 2004). A similar value in the uppermost 200 Russøya (Fig. 11), just below the Petrovbreen diamictite, is nearly identical to values obtained by Brasier and Shields (2000) from the Lossit outer shelf Limestone in Scotland (Fig. 5). If more radio- middle shelf genic data (>0.7070) typical of interglacial car-

Abenab Subgroup bonates elsewhere (Fig. 2; Kaufman et al., 1997; inner shelf 100 Jacobsen and Kaufman, 1999) accurately record seawater 87Sr/86Sr, then the new Svalbard data indicate that 87Sr/86Sr declined sharply leading into Marinoan glaciation and may provide an

Rasthof Formation important constraint on models to account for the Trezona δ13C anomaly. Chuos -10 -5 0 5 10 0 Akademikerbreen Group The Akademikerbreen Group comprises up Figure 8. (A) U-Pb Concordia diagram based on six zircons from sample PH.16A.93 from to 2 km of virtually uninterrupted, stromato- an ash bed in the Ombombo Subgroup (Fig. 7). Error ellipses are plotted at the 2σ level. (B) lite-rich, platform carbonates, subdivided into Inset shows 207Pb/206Pb ages, the average of which (760 ± 0.9 Ma) is assumed to be the age of the Grusdievbreen, Svanbergfjellet, Draken, the ash bed. See Table DR-7 (see footnote 1) for data and explanation of procedures. and Backlundtoppen formations and continu- ous below with the Veteranen Group clastics (Fig. 4; Wilson, 1958, 1961; Knoll and Swett, 1990). The Akademikerbreen carbonates are not surprising since the foreslope strata consist We note that in some locations near the south- generally enriched in 13C, with the highest δ13C of redeposited sediments, likely derived from ern margin of the Otavi Platform, a siltstone values occurring in the upper Backlundtoppen various stratigraphic levels on the upper slope unit (Tschudi Formation) fi lls a karstic discon- Formation (Fig. 12). A prominent exception to and shelf margin. δ13C remains positive up to the formity atop the Karibib Formation and was this trend occurs in the upper Grusdievbreen and top of the Karibib Formation where it declines deformed together with the underlying carbon- lower Svanbergfjellet formations where –3‰ abruptly beneath the contact with the Mulden ates prior to deposition of the Mulden foredeep <δ13C <0.5‰ through ~300 m of section. This Formation. This trend is missing in the Tsumeb clastics (Frets, 1969; Hoffmann, 1989). This interval is bracketed by two prominent sequence Subgroup, presumably due to the deep level of relationship indicates that the siltstone unit is boundaries, which, along with the isotopically erosion beneath the sub-Mulden unconformity genetically part of the Otavi Group and that the negative carbonates, occur along the length on the Otavi platform (Miller, 1997). Therefore, unconformity at the top of the Karibib Forma- of the outcrop belt in northeastern Svalbard while redeposited foreslope sediments are not tion developed during eustatic sea-level fall and (Fig. 4). These sequence boundaries stand out ideal for reconstructing the evolution of seawater not as a result of continental collision between in the highly conformable Akademikerbreen δ13C, the upper Karibib Formation appears to the Congo and Kalahari cratons, which accounts carbonates, within which exposure surfaces are preserve the youngest portion of the Neoprotero- for the profound unconformity beneath the main rare (Knoll and Swett, 1990). Only minor ero- zoic δ13C record in northern Namibia. package of Mulden foredeep sediments (Miller, sional truncation of the strata beneath the lower

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HALVERSON et al. sequence boundary (G1) occurs on the outcrop scale, but locally, paleokarst penetrates at least 0.1255 A 20 m beneath the exposure surface. Above the PH.16A.93 Zircons 760 boundary is an ~30-m-thick, upward-shoal- Concordia intercepts at 759.3 ± 1.3 ing parasequence, the base of which consists 0.1245 & -86 ± 140 Ma (MSWD = 0.37) 756 of green and red shale and siltstone with thin limestone intercalations that are commonly 752 ripped up and coalesced in presumably storm- generated, coarse, intraclastic breccias. This 0.1235 748 parasequence stands out amidst a background U stratigraphy consisting of pure and monotonous, 238 Weighted Mean 207Pb/206Pb B mid- to proximal-shelf limestone ribbonite and 0.1225 744 date = 759.95 ± 0.86 Ma 13 intraclast breccia (Fig. 12). δ C shifts abruptly Pb/ across the G1 sequence boundary from +7‰ 206 740 to a low of nearly –2‰ that coincides with 0.1215 ~1-m-thick horizon of silty micrite choked with 761 sea-fl oor cements (crystal fans), presumably pseudomorphic after aragonite, that occurs at 759 5–10 m above the boundary. 0.1205 Above this parasequence, δ13C rises to a high 757 of ~0.5‰ near the top of the Grusdievbreen Formation, before declining erratically though 0.1195 grainstones and peritidal microbialite to a low 1.065 1.075 1.085 1.095 1.105 1.115 of ~–3‰ below the second major sequence boundary (S1) in the lower Svanbergfjellet 207 235 Formation (Fig. 12). This boundary lacks obvi- Pb/ U ous erosional relief but is heavily silicifi ed and Figure 9. Composite section of the Abenab Subgroup (modifi ed from Hoffman and Schrag, brecciated in all sections. It is overlain by black 2002 and Halverson et al., 2002). Carbon-isotope data (Table DR-2; see footnote 1) from shales that grade upward through hummocky three paleogeographic regions on the Otavi platform (Fig. 3) illustrate that while the abso- cross-stratifi ed marls and into a regionally per- lute δ13C values vary by 1‰–2‰ across the platform, the isotopic trends are reproducible. sistent 3–10-m-thick Minjaria biostrome (Knoll See Figure 7 for legend. and Swett, 1990). δ13C is already positive in the marls and continues to rise through the Minjaria bed and 200 m of overlying marly and fetid rhythmites and ribbonites (Fig. 12). G1 sequence boundary (Fig. 12). These data between the Grusdievbreen-Svanbergfjellet and Smaller-scale variations (2–5‰) in δ13C are demonstrate that the mechanism responsible for Bitter Springs profi les is a positive excursion to common in the Akademikerbreen Group. For the abrupt changes in stable state of marine δ13C +5‰ within the otherwise negative δ13C interval example, in the middle Grusdievbreen, a tran- did not signifi cantly alter the balance between in the latter (Fig. 13). However, this spike is sient decline to 1.5‰ occurs in a silty interval continental and hydrothermal Sr sources to sea- superimposed on a modest rise in δ13C mirrored with interbeds of coarse limestone breccias water responsible for the relatively unradiogenic in the Svalbard section and occurs within a pre- similar to those above the G1 sequence bound- values typical of the lower Akademikerbreen sumed nonmarine interval (Hill et al., 2000a; ary (Fig. 12). Fluctuations of similar magnitude Group and also provide an additional basis for Walter et al., 2000), indicating that it may be a occur in the upper Draken and middle Backlun- correlating this interval with other successions. local signal. Sr isotope data are compatible with dtoppen formations, but these do not correspond the correlation, but not decisive, with 87Sr/86Sr to any notable changes in sedimentation. Nor DISCUSSION ratios generally low but highly variable in the do minor exposure surfaces at the base of and Bitter Springs Formation (Fig. 13; Hill et al., within the Draken Formation correlate with The Akademikerbreen–Bitter Springs 2000a). A test of this correlation will be whether any abrupt changes in δ13C. Carbonates remain Connection or not ratios as low as 0.7057 can be produced heavily 13C-enriched into the upper Backlund- in the lower Grusdievbreen Formation. Addi- toppen Formation (Kinnvikka Member) where The interpretation that the lower Russøya tionally, if Rainbird et al.’s (1996) lithological multiple shaley parasequences, sharp fl ooding Member in Svalbard is equivalent to Sturtian cap correlations of the Bitter Springs Formation surfaces, and pinnacle reefs (Fig. 12) mark the carbonates implies that the Akademikerbreen with “Succession B” in northern Laurentia are demise of the Akademikerbreen carbonate plat- Group is entirely pre-Sturtian (with the possible correct, then the “Bitter Springs stage” should form (Halverson et al., 2004). exception of the Kinnvikka Member; Halverson occur in the upper Little Dal Group (Macken- New Sr-isotope data from high-Sr and low- et al., 2004). This hypothesis is supported by zie Mountains) and upper Shaler Supergroup Mn limestones in the upper Grusdievbreen and correlation of the Grusdievbreen and Svan- (Victoria Island). Limited δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr data lower Svanbergfjellet formations show that bergfjellet formations with the Bitter Springs from the Shaler Supergroup (Asmerom et al., 87Sr/86Sr remained low and stable at ~0.7063 Formation in the Amadeus Basin, central Aus- 1991) support this correlation. across the interval of low δ13C, with the pos- tralia, based on their nearly identical δ13C pro- The middle Akademikerbreen–Bitter Springs sible exception of a transient rise just above the fi les (Fig. 13). The only prominent difference correlation strengthens the argument that the

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Figure 10. Previously unpublished stratigraphic and carbon-isotope profi les (Table DR-3; see footnote 1) through a platform section of the Tsumeb Subgroup (left) and its foreslope equivalent, the Karibib Formation (right) in northern Namibia (Fig. 3). The Tsumeb Subgroup isotopic profi le is a composite from three different sections on the inner shelf (Fig. 3). The base of the Tsumeb Subgroup is the Marinoan cap carbonate sequence (Maieberg Formation). Previously unpublished 87Sr /86Sr data in the basal Maieberg Formation (Table DR-7; see footnote 1) represent least radiogenic values. Stippled lines are approximate chronostratigraphic tie lines, based on prominent δ13C data patterns reproduced in both platform and foreslope sections. If these correlations are correct, then the condensed foreslope section pre- serves a more complete, if less accurate, isotopic record leading up to the Mulden Group. See Figure 7 for legend.

Grusdievbreen-Svanbergfjellet δ13C anomaly Adelaide geosyncline (Preiss, 2000) implies a glacial deposits from three glaciations are predates the Sturtian glaciation because the younger age. If this correlation is correct, then preserved (Xiao et al., 2004), also support this Bitter Springs Formation lies stratigraphically the G1 and S1 sequence boundaries and the Bit- conclusion. However, despite these refi nements well below the inferred Sturtian glacial deposits ter Springs isotope stage are broadly constrained to the Neoproterozoic chronology, signifi cant (Aralka Formation) in the Amadeus Basin of to between ca. 810 and 770 Ma based on an 802 uncertainties in the timing and global extent of central Australia (Walter et al., 1995). The Bitter ± 10 Ma U-Pb age on the Rook Tuff (Fanning the three glaciations remain. In this section we Springs Formation is constrained to be younger et al., 1986) in the lower Curdimurka Subgroup summarize the key stratigraphic, geochrono- than ca. 1000 Ma from U-Pb ages on detrital and the 777 ± 7 Ma Boucaut Volcanics (Preiss, logical, and isotopic data that characterize each zircons in the underlying Heavitree Quartzite. 2000) in the lower Burra Group. of the three glaciations. Hill et al. (2000a, 2000b) argued that the upper Bitter Springs Formation is ca. 830 Ma based Three Neoproterozoic glaciations Sturtian on strong geochemical similarity (Zhao et al., Sturtian glacial deposits (Fig. 1) are best 1992) between the 827 ± 6 Ma (Wingate et The correlation scheme developed here represented by diamictites in northern Namibia, al., 1998) Gairdner Dyke Swarm in the Gawler supports independent evidence from recent South Australia, and northwestern Canada, all craton and volcanics interbedded within the radiometric dates (e.g., Bowring et al., 2003; of which contain banded iron formation and upper Bitter Springs carbonates (Loves Creek Hoffmann et al., 2004) that there were three are overlain by distinct, dark (organic- or sul- Member). However, correlation of the Bitter (or more) Neoproterozoic glaciations postdat- fi de-rich) cap carbonate sequences exhibiting a Springs Formation with the isotopically light ing ca. 750 Ma. New stratigraphic and isotopic sharp, basal rise in δ13C from values near –4‰ Curdimurka Subgroup (Hill et al., 2000b) in the data from northwestern China, where putative up to +5‰ (Fig. 2). Other probable Sturtian

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HALVERSON et al. glacials are found in southern Namibia (Fölling and Frimmel, 2002), northwestern and southern China (Evans, 2000; Hoffman and Schrag, 2002; Xiao et al., 2004), and the eastern Appa- lachians (Evans, 2000). Sturtian glacial deposits may also occur in Oman (Brasier et al., 2000) and Mongolia (Brasier et al., 1996). Other suc- cessions likely contain Sturtian glacials that are too poorly constrained geochronologically or stratigraphically to be assigned confi dently to this age. Insofar as the correlations presented here are correct, Sturtian-aged glacial deposits are conspicuously absent in successions in the North Atlantic region (with the possible excep- tion of Scotland), as well as the southwestern United States. Nonetheless, possible postglacial cap carbonates can be recognized in most basins based on a combination of sedimentological and isotopic characteristics. For example, in Sval- bard the onset of glaciation may be manifested in the upper Akademikerbreen Group as a series of third-order cycles driven by glacioeustatic sea-level fl uctuations (Halverson et al., 2004). If this hypothesis is correct, then the Sturtian ice age began with regional glaciation and did not initiate simultaneously across the globe. Glaciers, or at least sea ice, eventually could Figure 11. Stratigraphic profi le and δ13C Figure 12. Simplifi ed stratigraphic column have reached the EGES platform and other compilation (Table DR-5; see footnote 1) and previously unpublished carbon-isotope pre-Iapetan basins, but without leaving much through the Polarisbreen Group (Svalbard) compilation (Table DR-4; see footnote 1) trace, analogous to the Marinoan glaciation on modifi ed from Halverson et al. (2004). If through the Akademikerbreen Group, the Otavi platform where glacial diamictites the correlations proposed in this paper are northeastern Svalbard (Fig. 4). G1 and S1 (Ghaub Formation) are only rarely preserved correct, new strontium isotope data from denote major sequence boundaries in the (Hoffman et al., 1998a, 1998b; Halverson et the Russøya Member (Table DR-6; see foot- upper Grusdievbreen Formation and lower al., 2002). note 1) indicate that 87Sr/87Sr was ≤0.7068 Svanbergfjellet Formation, respectively, Donnadieu et al. (2004) proposed that the leading into the Marinoan glaciation. See which bracket a prominent interval of low Sturtian glaciation was initiated by the rapid Figure 7 for legend. δ13C. 87Sr/86Sr data from Derry et al., 1989 consumption of atmospheric CO following 2 (*) and this paper (Table DR-6; see foot- continental break-up and enhanced silicated note 1). See Figure 7 for legend. weathering of continental fl ood basalts. How- ever, the timing of the Sturtian glaciation Subgroup, and Chuos Formation (Fig. 7) were remains too poorly constrained to be able to link all deposited in less then 13 million years. How- the glaciation to these events. Indeed, radiomet- ever, stratigraphic control on both the Gariep to between 709 ± 5 and 667 ± 5 Ma. The Idaho ric age determinations on the Sturtian glaciation (Hoffman and Schrag, 2002) and Kundelungu ages suggest that either the Sturtian glaciation is are confl icting. The age of 746 ± 2 Ma from ages is lacking, and we consider neither to be signifi cantly younger than the commonly cited Naauwpoort Volcanics (Hoffman et al., 1996) in a robust constraint of the timing of the Sturtian age of ca. 750–700 Ma (Fanning and Link, northern Namibia is the best maximum age con- glaciation. 2004) or that western Laurentia experienced straint on the glaciation, but occurs over 700 m Radiometric dates elsewhere imply a signifi - an episode of regional glaciation between the beneath the Chuos Formation (Fig. 7). This age cantly younger age for the Sturtian glaciation. A Sturtian and Marinoan glaciations. is statistically identical to a Pb-Pb zircon evapo- U-Pb zircon age of 723 +16/–10 from an alleged ration date of 741 ± 6 Ma obtained by Frimmel ash bed within the Ghubrah diamictite in Oman Marinoan et al. (1996) on the Rosh Pinah Volcanics in the (Brasier et al., 2000) is within statistical error The Marinoan glaciation is presaged by a Gariep Belt, which these authors claim interfi n- of the above ages, but Lund et al. (2003) have large but gradual decline in δ13C from highs gers with the base of the cap carbonate to the obtained even younger ages of ca. 685 Ma from of +5‰ to +9‰ to lows of –2‰ to –7‰, fol- Kaigas diamictite (Frimmel et al., 2002). A sim- volcanics interbedded with what they regard lowed by a rise toward positive values in some ilar age of 735 ± 5 Ma has been reported from as the Sturtian diamictite in metamorphosed sections. The Trezona anomaly has been docu- volcanic pods in purported contact with the top roof pendants atop the Idaho Batholith in the mented in full in at least six separate succes- of the Sturtian-aged Grand Conglomerate in the northwestern United States. Similarly, Fanning sions (Figs. 2 and 5) and therefore is regarded lower Kundelungu Group in NW Zambia (Key and Link (2004) have constrained the timing of as the record of a global event and not a regional et al., 2001). Taken together, these three ages deposition of the purported Sturtian-aged Scout diagenetic signal related to the Marinoan glacia- indicate that the Naauwpoort Volcanics, Ugab Mountain Member diamictite in southern Idaho tion (vis-à-vis Kennedy et al., 1998). Based on a

18 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2005 25630 page 19 of 27


Lower Akademikerbreen Bitter Springs Formation Group, NE Svalbard 87Sr/86Sr Central Australia (m) (Hill et al., 2000a) (m) 1200 d13C 13 d C 1000 Loves Creek Member 1000 llet Fm. D 800 0.7063 800 S1 0.7063 600 600 0.7064 0.7069 stage 0.7064

Bitter Springs 0.7064 G1 0.7062 400 400 0.7065

0.7063 Gillen Member 0.7063 0.7061 200 0.7057 200 0.7061 Grusdievbreen Formation Svanbergfje 0 0 -5 0 5 10 -5 0 5 10

Figure 13. Isotopic profi les and 87Sr/86Sr ratios through the Grusdievbreen-Svanbergfjellet formations (Table DR-7; see footnote 1) and Bit- ter Springs Formation, central Australia (Hill et al., 2000a), indicating probable correlation based on chemostratigraphy. The sharp decline and rise in δ13C that bracket the interval of low δ13C (Bitter Springs stage) in Svalbard, as well as smaller sacle variations, are mirrored by the Bitter Springs profi le with the exception of a positive δ13C spike within the Bitter Springs stage that occurs only in Australia. However, these high δ13C values are associated with a nonmarine interval (Hill et al., 2000a) and therefore may not represent contemporaneous sea- water composition. Strontium isotope data support the correlation, but are not decisive, as 87Sr/86Sr in the Bitter Springs Formation is much more variable than in the lower Akademikerbreen Group in Svalbard. This correlation implies that the middle Akademikerbreen Group is entirely pre-Sturtian because the Bitter Springs Formation occurs stratigraphically well below the Sturtian glacials in central and South Australia (Walter et al., 1995; Preiss, 2000; Hill et al., 2000a).

simple thermal subsidence model for the Otavi simple and thin glacials in Namibia, Australia, al., 2004). Noting the stratigraphic similarity basin in Namibia, the duration of the pre-Mari- and northwestern Canada. A Marinoan plate between the Tiesao-Datangpo-Nantuo sequence noan δ13C decline is estimated to be at least 0.5 tectonic reconstruction is necessary to unravel and the Polarisbreen glacial sequence in Sval- × 105 years (Halverson et al., 2002). This time the signifi cance of systematic paleogeographic bard (Fig. 11), it is tempting to speculate this scale and geological considerations preclude differences in the Marinoan glacial record. tuff dates the early part of the Marinoan glacia- most commonly invoked mechanisms for driv- Recently acquired U-Pb zircon ages indicate tion. The Datangpo age is statistically identical ing declines in marine carbon toward mantle that the Marinoan glaciation is much older than to the 667 ± 5 Ma U-Pb date from a reworked values (Halverson et al., 2002), and Schrag et the ca. 600 Ma age commonly cited in the litera- tuff in the upper Scout Mountain Member in al. (2002) proposed instead that it was caused ture. An ash fall tuff within the Ghaub diamictite Idaho (Fanning and Link, 2004), beneath a 13C- by a protracted (but perhaps episodic) release of in the Swakop zone in central Namibia (south depleted carbonate horizon resembling typical methane to the atmosphere from marine clath- of the Outjo basin) dated at 635.5 ± 1.2 Ma Marinoan cap carbonates. This possible Mari- rate reservoirs. (Hoffmann et al., 2004) provides the fi rst noan cap carbonate does not directly overlie Marinoan glacial deposits are the most wide- direct age on the Marinoan glaciation. Zhou glacial deposits and is separated from purported spread of the three glaciations, but are highly et al. (2004) interpret the signifi cantly older Sturtian-aged glacial deposits below by a pair variable, as highlighted by the reinterpretation age of 663 ± 4 Ma they obtained from a tuff of sequence boundaries (Lorentz et al., 2004). that the diamictites pairs on the EGES platform in the Datangpo Formation, which separates Therefore, analogous to the Otavi platform, record the early and late stages of a Marinoan the glaciogenic Tiesiao and Nantuo formations Marinoan glacials may be absent from the Scout snowball cycle (Halverson et al., 2004). If this on the southeast-facing margin of the Yangtze Mountain Member (Lorentz et al., 2004). interpretation and the correlations proposed block in southern China, as a maximum age Although the Ghaub age derives from near the here are correct, then the Marinoan glaciation constraint on the Marinoan glaciation. However top of the diamictites (Hoffmann et al., 2004), is represented by thick and complex sedimen- it is uncertain whether the glacial deposits in this an incontrovertible maximum age constraint tary packages in the present-day North Atlantic sequence represent a single or multiple glacial for the end of the Marinoan glaciation will region and Death Valley, in contrast to relatively episodes (Jiang et al., 2003a, 2003b; Zhou et require an age from within the postglacial cap

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carbonate. In the meantime, the best maximum synchronous Wonoka carbon-isotope anomaly between the Wonoka anomaly and the Gaskiers age constraints are ca. 600 Ma (see below). This can be identifi ed in successions representing a glaciation needs to be worked out. age constraint confl icts with recent U-Pb ages wide range of paleogeographic settings. The extremely low δ13C values associated from a purported Marinoan glacial horizon in In Norway, the Mortensnes diamictite fi lls a with the Wonoka anomaly and signifi cant vari- Tasmania, which suggests an age of ca. 580 Ma major unconformity, which may be partly attrib- ability of values in inferred equivalent sections for the Marinoan glaciation in Australia (Calver utable to glacioeustasy. A thin (<4 m) dolomite above the Hankalchoug diamictite in northwest- et al., 2004), as well as a Re-Os age of 592 bed 20 m beneath the Mortensnes unconformity ern China (Xiao et al., 2004) make it tempting to ± 14 Ma acquired from black shales beneath in the least truncated section (Edwards, 1984) invoke a diagenetic origin. Indeed, the anomaly the Marinoan-equivalent Olympic Formation carries a δ13C signature of <–8‰ (Fig. 5) and is commonly preserved in organic-rich succes- in central Australia (Schaefer and Burgess, may correlate with a shift to extremely nega- sions, and respired organic matter during burial 2003). Since the Ghaub Formation in Namibia tive values (–12‰) that occurs prior to a major diagenesis is certainly a plausible origin of is incontrovertibly much older, then either the sequence boundary in the upper Johnnie Forma- highly 13C-depleted carbon (Irwin et al., 1977). stratigraphic relations in Tasmania and the Re- tion in Death Valley (Figs. 5 and 6; Corsetti and On the other hand, the anomaly is preserved Os age in central Australia are incorrect or the Kaufman, 2003). Both the Johnnie Paleovalley through tens to hundreds of meters of section in Marinoan glacials in Australia actually correlate and the Mortensnes diamictite occur above a relatively organic-lean rocks in both Death Val- with the 580 Ma Gaskiers event. Marinoan cap carbonate and beneath Ediacaran ley and Oman, and the widespread occurrence fossils. The correlations proposed here corrobo- of the anomaly suggests that local diagenesis Gaskiers rate the hypothesis that the Johnnie paleovalley cannot account for the global distribution of The glaciogenic Gaskiers Formation in east- developed during a glacioeustatic lowstand these very low values. If for now we assume ern Newfoundland, dated at 580 Ma (Bowring (e.g., Christie-Blick and Levy, 1989). New car- that the Wonoka anomaly is a primary seawater et al., 2003), unquestionably represents a post- bon-isotope data from northwestern China also signal, then a vast input of reactive, organic- Marinoan glaciation (Knoll et al., 2004). The lend support to this correlation since in some derived carbon to the ocean (cf. Rothman et Gaskiers glacial deposits are almost certainly sections, glacial deposits of the post-Marinoan al., 2003) is seemingly required to account for equivalent to the Squantum glacial deposits Hankalchough Formation occur above a nega- the very low values. The extreme 13C-depletion (Boston Bay Group), which outcrop further tive δ13C anomaly (Xiao et al., 2004) of virtu- makes methane one candidate, but the mass that south on the Avalon terrane and are constrained ally identical magnitude and structure to that in would be required to generate the full negative to be between 570 and 595 Ma (Thompson and Death Valley. δ13C anomaly over several hundreds of meters Bowring, 2000). An age of 601 ± 4 Ma on the In South Australia the Wonoka anomaly spans of section far outweighs the present reservoir of Tayvallich Volcanics in Scotland (Dempster et a pair of major sequence boundaries (Calver, methane clathrates (between 1000 and 22,000 al., 2002) is consistent with a Gaskiers age for 2000), and because δ13C values approximately Gt C; Dickens, 2001). Alternatively, Rothman the overlying Loch na Cille Boulder bed, which equal to those in the upper Nyborg Formation et al. (2003) have proposed that the transfer of is interpreted to be glaciogenic (Prave, 1999b; (Fig. 5) occur beneath both surfaces (Fig. 6), it 13C-depleted carbon from a large reactive pool Condon and Prave, 2000). This age is statisti- is uncertain which, if either, might correspond of marine-dissolved organic carbon (DOC) cally identical to the 599 ± 4 Pb-Pb age from to glaciation. Alternatively, each Wonoka to the dissolved inorganic carbon pool (DIC) Duoshanto phosphorites (Barfod et al., 2002), sequence boundary could correspond to glacial could explain the Neoproterozoic negative δ13C which must have been deposited prior to the maxima during a single, long-lived ice age. anomalies. However, this model lacks a causal Gaskiers glaciation (Zhou et al., 2004). Along Irrespective of this ambiguity, as no more than mechanism for glaciation and a source for the with the Quruqtagh Group in northwestern one extremely negative anomaly has been docu- DOC, and no defi nitive cause can be identifi ed China (Xiao et al., 2004) and the Dalradian mented between the post-Marinoan anomaly for this extraordinary carbon-isotope anomaly. Series in Scotland, the Vestertana Group in and the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary excur- The Gaskiers glacials in Newfoundland are northern Norway is a rare succession with sion (Fig. 6), the most conservative interpreta- locally overlain by a thin, 13C-depleted carbon- glacial deposits (Reading and Walker, 1966; tion is that the very low δ13C values beneath the ate unit, interpreted as a postglacial cap carbon- Edwards, 1984) stratigraphically above what are Mortensnes Formation and Johnnie Paleovalley ate (Myrow and Kaufman, 1998). The Hankal- presumed in this paper (Fig. 1) to be Marinoan (Figs. 5 and 6) record truncated segments of the chough diamictite in northwestern China is also glacials. Other glacial deposits of potentially Wonoka anomaly, and therefore link it tempo- overlain by carbonate, but the δ13C values in equivalent age include the Fauqier Formation rally, if not causally, to the Gaskiers glaciation. this unit are highly variable (Xiao et al., 2004), in the Virginian Appalachians (Evans, 2000; Likewise, we conjecture that the truncated δ13C unlike typical Marionan cap carbonates. The Kaufman and Hebert, 2003), and, based on the anomaly in the upper Karibib Formation in Mortensnes diamictite and the Johnnie paleoval- distribution of acanthomorphic acritarchs (Vidal Namibia represents the onset of the Wonoka ley are both overlain by siliciclastic sediments. and Nystuen, 1990), the Moelv diamictite at anomaly. One problem with this correlation is Therefore, unless age constraints on the glacial the top of Hedmark Group in southern Norway that no major sequence boundary corresponding deposits in central Australia (Schaefer and Bur- (Knoll, 2000). Due to poor age control in most to the Gaskiers glaciation has been identifi ed in gess, 2003) and Tasmania (Calver et al., 2004) successions with presumed post-Marinoan gla- Oman (Gorin et al., 1982; Cozzi et al., 2004a, prove to be correct, it appears that the Gaskiers cial deposits and the paucity of carbonate brack- 2004b). Nevertheless, insofar as the Fiq glacials glaciation differs from the Sturtian and Mari- eting the Gaskiers glacial deposits, it cannot yet are Marinoan (Brasier et al., 2000) and barring noan glaciations in that it was not followed by be established that all of these glacial deposits a major depositional hiatus, the Nafun Group the widespread deposition of an isotopically uni- correspond to a single glacial epoch. However, must have spanned the Gaskiers glaciation. The form cap carbonate. The absence of a global cap stratigraphic and carbon-isotope data reviewed absence of evidence for this glaciation in Oman carbonate to the Gaskiers glaciation would elim- below suggest that the sedimentary record of does not prove that the correlations are wrong inate the possibility that it was a snowball event a post-Marinoan glaciation and the apparently but rather emphasizes that the relationship and allows that it could have been diachronous

20 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2005 25630 page 21 of 27

NEOPROTEROZOIC CARBON-ISOTOPE RECORD and more typical of Phanerozoic-type ice ages (Fig. 10). However, we acknowledge that this carbon cycle and global climate (Knoll et al., (Evans, 2003). Why should this glaciation have link is the weakest in the composite record and 1986). However, each of these anomalies and been less severe than its predecessors? Evans needs to be tested. its temporal relationship to glaciation is distinct, (2003) has reviewed a host of possible reasons, The few pertinent U-Pb ages available from implying that the mechanisms, severity, and perhaps the most signifi cant of which are related the Otavi Group and Nafun Group are shown consequences of each of the glaciations may to the paleogeographic boundary conditions alongside the composite δ13C curve in Fig- have varied. The remaining δ13C anomalies to global climate. By the late Neoproterozoic ure 14. A time scale is omitted in this fi gure appear to be unrelated to glaciation. The fi rst is the long-lived low-latitude supercontinent had because solid age constraints are few, and the the pronounced interval of negative δ13C (Bitter dispersed and Laurentia, Baltica, southwestern Neoproterozoic chronology remains poorly Springs stage) at ca. 800 Ma that appears to be Gondwana, and other continental fragments had time-calibrated. This said, a time scale is imper- related to eustatic changes in sea level but sig- drifted to the high latitudes (Symons and Chias- ative if we are to interpret the record, compare nifi cantly precedes the oldest known Neopro- son, 1991; Torsvik et al., 1995; Evans, 2000; it to other databases, and use it to date indirectly terozoic glacial deposits. The second coincides Meert and Torsvik, 2003). A high-latitude distri- other successions that can be correlated to it. It with the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary and bution of continents would have made it easier is doubtful that the above successions will yield is of similar magnitude, but appears to be short to nucleate continental ice sheets but would suffi cient high-precision radiometric dates in lived (<1 Ma; Amthor et al., 2003). also have had global warming effects through the near future to calibrate the record internally, Many gaps and ambiguities in the record decreased planetary albedo and weakening of and the only alternative is to import radiometric remain, including (1) the duration and timing the silicate weathering feedback (Schrag et al., ages from other successions. Inserting these of the Marinoan and Sturtian glaciations, (2) the 2002). The paleogeographic boundary condi- ages into the composite record requires correla- duration of the Wonoka anomaly and its rela- tions appear to have been suffi cient to stem a tions based either on glaciations or δ13C patterns tionship to the Gaskiers glaciation, and (3) the snowball, despite the apparently extreme forcing (“wiggle matching”) and other marine proxy duration of the pre-Sturtian record. The latter evinced by the Wonoka δ13C anomaly. records. Such correlations are inherently inter- problem is particularly acute as there are no pretative (Knoll and Walter, 1992) and are prone directly applicable ages older than the 760 Ma A Composite Carbon-Isotope Record to invalidation as new data become available. ash bed in the Ombombo Subgroup in Namibia. In Figure 15, we present two alternative The dates tentatively used here are from South The correlation scheme presented here estab- calibrations based on contrasting interpreta- Australia and are tied into the record precari- lishes the framework for a new composite δ13C tions of available U-Pb ages reviewed in the ously through correlation with the Bitter Springs record for Neoproterozoic marine carbonates previous section. δ13C data from several other Formation (Hill and Walter, 2000; Preiss, 2000), (Fig. 13). This δ13C record should function as successions, including those with applicable which itself is not directly dated. Depending on both a correlation tool and a metric of the bio- radiometric ages, are plotted, both to illustrate the age of the Bitter Springs stage (and taking in geochemical evolution of the ocean during this the lines of correlation and to portray more consideration the linear interpolation of the time eventful period in Earth history. It is analogous to accurately the intrinsic scatter in the isotopic axis), the pre-Sturtian record shown here may the Sr-isotope curve for the Phanerozoic (Burke data. In the two plots, the time axes are scaled extend back anywhere from 800 to 950 Ma. et al., 1982) and of particular importance for the linearly between available ages. This technique Even in the latter case, the early Neoproterozoic Neoproterozoic given the limited applicability is admittedly oversimplifi ed. Once more radio- record is incomplete, but because the Bitter of biostratigraphy during this time period. Pre- metric ages become available, a more accurate Springs stage appears to be a unique feature of vious Neoproterozoic δ13C compilations (e.g., method utilizing subsidence analyses will be the Neoproterozoic record, it should be possible Hayes et al., 1999; Jacobsen and Kaufman, appropriate. In the meantime, the proposed time to tack on an overlapping record to extend the 1999; Walter et al., 2000) were constructed by scales should be regarded as speculative. composite record back in time. stitching together fragmentary records based on The composite carbon-isotope record poorly constrained age assignments, some of (Figs. 14 and 15) is preliminary and will evolve CONCLUSIONS which confl ict with those proposed herein. The as new data are produced, but even in its present most important attribute of the composite sec- state, it puts into chronological perspective the Isotopic and stratigraphic evidence presented tion presented here is that it consists mostly of major biogeochemical events in the Neoprotero- in this paper corroborate radiometric data that high-resolution data from just two successions, zoic. Several features are worth noting. First, indicate that there were three Neoproterozoic the Otavi Group (Namibia) and Hecla Hoek whereas the oceans were, on average, highly ice ages between ca. 750 and 580 Ma (Knoll et (Svalbard), which are linked through multiple 13C-enriched prior to the Marinoan glaciation, al., 2004). For the sake of consistency with the tie lines (the Marinoan and Sturtian cap carbon- marine δ13C was signifi cantly lower afterward, recent literature, we refer to these, in order from ates and the Trezona anomaly). The latest Neo- despite continued high-amplitude fl uctuations oldest to youngest, as the Sturtian, Marinoan, and proterozoic record, beginning with the Wonoka and at least one large positive spike in δ13C Gaskiers glaciations. A new correlation scheme anomaly, is fi lled in with published data from (Fig. 14). This fi rst-order shift in the steady- is based on the consistent distinction between the Nafun Group, Oman (Fig. 6), which includes state δ13C composition of the oceans suggests the cap carbonates to the Sturtian and Marinoan the prominent and now precisely dated negative that the Marinoan glaciation had a profound glaciations (Kennedy et al., 1998) and the occur- δ13C excursion straddling the Precambrian- and permanent effect on the Neoproterozoic rence of a distinct pre-Marinoan negative δ13C Cambrian boundary (Amthor et al., 2003). The environment. Among the second-order trends anomaly (Trezona anomaly). In Svalbard, the link between the Namibian and Oman sections in the Neoproterozoic δ13C record are a total Trezona anomaly precedes the older of a pair is based on our interpretation that the downturn of fi ve major negative δ13C anomalies/intervals. of diamictites (Petrovbreen) in the Polarisbreen in δ13C in the uppermost Karibib Formation Three of these anomalies are related to the three Group, while the younger diamictite (Wilson- (Tsumeb Subgroup equivalent) in Namibia Neoproterozoic glaciations, confi rming the breen) is overlain by a typical Marinoan-type represents the onset of the Wonoka anomaly observed linkage between the Neoproterozoic cap carbonate sequence. From the interregional

Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2005 21 25630 page 22 of 27


Neoproterozoic composite d13C record -10 -5 0 5 10 542

Wonoka Gaskiers Glaciation anomaly

Figure 14. Composite carbon-isotope profi le 636 for the Neoproterozoic based on data from Marinoan Glaciation ± 1 Svalbard, Namibia, and Oman discussed in the text. The Svalbard and Namibia records Trezona are joined based on correlation of the cap anomaly carbonate sequences to the Marinoan and Keele Sturtian glaciations and the Trezona anom- Peak aly. The correlation between the Namibia and Oman record is less certain and based on the correlation of a downturn in δ13C in the uppermost foreslope section (Karibib Formation) in Namibia, interpreted as the onset of the Wonoka δ13C anomaly, which Sturtian Glaciation is well documented in Oman (Fig. 6). δ13C data from within the Marinoan glaciation are from the Polarisbreen Group in Sval- bard and are plotted as dashed, open circles <746 ± 2 to emphasize that these may represent an isolated reservoir rather than seawa- 760 ± 1 ter composition (Halverson et al., 2004). The relevant radiometric ages and their chemostratigraphic positions from these three successions are shown with arrows; d13C data however, due to paucity of dates, this com- Svalbard pilation is not time-calibrated. The stippled (This paper; Halverson vertical bars represent the approximate, et al., 2004) average δ13C composition of the Neopro- Northern Namibia terozoic ocean prior to and following the (This paper) Marinoan glaciation. Oman (Burns and Matter, 1993; Amthor et al. 2003; Cozzi et al., 2004a) Bitter Springs U-Pb ages (Ma) stage Oman (Amthor et al., 2003) Central Namibia (Hoffmann et al., 2004) Northern Namibia (Hoffman et al., 1996) Northern Namibia (This paper) -10 -5 0 5 10

22 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2005 25630 page 23 of 27


A Figure 15. Two permissible calibrations of the composite carbon-isotope record in Figure 14 based on available radiometric dates and δ13C data that can be correlated into the record and contrasting interpreta- tions of the age and duration of the Sturtian and Marinoan glaciations. In both plots the following applies. (1) time is calibrated linearly between available radiometric data, (2) the base of the Bitter Springs interval is set to ca. 800 Ma based on correlations of the pre-Sturtian Neoproterozoic record between central and South Australia (Preiss, 2000) and an 802 ± 10 Ma age on the Rook Tuff in the lower Curdimurka Subgroup (Fanning et al., 1986), (3) the U-Pb age of 635.5 ± 1.2 Ma from the Ghaub Forma- tion (Hoffmann et al., 2004) is regarded as a close approximation of the end of the Marinoan glaciation, and (4) the Gaskiers glaciation is pinned to 580 Ma based on radiometric dates from Newfoundland (Bowring et al., 2003). (A) The timing of the B Sturtian glaciation is based on the assump- tion that minimum age constraints from the Congo (Key et al., 2001) and Kalahari (Frimmel et al., 1996) cratons are incorrect and that the Ghubrah diamictite in Oman is Sturtian. The 723 +16/–10 Ma age from the Ghubrah (Brasier et al., 2000) is regarded as synglacial, but neither the onset nor end of glaciation is well constrained. The timing of the onset of the Marinoan glaciation is based on the interpretation by Zhou et al. (2004) that their 663 ± 5 Ma, U-Pb age from the Datangpo Formation is a maximum age constraint on the Marinoan glaciation. (B) The Key et al. (2001) and Frimmel et al. (1996) ages alleged to date the end of the Sturtian glaciation are taken to be cor- rect, while the maximum age constraint of 746 ± 2 Ma (Hoffman et al., 1996) requires that the Sturtian glaciation lasted less than ~10 m.y. The Datangpo age (Zhou et al., 2004) is regarded as syn-Marinoan, based on the stratigraphic similarity between the Tiesiao, Datangpo, and Nantuo Formations in southern China and the Polarisbreen glacials in Svalbard (Halverson et al., 2004). This intepretation implies that the Mari- noan glaciation lasted at least 25 m.y.

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Geophysical Research Abstracts (EGS, Nice), v. 5, perspective, it appears that the two Polarisbreen ACKNOWLEDGMENTS p. 13,219. diamictites belong to the global Marinoan glacia- Brand, U., and Veizer, J., 1980, Chemical diagenesis of a tion (Halverson et al., 2004). This paper represents the synthesis of several proj- multicomponent carbonate system—1: Trace elements: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 50, p. 1219–1236. Based on the same correlation criteria, the ects supported by the National Science Foundation (Arctic Science and Earth System History programs), Brand, U., and Veizer, J., 1981, Chemical diagenesis of a Smalfjord Formation, the older of a pair of multicomponent carbonate system—2: Stable isotopes: the NASA Astrobiology Institute, Harvard University, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 51, p. 987–997. diamictites in the Vestertana Group, northern CIAR (Earth System Evolution Project), the Geologi- Brasier, M.D., and Shields, G., 2000, Neoproterozoic che- Norway, is Marinoan in age and the younger cal Survey of Namibia, and a GSA graduate research mostratigraphy and correlation of the Port Askaig gla- Mortensnes diamictite is likely equivalent to grant. Norsk Polarinstitutt provided logistical support ciation, Dalradian Supergroup of Scotland: Journal of in Svalbard. D. Condon and F. Dudas carried out U-Pb the Geological Society of London, v. 157, p. 909–914. the 580 Ma (Bowring et al., 2003) Gaskiers and 87Sr/86Sr analyses, respectively, in the MIT Radio- Brasier, M.D., Shields, G., Kuleshov, V.N., and Zhegallo, diamictite in Newfoundland. Gaskiers-aged genic Isotope Laboratory. E. Goddard and G. Eischeid E.A., 1996, Integrated chemo- and biostratigraphic glacial deposits are not widespread and appear supervised isotopic and elemental analyses at Harvard calibration of early animal evolution: Neoproterozoic– University. We are grateful to G. Narbonne and K. early Cambrian of southwest Mongolia: Geological to lack typical cap carbonates but are associated Magazine, v. 133, p. 445–485. Muehlenbachs for insightful reviews and to the editor, with a large negative δ13C anomaly (Wonoka Brasier, M., McCarron, G., Tucker, R., Leather, J., Allen, P., and Y. Dilek, for handling this manuscript. 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