Current Affairs Marathon (Jan to Nov) Q. Which Paramilitary Force of has decided to observe 2020 as the “Year of Mobility” for the welfare of the troops? भारत के ककस अर्धसैनिक बल िे सेिा के क쥍याण के ललए 2020 को "ईयर ऑफ मोबबललटी" के 셂प मᴂ मिािे का फैसला ककया है? A. Central Reserve Police Force / केन्‍द्रीय ररजर्ध पुललस बल B. Border Security forces / सीमा सुरक्षा बल C. Central Industrial Security Force / केन्‍द्रीय औ饍योगिक सुरक्षा बल D. Indo-Tibetan Border Police / भारत-नतब््बत सीमा पुललस Ans. C • On January 06, 2020, the CISF has decided to observe 2020 as the “Year of Mobility” for the welfare of the troops. Q. Which film won the ‘Best Motion picture- drama’ award in the Golden Globe awards 2020?

ककस कफ쥍म िे िो쥍डि ग्लोब पुरस्कार 2020 मᴂ ‘बेस्ट मोशि पपक्चर- ड्रामा’ अर्ाडध जीता है? A. Inception / इन्‍द्सेप््शि B. 1917

C. Missing Link / लमलसिंि ललिंक D. Spotlight / स््पॉटलाइट Ans. B • ‘1917’ is Best Motion Picture (Drama) in ‘Golden Globe Awards 2020’ Q. The Union Home Minister Amit Shah has released a book 'Karmayoddha Granth' on the life of ______.

कᴂ रीय िहृ मिंत्री अलमत शाह िे ______के जीर्ि पर एक पुस्तक ‘कमधयो饍र्ा ग्रिंथ’ जारी की है। A. Mohan Bhagwat / मोहि भािर्त B. Arun Jaitley / अ셁ण जेटली C. Yogi Adityanath / योिी आदित््यिाथ D. Narendra Modi / िरेन्‍द्र मोिी Ans. D • On January 06, 2020, the Union Home Minister Amit Shah has released a book 'Karmayoddha Granth' on the life of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. • The Home Minister addressed the gathering at the launch and said that the qualities of a Karmayoddha such as a beautiful heart for people, a statesman, a hard taskmaster, an able administrator and an ideal leader who leads by example, are represented by Narendra Modi. Q. Which state launched MyGov portal and CM app to communicate their views, suggestions, feedback as well as discontentment if any?

ककस रा煍य िे अपिे पर्चारⴂ, सुझार्ⴂ, प्रनतकियाओिं के साथ-साथ असिंतोष यदि कोई हो के सिंर्ाि हेतु MyGov पोटधल और CM ऐप लॉन्‍दच ककया? A. Uttar Pradesh / उत््तर प्रिेश B. New Delhi / िई दि쥍्ली C. Himachal Pradesh / दहमाचल प्रिेश D. Uttarakhand / उत््तराखिंड Ans. C • Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur has launched the Himachal MyGov portal which will help to strengthen public participation in governance. He also launched the Chief Minister App. Q. Name the Indian weightlifter who has been slapped with a four-year ban for doping by the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA)? भारतीय भारोत्तोलक का िाम बताइए जजस पर राष्ट्रीय डोपपिंि रोर्ी एजᴂसी (िाडा) 饍र्ारा डोपपिंि के मामले मᴂ चार साल के ललए प्रनतबिंर् लिाया िया है? A. Sarbjeet kaur / सरबजीत कौर B. Vikash Thakur / पर्कास ठाकु र C. Pardeep Singh / परिीप लसिंह

D. Ragala Venkat Rahul / रिाला र्ᴂकट राहुल Ans. A • Weightlifter Sarbjeet Kaur has been slapped with a four-year ban for doping by the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA). • “The Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel has found weightlifter Sarbjeet Kaur guilty of anti-doping rule violation. She has been imposed a penalty of ineligibility for a period of four years. Q. Which scheme has been launched by the Union Minister for Women and Child Development and Textiles, Smriti Irani on January 11, 2020, for Women entrepreneurship? 11 जिर्री, 2020 को मदहला उ饍यलमता के ललए कᴂ रीय मदहला एर्िं बाल पर्कास और कपडा मिंत्री, स्मनृ त ईरािी िे कौि सी योजिा शु셂 की है? A. Yashaswini Scheme / यशजस्र्िी योजिा B. Swasthya Sahayak scheme / स्र्ास््य सहायक योजिा C. Annapurna Scheme / अन्‍दिपूणाध योजिा D. Udyogini Scheme / उियोगििी योजिा Ans. A * Union Minister for Women and Child Development and Textiles, Smriti Irani today launched Yashaswini Scheme for Women entrepreneurship in Goa. The event was held at Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Stadium at Taleigao near Panaji. * Swasthya Sakhi Project and breast cancer screening initiative were also inaugurated on the occasion. Q. The Government of India has launched the first Cyber Crime Prevention Unit of India “AASHVAST” in _____. कᴂ रीय िहृ मिंत्री अलमत शाह िे भारत की पहली साइबर िाइम पप्रर्ᴂशि यूनिट “आश््र्स््त” को _____ मᴂ लॉन्‍दच ककया है। A. Gandhinagar, Gujarat / िािंर्ी ििर, िुजरात B. Indore, Madhya Pradesh / इिंिौर, मध््य प्रिेश C. Bengaluru, Karnataka / बिℂ लु셂, किाधटक D. Faridabad, Haryana / फरीिाबाि, हररयाणा Ans. A * Union Home Minister Amit Shah has inaugurated the country's first Cyber Crime Prevention Unit AASHVAST in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. * He also launched Video Integration and StateWide Advance Security-VISWAS project. * The Cyber Crime Prevention Unit-AASHVAST will have a dedicated service helpline for victims of cyber-crimes. Q. Who among the following conferred with Polly Umrigar Award (2018-19) for being the best international cricketer at the BCCI Annual Awards? निम्िललखखत मᴂ से ककसे बीसीसीआई र्ापषधक पुरस्कार मᴂ सर्धश्रेष्ट्ठ अिंतरराष्ट्रीय किकेटर होिे के ललए पॉली उमरीिर पुरस्कार (2018-19) से सम्मानित ककया िया?

A. Rohit Sharma / रोदहत शमाध B. Virat Kohli / पर्राट कोहली C. Shikhar Dhawan / लशखर र्र्ि D. Jasprit Bumrah / जसप्रीत बुमराह Ans. D * Jasprit Bumrah has received the prestigious Polly Umrigar Award (2018-19) for being the best international cricketer at the BCCI Annual Awards in . * Currently ranked as the world no.1 ODI bowler, Bumrah had made his Test debut during India's tour of South Africa in January 2018. * He has picked up five-wicket hauls in South Africa, England, Australia and the West Indies to become the first and only Asian bowler to achieve the milestone. * The 26-year-old has 62 wickets to his name in the longest format of the game and 103 scalps from 58 ODIs. Q. Who won Global Child Prodigy Award 2020?

ककसिे ग्लोबल चाइ쥍ड प्रोडड्िी अर्ाडध 2020 जीता है? A. Ishwar Sharma / ईश्र्र शमाध B. Remya Parameswar Iyer / रेम्या परमेश्र्र अय्यर C. Karthik Nemmani / कानतधक िेम््मािी D. Johnny Simon / जॉिी साइमि Ans. A • British Indian yoga boy Ishwar Sharma (10-year-old) wins Global Child Prodigy Award. Q. According to International Cricket Council (ICC) who is awarded with the best cricketer of the year 2019?

अिंतराधष्ट्रीय किकेट पररषि (ICC) के अिुसार र्षध 2019 के सर्धश्रेष्ट्ठ किकेटर पुरस््कार से ककसे सम्मानित ककया िया है? A. Virat Kohli / पर्राट कोहली B. Steve Smith / स््टीर् जस्मथ C. Ben Stokes / बेि स््टोक््स

D. Jasprit Bumrah / जस््प्रीत बुमराह Ans. C • International Cricket Council (ICC) has awarded Ben Stokes (England) with Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy for Best Cricketer of the Year Q. How many member countries are there in the ‘Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)’?

‘शिंघाई सहयोि सिंिठि (SCO)’ मᴂ ककतिे सिस्य िेश हℂ? A. 12 B. 9 C. 8 D. 10 Ans. C • The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is an international alliance that consists of 8 member states. • Currently, India, China, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are members of SCO. • The SCO also has four observer states that are Afghanistan, Iran, Belarus, and Mongolia. Q. Which state government launched the 'Rojgaar Sangi' App to connect trained candidates with jobs? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे प्रलशक्षक्षत उम्मीिर्ारⴂ को िौकररयािं प्रिाि करिे हेतु 'रोजिार सिंिी' ऐप लॉन्‍दच ककया? A. Chhattisgarh / छत््तीसिढ़ B. / महाराष्ट््र C. Madhya Pradesh / मध््य प्रिेश D. Andhra Pradesh / आिंध्र प्रिेश Ans. A • The Chhattisgarh State Skill Development Authority (CSSDA) has launched a mobile • phone app – ‘Rojgaar Sangi’. • The mobile application aims to connect trained candidates with jobs. It will also help start-up companies to hire office staff. Q. NITI Aayog has signed A memorandum of understanding (MoU) with which union territory/state for the Development of Infrastructure Projects? िीनत आयोि िे आर्ारभूत सिंरचिा पररयोजिाओिं के पर्कास के ललए ककस कᴂ र शालसत प्रिेश / रा煍य के साथ एक समझौता ज्ञापि (MoU) पर हस्ताक्षर ककए हℂ? A. Chandigarh / चिंडीिढ़ B. Jammu and Kashmir / जम््मू और कश््मीर C. Ladakh / ल饍िाख D. Bihar / बबहार Ans. C • NITI Aayog and Union Territory of Ladakh sign MoU for Development of Infrastructure Projects in Ladakh. Q. The ICC Under-19 World Cup Cricket 2020 was held in which country?

आईसीसी अिंडर-19 पर्श्र् कप किकेट 2020 ककस िेश मᴂ आयोजजत ककया िया था? A. Australia / ऑस््रेललया B. South Africa / िक्षक्षण अफ्रीका

C. New Zealand / न्‍द्यूजीलडℂ D. Bangladesh / बािंग््लािेश Ans. B • The ICC Under-19 World Cup Cricket 2020 begins in South Africa. • Indian team played under the captaincy of Priyam Garg Q. In which of the following cities the Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Blockchain Technology has been established by the National Informatics Centre?

निम्िललखखत मᴂ से ककस शहर मᴂ राष्ट्रीय सूचिा पर्ज्ञाि कᴂ र 饍र्ारा ब्लॉकचैि टेक्िोलॉजी मᴂ उत्कृ ष्ट्टता कᴂ र (CoE) स्थापपत ककया िया है? A. New Delhi / िई दि쥍ली B. Bengaluru / बᴂिलु셁 C. Hyderabad / हैिराबाि D. Jaipur / जयपुर Ans. B • National Informatics Centre has set up the Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Blockchain Tech in Bengaluru to provide BC as a service and allowing all stakeholders to benefit from shared learning, experiences, and resources. • Inaugurated by Ravi Shankar Prasad, the center will share its blockchain-based proof of concepts with govt entities. • The center will also help different wings of the govt. to understand the potential of tech. Q. Name the Indian wrestler who won the gold medal in the Rome Ranking Series event in Rome?

उस भारतीय पहलर्ाि का िाम बताइए जजसिे रोम मᴂ रोम रℂककिं ि सीरी焼 मᴂ स्र्णध पिक जीता था? A. Vinesh Phogat / पर्िेश फोिट B. Babita Kumari / बबीता कु मारी C. Sakshi Malik / साक्षी मललक D. Kavita Devi / कपर्ता िेर्ी Ans. A • Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat won the first gold medal of the 2020 season at the Rome Ranking Series event in Rome on January 17, 2020. • Vinesh downed two tough Chinese rivals on her way to the 53kg gold medal bout in which she overpowered Ecuador's Luisa Elizabeth Valverde 4-0. • She won by technical superiority against Khrystyna Bereza (10-0) and Lannuan Luo (15-5) before getting the better of Qianyu Pang (4-2). Q. Who will become the first woman to officiate as the third umpire in a men’s international?

पु셁षⴂ के अिंतराधष्ट्रीय मैच मᴂ तीसरे अिंपायर के 셂प मᴂ कायध करिे र्ाली पहली मदहला कौि बिᴂिी? A. Anjum Chopra / अिंजुम चोपडा B. Mithali Raj / लमताली राज C. Jacqueline Williams / जैकलीि पर्ललयम्स D. Shashikala Siriwardene / शलशकला लसरीर्डीि Ans. C * Jacqueline Williams of the West Indies will become the first woman to officiate as the third umpire in a men’s international. * She will be an umpire for the first of three T20Is against the visiting Ireland team. * The 43-year-old Williams oversaw all 3 matches of the Twenty20 International (T20I) series in Grenada, West Indies between West Indies and Ireland. Q. Which of the following personalities has been honoured with Australia’s Highest Civilian Honour “The Order of Australia”? निम्िललखखत मᴂ से ककस व्यजक्त को, ऑस्रेललया के सर्ो楍च िािररक सम्माि "ि ऑडधर ऑफ ऑस्रेललया" से सम्मानित ककया िया है? A. Shahrukh Khan B. Kiran Mazumdar Shaw C. Amitabh Bachchan D. Azim Hashim Premji A. शाह셁ख खाि B. ककरण मजूमिार शॉ C. अलमताभ ब楍चि D. अजीम हालशम प्रेमजी Ans. B * Australia conferred its highest civilian honour, the Order of Australia honour, on Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw for her contribution towards advancing the country's relationship with India. * An alumnus of Federation University Australia, Mazumdar-Shaw is the founder of Biocon, a biopharma company. * Honorary appointments in the Order of Australia are made to foreigners who have made an outstanding contribution to Australia or humanity. Q. Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Kiren Rijiju flagged off the ‘Fit India Cyclothon’ from which city of India? कᴂ रीय युर्ा मामले और खेल मिंत्री ककरेि ररजजजू िे भारत के ककस शहर से 'कफट इिंडडया साइक्लोथॉि' को हरी झिंडी दिखाई है? A. Mumbai, Maharashtra / मुिंबई, महाराष्ट्र B. Bhubaneshwar, Odisha / भुर्िेश्र्र, ओडडशा C. Panaji, Goa / पणजी, िोर्ा D. New Delhi, Delhi / िई दि쥍ली, दि쥍ली Ans. C * On January 21st, 2020, the Fit India Mission under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports in collaboration with the Directorate of Sports and Youth Affairs, Government of Goa, organized the inaugural event of ‘Fit India Cyclothon’. * The Cyclothon was flagged off by Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Kiren Rijiju and Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant from the Campal Parade Ground in Panaji, Goa. * The Cyclothon event witnessed participation by over 500 cycling enthusiasts who came together to cycle through a five- kilometer stretch within the Panaji city. Q. Which state government has launched ‘Mukhyamantri Krishak Durghatna Kalyan Yojana’

ककस रा煍य सरकार िे ‘मुख्मिंत्री कृ षक िजु िध क쥍याण योजिा’ शु셂 की है? A. Maharashtra / महाराष्ट्र B. Jharkhand / झारखिंड C. Uttar Pradesh / उत्तर प्रिेश D. Madhya Pradesh / मध्य प्रिेश Ans. C * Uttar Pradesh Government has launched Mukhyamantri Krishak Durghatna Kalyan Yojana. * This scheme will provide financial assistance to the family of farmers who die or become handicapped while working in fields. * The scheme will also include the Bataidars, who work in the field of other persons and share the crop after it is harvested. The scheme will cover farmers and their family members in the age group of 18-70 years. Q. Which of the following states topped in the Khelo India Youth Games (3rd- edition) in Guwahati?

िुर्ाहाटी मᴂ खेलो इिंडडया यूथ िेम्स (तीसरा सिंस्करण) मᴂ निम्िललखखत मᴂ से कौि सा रा煍य शीषध पर है? A. Punjab / पिंजाब B. Maharashtra / महाराष्ट्र C. Assam / असम D. Haryana / हररयाणा Ans. B * In the third edition of Khelo India Youth Games medal tally, Maharashtra topped with 234 medals including 74 gold medals. * Haryana is on the second spot with 57 golds while Delhi is on third spot with 35 gold medals. * The 3rd Khelo India Youth Games was held from 10 January 2020 and 22 January 2020 in Guwahati, Assam, India. Q. Who has become the first South Asian country to launch the e-passport facility? ई-पासपोटध सपु र्र्ा शु셂 करिे र्ाला पहला िक्षक्षण एलशया िेश कौि बि िया है? A. Bangladesh / बािंग्लािेश B. India / भारत C. Malaysia / मलेलशया D. Pakistan / पाककस्ताि Ans. A • Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has launched the e-passport facility for its citizens on 22 January 2020, terming it as a gift to the nation in the Mujib centenary year. • With this, Bangladesh becomes the first country in South Asia and 119th country in the world to provide an e-passport facility. Q. Which state government has made it compulsory to recite the Preamble to the Constitution in all schools starting January 26? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे सभी स्कू लⴂ मᴂ सिंपर्र्ाि के प्रस्तार्िा को पढ़िा अनिर्ायध कर दिया है,जजसकी शु셁आत 26 जिर्री से होिी? A. Uttar Pradesh / उत्तर प्रिेश B. Karnataka / किाधटक C. Maharashtra / महाराष्ट्र D. Jharkhand / झारखिंड Ans. C • Maharashtra government has made it compulsory to recite the Preamble to the Constitution in all schools starting January 26. • According to the programme, in every school of Maharashtra, the Preamble of the Constitution will be read by all in a group before the beginning of the classes. • A government resolution in this regard was issued in February 2013, when the Congress-NCP government was in power. As per the circular dated January 21, 2020, it was not being implemented. • Incidentally, people protesting the Citizenship Amendment Act have taken to reading the preamble at demonstrations to highlight how it terms the country as secular while speaking out against discrimination. Q. The ‘Innovation Festival’ kicked off at the Science Centre in which city of India? भारत के ककस शहर के पर्ज्ञाि कᴂ र मᴂ ‘इिोर्ेशि फेजस्टर्ल’ शु셂 हुआ है? A. Patna / पटिा B. Ranchi / रािंची C. Itanagar / ईटाििर D. Guwahati / िुर्ाहाटी Ans. C • The ‘Innovation Festival’ kicked off at the Science Centre in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh. The festival is being organized by the Arunachal Pradesh State Council for Science & Technology in collaboration with the National Innovation Foundation. Q. As per the Greenpeace India report which is the most polluted city of India?

ग्रीिपीस इिंडडया ररपोटध के अिुसार भारत का सबसे प्रिपू षत शहर कौि- सा है? A. Noida / िोएडा B. Ghaziabad / िाजजयाबाि C. Jharia / झररया D. Kanpur / कािपुर Ans. C • According to a Greenpeace India Report Coal-belching Jharia in Jharkhand continues to be the most polluted city in India. • As per the report Delhi has made marginal improvement in reducing air pollution and Delhi is the 10th-most polluted city in India. • As per the report, 6 of the top-10 polluted cities are in Uttar Pradesh comprising of Noida, Ghaziabad, Bareilly, Allahabad, Moradabad and Firozabad. • Lunglei in Mizoram is the least polluted followed by Meghalaya's Dowki, according to the report. • The report is based on analysis of PM10 data from 287 cities across the country. Q. India’s First War Memorial for Service Animals to come up in ______.

जािर्रⴂ 饍र्ारा की ियी सेर्ा के ललए िेश का पहला यु饍र् स्मारक ______मᴂ होिा| A. Meerut / मेरठ B. Bhopal / भोपाल C. Surat / सूरत D. Ranchi / रािंची Ans. A • The Government of India has planned to set up a first- of-its-kind war memorial for service animals in Meerut city in Uttar Pradesh. • The memorial will be set up at the army’s specialized breeding, rearing and training centre for animals: the Remount and Veterinary Corps (RVC) Centre and College in Meerut. Q. What is the theme of the National Voters’ Day celebrated across the country on 25th January 2020?

25 जिर्री 2020 को िेश भर मᴂ मिाया िया राष्ट्रीय मतिाता दिर्स का पर्षय क्या है? A. Electoral Literacy for strong democracy B. Voting a Fundamental Right C. Vote for Change D. Proud to be a voter - Ready to vote Ans. A • The National Voters’ Day celebrated across the country on 25th January every year. • Theme of voter’s Day 2020 is “Electoral Literacy for strong democracy”. Q. Who among the following awarded the ‘Harit Ratna Award 2019’? निम्िललखखत मᴂ से ‘हररत रत्ि पुरस्कार 2019’ से ककसे सम्मानित ककया िया? A. MS Swaminathan / एमएस स्र्ामीिाथि B. N Kumar / एि. कु मार C. EA Siddiq / ईए लस饍िीकी D. Baldev Singh Dhillon / बलिेर् लसिंह दि쥍लⴂ Ans. B • The Vice Chancellor (VC) of Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Sri N Kumar was honoured with Harit Ratna Award 2019 at the 5th National Youth Convention (NYC) at Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (IGKV) in Raipur, Chattisgarh. • The award was given by All India Agricultural Students Association (AIASA). • Shri Kumar was awarded for dissemination of ₹30-crore entrepreneurship project in agri-business and also for motivating students towards the agriculture sector in Tamil Nadu. Q. The country’s first Super Fab Lab was launched in which state of India?

िेश की पहली सुपर फैब लैब भारत के ककस रा煍य मᴂ शु셂 की िई थी? A. Karnataka / किाधटक B. Tamil Nadu / तलमलिाडु C. Andhra Pradesh / आिंध्र प्रिेश D. Kerala / केरल Ans. D • The country's first Super Fab Lab was launched at the Integrated Startup Complex of the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM). • The lab will give a major push to the hardware industry in the country and the only such facility outside the U.S. • The Super Fab Lab will function in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Q. Indian Railways has commissioned India’s 1st governmental waste-to-energy plant in which city of India?

भारतीय रेलर्े िे भारत के ककस शहर मᴂ भारत का पहला सरकारी र्ेस््ट- टू-एिजी प््लािंट शु셂 ककया है? A. Raipur / रायपुर B. New Delhi / िई दि쥍्ली C. Lucknow / लखिऊ D. Bhubaneswar / भुबिेश््र्र Ans. D * Indian Railways has commissioned India’s 1st governmental waste-to-energy plant in Mancheswar Carriage Repair workshop at Bhubaneswar under the East Coast Railway zone. * It has been built at a cost of Rs 1.79 crore and has the capacity to dispose of 500 kg waste, including plastic and e-waste. * This waste-to-energy plant uses a patented technology called ‘Polycrack’, which is the world’s first patented heterogeneous catalytic process to convert multiple feedstocks into hydrocarbon liquid fuels, gas, carbon and water. * This process will produce energy in the form of light diesel oil which is used to light furnaces. Q. Which Metro Rail Corporation is set to open India’s first underwater metro rail services by March 2022? कौि सा मेरो रेल कॉपोरेशि माचध 2022 तक भारत की पहली अिंडरर्ाटर मेरो रेल सेर्ा शु셂 करिे के ललए स्थापपत ककया िया है? A. दि쥍्ली मेरो रेल कॉपोरेशि (DMRC) B. कोलकाता मेरो रेल कॉपोरेशि (KMRC) C. बिℂ लोर मेरो रेल कॉपोरेशि (BMRC) D. लखिऊ मेरो रेल कॉपोरेशि (LMRC) Ans. B * Kolkata Metro Rail Corporation (KMRC) is set to complete its East-West Project, which runs partly under the Hooghly river, West Bengal, by March 2022. It will be India’s first underwater metro. * The new metro rail is expected to carry about 900,000 people daily & will take less than a minute to cross a 520- meter underwater tunnel. * 74% of the East-West metro project is owned by India’s Railway & remaining 26% by the nation’s Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs. Q. Name the Indian environmentalist who won the Tyler Prize 2020 for his groundbreaking “green economy” work? उस भारतीय पयाधर्रणपर्饍 का िाम बताएिं जजसिे अपिे अभूतपूर्ध कायध "हररत अथधव्यर्स्था" के ललए टायलर पुरस्कार 2020 जीता है?

A. Pavan Sukhdev / पर्ि सुखिेर् B. Vandana Shiva / र्िंििा लशर्ा C. Suniat Narayan / सुित िारायण D. Menaka Gandhi / मेिका िािंर्ी Ans. A ● Indian environmentalist and Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Pavan Sukhdev won Tyler Prize for his groundbreaking “green economy” work and conservation biologist Gretchen C. Daily has also won the Tyler Prize 2020.

● The winner will be awarded at the private ceremony on May 1, 2020 in presence of the Tyler Prize Executive Committee and distinguished members of the international environmental community at the Intercontinental Barclay Hotel in New York City, United States (US). Q. The World’s largest meditation centre was inaugurated in which city of India to mark the 75th anniversary of the formation of Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM)? पर्श्र् के सबसे बडे ध्याि कᴂ र का उ饍घाटि भारत के ककस शहर मᴂ श्री राम चिंर लमशि (SRCM) के िठि की 75र्ीिं र्षधिािंठ के अर्सर पर ककया िया?

A. Belur, West Bengal / बेलूर, पजश्चम बिंिाल B. Hyderabad, Telangana / हैिराबाि, तेलिंिािा C. Gurugram, Haryana / िु셁ग्राम, हररयाणा D. Nagpur, Maharshtra / िािपुर, महाराष्ट्र Ans. B ● The World’s largest meditation centre was inaugurated at Kanha Shanti Vanam in Hyderabad, Telangana to mark the 75th anniversary of the formation of Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) and Heartfulness Institute.

● The center is dedicated to the first guide of Heartfulness Lalaji Maharaji. It can accommodate 1 lakh practitioners at a time. Q. Which of the following city is hosting the 65th National School Games Under-17?

निम्िललखखत मᴂ से कौि सा शहर 65र्ᴂ राष्ट्रीय स्कू ल िेम्स अिंडर -17 की मेजबािी करेिा? A. Agartala / अिरतला B. Guwahati / िुर्ाहाटी C. Jorhat / जोरहाट D. Imphal / इिंफाल Ans. A Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb inaugurated the 65th National School Games Under-17 boys at Umakanta Academy Mini Stadium in Agartala. 38 football teams coming from different parts of the country are taking part in the games. Q. What is the theme of the World Sustainable Summit 2020 organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in New Delhi?

ि एिजी एिंड ररसोसेज इिंस्टी絍यूट (TERI) 饍र्ारा िई दि쥍ली मᴂ आयोजजत र्쥍डध सस्टेिेबल सलमट 2020 का पर्षय क्या है? A. ‘Forward to 2030: Making the Decade Sustainable’ B. ‘2020: Making Future of the Decade C. ‘Towards 2030: Making the Decade Count’. D. 'Attaining the 2030 Agenda: Delivering on our Promise' E. None of the above Ans. C ● The World Sustainable Summit is an annual event organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI).

● It is being organized since 2001. The event has become a premier international event focusing on developing actions.

● The event was held between January 29, 2020 and January 31, 2020. The theme of the event is ‘Towards 2030: Making the Decade Count’. Q. World's 'largest' meditation centre inaugurated near ______. पर्श्र् का सबसे बडा ध्याि कᴂ र का उ饍घाटि ______के पास ककया िया। A. Hyderabad / हैिराबाि B. Ranchi / रािंची C. Chennai / चेन्‍दिई D. Mumbai / . मुिंबई Ans. A World's 'largest' meditation centre inaugurated near Hyderabad A one lakh capacity meditation centre, claimed to be the world's largest such facility, was inaugurated on Tuesday at the global headquarters of the Heartfulness Institute and the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) in Hyderabad, which impart training in Raja Yoga system of meditation. Q. SAMPRITI-IX is a joint military exercise between India and _____. SAMPRITI-IX भारत और ...... के बीच एक सिंयुक्त सैन्‍दय अभ्यास है। A. Singapore / लसििं ापुर B. Thailand / थाईलℂड C. Sri Lanka / श्रीलिंका D. Bangladesh / बािंग्लािेश Ans. D The 9th edition of joint military training exercise between India-Bangladesh SAMPRITI-IX will be conducted at Umroi, Meghalaya. Q. Who has been appointed as the Chairman of Central Board of Indirect taxes and Customs (CBIC)?

कᴂ रीय अप्रत्यक्ष कर और सीमा शु쥍क बोडध (CBIC) के अध्यक्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे नियुक्त ककया िया है? A. Pranab Kumar Das / प्रणब कु मार िास B. Mahender Singh / महᴂिर लसिंह C. Ameeta Suri / अलमता सूरी D. M Ajit Kumar / एम. अजीत कु मार Ans. D The Government of India has appointed M Ajit Kumar IRS (C&CE 84) as chairman of the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC). The new Chairman’s immediate responsibilities will include accelerating the Goods and Services Tax (GST) revenues and to deal with the changes introduced in customs duties in the Union Budget for 2020. The CBIC is the apex body for administering the levy and collection of indirect taxes of the Union of India. Q. Who won the 2020 Australian Open Men’s Singles title?

2020 ऑस्रेललयि ओपि पु셁ष एकल खखताब ककसिे जीता? A. Roger Federer / रोजर फेडरर B. Dominic Thiem / डोलमनिक गथएम C. Novak Djokovic / िोर्ाक जोकोपर्क D. Rafael Nadal / राफेल िडाल Ans. C Serbian star Novak Djokovic won the 2020 Australian Open Men’s Singles title. He defeated Austrian Dominic Thiem (6-4, 4-6, 2-6, 6-3, 6- 4) in the final match. It was his 78th Australian Open Men’s Singles title. Australian Open was held in Melbourne, Australia in January 2020. Q. Who among the following has been elected as the President of the Paralympic Committee of India?

निम्ि मᴂ से ककसे भारत की पैरालिंपपक सलमनत के अध्यक्ष के 셂प मᴂ चुिा िया है? A. Varun Singh Bhati / र्셁ण लसिंह भाटी B. Devendra Jhajharia / िेर्ᴂर झाझडड्या C. Deepa Malik / मािसी िैिा जोशी D. Mansi Naina Joshi / िीपा मललक Ans. C • India’s lone woman Paralympic medalist Deepa Malik has been elected as President of the Paralympic Committee of India. • She will succeed acting interim president Gursharan Singh. • Deepa Malik won a silver in shot put F-53 event in the 2016 Rio Paralympic games. • She was also awarded with Padma Shri award, Rajiv Gandhi khel Ratna Award & also won silver in the IPC World Championships in 2011 in shot put Q. Which of the following actresses has been conferred with the Madhya Pradesh government's National Kishore Kumar Samman?

निम्ि मᴂ से ककस बॉलीर्ुड अलभिेत्री को मध्य प्रिेश सरकार के राष्ट्रीय ककशोर कु मार सम्माि से सम्मानित ककया िया है? A. Reema Lagoo / रीमा लािू B. Aruna Irani / अ셁णा ईरािी C. Waheeda Rahman / र्हीिा रहमाि D. Rakhi / राखी Ans. C • The Veteran actor Waheeda Rehman will be honoured the Madhya Pradesh government’s National Kishore Kumar Samman. • The award, for the year 2018, will be given to Rehman. The award, which carries a Rs 2 lakh cash prize and citation. • The function was held on October 13 coinciding with the death anniversary of singing legend Kishore Kumar. Q . India’s biggest rural technical festival ‘Antahpragnya 2020’ was held in which state of India?

भारत का सबसे बडा ग्रामीण तकिीकी त््योहार ‘अिंतःप्रज्ञा 2020’ भारत के ककस रा煍य मᴂ आयोजजत ककया िया था? A. Telangana / तेलिंिािा B. Andhra Pradesh / आिंध्र प्रिेश C. Karnataka / किाधटक D. Kerala / केरल Ans. A • India’s biggest rural technical festival ‘Antahpragnya 2020’ was held in Rajiv Gandhi University of knowledge Technologies (RGUKT), Nirmal district, Telangana • The festival was inaugurated by M Prashanthi, District Collector of Nirmal, Telangana. • The theme for the year 2020 was “Spot and encourage rural tech innovators”. Q. Which of the following states won the award for the implementation of ‘Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) in the state?

निम्ि मᴂ से ककस रा煍य िे रा煍य मᴂ ‘प्रर्ािमिंत्री मातृ र्िंििा योजिा’ (PMMVY) के कायाधन्‍दर्यि हेतु पुरस्कार जीता है? A. Uttar Pradesh / उत््तर प्रिेश B. Bihar / बबहार C. Gujarat / िुजरात D. Madhya Pradesh / मध््य प्रिेश Ans. D • Madhya Pradesh has bagged the first position for the implementation of Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana. • Union Minister of Women and Child Development Smriti Irani will present this award to Madhya Pradesh at a function in New Delhi. • Madhya Pradesh Minister for Women and Child Development Imarti Devi and Principal Secretary Anupam Rajan will receive the award. • Indore district has also bagged the first place for better performance of the scheme. Q. Which film won the Best Film Award at the 73rd British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA)Awards 2020? 73र्ᴂ बिदटश एकेडमी ऑफ कफ쥍म एिंड टेलीपर्जि आ絍धस (बाफ्टा) अर्ार्डधस 2020 मᴂ ककस कफ쥍म िे सर्धश्रेष्ट्ठ कफ쥍म का पुरस्कार जीता है? A. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood / र्िस अपोि ए टाइम इि हॉलीर्ुड B. Avengers: Endgame / एर्ᴂजस:ध एिंडिेम C. 1917 D. Marriage Story / मैरेज स््टोरी Ans. C • 73rd British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA)Awards 2020 ceremony, popularly referred to as BAFTA Awards 2019 was held in Royal Albert Hall,London, United Kingdom. • It honours the best national and foreign films of 2019. • First World War drama ‘1917’ won the Best Film award, which was directed by Sam Mendes.The film 1917 won 7 awards including best picture & director for Sam Mendes, the 1st time he has been honoured for direction by the British academy. Q. What is India’s rank in the International Intellectual Property (IP) Index 2020 released by the Global Innovation Policy Centre (GIPC) of the US Chamber of Commerce?

यू. एस चबℂ र ऑफ कॉमसध के ग्लोबल इिोर्ेशि पॉललसी सटरᴂ (GIPC) 饍र्ारा जारी अिंतराधष्ट्रीय बौ饍गर्क सिंपिा (IP) सूचकािंक 2020 मᴂ भारत की रℂक क्या है? A. 40th B. 42nd C. 43rd D. 45th Ans. A • The Global Innovation Policy Centre (GIPC) of the US Chamber of Commerce released the International Intellectual Property (IP) Index 2020. • According the ranking, India was at position 40 of the 53 economies. • The report says that India remains to be the most challenging but still promising market for IP-intensive industries. Q. Who has been conferred with the International Gandhi Awards for Leprosy for the year 2019?

कु ष्ट्ठ रोि के ललए अिंतराधष्ट्रीय िािंर्ी पुरस्कार र्षध 2019 से ककसे सम्मानित ककया िया है? A. Dr. Sanjay Borude / डॉ. सिंजय बो셂डे B. Dr. Ashim Desai / डॉ. आलशम िेसाई C. Dr. NS Dharmashaktu / डॉ. एि. एस. र्मशध क्तु D. Dr. Prashant Gedam / डॉ. प्रशािंत िेडम Ans. C ● The President of India, Ram Nath Kovind has presented the International Gandhi Awards for Leprosy for the year 2019 to Dr N. S. Dharmashaktu under the Indian nomination (individual) category and the Leprosy Mission Trust under the institutional category in New Delhi.

● The annual award has been instituted by Gandhi Memorial Leprosy Foundation to recognise the work of individuals and organisations who have worked tirelessly to fight this disease and the prejudices associated with it. Q. Which city is hosting the 22nd edition of India International Seafood Show (IISS) 2020?

इिंडडया इिंटरिेशिल सीफू ड शो (IISS) 2020 के 22र्ᴂ सिंस्करण की मेजबािी कौि सा शहर कर रहा है? A. Vishakhapatnam / पर्शाखापटिम B. Mumbai / मुम््बई C. Kochi / कोज楍्च D. Goa / िोर्ा Ans. C ● The 22nd edition of India International Seafood Show (IISS) 2020 is being held in Kochi from 7-9 February 2020.

● The show is being organized by the Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA), under Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, in association with the Seafood Exporters Association of India (SEAI).

● The theme of this year’s seafood show is “Blue Revolution- Beyond Production to Value Addition”. Q. As per World Steel Association data, what is India’s rank in crude steel production in the world?

पर्श्र् इस्पात सिंघ के आिंकडⴂ के अिुसार, िनु िया मᴂ क楍चे इस्पात के उत्पािि मᴂ भारत की रℂक क्या है? A. First/ पहला B. Second / िसू रा C. Third / तीसरा D. Fourth / चौथा Ans. B ● As per World Steel Association data, India became the second-largest steel producer of crude steel after China 2019, by replacing Japan.

● India’s crude steel production in 2019 was at 111. 2 MT, an increase of 1. 7 per cent from 109. 3 MT in 2018.

● China remains number one with 996. 3 million tonnes in 2019. The United States and Russia rank fourth and fifth respectively. Q. India and which country decided to sign a government- to-government agreement on jet engine technology development? भारत और ककस िेश िे जेट इिंजि प्रौ饍योगिकी पर्कास पर सरकार-से- सरकार समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर करिे का निणधय ललया? A. Japan / जापाि B. Israel / इ焼राइल C. USA / अमेररका D. United Kingdom / यूिाइटेड ककिं िडम Ans. D ● India and the U. K. are exploring various options for collaboration on joint defence projects and are close to signing a government-to-government agreement on jet engine technology development.

● The agreement was likely to be done within few weeks.

● In addition, the U. K. government is working on a government-to-government framework for defence deals in future given India’s preference for that route.

● The mechanism needs to be agreed upon by both sides is also expected to be ready along with the jet engine agreement. Q. Which team has won the 10th Hockey Senior Women National Championships? ककस टीम िे 10र्ीिं हॉकी सीनियर र्ूमि िेशिल चपℂ पयिलशप जीती है? A. Hockey Haryana / हॉकी हररयाणा B. Sports Authority of India / भारतीय खेल प्रागर्करण C. Hockey Jammu and Kashmir / हॉकी जम्मू और कश्मीर D. Hockey Odisha / हॉकी ओडडशा Ans. A • Haryana has won the 10th Hockey India Senior Women National Championship 2020 title at Kollam. • Haryana defeated Sports Authority of India (SAI) by 6-0 in the final. • Madhya Pradesh Hockey Academy beat Hockey Maharashtra 2-1 in the third-fourth place play-off match. Q. Who won the Best Actor Award at the 92nd annual Academy Awards 2020? 92र्ᴂ र्ापषधक अकािमी पुरस्कार 2020 मᴂ सर्धश्रेष्ट्ठ अलभिेता का पुरस्कार ककसिे जीता? A. Joaquin Phoenix / जॉककि फोनिक्स B. Bong Joon Ho / बⴂि जोि हो C. Sam Mendes /सैम मᴂडसे D. Leonardo DiCaprio / ललयोिाडो डडकैपप्रयो . Ans. A • Joaquin Phoenix has won the best actor award for “Joker” at 92nd annual Academy Awards 2020. • These awards are presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) to honour the excellence in cinematic achievements of 2018 in 24 different categories. • The Academy Awards were presented for the first time on May 16, 1929, at a private function at Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, Los Angeles, California. Q. Which team won the Khelo India Ice Hockey tournament 2020? ककस टीम िे खेलो इिंडडया आइस हॉकी टूिाधमᴂट 2020 जीता है? A. Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) / कᴂ रीय औ饍योगिक सुरक्षा बल (CISF) B. Ladakh Scouts Regimental Centre (LSRC) / ल饍िाख स्काउ絍स रेजजमᴂटल सᴂटर (LSRC) C. Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) / भारत नतब्बती सीमा पुललस (ITBP) D. Boarder Security Force (BSF) / सीमा सुरक्षा बल (BSF) Ans. B • The Ladakh Scouts Regimental Centre (LSRC) Red won the first Men’s section Khelo India Ice Hockey tournament 2020. • They defeated Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) team 3-2 in a nail-biting thriller final match. 13 teams participated in the Khelo India Ice Hockey Championship. • Khelo India is an initiative taken by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports to aware people about the importance of sports and fitness. Q. Who has won the Men’s National Snooker Championship 2020?

पु셁ष राष्ट्रीय स्िूकर चैजम्पयिलशप 2020 ककसिे जीती है? A. Pankaj Advani / पिंकज आडर्ाणी B. Aditya Mehra / आदित्य मेहरा C. Manan Chandra / मिि चिंरा D. Lucky Vatnani / लकी र्तिािी Ans. B • Aditya Mehta has won the National Snooker Championship held in , Maharashtra. • Aditya Mehta defeated the world champion Pankaj Advani to win the men’s title of the National Snooker Championship. • While representing the Petroleum Sports Promotion Board (PSPB), he defeated Pankaj Advani with a score line of 6-2. Q. Which country won the ICC Women’s Championship Trophy 2020?

ककस िेश िे आईसीसी मदहला चपℂ पयिलशप राफी 2020 जीती? A. India / भारत B. Australia / ऑस््रेललया C. Srilanka / श्रीलिंका D. England / इिंिलℂड Ans. B • Australia won ICC Women’s Championship trophy, which they have retained by taking a winning lead in the eight-team ODI competition played from 2017 to 2020. Q. What is the theme of HunarHaat 2020 held in New Delhi?

िई दि쥍ली मᴂ आयोजजत हुिरहाट 2020 का पर्षय क्या है? A. Kaushal ko Kaam / कौशल को काम B. Kala se Bhala / कला से भला C. Rise of Handicrafts / राइ焼 ऑफ हℂडीिॉफ्ट D. Made in India / मैड इि चाइिा Ans. A * The ‘Hunar Haat’, to be organised by the Ministry of Minority Affairs in New Delhi will be based on the theme of ‘Kaushal Ko Kaam’. Q. India has decided to include which two species in the global conservation list? भारत िे र्ैजश्र्क सिंरक्षण सूची मᴂ ककि िो प्रजानतयⴂ को शालमल करिे का निणधय ललया है? A. Elephant and Great Indian Bustard / हाथी और िोडार्ण (ग्रेट इिंडडयि बस्टडध) B. Lesser florican and Great Indian Bustard / खरमोर (लेसर फ्लोररकि) और िोडार्ण (ग्रेट इिंडडयि बस्टडध) C. Elephant and Snow Leopard / हाथी और दहम तᴂिआु D. Snow Leopard and Lesser florican / दहम तᴂिआु और खरमोर (लेसर फ्लोररकि) Ans. A * India has decided to include the Asian Elephant and the Great Indian Bustard in the list of species that merit heightened conservation measures. * The list will be debated at the 13th Conference of Parties (COP) of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), an environment treaty under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Q. Which city hosted the National workshop on e-office? ककस शहर िे ई-ऑकफस पर राष्ट्रीय कायधशाला की मेजबािी की? A. New Delhi / िई दि쥍्ली B. Kolkata / कोलकाता C. Jaipur / जयपुर D. Mumbai / मुम््बई Ans. A • Minister for Personnel and Public Grievances Dr Jitendra Singh inaugurated a National Workshop on e- office in New Delhi • Dr. Singh also launched the Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System, CPGRAMS Reforms at the event. Q. BIMSTEC disaster management exercise 2020 has been started in which state?

बबम्सटेक आपिा प्रबिंर्ि अभ्यास 2020 ककस रा煍य मᴂ श셂ु ककया िया है? A. Maharashtra / महाराष्ट््र B. Odisha / ओडडशा C. Kerala / केरल D. Telangana / तेलिंिािा Ans. B * Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Nityanand Rai inaugurated the Field Training Exercise of 2nd BIMSTEC Disaster Management Exercise on flood rescue at the Ramachandi Beach, Puri (Odisha). * Delegates & rescue teams of five member nations namely- India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka & Myanmar, of BIMSTEC group participated in the exercise with great zeal and enthusiasm. Q. Which State Government Launched Pyaar Ka Paudha campaign?

ककस रा煍्य सरकार िे ‘प्यार का पौर्ा’ अलभयाि लॉन्‍द्च ककया? A. Haryana / हररयाणा B. Odisha / ओडडशा C. Bihar / बबहार D. Maharashtra / महाराष्ट््र Ans. C • Bihar state government has launched a campaign to promote planting of trees in the state. • The campaign asked the people to gift a plant of love to their closed ones and take care of plants and trees. • This initiative is to make the state greener by creating environmental awareness. Q. Who won Best actor in Leading role award at 65th Amazon 2020?

65र्ᴂ अमेजि कफ쥍मफेयर अर्ार्डधस 2020 मᴂ लीडडिंि रोल अर्ाडध मᴂ सर्धश्रेष्ट्ठ अलभिेता का पुरस्कार ककसे लमला? A. Ayushmann Khurrana / आयुष्ट्माि खुरािा B. Vicky Kaushal / पर्क्की कौशल C. Rajkumar Rao / राजकु मार रार् D. Ranveer Singh / रणर्ीर लसिंह Ans. D • Best Film 'Gully Boy' • Best Director Zoya Akhtar ('Gully Boy') • Best Film (Critics) 'Article 15' (Anubhav Sinha) 'Sonchiriya' (Abhishek Chaubey) • Best Actor In A Leading Role (Male) Ranveer Singh ('Gully Boy') • Best Actor (Critics) Ayushmann Khurrana ('Article 15') • Best Actor In A Leading Role (Female) Alia Bhatt ('Gully Boy') • Best Actress (Critics) Bhumi Pednekar ('Saand Ki Aankh') Taapsee ('Saand Ki Aankh') Q. Which institute has developed a mobile app “Thirumathikart” for SHG (Self Help groups) products?

ककस सिंस्थाि िे एसएचजी (स्र्यिं सहायता समूह) उत्पािⴂ के ललए एक मोबाइल ऐप “Thirumathikart” पर्कलसत ककया है? A. IIT Madras / आईआईटी मरास B. IIIT Hyderabad / आईआईआईटी हैिराबाि C. NIT Trichy / एिआईटी बत्रची D. NIT Jalandhar / एिआईटी जलिंर्र Ans. C • The National Institute of Technology (NIT), Trichy, Tamil Nadu has developed Thirumathikart - a mobile app for SHG (Self Help Group) products. • The application was developed in coordination with the Union Department of Science and Technology. • The main objective of the app is to empower women and help them access market opportunities in a seamless manner. Q. Which UT/State’s administration has come up with a plan to conduct roadshows across the country? कौि से सिंघ शालसत प्रिेश / रा煍य प्रशासि िे िेशभर मᴂ रोडशो आयोजजत करिे की योजिा बिाई है? A. Kerala / केरल B. Jammu and Kashmir / जम््मू तथा कश््मीर C. Delhi / दि쥍्ली D. Ladakh / ल饍िाख Ans. B • J-K officials to conduct roadshows across country ahead of Global Investors' Summit Q. Which State government has launched “Yodhavu” mobile app to combat drug abuse? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे िशीली िर्ाओिं के ि셁ु पयोि से निपटिे हेतु "Yodhavu" मोबाइल ऐप लॉन्‍दच ककया है? A. Kerala / केरल B. Assam / असम C. Rajasthan / राजस््थाि D. Bihar / बबहार Ans. A * Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan launched “Yodhav” (Warrior) mobile app (application) at Kochi, Kerala. * The public can inform police about drug abuse with the informer’s identity kept secret. Q. Who has inaugurated Motera stadium, world’s largest cricket stadium in Ahmedabad? अहमिाबाि मᴂ िनु िया के सबसे बडे किकेट स्टेडडयम मोटेरा स्टेडडयम का उ饍घाटि ककसिे ककया? A. Shinzo Abe / लशजिं ो आबे B. Cyril Ramaphosa / लसररल रामाफोसा C. Narendra Modi / िरᴂर मोिी D. Donald Trump / डोिा쥍ड रम्प Ans. D • Donald Trump will inaugurate Motera stadium, world’s largest cricket stadium iin Ahmedabad • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Stadium which is also known as Motera Cricket stadium is set to become the largest cricket stadium in the world. The cricket facility will have a seating capacity of 1,10,000 people. Q. Artemis is human lunar mission of which space organization? आटेलमस ककस अिंतररक्ष सिंिठि का मािर् चिंर लमशि है? A. NASA / िासा B. ISRO / इसरो C. Roscosmos / 셂सी सिंघीय अिंतररक्ष अलभकरण (रोसकोमोस)

D. JAXA / जापाि एयरोस््पेस एक््प््लोरेशि एजᴂसी (जाक््सा) Ans. A * Artemis, the human spaceflight programme, that is a crewed exploration programme of Nasa, plan to send humans to the Lunar South Pole by 2024. * With the Artemis program, NASA will land the first woman and next man on the Moon by 2024, using innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before. * NASA will collaborate with its commercial and international partners and establish sustainable exploration by 2028. Q. Who chaired the task force on National Infra Pipeline (NIP) which submitted its Final Report on NIP for FY 2019- 25 to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman? िेशिल इन्‍दफ्रा पाइपलाइि (NIP) पर कायध बल की अध्यक्षता ककसिे की, जजसिे पर्त्त मिंत्री निमधला सीतारमण को पर्त्त र्षध 2019-25 के ललए NIP पर अपिी अिंनतम ररपोटध स㄂पी है? A. Ajay Bhushan Pandey / अजय भूषण पािंडे B. Pradeep Kumar Sinha / प्रिीप कु मार लसन्‍दहा C. Ajay Bhalla / अजय भ쥍ला D. Atanu Chakraborty / अतिु चिर्ती Ans. D * The task force on National Infra Pipeline (NIP) chaired by economic affairs secretary Atanu Chakraborty submitted its Final Report on NIP for FY 2019-25 to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. * The task force has projected total infrastructure investment of Rs 111 lakh crore during a 5 year span of FY 2019-20 to FY 2024-25. * The report highlighted policy deficits and challenges in India’s infrastructure sector and recommended reforms to scale up investment in the sector. * NIP is a first-of-its-kind, whole-of-government exercise to provide world-class infrastructure across the country and improve the quality of life for all citizens. * It aims to improve project preparation, attract investments into infrastructure. * It will play a major role for India in becoming a $5 trillion economy by FY 2025. Q. The central government has brought the Cauvery Water Management Authority (CWMA) under the Jal Shakti Ministry, presently who is Jal Shakti Minister? कᴂ र सरकार िे जल शजक्त मिंत्रालय के तहत कार्ेरी जल प्रबिंर्ि प्रागर्करण (CWMA) लाया है, र्तधमाि मᴂ जल शजक्त मिंत्री कौि है?

A. Gajendra Singh Shekhawat / िजᴂर लसिंह शेखार्त B. Narendra Singh Tomar / िरᴂर लसिंह तोमर C. Shripad Yasso Naik / श्रीपाि यासो िाइक D. V. Sadanand Gowda / डीर्ी सिाििंि िौडा Ans. A * The central government has brought the Cauvery Water Management Authority (CWMA) under the Jal Shakti Ministry, which was earlier under the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation. * This decision is a formality of business allotment, which means that the authority must report to the Ministry of Jal Shakti. * The move will have no impact on the independent nature of the functioning of the authority. * Water management authorities of other rivers have also been brought under the ministry, which was earlier under the same ministry as CWMA. * Jal Shakti Ministry was formed by merging Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation and Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation in May 2019 Q. What is India’s rank in the 7th edition of ‘Open Budget Survey 2019’ conducted by International Budget Partnership (IBP)? इिंटरिेशिल बजट पाटधिरलशप (IBP) 饍र्ारा आयोजजत “ओपि बजट सर्े 2019” के 7र्ᴂ सिंस्करण मᴂ भारत की रℂक क्या है? A. 53rd B. 54th C. 55th D. 56th Ans. A * According to the 7th edition of ‘Open Budget Survey 2019’ conducted by International Budget Partnership (IBP), India has been ranked at 53rd position among 117 nations in terms of budget transparency and accountability with the score of 49 out of 100. While at the same time New Zealand has been topped the list with a score of 87. * The global average transparency score on this survey was 45. * The survey ranked the countries in 5 different categories based on their scores.[0-20: scant, 21-40: minimal, 41- 60:limited, 61-80:substantial,81-100:extensive]. Q. Who among the following cricketers has been appointed as the head coach of the USA national team?

निम्ि मᴂ से ककस किकेटर को सिंयुक्त रा煍य अमेररका की राष्ट्रीय टीम के मुख्य कोच के 셂प मᴂ नियुक्त ककया िया है? A. Sanjay Bangar / सिंजय बािंिर B. Robin Singh / रॉबबि लसिंह C. Virender Sehwag / र्ीरᴂर सहर्ाि D. J. Arunkumar / जे. अ셁ण कु मार Ans. D * Former Karnataka cricketer, J. Arunkumar has been appointed the head coach of the USA national team. * He was the successor of interim coach James Pamment. * He has worked with the Karnataka team for several years and as batting coach for Kings XI Punjab in the Indian Premier League. * He scored over 7,200 runs in first-class cricket and over 3,000 runs in List ‘A’ games. Q. Who among the following has been appointed as the Vigilance Commissioner in the anti-corruption watchdog CVC? निम्ि मᴂ से ककसे भ्रष्ट्टाचार पर्रोर्ी नििरािी सिंस्था सीर्ीसी मᴂ सतकधता आयुक्त के 셂प मᴂ नियुक्त ककया िया है? A. Sharad Kumar / शरि कु मार B. Suresh N Patel / सुरेश एि. पटेल C. Anand Prakash Maheshwari / आििंि प्रकाश महेश््र्री D. Rajesh Ranjan / राजेश रिंजि Ans. B * Suresh N Patel took oath as the Vigilance Commissioner in the anti-corruption watchdog CVC. He took the oath of office by Central Vigilance Commissioner Sanjay Kothari through video conference. * He will have a tenure of over two years, till late December 2022, in the CVC. * Prior to this, he worked as the executive director in Oriental Bank of Commerce before taking over as the Managing Director and CEO of Andhra Bank in 2015. Q. According to a CRISIL Research report which state is at first position in terms of total installed renewable capacity in FY20? किलसल (CRISIL) ररसचध ररपोटध के अिुसार, FY20 मᴂ कु ल स्थापपत अक्षय क्षमता के मामले मᴂ कौि सा रा煍य पहले स्थाि पर है? A. Tamil Nadu / तलमलिाडु B. Gujarat / िुजरात C. Karnataka / किाधटक D. Maharshtra / महाराष्ट््र Ans. C * According to a CRISIL Research report, Karnataka retained its 1st position in terms of total installed renewable capacity in FY20 followed by Tamil Nadu(2nd) & Gujarat(3rd). * The top 3 states in overall solar energy capacity addition are Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka & in wind energy- Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra. Q. Which country has lost the hosting rights of 2021 Men’s World Boxing Championships? ककस िेश िे 2021 प셁ु षⴂ की पर्श्र् मुक्के बाजी चपℂ पयिलशप की मेजबािी का अगर्कार खो दिया है? A. India / भारत B. China / चीि C. Spain / स््पेि D. Italy / इटली Ans. A * India on Tuesday lost the hosting rights of the 2021 men's world boxing championship to Serbia after the International Boxing association alleged non-payment of host fee by the national federation. * The Boxing Federation of India acknowledged the delay but blamed it on "procedural complications" arising out of the AIBA's failure to resolve "issues" with regards to the account in which the money was to be transferred. * The payment of what is estimated to be $4 million was due to be made on December 2 last year. Q. Which intergovernmental organization has launched the initiative “Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator” to accelerate development, production, and access to health tools needed to fight the COVID-19 pandemic? ककस अिंतर-सरकारी सिंिठि िे COVID-19 महामारी से लडिे के ललए आर्श्यक पर्कास, उत्पािि और स्र्ास््य सार्िⴂ तक पहुुँच मᴂ तीव्रता लािे हेतु "एक््सेस टू COVID-19 टू쥍स (ACT) एक््सेलेरेटर" पहल शु셂 की है? A. ASEAN / आलसयाि B. G20 C. BRICS / बिक््स D. G7 Ans. B • The group of 20 (G20) launched “Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator”, an international initiative to accelerate development, production, and access to health tools needed to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. • The G20 is working towards reinforcing global cooperation on all fronts, and most importantly, on closing the immediate health financing gap. • Already the group is working hard to bridge approximately $8 billion funding gap to battle the pandemic. • Earlier, Saudi Arabia, as the Chair of the G20 in 2020, pledged USD 500 million to support global efforts to tackle this disastrous outbreak. Q. Which state Government has launched a unique initiative ‘Umbare Aanganwadi under ICDS programme to reach out to children during the lockdown? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे लॉकडाउि के िौराि ब楍चⴂ तक पहुुँचिे के ललए ICDS कायधिम के तहत एक अिूठी पहल ‘अम्बरे आिंििर्ाडी’ शु셂 की है? A. Maharshtra / महाराष्ट््र B. Gujarat / िुजरात C. West Bengal / पजश्चम बिंिाल D. Rajasthan / राजस््थाि Ans. B • In view of increasing coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in India, the Women and Child Development Ministry of Gujarat state Government has launched an unique initiative called ‘Umbare Aanganwadi (means doorstep Aanganwadi) under ICDS programme to reach out to children during the lockdown. • Under this initiative, the ICDS department of the state will mainly offers ready to eat nutritious food packets through AMUL to its beneficiaries including 14 lakh children between 3- 6 years of age, pregnant and nursing women and adolescent girls through the network of around 53 thousand Aanganwadi. Q. Which state government has launched ‘Covid Pharma’, a mobile application(app) to keep a track of people buying medicines for cough, cold and fever from medical stores across the state? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे रा煍य भर के मेडडकल स्टोरⴂ से खािंसी, जुकाम और बुखार की िर्ा खरीििे र्ाले लोिⴂ पर ि焼र रखिे हेतु एक मोबाइल एजप्लकेशि ‘Covid Pharma’ लॉन्‍दच की है?. A. Andhra Pradesh / आिंध्र प्रिेश B. Karnataka / किाधटक C. Kerala / केरल D. Maharshtra / महाराष्ट््र Ans. A • The Medical and Health Department of Andhra Pradesh (AP) has launched ‘Covid Pharma’, a mobile application(app) to keep a track of people buying medicines over-the-counter (OTC) for cough, cold and fever from medical stores across the state. • The pharmacies in the State is expected to download the app and register the details of persons, including their mobile number, making OTC purchases of medicines for common ailments & even those who buy medicines with a prescription and share with the health department for better monitoring. Q. The Pakistan Cricket Board has banned which cricketer from from all forms of cricket for a period of three years? पाककस्ताि किकेट बोडध िे ककस किकेटर को तीि साल की अर्गर् के ललए किकेट के सभी 셂पⴂ से प्रनतबिंगर्त कर दिया है? A. Babar Azam / बाबर आ焼म B. Sarfaraz Ahmed / सरफराज अहमि C. Mohammad Amir / मुहम्मि आलमर D. Umar Akmal / उमर अकमल Ans. D * The Pakistan Cricket Board has banned Pakistan batsman Umar Akmal from all forms of cricket for a period of three years. * The Pakistani batsmen has been charged with two breaches of anti-corruption codes of Pakistan Cricket Board after he failed to report details of corrupt approaches made to him ahead of 2020 PSL. * The Pakistan batsman Umar Akmal has been charged under Article 2.4.4, which deals with a failure of participant to disclose to the PCB Vigilance and Security Department (without unnecessary delay) full details of any approaches or invitations received by the Participant to engage in Corrupt Conduct under this Anti-Corruption Code”. Q. According to a new report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) India is _____largest military spenders in 2019? स्टॉकहोम इिंटरिेशिल पीस ररसचध इिंस्टी絍यूट (SIPRI) की एक िई ररपोटध के अिुसार भारत 2019 मᴂ _____ सबसे बडा सैन्‍दय खचध करिे र्ाला िेश है? A. Second / िसू रा B. Third / तीसरा C. Fourth / चौथा D. Fifth पािंचर्ािं Ans. B * According to a new report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the total global military expenditure rose to USD 1,917 billion in 2019, which represents an annual growth of 3.6% compared to 2018 * It is the largest annual growth in spending since 2010. * For the 1st time two Asian countries- China(2nd), India(3rd) have featured among the top military spenders after the United States- US(1st). * This is the highest level of spending since the 2008 global financial crisis and probably represents a peak in expenditure. * The five largest spenders, which accounted for 62% of the total expenditure, are US, China, India, Russia and Saudi Arabia. Q. Which state government has launched “Jivan Shakti Yojana” for women? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे मदहलाओिं के ललए “जीर्ि शजक्त योजिा” शु셂 की है? A. Rajasthan / राजस््थाि B. Uttar Pradesh / उत््तर प्रिेश C. Madhya Pradesh / मध््य प्रिेश D. Haryana / हररयाणा Ans. C * Madhya Pradesh government has launched the “Jivan Shakti Yojana” for women. * Under this scheme, women in urban areas can earn by making masks at home. * The government will pay them Rs 11 per mask. * The masks manufactured by women will be purchased at the district level at the rate fixed by the Madhya Pradesh government. * A process to make payment will be initiated as soon as they deliver the masks and they will receive the payment in their account on the same day or the next day. Q. Name the Indian sprinter who has been banned the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) for the doping case from 2018? उस भारतीय र्ार्क का िाम बताएिं जजस पर 2018 के डोपपिंि मामले हेतु एथलेदटक्स इिंदटगग्रटी यूनिट (AIU) पर प्रनतबिंर् लिा दिया िया है? A. Jhuma Khatun / झुमा खातूि B. Lalita Shivaji Babar / लललता लशर्ाजी बाबर C. P. U. Chitra / पी. यू. गचत्रा D. Sanjivani Jadhav / सिंजीर्िी जार्र् Ans. A * Indian middle-distance runner, Jhuma Khatun was banned for 4 years for using banned substances (Steroids) by the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) for the doping case from 2018. * The sample from Jhuma Khatun collected during the National Inter-State Championships in June 2018 in Guwahati meet. * In National Inter-State Championships, Guwahati, she won a bronze each in 1500 m and 5000 m, tested negative for the presence of substances by the National Dope Testing Laboratory (NDTL). * The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) then decided to test the sample of Khatun at its Montreal Laboratory in Canada and it returned positive for dehydrochloromethyl testosterone. Q. Which IIT in collaboration with Islamic University of Science and Technology, NIT Srinagar has invented a low- cost ventilator called “Ruhdaar”? एिआईटी श्रीििर िे इस्लालमक यूनिर्लसटध ी ऑ괼 साइिंस एिंड टेक्िोलॉजी के सहयोि से ककस आईआईटी के साथ "셁हिार" िामक एक कम लाित र्ाले र्ᴂदटलेटर का आपर्ष्ट्कार ककया है? A. IIT Kanpur / आईआईटी कािपुर B. IIT Delhi / आईआईटी दि쥍्ली C. IIT Kharagpur / आईआईटी खडिपुर D. IIT Bombay / आईआईटी बॉम््बे Ans. D * Students from IIT Bombay, Islamic University of Science and Technology, NIT Srinagar have come together to invent a low-cost ventilator called “Ruhdaar”. * The cost of production of one ventilator is Rs 10,000. The design was initiated by the first-year student of IIT Bombay from Kashmir. * He began to design the ventilator after learning that his home, the Kashmir Valley had only 97 ventilators in all. Q. Which state/UT’s legal service authority has launched a helpline under ‘Serve-the-Seniors Initiative’ to to help and facilitate the senior citizens who live alone and are unable to step out? ककस रा煍य/केन्‍दर शालसत प्रिेश के कािूिी सेर्ा प्रागर्करण िे उि र्ररष्ट्ठ िािररकⴂ की मिि करिे और उिकी सुपर्र् हेतु जो अकेले रहते हℂ और बाहर जािे मᴂ असमथध हℂ के ललए ‘सर्ध-ि-सीनियसध इनिलशएदटर्’ के तहत एक हे쥍पलाइि शु셂 की है? A. Chandigarh / चिंडीिढ़ B. Chhattisgarh / छत््तीसिढ़ C. Jammu and Kashmir / जम््मू और कश््मीर D. Himachal Pradesh / दहमाचल प्रिेश Ans. C * Jammu and Kashmir State Legal Services Authority (JKSLSA) has launched a helpline under ‘Serve-the-Seniors Initiative’. * The objective of starting this helpline, comprising is to help and facilitate the senior citizens who live alone and are unable to step out to get medicines, groceries and other essentials in this hour of crisis. * This initiative working under the guidance of Justice Gita Mittal, Patron-in-Chief and Justice Rajesh Bindal Executive Chairman of State Legal Services Authority. * The helpline numbers of the Nodal Officers who could be contacted in the Union Territories of J&K and Ladakh. Q . Which initiative/campaign has been launched by the Union Human Resource Development Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ on the occasion of World Book Day? पर्श्र् पुस्तक दिर्स के अर्सर पर कᴂ रीय मािर् सिंसार्ि पर्कास मिंत्री रमेश पोखररयाल ‘निशिंक’ िे कौि सी पहल/अलभयाि शु셂 ककया है? A. “#Book: Today,Tomorrow and Every day” B. “#MyBookMyFriend“ C. “#Read BookThinkLife” D. “#Books for everyone” Ans. B * Union Human Resource Development Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ has launched a campaign “#MyBookMyFriend“. * The campaign “#MyBookMyFriend” has been launched on social media on the occasion of World Book Day. * Citing the importance of books, the minister urged all the students to read some books of interest in addition to course books during the period of lockdown. * He also appealed to the students to share the book which they are reading at the moment using #MyBookMyFriend on social media. Q. The 11th edition of World Games 2022 scheduled to be held in which country has unveiled an updated logo and title? पर्श्र् खेल 2022 के 11र्ᴂ सिंस्करण का आयोजि ककस िेश मᴂ ककया जाएिा, जजसिे एक अ饍यति लोिो और शीषधक का अिार्रण ककया है? A. Canada / किाडा B. Japan / जापाि C. USA / अमेररका D. England / इिंिलℂड Ans. C * The 11th edition of World Games which is to be held in Birmingham, Alabama, US (United States) has unveiled an updated logo and title after being delayed a year because of the Coronavirus pandemic. * The World Games was initially scheduled for July 2021, but it will now be held from July 7 to 17, 2022. * The World Games 2021 Birmingham has been renamed to World Games 2022 Birmingham. * The first event of World Games was held in 1981 in Santa Clara, California, United States (US). Q. Which state government has launched ‘Apthamitra’ app to provide facility that empower the people of the state in the fight against COVID-19? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे COVID -19 के खखलाफ लडाई मᴂ रा煍य के लोिⴂ को सशक्त बिािे र्ाली सुपर्र्ा प्रिाि करिे हेतु ‘Apthamitra’ ऐप लॉन्‍दच ककया है? A. Andhra Pradesh / आिंध्र प्रिेश B. Karnataka / किाधटक C. Maharashtra / महाराष्ट््र D. Odisha / ओडडशा Ans. B * Karnataka government has launched “Apthamitra” app and exclusive toll-free helpline number 14410. * This facility is provided to empower the people of the state in the fight against COVID-19. * The application aims at providing medical guidance and advice on COVID-19.The Apthamitra helpline dedicated to deal with only COVID-19-related queries including telemedicine, counselling and facilitating testing and treatment for those in need. Q. Which Indian badminton player has been selected as one of the ambassadors for Badminton World Federation (BWF)’s “I am badminton” awareness campaign? निम््ि मᴂ से ककस भारतीय बैडलमिंटि खखलाडी को बैडलमिंटि र्쥍डध फेडरेशि (BWF) के “I am badminton” जाि셂कता अलभयाि हेतु एक एम््बेसडर के 셂प मᴂ चुिा िया है? A. Saina Nehwal / साइिा िेहर्ाल B. Srikanth Kidambi / श्रीकािंत ककिािंबी C. P. V. Sindhu / पी. र्ी. लसर्िं ु D. Chirag Shetty / गचराि शे絍टी Ans. C • World Champion PV Sindhu, named as one of the ambassadors for Badminton World Federation’s (BWF’s) “I am badminton” awareness campaign to provide a platform for the players to express their love and respect for the sport. • Other ambassadors of the “I am badminton” awareness campaign: the Chinese duo of Zheng Si Wei and Huang Ya Qiong, Canada’s Michelle Li, England’s Jack Shephard, Hong Kong’s Chan Ho Yuen, Germany’s Valeska Knoblauch and Germany’s Marc Zwiebler, who is Athletes’ Commission Chair. Q. Which state government has given the approval of the third edition of his government’s ‘Sujalam Sufalam Jal Sanchay Abhiyan’ amid Coronavirus lockdown? कोरोिोर्ायरस लॉकडाउि के िौराि ककस रा煍य सरकार िे अपिी सरकार के ‘ सुजलाम सुफलाम जल सिंचय अलभयाि’ के तीसरे सिंस्करण को मिंजूरी िी है? A. Uttar Pradesh / उत््तर प्रिेश B. Gujarat / िुजरात C. Rajasthan / राजस््थाि D. Madhya Pradesh / मध््य प्रिेश Ans. B • The government of Gujarat has given the approval of the third edition of his government’s ‘Sujalam Sufalam Jal Sanchay Abhiyan’ amid Coronavirus lockdown. • The scheme will see the deepening of lakes, check dams and rivers by removing silt. • This will be done till June 10, 2020, with people’s participation also as under MNREGA. The scheme was started in 2018 after a weak monsoon. • It is a conservation plan to deepen water bodies in the state before the monsoon. Q. What is India’s rank in the recently released World Press Freedom Index 2020?

हाल ही मᴂ जारी पर्श्र् प्रेस स्र्तिंत्रता सूचकािंक 2020 मᴂ भारत का रℂक क्या है? A. 165th B. 156th C. 142nd D. 134th Ans. C • India has dropped two places on a global press freedom index to be ranked 142nd out of 180 countries in the annual Reporters Without Borders analysis. • The World Press Freedom Index 2020' said that with no murders of journalists in India in 2019, as against six in 2018, the security situation for the country's media might seem, on the face of it, to have improved. • Paris-based Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF), or Reporters Without Borders, is a non-profit organisation that works to document and combat attacks on journalists around the world. • Norway is ranked first in the Index for the fourth year running. China at 177th position is just three places above North Korea, which is at 180th. Q. Which of the following become the first state to geotag its community kitchens and community shelters? निम्ि मᴂ से कौि सा रा煍य अपिी सामुिानयक रसोई और सामुिानयक आश्रयⴂ को जजयोटैि करिे र्ाला पहला रा煍य बि िया है? A. Andhra Pradesh / आिंध्र प्रिेश B. Maharshtra / महाराष्ट््र C. Uttar Pradesh / उत््तर प्रिेश D. Odisha / ओडडशा Ans. C ● Uttar Pradesh has become the first state in the country to geotag its 7,368 community kitchens and community shelters across 75 districts which produce 12 lakh food packets a day.

● The State Government of Uttar Pradesh joined hands with Google to geo tag community kitchens in the state. The kitchens produce 12 lakh food packets per day.

● The State Government mobilized state resources on massive scale to establish the kitchens. This was done through religious organizations and non-governmental organizations. Q. Who will chair the high-level task force for vaccine and drug testing for coronavirus disease formed by the central government? कᴂ र सरकार 饍र्ारा िदठत कोरोिोर्ायरस बीमारी के टीके और िर्ा परीक्षण के ललए उ楍च स्तरीय टास्क फोसध की अध्यक्षता कौि करेिा? A. Vinod Paul / पर्िोि पॉल B. K Vijay Raghavan / के पर्जय राघर्ि C. Sanjay Kothari / सिंजय कोठारी D. Both A and B / A और B िोिⴂ Ans. D • The government has formed a high-level task force for vaccine and drug testing for coronavirus disease (Covid-19). • The objective of the task force is to speed up national and international efforts towards vaccine development to treat Covid. • The task force — co-chaired by Vinod Paul, member NITI Aayog, and Professor K Vijay Raghavan, principal scientific advisor to the government. • It will also include representatives of Ayush ministry, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), department of biotechnology, and drug controller general of India, among others. Q. Who has authored the book titled “How the Onion Got Its Layers”?

"हाउ ि ओनियि िॉट इ絍स लेयसध" िामक पुस्तक को ककसिे ललखा है? A. Shashi Tharoor / शलश थ셂र B. Arundhati Roy / अ셁िंर्नत रॉय C. Kiran Desai / ककरण िेसाई D. Sudha Murty / सुर्ा मूनतध Ans. D • The book titled “How the Onion Got Its Layers” authored by Sudha Murty was published by Puffin. • The book is being released in its e-book and audio form for young children. • The book seeks answers to several questions related to the bulb like its many layers and why it brings tears to the eyes when cut. Q. Which sports organization has created ‘Team Mask Force’ to spread awareness against COVID-19? ककस खेल सिंिठि िे COVID-19 के खखलाफ जाि셂कता फैलािे के ललए 'टीम मास्क फोसध' का निमाधण ककया है? A. National Sports Organization / िेशिल स््पोटधस ओिेिाइजेशि B. Sports Federation of India / स््पोटधस फेडरेशि ऑफ इिंडडया C. All India Football Federation / अखखल भारतीय फु टबॉल महासिंघ D. Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) / भारतीय किकेट नियिंत्रण बोडध (BCCI) Ans. D ● Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has created a video to promote wearing masks in public places and help the country to fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

● The ‘Team Mask Force’ has been formed to spread awareness about wearing masks in public places.

● The ‘Team Mask Force’ has shot a video message and featured Virat Kohli, Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly, Smriti Mandhana, Rohit Sharma, Harbhajan Singh, Harmanpreet Kaur, Virender Sehwag, Rahul Dravid and Mithali Raj.

● All of them speaking about the importance of wearing masks. Q. Which mobile application has been launched by the agriculture ministry to facilitate transportation of foodgrains and perishables during lockdown? कृ पष मिंत्रालय िे लॉकडाउि के िौराि खा饍यान्‍दि और पर्कारी खा饍य के पररर्हि की सुपर्र्ा हेतु कौि सा मोबाइल एजप्लकेशि लॉन्‍दच ककया है? A. Kisan Rath / ककसाि रथ B. Kisan Mobile / ककसाि मोबाइल C. Kisan Express / ककसाि एक््सप्रेस D. Kisan Udaan / ककसाि उडाि Ans. A ● Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar has launched a mobile application “Kisan Rath”. This farmer friendly app has been launched to facilitate transportation of foodgrains and perishables during lockdown.

● The mobile application “Kisan Rath” has been developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) to provide farmers & traders in finding transport vehicles for Primary and Secondary transportation for movement of Agriculture & Horticulture produce. Q. Who has authored the book titled “Shuttling to the Top: The Story of P. V. Sindhu”?

“Shuttling to the Top: The Story of P. V. Sindhu” िामक पुस्तक के लेखक कौि हℂ? A. Kadambari Murali / ककििंबरी मुरली B. Mayanti Langer / मयिंती लℂिर C. V. Krishnaswamy / र्ी. कृ ष्ट्णास्र्ामी D. Sushil Dhoshi / सुशील र्ोशी Ans. C ● Sports journalist, V. Krishnaswamy, authored a book titled “Shuttling to the Top: The Story of P.V. Sindhu”, released. The book narrates the journey of badminton player PV Sindhu, from her early life to becoming a world champion and what lies ahead.

● The book has been published by HarperCollins Publishers India.

● Sindhu is India’s first and only woman athlete to win silver at the Olympics as well as the only Indian named in Forbes” list of world”s top 10 highest-paid female athletes. Q. Who among the following has been appointed as the brand ambassador of “CricKingdom” a Dubai-based cricket coaching academy? निम्ि मᴂ से ककसे िबु ई किकट कोगच्िंि अकेडमी "किकककिं िडम" का िािंड एिंबेसडर नियुक्त ककया िया है? A. Virat Kohli / पर्राट कोहली B. Mahendra Singh Dhoni / महᴂर लसिंह र्ोिी C. Shikhar Dhawan / लशखर र्र्ि D. Rohit Sharma / रोदहत शमाध Ans. D • Limited-overs Vice-captain of Indian cricket team Rohit Sharma was named brand ambassador of “CricKingdom” a Dubai-based cricket coaching academy which provides a platform for online coaching after the global COVID-19 pandemic subsides. • It provides support on booking of coaches, ground/nets with the management of academies. • They are trying to merge the modern scientific training methods with the time-tested theories of the legends in the game. Q. Which of the following mobile applications becomes the world’s fastest app to reach 50 million downloads in just 13 days? निम्ि मᴂ से कौि सा मोबाइल एजप्लकेशि केर्ल 13 दििⴂ मᴂ 50 लमललयि डाउिलोड तक पहुिंचिे र्ाला िनु िया का सबसे ते焼 ऐप बि िया है? A. Aarogya Setu / आरोग््य सेतु B. UMANG / उमिंि C. mPassport Seva / एमपासपोटध सेर्ा D. MyGov / माइिर् Ans. A • NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant stated that Centre’s mobile app, Aarogya Setu has become the world’s fastest app to reach 50 million (5 crore) downloads in just 13 days. • It is developed for tracking COVID-19 patients. • The app is developed by the National Informatics Center (NIC) under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) in just 4 days, it supports 11 languages. Q. Which of the following states provides free food to citizens via Mukhya Mantri Didi Kitchen (MMDK)? निम्ि मᴂ से कौि सा रा煍य मुख््य मिंत्री िीिी ककचि (MMDK) के माध्यम से िािररकⴂ को मुफ्त भोजि प्रिाि कर रहा है? A. Bihar / बबहार B. Assam / असम C. West Bengal / पजश्च्म बिंिाल D. Jharkhand / झारखिंड Ans. D • The Jharkhand state government has launched the Muhkya Mantri Didi Kitchen (MMDK) to provide free food to the most-needy, differently abled, children and identified poorest of the poor households in the villages. • At present about 4185 community kitchens are being run in as many numbers of Panchayats in the state. Q. Who among the following has been appointed as brand ambassador of PokerStars India?

निम्ि मᴂ से ककसे पोकरस्टासध इिंडडया का िािंड एिंबेसडर नियुक्त ककया िया है? A. Virat Kohli / पर्राट कोहली B. Mahendra Singh Dhoni / महेन्‍द्र लसिंह र्ोिी C. Shikhar Dhawan / लशखर र्र्ि D. Rohit Sharma / रोदहत शमाध Ans. B • PokerStars India has appointed former Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni as its new brand ambassador. • Muskan Sethi and Sharad Rao are the other brand ambassadors of PokerStars India, while Aditya Agarwal quit the brand in December 2019. • PokerStars India’s motive to bring MS Dhoni on board is aimed at increasing its market share in the industry as the cricketer has a fan following among millions of Indians. • Prior to MS Dhoni’s appointment popular Bollywood actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui was the brand ambassador of the company. Q. Which state government has launched Annapurna portal and the Supply Mitra portals for the convenience of the food needs for the people of the state during the COVID-19 crisis? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे COVID-19 सिंकट के िौराि रा煍य के लोिⴂ हेतु खा饍य ज셂रतⴂ की सुपर्र्ा के ललए अन्‍दिपूणाध पोटधल और सप््लाई लमत्र पोटधल लॉन्‍दच ककए हℂ? A. Rajasthan / राजस््थाि B. Maharshtra / महाराष्ट््र C. Uttar Pradesh / उत््तर प्रिेश D. Bihar / बबहार Ans. C • Uttar Pradesh (UP) Government has launched two portals namely the Annapurna portal and the Supply Mitra portals for the convenience of the food needs for the people of the state during the COVID-19 crisis. • The Annapurna portal will help people get the knowledge of food products and packets. • Supply Mitra portal will provide free home delivery of etables. Q. The kiosk “COVSACK” for the COVID-19 sample collections is developed by which organization? COVID-19 िमूिा सिंग्रह के ललए ककयोस्क "COVSACK" ककस सिंिठि 饍र्ारा पर्कलसत ककया िया है? A. DRDO / डीआरडीओ B. AIIMS / एम््स C. Indian Institute of Science / भारतीय पर्ज्ञाि सिंस्थाि D. National Institute of Immunology / िेशिल इिंस्टी絍यूट ऑफ इम्यूिोलॉजी Ans. A * The Defence Research and Development Laboratory, Hyderabad of DRDO has developed the ‘COVID-19 Sample Collection Kiosk’ (COVSACK). * The unit has been developed by the DRDL in consultation with the doctors of Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, Hyderabad. * The COVSACK is a kiosk through which healthcare workers can take coronavirus samples from suspected infected patients. The patient walks into the kiosk and a nasal/oral swab is taken by healthcare professional from outside through the built-in gloves. Q. Which state hospital has employed ‘COBOT-Robotics’ Robots to serve food, medicine to COVID-19 patients without human intervention? ककस रा煍य अस्पताल िे मािर् हस्तक्षेप के बबिा COVID-19 रोगियⴂ को भोजि, िर्ा िेिे हेतु ‘COBOT-Robotics' रोबोट को नियोजजत ककया है? A. Bihar / बबहार B. Odisha / ओडडशा C. Jharkhand / झारखिंड D. Andhra Pradesh / आिंध्र प्रिेश Ans. C * Jharkhand hospitals employ ‘COBOT-Robotics’ Robots to serve food, medicine to COVID-19 patients without human intervention. * The remote-controlled robot dubbed as ‘COBOT-Robotics’ has been developed by District Deputy Development Commissioner (DDC) Aditya Ranjan and his team of engineers. * The 20-bed ‘high-tech isolation wards’ are going to be inaugurated at the ANM Skill Centre, Chaibasa Sadar Hospital. * The 30-bed ‘high-tech isolation wards’ are going to be inaugurated at COVID-19 Railway Hospital, Chakradharpur. Q. The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Rishikesh has set up India’s 1st remote health monitoring system in partnership with which institutions? अखखल भारतीय आयुपर्ज्ञध ाि सिंस्थाि (AIIMS) ऋपषकेश िे ककस सिंस्थाि के साथ साझेिारी मᴂ भारत की पहली िरू स्थ स्र्ास््य नििरािी प्रणाली स्थापपत की है? A. Infosys / इन्‍द्फोलसस B. Bharat Electronics Limited / भारत इलेक््रॉनिक््स लललमटेड C. Wipro / पर्प्रो D. Tata Consultancy Services / टाटा किं सलटᴂसी सपर्धसी焼 Ans. B * The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)- Rishikesh, in collaboration with Bengaluru-based Defence PSU Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), has developed a health monitoring system to remotely assess the health of Covid-19 patients quarantined in homes and hospitals. * Besides aiming at significantly reducing the risk of exposure to healthcare workers, the solution is also expected to reduce the increasing demand of PPE and other logistics. Q 58. Which state government has started a new initiative titled ‘Food Bank’ in view of the threat of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)?

कोरोिार्ायरस रोि (COVID-19) के खतरे को िेखते हुए ककस रा煍य सरकार िे 'फू ड बकℂ ' िामक एक िℂ पहल शु셂 की है? A. Tripura/बत्रपुरा B. Assam/ असम C. Manipur/ मखणपुर D. Arunachal Pradesh/ अ셁णाचल प्रिेश Ans. C * Government of Manipur starts a new initiative titled ‘Food Bank’ in view of the threat of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). * This initiative provides immediate aid within the sort of free food to the poor and needy who face scarcity of essential commodities due to the long statewide lockdown. Q. Which becomes the first station of Indian Railways (IR) to install a Walk-Through Mass Sanitizing Tunnel?

कौि सा स््टेशि र्ॉक-थ्रू मास सैनिटाइज焼िंि टिल स्थापपत करिे र्ाला भारतीय रेलर्े (IR) का पहला स्टेशि बि िया है? A. Mumbai Central/ मुम््बई सᴂरल B. New Delhi/ िई दि쥍्ली C. Ahmedabad/ अहमिाबाि D. Jaipur/जयपुर Ans. C * The Ahmedabad railway station at Kalupur, Gujarat of Western Railway became the first station of Indian Railways (IR) to install a Walk-Through Mass Sanitizing Tunnel to ensure the safety of staff and passengers in the view of the COVID-19. The tunnel was inaugurated by Ahmedabad DRM (Divisional Railway Manager) Deepak Jha. * The tunnel uses WHO (World Health Organization) approved sanitizer and fitted with a sensor, so that when a passenger approaches the tunnel entrance it starts fogging automatically. * The distance of the tunnel is 20 feet long which can be covered within 10 seconds. The tunnel has a capacity of sanitizing 25 to 30 people per minute & consumes approximately 20 ml sanitizer per person. Q. Name the Indian actress who has been appointed as the brand ambassador for the India’s largest mobile gaming platform Mobile Premier League (MPL)? उस भारतीय अलभिेत्री का िाम बताएिं जजसे भारत के सबसे बडे मोबाइल िेलमिंि प्लेट괼ॉमध मोबाइल प्रीलमयर लीि (MPL) हेतु िािंड एिंबेसडर के 셂प मᴂ नियुक्त ककया िया है? A. Alia Bhatt/आललया भ絍ट B. Kareena Kapoor/ करीिा कपूर C. Dipika Padukone/ िीपपका पािकु ोण D. Tamanna Bhatia/ तमन्‍द्िा भ्ादटया Ans. D * India’s largest mobile gaming platform, Mobile Premier League (MPL) has brought Tamannaah Bhatia as its brand ambassador, to endorse their gaming platform. * Recently, MPL also renewed its association with Indian Cricket Captain Virat Kohli for another one year. * Tamannaah is popular in Bollywood and regional film landscape and that is what makes her suitable to promote the brand across its diverse user base. She will promote MPL across all channels. * MPL currently has more than 35 million users, with over 40 games on the platform. Q. What is the rank of the Indian Football team in the latest FIFA ranking?

िर्ीितम फीफा रℂककिं ि मᴂ भारतीय फु टबॉल टीम का रℂक क्या है? A. 105th B. 106th C. 107th D. 108th Ans. D * India football team retained its 108th spot in the latest FIFA rankings. * Belgium and France retained their first and second positions respectively in the latest rankings. Brazil is on the third place followed by England. * In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the whole raft of international fixtures including qualifiers for the FIFA World Cup and other major tournaments has been postponed. Q. Which Indian state/UT has launched ‘Operation SHIELD’ in Containment areas against COVID-19? ककस भारतीय रा煍य / कᴂ रशालसत प्रिेश िे COVID-19 के खखलाफ किं टेिमᴂट क्षेत्रⴂ मᴂ ‘ऑपरेशि शी쥍ड’ शु셂 ककया है? A. Jharkhand/ झारखिंड B. New Delhi/ िई दि쥍्ली C. Bihar/ बबहार D. Maharashtra/ महाराष्ट््र Ans. B * Delhi Chief Minister Aravind Kejriwal has launched “Operation SHIELD” in 21 identified Containment Areas of the state to control the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. * It deals with sealing, home quarantine, isolation & tracking, essential supply of commodities, local sanitisation and door-to-door health checkups. Q. The mass communication campaign titled ‘#BreakTheChain’ or #VirusKiKadiTodo’ has been launched by UNICEF in partnership with which of the following comnaies? #BreakTheChain’ या #VirusKiKadiTodo’ िामक जि सिंचार अलभयाि निम्ि मᴂ से ककस किंपिी के साथ साझेिारी मᴂ यूनिसेफ 饍र्ारा शु셂 ककया िया है? A. Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) दहििं स्ु ताि यूनिलीर्र लललमटेड (HUL) B. Procter & Gamble/ प्रोक्टर एिंड िℂबल C. Reckitt Benckiser/ रेककट बᴂककजर D. Reliance Industries/ ररलायिंस इिंडस्रीज Ans. A • Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) has joined hands with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for a mass communication campaign titled ‘#BreakTheChain’ or #VirusKiKadiTodo’ based on 3 themes – social distancing, hand washing and generosity, to inform people about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic and empower them to protect it. • The campaign will benefit from marketing and access to HUL, on the one hand, technical knowledge will benefit from UNICEF that will lead to such a campaign that people can change their behavior and stay safe during the epidemic. Q. Who has authored the book titled “Memoirs and Misinformation”, a fearless and semi-autobiographical novel about the reconstruction of personality? "मेम््र्ाजध एिंड लमसइन्‍दफ् ोमेशि" व्यजक्तत्र् के पुिनिमध ाधण के सिंिभध मᴂ एक निडर और अर्ध-आत्मकथात्मक उपन्‍दयास ककसिे ललखा है? A. Jim Carrey/ जजम कैरी B. Dana Vachon/ िािा र्चोि C. Wesley King/ र्ेस्ले ककिं ि D. Both A and B/ िोिⴂ A और B Ans. D • Canadian American comedian & actor Jim Carrey and writer Dana Vachon authored a novel “Memoirs and Misinformation” a fearless and semi-autobiographical novel about the reconstruction of personality. It is published by Alfred A Knopf, publishing house & will be published on May 2020. • The novel is a tale of acting, Hollywood, agents, celebrity, privilege, friendship, romance, addiction to relevance, fear of personal destruction, our “one big soul,”and a catastrophic ending of the world apocalypse within and without. • Jim Carrey has written a children’s fiction novel “How Roland Rolls”(2013), Disney’s A Christmas Carol (2010) among others. Q. The book titled ‘The Wizenard Series: Season One’ is created by American Basket baller Kobe Bryant & authored by ______‘ि र्ाइजिाडध सीरी焼: सी焼ि र्ि’ िामक पुस्तक अमेररकि बास्केट बॉलर कोबे िायिंट 饍र्ारा बिाई िई है तथा ___ 饍र्ारा ललखखत है। A. Jim Carrey/ जजम कैरी B. Dana Vachon/ िािा र्चोि C. Wesley King/ र्ेस्ले ककिं ि D. Mary Jordan/ मैरी जॉडधि Ans. C • The book ‘The Wizenard Series: Season One’ is created by American Basket baller Kobe Bryant & authored by Wesley King tops the New York Times’ middle-grade hardcover list, which is to be released on April 19, 2020. • It is published by Kobe Bryant’s Granity Studios (April 1, 2020). • Kobe Bryant has authored a book- ‘The Mamba Mentality: How I Play’(2018) which was also a best-seller and has been on Amazon’s top lists. Q. Which Organisation/Institute along with Wipro 3D to create full face shield for healthcare personnel treating coronavirus patients? ककस सिंिठि/सिंस््थाि िे पर्प्रो 3डी के साथ कोरोिोर्ायरस रोगियⴂ का उपचार करिे र्ाले स्र्ास््य कलमधयⴂ हेतु फु ल फेस शी쥍ड का निमाधण ककया है? A. ISRO/ इसरो B. DRDO/ डीआरडीओ C. IIT-Hyderabad/ आईआईटी-हैिराबाि D. IIT-Kanpur/ आईआईटी -कािपुर Ans. B • The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), an agency of the Government of India charged with the military’s research and development, has partnered with private firm Wipro 3D to create a full face shield, which is meant to be helpful for doctors and nurses who are treating patients infected with coronavirus (COVID-19). Q. Who has authored the book titled “The Art of Her Deal,” an unauthorized biography of first lady of USA Melania Trump? यूएसए मेलानिया रम्प की पहली मदहला की अिगर्कृ त जीर्िी "ि आटध ऑफ हर डील" िामक पुस्तक के लेखक कौि हℂ? A. Richard Powers/ ररचडध पॉर्सध B. Mary Jordan/ मैरी जॉडधि C. Rebecca Makkai/ रेबेका मक््काई D. Tommy Orange/ टॉमी ऑरᴂज Ans. B * A Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The Washington Post, Mary Jordan’s has written an unauthorized biography of first lady Melania Trump. * Mary Jordan’s “The Art of Her Deal,” which draws upon more than 100 interviews, comes out June 16. * Jordan began working on the book in 2015, well before Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the presidential election. * She investigated everything from Melania Knauss’ childhood in Slovenia to her years as a model to her relationship with her husband. Q. Name the mobile doctor booth created by the West Central Railway’s Coach Rehabilitation Workshop (CRWS), Bhopal that will eliminate the possibility of physical contact between the doctor and the COVID-19 patient. पजश्चम मध्य रेलर्े की कोच पुिर्ाधस कायधशाला (CRWS), भोपाल 饍र्ारा बिाए िए मोबाइल डॉक्टर बूथ का िाम बताएिं, जो डॉक्टर और COVID-19 रोिी के बीच शारीररक सिंपकध की सिंभार्िा को समाप्त कर िेिा। A. SPARSH/ स््पशध B. CHARAK/ चरक C. SUDUR/ सुिरु D. SANVEDAN/ सिंर्ेिि Ans. B * The West Central Railway’s Coach Rehabilitation Workshop (CRWS) in Madhya Pradesh’s (MP) Bhopal city,has created a mobile doctor booth called “CHARAK” to eliminate the possibility of physical contact between the doctor and the coronavirus (COVID-19) infected patient. * A viral barrier chamber has been built in the railway compartment itself, through which doctors will be able to examine patients without direct physical contact. Q. Which country has become the world leader in international patent filings via WIPO’s Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)? पर्पो की पेटᴂट सहयोि सिंगर् (PCT) के माध्यम से अिंतराधष्ट्रीय पेटᴂट फाइललिंि मᴂ कौि सा िेश पर्श्र् मᴂ अग्रणी बि िया है? A. USA / अमेररका B. Japan/ जापाि C. Germany/ जमधिी D. China/ चीि Ans. D * China has become the world leader in international patent filings via WIPO’s Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) with a total of 58,990 applications surpassing the United States (US), which was at top spot since the PCT began operations in 1978. * It should be noted that for the third consecutive year, Chinese telecoms giant Huawei topped the global ranking in 2019 with 4,411 PCT applications. It was followed by Mitsubishi of Japan, which made 2,661 filings, Samsung of South Korea with 2,334 filings and Qualcomm of the US with 2,127 filings. Q. As per the Forbes 34th annual list of Global Billionaires 2020 who has topped the list for the 3rd time? ग्लोबल बबललयिेयसध 2020 की फोब्सध की 34र्ीिं र्ापषधक सूची के अिुसार कौि सूची मᴂ तीसरी बार शीषध पर है? A. Bill Gates/ बबल िे絍स B. Jeff Bezos/ जेफ बेजोस C. Bernard Arnault/ बिाधडध अरिॉ쥍ट D. Warren Buffett/ र्ॉरेि बफेट Ans. B * Forbes published the 34th annual list of Global Billionaires 2020 which topped Amazon Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jeff Bezos for the 3rd time, followed by Microsoft co- founder and chairman of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Bill Gates. * The chairman & managing director of Reliance Industries Mukesh Ambani (17th) topped the Indian list, followed by The founder of Avenue Supermarts Radhakishan Damani & family (65th). Q. Who among the following cricketers has been named as the leading cricketer in the world 2020 by Wisden? निम्ि मᴂ से ककस किकेटर को पर्जडि 饍र्ारा िनियाु मᴂ अग्रणी किकेटर 2020 के 셂प मᴂ िालमत ककया िया है? A. Virat Kohli/पर्राट कोहली B. Rohit Sharma/ रोदहत शमाध C. Ben Stokes/ बेि स््टोक््स D. Steve Smith/ स््टीर् जस्मथ Ans. C * England’s all-rounder Ben Stokes has been named as the leading cricketer in the world 2020 by Wisden. * Andrew Flintoff was the last English player to win the award in 2005. Ben Stokes was the hero of the Cricket World Cup 2019 final as he guided England to their maiden triumph in the 50-over showpiece tournament at Lord’s on July 14. Q. Who is the author of the Biography of former Defence Minister and Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar titled ‘An Extraordinary Life’ पूर्ध रक्षा मिंत्री और िोर्ा के मुख्यमिंत्री मिोहर पररधकर की जीर्िी ‘एि एक्स्राऑडडधिरी लाइफ’ के लेखक कौि हℂ। A. Milind Karmarkar/ लमललिंि कमाधरकर B. Mayabhushan Nagvenkar/ मायाभूषण िािर्ᴂकर C. Sadguru Patil/ स饍िु셁 पनत D. Both B and C/िोिⴂ B और C Ans. D • The biography of Manohar Parrikar titled ‘An Extraordinary Life’ has been written by Sadguru Patil and Mayabhushan Nagvenkar. • Published by Penguin Random House the book describes in great detail the events of the evening the surgical strikes were supposed to take place. • The book on former Defence Minister and Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar reveals just what went on, on the eve of the surgical strikes against Pakistan (announced on September 29, 2016) after the Uri attack that killed 18 Indian soldiers and left more than 30 injured. Q. The Delhi government has launched a 5T plan to contain the COVID-19 pandemic in the national capital, what does the second ‘T’ stands for in 5Ts?

दि쥍ली सरकार िे राष्ट्रीय राजर्ािी मᴂ COVID-19 महामारी को रोकिे के ललए 5T योजिा शु셂 की है, 5T मᴂ िसू रे 'T' का क्या अथध है? A. Testing B. Tracing C. Treatment D. Teamwork Ans. B * The Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has launched a 5T plan to contain the COVID-19 pandemic in the national capital. * According to the Delhi government, the 5T plan consists of 5 pillars namely: testing, tracing, treatment, teamwork and tracking. Q. What is the name that has been given to mega ONLINE innovation challenge launched by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD)? मािर् सिंसार्ि पर्कास मिंत्रालय (MHRD) 饍र्ारा शु셂 की िई मेिा ऑिलाइि िर्ाचार चिु ौती (mega ONLINE innovation challenge) को क्या िाम दिया िया है? A. SAMBODHAN/ सम्बोर्ि B. SAMASYA/ समस््या C. SAMADHAN/ समार्ाि D. UDBODHAN/ उ饍बोर्ि Ans. C * The innovation cell of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has launched a mega ONLINE challenge called “SAMADHAN” to fight against covid19. * Under the “Samadhan” challenge, the students and faculty will be motivated for doing new experiments and new discoveries and provide them with a strong base leading to a spirit of experimentation and discovery. Q. By which year NASA is planning to setup Artemis, the first human base camp on Moon’s south pole?

िासा ककस र्षध तक चिंरमा के िक्षक्षणी ध्रुर् पर पहला मािर् बेस कℂ प आटेलमस स्थापपत करिे की योजिा बिा रहा है? A. 2021 B. 2022 C. 2023 D. 2024 Ans. D * NASA unveils plan to setup Artemis, the first human base camp on Moon’s south pole by 2024. * NASA is working on the Artemis program that aims to land humans on the moon by 2024. * NASA submitted a 13-page report to the National Space Council on 2 April. * As per the report, the base camp will demonstrate the US’s continued leadership in space and will eventually help them prepare to undertake humanity’s first mission to Mars. Q. The National Highway Authority of India recently completed the construction of ______of national highways the highest ever in a financial year 2019-20. भारतीय राष्ट्रीय राजमािध प्रागर्करण िे हाल ही मᴂ पर्त्तीय र्षध 2019-20 मᴂ सबसे उ楍्चतम ...... के राष्ट्रीय राजमािⴂ के निमाधण को पूरा ककया है। A. 3,479 km B. 3,679 km C. 3,779 km D. 3,979 km Ans. D * The National Highway Authority of India recently completed the construction of 3,979 km of national highways in the financial year 2019-20. * This is the highest ever target achieved by the authority in a financial year since its establishment. * The Government of India envisaged construction of national highway under Bharatmala Pariyojana. * The scheme is being implemented by Ministry of Road and Transport and Highways. It was launched in 2015. The scheme has set a target of completing 65,000 km of NH. Q. Who among the following has been conferred with ‘Hero to Animals Award’ by animal rights body PETA India? निम्ि मᴂ से ककसे पशु अगर्कार सिंस्था पेटा इिंडडया 饍र्ारा ‘हीरो टू एनिम쥍स अर्ाडध’ से सम्मानित ककया िया है? A. YS Jaganmohan Reddy/ र्ाई. एस. जििमोहि रेर्डडी B. Ashok Gehlot/ अशोक िहलोत C. Captain Amarinder Singh/कैप्टि अमररिंिर लसिंह D. Naveen Patnaik/ िर्ीि पटिायक Ans. D * Chief Minister of Odisha, Naveen Patnaik has been conferred with ‘Hero to Animals Award’ by animal rights body PETA India. * He has been awarded by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for allocating funds to feed community animals in Odisha during the lockdown over the novel coronavirus pandemic. * The lockdown has not only affected people but animals as well. In the concern that the animals do not go starving in such conditions, CM approved of Rs 54 lakhs from a relief fund to feed animals of the community. * The initiative undertaken to feed animals are conducted in five municipal corporations and all 48 municipalities of Odisha. Q. Which of the following states has installed ‘V Safe Tunnel’ to sanitize people? निम्ि मᴂ से ककस रा煍य मᴂ लोिⴂ को सेनिटाइज करिे हेतु ‘र्ी सेफ टिल’ स्थापपत ककया िया है? A. Uttar Pradesh/ उत््तर प्रिेश B. Telangana/ तेलिंिािा C. Karnataka/ किाधटक D. Delhi/ दि쥍्ली Ans. B * ‘V Safe Tunnel’ has been installed in Telangana to sanitize people. The sanitising tunnel has been installed at the state Director General of Police’s office. * A unique disinfectant named ‘V Safe Tunnel’ sanitizes people from any possible bacteria and other microbes within 20 seconds. Q. Which of the following state has topped in micro- irrigation under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)? प्रर्ािमिंत्री कृ पष लसिंचाई योजिा (PMKSY) के तहत निम्ि मᴂ से ककस रा煍य िे सूक्ष्म लसिंचाई मᴂ शीषध स्थाि प्राप्त ककया है? A. Gujarat/ िुजरात B. Haryana/ हररयाणा C. Tamil Nadu/ तलमलिाडु D. Punjab/ पिंजाब Ans. C * The state of Tamil Nadu has topped the all-India level for micro-irrigation (MI), under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY), with a coverage of 2,06,853. 25 ha for the year financial year 2019-20. * The state is followed by Karnataka and Gujarat with 1,41,103. 56 Ha and 1,08,322. 00 Ha of coverage respectively. Q. The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has banned which two countries from participating in weightlifting events at the Tokyo Olympics due to multiple doping offences? अिंतराधष्ट्रीय भारोत्तोलि महासिंघ (IWF) िे ककि िो िेशⴂ पर प्रनतबिंर् लिा दिया है जो कℂ मािि (डोपपिंि) अपरार्ⴂ के कारण टोक्यो ओलिंपपक मᴂ भारोत्तोलि की प्रनतयोगिताओिं मᴂ भाि िहीिं ले सकते हℂ? A. Thailand and Malaysia/ थाईलℂड और मलेलशया B. Thailand and Indonesia/ थाईलℂड और इिंडोिेलशया C. Malaysia and Indonesia/ मलेलशया और इिंडोिेलशया D. Indonesia and Vietnam/ इिंडोिेलशया और पर्यतिाम Ans. A * International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has banned Thailand and Malaysia from participating in weightlifting events at the Tokyo Olympics due to multiple doping offences. * It has suspended the Thai Amateur Weightlifting Association (TAWA) for 3 years to April 2023 and imposed a fine of USD 2,00,000 & also suspended Malaysian Weightlifting Federation (MWF) for a year to April 2021. Q. Who has authored the book titled ‘How Contagion Works: Science, Awareness and Community in Times of Global Crisis’? ‘हाउ कⴂटाजजयि र्कधस : साइिंस, अर्ेयरिेस एिंड कोम््यूनिटी इि टाइम््स ऑफ ग््लोबल िाइलसस’ शीषधक िामक पुस्तक ककसिे ललखी है? A. Paolo Giordano/ पाओलो जजयोडाधिो B. Dr. Neil A Feldstein/ डॉ. िील ए. फे쥍डस्टीि C. Dr. Paul C McCormick/ डॉ. पॉल सी. मैककोलमधक D. Mark Olshaker/ माकध ओलशेकर Ans. A * To provide better understanding and prevention of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) the book is authored by Italian physicist Paolo Giordano. * The book will explain how contagion works and why people should limit their exposure to the outside world. * It should be noted that Giordano’s first novel, “The Solitude of Prime Numbers”, was translated into more than 40 languages worldwide and won the Premio Strega, the most prestigious Italian literary award. * The book will be published by Hatchette, United States (US). Q. Who has authored the book titled “Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs”? ‘’ डेडललस््ट एनिमी : अर्र र्ार अिᴂस््ट ककलर जमधस’’ शीषधक िामक पुस््तक के लेखक कौि हℂ? A. Paolo Giordano/ पाओलो जजयोडाधिो B. Dr. Neil A Feldstein/ डॉ. िील ए. फे쥍डस्टीि C. Michael Osterholm/ माइकल ओस््टरहो쥍्म D. Both C and D Ans. D * To provide better understanding and prevention of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) the book has been authored by epidemiologist Michael Osterholm and author Mark Olshaker. * The book will be published by Hatchette, United States (US). * Deadliest Enemy is a high scientific drama, a chronicle of medical mystery and discovery, a reality check and a practical plan of action. Q. Which state government has launched an online cultural competition “Mo Prativa” in collaboration with the UNICEF? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे यूनिसेफ के सहयोि से एक ऑिलाइि सािंस्कृ नतक प्रनतयोगिता "मो प्रनतर्ा" शु셂 की है? A. Jharkhand/ झारखिंड B. West Bengal/ पजश्चम बिंिाल C. Tripura/ बत्रपुरा D. Odisha/ ओडडशा Ans. D • The Odisha government has launched an online cultural competition “Mo Prativa” in collaboration with the UNICEF. • The cultural competition “Mo Prativa” has been launched in order to keep children engaged at home during the lockdown period. • The competition will enable childern to participate in various activies such as painting, writing of slogans, short stories, poems etc. Q. The FIFA Under-17 Women's World Cup scheduled to be played in _____in November 2020 has been postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic? फीफा अिंडर-17 मदहला पर्श्र् कप को _____ मᴂ िर्िंबर 2020 मᴂ खेला जािा तय ककया िया है, जजसे कोरोिार्ायरस महामारी के कारण स्थगित कर दिया िया है? A. Panama/ पिामा B. Brazil/ िाजील C. India/भारत D. Nigeria/ िाजीररया Ans. C • The FIFA Under-17 Women's World Cup scheduled to be played in India in November (2nd to 21st) has been postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic by FIFA- Confederations working group. • Under-17 Women's World Cup was scheduled to be played in India across five host cities - Navi Mumbai, Guwahati, Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Bhubaneswar. Q. Which of the following company has launched India’s 1st home screening test kit for COVID-19 & is approved by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)? निम्ि मᴂ से ककस किंपिी िे COVID-19 के ललए भारत की पहली होम स्िीनििंि टेस्ट ककट लॉन्‍दच की है जो भारतीय गचककत्सा अिुसिंर्ाि पररषि (ICMR) 饍र्ारा अिुमोदित है? A. Bione/ बाईर्ि B. Biocon/ बॉयोकॉि C. Piramal Group/ पीरामल ग्रुप D. V H Group/ र्ी. एच. िुप Ans. A • Bengaluru based startup Bione, a genetic and microbiome testing firm has launched India’s 1st home screening test kit for COVID-19 & is approved by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). • To take the test using the kit one has to clean the finger with an alcohol swab and use the lancet provided to finger-prick & the provided cartridge reads the results within 5-10 minutes. • The prices of the kit ranges from Rs 2,000 to 3,000 & it will be delivered within 2-3 days of ordering. • The easy-to-use kit will be deployed in the market after quality checks & approvals from the regulatory authority. Q. Which IIT has has developed a low-cost portable ventilator called ‘Prana-vayu’ costing just Rs. 25,000? ककस आईआईटी िे कम लाित र्ाला पोटेबल र्ᴂदटलेटर पर्कलसत ककया है, जजसे 'प्राण-र्ायु' कहा जाता है, जजसकी लाित केर्ल 25,000 셁पये है? A. IIT Kanpur B. IIT Roorkee C. IIT Delhi D. IIT Bombay Ans. B • IIT (Indian Institute of Technology)- Roorkee, Uttarakhand in collaboration with AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Science) Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, has developed a low-cost portable ventilator called ‘Prana-vayu’ costing just Rs. 25,000. • The commercial product will be around 1. 5 feet by 1. 5 feet for better portability. • This closed loop ventilator equipped with state-of-the-art facilities & can prove useful in ensuring the safety of coronavirus (Covid-19) patients. • The ventilator is based on the controlled operation of the prime mover to deliver the required amount of air to the patient. Q. Name the mobile application launched by the Government of India to connect essential health services with the people of India to fight against COVID-19. COVID-19 के खखलाफ लडिे के ललए भारत के लोिⴂ के साथ आर्श्यक स्र्ास््य सेर्ाओिं को जोडिे के ललए भारत सरकार 饍र्ारा शु셂 ककए िए मोबाइल एजप्लकेशि का िाम बताएिं। A. Aarogya Setu/ आरोग््य सेतु B. Sewa Setu/ सेर्ा सेतु C. Upchar Setu/ उपचार सेतु D. Aarogya Sewa/ आरोग््य सेर्ा Ans. A • The Government of India has launched the mobile application “Aarogya Setu” to connect essential health services with the people of India to fight against COVID- 19. • The mobile application aims to augment the initiatives of the Government of India, particularly the Department of Health, by proactively reaching out to and inform the users of the app regarding the risks, best practices along with the relevant advisories related to the containment of COVID-19. Q. Which of the following manufacturing unit of Indian Railway has set the Limca Book of Records for producing record 431 locomotives in the financial year 2019-2020? भारतीय रेलर्े की निम्ि मᴂ से ककस निमाधण इकाई िे पर्त्तीय र्षध 2019-2020 मᴂ ररकॉडध 431 लोकोमोदटर् के उत्पािि के ललए ललम्का बुक ऑ괼 ररकॉर्डधस स्थापपत ककया है? A. Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi. डीजल लोकोमोदटर् र्क्सध, र्ाराणसी B. Integral Coach Factory, Perambur, इिंटीग्रल कोच फैक्री, पेरािंबूर C. Rail Coach Factory (RCF), Kapurthala रेल कोच फैक्टरी (RCF), कपूरथला D. Chittaranjan Locomotive Works गचत्तरिंजि लोकोमोदटर् र्क्सध Ans. D • Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (CLW), the manufacturing unit of Indian Railways based in Asansol, West Bengal (WB), has set the Limca Book of Records for producing record 431 locomotives in the financial year 2019-2020 (FY20) in 292 working days. • It is 2. 15 times its installed capacity of 200 locomotives per year. • This was achieved despite novel coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions that creating disruptions during the current financial year (FY20). Q. As per revised norms of the central government what is the limit for a person reside in J&K to become permanent resident of the UT? कᴂ र सरकार के सिंशोगर्त मािििंडⴂ के अिसु ार, कᴂ र शालसत प्रिेश का स्थायी निर्ासी बििे के ललए जम्मू-कश्मीर मᴂ रहिे र्ाले व्यजक्त के ललए सीमा क्या है? A. 10 Years B. 12 years C. 15 years D. 20 years Ans. C • A new definition for domicile for Jammu and Kashmir was introduced which has stated that a person residing in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir for at least 15 years or has studied for a period of seven years in Jammu and Kashmir and appeared in Class 10 or 12 examinations will now be eligible to be a permanent resident of the UT. • This new rule was issued under the Section 3A of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Adaptation of State Laws Order 2020, under the Jammu and Kashmir civil services decentralisation and recruitment Act. Q. Which state government has launched the mobile application ‘Corona Watch’ to contain the coronavirus outbreak? कोरोिार्ायरस प्रकोप को रोकिे हेतु ककस रा煍य सरकार िे ‘कोरोिा र्ॉच’ मोबाइल एजप्लकेशि लॉन्‍दच ककया है? A. Uttar Pradesh/ उत््तर प्रिेश B. Maharashtra/ महाराष्ट््र C. Bihar/बबहार D. Karnataka/ किाधटक Ans. D • The state government of Karnataka has launched a mobile application ‘Corona Watch’. • The mobile application aims to track the movement history of persons tested positive, before their detection in order to take precautions and to contain the coronavirus outbreak. • The app will also provide the date and time of visit to spots by the patients. ‘Corona Watch’ app also comprises a list of government designated first response hospitals for COVID-19 where citizen with symptoms can visit. Q. Which state government has started “Active Case Finding Campaign” in the state for COVID-19? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे COVID -19 के ललए रा煍य मᴂ "एजक्टर् केस फाइिंडडिंि कैम््पेि" शु셂 ककया है? A. Uttar Pradesh/ उत््तर प्रिेश B. Karnataka/ किाधटक C. Maharashtra/ महाराष्ट््र D. Himachal Pradesh/ दहमाचल प्रिेश Ans. D • Himachal Pradesh government has started “Active Case Finding Campaign” in the state. • The campaign has been rolled out in the state to provide information about the symptoms of COVID-19 to the people at their doorsteps. • Under the “Active Case Finding Campaign”, the information would be provided to the people by the health workers. • Every ASHA worker with a two-person team will reach out every house in the village and collect health information of every person. Q. BharatPe signed partnership with which general insurance company to introduce ‘COVID-19 Protection Insurance Cover’? भारतपे िे ककस सामान्‍दय बीमा किंपिी के साथ ‘COVID-19 प्रोटेक्शि इिंश्योरᴂस कर्र’ शु셂 करिे के ललए साझेिारी पर हस््ताक्षर ककए? A. ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited आईसीआईसीआई लोम््बाडध जिरल इिंश््योरᴂस कम््पिी लललमटेड B. Apollo Munich Health Insurance Co. Ltd. अपोलो म््यूनिच हे쥍्थ हिंश््योरᴂस कम््पिी लललमटेड C. Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd. बजाज आललयािंज जिरल इिंश््योरᴂस कम््पिी लललमटेड D. HDFC ERGO General Insurance Co. Ltd. एचडीएफसी एिो जिरल इिंश््योरᴂस कम््पिी लललमटेड Ans. A • BharatPe inks partnership with ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited to introduce ‘COVID-19 Protection Insurance Cover’. • This Insurance cover for shopkeepers, who are most affected financially due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. • According to this policy, 100% of the sum assured will be paid to the policyholder for the diagnosis of Coronavirus. This includes expenses incurred after hospitalization. • The ICICI Lombard Health Cover, available on the BharatPe app, provided at a reasonable cost & offers a premium starting from Rs 199 and a sum assured of Rs 25,000 and value-added benefits. Q. Which organization has designed a casualty evacuation bag to transport or isolate persons infected with COVID- 19? COVID-19 से सिंिलमत व्यजक्तयⴂ को पररर्हि या अलि करिे के ललए ककस सिंिठि िे एक आकजस्मक निकासी बैि डडजाइि ककया है? A. ISRO/इसरो B. DRDO/ डीआरडीओ C. National Institute of Virology राष्ट््रीय पर्षाणु पर्ज्ञाि सिंस््थाि D. Biomark Laboratories बॉयोमाकध प्रयोिशालाएुँ Ans. B • The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has designed a casualty evacuation bag to transport or isolate persons infected with COVID-19. • The bag is water and air-proof and treated to deal with biological agents. DRDO will be procuring an initial lot of 500 such bags. • DRDO’s Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), which carries out research in aero- medical engineering and life support equipment and Nuclear Chemical and Biological (NBC) protection systems, has developed this bag. Q. Who has authored a book titled ‘Backstage: The Story Behind India’s High Growth Years’? ‘बैकस्टेज: ि स्टोरी बबहाइिंड इिंडडयाज हाई ग्रोथ इयसध’ िामक पुस्तक ककसिे ललखी है? A. Manmohan Singh/मिमोहि लसिंह B. P Chidambaram/ पी गचििंबरम C. Yashwant Sinha/ यशर्िंत लसन्‍दहा D. Montek Singh Ahluwalia/ मⴂटेक लसिंह अहलूर्ाललया Ans. D • Former Deputy Chairman of the Indian Planning Commission Padma Vibhushan awardee (2011) Montek Singh Ahluwalia authored a book titled ‘Backstage: The Story Behind India’s High Growth Years’ which captures the essence of policymaking between 1985 and 2014. • The book states about India’s spectacular economic growth and its historic achievements in poverty alleviation during the 10-year tenure of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA), as well as allegations of policy freeze and corruption in India’s recent history & is published by Rupa Publication. Q. Which state government has launched a mobile app PRAGYAAM to issue e-passes? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे ई-पास जारी करिे के ललए एक मोबाइल ऐप PRAGYAAM लॉन्‍दच ककया है? A. Rajasthan/ राजस््थाि B. Delhi/ दि쥍्ली C. Jharkhand/ झारखिंड D. Bihar/ बबहार Ans. C • The Jharkhand Government has launched a mobile app PRAGYAAM to issue e-passes. The app was launched by the State Chief Minister Hemant Soren. • The app aims to issue e-passes to everyone associated with the delivery of essential services during the nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19. Q. Who has authored the book titled ‘: The Eternal Screen Goddess’ which is about the late actress Sridevi? ‘श्रीिेर्ी: ि एटरिल स्िीि िोर्डडेस’ िामक पुस्तक जो दिर्िंित अलभिेत्री श्रीिेर्ी के बारे मᴂ है के लेखक कौि हℂ? A. Anjum Rajabali/ अिंजुम राजाबली B. Gazal Dhaliwal/ िजल र्ालीर्ाल C. Satyarth Nayak/सत्याथध िायक D. Juhi Chaturvedi/ जूही चतुर्ेिी Ans. C • Author & screenwriter Satyarth Nayak authored his 1st non-fiction book titled as ‘Sridevi: The Eternal Screen Goddess’ which is about the late actress Sridevi. It is published by Penguin eBury Press • The book states about her cinematic journey from child star to megastar & also give glimpses of her as a person, sister, mother & wife. • Satyarth Nayak is known for his bestselling novel The Emperor’s Riddles (2014), a historical thriller. Q. The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 have been postponed by one year and will be held from ______. ओलिंपपक खेल टोक्यो 2020 को एक र्षध के ललए स्थगित कर दिया िया है और यह ______तक आयोजजत ककए जाएिंिे। A. 24th March to 7th April, 2021 B. 4th April to 20th April, 2021 C. 23 July to 8 August, 2021 D. 25th August to 7th September, 2021 Ans. C * The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 have been postponed by one year and will be held from 23 July to 8 August, 2021. * The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 were earlier scheduled to be held from 24 July to 9 August 2020. * The decision to postpone the 32nd edition of the tournament was taken by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) along with the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Government of Japan. * The decision has been taken by the IOC amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Q. Which state government has develop a mobile app to track home quarantined persons? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे घर मᴂ क््र्ारेिटाइन्‍द्ड व्यजक्तयⴂ को रैक करिे के ललए एक मोबाइल ऐप पर्कलसत ककया है? A. Uttar Pradesh/ उत््तर प्रिेश B. Telangana/ तेलिंिािा C. Andhra Pradesh/ आिंध्र प्रिेश D. Karnataka/ किाधटक Ans. D * The Karnataka government has devised a GPS coordinate-based mechanism that tracks persons under order of home quarantine and has instructed them to send selfies or photos to the monitoring team to ensure they are following the isolation norms. * The government has developed the mobile app and is instructing all persons under order of home quarantine to send their selfies to the government every one hour from home. * The selfie or photo contains GPS coordinates. So the location of the sender gets known. If the home quarantine person fails to send a selfie every hour (except sleep time, from 10 pm to 7 am), the government team will reach such defaulters and they are liable to be shifted to a government-created mass quarantine facility. Q. Which country has announced USD 2. 9 million financial aid to India to combat Coronavirus pandemic? ककस िेश िे कोरोिार्ायरस महामारी से निपटिे हेतु भारत को 2. 9 लमललयि अमरीकी डॉलर की पर्त्तीय सहायता िेिे की घोषणा की है? A. Australia/ ऑस््रेललया B. United States of America/ सिंयुक््त राष्ट््र अमेररका C. United Kingdom/ बिटेि D. Russia/ 셂स Ans. B * The United States of America (USA) will provide additional USD 174 million financial assistance to 64 countries at-risk which includes USD 2. 9 million to India as a support for combating the coronavirus pandemic. * In February 2020, the USA provided 100 million aid for the same purpose. * The $2. 9 million aid will help the India government in preparing laboratory systems, activate case finding and event-based surveillance, and support technical experts for response and preparedness, etc. Q. Which becomes the first cities in India to use drones to sanitize the city against COVID-19 scare? कौि सा शहर COVID-19 के खखलाफ शहर को स््र्楍्छ करिे के ललए ड्रोि का उपयोि करिे र्ाला भारत का पहला शहर बि िया? A. Delhi/ दि쥍ली B. Jaipur/ जयपुर C. Bengaluru/ बᴂिलु셂 D. Indore/ इिंिौर Ans. D * India’s cleanest city, Indore has deployed drones to sanitize city areas against the coronavirus scare. Indore becomes the 1st city in India to use drones to sanitize the city. * The Indore Municipal Corporation has hired two drones for that purpose. * It is a first-of-its-kind attempt by which crowded areas are sanitizing with the help of drones. Vegetables markets and streets of the Indore are being sprayed with sodium hypochlorite and bio-clean. * These drones take off with 16 litres of chemicals in each flight and return after 30 minutes having sprayed chemicals in an area spanning 8-10km. Q. Which state government has launched Mo Jeeban (My Life) programme for the containment of COVID-19 pandemic? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे COVID-19 महामारी की रोकथाम के ललए मो जीबि (माई लाइफ) कायधिम शु셂 ककया है? A. West Bengal/ पजश्चम बिंिाल B. Assam/ असम C. Tripura/ बत्रपुरा D. Odisha/ ओडडशा Ans. D * Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has launched Mo Jeeban programme and urged people to take a pledge to stay indoors. * The “Mo Jeeban” programme was launched for the containment of COVID-19 pandemic. * Through Mo Jeeban programme, the chief minister of Odisha urged the people of the state to take a pledge to stay indoors. * He also stated that if people will go outside their home, they may bring the coronavirus at home which will affect their family. * He also urged the people of Odisha to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds before entering their house. Q. Name the Indian footballer who has been selected among 28 members for FIFA video campaign against Coronavirus? उस भारतीय फु टबॉलर का िाम बताएिं, जजसे कोरोिार्ायरस के खखलाफ फीफा र्ीडडयो अलभयाि के ललए 28 सिस्यⴂ मᴂ चिु ा िया है? A. Bhaichung Bhutia/ बाईचिुिं भूदटया B. Sunil Chhetri/ सुिील छेत्री C. Subrata Pal/ सुित पाल D. Gurpreet Singh Sandhu/ िुरप्रीत लसिंह सिंर्ू Ans. B * Indian Football Captain Sunil Chhetri was selected among 28 members for FIFA video campaign against Coronavirus. * FIFA and WHO (World Health Organization) have teamed up to combat the coronavirus by launching ‘Pass the message to kick out coronavirus’ (awareness campaign) led by world-renowned footballers. * The ‘Pass the message to kick out Coronavirus’ campaign promotes 5 key steps such as hand washing, coughing etiquette, not touching your face, physical distance and staying home if feeling unwell and these steps protect the people’s health according to WHO guidance. * The 28 players will be involved in the video campaign to be published in 13 languages, which includes some of the best-known players like Argentina Superstar Lionel Messi and World Cup Winners like Philip Lahm, Iker Casillas and Carles Puyol. Q. Which state government has employed the aerial seeding technique to improve green cover in the Aravalli area of the state? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे रा煍य के अरार्ली क्षेत्र मᴂ ग्रीि कर्र को बेहतर बिािे बेतु एररयल सीडडिंि तकिीक को नियोजजत ककया है?

A. Punjab/पिंजाब B. Delhi/ दि쥍ली C. Haryana/ हररयाणा D. Rajasthan/ राजस्थाि Ans. C • Designed by IIT-Kanpur backed startup aerial seeding technique has been employed by the Haryana government to improve green cover in the Aravalli area of the state. • The project is being carried on a pilot basis to rejuvenate the low vegetation density of Aravalli and Shivalik hills. Using this method plantation on 100 acres is planned to be attempted during the pilot project. • It is an innovative technique of plantation wherein seeds covered with a mixture of clay, compost, charcoal and other components in a definite ratio are sprayed on the ground using aerial devices, like planes, helicopters or drones. • The coating of various components over the seed is done to drop the seed on a preset location rather than getting scattered in the air. • These seed pellets will then germinate during the monsoon. The various nutrients present within the seed coating will help the seeds in the initial phase of its growth. Q. Which of the following institutions has developed ‘Aashray’, a medical bed isolation system to combat COVID- 19 by preventing or minimising the spread of the virus? निम्िललखखत मᴂ से ककस सिंस्थाि िे र्ायरस के प्रसार को रोककर या कम करके COVID -19 का मुकाबला करिे हेतु मेडडकल बेड आइसोलेशि लसस्टम ‘आश्रय’ पर्कलसत ककया है? A. Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) रक्षा प्रौ饍योगिकी सिंस्थाि (DIAT) B. Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO) कᴂ रीय र्ैज्ञानिक उपकरण सिंिठि (CSIO) C. AMESYS INDIA/ AMESYS इिंडडया D. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata इिंडडयि एसोलसएशि फॉर ि कज쥍टर्ेशि ऑफ साइिंस, कोलकाता Ans. A • Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) has developed ‘Aashray’, a medical bed isolation system to combat COVID-19 by preventing or minimising the spread of the virus. • This medical bed isolation system developed by Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, (DIAT) is a low cost, reusable solution to maintain proper isolation of COVID-19 patients by creating a suction or negative pressure near exhale, further filtering and disinfecting the aerosol. • As per prototype manufacturer, the cost of the setup for a unit of 10 beds is Rs 1 lakh approximately and for home, the quarantine will be around Rs 15,000 for a single bed. • The bed isolation system envelopes are made up of specialised material and manufacturing process with transparent and translucent supported on medical grade materials structure. Q. Which state government sought to forge for skilling and promotion of entrepreneurship and digital governance in collaboration with Amazon Web Service in the State? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे रा煍य मᴂ अमे焼़ॅि र्ेब सेर्ा के सहयोि से उ饍यमशीलता और डडजजटल िर्िᴂस को बढ़ार्ा िेिे और बढ़ार्ा िेिे हेतु समझौता ककया? A. Karnataka/ किाधटक B. Tamil Nadu/ तलमलिाडु C. Maharshtra / महाराष्ट्र D. Andhra Pradesh/ आिंध्र प्रिेश Ans. D • Minister for Industries and Commerce, IT, Skill Development and Training Mekapati Goutham Reddy held deliberations with senior executives of Amazon Web Services (AWS) through a virtual meeting on a partnership which the Andhra Pradesh government sought to forge for skilling and promotion of entrepreneurship and digital governance in the State. • AWS already gave a ‘Vision for AP’ in tune with its commitments to invest in start-ups and skill initiatives in India and to align with the Digital India programme. • The next steps likely in this journey which the State Government and AWS had embarked on are the signing of a MoU with a time-bound action plan and forming a steering committee to drive accountability. Q. With which country India has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Cooperation in the field of Traditional Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy? ककस िेश के साथ भारत िे पारिंपररक गचककत्सा और होम्योपैथी के क्षेत्र मᴂ सहयोि पर एक समझौता ज्ञापि (एमओयू) पर हस्ताक्षर ककए हℂ? A. South Africa/ िक्षक्षण अफ्रीका B. Afghanistan/ अफिानिस्ताि C. Zimbabwe/ जजम्बाब्र्े D. Mauritius/ मॉररशस Ans. C • The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has given ex-post facto approval to Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between India and Zimbabwe on Cooperation in the field of Traditional Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy, which was signed on November 3rd, 2018. • The objective of the MoU is to promote traditional systems of medicine and homeopathy between two nations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. Q. The polycarbonate facility of SABIC in which country is set to become the world's first large scale chemical production plant which will run entirely on renewable energy? SABIC की पॉली काबोिेट सुपर्र्ा ककस िेश मᴂ िनियाु का पहला बडे पैमािे पर रासायनिक उत्पािि सिंयिंत्र बििे हेतु तैयार है जो पूरी तरह से अक्षय ऊजाध पर चलेिा? A. Norway/ िॉर्े B. Sweden/ स्र्ीडि C. France/ फ्रािंस D. Spain/ स्पेि Ans. D • SABIC's polycarbonate facility in Spain is set to become the world's first large scale chemical production plant which will run entirely on renewable power after a major agreement was signed with Iberdrola, an electricity utility company. • The plant is expected to be completely operational by 2024 and is expected to help SABIC reach it's 2025 clean energy target. • Once the solar plant is operational, SABIC's customers including the ones from automotive and constructive sectors will have access to polycarbonate solutions produced with 100 per cent renewable power. • SABIC is a global diversified chemicals company, headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. • It manufactures on a global scale in the Americas, Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific, making distinctly different kinds of products including chemicals, commodity and high performance plastics, agri-nutrients and metals. Q. Name the first-ever manhole cleaning robot to end manual scavenging which has been introduced by the Guwahati Municipal Corporation.

मैिुअल स्के र्ᴂजजिंि (मैला िोिे के कायध) को समाप्त करिे र्ाले पहले मैिहोल जक्लनििंि रोबोट का िाम बताएिं जो िुर्ाहाटी ििर नििम 饍र्ारा पेश ककया िया है। A. BandiCleaner B. RoboCleaner C. KCleaner D. Bandicoot Ans. D • Guwahati’s first manhole cleaning robot named “BANDICOOT”, an automatic sewer cleaning device. Guwahati became the first city in the Northeast region to get a manhole cleaning robot. • BANDICOOT was developed by Genrobotics, an Indian startup company under the Make in India initiative & funding was provided by the Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative. Q. Which institutions has developed a device named “AJO-Neo” for “No-touch” and “Painless” non-invasive bilirubin level screening in new-born? ककस सिंस्थाि िे िर्जात ब楍चⴂ मᴂ "िो-टच" तथा "िॉि-इिर्ेलसर्" िॉि- इिर्ेलसर् बबली셁बबि लेर्ल स्िीनििंि हेतु “AJO-Neo” िामक एक डडर्ाइस पर्कलसत ककया है? A. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata इिंडडयि एसोलसएशि फॉर ि कज쥍टर्ेशि ऑफ साइिंस, कोलकाता B. Satyendra Nath Bose National Centre For Basic Sciences (SNBNCBS), Kolkata सत्येन्‍दर िाथ बोस िेशिल सᴂटर फॉर बेलसक साइिंसेज (SNBNCBS), कोलकाता C. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore जर्ाहरलाल िेह셂 सᴂटर फॉर एडर्ािंस्ड साइिंदटकफक ररसचध, बℂिलोर D. Agharkar Research Institute, Pune अग्रहर शोर् सिंस्थाि, पुणे Ans. B * Satyendra Nath Bose National Centre For Basic Sciences (SNBNCBS), Kolkata under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India developed a device named “AJO-Neo” for “No-touch” & “Painless” non- invasive bilirubin level screening in new-borns. * As per the study the device is capable of measuring bilirubin levels in premature as well as natural birth babies irrespective of menstrual or Chronological age, sex, risk factors, feeding behavior or skin color. It can deliver reports within 10 seconds to the doctor remotely. * It is going to be beneficial for long time consuming conventional blood test methods. The detection of neonatal blood bilirubin (Hyperbilirubinemia) faster is extremely important to avoid Neuro-psychiatric problems in newborn babies. Q. What is the name of the microorganism decontamination box developed by the Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO) along with AMESYS INDIA? AMESYS INDIA के साथ कᴂ रीय र्ैज्ञानिक उपकरण सिंिठि (CSIO) 饍र्ारा पर्कलसत सूक्ष्मजीर् पररशोर्ि बॉक्स का िाम क्या है? A. SHUDH B. Suraksha/ सुरक्षा C. Dhruva/ ध्रर्ु D. Ultra Swachh/ अ쥍रा स्र्楍छ Ans. B * The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)’s Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO) along with AMESYS INDIA developed an microorganism decontamination box, ‘Suraksha’. * The box sanitizes an object in the span of 10 – 15 minutes using heat and UVC light. * UVC light refers to ultraviolet light with wavelengths between 200 – 280 nanometers (nm). Q. Vice President, M Venkaiah Naidu virtually unveiled the “Padi Bhavajaalalu” the Telugu version if the book titled ‘Ten Ideologies’ was written by ______. उपराष्ट्रपनत, एम. र्ᴂकै या िायडू िे ‘टेि आइडडयोलॉजी’ िामक पुस्तक के तेलुिु सिंस्करण “पडी भर्जलालु” का अिार्रण ककया, यह ______饍र्ारा ललखी िई थी। A. S Jaipal Reddy/ एस जयपाल रेर्डडी B. Chandrababu Naidu/ चरिं बाबू िायडू C. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy/ र्ाई. एस. राजशेखर रेर्डडी D. Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao कलर्किंु तला चिंरशेखर रार् Ans. A * M Venkaiah Naidu, Vice President of India virtually unveiled the “Padi Bhavajaalalu” Telugu version Ten Ideologies book authored by former Union Minister Late S Jaipal Reddy. * The book is published by Orient BlackSwan. • The virtual launch was organised under the aegis of Manthan, a forum for public discourse. • Padi Bhavajaalalu – * Vyavasiyikaparisramikasamajalamadhyaoka Naha antaramlo Netosankshibhamoolalu is a Telugu translation of “Ten * Ideologies - The great asymmetry between agrarianism and industrialism”. * The translation was done by Kalluri Bhaskaram. * The original English version of the book was launched by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in August 2018. Q. Who has authored the book titled ‘Burnt Sugar’ one among the 13 authors longlisted for the prestigious 2020 Booker Prize? प्रनतजष्ट्ठत 2020 बुकर पुरस्कार के ललए 13 लेखकⴂ मᴂ चिु े िए ‘बिधट शुिर’ िामक पुस्तक ककसिे ललखी है? A. Kritika Pandey/ कृ नतका पािंडे B. Ira Trivedi/ ईरा बत्रर्ेिी C. Avni Doshi/ अर्िी िोशी D. Meena Kandasamy/ मीिा किंिासामी Ans. C * The book titled ‘Burnt Sugar’ has been authored by Avni Doshi. * The A debut novel has been published in the United Kingdom (UK) and it was one among the 13 authors longlisted for the prestigious 2020 Booker Prize. * A version of the same novel has been published in India under the title Girl in White Cotton. * The Book narrates the story about a woman, Tara who abandoned her loveless marriage to join ashram and ended as a beggar. * She passes her years as a homeless artist with her daughter Antara. * The daughter tends to care for her mother who least cared for her in her childhood. Q. Under whose chairmanship the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has formed a 9- member working group to look into the possibility of setting up ‘Pandemic Risk Pool’ to deal with the various risks arising out of a pandemic? ककसकी अध्यक्षता मᴂ भारतीय बीमा पर्नियामक और पर्कास प्रागर्करण (IRDAI) िे एक महामारी जोखखम उत्पन्‍दि करिे र्ाले पर्लभन्‍दि जोखखमⴂ से निपटिे के ललए ‘महामारी जोखखम पलू ’ स्थापपत करिे की सिंभार्िा को िेखिे हेतु 9- सिस्य कायध िल का िठि ककया है? A. G. Srinivasan/ जी. श्रीनिर्ासि B. Suresh Mathur/ सुरेश माथरु C. Ranbir Singh/ रणबीर लसिंह D. Yegnapriya Bharat/ यज्ञिपप्रया भरत Ans. B • The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has formed a working group to examine the feasibility of ‘Pandemic Risk Pool’. • Suresh Mathur, Executive Director, Irdai, will be the Chairman for the 9-member working group with industry representatives as members. • Apart from studying the need for such as pool, the group will also recommend the structure and operating model. Q. Joshna Chinappa is associated with which sports who secured 10th position in World Women’s Ranking 2020? जोशिा गचिप्पा ककस खेल से जुडी हℂ, जजसमᴂ उन्‍दहⴂिे पर्श्र् मदहला रℂककिं ि 2020 मᴂ 10र्ािं स्थाि हालसल ककया? A. Table Tennis/ टेबल टेनिस B. Wrestling/कु श््ती C. Squash/ स््क््र्ाश D. Gymnastics/ जजम््िाजस्टक््स Ans. C • Joshna Chinappa, 33 year old Indian Squash player ranked 10th in the latest PSA World Women’s Ranking 2020. She entered the top 10 of the PSA world ranking following the retirement of Raneem El Welily of Egypt. • She first entered the top 10 list in 2016 second to Dipika Pallikal, the other Indian woman squash player to enter the top 10 ranking. • Saurav Ghosal, India’s top male squash player, remains in the 13th position in the latest Professional Squash Association (PSA) ranking. Q. Recently approved the union cabinet the Affordable Rental Housing Complexes (ARHCs) scheme is a sub- scheme under ______. हाल ही मᴂ स्र्ीकृ त कᴂ रीय कैबबिेट की अफोडबले रᴂटल हाउलसिंि कॉम्प्लेक्स (ARHCs) योजिा ______के तहत एक उप-योजिा है। A. Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojna (PMGKY) प्रर्ािमिंत्री िरीब क쥍याण योजिा (PMGKY) B. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY) प्रर्ािमिंत्री आर्ास योजिा (PMAY) C. Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan आत्मनिभधर भारत अलभयाि D. PM Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan पीएम िरीब क쥍्याण रोजिार अलभयाि Ans. B • The Union cabinet gave its approval to the recently announced scheme to provide budget rental accommodation to poor and migrant workers in urban areas. • This is estimated to benefit more than 350,000 people. • The Affordable Rental Housing Complexes (ARHCs) scheme is a sub-scheme under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY). • Under this existing vacant government-funded housing complexes across key cities will be converted into ARHCs, and offered to concessionaires for 25 years to rent out the units to urban poor and migrant workers. • State and civic bodies will select concessionaire through bidding, according to guidelines issued by the housing and urban development ministry. Q. Which country has imposed a ban on all private Indian news channel? ककस िेश िे सभी निजी भारतीय समाचार चैिलⴂ पर प्रनतबिंर् लिाया है? A. Sri Lanka/ श्रीलिंका B. China/ चीि C. Pakistan/ पाककस््ताि D. Nepal/ िेपाल Ans. D • Except for the Indian State-owned Doordarshan’s news channel DD News, Nepal based Multi-System Operators have issued a broadcasting ban on all other Indian News Channels in Nepal. • The Spokesperson of Nepal Communist Party Narayan Kaji Shrestha had accused Indian News Channels of broadcasting defamatory shows against the Nepali Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli. • As per media reports from Nepal, the decision to ban broadcasting of Indian News Channels by the Multi-System Operators was taken after one of the Indian news channels had broadcasted a show in which the Nepalese Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli is being linked with the Chinese Ambassador to Nepal- Hou Yanqi for preventing the Nepal Communist Party Government from collapsing in Nepal. Q. Which IIT has tie-up with a multinational technology company, NVIDIA to establish India’s 1st ‘NVIDIA AI Technology Centre’ (NVAITC)? ककस आईआईटी िे भारत के पहले ‘NVIDIA AI Technology Centre’ (NVAITC) की स्थापिा हेतु एक बहुराष्ट्रीय प्रौ饍योगिकी किंपिी, NVIDIA के साथ िठजोड ककया है? A. IIT Madras B. IIT Delhi C. IIT Hyderabad D. IIT Mumbai Ans. C • Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH) is tie-up with a multinational technology company, NVIDIA to establish India’s 1st ‘NVIDIA AI Technology Centre’ (NVAITC). • This centre is established to accelerate research on Artificial Intelligence and its commercial adoption. Q. What edition of “Ministerial on Climate Action (MoCA)” was held virtually for the first time in view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic which was attended by Union Minister Prakash Javadekar? चल रही COVID-19 महामारी के म饍िेिजर “लमनिस््टरीअल ऑि क््लाइमेट एक््शि (MoCA)” का कौि सा सिंस्करण पहली बार र्चअुध ली आयोजजत ककया िया जजसमᴂ कᴂ रीय मिंत्री प्रकाश जार्डेकर 饍र्ारा भाि ललया िया? A. 3rd B. 4th C. 5th D. 6th Ans. B • The 4th edition of international meeting named “Ministerial on Climate Action (MoCA)” was held was held virtually for the first time in view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. • From India, Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Prakash Javadekar participated in meet. • The meet was co-chaired by European Union (EU), China and Canada. • The purpose was to ensure the continued climate action by countries with regard to the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and to exchange views on how they are aligning economic recovery and political commitment for the same. Q. What is the budget outlay of the Central Sector Scheme “Agriculture Infrastructure Fund” which was approved by the Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Naredndra Modi? कᴂ रीय क्षेत्र योजिा “कृ पष अर्सिंरचिा कोष” का बजट पररव्यय क्या है जजसे प्रर्ािमिंत्री िरᴂर मोिी की अध्यक्षता मᴂ कᴂ रीय मिंबत्रमिंडल 饍र्ारा अिुमोदित ककया िया था? A. Rs 1 lakh 76 thousand crore B. Rs 1 lakh crore C. Rs 80 thousand crores D. Rs 25 thousand crores Ans. B • The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval to a new pan India Central Sector Scheme- Agriculture Infrastructure Fund. • The scheme shall provide a medium - long term debt financing facility for investment in viable projects for post-harvest management Infrastructure and community farming assets through interest subvention and financial support. • Under the scheme, financial support of up to Rs 1 lakh crore will be provided as loans through the banks and financial institutions in the country to the Agricultural Sector such as Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), Startups, Primary Agricultural Credit Societies, Agri- entrepreneurs, etc. • Loans will be disbursed in four years starting with sanction of Rs. 10,000 crorein the current year and Rs. 30,000 crore each in next three financial years. • Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) will provide credit guarantee coverage to eligible borrowers. The credit guarantee coverage will be provided for loans of up to Rs 2 crore. Q. Which became the first two countries from the South East Asia Region of World Health Organization (WHO) to have successfully eliminated both the Measles and Rubella Virus? डब्쥍यूएचओ के िक्षक्षण पूर्ध एलशया क्षेत्र से कौि से पहले िो िेश बि िए हℂ जजन्‍दहⴂिे चेचक और 셂बेला र्ायरस िोिⴂ को सफलतापूर्कध समाप्त कर दिया है? A. Nepal and Bhutan/ िेपाल और भूटाि B. Sri Lanka and Maldives/ श्रीलिंका और मालिीर् C. Malaysia and Thailand/ मलेलशया और थाईलℂड D. India and Indonesia/ भारत और इिंडोिेलशया Ans. B • Geneva-based World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that Sri Lanka and the Maldives have eliminated Rubella Virus. • With this, Sri Lanka and the Maldives became the first two countries from the South East Asia Region of WHO to have successfully eliminated both the Measles and Rubella Virus. • Sri Lanka and Maldives the first two countries from the South-East Asia Region of the WHO to achieve the target. • The target year set by the WHO for eliminating Rubella Virus from the South-East Asia Region is 2023. Q. Which becomes the first state in India to use Space Technology & Artificial Intelligence for safeguarding government lands? कौि सा रा煍्य सरकारी भलू म की सुरक्षा के ललए स्पेस टेक्िोलॉजी और आदटधकफलशयल इिंटेललजᴂस का उपयोि करिे र्ाला भारत का पहला रा煍य बि िया है? A. Odisha/ ओडडशा B. Jharkhand/ झारखिंड C. Andhra Pradesh/ आिंध्र प्रिेश D. Telangana/ तेलिंिािा Ans. A • To monitor all Government lands in the state capital Bhubaneswar, web and mobile-based solution named ‘BLUIS’- Bhubaneswar Land Use Intelligence System was launched. • The Bhubaneswar Land Use Intelligence System is a geo- tagged repository that would monitor and detect all government lands in Bhubaneswar. • This will be done by using high-resolution satellite imagery. • For safeguarding government lands from encroachments by land grabbers- the launch of BLUIS makes Odisha the first state in the country to use satellite technology and artificial intelligence. Q. The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) has joined hands with which technology company to enhance the digital skills of the country’s youth? राष्ट्रीय कौशल पर्कास नििम (NSDC) िे िेश के युर्ाओिं के डडजजटल कौशल को बढ़ािे हेतु ककस प्रौ饍योगिकी किंपिी के साथ हाथ लमलाया है? A. IBM India Private Limited आईबीएम इिंडडया प्राइर्ेट लललमटेड B. Intel Technology India Private Limited इिंटल प्रौ饍योगिकी इिंडडया प्राइर्ेट लललमटेड C. Microsoft India Private Limited माइिोसॉफ्ट इिंडडया प्राइर्ेट लललमटेड D. Samsung India Electronics Private Limited सैमसिंि इिंडडया इलेक््रॉनिक््स प्राइर्ेट लललमटेड Ans. C • The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) has joined hands with tech giant company Microsoft India Private Limited to enhance the digital skills of the country’s youth. • Under this, more than 1 lakh youth will be digitally enabled in the country in the next one year. • The partnership with NSDC is an extension of Microsoft’s Global Skilling Initiative. Under this, the company is teaching new digital skills to 25 million people all over the world, which is needed in the coronavirus (Covid-19) economy. • The integration between the two firms will give the youth a chance to redefine their skills for the digital economy. Q. What is India’s rank in the Global Real Estate Transparency Index (GRETI) 2020 released by the US- based Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated (JLL)? यूएस-आर्ाररत जोन्‍दस लℂि लासेल (JLL) नििलमत 饍र्ारा जारी ग्लोबल ररयल एस्टेट रािंसपेरᴂसी इिंडेक्स (GRETI) 2020 मᴂ भारत का रℂक क्या है? A. 31st B. 34th C. 69th D. 19th Ans. B * India improved its rank to 34th in the biennial Global Real Estate Transparency Index (GRETI). * The Index was released by the United States-based property and investment management services firm- Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated (JLL). * Since, sustainability initiatives and regulatory reforms have enhanced higher levels of transparency in the real estate industry of India as a result of which India improved its ranking. * GRETI was first released in the year 1999. * This year marked the 11th edition of GRETI. A total of 163 cities and 99 countries have been covered in the 11th edition of GRETI. Q. Indian Railways has setup 1. 7 MWp Solar Power plant project at which place to directly power the Railway Overhead Line? भारतीय रेलर्े िे 1 . 7 मेिार्ाट सौर ऊजाध सिंयिंत्र पररयोजिा को ककस स्थाि पर रेलर्े ओर्रहेड लाइि को सीर्े बबजली िेिे के ललए स्थापपत ककया है? A. Jodhpur/ जोर्पुर B. Ranchi/ रािंची C. Bina / बीिा D. Jaipur/ जयपुर Ans. C * Piush Goyal-led Indian Railways has set up a solar power plant in Bina, located in the state of Madhya Pradesh to directly power the Railway Overhead Line. * This project is unique because, for the first time in the world, the power generated by the solar power plant will be directly fed to the overhead power lines of the national transporter to power the traction system of the electric locomotives to run trains. * The pilot project of 1. 7 mega watt solar power plant has been set up by Indian Railways in collaboration with Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL) on railway land. Q. Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is going to establish a research cell at which IIT to meet the future defence technological requirements of the country? रक्षा अिुसिंर्ाि और पर्कास सिंिठि (DRDO) एक अिुसिंर्ाि प्रकोष्ट्ठ स्थापपत करिे जा रहा है, जजस पर आईआईटी िेश की भपर्ष्ट्य की रक्षा तकिीकी आर्श्यकताओिं को पूरा करेिा? A. Indian Institute of Technology-Mumbai भारतीय प्रौ饍योगिकी सिंस्थाि - मुिंबई B. Indian Institute of Technology-Hyderabad भारतीय प्रौ饍योगिकी सिंस्थाि - हैिराबाि C. Indian Institute of Technology-Madras भारतीय प्रौ饍योगिकी सिंस्थाि - मरास D. Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi भारतीय प्रौ饍योगिकी सिंस्थाि - दि쥍्ली Ans. B * Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is going to establish a research cell at the Indian Institute of Technology-Hyderabad (IIT-H) to meet the future defence technological requirements of the country by undertaking basic and applied research programs. * Envisaged to become a ‘Centre of Excellence’, it is being established as an extension of the DRDO Research and Innovation Centre (RIC), Chennai. * The research cell will ensure seamless execution of different projects between both organisations as IIT-H has a strong research base in advanced technologies. * The cell is to help tap knowledge resources in basic science and technology industries that are interdisciplinary in nature and spread across multiple institutions. Q. What is India’s rank in the recently released “Sustainable Development Report (SDR) 2020”, including the SDG Index and Dashboards by Cambridge University Press? हाल ही मᴂ जारी "सतत पर्कास ररपोटध (एसडीआर) 2020" मᴂ भारत की रℂक क्या है, जजसमᴂ कैजम्िज यूनिर्लसधटी प्रेस 饍र्ारा एसडीजी इिंडेक्स और डैशबोडध शालमल हℂ? A. 49th B. 89th C. 117th D. 134th Ans. C * In accordance with the “Sustainable Development Report 2020- The Sustainable Development Goals and Covid-19”, comprising of SDG index 2020, there will be severe negative impacts on most of the United Nations (UN)-mandated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) due to COVID-19 pandemic. * India, which has ranked at 117th position with a score of 61. 92 is also facing major challenges in 10 of the 17 SDGs including zero hunger, good health, gender inequality among others. * The index has been topped by Sweden. * The report contains data on changes over time in 17 SDG indicators, the future of the SDGs amidst Covid-19, as well as calculations for trajectories until 2030. * The 2020 report has reviewed the performance of 193 UN Member States out of which 166 were ranked under SDG index 2020. Q. What is India’s rank in the “INFORM Report 2020:Shared evidence for managing crises and disasters” released by research centre INFORM? ररसचध सटᴂ र INFORM 饍र्ारा जारी "INFORM ररपोटध 2020: सिंकट और आपिाओिं के प्रबिंर्ि के ललए साझा साक्ष्य" मᴂ भारत का रℂक क्या है? A. 21st B. 29th C. 31st D. 46th Ans. C * India has ranked at 31st place with an inform risk of 5. 4 in the “INFORM Report 2020: Shared evidence for managing crises and disasters” released by research centre INFORM. * The report ranked the countries based on “INFORM Risk Index” which has been topped by Somalia with an inform risk of 8. 9. The report has analyzed 191 countries. * Notably, this report is produced by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN- OCHA) on behalf of all INFORM Partners. * INFORM is a multi-stakeholder forum for developing shared, quantitative analysis relevant to humanitarian crises and disasters. INFORM is a collaboration of the Inter- Agency Standing Committee and the European Commission. * The Joint Research Center of European Commission is the scientific and technical lead for INFORM. Q. Under whose chairmanship the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has set up an 11-member expert committee to study impact of Covid-19 on human rights of individuals? राष्ट्रीय मािर्ागर्कार आयोि (NHRC) िे ककसकी अध्यक्षता मᴂ व्यजक्तयⴂ के मािर्ागर्कारⴂ पर कोपर्ड-19 के प्रभार् का अध्ययि करिे के ललए 11 सिस्यीय पर्शेषज्ञ सलमनत का िठि ककया है? A. Nimesh G Desai/ निमेश जी. िेसाई B. Abhey Shukla/ अभ््य शुक्ला C. Maja Daruwala/ माजा िा셁र्ाला D. K S Reddy/ के . एस. रेर्डडी Ans. D * The National Human Rights Commission has constituted an 11-member expert committee to study impact of Covid- 19 on human rights and future response of the government. * The expert panel would be headed by Dr K S Reddy, president of Public Health Foundation of India. * The expert committee would assess the impact of Covid- 19 on human rights of people, especially marginalised and vulnerable sections of the society, including migrant labourers. * The expert panel would also suggest the future policy for the Centre and state governments. Q. Who has authored the book titled “Getting Competitive: A Practitioner’s Guide for India”? "िेदटिंि कॉजम्पदटदटर्: ए प्रैजक्टशिर िाइड फॉर इिंडडया" िामक पुस्तक के लेखक कौि हℂ? A. Urjit Patel/ उजजधत पटेल B. RC Bhargava/ आर. सी. भािधर् C. M Venkaiah Naidu/ एम. र्ᴂकै या िायडू D. CA V Pattabhi Ram/ सी. ए. र्ी. प絍टालभ राम Ans. B * RC Bhargava, the Chairman of Maruti Suzuki authored the book “Getting Competitive: A Practitioner’s Guide for India” from his experience of around 60 years as a policymaker and a leading industrialist. * The book published by HarperCollins India, provides practical suggestions to make India a competitive industrialised country. Q. ‘Self Scan’ mobile application has been launched by which state government as an alternative for the much popular Chinese document scanning application- Cam Scanner? ककस रा煍य सरकार 饍र्ारा बहुत लोकपप्रय चीिी िस्तार्े焼 स्कैनििंि एजप्लकेशि- कैम स्कैिर के पर्क쥍प के 셂प मᴂ ‘से쥍फ स्कैि’ मोबाइल एजप्लकेशि लॉन्‍दच ककया है? A. Uttar Pradesh/ उत््तर प्रिेश B. Madhya Pradesh/ मध््य प्रिेश C. West Bengal/ पजश्चम बिंिाल D. Rajasthan/ राजस््थाि Ans. C * Following the ban of 59 Chinese mobile applications by the Central Government on 29th June 2020, the West Bengal State’s Information Technology Department has developed a mobile application that will serve as a better alternative for the much popular Chinese document scanning application- Cam Scanner. * The Chief Minister launched the ‘Self Scan’ mobile application that will be available free of cost at various application download platforms. Q. Which state government has launched ‘Maha Jobs’ portal that will will bridge the gap between the Industrial Units/Employers and the Workers?

ककस रा煍य सरकार िे ‘महा जॉब्स’ पोटधल लॉन्‍दच ककया है जो औ饍योगिक इकाइयⴂ / नियोक्ताओिं और श्रलमकⴂ के बीच के अिंतराल को पूरा करिे मᴂ एक सेतु का काम करेिा? A. महाराष्ट््र B. मध््य प्रिेश C. पजश्चम बिंिाल D. राजस््थाि Ans. A * The Chief Minister of Maharashtra Uddhav Thackeray has launched a portal on 6th July 2020 that will bridge the gap between the Industrial Units/Employers and the Workers (Domiciled: Skilled, Semi-Skilled and Unskilled). * The name of the portal is ‘Maha Jobs’. * Anyone can access the portal by visiting- ‘mahajobs. maharashtra. gov. in’. For registration in the Maha Jobs portal, a domicile certificate of the state of Maharashtra is compulsory for the workers. * The portal will help in the resumption of business and industries in the state of Maharashtra, which will further help in recreating the economic cycle in the state that was disrupted due to the nationwide lockdown imposed against the COVID-19 pandemic. Q. Yuddh Pradushan Ke Virudh campaign has been launched by which state?

‘यु饍र्, प्रिषु ण के पर्셁饍र्’ अलभयाि ककस रा煍य 饍र्ारा शु셂 ककया िया है? A. Haryana B. Karnataka C. Delhi D. Uttar Pradesh Ans. C ❑ Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal launched a mega anti-air pollution campaign ‘Yudh Pradushan ke Virudh’, saying polluted air can be life threatening in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. ❑ Under the campaign separate detailed plans have been prepared for each of the 13 pollution hotspots identified in the city. ❑ The chief minister said one of the major reasons for high levels of pollution in Delhi and nearby areas is stubble burning. ❑ As part of the campaign, the state will be using a technology developed by Pusa Agriculture Institute to curb the menace of stubble burning. Q. Who has won the Gold Medal in the 10m air rifle event at the fifth edition of the International Online Shooting Championship? इिंटरिेशिल ऑिलाइि शूदटििं चैजम्पयिलशप के पािंचर्ᴂ सिंस्करण मᴂ 10 मीटर एयर राइफल स्पर्ाध मᴂ स्र्णध पिक ककसिे जीता है? A. Divyansh Singh Panwar/ दिव्यािंश लसिंह पिंर्ार B. Visnu Shivaraj Pandian/ पर्ष्ट्णु लशर्राज पािंडडयि C. Ravi Kumar / रपर् कु मार D. Om Prakash Mitharwal/ ओम प्रकाश लमथरर्ाल Ans. B ❑ India’s Visnu Shivaraj Pandian won the 10m air rifle event at the fifth edition of the International Online Shooting Championship. ❑ The second place was won by world no. 27 Etienne Germond of France while Olympic quota winner Martin Strempfl of Austria, who had shot the best qualification score of 631.4, took the third place. ❑ The only other Indian in the finals Pratyush Aman Barik finished seventh. Q. Who won the 2020 Nobel Prize Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine? कफजजयोलॉजी या मेडडलसि मᴂ 2020 का िोबेल पुरस्कार िोबेल पुरस्कार ककसिे जीता है? A. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino िुडएिफ, एम. स्टेिली व्हीदटिंिम और अकीरा योलशिो B. James Peebles, Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz जेम्स पीब쥍स, लमशेल मेयर और डडडडएर क्र्ेलो焼 C. Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice हार्े जे. आ쥍टर, माइकल ह्यूटि और चा쥍सध एम. राइस D. William Kaelin, Peter J. Ratcliffe and Gregg L. Semenza पर्ललयम कैलेि, पीटर जे. रैटजक्लफ और ग्रेि एल. सेन्‍द焼ा Ans. C

Q. Which of the following constitutional bodies has constituted the Ravi Chopra Committee to look into the to assess the environmental violations in the Chardham road project? निम्िललखखत मᴂ से ककस सिंर्ैर्ानिक सिंस्था िे चारर्ाम सडक पररयोजिा मᴂ पयाधर्रणीय उ쥍लिंघिⴂ का आकलि करिे के ललए रपर् चोपडा सलमनत का िठि ककया है? A. Ministry of Road Transport and Highway सडक पररर्हि और राजमािध मिंत्रालय B. Supreme Court सर्ो楍च न्‍दयायालय C. Comptroller and Auditor General of India भारत के नियिंत्रक और महालेखा परीक्षक D. NITI Aayog िीनत आयोि Ans. B ❑ The Ravi Chopra Committee was appointed the country’s apex court, the Supreme Court. ❑ The SC appointed the HPC to oversee the dream project of Prime Minister Narendra Modi worth Rs 12000 Crore which aims to widen 889kms of road linking Chardham shrines. ❑ The Committee has alleged that the Chardham road project has violated court order. ❑ The Supreme Court had ruled that width of roads constructed under Chardham project shall be 5.5 metres. This was ruled based on the recommendation of Ministry of Road Transport and Highway (MoRTH) for mountain roads. ❑ To the contrary, the GoI had sanctioned road width of 10-12 metres. ❑ The MoRTH has allowed the 700 km road project to continue with 10-metre width. This according to the Committee is a contravention of the SC. ❑ The project aims to provide connectivity to the four Hindu pilgrimages such as Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri and Yamunotri. Q. Which becomes the first airport of the Airports Authority of India (AAI) which is entirely solar-powered? भारतीय पर्मािपत्ति प्रागर्करण (एएआई) का पहला हर्ाई अर्डडा कौि-सा है जो पूरी तरह से सौर ऊजाध से सिंचाललत है? A. Puducherry airport पुिचु ेरी एयरपोटध B. Goa International Airport Goa International Airport िोर्ा अिंतराधष्ट्रीय हर्ाई अर्डडा िोर्ा अिंतराधष्ट्रीय हर्ाई अर्डडा C. Biju Patnaik International Airport बीजू पटिायक अिंतरराष्ट्रीय हर्ाई अर्डडा D. Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport, Amritsar श्री िु셁 राम िास जी इिंटरिेशिल एयरपोटध, अमतृ सर Ans. A ❑ The Puducherry airport has become the first airport of the Airports Authority of India (AAI) which is entirely solar-powered. ❑ The 500KWp ground-mounted solar power plant was commissioned on 2nd October 2020. ❑ The approx cost of the plant is Rs 2.8 crore. ❑ With becoming absolutely power-neutral, the Puducherry airport will be able to meet its entire power requirement through the solar power plant. Q. The red cherry pepper chilli “Dalle Khursani” of which state has earned the geographical indication (GI) tag from the Union department of Industry promotion and internal trade?

ककस रा煍य की लाल चेरी लमचध “िाले खुरसािी” िे उ饍योि प्रोत्साहि एर्िं आिंतररक व्यापार के कᴂ रीय पर्भाि से भौिोललक सिंकेत (जीआई) टैि अजजधत ककया है? A. Andhra Pradesh B. Karnataka C. Rajasthan D. Sikkim Ans. D ❑ The red cherry pepper chilli of Sikkim which is locally known as the “Dalle Khursani” has earned the geographical indication (GI) tag from the Union department of Industry promotion and internal trade. ❑ Notably, it is considered as one of the hottest chillies in the world. Dalle Khursani fetches as much as Rs 480 per kg in the local market today. ❑ Dalle Khursani has been included in the GI Registry of the Government of India on the basis of an application filed by the North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Limited (Neramac) on behalf of Sikkim. ❑ It is to be mentioned that the largest manufacturer of Dalle Khursani products is the state government- owned Sikkim Supreme. Q. Who has authored the book titled “Discovering the Heritage of Assam” released by union minister Dr Jitendra Singh?

कᴂ रीय मिंत्री डॉ. जजतᴂर लसिंह 饍र्ारा जारी "डडस्कर्ररिंि ि हेररटेज ऑफ असम की पर्रासत की खोज" िामक पुस्तक ककसिे ललखी है? A. Dr Krishna Saksena B. Neena Rai C. Padampani Bora D. Niharika Bhalla Ans. C ❑ The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), Dr Jitendra Singh has released a Coffee Table Book on “Discovering the Heritage of Assam”, written by Padampani Bora and having foreword by Amitabh Bachchan. ❑ The book depicts the heritage, faith, beliefs and traditions of different ethnic tribes and subtribes living in Assam, the largest State of the North Eastern Region. ❑ The book by Padampani Bora will help to understand the grand splendour and glory of the undiscovered facets of Assam. Q. India with which country to launch a constellation of maritime surveillance satellites to monitor illegal spillage of oil in the Indian Ocean Region? भारत ककस िेश के साथ दहिंि महासािर क्षेत्र मᴂ तेल के अर्ैर् ररसार् की नििरािी हेतु समुरी नििरािी उपग्रहⴂ का एक कान्‍दस्टलेशि (समूह) लॉन्‍दच करिे र्ाला है? A. United Kingdom/ यूिाइटेड ककिं िडम B. France/ फ्रािंस C. Israel/ इ焼राइल D. Russia/ 셂स Ans. B • India and France are to launch a constellation of maritime surveillance satellites to monitor illegal spillage of oil in the Indian Ocean Region. • In August 2020, the ISRO and the French Space Agency CNES agreed to develop and build a constellation of satellites. • CNES is Centre National d’etudes spatiales, the National Centre for Space Studies. The satellites will carry optical- remote sensing instruments, telecommunication and radar instruments. • This system is the first space-based system in the world that is capable of tracking ships continuously. • The monitoring centre is to be based in India. The satellites are to be operated jointly by both France and India. The system will also cover the entire world at the benefit of French Economic Interests. Q. India will construct first five animal overpasses on which under construction Expressway? भारत ककस निमाधणार्ीि एक्सप्रेसर्े के तहत जािर्रⴂ के ललए इस तरह के पहले पािंच ओर्रपास का निमाधण करेिा? A. Delhi-Mumbai Expressway दि쥍ली-मुिंबई एक्सप्रेसर्े B. Delhi-Jaipur Expressway दि쥍ली-जयपुर एक्सप्रेसर्े C. Mumbai-Chennai Expressway मुिंबई-चेन्‍दिई एक्सप्रेसर्े D. Kolkata-Chennai Expressway कोलकाता-चेन्‍दिई एक्सप्रेसर्े Ans. A • India will see the first five animal overpasses on the under construction Delhi-Mumbai Expressway, which will be on the lines of “animal bridges” in Netherlands for safe passage of wildlife. • These have been planned to ensure there are no disturbances to the Ranthambore Wildlife Corridor connecting Ranthambhore and Mukundra (Darrah) wildlife sanctuaries in Rajasthan. • The plan of the animal bridges have been approved by the Central Wildlife Board. The Rajasthan Government has also approved the project. • Following these approvals, the NHAI (National Highway Authority of India) has begun the infrastructure activities. • The work to construct these animal bridges is to begin by November or December, 2020. Q. Which Railway zone has launched the project, “Operation my Saheli” to enhance the security of women passengers in the train throughout the entire journey from the originating point to their destinations? ककस रेलर्े 焼ोि िे "ऑपरेशि माई सहेली" पररयोजिा की शु셁आत की है, जो कक मदहला याबत्रयⴂ को उिके शु셁आती ििंतव्य से उिके अिंनतम ििंतव्य तक की यात्रा के िौराि उिकी सुरक्षा को बढ़ािे हेतु है? A. South Eastern Railways (SER) िक्षक्षण पूर्ध रेलर्े (SER) B. Northern Railways/ उत्तर रेलर्े C. North Western Railway/ उत्तर पजश्चम रेलर्े D. Eastern Railway/ पूर्ी रेलर्े Ans. A • The South Eastern Railways (SER) has launched the project, “Operation my Saheli” to enhance the security of women passengers in the train throughout the entire journey from the originating point to their destinations. • Since 18th September 2020, The pilot version of the project “Operation my Saheli” has been introduced in 3 trains: Howrah-Yesvantpur Duronto Special, Howrah- Ahmedabad Special and Howrah-Mumbai Special. • ”Operation my Saheli” is executed under the Framework of “Nirbhaya Fund” and no additional expenditure is provided by the Head of Railways. Q. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize 2020 announced by the central government recently, the award in given outstanding contribution in the field of ______. हाल ही मᴂ शािंनत स्र्셂प भटिािर पुरस्कार 2020 की घोषणा कᴂ र सरकार िे की, ये ______के क्षेत्र मᴂ उत्कृ ष्ट्ट योििाि के ललए दिए िये। A. Literature/ सादहत्य B. Art and Culture/ कला और सिंस्कृ नत C. Social Services/ सोशल सपर्धसेज D. Science and Technology/ स्पो絍धस Ans. D • The Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize 2020 was announced by the Union science and technology minister Dr Harsh Vardhan at the Foundation Day celebration of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) on 26th September. • The prize is given to Indian scientists below the age of 45 for outstanding research in seven fields—Biology, Chemistry, Environment Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine and Physics. • The Prize is bestowed on a person who, in the opinion of CSIR, has made conspicuously important and outstanding contributions to human knowledge and progress fundamental and applied, in the particular field of endeavour, which is his/her specialization. Q. Which state’s ‘Human by Nature Print Campaign’ bagged the Prestigious Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Grand Title Winner 2020 for Marketing? ककस रा煍य के ‘ह्यमू ि बाय िेचर पप्रिंट कℂ पेि’ िे माके दटििं के ललए प्रनतजष्ट्ठत प्रशािंत एलशया रैर्ल एसोलसएशि (PATA) ग्रℂड टाइटल पर्जेता 2020 पुरस्कार हालसल ककया है? A. Karnataka/ किाधटक B. Kerala/ केरल C. Rajasthan/ राजस्थाि D. Maharshtra/ महाराष्ट्र Ans. B • Kerala Tourism’s ‘Human by Nature Print Campaign’ bagged the Prestigious Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Grand Title Winner 2020 for Marketing. • The awards were announced during a presentation ceremony of Virtual PATA Travel Mart 2020 in Beijing. • The PATA Awards are supported and sponsored by Macao Government Tourist Office (MGTO). • ‘Human by Nature’ was a marketing strategy to revive tourism that was hit by the 2018 floods and the Nipah outbreak. • Showcasing culture and daily life of the people, it was conceptualised and scripted by Stark Communications. • The campaign had helped Kerala Tourism achieve record growth of 17.2% in tourism arrivals in 2019, the highest in 24 years. Q. Which state government has launched “Livelihood Generation Programme for Returned Migrant Workers”? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे "प्रर्ासी प्रर्ालसयⴂ के ललए आजीपर्का सजृ ि कायधिम" शु셂 ककया है? A. Manipur/ मखणपुर B. Nagaland/ िािालℂड C. Meghalaya/ मेघालय D. Mizoram/ लमजोरम Ans. B • The Nagaland government launched a programme to provide skill development training to migrant workers who have returned to the state from other parts of the country due to the COVID-19 outbreak. • The state government, with support from the North East Council, will initially train around 100 such returnees under the ”Livelihood Generation Programme for Returned Migrant Workers”. Q. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy launched the YSR Jala Kala Scheme under which ____ will be provide to farmers. आिंध्र प्रिेश के मुख्यमत्रिं ी र्ाईएस जिि मोहि रेर्डडी िे र्ाईएसआर जल कल योजिा शु셂 की, जजसके तहत ककसािⴂ को ____ प्रिाि ककया जाएिा। A. free electricity/ मुफ्त बबजली B. free seeds/ मुक्त बीज C. free borewells/ मुफ्त बोरर्ेल D. free neem fertilizer/ मुक्त िीम उर्धरक Ans. C • Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy launched the YSR Jala Kala Scheme under which free borewells will be drilled for the needy farmers in the state. • The government said that about three lakh farmers will be profited from the scheme and will cover five lakh acres of land under cultivation with an estimated cost of Rs 2,340 crore in four years. • The eligible farmers can apply either online or through the village secretariats. The applications will be approved after hydrogeological and geophysical surveys. Q. Who has been appointed as the Director-General of Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS)? िािररक उर्डडयि सुरक्षा ब्यूरो (BCAS) के महानििेशक के 셂प मᴂ ककसे नियुक्त ककया िया है? A. Rakesh Asthana/ राकेश अस्थािा B. Anil Dhasmana/ अनिल र्स्मािा C. M A Ganapathy/ एम. ए. िणपनत D. GP Garg/ जीपी ििध Ans. C • Senior IPS officer, M A Ganapathy has been appointed as the Director-General of Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS). • He is a 1986 batch IPS officer of Uttarakhand cadre. • The post of BCAS chief fell vacant after Rakesh Asthana was appointed as the Director-General of Border Security Force in August. • The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved the appointment of Ganapathy to the post of Director-General, BCAS, for a tenure up to his superannuation on February 29, 2024. Q. Who has been appointed as the new Chairman of State Bank of India for a period of three years? तीि साल की अर्गर् के ललए भारतीय स्टेट बकℂ के िए अध्यक्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे नियुक्त ककया िया है? A. S Krishnan/ एस. कृ ष्ट्णि B. Murali RamKrishnan/ मुरली रामकृ ष्ट्णि C. Dinesh Kumar Khara/ दििेश कु मार खारा D. AK Dixit/ एके िीक्षक्षत Ans. C Solution: • The State Bank of India (SBI) has appointed Charanjit Singh Attra as its new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) with effect from 01 October 2020. • The post was lying vacant after the former Deputy MD & CFO Prashant Kumar, was appointed as the CEO of Yes Bank in March 2020. • C Venkat Nageshwar was serving the post on interim capacity. • Attra is a former Partner at global consulting firm EY India and had also served as the CFO at the ICICI Securities. Q. Who has authored the kid’s book titled “The Very, Extremely, Most Naughty Asura Tales for Kids”? "ि र्ेरी, एक्सरीमली, मोस्ट िॉटी एशुरा टे쥍स फॉर ककर्डस" िामक शीषधक की ब楍चे की पुस्तक ककसिे ललखी है? A. Anand Neelakantan/ आििंि िीलकािंति B. Subhadra Sen Gupta/ सुभरा सेि िुप्ता C. Paro Anand/ पारो आििंि D. Sudha Murthy/ सुर्ा मूनतध Ans. A • The author of Baahubali series, Anand Neelakantan has authored his first kid’s book titled “The Very, Extremely, Most Naughty Asura Tales for Kids”, published by Puffins Publishers Private Limited under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. • The book narrates the story of the asura twins Kundakka and Mandakka who hate to go to school, troublesome Bhasma and per pig Nakura, brothers Atapi and Vatapi and others. • This book introduces the Indian Puranas to the kids who are indulged in electronic gadgets. • The illustrations of the book are made by Subhadeep Roy and Shiladitya Bose. Q. Who launched the coffee-table book titled “Bapu – The Unforgettable”? "बाबू - ि अि괼ॉरेबल" िामक शीषधक की कॉ괼ी-टेबल बुक ककसिे लॉन्‍दच की? A. Arvind Kejriwal/ अरपर्िंि केजरीर्ाल B. Manish Shisodia/ मिीष लशशोदिया C. Sanjay Singh/ सिंजय लसिंह D. Anil Baijal/ अनिल बैजल Ans. B • On the occasion of the 151st Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, Manish Sisodia has launched the coffee-table book titled “Babu – The Unforgettable” over the virtual event. • This virtual event was organised by the Delhi Archives & Department of Art, Culture and Language, Government of Delhi. • The department also organised a webinar on “Footprints of Gandhi Ji in Delhi”. • The book “Bapu – The Unforgettable” will make the readers think and provide a glimpse of the ideology and philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi. • The book also holds several untouched aspects of history, rare photographs, epigraphs and other details about Delhi. Q. The Indian Sign Language Research and Training Center (ISLRTC) signed am MoU with organization to convert educational materials into Indian Sign Language? भारतीय सािंकेनतक भाषा अिुसिंर्ाि और प्रलशक्षण कᴂ र (ISLRTC) िे शैक्षखणक सामग्री को भारतीय सािंकेनतक भाषा मᴂ पररर्नतधत करिे के ललए सिंिठि के साथ समझौता ज्ञापि पर हस्ताक्षर ककए हℂ? A. CBSE B. ICSE C. NCERT D. IGNOU Ans. C Solution: • A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between the Indian Sign Language Research and Training Center (ISLRTC) and the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) to make educational materials accessible for hearing impaired children, informed the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. • The conversion of all education material in sign language will strengthen the concept of equal opportunity for everyone irrespective of their physical inability,". • The signing of MoU between ISLRTC and NCERT was attended by Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, Union Cabinet Minister for Education amongst other members of the NCERT, ISLRTC, and Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. Q. Which country is all set to send the world’s first mining robot named ‘asteroid mining robot’ into space by November 2020 to identify and extract resources? कौि-सा िेश सिंसार्िⴂ की पहचाि करिे और उन्‍दहᴂ निकालिे हेतु िर्िंबर 2020 तक ‘क्षुरग्रह खिि रोबोट’ िामक िनु िया का पहला खिि रोबोट अिंतररक्ष मᴂ भेजिे र्ाला है? A. USA/ यूएसए B. Russia/ 셂स C. France/ फ्रािंस D. China/ चीि Ans. D Solution: • An IEEE Spectrum report, the Beijing-based company is set to send the world’s first mining robot named ‘asteroid mining robot’ into space by November 2020 to identify and extract resources. • The mining robot will be launched into space by a Chinese Long March series rocket. • The 30-gram spacecraft, NEO-1, is likely to be launched as a secondary payload on a Chinese Long March rocket. • This company also has another mission, Yuanwang-1 (‘Look up-1’), nicknamed ‘Little Hubble’, which is to be launched by late 2021 or early 2022. Q. Who has been bestowed with lifetime achievement award by the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC)? इिंडो-अमेररकि चबℂ र ऑफ कॉमसध (IACC) 饍र्ारा लाइफटाइम अचीर्मᴂट अर्ाडध से ककसे सम्मानित ककया िया है? A. Ratan Tata/ रति टाटा B. Azim Premji/ अजीम प्रेमजी C. Rahul Bajaj/ राहुल बजाज D. Pallonji Mistry/ पलोिजी लमस्त्री Ans. A Solution: • The Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) has bestowed a lifetime achievement award to Indian business icon Ratan Tata at a closed-door meeting, owing to ongoing pandemic. • Tata, who grew the revenues for India’s largest conglomerate ‘The Tata Group’ to nearly USD 100 billion by 2011-12, remains an influential industrialist, philanthropist and humanitarian to the day. Q. Which IIT has launched a telemedicine system ‘iMediX’ to help patients receive assistance from doctors without having to go to hospitals or clinics? अस्पतालⴂ या क्लीनिकⴂ मᴂ जाए बबिा मरीजⴂ को डॉक्टरⴂ से सहायता प्राप्त करिे मᴂ ककस IIT िे एक टेलीमेडडलसि प्रणाली 'iMediX' शु셂 की है? A. IIT Kanpur B. IIT Khargpur C. IIT Delhi D. IIT Bombay Ans. B Solution: • IIT Kharagpur researchers have launched a telemedicine system ‘iMediX’ to help patients receive assistance from doctors without having to go to hospitals or clinics. • ‘iMediX’ allows patients to request for consultation by choosing a department of a hospital, entering their complaints and uploading necessary medical records. The hospital then processes the request and assigns a doctor. • The system iMediX which is accessible by any standard internet browser and also from a mobile device, has been developed by researchers at IIT Kharagpurs Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Q. Who has won the 10m air pistol event in the fifth edition of the International Online Shooting Championship (IOSC)? इिंटरिेशिल ऑिलाइि शूदटििं चैजम्पयिलशप (IOSC) के पािंचर्ᴂ सिंस्करण मᴂ 10 मीटर एयर पपस्टल स्पर्ाध ककसिे जीती है? A. Manu Bhaker/ मिु भाकर B. Yashaswini Singh Deswal/ यशजस्र्िी लसिंह िेसर्ाल C. Anjum Moudgil/ अिंजुम मौिगिल D. Rahi Sarnobat/ राही सरिोबत Ans. B Solution: • Indian Olympic quota winner Yashaswini Singh Deswal won the 10m air pistol event in the fifth edition of the International Online Shooting Championship (IOSC). • The second place was grabbed by Ahmed Nabil of Egypt while his compatriot Yehya Shams took the third place. Sylvia Steiner, an Olympic quota winner for Austria, settled for the fourth place. Q. Which state government has launched an action plan to support agriculture and animal husbandry under its “Aatmanirbhar” programme? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे अपिे "आत्मनिभधर" कायधिम के तहत कृ पष और पशुपालि का समथधि करिे के ललए एक कायध योजिा शु셂 की है? A. Maharshtra/ महाराष्ट्र B. Gujarat/ िुजरात C. Goa/ िोर्ा D. Karnataka/ किाधटक Ans. C Solution: • The Goa government released an action plan to support agriculture and animal husbandry under its “Aatmanirbhar” programme. • The government has announced a series of initiatives under the ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat Swayampoorna Goa programme’ (ABSGP) including promoting dairy and poultry farming. • It talks about checking ‘menace’ of wild animals and cattle at agriculture fields. • To help farmers, crop insurance and fencing will be availed. Horticulture cultivation, procurement of agricultural equipment, and sustainable harvesting of medical plants will also be assisted with it. Q. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has entered into an MoU with which delivery platforms, to onboard street food vendors on its e-commerce platform under the PM SVANidhi Scheme? आर्ास और शहरी मामलⴂ के मिंत्रालय िे पीएम स्र्निगर् योजिा के तहत अपिे ई-कॉमसध प्लेटफॉमध पर स्रीट फू ड पर्िेताओिं को शालमल करिे हेतु ककस डडलीर्री प्लेटफॉमध के साथ समझौता ज्ञापि ककया है? A. Zomato/ 焼माटो B. Swiggy/ जस्र्िी C. Foodpanda/ फू डपािंडा D. UberEats/ उबरइ絍स Ans. B Solution: • The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has entered into an MoU with Swiggy, one of the leading food delivery platforms, to onboard street food vendors on its e-commerce platform under the Prime Minister Street Vendor’s AtmaNibhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) Scheme • The MoU aims at giving the street food vendors online access to thousands of consumers and help them grow their businesses. • The Ministry and Swiggy will run a pilot programme by on-boarding 250 vendors across five cities namely – Ahmedabad, Chennai, Delhi, Indore, and Varanasi. Q. Which state government has announced a ‘Digital Seva Setu’ programme to ensure optimum utilisation of technology for public welfare in rural areas? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे ग्रामीण क्षेत्रⴂ मᴂ सार्धजनिक क쥍याण हेतु प्रौ饍योगिकी का इष्ट्टतम उपयोि सुनिजश्चत करिे के ललए ‘डडजजटल सेर्ा सेत’ु कायधिम की घोषणा की है? A. Maharshtra B. Rajasthan C. Gujarat D. Madhya Pradesh Ans. C • The state government of Gujarat has announced a ‘Digital Seva Setu’ programme to ensure optimum utilisation of technology for public welfare in rural areas. The program has been initiated under the Centre’s BharatNet Project. • Under the ‘Digital Seva Setu’ program, public welfare services will be made available in all the 14,000-gram panchayats in the state by connecting village panchayats through an optical fibre network. Q. Former CBI Director Ashwani Kumar passed away recently, he also served to which constitutional post? सीबीआई के पूर्ध नििेशक अजश्र्िी कु मार का हाल ही मᴂ निर्ि हो िया, उन्‍दहⴂिे ककस सिंर्ैर्ानिक पि पर कायध ककया? A. Governor of state रा煍य के रा煍यपाल B. National Human Right Commission राष्ट्रीय मािर् अगर्कार आयोि C. Comptroller General of India भारत के नियिंत्रक महालेखा परीक्षक D. Election Commission चिु ार् आयोि Ans. A • Ex-CBI Director, Ashwani Kumar passed away. • He also served as governor of Manipur and Nagaland. • He was born at Nahan in Sirmaur district and joined the Indian Police Force in 1973. • He was allotted the Himachal Pradesh cadre and while working as the District Superintendent of Police at Shimla in 1985, he was inducted in the newly created Special Protection Group (SPG), where he worked till 1990. Q. Who has been appointed as the new deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)? भारतीय ररजर्ध बकℂ (RBI) के िए डडप्टी िर्िधर के 셂प मᴂ ककसे नियुक्त ककया िया है? A. C. Ashima Goyal/ सी. आलशमा िोयल B. Charanjit Surinder Singh Attra चरणजीत सुररििं र लसिंह अत्रा C. M Rajeshwar Rao/ एम. राजेश्र्र रार् D. Jayant R Varma/ जयिंत आर. र्माध Ans. C • The Centre has appointed M Rajeshwar Rao as the new deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India. • Prior to this, M Rajeshwar Rao was an executive director at RBI. • He succeeds NS Vishwanathan as the central bank’s fourth deputy governor. • NS Vishwanathan resigned from the post in March 2020 before the completion of his term in June, citing health reasons. • The RBI has four Deputy Governors. Other three Deputy Governors of RBI: • M. D. Patra • B. P. Kanungo • M. K. Jain Q. Which Indian Institute of Management (IIM) will soon be launching an e-learning hub and library as a pilot project for villagers? कौि-सा भारतीय प्रबिंर्ि सिंस्थाि (IIM) ज쥍ि ही ग्रामीणⴂ के ि हब औरﴂललए एक पायलट प्रोजेक्ट के 셂प मᴂ एक ई-लनि पुस्तकालय शु셂 करिे जा रहा है? A. IIM Ahmedabad B. IIM Lucknow C. IIM Kozhikode D. IIM Indore Ans. C Solution: • The Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode will soon be launching an e-learning hub and library as a pilot project for villagers in Mavoor, one of the five villages adopted by the institute under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA). • The programme aims to create a virtuous cycle between society and academic system by providing knowledge and practices for the emerging professions. • Unnat Bharat Abhiyaan is a flagship programme by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). Unnat Bharat Abhiyaan is aimed at linking the Higher Education Institutions with a set of at least five villages. Q. What is the name that has been given to the India’s premium cotton ? भारत के प्रीलमयम कपास को क्या िाम दिया िया है? A. Kalabari Cotton/ कलबरी कपास B. Kasturi Cotton/ कस्तूरी कपास C. Amritsari Cotton/ अमतृ सरी कपास D. Malmali Cotton/ मलमली कपास Ans. B Solution: • Minister of Textiles Smriti Irani launched the first ever Brand and Logo for Indian Cotton on Second World Cotton Day through video conferencing. • Now India’s premium cotton would be known as ‘Kasturi Cotton’ in the world cotton trade. The Kasturi Cotton brand will represent Whiteness, Brightness, Softness, Purity, Luster, Uniqueness and Indianness. • India is the second largest cotton producer and the largest consumer of cotton in the world.It produces about six million tonnes of cotton every year which is about 23 per cent of the world cotton. She said, India produces about 51 per cent of the total organic cotton production of the world. Q. Where is the headquarter of Dhruva Space located that has bagged National Startup Awards 2020 in the space category? ध्रर्ु स्पेस का मुख्यालय कहाुँ जस्थत है जजसिे अिंतररक्ष श्रेणी मᴂ राष्ट्रीय स्टाटधअप पुरस्कार 2020 प्राप्त ककया है? A. Bengaluru/बᴂिलु셁 B. Mumbai/ मुिंबई C. Hyderabad/ हैिराबाि D. Chennai/ चेन्‍दिई Ans. C Solution: • Hyderabad headquartered startup Dhruva Space has bagged National Startup Awards 2020 in the space category. Dhruva space was founded in 2012 and it is the first private space technology company in India. • A total of 38 startups were awarded, one in each of the 35 categories and 3 special categories in the 12 sectors. • The winning startup founders will get a cash prize of Rs. 5 lakh and an opportunity to present their solutions to relevant public authorities and corporates. Incubators and accelerators will get Rs. 15 lakh as the winning amount. Q. Which state government has launched a mobile app “Kisan Rath” that connects more than 10,000 farmers, 50 farmer-producer organizations and 1,000 verified agricultural traders on its interface? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे 10,000 से अगर्क ककसािⴂ, 50 ककसाि- उत्पािक सिंिठिⴂ और 1,000 सत्यापपत कृ पष व्यापाररयⴂ को इसके इिंटर괼ेस पर जोडिे र्ाला एक मोबाइल ऐप “ककसाि रथ” लॉन्‍दच ककया है? A. Madhya Pradesh/ मध्य प्रिेश B. Uttar Pradesh/ उत्तर प्रिेश C. Andhra Pradesh/ आिंध्र प्रिेश D. Assam/ असम Ans. D Solution: • Assam government has launched a mobile app “Kisan Rath” App connects more than 10,000 farmers, 50 farmer-producer organizations and 1,000 verified agricultural traders on its interface. • The app has been customized by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Assam to suit the requirements of the state. • It is available in 3 languages- Assamese, Hindi and English. • PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, Krishi Sinchai Yojana, Fasal Bima Yojana, KCC etc., have strengthened agricultural ecosystem in the country and made agriculture a dignified calling. Q. Which state government has launched “Lab on Wheels” to test the water quality in the state under Jal Jeevan Mission? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे जल जीर्ि लमशि के तहत रा煍य मᴂ पािी की िुणर्त्ता का परीक्षण करिे हेतु "लैब ऑि व्ही쥍स" लॉन्‍दच ककया है? A. Uttar Pradesh/ उत्तर प्रिेश B. Himachal Pradesh/ दहमाचल प्रिेश C. Haryana/ हररयाणा D. Punjab/ पिंजाब Ans. C • The state government of Haryana launched “Lab on Wheels” to test the water quality in the state. • The water quality of Haryana is mainly affected by fluoride, iron, nitrate and alkalinity. • Lab on wheels is a mobile laboratory. The mobile laboratory has been launched under Jal Jeevan Mission. • The mobile laboratory will test for alkalinity, hardness, chlorine, nitrate, zinc, turbidity, PH and other microbiological tests. • The mobile water testing laboratory has been loaded with latest technological features such as e GPS enabled Location tracking, power backup, sample data transmission and smart reporting devices with the ability to send the result directly to a central server. • The lab also carries a LED display that will display the result immediately after analysis. Q. Which state becomes the first state in the country to make public education completely digital? सार्धजनिक लशक्षा को पूरी तरह से डडजजटल बिािे र्ाला कौि सा रा煍य िेश का पहला रा煍य बि िया है? A. Karnataka/ किाधटक B. Kerala/ केरल C. Tamil Nadu/ तलमलिाडु D. Goa/ िोर्ा Ans. B • The State of Kerala is the first state in the country to make public education completely digital. The state Government has achieved it at a cost of Rs 42.36 crores. The initiative was launched in 2018. • The project of making public education completely digital in Kerala was implemented by Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education. • Around 3,74,274 digital services were distributed in 16,027 schools in Kerala. • The project also set up high-tech labs in more than 11,275 schools at primary and secondary levels. • Kerala has been achieving highest literacy rate in the country. The current literacy rate of Kerala is 93.91%. Q. Intel India in association with International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT-H), has set up an artificial intelligence research centre in which city of India? अिंतराधष्ट्रीय सूचिा प्रौ饍योगिकी सिंस्थाि (IIIT-H) के सहयोि से इिंटेल इिंडडया िे भारत के ककस शहर मᴂ एक कृ बत्रम ब饍ु गर्मत्ता अिुसिंर्ाि कᴂ र स्थापपत ककया है? A. Bengaluru/ बᴂिलु셁 B. Hyderabad/ हैिराबाि C. Mangalore/ मिंिलौर D. Chennai/ चेन्‍दिई Ans. B • Chip maker Intel India has set up an artificial intelligence research centre in Hyderabad in a tie up with International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT-H), Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and the State government. • It will apply AI solutions to population-scale problems in the Indian context, with focus on challenges in the healthcare and smart mobility segments. • The center will solve India’s population-scale challenges in sectors such as healthcare and smart mobility. Q. Which country has introduced the death penalty for rape? ककस िेश िे बलात्कार के ललए मौत की सजा की शु셁आत की है? A. Pakistan/ पाककस्ताि B. Myanmar/ म्यािंमार C. Sri Lanka/ श्रीलिंका D. Bangladesh/ बािंग्लािेश Ans. D • Bangladesh introduced the death penalty for rape on Monday after days of protests sparked by a string of sexual assaults. • Demonstrations have broken out across the country after harrowing footage of a group of men stripping and attacking a woman went viral on social media. • The clip sparked outrage in the South Asian country, where activists say only a tiny percentage of sexual assault victims see justice. • Previously, the maximum punishment for rape was life imprisonment. Q. What is India’s rank among 158 countries in the 2020 Commitment to Reducing Inequality (CRI) Index?

असमािता कम करिे हेतु 2020 (CRI) सूचकािंक मᴂ 158 िेशⴂ के बीच भारत का स्थाि क्या है? A. 129th B. 135th C. 144th D. 148th Ans. A • India has been ranked 129 out of 158 countries in the Third Edition of Commitment to Reducing Inequality (CRI) Index or CRI Index 2020 released by Oxfam and Development Finance International (DFI). • According to the report, India has spent only 4 percent of its budget on health during the Pandemic, which is the Fourth Lowest in the world. • Nigeria, Bahrain and India are among the World’s worst performing countries in tackling inequality during the pandemic. • With 4% of Budget on Health, India has been ranked at 155 (4th from the Bottom) on the health spending index. • The report measures Government Policies and Actions in 3 key areas which are directly related to reducing inequality Q. Who won the men’s 2020 French Open Single Title? पु셁षⴂ का 2020 फ्रᴂ च ओपि एकल खखताब ककसिे जीता? A. Rafael Nadal/राफेल िडाल B. Novak Djokovic/ िोर्ाक जोकोपर्च C. Dominic Thiem/ डोलमनिक गथएम D. Roger Federer/ रोजर फेडरर Ans. A • Rafael Nadal beats Novak Djokovic to win the men’s 2020 French Open Title. • This is his 13th French Open men’s singles title and 20th Grand Slam title. • The Spaniard defeated Novak Djokovic 6-0, 6-2, 7-5 in 2 hours and 41 minutes at Court Philippe-Chatrier in Paris. • In 2018, Federer became the first men’s player to win 20 Grand Slams in singles when he defeated Marin Cilic in the final of the Australian Open. • The 34-year-old Nadal won the first title in 2005. Q. Who won the women’s 2020 French Open Single Title? मदहलाओिं का 2020 फ्रᴂ च ओपि लसिंिल का खखताब ककसिे जीता? A. Sofia Kenin/ सोकफया केनिि B. Iga Swiatek/ इिा स्र्ोटेक C. Naomi Osaka/ िाओमी ओसाका D. Serena Williams/ सेरेिा पर्ललयम्स Ans. B • Polish teenager Iga Swiatek won her country’s first ever Grand Slam singles title. • She defeated American fourth seed Sofia Kenin 6-4, 6-1 to become the youngest women’s French Open champion since 1992. • The 19-year-old Swiatek, at 54 the lowest-ranked woman to capture the Roland Garros title in the modern era, is the ninth first-time Major champion in the past 14 Grand Slams. • Swiatek is the youngest women’s French Open winner since Monica Seles 28 years ago. • Swiatek was only the second Polish woman to reach a Grand Slam final in the Open era after Agnieszka Radwanska at Wimbledon in 2012. Q. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will release a commemorative coin of 100 rupees in honour of_____. प्रर्ािमिंत्री िरᴂर मोिी _____ के सम्माि मᴂ 100 셁पये का स्मारक लसक्का जारी करᴂिे। A. Nana Bhai Deshmukh/ िािा भाई िेशमुख B. Deendayal Upadhyaya/ िीिियाल उपाध्याय C. Atal Bihari Bajpai/ अटल बबहारी बाजपेयी D. Vijaya Raje Scindia/ पर्जया राजे लसिंगर्या Ans. D • Prime Minister Narendra Modi will release a commemorative coin of 100 rupees in honour of Vijaya Raje Scindia through a virtual ceremony. • One of the founder members of BJP, Vijaya Raje Scindia is popularly known as the Rajmata of Gwalior. • The coin is being released in celebration of birth centenary of Vijaya Raje Scindia. • The special commemorative coin was minted by the Finance Ministry as a part of these celebrations. This coin will be released by the Prime Minister on her birth anniversary. Q. The Blue Flag programme is operated under the auspices of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), its headquarter is located in _____. 괼ाउिंडेशि 괼ॉर एिर्ायरमᴂटल एजुके शि (FEE) के तत्र्ार्र्ाि मᴂ ब्लू फ़्लैि कायधिम सिंचाललत ककया जाता है, इसका मुख्यालय _____ मᴂ जस्थत है। A. Paris, France/ पेररस, फ्रािंस B. Copenhagen, Denmark/ कोपेिहेिि, डेिमाकध C. Berlin, Germany/ बललधि, जमधिी D. Brussels, Belgium/ िुसे쥍स, बेज쥍जयम Ans. B • As per the Environment Ministry the all eight beaches recommended by the Government has got the coveted International Blueflag Certification. • The beaches which got International Blueflag Certification are Shivrajpur beach in Dwarka Gujarat, Ghoghla beach in Diu, Kasarkod and Padubidri in Karnataka, Kappad in Kerala, Rushikonda in Andhra Pradesh, Golden Beach in Odisha and Radhanagar beach in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. • The iconic Blue Flag is one of the world’s most recognised voluntary awards for beaches, marinas. • The Blue Flag programme is operated under the auspices of the Foundation for Environmental Education, FEE and is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. Q. Which state government has launched “Mukhya Mantri Saur Swarojgar Yojana”? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे “मुख्यमिंत्री सौर स्र्रोजिार योजिा” शु셂 की है? A. Uttar Pradesh/ उत्तर प्रिेश B. Uttarakhand/ उत्तराखिंड C. Haryana/ हररयाणा D. Rajasthan/ राजस्थाि Ans. B • Uttarakhand Chief Minister, Trivendra Singh Rawat has launched the “Mukhya Mantri Saur Swarojgar Yojana” at the Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali Auditorium in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. • The scheme is aimed at promoting self-employment of the youth and promoting the production of Green Energy. • The targeted beneficiaries include youths and migrant workers, who returned home after leaving jobs in various parts of the country due to pandemic. Q. Which state government has exempted road tax on its battery-operated vehicles under its new Electric Vehicle Policy? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे अपिी िई इलेजक्रक र्ाहि िीनत के तहत अपिे बैटरी चाललत र्ाहिⴂ पर रोड टैक्स मᴂ छू ट िी है? A. Delhi/ दि쥍ली B. Uttarakhand/ उत्तराखिंड C. Haryana/ हररयाणा D. Rajasthan/ राजस्थाि Ans. A • The Delhi government has exempted road tax on its battery-operated vehicles under its new Electric Vehicle Policy. • The Transport department, in it notification issued stated that the Lieutenant Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi exempted the tax levied upon all battery electric vehicles with immediate effect. Q. Who won the 2020 Junior Speed Online Chess Championship? 2020 जनू ियर स्पीड ऑिलाइि शतरिंज चैजम्पयिलशप ककसिे जीती? A. Raunak Sadhwani/ रौिक सार्र्ािी B. Prithu Gupta/ प्ृ र्ी िुप्ता C. Nihal Sarin/ निहाल सरीि D. NR Visakh/ एिआर पर्शाख Ans. C • Young Indian player Nihal Sarin emerged winner in the’s 2020 Junior Speed Online Chess Championship, beating Russia’s world junior No. 6 Alexey Sarana 18-7 in the final. • The title win earned the 16-year old Sarin $ 8,766 and enabled him to qualify for the 2020 Speed Chess Championship Final which will feature the world’s best players. • Sarin had beaten American Andrew Tang, Australia’s Anton Smirnov and Armenian Haik Martirosyan en route the title. • Past winners of the Speed Chess Championship include Magnus Carlsen (2017) and Hikaru Nakamura (2018, 2019). Q. Justice KK Usha, passed away, she was first women chief justice of which High Court? न्‍दयायमूनतध केके उषा का निर्ि, र्ह ककस उ楍च न्‍दयायालय की पहली मदहला मुख्य न्‍दयायार्ीश थीिं? A. Kerala High Court/ केरल उ楍च न्‍दयायालय B. Allahabad High Court/ इलाहाबाि उ楍च न्‍दयायालय C. Madras High Court/ मरास उ楍च न्‍दयायालय D. Patna High Court/ पटिा उ楍च न्‍दयायालय Ans. A • Former Chief Justice of the Kerala High Court, Justice KK Usha, passed away. She served as a judge from 1991 to 2000. • And when she was appointed Chief Justice of the Kerala High Court from 2000 to 2001, Justice Usha became the first woman to join the High Court Judiciary from the Bar and became a Chief Justice. • Justice Usha, who had a distinguished career as a judge and later as chief justice, began her career when she enrolled as an advocate in 1961. Q. The book titled ‘Deh Vechwa Karani, is autobiography of which former Union Minister?

‘िेह र्चर्ा करणी’ िामक पुस्तक, ककस पूर्ध कᴂ रीय मिंत्री की आत्मकथा है? A. Murali Manohar Joshi B. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil C. Lal Krishna Advani D. Uma Bharti Ans. B • Prime Minister Narendra Modi has released the autobiography of former Union Minister Dr Balasaheb Vikhe Patil through video conferencing.

• The autobiography of Dr Patil has been titled ‘Deh Vechwa Karani,’ means ‘dedicating one’s life for a noble cause.’

• Dr Patil served as Member of Lok Sabha for multiple terms. He died in 2016 at the age of 84. Q. Who has written the book titled ” The Khalistan Conspiracy”?

"ि खाललस्ताि कⴂसीपरेसी” िामक पुस्तक ककसिे ललखी है? A. GBS Sidhu B. Alok Joshi C. Rajinder Khanna D. Anil Dhasmana Ans. A • A former intelligence officer with the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), GBS Sidhu has written the book titled ” The Khalistan Conspiracy”. • The book published by HarperCollins will be released on October 24. • The contents of this book revolve around a two-phased, top-secret operation, which he named “Operation Bhindranwale-Khalistan”. It was initiated and managed by some senior and influential Congress leaders operating from the prime minister’s residential office at 1 Akbar Road, New Delhi. Q. Noted poet and 55th Jnanpith awardee Akkitham Achuthan Namboothiri passed away recently, he was a poet of which language? सुप्रलस饍र् कपर् और 55 र्ᴂ ज्ञािपीठ पुरस्कार से सम्मानित अजक्कतम अ楍युति ििंबोनतरी का हाल ही मᴂ निर्ि हो िया, र्ह ककस भाषा के कपर् थे? A. Tamil/ तलमल B. Telugu/ तेलुिु C. Malayalam/ मलयालम D. Kannada/ कन्‍दिड Ans. C • Akkitham Achuthan Namboothiri, the Malayalam poet who was popularly known as Akkitham passed away recently. • The noted poet had also received the 55th Jnanpith Award last year. He even received a Padma Shri for his critical essays and short stories. • Akkitham also won the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1973. • He became a household name in the 1950s when his work Irupatham Noottandinte Ithihasam, a khandakavya, which is one of the first modernist poems of Malayalam literature, gained popularity. • It even won the Sanjayan Award in 1952. Q. Anti-terror exercise “Suraksha Kavach” was organized by which state’s police organization with the Indian Army? आतिंकर्ाि पर्रोर्ी अभ्यास "सुरक्षा कर्च" ककस रा煍य के पुललस सिंिठि 饍र्ारा भारतीय सेिा के साथ आयोजजत ककया िया था? A. Himachal Pradesh/दहमाचल प्रिेश B. Rajasthan/ राजस्थाि C. Gujarat/ िुजरात D. Maharashtra/ महाराष्ट्र Ans. D • Indian Army and Maharashtra Police organised an anti- terror exercise “Suraksha Kavach” at Lullanagar, Pune, Maharashtra. • The aim of the exercise was to harmonize the drills and procedures of both Army and Police for activating anti- terrorist Quick Reaction Teams (QRTs) to counter any terrorist actions in Pune. • The exercise involved the participation of Quick Reaction Teams, Dog Squads and Bomb Disposal Teams of Army as well as Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) and Quick Reaction Team of Maharashtra Police. Q. Which state police has launched ‘AAWAJ’ — ‘Action Against Women-related crime and Awareness for Justice’ the campaign to spread awareness among woman about the crime against them? ककस रा煍य की पलु लस िे ‘AAWAJ’ – एक्शि अिेन्‍दस्ट र्मु ेि- ररलेदटड िाइम एिंड अर्ेरिेस फॉर जजस्टस’ अलभयाि शु셂 ककया है ताकक मदहलाओिं के खखलाफ अपरार् के बारे मᴂ जाि셂कता फैलायी जा सके ? A. Odisha/ ओडडशा B. Rajasthan/ राजस्थाि C. Gujarat/ िुजरात D. Uttar Pradesh/ उत्तर प्रिेश Ans. B * The Rajasthan police launched a campaign to spread awareness among woman about the crime against them and to educate them of their rights and ways to secure justice if they end up becoming its victims. * Named ‘AAWAJ’ — Action Against Women-related crime and Awareness for Justice the campaign was launched by Civil Rights and Anti-Human Trafficking Unit of the police and will run across the state to generate gender equality and curb crimes against women. * In the first month of the campaign from October 13 to November 12, special efforts will be made to curb rape incidents, besides spreading awareness about the laws related to women safety. Q. Which two countries have been re-elected as the President and Co-President of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), for a term of two years? िो साल के कायधकाल के ललए अिंतराधष्ट्रीय सौर िठबिंर्ि (आईएसए) के अध्यक्ष और सह-अध्यक्ष के 셂प मᴂ कौि से िो िेशⴂ को कफर से चिु ा िया है? A. India and France/ भारत और फ्रािंस B. Indonesia and Sri Lanka/ इिंडोिेलशया और श्रीलिंका C. Sri Lanka and France/ श्रीलिंका और फ्रािंस D. Germany and Japan/ जमधिी और जापाि Ans. A * India and France were re-elected as the President and Co- President of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), for a term of two years at the virtual meeting of the Third Assembly, informed the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. * Four new Vice-Presidents were also chosen to represent the four regions of ISA. The representatives of Fiji & Nauru for Asia Pacific Region; Mauritius & Niger for Africa Region; UK & Netherlands for Europe and others Region, and Cuba and Guyana for Latin America and Caribbean Region assumed the vice presidency. Q. Which two countries have been re-elected as the President and Co-President of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), for a term of two years? िो साल के कायधकाल के ललए अिंतराधष्ट्रीय सौर िठबिंर्ि (आईएसए) के अध्यक्ष और सह-अध्यक्ष के 셂प मᴂ कौि से िो िेशⴂ को कफर से चुिा िया है?

A. India and France / भारत और फ्रािंस B. Indonesia and Sri Lanka / इिंडोिेलशया और श्रीलिंका C. Sri Lanka and France / श्रीलिंका और फ्रािंस D. Germany and Japan / जमधिी और जापाि Ans. A * India and France were re-elected as the President and Co- President of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), for a term of two years at the virtual meeting of the Third Assembly, informed the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. * Four new Vice-Presidents were also chosen to represent the four regions of ISA. The representatives of Fiji & Nauru for Asia Pacific Region; Mauritius & Niger for Africa Region; UK & Netherlands for Europe and others Region, and Cuba and Guyana for Latin America and Caribbean Region assumed the vice presidency. Q. Renowned personality Bhanu Athaiya passed away recently, she was a veteran ______.

प्रख्यात व्यजक्तत्र् भािु अथैया का हाल ही मᴂ निर्ि हो िया, र्ह एक अिुभर्ी ______थीिं। A. Politician / राजिीनतज्ञ B. Journalist / पत्रकार C. Folk Singer / लोक िायक D. Costume Designer / कॉस्絍यूम डडजाइिर Ans. D * The first Indian to win the Oscar award, Bhanu Athaiya passed away. * She won the Best Costume Design Oscar for her work in the 1982 film Gandhi, directed by Richard Attenborough. * In 2012, Athaiya returned her Oscar to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for safekeeping. * Bhanu Athaiya had also designed costumes for over 100 Bollywood movies. * And in a career of more than five decades won two National Awards, for Gulzar’s mystery drama “Lekin” (1990) and the period film “Lagaan” directed by Ashutosh Gowariker (2001). Q. Which country will not be a participant in the Malabar exercise that is to be conducted in November 2020? िर्िंबर 2020 मᴂ होिे र्ाले मालाबार अभ्यास मᴂ कौि सा िेश भािीिार िहीिं होिा? A. India / भारत B. Japan / जापाि C. USA / यूएसए D. Singapore / लसििं ापुर Ans. E Solution: • The Government of India announced that the Australian Navy will join the Malabar exercise that is to be conducted in November 2020. • This means that all the four Quad countries are to participate in the exercise. • The countries to participate in the exercise are Japan, India and US. • In the process of seeking international cooperation in maritime security domain, India had sought Australia to participate in the exercise. The exercise is to be held in “non-contact at sea” format. • The Malabar Exercise was initially held between the Indian and US Navy. The exercise begun in 1992. Japan joined the exercise and became a permanent member in 2015. In 2018, India rejected the participation of Australia in the exercise. This was done to avoid posturing the exercise as a military group against China. Q. Japan has signed an agreements with which country to ensure “free and open Indo-Pacific”? जापाि िे ककस िेश के साथ "स्र्तिंत्र और मुक्त भारत-प्रशािंत" सुनिजश्चत करिे के ललए एक समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर ककए हℂ? A. Vietnam / पर्यतिाम B. Laos / लाओस C. Cambodia / किंबोडडया D. Myanmar / म्यािंमार Ans. A Solution: • Japan and Vietnam signed agreements to ensure “free and open Indo-Pacific”. Also, the agreement will allow Japan to export its defence equipment to Vietnam. • Recently, the QUAD grouping held in Tokyo, reaffirmed the significance of “free and open Indo-Pacific” and raised concerns over increasing Chinese influence in the region. • The agreement between Japan and Vietnam will add to QUAD decisions in the region. The United States has invited the ASEAN countries to join QUAD grouping. • The current members of QUAD are India, Japan, US and Australia. Q. According to the Indian Tourist Statistics 2020 which state attracted the highest number of domestic tourists in the country in 2019? भारतीय पयधटक सािंजख्यकी 2020 के अिुसार ककस रा煍य िे 2019 मᴂ िेश मᴂ सबसे अगर्क घरेलू पयधटकⴂ को आकपषधत ककया? A. Karnataka / किाधटक B. Rajasthan / राजस्थाि C. Gujarat / िुजरात D. Uttar Pradesh / उत्तर प्रिेश Ans. D Solution: • Uttar Pradesh attracted the highest number of domestic tourists in the country in 2019 with a share of 23.1 per cent travellers visiting the state. • According to the Indian Tourist Statistics 2020, 53,58,55,162 domestic tourists visited the state in 2019. • The state bagged the third spot in terms of the arrival of foreign tourists. As many as 47,45,181 foreign tourists visited UP in the same year. Q. Which company won $14.1 million NASA contract to set up 4G network on Moon? ककस किंपिी िे चिंरमा पर 4 जी िेटर्कध स्थापपत करिे के ललए $ 14.1 लमललयि का िासा अिुबिंर् जीता? A. Apple / एप्पल B. Google / िूिल C. Nokia / िोककया D. Ericsson / एररक्सि Ans. C Solution: • NASA has awarded Nokia of the US $14.1 million to deploy a 4G cellular network on the moon. • The grant is part of $370 million worth of contracts signed under NASA's "Tipping Point" selections, meant to advance research and development for space exploration. • The system could support lunar surface communications at greater distances, increased speeds and provide more reliability than current standards. Q. Who has authored the book titled “On the Trail of Buddha: A Journey to the East”? .“ऑि ि रायल ऑफ बु饍र्ा: ए जिी टू ि ईस्ट” ककताब ककसिे ललखी है? A. Shashi Tharoor / शलश थ셂र B. Deepankar Aron / िीपिंकर एरि C. Jagdeep Dhankhar / जििीप र्िखड D. Arundhati Roy / अ셁िंर्नत रॉय Ans. B Solution: • The book titled “On the Trail of Buddha: A Journey to the East” by Deepankar Aron has been released by West Bengal governor Jagdeep Dhankhar. • On the Trail of Buddha—A Journey to the East is a unique sojourn in search of the spiritual, philosophical, and cultural linkages that bind India to the East Asian civilisations. • From the wandering monks of Asia to the temples and monasteries they visited; from the statues and frescoes in grottoes to those in the museums; from the diverse ethnicities of the people to their common gods and goddesses—the book explores the ‘ancient India’, beautifully preserved in the traditions, art, and architecture of China, as also in Mongolia, Korea and Japan, to where it spread from China. Q. The eighth edition of the bilateral maritime exercise SLINEX-20 was conducted between India and which country? भारत और ककस िेश के बीच 饍पर्पक्षीय समुरी अभ्यास SLINEX-20 का आठर्ािं सिंस्करण आयोजजत ककया िया था? A. Singapore / लसििं ापुर B. Spain / स्पेि C. Sri Lanka / श्रीलिंका D. USA / यूएसए Ans. C Solution: * India and Sri Lanka conducted a three-day military exercise “SLINEX” 2020. * The eighth edition of the exercise was held off coast of Trincomalee. * It was conducted in non-contact at-sea only format. * This strategy has been adopted due to COVID-19 pandemic. * The drill included series of anti-air weapons firing, cross deck flying operations to fine tune high degree of inter-operability. * Indian Navy deployed INS Kiltan and INS Kamorta, Chetak helicopters and Dornier maritime patrol aircrafts in the exercise. * The Sri Lankan Navy was represented by SLN Ships Sayura and Gajabahu. * Gajabahu is a training ship and Sayura is an offshore patrol vessel. Q. Who has been elected as the President of the Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA)? दि쥍ली एर्िं जजला किकेट सिंघ (DDCA) के अध्यक्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे चुिा िया है? A. Rohan Jaitley / रोहि जेटली B. Manish Sisodia / मिीष लससोदिया C. Manoj Tiwari / मिोज नतर्ारी D. Vijay Goyal / पर्जय िोयल Ans. A Solution: * Advocate Rohan Jaitley, the son of late Union Minister Arun Jaitley, has been elected unopposed as the President of the Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA). * He was the single candidate left for the post, as the lone candidate who had filed his nomination against him withdrew his candidature. * The 31-year-old lawyer is slated to remain in the post till June 30, 2021. Notably, late Arun Jaitley had also served as the president of DDCA between 1999 and 2013. Q. Jacinda Ardern has been elected as prime minister of which country for the second consecutive three-year term? जैककिं डा अडधिध को िसू रे लिातार तीि र्षीय कायधकाल के ललए ककस िेश के प्रर्ािमिंत्री के 셂प मᴂ चुिा िया है? A. Chili / गचली B. Argentina / अजᴂटीिा C. Belgium / बेज쥍जयम D. New Zealand / न्‍दयूजीलडℂ Ans. D Solution: * The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, won a landslide victory in the country’s general election, to be elected as the PM for the second consecutive three- year term. * In the battle against Covid, Ardern was alone among her western peers in pursuing an explicit elimination strategy and imposed one of the strictest nationwide lockdowns in the world. * Ardern’s centre-left Labour Party won 49.2% of the total 83.7% votes counted in the 120-member parliament. * The 40-year-old is serving as the 40th Prime Minister of the country since 26 October 2017. Q. In which state the ‘Safe City Project’, a 180-day-long campaign has been launched under which the police and other departments will work towards safety of women? ‘सेफ लसटी प्रोजेक्ट’ ककस रा煍य मᴂ, 180-दिर्सीय लिंबा अलभयाि चलाया िया है जजसके तहत पुललस और अन्‍दय पर्भाि मदहलाओिं की सुरक्षा के ललए काम करᴂिे? A. Madhya Pradesh / मध्य प्रिेश B. Uttar Pradesh / उत्तर प्रिेश C. Rajasthan / राजस्थाि D. Uttarakhand / उत्तराखिंड Ans. B Solution: * Uttar Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel inaugurated 180-day ‘Safe City Project’ for women’s safety in Lucknow. * The ‘Safe City Project’, a 180-day-long campaign under which the police and other departments will work towards safety of women. * The central government has approved the project for Lucknow at a total cost of Rs 194 crore with an aim to strengthen security of women in public places. Q. Who has authored the book titled “The Battle of Belonging” set to be released in November 2020? िर्िंबर 2020 मᴂ ररली焼 होिे र्ाली "ि बैटल ऑफ बबलॉजन्‍दििंि" िामक पुस्तक को ककसिे ललखा है? A. Shashi Tharoor / शलश थ셂र B. Arundhati Roy / अ셁िंर्नत रॉय C. Sudha Murthy / सुर्ा मूनतध D. Natasha Sharma / िताशा शमाध Ans. A Solution: * Member of Parliament and author Shashi Tharoor is set to release his new book titled 'The Battle Of Belonging' in November 2020. * The book is published by Aleph Book Company. * The book is about nationalism, patriotism, citizenship, belonging and what they really mean. * Tharoor has written many books, mostly nonfiction like the upcoming book, and a novel. * His most recently published is 'Tharoorosaurus' a vocabulary book that released in September 2020. Q. What is India’s rank in the “Global Hunger Index 2020” prepared jointly by Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide? र्ेलथिंिरलाइफ और किंसिध र्쥍डधर्ाइड 饍र्ारा सिंयुक्त 셂प से तैयार "ग्लोबल हिंिर इिंडेक्स 2020" मᴂ भारत की रℂक क्या है? A. 75th B. 86th C. 89th D. 94th Ans. D Solution: * The Global Hunger Index 2020 was released, it is jointly prepared by Welhunger life and Concern Worldwide. * As per the report, India ranked 94th among 107countries. * According to the report India has the highest prevalence of wasted children under five years in the world, which reflects acute undernutrition. * India's rank is lower than it neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka (64), Nepal (73), Bangladesh (75), Myanmar (78) and Pakistan (88). Q. Which country will have a first separate ‘Water Attache’ in India from January 2021 which will share the its best practices and technologies for advancements in India’s water management and agriculture sectors? भारत मᴂ जिर्री 2021 से ककस िेश का पहला अलि 'र्ाटर अटैच' होिा जो भारत के जल प्रबिंर्ि और कृ पष क्षेत्रⴂ मᴂ उन्‍दिनत के ललए अपिे सर्ोत्तम अभ्यासⴂ और प्रौ饍योगिककयⴂ को साझा करेिा?

A. France / फ्रािंस B. Germany / जमधिी C. Israel / इ焼राइल D. Japan / जापाि Ans. C • India and Israel share a strategic partnership in water management. In order to boost it further, Israel will have a first separate ‘Water Attache’ in India from January 2021 which will share the former’s best practices and technologies for advancements in India’s water management and agriculture sectors. • Notably, water is one of the biggest challenges in India post-COVID. • Apart from this, Israel will also nominate an honorary Consul in the North-East with the aim to increase its presence and collaboration in that region. • These announcements were made by Israeli Ambassador to India Ron Malka. Q. The book titled “Portraits of Power: Half a Century of Being at Ringside” is an autobiography of which Indian Economist? "पोरे絍स ऑफ पार्र: हाफ ए सचᴂ ुरी ऑफ बीइिंि एट ररिंिसाइड" िामक पुस्तक ककस भारतीय अथधशास्त्री की आत्मकथा है? A. Bimal Jalan / बबमल जालाि B. Nand Kishore Singh / ििंि ककशोर लसिंह C. Urjit Patel / उजजधत पटेल D. Vinod Rai / पर्िोि राय Ans. B • Veteran Economist and bureaucrat N K (Nand Kishore) Singh released his autobiography titled “Portraits of Power: Half a Century of Being at Ringside”. • The book portrays the life of NK Singh who played an active role in the development of the Indian economy. • He is currently serving as the Chairman of the 15th Finance Commission. • The book portrays NK Singhs’s stents from 1964 when he joined the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), serving in higher positions of the Indian Government before entering politics as a member of Rajya Sabha. • This book covers all the personal and national movements that happened in his life. • The book is published by Rupa Publications India. Q. Which state government has launched the electricity consumer service portal “Mo Bidyut” and mobile application, over a virtual platform? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे एक आभासी मिंच पर बबजली उपभोक्ता सेर्ा पोटधल “मो बब饍युत” और मोबाइल एजप्लकेशि लॉन्‍दच ककया है? A. Assam / असम B. West Bengal / पजश्चम बिंिाल के बी C. Odisha / ओडडशा D. Tripura / बत्रपुरा Ans. C • Naveen Patnaik, Chief Minister(CM) of Odisha launched the electricity consumer service portal “Mo Bidyut” and mobile application, over a virtual platform. • The portal was developed by the Energy Department and dedicated to the public under the 5T (Team work, Transparency, Technology, Time leading to Transformation) mechanism, an initiative of the government of Odisha. • The electricity services provided by the Mo Bidyut will be governed and monitored under the “Mo Sarkar” (My Government). Q. Which state government is to implement the smart blackboard scheme in more than 80,000 Government schools? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे 80,000 से अगर्क सरकारी स्कू लⴂ मᴂ स्माटध ब्लैकबोडध योजिा लािू की है? A. Karnataka / किाधटक B. Andhra Pradesh / आिंध्र प्रिेश C. Kerala / केरल D. Tamil Nadu / तलमलिाडु Ans. D • The Tamil Nadu State government is to implement the smart blackboard scheme in more than 80,000 Government schools. This is to ensure better teaching environment. • The smart blackboard scheme aims to use audio visual teaching material that can be integrated along with digital classrooms. It will create materials that can be fed into computer screens using pen drives. • The Tamil Nadu State government has also decided to reduce be syllabus of 2020-21 by 40 percentage. • The state has more than 7500 teaching and 2400 non- teaching posts lying back and. The government is currently taking necessary steps to fill up these posts. Q. Which institutions has developed the covid-19 test called COVIRAP that was recently approved by the Indian Council of Medical Research recently? हाल ही मᴂ भारतीय गचककत्सा अिुसिंर्ाि पररषि 饍र्ारा हाल ही मᴂ COVIRAP िामक कोपर्ड -19 परीक्षण को ककस सिंस्थाि िे पर्कलसत ककया है? A. IIT Madras / आईआईटी मरास B. IIT Bombay / आईआईटी बॉम्बे C. IIT Kharagpur / आईआईटी खडिपुर D. IIT Delhi / आईआईटी दि쥍ली Ans. C • The Indian Council of Medical Research recently approved the covid-19 test called COVIRAP. • It is a Diagnostic machine that was developed by the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. This kit gives close test results as produced by RT-PCR. • COVIRAP is user friendly and is of low cost. It determines the results in less than an hour. It does not require air conditioned laboratory and thus can be set up even in the middle of a field. • The testing kit consists of three mixtures that confirm the presence of the virus. • In this testing method, after the sample is inserted into the kit, it is mixed with master mixers and heated to a certain temperature. This phase of testing is quite common to that of the other tests. Q. World famous UNESCO Heritage sitecou, Nazca lines is located in which country? पर्श्र् प्रलस饍र् यूिेस्को हेररटेज लसटको, िा焼का लाइि ककस िेश मᴂ जस्थत हℂ? A. Ecuador / इक्र्ाडोर B. Peru / पे셂 C. Argentina / अजᴂटीिा D. Brazil / िाजील Ans. B • The Peruvian archaeologists have uncovered a 37 metre long cat on the famous Nazca lines of Peru. It is a world known UNESCO Heritage site. • The Nazca lines consists of hundreds of gigantic geoglyph that date back more than 2000 years. • The newly discovered cat Geoglyph is older than the ones discovered earlier. • The cat figure was 37 metres long and date from the Paracas Era 500 BC to 200 AD. • The Geoglyphs in the region are still intact mainly due to the dry climate of the region. Q. Which state government has decided to establish women help desks in each and every police station of state? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे रा煍य के प्रत्येक पुललस स्टेशि मᴂ मदहला हे쥍प डेस्क स्थापपत करिे का निणधय ललया है? A. Karnataka / किाधटक B. Uttar Pradesh / उत्तर प्रिेश C. Rajasthan / राजस्थाि D. Tamil Nadu / तलमलिाडु Ans. B • In a major decision related to women security in the state, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister has ordered to establish women help desks in each and every police station of state. • The women police personnel deputed on helpdesk will not only listen to the complaints of women but will always be ready to help them anytime. • The Chief Minister has also directed the state police force to personally visit the site of crime against women and children and ensure timely investigation. • This decision coincides with the launch of ‘Mission Shakti’ campaign to empower women and sensitise the public towards the security of women and girls. Q. Which State/UT has signed an historic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with online store Flipkart to provide a platform for local artisans, craftsmen, weavers to reach customers across the globe? ककस रा煍य / केन्‍दर शालसत प्रिेश िे िनु िया भर मᴂ ग्राहकⴂ तक पहुुँचिे के ललए, स्थािीय कारीिरⴂ, लश쥍पकारⴂ, बुिकरⴂ के ललए एक मिंच प्रिाि करिे हेतु ऑिलाइि स्टोर जफ्लपकाटध के साथ एक ऐनतहालसक समझौता ज्ञापि (एमओयू) पर हस्ताक्षर ककए हℂ? A. Puducherry / पुिचु ेरी B. Bihar / बबहार C. Rajasthan / राजस्थाि D. Jammu and Kashmir / जम्मू और कश्मीर Ans. D • The JK Government signed an historic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with online store Flipkart to provide a platform for local artisans, craftsmen, weavers to reach customers across the globe. • This partnership will provide an appropriate opportunity for the momentous growth and development of the respective sectors. • This e-marketing channel shall involve and benefit artisans and weavers both in organized and unorganized sector and for the first six months, Flipkart will not charge any fee from the artisans and weavers. Q. AYUSH Minister Shripad Yesso Naik inaugurated the Regional Raw Drug Repository in which institution? आयुष मिंत्री श्रीपि येसो िाइक िे ककस सिंस्थाि मᴂ क्षेत्रीय क楍ची औषगर् भिंडार का उ饍घाटि ककया? A. All India Institute of Ayurveda in New Delhi / अखखल भारतीय आयुर्ेि सिंस्थाि, िई दि쥍ली B. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi / अखखल भारतीय आयुपर्ज्ञध ाि सिंस्थाि, िई दि쥍ली C. Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi / सफिरजिंि अस्पताल, िई दि쥍ली D. Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi / राजᴂर इिंस्टी絍यूट ऑफ मेडडकल साइिंसेज, रािंची Ans. A • AYUSH Minister Shripad Yesso Naik inaugurated the Regional Raw Drug Repository at All India Institute of Ayurveda in New Delhi through a virtual function. • This RRDR is the second in the series of repositories proposed by National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB). • AYUSH Ministry has said that there is an increased demand for the natural healing and herbal products across the globe which has been further pushed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. • In order to document the diversity in the genetics and chemistry of medicinal plants, eight RRDR and one NRDR have been proposed by Ministry of AYUSH. Q. Which becomes city with the longest BRTS corridor in the country?

कौि सा शहर िेश का सबसे लिंबा बीआरटीएस कॉररडोर र्ाला शहर बि िया है? A. Amritsar / अमतृ सर B. Chandigarh / चिंडीिढ़ C. Pune / पुणे D. Surat / िािपुर Ans. D • Chief Minister Vijaybhai Rupani virtually unveiled projects worth Rs 201.6 crore of Surat Manpa and Suda, including the expansion of BRTS Corridor. • With this, Surat became the city with the longest BRTS corridor in the country. • After the unveiling of the seven km long BRTS corridor from Kumbharia to Kadodara, the BRTS corridor in the city has become 108 running km. Q. Which country has announced ‘no mask, no service’ policy?

ककस िेश िे ‘िो मास्क, िो सपर्धस’ पॉललसी की घोषणा की है? A. Bangladesh / बािंग्लािेश B. Pakistan / पाककस्ताि C. Afghanistan / अफिानिस्ताि D. Iran / ईराि Ans. A • The Bangladesh government has decided that no service will be provided to people who don’t wear masks. • The cabinet meeting Chaired by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina decided that no one will be allowed to enter offices without the mask. • It decided that all offices must install notice boards saying ‘no mask, no service’ in order to control the spread of COVID 19 virus in the country. Q. Who has been selected as the chairman of the Gupkar alliance to fight for the restoration of full statehood and special constitutional status of Jammu and Kashmir? जम्मू-कश्मीर को पूणध रा煍य का िजाध और पर्शेष सिंर्ैर्ानिक िजाध बहाल करिे की लडाई मᴂ िुपकार िठबिंर्ि के अध्यक्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे चुिा िया है? A. Mebooba Mufti / महबूबा मुफ्ती B. Farooq Abdullah / फा셂क अब्ि쥍ु ला C. Umar Abdullah / उमर अब्ि쥍ु ला D. M.Y. Tarigami / एम. र्ाई. ताररिामी Ans. B • Seven mainstream parties of Jammu and Kashmir on October 24 gave formal shape to their recently cobbled alliance for the restoration of Article 370, electing National Conference’s Farooq Abdullah as its chairman and PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti as vice-chairperson and asserted that theirs was “not an anti-national” grouping. • Veteran CPM leader M.Y. Tarigami was elected the convenor while Lok Sabha member from South Kashmir Hasnain Masoodi will be the coordinator of the conglomerate known as Peoples Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD). Q. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched ‘Kisan Suryodaya Yojana’ an electricity scheme for farmers in which state of India? प्रर्ािमिंत्री िरᴂर मोिी िे भारत के ककस रा煍य मᴂ ककसािⴂ के ललए एक बबजली योजिा ‘ककसाि सूयोिय योजिा’ शु셂 की है? A. Assam / असम B. Andhra Pradesh / आिंध्र प्रिेश C. Gujarat / िुजरात D. Haryana / हररयाणा Ans. C • Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated Launched ‘Kisan Suryodaya Yojana’ (Electricity Scheme for Farmers) in Gujarat. • It is a scheme for providing 16 Hours of Power Supply to Farmers, providing day-time power supply needed by farmers for irrigation. • The Farmers will get 3 Phase Power Supply from 5 AM to 9 PM. • Gujarat Government has allocated a budget INR 3500 Crore for installing infrastructure under this scheme by 2023. • A total of 234 ‘66-Kilowatt’ transmission lines with a total length of 3490 circuit kilometers (CKM) will be established under the project, including 220 KV substations. Q. Which country has joined the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to become its 190th member? कौि सा िेश अिंतराधष्ट्रीय मुरा कोष (IMF) मᴂ इसका 190र्ािं सिस्य बििे के ललए, शालमल हो िया है? A. Cyprus/ साइप्रस B. Jamaica/ जमैका C. South Sudan/ िक्षक्षण सूडाि D. Andorra/ अिंडोरा Ans. D • Andorra has joined the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to become its 190th member. • Andorra is a microstate situated between France and Spain. However, it is the largest microstate in Europe. • IMF’s Membership allows the Andorran government to benefit from IMF policy advice, especially as the country tackles the crisis caused by COVID-19 and can now receive an annual review or “health check” of its economy by the IMF, tap technical assistance, and access IMF lending if needed. Q. Who will head 14-members panel constituted by the NITI Aayog to look into introducing reforms in the urban planning education system? शहरी नियोजि लशक्षा प्रणाली मᴂ सुर्ार करिे के ललए िीनत आयोि 饍र्ारा िदठत 14-सिस्यीय पैिल का प्रमुख कौि होिा? A. Amitabh Kant/ अलमताभ कािंत B. Rajiv Kumar/ राजीर् कु मार C. V.K. Saraswat/ र्ी. के . सारस्र्त D. Ramesh Chand/ रमेश चिंि Ans. B • NITI Aayog has constituted a 14-member advisory committee to look into introducing reforms in the urban planning education system. • The panel will be headed by NITI Aayog Vice-Chairman Rajiv Kumar. The members of the committee include Amitabh Kant, CEO of NITI Aayog and secretaries of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Ministry of Education(MoE) and Ministry of Panchayati Raj. • The committee will examine the current system in terms of multidisciplinarity, curriculum and other related issues at the level of graduates and postgraduates against the challenges of rapid urbanization. • The committee will examine the urban planning education system in India and examine the availability, demand and supply of the qualified urban planners in India. Q. Which district has bagged top position among 30 districts of the country in the successful implementation of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)? प्रर्ािमिंत्री ग्राम सडक योजिा (PMGSY) के सफल कायाधन्‍दर्यि मᴂ िेश के 30 जजलⴂ मᴂ से ककस जजले िे शीषध स्थाि प्राप्त ककया है? A. Chamba/ चिंबा B. Shimla/ लशमला C. Kangra/ कािंिडा D. Mandi/ मिंडी Ans. D • Union Ministry of Rural Development has declared the list of top-performing 30 districts in the country for implementing the PMGSY programme. • Himachal Pradesh’s, Mandi district has bagged top position among 30 districts of the country in the successful implementation of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY). • Himachal Pradesh has also secured the second position at the national level for construction of roads under PMGSY. • Mandi district has received top position for constructing roads under PMGSY of maximum length in 2020-21. • Six more districts of Himachal Pradesh have also secured a position among top 30 best performing districts, which include Chamba, Shimla, Kangra, Una, Sirmour, Hamirpur and Solan. Q. The Union Education Minister, Shri Ramesh pokhriyal Nishank inaugurated the DST-IIEST Solar PV Hub in which state of India? कᴂ रीय लशक्षा मिंत्री, श्री रमेश पोखररयाल निशिंक िे भारत के ककस रा煍य मᴂ DST-IIEST सोलर पीर्ी हब का उ饍घाटि ककया? A. Assam/ असम B. Odisha/ ओडडशा C. West Bengal/ पजश्चम बिंिाल D. Andhra Pradesh/ आिंध्र प्रिेश Ans. C ➢ The Union Education Minister, Shri Ramesh pokhriyal nishank inaugurated the DST-IIEST Solar PV Hub. The hub was inaugurated at Shibpur in Howrah District of West Bengal. ➢ The funds to develop the hub was allocated by the Department of Science and Technology. It is backed by the centre of excellence for green energy and sensor system located at the IIEST. The concept of establishing the Solar PV hub mooted in 2018. ➢ It aims to have world-class research facility. It will act as a central node for dissemination of knowledge in the field of solar energy, research and development, fabrication, solar photovoltaics, solar PV module, testing of solar cells and Solar PV systems. The hub provides great boost for the eastern and North Eastern regions of India. ➢ Also, the hub will help to align the national and local Industries, startup, Research Institute under the Make in India initiative. This will help in smooth transition from fossil fuel energy to solar energy. Q. Which IIT has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) to share expertise for the betterment of highway infrastructure? राजमािध बुनियािी िािंचे की बेहतरी के ललए पर्शेषज्ञता साझा करिे हेतु ककस भारतीय राष्ट्रीय राजमािध प्रागर्करण (NHAI) के साथ एक समझौता ज्ञापि (MoU) पर हस्ताक्षर ककए हℂ? A. IIT Guwahati B. IIT Jodhpur C. IIT Kharagpur D. IIT Kanpur Ans. B ➢ Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur and National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to share expertise for the betterment of highway infrastructure. ➢ The two institutions will work in domains which include transportation engineering, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering. ➢ They will also cooperate in hydraulics engineering, infrastructure systems, earthquake engineering, urban and rural planning and disaster management and planning domains. ➢ The MoU will enable Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of IIT Jodhpur to undertake internships from the above-mentioned domains. ➢ The joint activities will bridge the industry-institution gap and develop technologies that would be adopted in practice by NHAI. Q. India Post has signed an agreement with which countries postal service for electronic exchange of data related to postal shipments? इिंडडया पोस्ट िे ककि िेशⴂ के साथ डाक लशपमᴂट से सिंबिंगर्त डेटा के इलेक्रॉनिक आिाि-प्रिाि के ललए डाक सेर्ा पर हस्ताक्षर ककए हℂ? A. Germany/ जमधिी B. England/ इिंग्लℂड C. USA/ यूएसए D. France/ फ्रािंस Ans. C ➢ India Post and US Postal Service signed agreement for electronic exchange of data related to postal shipments. ➢ Based on the agreement, the respective bodies will transmit and receive electronic data of international postal items before their arrival. ➢ This will help the customs to clear the postal items well in advance, that even before the shipment reaches the port. ➢ Also, it will improve the performance of postal services. ➢ In 2019, around 30% of small packets and letters transmitted by India Post were to USA. Also, 20% of outbound EMS was to US. Around 60% parcels received originated from the USA. Q. The researchers from IIT developed a low-cost method to produce anti-ageing compounds? आईआईटी के शोर्कताधओिं िे एिंटी-एजजिंि यौगिकⴂ का उत्पािि करिे के ललए कम लाित र्ाली पर्गर् पर्कलसत की? A. IIT Guwahati B. IIT Jodhpur C. IIT Kharagpur D. IIT Kanpur Ans. A ➢ The researchers from IIT Guwahati developed a low-cost method to produce anti-ageing compounds. ➢ The compound has been developed from a wide range of agricultural resources such as pulses, tea, berries, orange peels, parsley, onion and sea buckthorn. ➢ The product does not use organic solvents as done by the other commercial industry. This is the main reason for the low cost of the anti-ageing product. ➢ The scientists used size-based pressure driven membrane separation process. The extracts of the plants or fruits are passed through fabricated membranes. ➢ These membranes are capable of separating selected flavonoids. The retentive part is then fridge dried to get a powdered product. ➢ A stimuli responsive smart membrane for selective separation of targete compound has also been synthesized. Q. Which state has built a war memorial in Bum La? ककस रा煍य िे बम ला मᴂ यु饍र् स्मारक बिाया है? A. Sikkim/ लसजक्कम B. Assam/ असम C. Himachal Pradesh/ दहमाचल प्रिेश D. Arunachal Pradesh/ अ셁णाचल प्रिेश Ans. D ➢ A war memorial has come up in at Bum La in Arunachal Pradesh. Joginder Singh of 1st Battalion the Sikh Regt received the highest gallantry award, ‘Param Vir Chakra’ in the Eastern Theatre during the 1962 Sino- India War. ➢ Indian Army organised the Inauguration Ceremony of Joginder War Memorial at Bum La on October 23 coinciding with the day on which the Battle of Tongpen La (Bum La) took place in 1962. Q. Who has authored the book titled “Night of the Restless Spirits: Stories from 1984”? “िाइट ऑफ ि रेस्टलेस जस्प्र絍स:स्टोरी焼 फ़्रोम” शीषधक पुस्तक ककसिे ललखी है? A. Sarbpreet Singh/ सबधप्रीत लसिंह B. Arundhati Roy/ अ셁िंर्नत रॉय C. Sudha Murthy/ सुर्ा मूनतध D. Natasha Sharma/ िताशा शमाध Ans. A ➢ Sarbpreet Singh has authored a book titled “Night of the Restless Spirits: Stories from 1984”. The book recounts the Sikh massacre or anti-Sikh riots of 1984. ➢ The book narrates many stories of ordinary people, that capture the horrors and uncertainties of 1984 through the eyes of Sikhs around the world. The book is published by Penguin. ➢ The book is a fictionalised version of real happenings. It comprises 8 chapters. Q. Who among the following to head the committee formed to commemorate 400th birth anniversary of Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur? श्री िु셁 तेि बहािरु की 400र्ीिं जयिंती मिािे के ललए िदठत सलमनत के प्रमुख मᴂ से कौि हℂ? A. Om Birla/ ओम बबडला B. Former PM Manmohan Singh B. पूर्ध पीएम मिमोहि लसिंह C. Prahlad Singh Patel प्रहलाि लसिंह पटेल D. PM Narendra Modi पीएम िरᴂर मोिी Ans. D ➢ PM Narendra Modi will be heading a high level 70 member committee to commemorate 400th birth anniversary of Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur. ➢ The committee will work to formulate and approve policies, plans, programmes and will look after supervision and guidance for commemoration, deciding broad dates for the programme. Q. Which of the following state government has secured first rank in loan disbursement under PM SVANidhi Scheme? निम्िललखखत मᴂ से ककस रा煍य सरकार िे प्रर्ािमिंत्री आर्ास योजिा के तहत ऋण सिंपर्तरण मᴂ पहली रℂक हालसल की है? A. Uttar Pradesh/ उत्तर प्रिेश B. Madhya Pradesh/ मध्य प्रिेश C. Maharashtra/ महाराष्ट्र D. Andhra Pradesh/ आिंध्र प्रिेश Ans. A ➢ Uttar Pradesh Government has secured first rank in approving the highest number of loans under centre's PM Street Vendor’s Atmanirbhar Nidhi scheme (SVANidhi Scheme) ➢ UP has been ranked first in all the categories like Applications, Sanctions and Disbursements of the loans under PM SVANidhi scheme. Q. Which of the following tech gaint has bagged the first position in the Forbes’ list of World’s Best Employer 2020? निम्िललखखत मᴂ से ककस तकिीकी दिग्िज को फोब्सध की पर्श्र् की सर्धश्रेष्ट्ठ नियोक्ता 2020 की सूची मᴂ पहला स्थाि प्राप्त हुआ है? A. IBM/ आईबीएम B. HCL Technologies/ एचसीएल टेक्िोलॉजीज C. Amazon/ अमे焼ि D. Samsung/ सैमसिंि Ans. D ➢ Samsung tops Forbes’ list of World’s Best Employer 2020, HCL Tops among Indian list ➢ Samsung Electronics has topped the Forbes list of World’s Best Employer 2020, which features 750 multinational and large corporations ➢ Amazon has bagged second position, followed by IBM, Microsoft and LG ➢ From India, HCL Technologies is top industry in the list. It is placed at 30th position globally. Q. Which of the following ministries has launched ‘e- Dharti Geo Portal’? निम्िललखखत मᴂ से ककस मिंत्रालय िे ‘ई-र्रती जजयो पोटधल’ लॉन्‍दच ककया है? A. Ministry of Earth Sciences प्ृ र्ी पर्ज्ञाि मिंत्रालय B. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs आर्ास और शहरी मामलⴂ के मिंत्रालय C. Ministry of Home Affairs िहृ मिंत्रालय D. Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare कृ पष और ककसाि क쥍याण मिंत्रालय Ans. B ➢ Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has launched ‘e- Dharti Geo Portal’ to integrate legacy drawings such as maps and lease plans in the management information system and make its geographic information system (GIS)-enabled. ➢ Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister: Hardeep Singh Puri Q. Which country has hosted the 19th SCO foreign trade and economic ministers meet 2020? ककस िेश िे 2020 तक 19र्ᴂ एससीओ पर्िेशी व्यापार और आगथधक मिंबत्रयⴂ की बैठक की मेजबािी की है? A. China/ चीि B. Russia/ 셂स C. India/ इिंडडया D. Uzbekistan/ उ煍बेककस्ताि Ans. C • The Union Commerce and Industries Minister Shri Piyush Goyal chaired the 19th SCO foreign trade and economic ministers meet. • During the meet, the Minister remarked that countries have to leverage their Economic Strength to enhance trade and investment in the region. • This according to the Minister will help in enhancing the speed of recovery from the covid-19 pandemic. • This will help in global economic growth as the SCO countries collectively account to 1/7 the of global trade in goods and 1/8th of global trade in commercial services. Q. Under construction 8.1 Km long Feni Bridge will connect which Indian state with Bangladesh to be completed by December 2020? निमाधणार्ीि 8.1 ककलोमीटर लिंबा फेिी बिज बािंग्लािेश के साथ ककस भारतीय रा煍य को जोडेिा, जो दिसिंबर 2020 तक पूरा हो जाएिा? A. Assam/ असम B. West Bengal/ पजश्चम बिंिाल C. Manipur/ मखणपुर D. Tripura/ बत्रपुरा Ans. D • The Feni bridge is 1.8 km long joining Sabrum in India with Ramgarh in Bangladesh. The Government of India recently announced that the bridge construction is to be completed by December 2020. • The bridge is to be built over Feni river. It will link Tripura with Bangladesh. The construction of the bridge began in December 2010. • After completion, the bridge will be the only land link between India’s eastern states and its western states other than Assam. • The key stone for the bridge was officially laid by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in June 2015. • The Feni river flows in south eastern Bangladesh and in Indian state of Tripura. It is a cross border river There were several arguments between India and Pakistan over the water rights of the river before Bangladesh became independent. • The Feni River originates in South Tripura district. It flows through Sabroom town and then enters Bangladesh. Q. Which organization has won the UN Global Climate Action Award for combating climate change amid COVID- 19 pandemic? कोपर्ड-19 महामारी के बीच जलर्ायु पररर्तधि से निपटिे हेतु ककस सिंिठि िे सिंयुक्त राष्ट्र ग्लोबल क्लाइमेट एक्शि अर्ाडध जीता है? A. Infosys/ इन्‍दफोलसस B. Google India/ िूिल इिंडडया C. Global Himalayan Expedition ग्लोबल दहमालयि एक्सपेडडशि D. Indian Space Research Organization भारतीय अिंतररक्ष अिुसिंर्ाि सिंिठि Ans. C • Indian organisation named Global Himalayan Expedition wins UN Global Climate Action Award for combating climate change amid COVID-19 pandemic. • The UN Global Climate Action awards are guided by the power for change drive at UN Climate Change. The declaration of awards is also a major goal to mobilize wishes and action as government work with regards to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Change Agreement. • GHE is a corporation that manages ‘Impacts Expeditions’ to the Himalayan villages in native areas. These expeditions will have a valid cause. For instance, to set up solar energy in remote villages. • GHE is an Indian corporation that strengths technology and tourism in order to support remote group gain solar energy. Q. The Indian Space Research Organization will launch Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite jointly with which space agency? भारतीय अिंतररक्ष अिुसिंर्ाि सिंिठि ककस अिंतररक्ष एजᴂसी के साथ सिंयुक्त 셂प से लसिंथेदटक एपचधर रडार उपग्रह लॉन्‍दच करेिा? A. NASA B. ROSCOSMOS C. JAXA D. CNES Ans. A • India and US recently held the two plus two dialogue. During the meet the country’s decided to share space situational awareness information. This will catalyse efforts in creating safe and sustainable space environment • A joint statement issued after the dialogue read that the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar called the NISAR is to be launched by 2022. • The space agencies of the countries signed an agreement to conduct a joint NISAR mission. The mission will develop and launch a synthetic aperture radar. • The radar will be capable of transmitting dual frequency signals and is to be carried by an Earth observation satellite. Q. The Young Advocates Welfare Fund has been launched in which state? युर्ा अगर्र्क्ता क쥍याण कोष ककस रा煍य मᴂ शु셂 ककया िया है? A. Andhra Pradesh/ आिंध्र प्रिेश B. Karnataka/ किाधटक C. Tamil Nadu/ तलमलिाडु D. Kerala/ केरल Ans. C • The Young Advocates Welfare Fund has been launched in Tamil Nadu. The Young Advocates Welfare Scheme is aimed at helping such fresh candidates to withstand the initial challenges. • It provides monthly financial assistance of three thousand rupees each for two years to the lawyers who just come out of law colleges. • Normally a fresher from law colleges takes three to four years to begin practice as an advocate in the court as the registration in the Bar Council, and the mandatory practicing under a senior advocate takes time. Unable to sustain themselves during the initial period, many from poor and rural backgrounds shifted their profession. Q. Which state government has decided to establish anti- human trafficking Police Stations in each and every district in a major step towards the security of women and children? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे मदहलाओिं और ब楍चⴂ की सुरक्षा की दिशा मᴂ एक बडा उठाते हुए प्रत्येक जजले मᴂ मािर् तस्करी पर्रोर्ी पुललस स्टेशि स्थापपत करिे का निणधय ललया है? A. Haryana/ हररयाणा B. Punjab/ पिंजाब C. Uttar Pradesh/ उत्तर प्रिेश D. Kerala/ केरल Ans. C • Uttar Pradesh Government has decided to establish anti- human trafficking Police Stations in each and every district in a major step towards the security of women and children. • These Police Stations will be given enough powers to register the case and investigate the matter independently. • The state government is going to establish 40 new anti- trafficking units which will work like police stations in districts and will conduct the investigation after registering the cases. • Earlier, only 35 districts in the state had Police stations of anti-human trafficking unit which was established in 2011 and 2018. • The new Police stations are being established after directives from women safety division of union Government. Union Government has also allocated funds for these units. Q. Which state government has launched ’State Scholarship Portal’ to help eligible students of the state to avail scholarship benefits in a seamless and transparent manner? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे रा煍य के योग्य छात्रⴂ को सहज और पारिशी तरीके से छात्रर्पृ त्त लाभ प्राप्त करिे मᴂ मिि करिे के ललए 'रा煍य छात्रर्पृ त्त पोटधल' शु셂 ककया है? A. Tripura/बत्रपुरा B. West Bengal/ पजश्चम बिंिाल C. Assam/असम D. Odisha/ ओडडशा Ans. D • Odisha Chief Minister, Naveen Patnaik has launched ‘Odisha State Scholarship Portal’ to help eligible students of the state to avail scholarship benefits in a seamless and transparent manner. • According to a government release, 21 scholarships would be offered by eight state departments and more than 11 lakh beneficiary students from Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, and educationally backward classes would benefit from the scholarship portal. • Through the State Scholarship Portal, scholarships will be credited directly to students’ bank accounts as the portal is linked to the state treasury. Moreover, professional programs of the SC and ST Department, Higher Education, Schools and Mass Education, Labor and ESI, Skills Development and Technical Education, and Agriculture Department will be administered on the portal. Q. Which state government has launched ‘Sumangal Portal’ to help people avail inter-caste marriage incentives? ककस रा煍य सरकार िे लोिⴂ को अिंतरजातीय पर्र्ाह प्रोत्साहि िेिे मᴂ मिि करिे के ललए ‘सुमिंिल पोटधल’ शु셂 ककया है? A. Tripura/ बत्रपुरा B. West Bengal/ पजश्चम बिंिाल C. Assam/ असम D. Odisha/ ओडडशा Ans. D • Odisha Chief Minister, Naveen Patnaik has launched ‘Sumangal Portal’ to help people avail inter-caste marriage incentives. • The Chief Minister said while inaugurating the Sumangal portal that inter-ethnic marriages increased social unity and it reduced racial discrimination while promoting equality and peaceful coexistence in society. • The CM added that Rs 2.5 lakh can be availed by beneficiaries within 60 days of applying at the portal. Q. Who has been appointed as the brand ambassador of healthcare company Dr Trust? हे쥍थकेयर किंपिी डॉ रस्ट के िािंड एिंबेसडर के 셂प मᴂ ककसे नियुक्त ककया िया है? A. Virat Kohli/ पर्राट कोहली B. Mahendra Singh Dhoni/ महᴂर लसिंह र्ोिी C. Shikhar Dhawan/ लशखर र्र्ि D. Rohit Sharma/ रोदहत शमाध Ans. D • Senior India cricketer Rohit Sharma was named brand ambassador of healthcare company Dr Trust. • Dr Trust manufactures monitoring devices, which help in tracking vitals like blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, respiration rate, pulse rate and others. Q. Who has been honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award 2020 at the At the 3rd India International Film Festival of Boston (IIFFB) 2020 based in Boston, USA? बोस्टि, सिंयुक्त रा煍य अमेररका आर्ाररत तीसरे इिंडडया इिंटरिेशिल कफ쥍म फेजस्टर्ल ऑफ बोस्टि (IIFFB) 2020 मᴂ लाइफटाइम अचीर्मᴂट अर्ाडध से ककसे सम्मानित ककया िया है? A. Anupam Kher/ अिुपम खेर B. Kadar Khan/ कािर खाि C. Amrish Puri/ अमरीश पुरी D. Om Puri/ ओम पुरी Ans. D • At the 3rd India International Film Festival of Boston (IIFFB) 2020 based in Boston, United States of America (USA) held as a virtual event from 16th to 18th October 2020, the Lifetime Achievement Award 2020 was accorded to Late Actor Om Puri which was received by his wife Nadita Puri. • Chef Vikas Khanna was honoured with “Pride of India” a special award at the 3rd IIFFB 2020. • Om Puri was an acclaimed actor who worked with directors like Satyajit Ray, Shyam Benegal, Govind Nihalni and Mrinal Sen and he has also worked with various Hollywood directors like Roland Joffe, Mike Nichols, Lasse Halstrom etc. Subscribe to

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