Canadian Labour Market and Skills Researcher Network (CLSRN) Newsletter Welcome to Our First Newsletter! VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Introduction to the CLSRN
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Canadian Labour Market and Skills Researcher Network (CLSRN) Newsletter Welcome to our first newsletter! VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Introduction to the CLSRN SPRING 2009 The CLSRN is a network of academic and both newer academics and those with government researchers interested in more experience – are currently associ- strengthening our understanding of the Ca- ated with the CLSRN. nadian labour market. Funding for the net- work is provided by the Social Sciences Special points of interest: and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Introduction to the CLSRN through its Strategic Research Cluster pro- gram and Human Resources and Skills De- CLSRN Launches New Work- velopment Canada (HRSDC), which pro- ing Paper Series vides funding for research and related ac- tivities of the network. National in scope, CLSRN Affiliate Dr. Morley the CLSRN consists of established scholars Gunderson appointed as a and promising new researchers, and in- Fellow of the Royal Society of cludes scholars from the fields of economics, Canada industrial relations, political science, sociol- ogy, business, history, policy studies and Cliff Halliwell and Craig Riddell (Toronto 2008) Information on CLSRN Annual labour studies. Conference: Toronto, May 28- The network operates under the broad direction of the National Steering Commit- 29, 2009 CLSRN governance roles have been as- tee (NSC), which is composed of academ- signed to academic and Government of CLSRN PhD Fellows An- Canada representatives in a manner which ics and representatives of several federal nounced balances academic freedoms (in identifying government departments. The NSC is co- specific research interests and in assessing chaired by Cliff Halliwell (HRSDC, Gov- the academic quality of supported activi- ernment of Canada Director) and Craig ties) and policy relevance. Some 100 aca- Riddell (University of British Columbia, demics – from across Canada, from a Academic Director). Inside this issue: broad range of disciplines, and including CLSRN Launches New Work- 1-2 CLSRN Launches New Working Paper Series ing Paper Series The CLSRN is pleased to announce the launching of the CLSRN Working Paper Series 3 CLSRN/HRSDC Toronto in December 2008. The series consists of research commissioned by the CLSRN in Workshop a Success! many areas of Labour Market Research including research in: Education and Training, People Behind the CLSRN 4-5 Labour Market Adjustment and Immigration. Many of the papers have been pre- sented and featured in various CLSRN workshops. We anticipate launching more papers in the coming weeks. Full-texts papers are available on the CLSRN website CLSRN Affiliates in the 5-6 News at: Please contact Vivian Tran at: [email protected] if you would like any further information. Upcoming Events and An- 6 Papers released nouncements December 2008: 7 CLSRN Working Paper no. 1 PWFC Symposium: Gati- Abstract Résumé neau December 2008 “The Evolution of Returns to Human Capital in Canada: 1980 -2006” CLSRN PhD Fellowships: 7 Brahim Boudarbat (University of Montreal), Thomas Lemieux (University of British Columbia), W. 2008-2009 Craig Riddell (University of British Columbia) Executive Summary CANADIAN LABOUR MARKET AND SKILLS RESEARCHER Page 2 NETWORK (CLSRN) NEWSLETTER (con’t) CLSRN Working Paper Series CLSRN Working Paper no. 2 CLSRN Working Paper no. 10 Abstract Résumé Abstract Résumé “The Changing Role of Family Income and Ability “Earnings Losses of Displaced Older Workers: in Determining Educational Achievement” Philippe Belley (University of Western Ontario), Accounting for the Retirement Option” Lance Lochner (University of Western Ontario; Tammy Schirle (Wilfred Laurier University) NBER) Executive Summary Executive Summary CLSRN Working Paper no. 11 CLSRN Working Paper no. 3 Abstract Résumé Abstract Résumé “Determinants and Effects of Post-Migration “Employee Training in Canada” Education Among New Immigrants in Canada” Nicole Fortin (University of British Columbia), Rupa Banerjee (Ryerson University) Daniel Parent (McGill University) Anil Verma (University of Toronto) Executive Summary Executive Summary CLSRN Working Paper no. 4 CLSRN Working Paper no. 12 CLSRN Affiliate Philip Oreopoulos’ Abstract Résumé “The Effect of Student Loan Limits on University Abstract Résumé paper “A Professor Like Me” Examines “Do Child Tax Benefits Affect the Wellbeing of the influence of professor gender on Enrolments” university achievements. Christine Neill (Wilfred Laurier University) Children? Evidence from Canadian Child Benefit Executive Summary Expansions” Kevin Milligan (University of British Columbia) January 2009: Mark Stabile (University of Toronto) Executive Summary CLSRN Working Paper no. 5 Abstract Résumé CLSRN Working Paper no. 13 “The Role of Social Ties in the Job Search of Recent Abstract Résumé Immigrants” “Immigrant Earnings Distributions and Earnings To view the full listing of Deepti Goel (Boston University) Mobility in Canada: Evidence for the 1982 Land- Kevin Lang (Boston University; NBER) ing Cohort from IMDB Micro Data” CLSRN Working Papers, Executive Summary Michael Abbott (Queen’s University) please visit our website at: Charles M. Beach (Queen’s University) CLSRN Working Paper no. 6 Executive Summary Abstract Résumé “A Professor Like Me: Influence of Professor Gender CLSRN Working Paper no. 14 on University Achievement” Abstract Résumé Florian Hoffman (University of Toronto) “Rémunération à l’ancienneté et ajustement du Philip Oreopoulos (University of Toronto; NBER; marché du travail (Seniority-based Pay and La- Canadian Institute for Advanced Research) bour Market Adjustment)” Executive Summary Ali Béjaoui (CIRANO; Université du Québec) Claude Montmarquette (CIRANO; Université de February 2009: Montréal) Executive Summary (French) CLSRN Working Paper no. 8 Abstract Résumé CLSRN Working Paper no. 15 “The Causal Effects of Education on Adaptability” Abstract Résumé W. Craig Riddell (University of British Columbia) “Displacement of Older Workers: Re- Xueda Song (York University) employment, Hastened Retirement, Disability or Executive Summary Other Destinations?” David Gray (University of Ottawa) CLSRN Working Paper no. 7 Ross Finnie (University of Ottawa; Statistics Abstract Résumé Canada) “An Analysis of Unemployment Incidence and Dura- Executive Summary tion: Some New Evidence from Canada” Michele Campolieti (University of Toronto) CLSRN Working Paper no. 16 Executive Summary Abstract Résumé “Labour Market Outcomes and Skills Acquisition CLSRN Working Paper no. 9 of High-School Dropouts” Abstract Résumé Michele Campolieti (University of Toronto) CSLRN Affiliate Tammy Schirle’s “Volunteering, Income Support Programs and Dis- Tony Fang (York University & University of To- paper on “Earnings Losses of abled Persons” ronto) Displaced Older Workers” is Michele Campolieti (University of Toronto) Morley Gunderson (University of Toronto) especially pertinent during Executive Summary today’s turbulent global eco- Rafael Gomez (London School of Economics) nomic times. Morley Gunderson (University of Toronto) Executive Summary To view more papers, please visit: Page 3 CANADIAN LABOUR MARKET AND SKILLS RESEARCHER NETWORK (CLSRN) NEWSLETTER CLSRN/HRSDC Toronto Workshop a Success! The CLSRN and HRSDC hosted a successful workshop between 18-19 November 2008 in Toronto. Participants and Organizers alike were very pleased with the projects presented and the collaborative discussions that took place over the course of the very productive two-day workshop. Papers presented at the workshop ranged from research on Education and Training, La- bour Market Adjustment and Immigration. Discussants from Government Concurrent Policy/Academic fora were also held during the workshop in order to high- and from Academia engaged light the importance of policy relevance in academic research and to help guide further presenters in informative discussions about the re- research towards the goal of further, and more effective policy/research collaboration. search presented. Papers presented include: Harry Krashinsky (University of Toronto): “How Would One Extra Year of High School Affect Academic Performance in University? Evidence from the Double Co- hort.” W. Craig Riddell (University of British Columbia): “Understanding Sheepskin Effects in the Returns to Education.” Christopher Ferrall & Natalia Mishagina (Queen’s University): “Cranial Tap: Cana- The Joint CLSRN and HRSDC dian Outsourcing of Doctorate Education” Workshop in Toronto was a Miana Plesca (University of Guelph), Vincenzo Caponi (Ryerson University) & wonderful opportunity for a Cevat Burc Kayahan (Acadia University): “Training Over the Business Cycle” collaborative exchange and synthesis of ideas and Nabil Annabi, Maxime Fougere, Simon Harvey (HRSDC): “Intertemporal and Inter- Industry Effects of Population Aging.” information between academics and policy-makers. Work in Tammy Schirle (Wilfred Laurier University): “Retirement, Income Security, Economic Participation and Social Exclusion” one area informs work in the other area and vice-versa. Mark Stabile (University of Toronto), Kevin Milligan (University of British Columbia): “Does Family Income Affect the Wellbeing of Children?” Michael Baker (University of Toronto) & Marie Drolet (Statistics Canada): “New Evidence on the Male-Female Compensation Gap in Canada” Monica Boyd (University of Toronto): “The Impact of Linguistic Enclaves on Immi- grant Economic Integration.” Michael Baker