Barry Bozeman to Receive the 2013
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THE PUBLIC MANAGEMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Management Matters VOLUME 11 NUMBER 1 WINTER 2013 Barry Bozeman to Receive the 2013 Frederickson Award for Career Achievements In This Issue Barry Bozeman to Receive the The Public Management Research 2013 Frederickson Award for Association has selected Barry Boz- Career Achievements . 1 eman as the winner of the 2013 H. George Frederickson Award for ca- Comings & Goings . 2 reer achievements. The Frederickson Award honors a senior scholar for ex- It’s ‘Full Steam Ahead’ at emplary contributions to the intellectu- PMRA . 2 al development of public management research at the biennial conference. Get Ready for Madison: Public Management Research Confer- Barry Bozeman is the Ander Cren- ence Update . 4. shaw Chair and Regents’ Professor of Public Policy at the University of PMRA Governing Board Georgia. Bozeman is a fellow of the Elections: Candidates An- National Academy of Public Admin- nounced . 5 istration and of the American Associ- ation for the Advancement of Science. He has authored 10 books, edited 4 books, and written nearly 200 articles. al prominent domains of public man- His books include: Public Management agement inquiry such as publicness, and Policy Analysis (New York: St. Mar- bureaucratic red tape, public values, tin’s Press, 1979); All Organizations Are and science and technology policy. Public: Bridging Public and Private Orga- nization Theory (San Francisco: Jossey- Bozeman convened the inaugural Bass, 1987); Bureaucracy and Red Tape public management conference at (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Syracuse University in 1999, bringing 2000); and Public Values and Public Inter- together leading public management est: Counter-Balancing Economic Individu- scholars from different disciplinary alism (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown affiliations such as public adminis- NewsletterNewsletter Editor: Editor: CullenCullen C. C. Merritt Merritt University Press, 2007). Bozeman’s tration, public policy, and political UniversityUniversity of of Kansas Kansas scholarship has been widely cited and science. The momentum and the [email protected] he is the architect and doyen of sever- social capital generated by this in- 2 MANAGEMENT MATTERS augural meeting and founding of scholarly legacy, “Barry’s influence the Journal of Public Administration Re- on the field of public management In January 2013, Susan Webb search and Theory have combined over has been both direct, through his Yackee (Associate Professor time to lead to the growth of the own research, and indirect through of Public Affairs and Political Public Management Research As- the work of others he has had a pro- Science and Associate Direc- sociation (as recounted in the Win- found influence upon, including his tor of the La Follette School) ter 2006 issue of Management Matters many Ph.D. students and colleagues.” received UW-Madison’s in “On the Origins of Public Man- prestigious $50,000 Romnes agement Research” by Barry Boze- The 2013 H. George Frederick- Award for outstanding schol- man and H. George Frederickson). son Award committee includes: arly contributions by a fac- Sanjay K. Pandey (chair) John ulty member within seven Bozeman’s nomination letter high- Bryson, Jocelyn Johnston, Erik years of receiving tenure . lights an easy to miss aspect of his Hans Klijn, and Larry Lynn. Rachel Krefetz Fyall, Ph .D . candidate at Indiana Universi- ty, recently accepted a position as an assistant professor at the It’s ‘Full Steam Ahead’ Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washing- at PMRA ton . Her dissertation focuses In the Winter 2012 issue of Manage- that we are holding this spring. For on the intersection of the pub- ment Matters, I provided an update on the first time, PMRA members will lic and nonprofit sectors within the work that has been taking place select the newest members of the the context of affordable hous- since I began my tenure as PMRA PMRA governing board in an open ing policy . Rachel will begin President in June 2011. Thanks to the member elec tion. The PMRA Board her new position in fall 2014 . dedicated service of approximately 50 will vote for the next Vice President other PMRA members, as well as to (from the two nominees chosen by Stella Ladi (Queen Mary, others who have engaged with the as- PMRA members). As you know, University of London) has sociation, we have made significant PMRA members were asked to sub- been appointed Senior Lec- advances in our work since that time. mit nominations for these roles, and a turer in the School of Busi- nominating committee subsequently ness and Management . First, we are excited about the prepa- formed the slate of candidates and ration efforts for the 2013 Public confirmed their willingness to stand Richard Feiock (Florida State Management Research Conference for this election. University) has been appointed (PMRC) that will be held in Madison, the Jerry Collins Eminent Wisconsin from June 20-22. This In this issue of Management Matters, Scholar Chair in Public will be the largest and most inter- we have included biographical infor- Administration and Policy . national conference to date and will mation for each of these candidates. include several new pre-conference The voting will be conducted elec- Ramiro Berardo has joined workshops. We encourage you to at- tronically using the same technology the School of Government and tend even if you are not scheduled to for which we solicited nominations. Public Policy at the University present research at the conference. We expect voting to proceed shortly of Arizona . He specializes in Please see the article in this issue after you receive this newsletter, so the study of collective action by Don Moynihan and Susan Webb please look for that e-mail to arrive problems in the management Yackee for additional information with instructions on the voting pro- of common-pool resources . about the 2013 PMRC. cess. I am grateful to Ed Jennings (chair), George Boyne, Amy Dona- W . Bartley Hildreth, Professor One of the important outcomes from hue, Ed Kellough and Susan Webb of Public Management and the committee that has been review- Yackee who served on the nominat- ing the PMRA Charter is the election ing committee. I would also like to PUBLIC MANAGEMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATION 3 thank, again, the members of the Brad Wright, Rhys Andrew and Si- committee who continue to work mon Calmar Andersen to explore Policy in the Andrew Young with me on our governance changes, options for regularly holding an “off- School of Policy Studies at including PMRA Vice President Fran year” conference to which PMRA Georgia State University, was Berry, Tony Bertelli, Oliver James, members would be invited. In effect, elected a 2012 Fellow of the Ken Meier, Jodi Sandfort and David this is our first step toward experi- National Academy of Public Van Slyke. mentation with the possibility of hav- Administration . He was also ing an annual PMRC. elected to serve on the Board In the last issue of Management Mat- of Directors of the Munici- ters, we announced the 2015 PMRC In 2014, this conference/meeting pal Securities Rulemaking site—the Humphrey School at the will be held in New Orleans (January Board, which regulates the University of Minnesota—and the 9-11), in conjunction with the South- municipal bond market . 2011 Beryl Radin Award winner for ern Political Science Association the best paper in the Journal of Pub- meetings. The initial call for propos- Beryl Radin received the lic Administration Research and Theory, als will go out in June of 2013, but American Political Science written by Joe Soss, Richard Ford- also look to the next issue of Manage- Association’s (APSA) John ing, and Sanford F. Schram (“The ment Matters for further details. A spe- Gaus Award . Dr . Radin Organization of Discipline: From cial thanks to Ken Meier, who, in his was also awarded APSA’s Performance Management to Per- role as Editor-in-Chief of JPART, has book award for public ad- versity and Punishment,” Volume 21, far exceeded his scope of duties in so ministration scholarship for Supplement 2, pp. i203-i232). Con- many respects and has been a con- Federal Management Reform gratulations again! stant source of energy and support in a World of Contradictions during my term as PMRA President. (Washington, D C. :. George- At PMRC in June, we will announce town University Press, 2012) . the 2012 Beryl Radin Award win- And last, but not least, I would also ner. Carolyn Hill is chairing the 2012 like to inform you about a follow- Tony Bertelli was promoted Beryl Radin Award committee, work- up event to the highly successful in- to Professor of Public Policy ing with Barry Bozeman, Steve Page, ternational conference that PMRA at the Price School of Pub- Christopher Reenock and Yan Tang. co-hosted with Fudan University in lic Policy at the University We also expect to announce the Shanghai, China in May 2012, “Pub- of Southern California . next editor of JPART sometime this lic Management Research Confer- spring, so please stay tuned for this ence: Seeking Excellence in a Time of Adam Douglas Henry joined important news. Let me also thank Change”. The lead organizers of the the School of Government and these other committee members: Fudan conference, Yijia Jing (Fudan) Public Policy at the Univer- Don Moynihan (chair), Amy Dona- and Richard Walker (City U. of Hong sity of Arizona in fall 2012 . hue, Sergio Fernandez, Keith Provan, Kong), and I have raised funds from His research is grounded in Barbara Romzek and Craig Thomas the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation well-developed theories of (committee to select the next JPART to host a workshop for Asia-based environmental politics . He editor); Bradley Wright (chair) Tony scholars who presented the best work is currently principal inves- Bovaird, Stephanie Moulton, and at the May 2012 conference.