Des communautés plus fortes au Canada

Strengthening Canada’s Communities

May 6, 2010 The Honourable , M.L.A. Minister of Social Services 632 9 th Street Box 2950 Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0

Dear Minister Harpauer:

The Canadian Community Economic Development Network is deeply concerned by the Government of ’s decision in the March 24 budget to eliminate the Neighbourhood Development Organization (NDO) program.

Although the $400,000 saved by this measure is small when compared to the overall provincial budget, the funding it provided to community organizations was critical for them to be able to attract other contributions. Without the base of support provided by this program, valuable community based organizations will face extreme difficulty maintaining programs and services that have improved social and economic conditions for residents in low income urban neighbourhoods in Saskatchewan. Every $1 invested by the NDO program into Quint, for example, has resulted in $4.6 in direct programs and an additional $11.1 in capital projects. That is a combined total of $15.7 being invested in programs and capital projects for ’s core neighbourhoods.

Since 1998, the NDO program has enabled residents in these communities to respond to the economic, social, and environmental challenges they face through Community Economic Development (CED). CED is an approach that recognizes how persistent social and economic community challenges require multi-faceted and coordinated responses, and that those responses are most successful and sustainable when they are community-led. The effectiveness of CED has been demonstrated in jurisdictions across Canada and throughout the world including Manitoba, Quebec, the United States, and the United Kingdom. The core funding provided by the NDO program enables community-based organizations in Saskatchewan to carry out long-term, comprehensive, and effective development strategies that respond to unique needs and build upon existing local strengths within in their neighbourhoods.

Through the CED model, community based organizations in Saskatchewan such as Quint Development Corporation, Riverbank Development Corporation, and

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Connecting as Neighbours Co-op have improved community infrastructure including housing and day care centres; reduced poverty, social exclusion, and homelessness; created business and employment opportunities for local residents through education and training; and provided much needed services that enable marginalized individuals to overcome barriers and develop capacity.

The poor conditions in low-income communities are much more expensive for the people of Saskatchewan than the NDO program. A report by the Saskatoon Health Region in 2008 found that the infant mortality rate in Saskatoon’s low-income neighbourhoods was 448% higher than the rest of the city – worse than developing nations. It is not hard to imagine how quickly $400,000 will be spent in health care, crime and other costs for residents who do not see opportunities for their children’s future.

The Government of Saskatchewan has played an essential role in creating opportunities by providing core funding to community based organizations to undertake long-term consultation, planning, and development work in addition to program and service delivery. The decision to eliminate the NDO Program threatens the capacity of communities to continue to respond to ongoing challenges and achieve further improvements in the lives of thousands of families living in low income neighbourhoods in Saskatchewan. The Canadian CED Network strongly urges the government to reconsider its decision.

Michael Toye Executive Director

For more information, please contact Kirsten Bernas, Policy Assistant, [email protected] , Tel: 204-943-0547

Cc: The Honourable , M.L.A., Ms. , M.L.A. Mr. , M.L.A. Ms. Danielle Chartier, M.L.A. Hon. , M.L.A. Mr. David Forbes, M.L.A. Mr. Darcy Furber, M.L.A Mr. , M.L.A Ms. Deb Higgins, M.L.A Mr. Andy Iwanchuk, M.L.A. Ms. Judy Junor, M.L.A. Mr. Serge LeClerc, M.L.A. Mr. Warren Michelson, M.L.A Hon. , M.L.A. Hon. , M.L.A. Mr. , M.L.A. Ms. Joceline Schriemer, M.L.A Mr. , M.L.A Ms. , M.L.A